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Marine Policy 71 (2016) 15–28

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Overview of West African fisheries under climate change: Impacts,

vulnerabilities and adaptive responses of the artisanal and industrial
Dyhia Belhabib a,n, Vicky W.Y. Lam a, William W.L. Cheung b
Sea Around Us, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Changing Ocean Research Unit, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Climate change affects ocean conditions, fish stocks and hence fisheries. In West Africa, climate change
Received 28 September 2015 impacts on fisheries were projected to be mainly negative through multi-facet ways. However, analysis of
Received in revised form adaptation responses of fishers to climate change impacts is scarce. This paper reviews the impacts on
2 May 2016
climate change on fisheries in West Africa and discusses the potential adaptation strategies adopted by
Accepted 11 May 2016
both the artisanal and industrial fishing sectors. Overall, climate change and over-exploitation have al-
Available online 20 May 2016
tered species composition of fisheries catches in West Africa. The effect of ocean warming on fisheries is
Keywords: indicated by the increase in dominance of warmer water species in the landings, shown from an increase
Climate change in Mean Temperature of Catch, in the region. Climate change induced changes in potential catch and
Impact assessment
species composition, which inherently have similar symptoms as over-exploitation, are expected to have
repercussions on the economic and social performance of fisheries. Both artisanal and industrial sectors
West Africa
Adaptation may adapt to these changes mainly through expansion of fishing ground that increases operation costs.
Our results highlight that historical changes in target species are more common in industrial than ar-
tisanal fisheries. This result challenges the prevailing assumption that artisanal fisheries, given their
limited movement capacity, would adapt to climate change by shifting target species and/or gear type.
& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 0.52, 0.46 and 0.24 °C, respectively, from 1982 to 2006 [25]. These
changes affect ocean primary productivity and the eco-physiology
West African fisheries resources are relatively abundant, partly and ecology of marine organisms, leading to shifts in species dis-
resulting from the higher primary production from the major tribution, phenology, species assemblages, ecosystem functions
eastern boundary upwelling systems in the Canary Current Large and trophic interactions [26,73]. Shift in distribution of exploited
Marine Ecosystem (CCLME) and the Guinea Current Large Marine fishes and invertebrates [36] and changes in ocean net primary
Ecosystem (GCLME) [41]. The fisheries sector in West Africa sup- production are projected to lead to large scale redistribution of
ports the livelihood of numerous fishing communities and is im- global catch potential, with higher latitudes benefiting from an
portant to national economies [24]. The increasing pressure on increase while tropical regions suffering from a decrease in catch
fisheries resources caused by foreign fishing fleets [23] and an potential [33]. In West Africa, catch potential is projected to
expanding small-scale artisanal sector contributed to the current change and projections vary depending on the modelling ap-
overexploited status of fish stocks [1,4]. proach used [32]; however, all approaches suggest that West
In addition to overfishing, climate change is expected to cause African fisheries are highly sensitive to climate change, although
further changes to fisheries in West Africa [51]. Generally, climate the direction of changes diverges between modelling approaches.
change affects the physical and biogeochemical properties of the Lam et al. [51] projected a decline in fish landings by 2050 in the
ocean, including ocean temperature, pH (acidity), oxygen content, Gulf of Guinea along the Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem
regional wind patterns and thus circulation and upwelling in- and a slight increase for the African countries along the Canary
tensity [43]. In West Africa, sea surface temperature increased by Current Large Marine Ecosystem, while Barange et al. [7] (Not
included herein) predicted that the Gulf of Guinea is expected to
Corresponding author. have one of the largest increases in fish catch potential with 23.9%
E-mail address: (D. Belhabib). and a decline of 14.6% in the Canary Current Large Marine
0308-597X/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
16 D. Belhabib et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 15–28

