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RFO 16-17-0J9



Local Off ice La',dscaoe a:ld Urba', Design
Lead La nci sc a,:J '2 Arc illtsc t ard U'ban Des igne r

v'lI TH
Ardarna'i & .t..ssocla tes I G'9otec n~li cal Engineerin g
The St re'2 t Pia', C ollabo'a~i'Je I Desig'l Architec t And Tra ffi c Eng ineer
Biscayne E n g ;'l€'-2 '-lr~;! (0'1100'1:/ I SU"'-J?y'i'1g Arld Ma ,o plng Services
Coasta l Syste'TIs I 'te(('at 0:13:, I"c I Civil A nd Coasta l Engh€ering
E-Sci -2rlces! E'l'/j"Onrle'l ta l SpeCia 'is t
Lisa H, Ham me r, PCl., l iSA Cer tif ied A ' bons t
Susta i:lEl8le M,a· . ." 1'1e ! CO'''l('jll'l, ty O:"J ~ ("each/ Pu81;c Relation s Sp ecialls ~
l\J i:la Johnso', -M dewsx l I Art Sp-=:ia: ls ~



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Proposal Letter.. .................... .4
Narrat ive. ............. ............... ................... ................... 5
Qualifications of the Proposer....... . .. ................................................ 7
Qualifications of the Proposer's Team ... ...1 4
Team Organizational Chart .................................................................... .... 32
Proposer's Project Experience ... .. 33
SECTION B............... . .................. 39
Design Approach and Process. .. .............. .. .. .............................. .40
Technical Capab ilities. ........... ................... .. ...................... . .. .............. 43
SECTION C............... ....................................... .. .....46
QL:alifications of Leaj D23i9'1 Landscape Architect. ........... ............................. ....................47
Quali~ica:lons of De sig 'l Architect..... .................................. .......................... .................. ................... 54
Qualifications of Urba n Deslg~e'............ ............ .................. ................ ............................ ................ .. ................ 62
Qualifications of En'lIronmental Specialist....... ................ ................ . .............. . ..... 69
Q ua lific ations of ISA Cert i fied Arborist.......................................... ................... .. ............. 81
Q ual ifications of the Architect/ CivIl/Engineer Project Ma nager .. ................. ............ 88
Qualif ica~ions of Sur veyo r... .................... .................... .................... ................ 105
Oualifica~ jon 5 of Tra~flc Engin29f or Transportat io n Pla nner ....... .................... ............. 113
Qualifica~ions for Geotech nica l Speci alist............................. .................................. ... ..124
Q ualifications of Communlt1 Outreach/ Public Relations SpeCialist ......... .................. .. ........133
Q ua lif ica~ions for Art Specia list ............................ ................. ................. .. ................ 139
Proposer's 'v'/or:"'load Capacity Form .. 144
SECTION D.... ................. ..... .145
Comments ane S ug9';3~!..)""5 0"1 At:achment A .. ...................................... . .. .............................. .146
SECTION E. ..................................... .197
Le~t2;3 of ,t..;;"eeme r:: (L O,.'. )....
.. .................... . ................ .193
Form (-1 List of Sub conS,-I::::nts I SU8contractors ................ . .................. 203
Certificate of Comp lia:ice......... ................. ..................... ................. ... .205
Busi;leS5 Ta ( Recei ,:Jt f\j O~I ,:e. ................... . . .......................... ........... 206


Request for Qualifications
Proposal Cover Letter
- - - - - - - - _.

RFO Tit le: Urba n De",n. Land scape Acch,tccrure & Engineering 5er,ices fo r yn

RFO No .: 16·17·049
Propo ser (Legal Company Name) : Lecal Office Landscape & Urban Design

Address: 61 9:h 51. Suite (3 , Brooklyn m 11215

I//\A"/.i .! cca lo ffi ce l an d

Pr opos~r' s Internet A ddres s: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

FEIN # : 20-5603·105 . . M15000003 11 4

State of FlOrida CorporatIOn No .: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Sta te Incorporated,'Organized.: New Yor, State

Proposer's Contact Person : J_e_n_

_o_ls_ta_d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

· I Principal
T Ite: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __
713 ·738- 19g :
I h one # : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ E-M ail : jern if·.! r?localofficeIJnd scape.ccm
T eep

C erti ~ i c a t i on of Co mpliance
The! uncer:;h;;ned hereb~/ ce'"t:f. es tha: ne ithe r t ~ e ccn:ractual part,! nor any of its principal owners
or personr.el have been con'Jicte c of any of the violations , or debarred or suspended as se t in
Section 18-1 07 or Ordinance No. 12271 .

'/Ie (I ) cer1ify that any ane all lnforTa tlon contai nee in this submission is true ; and we (I) further
cert:ty tha: this submis3ion is mace without prior ur.derstand ing. agreemen t. or connection with
ani ccr~ora:i on , firm . or person submitting a submission for the same materials. supplies .
eq uipment. or servicE and is ir a'i respects fair ane without collusion cr frauc . We (I ) agre e to
abide by all terms and conc,tions of this soliCitation and certify tha t I am authorized to sign this
sucmission for the submitter. Please print tr,e following and sign your name :

Proposer's A uthorized Representative

Jennif-=r Bolstad
.Name: __________________________________________________________________ _

Title: Princi pal"

. '/"T'/, ~
Signature : .~-, / I c/ "
Date : Ju ly 26. 2017

Forn' R:: O-P L

Rt:v l !:i~d
7/2512G' IS
Request for Qualifications
Proposal Narrative Form
RFQ Titl e: Wyn wood NW 3rd Avenue Woon erf

RFQ Num ber: 16-1 7-049


In the spa ce provided below respo nd t o th e requir ements fo r th e Proposal Narra tive
sp ecified in th e RFQ.
61·rl-. sr=E::i. S,... I~= Cj
LOCALOFFICE 9;:;.-::0 .... J' , '<, j':;';
r 118 ~a8 '98~
1= 7'8 ~38 I:-r

311ul'i 2017

Mr. TJcJ Hannon

City CierI..
Cit:, of 1Ivl 1aml
Office of the Clt~ Cierh
3500 P3( A Ii1t'mC3r' D fI\·~ 15: Floer
Miami. Fl33133

T ',eH'~ JL fJr;SI':3,":~' r-g L:':31 u·'::: L31' C';':3;':~ 3:'C L;r~3q D~s,g ~'5 P· ~f~S5.crat Ql.3I,f'cat cr's 3S ~ou 5ej~Ct

a ~~3":J:r 31-: --2 ' _,:X;! :i t~·-= 3 :: .l, ,~., .2 I,'. ;.:r'~ ":. \1'1 -: ·-=5;::~·:; :-,...I'.' 5 ~ tl"l: .:;'.... ( :~ 3nl"S :r~=-=!'t,a S t~ i-:J1,I 3S
a ;:Jr.\3:!-:t~.r,,'r6 )r:~.·)n f'Jr ;:'15 5.S"'· ~3i't '::-=5.g~ :11a1l'::'5-=

