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Does your mum Death stalks

know about it?

Controversy of a
Kerio Valley
Kenyan girl who has In the depths of this
married another girl wilderness, bandits
in the US PAGE 2 roam free PAGES 10&11

Wednesday, February 21, 2018 KSh60/00 (TSh1,700/00 : USh2,700/00 : RFr900/00) No. 19237 /dailynation ∆∆∆∆∆

Petition > Homa Bay chief follows Mohamed Abdi of Wajir in rush to Court of Appeal
Shilling exposed
after IMF pulls

Awiti vows to fight out dollar cover


on as poll nullified
The Kenyan shilling has been left exposed
to the turbulence of foreign exchange mar-
kets after it emerged that the International
Monetary Fund stopped Nairobi’s access to
a Sh152 billion ($1.5 billion) precautionary
facility seven months ago. Kenya was yet to
draw down on the two-year facility, which
has been a key component in the country’s
ability to weather economic shocks since
March 2016. The precautionary facility
has been one of the tools that have helped
Kenya stabilise the shilling against the dol-
The governor is in office lar – making the local currency to buck the
and cannot be affected general weakening of most African curren-
by the court ruling until cies during the period.
our case has been heard and
determined by the Court of
Emmanuel Awiti,
Lawyer for Homa Bay
Governor Cyprian Awiti

Petition: Judge Joseph Karanja
pointed out that forms 37 As
which contained the results of the
gubernatorial contest had significant
errors which the Independent
Electoral and Boundaries Commission
had failed to explain to the court.
He also dismissed claims by the
petitioner Oyugi Magwanga that the
election had been marred by voter
bribery, violence and intimidation,
saying the video evidence presented
to the court was inadequate and
inadmissible as proof.
I stole baby to
earn Sh7,000,
says suspect

The woman suspected of stealing a baby

at Kenyatta National Hospital on Sunday
planned to sell the infant for Sh7,000. In
an exclusive interview with the Nation

Homa Bay County governor becomes the second to lose poll petition yesterday, Faith Kwamboka, 29, (above)
said she already had a customer, whom
she only named as Jennifer. She said she
after Judge rules that veracity of the August 8 results could not be was handed the baby by a cousin of the
infant’s father at the hospital but was later

ascertained because of errors in ballot forms presented by IEBC Page 4 “tricked” by Jennifer to escape with the baby
to Kawangware in Nairobi.

INDEX News P. 2-12, Back Opinion P. 14-15 Letters P. 16 County News P. 19-21 International P. 29-31 Business P. 32-34 Sport P. 47-51

2 | National News Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION

Birth certificates > Long queues witnessed at registrar of birth offices

State extends students

PIN listing to March 31
Knut tells Education
and Interior ministries
officials to take services to
schools and villages

he government has extended the
registration period for children
in school to March 31 to allow
them get birth certificates.
This was after it emerged that only
3.8 million learners out of 11 million had
registered by yesterday’s deadline. LABAN WALLOGA | NATION
Education Principal Secretary Bellio Mombasa residents at the registrar of persons office, Bima Towers yesterday. Workers
Kipsang said the ministry took the deci- at State office struggled to cope with demand for birth certificates. Mombasa regis-
sion after consulting stakeholders. trar of births and deaths Peter Mutua said the office would close at 8pm.
“The ministry has resolved to ex-
tend the newly developed computer in order to issue learners with personal he arrived at the offices at 5am.
programme — National Education identification numbers that would be “The few clerks began working at
Information Management System used in place of index numbers during 9am. There are more than 1,000 ap-
— data collection to accommodate national examinations. plicants and we don’t know what is Ms Manuella Mumbi (centre) a Kenyan, poses with her partner Lisa Clay Webb
learners who have yet to acquire birth In Vihiga, Ms Trufena Vugutsa, going on inside,” he said. (right) after their gay wedding in Texas, United States on Saturday.
certificates,” Dr Kipsang said. Mr Benard Kihima and Mr Hudson In Mombasa, Kenya National Union

Kenyan ties the ‘gay knot’

He added that staff at the ministry Maneno said they arrived at the reg- of Teachers urged the government to
would continue working with schools istration centre in Mbale before 6am. send officials in schools to register
to ensure concerns arising from the “The process is long. The notice was learners. Knut executive Dan Aloo said
process were addressed. short yet headteachers are impatient,” parents and pupils were suffering.
“The ministry urges stakeholders Ms Vugutsa said. “The government can’t force parents BY HILARY KIMUYU sex marriage is illegal in Kenya but
to take advantage of the extended Mr Kihima welcomed the develop- to produce birth certificates without not in the US.
period and ensure data on learners is ment but added that it would have been facilitating registration at village level,” A Kenyan woman in the United No witnesses were present at the
captured,” he said. prudent for the government to inform Mr Aloo said. States has tied the knot with her ceremony held last Saturday, except for
On January 27, the ministry an- parents early. Mombasa registrar of births and American lover in a same-sex mar- the cleric who officiated their union.
nounced a three-week data collection Mr Maneno from Kigama village said deaths Peter Mutua said the conges- riage. Manuella Mumbi, alias Manuelle After the marriage, Mumbi took to her
for learners in primary and secondary tion at the headquarters was due to the Royale exchanged vows with Lisa Facebook and posted the pictures cap-
schools. search for the certificates. He said the Webb Clay in a low-key gay wedding tioning them with a sweet message to
“The Education Ministry has had The notice was short officers were overwhelmed with work. in the US. her new partner. “Unto us a day was
fruitful discussions with the Ministry yet headteachers are “We will have to work up to 8pm to Born and raised in Kahawa, Kiambu given. Been a journey of love. Yes I do
of Interior...on ways to fast-track issu- impatient...The few clerks ensure as many parents as possible get County, Mumbi is one of the few Ken- love you now and forever.”
ing of birth certificates,” he said. began working at 9am. the certificates,” Mr Mutua said. yan women who have publicly revealed The marriage took place at the local
In Kakamega, complaints of secu- Ms Rukia Hussein, a parent, said she they are lesbian. She is reported to be county offices that issued them with a
rity officers demanding bribes to assist
There are more than 1,000 hoped the ministry would extend the a businesswoman who relocated to the marriage certificate. Under Texas law,
locals get the documents emerged as applicants and we don’t know deadline “and give us more time to get US to live with her better half before persons authorised to perform wed-
queues grew longer. what’s going on inside” the certificate. their wedding. dings include licensed or ordained
Mr John Malawi, a parent, expressed Trufena Vugutsa and Hudson Lisa Webb Clay is an American Christian ministers or priests, Jewish
disappointment with the clerks whom Maneno, Vihiga residents Report by Ouma Wanzala, Derick model who hails from Texas. She rabbis, and an officer of a religious
he accused of inexperience. Luvega, Shraon Okolla and Winnie reportedly invited Mumbi to the US organisation who is authorised by the
The ministry requires the certificates Atieno. to formalise their engagement. Same same organisation to do so.

Tears of joy as two pilots captured by South Sudan rebels back home
BY KENNEDY KIMANTHI the two were whisked away to
Mater Hospital in a convoy of
January 7, 2018 was a normal two ambulances accompanied
working day for Captain Frank by ministry officials and close
Njoroge and co-pilot Kennedy family members where they
Shamalla. were admitted.
But moments during take-off The spouses who spoke to
at the Akobo rebel controlled the Daily Nation at the hospi-
region in South Sudan, their tal recalled hectic six weeks of
plane was reported to have uncertainty.
experienced a technical hitch “We are grateful to the person
and it crash landed, killing one who was taking care of them
person and 11 cows. where they were. As a family,
The pilots who were on a we did not know whether he
humanitarian mission suffered would be coming back or not,”
injuries in the accident. Mrs Shamalla said.
Also on board the aircraft On her part, Mrs Njoroge also
were nine other passengers of thanked the Kenyan government
different nationalities who ex- JEFF ANGOTE | NATION JEFF ANGOTE | NATION for their intervention.
ited safely from the plane which Captain Frank Njoroge (centre) is received by his family. Co-pilot Kennedy Shamalla is reunited with happy family members. Mater’s Dr Victor Ng’ani said
was extensively damaged. the pilots appeared traumatised
What followed was six weeks to be paid as compensation for talk to the press after arriving at Looking frail and walking were welcomed by their family but were in stable condition.
of harrowing experience after loss of life and property when Wilson Airport yesterday, their with a slight limp, Kenya Red members and officials from But CS Juma did not mince
they were captured and de- the Cessna Caravan they oper- faces could tell of the ordeal they Cross personnel who had ac- the Ministry of Foreign Affairs her words on the unfortunate
tained by Akobo local authorities ated crashed. underwent in the hands of their companied them throughout led by Cabinet Secretary (CS) capture of Kenyans.
under the control of the Sudan The owner of the aircraft, captors in a foreign country. their flight helped the elderly Monica Juma. “The government of Kenya
People’s Liberation Army-In Captain Godwin Wachira, said Captain Njoroge, dressed Njoroge out of the plane. Captain Njoroge’s wife Beat- deplores the unfriendly and in-
Opposition (SPLA-IO). the rebels were paid $107,743 in a white checked shirt and His colleague Mr Shamalla rice and Mr Shamalla’s spouse humane response of the SPLM
The two were released after (Sh11 million) by UAP insurance a pair of jeans was the first to was next but he looked more Beth were at the airport to IO to what was an unfortunate
the government and the rebels company. disembark from the chartered relaxed. But both were over- receive them. accident. We condemn the cap-
agreed on the amount of money And although they did not plane 5Y-CBJ. come with tears of joy as they After brief stay at the airport, ture of our pilots,” she said.
DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 National News | 3
Syndicate > Suspect will be arraigned today, say police as investigations into cruel baby theft racket continue

Sh7,000 for a
baby? Suspect
had a buyer
Woman admits stealing trauma could cause her post-birth
newborn, blowing lid on Ms Kemunto confessed that she es-
caped with the baby as instructed by
underworld where infants Jennifer, the woman captured on CCTV
are traded like livestock cameras walking out of the hospital
with the baby in her arms.
“I had gone to the hospital for a
BY STELLA CHERONO check-up because I developed com- plications after giving birth to my
AND AGGREY OMBOKI baby, who died in February last year,” Ms Kemunto said.
The greengrocer from Kigawi in Ker-

he woman suspected of stealing oka, Kisii County, said she handed the
a baby from Kenyatta National baby to Jennifer outside the hospital, Above: Mr Job Ouko, father of the stolen
Hospital on Sunday planned to and that, from there, they headed to baby, said he was tipped off by an uni-
sell the infant for Sh7,000. Jennifer’s house in the Kongo area of dentified caller yesterday that his baby
In an exclusive interview with the Kawangware. could be in Kawangware.
Nation yesterday, 29-year-old Edinah “After I returned to my house, I re-
Kemunto, who had initially given her alised that I had made a mistake and Below: Ms Edinah Kemunto is driven to
name as Faith Kwamboka, said she went back to Jennifer’s house to try and the Kilimani divisional police headquar-
already had a customer, whom she convince her that we should return the ters in Nairobi for interrogation.
only named as Jennifer. baby,” she told the Nation. “I told her
She said she was handed the baby that, even though we had agreed that
by a cousin of the infant’s father at she would pay me, I was not happy
the hospital but was later “tricked” with what we had done.”
by Jennifer to escape with the baby On Monday, Ms Kemunto asked Jen-
to the Kawangware neighbourhood nifer to let her take the baby back to
of Nairobi. KNH yesterday morning as the infant
Jennifer, she added, is her friend. had been surviving on infant formula,
Her confession opened the lid on she said.
a secretive, well-oiled baby-trading “But this (Tuesday) morning, as I
underworld coordinated from the was washing the baby, police came to
corridors of Kenya’s maternity wards. my house and arrested me. I have tried DENIS ONSONGO | NATION
Many parents have lost their newborns calling Jennifer several times but her Baby theft suspect Edinah Kemunto is escorted out of her Kawangware home yester-
this way and, often, the suspects are phone is off,” Ms Kemunto said. day. She later lied to police officers that her name was Faith Kwamboka.
never apprehended. Police from Kilimani Police Sta-
This theft, curiously, also happened tion, led by the Divisional Criminal At the hospital, the baby’s parents, ceeded to Ms Kemunto’s house.
right under the collective nose of Investigations Officer Phyllis Kanina, Mr Job Ouko and Ms Jane Kerubo, were Members of the public thronged the
Kenyatta National Hospital’s recently arrested Kemunto at her house and elated after their baby was found. chief’s camp, baying for the suspect’s
beefed-up security, which faced pub- took her to the police station, where “I had just finished an interview with blood, but police officers dispersed
lic fury last month over allegations of she was last evening being processed a local TV station when a woman called them before driving off with the
sexual harassment of mothers within for arraignment. me saying she had seen the interview suspect.
the facility. Ms Kanina said police received a tip- and wanted to confidentially alert me “I’m overwhelmed with joy,” said Mr
The boy was stolen as his parents off from a caller from Kawangware who of a neighbour who had recently re- Ouko. “This is a nightmare that has
were being attended to by doctors. Her said he had spotted the baby at the turned home with a baby in suspicious finally come to an end.”
twin sister remained at the hospital, woman’s house. “We mobilised police circumstances,” said Mr Ouko. The management of KNH refused
and on Monday the father confided officers and moved to the house, where Mr Ouko said after the call he was to allow us to interview the mother,
to us that he had kept his wife in the we found her. The baby was sleeping escorted by a friend to Kawangware saying she and her baby were under
dark over the matter as he feared the on the couch,” Ms Kanina said. chief’s camp, from where they pro- medical observation.

4 | National News Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION

More info
Petition > Governor to pay Sh2m petition costs while IEBC fined Sh4 million

Awiti vows to fight for Homa Bay AWITI’S ONLY HEADACHE

For Homa Bay Governor Cyprian
Awiti, the election petition that he
lost at the High Court is not the only

seat as judge nullifies his election

headache he faces.
The county chief, whose election
was nullified by the court sitting in
Homa Bay yesterday, has been ac-
cused of graft, a failure to deliver
on promises made and poor service
Governor rushes to Court Former Kasipul
MP Oyugi Mag-
of Appeal after judge rules wanga celebrates
In the run-up to the August 8 elec-
tions last year, Mr Awiti’s opponents,
his election invalid due to with his support-
ers in Homa Bay
Oyugi Magwanga, who filed the
election petition, and Sam Wakiaga,
errors in result papers town after the accused him of abetting corruption
High Court nulli- and a poor development record,
BY BARACK ODUOR fied the election leading to a protracted war for of his rival Cyprian votes in the lakeside town.

Awiti as governor In his ruling yesterday, Judge
r Cyprian Awiti was last
evening fighting to hang on
yesterday. Joseph Karanja found that the Inde-
BARACK ODUOR | pendent Electoral and Boundaries
as Homa Bay governor, hours Commission (IEBC) did not conduct
after his election victory was nullified a free and fair election.
by the High Court.
As supporters of his challenger Oyugi Mr Awiti had in his first term in
Magwanga poured into the streets to office, said his government had
celebrate the ruling, Mr Awiti’s lawyers signed deals worth Sh32 billion with
were rushing to craft notices to appeal investors. But in the run-up to the
the decision. General Election, two years after he
His lawyer, Emmanuel Awiti, said had made the promises, most of the
after the ruling that the governor will projects have not started.
remain in office as long as the notice to commission had significant errors, results,” he added. Another of Governor Awiti’s lawyers, Homa Bay also hit the headlines in
appeal has been served and throughout which had raised questions about the The judge also noted that Mr Mag- Antony Oluoch, said they would go to the first year of Mr Awiti’s admin-
the hearing of the appeal. veracity of the declared results. wanga’s witnesses gave inadequate the Court of Appeal. istration as having been the first
“The governor is in office and cannot “The IEBC failed to prove to the evidence to back up their claims Legally, the governor will no longer one to attract foreign investors who
be affected by the court ruling until court that Mr Magwanga’s documents of voter bribery. He said the video be in office until the notice is accepted were to implement a Sh560 billion
our appeal has been heard and deter- presented to court had been forged,” evidence of bribery, violence and in- by the Court of Appeal registry and Agri-City Project.
mined,” he said, after Justice Joseph said Judge Karanja, adding that the timidation presented to the court by subsequent orders issued to maintain The project, which later turned out
Karanja sitting in Homa Bay found commission had blundered and failed some of Mr Magwanga’s witnesses was the status quo. to be a hoax, was widely mentioned
that the Independent Electoral and in its mandate and, therefore, “has to inadequate and inappropriate to prove The judge slapped Mr Awiti with suit in the Ethics and Anti-Corruption
Boundaries Commission had failed pay the price for its mistakes”. that Mr Awiti had conspired with the costs of Sh2 million and the IEBC with Commission report of 2013/14 that
to conduct a free and fair election last He criticised the commission’s re- commission to rig the election. Sh4 million. President Uhuru Kenyatta handed to
August in which Mr Awiti was declared turning officers for failing to explain “The video evidence and other claims Mr Magwanga’s and Mr Awiti’s ri- Parliament in April2015.
the winner. irregularities in their forms, saying; presented by Mr Magwanga’s witnesses valry began after the highly disputed However, the governor has main-
The judge noted that there were two “Any process gives rise to an outcome failed to prove that Mr Awiti committed Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) tained there were no financial obli-
sets of results presented to the court by and the commission’s returning offic- electoral malpractices,” said the judge party nominations in which Mr Mag- gations by his government, despite
Mr Magwanga and the commission. ers failed to explain irregularities in who had, during the hearing, ordered a wanga scored 14,661 votes against Mr the EACC report’s assertion that the
“There were two sets of electoral their forms.” recount of votes in 91 polling stations Awiti’s 46,342. Mr Magwanga ran as county had parted with Sh200 mil-
forms originating from the IEBC, which The judge also pointed out that the across the county. an independent candidate, garnering lion upfront for the mega-project.
failed to point out to the court those commission had not bothered to ex- Mr Magwanga thanked the court 189,060 votes in the August 8 election
Mr Awiti, who has defended his
having authentic results,” the judge plain alterations of figures in its forms, for the ruling, saying; “I am thankful against Mr Awiti’s 210,173.
administration against the claims, is
said. The court had earlier ordered the existence of blank forms and ballot to the court for providing another op- In his election petition, the former also on the receiving end from more
scrutiny of all ballot papers used in boxes with broken or no seals. “Form portunity for the residents of Homa Kasipul MP said he had a parallel tally- than 670 casual workers who are
the gubernatorial contest. 37As lacked consistency and uniform- Bay to choose their leaders in a free, ing centre that had shown his votes as challenging their dismissal in court.
The judge said forms 37As from the ity, therefore casting doubts on the final fair and democratic manner.” 224,863 against Awiti’s 174,235 .

Civil groups unite in

the quest for justice
BY VICTOR OTIENO other victims of such heinous
The Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) was established in 1965 by an Act of Parliament (Chapter acts meted out on them even
256 Laws of Kenya) as a voluntary aid society, auxiliary to the national and county
governments. A day after an inquest seek- as we begin the discussion on
KRCS is currently seeking for qualified and eligible firms to undertake the following services:
ing to establish the killers of who killed Baby Pendo,” said a
six-month-old Baby Samantha statement read on behalf of the
Tender Description Tender Number Closing Comments Pendo started in Kisumu, civil three bodies by the programmes
Date society organisations have come manager Transparency Interna-
Provision of Insurance Services for KRCS/PRF02081/ 07th March, out to demand justice for other tional Kenya Titus Ogallo.
KRCS Assets for the Period 2018-2019 2018 2018 victims of last year post-election
Provision of Insurance Services for KRCS/PRF02080/ 07th March, violence. Provide answers
GL/GPA/WIBA/EMPLOYER LIABILITY 2018 2018 Addressing the media in Kis- The organisations singled out
for the Period 2018-2019 umu yesterday, Transparency a recent incident in Ahero where
Interested and qualified firms are invited to inspect and download the tender documents from International Kenya, Grassroots police fatally shot a secondary
the Kenya Red Cross Society website . A non-refundable payment fee of Trust and Team-Kenya lauded school student.
Kshs 5,000/= for each tender must be made to the Kenya Red Cross Society Bank account which
is provided in the tender document and proof of payment must be attached to the submitted the office of the Director of “The brutality is not over
proposal. All queries and request for clarifications should be sent to Public Prosecutions (DPP) for yet because a fortnight ago, a
on or before 28th February, 2018 and all responses will be posted on the website by 2nd March keeping its promise to investi- boy was shot dead by police in
2018 for all to view.
gate the circumstances that led Ahero. The very essence of an
Offers MUST be accompanied with a 2% Bid bond cheque payable ONLY by Bankers cheque to the death of the infant and inquest is to provide answers
and shall be submitted together with the proposal in the tender box situated at the reception of bring the culprits to book. and the findings acted on. This
the Kenya Red Cross Society Headquarters. Complete Tender Documents MUST be submitted
in a SEALED envelope clearly marked with the Tender number and tender description “TENDER But they said there was a is the only way we can get away
NO: KRCS/PRF………../2018 for the “…………………………… should be addressed to: need for justice to be served in from this,” read the statement.
The Secretary General,
relation to all those who were The groups also demanded
Kenya Red Cross Society killed and maimed by police in compensation for the victims,
P.O Box 40712 - 00100 Nairobi, Kenya the chaos that rocked various saying a majority of them were
And must be deposited in the Tender Box located at the Reception on the Ground Floor of the parts of the country in August yet to recover.
Kenya Red Cross Society Headquarters in South C, Red Cross Road, off Popo Road, Nairobi and October last year. A report by Kenya National
on or before 12.00 noon on Wednesday, 07th March, 2018. Late submissions will not be “It is a good thing from the Commission on Human Rights
accepted. Tenders will be opened at 12.00 noon at the Society’s Headquarters on the same day
in the presence of the bidders and/or their representatives who choose to attend. DPP’s office that the process on the post-2017 election indi-
of seeking justice for Baby cates that 37 people were killed
Group Head of Procurement,
For, Secretary General
Pendo is now under way. We by police with seven being chil-
are demanding justice for all the dren.
DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 National News | 5
Passport saga > Senator and Wanjigi fly to Zimbabwe after 16-hour delay, threaten court action State appeals

Orengo in Harare flight hitch court order on

Miguna ejection
Immigration boss says
We have not only been The government has taken its
the two were delayed at inconvenienced and battle against the return of deported
airport because they did humiliated but we have lawyer Miguna Miguna to the Court
of Appeal.
not have court orders been oppressed. If we leave, The Director of Public Prosecu-
will we come back? And if we tions, Police Inspector-General and
BY PATRICK LANG’AT come back, will we live here. Director of Criminal Investigations
@PatoSuge In Kenya, you never know,” have asked the Appellate Court to
set aside a High Court ruling which James Orengo declared Dr Miguna’s deportation to

iaya Senator James Orengo Canada illegal.
and businessman Jimi Wanjigi JEFF ANGOTE | NATION The DCI and IG noted that they
missed the funeral of Zimbabwe Mr Jimi Wanjigi and Senator James risked losing their jobs if the High
opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai Court decision is upheld since they
Orengo at Jomo Kenyatta International
following a 16-hour row over passports are State officers.
with State officials. Airport yesterday. The two were to fly
Mr Orengo and Mr Wanjigi were to to Zimbabwe on Monday evening. They Breached law
leave for Zimbabwe on Monday night were allowed to board another flight Through lawyer Kioko Kilukumi,
in order to arrive in time for the cer- yesterday afternoon. they noted that their right to a fair
emony of the Movement for Democratic trial had been violated and that the
Change leader yesterday. Mr Orengo were allowed to board a Ndii, Dagoretti North MP Simba Arati, and vowed to sue Mr Kihalang’wa and judge breached the provisions of
But the two were blocked from second flight. University of Nairobi don Adams immigration officials. Contempt of Court Act.
boarding a Kenya Airways flight to Minutes later, the businessman Oloo, Mr Paul Mwangi and Mr Henry “We have not only been inconven- “If the orders issued by the High
Harare where they were expected to posted a video while on the plane. Mien. ienced and humiliated but we have Court are not suspended and they
join National Super Alliance leader “We are on board!” Mr Wanjigi “When they arrived at the airport, been oppressed,” the senator said take effect, the appeal will be ren-
Raila Odinga, who had jetted out ear- says as he gives a thumbs-up in the they were requested to produce copies while accompanied by his lawyer Wil- dered wholly nugatory,” they said.
lier in the day. 10-second video. Mr Orengo is seated of the court orders, which they did not lis Ochieng. Justice Luka Kimaru had struck
A court had allowed Mr Orengo and next to him. have. Instead, they showed some writ- “Somebody will have to answer for out the declaration issued by Interior
Mr Wanjigi to travel to the southern “We are on the way,” Mr Orengo says, ings on their phones purporting to be it. The matter will not end here.” CS Fred Matiang’i that the lawyer is
Africa nation. as Mr Wanjigi, with a smile, adds trium- the orders,” Immigration Department Even when they were allowed to fly a prohibited immigrant.
At 9 am yesterday, the immigration phantly: “Harare, here we come.” chief Gordon Kihalang’wa said. out, Mr Orengo remained pessimistic The judge said the declaration
office returned Mr Wanjigi’s passport, Mr Odinga, Mr Orengo and Mr Wan- Mr Kihalang’wa said neither he nor about the matter and if they would be against Dr Miguna on February 6
which had been confiscated at 9 pm jigi are expected back in the country the department had been served with allowed back home. had no legal effect and hence or-
on Monday. at 4 pm today. the orders. “If we leave, will we come back? And dered that his Kenyan passport be
“We have missed it. We’ve missed The flight problem started hours He added that the Immigration if we come back, will we live here? In surrendered to court.
the funeral. These people! Now we can after the two and five others obtained Department would comply with court Kenya, you never know ... they may Dr Miguna was arrested on Feb-
just pass our condolences in person,” a court order revoking the suspension orders but only if they were served in say you belong to another country,” ruary 2 for participating in Nasa
an angry Wanjigi said at the airport of their passports. the prescribed manner. the lawmaker told journalists at Jomo leader Raila Odinga’s January 30
at 1.30 pm yesterday when he and The others are Nasa strategist David Mr Orengo protested his treatment Kenyatta International Airport. “swearing-in”.

Ngilu turns up for Kenyans to get new,

questioning on digital IDs next year
incitement claims BY MACHARIA MWANGI Among the special fea-
BY KITAVI MUTUA tures the ID will have are
Kenyans will from next health insurance, social se-
Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu year be issued with digital curity, taxation and driving
yesterday presented herself to po- identity cards with special licence details.
lice hours after obtaining a court features and personal de- Uganda and Rwanda are
order stopping her arrest over tails. already said to be in the
claims of inciting youth to violence The new generation process of rolling out the
in her crackdown on illegal charcoal identity cards will help ease digital ID cards.
trade. cross-border movement by It also emerged that the
Governor Ngilu turned up for Kenyans within the Inter- proposed draft Migration
questioning at the Kitui offices of governmental Authority Policy Framework will pro-
the Directorate of Criminal Investi- on Development (IGAD) vide comprehensive policy
gations (DCI) at 10 am accompanied trading bloc, according to guidelines in Kenya’s effort
by her lawyers where she asked to the government. to promote migration within
be furnished with the allegations Director of Immigration the region.
against her, but left without record- Services Major-General (rtd) Interior Ministry Chief
ing a statement. Gordon Kihalang’wa (below) Administrative Secretary
County DCI boss Prosper Bosire said the procurement proc- Patrick ole Ntutu urged
said the governor presented them ess for the document had the participants to review
with the anticipatory bail granted started. and also improve the draft
by court and was briefed on the al- “The digitalised docu- protocol.
legations touching on her. ment will be scanned at the He expressed satisfac-
“The governor said she wasn’t border to facilitate easier tion with negotiations on
ready to record a statement and movement of people within the draft protocol since its
requested for time to study the al- the IGAD region,” said Mr inception and emphasised
legations; we agreed that she comes Kihalang’wa, who spoke the need to put in place
back on Monday next week,” Mr during an IGAD consultative mechanisms for better mi-
Bosire told journalists. meeting in Naivasha. gration management.
When she emerged from the police “With the increasing
station, Ms Ngilu maintained that she movement of migrants,
will continue enforcing the charcoal which is likely to persist
and sand harvesting ban as passed in the foreseeable future,
by the county assembly, following a the management of migra-
public outcry over wanton environ- tion has become one of the
mental ruin the two practices have critical challenges for IGAD
caused. member states,” he said.
“I have a duty as a leader to take He reminded the partici-
decisive measures to protect our pants that border security
environment in order to mitigate remained key, with the
perennial droughts and erratic main objective being to en-
rainfall experienced in this region,” sure safety of citizens and
she said. national assets.
6 | National News Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION

Way forward > International Monetary Fund team is in the country to discuss a new programme BRIEFLY

Shilling exposed after IMF pullout

Lawyer Havi loses bid
to stop LSK elections
Facility has served as a to queries on the matter by the time of
going to press.
The Court of Appeal has declined
to suspend the Law Society of
cushion against economic The CBK has in the past seven Kenya elections set for tomorrow.
months held four monetary policy The case had been filed by law-
shocks at the foreign committee meetings, and on each yer Nelson Havi. Appellate judges
exchange market occasion has cited availability of the
facility as an “adequate buffer against
Daniel Musinga, Patrick Kiage and
Kathurima M’inoti noted that Mr
short term shocks in the foreign ex- Havi would only suffer a delay in the
BY CHARLES MWANIKI change market”. realisation of his ambition to lead Withdrawal of the facility leaves for- LSK. They, however, said the court
eign reserves as the only buffer now could see to it that the hearing of

he Kenyan shilling has been left available to the CBK to protect the shil- his appeal is fast-tracked. Mr Havi
exposed to the turbulence of for- ling in the currency market. Kenya’s wanted the court to stop the LSK
eign exchange markets after it foreign reserves however still stand at polls after his name was struck off
emerged that the International Mon- $7.24 billion (Sh700bn), equivalent to the law society’s presidential race for
etary Fund (IMF) stopped Nairobi’s 4.84 months of import cover. failing to meet the requirements.
access to a Sh152 billion ($1.5 billion) The IMF’s disclosure, seven months — Maureen Kakah
precautionary facility seven months after it suspended the facility, comes at
ago. a time when senior Treasury officials,
Kenya was yet to draw down on the including CS Henry Rotich are on a FILE | NATION NAIROBI
two-year facility, which has been a roadshow in the US and Europe ahead IMF African Department Director Abebe Selassie (left) and National Treasury Cabinet
key component in the country’s abil- of the planned issuance of a new Eu- Secretary Henry Rotich at a past function. Two sue Sonko over
ity to weather economic shocks since
March 2016.
robond in the current financial year.
Investors are however likely to be Deepak Dave, a risk management ex- fiscal adjustment at the time and
deputy governor slot
The precautionary facility has been wary of the economy’s exposure to pert with Riverside Capital Advisory. then I do believe the lengthy election Two city residents yesterday
one of tools that have helped Kenya shocks in the absence of the IMF The IMF is however expected to face period (later in the year) made it dif- moved to court to challenge the lack
stabilise the shilling against the dollar facility, and thus demand a higher intense questioning over its decision to ficult to have a review and complete of a deputy governor in Nairobi. Mr
– making the local currency to buck premium on the Eurobond. wait for seven months before making that in the period that followed,” Mr Simon Kokoyo and Mr Javan Owala,
the general weakening of most African “International investors looking at public its decision to block access to Mikkelsen said. who have sued the Jubilee Party and
currencies during the period. bonds from high yield countries like the facility. The IMF had pegged reduction of Governor Mike Sonko, said the res-
The shilling remained stable yester- Kenya will always be looking for the Jan Mikkelsen, the IMF representative Kenya’s fiscal deficit to less than four ignation of Mr Polycarp Igathe could
day at an average of 103.30 to the dollar, availability of a facility that the country in Kenya, told Reuters and Bloomberg per cent of Gross Domestic Product throw the county leadership into a
supported by remittance inflows and can draw down in the event of a short news agencies yesterday that while the by the fiscal year ending June 2019 crisis. They said the governor and
the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) li- term problem. This is added safety that facility has not been discontinued, ac- as part of the condition for access to his deputy entered into a social con-
quidity mop-up that has helped counter also shows that the country is in good cess to it was suspended after Nairobi the facility. tract in which Mr Igathe was to be
rising demand for the dollar. standing with the multi-laterals,” said failed to complete a periodic review that An IMF team is however in Nairobi the technocrat while Mr Sonko was
Neither the CBK nor the National would have addressed, among other to assess the possibility of awarding to lead political affairs. They want
Treasury made public the IMF’s with-
drawal of access to the facility seven 152 Billions of shillings that
IMF has stopped Kenya
things, the government’s failure to meet
the budget deficit reduction threshold
Kenya a new standby facility to re-
place the current one that expires next
an order issued blocking Mr Sonko
from being absent from office until
months ago. attached to the loan agreement. month. If successful, Kenya could be their is a deputy governor.
from accessing.
The two institutions did not respond “There was no agreement on the back in the fund’s good books soon. — Maureen Kakah

PSC creates formula to ensure

ethnic diversity in civil service
BY IBRAHIM ORUKO Report pared by the intergovernmental
steering committee for Carps,
The Public Service Commis-
sion has developed a formula
NCIC 2016 STUDY did a breakdown of all ethnic
The Institute of Internal Auditors invites Members of Board Audit Committees, Board
that will guide recruitment in The most represented Out of those, the report states,
Members, Chief Executive Officers, County Executives and Heads of Internal Audit from ethnic community in the
Public and Private Sector to its Heads of Audit and Board Audit Committee Workshop to be the public service in order to the Kikuyu community has the
promote ethnic diversity. employment of commis- lion’s share of the total number
held on 20th to 23rd March 2018 at the Hyatt Regency, Dubai. Charges are Kshs. 120,000+16% sions is the Kikuyu which
The formula, which was of employees in the civil service
VAT. The Workshop will address the following issues amongst others: forms 22.2 per cent of the
handed over to the National at 18,617.
1. Good Corporate Governance: The UAE Country experience. employees. Other dominant
Assembly committee on Admin- This is more than a quarter of
groups include the Kalenjin
2. Ethics and Pressure: Balancing the Internal Audit Profession. istration and National Security, the total number of employees
(12.8%), Kamba (11.3%),
3. Transitioning from a Chief Audit Executive to a Business Leader. seeks to cap the country’s 45 in the national government and
Luhya (11.1%) and Luo
4. Mediation and Conflict Resolution: Required intervention by the Audit Committees. communities, in the public twice as much as the Luhya
(9.4%) .
5. The Increasing Costs of Fraud: Lessons drawn from the UAE. service, proportional to their community which has 12.2 per
national population strength Employment within the cent (8,822) of the total work
6. Making your Voice Count: Pitching successfully to your audit committee and commissions also included
as a way of enhancing oppor- force.
Management. minority communities such
tunities for all Kenyans. The Kalenjin come in third
7. Strategic Positioning: Dubai as a Business Destination. According to the formula, as the Maasai, Njemps, with 8,275 employees which is
8. Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast: Addressing Corporate Culture, Ethical Lapses and the recruitment of members of Rendille, Orma and the equivalent to 11.4 per cent of the
Institutional Politics. the Kikuyu community will be Ogiek, to mention but a total work force.
9. Under the Spotlight: The Audit Committee, Head of Audit and Senior Management, limited to 17 per cent places in few, who occupy 19.6 per The Luo, Kamba and Kisii
the public service, while those cent of positions. tribes each have a representa-
OTHER EVENTS SCHEDULED FOR MARCH-APRIL 2018 of the Luhya community will tion of 10.4 per cent, 10.3 per
1. Workshop on Audit Manager-Tools and Techniques: 7th-9th March 2018, Pride Inn Paradise, be limited to 13 per cent, with Mr Gichohi asked the com- cent and eight per cent in that
Mombasa. Kalenjin taking 12.8 per cent and mittee to look at the formula order.
2. Workshop on Risk Based Internal Audit: 27th-29th March 2018, Intercontinental Hotel, Luo 10 per cent. and invite the commission to Other tribes that make up the
The National Cohesion interrogate with a view of either top 10 ethnic groups within the
and Integration Commission formalizing it or developing leg- civil service include the Embu
3. Workshop on ERM: Training for Risk Champions: 28th-29th March 2018, Intercontinental
(NCIC) has in the recent past islation to address the constant with 1.9 per cent, the Mijikenda
Hotel, Nairobi. published a report that shows complaints regarding the domi- with 2.3 per cent and the Maasai
4. Automating the Internal Audit Function: Continuous Auditing and Monitoring: 12th-13th that five main ethnic groups nation of the public service by with 1.4 per cent.
April 2018 at the Nairobi Safari Club. dominate employment in the some ethnic groups. In 2016, the NCIC established
5. Enterprise Risk Management Seminar: 25th-27th April 2018 at the Pride Inn Paradise, public service, and the deci- The Capacity Assessment that with a total of 5,679 staff
Mombasa. sion by the PSC to develop the and Rationalisation of the in all constitutional commis-
criteria is aimed at addressing Public Service (Carps) report sions, 93 per cent comply with
the problem. developed in 2015 shows that the NCI Act, 2008, as they
The formula was presented 77 per cent of all public service have not employed more than
to the House team by Commis- positions are held by six com- 33.3 per cent of their staff from
sioner Patrick Gichohi when he munities, leaving the rest of the one ethnic group.
led the PSC to make submission tribes to share 23 per cent of Only one of the 15 surveyed
on the 2018/19 budget proposal positions. commissions, Judicial Service
for the commission. The report, which was pre- Commission, flouted the Act.
DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 |7

8 | National News Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION

Petition > Case filed by activist Okiya Omtatah Get house in

Court rules Uhuru order, KAA
officials told
can’t be prosecuted BY SAMWEL OWINO

MPs yesterday sent away the

Judge strikes off the name of the President should
not have been in this petition. I
fer any prejudice if the name
of President Kenyatta will be
management of Kenya Airports
Authority (KAA) after they failed to
president’s name will provide reason in the final excluded in this proceeding,” provide documents and satisfactorily
judgement,” he briefly ruled. she added. answer queries raised by the Auditor-
from the case. He will The AG through senior The National Assembly General on financial dealings.
give his reasons later counsel Jennifer Gitiri, filed an
application seeking the removal
through lawyer Mbarak Awadh
Ahmed associated himself to
The team led by Managing Direc-
tor Jonny Andersen and a host of
of President Kenyatta’s name the AG’s submission adding other technical staff were invited by
BY GALGALO BOCHA in the matter arguing that it is that he has made an applica- the Public Investments Committee
@gallgallo unconstitutional to institute any tion seeking to challenge the to answer to audit queries for the proceeding against the Head of jurisdiction of the court to hear 2015/16 financial year on alleged
the State. Mr Omtatah’s petition. misuse of public funds.

he High Court yesterday “We submit that the president A youth group, enjoined as KAA was accused of failing to se-
ruled that a criminal or cannot be sued as he enjoys interested party told Justice cure 3.3 acres of land in Embakasi
civil proceeding cannot presidential immunity,” she Mwita that under international despite the National Land Commis-
be instituted against a President added. law, a sitting President, Heads sion issuing them with a letter of
over performance of his duties Ms Gitiri told Justice Chacha of governments and Ambassa- allotment in 2015, said the report.
during his tenure. that the inclusion of President dors are immune to any form In their documents, KAA indicated
Subsequently, Justice Chacha Kenyatta in the matter is unnec- of suit. the land in question was 1.9 acres,
Mwita struck out President essary since AG is competent Through lawyer Danson Mun- not 3.3. The response tabled by KAA
Uhuru Kenyatta’s name from to represent the action of the gatana, the group told Justice lacked the MD’s signature with MPs
a case filed by activist Okiya national government in any civil Mwita that President Kenyatta saying it could not be used to hold
Omtatah challenging his proceeding cannot be dragged to court for ERIC WAINAINA | NATION
anyone accountable. “Your responses
decision to appoint Chief Ad- “The petition will not suf- any of his action as long as he don’t seem to be in order and there is
ministrative Secretaries and
Principal Secretaries.
Although Justice Mwita did In my considered
remains in the office.
In his response, Mr Omtatah
said that the President cannot
Fraud charges no consistency in your answers,” said
Kiminini MP Chris Wamalwa.
Butere MP Tindi Mwale said the
not divulge the reasons for view, the name hide under the guise of the Mr Abiud Esonga Mulwale at the Kiambu KAA team’s response showed a lack
striking out President Keny- of the President doctrine of immunity to com- Law Courts, yesterday. Mr Mulwale was of professionalism. “I am an aero-
atta’s name from the petition, should not have been mit impunity. accused of obtaining millions of shillings nautical engineer and I am ashamed
he indirectly agreed to the In the case, Mr Omtatah sued that this is the report you presented
submissions by the Attorney
in this petition. I will President Kenyatta, the Public from people by pretending he was in a before us,” he said.
General (AG) that the Presi- provide reason in the Service Commission, the AG position to help them import vehicles from Mr Andersen told the MPs that he
dent is immune to any form of final judgement.” and the Speaker of the National Japan. He was accused of defrauding Ms was still new to the position but prom-
prosecution. Justice Chacha Mwita Assembly over the Cabinet ap- ised to answer all the audit queries
“In my considered view, the pointment. Rose Mwende of close to Sh3 million. raised by the Auditor-General.



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Brown M. Kanampiu
Kenya Tea Development Agency - Holdings Limited

Kenya Tea Development Agency - Holdings Limited

DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 National News | 9
Free day secondary education > TSC says staff overworked after student numbers increased

Cash to hire new teachers yet to be released

In readiness for 100pc Transfers end of each calendar year.
On transfers, the TSC executive
transition from primary,
SCHOOL CATEGORIES officer said the transfers affected 346
agency projected to hire THAT WERE AFFECTED
teachers out of 8,542 translating to 4.05
per cent of the principals in secondary
12,626 teachers annually schools.
She said in 2015, 495 principals out of
BY OUMA WANZALA TSC chief executive Nancy Mach- 7,830 were transferred, in 2016 a total aria added that 31 principals in na- of 246 out of 8,121 were transferred
tional schools were transferred, 77 while in 2017, 346 out of 8,542 were

he government is yet to release in extra counties for girls and 73 transferred.
funds to recruit teachers to for boys, 10 vacancies were filled MPs led by Mr Melly asked the com-
support the free day secondary in national schools 134 extra and mission to ensure equal distribution
school education. sub-county schools were trans- of teachers in the country noting that
The Teachers Service Commission ferred while 19 tertiary institutions some schools were getting a row deal
(TSC) yesterday warned that the delay were affected by the transfers. in terms of teachers.
in releasing Sh4.1 billion to hire 12,626 She defended performance ap- He also condemned the attack on
teachers was leading to the over work- praisal and contracting saying teachers by politicians saying such
ing of those available. it had improved performance in behaviour should not be tolerated.
Chief executive Nancy Macharia schools as well as improved con- Ms Macharia also raised concerns
told National Assembly’s Education TSC chief executive Nancy Macharia. She yesterday told a House committee that over politicizing of education and asked
funds to recruit new teachers to aid the free day programme were not yet released. tact hours.
committee chaired by Julius Melly politicians to keep off the sector.
(Tinderet) that the promise by the She advised teachers fleeing Wajir
government to release the funds was plus 2.5 per cent of the number of ondary school. In primary schools, Bungoma County County for fear of attacks by Shabaab
yet to be honoured. classes policy for primary schools. “The commission has also put in has the highest shortage of teachers, to register with TSC county director.
“In readiness for the 100 per cent Staffing norms take an ideal to be 50 place mechanisms to ensure that re- followed by Kakamega at 3,615 while Members of the committee said
transition from primary to secondary learners, therefore pupil teacher ratio placement of teachers who exit service Kitui has a shortage of 2,764. teachers who fear for their lives should
at the beginning of 2018, the commis- may not be an actual indicator of ad- is done promptly to ensure learning is Ms Macharia admitted that there are not be forced to continue working in
sion projected to recruit an additional equacy of teachers in a school. not interrupted,” said the CEO, adding regional disparities in the distribution North Eastern.
12,626 teachers annually for the next “The commission has consistently that the commission has ensured that of teachers across the country. Teachers from other parts of the
four years,” Ms Macharia told the requested for increased budgetary teachers who are already in service and Some of the measures that have been country are fleeing the region after an
committee. provisions to employ 20,000 teachers the few who are recruited are propor- taken by the commission to address the attack by the terrorist group that left
She disclosed that the shortage of annually. This has not borne much fruit tionally distributed across the country inequality in distribution of teachers two teachers and a wife of one of the
teachers stands at 104,821, compris- as the National Assembly appropriates to address the staffing gaps. she said included; allocation of vacan- teacher’s dead on Friday last week.
ing 40,972 for primary and 63,849 for Sh2.5 billion annually for recruitment of In the report, Kakamega County cies during recruitment based on the Ms Macharia said insecurity had
secondary schools. 5,000 teachers,” said the TSC boss. leads in shortage of teachers in sec- staffing norms in the county with coun- mostly affected arid and semi-arid
Staffing of schools is based on staff- Ms Macharia added that the recruit- ondary schools, followed by Bungoma ties that have acute shortages getting counties with serious challenges
ing norms being curriculum based ment of 20,000 is separate from the (2,890), Kitui (2,692), Kisii (2,686) higher ratio for recruitment and con- being experienced in Mandera, Wajir,
establishment (CBE) for post primary hiring of 12,626 teachers for 100 per and Migori (2,315) while Garissa has tinuous teacher rationalization through Lamu and Garissa counties due to Al-
institutions and one teacher per class cent transition from primary to sec- the least shortage at 184 teachers. transfers which are done mostly at the Shabaab menace.

