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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Re: Revoke Their Party Memberships

Two days ago, Patrick Brown withdrew from the PC leadership race – ten days
after he entered it.

In Brown’s withdrawal letter, not once did he take responsibility for his actions, or
show empathy, remorse, or regret. Throughout the letter, he continues to lie
about proven events or deny their existence. In a moment where he could have
conjured sympathy, he reminded us why he was not worthy of any. Click here to
read the letter.1

Earlier in the day, two media reports preceded Brown’s announcement. The
reports revealed that:

(a) Ontario’s integrity commissioner was investigating Brown over his financial
affairs;2 and

(b) During the PC Party’s nomination race in Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas,

Brown ordered then party president Rick Dykstra and party staff to “get me the
result that I want.”3 This report is proof, of Brown in his own words, deliberately
violating the party constitution by instructing the party president and party staff on
how to handle the nomination meeting. It also implied that Brown ordered the
rigging of the vote. I remind you that following this nomination, police opened a
criminal investigation into voter fraud.

Brown’s withdrawal letter was a desperate attempt to make it sound like these
two media reports had nothing to do with him dropping out of the leadership race.

But we all know the truth.

Since last summer the thousands of supporters of the Take Back Our PC Party
campaign have been exposing Brown’s actions.

Brown's motive wasn’t always clear. There was a lack of hard evidence of
financial impropriety.

But the proof was right out in the open for everyone to see.

It was dishonest and fraudulent conduct by those in power.

It was corruption.

While in power - and in control of the Ontario PC Party - Brown and his cronies
deliberately lied about the Ontario Election Act and violated the party constitution
at every turn. And they colluded and conspired in their corruption.4

Washing away rigged nominations.

Bullying individuals out of PC nominations based on a fraudulent “legal” power

Brown claimed he had.

Lying about PwC “certifying” nominations, lying about the policy process, lying
about support for his carbon tax, and lying about the party’s membership

It was all corruption.

Many didn’t believe us, or they ignored us.

Some found what we were saying hard to believe.

Others knew something was wrong – but were hesitant to act for fear of
retribution. I don’t blame them.

Brown and his cronies knew that we, at Take Back Our PC Party, were telling the

And they were so afraid of being exposed that they did everything they could to
try to shut us down.

They sued me.

They revoked my party membership.

They barred me from convention.

And they conducted a campaign to ruin my reputation.

Equally as disturbing as all this is the behaviour of those individuals that willingly
covered up this corruption.

Others that promoted it.

And still others that aided and abetted.

What do we say of those individuals?

Well, membership in the Ontario PC Party comes with only one obligation - to
“uphold” the party’s constitution.

I’ve never been told why I had my membership revoked. There was never a
hearing or an opportunity to respond. There was no "due process" - words that
were never spoken in the PC Party until Patrick Brown decided that HE was
wrongly accused of something!

But certainly, if those individuals who control the PC Party can revoke my
membership, what is to be said of their abuse of that power in order to conspire
and deliberately corrupt the party’s constitution?

What is to be said of others who failed in their obligation to “uphold” the party
constitution and worse, what of those who willfully violated the party constitution
at every turn?

And what about others, who despite all this, decided to endorse Brown for yet
another run as party leader?

Are all of these individuals loyal party members? Are they “members in good
standing” of the Ontario PC Party?

The answer is clear.

They are not.

They are not "members in good standing" because, like Brown, they don't
respect our party constitution. They had power - they were drunk with power -
and they abused their power for their own personal ends.

So, how do we truly restore integrity in our PC Party and present Ontario voters
with an alternative to Kathleen Wynne’s Liberal government?

We must rid the party of this corrupt element.


Revoke Patrick Brown’s membership in the PC Party.

Revoke the party memberships of those individuals on the executive, its

nomination committee, and others who deliberately breached their obligation to
“uphold” the party constitution by corrupting it.

And revoke the party memberships of those PC candidates who cheered Brown
on over the last ten days and called for more of his corruption.

Revoke the memberships of every single one of them.

And then win the next election.

Jim Karahalios

P.S. Can you donate $50 or even $100 dollars? To contribute:

1. Click here:

2. If you have trouble donating online you can also send us an e-
transfer to or mail a cheque (payable
to "Take Back Our PC Party") to this address PO Box 40031 Dupont
PO, Toronto, M5R 1V0.


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