Ocr (-=3:1'"5 3.c~r:;a.::rlt:' jcs,g" ::-=4 ··s .\" .:-, :1'..: 51(';:. Or'l! by thcr:'l.g;'l~ unuerstancH1g the forces at ,... or\" on
s-~: - fr':ol11 th~ upde':.wg g~·;;I05~1. t':: CI('lI't 3r'd al'1 lmal COI11I' to the impnnt. for bett~r or worse. of
r~':~!'t 5';,;lal al'd ':t.I : ,,~3 , ""Se') - ':3,' .\~ ,nt~'--, ~ne 5.... 5~3 "3~:h'J' 1('1 troe 1i ,lng ;allcs;:aQ~. Our t-::3rl gl',e5 s;:e:lal
~ ..... t:r:l5'S tv 5 t~ h~':!~;I:g:,: ,...... :;r-= :"~-~ ,S .\3~=(. :re :-~ IS 'I~-::. 'v'l ~ Ce'le',e :ra: t~ Se::wg cr:C-::5525 n meue,'
t~aT :~e r~r.::r::!C5 cal ar(~ ::t!'er ('J: .. r:'II·;r;~') JI t~e 5, '_= ... '11 S"st:w' or -:!'d~:v:r= U~CI'. we can C(-::3"= a la5tol'&
'g-~=rcrll't" thai: tfmeles:>;'. ~(::: r-::S3~S OL.r Shd'-:!j ~ISI';Il.

CI..r:-:?311 5 r:CI''C<::S2~ J: nat (:!',) Ils,;~'a"e:) 3"'; 1C:.:'I1-:(;:~'15 . Mar'}:f loS ra.':: .,<o::rio.ed tog= t l~er Or' ot:'e'
II' ,\ 13r"1l. ane .~~ crcse J'A te.'l:"I"a~=s b3Sej on trose 5uccesses. O\~II'5 to OL.f suer'g: I' of Ic':al
hrcwle':g-=. g '_,I'.ie j O} I11r·)',3t.= • '5 ,;r\ ,"= ra',: a pr)\en re:crj ) f d~llI,erl1' g bUilt landscar;es 3r1 d urtan
sca.;es that Im pr .::v~ e.;orcr."lrC OO~,)r:l..I"1It.e-;;. ren'.,;dlat~ ecolog'cal damag-:!. creat,;! lastlr"l g resllloer1CY. and are
chenSI1~C b~ the communr t~l.

Ol.r te3'n ;r~ojent l a l s -;;;ard In stJr).. o:ontnst {.) the ·.)tMrs yCll "" III revle',v: at .3 time .... hen many are \Hftmg
a:::OL. t r::S,:lence rn tne urOa:"l lar'dSC3j::e. our built prec~:!ents 111 M,all,r and othc" rnt:-:r'latlon al ccastal clt,es
srow p.arfo(ll1ancc metriCS for reSllh~qt eC0s)stem serl,lces . actively Imp(0~lf1 g sustatna billty a nd reauclllg the
'1Ulner301lrtles of dad} stresso(s ane occaSlor~af dlStllroances.

Smcere ',.

,-~~~- -'-'~
,/Je'1r ,fer Bo:sta J. RL.l,. AS l..l, . lEED·.l,P. ISA
Pr'nCloal . Loc31 Ofirc e La r'dscape and lirOan DeSign , LLC

Request for Qualifications
Proposal Narrative Form
Pl ease utilize the s pace below , as nece ssary,

L.A, , )SCA"E & U'< 3 AN DESIGN







- ~,

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Requ estfor Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposer
In s tructions

This fO(,)l is to be cOlTpleied and su bm l::ac in 3ccorcance wit:1 the requiremen ts of the RFQ to which your
r rT. is respond ing . Co not lea'ie any blc11f(S or fa I to pr~'1jc e an'lIrJormat on or details that a('9 requ ired.
Fa l lu r~ to su:' ml t this fe r'll or tt- e Lse of anI' ether forrr '1.'111 result Ir the reject on o f a PrJposal as
non- res:)t;r .> j'.e. Tne fa ilJre to ~r O I. )ce Ire in f..:: r11a:i:n cr c'e:ails reC;L.i r2Ij 'Jj t:le forT rra'j res!...l: In Ire
rejecllo1 0' a R es~or se as r or-(es;Jcr Sl'ie .

Pr im .:l (Y Ty,=es of Sarvice s \ ",:;;;cet'll "e';It;f:nal -~"' · · S~. (l" lxec us-= of'ices ;),;r, 'a<.:Ii: es. Jr.'. ~ o:ficec; . e::::J
R -:! )l rJ~ rl ( "I C c r-m-:f'=i~ 1 ~J~c,;r: .11 wis"·r s'~· c.').~ . : ~ I PJrl(, F<l<:. 1i ,"!S &. \,h.(,?j use

Typ e of Firm : C 0r~or 3 tJt)n 0 LLC [Z F3rtit2'3 .... ,i=" 0 S cl ~ P ~.:.~ r'e :.:. r 0 JOlr ,t V'?ll.Jre 0 Ot;--er 0
Ce rU :ed 5 mJ!) or Minority Owr.~ d B ~ s : n~ss : Yes El No 0 IS3ued ty (.,.3rT'~' ,\.·{ S~ai~ N'red,! F"T;

TyPB of Ow nership Cerl l;ica::on(sj . _

'S_':_~_C_E_>'_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
I::; th is the Prop oser' s r:1ain off;cc? Y-:?5 0 Nu 0 If N.'). main cffice loc a!ion . _ _ _ __ _ __ _

"V iii Proposer rei, on any o ~r, tH cran ch or subsidi.Jrj office to periJr m the work ? Yes 0 N.:l BJ
If ye i> Icca::cn cf t l e:;~ 0:::C':: 5 _
N 'J mbe~ o f yeJ rs in bl.s jn e5~ ur.c~r c ur re n t nJm~ ; 11 1·- fi n 1 ra$ Linde'i;;cne a name cran.;>?
In th~ pd3: 5 ,ears. p'.::vice ~ r . cr naT ::! a-:c m.. of 'years In bus,r:e3S under l!-is nJ'Tl~ frQt a cl,J
SJ fo! of th~ Iirl1j:

Ty pe ar:d num be r of proj ects completed in the pa st 5 years :

Des gc-8:c 6clld : _ _ _ D~s ,~ r ; gu " c : _ _ _ C~.1 ~R.5k:

Pmate Sgc:Dr: .to Fee er)1 Go',':: 2 Sta tei CoL.rr-/ t\'! unlcipal .::.'_ __
NaT.e cf P ~')j€d3. _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _

Residen llall Res .centlal High -r se : Office: _2 ___ fvl lxed Use: _12_ __
RetaIl 2 LEED or Green Globe Ce rti fied Proj~Ct5 . _5_ __
O;her (spec fy ):

:;Of! IS '~ 3.; ~ r; ';
"'.umbe r of Employees : "' Lcensed Er gtr e er.; 1)_ _ _
Lc=.O.;., ,::: ~ fl)ie5 3 ,c~ a . :.; J. l ce 1se: Ge:iera, ': ontr ac:or ,; c___ License e SlJr '/ey~rs 0___

LIst . e xplain an d provide the sta tus of all c laims , lawsui ts , and Judgments pending or sett le d wit hin
t he l ast 5 ye a rs (?Ieas-? ace
ac'cll.cnal P3JES If necess ary!

