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For Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ Officers of Govt. of Orissa.

Report for the financial year: 2015-2016

(Period from: 01.04.2015 to 31.03.2016),


(To be filled in by the Appraisee)

1. Full Name of the officer: Pradipa Kumar Rout

2. Date of Birth: 23/02/1973

3. Service to which the Officer belongs: Home Department (Police)

4. Group to which the Officer belongs(A & B): “ B “

5. Designation during the period of Report: Inspector of Police

6. Office to which posted with Headqrs: Bidanasi Police Station,

Cuttack UPD.

7. Period (s) of absence (on leave training etc., Nil

If 30 days or more). Please mention date (s):

8. Name & Designation of the Reporting Authority Sri P.K Rath, OPS, ACP, Zone-
III , Cuttack UPD.

And period worked under him: From 19.01.16 to 31.03.16

9. Name & Designation of the Reviewing Authority Sri Sanjeev Arora, IPS

And period worked under him: From 01.04.2015 to 31.03.2016

10. Name & Designation of the Accepting Authority Shri Y.B, Khurania, IPS

Commissioner of Police,



And period worked under him: From 27.01.16 to 31.03.2015

Signature of Appraisee


(To be filled in by the Appraisee)

1. Brief description of duties/tasks entrusted (in about 100 words):- During this financial year,
I supervised the work of the Police station. Performed law and order in PS jurisdiction by
collecting and assessing intelligence and drawing police arrangements especially during puja,
rallies, gheraos, demonstration and agitation activities by students of colleges, by different
political parties. Performed law and order duty during the visit of VVIPs Hon’ble C.M of
Odisha, His Majesty,Governor of Odisha and other ministers & digmnitaries at different
occasions. Developed Police–Public relationship by organising meetings among staffs of PS
and local gentries. As a result of which the co-ordination level increased in different matters
and also the information regarding crime and criminals is being received from public
immediately & collection of intelligence regarding crime and criminals has been increased.
Important property offence cases and other heinous crimes have been detected. Due to my
direct supervision, a good number of year old cog cases have been closed & a number of
year old NBWs as well as fresh NBWs have been disposed off. As many as 10 places of illegal
selling of liquors have been raided and 14 nos of cases registered against errant liquor sellers
& a large number of Aska-40 liquor bottles & country spirit have been seized.

2. Please specify the important physical /financial/ qualitative targets set for yourself or that
set for you and your achievement against each target for important task without any set a brief
description of the work performed may also be given (Please write only in the space
provided, no extra sheets are to be attached).

Sl. Task Target Achievement % of

No achiev
01 Maintenance For smooth maintenance of law and Target achieved. The L/O duty during visit of
of law and order with Restraint, collecting VVIPs, Gheraos by the Political parties as well as
order intelligence and drawing effective the rally organised by them, student agitation at
police arrangements. different colleges in Bidanasi PS area, Raja & car 100%
festival, Bolbom, Dasahara, Kartikeswarpuja,
Baliyatra, etc were properly handled and was
satisfactory. No untoward incident took place in
any manner.

02 Prevention and Prevention and detection of crime Crimes prevented substantially by effective patroll
detection of including property offences with ing and keeping constant surveillance over
crime arrest and Recovery. the criminals. A good number of criminals 80%
have been apprehended.

03 Safety and To ensure Safety and Security During the visit of Hon’ble C.M Odisha to Cuttack 100%
security measu measures of apex institutions, through Bidanasi PS jurisdiction and also visit of
res dignitaries, visit of VVIPs etc. other cabinet ministers of Orissa to Bidanasi P.S
area in different occasions passed off peacefully
without any untoward incident.
04 Investigation Investigation of important cases During the period, I have taken up 100%
investigation in 15 cases. Out of which I have
completed investigation of the 04 cases.
05 Supervision Supervision of criminal cases. I have supervised in 23 cases and reviewed in 05 100%
cases. All S. Notes and review notes have been
06 Inspection Inspection of Out-post. I have inspected the Gorakabar OP in 2015 ---

07 Inquiry To enquiry into petitions and make During the period, I have disposed off as many 95%
verifications of Pass Ports etc. as 316 nos of Pass Ports, 95 nos of other
Verification Rolls very promptly. 34 nos of
petitions have also been enquired and submitted.

