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Bishop Challoner Catholic Collegiate

Boys’ Campus
Executive Head (from Sept 2010): Mrs Jackie Johnson M.Ed
Chair of Governors: Fr Peter Harris B.Ed M.Th
Head of Boys' Campus: Mr Phil Leyland

Type of School: Bishop Challoner is a Catholic Voluntary Aided school.


We are delighted that you are students from all backgrounds; we

considering Bishop Challoner are multi-cultural, with 73 languages
Catholic Collegiate Boys’ School for spoken in the school of over 1700
your son and we hope that we can students.
offer him a place. Bishop Challoner
is the first Federated school in the In partnership with you, the parents,
country with separate Girls’ and I am confident that the coming
Boys’ Schools and a co-educational years will be a period of great
Sixth Form campus on one site. Our success. Why not come and see us
girls and boys are successful at one of our open evenings or make
because they are educated an appointment to visit the school?
separately between the ages of 11 We look forward to meeting you.
and 16. Our Collegiate arrangement
known as the Learning Village
allows us to achieve this.
Catherine Myers
We have state-of-the-art facilities Executive Headteacher
and resources; we are also a happy
and friendly school. We welcome


School History The Learning

The school is named after Bishop
Richard Challoner, who worked The Learning Village is the title given
tirelessly in the 18th Century for the to the federated arrangement of the
advancement of Catholics through Bishop Challoner Collegiate
education. The school was founded Schools. These include:
in 1933 by the Sisters of Mercy and
moved to Christian Street in 1956. It 1. The P-16 College
became a comprehensive secondary 2. The Girls’ School – 11-16
school in 1972. The school is now 3. The Boys’ School – 11-16
on one site in Commercial Road and 4. Youth Centres across Local Area
is managed by a lay head. In Partnerships 3&4
September 2001 a Federated Boys’
As a Learning Village we firmly
School was opened under the believe in educating the whole child,
Governance and Management of whether in statutory education or
the Girls' School. The Boys’ School after-school clubs. Children thrive
enjoys a steadily improving when provided with clear
academic performance with its boundaries. This principle
reputation continuing to grow.
underpins our work in school and
across the community. Through this
work we ensure that Every Child
Matters, that:

1. They are Healthy

2. They are Safe
3. They Enjoy and Achieve
4. They make a Positive
Contribution to their Community
5. They are prepared for Economic
The School’s Aims
At Bishop Challoner we aim to: To achieve these aims, we strive for
• Offer all students an education a Catholic school community where:
based on Christian principles in
• Christian values are lived out by
the tradition of the Catholic
staff and students
• Expectation of achievement is
• Provide a disciplined and
always high
structured environment for
• Staff, resources and teaching and
effective teaching and learning so
learning are of the highest quality
that all students may maximise
• Personal growth is encouraged
their academic potential
by the exercise of reasonable
• Educate the whole person to
freedom and initiative
become confident in their own
• There is self discipline and an
ability, so they will live as a
acceptance of personal
responsible Christian citizen.
responsibility for others who are
less fortunate

As well as academic excellence,
Bishop Challoner provides students
with so much more in meeting the
challenges of modern life. We believe
our school offers unique benefits
arising out of our CATHOLICITY. We
are a Catholic School with a
multi-national and multi-cultural
intake. We provide a genuine
Christian education through which
all come to recognise the dignity of
the person and equality of all. We The school has a Chaplaincy which
achieve this through establishing a forms part of our comprehensive
caring community where, supported support and counselling team
by the ideals and practice of our offering help and advice to meet a
Catholic faith, the uniqueness of student’s personal and spiritual
each boy is acknowledged and his needs.
ability, aptitude and gifts developed
to the full.

In Religious Education, students at

Key Stage 3 follow the Icons
programme endorsed by the
Bishops of England and Wales. This
fosters an understanding of faith in
the world, our relationships with
those around us including the
aspects of faith in a multi-cultural
society. We educate boys to be
independent and responsible adults
who are aware both of their rights
and of their responsibilities.