_,:,- ) :: t·.f - _H'·J~L If' ':-?' L'!::-.J !1 Ct'~I <Jn .l~ ::: . .'1.( ; 'v'. ( , :t-.~ H1 :';:: 0 to. ,L. .,t r ,.)1j '::ir,)..:!,.;.]: .: S (hv~ 1 .)T C:"",s ,gn ;:ldssrn d:-2 :'
<."nl p r =,;h: J-i j l-'~ h Jlt.?r ....I_:. ,.> r Ol=~( .1' ,1' ,; De: .~ .:<:: " Ir i, 1; 1(",C: Jr e W:' d l)IS Il1 J r a ~.::,ic·rJ the finn') primM, f·. )Lu'i ,,>
(.) .1 · tJ I.. I· ...~~; j ,: 'O' , J ' J t ~(,j l ~ ; rL),- (e~.C-: r ; ,.j 'j,l rd"",-, In (he J \ .no:'~ to ';: ';,htJI pdf <S t ha t <! M~ I ..; ~ sus:'JlI1Jb ie
. ", :;-.,' ::Iv.:;'.~s JI :!'''' ;'::1'-= "i ur'),th ,,>m, Lx .11S r 'c ~ 5~~L., tc l me'lcr J: ~ :t">t' . rrp .l';~ or .:, t ;~ ) .JI· : h~ S~J . ThC' f,(f":"'\ nJ $ ';.J ' n,!'~(l
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.... ") f 11~<: ~r.) i e~ : d :rs:!/" ,;;"'d ~u n0 r .~ lIard from the Am en(.! " I!I Sl ltul·.:
of :I , :hr:",( I~ ;'" :->l.~r : v .or.;.:;. A:O fi Q .'I 1:h :Jo n(:;! Jr( h.t<:,\.·r 1.1',1",1 a'lnr !lr LX JI :: fr..:~ ':reJ :",d l 11" , ura l wdter filrrJtro r
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'! IIth the h ... rn':.H · ~ SJtul', 'C!'d ':1PIOIlS '.)f Ch,ltlij"" <I '."' r"d 'n S e pt~rnDE:r 1:) I J. th t"y ~·,ere reCJQIl tl.e<J for tht:'11 leJcer'ihtQ
.1 m ! If"ll a ~ ,I' UII n th~ 'J r-::: ~ n "'(,,moln I b, (I' e (J!lqresslv nd f Hr$ (.,\ " tC C J u("J ~ In Nl ~hlf' g: J ll CC T., e 'i~w Y":l tk Sr,ltt"
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lito J>?I ;JP .n,~ ) 1"·}JuIJf rn o !)rle dnrl tmm~i Jt e l , d<:'pi(Y, 3ble $Ofl.fl on tv 'i ~ \'1 " u f o{ Ild rbo r :; (ombiP o?(j Sewer O l<e !' ~OW
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,H :ht",ct ...rr~ J: a Ver", sr:' J,1)(J l ~ .

;;, :: : , :,p
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:.... I S~ be;ow ttl e n ar:1~S of ow ners office rs , p n nC lp.l Js, and tne p r; nc ip.l rge -o f the Pr ::>poser's
f ir m together w ith th e tit Ja an d percentage of ownersh ip l .:!cl 3-:": tl ,~ 'a l 0 .1';» -; J ;, " e ':~S:'..lfl

Name T,t ~e '% Owners hip I

iw lit"", 1,1~:;,~, r rln(IPJ I J Ic.a ;1 :~signl?r 1.1 ')'" ['

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C'::ri~::: rll) C: 05~ ' k j(:re r Ce~l ; j d$ tr a: It ,5 d,... a(= ::-2: If Ire CI':/ c'et~ f:--. tr~ eS that any of tr.e ir.forr71a:l or. is
1l~·:.:r~~C: ':i( tal":>,,:, :r e C-(i~ ~( j a: I:S s:;le CI:;icr e: 'c r r e i ~ : : :t-e Fr ,)~c s3 1 as "'; cr-re-spc ns . . e
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S, g r:3 7l,re .Df .-l. ~ thcn ze d OF-Cd' Ca td

Pfinted Narr.e

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l 'Pt)' Rf.c n PT OF TilL, RE(;I~TK.nIO~ CERTlFl C \TF: nWR PRJ-:\ IOlSL\

Iss n :n R F. (; l.qR I T IO\ C ERTlf ICAlE IS ,\ l L.L.-\ ,n \ 'OlD, PI.E,\ ,' E DE~TRf)\
TH E I' KF \ Inl ', l \ 1',ITD RFC hTR ITI!), CERTlf"l C.HE.

Th~ ['Ili "enil)" of the Slate of Sew r ork

Education Departmellt
Ofjice of the Professioll5
/)0 II v! a('rep! a copy (}f tit is certificate

Li~e~se ~<l!l1her: Ctrt ! f l ( l ~C' N umxr : 9 10 I J 16

16.1 10 TH ST
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Cor'gr atulat lors' v'lith th iS license yeu beccr.le one of ire nearly
ore millic r F lcr ~ dia rs )ieerSed by Ire De pa rtment of 6 usine5 s and
Prcf"'5;; ,cnal ,~e';;Llatj;J n Our prGie5S ,ar als ard ClJSireS3es ral'ge STATE OF FLORIDA
irom archtects 10 Y3cn: troo( .: rs from bO)(er3 to bJ ' teqLe DEP;l.RTMENT OF BUSINESS A .~ D
restat.:"3rts , and :r~:i k.~~:: =!onda 5 eCoromy s:r?ng PROFESSIONI'.L REGUL,A.TION
E '/~r-! day we w or~ ::I m~ro\{~ Ir e w]/ we de bLS ne':>s In :Jrd~r L.~c"673 C5 ISSUED: 12/12 /20 16
to serl e you be t: ~ ' Fer wforrnatlon a DOu! our s ~r" lc es olease
log CI't) 'N' f lo , :do1 li cen se .com T!1>2'-= y0U ::3," fird mc r ~
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the OeD a ~m er t :; -nt:at:ves -< •