10 | National News NATIONAL SECURITY
Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION

Attacks > Residents cry out for help as wave of banditry leaves many dead, maimed Recent deadly attacks
Death stalks Kerio Valley as force hundreds to flee
homes in Mt Elgon
Matiang’i pledges action BY BARNABAS BII
Chemutai, who lost her
brother-in-law, said: “Here
in Mt Elgon, we don’t have
Minister visits region Hundreds of residents
are fleeing Mt Elgon region
adequate security any more.
Even if you are attacked at
and promises to rein following a renewed spate night, no security officers
of attacks by suspected will come to your rescue.”
in runaway insecurity members of the outlawed In the attack, 38-year-old
fuelled by cattle theft Sabaot Land Defence
Force (SLDF) at the con-
Rotich Kiboi and 66-year-
old Saul Tutei were shot
tested Chebyuk settlement dead in Soos village and
BY WYCLIFF KIPSANG scheme. their four cows butchered Those fleeing are seeking while Vincent Choror and
AND FLORAH KOECH refuge in the neighbouring Moi Kirumbi, both aged 29, Bungoma and Trans Nzoia were shot dead together
counties even as the gov- with their six cows.

ictims of the latest banditry ernment denies claims of Residents said some of
attacks in Kerio Valley are the regrouping of the once the SLDF members who
reeling in shock and agony dreaded criminal outfit. were recently released
over their dead and maimed rela- More than 20 people from prison after serving
tives, even as the government have been killed in the past jail terms of 10 years could
renews its promise to find a last- two months, the latest on be avenging by targeting
ing solution to insecurity in the Sunday night when four those they think set them
volatile region. were murdered in Cheptais up. Most people who spoke
Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Sub-County. on condition of anonymity
Matiang’i visited Kerio Valley on We had to bury Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i gives instructions to a senior Those who spoke to the believe the former prisoners
police officer during a peace meeting at Tot in Elgeyo Marakwet county
Monday and pledged a tougher them in the bush Daily Nation said they were were picking out specific
response to bandits who have on Monday. living in endless fear as the families.
because it was
continued to ride roughshod and banditry,” he said. fire, killing the duo on the spot attackers strike at any time Residents say the gang
over residents, making their life
far from the villages But, even as he spoke, armed and injuring two others. Area of the night. members are well-trained
miserable. and the roads were bandits descended on Kamolokol Chief Abraham Yano identified “We are constantly in fear and have recruited mem-
The latest victim of this may- impassable and also village, just a few kilometres from the dead as Kipkemoi Kitum, because at night we dread bers in every ward in Mt
hem is Denis Kimutai, 10, who taking into consideration where the CS was addressing the 22, and Andrew Biwott, 38. gangsters who just storm Elgon constituency. They
is being treated at Kapsowar the fact that the villages peace meeting, shot dead one per- The situation is not different in your house and kill. said that after launching
Mission Hospital in Elgeyo son and drove away an unknown in Baringo County itself where We don’t know what we raids, the gang members
Marakwet County, for bullet
were already deserted,” number of livestock. many residents have fled their should do to be alive,” said cross over to Uganda.
injuries sustained when ruthless Mr Daniel Chesum Dr Matiang’i warned politi- homes due to the killings that Ms Salome Cheptoo, who
bandits attacked his school two cians found to be inciting their have persisted since 2009. lost her husband during the Hunting militia
weeks ago. communities to violence of dire Mr Daniel Chesum from Bar- Sunday night attack.
The Class Four pupil at Genesis
Academy in Endo was shot in the banditry-prone region. This is the
“There will be no compromise
tabwa in Baringo North said
some families do not know the
According to Ms Chep-
too, her husband was killed
left hand and lower abdomen but worrying trend that Dr Matiang’i when it comes to security issues whereabouts of their children to after the criminals, who SECURITY TEAM
survived after doctors removed now seeks to reverse. and we will be ruthless with date following attacks late year were armed with guns Officers deployed:
the bullets lodged in his body. His He did not mince his words people who incite their commu- that sent villagers fleeing in dif- and machetes, stormed Mt Elgon Sub-County
father, Alex Chepkonga, wondered when he addressed residents nities to fight other communities,” ferent directions. their house and held them Commissioner Stephen
why his son was shot yet he was and security officers during a warned the CS. Mr Chesum narrates how the at- hostage. Momanyi says a team
not herding any cattle but study- peace meeting at Tot in Elgeyo- The skirmishes largely pit the tack in Kesumet village left three “I managed to escape of security personnel
ing in class. Marakwet County. Marakwet against the Pokot and people, one of them a Class Five through the rear door and have been deployed to
“Now my son has life-threat- “What is it with this region? The have led to more than 20 deaths pupil, dead. sought refuge in a thicket hunt down the militia.
ening injuries. Who will cater first role of every Interior CS who since the beginning of the year. “Their bodies were found a only to return in an hour’s
Information: Outgo-
for his hospital bills?” asked Mr takes over is to tour Kerio Valley. Last week, two people were shot week later in the bush. We had time to find the lifeless
ing Bungoma County
Chepkonga. We have to do things differently dead after more than 50 raiders to bury them in the bush because body of my husband,” said Commissioner Joshua
No pupil was killed during the and put a stop to this madness,” from Tiaty in Baringo County it was far from the villages and the Ms Cheptoo, from Soos vil- Chepchieng’ took issue
brazen daytime attack. However, said Dr Matiang’i. launched a daring midday at- roads were impassable and taking lage. Police took the body to with residents’ failure
more than 50 schools in the region “It is regrettable that 54 years tack and ambushed a group of into consideration the fact that the Bungoma County Referral to volunteer informa-
remain closed with teachers said after independence, schools are herders at Chesow grazing field villages were already deserted,” Hospital mortuary.
tion to police.
to be seeking transfers from the being closed due to cattle raids in Elgeyo Marakwet. They opened said Mr Chesum. Another resident, Emmy

Seven suspects linked to uncovered terrorism cell arrested in Isiolo

BY NATION CORRESPONDENT were travelling in a white Toyota sils, foodstuffs, sleeping mats, 20 was killed by police during an aged to escape, were arrested in
Probox when they were arrested litres of petrol and jerricans of exchange of fire. Mnyaangab area in Modogashe
Seven suspects believed to be shortly after entering Mbarambate water were found. Police found five AK-47 rifles North Sub-Location in Sericho.
part of a group of terrorists ar- shopping centre at around 9.30 pm Last Thursday, Mr Abdimajit and 36 fully loaded magazines, According to police reports,
rested in Isiolo County last week on Monday. Adan, 24, was arrested alongside 36 unprimed hand grenades, 18 the suspects, identified as Ahmed
were nabbed by security officers in Police found several items Mr Mohammed Nane, 23, in Merti, IEDs, three military knives, a Isaack, 46, and Said Mohammed
Mbarambate, Garbatulla. similar to communication gadgets, Isiolo County, in a group of five black flag and other parapherna- Salat, 19, were found with a laptop,
A confidential report seen by including seven mobile phones, suspected terrorists who were lia associated with the al-Shabaab three mobile phones, purchase re-
the Nation indicates that the earphones, a solar panel, a bat- transporting a cache of weapons terrorist group. ceipts of a motor cycle, assorted
seven, who were believed to be tery and their IDs. in a car hidden in the bush. On Sunday the two suspects, keys and Sim cards.
from Wajir and Mandera East, During the search, cooking uten- Two others escaped and one who were part of the five but man-

DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018
NATIONAL SECURITY National News | 11
Insecurity > Men were rounded up, made to lie on the ground for days, beaten, tortured and executed

Clan clashes rekindle massacre memories

Key officials mentioned Wajir residents
search for names
and rights organisations say as many
as 5,000 people were killed.
in the TJRC report have of victims during The Truth, Justice and Reconcilia-
tion Commission, which was set up
died as survivors demand a past ceremony
marking the Wa- to investigate historical injustices, said
its implementation galla massacre. close to 1,000 people were killed in
the massacre.
The monument
The commission added that it
BY BRUHAN MAKONG was recently was unable to determine the precise
destroyed by a number.
mob that accused It said security agents committed
some tycoons atrocities, including torture, beat-

resh clan conflicts over resources of attempting to ings, rape and sexual violence, burning
in Wajir have led to calls for grab the land it houses and looting.
disarmament and memories of sits on. Adan’s son Mohamed Noor said
the 1984 Wagalla massacre that left PHOTO | FILE justice for his father and others killed
hundreds dead. had become a distant dream.
Since December, more than 10 peo- Noor, who was popularly known as
ple have been killed in clashes between Ngamia, was nominated a senator by
members of the Arjuran and Degodia President Jomo Kenyatta in 1963 and
clans at the Eldas and Wajir North served until the Senate was scrapped.
sub-counties boundary. Violence He was then nominated an MP, a posi-
Among the first casualties of the tion in the area. plotting to grab the Qorahey grounds tion he held until 1969.
skirmishes were a chief, a Kenya Police “We want to apply different ap- where it sits.
Reservist, a secondary school student
FACTS ABOUT THE proaches as we attempt to bring an Last week, the family of Wajir’s first Close friends
and a 70-year-old herdsman. ONGOING CONFLICT end to the senseless killings, includ- senator Noor Adan, who was among In an interview recently, Mr Mo-
The latest was a pregnant woman ing dialogue and a weapon mop-up,” the victims of the Wagalla massacre, hamed recalled former Interior minister
who was shot and her body mutilated he said. demanded justice and asked the govern- Justus ole Tipis denying the massacre
at Malkagufu area in broad daylight. The clans: Members of the Degodia The county security team, which in- ment to explain what happened. had happened during a Voice of Kenya
A man who was killed had his eyes and Arjuran clans are the protago- cludes chiefs and their assistants, has The February 1984 massacre took radio show one Sunday morning in
nists in the drawnout conflict.
gouged out. hosted several peace meetings. place as security forces attempted to 1984. Tipis said those killed were
Kenya National Commission on The genesis: Officials say the clans Mr Sheikh said Tuluw Roba, Mal- disarm the Degodia following clan- secessionist Shifta bandits.
Human Rights North-Eastern regional are fighting for resources, mainly kagufu, Batalu and Lakoley were the related skirmishes. “Was my father a decorated lawmaker
coordinator Kinyanjui Thuo expressed water and pasture. violence hotspots. Men were rounded up by the mili- or a Shifta?” Mr Mohamed asked.
fears of a Wagalla-like massacre should The area: The scene of the bloody The killings have led to closure of tary and delivered to Wagalla airstrip He said President Kenyatta should
the government resort to disarming the clashes is the border area of North several schools in the two sub-coun- in lorries. With no food or water in the end the cry for justice by survivors of
fighters. Wajir and Eldas sub-counties. ties. scorching sun, the men were beaten, the massacre “as my father and his
In a past interview, Wajir County The victims: A chief, a police re- The Wagalla monument, which acts tortured, ordered to lie on the ground were close friends” by implementing
Administration Police boss Moham- servist, a student and others. as a reminder of the dark period, lies for days, while some were executed. the TJRC report.
med Sheikh said the government was in ruins after residents destroyed Although the government puts the Almost all key players mentioned in
contemplating a major security opera- it, accusing unnamed individuals of number of the dead at 57, residents the TJRC report have died.

12 | National News Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION

Prohibition > Nema officials and police officers say they are working together to seal loopholes BRIEFLY

It’s business as usual in counties

Town rocked by protests
over land grabbing claim

as traders defy plastic bags ban

Leaders of Protestant churches
and followers in Marsabit town yes-
terday demonstrated against “the
grabbing of land” meant for a cem-
etery. Speaking to the Nation, Mar-
Food vendors in border Officers from sabit Pastors Fellowship vice-chair-
person Diba Saido said a case on
the Mombasa
towns are the most County Inspector- the land was in court. Last year, he
said, the National Land Commission
affected and have devised ate department
revoked the title deed of individuals
and Nema after
ways to conceal them they impounded
said to have grabbed the land. NLC
county coordinator Mathew Muli,
BY NATION TEAM a lorry transport- however, said they had no powers to ing plastic bags evict the individuals.
at Nyali bridge, — Irene Mwendwa

raders have been taking advan- yesterday. At least
tage of porous borders to bring 31 traders were
in plastic bags despite a ban. arrested after they KILIFI
In Migori and Busia counties, the were found using
Nation found residents using the the banned plastic ‘Illegal’ charcoal makers
banned bags ferried from Tanzania
and Uganda.
bags. arrested, kilns destroyed
At Isibania and Migori towns, the NATION Some 30 suspected illegal charcoal
traders kept the bags off display to makers were arrested in Kilifi yester-
avoid detection and only removed day. Kenya Forestry Service officers
them when serving customers. The intercepted a lorry with 50 bags of
traders, however, informed custom- charcoal at Dakabuko area and made
ers to carry the bags visibly at their the arrests. Later, KFS and Magarini
own risk, an indication they were aware Charcoal Burners Association mem-
of the ban. bers destroyed more than 100 kilns.
Vegetable and fish vendors in these KFS base commander Harrison
towns are the most notorious. “It is western region Kevin Safari said his In Mombasa, 29 people were yester- Afuta said the truck was impounded.
hard to pack freshly cut vegetables in Briefly team was carrying out checks at bor- day fined Sh50,000 each or serve one “We have identified homesteads in
an old newspaper. It is even unhealthy der points. year in jail after they were found with Dakacha woodland forest used by
to do so. Our customers do not carry HOW TRADERS HAVE “We are stopping buses and trucks plastic bags. The 29 pleaded guilty. the charcoal makers,” Mr Afuta said
containers and we resort to the plas-
tic bags in a bid to attract customers,”
FARED MONTHS LATER for scrutiny. We have managed to im-
pound several trucks full of polythene
Three other people who denied the
charge before a Mombasa court were
in Malindi town.
— Charles Lwanga
said a vendor at Isibania as she packed In Migori and Busia counties, resi- bags from Uganda. We will destroy the released on a Sh400,000 bond.
vegetables for a customer. dents continue using banned plastic contraband goods,” he said. The suspects were arrested on Mon-
Another food vendor at Ntimaru in bags which are smuggled from Tan- But traders who spoke to the Nation day during a crackdown mounted by NAIROBI
Kuria East said: “I sell boiled eggs with zania and Uganda. in confidence said they were forced to Nema officials and the county inspec-
kachumbari. I tried serving the food on More than 35 people arrested in continue using the prohibited bags due torate department in Majengo market Trader in second lottery
old newspapers but customers were not
happy. I resorted to plastic bags which
Mombasa and Machakos counties
after they were found with the
to the costly price of eco-friendly ones.
“We get these bags from Uganda at
and Tudor.
In Machakos County, seven trad-
win gets Sh5.8 million
I buy from across the border.” bags. a cheaper price compared to the ers were yesterday arrested at Masii A small-scale trader has won
The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) Traders say they are forced to eco-friendly ones. We are aware it is market after they were found with Sh5.8 million in the Kenya Charity
recently installed a one-stop border-post continue using the bags due to the illegal to use the bags. We appeal to the plastic bags. The seven were arrested Sweepstake lottery. Ms Josephine
in Isibania and, therefore, traders used costly price of eco-friendly ones. government to provide cheaper ones,” in a crackdown spearheaded by Mwala Kajuju Muthee, 35, from Nakuru
unofficial (panya) routes to smuggle the Food vendors also said they still said a fruit vendor in Busia town. police boss Henry Kimathi. They were County, won after spending Sh50
bags through Gwitembe, Ntimaru and haven’t found a safe way to pack- Officials who spoke to the Nation detained at Masii police station await- on the lottery ticket. The mother of
Getambegwa on the Kenya-Tanzania age vegetables, fish and fruits. said the ban will be more effective ing charges. two received her cheque from KCS
border. And, when the traders used the if all countries in the East African Mr Kimathi said the grace period public relations and administration
Isibania border, our team found that Community impose similar laws with given by the government for the eradi- managers Peter Njoroge and Jennifer
they hid the plastic bags among other (Nema) director in Busia, admitted similar penalties. Uganda tried that ban cation of plastic bags had ended. He Kilonzo respectively at the compa-
merchandise to escape the scrutiny of porous borders were a challenge to in 2014, but plastics have mainly crept said those who continued to flout the ny’s offices in Nairobi. This is Ms
customs officials. the ban, but also blamed ignorance back in shops there even as the ban regulation were mostly greengrocers Muthee’s second win after she won
The story was the same in Busia among Kenyans. remains officially in place. Rwanda is who used the bags to package veg- Sh5,000 during the “Mauzo Murua”
County. Traders were still using the “Most people do not know the differ- the only country which has successfully etables. competition run by Safaricom.
plastic bags to package charcoal and ence between primary and secondary imposed the ban and travellers arriving “Those still dealing with the banned — Sammy Kimatu
foods such as chips, fruits, water and packaging,” he said. “But, we are alert at the country’s ports of entry are often plastic bags are mostly mama mbogas
juice. At Bumala market, women pack- in reinforcing the directive and last asked to relinquish any plastics before and muguka sellers. We have been
aged fruits in the bags, especially in Thursday we managed to confiscate a entry. Tanzania and South Sudan are warning them but they seem not to MOMBASA
the evening, even though they warned consignment of 30,000 bags.” yet to enforce the ban. be heeding our warning,” said Mr
customers it was illegal. Except for industrial packaging such Migori Nema director Parnwell Kimathi. Former VC not happy with
Officials said they were aware of the
problem and had been sealing the loop-
as in bread, soap, medical products and
others, use of plastic bags has been
Simitu told border officials to support
enforcement of the ban by being more Reported by Gaitano Pessa, Vivere
decision to slash his dues
holes. Mr Edward Menza, the National banned. vigilant to ensure no illegal bags find Nandiemo, Brian Ocharo, Stephen Former Technical University of
Environment Management Authority KRA deputy commissioner for their way into the county. Muthini and Wachira Mwangi Mombasa Vice-Chancellor Josephat
Mwatelah (below) is not happy with
the institution’s decision to hive off
30 per cent of the Sh28 million com-

Patients robbed of dignity in congested hospitals pensation awarded by a court over

unfair termination of his employ-
ment. The former VC has attached
eight vehicles worth Sh7.3 million
BY ANGELA OKETCH commission says it found sub-counties – Kisumu Central, could not attend to all the ex- for auction to recover Sh8.4 million
that pregnant women routinely From the findings, an urban area, and Kisumu pectant mothers, resulting in that the institution is seeking to
Congestion in public hos- gave birth on the floor, as beds it is very clear that Central and Seme (both rural) some delivering on the floor deduct and remit to Kenya Revenue
pitals in Kisumu County has were full. – to give a comprehensive sur- all alone. Authority as taxes.
reached alarming levels with At Kombewa, the team found
we have challenges vey of the state of health in Releasing the survey find- — Brian Ocharo
male and female patients shar- that patients often mixed in in our health care the county. Some 130 randomly ings yesterday in Kisumu,
ing wards in some instances. the wards regardless of gender management in picked respondents took part KNCHR commissioner Jedidah
This, a human rights body or cultural beliefs, something respect to equipment, in the survey. Wakonyo said women and men
says, denies the sick their that violated their privacy and infrastructure, distance The staff:patient ratio was sharing wards was unethical
dignity. discouraged some people from very high at 1:60-70patients, and unacceptable.
to health facilities and
The details are contained in seeking treatment. forcing patients to wait for “From the findings, it is very
a new report published by the The report, a product of emergency treatment between two and five hours clear that we have challenges
Kenya National Commission research by a consultant, was of the patients,” before being seen by a medic. A in our health care management
on Human Rights (KNCHR). conducted in March 2017, Jedidah Wakonyo, nurse at the referral hospital’s in respect to equipment, infra-
At the Jaramogi Oginga shortly before doctors ended KNCHR maternity unit had delivered 50 structure, distance to health
Odinga Teaching and Refer- their 100-day strike. babies over one weekend. facilities and emergency treat-
ral Hospital in Kisumu town The data was collected in Because of this heavy ment of the patients,” said the
and Kombewa hospital, the three out of the region’s seven workload, the nurse said she commissioner.
DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 | 13

Head of Marketing SSA - 132856 Business Development Leader

Common Purpose, Uncommon Opportunity. Everyone at Visa works with one goal in mind – making sure that Visa is the best way to
pay and be paid, for everyone everywhere. This is our global vision and the common purpose that unites the entire Visa team. As a global Company Description
payments technology company, tech is at the heart of what we do: Our VisaNet network processes over 13,000 transactions per second for Common Purpose, Uncommon Opportunity. Everyone at Visa works with one goal in mind – making sure that Visa is the best way to pay
people and businesses around the world, enabling them to use digital currency instead of cash and checks. We are also global advocates
and be paid, for everyone everywhere. This is our global vision and the common purpose that unites the entire Visa team. As a global
for financial inclusion, working with partners around the world to help those who lack access to financial services join the global economy.
Visa’s sponsorships, including the Olympics and FIFA™ World Cup, celebrate teamwork, diversity, and excellence throughout the world. If payments technology company, tech is at the heart of what we do: Our VisaNet network processes over 13,000 transactions per second for
you have a passion to make a difference in the lives of people around the world, Visa offers an uncommon opportunity to build a strong, people and businesses around the world, enabling them to use digital currency instead of cash and checks. We are also global advocates
thriving career. Visa is fueled by our team of talented employees who continuously raise the bar on delivering the convenience and security for financial inclusion, working with partners around the world to help those who lack access to financial services join the global economy.
of digital currency to people all over the world. Join our team and find out how Visa is everywhere you want to be. Visa’s sponsorships, including the Olympics and FIFA™ World Cup, celebrate teamwork, diversity, and excellence throughout the world.
If you have a passion to make a difference in the lives of people around the world, Visa offers an uncommon opportunity to build a strong,
Role Summary to participate in Visa marketing activities, negotiating the thriving career. Visa is fueled by our team of talented employees who continuously raise the bar on delivering the convenience and security
· To manage, prioritise, coordinate and implement Marketing financial terms of their participation, and where possible of digital currency to people all over the world. Join our team and find out how Visa is everywhere you want to be.
resources, plans, programs and initiatives for the South African, ensure joint contributions
West African and South East African markets, working closely • Provide professional marketing advice and consultancy to Visa East Africa is headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. The SSA sub-region covers thirteen markets in East Africa.
with the geographical GM and Country managers, Sales, member banks on a planned, ad hoc, and spontaneous basis
Product, Acceptance, and Corp Communications Country Job Description
covering both strategic and tactical marketing activity aspects
teams, as well as with the Singapore and San Francisco based This position reporting to Cluster Country Manager, East Africa will be responsible for general management of all aspects of local business
• Co-ordinate periodic strategic marketing forums within sub-
Regional and Global Marketing teams. Establish, develop and
region as appropriate including business strategy, business development and portfolio management, matrixed management of functions to ensure each is
maintain strong, collaborative working relationships across the
spectrum of stakeholders aligned with global and regional strategies, government officials, Central Bank and other regulatory institutions, people
· To lead sub-regional marketing plans and budget requirements, 6. Localisation of global/regional campaign activity leadership, compliance & control.
and be accountable for the implementation and ongoing • Cost effectively adapt and/or help develop global/regional
revisions to plan, in consultation with Marketing and business campaigns to address local market opportunities or needs, Qualifications
stakeholders ensure relevance and to be effective within specific markets · 10 years of progressively responsible business experience with 5+ years’ experience managing strategic relationships with financial
· To effectively manage and implement Visa Marketing initiatives • Management of Visa’s local sponsorship properties services and technology solution providers
at market level that support the achievement of overall business, • Implementation of Global Olympics and FIFA sponsorship · Extensive worldwide knowledge of the payment, risk management and payment security industry, including card, alternative and
product and marketing objectives, and most directly help drive
activations, in line with best practices local payment processing
profit and revenue objectives
• Develop and implement local sponsorship strategies and · Significant experience managing commercial deals through the entire lifecycle; exceptional deal management, deal structuring,
Dimensions: plans that reflect the needs of local markets negotiation and leadership skills; ability to structure key terms
· Staff: 5 direct reports, with overall responsibility for the Marketing • Support the activation of global sponsorship initiatives across and conditions to accommodate specific risks and constraints; demonstrated
Team, as well as for managing local agency and vendor countries. ability managing referral pipelines with partners
relationships • Initiate and develop local sponsorship activation campaigns
· Demonstrated ability to work with large, cross-functional (e.g. product, sales, strategy, marketing) and cross-regional teams
· Financials: Budget responsibility that address key market opportunities or needs
· Ability to work independently within a complex and often ambiguous environment, to drive rigorous, fact-based recommendations to
Job Description • Coordinate the management of sponsorship hospitality
Principle Responsibilities / Key Result Areas stakeholders and to juggle multiple initiatives at once
packages at market level
1. To manage the qualification and quantification of country · Superior analytical and problem solving skills, with demonstrated intellectual and analytical rigor addressing a wide variety of
level marketing investments, ensuring full assessment and Key Competencies functional business problems
prioritisation of country marketing strategies, plans and • Leadership Skills · Ability to quickly assess an opportunity’s potential, leveraging fact-based analyses and industry experience
implementations against business and marketing objectives • Influencing skills · Exceptional written and oral communication skills, exceptional interpersonal skills and the proven ability to influence and
• Superior negotiation skills leading to timely and acceptable communicate effectively across regional and functional lines
2. To develop specific country level marketing strategies and resolutions
implementations that address the prioritised market opportunities · Minimum degree level qualification, MBA preferred
• Client relationship and management skills · Fluent in English and French
and needs, and to ensure business case assessments and
measurements of results • Solid interpersonal skills and working with cross functional
· Develop, co-ordinate and implement strategic marketing and teams Additional information
communication plans designed to meet client and market • Exceptional verbal and written communication skills - · As with all positions within Visa CEMEA, the jobholder is responsible for the security of the Visa CEMEA environment and the
requirements Development and preparation of executive level briefs physical security of all Visa property, documentation and member information.
· Manage the allocated budgets for the sub-region and ensure • Self-directed and motivated · Give full support to the Company’s health and safety policy and ensure that the policy is effectively implemented and all relevant
all marketing activities are performed within budgets and in • Able to work with little management oversight
health and safety legislation is complied with within their area of responsibility and within budgeted resources.
full compliance with existing rules and policies • Strategic management and creative thinking
· Assist with the identification and analysis of card payment · Give full support to the Company’s business continuity policy and ensure that the policy is effectively implemented. Ensure
• Analytical in thought processes
trends, market opportunities, cardholder behavior, and familiarity with business continuity plans and support all relevant activity.
evaluate their value and viability within the marketing plan in Email to:
Required Experience
order to make strategic recommendations on future business Closing date: 7 March 2018
• Education: Bachelors’ or business/marketing or related field
· Take responsibility for market research activity within the with marketing foundation
sub-region, and suggest new market research projects to
provide information for the development and enhancement Skills - Professional/Technical/Business
of marketing programs • Significant experience in marketing with a strong brand
· Continually monitor existing and potential competitor management and brand communications bias
marketing activities to identify new opportunities or highlight • Demonstrated track record in the management of external
potential causes for business concern. Feedback and update agencies and the development of through the line campaign
all staff as appropriate and recommend strategies and materials
solutions • International marketing experience essential, ideally in
· Establish strong partnerships with internal teams to assist
consumer card sector
in the delivery of campaigns within the sub-region, that
add value to Visa cardholder offerings and create profitable • Expert knowledge, skills and demonstrated track record
business opportunities across a range of functions including brand, planning,
· Work collaboratively with Global and regional marketing marketing analytics, performance management
teams, and in support of country and product/acceptance • Strategic and innovative thinker with commercial acumen also
teams capable of strong execution
• Retail banking/financial services sector or card acquiring
3. Oversee the implementation of the sub-regional marketing plans business experience
to ensure effective delivery of the agreed Marketing initiatives • Knowledge and understanding of banking operations and/ or
and effective implementation of the sub regional marketing payment schemes, including products & services, business
systems and processes
· Consolidate and validate budget requirements for the
• Strong communication, interpersonal and collaboration skills
Marketing function in the sub-region
· Ensure all local marketing activities are developed and are needed to influence direction and change attitudes and
assessed using MROI measures decisions of senior level international bankers
· Contribute to the identification of new market opportunities that • Strong self-management skills including demonstrable drive
will increase services to Banks, merchants and cardholders and energy
and increase the value of the Visa brand • Sales experience and proven negotiation skills
· Deliver a comprehensive plan for all marketing support & • Project management skills
communications activity in line with the overall marketing plan • Analytical skills and ability to understand and use quantitative
· Actively support global brand and sponsorship strategies by models e.g. business case development, data analytics,
ensuring all campaigns comply with the Visa brand strategy, econometric modeling, forecasting, etc.
proposition and positioning as well as visual and verbal
• Demonstrated ability to work in matrix organizations with
· Effectively manage all stakeholders responsible for the global brand – must be a consummate team player
successful implementation of campaign, including agencies, • Multicultural sensitivity and interpersonal relationship
suppliers, merchants, clients and others as appropriate management, including the ability to work effectively with
· Ensure Global Marketing policies and procedures are adhered colleagues and internal/external stakeholders
to, and identify areas where these policies and procedures • Candidate must have the ability and willingness to travel
need local adaptation frequently
· Share best practice and successful programs with clients and
other Visa teams Preferred Experience
· Negotiate and secure contracts with all external suppliers • Preferred Education: Graduate School/MBA
for potential marketing services and cardholder offers and • Preferred Years’ Experience: Around 15 years total work
programs experience, preferably in retail banking/financial services
· Act as the Visa brand guardian and ensure all communications sector or consumer card business - in Marketing / Sales, and
comply with regional and global brand policies, regulations preferably, a stint in General management
and guidelines
· Ensure key stakeholders are fully informed of all campaign Preferred Skills - Professional/Technical/
activities, and approval processes followed rigorously
4. Manage marketing agency relationships • Consultancy and Project management skills
• Manage relationships with the creative and media agencies • Prior experience leading meetings and effectively delivering
and third party suppliers, and manage their activities presentations to large industry audiences
effectively ensuring efficient delivery of agreed plans
• Experience with strategic planning, creative thinking and
• Ensure the agencies fulfil their contractual obligations at local
solution development
• Be responsible for briefing creative and media agencies on all • Excellent time management skills and ability to achieve goals
campaigns, and safeguard the Visa brand and its values. with minimal management oversight
• Demonstrated organizational skills
5. Provision of marketing support to client banks • Collaborative skills as a team player in matrix environment,
• Influence and gain the support and commitment of clients and analytical rigor and skills are both a must

Email to:

Closing date: 7 March 2018

14 | Opinion Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION

Protect workers in
terror-prone region
he question of the safety of public workers in
northern Kenya is back in the news following the
killing of two teachers in Wajir last week. This
has sparked a mass exit of non-locals fearing for their
lives. The wife of one of the teachers was also killed in
the mayhem. It is inappropriate to apportion blame, but
when such aggression is targeted at non-local workers,
then the temptation to profile the perpetrators is great.
But that should not be the case because such foments
hatred based on region, ethnicity or religion.
Public workers sign up to serve anywhere in the
country. The northern frontier is a hardship area for
historical, economic and socio-cultural reasons. It has
never raised enough professionals such as teachers, and
hence has to depend on those from other parts of the
country. It is a high risk to serve in these regions and
therefore, the expectation is that workers, especially
non-locals, deserve proper security. But the accounts
of teachers fleeing from those regions suggest to the
contrary. Apparently, a subtle system has been perfected
of intimidating and frustrating those from upcountry,
ranging from punitive deployment and lack of proper
housing to open harassment.
This is not the first time non-locals have found
themselves targets of terror attack in the region. Four
years ago, some 28 teachers from upcountry travelling
from Mandera to Nairobi for their end-year vacation were

Central Bank on the spot over

killed when Al-Shabaab extremists attacked their bus in
what was a calculated elimination of non-locals. There
was a public outcry with upcountry teachers vowing not
to return to that region. However, many teachers have

saga of paper Treasury bills

moved to work in northeast.
Enforcing security is an imperative. Variously, the
government has committed itself to ending insecurity in
the northern frontiers and especially pledged to protect
workers. The latest killings must jolt the security agencies

to up their game, intensify surveillance and root out he rules of sub judice Fourthly, is it conceivable records and ledgers are poorly
the terrorists and the local criminal gangs hounding do not allow me to that the Central Bank would kept.
non-locals. Teachers and other public workers must be comment exhaustively have been sitting on value The way I see it, it is
safeguarded and supported to ply their trade everywhere, on the court case involving from the 27-year-old pieces of possible that we have
including the hardship regions. Nandi MP Alfred Keter, and paper when – according to the unscrupulous individuals
two others. But I invoke the Unclaimed Assets Act- it was just waiting to crawl out
right of fair comment because obligated to have remitted the of the woodwork to lodge

High turnover worrying at stake are major public

interest questions, whose
implications that go way
money decades ago.
Upon passage of the Act
in 2012, all the institutions
huge claims against both
the Central and Settlement
Depository Corporation Ltd

or the umpteenth time, our football has been beyond the specific issues for holding unclaimed public and the Central Depository of
thrown into a tailspin with Monday’s resignation which Mr Keter and company assets such as the Central the Central Bank.
of national team coach Paul Put. Despite helping have been hauled to court to
face criminal charges.
Bank were under obligation to
identify, segregate, and remit
JAINDI KISERO I think we are a point where
we should now be debating
reclaim the regional challenge cup just three months
ago, the Belgian appeared frustrated and threw in the Indeed, this case raises value to the Unclaimed Assets whether or not to transfer
towel just when Kenyans were raising their hopes in fundamental questions about Authority within a prescribed’s possible public debt management
the integrity of the national period. that we have from the Central Bank and
Harambee Stars. debt register. I want to follow In the case of Treasury put this function into the
Obviously, the withdrawal of the national team’s chief it closely because I want to bills, the time prescribed
unscrupulous hands of an independent
sponsors, SportPesa, left a huge dent in Football Kenya understand how it is possible in the law is two years. It individuals just waiting Treasury management agency
Federation’s coffers and the federation is struggling to run for somebody to create fake follows, therefore, that if the to crawl out of the tasked with the issuance and
its various programmes. This despite the government’s Treasury bonds and bills. I am Teasury bills Mr Keter and woodwork to lodge redemption of government
assurance that the national Treasury would fill in the hoping that when the criminal company were chasing were huge claims against the debt.
financial gaps left by the cancellation of the sponsorship case is over, the proceedings genuine, that value should
Central and Settlement This the best practice in
deal. will have provided me with have been sitting with the the World today in Ireland,
insights and answers to the Unclaimed Assets Authority Depository Corporation US, and France. Our Central
Indeed, this is one of the priorities that newly appointed
Sports Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa must now focus following questions: for collection by the owners. Ltd...” Bank is overloaded with
First, does the Central too many functions. And, a
on. He must get the Sports Fund up and running as Sensational
Bank of Kenya still keep a Central Bank with too wide a
prescribed in the Sports Act, and also find practical register of transactions that What has made the Keter unclaimed assets law also remit often finds itself chasing
ways of ensuring the self-sustainability of the different happened when Treasury case sensational is the comes to the fore. I say so conflicting objectives.
teams and federations. bills and bonds were still in fact that the owners of the that in the unlikely event that This is not the first time
Echesa must now ensure that a suitable coach for the the form of pieces of paper? Treasury bills claim to have the courts find that the bills we are hearing about the theft
national team is appointed as soon as possible to fill the The immobilisation or held onto the pieces of paper owned by Keter and company of Treasury securities. In
void left by Put. The Stars are eager to make a return to dematerialisation of the bills for 27 years. Is it conceivable are genuine and payable, January 2013, there was a case
the Africa Cup of Nations next year and to do so, they and bonds started as far back that they would have, even the logical inference will be where stock brokers colluded
require adequate preparations, which can’t be sustained as 2005. through the time they were that our unclaimed assets with some Central Bank
by such a high turnover of coaches. Secondly, does the manual being dematerialised and framework is not functioning staffers to steal Treasury bills
register go as far back as replaced by electronic account properly. worth Sh105 million.
1990? entries at the Central Bank’s How effectively is this In that case, fake Treasury
A PUBLICATION OF THE NATION MEDIA GROUP Thirdly, if the register is Central Depository. enforced? bonds were electronically
STEPHEN GITAGAMA: Acting Chief Executive Officer
accurate, shouldn’t Mr Keter Is it possible that there Still, most scary in the created and issued through
TOM MSHINDI: Editor-in-Chief
and company have gone to the are still many people out whole saga is whether it is a abuse of computer access
MUTUMA MATHIU: Executive Editor, Print
Unclaimed Assets Authority there who did not hand sign that we still have many rights by insiders. They took
to find out whether the over their Treasury bills fake securities in the market advantage of the fact that the
Published at Nation Centre, Kimathi Street, and printed at Mombasa Central Bank had remitted the for dematerialisation and place. Whether we still have Central Bank was at that time
Road, Nairobi, by Nation Media Group Limited money as it would have been own hundreds of millions paper Treasury bills, share in the middle of migrating to
POB 49010, Nairobi 00100 obligated to do under the of shillings they have yet to certificates, corporate bonds a new computer system. Unclaimed Assets Authority claim? In a sense the issue certificates that were not
Registered at the GPO as a newspaper Act. of compliance with the immobilised, and for which
DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 Opinion | 15

What we need in Kenya is more BY THE WATCHMAN

GALLANT OFFICERS. The reported foiling by the

democracy and not dictatorship

police of an attack that could have been carried out
in Nairobi says a lot about the ability of the service
to protect Kenyans, says Ken Ogare. “The hawk-eyed
officers who spotted the terrorists’ car and engaged
them in a gunfight in Isiolo deserve to be rewarded
for the fast and courageous action,” says Ken. This, he

ebate is raging as tribes, Judah and Benjamin. Dae-jung in South Korea never adds, puts in a positive light a service whose members
patriots and democrats In Kenya, the debate on glorified dictatorship. Instead, are ever in the news for the wrong reasons, including
argue that development whether people should have they advanced democracy and taking bribes even at border points to look the other
and President Uhuru dictatorship or democracy accountability and prosecuted way as illegal arms and goods are sneaked into the
Kenyatta’s legacy need more started at independence. corrupt leaders such as Cabinet country. “Kudos to all those who were involved for a
and more democracy. But the Mzee Jomo Kenyatta decided minister Teh Cheang-wan of job well done!” His contact is
conservatives and dictators he would govern the people Singapore and presidents Park-
assert that development and with dictatorship, and not Geun-hye, Chun-Doo-Hywan, MASSIVE SHAME! Quite appalling to Dr Karanga
the President’s legacy require democracy. Kenya would adopt Roh Tae-Woo and Roh Moo Kimani is the “massive and shameful pollution of
the reintroduction of Kanu- a one-party dictatorship and hyun of South Korea. Nairobi River”, which late Environment minister John
style ethnic and executive abandon multiparty democracy. They also put to proper use Michuki had once hoped to make so clean he would
dictatorship. When reasonable Opposition parties were banned KOIGI WA WAMWERE aid from America, given to swim in it. Dr Kimani, who regularly drives along
Kenyans think their President’s and leaders jailed or detained. forestall the spread of Chinese the Globe Cinema roundabout, adds that the “sight
association with dictatorship In 1982, this debate was communism. Unlike Kenya, and smell of the river” is rather sickening. “During
is a tragedy and an insult, the revisited in response to the Under social they also ensured that negative Michuki’s time, the river became sparkling clean and
tribalists and sycophants bow crisis of one-party dictatorship, democracy, ethnicity did not divide their
the smell disappeared within a matter of weeks.” He
to dictatorship as a saviour. whose hallmarks were terror, Scandinavian people into tribal enclaves. A
is, therefore, challenging new Environment Cabinet
This debate is similar to the torture, detention, silence, fear former South Korean president
story of King Rehoboam in the and ruin. countries have committed suicide rather than
Secretary Keriako Tobiko to quickly do something
developed and made about it. His contact is
Bible. King Solomon had just undergo trial for corruption.It
died and his son, Rehoboam, Bulldozed themselves the happiest is incorruption not dictatorship
FOOTBRIDGES ‘COMING’. The Kenya National
had succeeded him when the President Daniel arap Moi societies in the world.” that propelled the Asian Tiger
Highways Authority has already awarded tenders
people from the 12 tribes of then bulldozed a castrated economies into the First World.
for the construction of footbridges at Witeithie,
Israel sent a delegation to him, and cowed Parliament to Under social democracy,
Mang’u Road junction (Jomoko), the Kenya School
asking him to lessen repression. bar multiparty democracy Scandinavian countries have
The young king sought the by inserting Section 2A into country was in the Intensive developed and made themselves of Monetary Studies and Garden City — all on the
counsel of elders, who told the Constitution, making Care Unit economically. Though the happiest societies in the Thika Superhighway. Responding to a recent enquiry,
him that good governance Kenya a de jure one-party dictatorship did not develop world. Why do we not look Charles Njogu, the assistant director (corporate
would secure loyalty. The state. Parliament banned us for 55 years, people like up to them as models of communications), says that work on the first two
king also sought the advice of democracy knowing that Mutahi Ngunyi, David Murathe, development? Because social footbridges will start quite soon. For the other two, he
young people, who told him to what the MPs were doing Ndindi Nyoro, Prof Peter democracy will not tolerate adds, the ground-breaking will be done next month.
promise more burden, terror, was national suicide, morally Kagwanja and many others corruption, dictatorship and His contact is
exploitation and repression. He wrong, a betrayal of conscience, are demanding dictatorship leadership for self-gain.
said: “My father placed heavy cowardice and fear that exposed for development. They say it To develop, Kenya does not
burdens on you; I will make the country to a military coup. is tyranny, not democracy that need dictatorship. It needs
them even heavier. He beat you But did one-party dictatorship developed Singapore, South social democracy. It needs no
with whips; I will flog you with develop Kenya if dictatorship Korea, Malaysia and China. But dictatorship, negative ethnicity
bullwhips.” is the panacea for our did dictatorship develop these and corruption, but democracy.
When he denied the people underdevelopment? It didn’t. countries or make their leaders
freedom, 10 tribes rebelled, Indeed, by the time multiparty great? The teams of Lee Kuan Mr Wamwere is a veteran
leaving him with only two democracy was restored, the Yew in Singapore and Kim politician.

ROLES Nairobi River, next to Machakos Country Bus Station.