achievements and healthy lifestyles

Specialist Status as part of the holistic development
The Boys’ School was awarded
of the individual. The quality of
Sports College Status in 2007 and,
Physical Education and the vast
through it, we aim to inspire a
range of sports on offer, at both
life-long participation in sport, no
competitive and recreational levels,
matter what level our students
support our status as one of the
attain. Our experienced staff
best Sports Colleges in London.
possess a wealth of knowledge and
The school is renowned for having
expertise and are equally at home
excellent sports teams competing in
teaching beginners as they are
borough, regional, national, and
coaching national-level sports
international competitions. We have
performers. We provide all students
competed with great success in:
with the opportunity to access a
football, basketball, athletics, rugby,
wide range of sporting activities
volleyball, table tennis, badminton,
through the curriculum in lessons
swimming and trampolining.
and after-school clubs. Bishop
Challoner values sporting
The Curriculum Key Stage 3 Year 7-Year 9 core:
At Bishop Challoner we work in
Religious Studies, English, Maths,
partnership with parents to provide
Science, ICT, Technology, History,
a balanced, supportive and
Geography, Music, Art, PE, Modern
inspirational education. The
Languages (French & Spanish),
curriculum is the whole experience
Personal, Social and Health
of our students including activities
Education (PSHE).
taking place off site. We follow the
Key Stage 4 Year 10-Year 11 core:
National Curriculum framework and
Religious Studies, English Language
Religious Education is a compulsory
and Literature, Maths, Science, ICT,
subject. All students start GCSEs in
PE (non-GCSE), PSHE.
Year 7 and take at least one GCSE
A choice is then made from the
each year. Bishop Challoner has
following GCSE subjects: History,
always demonstrated strengths in
Geography, Sociology, MFL,
the Arts and Sports and we will
Economics, Graphics, Electronics,
build on these strengths - as well as
Resistant Materials, Art and Design,
those in Technology, Maths and
Music, PE, Drama and Media.
Science - as our Sports College
In addition, we offer vocational
Status is developed.
courses in: Media, Business, PE,
Catering and Construction.

Enrichment and Guidance and
Extension Achievement
As part of the curriculum our The school regards the role of form
students pursue a series of tutor as crucial. The students
enrichment activities. These include register with their tutor at the
Work Experience and Sports beginning of each day. Also, a
Activities. In addition, equal 40-minute lesson each week is
opportunities, study skills and devoted to a pastoral health and
careers education form a major social education programme, where
element of their PSHE programme. topics such as Careers,
We offer music lessons for a wide Relationships, Sex and Health
range of instruments. We also have Education are treated in a context
several choirs, bands and an and manner which reflects the
orchestra. Each year we organize a teaching of the Catholic Church.
range of national and international
visits. Each year group has a Year Leader
and a Deputy Year Leader. These
stay with the boys throughout their
time, and have immediate
responsibility for pastoral support
and the monitoring of academic


Learning Support Discipline

Faculty and The best discipline is self-discipline
and the school helps boys achieve
inclusion this aim. The school’s policy on
We provide a “curriculum for all”.
Behaviour and Discipline reflects
The Learning Support Faculty
this. Parents, students and the
ensures students gain equal access
school sign a Home-School
to the curriculum. All students have
agreement to confirm their
individual needs and we help them
determination to work together
fulfil their potential by providing
when a place is offered.
encouragement and assistance.
Successful applicants are visited in
their primary school, and further
discussion with teachers and involvement
parents/carers precedes their An important aspect of school life is
admission to the school. For the degree of parental involvement
students who are the subject of a and support. Parents are
statement of Special Educational encouraged to visit the school, not
Need, the resources/support only on open evenings, or
stipulated in the statement will be performance review days and other
provided by the school. Subject organised occasions, but also
teacher(s) and the Head of Learning privately by appointment to discuss
Support initiate an Individual particular aspects of their child's
Education Plan, which may include education. Communication between
in-class support or individual tuition parents and school is carried out
as well as consultation with through regular circulars home, our
parents/carers and the support newspaper ‘Village Voice’, the
agencies, including the Education school website, the school diary, a
Welfare Officer, the Education reporting system and parent
Psychologist and the Medical consultation evenings.
Officer. The school employs a
Chaplain, an Education Welfare
Officer and two counsellors.
The School Day Lunchtime
The school day starts at 8.30am Year 7-Year 11 students are not
and finishes at 3.05pm. In addition, allowed off site at lunchtimes. Many
there are homework classes or students bring a packed lunch to
clubs running in the evenings and at school. In addition, we serve a
weekends. range of hot and cold foods in the
dining hall.

Applications are invited from
parents/guardians of boys eligible
for entry into Year 7. The annual
entry to Year 7 is 120 students.
Open days for prospective
parents/carers and students take
place in September. Parents/carers
and students may visit the school by
arrangement. Applicants to the
school should complete a
Supplementary Information Form as
well as the Common Application
Form; the Supplementary form
should be sent straight to Bishop
Challoner. If you need assistance we
are delighted to help. Every
applicant will be invited to a
discussion with the Executive Head
from the beginning of November.
After students have been offered a
place, arrangements are made for
all 120 students to sit a test in June.
The purpose of testing is to set the
students in broad bands in core
subjects. A parents’ evening is
organised each June. A day in
school is also arranged for the
successful applicants.
Bishop Challoner Catholic Collegiate Boys’ Campus
352 Commercial Road
London E1 0LB

T 020 7791 9500

F 020 7702 7398

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