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Edgar S.

ENGL 2100, Spring Semester 2018
Prof. David Baird

Double-Entry Notebook #3:

Documentation and Methodology.

1- Three Ways to Improve the Use of

Quotations. Why did I choose these three references?

In this Technical Writing class assignments,

For a completion of this assignment, we
I have gone back to previous writing
have been asked to read the Article on
assignments for other classes taking while
Quoting and select three ways to improve
attending SLCC, I have found that I can
the use of quotations when writing. One
relate to one or more of these examples
selected is Am I in the Right Movie? Kyle D.
presented in this essay by Kyle D. Stedman.
Stedman (249), in it, he refers to occasions,
when reading his own drafts, and coming up The grammar errors are numerous, not

to an unexpected quotation not fitting the counting the number of miss quota

line or with a grammatical error. That has committed in those reports.

made him feel as if at a theater watching a

movie, and suddenly a quote or line pups up,
none relation to the previous scene or quota.

Here is an example of such errors presented:

“Therefore, the author warns that a zombie’s
vision are no different than those of a
normal human (Brooks 6).” It is obvious
that a grammatical error has occur, and the
writer was not aware of before publishing
the line.
A second article selected is I Swear I Did I have chosen this other article for the clarity
Some Research! Kyle D. Stedman (252). It with which the writer presents a scenario
is presented as if a student has written it as well known by potential writers at colleges
an essay; making a reference to incurring throughout the nation.
student errors while submitting assignments
I can also relate to this kind of writing when
in the different college classes. One
it comes to previous paper submissions.
common error is to write a paragraph with
citations mixed with the student own I can remember a questioning I was

input/opinions and referencing to a known subjected to when submitting a paper in my

professional in the field; no quotation marks INTL 2040 class taken at SLCC a couple of

nor italicizing the words used by the referred years back. Not only did I not give credit to

person(s), thus giving to the reader the idea my sources at the end of a paragraph, but at

that the whole paragraph belongs to the the same time, a mixture of own opinions

person(s) in reference, (Hawking 51) in this and professional wording was very

case. noticeable in it. Fortunately, it was brought

up to my attention and the problem was
This mixing of own opinions and that of a
addressed on time for the submission.
found references by professionals in
different fields, is referred as “patchwriting”
when writing papers.

The answer to this problem “Write the

sentences preceding the citation with
specific words” (Stedman 253), that will
make any reader aware of when your own
words start and end, and when did the
citation words are taking place, making the
reference to its author(s) at the end of the
quotation when that will be the case. Failure
to do so, will be considered “plagiarism” by
all standards and any paper will be
disqualify for submission.
A Third article chosen is Dating Spider-Man I did select this other article thinking that it
Kyle D. Stedman (246). Had to go back and will help me re-organize my ideas when
read the article again so I could decide on attempting to write, and place the right
what other to chose from. They all are well quotes in the right place, with a previous
written and presented, and I can relate introduction as well; so, the potential reader
myself to every single one of them. will not loose interest in the subject. I will
therefore try to have a sequence in my
This article talks about the tendency of
writings, and continuously attempt to keep
writers to start or end paragraphs with a
the reader interested in it.
quote from someone else without an
introduction or connection to it at all, let I will also keep in mind not to be like
along an explanation on why this quote was Spider-Man, jumping off a regular walk at
place at that exact location, redundantly the park into a rescue mission and come
speaking at the center of a complete deferent back continuing with a subject that the
subject. others are not aware of.

Stedman, the writer makes a reference “It’s

like dating Spider-Man” for a good reason;
placing quotes or citations unexpectedly,
throws the reader off subject and
immediately takes him/her to a different
scene without warning, creating an
annoyance that will cause an inevitable drop
of interest in the matter. That is exactly what
will take place when walking beside Spider-
Man, and unexpectedly he disappears up in
the air in between buildings to attend an
important rescue, and a few minutes later
drops back in the scene walking by again, as
if nothings has happened, continuing with a
total unrelated subject.
2-Studying a Documentation Style of

In recent notebook assignment, I researched

This article was published in APA, it clearly
on a Manufacturing Engineering Education
denotes all of the corresponding information
in India (based on my major) and submitted
necessary to identify it as an APA style;
an article on the development of Technology
double space written, it has an articles title,
and its effect on the human society’s
publisher, document type, file description,
language, rights and plenty of referencing
The type of document in reference is a De information as well.
Gruyter Open, 2016 electronic publication,
written by Khare Sushant, Chatterjee
Abhishek, Bajpai Shrish & Bharati P. K.
Source: Management and Production
Engineering Review, Vol 7, Iss 1, Pp 40-44
(2016). Rights: Journal License: CC BY-

It was primarily written to address the

involvement of the Government of India in
the manufacturing engineering and technical
education system, affecting the social and
economical development of its people and

The article was found in the Markosian

3- Methodology reading at least 10 articles in order to select
1 or 2 that will have a theme of interest, with
As advised by the instructions in the
the right amount of proper information to
assignment, went ahead and chose to
comply with the APA style, minimum
research in the SLCC Markosian Library.
requirement for the assignment.
I-Open: After entering the SLCC main page
website, scrawled all the way down until the
bottom yellow rectangular appaired and Works cited
selected “library” under the title Quick
Brooks, Max. The Zombie Survival to Fool
Links. Then immediately tipped
Your Friends. New York: Sterling, 1984.
“Manufacturing Engineering” in the
keyword white empty bar and clicked on
“Search”. Howard, Rebecca Moore. “The New
Abolitionism Comes to Plagiarism.”
II-Then, the system brings up Search
Perspective on Plagiarism and Intellectual
Results: window, showing a list of pages,
Property in a Postmodern World. Ed. Lisa
and anything between 1 to 6 million
Buranen and Alice M. Roy. Albany: SUNY
possibilities on articles, publications,
P, 1999. 87-95.
documents, papers and more, written about
the subject in search terms. Stedman, Kyle D. Annoying Ways People
Use Sources. No publication information.
To limit the excessive amount of writings, it
is important to select a Full Text and
Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals, at the
left of the numbered articles in view. Now
the list of articles is reduced to under 1 or ½
million possibilities. Select the articles that
will seem more suitable for your research.
Read on them and ready for a report.

III-Limitations, not all articles have all the

information required or necessary for a
complete report, there will be a need to

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