Ecosystem under climate change scenarios. The discrepancy in the that link changes in ocean temperature in the Exclusive Economic
projections between these two studies may be related to the types Zones (EEZ) of West African countries with changes in the fisheries
of oceanography model used that may have different level of re- in these countries. Then, it analyzes and discuss potential adaptive
presentation of upwelling systems. Specifically, Lam et al. [51] directions of both artisanal and industrial sectors to observed and
used outputs from coarse resolution global climate model while expected future changes in the fisheries under climate change.
Barange et al. [7] used high-resolution shelf seas model. Not- Finally, it highlights research gaps and priorities.
withstanding the differences in projected climate change effects
on the fisheries, the ultimate impacts on local communities will
depend strongly on adaptive capacity of the fishing communities 2. Methods
Species composition of catch also changed according to water A literature review was performed to collect quantitative and
temperature, with increase dominance of warmer water species as qualitative data on different indicators that assess a) the status of
temperature increases [37]. Warming and changes in oxygen fisheries in terms of catch, effort and catch per unit of effort re-
content will potentially lead to an average decrease in maximum sulting from catch reconstructions [10,12–16,18–22,24,8] compiled
body size of exploited fish stocks by 14–24% by 2050 relative to in the Sea Around Us database (, b) climate
2000 [35]. These changes will challenge the sustainability of change effects on these fisheries related to the change in species
fisheries and their management particularly for countries with distribution, exploited species composition and the subsequent
fewer alternative resources and lower adaptive capacity [26], such impacts on socio-economic sector, and c) the changes in behavior
as those in West Africa [51]. of fishers as qualitative and quantitative data reported by the lit-
Impacts of climate change on the fisheries sectors are still not erature. Data on the effects of climate change on fisheries are re-
well-studied [26] and existing knowledge is limited to those re- presented by several indicators which are related to the impacts of
gions of the world that are data rich [75], e.g., the North Atlantic climate change on fish biomass, composition, distribution, and
[27,34,62]. A few studies analyze the impacts of climate change potential catch change. These indicators were then used to esti-
beyond the ecological and biological scope [51,67,73]. However, mate potential impacts on jobs and economic benefits (Table 1). A
there are significantly fewer studies for developing countries, literature review of the attributes related to changes in behavior,
particularly West Africa. as a response to symptoms that are similar to the effects of climate
Fishers in West Africa may have already been affected by the change (e.g., declining fish catches due to local extinctions, or
impacts of climate change and they have been adopting certain change in target species due to local invasion), constitute the
strategies to adapt to these changes. In this region, fishing com- second part of the study. This paper then concludes with the po-
munities are suggested to be highly vulnerable to climate change, tential adaptation pathways of artisanal and industrial fisheries in
partly because of their high dependence on fish for their liveli- the West African region.
hoods and food security, and the limited societal capacity for their
national economies to deal with climate change impacts [3,51]. 2.1. Study area
Patterns of adaptation to declining fish stocks at a very local level
have been described [17,60], notably dealing with change in target West Africa (Fig. 1) refers to the area between the Strait of
species based on species availability [68]. For example, Senegalese Gibraltar (36° 8′ N and 5° 21′ W) and the extreme south of the
fishers have changed target species from bluefish (Pomatomus People's Republic of Congo (05°47S, 12°13′ E). This area, en-
saltatrix), after it collapsed, to small pelagic sardinella (Sardinella compassed within FAO statistical areas 34 (Eastern Central Atlan-
spp.) [17]. However, the flexibility of small-scale fishers to redirect tic) includes the following countries: Morocco, Western Sahara,
fishing effort, even in the context of severely depleted fisheries is Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia for the Canary Current Large
limited [38] posing constraint to a wider range of adaptation Marine Ecosystem (CCLME), and Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Liberia,
strategies. On the other hand, movement of industrial (notably Sierra Leone, Ghana, Benin, Togo, Nigeria, Congo, Sao Tome and
distant water) fleets throughout West African waters is typically Principe and Equatorial Guinea for the Guinea Current Large
flexible [1], which means they have higher capacity to adapt to the Marine Ecosystem (GCLME) (Fig. 1).
impacts of climate change.
Previous studies suggest climate change will impact artisanal 2.2. Attributes to assess climate change effects on fisheries
fisheries but their results remain speculative and such analyses do
not include the complex interactions of the natural and human A literature review was performed to assess the effects of cli-
systems (e.g., [67]). Studies on the responses of different fishing mate change on fisheries of West Africa, through a range of at-
sectors to climate change focus mainly on understanding adaptive tributes or indicators. Indicators were collated from the literature
capacity of the countries and/or fishing communities to climate to assess the observed and projected impacts of climate change on
change impacts on food security and fisheries economics, and in fisheries in the EEZs of the West African countries within the
relation to the effects of over-exploitation [3,39,51,71]. However, CCLME and the GCLME. These indicators are related to fisheries
very few analyses have targeted adaptation strategies by fishing catches and fishing dynamics (catch potential, target species and
fleets and their responses to the symptoms or impacts of climate status of fishery). While both categories are inter-linked, assessing
change on fisheries. These studies describe potential adaptation impacts of climate change on these indicators separately help
routes, if only by speculating on different strategies based on the capture the drivers and responses of climate change impacts in
perception that artisanal fisheries are more constrained in time each country. For indicators that are based on catches, the catch
and space than industrial fisheries. However, these studies do not data supplied to the FAO is sufficient for West African countries as
include the cultural and historical frameworks within which these catches are largely under-reported particularly for earlier time
fisheries evolve, the heavy dependence of small-scale commu- periods. FAO data omit a large fraction of artisanal catches, all
nities on fish (and particularly certain species) for their livelihood subsistence catches, and industrial foreign catches [9,23,61]. These
and diet preferences. data also are not sufficiently disaggregated into species and fish-
The objective of this paper is to review the impacts of climate eries sector [9]. Thus, reconstructed catch data [9] were used, and
change on West African fisheries and their scope for adaptation. species that represented over 9% of the total catch per sector were
Firstly, it provides an overview and evaluate available evidence extracted, as the species that are mainly targeted and/or caught.
Table 1.
Effects of climate change on West African fisheries and fish stocks.

Country SSTa MTCb Invasiona Local extinctionc Catch potentiald Main species Status of fisherye

Morocco þ – High Low – Octopus vulgaris, Sardina pilchardus Over-exploitation

W. Sahara þ – High Low 8 Octopus vulgaris, Sardina pilchardus Over-exploitation
Mauritania þ – Medium Low 11 Engraulis encrasicolus, Sardina pilchardus, Scomber japonicus, Trachurus trachurus, Trichiurus lepturus Over-exploited
þ –

D. Belhabib et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 15–28

Senegal Medium Low 18 Rachycentron canadum, Sardinella spp., Scomber japonicus Over-exploitation
The Gambia þ – Medium Low 7 Ethmalosa fimbriata, Sardinella spp. Over-exploitation
Cape Verde þ Medium Low 6 Acanthocybium solandri, Decapterus macarellus, Katsuwonus pelamis, Thunnus albacares uncertain
Guinea Bissau þ þ Medium Low 3 Octopus vulgaris, Penaeus kerathurus, Pseudotolithus elongatus, Sardinella aurita uncertain
Guinea þ þ Low Medium 9 Ethmalosa fimbriata, Octopus vulgaris, Scomber japonicus, Pseudotolithus spp. Over-exploitaion, uncertain
Sierra Leone þ þ Low Medium  14 Penaeus kerathurus, Pseudotolithus senegallus, Sparus aurata Over-exploitaion
Liberia þ þ Low High  36 Lutjanus agennes, Pseudotolithus senegallus, Sardina pilchardus Uncertain
Côte d’Ivoire þ þ Low High  39 Ethmalosa foimbriata, Sardinella aurita Over-exploited
Ghana þ þ Low High  42 Engraulis encrasicolus, Katsuwonus pelamis, Sardinella aurita, Sardinella maderensis Fully to over-exploited
Togo þ þ Low High  29 Brachydeuterus auritus, Engraulis encrasicolus, Sardinella maderensis, Fully to over-exploited
Benin þ þ Low High 9 Ilisha africana, Pseudotolithus senegallus, Sardinella maderensis fully to over-exploited
Nigeria þ þ Low High – Ethmalosa fimbriata, Polydactylus quadrifilis Over-exploited
Cameroon þ þ Low Medium – Ethmalosa fimbriata, Sardinella spp., Brachydeuterus auritus Over-exploited, uncertain
Equa. Guinea þ þ Low High – Brachydeuterus auritus, Diplodus bellottii Over-exploited
S. Tome & Princ. þ þ Low High – Cheilopogon melanurus, Katsuwonus pelamis, Prionace glauca, Thunnus spp. Over-exploited
Gabon þ þ Low High – Ethmalosa fimbriata, Dentex spp., Pseudotolithus spp. Over-exploited, shrimp uncertain
Congo þ þ High High – Pseudotolithus senegallus, Sardinella maderensis, Sardinella aurita Over-exploited
Congo (ex-Z.) þ þ High High – Aristeus varidens, Parapenaeus longirostris, Over-exploited

Main target species were extracted from various literature sources and gathered in catch reconstructions [8–24,61,69]. Dash indicates no data.
Data extracted from Hadley Centre SST climatology.
Cheung et al. [37].
Cheung et al. [36].
Low range GHG (constant 2000) scenario [33,51].
FAO and CECAF [45].