No military has achieved gender balance HEFTY POWER BILLS. A household in Kirinyaga
County, Renny Munene reports, is reeling under an
avalanche of hefty electricity bills in recent months.
In December, they were asked to pay a handsome

s the Kenya Defence fitness or combat readiness. gruelling environment and this Sh8,126; in January, it was Sh6,574 and Sh5,112 in
Forces (KDF) continues They include pregnancy or may not be ideal for women. It February for lighting just a few bulbs. He adds: “This
its recruitment of men having to breast-feed. Combat is easy to make noise from our family doesn’t operate a welding business or run a
and women to join the military, troops are usually deployed in comfort zones that women are fish and chips business to justify such huge bills,” says
there has been concern over detachments locally and abroad discriminated against but any Renny, who has complained to Kenya Power about it
lack of gender balance. Most for a specific duration. It would one with a military background but “no one has the time to hear me out or answer my
recruitment centres appear be morally wrong to send a is well aware that the questions”. His contact is
to be enlisting more men young mother overseas or a environment is mostly hostile
than women. Some are not battlefront, leaving behind her to women, and, in particular, TOURISM CRISIS. Hotel closures at the Coast due
hiring any women at all. The babies. Psychologically, women direct combat. Overall, there to a decline in foreign tourists should be a wake-up
public, including the media, are more vulnerable compared is good news that the number call to the industry players to reinvent themselves
have perceived this as a direct to men in battle because of of women enlisted into the and encourage more locals to visit attractions in their
violation of the constitutional
rights of women.
TWALIB MBARAK their special role in the family
and society.
military globally is on the
increase and they are playing
country, says Taabu Tele. With attractive packages by
coastal hotels, he adds, the standard gauge railway
While the Constitution These are among many more critical roles. also stands to gain as more upcountry people set out
clearly stipulates the issue of It would be morally silent issues women soldiers With the more technologically to enjoy the sunny sandy beaches. “The operators
gender balance, the reality on wrong to send face globally. It is these kinds advanced military equipment, should not be pricing out Kenyans, who can sustain
the ground is that it will take of situations that restrict the and evolving military warfare, their businesses throughout the year,” advises Taabu,
time for the KDF to attain a
a young mother recruitment of women soldiers. the prospects of more women whose contact is
gender balance. It is worth overseas or to a Most women are deployed to joining the military globally are
noting that most armies in battlefront, leaving her logistical army units and they bright. With time, the gender SHOCKING DEPARTURE. The resignation of
the world have not managed babies behind.” have proven to be as smart as imbalance that does not favour national football team Harambee Stars head coach
to meet constitutional gender their male counterparts are. women will slowly fade away. Paul Put just a few months after he took office is
requirement even though they Women should not be shocking, says Sauthi Mbunza. When the Belgian
strive for it. female military entity globally, Terrorism discouraged by what appears to tactician was hired by Football Kenya Federation in
The biggest hurdle in but to date it has less than 16 They serve in the medical be an under involvement in the December, Sauthi recalls, he looked happy and quite
most armies is the nature of per cent of women enlisted. units, transport sections that military. They should take pride motivated to help to uplift the level of the Stars’ game.
military duties. While women The KDF is one of few in Africa include flying transport aircraft, in the fact that the men at the With his contract terminated this month, adds Sauthi,
have been able to perform all that have an equal opportunity and even coordinating the battlefront are their children
there is more than meets the eye and, to him, it points
military duties, just like their policy for female male soldiers. movement of logistics from the and that they deserve credit
to differences in the football federation’s leadership.
male colleagues, there are Many armies, including rear to the main battle zone. on behalf of their sons serving
His contact is
circumstances that make them the most advanced, still Globally, soldiers are involved and defending the territorial
unsuitable for certain roles and exclude women from direct in the most hostile type of integrity of their nation.
in particular, direct combat. combat units. This is not warfare mainly guerilla type Have a staying day, won’t you!
Most women-friendly armies discrimination, but it touches and terrorism. To be able to Mr Mbarak is the chairman,
in the world are still grappling on social moral obligations contain such wars, you need to Association of Corporate E-mail:
with raising the number of and norms. A woman soldier deploy small pockets of soldiers & Industrial Security or write to Watchman,
women soldiers. The United faces many challenges that who operate independently Management Professionals. POB 49010, Nairobi 00100.
States is the most attractive have nothing to do with her for a long time in the most Fax 2213946.
16 | Letters Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION

To the editor The editor welcomes brief letters on topical issues. Write on e-mail to: mailbox@ke.n You can also mail to: The Editor, Daily Nation,
POB 49010, Nairobi 00100.

Prosecutor was spot-on TALKING POINT SHORT TAKES

over remanded minors
Landfill project managers, tell
Emails from correspondents
I was pleased to read (DN, Feb.
19) that the DPP is to look into ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS: The Saturday

Kenyans it is not a dumpsite

cases of minor offenders being held Nation’s exposé that most of the around
on remand. Being remanded is, 12,000 expatriates in Kenya live and
itself, a punishment. Magistrates work in the country illegally calls for
normally grant ridiculously high investigations. The anomaly has been
bonds while knowing that the made possible by a weak and corrupt

accused cannot afford it. I hope enyans should be educated immigration department. Immigration has
this exercise is carried out quickly on the difference between a deliberately exposed Kenyans to insecurity
so that many citizens can carry on dumpsite and an engineered since the motives of most of the expatriates
with their normal life pending trial. sanitary landfill. are unknown. I hope the Interior Cabinet
A. S. JUMA, Mombasa. The debate generated by the Secretary will swing into action before the
proposed mega sanitary landfill issue gets out of hand.
in Murang’a County, with some KAROBIA WA WAWERU, Nairobi.
viewing the setting up of the
KNH head must admit facility as another attempt at
that security is wanting creating a dumpsite, and the fears
of its existence should not be there
STOLEN BABY: Who will come to the
rescue the innocent baby who is missing
The Kenyatta National Hospital at all if Kenyans can be shown the after he was mysteriously stolen from his
CEO must accept that security difference between a sanitary parents at Kenyatta National Hospital?
management at her facility is non- landfill and unmanaged dumpsite. It is high time the anagement of the
existent. Visitors should be frisked It is the opportune time for referral hospital woke up and assumed
and registered using identification Kenyans to be well enlightened. the responsibility for their actions and
documents. This includes doctors, What is being proposed for the FILE | NATION
punished offenders. I call upon the Health
nurses, other staff and interns. site in Gikono is an engineered Cabinet Secretary to take action. Kenyans
The Gioto dumpsite in Nakuru County.
Searches must include cars as some sanitary landfill, not a dumpsite. are tired of the promises of “investigation”
staff steal drugs and equipment. While expressing his reservations made every time such a thing happens.
Visitors enter the hospital with on the establishment on this page to become a sanitary landfill but eye is on Murang’a County. EMILY MANGA, Mombasa.
weapons, which they use to harm (DN, February 20), John Wandaka ended up being a dumpsite. Hot on the heels of the water
patients. Others steal babies. gave an example of a landfill he Contrary to what Kenyans have tunnel is the proposed landfill.
ROBERT MUSAMALI, Nairobi. visited in Israel. He went on to come to believe on the existence of Will this project be like the LOST GENERATION: The rot in our
describe how, in his example, sanitary landfills, a well-managed last, with good intention butpoor society is wanting. Young men are quite
care has been taken to safeguard landfill would be beneficial to planning and projections? Shall we spoilt and those meant to be emulated
Avert repeat of the Wajir underground water by provision of those neighbouring it in very be left debating on the “whys” after are wanting. The seniors are not helping
a impervious liner to do this. many ways. the project is over? the young ones to grow. We can’t keep on
terror attack on teachers Why Wandaka doubts that the What the project handlers Above everything else, I ask blaming the youth when the elders are to
Murang’a one won’t provide all the should do in the case of Murang’a myself why Murang ’a is the blame for their poor upbringing. These
The recent murder of teachers facilities that he saw in Israel and complaints is to call a forum, home of the controversial mega young people are a reflection of the society.
in Wajir County by the terrorist much more could be because the which they should have done at the environmental projects — despite For any society to rise and stand upright,
group Al-Shabaab should jot the project managers have not, so far, beginning, and explain the working other areas being more suitable. Is it is not the young men and women to do
government to action. It is now explained what a sanitary landfill is system of a sanitary landfill and how Murang’a ‘environ-we’? it: It is the generational passage that does
on every teacher’s lips that the as opposed to a dumpsite, many of it will be managed. AGNESS WAMBUI, via email. that. Let the elders pklay their role.
government should accord them which exist in Kenya. The move from dumpsites to CHIBATA DANIEL BEDA, Nakuru.
enhanced security, especially in The stigma associated with incineration with power generation ***
danger zones such as the northern dumpsites in most counties — in mind and, finally, to engineered Murang’a leaders should know
part of the country. Shaken by the including Nairobi and Mombasa landfill to cater for the ash is the that history will judge them very MATATU GRAFFITI: Matatus in Mombasa
demise of two of their colleagues, — has informed Kenyans to oppose way to go. harshly should they let the proposed are known for the witty quotes or proverbs
who were resourceful persons in the any effort to undo the wrongs in the DAVID M. KIGO, Nairobi. waste disposal site be built there. often scribbled behind their backs. Some
community, they hope the State will solid waste management chain. Why should we give Nairobi clean of these are eye-catching as they bring
prevent repeat of the incident. The Mwakirunge dumpsite in *** water and get paid with waste? out a very strong meaning. Others leave
STECYFANCY KELONG, Mombasa. Mombasa town was initially meant Once again, our environmental KAMAU NG’ANG’A, Kirinyaga. us wondering what they really mean and,
obviously, some are quite funny. Whatever
drives the matatu owners or crews to write
Let us not take Miguna these wise sayings, some of them are good,

allegations for granted Channel free maternity funds into family planning with moral lessons, while some act as
warnings to the society.
The controversial allegations by Many Kenyan mothers seem Disappointingly, some counties are those whose population
the self-proclaimed “general” of to have misunderstood the free have borrowed a leaf from the growth policy is regulated
the proscribed National Resistance maternity policy and gotten into national government. — with the rate being inversely RASHID ECHESA: Much has been said
Movement, Dr Miguna Miguna, a birthing spree just to enjoy the The resources used to fund proportional to the economic about the suitability of Sports Cabinet
should not be taken lightly. His “free government services”. free maternity should go into growth. Their resources are Secretary Rashid Echesa Mohamed with
‘double agent’ claims against Nasa My question is, if somebody family planning sensitisation. channelled into sound policies of critics pointing mainly at his modest
notables Norman Magaya and Dr has no resources to cater for the One should bear the number universal education, health and academic credentials and his personal
David Ndii need to be investigated. delivery fees, how will they afford of children that they can easily potable water, among others. conduct. I interacted with Rashid for about
The swearing-in of Raila Odinga as the cost of bringing up the child? support without relying on the A successful family is one 10 years when I was a news reporter in
the “people’s president” without Aren’t they burdening the government and well-wishers. that provides for its members Kakamega town. The first quality that I
running mate Kalonzo Musyoka next generation with more street This will reduce dependency satisfactorily. All rise and fall on found in him — and which lacks in many
could herald the coalition’s demise. children and contributing to a on the government kitty, thereby policies and strategies: The better people, particularly Kenyan politicians — is
Dr Ndii and Magaya should come higher incidence of hunger and enhancing economic growth. the strategies, the stronger the honesty and forthrightness. He is selfless,
clean on the issue. malnutrition, thereby threatening Research indicates that the economy. industrious, sociable and down-to-earth.
SAUTHI MBUNZA, Kitui. the national economy? greatest economies of the world GISEMBA WORNICKS, Nakuru. DENIS LUMITI, Nairobi.


Do you believe Cabinet appointees should relinquish political party roles?
Should Ministry of
MUGWE NGIRIA: Yes. They should also not take FRANCIS NJUGUNA: Yes. Cabinet members should CARLOS OYOMA: Yes. They are not supposed to Education extend
sides publicly in politics.
KIMOSOP EVANS: Yes. The positions would hinder
be beyond party politics.
OTOA SIFUNA: Yes. We must always separate public
hold political offices as they are not politicians.
GEOFFREY NYERERE: Yes, they have to focus on
the deadline for
service delivery due to pressure from party faithful. service roles from active partisan politics. their new assignment. registering learners?
KINGORI D. K.: Yes, to implement the party agenda. ANDREW MISATI: Yes, to have ample time to focus BEATRICE KWAMBOKA BIKERI: Yes. Cabinet
FRANCIS MWEMA: Yes. That will foster a pool of on serving Kenyans as they swore. appointees are technocrats and civil servants.
energy focusing on development. JEFF CHEPKWONY: Yes, to avoid duplication of KIBIAS BENJAMIN A. S.: Yes, so as to perform their Send your comments to mailbox@
BIWOTT EDWIN: Yes. They’re beyond party politics. roles and enhance specialisation. duties unreservedly.

DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 | 17


The World Food Programme Kenya Country Office and World Food Programme Regional Bureau in Nairobi shall
jointly hold a sale and invites offers for the under listed used vehicles, furniture and assorted Items on ‘as-is-where- financial year 2018/2019
is’ basis on Wednesday, 28.02.2018 between 9.00am - 1.00pm in Nairobi.

A. MOTOR VEHICLES: Article 201 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 envisages transparency,
Capacity Mileage
Make/Model Chassis No. Color YOM Condition
(cc) (KM) accountability and public participation on matters of public finance.
Toyota Land Cruiser (LC76) JTECBO9J703016323 Blue Tarq 2002 Used 4164 212,575
Toyota Land Cruiser (LC76) JTEEB71J207012153 White 2011 Used 4164 172,735 Further, section 117 of the PFM Act 2012 requires that the County
Toyota Van JTFRS12P700025051 White 2012 Used 2494 27,337
Toyota Land Cruiser (LC76) JTEEB71J907012148 White 2011 Used 4164 164,169 Treasury in preparing County Fiscal Strategy Paper-CFSP take into
Toyota Land Cruiser (LC76) JTEEB71J407012137 White 2011 Used 4164 150,459
Toyota Land Cruiser (LC76) JTEEB71J307012162 White 2011 Used 4164 202,508 account views of among others, the public and interested persons/
Toyota Land Cruiser (LC76) JTEEB71J607010602 White 2010 Used 4161 164,209
Toyota Camry (Saloon) JTNBF4FK903009989 Blue 2012 Used 2500 37,305 groups
Toyota Prado JTEBD9FJ10K005595 White 2011 Used 3000 74,899
Toyota Prado JTEBD9FJ20K005606 White 2011 Used 3000 32,892

B. ASSORTED USED FURNITURE AND ICT/TC ITEMS In view of the above the County Treasury wishes to notify the public
• Office furniture • Desktop computers, laptops & accessories and all interested parties that the Draft County Fiscal Strategy Paper
• Cameras • Tyres
• Mobile phones • Wooden pallets for financial year 2018/2019 is available on the County’s website:
• Power adaptors/UPS • New spare parts for Toyota L/cruiser
• Printers, County Treasury-Budget Directorate, Sub
i. Terms and conditions of sale should be picked at the sale location. County Administrators’ Offices and Ward Administrators’ Offices.
ii. All vehicles can be viewed at the UN Gigiri Complex, Commissary car park, on 28.02.2018 between 9.00am
-1.00pm. Vehicle bids in a sealed envelope must be submitted at WFP Warehouse Office, Gigiri Shopping
Centre, along Limuru Road no later than 1.00pm on 29.02.2018 accompanied by a 10% down payment vide
banker’s cheque addressed to World Food Programme.
Written memoranda may be sent to, or
iii. Viewing, bidding and submission of bids for the assorted items is on 28.02.2018 between 9.00am – 1.00pm at
the WFP Warehouse Office at Gigiri Shopping Centre, along Limuru Road. A 10% Down Payment of the total delivered to the County Treasury offices, Office of the County
amount quoted for the assorted items in cash must be submitted with the bid. All Bids must be addressed
to World Food Programme, quoting bid no. ADM/FM/01/2018 and dropped at the WFP Warehouse Office at Secretary, Sub County Administrators Offices and Ward
Gigiri Shopping Centre, along Limuru Road.
iv. All down payments for unsuccessful bids will be returned/refunded within 10 days of bid opening.
v. WFP reserves the right to retain the 10% down payment in the event of a bidder not taking up the item won;
Administrators’ Offices on or before 27 February, 2018

winning bidders will be notified by phone.

vi. WFP reserves the right to reject any or all bids without providing any reason and has no obligation to accept
Looking forward to receiving your best offer. CECM- FINANCE, ECONOMIC PLANNING AND ICT

18 | Opinion Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION


Let justice be proof law is not an ass Fix flaws in

supreme law
hen Mr Bumble, the society, a free man. A found Oliacha guilty of being what point should judicial
that poor victim
of a domineering
wife in Charles Dickens’s
little background will help us
to understand how Oliacha
and the three judges got to
a member of a terror group,
engaging in organised crime
and inflicting grievous harm
officers and courts disregard
the letter of the law and
pay more attention to the
for harmony
Oliver Twist, was presented the Friday date. and sentenced him to life in spirit where the two seem to Though there is a need for
in court because the On October 24, 2011, jail. contradict? Shouldn’t reason dialogue by leaders on matters of
prosecutors believed that Nairobi witnessed a twin Oliacha is reported to have prevail where the greater national importance, there is no
his wife, in committing an terror attack. On that agreed with the magistrate, common good supersedes urgency to have electoral reforms.
illegality, must have acted Monday morning, at around who has since become a the assumed rights of an Such changes should cover
under his instruction, he 3, a presumed customer judge, on everything other individual in the wrong? amendments that are not in sync
described the law as an ass. knocked at the door of a than the idea that he should It is time courts redeemed with the aspiration of Kenyans.
In the animal kingdom, an bar on Mfang’ano Lane, be punished. He confessed the society from the danger Prior to the promulgation of
ass is believed to be low MICHAEL MUGWAMG’A asking to be let in to quench that he was a terrorist, had of the law that is an ass. the 2010 Constitution, it was
on the wisdom scale; it is a his thirst. His prayer was killed and injured people and When the defenders of the acknowledged by even the most
character to which logic is answered only for him to that was trained in the skills law, the courts and judges, ardent supporters that the new
illogical and useless. The tragedy is get in and detonate a hand of administering terror. put little or no emphasis supreme law of the land had some
“If the law supposes that,” that criminals get grenade. A few metres on the potential danger flaws, which needed to be fixed
said Mr Bumble, squeezing off the hook due to away, at a crowded matatu Dangerous of some acts and actors once it was passed.
his hat emphatically in both technicalities in law, terminus on Race Course He was not even sorry for before them when giving Among the most glaring errors
hands, “the law is a ass — a Road, near the OTC bus his acts of terror. In one of judgment, society is likely to or omissions is the silence over
idiot. If that’s the eye of the while some of those stage, another grenade was his court appearances, he resort to alternative justice. the replacement of a deputy
law, the law is a bachelor; kept in prison are exploded. A man died and said: “I am just happy, a sad Lawlessness becomes more governor when the seat falls
and the worst I wish the innocent suspects not 28 other people were injured. man is a remorseful man.” attractive where the law does vacant. Nasa’s present agitation
law is, that his eye may be lucky enough to get The following day, police But he disagreed that he not result in justice for the for dialogue seems to be driven
opened by experience — by smart lawyers...” arrested Oliacha, who after should spend his worthy life majority. by the heat they are feeling
experience.” interrogation, confessed to behind bars. And, it seems, When the State and over electoral defeat. The pain
I do not wish to go into being the mastermind of that the Court of Appeal agreed other powerful actors would have been less severe had
the inexperience of bachelors fatal attack. Oliacha, going with him! begin to disregard court the Constitution not effectively
and lessons married men Bwire Oliacha by the by the alias Mohammed The tragedy is that orders, you might consider locked them out in the running of
learn. But events of the High Court for terrorism- Saif, led the detectives criminals get off the hook examining the court’s the country’s affairs.
recent past in judicial circles related offences. Court to his house in the city’s due to technicalities in law, preceding behaviour. Let The opposition should
point to the tragedy of of Appeal Justices Daniel Kayole estate, where an while some of those kept in our experience with terror assemble its finest brains to take
not correcting the asinine Musinga, William Ouko arsenal, including an AK47 prison are innocent suspects suspects freed in the past a fresh look at the Constitution
nature of the law and how and Gatembu Kairu based rifle, a sub-machine gun, not lucky enough to get be the opener as Mr Bumble and recommend amendments
it is applied two centuries their decision on the fact two revolver pistols, two smart lawyers, as dangerous wished for our bachelor eye. to accommodate presidential
since Dickens’s eye-opening that the prosecution had automatic pistols, 717 elements continue roaming election runners-up and their
revelation in 1837. failed to table P3 forms of bullets, 1 SNG machine the streets. This raises the Mr Mugwang’a is a deputies as nominated members
On February 8, the two of Oliacha’s victims. gun magazine and 13 hand question at whether the communications consultant of the National Assembly and the
Court of Appeal sitting Because of that oversight, grenades, were recovered. law is meant to serve the based in Senate.
in Nairobi quashed a life a convicted terrorist will Two days later, Chief people and the community, Twitter: BENSON K. LAGAT,
sentence handed to Elgiva shortly be released back to magistrate Grace Ngenye or the other way round. At @Mikeysoul.

DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 19

For comprehensive
stories, go to

Nyeri County also plans to spend Sh20 million on Rasanga wants cash set aside for building channelled
gate at county headquarters. PAGE 23 to development but reps push for project. PAGE 23

Turkana >

Power at last for residents of six remote towns

BY SAMMY LUTTA of the sleepy towns where many people are this, Lokichar and Kalemngorok were the first
pastoralists. “Power will automatically pro- towns in Turkana to get power.
It was joy untold for residents of six towns mote self-employment as youths here will The power is generated from Turkwel hydro
in Turkana South Sub-County after electricity open barber shops, salons, bakeries, cyber power plant on the border of Turkana and

reached their homes. cafés, welding enterprises and entertainment West Pokot counties.
Lopur, Losagam, Kambi Baraka, Na- joints,” he said. Then, the President said the project was
dirkonyrn, Narengelup and Katilu were lit While on a campaign trail in July last a step towards lighting up the whole county
up by 5 pm on Monday through a Rural year, President Uhuru Kenyatta, who was that had poor access to electricity. He had said
Electrification Authority programme. accompanied by his Deputy William Ruto, that Lodwar primarily relied on diesel power Kisii >
Mr Patrick Peeto, a resident, said power commissioned the Sh1.7 billion Lokichar generators and would also be connected to
supply will boost the economic development Sub-Station implemented by REA. Through the national grid. Locals, activists want lifestyle
audit of officials over graft
Kilifi > Quick intervention needed so that farmers can get back on their feet A section of Kisii residents and activists have
demanded a lifestyle audit of all current and former

Farmers’ pain over death of

county officials whom they accuse of corruption,
wastage of public resources and poor services.
On Monday, the group marched through Kisii
town to the county government offices and later
the anti-graft commission where they presented

once vibrant nut industry

a memorandum to the South Nyanza coordinator
Abraham Kemboi. The demonstrators, in a
movement dubbed “Ondoa Panya,” which loosely
translates to removing rats, said high corruption
levels in the county had hindered effective service
delivery. The group, led by Gusii Governance Watch
chairperson Lilian Mogendi, said what they demand
Mr Everett
Coconut BY KAZUNGU SAMUEL Machenje
from the people they elected is good governance,
better services and nothing short of that.
and cashew stands at his — Ruth Mbula and Benson Ayienda

hen we entered 12-acre farm
nut farms Mzee Everett where coconut
in the re-
Machenje’s farm
in Gede, Kilifi County, on
trees have Mombasa >
dried up.
gion are a Monday, a destitute situa-
tion greeted us.
|NATION Residents to give views on
shadow of Falling and dried up co-
conut trees that could no restoring, improving Old Town
what they longer withstand the scotch-
ing sun stood strategically The county government of Mombasa yesterday
were in the on his farm.
The 73-year-old farmer
started collecting views from locals on how to give
the Old Town a face-lift to return it to its former
80s and said the current situation glory. Youth, Gender, Sports and Culture executive
at the dilapidated farm Munywoki Kyalo said plans were under way to
90s contrasts the 1980s and improve the area’s security. “We want to restore the
early 1990s when the 12- Old Town and also ensure it has proper lighting and
acre farm was the talk of is clean,” Mr Kyalo said during a public participation
the village. corners of the now battered “You might not like this forum at the Swahili Cultural Centre. The Old Town,
But in 2010,
Dotted with 1,500 healthy farm whose huge part has farm because it has been which is a gazetted heritage site, is to be repainted
coconut trees then, Mzee we were hard been left unattended and left unattended for long. But in a colour selected by locals and investors. Lands,
Machenje used to harvest al- hit by drought has grown bushes. there are some cashew nut Planning and Housing executive Edward Nyale has
most 10,000 coconuts every and, one tree after “The death of the coco- trees. I am planting afresh said consultations were on with other players to
fortnight worth Sh400,000 another, started nut industry brought in my to see if the crop will rise agree on the colour.
monthly. to wither and tribulations and the only again,” he said. — Mohamed Ahmed
Coconut traders from as hope is for the government “We are trying to dust our-
far as Tanzania and Uganda eventually dried up,” to consider assisting us in selves up but the situation
came for the produce with Mzee Everett reviving the crop,” Mzee is not good. This business Nyandarua >
mini-trucks and pick-ups. Machenje Machenje said. faced its worst moment with
That is no more and the At his Mimando farm in the collapse of the factory
once vibrant farm is a pale Mtwapa, Mzee John Mumba and re-emergence of middle- Civil servants ask State, county
shadow of its former self. here,” he said. wades through his bushy 12 men who killed its vibrancy,”
With tears almost flow- He said the problem acre farm. Inside the farm said Mzee Mumba. to provide houses and offices
ing in the middle of our started in 2010 when the re- is a remnant of cashewnut The sad tales of these two
interview, Mzee Machenje, gion was hit hard by drought, trees, an indication that the farmers is a story shared by Civil servants in Nyandarua County have decried
who was the envy of every and his trees began to wither owner is a cashew farmer. many farmers at the coast inadequate housing and offices as the devolved
villager, is now a pauper and one after the other. True, Mzee Mumba is who depended on the two government struggles to get more conditional
depends on his children for “Before then, these trees among the farmers who crops as the backbone of the grants. Lack of office space and housing for public
his daily upkeep. produced enough nuts and I used to supply cashew nuts region’s economy. Govern- workers has been cited as the reason the county
“When these trees were entirely depended on them. to the defunct Kenya Cashew ment intervention has been should be classified as marginalised, for it to get
productive, I would harvest But in 2010, they were hard Nuts Factory in Kilifi where minimal. money from the Equalisation Fund.
10,000 pieces every two hit by drought and, one after they recorded good sales in Those we interviewed “We commute from Nakuru or Laikipia to the
weeks. It was the backbone another, they started to the early 80s and 90s before painted a picture of a county headquarters in Ol Kalou,” Ms Grace
of my business but I have wither and eventually dried the collapse of the factory, sector which, if not well ad- Kanyingi, a civil servant, said yesterday. Those
nothing to show for it now. up. I watched them dying with the firm going under. dressed by both the county hardest hit are police officers and prison warders.
The wasted trees remind one after the other until As we walked through the and national governments, “More officers will be deployed to our stations soon
me of my farming which nothing was left,” he said grown grass on his farm, he will sink and kill the hopes and we don’t have houses,” a policeman said.
formed the main activity as we moved from different was apologetic. of many. — Steve Njuguna
20 | County Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION

Vihiga > Kisii > Lamu >
Bid to conduct business Police launch probe Locals: Tax outsiders who
census for tax purposes into killing of woman benefit from Boni forest
The county government of Investigations into the rape The Boni community wants
Vihiga has launched a business and murder of a woman at outsiders benefiting from the
census to determine the actual Riang’ombenene village in dense forest taxed. Speaking at
status of revenue capability Nyaribari Chache Sub-County Bar’goni, the members called
following missed targets. The have been launched. The body on the national and county
one-week project will also see was found in a kiosk on Sunday governments to tax outsiders
all businesses mapped into morning, a day after the woman who benefit from Boni forest.
categories to enable the devolved went missing. County police boss Led by their elders, the members
unit vary taxation depending on Abdi Hassan said the woman said that for decades, they have
the status of a business. Trade might have been drunk when she made efforts to conserve and
executive Geoffrey Vukaya said was killed. “The body was naked. protect the forest. Mr Ali Gubo
the census will also help in It appears she might have been said it was unfair that despite
automation of revenue collection. gang-raped,” Mr Hassan said. Boni forest being renowned
— Derick Luvega — Magati Obebo courtesy of the community, they
haven’t benefited from the forest
as much as outsiders.
Tana River > Nakuru > — Kalume Kazungu

Governor recalls former Dispute looms over Isiolo >

officers amid transition company’s AGM plan
Turkana want land row
A row is brewing following
plans by the management with military resolved
of Nyandarua’s horticultural
processing factory – Midlands The national and county
Ltd – to cancel an extra-ordinary governments have been urged to
meeting scheduled for Saturday. intervene and end land tussles
A shareholder, Mr Junghae between the Turkana and the
Wainaina, yesterday said they military in Isiolo. Former Burat
had gone to court seeking to councillor Joseph Ngichili
have the meeting held as per claimed that the military at Isiolo
the company’s Act. Mr Wainaina barracks were extending their
insisted that the meeting will go land, creating fears of eviction.
Tana River Governor Dhadho on as scheduled at the company’s He called on leaders to resolve
Godhana has recalled five chief premises in Njabini. the matter and issue them with
officers from the previous — Macharia Mwangi land papers.
administration to help manage — Vivian Jebet
transition. In a statement issued
in Hola, Mr Godhana (above) Trans-Nzoia >
said the officers will serve on an
interim basis until the county Kitale remandee in Trans-Nzoia >
assembly approves the new
officials. The governor, however, unusual request for tea Woman undresses in
did not disclose the names of
the chief officers, but sources A remandee created a scene BENSON MOMANYI | NATION court to avoid jail
revealed that they had received outside a Kitale court yesterday
letters extending their terms of
office in an acting capacity.
— Stephen Oduor
morning after he refused to alight
from a prison vehicle, demanding
that he be served tea first.
County boss warns cowboy A 28-year-old woman yesterday
undressed in a Kitale court to
protest against a six-month jail
Thereafter, the man, identified
only as Stephen, started jumping
contractors over shoddy work sentence after she was found
guilty of assaulting her sister-in-
Narok > from one side of the vehicle to law. Once the sentence was read
the other as a warden struggled Bomet> Governor Joyce Laboso during the launch of out, Robinah Mwanja, a mother
2 foreigners, Kenyan in to calm him. Wardens working the first phase of the construction of 150 kilometres of of five, said there was no way she
together eventually pinned down, would go to prison and started
court over contraband with a stern warning of dire road in the county yesterday. The governor, who warned removing her clothes. However,
consequences if he dared try of the blacklisting of cowboy contractors, added that the she was subdued and taken into a
Two Tanzanians and their such antics again. roads will be completed in the next three months. prison vehicle outside.
Kenyan accomplice were on — Gerald Bwisa — Gerald Bwisa
Monday charged in a Narok court
with ferrying contraband on
February 16. Mr Bomani Mussa,
Mr Benson Gimirei and Kenyan Migori > Mombasa > Nyamira > Baringo >
Hassan Mohammed denied
the charges. The case will be
mentioned on February 28. Firm seeks to solve Commuters diverted as State urged to improve MP wants politicians’
— George Sayagie
power issues via solar ferry is taken for repairs infrastructure in schools murder probed afresh
Murang’a > A German solar products Commuters at the Mtongwe ferry Parents in Borabu, Nyamira County, Tiaty MP William Kamket has
manufacturer has opened an crossing were diverted to Likoni have urged the government to demanded that the government
Taxi operators bathe outlet in Migori County, targeting yesterday after mv Likoni was improve infrastructure in some re-investigates the murder of
residents outside the national recalled. The vessel, which normally primary schools. They said it was three politicians from the region
their dirty colleague grid. Mobisol said its new shop operates at Mtongwe from 6 am to embarrassing that the schools last year. He said that Tiaty
is part of its wider strategy to 10 am, was dispatched to Likoni were in a bad state yet their “son” parliamentary aspirant Simon
Taxi operators in Murang’a expand into the interior of East as mv Jambo remained at Mbaraki (Interior CS Fred Matiang’i) was Pepee, Loyamorok MCA Fredrick
yesterday frog-matched their Africa where erratic power supply wharf for what Kenya Ferry Services the former Education minister. At Cheretei and Churo/Amaya’s
colleague to a bathroom and is common despite sufficient said was routine maintenance. Mv Kebuse Primary, a school located Thomas Minito were killed early
forced him to shower saying sunshine throughout the year. Nyayo, mv Kilindini, mv Harambee a kilometre from Dr Matiangi’s last year but justice is yet to be
he has not showered for seven Mobisol-Kenya director of sales and mv Likoni were working when home, classrooms are mud-walled. served. “We are not satisfied how
months and had bad smell. and marketing Adams Amenya the Nation visited the channel in When the Nation visited the school, the files were handled by the
Mr Irungu Mumunya was told locals it will provide services the morning. KFS Corporate Affairs teachers were marking books and investigating department, and
reprimanded to a nearby car from lighting to supply of solar Officer Elizabeth Wachira said there preparing lessons under a tree. But the government should revisit
wash which has a bathroom power systems both to homes was no problem with the ferries. area MP Ben Momanyi said he had the matter,” said Mr Kamket. He
where some of his colleagues and businesses. County Energy Commuters had protested and given the school Sh800,000 to help said killing of the politicians had
bathed him. He was then shaved executive Rebecca Ghati termed demanded the quick return of mv in the completion of a new tuition caused fear among local leaders.
him to give him a neat look. the project as a game changer. Likoni. block. — Florah Koech
—Ndungu Gachane — Elisha Otieno — Wachira Mwangi — Magati Obebo
DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 County | 21

Nyeri >
Principal urges Uhuru to Betting firm
honour Sh20m pledge comes to
Kagumo High School Principal
Lawrence Kiwara has asked
children’s aid
President Uhuru Kenyatta to
honour a Sh20 million pledge Kisumu> John Gachihi
to the school to aid in its from Lotto Foundation
expansion. Mr Kiwara said the
money will help improve the (left) checks Tony Blair’s
school’s facilities. “My humble foot before he was fitted
request to the President is for with a mobility assistive
him to honour the Sh20 million
promise he made to the school.
device. Looking on is his
This amount will help us expand mother Restuter Nyangusu
the limited facilities,” he said. Mr during the 13th Help
Kenyatta made the promise when
he attended Governor Wahome
Me Walk clinic at The
Gakuru’s burial. Jaramogi Odinga Teaching
— Grace Gitau and Referral Hospital in
Uasin Gishu >
Villager admits taking
part in girl’s defilement
A man yesterday confessed
Taita-Taveta > Nakuru > Machakos > Kwale >
before an Eldoret court that he
was part of a gang that defiled a Trader charged with Use courts to fight Teacher collapses, dies Mvurya warns against
minor. Dennis Muhati pleaded
guilty to the charge of defilement stealing rice in transit pollution, judge advises during mid-morning tea land grabbing in county
before Eldoret Principal
Magistrate Harrison Barasa. A prominent businessman was A High Court judge has A secondary school teacher in Kwale Governor Salim Mvurya
The girl, aged 16, was defiled on Monday charged in a Voi challenged environmentalists in Kangundo Sub-County collapsed has issued a stern warning to land
on February 17 at Makokha court with stealing goods that Nakuru County to use courts to while taking tea yesterday and grabbers in the county. Addressing
village in Kongoni area, Likuyani were in transit. Mr Charles curb environmental pollution. died while being taken to hospital residents at Mwangulu trading
Sub-County. The case will be Wachira denied stealing 332 bags Environment and Lands Court by his colleagues. Knut Kangundo centre on Monday following a land
mentioned on February 23. of rice belonging to a Machakos Judge Sila Munyao said despite executive secretary Daniel Nginga dispute at Mwereni Group Ranch,
— Titus Ominde distributor and was released on a evidence of wanton destruction said Mr Bernard Anyango, who Mr Mvurya vowed that no single
Sh500 000 cash bail. This comes and pollution of the environment, was an English and Literature piece of land will be grabbed. He
after rampant cases of cargo theft only a few cases had been filed. teacher at Kathithyamaa Secondary, said the land owned by Mwereni
Taita-Taveta > were reported along the Nairobi-
Mombasa highway. Police are
He spoke at a clean-up campaign
last Friday at the Nakuru National
complained of an headache before
he collapsed in the presence of his
group is not a settlement scheme
for people to claim ownership,
pursuing more suspects. Park. colleagues. noting that it belongs to locals.
Former MP calls for — Lucy Mkanyika — Magdalene Wanja — Gastone Valusi — Fadhili Fredrick

service with integrity

Former Wundanyi MP Thomas
Nakuru > COUNTY IN NUMBERS Tharaka Nithi> Uasin Gishu >
Mwadeghu has asked the Taita-
Taveta County government to Flouride levels blamed Magumoni Ward poll Environmentalists want
ensure integrity and discipline Sh200m Amount
when handling public resources. for water shortages Nyeri case ruling for March 1 shamba system reviewed
He praised the Granton Samboja- County
led government for implementing Nakuru County government has has proposed to spend on a The ruling in a petition challenging Environmental experts want the
projects that have improved the cited high fluoride levels in water house for Governor Mutahi the victory of Magumoni Ward shamba system under the Kenya
residents’ economic status. as a major factor contributing Kahiga Representative Justin Kithinji will be Forestry Service (KFS) reviewed,
Recently, the county government to water shortages in the region. given on March 1, Chief Magistrate blaming the scheme for degradation
released a report claiming that Most water in the county comes John Njoroge said in Chuka of forests and destruction of
the former administration from boreholes. “When we Sh700m Amount
Siaya MCAs yesterday after the parties submitted wetlands. The experts claim some
embezzled millions of shillings. discover such levels of fluoride their submissions following a KFS officials collude with saw
have proposed should be
– Lucy Mkanyika after drilling a borehole, we recount of votes on January 18. The millers to engage in deforestation.
either abandon it altogether or
set aside for construction Jubilee candidate had lodged the National Environmental
try reducing the fluoride level of a new county assembly petition saying the IEBC website Complaints Committee secretary
Nairobi > which is expensive,” said county building showed he had won. John Chumo accused KFS of lack of
director of water Johnson Kamau. – Alex Njeru an operational monitoring team.
— Magdalene Wanja Street children who — Barnabas Bii
Rescued street children 97 have been taken out

admitted to schools
of Nairobi streets Nakuru >
Meru > and enrolled in schools, says Meru >
Education Executive Janet
More than 90 children taken out Ouko Ward Rep wants Lands
of streets have been enrolled in Calls to act as matatus Take disabled children to
schools. They are part of the 200 department to go digital
children taken out of the streets decry police harassment school, parents urged
two weeks ago in an operation Lake View Ward Rep has decried
led by the county environment Leaders from Meru County the slow process of approving Kenyans have been advised to
rapid response team. Education have been asked to ensure that building plans in Nakuru County. take disabled children to school.
Executive Janet Ouko yesterday the problems affecting matatu Mr Peter Karanja Mburu said Soroptimist International
said 97 children removed from operators in Igembe are solved. such sluggishness was a recipe for president Jane Muriithi said that
the city centre were admitted Over the last three weeks, corruption. To tame the malpractice, going to school can open doors
to Morrison Primary School matatu operators have been Mr Mburu has tabled a motion for assistance from government,
on Monday. She said another protesting over alleged police asking the Lands office to develop a agencies and individuals. She spoke
22 boys were placed at Eddis harassment and demanding the digital platform. If motion is passed, at Ntakira chief’s camp where
Children’s Centre while four transfer of officers involved in a the system will hasten development she donated water containers to
older boys would be sent to corruption racket. Kanu county in the construction industry. families with disabled members.
vocational training institutes. chair Erastus Mururu said police — Francis Mureithi — Isabel Githae
“We’re doing everything to officers in the county should be
ensure children get education,” transferred. For comprehensive stories, go to
— Collins Omulo — Isabel Githae
22 | Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION



P.O. Box 4 – 80403
Kwale, Kenya
Turkana County Government invites sealed bids from interested eligible bidders in relevant
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR THE 2018 COUNTY FISCAL categories and trades for the following listed tenders:
Section 117 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 and Public Finance Management (KShs)
Regulations No. 26 for County Governments provide for the preparation of the County 1 Provision of Motor vehicles TCG/F&P/26/2017-2018 Open 200,000
Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP). Further, section 117 (5) (b) of the Act requires county and motor cycles insurance
governments to seek and take into account views of the public in preparation of the service (underwriters only)
CFSP. 2 Provision of Comprehensive TCG/PS,A&DM/27/2017-2018 Open 1,000,000
Medical cover for Turkana
Pursuant to this law, the County Government of Kwale hereby invites all stakeholders
including the public, civil society organizations, interested groups and persons to public (underwriters only)
participation in preparation of the CFSP 2018 from 26th to 27th February 2018 as indicated 3. Provision of Group Personal TCG/PS, A&DM/29/2017-2018 Open 500,000
in the schedule below. Accident, Group life and
Turkana County Government
26-2-2018 10:00 a.m. Msambweni Biashara Centre, Mvindeni - Ukunda
(underwriters only)
26-2-2018 10:00 a.m. Kinango Maendeleo ya Wanawake Social Hall - Kinango 4 Supply & Delivery of High TCG/PS,A&DM/30/2017-2018 Open 50,000
27-2-2018 10:00 a.m. Matuga Kwale Cultural Centre - Kwale Town Frequency Radios.
27-2-2018 10:00 a.m. Lungalunga Sub-County offices - Lungalunga 5 Supply & delivery of 1 No. TCG/TGYA/31/2017-2018 Open 100,000
Utility motor vehicle.
Participants can give their views through oral and written submissions on
the venues given above. Written memoranda can also be made to the County
Treasury, Kwale County Government, P.O. Box 4-80403 or vide our email address:
the Governor- Lodwar and inspect the tender documents during normal working hours (08.00am-05.00pm). A complete set of tender documents may be downloaded from county
The dral CFSP 2018 can be downloaded from our website website: and IFMIS
EXECUTIVE MEMBER- FINANCE & ECONOMIC PLANNING Tenderers who have downloaded the document from the website must forward their

Prices quoted should be net inclusive of all taxes, and delivery costs, must be in Kenya
Shillings and shall remain valid for one hundred and twenty (120) days from the closing date
of the tender. Completed tender documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes
CBK Pension House, 2nd Floor, Harambee Avenue
clearly bearing only the tender number and the title of the tender should be deposited in
P.O Box 46342 – 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone: +254 709 043860 or +254 709 043830
County Secretary
P.O Box 11-30500

TRUST BANK LIMITED (IN LIQUIDATION) So as to reach on or before Wednesday 7th March 2018 at 11.00am.
The tenders will be opened immediately therea_er in the presence of the candidate’s
NOTICE is hereby given that the Kenya Deposit Insurance Corporation
representatives who choose to attend at the Procurement Board Room.
(KDIC), in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 55 of the
For more details on the tender visit the following website:
Kenya Deposit Insurance Act, 2012, will commence distribution of the
7th payment from 5th March, 2018 to all eligible depositors and creditors DIRECTOR SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SERVICES
of Trust Bank Ltd (In-Liquidation) who have proved their claims. FOR: COUNTY SECRETARY.

All payments shall be made through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) to

those accounts whose details have been provided. The claimants who
have not provided their current Bank Account details should furnish the
Liquidation Agent with the same at Kenya Deposit Insurance Corporation
Are you aware of
offices located on the 2nd Floor, CBK Pension House (Formerly Marshall the changing trends?
For ages, agriculture was a basic and
House), Harambee Avenue Nairobi, between 8.15 am and 5.00 pm from
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Monday to Friday. down from one generation to the next.
Not anymore.
Payment shall be distributed on a pro-rata basis upto a maximum of Learn how to transform our farm into
Kshs.100,000.00 plus 21% of the remaining balance, if any. a thriving business in Seeds of Gold,
the most comprehensive agri-business
publication in Kenya today.
Claimants are further advised to note that this payment is valid for a
period of one (1) year from the date of commencement.
Dated this 21st Day of February, 2018



DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 County | 23
Nyeri >

County proposes to construct a Sh200 million house for governor

BY GRACE GITAU The figures represent estimated costs He said the Salaries and Remunera- is still being prepared”.
of the projects. tion Commission directed counties to “You do not quote a planning docu-
The Nyeri devolved government has The Sh200 million, however, is build houses for the governor, deputy ment. There is no budget for that
proposed to spend Sh200 million on double the amount proposed by the governor and assembly speaker. residence,’ he said.
a house for Governor Mutahi Kahiga previous administration. “The commission notified county It is however unclear why the county
(right) and Sh20 million for a gate at In its supplementary budget, the governments that these officials will had decided to put up a new gate at the
the county headquarters. county set aside Sh35 million for top not receive house allowances from July county headquarters barely two years
According to the 2018-19 financial officials’ houses. 2019,” Mr Kahiga said. after it was renovated by the late Gov-
year development plan, the money Contacted, Mr Mutahi said he was Finance executive Robert Thuo ernor, Mr Nderitu Gachagua.
will be used to buy land and fund the not aware of the estimates, adding said it was wrong to conclude that The governor has also acquired a new
architectural design and construction that the bill of quantities had not the county would spend Sh200 mil- Prado worth Sh14 million, factored in
between 2018 and 2022. been finalised. lion on houses “when the document the supplementary budget.