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r11., ..1·,.1I
L.).666 73G5
Named be low HAS REGISTER ED
Ur:cer tr,a ~ ro v i s j ons of Chapter 481 FS .
Ex~ "a tio n da te NOV 30. 2017
... - -..,. ... -


I e'; 1CTH ST
6R OO KLY :-.I

1"""'1 1<:'01 I\V I\Q DC ('\) II Dc n ClV 1 .\ 11\/

Request for QlIalifications
Qualificatiolls of Proposer's Team ;;

In s tr uc tion s C'

This form is to be completed and submitted in accordance w ith the req uire ments stipu lated in the RFO . Do not leave any blanks or fal l to prov ide any ,"2
in form atio n or detai ls that are req uired. Fai lure to subm it this form or the use o( any other (orm wi ll result in th e rej ection o( a Proposa l as non- 3:
re spo nsive. Fa ilu re to provid e th e informati on or de tails req uired by the (olin may also res ult in the rejecti on of a Pro posa l as non-responsive. "C

RFO No. : 16 - 1/ -0 ' l Y RFQ Title : Urb.m ue~iyll & Ltlll d 3(~I IJf' Ard utec.t lu cl Lll ylllee ring SerVICE
- -- - 0-
N ame o f P ropos e r: LOCcl l Offi ce Land sca pe & Urban De sign 2

S u bc 0 ns ulta llts/S u bc 0 ntra ctors:
Name of Firm O ffi ce Location: City/S tate DisClpllll c(s} to be provid ed License No. LEE D Ce rti fi ed Staff
LOCcl l Office L.1tldscit !le & Ut bel 11 Des igr I3 rook lyn NY LC'd d LtlllU SC ap e Ar chitecl & Urb(lIl Oesigl LA6667305 Yes 0 No 0 ,"'.'
------- ,

1 he 5 11(>e \ PI.ln Co lla bo rati ve Coral Gab les. rL Dcsi~ln AI elliteel AIN77Y9 Yes 0 No 0 "',.
LG129 2
Miami FL
lj isc.'Iy n e I::.n9inccr i11 9 Co mpany Surveyi ng il ild Mappiny Services
Yes 0 No 0 C'

Civi l .md 7087

Coas t.11 Sys lcnl s Inl er 11.1110 11.11 , Inc. 464 S. Dixie Highw' ly, rL C ()<l ~I, d Lnqlll eel inq
Yes 0 No 0 -."
Th e St rC'e t PI.HI Co lldbo rdl ive Cora l G,lb les, FL Tr.ltric Llluillccr 0029801
Yes 0 No El ,"
Artf,lllld l) 8. As\oc iill es I lia le,dl, I L ('Cu tcc llnic,l l LIlUlll cc rillg L10J ) I
Yes 0 No EJ TO

Li ~><) Il.lt1l1llC I Mramif-L f IOl licul ttll e & I\rhol !Culture ;0-07 '> 8
Yes 0 No EJ L


E-SciC'tlC PS Mi(l mi rL ( nvlrOlllllCllldl SpL'cidli st N/A

01 0 u "
~ lI S\'l ln, lhl (' Mr,)l ll i Ill e. Midnli I-L COllHllllI)it y Oli ll ed( h N/A

Yes 0



N in,) Jolln <,o n M iami FL Ail s N/II c

Yes 0 No []


Hevlsp.d 712!112016


Request for Qualifications

Qualifications of Proposer's Team
-----------------~--~. -------------------------------
K cy Pe rso nn c l

Propose r shou ld only includ e personne l wllo will playa key role in the project. Do not include sup port personne l for positions such as CADD
Technicians. Intern o r Associate level staff, and other similar support perso nne l. As stipula ted in the RFQ, a re sume is to be included for each of the
Key Perso nne l.

Name Ro le Name of Fi n n License No. Yea rs Yea rs LEED

Ex perie nce with Firm Ce rtified 'J ,,
Je nnife r Uoistad Local Office Landsca pe ar LA6667305 17 Yes D No D r"
Pro ject Manag er ,"c,
Local Office Land~cilpe & Uri N/ II 18 II
w,, 1t cr M C'ycl Urb,1rl Desig ner Yes 01 No D
17 II :'i
Jennifer Bulstad Lei'lu Des ign LanLi 5C(lpe Arc! Loca l Office Lc1 nd scilpe & Uri LII.,667305 Yes 01 No D n

I\ n(lI cs PCtCl Civ il Engin ee r! PM Coas ta l Sys te m s Int er nali o n, G6507 38 23 ",'
Yes D No El ~

JUs tlil Flf' l'dm,H1 Envi ronrn enta l Spec ialist [-Sci ences N/II 10 15
Yes D No El "~

[vpli o 11 0 1te ) Geo tec hn ICa l [n 9i l,eel il19 Ardam'1I1 & Assoc '<'ItC' " 46625 I(PE) 15 25
Yes D No El
S,Ull Go,lI l' r Traffic (ll gin ee ril19 1 he St lce t PI,H1 s Coll,lbor<lli , 002980 1 10 '-'
Yes D N o El n
Mike R,l t Ihu lotl1 cw, r SM Surve yin g <Ull! M.lpping Sep Bi scdync (nSjil lccr ill9 COlllP LUI 29 31 28
Yes O N0 0
1\I11 11 011Y ( l,lI Ci.l Desig n I\r chilpcl 1he Stl' f'C I PI,lIlS COlid bo l.lti \ Ar,~7799 IS 7
Ye s D No El
L IS,l ll .-'llllln cr ISI\ 1\1 bo dsl N/II 33 N/II
lisa H,llllln e r
Yes 0 No El
M<'IIj{JiC' f ('I 1lf'lH jC' / Co m m ulllly O utreach/ Pu bli Su st<l ltl.lble MI<l1lll Inc. N/ II 20 N/II Yes 12] No D
Nin,l Jolm t"o n Art Sp eci " list N ind John so n N/A 7 N/II
Ye s D No 10
Ye s D No D

1 ~(!vls(! d 7/20/20 1(;

Request for Qualifications ~~
Qualifications of Proposer Team -,-,
Key Personnel Workload Capacity -:
Instructions: This form shall be completed for each of th e I<ey Pe rsonnel ide nt ifi ed in Form RFQ-QT . Month 1 is projected to start >,
on the 3'" month (90 days) following the RFQ du e date . (II th e RFQ is due in March . then Month 1 w ould be June) .

RFQ Title:. u.:A rl\IIXX)(~ \,l \lJ 1 r4 ~..c.I\W_ \.fh) ~\~ )'-\ RFQ No.: _-,10=--~_lr_I~_.0c: . .I-\,--,
. : 1 _____ _ __
Name of Key Personne l: r llc,l :0 Hur-t" , f\).o Il-.( . -
Title of Key Personnel (for this project): S C'1\ \cr:' Qi 6\et1 G,'1" vv, ',r 1..'