18 D. Belhabib et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 15–28

Fig. 1. Map of West Africa showing Large Marine Ecosystems boundaries.

They represent the targeted (or most valuable) species caught Large Marine Ecosystem and the Gulf of Guinea Large Marine
(contributing 75% of the total), and excluded discards. Effort data Ecosystem. This metric indicates a combination of changes in
in number of reported or known number of fishing vessels and species distribution and shift in target species; the latter reflects
canoes were extracted from several literature sources, as sum- adaptation responses of fishers to changes in fish stocks.
marized in [9]. These attributes are:
2.2.2. Invasion and local extinction rates
2.2.1. The Mean Temperature of the Catch (MTC) Invasion represents the expansion of species range to newly
This metric is calculated from the average temperature pre- habitats, while local extinction occurs when a species ceases to
ference of exploited species weighted by their annual catch (b). occur in its previous distribution area [36]. Cheung et al. [36] ex-
Using this indicator, these authors show that the taxonomic pressed invasion and local extinction rates as proportion of the
composition of fisheries in most of the Large Marine Ecosystems initial species richness. Both indicators illustrate the effects of
(LMEs) of the world from 1970 to 2006 is significantly related to climate change on biodiversity and composition of resources
changes in ocean temperature, with increasing dominance of available to fisheries. Thus, species invasion and local extinction
warm-water associated species. indicate the exposure to climate change impacts that the fisheries
MTC was calculated, as the average temperature preference of need to adapt to.
exploited marine fishes and invertebrates weighted by their an- Here, projected invasion and local extinction rates by the 2050s
nual reconstructed catch, to indicate the effects of ocean warming relative to the 2000s under the Intergovernmental Panel on Cli-
on species composition of fisheries catch in the Canary Current mate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES)
D. Belhabib et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 15–28 19

A1B, which indicates high greenhouse gas emission scenario, are observed catch trends, provides an overall picture of the effects of
extracted from Cheung et al. [36]. Based on averaged results by climate change on West African fisheries in terms of changes in
Cheung et al. [36], the invasion rate was divided by three cate- species distribution that affects the catch (Mean Temperature of
gories, i.e., low, medium and high, rather than absolute number to the Catch, invasion by new species and extinction of traditionally
facilitate the analysis. Low invasion rate corresponds to 20  26%; targeted species), the outcomes (changes in catch potential, eco-
medium invasion rate corresponds to 26  32% and high invasion nomic impact and job potential), and the attributes that describe
rate corresponds to a range of 32  38%. Similarly, low, medium the fishery such as traditionally targeted species and exploitation
and high local extinction rates correspond to 1  2.3%, 2.4 3.6% status of the fishery). To assess adaptability, i.e. routes or changes
and 3.7  5%, respectively. Recent analysis using updated climate in behavior of the industrial and artisanal fishing sectors, the
model, species distribution models and greenhouse gas emission former attributes need to be overlapped with a) indicators of
scenarios highlight that the pattern reported in Cheung et al. [36] adaptive capacity and hence resilience and flexibility of adaptation
is robust to these variations [47]. strategies (vulnerability and adaptive capacity) and b) changes in
behavior of fishers observed through different metrics including
2.2.3. Catch potential change mobility and migrations, changes in fishing fleet types, changes in
Represents the projected change in catch potential in each EEZ fishing costs, increase or decrease in fishing effort or the number
by the 2050s [51]. This metric is calculated based on the difference of boats, and change in gear type.
between the current catch and the projected future potential catch
projected by first projecting future species distribution ranges, and 2.3. Attributes to assess the adaptability of fisheries to climate
second, calculating the catch potential. The latter is projected in change
three major steps; (1) a baseline average is assessed, (2) primary
production is projected, and (3) the annual maximum catch po- Published indicators were applied to assess the adaptability of
tential is estimated based on the total primary production, the the fisheries to climate change effects on fish distribution and
geographic range considered and the trophic level using the em- potential production for the 2050s. Adaptability is herein defined
pirical model developed by Cheung et al. [31]. As the main out- as the strategy or set of strategies taken by fishers or fishing fleets
come of a fishery is the catch amount, this metric is particularly to respond to effects similar to those caused by climate change.
important to indicate the exposure of fisheries to climate change The adaptability of the fisheries partly depends on the overall
impacts in terms of losses in potential catches. vulnerability and adaptive capacity of the country within which
the fisheries operate. For example, low adaptive capacity of the
2.2.4. Main target species countries’ economy (i.e., lacking alternative livelihood choices) will
Illustrate all species that represent over 9% of total industrial likely prevent fishers from exiting the fishery [38].
and artisanal catches from a given EEZ between 1970 and 2010. Adaptability of fisheries to climate change was illustrated by a
This percentage represents the threshold that is set representing set of indicators that includes overall vulnerability of the countries’
the most valuable and/or target species in West Africa, their cat- economy to climate change, mobility, fishing fleet types, migration
ches adding up to 75% of the total catch. This indicator illustrates history, fishing costs, artisanal and industrial fishing effort, and
the profile of the fishery and thus fishing fleets. As target species, change in gear type.
in one hand, often illustrate preferences in fishing strategies, gear
type, fishing area, fishing practices such as discards, and climate 2.3.1. Vulnerability and adaptive capacity of countries’ economy to
change impacting species distribution on the other, changes in climate change through fisheries
target species (or preferences) could be directly linked to change Vulnerability of a country to climate change impacts is defined
in species distribution or its catch potential. as the exposure of a country or an ecological systems to climate
change, its intrinsic sensitivity to this hazard, and the lack of
2.2.5. Status of fishery ability to adapt to these changes [2,3,28,70]. One of the ways for
Indicates the actual known exploitation status of fish stocks as assessing vulnerability is the use of indicator-based analysis. In the
over-exploitation may exacerbate the effects of climate change. vulnerability assessment framework developed by Allison et al.
Information on the status of West African fisheries were gathered [3], vulnerability index composed of three key components: the
through a literature review. This indicator is particularly im- exposure (exposure) of a country to climate change, the depen-
portant, as its effects (e.g. declining catch potential, shift in species dence of the national economy on the fisheries sector (sensitivity),
composition) not only mimic the impacts of climate change, which and the ability of a country to cope with or recover from the
allows to cross-link possible responses of fishing fleets to these changes (adaptive capacity). Since vulnerability is a composite
similar effects, but also, their importance lies within the fact that index, vulnerability and adaptive capacity may go opposite ways.
over-exploitation is expected to exacerbate the effects of climate One country can be highly vulnerable but not necessarily to
change, driving a quicker response by fishing fleets. struggling to adapt to the change, i.e., with high exposure and/or
Economic impact was illustrated by the potential changes in high sensitivity but is highly capable to adapt. As such, this study
economic output of fisheries to climate change. This is indicated by includes both vulnerability index and the adaptive capacity com-
the change in the economic contribution of fisheries to the na- ponent. However, given that this opposing relationship may not be
tional economy [51] and calculated as the product of the fishing linear in the long run, sensitivity, a composite index of employ-
economic multiplier [44] and the projected potential catch for ment and economic dependence on the fisheries sector, was used
2050. This indicator is particularly important, as changes in eco- along with adaptive capacity which is indicated by nutritional
nomic impact may incentivize adaptation strategies over others. dependence, health, education, governance and the size of the
Job potential measures the change in the number of jobs economy [3].
available within the fishing sector [51]. This metric, proportioned
by the baseline (2000) catch and then estimated for the 2050s 2.3.2. Mobility
based on the projected catch (see above). Loss in job potential In general, fishers may adapt to the change in marine species
means lower possibility of increase in fishing effort to compensate composition caused by global warming in two different ways.
for e.g. catch loss, a constraining factor for adaptability. Some fishers may follow the marine species by moving to the new
Using the attributes described above, in combination with fishing grounds [26], whereas some other fishers with higher
20 D. Belhabib et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 15–28