Siaya > Speaker says project to go on

Rasanga, reps
differ over new
assembly block
Governor wants be diverted to National Hospital
money set aside for Insurance Fund, which will see
women benefit from free mater-
building channelled nity services and senior citizens
have quality healthcare.
to development The Speaker indicated that
the assembly allocated Sh50
BY RUSHDIE OUDIA million every financial year for
@rushdieo3 the project, and not Sh300 mil- lion as the governor said.
“The project has kicked off

iaya Governor Cornel and the governor will not stop
Rasanga has raised a it. The contract has already
new storm with MCAs been awarded and we were
after disagreeing on a plan to even advised by the Control-
build a new assembly structure ler of Budget to stagger the
at a cost of Sh700 million. project for 10 years so that it
Mr Rasanga said the proposal does not affect other develop-
to put up a new assembly block ment projects,” he said.
is a misplaced priority and He told the governor to
the money should instead be respect the separation of pow-
channelled to development ers, saying the assembly is an
projects. independent institution with its
However, assembly Speaker own budget, and was keen on
George Okode accused the having a flagship project. He
governor of playing politics and said that in the past financial
trying to divert attention. years when the amount was al-
“The project went through located, it never interfered with
public participation, was ap- other projects.
proved by the assembly and the Mr Okode also challenged
budget assented to the governor the governor to explain how he
himself. He is simply playing spent Sh20 million, which he
politics,” said Mr Okode. said was allocated for NHIF in
The county boss, who was the previous financial years.
backed by Senator James The conflict between the as-
Orengo and Gem MP Elisha sembly and the executive has
Odhiambo, asked the MCAs to escalated, having started when
allow his government to divert the House rejected Mr Rasan-
the funds to other programmes ga’s nominees to the Cabinet.
such as strengthening the health They were, however, approved
sector. last week.
During a church service over
the weekend, Mr Rasanga main-
tained that the money being 700m The amount
it will cost
received from the national gov-
ernment be used in projects that
to build a new county
benefit the people of Siaya di- assembly building.
rectly. “Devolution was brought
to improve the welfare of the
people, who have been yearning The project went
for development as they have through public
been marginalised for decades,” participation,
said Mr Rasanga.
The governor said the as-
was approved by
sembly project was good but the assembly and the
its timing was wrong, adding budget assented to by
that there were other pressing the governor himself.
matters that should be given pri- He (Rasanga) is simply
ority. Similar sentiments were
echoed by Mr Ochieng, who
playing politics,”
urged the assembly to channel George Okode, assem-
the funds to other projects. He bly Speaker
proposed that the funds should
24 | Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION


Telephone: +254 711 398 522; Kitui County Public Service Board
+254 711 398 533 Offices, Opposite KEFRI/JICA entrance,
Website: P.O Box 33- 90200

If you believe poverty and powerlessness is unacceptable and can be eliminated by collective human action,
Kitui County Public Service Board (CPSB) is a body corporate established under Section there are now opportunities for you to stand up and make a difference in unequal world and make the
57 of the County Governments Act, 2012 pursuant to Article 235 of the Constitution of desired change happen with your passion.
Kenya 2010. Section 59 of the County Governments Act 2012 outlines the functions of Join the team at Oxfam who envisage a transformed Kenyan society in which each individual is able to
the CPSB among them being “appoint persons to hold or act in offices of the county public access basic services, and fully participates in decision making processes on issues that affect their lives
service including in the Boards of cities and urban areas within the county and to confirm and can be heard. Through your contribution and as part of Oxfam International (OI), an international
confederation of 20 Oxfam affiliates working together in more than 90 countries, with partners and allies
around the world together we can find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice to realise OI’s vision of a
just world without poverty.
Pursuant to the above constitutional and legal provision, Kitui CPSB invites applications
from qualified persons to be considered for the positions below: To deliver this transformational vision, Oxfam in Kenya seeks to recruit for the following 2 positions: -
1. Specialists Doctors Q 10 Level: C1
Specialists Doctors (Obstetrician/ Fixed Term (2 years) – INT4271
2. Gynecologist, pediatrician, ENT Surgeon, R 4
In this role, you will manage programmatic/thematic strategists and provide leadership and strategic
Clinical Pharmacist) support to the programmes team; lead programme design, development and implementation and, take
3. Nursing Officers K 30 responsibility for ensuring minimum standards for programming are met. Be responsible for growing the
Kenya Registered Community Health programme portfolio and in support of high quality programme implementation, will ensure effective
4. H 110 coordination and collaboration between campaigns, humanitarian and operations teams in country and the
Nurses (KRCHN) broader Confederation and, develop and support partnerships with national, regional and global civil society
5. Enrolled Community Nurses (ECN) G 20 towards meeting the goals outlined in the Oxfam Country Strategy for Kenya.
6. Registered Clinical Officers Specialists L 6
8. Radiographers H 13 Level: National C2
Fixed Term (2 years) -INT4272
9. Pharmaceutical Technologists H 14
Assistant Health Records and Information In this role, you will have the ability to build a people’s movement around the program theme and inspire
10. H 15
Management officers III followership; comprehensive knowledge and experience of implementing Social Protection/Resilience
programs and initiatives, ideally built on mature understanding of relevant issues derived from field
11. Laboratory Technologists H 33
experience. Proven management experience and high impact influencing at a strategic level in a complex,
12. Laboratory Technologists (Histopathologists) L 2 dispersed organisation with evidence of leading, facilitating and integrating a specific area of expertise
13. Nutrition and Dietetic Technologists H 11 across a wide network, providing clarity and focus of vision and impact, strategic planning and decision
making and the delivery of agreed results. Have good knowledge of and experience in developing advocacy
14. Nutrition and Dietetic Officers K 3 and campaign strategies and plans and successfully achieving external impact and change and, experience
15. Physiotherapists K 2 in donor funding environment with good financial management skills.
16. Assistant Physiotherapists H 6 P.S – Earlier applicants need not re-apply for the Social Protection/Resilience Strategist.
17. Occupational Therapists K 2
How to Apply
18. Assistant Occupational Therapists H 5 If you believe you are the candidate we are looking for, please submit your application and CV detailing your
19. Orthopedic Technologist H 1 experience for the post and include daytime telephone contacts.
20. Medical Engineering Technologists H 3 The closing date for all applications is 7th March 2018. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
21. Plaster Technicians G 5
22. Senior Supply Chain Management Officers L 1 At Oxfam, we are committed to ensuring diversity and gender equality within our organisation.

Supply Chain Management Assistants

23. G 14
(Store Keepers)
24. Health Administrative Officers J 11
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How to apply:
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other relevant supporting documents.
Applications should be submitted in a sealed envelope with the position applied for clearly
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The Board Secretary, offices at Moi South Lake Road, P.O Box 2010-20117, Naivasha in the
Kitui County Public Service Board, Republic of Kenya (the applicant); pursuant to the provisions of Section
28 of the Energy Act 2006, will on 8th March 2018 make an application
P.O. Box 33-90200, Kitui.
to the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) for modification of the
Important information to all Candidates Generation, Distribution and Supply license to include Solar as one of
• Applications should reach the Secretary, County Public Service Board on or before the Energy sources in addition to Geothermal. The Solar Plant will be
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• Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
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c) Kenya Revenue Authority forward to the Applicant a copy of such representation or objection.
d) Credit Reference Bureau
e) Directorate of Criminal Investigation 20th February 2018
Oserian Development Co. LTD
The County Government of Kitui is an equal opportunity employer and does not P.O. Box 2010-20117,
charge commission for its recruitment services. Naivasha

LAST FAREWELL > Photographer who took Dedan Kimathi’s first snap P. 28

The transition from automatic
to manual is possible, but it is
not as simple as it sounds so
get someone qualified to do it
for you

Daily Kenya Living

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


It boils down to features

The X-Trail is simply
popular while the Odyssey
is a practical minivan

26 27
carclinic carclinic
Wednesday Wednesday
February 21, 2018 February 21, 2018

I want to change my Toyota from

Crossover or minivan; which is automatic to manual After changing
my Nissan’s
more spacious and comfy?
Hello, wide if you opt to introduce a third the clutch slave cylinder and lines.
I’m looking for advice on chang- pedal into the footwell) along with Then attach the gear lever from
ing an AE91 Sprinter with a 5A-FE their master and slave cylinders, wir- inside the car, replace or reattach

gearbox, its
engine from its original auto trans- ing harness for the manual box where what you had disconnected but
mission to manual simply because applicable and whatever other little didn’t discard, then, most impor-
I prefer to drive a manual car. Is it knick-knacks that will be necessary tantly, bridge the wires that go to
too much work? What’s the proce- for the conversion to be a success. the automatic transmission’s selector

performance has
dure? These might vary from car to car, box, otherwise the car won’t start.
With cars so similar ers, but others praise their off-road capa-
bility and performance.
corporate faces, the lines are getting seri-
ously blurred between segments.
minivans, but again the Toyota Alphard is
one of those same minivans and is luxurious
Buying a factory manual car is out
of the question since I like every-
which is why I won’t delve into a
comprehensive breakdown, but a
An alternative to bridging the wires
is to have an aftermarket ECU since
these days, it depends As for minivans, their advocates say they thing else about the car.

gone down
I wouldn’t call them ego boosters as much like you can’t believe. trustworthy mechanic should be the car will only refuse to start on its
cannot be matched when it comes to com- as I would fashionable trends-du-jour that The minivans might seem “uncool” be- Reyaad able to walk you through the requisite stock ECU.
on a make’s features fort.
They are also quite spacious and more
are blindly followed by a middle class defined
by their desire for a sense of belonging and
cause they portray the image of a family
man who has resigned himself to breeding Hello Reyaad,
shopping list before work starts.
The truncated process list involves
Drive off into the sunset, row-
ing your own gears to your heart’s
fuel-efficient than crossovers. The main sameness, a middle class that, lately, cannot rugrats and has long since forgotten the joys The conversion from an auto to removing the driver’s seat, exchang- content. SPONDENT

Hi Baraza, argument against them seems to be that seem to get enough of these things. With the in some of the finer things in life, such as a manual is a fairly simple one on ing the fat, original, automatic-only A Nissan
I have a family of four and I’m looking for “they are not cool”. I don’t think we’ll go exception of oversized American pickups, a two-door sports car. paper, especially for the AE91 Toyota brake pedal for a skinnier, manual- *Disclaimer: it is one thing to read Sunny
a good car. My two priorities are space off-roading but we plan to travel quite a crossovers are the most profitable class of This mindset doesn’t really apply here Sprinter, though I initially disagreed specific one and drilling holes into the theoretical version of this exercise; B15 Super
and comfort. I’m torn between crossovers lot. Which type of car would you recom- car a manufacturer can make. in Kenya, where our tastes are strange and about trading in for a manual instead the forward bulkhead to accom- it is quite another actually doing it. saloon.
(X-Trail, CRV, Murano, RAV4) and mini- mend? I’m leaning towards a minivan, Minivans are roomy, true, and offer in- our priorities skewed. This explains the of doing the swap. But then I gave modate the new pedal and master Certain parts of the process can be
vans (Honda Stream, Stepwagon, Honda especially a Honda. creased practicality such as sliding doors popularity of the Voxy and its ilk. it some thought and realised that cylinder. really tiresome or frustrating, espe-
BEHIND Odyssey). Checking online (always the that come in handy when ensconced in tight If you won’t off road and you do a lot model is a bit long in the tooth and The next big step is removing cially if you are dealing with
best source of sane, reasoned arguments), Hello, parking spots. of road trips, then the minivan is for you, shopping for a clean example might the gearbox, having disconnected a small, packed or crowded
THE there are a lot of impassioned arguments Crossovers are less disguised minivans Whether or not they are more comfort- image be damned. Hondas are not half bad, not be as immediately successful as anything and everything that needs engine bay.
WHEEL for each. and more hatchbacks or compact wagons able it to be decided on a case by case basis particularly the Odyssey, and at least you it would have been a decade ago, if at disconnecting: cables, linkages, wires This entire guide was dis-
Some say crossovers are just minivans in in high-heeled shoes; but then again, in this because a car like a Mercedes-Benz GLE is a will shed the “Kenya uniform” blight that all. These cars are slowly disappear- and driveshafts. Once the trans- tilled and highly summarsed
disguise and are no more than ego-boost- era of platform sharing, CAD designs and crossover and more comfortable than most afflicts those who shop for Toyotas. ing from our roads and the few left mission is out, remove the torque from the same procedure per-

baraza either lean towards the shabby side

or are simply not for sale.
converter and flywheel assembly
and replace them with their manual
formed on a Toyota Starlet GT with
a 4E-FTE engine. For optimum results,

Anyway, the conversion process: transmission equivalents (flywheel I strongly advise you to leave the job
you need the replacement gearbox at and clutch pack). Sling the manual to a professional who knows what he
hand, as well as its flywheel, clutch transmission into position and fas- is doing, because much as it sounds Hi Baraza, flagging performance when going
pack, pressure plate, clutch and brake ten it in place, taking note of torque fairly straightforward, it is a difficult I recently changed the gearbox uphill, I’d suggest you start by
pedal assemblies (the brake pedal in specs when tightening bolts. From job. of my Nissan Sunny B15 Super checking the load sensor of the
most automatics is uncomfortably here attach saloon. Thereafter, I noticed engine, which determines when
that whenever I accelerated, I the engine is working hardest
couldn’t surpass the 80km/hr (such as when going uphill) and
mark. The vehicle also doesn’t sends signals to the ECU to open
pick well on the hill until I press the taps a little wider, adjusting
on the acceleration pedal to the the air-fuel ratios for better per-
end. My mech had advised that formance.
I need to check the throttle sen- A faulty load sensor means
sor and fuel pump. What could the ECU can’t tell if the engine
be the problem? I love this car is straining and will not make the
and am not about to give up on necessary adjustments - hence the
it yet. poor performance.
Braion. A transmission-related diagno-
sis would be to check the torque
Hi Braion, converter stator to see if it is mal-
You do not specify whether the functioning. The stator assembly
vehicle is manual or automatic, is the “torque multiplier” in the
PHOTO I CORRESPONDENT or even if you changed from one transmission, so if it is not work-
Unlike the typical version to the other like the man ing as it should, engine torque is
minivan, the Alphard The conversion from automatic
PHOTO I CORRESPONDENT with the Sprinter above intends not multiplied and the car, there-
is, surprisingly, very to manual is fairly easy for an
Many people buy crossovers like the to. Now that you instead specify fore, underperforms.
luxurious. AE91 Toyota Sprinter.
Nissan X-Trail simply to fit in.

tor world. Note that on the farm, the which is the most obvious factor in dividing the bore figure by the stroke
How come the New Holland
paratively narrow heads (as occasioned anything it might send the graph in
one with more horsepower calls the determining engine outputs, several figure. Undersquare engines have

by a narrow bore) make porting and the opposite direction.
shots. Feel free to throw in some al-

other considerations come into play; stroke ratios below 1:1. So now, valving less efficient: one can’t install The exact torque figure an engine

TD80 has more horsepower gebra, calculation,s etc, just to spice

it up a bit.
split not so evenly between physical
and mechanical constants such as
The YTO X 704 has a stroke ratio
of 0.84:1 while the New Holland TD80
bigger ports or numerous valves for
easier breathing.
will put out depends on numerous
other factors, such as the lengths of

than YTO X704 tractor?

The engine specs for the two are: bore to stroke ratio and other fringe- has a stroke ratio of 0.96:1. These two We can see from an engineering point the intake and exhaust runners, the
YTO X704 tractor: scientific observations such as “how numbers carry some significance. of view that the “undersquareness” of compression ratio, brake mean effec-
Displacement (L) - 4.4 well the engine is developed”. While some engines are undersquare, the Chinese engine already puts it at a tive pressure, valve number, design and
Bore x stroke (mm) - 105x125 Not to be discriminatory or racist in some, like the Chinese, are more slight disadvantage; but a closer look at timing; cam profiles and generally the
Hi JM, to something here, or taking us for Rated power (Kw)/Hp at 2400 rpm any way, but New Holland is one of the undersquare than others (the New those numbers indicates the cylinder degree of technology that has gone
I have been an ardent reader of your a ride. Without diverting onto the - 51.5/70 Max. torque (N.m)/speed biggest and longest lived tractor names Holland) and despite the inherent dimensions of the two engines are not into the engine.
column for some time now and I get qualities and durability of Chinese (r/min) - 237 out there. The Chinese.... not so much. torque advantages of an undersquare very different. There is about half a litre These are what separate the perform-
lots of info on how you break down machinery and with the above en- It is easy to tell who will have a better engine, it is not without its drawbacks. between them, with the Chinese getting ance parameters of engines of the same
issues and lots of kicks on how you gine specifications, kindly delve into New Holland TD80 tractor: made tractor between the two and that The lengthy stroke increases engine the fatter end of the displacement stick. size; or the reason why you may find a
dispense off irrelevant ones. how a smaller displacement engine Displacement (L) Capacity - 3.9 sort of half answers your question. friction due to the longer distance So why then is the Chinese equipment smaller engine making better numbers
I do not know in which column mine of a New Holland TD80 gives more Bore x stroke (mm - 104 x 115 A more thoughtful answer would covered by the piston. outdone despite its bigger engine? That than a larger one.
falls but since it has to do with en- horsepower than that of a YTO X704 Rated power (Kw)/Hp at 2500 rpm incorporate deeper details and these There is higher peak piston accel- big engine is its own undoing. Having developed a certain amount
gines it might be right up your alley, Engine, both naturally aspirated 4x4 - 58.8 / 80 Max. torque (N.m)/speed are those details: eration, again due to the fact that the For one, undersquare engines are of torque, the power an engine makes
so here goes: In the recent past we drive. (r/min) - 298 1. From the information you gave, piston has to cover a longer distance not particularly revvy as pointed out, is then determined by how high that
acquired a YTO X704 tractor, a real My Google-fu did not clearly fill me in both engines are “undersquare” (stroke at a given rpm compared to square or which is why the live in tractors and engine can rev while carrying that
bargain, from the Orient and on close since it just differentiated engine and Hi Allan, > bore), meaning they are both good oversquare engines, but increased pis- other slow-turning engines; and to torque. Your New Holland engine de-
comparison with other tractors in draw bar horsepower, a standard for I see we are in yet another engineer- for torque, but there is what we call ton speeds do not necessarily equate to make power you need revs, plenty velops more torque and carries that
its class I think the Chinese are on measuring tractor power in the trac- ing class. Now, besides the capacity, the stroke ratio value, determined from increased engine speed. Also, the com- of them. A YTO X704 tractor made in China A New Holland TD80 tractor torque to higher revs (2500rpm vs
Seeing how the torque is already the 704’s 2400), which is why it has
getting shortchanged by intra-cylinder more power.
frictional losses; and now you can’t rev and resist rotation by reason of sheer skeleton framework of what to consider how well they work together. I’m not
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Tom Mshindi EXECUTIVE EDITOR, PRINT: Mutuma Mathiu is published every week by Nation Media Group Limited. It is distributed free with every Daily the nuts out of the engine, things are mass alone. Disadvantage: China. in engine design before diving in. Like saying bigger engines make less power *Addendum: how high an engine
SUB-EDITOR: Judy Ogecha PHOTO EDITOR: Joan Pereruan CHIEF GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Andrew Anini Nation. Unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, transparencies are submitted at the sender’s risk. looking pretty bleak. The bigger the Now these are just the inherent the exhausts we discussed last week, but there reaches a point where an in- can rev is in itself yet another topic,
DEPUTY CHIEF GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Michael Mosota GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Ken Kusimba COVER PHOTOS: Courtesy While every care will be taken on receipt of such material, the Nation Media Group Limited cannot accept engine, the more the frictional losses engineering aspects that affect the ti all comes down to a fine balance of crease in capacity will not do much where physical design and material
responsibility for accidental loss or damage. ©Nation Media Group Limited, 2009. All rights reserved. and the heavier the parts that will try torque an engine develops and are a a myriad of little considerations and for the power figure bottom line; if science come into play.
February 21, 2018 carclinic

I want to change my Toyota from

automatic to manual After changing
I’m looking for advice on chang-
ing an AE91 Sprinter with a 5A-FE
wide if you opt to introduce a third
pedal into the footwell) along with
their master and slave cylinders, wir-
the clutch slave cylinder and lines.
Then attach the gear lever from
inside the car, replace or reattach my Nissan’s
gearbox, its
engine from its original auto trans- ing harness for the manual box where what you had disconnected but
mission to manual simply because applicable and whatever other little didn’t discard, then, most impor-
I prefer to drive a manual car. Is it knick-knacks that will be necessary tantly, bridge the wires that go to
too much work? What’s the proce- for the conversion to be a success. the automatic transmission’s selector

performance has
dure? These might vary from car to car, box, otherwise the car won’t start.
Buying a factory manual car is out which is why I won’t delve into a An alternative to bridging the wires
of the question since I like every- comprehensive breakdown, but a is to have an aftermarket ECU since
thing else about the car.

gone down
trustworthy mechanic should be the car will only refuse to start on its
Reyaad able to walk you through the requisite stock ECU.
shopping list before work starts. Drive off into the sunset, row- PHOTO I
Hello Reyaad, The truncated process list involves ing your own gears to your heart’s CORRE-
The conversion from an auto to removing the driver’s seat, exchang- content. SPONDENT
a manual is a fairly simple one on ing the fat, original, automatic-only A Nissan
paper, especially for the AE91 Toyota brake pedal for a skinnier, manual- *Disclaimer: it is one thing to read Sunny
Sprinter, though I initially disagreed specific one and drilling holes into the theoretical version of this exercise; B15 Super
about trading in for a manual instead the forward bulkhead to accom- it is quite another actually doing it. saloon.
of doing the swap. But then I gave modate the new pedal and master Certain parts of the process can be
it some thought and realised that cylinder. really tiresome or frustrating, espe-
model is a bit long in the tooth and The next big step is removing cially if you are dealing with
shopping for a clean example might the gearbox, having disconnected a small, packed or crowded
not be as immediately successful as anything and everything that needs engine bay.
it would have been a decade ago, if at disconnecting: cables, linkages, wires This entire guide was dis-
all. These cars are slowly disappear- and driveshafts. Once the trans- tilled and highly summarsed
ing from our roads and the few left mission is out, remove the torque from the same procedure per-
either lean towards the shabby side converter and flywheel assembly formed on a Toyota Starlet GT with
or are simply not for sale. and replace them with their manual a 4E-FTE engine. For optimum results,
Anyway, the conversion process: transmission equivalents (flywheel I strongly advise you to leave the job
you need the replacement gearbox at and clutch pack). Sling the manual to a professional who knows what he
hand, as well as its flywheel, clutch transmission into position and fas- is doing, because much as it sounds Hi Baraza, flagging performance when going
pack, pressure plate, clutch and brake ten it in place, taking note of torque fairly straightforward, it is a difficult I recently changed the gearbox uphill, I’d suggest you start by
pedal assemblies (the brake pedal in specs when tightening bolts. From job. of my Nissan Sunny B15 Super checking the load sensor of the
most automatics is uncomfortably here attach saloon. Thereafter, I noticed engine, which determines when
that whenever I accelerated, I the engine is working hardest
couldn’t surpass the 80km/hr (such as when going uphill) and
mark. The vehicle also doesn’t sends signals to the ECU to open
pick well on the hill until I press the taps a little wider, adjusting
on the acceleration pedal to the the air-fuel ratios for better per-
end. My mech had advised that formance.
I need to check the throttle sen- A faulty load sensor means
sor and fuel pump. What could the ECU can’t tell if the engine
be the problem? I love this car is straining and will not make the
and am not about to give up on necessary adjustments - hence the
it yet. poor performance.
Braion. A transmission-related diagno-
sis would be to check the torque
Hi Braion, converter stator to see if it is mal-
You do not specify whether the functioning. The stator assembly
vehicle is manual or automatic, is the “torque multiplier” in the
or even if you changed from one transmission, so if it is not work-
version to the other like the man ing as it should, engine torque is
The conversion from automatic
with the Sprinter above intends not multiplied and the car, there-
to manual is fairly easy for an to. Now that you instead specify fore, underperforms.
AE91 Toyota Sprinter.

paratively narrow heads (as occasioned anything it might send the graph in

by a narrow bore) make porting and the opposite direction.


valving less efficient: one can’t install The exact torque figure an engine
bigger ports or numerous valves for will put out depends on numerous
easier breathing. other factors, such as the lengths of
We can see from an engineering point the intake and exhaust runners, the
of view that the “undersquareness” of compression ratio, brake mean effec-
the Chinese engine already puts it at a tive pressure, valve number, design and
slight disadvantage; but a closer look at timing; cam profiles and generally the
those numbers indicates the cylinder degree of technology that has gone
dimensions of the two engines are not into the engine.
very different. There is about half a litre These are what separate the perform-
between them, with the Chinese getting ance parameters of engines of the same
the fatter end of the displacement stick. size; or the reason why you may find a
So why then is the Chinese equipment smaller engine making better numbers
outdone despite its bigger engine? That than a larger one.
big engine is its own undoing. Having developed a certain amount
For one, undersquare engines are of torque, the power an engine makes
not particularly revvy as pointed out, is then determined by how high that
which is why the live in tractors and engine can rev while carrying that
other slow-turning engines; and to torque. Your New Holland engine de-
make power you need revs, plenty velops more torque and carries that
of them. A YTO X704 tractor made in China A New Holland TD80 tractor torque to higher revs (2500rpm vs
Seeing how the torque is already the 704’s 2400), which is why it has
getting shortchanged by intra-cylinder more power.
frictional losses; and now you can’t rev and resist rotation by reason of sheer skeleton framework of what to consider how well they work together. I’m not
the nuts out of the engine, things are mass alone. Disadvantage: China. in engine design before diving in. Like saying bigger engines make less power *Addendum: how high an engine
looking pretty bleak. The bigger the Now these are just the inherent the exhausts we discussed last week, but there reaches a point where an in- can rev is in itself yet another topic,
engine, the more the frictional losses engineering aspects that affect the ti all comes down to a fine balance of crease in capacity will not do much where physical design and material
and the heavier the parts that will try torque an engine develops and are a a myriad of little considerations and for the power figure bottom line; if science come into play.
enduringmemory Wednesday
February 21, 2018

I took the first

by the British colonial government in
1952. The office was destroyed and
he was moved to Kabage Forest in
“While there I received a letter

snap of Dedan
and, upon opening it, realised it
was from my former teacher Ki-
mathi.” In it, Dedan Kimathi, then
the unquestioned leader of the Mau
Mau, asked his old pupil to dispatch
stationery and postage stamps to aid

Kimathi after
the war effort, signing off ominously,
“burn after reading”. Such requests
persisted during the freedom strug-
gle and Tiras Kimathi would happily
help his friend.
The Kodak camera Murage car-
ried on the day Dedan Kimathi was

his arrest
captured was a gift from a friendly
White man he had worked with in
“We used it during meetings that
needed recording,” he says.
After Murage moved back home to
Ihururu, he would take pictures on
But all Tiras Murage’s historic to the back sends him flailing to the
ground. On the morning of October PHOTO | WILLIAM RUTHI
weekends for a small fee. “I had taken
a few other pictures with it, but it is
shot earned him was a beating 21, 1956, Tiras Kimathi Murage hur-
ried to Kahiagaini centre in Tetu,
Photographer Tiras Kimathi Murage holding a photo of his friend. Below, he a long time ago now,” he says.
Murage’s living room bears the
shows the scar resulting fom the injuries inflicted by a colonial officer.
BY WILLIAM RUTHI Nyeri County. A huge crowd had marks of his forestry career and also already gathered at the Kahigaini a sitting position. tree on Murage’s spacious lawn. His his brief tenure as a photographer.
homeguard post. They were there “Kimathi smiled and I clicked the home, well shaded by ancient trees, There are framed pictures taken

to see Dedan Kimathi, the leader button. I got maybe two pictures, and overlooks Ihururu town. Murage, a with dignitaries, one while planting
ometimes when he sits under of the militant Mau Mau freedom the next thing I knew, I was lying on retired forester, loves it this way, the a tree at President Jomo Kenyatta’s
the trees in his compound, movement, who had been shot the ground, being kicked,” recounts quiet among the trees. The gate bears home in Gatundu, a young Uhuru
the memories come flood- and wounded earlier that day as he Murage, now 87. He had been at- the initials “TK”. I was directed to Kenyatta looking on. There are
ing back. In the still slides tcrawled out of the nearby forest to tacked by a White police officer. The Murage’s home by Anthony Maina, black-and-white pictures from long
he is a young man again, gangly and look for food. policeman, pink with rage, lifted his an assistant curator at the National ago among wooden carvings and
quick and is hurrying up a dusty Murage pushed his way past the gun and struck Murage repeatedly Museums of Kenya-Nyeri office. trinkets. Now and then he pulls one
road, his tiny Kodak camera slung onlookers. with the butt, then turned the busi- The friendship between the two down and the memories come back.
over his shoulder. He wants to see “Ngarana (namesake)!” Kimathi ness end of his weapon and would Kimathis dated back to the peaceful Especially the day he saw Kimathi
his old friend – the one with whom perked up as soon as he saw Mur- have fired had another officer not days before the militant struggle for for the last time.
he shares a middle name. age. The two men talked for a few shouted at him to hold fire. independence, when Kimathi was a The wound inflicted by the white
It’s been years since they last saw minutes. Kimathi was wearing a “That was the last I saw of my part-time teacher at Ihururu Primary police officer’s gun took long to heal
each other although they have been heavy leopard hide, with matching camera,” Murage says. “But one of the School where Murage was a pupil. and Murage still walks with a notice-
friends for long. At the end of the headgear. Murage, in the grip of the morning papers carried the photo, “He taught us mathematics,” says able limp. He pulls up his trouser
show, the slides invariably end the moment, lifted his camera and asked and I knew it was the one because Murage. “A kind man, we looked up to reveal an angry scar running up
same way: he clicks on the camera Karundo Mugo, the guard standing no other photographer was there to him.” his left leg. But such is life and be-
button when, suddenly, a hard blow over Kimathi, to prop the prisoner to when I arrived.” sides, “it was good to see my friend
In later years other pictures of Long-term friendship for the last time. I mean, he never
the captured Kimathi would become Later, after abandoning the idea of came back, you know,” he says with
more popular and widely shared, becoming a cleric, as he had wanted a distant look.
Kimathi smiled but in retrospect, none would carry earlier, Murage worked on a dairy Murage spends most of his time
and I clicked more personal weight than the fated, farm with Kimathi in Nyeri before looking after his wife, who has been
the button. I single-shot from a friend’s camera. finding work as a forester. The two ailing for several years. Though she
got maybe two Because even as the confetti of his- kept in touch, albeit sporadically. cannot talk, she brightens up when
pictures and the tory swirled around that momentous By the early ’50s, the course for Murage walks up to her.
October day, a sub-plot was under- self-determination by Africans had “That day in 1956 Kimathi said,
next thing I knew, I was way. For Dedan Kimathi, betrayed taken a new turn and urgency, and ‘The White man will go, the land will
lying on the ground and alone and on the run for days, it the Mau Mau militant group was revert to us,’” the old man recalls as
being kicked.” must have been comforting to see one shaping up. he walks me to the gate. Behind us,
– Tirus Kimathi Murage, of the few people whose friendship Tiras Murage was working in the Muhoya Hill rises like a steeple,
Dedan Kimathi’s friend he had always counted on. Forestry Department in Embu when looming over Ihururu town down
We are sitting under a shedding the State of Emergency was declared the road.

Graves a matter of concern in Kericho

BY ANITA CHEPKOECH pushing the Kipsigis case in London to his lawyers have also been compro- in 2010. Mrs Everline Ruto, a women’s
@CTAnita seek compensation. Mr Peter Cheruiyot, mised, and therefore, dropped the case. representative in the Myoot council of who lives in a former concentration Ye the community has, with the help elders, even claims that some human
camp at Chepchabis, is troubled of lawyers, collected irrefutable evi- bones had been dug out of the plan-
That the British colonialists evicted because he has not right over his dence that they owned the land where tations and demanded that theybe
many local people from their ancestral grandparents “bones”. the estate now sits. In response to the produced by the perpetrators.
lands in the South Rift to make way for “If you asked me to take you to accusations, Unilever’s Sustainable “Nothing would be more fulfill-
tea plantations is well known. my paternal grandfather’s grave in Business and Corporate Affairs Director, ing than returning to the land of my
After grabbing the land, the colonial- Chemasingi, I would point out almost East Africa, Mr Joseph Sunday, issued fathers. But it’s not enough if their
ists enacted laws preventing Africans the exact spot, right behind Changana a statement saying they had not remains are not shown to us. We want
from “trespassing” on their land, which factory. My grandmother’s is at received any request from persons the Britons to produce their bones
are still strictly observed. the workers camp not far from there,” wishing to visit graves in the Kericho or they will end up being affected by
Now, apart from being landless, the he says. He once sneaked into the plantations. “There are various shrines them,” she said.
evictees, complain that they cannot ac- estate and planted an avocado tree within the plantations belonging mostly Mr Patroba Omollo, the Land Reg-
cess to their forefathers’ graves, which on the grandfather’s grave but found to the Indian community – who are istrar for Kericho and Bomet counties,
fall under the tea estates. out shortly thereafter that it had been granted access whenever they wish to says the communities quest to reclaim
When British lawyer Karim Khan slashed. access the shrines,” he said. the land is a long shot, thanks to the
visited victims of colonial injustices a About 200,000 acres of the land is The management of James Finlay renewal of leases.
few months ago, he expressed concern under Unilever, James Finlay, George did not respond to DN2’s texts and “To acquire the land, there are only
about the strict trespass laws. “It is Williamson and Sotik Highlands, among e-mails despite promising to do so re- two legal options. You can negotiate
sad and unacceptable that some of the others, in the South Rift alone. garding the matter. for an outright purchase on the basis
graves of the families of the Kipsigis Mr Cheruiyot went to court two dec- What worries the communities even of value for money, or through com- PHOTO| ANITA CHEPKOECH
and Talais are in the tea plantations, yet ades ago to challenge James Finlay’s more is that the leases for the rea pulsory acquisition, which is provided Evictee Reuben Sang indicating the spot
they don’t have the right to go there ownership of the land but the , but has estates were renewed for another 99 for under Lands Act, but only when the where he believes his parents were buried
without the approval of the estates,” been protracted thanks to “delaying years seven years ago, following the land is used for public purposes,” said
in a tea estate in Kericho, which he must
said Mr Khan, who is among those tactics” in some quarters, adding that promulgation of the new constitution the registrar.
get permission to visit.

DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 29

Israeli police say that two associates of Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu are suspected of offering a judge
promotion in return for closing a criminal case against the
premier’s wife. PAGE 31

Resistance > Today, we are divided, it can not work like this, says one local leader Zambia finds
263 ‘fake’
Anglophone Cameroon faces teachers
on payroll
violent crackdown from State BY MICHAEL CHAWE
NATION Correspondent
Campaign for breakaway has met LUSAKA, Tuesday
with unyielding opposition from Zambian Education authorities
octogenarian President Paul Biya have announced the dismissal of
forcing many to flee country 263 teachers for possessing fake
The Teaching Service Commis-
sion said it was scrutinising cases
of other 100 teachers for similar

eparatists in Cameroon’s restive English-speak-
Commission spokesperson Jane
ing regions have faced a violent crackdown since
Mbambara said those dismissed
declaring the creation of “Ambazonia”, a self- had forged their qualifications at
proclaimed republic independent from the majority different levels.
French-speaking country. Late last year, the Teaching
The violence has helped fuel support for a growing Council of Zambia (TCZ) said
separatist movement, including armed groups, who 498 teachers were holders of forged
in turn have carried out a string of attacks on police academic certificates.
and the military. The teaching profession regulator
Dozens on both sides have died, and tens of thou- in the southern Africa state said it
sands have fled into neighbouring Nigeria. uncovered the scandal during an
The political drive for the separatist cause began in ongoing registration.
2016 after police broke up demonstrations by English- Lusaka Province topped the list
speaking lawyers and teachers who protested against with 135 cases, with Western Prov-
working in French. ince at the bottom with 26 cases.
The Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consor- Questions were now being asked
tium (CACSC), locally known as “the Consortium”, how the “teachers” landed their jobs
was formed to campaign against what they viewed in the first place.
as discrimination and marginalisation by the franco- We have a bloc defence strategy A Cameroonian refugee preparing cassava at Bashu-
Zambia still suffers from over-
phone majority. — every village, every group of young crowded classrooms and poor
Although it campaigned for federal ties — not Okpambe village in Boki district of Cross Rivers State teacher-pupil ratio.
secessionism — the campaign met with unyielding people can fight for Ambazonia, and in southeast Nigeria, where hundreds of Cameroonian Some single classrooms at pri-
opposition from octogenarian President Paul Biya. we are ready to help them’’ refugees are being sheltered. mary school level hosted as many
The Consortium was dissolved in January 2017, two Mr Lucas Cho Ayaba, who heads an armed as 80 pupils.
of its leaders were arrested, and within the anglophone group Some of the culprits held high
protest movement, the pendulum began to swing in The ADF and SOCADEF have claimed responsibil- administrative positions in their
favour of independence. ity for most of the attacks in the anglophone areas. institutions, TCZ said.
On October 1, prominent leader Sisiku Ayuk Tabe Other smaller, armed factions are also engaged in the
declared the self-proclaimed republic of “Ambazonia”,
named after Ambas Bay on the Atlantic Ocean. The
“the colonialist occupying forces”.
The International Crisis Group (ICG) estimates
conflict, such as the Tigers of Ambazonia, Vipers and
the Ambaland Forces, but their impact is unclear. Angola arrests
16 Congolese
state has not been recognised internationally. that there are likely to be several hundred fighters. Attempts have been made to unite the various
President Biya countered with a crackdown and On February 11, these groups and some other independence groups, with at least four “conclaves”
enlisted the help of neighbouring Nigeria in denying separatist movements gathered in an umbrella in Nigeria. The groups have so far failed to unite
a haven to the “terrorists”.
In January, Ayuk Tabe and 46 of his supporters were
organisation called the Ambazonia Recognition
Collaboration Council (ARCC).
behind a single leader or structure.
“Today, we are divided, it can not work like this,” a
for illegal entry
extradited by Nigeria to Cameroon despite claims that Its most prominent member is a firebrand former leader said via the WhatsApp messenger service.
many of them had lodged asylum applications. student trade unionist, Lucas Cho Ayaba, who heads Tensions in Cameroon can be traced back to events BY ARNALDO VIEIRA
In this climate of spiralling mistrust and revenge, an armed group that calls itself the Ambazonia De- a century ago, when Britain and France occupied NATION Correspondent
calls for separatism, rather than federalism, are domi- fence Forces (ADF). The ADF claimed responsibility Cameroon, taking over Germany’s major colony in LUANDA, Tuesday
nant. The loudest calls have come from the Southern for kidnapping a government official on Sunday in West Africa.
Cameroons Ambazonia Consortium United Front Batibo, a town near the Nigerian border. Cameroon was a Germany colony until 1916, when Angolan police have arrested 16
(SCACUF), headed by Ayuk Tabe, which advocates It says it has “thousands of fighters,” although British and French troops forced the Germans out. DR Congo nationals for illegal entry,
peaceful means to advance independence. commentators say the figure more likely to be The two countries divided it into separate spheres of state media reported.
Many of its members are activists with a background around a hundred or so. “We have a bloc defence influence that were later formalised by the League of The Jornal de Angola quoted police
in teaching, law or farming, but it also counts former strategy — every village, every group of young people Nations, the forerunner to the UN. The much larger spokesman Maurício Morais saying
leaders of the outlawed Southern Cameroon National can fight for Ambazonia, and we are ready to help French colony gained independence in 1960. A year the Congolese were on a lorry en-
Council (SCNC), which began the campaign for inde- them,” he told AFP. Another armed group is South- later, the British colony also gained independence. route to Luanda on Monday.
pendence back in 1995. ern Cameroons Defence Forces (SOCADEF), led by Some of the English-speaking areas choose to join They were intercepted at the
“Negotiations are our best weapon,” said Millan Ebenezer Akwanga, like Cho Ayaba an ex-student newly-formed Nigeria, others to become part of the Nkoko connection post in Luvo
Atam, a SCACUF leader. trade unionist. In the late 1990s, the two were allies federation of Cameroon. commune in Zaire Province, located
But since the crackdown and the roundup of Ayuk in challenging the moderate strand of separatism, English-speaking regions: The two mainly English- some 481km north of Luanda, the
Tabe, the peaceful stance is being outflanked by radi- taking their slogan about “the force of argument” speaking southern provinces are home to around a lorry owner, Mr Morais was quoted
cals, some of whom advocate taking up arms against and reversing it, to “the argument of force.” fifth of Cameroon’s 23 million population.(AFP) saying.
He was also arrested together
with the illegal nine women and

Eight Burundian fishermen die in stormy Lake Tanganyika

seven men from the DR Congo.
He explained that he would ap-
pear in court and risked $240 fine
(Kwanzas 50,000) for each of the
yesterday. The fishermen operating at said Butoyi. “The drowning was caused number of fishermen who were in the illegal Congolese.
BUJUMBURA, Tuesday different ports died after drowning in by a violent wind that capsized fisher- lake during the storm was unknown, he The cross-border Luvo market
Lake Tanganyika, said Gabriel Butoyi, men’s boats in the lake. The fishermen said. According to him, by 11 am Mon- hosts about 1,000 businesspeople
At least eight fishermen drowned chairman of the federation of fishermen had gone too far from the lake shores day, boats had been sent into the lake from Angola, the DR Congo, the
while fishing in Lake Tanganyika in and fish producers in Burundi. and it was hard for them to swim up in a rescue operation. Lake Tanganyika Republic of Congo and Namibia.
a storm on Sunday night, Burundi’s Several boats and other fishing equip- to the shores,” said the chairman. The is the world’s second deepest lake with The market is patronised by cus-
fishermen federation told Xinhua ment were damaged during the storm, death toll might increase as the exact over 350 species of fish. (Xinhua)
tomers from the four countries.
30 | Africa News Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION

Canada in Key role in struggle > ‘He agreed to sacrifice his victory in order to save Zimbabwe’
protest to
Israel over Thousands attend Tsvangirai funeral
refugees Many BUHERA, Zimbabwe, Tuesday

people in housands of Zimbabweans
OTTAWA, Tuesday gathered today to bid a
the crowd final farewell to opposition
Canada, which takes in more
African refugees from Israel than
wore red veteran Morgan Tsvangirai who
was one of Africa’s most globally
any other nation, has voiced shirts with admired politicians and lived to
concerns to the Jewish state over see the fall of his political nemesis
its planned mass deportation of ex-PM’s Robert Mugabe.
African migrants, an official said
portrait, Mr Tsvangirai, the country’s
fiercest opponent of former presi-
A spokesman for Foreign Affairs some dent Mugabe’s tyrannical 37-year
Minister Chrystia Freeland said Ot-
tawa is “concerned” that Israel is weeping rule, died last Wednesday aged 65
at a hospital in South Africa where
working to expel thousands of Eri-
treans and Sudanese who entered
openly he had been undergoing treatment
for colon cancer.
illegally over the years, giving them His body was flown to the burial
an ultimatum: leave by April 1 or risk ceremony aboard a military heli-
being imprisoned indefinitely. copter, accompanied by his mother
As the migrants could face danger Mbuya Tsvangirai.
or imprisonment if returned to their Thousands of mourners gath- We need to have PHOTO | AFP
homelands, Israel has also offered ered for the burial at Tsvangirai’s Kenya’s opposition leader, Raila Odinga gives a speech during the burial of
to relocate them to an unnamed clear and proper
Buhera rural home, 220 kilometres Zimbabwe’s opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai who died last week after
third country. The United Nations transparent elections a battle with cancer, at his rural village Humanikwa in Buhera, yesterday.
south of Harare.
has condemned Israel’s expulsion
Many people in the crowd blew in Africa. Rigged
policy, which offers each migrant elections will not help
whistles and wore red shirts embla- at least 200 of his supporters. a tenacious opponent of the ruling
$3,500 and a plane ticket, as inco-
herent and unsafe.
zoned with Tsvangirai’s portrait, Africa’’ Odinga insists he was the right- ZANU-PF party’s four-decade hold
some weeping openly. Mr Raila Odinga ful winner of general elections in on power. Following the 2008 elec-
“Canada does not support poli-
cies of mass deportations of asylum Tsvangirai’s dreams of unseat- Kenya in August which extended tion violence, he was forced into
seekers,” said Freeland’s spokesman ing Mugabe through the ballot box President Uhuru Kenyatta’s rule. a power-sharing government with
Adam Austen, adding that the expul- were dashed at several elections. “We need to have clear and proper Mugabe, who was ousted last year
sions would contravene migrants’ Kenyan opposition leader Raila told the crowds. Tsvangirai beat transparent elections in Africa. following a military takeover.
rights under the Geneva Convention Odinga, attending the event, con- Mugabe in the first round of presi- Rigged elections will not help Af- “He agreed to sacrifice his vic-
on the Status of Refugees, of which demned political oppression in dential polls in 2008 but narrowly rica,” Mr Odinga told mourners. tory in order to save Zimbabwe. He
Israel is a signatory. “As the country Africa as he addressed support- fell short of the total required to “Morgan’s election victory was sto- became one of the leading icons of
that resettles the highest number ers of Tsvangirai whose electoral defeat Mugabe outright, according len a year after mine was stolen in the second liberation of Africa,” Mr
of African asylum seekers from Is- ambitions, like Odinga’s, were to the official vote count. Kenya,” Mr Odinga said, referring Odinga said, describing Tsvangirai
rael, we are in direct contact with thwarted at controversial polls. Tsvangirai pulled out of an to the 2007 elections which Od- as “my dear brother” and a “hero”.
the government of Israel to convey “Africa is littered with elections election run-off following violence inga alleges were rigged to ensure Zimbabwe is due to hold crucial
Canada’s concerns.’’ (AFP) which are rigged,” Mr Odinga which, he said, claimed the lives of Kenyatta’s victory. Tsvangirai was elections by July. (AFP)

Kenya Country Director- Nutrition International.
At Nutrition International, we believe nutrition is the difference between what could be and
what never gets the chance. So, every day, we drive for better, faster ways to deliver the nutrition
interventions we know work to those who need them most. If you are interested in being part of a
team that is improving the lives of millions around the world, please submit your application for the
above position.

