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Report Reseach in the Classroom

Researcher: Cecilia María Branda Beitia . ID No. 4-784-1950 .

Research Methodology. Focal Group interview done on September 13, to my
classmates in the course Anthropology HIST 210, in the School of Medicine,
Autonomous University of Chiriquí, guided by Dr. Luz Graciela Joly Adames,
Anthropologist Ph.D.
Question for the Focal Group Interview. What is your favorite color and what does
it mean for you?
Reason why I asked this question. because vision is one of the most important
senses and for me the most beautiful of the vision is to see colors.
Results: Total number of answers received 14 women and 16 men.
Quantitative Analysis:

Favorite colors in the students of III semester of Medicine



10 Purple

4 Red

2 Turquoise
Lime Green
More than one color
No have favorite color


The graph indicates that most people have more than one favorite color because
they don´t decide on a specific color and this is not worrisome since this is common
in the world. Blue was the most chosen color regardless of the gender of the people
indicating its popularity this is associated with what transmits color to people red and
black were the second most chosen and only one person indicated that he has no
favorite color.
Popularity of the colors in the students of III
semester of medicine
2% 2% 5%
2% 7%
2% Purple

28% White
Red wine
Lime Green

26% 11% Lilac

The popularity of a color will always be associated with the meaning that people give
it and as we can see in the graph the most popular color is blue with 28% the second
most popular color is black with 26% and these two colors will always be the most
popular in the world since they are very harmonious to the eye,

Meaning of the colors according to the students of III semester of medicine

Color Significance
Purple Friendship, perseverance, vanity.

Orange Joy
Sea, Energy, peace, freshness, freedom, strength, power, calm,
wisdom, love, tranquility, future, cleanliness, joy, serenity, wisdom.
White Purity, light, sanctity, health, order.

Black Strength, elegance, style, mystery, peace, purity, security, trust.

Courage, strength, fire, energy, vitality, courage, love, passion, power,
agility, liveliness.
Turquoise Inspiration.
Red wine Tranquility, pure love.

Green Nature, prosperity, balance, life, happiness.

Lime Green Nature, lemonade.

Lilac Peace, freshness.

Colors convey ideas, feelings. They make us react in one way or another, feel cold,
heat, love, pain the colors can mean many things so the symbology of color was
done according to my classmates.

Qualitative Analysis.
The following was the best answer: Eliecer Guerra (4-794-1818)
Reason(s) why I considered it best
I think your answer is the best because it represents your identity and of all the
answers was the most original.


1. Vision is one of the most important senses and the best thing about primate
vision is color vision.

2. The most popular color among my classmates is the blue.

3. The colors have their specific meaning according to the color symbology but
people give the meaning that they want to give.

Attached are the answers received in this research in the classroom.

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