resilience to adapt may change their target species composition by acquisition of new fishing boats with the help of the state to
changing their fishing gear types [67]. Mobility on the other hand compensate for declining catches [15], whether caused by over-
is related or depends on another set of attributes such as migration exploitation, the effects of climate change or both.
history, the fishing fleet type, and fishing costs. This indicator was
investigated for each sector within the countries targeted by the 2.3.7. Changes in gear type
present study based on literature review documenting migrations, This indicates whether there is evidence of the ability of fishers
whether related to climate change or no. to change their gear type in respond to changing resources com-
position or abundance. Occurrence and type of changes in gear
2.3.3. Fishing fleet types type are gathered from the literature.
Distant water fishing fleets have a higher mobility and more Finally, different adaptation strategies of artisanal fisheries
advanced technologies than domestic industrial and artisanal were illustrated in each West African country within the contexts
fishing fleets. They are usually expected to have a higher resilience of MTC and catch potential change with the change in MTC ran-
to adapt to climate change as they are less selective in nature, have ging between  35 and þ 10% and the change in catch potential
higher capital and possess an easier access to credit as to manage ranging between  50% and þ30%, by plotting each data point
climate variability [66]. For example, distant water fleets in the country (x ¼ ΔMTC, y ¼ Δ Catch potential) and allocate a different
Indian Ocean are expected to adapt easily to the climate-induced color to each adaptation strategy identified in the present study.
shift in tuna distribution in contrast to domestic fleets restricted to All behavior-changes indicators (qualitative: changes in gear
EEZ [77]. Similarly, industrial fishers in Peru diversified their type, migration history, change in fishing fleet type, and mobility;
fishing techniques during the 1997–1998 El Niño event by shifting and quantitative: change in fishing cost, and fishing effort or
their fishing gear from gill-nets and purse-seines to trawls [5]. In number of boats) are summarized for each country encompassed
contrast, small-scale artisanal fishers are more limited in their in the study area, and overlapped with attributes related to the
geographical scope and have fewer alternative sources of liveli- effects of climate change on fisheries.
hood and income; thus their resilience is often described as low
[66,67]. However, a few studies demonstrate a certain degree of
resilience of less technologically advanced fleets to environmental 3. Results and discussion
stressors such as declining fish stocks. These fleets adapt by ex-
panding their fishing range, changing gear and targeted species, First, changes in the status of West African fisheries were dis-
moving to other fishing areas etc. [17,57]. Fishing fleet types were cussed by summarizing catch and effort data resulting from catch
gathered from the literature accompanied with any highlighted reconstruction. Declining catches and CPUE, despite or because of
change in fishing movement, gear type, vessel size or motoriza- increasing fishing effort, may be due to decline in availability of
tion, fishing range, fishing cost as these can be related to the im- fish caused in part by climate change. Second a discussion is pre-
pacts of climate change. sented regarding the relationship between changes in Sea Surface
Temperature (SST) and the climate change-fisheries indicators
2.3.4. Migration history (Table 1) in the Canary Current and Guinea Current Large marine
Migration for the artisanal sector is defined as short time Ecosystems which encompass the study area. All indicators that
ventures into the waters of another country in contrast to long are presented in Tables 1 and 2 for the artisanal sector are sum-
term migrations where fishers would reside in the country they marized in Fig. 5. Overlapping indicators allows to understand
operate in. An artisanal fleet with a strong migration history has a common areas of impacts, i.e. symptoms that are shared between
higher geographic mobility and is thus more likely to be adaptive climate change and e.g. over-exploitation. In addition, overlapping
to changes in fisheries resources (see mobility). Information on effects with adaptation responses or changes in behavior, costs,
migration history and fleet movement were gathered from the and fishing effort, allows to understand the adaptation strategies
literature, including any indication of expanding fishing range. or routes undertaken by the artisanal fishing sector.