Reporting to the Regional Director, Africa, the Country Director will lead the management of
relations with the Government of Kenya and with other key local stakeholders. He/ she will also
lead the work of the country team in developing, mobilizing resources, managing, monitoring
and reporting on NI-supported programs in Kenya and manage NI’s country operations including
ongoing compliance with legal and financial regulations in the country. He/she ensures that the
programs of NI Kenya are aligned effectively with both the priorities of the Government of Kenya and
with NI’s priorities. The country Director supervises the Deputy Country Director, Finance Officer
and the External Relations Officer.

Education/Professional Designations/Experience:
• Master’s degree from a recognized university in management, international development,
public health, nutrition or related area.
• Additional post graduate certification in project or general management desirable.
• Certificate in research and/or monitoring and evaluation an added advantage.
• At least 10 years’ experience in management of programs in public health or a related
field essential, including managing finances and human resources, in progressively more
leadership levels.
• At least 5 years’ experience in networking at a high level with international partners and
country government, desirable.
• At least 3 years’ experience of working in Kenya, the sub-Saharan Africa region and
• Previous experience highly desirable as a Country Manager or Director or equivalent role in
scope and responsibility for an international organization/NGO.

How to apply
Please go to for a complete Job
description and how to apply.

DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 International News | 31

Oxfam probes Charges > Attorney general must now decide

new sexual
misconduct Netanyahu, allies
LONDON, Tuesday

Oxfam revealed today it was

to face graft probe
over wife’s case
investigating 26 new cases of
sexual misconduct since the crisis
erupted over its handling of a 2011
prostitution scandal in Haiti, which
the British charity called a “wake-
up call”. Judge was JERUSALEM, Tuesday certain action “on a criminal
Chief executive Mark Goldring
allegedly case,” with the offer never

told a parliamentary committee in
sraeli police said today that reaching fruition.
London that the cases varied in
their seriousness, while 16 related
offered two associates of Prime The two men have been
to its international operation. promotion Minister Benjamin Netan-
yahu were suspected of offering
identified as Nir Hefetz and
Eli Kamir, both former media
“They range in time frame from
more recent events to long historic in return a judge promotion in return for advisers for the Netanyahu
closing a criminal case against family. Their alleged offer
events where people did not report
them at the time,” he said.
for closing the premier’s wife. was to Hila Gerstel, a judge
Goldring added he believed the a criminal The new investigation
stemmed from a separate
involved in a graft probe into
Sara Netanyahu over alleged
latest cases had emerged as “a direct
response to the publicity” around case probe into alleged bribery misuse of public funds.
in the form of positive news A spokesman for Netanyahu
the Haitian scandal.
“We really want people to come
against coverage of Netanyahu in re- said that “Hefetz never pre-
forward,” he added. premier’s turn for business concessions
worth millions made public just
sented this ridiculous proposal
to the prime minister and his
The Oxfam chief was unable
to provide further details on the wife hours earlier. wife, and was never asked by
cases when pressed by British The revelations come just them to make such a proposal,
lawmakers. days after police said there and we don’t think he even con-
The committee said it would be were grounds to indict the sidered such a thing.”
conducting its own inquiry into prime minister himself in a Police have already con-
abuses in the foreign aid sector. separate case for bribery, fraud cluded investigations into
Three of Oxfam’s most senior and breach of public trust, in two separate cases involving
leaders repeatedly apologised for the biggest challenge yet to the prime minister and their
the charity’s handling of an internal the right-wing premier’s long recommendation that charges
investigation into the use of prosti- tenure in power. be pressed is now in the hands
tutes by staff in Haiti following the A statement from the police of the attorney general.
devastating 2010 earthquake. said two men had in 2015 “ap- Tuesday’s revelations came
Caroline Thomson, chair of proached a public official with as police commissioner Roni
trustees, said: “It’s right to admit an offer to help advance her to Alsheich faced a parliamentary
this has been a real wake-up call.” the position of attorney gen- committee after outrage among
(AFP) eral” in return for her taking lawmakers. (AFP)


Position: Supply Chain Advisor
Reports to: Program Director
Diploma of Higher Education in Palliative Care July 2018
Location: Kisii/ Migori
Overall Job Function:
Nairobi Ηospice is a charitable organization that provides care to patients with life limiting illness and
The Health Supply Chain Advisor will provide leadership in fulfilling the core functions of supports their families. Applications are invited from suitable professionals for a Diploma of Ηigher
pharmaceutical and supply chain management within the organization. Education in Palliative Care commencing Julу 2018. Practitioners from a broad range of settings are
encouraged to undertake the course, as palliative care knowledge and skills are required bу manу
Key Responsibilities: professionals from different backgrounds.
1. Support pharmacy team in management of medicines and logistics;
2. Participate in site capacity assessment activities and carry out analysis, interpretation and dissemination
of results for use by relevant stakeholders in decision making and service improvement The course is run bу Nairobi Ηospice in association with Oхford Brookes Universitу, UK. This course is
3. Collection, synthesis and transmission of data and information related to drugs and health care practice focused and provides professionals an opportunitу to achieve an internationallу recognized and
supplies; respected qualification with minimum absence from work place setting. It is partlу distance learning and
4. Serve as a member of the Regional Therapeutic Drug Committee and Provincial mentorship team among partlу block sуstem being completed in 18 months. The course provides good foundation for graduates’
other provincial and national committees;
further career development in palliative care. The areas of studу include Impact of disease and the
5. Utilize site data to inform quality of care performance and utilization of medicines;
6. Mentor pharmacy staff with the goal of performance improvement in overall patient care; management of distressing sуmptoms, Understanding pain, Relationships and the dуing, Professional
7. Examine facility operations and systems and recommend ways to improve outputs and outcomes; issues in Palliative Care, Death and dуing, and Bereavement.
8. Provide technical assistance on Procurement and Logistics of Pharmaceutical commodities;
9. Liaison between MGIC and KEMSA as well as other donor related supply chain organizations; ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
10. Organize and facilitate supply chain related trainings using the National curricula; 1. Registered health or social care professional
11. Ability to evaluate outcomes of training activities and share recommendations; and
12. Provide mentorship on development and implementation of appropriate strategies to create a
2. Minimum 12 months eхperience of professional practice
dependable health supply chain system and support an integrated health service delivery system 3. Be currentlу emploуed in, or have access to a suitable practice setting
covering ART and other health commodities 4. Demonstrate the potential to achieve the learning outcomes for the programme
5. Ηave written support from manager, if in emploуment
Qualifications and Requirements: 6. Ηave the support of a mentor according to criteria set bу the programme
• Master’s degree in business, pharmacy, public health with emphasis in supply chain
• Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy. Application documents maу be downloaded from
• Significant relevant experience in supply chain management.
• Registration with Pharmaceutical and Poisons Board (PPB) Deadline for application is Fridaу 15th June 2018.
• Five (5) years’ experience in supply chain management in an NGO setup.

How to apply For further enquiries phone +254732690077 or Email:

Interested candidates, who meet the above-mentioned qualifications, are requested to send their cover
letter and resume to indicating the position being applied for Other Trainings
on the subject line of the email by 3rd March 2018. Applicants are advised to include the position title
“Supply Chain Advisor” as the subject.
Nairobi Ηospice also conducts short courses in palliative care for both health care professionals and non-
The University of Maryland is an equal opportunity employer. Female candidates are encouraged to apply. health care providers. For more details, please visit our website or contact our Director of Education as
stated above.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

32 | Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION

Housing department asks for Sh6 billion
to realise the 500,000 homes building
programme. PAGE 33

Telcoms> Consultant has been studying market with aim of fingering out competition areas KRA likely to
miss tax target,
Splitting M-Pesa from mother says Genghis

Safaricom painful, says firm BY BRIAN NGUGI

The Kenya Revenue Authority is

likely to miss its revenue targets
in the current financial year on the
back of depressed income and cor-
poration tax.
Researchers at Genghis noted
capital tax collection in the first
half of this financial year rose by a
carry out modest 6.63 per cent compared to a

consultant hired to similar period a year earlier, trailing
study on study competition in the the Treasury target.

rivalry telecommunications sector says

it set aside a proposal to split M-Pesa
KRA netted about Sh630.37 billion
in the July-December period compared
sets aside from Safaricom because it considered
the measure too extreme.
to Sh591.17 billion in a similar period
in 2016. The taxman will now have
proposal Analysys Mason has since May
2016 been looking at the Kenyan
to collect nearly Sh134.94 billion
monthly between January and June
saying telecommunications sector with an
aim of identifying competitive factors
to hit the Sh1.44 trillion full-year
that that make Safaricom the only profitable
mobile network operator.
“The first quarter period ending
September 2017 saw revenues in
would An initial draft of the study, leaked import duty, excise duty and PAYE
to the media in February 2017, had segments fall off target,” said Genghis
be too proposed implementing mobile money in a macro-economic and fixed income

drastic a inter-operability by the end of last year

failure to which Safaricom would be
report released yesterday.
“Despite revenue collection efforts
measure split into two units.
“We felt that this remedy could be
improving in the last three financial
years, we are not optimistic of a better
seen as disproportionate, in relation performance in the current financial
to a delay in implementing wallet-to- year,” said the researchers. They noted
wallet interoperability, and furthermore that payroll tax was set to pull down
it constrained the CA’s discretion to revenue collection while the decision
act as it saw fit,” said Philip Bates, a serve customers from different networks Broadcasting and of the CA and the CBK became a heated barring the KRA to effect the Excisable
principal at Analysys Mason. using the same float, a suggestion that Telecommunica- subject of debate during the session Goods Management System (EGMS)
Safaricom and Airtel are already had been tabled by some players in the tions PS Sammy yesterday with some stakeholders stamps on products, including bottled
testing inter-operability of mobile industry. However, the consultant says Itemere, Com- arguing that perhaps issues of mobile water from last November would deny
money transfer, which will see this will be an issue that ought to be munications Au- money were best left to the banking the taxman additional revenues.
customers send and receive money addressed by the Central Bank of Kenya thority of Kenya regulator. The KRA was dealt a blow last
across networks in real time. rather than the CA. Mobile operators also protested the October in its quest to widen the
Assistant Director
Mr Bates spoke yesterday during “We agree that this is highly desirable manner in which the study had been tax net after the High Court tem-
a public forum to discuss the report but this is an area we think falls outside
Multimedia Con- carried out. Airtel’s chief regulatory porarily suspended plans to rope in
ahead of its final publication. He said the Communications Authority and is tent & Innova- officer for Africa, Daddy Mukadi, non-alcoholic drinks and cosmetics
the consultant had followed a similar much more about banking regulations,” tion Christopher called for speedy implementation of manufacturers.
rationale in reducing the number of said Mr Bates. Wambua and the report. “First the PAYE reforms will
counties that Safaricom would be The overlapping regulatory mandates acting Director Safaricom, on the other hand, said depress revenue from the PAYE
required to share infrastructure, from General, Com- that implementing the findings of segment. Secondly, the court order
the original 14 to seven, in the latest munications Au- the report could wind up punishing suspending the rollout will dampen
report. thority of Kenya its investments and victimising its excise duty collection,” it said.
The consultant maintained that extra We agree that this Christopher Kemei subscribers
charges on cross-network mobile cash
transfers should be scrapped. The
(sharing float) is highly
desirable but this is
(right), during a
workshop aimed
Questioning the methodology used to
compile the study, especially in light of BRIEFLY
underway pilot study on interoperability the entry of Jamii Telecom, Safaricom
has not yet addressed the issue of an area we think falls at disseminating
called for a fresh start. MARITIME
charges that consumers will pay for outside the Communications the findings of the “I daresay that maybe we need to
these services. Authority and is much more telecommunica- have a total review of the study to Cargo transport using
tions competition
Analysys Mason further extended its
proposals in regards to mobile money
about banking regulations.”
study yesterday in
take into consideration changes that
have happened in the last one year,”
new rail up, says KPA
by recommending that interoperability Philip Bates, a principal at Nairobi. said Mercy Ndegwa, who heads the
also applies to mobile money agents. Analysys Mason DIANA NGILA | NATION firm’s regulatory and public policy
This would mean that agents could department.

On virtual cash you are alone, warns markets authority

BY CHARLES MWANIKI the internet-based digital money. asymmetry on the risks, costs and against investors. Most ICOs operate The volume of cargo transported
AND JAMES KARIUKI The capital markets regulator’s returns, and liquidity risks when one solely over the internet, and the fact using the standard gauge railway
warning comes at a time a local group wants to exit the investment. that the products and sellers may is on the rise, the Kenya Ports Au-
The Capital Markets Authority has is selling a Kenyan developed digital “There are ongoing invitations to not be subject to regulation, exposes thority says. Managing director
cautioned Kenyans on the dangers of currency known as Nurucoin. members of the public to invest in investors to fraud.” Catherine Mturi-Wairi said some 671
participating in initial cryptocurrency such coins in what is being marketed Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit (TEUs)
coin offerings (ICOs) citing high risk Perpetrate fraud as ‘pre-sale before launch on public E-commerce platform containers were delivered up-coun-
of exposure to fraud. CMA says its caution is based on the exchanges,” said CMA in a notice CMA’s caution is seen as a reaction try by rail last week, an increase of
The authority is the second financial wider risks in coin offerings identified published yesterday. to Nurucoin, which is being done 233 TEUs compared to the a similar
regulator after Central Bank of Kenya by the International Organisation of “While some ICOs are floated by owners of e-commerce platform period before. She said transporters
(CBK) to issue a warning against virtual Securities Commissions (IOSCO)—of by entrepreneurs with genuine and BlazeBay, a subsidiary of Churchblaze are showing increasing interest in us-
currencies, reminding investors that which it is a member—that include innovative ideas for new products Christian Association, which runs ing the rail as an alternative to road
they have no fall-back in case of loss potential for fraud, cross-border and services, there is a risk that some a number of technology and social haulage.
since neither regulator has oversight on distribution risks, information issuers could seek to perpetrate fraud networking platforms. — Lucas Barasa
DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 Business News | 33
Real estate > Housing officials root for partnerships

Department now seeks

Sh6bn to build homes
Plan BY EDWIN MUTAI ing needs a budget of Sh4 billion.
will also “We have only been given Sh3 billion
by the Treasury, which is inadequate.
involve the
he State Department of Housing To deliver the president Big Four plan
wants Parliament to allocate Sh6 particularly on the component of af-
upgrading billion for delivery of 500,000 fordable housing, we need at least Sh6
of informal low-cost housing scheme as part of
President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Big Four
billion to start us off,” Mr Bucha said.
He said the department is cur-
settlements development agenda. rently undertaking development of DIANA NGILA | NATION

Self service app launch

The department told MPs that Sh2 affordable houses on a pilot basis in
in Nairobi, billion will finance construction of the Mavoko, Shauri Moyo, Parklands and
MPs are units while the balance will fund slum Makongeni.
upgrading. Jubilee Insurance Chairman Nizar Juma and company chief executive Julius
told “We need Sh2 billion to set systems Identify land
Kipng’etich showcase the three Jubilee Insurance apps for the firm’s agents
and institutions in place for delivery “We are discussing with various
of the housing units. This money will county executive committee members and clients during their launch in Nairobi yesterday. The apps will enable
also be used to restructure the Na- to identify land for this project which self-service and e-commerce functionalities via the mobile phone.
tional Housing Corporation (NHC) will be developed through the Public
and establish the Kenya Mortgage Private Partnership (PPP) with the
Refinancing Company and set up the government providing infrastructure
National Housing Development Fund,”
Aidah Munano, principal secretary said
and incentives to investors to build
housing units for sale to Kenyans,”
Deacons hints at children’s wear price cut
in submissions to the Transport Com- he said.
mittee that is scrutinising the Budget Mr Bucha said the World Bank has BY ANNIE NJANJA operating costs, a benefit that “While focusing on our cli-
Policy Statement (BPS). already signed an agreement with the will be passed down to the ent’s needs, we have worked
ministry to provide credit to banks for Fashion retailer Deacons consumer. closely with various stake-
Slum upgrading it to finance the mortgages. East Africa has hinted at the holders to develop a brand
Housing secretary Patrick Bucha “The government will give both possibility of cutting prices to Baby shop identity that represents what
told the team chaired by Pokot South financial and none financial support boost children clothes’ sale in The fashion retailer, which Deacons is all about. The
MP David Pkosing that the 500,000 to the private sector. The World Bank Kenya after it adopted a new rebranded its children clothing restructure represents our
units are divided into slum upgrading will give mortgages at 0.75 per cent business model that weeds franchise brand Baby Shop to ambitions and demonstrates
and social development. while the Kenya Mortgage Refinancing out middlemen from its sup- Deacons Kids at the beginning how Deacons is passionately
He said the development of social Company will give banks guarantee to ply chain. of the month, is also looking connecting customers to their
housing units at Kibera, Mariguini, offer affordable mortgages to Kenyans Deacons in a statement to introduce a wider range of desired lifestyle,” said Deacons’
Soweto B and Kiambiu requires a total to own homes build by the private sec- yesterday said removing the products for children of up to Chief Executive Officer Muchiri
of Sh14.4 billion while affordable hous- tor,” Mr Bucha said. middlemen will help to reduce the age of eight. Wahome.


(In liquidation)


Nation Media Group ,the leading media house in East and Central Africa, is seeking
distribution partners to distribute its publications. Notice is given that the creditors of the above named companу are required
We are seeking partners who are energetic, aggressive and have passion for on or before 8th March 2018 to send in writing their full names and addresses,
business. The successful partners are expected to increase the business volumes with particulars of their debt or claims and the names and addresses of their
through Market penetration and market expansion. The business is commission solicitors ( if anу), to liquidators of the companу, either Nilani Perera of Borrelli
based with very lucrative margins for the successful partners.
Walsh (BVI) Limited, 3rd Floor Commerce Ηouse , Road Town, Tortola VG1110,
The requirements to qualify as a distributor include: British Virgin Islands or Cosimo Borrelli of Borrelli Walsh Limited, Level 17,
1. Bank/Cash guarantee of between Kshs 10m to Kshs 28m based on the market
Tower 1, Admiraltу Centre, 18 Ηarcourt road, Ηong Kong ( “liquidators”).
and equivalent to one month sales/supplies.
2. Working Capital of Kshs between 2.5m-7m equivalent to one week sales/
supplies. If so required bу notice in writing bу either the Liquidators, either personallу
3. Detailed knowledge of the respective market segment including estates,
highways/roads, buildings and the potential for growth.
or bу their solicitors, creditors maу be required to prove their debts or claims
4. Ability to work odd hours and to interact with clients of diverse background. at such time and place as shall be specified in such notice. In default of such
5. Knowledge and experience in running a distributorship is an essential proof, creditors will be eхcluded from the benefit of anу distributions made
6. A medium size van 1 ton, 3/4 ton or probox for use to monitor the
before such debts are proved.
7. Appropriate staff including a cashier, driver and a clerk.
8. An office with internet connectivity and other small satellite offices within the
market segment.
9. A duly registered company that fulfills all government requirements.
Nilani Perera
Applications indicating the region (market) of interest should be addressed to:
Joint Liquidator
General Manager-Sales & Distribution
P.O Box 49010-00100 Contact : Nilani Perera
Telephone : +1 (284) 340 5888
To be received by 3rd March, 2018. Email :

34 | Stocks News Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION


Last 12 Mths Security Prices 25.00 11.00 Nairobi Securities Exchange. Ord 4.00 19.75 20.00 55,500 Money Market Funds Daily Yield Effective Annual Rate
High Low Yesterday Previous Shares African Alliance Kenya Shilling Fund Kenya Shilling 7.77% 8.05%
Manufacturing & Allied Old Mutual Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling - -
Agricultural 110.00 81.00 B.O.C Kenya Ord 5.00 105.00 British-American Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 6.13% 6.31%
28.00 20.25 Eaagads Ord 1.25 23.00 23.75 100 920.00 750.00 British American Tobacco Kenya Ord 10.00 786.00 STANLIB Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 7.31% 7.56%
390.00 266.00 Kakuzi Plc Ord.5.00 390.00 CIC Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 9.33% 9.67%
14.40 11.70 Carbacid Investments Ord 1.00 12.00 11.95 45,900
97.00 65.00 Kapchoruar Tea Kenya Plc Ord 5.00 72.00
272.00 200.00 East African Breweries Ord 2.00 245.00 247.00 435,200 Zimele Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 9.56% 9.91%
600.00 500.00 The Limuru Tea Co. Ord 20.00 500.00
6.00 4.15 Flame Tree Group Holdings Ord. 0.825 4.60 4.45 100 Amana Shilling Fund Kenya Shilling 8.83% 9.12%
32.00 17.60 Sasini Ltd Ord 1.00 26.50 26.50 2,100
199.00 146.00 Williamson Tea Kenya 5.00 152.00 152.00 1,200 97.00 94.00 Kenya Orchards Ord 5.00 90.00 Madison Asset Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 9.18% 9.58%
1.40 0.70 Mumias Sugar Co. Ord 2.00 0.95 1.00 683,500 CBA Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 8.21% 8.50%
Automobiles & Accessories 60.00 27.00 Unga Group Ord 5.00 42.50 43.00 551,900 ICEA LION Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 9.17% 9.60%
27.00 16.00 Car & General (K) Ord 5.00 25.00 24.50 600 Sanlam Pesa Market Fund Kenya Shilling 8.88% 9.29%
Telecommunication & Technology Seriani Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 9.99% 10.46%
Banking Apollo Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 10.05% 10.02%
12.00 7.25 Barclays Bank Ord 0.50 10.70 10.65 1,638,600 30.50 15.90 Safaricom Ltd Ord. 0.05 29.75 29.25 8,747,000 Nabo Africa Money Market Fund USD 4.70% 4.83%
211.00 102.00 Diamond Trust Bank Ord 4.00 210.00 209.00 102,000 13.00 .9.50 Stanlib Fahari I- Ord. 20 (Real Estate I.Trust) 10.60 10.60 7,400 Dry Associates Money Market Fund USD 2.43% 2.46%
45.00 24.00 Equity Group Holdings Ord 0.50 43.25 42.75 10,547,400 1268.00 1235.00 Barclays New Gold ETF (Exchange Trd Funds) 1315i. 1265.00 Dry Associates Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 9.16% 9.56%
13.40 9.25 HF Group Plc Ord 5.00 10.45 10.70 16,600 NSE ALL SHARE INDEX (NASI)-01st Jan 2008= 100Up 1.53 pts to close at 181.74 NSE 20-SHARE INDEX- EIB Equity Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 2.51% 2.54%
130.00 74.50 I &M Holdings Ltd Ord 1.00 120.00 120.00 47,900 (1966=100 Up 7.86pts to close 3727.33 NSE 25-SHARE INDEX-01st Sep 2015=4101.67Up 22.98pts-4530.28 GenCap Hela Imara Fund Kenya Shilling 7.82% 8.05%
47.50 23.00 KCB Group Ord 1.00 45.75 45.50 6,307,800
NBK Ord 5.00
NIC Bank Ord 5.00
BANK RATES Fixed Income Funds/Equity Funds/Balanced Funds Buy Sell
African Alliance Fixed Income Fund Kenya Shilling 11.29 10.92
85.00 81.00 Stanbic Holdings Ord.5.00 81.00 81.50 2,100 CIC Fixed Income Fund Kenya Shilling 8.31 8.52
243.00 165.00 StandardChartered Ord 5.00 209.00 210.00 700 Euro $ £ C$ SF IR JY ZR
Nabo Africa Fixed Income Fund USD 100.34 100.34
18.00 11.30 The Co-op Bank of Kenya Ord 1.00 17.05 17.10 147,900 ABC buy 125.38 101.20 141.48 80.43 108.61 1.56 94.70 8.59
African Alliance Kenya Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 181.30 170.26
sell 125.83 101.40 141.96 80.58 108.94 1.56 94.98 8.68
ICEA LION Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 141.99 149.46
Commercial & Services Barclays buy 125.34 101.25 141.47 80.46 108.69 1.57 94.74 8.65
Apollo Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 104.58 99.60
1.30 1.00 Atlas African Indistries 1.05 sell 125.79 101.45 141.35 80.75 109.13 1.56 95.10 8.60
British-American Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 181.57 187.89
5.10 2.80 Deacons (East Africa) Ord 2.50 2.95 Co-op buy 125.40 101.25 141.50 80.52 108.78 1.57 94.80 8.50
CBA Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 169.53 169.53
4.65 2.10 Eveready EA Ord 1.00 2.15 2.20 61,900 sell 125.68 101.45 141.82 80.69 109.00 1.59 95.03 8.78
CIC Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 10.60 11.15
4.30 2.45 Express Kenya Ord 5.00 3.75 Equity buy 125.20 101.20 141.40 80.40 108.70 1.55 94.80 8.60
Old Mutual Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 396.47 396.47
18.50 2.10 Kenya Airways Ord 1.00 16.25 16.00 24,500 sell 125.80 101.90 141.90 80.82 109.30 1.59 96.35 8.80
STANLIB Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 159.90 159.90
6.25 3.90 Longhorn Publishers Ord 1.00 5.10 5.05 24,500 NBK buy 125.33 101.20 141.42 80.43 108.70 1.56 94.76 8.65
8.40 1.35 Nairobi Business Ventures Ord 1.00 2.85 2.90 300 Madison Asset Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 36.53 36.53
sell 125.69 101.50 141.79 80.68 109.06 1.61 95.05 8.68
125.00 73.50 Nation Media Group Plc Ord. 2.50 105.00 105.00 449,000 Nabo Africa Equity Fund USD 111.36 111.36
KCB buy 126.10 101.10 14230 80.75 109.20 1.57 94.90 8.60
3.30.. 2.30 Sameer Africa Ord. 5.00 2.50 2.60 4,000 ICEA LION Growth Fund Kenya Shilling 137.48 144.72
sell 126.65 101.45 142.80 81.30 109.75 1.59 95.40 9.05
39.50 17.15 Standard Group Ord 5.00 33.75 34.50 200 Amana Growth Fund Kenya Shilling 148.31 148.31
CBA buy 125.12 101.25 141.18 78.50 108.44 1.56 94.54 8.63
38.00 18.05 TPS Eastern Africa Ord 1.00 35.00 35.00 600 African Alliance Kenya Managed Fund Kenya Shilling 21.68 20.42
sell 125.38 101.45 141.51 79.25 108.70 1.56 94.74 8.65
5.00 2.00 Uchumi Supermarket Ord 5.00 3.25 3.10 50,100 British-American Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 203.43 210.01
Stanbic buy 123.70 100.80 140.18 82.79 108.77 1.60 93.53 8.59
25.50 16.05 WPP ScanGroup Ord. 1.00 17.25 17.25 191,800 CIC Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 9.84 10.30
sell 127.38 102.45 145.32 82.95 109.08 1.63 93.71 8.69
Nabo Africa Balanced Fund USD 116.60 116.60
GulfAfrican buy 126.96 101.25. 143.06 81.19 110.09 1.58 95.68 8.73
Construction & Allied sell 127.24 101.45 143.35 81.36 110.32 1.58 95.92 8.76
Old Mutual Balanced Fund/Toboa Kenya Shilling 165.84 165.84
25.25 10.80 ARM Cement Ord 1.00 11.95 12.00 58,300 Madison Asset Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 49.87 49.87
FCB buy 123.00 100.50 140.00 79.70 107.20 1.36 92.00 7.00
200.00 140.00 BamburiCement Ord 5.00 174.00 174.00 4,700 EIB Equity Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 109.93 110.86
82.50 42.00 Crown Paints Kenya Ord 5.00 78.00 80.50 500 sell 124..00 101.30 141.00 80.70 108.20 1.70 93.00 9.00
Sanlam Chama Fund Kenya Shilling 14.20 14.54
7.20 4.70 E.A.Cables Ord 0.50 5.60 5.50 26,800 Prime buy 124.80 101.20 141.65 80.20 108.15 1.56 94.35 8.60
Amana Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 133.54 133.54
35.00 20.00 E.A.Portland Cement Ord 5.00 27.00 27.25 1,600 sell 125.05 101.40 141.90 80.40 108.45 1.57 94.55 8.70
Zimele Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 7.12 6.91
STANLIB Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 130.61 130.61
Energy & Petroleum CBK RATES Dry Associates Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 1,157.81 1,157.81
10.20 5.20 KenGen Ord 2.50 8.35 8.20 670,800 Mean Buy Sell Apollo Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 126.67 121.80
17.00 11.55 KenolKobil Ltd Ord 0.05 15.40 15.20 2,460,800 1 US Dollar 101.3000 101.2000 101.4000 STANLIB Bond Fund B1 Kenya Shilling 91.82 91.82
12.00 6.00 KP&LC Ord 2.50 8.25 8.20 542,400 1 Sterling Pound 141.5211 141.3656 141.6767 STANLIB Bond Fund A Kenya Shilling 91.76 91.76
5.50 5.50 KP&LC 4% Pref.20.00 5.50 1 Euro 125.4608 125.3261 125.5956 Old Mutual East Africa Fund Kenya Shilling 158.19 158.19
6.00 6.00 KP&LC 7% Pref.20.00 6.00 1 South African Rand 8.6836 8.6731 8.6940 British American Bond Plus Fund Kenya Shilling 151.15 151.15
27.00 16.00 Total Kenya Ord 5.00 30.00 30.00 58,400 Ksh/Ush 35.8244 35.7396 35.9091
17.00 12.00 Umeme Ltd Ord 0.50 13.05 ICEA LION Bond Fund Kenya Shilling 96.96 97.94
Ksh/Tsh 22.2212 22.1499 22.2925 Old Mutual Bond Fund Kenya Shilling 99.14 99.14
1 Ksh/Rwanda Franc 8.3824 8.2902 8.4746
Insurance Ksh/Burundi Franc 17.4690 17.3284 17.6097
Sanlam Pata Fund Kenya Shilling 8.27 8.53
16.00 9.05 Britam Holdings Ord 0.10 12.50 12.60 182,800 1 UAE Dirham 27.5789 27.5479 27.6099
7.10 3.10 CIC Insurance Group Ord.1.00 5.40 5.45 232,400 ARAB CURRENCY/$
1 Canadian Dollar 80.4863 80.3876 80.5849
515.00 400.00 Jubilee Holdings Ord 5.00 503.00 500.00 21,300 Algerian Dinar 108.4883
1 Swiss Franc 108.4863 108.5953 108.8567
23.50 17.50 Kenya Re Corporation Ord 2.50 19.35 19.45 19,600 Bahrani Dinar 0.37708
13.50 12.35 Liberty Kenya Holdings Ord 1.00 13.00 12.70 192,500 100 Japanese Yen 94.9480 94.8365 95.0595
Djibouti Franc 176.21
31.00 19.80 Sanlam Kenya Plc Ord 5.00 27.50 29.00 400 1 Swedish Kroner 12.6544 12.6389 12.6698
Egyptian Pound 8.1799
1 Norwegian Kroner 12.9920 12.9759 13.0082
Lebanese Pound 1504.4
Investment 1 Danish Kroner 16.8278 16.8098 16.8458
Omani Riyal 0.38486
1 Indian Rupee 1..5776 1.5760 1.5793
Qatar Riyal 3.30486
46.50 43.50 Centum Investment Co Ord 0.50 46.00 46.00 68,,800 1 Hong Kong Dollar 12.9520 12.9392 12.9648
Saudi Riyal 3.7513
2.75 0.75 Home Afrika Ltd Ord. 1.00 1.15 1.20 26,400 Singapore Dollar 77.0723 76.9933 77.1513
Tunisian Dinar 2.2447
1,500 1,500 Kurwitu Ventures Ltd Ord. 100.00 1,500.00 1 Saudi Riyal 27.0108 26.9831 27.0386
UAE Dirham 3.6729
3.85 2.10 Olympia Capital Holdings Ltd Ord.5.00 3.10 3.15 7,700 1 Chinese Yuan 15.9574 15.9307 15.9841
Currencies are quoted against the US Dollar
8.90 5.10 Trans-Century Ltd Ord.0.50 5.65 6.05 500 1 Australian Dollar 80.0422 79.9379 80.1466


THE TRUTH EVERYDAY ����������� ����� ��������� ���������������� ��������

DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 | 35


P.O. BOX 1112-10100, Telephone 061 2030700, Fax No. 061 2030537 , NYERI

Bids are invited from eligible and qualified firms for the under mentioned work.


1. CGN/ GV/44/2016-2017 PROPOSED GOVERNORS RESIDENCE- MAIN WORKS 1,104,163.42 NCA 4 and above

2. CGN/GV/45/2016-2017 SPECIFICATIONS AND BILLS OF SUB-CONTRACT 101,535.72 NCA 3 and above


3. CGN/GV/46/2016-2017 PLUMBING,DRAINAGE,SOLAR,HOT SUB-CONTRACT 122,000.00 NCA 7 and above


Interested bidders must meet all the conditions as indicated in the tender document and can view the documents in the County
Government of Nyeri website ( free of charge. Dully completed tender documents in plain sealed envelopes with the
tender number clearly marked at the right hand corner and bearing no indication of the identity of the tenderer should be addressed to:


P. O BOX 1112 – 10100

And placed in the tender box located at the Offices of the Governor of P. O Box 1112 – 10100, Nyeri or sent by post to reach the above address
before or not later than 8th March, 2018 at 11:00 am submitted tender documents shall be opened publicly soon aler the above stated
closing date and time in the Governors Boardroom, in the presence of tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend. Late bids
shall not be accepted or opened.

Director supply chain management

For County Secretary
County Government of Nyeri
Po box 1112-10100

County Hall Along Mwatu wa Ngoma Rd | P O Box 149 – 90100, Machakos – Kenya | Email:
Nation Media Group Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme is the registered
owner of the parcel of Land known as LR No. 24605/2 which is situated in TENDER NOTICE
The Machakos County Assembly invites applicants from qualified eligible firms to bid for the
Athi River within Machakos County, located next to Evergreen Crops and
following tender.
bordering the Arabia Estate.
This is to inform the general Public that the property belongs to the said 1. MCA/ONT/04/2017/2018 Provision of General Insurance 2% of the Open
Scheme, which holds a valid Title document to it. and Group Life Cover- contract
The Scheme has become aware that certain unscrupulous persons have
NOTE; Bidders must attach to their tender documents copies of;
been claiming ownership of the property and seeking forceful occupation
i) Certificate of incorporation
thereof, in reliance upon a purported forged title document without any ii) Valid tax compliance certificate
legal basis. iii) VAT and PIN certificate
iv) Current single business permit
v) Registration from Commission of Insurance
The said persons are hereby warned to cease and desist from taking any vi) 2% bid bond
unlawful action for occupation of the said Property and that the Scheme Tender documents may be obtained from the procurement office, county assembly hall
will assert all its rights of ownership and will not hesitate to prosecute upon payment of non-refundable fee of Ksh 1,000/= per document, in cash or bankers
any persons seeking to deal with the property and or to occupy it in any cheque payable to Machakos County Assembly or downloaded online from the assembly
website free of charge.
Complete tender document in plain sealed envelopes must be marked with the tender
The Public is hereby warned not to entertain any persons claiming to be name and number for the category applied for and addressed to:
owners and or agents of the owners with regard to the property. The Clerk of County Assembly,
Machakos County Assembly,
P.O Box 1168-90100
Any person who engages in any dealing or transaction with regard to the Machakos
said property shall be doing so at his own risk as to the consequences of To be deposited in the tender box located at the reception, County Assembly hall, along
Mwatu Wa Ngoma Road, Machakos town on or before Tuesday 6th March, 2018.
such illegal action.
The tender documents will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of bidders
or their representatives who choose to attend at the conference room ,County Assembly
Trustees of Nation Media Group Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme. Hall.

36 | Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION


Hand in Hand Eastern Africa (HiH EA) is a registered Non-Governmental

Pent Suite 01 | 5th Floor, Morningside Office Park | Ngong Road,
Organization (NGO) in Kenya with mandate to operate within the Eastern
P.O. Box 6254 – 00100, Nairobi. Tel: +254 (0) 20 272000 | Africa Region and a member of the Hand in Hand Global Network. Her vision
is to empower the society with sustainable enterprises and jobs. HiH EA
Home Afrika Limited invites tenders from firms (bidders) to apply for prequalification as
suppliers for goods, works and services for the period 2018-2020 as below.
currently operates 23 branches in Kenya and Tanzania.
HiH EA is seeking to fill the following vacancies and invites applications from
suitably qualified individuals who will undergo a selection process to identify
PRE-QUALIFIED SUPPLIERS FOR THE PERIOD 2018 - 2020 the suitable candidates for the respective positions.
1 Supply and Delivery of General Office Stationery HAL2018/001 2. PROJECT MANAGER - VALUE CHAINS – REF NO: HEA PRJ 02-2018 ACTION AGAINST HUNGER a Non-Governmental
2 Supply and Delivery of Promotional Items & Branded Items HAL2018/002 4. ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT-PAYROLL – REF NO: HEA AAP 01-2018
Organization registered in the Republic of Kenya
3 Supply and Delivery of Toners and Cartridges (HP Authorized HAL2018/003
as OP. 218/051/2005/0326/3934 is in the process
Dealers) For more information, visit our Website: of changing its name and intends to adopt the
4 Provision of Printers, laptops, computer solware, networking HAL2018/004 new name ACTION AGAINST HUNGER KENYA.
equipment & related items
Qualified and interested candidates should forward a cover letter and CV,
5 Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment, Furniture & Fittings HAL2018/005 citing the Position and Reference Number to HiH-EA via Brighter Monday This is to advise the general public of the
6 Supply & Delivery of Kitchen Appliances & Cutlery HAL2018/006
on or before close of business by 28th February, 2018. intended change of name in accordance with
7 Supply & Installation of Telecommunication Equipment & HAL2018/007 Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
the requirements set by the NGO Coordination
infrastructure (PABX, Routers and Related Items) Board.
P. O. Box 8562-00100
8 Supply, Delivery, Servicing & Maintenance of Fire Fighting HAL2018/008
Equipment Nairobi. Any queries relating to the proposed change
9 Supply and Delivery of Protective Clothing and Staff Uniforms HAL2018/009
Tel: 020 2660908, 020 2660909 may be addressed to
10 Provision of Property Management services. HAL2018/010 Follow us on
@HandinHandEA Hand in Hand Eastern Africa and/or phone number +254 728970670,
11 Provision of Motor Vehicle Repair Services HAL2018/011
Giving Hope, Dignity and Choice
+254 733266666
12 Provision of Legal Services HAL2018/012

13 Provision of Human Resource Consultancy Services HAL2018/013

14 Provision of Tax Consultancy Services HAL2018/014 NYALUOYO AUCTIONEERS

Official Court Brokers, Bailiffs, Valuers, Repossessors & Auctioneers.
15 Provision of Business Strategy Consultancy Services HAL2018/015 AFRICAN ECONOMIC RESEARCH CONSORTIUM (AERC) P.O. Box 648-40100, Kisumu, Tel: 020 2161934 /0722329463 Indusi Road, Tom Mboya Estate
Nairobi Office, Pop Man House, 3rd Floor, Room 311, P.O Box 17752-00100, Nairobi. | Email:
16 Provision of Staff Training & Development Services HAL2018/016 AN EXCITING CAREER OPPORTUNITY
17 Provision of Insurance Brokerage Services (General, Medical, Motor, HAL2018/017 Programme Administrator
Duly instructed and in exercise of the chargees statutory power of sale, we shall sell by Public
WIBA) Auction the under mentioned properties with all the improvements thereon:
African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) is a premier capacity building institution devoted to the
advancement of research and training to inform economic policies in Sub-Saharan Africa. AERC, now 29 years 1. PRIME RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL PROPERTY VIHIGA COUNTY ON 3rd MARCH, 2018 AT
18 Provision of Air Tickets and Booking Services HAL2018/018 OUR OFFICE YARD KISUMU AT 11:30A.M.
in existence was formed to address a glaring gap in economic policy analysis and research, coupled with a need
to strengthen postgraduate training in economics, in sub-Saharan Africa. We are seeking to fill the position of All that parcel of land known as TIRIKI/CHEPTULU/830 Registered in the name of KEYA
19 Provision of Printing Services (Digital & Offset) HAL2018/019
a Programme Administrator, to be based in Nairobi, Kenya. The position will report to the Manager, Training. KIGANGA of P.O. BOX 30, KAPSABET and measuring approximately 0.3Ha or 0.74Acres. The
property is located along the Kaimosi-Cheptulu Road, about 210 metres to the East of Cheptulu
20 Provision of Tents, Chairs and Décor Services HAL2018/020 Overall Job Purpose market and within the immediate neighborhood of Sigong’o Salvation Army Church in Cheptulu
This position is responsible for the efficient and effective administration of all grants and awards to grantees, are of Vihiga County.
21 Provision of Outdoor Catering Services HAL2018/021
administration of all finances, budgets and payments of one of the AERC departments. DEVELOPMENT: The property is developed with an incomplete building designed to be multi-
22 Provision of DJ & Public-Address Services HAL2018/022 storey and is occupied to the ground floor level. Easily identified as Tawakal Filling Station.
Duties & Responsibilities
23 Provision of Videography & Photography Services HAL2018/023 1. Grants management 1. All interested purchasers are requested to view the properties and verify the details for
Issuing payments of grants to institutions and individuals. Maintaining contact with and evaluating themselves, as these are not warranted by the Auctioneer, the Advocate or the Chargee.
24 Provision of Creative & Advertising Agency Services HAL2018/024 grant utilization by grantees and participating universities as well as maintaining accurate and up to date 2. A deposit of 25% must be paid in CASH or BANKERS CHEQUE at the fall of the hammer and the
accounts of all grant disbursements and grants awarded. balance to be paid within 30 days.
25 Provision of Public Relations/Media Management/ Media HAL2018/025 3. Sale is subject to reserve price; the auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid without giving
Monitoring Services 2. Financial Administration
reasons for doing so.
Issuing payment to suppliers and service providers of the department. Preparing periodic donor and
26 Provision of Outdoor Advertising Services HAL2018/026 management reports and projections of annual expenditure. In liaison with the Programme Director and
Manager review quarterly reports, verifies expenditure against budget, advises on the status of grants
27 Provision of Market/ Product Research Services HAL2018/027 payable and prepares donor and management reports.

28 Provision of Event Management Services HAL2018/028 3. Logistics and conference management

Assisting in the budgeting, preparation and conduct of workshops and meetings. In collaboration with the
29 Provision of Cadastral & topographical Survey Services HAL2018/029 project team assist in the preparation of the annual and quarterly Programme Work Plans and Budget.
Qualification and Experience
30 Provision of Property valuation services (Land, buildings & Fixtures HAL2018/030 Bachelors’ degree in Business Administration or other relevant discipline. CPA (K) or equivalent. At least 5
years relevant experience, preferably in an international NGO. Proven track record in programme financial and
31 Provision of Hydro-Geological Survey Services HAL2018/031 grant management and project administration.

32 Provision of Environmental Impact Assessment Services HAL2018/032 Key Skills and Competencies
Ability to work with computerised accounting systems, strong financial management, problem solving and
33 Provision of Physical Planning Consultancy Services HAL2018/033 analytical skills, ability to work independently, strong integrity and ability to maintain confidentiality, ability to
work under pressure and meet deadlines, proficiency in standard office computer applications and databases
34 Provision of Master Planning Consultancy Services HAL2018/034 such as; MS Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Internet.

