Convection - It: Boundary Layer Shear Force Viscous Drag Thermal Diffusivity

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Nusselt number (Nu).

It is the ratio of heat transferred through convection (fluid motion) to

the heat transferred through conduction (if the fluid was stagnant). This tell us about how
much the heat transfer is enhanced due to fluid motion. Note that the fluid motion always
results in increase in heat transfer and hence Nu is always greater than 1 for convection. Nu
talks about the quality of heat transfer rather than its quantity. Hence, one can compare
different configurations and will still be able to assess their heat transfer performance. It is
the ratio of convection heat transfer to conduction heat transfer. It is a key parameter in
determining mode of heat transfer also makes heat transfer co efficient ,h non dimensionalize.

1. It is the ratio of heat transferred by convection to the heat transferred by convection.It

shows how much is the heat is transfered due to fluid motion as compared to the heat
transferd by fluid by the process of conduction . Always do remember the formula
hL/K which we get from Nusselt Number, K is the conductivity of fluid. Unlike Biot
2. We can also understand Nusselt Number like it is the ratio of conduction resistance
offered by fluid if it were stable to the convection resistance offered by fluid.
Remember it is always greater than one in case of fluids.

The physical interpretation of Nusselt number is the enhancement of heat transfer due to
convection over conduction alone. If Nu=1, then, than your fluid is stationary and all heat transfer is
by conduction. With Nu>1, the fluid motion enhances heat transfer by advection.

The Stanton number, St, is a dimensionless number that measures the ratio of heat
transferred into a fluid to the thermal capacity of fluid. The Stanton number is named after
Thomas Edward Stanton (1865–1931). It is used to characterize heat transfer in forced
convection flows. Stanton Number defines the ratio of heat transfered through the fluid to the
thermal capacity of the same fluid.

It is the ratio of Nusselts Number to product of Reynolds Number and Prandtl's Number.

The Stanton number arises in the consideration of the geometric similarity of the momentum
boundary layer and the thermal boundary layer, where it can be used to express a relationship
between the shear force at the wall (due to viscous drag) and the total heat transfer at the wall (due
to thermal diffusivity).

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