2.3.5. Change in fishing cost 3.1. Status of West African fisheries

this indicator illustrates whether there was a change in fishing
costs from 1970 to 2010. In a scenario where catches are declining, Artisanal catches have increased overall from around
and fishers’ willingness to exit a fishery is limited due to lower 274,000 t year  1 in 1950 to around 1.4 million t year  1 in 2010,
alternative livelihood options, fishers increase fishing costs to be which went along with a 4-folds increase in the number of boats,
able to expand their fishing range over time and space. Thus, a from 17,700 boats in 1950 to 79,000 boats in 2010 (Fig. 2(a)).
historical overview of changes in fishing costs indicates, in the case However, while the increase may suggest that the catch would
of an increase in costs despite of or because of declining catches, increase similarly, in reality the catch increase was slower, as catch
whether fishers have been increasing their fishing range over time per effort (or CPUE) declined, and reached a minimum of
and space to adapt to declining catches resulting from either or 17 t boat  1 year  1 in 2010 (Fig. 2(b)).
both the effects of over-exploitation and climate change. Industrial catches reached their peak in the early 1990s with
15.8 million t year  1 in 1987, corresponding to the peak in the
2.3.6. Artisanal and industrial effort number of industrial boats (Fig. 3(a)). The decline in the number of
This indicator represents the change in the number of active boats is likely due to the decline in the CPUE (Fig. 3(b)). This has
pirogues and industrial fishing vessels, respectively, between 1970 resulted in declining catches which reached 6.6 million t year  1 in
and 2010 in each country EEZ, regardless of their flags and origin, 1997 (Fig. 3(a)). Despite an increasing effort between then and the
compiled from the literature [10,12–16,18–22,24,8]. It captures mid-2000s, industrial catches have been declining overall which is
potential future responses, all things being equal, of fishers or the also illustrated by the decline in the CPUE (Fig. 3(b)). The CPUE has
fishing industry to declining catches. Indeed, in many cases, increased at first between the 1970s and the 1990s with the in-
countries with limited alternatives (low adaptive capacity) re- creasing vessel capacity, and has declined since by 2 folds (Fig. 3
spond to declining fish supply (through fisheries) by increasing (or (b)), which is strong evidence of over-exploitation, or decreasing
subsidizing) the fishing effort. Within the artisanal fishing sector fish availability due to increased migrations induced by factors
for example, it is not uncommon for boat owners to invest in the such as increasing water temperature induced by climate change.
D. Belhabib et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 15–28 21

Fig. 2. (a) Total artisanal catch and effort from West Africa, and b) average annual Fig. 4. Changes in Sea Surface Temperature (SST) within a) the CCLME, and b) the
CPUE, 1970–2010. Reconstructed catch data were extracted from the Sea Around Us GCLME, 1970–2009 (data extracted from Hadley Centre SST climatology).
database ( and effort data were compiled from the
3.2. Effects of climate change on West African fisheries

3.2.1. Effects of climate change on fisheries

SST in the CCLME and GCLME increased by 0.7 °C and 0.6 °C,
respectively and between 1970 and 2010 (Fig. 4, also see [25]). In
the CCLME, increased SST does not match with the expectation
from “Bakun's hypothesis” that predicts a decrease in SST driven by
increases in intensity of upwelling under climate change
In contrast, warming in CCLME corresponds to an increase in
Mean Temperature of the Catch (MTC) in the region, indicating an
increase dominance of warmer water species in fisheries catches
(Table 1) Based on Cheung et al. [37], an increase (þ) or decrease
( ) in MTC from 1970 to 2006 were identified for each Large
Marine Ecosystem (Table 1). Increased MTC means that the dom-
inance of warm-water species in a given region is increasing
(tropicalization of catch) while the proportion of subtropical of
subtropical species in the catch is declining, and vice versa.
Overall, MTC has declined within the CCLME and increased within
the GCLME (Table 1). A decline in MTC may be due to fisheries
effects (over-exploitation) or intensification of upwelling This
pattern is observed in Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Se-
negal and the Gambia where catches are dominated mainly by
small-pelagic species (Table 1).
Similarly, fish stocks and hence catch potential are closely re-
lated to availability of fish determined at least partly by their
movement, i.e. local extinctions and invasions. Overall, results il-
lustrated in Table 1 suggest there are more invasions in the CCLME
and less extinctions, in contrast to the GCLME where local ex-
tinction rates are medium to high while invasions are low (Ta-
ble 1). Catch potential is projected to decrease slightly due to
Fig. 3. a) Total industrial catch and effort from West Africa, and b) average annual projected low extinctions within the CCLME by 2050 relative to
CPUE, 1950–2010. Reconstructed catch data were extracted from the Sea Around Us 2000 under SRES A1B scenario. The local extinction of species
database ( and effort data were compiled from the
could be compensated by catches of newly introduced species
given a projected medium to high invasion rate (Table 1). Rising
22 D. Belhabib et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 15–28