- --- -- --'

Status of
- "c
Name of Project Owner of Project Value of Project Role in Project
.. _
_ ----- - - li,'"
- - -.- -- -
-------- --- -.-.- - <
- ---- -.~ ---
- ~

-J - . - J ___
Avai l Jb l l il ~ based a ll % of tim e e'er mo nth L

/0 / .'Q -c.-: 0 ;-'"

Month 1 MOllth 2 Month 3 "
7..0 ;;~o
- 20
- -- n"
Month 4 Month 5 Month G
Month 7 ..:.~ C...J Mon th 8 ·<... ~o Month () 2-0
Month 10 '7.0 Montl1 11 -LO
- ;.:.0
- - Month 12 20 "
Month 13
Month 16
MOll th 14
Month 17
-- Month 15
Month 18
:z. (...t)

Status Abbreviati on s: :£
PD= Pre-Design P=Perm ili lng ()
SO = Schematic Design u
CA=Construction Administra tion
DO = Design Development PC - Post Con structi on "
CD = Construc tion Docum ents

Furm Rr o-we ~
Rc\/ised 712912 0 16
Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposer Team
J(ey Personnel Workload Capacity
Instructi o ns : This fOlll 1sl"JII be colllpi c ted for c,lcil of tilc I\c)' Pcrsonncl identified in Forlll nFO-OT. Mo nth 1 is vrojcc teu to stLlrt
on tile 3'" m onth (90 days) followi ny tilo RFO UII" date . (If tile RFO is du " in Marcil, thnn Mon lh t wOlJ lrl l1H ,l imn).
liHHIIN Df-SIG r.J ANI) I IINIlSCIlf-' r IIkCHl1 rC Ili HHH'I (,I~lrrHIN(;
RFQ Till e: ~E IWICES FO R WY N WOOO NW :lHO ,\vENUe WQONC IW RFQ No .: 1 6-~7-0_4_9_ _ _ _ _ __

Name of Key Personnel: Mike [jarliloionww. PSM

Title of Key Personnel (fo r th is projsc t): SurveYIng and r..,·1apPII)(J PruJect MallCiger .,,,
- - - - -------- - ------------
Status of ;."
Name of Projec t Owner of Proj ec t value of Project Role in Project
Project "
- - - - - - -1- - ---_.'

MH1I-l-lfuk Su bdivision No 1 anu No. 2 Clly o f r. . 1lami $3 >,374.00 Project ManHger N/A n
Clly o f M iami Opi'lch -T0pU:-HD $C<ln- C I I~;- o f tvll<'t1ll 1 Oea c h Public._ . - - - $1
l~lly ~,. -lll()n SUl~P.y,_ _ _ _ _ _ __ OOK .!. Project Manager N/A ~
Worlo..s Department
Flowia Dpp;ulmflnl of $ 1
---- ~

Ex ~ crt
Krome Witness
_ , TrDnspor!<l!IUIll)is!rrU G
OOK ± Project Man<lger N/A "u;":
--- -
tAil A!Jo,Jrd Ho, iel.l Florid.) Ei1~~ t CO<1:::. t Incit Jstncs $1 1l0K ± Pr ojoct M ona ~J c r N/A "
-- -- " ,
I "'.'
f\vl:.uhJl>illly IJd '.)cd on '}~ o f Inne per mOlllh ~
II/lo llti, 1 .10 Ivlolltil 2 '11' MUllth 3 ..) "
MUll II 1 4 ·1:) rv1n llth :) 'i :\ Month G "Il
----- -----".
MOll th 7 50 MUll t 11 () SO MOll th 9 !,!,
Mun tl l 10 :)~) rv·lo ll tll 11 5:-i MOll tl! 12 lrU
MOllti, 13 w MOlitil 14 UU IvtOlitil 15 l>O
MOil til 16 till rvlu ll tl! 1"1 (,0 Mo n ti,18 GO
Stil tU S Abbre vicltions:
PD= Pre-Design P= Pe rlll itting
SO = Scilem atic Des ign CA=Construc ti OIl Ad lllin is tr<.Itioll
DO = Design Development PC- Post Construction
CD = Construction Docume nt s

FOlll l IH.. o-we

Rev,sed 7/29/2016
Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposer Team
Key Personnel Workload Capacity ~,'

- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -------------------------------- -,,'".
Instructions : T his lonn sha ll be comp leled for each of the Kcy Pe rso nnc l ide ntified in Form RFO-O T . Month 1 is projected to star t
on Ihe 3" month (90 days) fo llowing the RFO d ue da te. (If th e RFO is d ue in Marcl" Ih en Mont h 1 would be June). .-
RFQ Title: Wynwoo d NW 3rd Aven ue Woon er! RFO No.: 16-17-049
Name of Key Personnel : W l e_r_M_e_y_e_r____________________________ ____________
__,'_I_ :-

Title of Key Personnel (for this projeel)' U,b,,", Oe'i~ne, "

- - Status of
Name of Projec t Owner of Project Value of Project Role in Proj ect ,n
Project M
001<1 1 SqUil lC V I!)all Oes ig n Guid el ines Con fld en ti el l Priva te Devcioper S I 28,4 HO PI incipal UI ban Designer DO C'
( OLO ll u t Grove -II Jnsit -O rient ed Dcvclopm ci Co nfid ent i,,1 PI iVJl e Developer S 193,000 Prin ci pa l Urban Designer SO ,

\)cicl1cc & resiliency Ins t itute o f Jd11l.1icc1 edY Cily University o f NY $17.000 Hcsi li ent Design Co nsul ta SO .,,
co ,

- --- - - -- - - -
AI ve l ne ld s! In! t 'lslr llct u re M,l ster Pldll Ne w YOlk City I lomil l U Pl dllllin C] & S28,000 PI'iIlCIPd l Urban Designer PO ,.
I OIHJ Bf'~l(h CO lllpr C'hcnsivE' PI.-In Update City of Lonl) I\p,H. Il. NY SW,OOO I'rincipal Uruan De~ i yller PC
-- ~
- -- - '.'
I\v,J il ~bility IJn sed 0 11 (X, of lIllie per man tl l "
Mon tl1 1 10" " Month 2 10"" Month 3 _10,-"_"_ _ _
Month 4 10" " Mon th 5 10" .. Monl l16 _10,-"_" _ _ _ M
Mo nt l1 7 10':" Mo nth 8 10"0 '-
Monti, 9 _'_0'_'''_ __

Month 10 10"" Monlh 11 10' :" Mon th 12 _10,-'__

'''_ _ '"

Month 1 3 l OlJ u Month 14 10' :" Month 15 10"(, ~

--- - ",
Monlh 16 lO'!" Month 17 I O'!;, Montl1 18 10"0
S ta tus Abb reviations : ---- .,

PD= Pre-Desig n P=Pe rr n itling ,.c,

SO = Sche m at ic Design CA=Constructio n Admi nistra tio n '0
DO = Desig n Developme nt PC- Post Constru e lion ~

CD = Constructi on Docume nts n

Form HFO -WC
~~ev!se(l 7/29/20 I G


Request for Qualifications

Qualifications of Proposer Team
J(ey Personllel Workload Capacity
Instru ctions : This form shall be co mpleted for each of the Key Personnel idenlified in Fo rm R FO-OT. Month 1 is projected to s tart
on til e 3"r Illonth (90 clay s) following th e RFO clu e date . (If the RFO is du e in March , th en Month 1 wou ld be June).