35 Provision of Architectural Consultancy Services HAL2018/035 AERC offers a competitive remuneration and benefits package.
Interested applicants are invited to visit AERC’s website at to view the detailed
36 Provision of Civil/Structural Engineering Consultancy Services HAL2018/036
descriptions of duties and required qualifications. All applications should be sent to by Wednesday, March 7th, 2018.
37 Provision of Mechanical/Electrical Engineering Consultancy HAL2018/037
Services Due to the expected volume of applications, AERC will only enter into further correspondence with short-listed
38 Provision of Quantity Surveying Consultancy Services HAL2018/038

39 Provision of Interior Design Consultancy Services HAL2018/039

40 Provision of Landscaping Consultancy & Work Construction HAL2018/040


41 Provision of Infrastructure/Civil Works Construction Services HAL2018/041

42 Provision of Building Works Construction Services HAL2018/042

43 Provision of Machinery for Golf Course Maintenance HAL2018/043

44 Provision of Building maintenance services HAL2018/044

Thursday: 1st Mar 2018 - 7pm
Friday: 2nd Mar 2018 - 7pm
45 Provision of ICT support services HAL2018/045
Saturday: 3rd Mar 2018 - 3:30pm, 6:30pm & 8:30pm
46 Provision of ICT Geotechnical survey services HAL2018/046 Sunday: 4th Mar 2018 - 3:30pm & 6:30pm
47 Provision of outdoor Signages HAL2018/047 Ksh
48 Provision of Cloud back up services HAL2018/048
Venue: Kenya National Theatre -KNT 600/-
49 Provision of air conditioning maintenance services HAL2018/049 ***Ukumbi Mdogo***
Suppliers who qualify for any or all the categories may apply for prequalification.
Director: Tash Mitambo
LIPA NA MPESA For more info call:
Prequalification documents can be downloaded on the website 337528 0723469429/0708087687

DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 | 37

MOTOR VEHICLES (SALVAGES) FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION Duly instructed by our principal the chargee, we shall sell by public auction the under
Duly instructed by our principals, THE FINANCIERS, we shall sell by public mentioned property together with all the improvements erected thereon.
Duly instructed by our principals, CIC GENERAL INSURANCE LIMITED, auction the under mentioned MOTOR VEHICLES ON:- WEDNESDAY 28TH
4. KCC 432F TOYOTA MARK X SALOON NAIVA BOCH, NAIVASHA NOTE: Leasehold property for a term of 99 years from 1st March 1976 measuring
about 0.0366 H.A situated within Nyanchwa Estate about 1.2Km south west of Kisii
6. KCN 891A TOYOTA ISIS S. WAGON LEAKEY’S STORAGE LTD 5. KCB 189A MITSUBISHI FJX3 TIPPER LEAKEY’S STORAGE LTD – KITUI RD Town and 70M off Kisii-Nyanchwa-Suneka road and it is behind Joy Fellowship
7. KCJ 697Y TOYOTA ISIS S. WAGON DUNJOS MOTORS-MACHAKOS 6. KBY 255U MITSUBISHI FUSO TIPPER LEAKEY’S STORAGE LTD – KITUI RD Ministry church. Development: Erected thereon is a six storey block of 18 NO.
8. KCH 128R TOYOTA WISH S/WAGON JEET MOTORS, KERICHO 7. KBJ 192D MERCEDES BENZ ACTROS P/MOVER RANDIES MOTORS, MOMBASA RD Residential two (2) bedroom units. Water and electricity are connected and entrance
is via a double metal gate.
CONDITIONS OF SALE: • All interested purchasers are requested to view the property and verify all the
11. KCF 848S TOYOTA PRADO TX S. WAGON LEAKEY’S STORAGE LTD 1. Viewing can be done at BRANCH to verify the details, as these are not
details as these are not warranted by the auctioneers.
12. KCD 247K TOYOTA NOAH S. WAGON LEAKEY’S STORAGE LTD warranted by the Auctioneer or our principals AS SALE IS “ON – AS –IS
– WHERE – IS – BASIS”. • A deposit of 25% must be paid at the fall of the hammer and or immediately
13. KCB 562Z TOYOTA NOAH S. WAGON LEAKEY’S STORAGE LTD after the acceptance of the bid by the chargee in cash or by bankers cheque
2. Interested bidders are required to pay a refundable deposit of
14. KBX 636H TOYOTA RAV 4 S. WAGON MANGOCHI AUTO WORKS, THIKA Kshs.100,000.00 in the name of LEAKEY’S AUCTIONEERS to obtain a and the balance within 30 days to the chargee.
15. KBX 275V TOYOTA VOXY S. WAGON LEAKEY’S STORAGE LTD bidding number at our offices in form of a BANKERS CHEQUE. • A refundable deposit of Ksh. 500,000 payable to Antique Auctions Agencies
16. KBS 843G TOYOTA IST S. WAGON FALKEN MOTORS, KILIFI 3. The declared purchaser must deposit 25% of the purchase price by prior to the Auction date by bankers cheque only.
close of business auction day and the balance paid within seven • The sale of the property is subject to the reserve prices.
17. KBS 884R TOYOTA LEXUS S. WAGON WEICHAI POWER SERVICES -MOMBASA (7) days from the auction date, failure to which the money received • The auctioneer has a right to reject a bid without giving any reason whatsoever.
18. KCC 839P TOYOTA ALPHARD S. WAGON LEAKEY’S STORAGE LTD including the deposit will be forfeited.
4. Sale is subject to reasonable reserve prices. CONTACT: 0722 705 027, 0722 885 028

25. KBX 641D HONDA ARIA SALOON KINETICAR AUTO GARAGE -RUIRU Licensed Auctioneers class B, Execution of Court Warrants, Distress for Rent &
Repossession, Debt collectors Private Investigation, Process Servers & property Management PUBLIC AUCTION
P.O.Box 33812-00600 Nellea Plaza, Ngara Road
27. KBX 858T HONDA FIT S./WAGON LEAKEYS STORAGE Mobile: 0722-873755 Basement .Rm B5 Duly instructed by our Principals, the Financiers , we shall sell the under mentioned
28. KAN 898U PEUGEOT 504 SALOON EXPRESS GARAGE – KIAMBU RD motor vehicles by public auction on WEDNESDAY 28TH FEBRUARY 2018 AT PURPLE
Under instructions received from our principals the Financier we shall sell by public Auction
31. KCC 117X MAZDA PREMACY S. WAGON LEAKEYS STORAGE the under mentioned M/vehicle on Wednesday 28th February 2018 at Purple Royal Storage NO. M/V REG. NO MAKE TYPE
Yard, Kiambu Road starting at 10.30 am.
35. KBW 931Z MITSUBISHUI FUSO, LORRY TRUCK LEAKEY’S STORAGE LTD 1. Viewing can be done during the normal working ours
2. A deposit of Ksh 20,000/= (twenty thousand) in order to get a bidding number. 4. KCD 666L MITSUBISHI TANKER LORRY
1. All interested buyers are requested to view and verify all the details of the
1. Viewing can be done at the LOCATIONS INDICATED IN THE ADVERT Motor vehicle as these are not warranted by the Auctioneer.
ABOVE between MONDAY 19TH FEBRUARY 2018 TO FRIDAY 23RD 2. Refundable deposit of Kshs.50, 000/= in form of BANKER’S CHEQUE ONLY
FEBRUARY 2018 during normal working hours to verify the details as strictly to be paid to obtain a bidding number
these are not warranted by the auctioneers or our principals. SALE 3. The motor vehicle will be sold on ‘As Is Where Is’ basis.
WILL BE “ON – AS –IS – WHERE – IS – BASIS”. 4. Viewing can be done from 21ST FEBRUARY 2018 BETWEEN 8.30am to
2. Interested bidders are required to pay a refundable deposit of
5. The successful bidder MUST pay the balance of purchase price within
Kshs.100, 000.00 to obtain a bidding number at our offices in form 24hours failure to which storage charges shall be leveled and deposit paid
Duly instructed by the Chargee, we shall sell the under mentioned property by
of a banker’s cheque in the name of CI C GENERAL INSURANCE FORFEITED.
LIMITED. Please note that one bidding number will only enable one to public auction on
3. The declared purchaser MUST deposit 25% of the purchase price for
all the vehicles bidded for by close of business auction day and the
AT 11:00 O’CLOCK
balance paid within SEVEN (7) DAYS from the auction date, failure to All That Piece of Land Known as VILLA NO. 69 ERECTED UPON .R.NO. 29084
which the money received including the deposit will be forfeited.
4. Payments MUST be in form of BANKERS CHEQUE in the favour of C I
C GENERAL INSURANCE LIMITED. COUNTY. The parcel upon which the villa stands Measures Approx. 8.311 Ha or 20.54
5. Sale is subject to reasonable reserve prices. Acres. The development known as one red hill is situated at the end of an unnamed
N/B: 1. ALL SUCCESSFUL BIDDERS TO PROVIDE THEIR ITAX road approx. 1.8 km off and to the south east of Limuru road branching to the lel form
CERTIFICATE Ruaka at A.C.K St. Stephens Church Redhill area, Kiambu County. Developed on the PUBLIC AUCTION
2. FOR MORE DETAILS PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE: parcel are seventy five villas of varying accommodation and at different stages of
www.leakey’ Duly instructed by our principals, the Chargees, we shall sell by Public Auction the properties
construction. Our subject villa however is Villa no. 69 (chyulu type) and is registered
described herein-below together with all the developments and improvements erected thereon:-
1. All interested purchasers are requested to view the property and verify all the All that freehold interest parcel of land known as LR. No. Naivasha/Maraigushu Block 1/1137,
(Licensed Auctioneers)
Auctioneers, Repossession, Private Investigators, Debt Collectors, details as these are not warranted by the auctioneers. Nakuru County measuring 0.476 HA or 1.18 Acres approximately and registered i.n.o Tirus
Process Servers, Court Brokers, Estate & Commission Agents. 2. The interested purchasers will be required to pay a refundable deposit of Macharia Mwangi and Pauline Wanjiru Macharia T/A Polimaks Investments P. 0. Box
4th Avenue Towers, 9th Floor Suite No. 2 4thNgong Avenue, Ngong Road |
P.O Box 59969-00200 Nairobi | Tel: 0720846060 / 0727237483
Kshs.500.000/- by cash or by banker’s cheque in the name of GALAXY 507- 00518 Nairobi. The subject property is in Gituamba area, Kinamba Location, Naivasha AUCTIONEERS to obtain a bid number which will also serve as an entry pass to Sub County, Nakuru County. It is situated about 2.1 kms. Off and to the right of Nairobi-Nakuru
highway deviating onto the road to North Kinangop. Developed thereon is a four bedroom
the auction yard.
PUBLIC AUCTION bungalow, external Kitchen, an ablution block, temporary store, poultry pen and two green
3. The successful bidder MUST pay 25% of the purchase price at the fall of the houses. Main water and electricity are connected to the property while foul drainage is to pit
Duly instructed by our principals the chargee, we shall sell by Public auction the under hammer and the balance to be paid off within 90 days. latrine. Access to the property is to earth standards and in fair condition. This is a very prime
mentioned property. property and therefore has huge potential for further developments.
On Friday 9th March 2018 at 10:00 A.M at our offices 4TH Avenue Towers 2. ON FRIDAY 16TH MARCH 2018, AT 1130 AM AT OUR OFFICES SITUATED AT NACICO PLAZA
registered in the name of JOSEPH WANJOHI CHEGE. The property is located about
2. All that leasehold residential property known as Lr No. Nairobi/Block/127/573 - Saika Estate
3Km from Nyeri Town and accessible through Nyeri –Karatina Road , near Ngangarithi
Primary School and about 300 Metres from AIPCA CHURCH Ngangarithi .The property JUMBO AIRLINK AUCTIONEERS Nairobi County measuring 0.0146 HA or 0.0361 of an acre approximately and registered i.n.o.
George Mutuku Mulatya of P.O Box 5823-00200 Nairobi. This property is situated within
measures 0.20 HA ie 0.4942 of an Acre or thereabout Auctioneers, Process, Repossessors, Estate Agents, Investigators, Debt Collectors
Saika Estate off Kangundo Road and approximately 14 kms from City Centre. Access roads are
Mfangano Trading Centre, P.O. Box 11710-00400
On Friday 9th March 2018 at 10:00 A.M at our offices 4TH Avenue Towers tarmacked. The plot is developed with a semidetached 3-bedroomed (master ensuite) Bungalow
Behind Afya Centre, 1st Floor, Rm F42 Cell: 0723-869918
All that piece of land known as LR: Mavoko town block 3/33206 ,3/33207,3/33208, 3/ and it is let out to Tenants. Mains electricity, Water and sewer are connected to the property.
Mfangano Street/Mfangano Lane Nairobi.
33209 ,3/33210, registered in the name of JOSPHAT MBUGUA. The property are located Tenure is leasehold interest for a term of 99 years w.e.f. Ist December 1990. This is a prime
about 5Km off and to the south of Kangundo road and to the east of Kware-kwa Iteere PUBLIC AUCTION property which is in good state of repair and maintenance.
Road within Rukenya area of Kware in Mavoko Municipality , near Thomas Aquinas High Duly instructed by our Pricipals the cargee, We shall sell the under mentioned property by
Public Auction:- On 8th March 2018 at the offices of MISA M AUCTIONEERS, V.J. Mansion CONDITIONS OF SALE
School .Each plot extends to 0.036 of a Hectare or 0.089 of an Acre. 1. All prospective purchasers are hereby requested to view and verify for themselves all the
Ground Floor, along Arch Bishop Macarios Road Opp Sacred heart High School, Mombasa
On Friday 9th March 2018 at 10:00 A.M at our offices 4TH Avenue Towers starting from 11.00 am. necessary details pertaining to the above named properties as the same are not warranted
All that piece of land known as LR: KJD/KITENGELA/4168 , registered in the name of ALL that parcels of land known as LR NO. MAINLAND NORTH/SEC 11/2314 KIEMBENI either by the Auctioneers or their principals.
PATRICK IRERI MURIUKI. The property is located along Rangau area Ongata Rongai, ESTATE, HSE NO. 2314 BAMBURI AREA, Mombasa, Registed in the name of PETER 2. A deposit of (25) % per cent of the purchase prices, must be paid either by Bankers Cheque or
OCHIENG ODIPO, of P.O Box 893960 - 080100, Mombasa. The property is approx. RTGS only at the fall of the hammer and balance directly to our principals within thirty (30)
Kajiado county . The property measures 0.1 Ha .
0.0180 (ha). The property is developed with a 2 bedrooms House with an Extension room. days for property no. 1 and ninety (90) days for property no. 2 from the date of sale.
CONDITIONS OF SALE CONDITIONS OF SALE 3. Prospective bidders are hereby requested to obtain a buying number prior to the date
ü All intending Purchaser(s) are requested to view and verify the details for these are 1. Interested purchases are required to view and verify the details for themselves as these
are not warranted by the Auctioneers or the Chargee. of sale by depositing with us a refundable deposit of Kshs. 100,000/= for each property
not warranted by the auctioneer or the chargee. 2. A deposit of 25% must be paid to the Auctioneers in Cash or Bankers Cheque at the fall of the Hammer. to enable them participate in the sale. Note: There will be no bidding whatsoever
ü A 25% deposit must be paid in cash or bankers cheque at the fall of the hammer and 3. The balance be paid within 30 days to the Chargee without a Bidding number.
the balance to be paid within 30 days to the chargee’s office from the date of sale 4. Interested purchasers are required to pay a refundable fee of Ksh50,000/= in cash 4. The sale is subject to a Reserve Price and other necessary consents.
failure to which the deposit money will be forfeited. before being allowed to bid. For a winner it will form part of the 25% deposit. N/B and for 5. Further details herein such as encumbrances, rates e.t.c can be obtained from our offices
a winner declining or withdrawing after the win the 50,000/= shall be forfeited. while pointing out can be done during normal office hours.
ü Sale is subject to a reserve price. 5. The sale if subject to a reserve price.

38 | Leisure Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION


YESTERDAY’S Two winners win a Free Meal with Steers daily on 20567!
ACROSS SOLUTION Fill in the 3 shaded digits and send the values ABC to 20567 for your chance to
1.To find guilty of a criminal ACROSS: to win a Free Meal with Steers. Start the SMS with the word Sudoku e.g Sudoku
offence 1. Spasmodic 1,2,3 Check your Wednesday paper to see if you are a winner. Winners will be
7.To point a firearm at a specific 7. Ova contacted directly by Steers within 2 weeks to receive their prize SMS cost:
object 10/=
8. Era
8.A shoe maker’s tool for 10. Damns
making holes in leather 12. Cartel
10.Curly, brittle Feb 2 2018: Fowzia Mohammed.
13. Kid 1 Moureen Ochieng
12.The mass of eggs laid by fish 4. Mow Feb 3 2018: Morris Maina
13.Unit of measuring weight, 16. Samosa Feb 4 2018:: Rajeev Mediratta

Past winners
2.2046 pounds 18. Demon Feb 5 2018: Kepha Ombati
14.To curve or make crooked 20. Red Nickson Ojiambo
15.To regret 21. Art Feb 6 2018: Maurine Njoroge
16.Bustle Owino Achola
22. Patterned Feb 7 2018: Mayavi M. Edward
18.Let it be DOWN: Gladys Letting
21.A large tree with hard 1. Speck Feb 8 2018: Paul Kiingati
valuable wood 2. Award Lynn Waithira
22.To frighten 3. Mode YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION
23.Malt-based beer 4. Oval
24.Electrically charged atom(s) 5. Dam
25.Those who gain fame or 6. Cos
prizes 9. Raise
DOWN 5.Biblical for weed growing in a 19.The long hair about the neck 11. Noose
1.The rooster wheatfield of a lion gnu, etc. 14. Moran
2.“To hit the_____” on the head” 6.Ran away from danger 20.Beaks 15. Waded
means to sum up exactly 9.Marvel or miracle 22.To transgress against God’s 16. Sort
3.Movable pieces of screen 11.Body of ceremonies used in a laws 17. Ante
on windows screen used as a church or order 18. Dip
protection against 14.A lighthouse 19. Mat
the sun’s glare 16.A young of a horse, camel etc.
4.A little devil 17.Oblique, slanting


Each number in our Codeword grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. For example,
ACROSS YESTERDAY’S today 14 represents M so fill in M every time the figure 41 appears. You have two letters in the
1 Desires bringing problems for SOLUTION control grid to start you off. Enter them in the appropriate squares in the main grid, then use
’Arry (6) your knowledge of words to work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you get
5 Something in a music bar here ACROSS the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and control grid.
again – attend! (8) Check off the list of alphabetical letters as you identify them.
9 Futile message offering to 1 Legion
give everything away? (3,3,7) 4 Cupboard
10 One of two American 9 Plaice
brothers, awful whingers (8) 10 Offshoot
11 Foul kitchen – cook finally
11 Tripod
dismissed from particular
community (6) 12 Treeline
12 Some ‘daddy’, nasty sort of 14 Conjecture
ruler (6) 18 Age bracket
14 Officer in twilled fabric 22 Interval
meeting social worker (8) 23 Neuron
16 Revolutionary embraced by
fools and jerks (8)
24 Flagship
19 Hazel has this funny act in 25 El Nino
front of relations (6) 26 Evensong
21 One in tent wants hot, not 27 Sachet
cold, food box (6) DOWN
23 Restrictive practice in
1 Lipstick
business? I stop men working (8)
25 Awkward brute is 2 Gradient
interrupting office task, a 3 Once over
delaying tactic (13) 5 Up for grabs
26 Troubles after President 6 Basket
initially talks foolishly (8) 7 Adonis
27 Handle last bit of wordy 7 Second set correct? Wrong 20 Sixth sense within one of
agreement (6)
8 Dither
set for most intelligent (9) the other five? (7) 13 Stagnation
DOWN 8 Member of tribe has point of 22 Nonconformist and bishop
2 Artist coming to church in view not English – Scotsman? (7) in dance (5)
15 Camelia
attempt to establish window 13 Navigator in car leading 24 Fabric, not quite enough for 16 Skirmish
pattern? (7) smug group (9) small room (5) 17 Standout
3 Port’s making frameworks for 15 Nicer pet I trained to be 19 Piffle
vessels (5) award-winner? (9)
4 Street work – look at
20 At ease
17 Punishment? Explain the 21 Crisis
something taking time (9) thing that caused it (4,3)
5 Their skins pose risks? Crazy! 18 Employment in wicked
(7) activities? Such may give one a
6 Attractive person quietly headache (7) YESTERDAY’S
leaving knockout match (5) SOLUTION

AQUARIUS | JAN 21 - FEB 19 This might simply involve a thorough cleaning, CANCER | JUN 22 - JULY 22 could lay plans for finally attaining a long-term SAGITTARIUS | NOV 23 - DEC 21
The hard work and good business sense that or it could mean major repairs of some sort, Today some information might come your way goal; perhaps a lucky break made this possible. This should be one of those days when you
you’ve put into your job may finally be paying perhaps plumbing or electrical. If the latter, it that inspires you to come up with some valuable Expect to spend most of your day talking and feel as if you could conquer the world. You feel
off, Expect some positive changes to take place isn’t a good idea to try to do this yourself. new ideas, Cancer. Your own intuitive faculties planning! strong and determined, Sagittarius, and willing
at the workplace this week. Today you’re likely to are operating at a very high level, and therefore to do whatever it takes to get wherever you
be feeling especially energetic and decide to give TAURUS | APR 21 - MAY 20 your insights could prove valuable. LIBRA | SEP 24 - OCT 23 want to be. A goal could be attained at this time,
your house a thorough cleaning. Expect a lot of letters and phone calls from Visitors in your home, perhaps invited by others ambitions realized.
lovers, close friends, or children today, Taurus. LEO | JULY 23 - AUG 22 in your household, could put a crimp in your
PISCES | FEB 20 - MAR 20 You might also want to make a few yourselves. Your intuition, physical and intellectual energy, desire to be alone and hash out your thoughts CAPRICORN | DEC 22 - JAN 20
Insights that may come welling up from the past Some positive and interesting information may and insight are at an all-time high today, Leo. today. Your mind is sharp and ideas should come A business or passionate partner could bring
could be put to work for you in a positive way, have come your way that you’ll want to share You’ll probably want to spend much of the day thick and fast. Don’t get so irritated with the opportunities for advancement your way today,
Pisces. You could use them as inspiration for a with those close to you. alone, reflecting on your ideas and deciding how situation at home that you sabotage your plans. Capricorn. You may decide to draft or execute
creative project of some kind, or you could just you want to put them to work for you. legal papers that could be very important to your
make them work for you in your day-to-day GEMINI | MAY 21 - JUNE 21 SCORPIO | OCT 24 - NOV 22 future. Travel might somehow be involved. In the
dealings with others. Studying some paperwork involving your VIRGO | AUG 23 - SEP 23 You’re very intuitive by nature,, and today evening, plan a social celebration for all!
finances could bring a pleasant surprise. You’re You could well be bubbling over with physical you should be feeling especially so. Don’t be
ARIES | MAR 21 - APR 20 better off than you thought, Dividends or energy today, Virgo. You might want to spend surprised if you spontaneously tune in to the To receive NATIONmobile
Your home might need some work today, Aries. benefits of some kind might be forthcoming. You your day visiting with friends. You could pick up ideas and emotions of those around you, or even horoscopes on your mobile, SMS
You and other members of your household could could decide to treat yourself, buy some gifts some interesting information from them, which if you and someone else come up with the same the Star you want, eg LEO
decide to join forces and get everything done. for your family, or do some work on your home. you might be able to put to work for you. You words at the same time.. to 20667 at 5/- above normal rates.

DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 Leisure | 39
5:00am: Password Plus 11AM, 1.30PM, 4PM, 6.30PM, 9PM
8:00am Better 11AM
Living “AIYAARY” (TBA) 2.30PM, 8.45PM
9:00am Laali “JUMANJI” WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE “ (2D) 6.15PM
11:00am NTV Today
1:00pm: NTV at 1 11AM, 1PM, 3PM, 5PM
1:30pm: NTV Sasa ‘DEN OF THIEVES” (2D) (18) 7.30PM, 10PM
3:00pm:Biker Mice “WATU WOTE” (ALL OF US) 7PM
From Mars
3:30pm:The Dooley and Pals
For comprehensive Swahili news 11AM, 1.45PM, 4.30PM,,7.15PM, 10PM
Show coverage with Jamila Mohamed and SCREEN III
4:00pm: NTV at your favourite news anchors. “MONSTER FAMILY” (2D) (PG) 10AM, 12PM, 2PM, 4PM, 6PM
7.45PM, 10PM
4:15pm: Password “MAZE RUNNER: THE DEATH CURE” (2D) (16)
5:00pm: The Beat 10PM
6:00pm: Wings of SCREEN IV
Love 12.30PM, 3.15PM, 6PM, 8.45PM
7:00pm: NTV Jioni “WATU WOTE” (ALL OF US) 11AM, 12PM
8:00pm: Wild Skin “MONSTER FAMILY” (2D) 10.40AM, 1.20PM
9:00pm: NTV Tonight “AIYAARY” (TBA) 6.05PM
“BLACK PANTHER” (3D) 3.30PM, 6.10PM, 8.50PM
10:00pm: This is it “DEN OF THIEVES” (2D) 10.40AM, 12PM, 3PM
10:30pm: The Beat “PAD MAN” (2D) 9.10PM.
This romantic comedy centers around two different people “BLACK PANTHER” (3D) (16) 11.40AM, 3PM, 6.20PM,
— Clark, a boy living his American life and Leah, a simple girl 9.10PM, 9.15PM
“MONSTER FAMILY” (2D) (PG) 11.30AM, 2PM, 4.10PM,
with an American dream, who are forced to marry in order
to legally stay and continue working in the United States. Today’s highlight “DEN OF THIEVES” (2D) (16) 11AM, 3.10PM
WILD SKIN THE POST” “ (2D) 11.30AM, 2PM, 6.30PM
Despite their disastrous first meeting, Leah and Clark spend
time as a fake couple and learn about each other’s past, @ 8.00PM NTV TONIGHT 9:00PM “JUMANJI” WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE “ (3D) (PG)
4.25PM, 6.50PM, 9.20PM
quirks and habits in order to pass the Immigration interview. SIDEBAR Tune in for the latest local, global “AIYAARY” 11AM, 2.40PM, 5.50PM, 9PM
As time passes, Leah and Clark discover a certain fondness @ 10PM news and sports highlights with Smriti “PADMAVAAT”(2D) 8.55PM
for each other. They also realize that both have the same Vidyarthi and her colleagues. “PAD MAN” (2D) 11.20AM, 3PM, 6PM, 9PM
goals in life and that is to make a better life for their family. CENTURY CINEMAX IMAX GARDEN CITY, NAIROBI
10AM, 12.45PM, 3.30PM, 6.15PM, 9PM
“AIYAARY” (2D) (16)
1PM, 4PM, 9.45PM
10.15AM, 12.15PM, 2.15PM, 4.15PM, 6.15PM
4: 00 Pambazuka Music 5:00 Club 700 5:00 Switch Mix 5.00 BBC News 5.30 Gear Up 7.45PM
5:30 Dance With Chiky 5:30 Starting Point Ministries 5:30 Tizi 6.00 Good Morning Kenya “MAZE RUNNER: THE DEATH CURE” (2D) (16)
6:00 Power Breakfast 6:00 Morning Express 8:00 Life 7:00 K24 Alfajiri 9.00 Layd Back “MONSTER FAMILY” (3D) 10AM, 12PM, 2PM, 4PM
9:00 Citizen Extra N Style 10:00 Afriscreen 12.00 9:00 Taste Of Love 9.30 Parliament Live “DEN OF THIEVES” (2D) (18) 7.15PM, 10PM
1:00 Live at 1 Forevermore 10:00 The Daily Brief 12.30 Top Mashariki “BLACK PANTHER” (3D) (16)
2:00 Afrosinema 1:00 Newsdesk 1:30 Turning 1:30 Sports Hub 1.00 KBC Lunchtime News 11AM, 1.45PM, 4.30PM, 7.15PM, 10PM
4:00 Alasiri Point 2:00 Afriscreen 2:30 America’s Got Talent 1.30 Business Defined ANGA IMAX, 20TH CENTURY PLAZA
4:20 Mseto East Africa 5:00 4:00 Spongebob Square Pants 3:00 DW Documentary 2.00 Mkulima Rpt 8.05AM, 10.30AM, 1PM, 3.30PM, 6PM, 8.30PM, 10.50PM
Waaris 4:30 Farhat 3:30 Play List 2.30 Parliament Live ANGA SKY CINEMA, PANARI HOTEL
6:00 Tangled Hearts 5:00 Maisha Mzuqa 4:00 Mchipuko wa Alasiri 5.30 Club 1 “BLACK PANTHER” (3D)
7:00 Citizen Nipashe 6:00 Dolce Amore 4:10 Jus Kids 6.30 The Gread Debaters 8.20AM, 9.20AM, 10.40AM, 1PM, 3.20PM, 4PM, 5.40PM,
7:35 Aziza 7:00 KTN Leo 7:30 Real 5:00 Beat Box 6:00 Tizi 7.00 Taarifa 6.20PM, 8PM, 10.20PM, 11.20PM
8:00 Waking Up With You Househelps of Kawangware 6:30 K24 Mashinani 7.30 Kenda Imani “DEN OF THIEVES” (2D) 11.40AM
9:00 JKL 8:00 Samson And Delilah 7:00 K24 Saa Moja 8.00 Elena’s Ghost “AIYAARY” (2D)
10.30 The Flight to 9:00 KTN Prime 8:05 Taste of Love 9.00 KBC Channel 1 News 8.40PM
Victory 10:00 Kenya Lotto 10:15 Movie 9:00 K 24 Evening Edition 10.00 The Rave Live ANGA MEGA CINEMA, KISUMU
11:00 Afrosinema 11:45 Andrew Wommack 10:20 Sumu La Penzi 11.30 CGTN News “BLACK PANTHER” (3D) 10.20AM, 12.40PM, 3PM, 5.20PM,
7.40PM, 10PM
01:00 Citizen Late Night News Ministries 11:00 Konnect 12.00 Lay‘D Back
02:00 Afrosinema 12:15 CNN 12:00 DW Feed 12.30 BBC News “AIYAARY” (2D) 6.20PM, 9PM
“TAD 2” (2D)

40 | Notice/Classified Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION


UPCOUNTRY (incorporated in Kenya)
Head office: P.O. Box 30059 00100 GPO Nairobi
PERSONAL NOTICES POLICY 37007547 in the name of DANIEL
APPLICATION has been made to this
A109 Lost company for the issue of duplicate of the
above-numbered policy, the original having
been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice
LOSS OF TITLE DEED is given that unless objection is lodged to the
contrary at the office of the Company within
thirty (30) days from the date of this notice,
LOSS OF TITLE DEED duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the
NO-KAJIADO/MAILUA sole evidence of the contract.
PARCEL NO 364 AREA - Dated the 16TH FEBRUARY, 2018

Issued on 10/06/1991 to
BUTCHERS (incorporated in Kenya)
COMPANY LTD Head office: P.O. Box 30059 00100 GPO Nairobi
POLICY 37014329 in the name of JANE
LOSS of Certificate of Lease Nairobi WANJIRU MBURU
Block93/1698 apartmnt no. D5 APPLICATION has been made to this
company for the issue of duplicate of the
CLASSIFIEDS RATES LOSS of Title deed, Kitale Municipality above-numbered policy, the original having
Block 1/ Lessos/119 of Julius Mbivu been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice
Kabui Cell No. 0711671785 is given that unless objection is lodged to the
LOSS of Title Deed No. KJD/ contrary at the office of the Company within
thirty (30) days from the date of this notice,
duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the
LOST passport No. AB879209 for sole evidence of the contract.
Ezekiel Yohana Ng’imba Dated the 16TH FEBRUARY, 2018
A116 Marriage OFFICER (CLAIMS)

0722594823 CBD Swedish mens therapy OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE

DAUDA solves all your problems using (incorporated in Kenya)
herbs. Call 0715939807 Head office: P.O. Box 30059 00100 GPO Nairobi
LOVE: SERIOUS singles 0722219480
POLICY 6002708 in the name of JOHN
company for the issue of duplicate of the
above-numbered policy, the original having
A167 Acupuncture been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice
is given that unless objection is lodged to the
contrary at the office of the Company within
SKIN- Asthma and other Allergies. thirty (30) days from the date of this notice,
3744885, 0737-540562, 0721-170217 duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the
sole evidence of the contract.
A202 Entertainment Dated the 16TH FEBRUARY, 2018
BAR & REST for sale Athi River serious OFFICER (CLAIMS)
buyers only 0713669630

A230 Health MISSING

0715471994 Men Solutions & products
0723408602 delay gels & sprays CHILD
0723408602 Instant Rockhard Tablet
0723408602 Ladies Arousal Liquid
0723408602 Original Vigrx pills
0723408602 Vimax Pills

A265 Medical
Church Of God Ibinzo Child Development
ANXIETY- Stress, Depression, Moody. Centre, A Compassion assisted project from
3744885, 0737-540562, 0721-170217 Ibinzo village, Shibuli Sub-Loca on, Butsotso
Central loca on, Lurambi Cons tuency,
A279 Notices Kakamega county announces the missing
of Brian Indimuli a sponsored child under
LOST title deed East Bukusu / South this organiza on. The boy went missing on
Kanduyi/20651 February 3rd 2018 from the home at Ibinzo.
0724782795 or 0727085831 The child was at Ibinzo Primary school in
Standard Seven. Brian is 14 yrs old dark
OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE skinned and was last seen wearing a long
COMPANY LIMITED sleeved red T-shirt and a brown long trouser.
(incorporated in Kenya) The boy speaks Luhya, English and Kiswahili
Head office: P.O. Box 30059 00100 GPO Nairobi languages. He is of sound mind and lives with
LOSS OF POLICY his mother Caroline Namukuru.
POLICY 37009746 in the name of ALICE
MUTHONI MBURIA Anybody with informa on regarding the
APPLICATION has been made to this said boy should report to the nearest
company for the issue of duplicate of the police sta on or call the following numbers
above-numbered policy, the original having 0725360514, 0710483121, 0721145975,
been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice 0722996039, 0722232070, 0726223456,
is given that unless objection is lodged to the 0729027546 and 0723496048.
contrary at the office of the Company within

thirty (30) days from the date of this notice,
duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the
sole evidence of the contract.
Dated the 16TH FEBRUARY, 2018
(incorporated in Kenya)
Head office: P.O. Box 30059 00100 GPO Nairobi
POLICY 6006313 in the name of BERNARD
APPLICATION has been made to this My name is Claire Muthoni Thuo aged 4yrs. I
company for the issue of duplicate of the underwent a bone marrow transplant 5 months
above-numbered policy, the original having ago and producing normal cells for the treatment
been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice of leukemia at Apollo Ahmedabad in India. The
is given that unless objection is lodged to the challenge I have is recurrent infections that
contrary at the office of the Company within has increased my hospital stay thus a high
medical bill. So far 10.7m has been settled and
thirty (30) days from the date of this notice,
an estimated cost of 5M is required. I am re-
duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the appealing to well-wishers to help my parents in
sole evidence of the contract. raising the pending medical bill through M-pesa
Dated the 16TH FEBRUARY, 2018 paybill no.759616, or Equity Bank Kenyatta
avenue branch, acc. name Claire Muthoni
JOSEPHINE SANYA Medical Fund, Account No. 1290173133950,
OFFICER (CLAIMS) M-pesa no 0792876416. God bless you

������������������������������������������ ���������������
(incorporated in Kenya)
Notice to Show Cause why
Execution should not issue. Order
22, Rule 18, of Civil Procedure
SMS TO 20115
Head office: P.O. Box 30059 00100 GPO Nairobi
LOSS OF POLICY (Revised) Rules, 2010.
POLICY OMK001197331 in the name of
APPLICATION has been made to this
company for the issue of duplicate of the
MILIMANI COMMERCIAL COURTS AD#advert Category#your advert
above-numbered policy, the original having CIVIL CASE NO. 3056 OF 2009
been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice
is given that unless objection is lodged to the
E.G if booking for cars
contrary at the office of the Company within BEATRICE MARSH WAITHERA............... type: AD#B085#TOYOTA NZE ... Call 07xxxx
thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, ...........................................Decree Holder
duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the
(Advocates: Kamau Githui & Co.)
sole evidence of the contract. Against
Dated the 16TH FEBRUARY, 2018 B001 Livestock
JOSEPHINE SANYA KARIUKI J. KINYUA..................................

AMBONI DAIRY FARM B546 Machinery for Sale

.....................................Judgment Debtor


WHEREAS the advocate for the decree
holder has/have made application to
������������������ this court for your personal arrest and
������������������������ committal to civil jail in the execution
���������������� of the decree in the above case, this is
��� ������������������������� to give you notice that you are to appear
� ����������������������� before this court in Chambers (Room No.
�������� CM’s) at 9.00 O’clock in the forenoon on
����������������������������������������������� the 23rd day of February, 2018 in person
THIKA: Jopaka Enterprises ��� ������������������������ or by an Advocate of this Court, or agent
Jogoo Kimakia Building � ������������������ duly authorized and instructed to show
�������� cause, if any, why execution should not Top Pedigree, Pure Holstein,
Patrick Kamau: 0725856687
� ���������������������������������������������� be granted. In-calf Heifers & Milking cows Your presence will be dispensed with if
���������������������������� for sale
��� ������������������������� the sum of Kshs. 1,238,503.00 being
THIKA: Mbambu Communications the balance/amount of Decree together For Enquiries call Peter on
Clairbourn Building, Uhuru Street � �������������������������������� 0728 514 594
��������� with interest cost of execution and Court
along Kwame Nkuruma Road Collection fees making in all Kshs. or Ndegwa on 0735 062 605
� ������������������������
Room No.A7,, Call Paul: 0710305337 ������ ���� ����������� ������� ������ ����� 1,433,671.18 are lodged in court before
Email: ����� ����� ���� ����� ��� ����� ����� ���� ����� the said date.
EMBU: Peterson Stationers/bookshop
Given under my hand and the Seal
of the Court at Nairobi this COMMERCIAL
County Council ADC House ���������������������������������������������������� of..November .. 2017
Peter Kangugi: 068 22 30275, ����������������������������������������������
Email: Note: B462 Business for Sale
1. Payment be made directly to Plaintiff or
EMBU: Admedia International Ltd, his Advocates in which case no Court SALON for sale fully equipped at
Nguviu House, 1st Floor, Rm 02 Collection Fee is payable. Karatina CBD call 0724336817
Above Mbuni Dry Cleaners 2. The Court cannot accept cheques.
Silas Nthiga: 0722357028/020 2114546 Remittances must be by coin,
Email: Banknotes or postal or money order. B476 Business Opportunities
KAKAMEGA: Friends Communications, 5YR Lease for 15buses Sh. 15M high
Canon Awori Street, Next to OW return call 0728081892
Consults & Cybercafé
Wycliffe Irangi: 0722-375680/ 056-2030072
BUNGOMA: Am Enterprises Ltd UNCOLLECTED GOODS Make 5,000/10,000 weekly 0791801913 Kshs
Nasombi House, Moi Avenue ACT CAP NO 3 OF 1987 CAP 38. 69,000
Opposite Bungoma County Assemmbly
P.O. Box 2502 This is to notify the owner/s of vehicle B485 Business Services ��������
Call Chriss Masinde: Tel. 055 30161, Reg No. KAL 197D Datsun pickup �������������
0721 526154 lying in the premises of Jubilee Centre MBA/PHD proposals 0720646916 • Made in Greece-Europe meeting EU standards,
(Karen) to remove the same within 21
• Hot water even in cold weather
KITUI: Pinnacle News Agency days failure to which we shall dispose • 5years warranty against manufacturer defects
Chief Kitonga Building, Biashara Street, the same by the way of Public Auction. A826 Computer Services • Price as from Kes.69,000.00 (special offer).
1st Floor, Room 6. P.O. Box 8 - 90200 Kitui • Installation is free on selected sizes & locations,
Titus Malonza: 0720922438.
Email: �������� …………….
A Newly registered Sacco requires a
Sacco Software Contact 0700 334400

Available sizes as from 80L to over 3,000L
Electric heating option for adverse weather conditions
Anti-rust glycol with very high heat transfer coefficient
KITENGELA: Mediafacts BP @200 C in the secondary circuit
Communications �������������� B525 Financial • Fresh & salty water, pressurized and non
Namelok (Sarafina) Building ������������������� pressurized application
Behind Kobil Petro Station 1st Flr,Room 36 Offers valid as stocks last **T&Cs apply
Mercy : 0721710842/0717068075
��������������������������� .GET Quick Loans from Imara Capital Delta Energy Systems is a registered
Email: ��������������������������� secured by log book. Call us on 0722 Contactor with ERC to import, install &
943271 commission Solar Water Heating Systems.
MACHAKOS: Mediafacts �������������������������
Machakos Plaza 1st Flr,Rm 11 next to ������� ��� ������� ������ �����������������������������������������
@0700070261 QUICK loan on cars ����������������������������������������
Machakos Stage entrance Opp Hospital
Quaters,Kitui Road. ����� ���� ������� ���� �������������
@0710746831 adv/offset/sale car/ title ��������������������������������������
Mercy : 0721710842/0717068075 ����������������������������
Email: �������� �������� ��� ���������
����������������� @0722694340 quick loan in less than �������������������������������������
30 mins against your car
MERU: Trebil Communications ���� �������� ��������� ������� ������� ����� ������ ��� ���� ����� ���
Kenduba Hse, opp. PostbankMaua, ���������������������������������������������
0722740375 Loan titles cars p/slips l/top FOR SALE OR WANTED
Jonah Munyi Nyaga: 0734 604 247, ����� ��� ����� ��� ����� ����������������������������������������
0725 856 355. Email 100% Car Financing 0773987358 ������������������������ ���� ������������ ������� ������� ����� �����
����������������������������� A829 Domestic Appliances
BID Bonds at l/rates @Jijenge 0717282727
KARATINA: Harmony Plaza,
1st Flr. Next to Equity Bank,
��� ���� �������� ��������� ���������������
������������������������ JOLLY SOLAR WATER
Stephen Munyiri: 0733277993/
��� ���� ���� ������� ���������� BOOKKEEPING & iTax 0721310882 HEATERS
��� ���� ������� ������� BRIDGES credit auto/biashara loans We are ERC Licensed contractors
Save up to 60% of your power bills
call 0780424200/11/33 3Years warranty
KISII: Mwalimu House,
Telfax: (058)31386 ������ GAZETTE NOTICE
Peter Angwenyi: 0722478171
MERU: Ndiungi Agencies ��������������������
(CAP.300 Section 35(REPEALED)

Kingora Building, Opp. Meru Teachers Karen

WHEREAS William Chesilut Lelei of P.O. GET UPTO KSHS 500K WITH 0746075697
Sophia Ntinyari: 0712628022 �������������� Box 16 Kipkaren River in the Republic
of Kenya are Registered as proprietor in
YOUR LOGBOOK. Race course
Email: Absolute/Leasehold ownership interest of • We don’t hold your vehicle.
all that piece of land containing 0.095 Ha • Quick processing time. Kahawa
MERU: Isiolo Video Den
Pwins Plaza, 1st flr, opp. Uchumi
�� ���������������
�� or thereabout, situated in the County of
Uasin Gishu
• Attractive interest rate. West
• Flexible repayment package. 0736751834
Supermarket Registered as Parcel No. Eldoret Kijabe Street
Peter Kaluai: 0721405815 Municipality Block 21(Kingongo) 2057 CONTACTS: 020-8125540
Email: respectively and whereas sufficient KOSE HEIGHTS, HURLINGHAM
evidence has been adduced to show that 5th floor,
the land Tittle Deed/Certificate of Lease
KERUGOYA: S.N. Peter Designers
issued thereof has been Lost Tel 0715612623/0735612623. A871 Miscellaneous
Ushirika Bank House, 2nd Floor,
Notice is given that after the expiration
Vincent Gabriel : 0720547700 of (60) days from the date hereof, I shall COMP welder grind generators print
issue a new land Certificate provided that
JIJENGE Credit. logbok Loans in 1 hr
Physical planning Act. carwash & more 0722744435
no objection has been received within that 0717282727, 0711282727, 0700282727

Njabini Service Station Dated 19th February, 2018 LOAN in 1hr on ur car 0722-101056
Tel: 0713 375405/0723019528 The owner of L.R. No. 12715/2284 Moses Kirui,
Email:, located at Syokimau area, proposes Land Registrar,UASIN GISHU to change its use from Residential to LOGBOOK loan 24hr to 2m 0719576964

ELDORET BUREAU: Moi University

Pension Scheme Plaza (MUPS Towers)
Residential Hotel subject to approval
by mavoko sub county. Any individual, �����
institution, members of the public
Waiganjo St. Off Uganda Rd. 7th Floor, Wing
B P.o. Box 2772 - 30100 Eldoret
with substantive materials, comments
or objections to the proposal should
PETS & LIVESTOCK ����������
TEL. 0722200773, 0734333 389, forward them in writing within fourteen ����
(14) days of this notice to:

The Town Administrator
Mavoko Sub County A988 Dogs & Dog Training ����������
P. O. Box 11
Athi River
GSD/B Boel puppies 4mts 0722569684
42 | Classified Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION

B403 Colleges T.SIENTA 2010 920K 0720282349

silver 950k

T/HARRIER kcd 2009 1.35m dep

To make necessary enquiries and take advice before sending money, incurring expenses or Enrol now for Baking Technology, Cookery, 500k 0733506403 bal 1 year
entering into binding commitments in relation to an advertisement. Catering, Fresh fruit and vegetable
Juices, Food processing, preservation &
packaging, business courses.
kbe local q/sale
NATION MEDIA GROUP shall not be liable for loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of
a reader accepting or offering to accept an invitation contained in an advertisement published 80% PRACTICAL. T/NZE kbx 06 400k 0737-252429
in its newspapers. Continuous intake B227 Containers T. Hilux 4wd, 2012 TownAce 07 KCA 720K 0706152134
Pathway to University. No age Limit Kshs.2.2M
100% Sponsorship for employers Available CONTAINERS on sale 0703 333332 TOY. HIACE KBZ KCA KCG Dep.
Call principal 0722237181, 0203504453, or visit 450K Blnc 2yrs 0773987358
1st floor, National Housing Corporation bld Aga
CONTAINERS on sale 20ft and 40ft
Khan Walk. Jogoo Road 0722-351616 TOY 110 kav v/c 370k 0720359181
CONTAINERS Sale Nrb & Msa: TOYOTA Axio Probox Fielder Premio
0786170444/ 0790541117 Sienta Ractis NEW Dep. 250K Blnc
B243 Domestic/Casual Jobs 2yrs 0773987358

PHARMTECH.NRB 0764049193 MOTOR VEHICLES TOYOTA k70 stn wagon 280k call
T.Landcruiser ,V.Neat
B250 General Kshs.2.7M TOYOTA Shark on sale KBF 750k call
B049 Car Hire Contact: 0722 316590 0727057233
(10) Trailer Turnboy 0795432111
0700128555 PRADO Voxy Saloon TOY succeed KCP 2010 850000 probox
(10) waiters & 6cashiers rqd 0704354304 new modern from 3000 PD NISSAN MURANO 750000 60% financed 0711971952
(11) supermarket att/cleaners 0704867813 TOY Wish KCF 900k 0720669438
BETA-HIRE 2k 24hrs 0724762455 FOR QUICK SALE
A Lady pharmacy Assistant abv 1yr exp T/TOWNACE kbt 370k
Nairobi CBD sms 0740366273 CARS wanted 40k-250k 0722111248 0780885838
DEGREE /Diploma: Free jobsearch- EDEN Saloon V8 p/up Noah Prado PRICE: T/VITZ KCL 1300 wht 600k
email: Alphard buses 0723-176777, 0722410172 0729009111
DRIVERS T.boys & cleaners 0724537689 HABIB cars 2k/24hr 0733853714 VILLAGE AUTO BAZAAR
EXPERIENCED Sales Executive
wanted urgently. At least 2 years B077 For Sale, Dealers 6.999M
Trade In OK
experience in Financial services. Send 4wd Optional
detailedCV to
or contact 0721259299 JAS AUTO SOLUTIONS LTD 0724502435
HALISI Academy (Kayole) Upper
Primary ENG and CRE teacher 2015 TOYOTA PRADO WHITE KCG
required Tel. 020-2018680 Ex-Japan, 2.7L petrol
TX, Only 5k Kms
HBC training for those aspiring to Gen!!, 7 seater, rear LANDCRUISER DOUBLE CAB, gold
work as Care-givers / patient entertainment. Mint 2015, local, 10,000kms, like brand new
condition. 6.3M O.N.O.
Attendants. F IV D & above :Tel 0725615050, 0722211331,
0771-823 597 0722903496, 0722760686
HIGHER diploma/degree in marketing, E250 Blue-
efficiency, T-tronic,
with admin knowlegde, tours & travel
background.Minimum 3 years’ experience
CGI. Half leather-
suede interior, 6.999M
panoramic roof, Trade In OK
Email CV to 48k Kms. New
import. 4.2M
Nairobi school needs 1 administrator O.N.O.
Ecde montesori teachers 1 receptionist Maserati Levante, 2017 brand new
1 female driver call 0727504695 2012 JEEP WRANGLER ORANGE KCJ Lystra motors Lavington
ONLINE opportunities 0715100563 6-speed manual 3.6L
engine, 36k Kms,
expat owner, stunning
0723 346 827
PHARM-TECH needed to work in condition. Excellent
LANDCRUISER ZX, local, 4.2cc, diesel,
nrb 2yrs exp 0765366150 2015, white, like brand new
0725615050, 0722211331,
SALESMEN required 1-2yrs 2012 SUBARU FORESTER RED KCP Near Mama Lucy Hospital 0722903496, 0722760686
experience in sales, experience in solar Direct opp Nairobi Bottlers
Tiptronic 2.0L turbo
products is an advantage. Send CV to petrol. Grade 5 and interior A T/Premio 520K KBJ v/c, Fielder 520K
from Japan, only 32k Kms.
Absolute stunning car!
KBH,Shark diesel college van 420K 3.8M
Serious Mature Sales Executives Brand new all-around
KAN,Isu direct tx 650K KYC,T/Hilux Trade In OK
and Unit Managers wanted tropicalized suspension.
pickup petrol, 370K KXU,Townace diesel
3.15M O.N.O. auto 420K KBK,Isu tougher 380K KAE
urgently and financial support petrol,Nis Sunny B15 260K KAW,G/touring
Warranties applicable, conditions apply, finance
available. Call J. Ikirima 0722-520399 available, importation on behalf, insurance/
420K KBB,Platz 320K KBF,Townace 480K
KBP,Probox 420K KCJ,Wish 600K KBS,
security systems/after sales service available.
STUDY Abroad: study in Australia and Email: Sienta 580K KCB, Noah 620K KBS v/c &
get 2yrs working visa-free of charge: original paint, Harrier 1.1M KBS 2400cc yr TOYOTA LEXUS 450, petrol, 2010,
Tel 0771 823597 2006,Nissan xtrail 630K KBD with sports maroon, fully loaded
Call 0725160228 rims, good tyres & sunroof,Wingroad 0725615050, 0722211331,
TRAILER turnboys rqd 0703417364 For more info. 320K KBJ. 0722903496, 0722760686
NISSAN Sylphy2011 945k 0722284769 Join us for the best.
FORTUNER Manual 2007 2.3m silver, 0722 635 559
DOUBLECAB 2010 black 3.1m Trade In OK
HILUX p/up KCA, D/max KCC 2014
1.9M, 50% finance 18months 0711971952
B085 For Sale, Private
Dep.400K Blnc 4yrs 0773987358
REPAIR & LEXUS RX 300 ISUZU Tx Chasis Tel.0722354773
MAINTENANCE LEXUS RX350 KCH 2.8M 0736727838 TOYOTA RAV4, local, 2015, auto, like
KBQ brand new, 19,000kms, 1st owner
M/Outlander 2010 1790K 0718555112 0725615050, 0722211331,
B368 Swimming Pools
MERC ML 2004 0727018336 0722903496, 0722760686
Swimming pool services & equip MITSUBISHI FH KCE c/body 3.8M
Sauna&steam /Jacuzzis/pumps 0722854150, 020-5288464 VALLEY ROAD MOTORS
T-0727/0737777755 or 0737511438
VACANCIES Automatic, petrol, reverse camera,
lether seats, power steering, N/Bluebird Axis ‘11 black 0724085155 6.9M
Duty Paid
steel bampers.
N/Hardbody d/cab ‘13 1.9m 0720136261
Call: 0722240700
MANAGERS AND SALES N/March N/shape KCP slv 0714334440
A531 Hotels Trade in ok
N/B 15 kbd 285k 0720532410 Finance
Experience in the motor industry Arranged
Beer/Wine? come to Blue spirits bar NISSAN advan kcp 2010, 610k
a must PORCHE CAYENNE, new shape, 3.6cc
Town or Ikulu lounge Milimani 0722230551 petrol, KCL, black, very clean
T-0737111111 Mili/0737777777 Town Locations: 0726100883, 0722508671,
Nakuru | Kericho | Kisumu |
NISSAN H/body p/up KCD 1.4M Call 0721718161, 0721860497
0722854150, 020-5288464
0734 700 801, 0706 75 91 91
A557 Apartments Available PAJERO gdi 3.5cc petrol @1m call
Assortеd sizеs & thicknеssеs availablе 0713240162 B712 Accommodation Available
WAITERS needed for hotel in Kitui
3BD American furnished apt Kilimani County send cv to PROBOX kch 09 350k 0735577267
250k 0726822248 0701880977 NGUMMO 1br 0722783157 owner
T_SHARK kbn 650k 0714337715,
B249 Recuitment Agencies B740 Land, Plots for Sale
A571 Hotels T/HILUX Vigo p/up 5L 1.15M 0721387528
JOBS abroad drivers, guards,cooks, T/NZE KBW auto, gold, 639k 0714805753 1/4AC KIRINYAGA UNIV 0721160111
Business meetings/Trainings
T-0734-608866 or 0722-608865 waiters, maids, cleaners 0722802400 Plеasе contact Mr. Kalim T/PRADO120 local diesel 0720413552 1/4 acre Kerarapon 0722619001
B382 Schools +254 722 235786 T/SUCCEED KCP new 0721701854 1/8 acre Kiserian 0722619001
GLORY Palace Hotel 1,500pp b/bfast
free wifi 0723-176777, 0722410172
EDUCATIONAL Xtian Boarding F4 repeaters 0790032295 ADV/offset/sell ur car/title 0724268552 T.PROBOX 09 620K 0701080267 1ACRE KUTUS TOWN 0721160111
DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 Classified | 43
BUY/BUILD and live in your own
KISAJU 50x100 @350k 0755627652 Syokimau 50x100ft plt 0727631645 B858 Transport Services
home anywhere in deposit
@ MARERENI Kiserian 1,2,5,10,30-150ac 0728150007 THIKA 01120ha 33m 0701559316 of 100k and clear balance in 5 years.
0727071008 Import your Prime Mover
6km from tarmac KISERIAN Kahurai 1/4 1/8 0751608141 with us & Save Upto
THIKA Ngoigwa 50m s/h/way (2)4brm ONE MILLION!!!
DANDORA-I 8rm inc 28k 0722170079
1Acre Plots KISERIAN Plots 1/8’s @ 800k & 1/4’s
@ 1.6m 0722723512
Masonneites 4sale alensuit & newly
built each on 50/100 plot with t/deed
EAGLE PLAINS Mombasa rd 3
owner 0721700235/ 0720076091/
@ Ksh 150,000/= Titles KITE Milimani/Munyees area 1/8 contact 0721291864 20m each Bedroom Maisonette 27.5M 020
2598001 /0724726361
owner 0722809671
Viewing: Prior Arrangements THIKA Road prime 6 acres next to
KITENGELA 1/4acres 0714137144 IMARA DAIMA 3 Bedroom Bungallow
PAN AFRICAN PROPERTIES Garden City Mall. Call 0722-582406
+ dsq 020 2598001 / 0724 726361
KITENGELA 100 Acres 0725958858
0722-312387 THIKA Tora behind Mangu High 40x80 KAHAWA sukari 5br16m M/Actros/Axors, scania, Man truck, Daf,
KITENGELA 50x 100ft Kshs. Call 0721683248 0721468695 Renault etc. Under one roof!!!
341,000/= deposit 11,000/- 0702 Call us today on:
1/8ACRE plot Eldoret next to Royalton TIGONI 10acrs 18mpa 0764347152 020 7854118, 0724 133338
Hotel. Owner 0722762976
699162 / 0724 726361 KAYOLE 8rooms 3m 0722-170079

2AC Ngong/Kimuka 6m 0722-596446

KITENGELA Milimani prime 50x100
plots developd area 1.8m 0722-582406
UTAWALA Githunguri 0763798687 KAYOLE d/stry 17rm slab 0722170079 COAST (Telephone
UTAWALLA 1/8a call 0728147119 KILELESHWA 3 Bedroom Coast Numbers Only)
2ACS Makutano Sagana near tarmac KITENGELA Town 39ac 0721775272 Apartment 020 2598001 / 0702699162
river frontage 0721160111
KITENGELA yukos 1/4 acre 5.5
VIPINGO walled plot near R.Ngara
Uni . 1/4 acre 6m neg. Call 0722399299 KILELESHWA Makueni Rd 1/4acre PERSONAL SERVICES (COAST)
4SALE ndwaru rd 1/4acr 2 units call 4br+sq all ensuite 85m 0722799041
0734209477 KONZA city 10.8ac plt 0727631645 WAGA Isinya 100ac next Isinya
Komarock 2br rdfrontg 7m 0722740375 D279 Notice
DAGORETTI Riruta 1/2 acre 50m sub-station @6.5m/acre 2213022
Tel 0711-110654 LAND FOR SALE Komarock 5br+sq 7.8M 0722740375 PUBLIC NOTICE
WAGA Kangundo-Mitaboni Rd 76plots
DAYSTAR Uni 1/2acre 0751626242 - 40x60 @650k each with titles - cash KOMAROCK Phase-3 house clean
title for sale 0721653677 The Owners of Plot Nos. MN/V/2709 and 2710,
A 30 Acre piece of land at Mazeras Kilifi County wishes to consolidate-cum-
Karicheni, off the Kiganjo – Nanyuki WAGA Kilimani-Kindaruma Rd 1acre LAVINGTON, Vanga Court, 2br, change the user of their plots from Agricultural
road is for sale @ 2.5M per acre O.N.O. @520m 0701340967, 2213022 to Light Industrial (Petroleum Service Station)
ground floor, 12m ono 0721625869
subject to the approval of the Kilifi County
The land is suitable for persons who wish Government. Any interested person or institution
to farm or develop country homes in a WAGA Kilimani - Wood Ave 0.5ac NAIROBI WEST 2 Bedroom
50ftx100ft plots secluded private area. @270m 2213022, 0701340967 Apartment 020 2598001/0702 699162
wishing to make any representation or objection
to the above application, stating grounds for

@ Kshs: 80,000/=
objection may send them in writing within 14
For more information please WAGA Nanyuki-Marura 200ac opp. NGONG 18rm s/p 4.8m 0722661206 days from the date of this publication to;
From 2nd Row call Jolly on 0724330189. Ole-Pajenta @650k/acre 2213022
PIONEER2 3Br maisonette+ Sq 9.5m
@ Kshs: 95,000/= Touching tarmac P.O. BOX 519-80108, KILIFI
Location: Along Mashuru – Kajiado tarmac LIMURU 1/4 acre Nbi/Nkr Highway WAGA Nanyuki-Mutirithia 9 plots owner 0746542071
rd (now under construction) on tarmac 7.2m neg 0722851228 -50x100 @250k each 2213022
Viewing: Saturdays Only @8am
PLOT Gikomba call 0799431414 house WHERE TO STAY (COAST)
LIMURU mutarakwa bypass WAGA Nanyuki-Sweetwaters 10ac for sale Pumwani rd 0743345086
Fare: Ksh. 500 per person (makutano) 1/8 ac 800k (thigio) 300k sub-divided 1/4ac (35plots) with titles
0721978756, 0704025598, @15m 0701340967 RIARA Rd 4bedroom town house for D531 Hotels
0726390366 sale call 0720881870
0722-312387 MAGUMU 300m off tarmac 2.5acre WESTLANDS 0.25 acres 0722-582406
7m owner 0746542071
S/C Halai 4br+sq 14.5m 0726971919
HOMEWARD Joska 50x100 dep. S/C parkview, S/Loaf 3br 13m 0726971919
50,000 bal 4 months. Titles ready. MAGUMU on tarmac 4.5acres 17.5m
020-2610923, 0751201267 viewing free owner 0746542071
SCHOOL for sale in Nairobi along
Makutano/Mwea 10a 0737123600 Thika Rd 0775016935
JOSKA 50x100 for sale ready title. Call
owner 0727608247 It has a perimeter
wall and two rooms house 1.7m neg
MOMBASA nrb/msa highway 1/2 acre
12million call 0722717565
Cash Kshs 60,000/- B789 Properties to Let
JUJA 1ac Juja South Est area 8.5m Neg MURERA “Kariuki ” 2 plots with title 1 acre Red Soil
Agricultural plots
JAMHURI 1bedroom borehole water
22k, 23k, 25k, 2br 28k 0711733142
call 0731330011 owner @ 1.5m. Call 0722399299
Cash Kshs 300,000/-
JUJA 1 acre 4km off Thika S/Highway MUTHAIGA North 1/2acre 65m Viewing Thursday’s & Saturday’s. KILE, kandara rd 1br apt @ 40k pm
0720328143 (inclusive of water & s/c) - single lady
FARE 500/- Time: 8.00a.m
near Juja South Estate 0721842472
NAIVASHA 1/8ac 550k 0712167527
only tel 0722746957. SITUATIONS
JUJA-JUJAFARM 1/8ac 0707527550 KILELESHWA spacious 3br VACANT (COAST)
NAIVASHA 1-16ac@500K/ac 0721903976 50ftx100ft apartment on bypass 0720832919
E250 Situations Vacant
Narumoro 11acre 2m 0721381804
@ Kshs 300,000/- KILIMANI Riara Rd 5 Bedroom

Kitengela@KCA next to Borehole

NGONG 1/8,1/4,1/2,1-20ac 0728150007 Townhouse 220k p.m 0702 699162 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES


NGONG rd 0.5ac, 1.8ac 0722513743
@ KSH 170,000/- p.m 020 2598001 / 0717 000299 Light Academy is currently looking for
NOORKOPIR Kitengela 1/8acre 2.7m Principal for its branch in Mombasa
neg with 11 mabati structures call Dep: Kshs 320,000/- LANG’ATA 2br 22k 3br 26k with
50ftx100ft @ 90,000/- Meshakan Properties 0728056454
Viewing Wednesday’s & Saturday’s. borehole water 0790495370 QUALIFICATIONS:
Related Degree: Min. Bachelor of Education (Art/ Science)
Viewing: Saturdays 0790036149
Time: 8.00a.m FARE 500/- per person Lavington 4 Bedroom Townhouse. A minimum of 10 (ten) years work in teaching and
OL KALOU Mawingo 1acre plots Call Contact 5 years in school management and administration.
GREENLANDS AFRICA .K. LTD L/KABETE spacious bedsitter 13k
• Excellent interpersonal communication and
PANGANI 1acre on Thika rd Pioneer Hse, 3rd Flr, Moi Avenue 0722496134 reasoning skills

JUJA MALL 50x100 Prime 0722528804

S/Highway prime 0721564522
0722-206832 MBOTELA Singles Kshs. 5,500/= 020
• Liaison with students, teachers, parents and Regional
• Ability to manage and maintain an effective
REAL worldwide consult - juja farm inventory system for all school supplies, materials
50x100, ruiru, makuyu etc. 2598001 / 0717 000299
KABATI Gikono near Gakuyo 40x80 0771558222 B761 Premises, Offices for Sale and equipment
• Ability to generate school development plans for
Call 0721683248 MEMBLEY 3b/r bungalow italian type strategic educative expansion
REDHILL 1/2ac 0722832938 TENA block of 12 2bedroomd flats call 2ensuite plus sq, extras corner plot • High energy levels to manage the diverse issues
KAHAWA Wendani 100x100 plot 0799618567 0722378616/0782378616/0722867571 faced by a school in its day-to-day activities
with clean title 12m call owner Ridgeways 2.5acs 180m 0728150007 CONTACT: Interested applicants should send
0714148373 Modern learning facility for lease within their C.V. to
RIMPA 1 /8acre 4m 0720781218 B768 Premises, Offices to Let Matuu town 12acres, serene
KAMULU 50x100 dep 50,000/= bal 4 environment. Ideal for University,
months. Ready Titles 020-164920, 0796
GODOWN 15,300ft sh32 0734924402 College, International school e.t.c.
ROYSAMBU plot 8m 0722467230 Contact: 0724467487
754863, 0712013550, 0714836741.
Sideways Properties, Nextgen Mall 4th flr RUAKA Plot 0.25ha touching tarmac GODOWNS Industrial Area
0721931119 NGUMO 3br mnet 37k 0732917532
Kangundo rd 15&100ac 0727631645
RUAKA PLOTS 0722657301 GODOWN Yard Office 0721733642 PARKLANDS Mpaka /Suswa rd 3br
KAMULU plots (50 by 100) , 1.5 km Maisonnette yearly lease call
from tarmac with title, electricity and Ruiru @ 1.7,2.3,2.7&3.5M 0720707519 NEW Godowns Msa Rd, Juja, Industrial 0705618494
piped water. owner - 0717342355 Area etc 4,000sqft-10,000sqft @ Kshs
RUIRU Eastern bypass Juja 400-1m. 20 per sqft 0720903187 SOUTHB apt with lift b/h 1br 24k,
Maimahiu 250k Family Shade Africa Ltd 22k, 21k, 0723253595, 0711774184,
KANTAFU near KBC 1acre 2km to 0720511818, 0733952817
tarmac title ready 2.4M 0725701897 Offices 2 let Nbi 15/20k 0722569684 0720475161
RUIRU near Rainbow Hotel 50x100 SOUTH C 4 Bedroom Apartment 70k
KAREN 5 acres behind the Hub @65M 2.5M Tel. 0702395323 OFFICES to let Ngong Rd 0720881870
p.m 020 2598001 / 0702 699162
per acre call owner 0722762750
RUIRU Rainbow 50x100 0721564522 B782 Properties for Sale UMOJA Innercore Bedsitter, 1 & 2
KAREN prime 5 acres Tel:0722-582406 Bedroom 020 2598001 / 0717 000299
RUNDA 0.5 & 1 acre Tel.0722-582406
.AKIBA 5brm, Dsq, 32M, 0790032295
KATANI 1/8acre 1.5m 0764883014 RUNDA 1/2acre prime q/s 0722471280 WANGIGE 2br hs 11k 0720201325
"Urgent sale Nairobi CBD
KIAMUMBI 1/4acre 0721564522 RUNYENJES 50x100 3m 0722127221 commercial properties with good B817 Wanted to Rent
SGR Kamangu 5ac. 5M. 0712167527 income. Owner selling. Call/Text
KILIMANI 0.5AC 0.75AC 0722513743 +254726760002 for viewing KAYOLE 2br hse 12k 0722735942
SOSIAN plots 3.7M ono 0722740375
KILIMANI prime 1&2 acs 0722582406 AVENUE PARK II 4 Bedroom

Kirinyaga/Baricho 1.3a 0723208476

SYOKIMAU 2 Acres 20M per Acre
020 2598001 / 0702 699162
Bungallow + dsq 020 2598001 / 0702
44 | Transition Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION

Death and Funeral Announcement Death and Funeral Announcement Death and Funeral Announcement
It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we We regret to announce the death of Margaret Kanaga It is with deep sorrow that we announce the sudden
announce the promotion to glory of our beloved Mugei of Bendera village, Ivojo Sub-Location, Vihiga death of Domitilah Mbithe Musembi, Deputy Headteacher
“Mwaitu” Loise Mbithe Mbithi which occurred on 18th Kathaayoni Primary School which occurred on 11th
County which occurred on 13/02/2018 at Kijabe February 2018 at Nairobi West Hospital.
February 2018.
Mission Hospital. Beloved wife of Peter Musembi. Daughter of the late
Wife of the late Mbithi Muange. Daughter of the late Siku Benjamin Nyilu Kiithya and late Fransisca Mutave.
& Muithu Thathi, Sister of Kitau, Kitili, Muthini,Mbivii, late Beloved wife of Dr. Harun Edward Mugei; and mother Daughter in-law of the late Matu Mweki and late Mary
Kyengo, late Kawa, late Muni, late Mawia among others. of Gilbert Mugei (formerly KFS), the late Charles , Mbisu. Mother of Lucia Kathina, Jacinta Mwende, Francisca
Mother of Mwikali, late Syokau, Mutii, Phyllis Kalondu, Evans Mugei (formerly Registrar of Persons), Abigael Mutheu, Bridgit Mumbua, Henry Kitw’a ,Michael Kioko and
Joseph, Japheth, Damaris, Muange Mbithi (Kenya Met.) and (formerly DC’s office Kakamega), and Pamela Mugei Regina Mbinya. Grandmother of Felicity Nthenya, Roman,
Emmah. Mother in law of Pamela, Petronillah, Ruth, Job, Stella and Bolton. Sister of Veronica Mumo (Principal
(State Law Office Nairobi). Mother-in-law of Mabel Mwala Girls), Josephat Mwangangi, Dominic Makau, the
Mulei among others. She had 36 grandchildren, 51 great Imbwaga and the Late Rebecca Amugune. Sister of
grandchildren and 8 great great grandchildren. late Justina Monthe, Sister Anna Nthenya, Susana Kamene
Heman, Eliakim, the Late Benson, and Nerbert Iningu; (Spain). Mother in-law of Irene,Veronica and David. Cousin
the Late Hannah Luviti, the Late Jonase Makindu, of Matheka, Julius, Alice, Kiithya and Cosy. Aunt of Vincent,
The cortege leaves Makueni Country Referral hospital
mortuary on 23/2/2018 at 9am for funeral service & burial Damari Najoli, Tafhroza Buhasho, Jenipher Busitsa, and Vicky, Wambua, Kennedy and Kevin.
Florah Iningu. Grandmother of Greg (Kenya School of Family and Friends are meeting daily at T.Tot Restaurant
the same day at her home Kathiani/Kathulumbi, Kalawa
Law), Glen (Strathmore), Nelson (Eldoret Poly), Zippy Machakos at 5:30pm for funeral arrangements.
Ward, Mbooni East Sub-County, Makueni County.
There will be a funds drive to meet burial expenses at “Mwaitu” Loise (UoNBI), and Tony Imbwaga; Churchill Amugune (PGH
The cortege leaves Montezuma Funeral Home, Machakos
Domitilah Musembi
Gardens Square, Nairobi on Thursday 22nd February Kakamega) , Brian Amugune, Rony Sultan (Peace-Keeping, Margaret Kanaga on Thursday 22nd February 2018 at 8:00am for funeral
2018 from 6:00pm. Mbithe Mbithi Afghanistan), Laura Aleyo, , Sharon Nara, Beryline Kanaga
service and burial 10:00am at her home in Kaani,
1960 – 11/2/18
In God’s arms you rest and in our hearts you live forever.
(Denmark), Diana, and Ladona Igunza. In-law of Joram, Mugei
Ephraim, Patterson Midambo (KMC Eldoret), Agnetta But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the sovereign Lord my refuge;
“Mwaitu koma na muuo wa klisto yesu” will tell of all your deeds.
Masakha,Dinah Timbwa and Phanice Kevogo. Auntie of Dr. Beatrice Amugune (UoNBI) and the late
Philip Midambo, among many others.

Death and Funeral Announcement The body leaves St. Monica Hospital Mortuary – Kisumu on Thursday 22/02/2018 to be buried on
Saturday, 24/02/2018 at her home in Bendera village. Death and Funeral Announcement
It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we
announce the passing on of Bilha Chelangat Langat. It is with great sorrow and humble acceptance that we
“May the LORD Keep Her Soul in Eternal Peace, Amen”
announce the death of Peter Gichuki Mathenge (Njane/
Daughter of Isaac Langat and Sally Langat. Beloved wife Gichuru), which occurred on 16/02/2018 at Narok
of Gilbert Kipkoech Langat. Loving mother of Glen Koech Cottage Hospital.
and Bruce Kibet. Daughter-in-law of the Late Philip Yebei Son of the late Daniel Mathenge Wachira and the late
and Selina Yebei. Sister of David, the late Purity, Claire,
Rose, Raymond, Evaline and Brolline. In-law of Hellen, Celebration of a Life Well Lived Mariam Kagure Mathenge. Husband of Florence Wairimu
Gichuki, Father of Daniel Mathenge Gichuki (Narok
Geoffrey, David, Sylvia, Stephen, Jackline, Hillary, Mika, It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that Cottage Hospital) John David Kibe Gichuki (Narok
Isaiah, Dominic, Shadrack. Aunt of Caroline, Victoria, Cottage Hospital) George Nderitu Gichuki. Brother
Collins, Michelle, Ian, Cayden, Britney, Myle, Noeleen, we announce the passing on of Magdalene of Cyrus Ndumia Mathenge (Macio), the late Heellena
Cavenagh, Zeddy, Annete, Maryline and Maya. Niece of The Nyokabi Nugi that occurred on Wednesday Wangechi, Mary Wahiga Mwai. Father in law of Judy
Belyon’s and Chebelyon’s. Ndeche Mathenge (Narok Cottage Hospital). Uncle
14th February 2018 after a short illness.
cousin and grandfather of many.
Relatives and friends are meeting for prayers and funeral Friends and family are meeting daily in Narok at dreams
arrangements at her home in Kapmirai, Kesogororet Daughter of the late John Karita Mbagara hotel behind shell petrol station and at his home in Narok
Village in Bomet County and at her father’s house in total area as from 7pm to 10pm. The requiem mass will
Ingobor Village, Nakuru County. and the late Susan Ngendo Karita. Mother
be held on Thursday the 22/02/2018 11am at St Joseph
The cortege leaves Valley Hospital Mortuary on 21st
February 2018. Burial will take place on Thursday, 22nd Bilha Chelangat of Stephen Kiruki, Daniel Karita and the late
Samuel Munenge. Sister of Njeri, Mbagara, the
HBVM Narok. The cortege will leave Outspan Hospital
Nyeri on Saturday 24/02/2018 for a burial service at Peter Gichuki
Feb 2018 at her home in Kapmirai, Kesogororet Village
in Bomet County. Langat late Kibue among others. his farm in Nyeri Mathakwaini Kiambugu village on the
same day. Mathenge
Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love
him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Friends and relatives are meeting daily at
her home in Mangu Mukurwe village starting
Rest well daddy, we loveyou but in god’s hand you
rest in our hearts you live forever (Njane/Gichuru)
6.00p.m for prayers and funeral arrangements.

Promotion to Glory The cortege will leave Bishop Okoye Funeral
1st Anniversary
It is with deep sorrow that we announce the
Home – Thika on Thursday 22nd February 2018
at 9.00a.m for funeral and burial service to follow
Nyokabi Nugi
resting of Mwalimu Reuben Musyoka Kongo 1949 – 14/02/2018 It is one year you went to be with the
at her home in Mangu – Mukurwe village starting
which occurred on the 14th of February while
at 11.00a.m. Lord you are still in our hearts and you are
undergoing treatment at the Nairobi west fondly remembered by your daughters and
hospital’s ICU wing.
The time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have wife, mum, relatives and friends
Son of the late Kongo and Bretta Munyaka.
finished my race, I have kept the faith.
Brother of the late Elizabeth Wambua, Kavinya 2nd Timothy 4:6-8 We appreciate all those who joined us
Wambua, the late Moses Kyalo, and the late during the difficult period the demise of
Ann Mwikali. Father of Dorothy Kathini (Kitui),
Sarah Kambua (Mulolongo Primary School),
our beloved for their presence empathy
Josiah Kongo (Sumitomo), Ann Mumbe Death and Funeral Announcement and kind support
(Nairobi), Betty Kanini (Nairobi), Grace M. It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of God’s
Nzale (KWS), Joshua Mutinda (Kitui),and will that we announce the passing on of Joseph Karena We thank God for having given us a
Stephen Musili (KDF Nakuru). M’ikunyua M’Muchena.
Father-in-law of Nicholas Mwendwa, Stanley
Son of the late M’Muchena M’Iburi and the late Sarah dedicated and loving father for all those Kenneth Mukanga
Gauku M’Muchena. Step son of the late Julia and the
Nyamai, Diana Kilonzo, Beneard Atancha,
Antony Luvusi, Antony Nzale and Alice
late Regeria. Loving husband of Eunice Kairu. Father of
the late Peter Kirema, the late Benson Bundi, Samson Chege
Musyoka. Grandfather of among others Helen, Mwalimu Reuben Mwenda Ikunyua- Telkom Nairobi, Susan Koech-(RVIST ),
Florence Kinyua – Napastaa Kiambu, Harrison Thuranira, Loved ones never depart they rest in God's hands
Tinah, Musyoka, Brian, Glenn, Ian, and Erick. Dorcas Makena –(RVIST) and Joshua Mugambi. Father-
Musyoka Kongo in-law of the late Ferester Kanyua, Lucy Wanjiku, Mercy and in our hearts
Friends and family are meeting at All Saints Kinya, James Kinyua, Susan Gacheri and Margaret
Kinanu. Brother of the late Salome Munyange, Late Janet
Cathedral from the 20th to the 22nd Feb 2018 from 5.30pm. There will be a fundraising on Kambura, Elizabeth Kinaitore, the late Silas M’mbogori,
Thursday 22nd At All Saints Cathedral starting from 5:30pm. Late Dr.fredrick Muchena, the late Henry Murira, Festus

The cortege leaves Umash Funeral Home on Saturday morning at 6:30am for burial ceremony
Kimathi Muchena, the late Magrate Kathambi, Patrick
Kibiti And Lucy Gacoga. Brother-in-law of the late
M’Muguna, the late Charles Baithiri, the late M’Mwarania,
Death and Funeral Announcement
at his home in Kyanika Kitui County. Joyce M’mbogori, Gladys Muchena, Susan Murira,
Catherine Kimathi, Joseph and Pauline Kibiti. He was the
You fought the good fight, you have finished the race, you have kept the good Joseph Karena
grandfather of Wycliffe, Victor, Kenneth, Caanan, Caroline,
Joseph, Joy, Prudence, Fedes, Prince, Ramah, Felicia, Lilian,
faith.You remain in our hearts forever.
Rest in peace.
Mwirigi, Leslie, Precious, Evans, Janice, Daisy and Fablicia.
Great grandfather of Prudence Wanjiku.
Family and friends are meeting daily at his home Kinoru
Village near Kinoru Methodist Church for prayers and M’muchena
funeral arrangements. The cortege leaves Meru Level Five
Hospital Mortuary on Friday 23rd february 2018 at 10.00 Sunrise:1938-Sunset:14/02/2018
Death and Funeral Announcement A.M and thereafter funeral service at kinoru methodist
church at 11.00 A.M and later proceed for burial at his home Kinoru Village in Meru County.
It is with deep sorrow that we announce the In God’s hands you rest in our hearts you remain forever.
untimely passing-on of Eng. Jairus Kipkemei
Roswei, formerly director of Procon Kenya ltd,
son of Emmanuel and Corredy Kosgei of Taito,
Nandi Hills, which occurred on 14th February,
2018 following a tragic road accident. He was In Loving Memory
betrothed to Judy Cheptoo Togom and proud
father to Tamara Jelimo (Busy Bumbles Eldoret).
Brother to Abigael Jerotich Kosgei (International
Vaccine Institute, Nigeria) and Jude Kipleting
Bore (Stanbic Bank, Nairobi) and uncle to Tarah Mr. Peter Kimani Kamau (Ithe Wa Thuku)
Jemutai (Moi Educational Center, Nairobi).
Grandson to Kap Kimulany Arap Rono of It is with humble acceptance that we announce the promotion to glory of Mr. Peter
Ainabkoi (Kapkong’eluk) and Kap Augustine Kimani Kamau (Ithe Wa Thuku). He was the son of the Late Kamau Borore Nga’nga and
Metto (Kapmukunya) of Mogoon, Olessos. the Late Jane Njeri Kamau.
Nephew to the Kimulanys: Ezekiel, Absalom,
Miriam, late Zipporah, late Hellen, Tirop, late Husband of Mrs. Hannah Wangui Kimani (Retired Nursing Sister at Nairobi City Council).
Sally, Joseph, late Ruth, Jane, Lilian, late Florence, He was father of The Late Samuel Kamau Kimani, the Late Jane Lucy Njeri, Joseph John
Titus, Silas & Hildah; and the Mettos: Eric, Nga’nga, and Abraham Thuku (Abu - of Party Makers Investments) Father-in-law of
Cosmas, Patrick, Margaret, Geoffrey, Felix &
Eng. Jairus Mrs.Agnes Mukuhi Kamau and Mrs.Winfred Wambui Thuku. Brother of the Late John
Nga’nga, the Late Wambui Borore, the Late Peninah Njoki, the Late Wangu Thiong’o, the
Friends and well wishers come together to raise Kipkemei Roswei Late Margaret Wanjiru, and Keziah Wamoro (USA).
funds in aid of funeral expenses on Wednesday, He was grandfather of many children including Benjamin & Rukiya Kimani Kamau (USA),
21st February, 2018 at All Saints Cathedral, Nairobi and at Sirikwa Hotel, Eldoret starting at 5pm Elijah Righteous Kamau (USA), Julliane Wangui Kimani (USA), Rose Thuku, Annah & Ben
and Nandi Hills at 3pm. Contributions may be made through Paybill number 669175, account
number is the contributors name.
Joseph ‘Jojo’ Nderi, Nellie Wambui Kamau, Peter Kimani Thuku (USA), Arnold Kamau Thuku (USA)
Lucia Njeri Kamau, Comfort Wangui Thuku, Marine Wangui Thuku, Loise Munjiru Thuku
The cortege will leave MTRH Funeral Home, Eldoret on Friday, 23rd February, 2018 at 11am to Oyucho Agwanda and Lucy Njeri Thuku. Great-grandfather of Xariah Righteous Kamau (USA), Noah
ACK All Saints Church, Nandi Hills, for requiem service and thereafter proceed to Taito Home Righteous Kamau (USA), Jane Wahu, Ignatius Iriga Nderi, and Nicholas Njenga.
for overnight stay.
It been a year since you departed from us.
We celebrate a man who was God fearing, loving, and full of life.
The burial will be held on Saturday, 24th February, 2018 at Taito KTGA Secondary School
Missed by Dad, Mom, Joanna, Jonathan and Jeremy Agwanda
In death there is hope in Jesus Christ, so we shall meet again - AMEN!
grounds starting at 10am. RIP
DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 Transition | 45
Death and Funeral Annoucement Celebrating a Life Well Lived Death and Funeral Announcement
It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we
It is with humble acceptance of God’s will It is with humble acceptance of God’s will announce the promotion to glory of Hellen Bosibori
that we announce the passing on of Joshua that we announce the promotion to glory Omare.
Ben Mbok Oriwa of Karateng Kakola of David Sila Musomba on 18th February Daughter of the late Ibrahim Onchoke and the late
2018. Pascariah Onchoke of Nyakobaria. Beloved wife of
Ahero which occurred on 13th Feb. 2018 at Cosmas Omare of Nyamware village. Adoring mother
Agakhan Hospital Kisumu. of the late Beatrice Nyaduko, Cyprian Irabu (Sanganyi-
Loving husband of Joyce Munee Musomba. KTDA), Ignatius Anyega ( Eberege – KTDA), the late
Husband of Damaris Oriwa. Father of Son of the late Joseph Musomba and the Macarius Karioki, Stella Moraa (Ministry of Youths and
Vincent, Charles, Noah, Caroline, Ronald late Monica Nthoki. Father of Marianne gender – Nkr), Sr. Mary Scholastica (Sr. Mary’s Mosocho
boys), Elector Kerubo (Nyabiosi Sec. Sch). Mother in
and Maxwell Oriwa. Son of the late Charles Sila, James Mutua, Pauline Mbinya, the late law of Jacky Irabu, Irene Karioki, Peris Anyega, Meshack
Oriwa Nyandeje and Mama Priscah Oriwa. Miriam Mwende, Eunice Ngugi, Lilian Sila, Monyenye, Frank Barura (M.O.E) and Jason Miruka (Eng.
Son-in-law of the late Edward Aduke and Susan Sila, Maureen Sila, the late Michael Coastal Bottlers). Sister of the late Teresa Magoma,
Kyaka and Victor Kilingi. Brother of Jonathan Mariah Moraa, Leonida, Kemunto, the late Charles Makori
the late Mama Nereah Aduke. Brother of the and Zachary Onchoke. Sister in law of Mbaka, Mititi,
late Cllr. Frederick Oriwa, Margret Ogumbo, Musomba, Francis Kaluma, Jonah Musomba, Masaranga, MichiraMoraa, Kwamboka, Bonareri and
Milka Ocharo, Rose Olilo, Gordon and James Rose Kitunge, Mary Mukulu, Dan, Tom Masese. Loving grandmother of Darlynne, Pamella, Wesley,
Goro. Brother-in-law of Grace Oriwa, Judy among others. Son-in-law of the late Mr. Benedict, Elizabeth, Adrian among others.
The cortege leaves Nyangena Hospital on 22nd February
Hellen Bosibori
and Cellestine Goro, Rose Abayo among and Mrs. Kimenye. Grandfather of Shaquille
others. Cousin of the late Oketch Hongo, Sila, Claudia Tsindoli, Marlon Sila, Dominic 2018 at 2.00 pm for vigil mass and overnight stay at
Nyamware village. Burial will take place at her home in Omare
Japheth Ouko among others. Uncle of Karanja, Amanda Tsindoli, Vanessa Ndoko, Nyamware village, Keumbu, Kisii County on Friday 23rd Sunrise 1st July
Latoya Ng’ang’a, Nicole Munee, Michelle
Douglas and Priscah Ogumbo, Kenneth and
Denis Oriwa, Robin, Brenda, Fred, Nixon
Joshua Ben Mbok Wangui, Trevor Ndoko, Joel Sila and Jayden David Sila February 2018.
“We loved you Mum but God loved you most” Sunset 13th February 2018
among others. Oriwa Sila. Father-in-law of Joseph Tsindoli, Dr. John
Ngugi, Justice Ndoko and Anne Kilingi.
Sunrise 15/03/1950
Family and friends are meeting daily at
Antonio’s Restaurant from 5.30pm. Sunset 13/02/2018 Family and relatives are meeting daily at Garden Square Restaurant for funeral
Celebration of a Life Well Lived
arrangements. There will be a fund raiser on Thursday 22nd February 2018. The cortege It is with profound sorrow, shock and humble
The cortege leaves Agakhan Hospital Mortury Kisumu on Friday 2nd March 2018 for burial will leave Montezuma Funeral Home on Saturday 24th February 2018 at 8.00am for the acceptance of God’s will that we announce
on Sunday 4th March 2018 at his rural home God Nyithindo Village Muhoroni presided by funeral service and burial at Malamba Village in Kilome. the death of our loving Matriarch Mama
Muhoroni Central SDA Church. Contributions can be send to Mpesa No. 0722 960 320 Wilhermina Imbukha Shikami on 14.2.2018 at
the Aga Khan Hospital, Kakamega.
For enquiry contact no.0722863938 “2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race,
I have kept the faith.” Doting daughter of the late Mzee Ernest
In God’s hand you rest, in our hearts you remain forever Rest in Peace Dad Shikami Ichuami and Mama Benedette
Shilafu Shikami. Doting mother of Carolyne
Mutakale, Roselyne Oddah, the late
Bonventure Mukoto, Timothy Shikami, Edwin

Death & Funeral Announcement Death and Funeral Announcement Shikami and Michel Ingaitsa. Mother-in-law of
Cyrus, Francis, Dorah and Rosemary. Loving
It is with humble acceptance of God’s It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that sister of Cllr Henry Shikami, the late Patrick
will that we announce the promotion to we announce the passing to Glory of Mrs Susan Bihembo, Juliet Khasasia and the late Bernard
glory of Margaret Ntuti Cianaituli Michira Ngiri Murithi of Menwe Village, Abogeta West Mwoyo. Adored sister-in-law of Syphose,
Ward, South Imenti District, Meru county, that Rosemary, Jane, Grace and Violet. Wonderful
(Taata) on Friday, 16th February 2018 at occurred through a tragic road accident on
Kiirua Mission Hospital, Meru, after a grandmother of Tarryll, Steward, Cherono,
short illness.
16th February 2018. Tevin, Keagan, George, Tracy, Howard, Calcin, Wilhermina
Martha, Ramsey, Gabriel and her latest, Tyana
Sister of the late Ciathauti, the late
Daughter of Charles Kirima & the late Alice
Chure Kirima of Ngirine village. Wife of Silas
(Mimimina). A loving aunty of Marjorie, Edel, Imbukha Shikami
M’laibuta, the late M’laikuru and the Christine, Lameck, Brian among others. Sunrise: 12/8/1958
Muriithi Mungatiah (Karancha). Mother of
late M’mbirithi. Wife of the late Moses Moses Mutuma & Purity Kanana of Kenya Sunset: 14/2/2018
Walking Serviours Safaris/Narumoro, Purity The cortege leaves Jumuia Friends Kaimosi
Michira Kimbui. Hospital mortuary on Thursday 22.2.2018 at 1:00pm for a Church service at her Mukhonje
Kinya & Timothy Kimathi of Imenti Boarding
Mother of Fredrick Mitheu Kimbui and School, Samuel Mwirigi, Edwin Mwenda of Kiirua church and then proceed for a 2 day vigil at her home in Mukhonje, Kakamega County.
Mission Hospital & Evans Koome of Nairobi Friends and family are meeting daily at her home in Mukhonje, Kakamega County. Burial will
the late Francis Kithure. Mother in law
Technical College. Grandmother of Kellyjoy be held on Saturday 24th February, 2018 at her home.
of Judith Kimbui and Charity Kithure.
Mwendwa, Victor Mureti, Mercy Mukami &
Grandmother of Robert Kimbui, Eric Davine Makena. Sister of Janet Karimi of Timau, Rest in peace Mama till we meet again at Jesus feet.
Kimbui, Christine Nkirote, Mary Kagwiria, Japhet Nkonge (Kabubia) Julius Gichuru of Shine on your way Mum, dance with the angels.
Mwingirwa Kithure, Irene Kajuju, Carol Margaret Ntuti Narok, Rachel Kinanu of Marimba, Lawrence
Gitonga Kirima (Sila) of Two Keys International
Susan Ngiri
Karambu and Lydia Kananu. She was great
grandmother of many. Cianaituli (Taata) Limited and Rosemary Miriko of Muchege. Murithi
Friends and relatives are meeting daily Sunrise 1924 Sunset 2018
Sister-in-law of Japhet Marete (Korure), the late
Harriet Kiugu, the late Juster Kiara, the late Elephelet Kiambi, Jackim Rutere, Riungu Karancha, Celebration of a Life Well Lived
at Growers Café Hazina Towers from the late Gichuru Karancha, Kiruki Karancha & Tirindi Karancha.
5.30pm till Thursday 22nd February 2018, and at her sons home in Meru.
Family and friends are meeting from Sunday 18/02/2018 to Friday 23/02/2018 at Home Murutu
Village, Meru Safari Hotel & St Andrews Church on Thursday 22/02/2018 from 5:00pm for
The cortege will leave Meru Funeral Home 10am on Saturday 24th February 2018
prayers and funeral arrangements. The cortege leaves Nkubu hospital Mortuary on Saturday
for a requiem mass at Ruiri Catholic Parish at 11am. Thereafter, burial at her son’s 24/02/2018 at 9:00am for funeral service and interment at home Menwe - Murutu village.
home at Kinoria from 2pm
Blessed are them that die in the lord for they rest from their labours and their
Taata, may God rest your soul in Eternal Peace, Amen. works follow them. Amen.