water temperatures leads to the opposite effect within the GCLME motorization (and hence costs for fuel were introduced) which
with a loss of 3–42% of the catch potential. MTC increases with the were observed throughout the CCLME and GCLME. In two in-
increase in SST, suggesting that the proportion of tropical species stances, and in the presence of a strong migration history, Senegal
is higher. However, this LME has high projected local extinction and Ghana developed short term migrations where pirogues or
rate which means that the catch potential is likely to decline canoes typically mimic distant water fleets as they travel for long
substantially by the 2050s relative to the 2000s under the SRES fishing trips and return to home ports to land their catches. This
A1B scenario (Table 1). adaptation route contributed to creating a new kind of pirogues
with costs that are much higher than the typical artisanal pirogue
3.2.2. Vulnerability and adaptive capacity of fisheries [17]. This second adaptation route was developed to “follow the
Notwithstanding the differences in projected climate change fish” because of over-exploitation and increased fish migrations
effects on the fisheries, the ultimate impacts on local communities (local extinctions), also perceived as poorer catches in original
will depend strongly on adaptive capacity of the fishing commu- fishing grounds and higher catches elsewhere (local invasions).
nities [7]. This also has to do with the resilience of fish stocks to Similarly, the industrial sector increased its costs due to increased
resist to shocks and changes. Table 1 suggests that most fished vessel capacity and profile (typically, domestic vessels were re-
stocks in West Africa are over-exploited, which is likely to ex- placed by domestication or reflagging of foreign vessels that were
acerbate the impacts of climate change [52], as exploitation would bigger and costly). The third adaptation route deals with changing
alter the structure of populations and ecosystem and hence gear type as an opportunistic behavior to target new species, or an
change the ability of marine species to respond to climate change effective way to catch a larger amount of a traditionally target
and the resilience of the ecosystems to climate change [64]. Re- species in the traditional fishing grounds. Despite the overall lit-
sults summarized in Table 2 suggest that adaptive capacity in West erature argument that artisanal fisheries are expected to change
Africa ranges between very low and low, meaning, not only al- their gear type to adapt to changes in MTC, there were only two
ternative livelihoods are limited but the range within which na- cases where the artisanal sector changed its gear type to target
tional economies can adapt constrains the capacity of fishers to new species, Western Sahara and The Gambia (Table 2). Changes in
cope with the impacts of climate change. On the other hand, gear type were more common in the industrial fishery through
vulnerability is, overall, high with certain exceptions (Table 2). changes in fleet profile that translated usually in targeting new
Ultimately, the implications of over-exploitation, reduced fish species or other fisheries.
availability, and low adaptive capacity with very limited alter- Table 2 suggests that in response to over-exploitation and de-
native livelihood have potentially negative implications on the clining catches, artisanal fisheries would either migrate towards
economy and food security which translate into declines of eco- new fishing grounds within their EEZ, particularly when the EEZ
nomic output and job potential. covers the potential migrating route of the species (e.g., Maur-
itania, Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone, Liberia) or to new
3.2.3. Implications for the economy and food security fishing grounds in other EEZs when the country itself has a strong
Implications of climate change effects, summarized in Table 1, migrating tradition (e.g., Senegal, Benin, Togo, Ghana). In both
are presented in Table 2. In West Africa, climate change is expected strategies, these movements are confirmed by increasing fuel costs
to produce a decline in the fisheries economic output of 10% on and/or a strong migration history (Table 2). Indeed, the countries
average [51], with the highest rates projected for tropical countries considered here have witnessed increasing motorization, fuel
(Table 2). Variations exist however, as countries within the CCLME usage and thus costs overtime while no significant change in gear
(Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia) are projected to experience type or targeted species were reported. In contrast, artisanal
increasing economic output under climate change. Similarly, cli- fishers, who changed their gear type or the species they targeted,
mate change is expected to produce an overall decline in the indicate that more tropical species are caught. Thus, fishers show a
number of fisheries jobs [51], mostly within the GCLME with resilient behavior by either shifting to new species and/or chan-
around  30% on average, while the increasing catch potential ging fishing gear.
generated by climate change is expected to increase the number of Similarly, the literature argues that expanding fishing range
jobs within the CCLME (Table 2). This effects are expected to be over time and space is common to industrial fisheries [53], in
exacerbated by low resilience of fish stocks because of contrast to changing gear type. Table 2 shows that industrial
overexploitation. fisheries incurred higher costs, due to increasing vessel capacity
The indicators presented in Table 2 show that high vulner- and increasing reflagging of foreign vessels to West African
ability associated with low adaptive capacity of national econo- countries (Table 2). Moreover, changes in gear type are not com-
mies of West Africa to climate change produce a situation where mon as vessels have a relatively high mobility, which allows them
alternative livelihoods offered to fishers are limited. The rational to ‘follow the fish’ [66]. Changes in fishing costs, gear types and
approach adopted by fishers to compensate as illustrated in Ta- traditional fishing grounds may be caused by climate change ef-
ble 2 can be divided in three main categories. The first strategy, a fects and over-exploitation. Therefore, it is often difficult to sepa-
collective adaptation route is illustrated through the overall in- rate the changes in behavior of fishing fleets due to climate change
crease in fishing effort (number of boats) for the artisanal sector, or other stressors such as the over-exploitation which prevails in
higher in the CCLME (500% on average) with a maximum for West Africa (Table 1). Overall, industrial fishing fleets had a low
Mauritania with over 900% increase in the number of artisanal affinity with changing gear type (Table 2). This particularly applies
boat since the 1970s. On the other hand, the number of industrial in situations where EEZs are large enough to allow for the in-
boats has declined in the CCLME in comparison with the GCLME, dustrial fleets to follow the migration path of species rather than
likely due to a bid to compensate or create more opportunities for targeting new species, as vessels were increasingly bigger and
the artisanal sector that increased drastically in the CCLME. The more efficient. Vessels prefer to follow the fish rather than tar-
second route relates to the fishing capacity and fishing cost, which geting new species (Table 2), particularly in countries whose re-
in turn relates to a) the distance travelled to fishing grounds, the flagging history is strong and where industrial fisheries effort grew
time spent at sea, the size and capacity of fishing vessels in terms strongly. In contrast, changing industrial fishing gear means these
of catch per unit of effort. The literature review summarized in fleets were relatively more adaptive as they can shift their efforts
Table 2 illustrates that costs of the artisanal sector increased due to to catch new species as fleets improved in efficiency (Table 2). In
expanding fishing grounds, increasing fishing range, and increased the case of Ghana, the fishing range of industrial fleets has shrunk
Table 2
Attributes reflecting the vulnerability and adaptability of West African industrial and artisanal fishing sectors to climate change.

Country Adaptive Vulnerabilitya Economic Jobs Artisanal Fishing cost Change in gear Migration his- Industrial Fishing cost Migration Change in gear
capacitya impactb potentialb effortc (artisanal) type (artisanal) tory (artisanal) effort (industrial) history type (industrial)

Morocco Low High 301% 65% Yes, the profile Yes, within EEZ Yes [13]
of the fleet has
changed to in-
clude more effi-
cient vessels
W. Sahara 633% Yes, and fleets tar- No -56% Yes, through in- Yes, within EEZ No
get new species creasing size [13]
[13] and reflagging
Mauritania Very low High 6% 10% 943% Increase in fishing No [12] No, but Maur- -32% Yes, increase in No
costs because of in- itania is a host fishing capacity
creasing fishing country for mi- due to reflag-
range [12] grant fishers ging [12]
from Senegal

D. Belhabib et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 15–28

Senegal Very low High 11% 18% 283% Yes, increasing mo- No, except for one Yes, increasing -32%
torization, size of major species in the fishing range
pirogues and fishing 1970s [17] [17]
range [17]
The Gambia Very low High 7% 7% 413% Yes, expanding fish- Yes [18] No, The Gambia 39% Yes, Increasing No No [18]
ing effort [56] is a host [17] capacity
through the in-
creasing use of
chartered ves-
sels [18]
Cape Verde Very low High -7% -6%
Guinea Bissau Very low High -4% -3% 317% Yes increase in mo- No [20] Host country 21%
torization and thus for migrant
fuel usage and costs fishers who
[48] move in and
out of EEZ [17]
Guinea Very low High -9% -9% 242% Yes [11] No No, but in- 278% Yes, increasing No No, but change
creasing fishing capital and fish- in fishing fleet
range over ing capacity [10] profile [10]
space and time
Sierra Leone Very low High -12% -14% 86% Yes, increase in mo- Yes, but targeted No 219% Yes [69] Yes within EEZ
torization and thus same species [69] Yes through the
fuel usage and fish- introduction of
ing range [69] new fleets tar
geting different
species [69]
Liberia -19% -36% 117% Increase in the num- No [22] No [22] 374% Yes, increase in No, domestic No, rather the
ber of bigger Fanti fishing capacity fleet is restricted profile of
canoes, and motor- due to reflag- to EEZ [22] the foreign fleet
ization thus costs ging [22] within
[22] the EEZ has
changed [22]
Côte Very low High -23% -40% 2% -74%
Ghana Low High -27% -37% 46% Yes [61] No, but fleet tar- Yes 13% Yes [61] Yes, Ghanaian in- No [61]
geted new species dustrial vessels