- ----
Name of Key Personnel: Andr es I)e rcl

Till e o f Key Personnel (for this project) · Le"tJ 'Civil [ ng in ee r/P roj ec t M,ll1 <1 g er

Status of
Nam e of Proj ec t
OWller of Project Valu e of Project Role in Project
Proj ect .,

-- --- - --
Mdl lll C' S t ,l(.iI Ull l Cily of Miam i S~ 5 M Civil En gineer/ PM SD ~
M ir" d e M il c/ Gir ,l ld " Ave. Strec l SCdpe City of (orill Gilblcs S20 M Civi l Eng in eer/ PM CII
M useu m Pil l k City o f Midill i ::'S M Civi l Engi neer/ PM SD
U(" l cll W(l lk II City of Mi,lln i 13 (',1( 11 SSM Civi l Engin ee r/ PM P "
._--- n"

- - ;.

- -
Ava ilabilit y I) ased on OJ,, of t, Ill O per Ill on tll n

Month 1 40
- -- Montl l 2 ~_O_ __
_ Month 3 40
- --
MOll th 440 Mont h 5 _
5_0_ __ Month G _
50_ _ __
- --
Montil 7 50 "0 -
Month B -,-- Month 9 _50_ _ __
Month 10 : .5.::.
0_ _ _ Month 11 -50 - - Mo nth 12 ::.5_
0_ _ _
Mo nth 13 -
so -- MOllth 14 :..
5 (;;..)_ _ Month 15 ')0
- --
Montll 1G 5
__0_ _ _ Month 17 -50 - Month 18 5_0_ _ _
Statu s AIJbre via tions:
PD= Pre- DeSign P=Perlllitlin g
S O = Sc hematic DeSign CA=C on structio n Ad m inlstl allan
DO = Des ign Development PC- Post Co nstru cti on
CD = Co nstruction Documents

Fo rm RFO-W C
ReVised 7f2 9/2 0 16
Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposer Team ;,
J(ey Personnel Workload Capacity ,.

Instru c tions : Thi s form shall be co mpleted for each of the Key Personn c l id entlflcd 111 Form I'<FQ-QT. Month 1 is projected to start
on th e 3'" m onth (90 days ) following th e RFQ due da te. (If th e I~F Q is due in March, th en Month 1 would be Jun e).
- ---- "A
Nam e o r K ey Pe rsonnel : Ores te s I3Ctd ll COllit
Titl e of Key Personnel (for thi s proj ect)· Civ i1 l)e~i~ n c l /i'r{lj( 'd M,IIl"U CI
Status of
Nam e of Proj ec t Owner of Project Va lue of Project Role in Project ':'
Project 'n
- - --- - - -.- - - - -- --- -- - 'JI
M lldLl c M dc/G il .1Id .lI\VC. St rcc tscape City o f CU l dl G,\uic" 520M Civ il Des ign er/ PM CII

Cotn l1HJtl ity P,ll k (PM 3) Ci ty o f M i<Hni Uc.ll h SYM Civil Design er/ PM SO ,

--- - - .- - UI
Hic kenb,H..kf'f C l ll se w<lY No rtll Hobie I3C,lC l l Mi,lnli-O,1(J e County 57M Civi l Uesign er/ PM P
UC'<lc hw ..l lk II Ci ty o f Mirltni l3 e,Kh SS M Civi l Engin ee r/ lJM P
------ -- ,
- - - -,
- - - -- -
!wa ilDlJi li ty IJd 3Cd 0 11 'In o f ti ll Ie pe r month

Mo nth 1 -to Month 2 '10 Month 3 30

- - - ,,
Month 4 .W Month 5 '10 Month 6 40
Month 7 '10 Mon th 8 30 Month [) 40 ","
--- o"
Month 10 30 Month 11 4 0 Month 12 311
- --
Month 13 30 Month 14 30 Month 15 _3_0_ __ "'

Statu s AbbreViatio ns:

Month 16 30 Month 17 30 Month 18 3 _°'--_ _ .,


PD= Pre-Design P=Pe rllllltin g

SD = Sc hem atic Desig n CA=Co ll stru cti on Ad ln inl stratl oll n
DD = DeSign Development PC- Post Co nstruction Z
CD = Constru cti on Docum ents n
For m RFO -W C
Revlsell 7/29120 1fi


Request for Qualifications

Qualifications of Proposer Team
J(ey Personnel Wor/cload Capacity
Instru c tion s: Thi s forlll shall be cOlllpleled for each of the I<ey Personnc l ide nllfied in Forni RFQ-QT . Mon th 1 is projected to start
on Ihe 3" Ill onth (90 days) following th e HFQ due uate . (If th e RFQ is due in Marcil, tlle n Month 1 wo uld be June) .


- - - - -
Name of K ey Persollne l: Ju slin FreedllhHl

Title of Key Personnel (for thi s proje ct) : Envirolltl lcnt,l l SpCCi(llistiCel tificd f\ rbo li ) t , ,,
-. -- ,
Status of
Name of Proj ect Own er of Project Valu e of Proj ect Role in Project ","
Project ~

- --- - -- o
r DOr Distlict t1 1'0&1: Contr ac t F
FOO T LJi<; tlilt 1\ (O n tilluinu )€rviLcs Sulxu nsult a nt PM O l1 g0 ll1 Y r

- "
r DO r Ois tl iet 4 ETOM Cont rac t F
FOOT DistriUI\ cO l lt i nllin~J services Subco nsu ltant PM ongoin y
-_. -- ,
Okccthoucc/P,l lm elto I'O&E Study r-DO r Di~ll iel G ')H5,(lOO ([ SCIences fcC's Envi . onrnen t.d Spec iali st Planning ",
- - - - - - -1- --- Cd
Ml,lll1i UC<lCh Trc(> Inve ntory Mielmi Ik <'l ch
M ()2lJ2 .916 I'M ongoi ng r"
---_.- ~
Muunt Do rtl T,c(> InvC'll l ul Y M
Moun t DOld ~72,OOO PM ongoing -'
- - - - -- - ~:

!\Vi1i l<J IJi lity ba sed on % of timc per month o

Month 1 30 Month 2 30 Month 3 -
30 - - ~
Month 4 30 Mo nlh 5 30 Monlh 6 _
30_ _ __
Monlh 7 30 Montll 8 ~ Month 9 _30_ __
Monlh 10 3O MonUl 11 30 Month 12 30
Mo nUl 13 30 Mon Ul 14 30 Month 15 _3_0_ __
Month 16 30 MonUl 17 30 Month 18,-30,-_ _
Status Ab brevii1tio ns:
PD= PI e- Desig n P=Pe rll1itting
SO = Schematic Desig n CA=Constru clion Aclill inistration
DO = Design Development PC- Posl Con slru clion
CD = Co nstruction Documents

Form RrQ -WC

Revised 7/29/20 16
Requestfor Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposer Team
Key Personn el Workload Capacity
Instnlctjons : This form sh all be completec for each of the Key Pe rs;;nrellc er tified In Fo rm RFO-OT 1\1onth 1 is pD Jected to s ;ar ~
on tre 3 1 mon th (90 da /S ' foll OWing the RFO due date (If the RFQ IS dL.e In Ma rch . then Mon th 1 would be June )

RFQ Ti t le: UD Jnd L~. :"9 I n.:~rng 'Nynwood N'N 3rd A '~"ue 'Mooned I7_-0_J_9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
RFO No.: _"_-- _

Nam e of Key Pe rsonnel: Sam Go,}ter (Street Plans. Sub ·Con (rJcorl

Title of Kay Perso nnel Ifor thi s projec!' : E:

Stat us of
Nam e of Project Ow ner of Pr oject Va lu e of Project Role in Projec t
Projec t

Bur1ing:on Qtoid. 3t.i!d D-ognm PO

53C (lC') PO nth 1 5,Y, I\lonth 2 5.)" l rvl ,J r th 3 50"'1"' 4 60 '0 r..lonth 5 6,J"~ r..lon th 6 75 l')
1\1 'Jr,l~ 7 75 ' 0) f\ 8 75 '~ t\. lcnth 9 75 'oJ
~,1 cnt.1 10 30 -'1) I\lcnth 1 1~ ~.I arth i 2 30 .,
M 0nt~ 13 3C'~'l Montn 14 SC 1 r..l ont:l 15 3)",
r..lorith 15 30"0 Mor: th 17 30 ',) a
IIvlorth 1 30 'I)

PO: Pre-De s,gn P=Perr:1lttlng

SO = Scl" ema !IC De slg'l CA=Cor,s:ruc:'cn Ad mtnl stra:lon
DO = Design De"e!o ~ m en! PC~ Post Construct,on
CD = Construction Documents
i=orm RF":·:iS
RevIseD T:9 :01-3

Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposer Team
Key Personnel Workload Capacity
Instructions: This forlll shal l be completed for each of the Key Personnel id en tified in Forlll RFO-OT. Month 1 is projected to start
on \I,e 3'" month (90 days) fo llow in g th e RFO due date. (If th e RFO is due in March , th en Month 1 would be June).

RFQ Title: UD + U\/Enyineeriny for WYllwood NW 3rd Av enu e Wuol1C'lf RFQ No.: 1 G · 17 · 0'~9
- - - - -
Name of Key Personnel: Dana Willi
Title of Key Person net (for this project)· U,b,ln DeSl~ n er

Status of
Name of Project Owner of Project Value of Project Role in Project c
Proj ect ,p
N ew Hdv e ll Tr<H1Sport<llioll A c tion rl il fl Cily of New Hewell, CT ,~O,OOO Proj ect Designe r DD ~
UulliIlQ\(l1l Qui ck [Juile! Pro ~JI(lrn Cily of l3uilil1\jtOIl, vr Public Wor k s ,(,5,000 Pr ojec t Des igner DD :'3
Mi,lllli [j,llie Qu ick ·Build Progr,lm Green Mobility Network )50,000 Md I ),19C rI Desi 9 ner PD "o
AvailLlbility ba sed on rYfl of time per month
Month 1 SO"" M 0 n th 2 ::.s,-o'x,
::._ __ Month 3 SOOn c'
------ -----
o ,
Month 4 -
---- Month 5 _7.:..
"_ ' ~(,_ __ Month 6 75(\n
Month 7 gO"" Month 8 BO'X, MOllth 9 _8_0o_~,_ __
----- -----
Month 10 RS!l(l Month 11 85% Month 12 85°u
----- ---- ----
Monlh 13 _H,-5'_',,_ _ Month 14 B5'Jin Month 15 _B5,-'_!o_ _
Month 1G"_>_'''_''__ 1'v101l1l1 17 _B_5'_',,_ _ MOlllll 18 8_~_"'_"'_ _
Status Abbreviation s:
PD~ Pre-Design P~ Pe rill itlill g
SD ~ Schemalic Design CA~Constr Ll c lio llAcllllilli strati on
DD ~ DeSign Developmen t rJc- Post ConstrLlcti oll
CD ~ Construction Documents

Fo rm Rr o -WC
r~e vised7/29/20 16
Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposer Team ,~

J(ey Personnel Workload Capacity
Instructions: Th is form shal l be com pleled for each of th e Key Personn el id enli fied in Form R FQ-QT. Month 1 is projected 10 start ~
Oil the 3'" mOlllh (DO days) following Ihe RFQ du e dale . (If Ihe RFQ is du e ill March , th en Monlh 1 w o uld be Jun e) . ,0
RFQ Titl e: UD .l t HJ LA / eng ineeri ng Wy nwoou NW 3l1J Ave n ue WOG nel f RFQ No.: 16 · 1 7·01~
- - - - -- c,
Nam e o f K ey P erso nnel : Irene Ballo (Stlcet PI,lllS, SlJi) Cont l ;Ktor) c
Title of K ey Pers o nn el (for thi s proJect)· Urb,1I1[)esi gnPr
Status of ;::
Nam e o f Project Owner o f Project Va lu e o f Project Role in Project
Project '\ '

M.l(jI C ( It y Inn ov,lIi o tl D istri ct TUP M'l q ic Ci ty ProP{~ lIt (><; I, Il C S 11 ,000 AI chi t ec t/ Oesigner DD
- -- -- - - L


AV<Ji lauiil ly ba sed 0 11 0/(\ o f tim e pc r mo nth "~


Mon tll 1 7')"0 Month 2 7'l ' ln Mo III h 3 _7.::.5_°0_ _ _

=::---- ---
Mo nt h 4 7';":" Month 5 ~IO"O Mo nlh G 50""
:-:-- - --- ---
Month 7 50 ')0 Month 8 SOOu Month 9 I')' }.., L
--- --:c:--- - - - ,+')

Monlh 10 _8_0'_'"_ _ Monlh 11 85% M0 n 111 1 2 8__;',. .X'_ _ 1~

--- ()

Month 13 8_ _" '_1:1_ _ Montl l 14 8:;% M 0 n til 1 5 ~8~s_n(,...