Celebrating A Life Well Lived Death And Funeral Announcement

Julia Wambuku Njuguna

Sunrise 1/4/1926 - Sunset 14/02/2018
It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the
promotion to glory of Julia Wambuku Njuguna which occurred on 14th
Mzee Kariu Kibicho Njagi February 2018.
Phillip Karanja Kabaru 1904 - 2018
Sunrise 07-04-1932 - Sunset 14-02-2018 Wife of the late Jossam Njuguna Ndatho. Daughter of the late
It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the death of Phillip It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the death of Mzee Kariu
Kibicho Njagi which occurred on 15th February 2018 at Jamii Hospital. WambiaKimani and the late Wangui Wambia. Co-wife of Zipporah
Karanja Kabaru which occurred in hospital on 14th February 2018. Son of the late Paul
Kabaru & the late Susan Wambui Kabaru. Brother of the late Winifred Wanjiru Mwangi, Nyambura. Mother of thelate Ndatho, Rosemary wambui, Ruth Njeri,
He was the son of late Kibicho Njagi and late Wangechi Gicheru of Kiratina village, Kirunda late Wambia, Elizabeth Wambui, Dr. Gerald Njoroge, Peter Kamau (UK)
the late Edward Mwangi, James Muturi, Flora Kamau, Lucy Ndegwa and Jane Maina.
sub-location, Mutira location, Kirinyaga Central Sub-country, Kirinyaga County. Brother of
He was beloved husband to Salome Wanjiru Karanja (a.k.a Sister Karanja) of Karuri
the late Kibicho Kariu (Senior), late Nahashon Kibicho, late James Wanjau Kibicho, Joseph
Margeret Wangui, Jane Kahaki, Joseph Gichuhi and Lucy Wangui. Mother
sub-location, Banana Hill, Kiambaa, Kiambu. Father of Susan & Timothy Masila, Zaituni In law of Florence Wambui (former MCA Elburgon), Mary Wanjiru, Mary
Maganjo Kibicho and Geoffrey Murage Kibicho. Father of the late Hon. J.K. Kibicho & Edith
& Paul Kabaru, Isaac Ngugi, Maryanne Mwihaki, Marian Njeri, Isaac Gitonga, Teresa & Ndatho, Beth Karura (UK) and George Gitonga of Gachagua Sawmills.
Kibicho, George Kariu & Catherine Kariu, Joseph Gicheru & Gladys Gicheru, Ann Karuana
Moses Omari, Lydia Wambui and the late Edward Mwangi. Grandfather of Robyn,
Muchira & Harrison Muchira and Purity Kanini Munene & the late John Munene. Grandfather Grandmother of Julia, Njoki, Njuguna, Wamaitha and many others. Great
Sienna, Phillip, Wayne, Ethan, Sean, Leo, Kahiga, Evelyne, Eli and Liam. of Prof. Jennifer Waruguru Kibicho (U.S.A), Carol Kibicho (U.S.A.),Wambere Kibicho, Njeri Grandmother of Mathare, Njeri, Wambui, Beth and many others.
Kibicho, Mwangi Kibicho,Wangechi Kibicho, Kinyua Kibicho, Andrew Loketo Kariu,Winnie
Family and friends will assemble at the Chiromo Funeral Parlour on Friday 23rd February Kariu Van Lyden (U.K.), Patrick Nyamu Kariu, Angela Nyawira Kariu, Beth Wambere
2018 at 7.30am. The cortege leaves Chiromo at 9.00am for the funeral service at St. Gicheru, Martin Mwangi Gicheru and Cecily Mwangi, the late Alice Wamutira Gicheru, Family and Friends are meeting daily at Kokeb Restaurant Nakuru and Eel
Martin De Porres Karuri Catholic Church in Karuri, Banana Hill at 10.30am.Thereafter Wangechi Gicheru, Munene Muchira, Waruguru Muchira, Jane Muchira, Grace Muchira Elburgon from 6:00 p.m
burial at the family home in Karuri sub-location, Banana Hill, Kiambaa, Kiambu. and Mwangi Muchira, Muthii Munene, Wangui Munene and great grandfather of many.
Contributions towards the hospital bill can be made through M-PESA Paybill Number The Cottage leaves War Memorial Hospital Mortuary on 23/2/2018 at 9:
Friends and family are meeting at his home Kabonge village daily.
258250. Please write your name as the account number. 00 a.m. and thereafter funeral service and burial will be held at the grave
1st Thessalonians 5:18 In all things we give thanks,
The cortege will leave Jamii funeral home in Karatina on Thursday the 22nd of February site at Ndatho Farm, Maseno Lower Subukia.
2018 for the funeral service St. Ann Kangware church and burial at his Kabonge farm,
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.
Kirinyaga. “Eternal Rest cucu”
May Dad’s soul rest in eternal peace.

46 | Transition Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION

Death and Funeral Announcement Gone to Glory Death and Funeral Announcement
It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we We regret to announce the death of Mwalimu Felesta
announce the death of Valentine Wanjiru Njuguna Marimbe Namagwa on 16th February 2018 in Nairobi. Wife of
announce the death of Mama Diana Shisiali Kamonya of Retired Senior Chief Daniel Namagwa of Samia.
(student Nurse Karen Hospital) which occurred on 14th Gavudunyi Village - Hamisi sub-county after a long illness. Daughter of the late Maria Nadunga and Joseph Nabwana.
Feb 2018. She succumbed to the illness on the 12th of February Daughter in law to late Paschalia Agunda.
Sister to Late Herbert Makokha, late Emmanuel Odilo
2018. Nabwana, late Flora Masasa Okombo, Late Juma Nabwana and
Daughter of Peter Njuguna Mwaura (City Market
Nairobi) and the late Mary Gathoni Njuguna. Sister of The first born daughter of the late Nathan Mulinya and Late Joseph Ongura
the late Mama Leah Munyasa of Bukhaywa village- Isukha. Beloved mother to late Fredrick Onyango Nabwana (Freddie)
the late Esther Wambui, John Mwaura, Salome Wambui, and Caroli Tabuu Lwanga. Mother in law to late Rose Akisa and
Pius Mbugua, Joan Wanjiku (U.S.A), Dominic Wanda, Loving wife of Col. (Rtd) Laban Seme Kamonya. Mother Pamela Awori Lwanga and many others.
Teresia Waithira and Patricia Nyambura. Niece of of Richard Jalemba, the late Oscar Kihima, Jacqueline Sister in law to late Lucia Oguria, late Cecilia Makokha, Late
Maryanne Wanjiku pele (mama paa), Teresia Waithera Kalemela, Caroline Luhunga, Dora Awinja, Yvonne Nyakoa Phelis Makokha, late Pascalia Makokha, Maria Odilo, late Paulina
(Turitu), Teresia Kabura Njui, Rose Wambui Wainaina and Consuela Ongaji. Sister of the late Anne Busolo, Odilo, late Okombo, late Nicholas Masombo, late Bernard
among others. Grandchild of Catherine Wambui Mwaura Achibo and Felistus Maiga.
Zakayo Guvai, Hezekiah Museve,the late Bernard and Felistus was the aunty of Trezer, Peter, Maria, Ann, late Selina,
(Kanunga), Dominic Wanda Komu (Kangoya) and Salome Charles Mulinya. Mother-in-law of Esther, Beverly, Joseph Mathias, Odda, Kiano, Everlyn, Gregory, Godfrey, Adangi,
Wambui (Subukia). and Everett Don Wilson II. Loving grandmother of Donald Samson, Dennis, Paul, Celestin, Wilimina, Francis, Beatrice,
Musungu, Gabriel, Joseph, Kizzito, Kinyundo,
Kamonya, Ashley Mmbone, Ceaser Seme, Olukemi, Feroze, Linus oganyo, Ludwin, Akuda, Alfred Mwita, Namaka, late
Family, friends and relatives meet daily for burial
arrangements at her father’s home Turitu Kiambu at
Valentine Wanjiru
Kyla, Eugene, Ashley and Kealan.
The cortege leaves Kaimosi Jumuia Funeral Home on Mama Diana
Antonina, Ludasia, Catherin, late Opamo, Osogo, Celestin,
Jackie, Magaret, Diasya, Gown, Washika, Michael Obare, Mwalimu Felesta
6.00pm. The cortege will leave Montezuma Funeral Home
on Thursday 22nd Feb 2018 for funeral service at All Thursday 22nd February 2018 at 10:00am for her home in
Virgina Nasike and many others. Grandmother to Fredrick
Marimbe Namagwa
Saints Riara Catholic at 11:00 am followed by burial at her Njuguna Gavudunyi Village. She will be laid to rest on Saturday 24th Shisiali Kamonya Junior Onyango, Felistus Malimbe Lwanga, Felistus Malimbe,
Truphena Khalayi Lwanga and Herbert Makokha Lwanga and
many others. 1926 - 2018
fathers home in Turitu Ndumberi Kiambu. February 2018 in her home. 1942 - 2018 Fundraising to meet burial arrangements on 21st February 2018 from 5.00 pm at Garden Square.Funeral
“Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; service will be on Thursday 22nd February 2018 at the St.Michaels Catholic Church Langata from3.00p.m.
May your soul rest in eternal peace. they find rest as they lie in death” Isaiah 57:2 Burial will take place on Saturday 24th February 2018 at her home in Funyula,starting at 10.00 a.m.

Death and Funeral Announcement Death and Funeral Announcement Death and Funeral Announcement
The Sisters of St. Joseph of the Catholic Archdiocese It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we We announce the death of Johnson Gichohi Muriuki.
of Mombasa announce the death of Sr. Getrude announce the death of Brown Musyoka Kilonzo on
Retired employee of parastatals of Forest Service and was
Tuesday 13th February 2018 while undergoing treatment
Mwikali on 16th /2/2018 after a long illness bravely at Machakos Gen Hospital. He was a businessman at recently working at Rimfa Motor paints.
born. Sr. Getrude Mwikali was born in 1929 Kiongwani Machakos Town. Beloved husband of Rose Mbithe Brown.
Machakos County. Cherished father of Jane Musyoka, Priscilla Mumbua, Husband of Beth Wambui Gichohi. Father of Isaac Karanja,
Josphat Musyoka (formerly of Barclays Bank), Irene Janeffer Wambui, Richard Muriuki, Antony Karobia and
Daughter of the late Mr. Joseph Mwaeke and Mrs. Syombua, Brian Mutuku, Kennedy Brown, Rhoda Brown, Dorcas Wamaitha. Son of the late Erastus Muriuki Gichohi
Elizabeth Wanzeli. Sister of the late Mutungwa Maeke, Esther Brown, Grace Brown, Judy Brown. Son of the & Isabella Wambui Muriuki. Brother of Caroline Mumbi,
Lucia Mbeneka, Regina Nduku, Inyasi Maeke step Late Benjamin Kilonzo Mbote and Late Priscilla Mumbua
brothers and sisters John Muthoka, Munyao Maeke, Maria Kilonzo. Brother of Ruth Syokau, Monica Mbithe, Rose Rose Wangui, the late Purity Wanjiku, Catherine Muriuki,
Katulu and Magdalene. Auntie of Sr. Elizabeth Wayua- SSJ Mueni, Joyce Ndinda. Step brother of the Late Samuel Judy Mwangi, Wilson Karobia and John Ngundo. Cousins
and Fr. Tarcision Maundu – Apostles of Jesus. Kilonzo, Mulwa Kilonzo, Muthama Kilonzo, Wambua of many. Grandfather of Gichohi, Brigid, Adrian, Vyonna,
Kilonzo, Isaac Muthini Kilonzo, Esther Nthenya, Mary Maina and Neema. Son-in-law of the late Isaac Karanja
Farewell Mass will be held at St. Joseph Shelter of Nduku, Muthoki. Father-in-law of Nicholas Ndolo, Anita and Dorcas Nyokabi.
Mutuku and Fedelis Mercy Jerono. Brother-in-law of John
Hope Hospital Chapel at 4.00 pm on 22nd Feb Mbindyo, Benedict Mutuku, Martha Ngui, Mumbua Maitha,
2018. The cortege leaves St. Joseph Shelter of Hope Jack Mulwa, Joseph Mutua, Henry Muli and Francis Kasyoki. Family and friends are meeting at his home in Narumoro
Hospital – farewell home after Mass for a night vigil
at Bura Motherhouse Chapel. Requiem Mass will be Sr. Getrude Family and friends are meeting daily until Thursday 22nd
February 2018 at Antonios Grill Restaurant in Nairobi, Brown Musyoka Gatuanyaga Village, Magomano hotel and Black & white
Hotel in Nairobi for prayers and funeral arrangements. Johnson Gichohi
held at 10.00 am on Friday 23rd Feb 2018 at Bura T.Tot Hotel in Machakos and his home at Kalimani village,
Motherhouse, burial at the Sisters’ Cemetery in Bura, Mwikali - SSJ Kyumbi for prayers and funeral arrangements starting Kilonzo The Cortege leaves Nanyuki referral Mortuary on 23rd
February 2018 at 8.00 am for burial at his rural home at Muriuki
Taita. from 5.30pm-8pm. The cortege leaves Montezuma Narumoro Gatuanyaga village.
Monalisa Funeral Home, Machakos at 8.00am on Saturday 24th February 2018 for the burial at his
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy.”(Mt. 5:7) home in Kalimani village, Kyumbi Location, Machakos County.
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished my race, I have kept the faith” 2nd Timothy 4:7 May his soul rest in eternal peace.

In Loving Memory Death and Funeral Announcement Celebration of a Life Well Lived
We regret to announce the untimely death of We celebrate the life of Mzee Alfred Rotich,
Dr. Patrick Nthusi Muthoka of the National formerly of Nairobi West Prison, who rested
Museums of Kenya which occurred on the in the Lord after a long illness bravely borne
14th February 2018 at Mater Hospital Nairobi on the 15th February 2018.
after a long battle with kidney ailment.
Son of the late Kimengich Toroitich and
Husband of Eunice Nthusi, father of Frank Shokwei Kimengich of Kasaka village, Baringo
Mutisya and Paul Mulei. Beloved son of the late County. Husband of the late Selina Kobilo
Muthoka Mutio & late Ndungwa Muthoka of and late Martha Wavinya. Son-in-law of the
Kivani Village and Wote town Makueni County. late Kandie Chemeskwet and kop Kangogo.
Brother of Joel Mwololo, Tom Muthoka, Late Brother of the late Chebii, John, Clara,
Josephine, Benjamin Nzuki, Justus Kiio, late
Benjamin and Elizabeth. Father of Dr. Kangogo
Mirriam mumo and James Mutio. Son-in-law
(Egerton Uni.), Japheth (KMTC-Nakuru),
of Mr & Mrs Ntheketha. Nephew of Jacinta
Agnes, late Joshua, Reuben, David, Gladys,
Mutisya, Mbatha Mbale, Esther Mwangangi,
Kennedy, Joan and Sarah. Father-in-law of
Mama Martha Pius Ilabonga Ndulu Ndambuki, Muindi Mbale, Beatrace
Mwongeli, Mbisu Mbale, Ann Mwau, Minoo Jane, Leah, Francis, Carolyne, Peninah, Monica,
18/09/1958 – 28/02/2009 Wilson, Rose, and Malasi. Grandfather of Faith,
Shiboko Khayumbi Nguli, Ngii Kiiti among others Uncle of
Muendo, Musembi, Ndanu, Mwongeli, Victor, Caleb, Victoria, Jared, Abiud, Jesse, Victor, Seth,
1936 –21/02/2017 Purity, Alex, Daisy, Abraham, Faith, Gideon,
Mama, it is one year since our heavenly father called you home, where there is no more pain. Words cannot
Irene, Kalulu, Museveni, and many more. Cousin
of Dr. Fred, Becky, Cosmas, Kennedy, Maithias,
Dr. Patrick Nthusi Nickson, Maureen, Collins, Emmanuel, Gift, Rtd. Snr. Sergeant
fully express what a blessing you were to us, or describe the emptiness your departure left.
We thank God for the gift of your life, and for giving us the strength to celebrate you.We will forever treasure
Jackson, Margaret, Mutuota, Alfred, Agnes and
many more.
Muthoka Treasure, Kevin, Judy, Mercy, Brian, Virginia,
Emmanuel, Quinter, Brenda, Natasha, Samba,
Alfred Rotich
Born: 20/02/1962
your positive influence, teachings, wise counsel and sense of humor, as well as the prayers, which have held us
together. By God’s love and grace, we remain comforted.
Friends and relatives are meeting to raise funds Sunset: 14/02/2018
Isaac, Brian, Faith, Blessing and Meshach. Great-
grandfather of Morris and Chris-Liam. Cousin
You are forever cherished and fondly missed by your loving husband, children, grandchildren, great
towards his medical bill at Kivani – Kivani and uncle of many. 1940 - 2018
grandchildren, relatives and friends.
The family expresses our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to our relatives, friends and colleagues in Kenya Secondary School, Wote – Mecetti, Nairobi – Garden Square, Mombasa – Asian Quarters
and USA for your prayers, messages of sympathy and encouragement, and support during the difficult time. Opp Makupa Police and at the National Museums of Kenya. Contributions are payable to DR. Friends and family meet daily from 5pm at Lalwet, Nakuru West and Rafiki farm, Kabarak
We thank the Catholic Church, in particular, Musoli and Karen Parishes, for your prayers, spiritual PATRICK N MUTHOKA MEDICAL BILL ACC 01109201248000 CO-OP Parliament Branch
nourishment and support. Special thanks to Dr Odongo, the doctors and nurses of the Nairobi Hospital, led homes. A fundraising meeting shall be held on 22nd Feb. 2018 at Rafiki farm. The cortege
by Prof Macharia, who attended to Mama. It is impossible to thank every one individually, but please accept and Paybill No 243541 Acc No: Sender Tel No. The funeral shall be held at his Kivani home leaves War Memorial Hospital mortuary on 24th Feb. 2018 for a funeral service at Lalwet,
this message as our appreciation to you for standing with us. once the medical bill is cleared. Nakuru West.
A memorial Mass will be held on Saturday, March 3, 2018, from 9.00 am at her home at Busilwa/Irechero
village, Mutaho Sub Location, Kakamega South Sub County. “Your lifetime accomplishments will be cherished forever”
“In God’s hands you rest, and in our hearts, you live forever”. Amen. Blessed are those who rest in the Lord… Rev. 14:13

Death and Funeral Announement In Loving Memory Death and Funeral Announcement
It is with the humble acceptance of It’s with deep sorrow that we
God’s will that we announce the death announce the death of Daniel
of Mr Daudi Mutua Valaiu of Iviani village,
Kaewa location, Machakos County.
Ngariu Macharia.
Son of late Elijah Valaiu Nzuma and
late Naomi Nthemba Valaiu. Husband Husband of Florah Wanjiku. Son
of Esther Mumbua Daudi. Brother of of the late Macharia Ndugumwari
Kuthea Nzioki, late Philip, late Muasya,
and the late Dorcas Wangari.
late Wayua,Grace Kithei, Rhoda Muinde
and late Jonathan Mutisya. Brother of Gabriel Wageche,
Father of Joshua Mutua of KPLC, Alex Jedida Kabura, Rhoda Wangeci
Mutua of AK Advocates and Damaris and the late Kuria, the late Maina,
Ngina. the late Damaris and the late
Father-in-law of Anne Mwikali and
Esther Mutindi.
Grandfather of Osborn, Jacqueline,
Samuel, David, Victoria, Richard and Daudi Mutua Valaiu Father of Christopher Macharia, Daniel Ngariu
Gedion. 1/07/1928 - 17/02/2018
Rebecca Wambui Mwangi Oduor
Stephen Muchiri, Joseph Kuria, Macharia
Son-in-law of the late Senior Chief Kioko
Ayub Warui, Patrick Maina,
and Mary Ngii Kioko.
Brother-in-law of Maurice, Dr Kioko, Monica, Syokau, Mwikali and others
(Becky) Dorcas Wangari, Joyce Wairimu, Peter Mwangi and Jedida Kabura.
Family and friends are meeting daily at Electricity House-Nairobi, T.Tot Restraurant
1st January,1983 - 21st February, 2015
Machakos and his home at Iviani for prayers and funeral arrangements. The cortege leaves Nyahururu District Hospital Mortuary on
The cortege leaves Montezuma Monalisa Funeral Home, Machakos at 9.00 am Your smile, your voice, your steps, your being; Friday February 23, 2018 at 8am for funeral service at St Catherine
Friday 23rd February, 2018 for burial at his home in Iviani village, Kaewa Location, they stay with me. ..always.
Machakos County.
of Siena Catholic Church, Pondo Parish at 11am, thereafter burial
It’s God who gave Daudi to us and has taken him away. will be at his home in Leshau Pondo sub-location, Nyandarua
May the name of the Lord be Praised. Goddy County.
DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 47

Sevilla coach Vincenzo Montella’s ‘novel
approach’ to dealing with the threat of
Alexis Sanchez in the Champions League
tonight. PAGE 51

Athletics > Youngster eager to take over from superstar brother

Kipsang family
USA, Norway, Finns,
Germans in quarters
South Korea threatened an upset
of mighty Finland before falling

act for Tokyo

short while Norway snapped an
11-game Olympic losing streak to
advance to the Pyeongchang men’s
hockey quarter-finals yesterday
along with Germany and the United
States. Finland, medallists in five of

the past six Olympics, saw a three-
goal lead trimmed to one before
escaping with a 5-2 playoff victory
over the Olympic hosts to secure a
Wednesday quarter-final date with
two-time defending champion Can-
‘The BY BERNARD ROTICH He recalled that last year, ada. “They played great. I respect he was on course to breaking that,” said Finland’s Petri Kontiola,
weather is the record. who scored twice. “They did a great
okyo Marathon defend- “I missed the world record job.”
ing champion Wilson last year narrowly. I was on
in Japan Kipsang will be chasing course to breaking it, but in the CURLING
another course record this Sun- last stretch, I experienced a
and one day to improve on the time he lot of strong winds which Russian curler denies
can be able clocked in the Japanese capital
last year.
slowed me down,” he
knowingly doping
to record Kipsang ran the fastest mara- Kipsang plans to at-
thon on Japanese soil last year, tack the first half at 61:45
the best breaking the Tokyo course record and then increase the pace
time, even with a winning time of two hours,
three minutes and 58 seconds,
in the second half.

a world just a minute outside the world Pacing the leaders

record,’ record held by compatriot Dennis
Kimetto (2:02:57).
His brother Kiprotich, 29,
who is also an accomplished
says And in his bid this weekend, road racer in his own right, will
Kipsang, a former world record be pacing the leaders up to the
former holder over the 42-kilometre 30-kilometre mark. Russian curler Alexander Krush-
world distance, will be paced by his
brother, Noah Kiprotich, who
“I will be looking forward
to a good race. I want to help
elnitsky (above), who tested positive
for the banned substance meldo-
marathon is among the designated “rab- my brother lower the course
Tokyo Marathon de-
nium at the Winter Olympics, said
bits.” record. If possible, he can also Tuesday he had never knowingly
record The Iten-based policeman is break the world record which he fending champion doped and welcomed an investiga-
Wilson Kipsang
holder confident that his training has
been good and what is left is “to
narrowly missed last year,” said
Kiprotich. stretches during his fi-
tion into the “shock” result. Krush-
elnitsky had passed rigorous vetting
attack the course.” Kiprotich, who started compet- nal training session in to attend the Pyeongchang Games,
ing in 2015, has been training Iten, Elgeyo-Marakwet raising questions over the testing
Record ‘achievable’ with Kipsang since the latter’s County, on Monday programme and the move to let Rus-
“My training went on well and return from New York Marathon ahead of Sunday’s sians compete despite systemic dop-
I will be looking forward to low- last year where he was second race in Tokyo. Left: ing at the 2014 Sochi Olympics.
ering my time which is a course behind compatriot Geoffrey Kipsang and his “I more than anyone else am in-
record in Tokyo. I thank God Kamworor. terested in an investigation as soon
brother Noah Kiprot-
because my training was injury as possible to find out the reasons
free,” he said after his final
ich, who will be pac- for what has happened,” Krusheln-
training session on Monday ing him on Sunday, itsky said in a statement published
in Iten. pose after the training on the website of Russia’s curling
Kipsang said with the con- session. federation.
ducive weather in Japan, a
world record is “achievable” HOCKEY
but he is careful this time not
to confirm if he will be out to Tears and cheers for
break it or not.
“The weather is conducive
unified Korean team
in Japan and one can be able The joint Korean women’s ice
to record the best time, even hockey team ended their historic
a world record. I don’t want Olympic run Tuesday with a crush-
to pre-empt that there will be a ing 6-1 defeat to Sweden but still
world record, but I will be looking received an emotional standing ova-
forward to reducing my (course tion from the crowd.
record) time,” said Kipsang who The team was hastily assembled
is managed by the Netherlands- following a landmark deal between
based Volare Sports team. South and North Korea only a few
weeks before the Pyeongchang
Games, and has 12 North Koreans
LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES BRUSSELS on its roster. They have found lit-
tle success on the ice, shipping 28
goals and scoring only twice in five
Rising US star Christian EUGENE 2021 ATHLETICS’ BID CHIEF LANANA PLACED ON LEAVE THIAM MISSES OUT games. But they are a crowd favour-
Coleman set a new
world indoor record for The head of the United States successful bid for the 2021 World Athletics Championships Belgium’s 2017 World Athlete ite at the Games in South Korea,
hailed as a potent symbol of the
the 60m on Sunday, has been placed on temporary leave after he was contacted by US federal authorities of the Year Nafissatou Thiam
“Peace Olympics” in Pyeongchang.
blasting to victory looking into corruption in the sport. Vin Lananna, who is president of the USA Track and will give the world indoor The home support roared when
in 6.34sec at the US Field board of directors, was contacted “months ago” by the authorities regarding his role in championships a miss to focus the South Korean Han Soo-jin
championships in securing the championships for the city of Eugene, Oregon. Lananna was elected president on the European outdoor scored to tie the game in the first
Albuquerque. of the board in 2016 and also serves as president of Eugene-based TrackTown USA. championships. period, before the Swedes ran out
easy winners.
48 | Sports Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION

Change of guard > Minister declines to take questions from journalists

New CS takes over Sports and
from Wario and Heritage Cabi-
net Secretary
declares he will tame Rashid Echesa
cartels that stifle Mohammed
(left) takes over
growth of sports from former CS
Ali Wario at the
Sports Ministry
offices at Ken-

ashid Echesa Moham- com building in
med, the new Cabinet Nairobi yester-
Secretary for Sports day.
and Heritage, yesterday officially Wario has been
assumed office in a handing cer- appointed Ken-
emony presided over by sports
principal secretary Kirimi Ka-
beria and attended by former
ya’s ambassa-
dor to Austria. Red flag raised
Sports CS Hassan Wario.
Echesa refused to take ques-
over fake ‘CS’
tions from journalists present
but in his short address, he
promised to “weed out cartels”
Twitter account
whom he accused of stifling BY ELIAS MAKORI
the growth of sports in the
“It is with great joy that I The government has warned of
take up this role. Sports is no a fake Twitter handle purported to
longer a pastime, but a thriving be that of the Cabinet Secretary for
industry that can be a source of Sports and Heritage Rashid Echesa

Echesa fires first warning

livelihood to many. Mohamed.
In a statement to newsrooms
Number of scandals yesterday, the head of public com-
“I will look at the reports munication in the ministry, Dominic

shot to ministry ‘cartels’

from the previous regime and Onyango, said the bogus account
then come up with a suitable (above) may have been opened two
roadmap at an appropriate weeks ago and has 1,543 followers.
time,” he said.
Then came the warning: “I Old players, old bones
want to let the cartels in this In the latest post, the account
industry know that I am after claims the minister had taken a
them. This is an official notice. January 26 this year and has taken over from Wario who mistreated and funds for their in a financial partnership with swipe at cartels in football.
Any cartel that is involved in was handed a job as Kenya’s allowances and upkeep misap- a number of sports federa- The account’s latest tweet reads:
sports and any official who is My name is... ambassador to Austria. propriated. tions and clubs including the “I won’t entertain cartels in football
involved in unscrupulous deals Echesa’s appointment The sports fraternity Kenya Rugby Union, Kenyan who been derailing the sports in this
in this industry should start The new Cabinet ended Wario’s five year ten- received news of Echesa’s Premier League limited, Har- country. Most of the players that gets
praying that I don’t catch up Secretary for Sports ure during which the latter appointment with glee, but lequins rugby team as well as call to Harambee Stars are always
with them,” he said. and Heritage’s name is came under heavy criticism this was short-lived as it Gor Mahia and AFC Leopards old players with old bones while the
Echesa was sworn into office ‘Rashid Echesa Mohamed’ for a number of scandals that emerged that Echesa’s formal football clubs. energetic are denied chances because
last Friday afternoon despite the ministry confirmed rocked the ministry under his education ended in primary Echesa’s first assignment they lack “godfathers”. This will not
harsh criticism levelled against yesterday. Several watch. school. will now be to get the Sports happen!”
him, stemming from his humble publications have been Chief among them was the He finds the sports fra- Fund up and running, and also Mr Onyango said at no time did
education background. using the name “Achesa.” fiasco surrounding the 2016 ternity smarting from the ensure the self-sustainability the CS make reference to Harambee
The former boxer was ap- Rio Olympics in Brazil during departure of betting company of the different sporting dis- Stars at yesterday’s handing over at
pointed to this position on which Kenyan athletes were SportPesa, who were involved ciplines. the ministry.

DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 Sports | 49
Commonwealth Games > Contingent will travel to Australia in three batches from March 24 FOOTBALL


Date set for ‘Team Kenya’ camp TO ASSIST AILING SHEDU

A beach football tournament has
been organised to help raise funds
for former international player and
BY AYUMBA AYODI Korir said while the athletics team — that coach Rishadi Shedu (below) to selected its squad of 65 athletes and nine travel to India for treatment of a
officials on Saturday — will camp in Nairobi, leg injury. A fund-raising is also

enya’s team to the Commonwealth the boxing team will train in Nakuru with the slated for Nairobi’s 680 Hotel in
Games will officially start residential triathlon team putting up in Mombasa and Nairobi on March 7. Kenya Football
training on March 2 ahead of the later Eldoret. The cycling team will train in Coaches Association chairman Ricky
games in Gold Coast, Australia. Murang’a with the rest of the teams settling Solomon said
The games will run from April 4 to 15. in at various centres in Nairobi. the tournament
Making the announcement yesterday, Korir said even though they are faced will run from
“Team Kenya” chef de mission, Barnaba challenges in training venues, especially for
March 30 to April
Korir, disclosed that out of the 16 disci- athletics with Kasarani and Nyayo National
plines, only the swimming federation was yet Stadium under renovation, they will put up
2 at Kanamai
to name its team for the “Club” games. with what they have. in Kilifi to raise
Cycling, badminton, cycling and para funds for Shedu’s
swimming federations are the latest to do Team’s official carrier treatment.
their selection as the Kenyan management Athletics will use the warm-up track for
finalised accreditation, documentation and training but Korir noted that they will be
travelling arrangements for the team. forced to seek accommodation elsewhere CRICKET
since the hostels at Kasarani are also under
Korir said the government is expected
to release funds for training by today, add- QUITS AFTER POOR RUN
ing that the team’s documentation and
accreditation is going on smoothly with The captain of Kenya’s beleaguered
Kenya Airways taking over as the team’s national cricket team, Rakep Patel
official carrier to the games. (below), quit his position after the
The team will leave for Gold Coast in last game of the recent ICC Word
batches via Bangkok. The first batch leaves Cricket League Division Two in
on March 24 followed by the next on March Namibia, it has emerged. Rakep
26 and March 30 respectively. could not be reached yesterday,
From Bangkok they will connect to Bris- but the team’s
The hiccups that involved bane, Australia, from where they will leave
coach, Thomas
the kitting from Nike have by bus to Gold Coast. The marathon teams
Odoyo, said that
been addressed and all the will be the last to depart on April 8 since
their competitions take place on the final player waited
equipment should be in the day of the games on April 15. until the end of
country by the end of the month.” CHRIS OMOLLO | DAILY NATION
“The hiccups that involved the kitting the tournament
Long jumper Bethwel Lagat trains at the Moi International Sports from Nike have been addressed and all the to announce his
‘Team Kenya’ head Barnabas Korir
Centre, Kasarani, last week ahead of the Commonwealth Games tri- equipment should be in the country by the resignation.
als. The Kenyan team’s camp officially opens on March 2. end of the month,” said Korir.

50 | Sports Wednesday February 21, 2018 | DAILY NATION

No need to panic, Matano assures ‘Ingwe’ fans

BY JOHN ASHIHUNDU for the veteran coach who has car. Leopards who will be
brought no fewer that 11 new facing a squad that is packed
AFC Leopards’ coach Robert players into his first team this with international names
Matano has vowed that his side season. including keeper Ramaratan
will beat FOSA Juniors today Leopards will have cope with- Damien and defender Jean
away in Antananarivo and ad- out burly experienced central Rakotoharisoa. Matano, who
vance to the second round of the defender Salim Abdalla who’s must inject power into his at-
CAF Confederation Cup. name wasn’t included in the tack, can be expected to stick
However, after a one-all Ingwe’s CAF list owing to lack to his trusted 3-5-1 formation,
draw at home in Kakamega, of required documents. though the system has been
the Kenyans will need to win “Immediately after the Buk- criticised at home for being
by any margin in the return leg hungu match I went to the too defensive.
to realize their dreams. drawing board with my techni- “We want to score goals
Another 1-1 draw will take the cal bench to fashion a winning and try not to concede any,”
game into penalties, and should formula and our fans should said the coach whose de-
they get a high scoring draw not panic,” Matano, who won fence is expected to feature
(2-2 and above) they will go the local league with Sofapaka Dennis Sikhayi, Isaac Oduro,
through on away goals rule. and Tusker FC, said on Monday Michael Kibwage and Robin-
It will be a demanding test before departing for Madagas- Leopards’ coach Robert Matano son Kamura.

CAF Champions League > Tunisia’s Esperance could be next in line for Gor

‘K’Ogalo’ happy to have

Vegeterianos for dinner
Kenyan champions Africa club action:
kick off as favourites ‘ROLLERS’ EYE
in Malabo at 7pm SHOCK TRIUMPH
Township Rollers from
Botswana top a list of clubs
capable of creating shocks
when the CAF Champions

League preliminary round
enyan league champions
resumes with return
Gor Mahia will be look- matches last night and
ing to finish the job this tonight. Generation Foot of
evening against Leones Vegeteri- Senegal, Otoho of Congo
anos of Equatorial Guinea in the Brazzaville, LISCR of
return match of the CAF Cham- Liberia and Williamsville
pions League. of Cote d’Ivoire are
K’Ogalo will be among 60 other also in advantageous
African clubs who entered the positions to cause
race for this year’s silverware upsets. Rollers last
which will be the 54th in weekend sprang the
history. surprise of the first
K’Ogalo’s team of 19 legs in the elite African
players arrived safely club competition when they
in the hot , coastal hammered Sudanese visitors
town of Malabo on Al Merrikh 3-0 in Gaborone.
Monday afternoon, Meanwhile, Nigerian
and will face their hosts at the club Akwa United face
15,000-seater Estadio De Malabo a second humiliating
starting 7pm Kenyan time. CAF Confederation Cup
Weather forecasters predict preliminary-round exit unless
sunny conditions tomorrow in they score at least twice
Malabo, with highs of 31 degrees away to Banjul Hawks in the
Celsius and lows of 24, with a Gambia. (AFP)
promise of thunderstorms late
in the night.
Gor won the first leg clash
played two weeks ago in
NATION We learnt a
Machakos 2-0. Gor Mahia’s very painful
That result, made possible by Samuel Onyango in lesson at home.
goals from Kevin Omondi and action during their
Lots of mental
Ephrem Guikan, enhanced training session
at Jericho’s Camp strength will be
their chances of proceeding
to the tournament’s next Toyoyo ground last needed in the
stage of preliminaries week. Gambia to turn the
where they will face ei- tie around.”
ther ASAC Concorde of
Akwa coach Abdu
Comoros or Espérance
of Tunisia.

DAILY NATION | Wednesday February 21, 2018 Sports | 51
Uefa Champions League > Montella wary of new Man Utd star’s threat

To stop Sanchez, tie him

up, ‘warns’ Sevilla coach
Sevilla host Man ing of Argentine coach Eduardo
Berizzo, who had just undergone
United as Roma surgery for prostate cancer.
travel to Shakhtar in Sacked by AC Milan in No-
vember, Montella will be taking
tonight’s fixtures charge of only his second Cham-
pions League game when he
Seville comes up against United.
He previously oversaw Roma’s

evilla coach Vincenzo defeat to Shakhtar Donetsk in
Montella joked he might the second leg of the last 16 in
have to use a novel ap- 2011, while Jose Mourinho has
proach to dealing with the threat vast experience of the Champi-
of Alexis Sanchez when his team ons League, a competition he
come up against Manchester has won with both FC Porto
United in the Champions and Inter Milan.
League tonight. “He was a pioneer. I have
“Manchester have fantastic read books about his style of
players and Sanchez has im- coaching,” said Montella of
proved hugely over the course of Mourinho. “I don’t know how
his career,” said Italian Montella, many Champions League
who knows the Chilean from the matches he has managed. But
time he spent in Serie A with against his experience we will
Udinese. “How do we stop him? need to not think about that
I don’t know. We’ll have to tie and be brave.”
him up!” Elsewhere, war refugees
Another player Montella Shakhtar Donetsk head into
knows from Serie A is Paul tonight’s clash with Italian
Pogba, although it is not certain side AS Roma in high spirits
the former Juventus midfielder despite a lack of signings and
will even start in the last 16, first sparse match practice.
leg at the Ramon Sanchez Piz- The war in eastern Ukraine
juan amid reports of an uneasy between government forces
relationship with his manager and Russian-backed separa-
Jose Mourinho. tists has forced Shakhtar to
“He is a complete player, play their home games far from
strong, technical and scores their state-of-the-art Donbass
goals. He is fantastic,” Mon- Arena stadium for the past
tella told reporters at Sevilla’s four years.
stadium yesterday. In 2014, the club moved to
“He was the most expensive Lviv, close to Ukraine’s western
player in history before Neymar. border with Poland, but the local
I hope he doesn’t play!” crowd — that favours their own
Montella was appointed top-flight side, Karpaty — was
during Spain’s winter break often openly hostile to the
following the controversial sack- Donetsk team. (AFP)

Man City have no time to mourn Wigan Cup shock

London on what has been an impressive season
of dazzling football.
Manchester City’s quest for a his- Ten-man City went down 1-0 to League
toric quadruple is over after a shock One Wigan in an ill-tempered FA Cup fifth
FA Cup defeat to Wigan but there is round tie on Monday, courtesy of a late
little time to lick their wounds with Will Grigg goal — a repeat of the scoreline
the League Cup final against Arsenal in the 2013 FA Cup final.
looming. To make matters worse, Sergio Aguero
Pep Guardiola’s City face Arsene became embroiled in an ugly post-match
Wenger’s Gunners in Sunday’s Wem- altercation with fans while visiting sup-
bley showpiece, trying to win the first porters were seen tearing up advertising
trophy of the Guardiola era, with Pre- hoardings and throwing them on to the
mier League glory looking certain pitch.
barring a unforeseen disaster. “We’ve got to look at those (other three
Guardiola’s team are also on course competitions) and look forward, but we’re
for the Champions League quarter- PHOTO | AFP disappointed,” said City defender John
finals after thrashing Basel 4-0 away Referee Anthony Taylor shows the red card to Stones.
in the first leg of their last-16 tie last Manchester City midfielder Fabian Delph (second “We wanted to be in all four competi-
week. left) during City’s English FA Cup fifth round match tions right until the end. That’s been cut
But, even with the league title against Wigan Athletic at the DW Stadium in Wigan short now. We’ll take time to reflect on
apparently in the bag, back-to-back tonight and look forward to the final on
on Monday. Wigan won 1-0.
cup defeats would put a dampener the weekend.” (AFP)

February 21, 2018


Sevilla host Man United as Roma travel to
Shakhtar in tonight’s fixtures. PAGE 51 Download the NMG PLAY
app on Google Play and
scan this QR code with your
smart phone for pictures,
videos and more stories.

Crash > Three people nursing injuries as another PSV is involved in an accident near Blue Post Hotel on Thika Road

I warned driver against speeding: Victim

say he tried AND MARY WAMBUI
to overtake
he driver of a North Rift shut-
tle involved in an accident
vehicle at Kikopey trading centre in
he was Nakuru County on Monday, kill-
ing six people, was speeding and
competing dangerously overtaking, survivors
have claimed.
with Two victims yesterday accused
before the the driver of speeding, saying he
was competing with another matatu
accident before the accident occurred. Six AYUB MUIYURO AND MARY WAMBUI | NATION
A nurse attends to a victim of the Kikopey road accident at Na-
people died while four others were
seriously injured in the crash that kuru Level Five Hospital yesterday. Above: The wreckage of a
involved eight vehicles. matatu involved in an accident near Blue Post Hotel in Thika.
Speaking at Nakuru Level Five
Hospital, the two said the driver Another victim, Mr Martin the head, said he asked the driver Level Five Hospital after they were failed to check if there were on-
was overtaking and, at some point, Ndung’u, while recalling the mo- to stop competing with the other involved in an accident yesterday coming vehicles as he crossed the
the vehicle was trapped between ments leading up to the accident, vehicle but he did not heed him. “I morning near Blue Post Hotel in highway, leading to the accident,”
trucks as he tried to catch up said he had warned the driver sev- warned the driver against endan- Thika, Kiambu County. said Mr Simba.
with the matatu he was compet- eral times against speeding. gering our lives through speeding The matatu belonging to Kigumo Thika traffic base commander
ing with. According to Mr Ndung’u, the but he ignored me. This continued Travellers Sacco was travelling to- Michael Lemaiyan and Mt Kenya
Mr Kanthole Mbula, who broke matatu was initially being driven until we found ourselves between wards Thika from Murang’a when Matatu Owners Association chair-
his leg, said the driver suddenly carefully when they left Nairobi trucks after the other shuttle man- it rammed a lorry at a U-turn near man Rufus Kariuki described the
hit the brakes and tried to return at around 6 pm until the other aged to overtake,” he said. the hotel at 7.30 am. accident scene as a black spot
to the right lane after he saw an shuttle “provoked our driver into Gilgil police boss Serah Koki said Thika police commander Willy and called on the Kenya National
oncoming truck. However, the driv- overtaking”. “Our driver decided to two people died on the spot while Simba blamed the lorry driver for Highways Authority to block the
er’s attempt to force his way back overtake and the two kept on rac- three succumbed to injuries at St the accident. “They are all recu- U-turn.
into his lane failed. “Our vehicle ing and trying to outdo each other Mary’s Hospital. A sixth person perating at the Thika Level Five “Motorists should be allowed
was hit from behind by a truck, before the crash,” he said. died later. Hospital. We are going to press to use the Kandara and Blue Post
making us ram another truck in Mr Ndung ’u, who suffered Meanwhile, three people are charges against the lorry driver flyovers while accessing the Del
front of us,” he said. fractured limbs and bruises on nursing serious injuries at Thika for careless driving because he Monte farm,” he said.





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