Table 2 (continued )

Country Adaptive Vulnerabilitya Economic Jobs Artisanal Fishing cost Change in gear Migration his- Industrial Fishing cost Migration Change in gear
capacitya impactb potentialb effortc (artisanal) type (artisanal) tory (artisanal) effort (industrial) history type (industrial)

[61] shrunk their

fishing range
from North and
South Western
Africa to Ghana,
more tropical
waters [4]
Togo Very low Moderate -26% -30.0% -20% Yes, notably through No [16] No 270% Yes, higher effi- No No, but the pro-
the usage of bigger ciency [16] file of the fleet
pirogues requiring has been shifted
higher costs, higher from pelagic do-
motorization rates mestic fleets to
and longer fishing demersal foreign
trips [16] fleets [16]
Benin -8% -8% 66% Yes [76] No, increasing re- Host country of 17%
tention of juveniles Fanti, however

D. Belhabib et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 15–28

[19] fishing territory
and capacity
expanded [76]
Nigeria Very low High -20% -24% 373% 408%
Cameroon Very low Moderate 56% 52%
Equa. 238% No [11] Nigerian and 988%
Guinea Gabonese fish-
ers left the
country [11]
S. Tome & Very low Moderate 49% Yes, expanding fish- No, but expanding No 22%
Princ. ing effort and mo- fishing effort con-
torization [29] tributed to target-
ing new species [8]
Gabon Low Low 400% Decreased
Congo Very low Low 158% Yes, increase in fish- No, however In- No 168% Yes, bigger boats Yes, fleets moved No [21]
ing efficiency trans- creasing capacity of meaning higher between Gabon
lated by the increase nets to catch same capital as re- and Angola
in the use of bigger species [59], in- flagging in-
canoes [50] crease in canoe size creasing in the
[46,49] 2000s [54]
Congo (ex- Very low High 174% No

Allison et al. [3].
Under the Low range GHG (constant 2000) scenario [51].
Methods are summarized in [24].
D. Belhabib et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 15–28 25

Fig. 5. Profile of West African artisanal fisheries potential responses to climate change. Color patches are drawn to include countries for which the parameter was observed.
For example the green patch was drawn to include Western Sahara, Gambia, and Sierra Leone. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

to include only waters that are located south of their former and gear type shows that the overall preference is towards ex-
fishing range, i.e. towards the waters of Ghana (closer to tropical panding fishing range rather than changing gear type. Previous
areas) as countries of West Africa were declaring their EEZs, an- gear changes mainly took place to target export-oriented species
other factor that adds to climate change effects and exploitation attracted by a more lucrative international market. A positive
pattern. change in MTC in Senegal, Mauritania, Guinea Bissau, Togo and
While climate change and exploitation patterns may be closely Ghana was not linked to any noticeable change in gear type. Ra-
related, it is reasonable to assume that the adaptive behavior of ther, countries which show a positive change in MTC had fisheries
fisheries under declining catch potential will be similar to that with expanding fishing range (Fig. 5). On the other hand, most of
under over-exploitation. The overlap analysis presented in Fig. 5 the countries whose artisanal fishing range expanded are pro-
illustrates such affinities for the artisanal sector. jected to further experience a decline in catch potential (Fig. 5).
Adaptive responses of fisheries in West Africa are affected by a Thus, one hypothesis is that artisanal fisheries seem to adapt to the
variety of different factors. In West Africa, because of the lack of effects of climate change by increasing their mobility, a more likely
alternative livelihood opportunities, fishers are less likely to exit adaptation route than changing gear type. Fishers would use big-
the fishing industry and their adaptive responses will potentially ger boats to expand their fishing range, increase boat motorization
concentrate on the adjustment of their fishing practice through and thus fuel usage and costs rather than changing fishing gear
different routes illustrated in Table 2. Here, based on Tables 1 and and targeting new species.
2, a topology of potential adaptive responses or routes of West This study illustrates how artisanal and industrial fleets adap-
African artisanal fisheries was created in relation to the detected ted their fishing behavior to stressors such as declining catches.
and projected changes in catches and their species composition, Assuming, the effects of climate change encompass such stressors,
which is represented by the same symptoms illustrated by over- two hypotheses emerge from the above analysis. First, artisanal
exploited fish stocks, a prevalent trend in West Africa (Fig. 5). fishers adapt to climate change effects (notably on catch potential)
While the decrease in MTC suggests the increasing prevalence of by ‘following the fish’. Second, domestic industrial fleets tend to
cooler water species since the 1970s, decreases in catch during the change their fishing profile. This particular adaptive response by
same period suggest a decrease in potential catch and/or a result of artisanal fishers might be due to the role traditional species play in
over-exploitation. There seems to be an important overlap be- the West African diet (e.g., [75]) despite increasing costs, and the
tween prevalence of cooler water species (decline in MTC), over- synergistic effect of over-exploitation and climate change. These
exploitation and decline in catch potential, illustrated by the lower hypotheses can be empirically tested by analyzing historically the
part of Fig. 5. All countries that are above the x-axis (which re- relationship between the MTC, as a direct effect of climate change,
present the point at which change in catch potential is zero), are and the fishing effort capacity and fishing costs.
part of the CCLME. In responses to these changes in MTC and catch Indicators presented by the literature and overlapped here,
potential, changes in the fisheries that could be viewed as adap- suggest that overall, West African fisheries are projected to be
tation strategies include, most commonly, increase in fishing effort strongly affected by climate change, although the direction of
observed in all cases except Togo, followed by expansion of fishing changes diverges between modelling approaches. Lam et al. [51]
range which is prevalent in Western Sahara, Mauritania, Senegal, projected a decline in fish landings by 2050 in the Gulf of Guinea
Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Togo, Ghana, Liberia, along the Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem and a slight
Benin and Congo (Fig. 5). Fishing gear change is uncommon in the increase for the African countries along the Canary Current Large
West African region, only observed in three countries (Western Marine Ecosystem, while Barange et al. [7] predicted that the Gulf
Sahara, The Gambia and Sierra Leone). These fisheries responses of Guinea is expected to have one of the largest increases in fish
have considerable implications for fishing costs, as expanding catch potential and a decline in the Canary Current Large Marine
fishing range over time and space also increases fishing costs Ecosystem under climate change scenarios. Despite existing dis-
(Table 2, Fig. 5). crepancies in projections, which may be related to the types of
The analysis in Fig. 5 reveals that, as opposed to the traditional model used, the effects remain similar to the symptoms caused by
view of ‘lower artisanal fisheries mobility’ an analysis to the fish- over-exploitation, and the strategies the fishing sector adopts to
ing effort in West Africa through the number of boats, fishing costs adapt. The artisanal fishing sector, which is often operated by or in
26 D. Belhabib et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 15–28