08 Raids To conduct raids for Conducted frequent raids against illicit liquor 80%
detections of illicit liquor, arms, sellers and as many as 14 nos of cases have been
etc and for execution of warrants. detected and registered. Due to sincere efforts of
warrant drive as many as 73 NBWs have been
executed and 139 nos have benn disposed off . 10
nos of PRs u/s-110 Cr.P.C have been launched
against 10 nos of veteran criminals.

09 Public To redress public grievances. Redressing public grievances satisfactorily. 100%

Grievances Especially I myself redress the grievances of
women, old person and child complainants
promptly ensuring their dignity.
10 Administrati-on To exercise administrative Exercised administration control over the PS and 100%
and duty control over the subordinates of this OP staff and evenly distributed the duties.
distribution heavy police station and Duty

11 Traffic To manage the traffic flow in and The traffic is being managed perfectly and 100%
Management around the PS area, ring road and systematic manner. Awareness is being created
newly constructed petanal road among the public for obeying different traffic rules
for which the fatality rate has been reduced
remarkably. Rs 1,3,500/- has been
collected from 207 nos. of defaulters under
OUP Act. ,Rs.95,700/- has been collected from 957
defaulters under MV Act and Rs.4,950/- has been
fined from 39 defaulters in this short period.
3. Please indicate your special contribution if any:-

In view of my utter devotion and careful handling of PS’s work, the functioning of Bidanasi
PS went on smoothly during my incumbency. Further, with my persuasion and request to Executive
Engineer, R&B and other Govt. Officials, rest room of the Officers of P.S could be built and the low-
lying P.S area could be developed into reasonable height. By approaching the JAICA officials,
drainage system inside the PS campus could be developed and barbed wire fencing of P.S campus
could be possible.

Due to my personal supervision and interest, the existing dilapidated constable barrack has
been renovated, new rooms have been constructed, water supply to PS premises have been
connected, plantation have been made around the boundary of PS premises. In order to avail
portable water during summer and to avoid jaundice like waterborne diseases, I have caused in
installing an Aqua guard with freezer for the purpose with the help of Sun Hospital.

4. What are the factors, if any that hindered your performance?

In view of my engagements in law and order duties and due to less registration of cases, I
could not supervise and investigate more numbers of cases. However, I have actively assisted in the
investigation of almost all-important cases to my sub-ordinates, supervised/investigated the heinous
& complicated cases, and have reduced the year old pending cases and NBWs to the minimum.



Signature of Appraisee

1. (a) Name of the Officer Reported Upon:

2.(b) Period of of
Assessment Report
work :output,
From: attributes
/ & functional
/ to /
competencies: /

Description Rating Description Rating

(a) Attitude to work : (f) Co-ordination ability:

(b) Sense if responsibility (g) Ability to work in a team:

(c) Communication Skill: (h) Knowledge of Rules/IT Skills/

Procedures /Relevant Subject:

(d) Leadership Qualities (i) Initiative:

(e) Decision-making ability (j) Quality of Work:

3. General Assessment (Please give an overall assessment of the officer including his/her attitude towards
S.T./S.C./Weaker Sections & relation with public):

4. Inadequacies, deficiencies or shortcomings, if any (Remarks to be treated as adverse)

5. Integrity (If integrity is doubtful or adverse please write “Not certified” in the space below and justify your
remarks in box 4 above)

6. Overall Grading (Please sign in the appropriate box)

Outstanding very Good Good Average Below


(Grade-5) (Grade-4) (Grade-3) (Grade-2) (Grade-1)

Name of Reporting Authority:

For Overall Grading

Designation Below
during the “Average”/
period “Outstanding” please provide justification in the space below
under report:

Designation at the time of recording of remarks:



Name of the Officer Reported Upon:

Period of Report : From: / / to / /

1. Please indicate if you agree with the general assessment/adverse remarks/ overall grading made by
the Reporting Authority and give your assessment.

2. Overall Grading (Please sign in the appropriate box)

Outstanding very Good Good Average Below Average

(Grade-5) (Grade-4) (Grade-3) (Grade-2) (Grade-1)

Name of Reporting Authority:

Designation during the period under report:

Designation at the time of recording of remarks:

Place: Date:

“Below Average” grading will be treated as adverse and should be justified, if the Reporting Authority has
not already justified.


Name of the Officer Reported Upon:

Period of Report : From: / / to / /

Name of Reporting Authority:

Designation during the period under report:

Designation at the time of recording of remarks:

Place: Date:


For review as well as other certificates / remarks

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