Practicum 3 Summative Evaluation

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The primary purpose of this document is to evaluate the progress of the Teacher Candidate and inform the
Director of the School Experiences Office (SEO) about the Candidate’s performance with reference to the
practicum expectations for the identified practicum course. This evaluation is written by the Faculty Advisor, with
input from the Cooperating Teacher(s) and the Teacher Candidate. It is not intended to be used as a reference
letter. The candidate’s final course grade is determined by the Director, SEO.

Teacher Candidate
Mohadeb Lucia
Last Name: First Name:

Student Number: 007691572 Term: Fall 2017

Practicum Course: Practicum Three (3) Stream: SY

School & Division: Glenlawn Collegiate, LRSD

Grade(s) Taught: Grade 9 General Science and Mathematics


Excused absences: Unexcused absences: Number of days made-up: _1__ FA initials:
1 day(s) 0 day(s) (all absences must be made up) _______
Grade Assigned: Was a Notification of Concern (NOC) issued? (please type Yes or No): NO

Teacher Candidate: My signature indicates I have read and understand this evaluation.

Signature: __________________________________________________

Date: December 14, 2017

Faculty Advisor: My signature indicates I complied with the practicum evaluation procedures and have provided original summative
evaluations to the Teacher Candidate and to the School Experiences Office.

Name: Lilian Pozzer

Signature: ______________

Date: December 14, 2017

Cooperating Teacher(s): My signature indicates I have read and agree with this evaluation. (Optional)

Name: Benjamin Storie

Signature: __________________________________________________

Date: December 14, 2017

This information is being collected under the authority of The University of Manitoba Act and will be used for the purpose of supporting Teacher Candidates in schools for their practicum. It is
protected by the Protections and Privacy provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions about the collection contact the FIPPA
Coordinator’s Office, University of Manitoba, c/o Archives and Special Collections, 331 Elizabeth Dafoe Library, Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2, Telephone: (204) 474-8339.

[Summative Evaluation Revised – May 26, 2017]

(Includes Integrated Music Year 5)
While we recognize that Teacher Candidates (TC) will be at different stages in the process of learning to teach
and each TC will progress at their own pace, the Faculty maintains high standards for all TCs. The minimum
engagements, skills, and attitudes for a successful practicum are shown below. These expectations are the
criteria for the summative evaluation in this course. Each TC must consider these expectations while attending
practicum Mondays and revisit them regularly throughout the practicum. TCs are encouraged to go beyond these
minimum expectations if they wish to do so.


 Complete Teacher Candidate Profile and  Attend Manitoba Teachers’ Society (MTS) Special
Professional Action Plan on the “Practicum Course Area Group of Educators (SAGE) professional
Information” webpage, share with Faculty Advisor development (PD) day, if practicum occurs in fall
(FA) and Cooperating Teacher (CT); term;
 Become familiar with school policies, procedures,  Attend other PD events offered by the
facilities, and resources; school/division during the practicum;
 Become familiar with classroom, school & community  Articulate current understandings of the
contexts; professional identity of teachers and describe your
 For practicum blocks that include the first week of own emerging identity;
school, complete “Practicum Expectations Checklist”  Continue to engage in critical conversations and
and review with FA; reflections with others (CTs, Other TCs and FAs) to
 Continue to develop caring professional relationships examine beliefs and practices and articulate your
with students; evolving understanding;
 Develop positive professional relationships with  Participate in at least one peer observation (if
school partners including CT(s), Educational another TC is in your school). Debrief with FA;
Assistants (EA), other TCs, FA, Principal, Vice-  Continue to share and engage in readings and PD
Principal (VP), school support staff and families; with CT and FA;
 Use observations of students and classroom routines  Continue to engage in on-going self-evaluation;
as well as previous practicum experience to facilitate  Pose critical questions of your own beliefs and
conversations with, and ask questions of colleagues practices in relation to various teaching theories;
(i.e. CT, other TCs, Principal, EAs, FA etc.); and  Participate in conversations and provide input for
 Help to organize or assist with at least one activity the summative evaluation report; and
(e.g. orientation, an extra-curricular activity, student  With support from CT and FA, identify professional
conferences, staff meetings etc.) and attend some strengths & goals.
other activities or events that occur during the
 Assume approximately 50% of a teacher’s daily responsibilities during the final three weeks of
Practicum Three. Note: For Senior Years TCs who have more than one CT and have responsibilities in
both their major and minor subjects, their total responsibility should be approximately 50% of a
teacher’s daily responsibilities;
 Engage in and assist with daily routines of the classroom;
 Discuss CT’s curricular plans and participate in planning and teaching for the block;
 Develop a repertoire of instructional approaches that enable students to think, problem solve and make sense
of their world. Recognize the philosophical stance related to the various approaches;
 Collaborate with CT to plan and implement a connected series of lessons that draw on curricular knowledge
and knowledge of students’ interests, strengths and needs;
 Share all lesson plans with CT in advance. Respond to CT feedback before implementing lessons and debrief
 Try out ideas and approaches introduced in the Faculty with individuals, small groups, and the whole class;
 Visit other classrooms to observe different teaching approaches and grade levels;
 Develop and/or collect various resources, texts, curriculum guides and support materials;
 Consider the diversity of students, begin to develop lessons and strategies for meaningful inclusivity of all
students; and
 Work with CT to consider, establish and support assessment practices for, as and of learning.