poor fishing communities, constrained by the culture, dietary ha- allow fishers to harvest fish outside their common areas.
bits and available domestic markets, will be highly vulnerable to This will result in increasing fishing costs [73], which are in
climate change [30]. Changing target species, by changing gear turn likely to lead to reduction in fishing effort and overcapacity
type means shifting dietary habits, to catch a fish species that is and a potential increases in resource rent [73], a positive direction
affordable, and finding available markets, which is often very dif- of the effects of climate change on fisheries. However, this needs to
ficult in the artisanal fishing sector. In addition, the poverty level go in hand with the usage of alternative livelihoods [26]. “Liveli-
of these communities has been already increasing and is likely to hood strategies are the range and combination of activities and
further intensify with climate change impacts and decrease in choices that people make in order to achieve livelihood outcomes.
resource abundance ([26]; also see Table 1). West African countries Livelihoods therefore are about how actors can mobilize their capital
have also been already vulnerable to many other issues including and capabilities to achieve well-being” [5]. In fisheries, this adds to
endemic illegal fishing, poverty, lack of good governance and the set of capital and capabilities that fishers tend to acquire to
fisheries monitoring and uncontrolled expanding fishing effort. achieve, in the context of climate change, secure well-being.
This, associated with high sensitivity of marine capture species to However it has been often demonstrated that in the case of West
climate change, is likely to produce positive and negative out- Africa, alternative livelihood opportunities are limited. On the
comes on food production from fisheries [30]. Although climate other hand, the fact that cost related to expanding fishing effort of
change impacts on subsequent food security issues have higher small-scale fishing communities is too high [51], creates a trap
uncertainty than those on biological and ecological impacts [30], wherein fishers are too specialized to allow for livelihood di-
there is a general consensus on the negative expected effects on versification [40].
the economy, human livelihood and food security [3,72], and on Therefore, beside an urgently needed in depth analysis of the
governance of developing countries under climate change [55], adaptive responses of fishers to climate change, governments
which is presented in this study. Indeed, the shift in the dis- should strive to increase the resilience of fisheries to the effects of
tribution range of fish is broadly recognized to have severe po- climate change through diverse strategies. These strategies
tential impacts on food security [51] as altered species distribution include:
and species composition will widen the disparity in food security
between developing and developed countries [35,63]. – Restoration of overexploited fisheries and reduction of other
Direct consequences of climate change on poor communities in stressors.
West Africa could be disastrous; national economies and coastal – Lower rates of fishing mortality, larger exploitable biomass of
communities will have to adapt over time and space but also shift targeted species and increased no-take areas that may provide a
their choices of harvest [53]. At a management level, governments buffer stock in the face of unexpected shocks [66].
should strive to reduce the vulnerability of fisheries and fishing – Access to credit and loans to re-build such as those existing in
communities to climate change through increasing resilience and the agricultural sector could be adapted to the fisheries sector
adaptive capacity. Increased adaptive capacity will help to offset [5], along with education and skills upgrading to allow for a
climate-change driven impacts through increased flexibility, diversification of livelihood opportunities.
learning through monitoring and a better social organization – Increasing information on climate risk and changes which will
[38,58]. Low adaptive capacity along with fisheries expansion and enable fishers to adopt anticipatory adaptive measures [5].
effort-based development projects is expected to put further – Fair access agreements between WA countries and foreign
pressure on resource availability for local consumption [3,51]. countries.
Thus, fishers adapt by following a rational approach that – Monitoring program.
maximizes catch output, while maintaining the traditional ele-
ments of their fishing activity such as the type of boat used, the Despite the qualitative nature of this analysis, a few gaps and
market they target, and the species they catch. Adaptive capacity thus uncertainty could be discussed. In a generalized context, the
may increase by putting an emphasis on the monitoring of the very detection of climate change effects on fisheries particularly in
impacts of climate change on social and economic indicators and West Africa is rather limited by the scarcity of data, particularly
the use of new management and policy approaches to strengthen that regional projections focusing is this area are lacking. In ad-
the livelihood asset base [3,5,53]. This can be achieved in part by dition, there are variations in the potential impacts of climate
the understanding of the existing response mechanisms, analyzing change at the LME level dependent on the model and/or scenario
and grasping new opportunities brought by climate change and used, as highlighted above. This is likely to affect not only the
adoption of multi-sector adaptive strategies to minimize negative intensity of the change but also the direction of the change itself. A
impacts of climate change [3,5,53]. Proper fisheries monitoring decline in catch potential is likely to produce a decrease in the
strategies will potentially allow for a better understanding of past number of jobs in the future and thus the economic output.
and current trends and state of the ecosystem and ultimately in- Moreover, the change in fish price, substitution effects and change
crease in climate resilience through habitat protection and judi- in fish demand have not been fully studied in this analysis. Thus,
cious capital investment in better monitoring [53,66]. the effects of climate change on the socio-economy and food se-
Industrial fisheries usually show more flexibility by adapting curity of certain West African countries is yet to be further as-
different strategies equally as illustrated above. Given a larger sessed. Another uncertainty relates to the projections themselves
fishing capacity, access to international diverse markets and often as they consider the actual situation to be constant over time,
subsidized access, along the fact that most industrial fleets enjoy based on the actual effort. Yet, this analysis clearly demonstrates
“flexible access” to fishing areas within or outside their own EEZs that fishing effort and fishing costs increased drastically and will
[1,66], both strategies are deemed appropriate and illustrate a high be likely to increase in the future. Thus, a follow-up quantitative
flexibility to adapt [53]. However, formerly ‘EEZ stocks’ become analysis including such components is necessary.
trans-boundary, which requires both artisanal and industrial
fishers to increase their fishing range and thus costs, or to increase
efficiency and target new species [57]. 4. Conclusion
While access to international markets is easier for industrial
fleets, flexible policies are required and institutions need to put in This paper attempts to link changing fisheries dynamics and
place adaptive management strategies like agreements which will fishing behavior to climate change impacts on fisheries. It
D. Belhabib et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 15–28 27

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