Page 2 of 3 Faculty Advisor Initials: _____ Teacher Candidate Initials: _____

Part A: School and Community Understanding and Engagements

Lucia is aware of all school procedures, rules and daily requirements and took the steps to ensure they
were being followed. Lucia participated in the PD days at school. She contributed to the mid-week
networking meetings, where CTs meet with students to work on different projects. During spare time
and lunch, Lucia volunteered her time to help students needing additional support in Math and Science.

Often, during lunch time, Lucia actively participated in discussion with her peer TCs, offering valuable
insights to challenges and issues her peers were experiencing.

Part B: Professional Engagements and Development

Lucia has good interpersonal skills and showed growth over the block in taking opportunities to work on
connecting with students. A significant change in teaching style was put on Lucia this block and she
developed the skills she needed to adequately utilize the new technological environment for content
delivery; After the two weeks of observation, she rarely had to ask for help with this technology. She
frequently asked for advice and guidance regarding pace and lesson ideas, and was receptive of any
feedback that was offered to her. She is still developing her own professional identity and will need to
continue to be self-reflective going forward to ensure her own beliefs and theories are sound.

Lucia demonstrated growth overall in her professional repertoire, becoming more confident and
assured as she assumed more and more responsibilities in the classes she was teaching.

Part C: Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning

Lucia had a fine grasp of the outcomes required by the curricula. Her lessons were well designed to
highlight the important points and guide students in deeper thought. She cares about her students and
her performance in class, which creates high expectations for her lessons and can lead her to judge
herself too critically if they are not met; however, she has demonstrated she can adapt to the fluidity of
lesson planning. She utilized different change-of-pace activities on prompting, and showed a
willingness to expand her pedagogical comfort-zone. Classroom management skills will also develop
more strength as Lucia defines the kind of style and limits she finds most comfortable.

She established very good rapport with students and demonstrated ability to manage the classroom
well. Those students who were distracted or unfocused were dealt with in a manner appropriate to the

Part D: Summative Comments and Suggestions for Future Growth

Lucia demonstrated to be quite comfortable with a general teaching style, and she was very effective in
teaching within these parameters. Moving forward, more creativity will be welcomed, especially given
the safe environment of this practicum experience. Undoubtedly, with more experience, all aspects of
Lucia’s teaching will improve, and her creativity will come with more exposure to emerging teaching
ideas and further opportunities to observe other teachers in practice.

For future growth, Lucia should focus some of her attention on establishing a variety of assessment
practices that consider all students’ strengths.

Lucia has shared her goal for next semester as being more involved in extra-curricular activities at the
school, and she has been planning to start a boards game club at the beginning of next year with other
TCs in her cohort.

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