, __ ;.
--- -tJ
Month 16 }I')')" Mo nth 17 Wl% Mo nlh 18 8' ''0
Sialus Abb revia lio ns:
- -- -- ---
PD= Pre- Desig n P=Pe nniliing "
SO = Schem al ic Design CA=Co ll stru ctio n Acim ill lsiralio n :'="
DO = Des ig 11 Developm enl PC- Pos l Co nsil ucl ion ,0
CD = Co nslru cl ion Docum enl s 'J

Form RFO ·WC

Revrsed 7129/20 16


Request for Qualifications

Qualifications of Proposer Team
J(ey Personllel Workload Capacity
Instru cti o n s: This fO'1ll shall be completed for each of th e Key Personnci ide nt' lied in Forll l RFO-OT. Mo nth 1 is projected to s tart
on the 3'" month (90 days) fo llowing tile RFO due da te. (If tile RFO is due ill March , ti len Mo nth 1 wou ld be June).

RFQ Titl e: UD <1m.! U\ll: n gineerin<:) Wy rwwud NW j ill f\v c l lue WUUl l l't f RFQ No.: 1(,- 17-0 '19
- - - --
Nam e of Key Pe rs o lln e l: Sdrll GOel le r (S tree t I'I , nl ~, Su b (Ol llf,I(\OI)

Titl e o f Key Pers o nn el (for tillS project)· fie

", ,
Status of
Nam e of Project Own c r o f Proj ec t Valli e o f Proj ec t Ro le in Proj ect ',7\
Proj ec t ,~
Npw H ,1VC'1l Down t own Tr.1tl s pOt't ,lIi OIl PieHl City of N('w I lowen, (T >~0,0 01l Proj ec t Engineer 00
Hurl in ulon Quick Bui ld rlO ~Jram Cl l y of Burh n v l on, vr Publi C Wtllk s S6:',000 1', oJec l Engineer PO "-',
A shev il le Co mplete St reets Demon stratiun
City of Ash ev ill e. SC SoO,OUO p, oj cc l en gineer PO ~

IIViJi l<:lbillty ba sed on % of limc per month ;,
Month 1 _',....
0 '_'"_ __ Month 2 _"_ 0"_"_ __ M onth 3 _(,__
0'_',,_ __ n ,
Mo ntll 4 (lO'lo Mont h 5 _(,_0'_'"_ __ Mo nth G 7'>""
::c-- -
M o nth 7 7'j ' ~ (J
Month 8 _7_5'_
' ''_ __ Mo nth 9 IS' :..
--- ---
Month 10 no":, Month 11 -80% Mo nth 12 _B_
O'_::,_ _
- -- --
Month 13 _BO_'_',,_ _ Month 14 - "0% Mo nti, 15 c~__o_",_
, __
Montil 1Gil__ :"_ _ Montll 17 t\l)':" Month 18 1l: :.:. 11'__
''' _ _
Statu s IIbbreviations: ----
PD = Pre-Design P=Perlllilllng
SO = Schematic Desig n CA=CollstrLlction Atl ll li llistnJtlo l1
DO = DeSig n Development PC- Post Co nsil uclion
CD = Constl uction Docume nts

f-orrn Hi O·WC
Hevised 7f29/20 16
Request fur Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposer Team
](ey Personnel Workload Capacity -0


Instru c tions : This forlll shall be compleled for eacil of lile Key Pc rsonn el id c ntifleu in Form RFO-OT . Mon lh 1 is projecled 10 slar! o
o n lile 3'" mon lil (80 days) following Ihe RFO due dale. (If Ihe RFO is du e ill March , Ih en Monlh 1 wou ld be June). ,0
RFQ Title : un .ll1t! lJ\/ lllgineeling Wynw ood NW 31(1 Ave nue WOOIlCI f RFQ No.: IC. - II 019
Nam e of K ey P e rsollnel: Sherryl MU l i(' llt (' (S Ir-pe l PI,III S, Sub Conllclc\ o l ))

Title of Key Personnel (for thi s projec t)' I'llhli c Hr:I,)\ions ~ Pf' ( i,lli<, 1 "
Status of
Name of Project Owner of Project Value of Project Ro le in Project
Project ,0

BOlli!,) Spring') Df' lnom tr<'ltioll Project City of Boni!,) SPI i l \( J ~, rl ')30.000 Proj ec t Man,lger PD
f\ <, h evdlc Co mpl e te Streets Demons tratio n
Cit y of Asheville, SC $80.000 P, oj c,- \ Mana ger PD .c."



!\vai lnbi lily ba secl 011 %1 of tim e pc r mon U) "


M onth 1 )r" 'n Mo 11111 2 .:...
/,_,,,_,, _ __ MOl1lh 3 _
" .:...0'',,__ _ ~
- --
M onth 4 ')(l '! o Month 5 :>'_0_"_"_ __ MOl1lh G _
5_0'_ ''' _ _
M onth 7 7_S~'I_"_ __ MOJlth 8 lS""
--- Month a 75':0
"'" ;
Month 10 75"1, Montl1 11 75% Mo nlh 12.:...8',--'1.:,,
(, __
--- --- n
Monlil 13 _8_'''_'''_ _ MOll lh14 .:...
g~ " '_
':' _ _ M onth 15 H:i Hll
- -- o
Montll 1G }_"_"_'''_ _ Monlh 17 _1\.:...,'_''' _ _ Monlh18 8__
' ,, _ _ )

Si alu s IIbbrevin liolls :

PD= Pre-Desig n P=Pe ll11ll1l11g
SO = Scil ematic Desig n CA=Coll slru cllOll Acl lll111isiral ion ~
DO = Desig n Deve lopmenl PC- Posl Conslructio n
CD = Co nslruction Documenls ,z,
Form RFO -W C ""
He vr sed 7/29/20 16


Request for Qualifications

Qualifications of Proposer Team
J(ey Persollnel Workload Capacity
Instructions: This form shall be comp leled for eacl, of Ul e Key Person nel id enllfied in Form RFQ-QT. Month 1 is projected 10 sta rt
o n Ihe 3'" mo nlh (90 days) followin g Ih e RFQ du e date. (If Ul e RloO is du e in Mal ch , th en Month 1 wou ld be Jun e).

RFQ Title: UD dnt! U\lLngineeli n9 Wynw ood NW Jill Avcllue WOUI1L'tf RFQ No,: 16 17 04~
- -- - - -
Name of Ke y Personnel: AnthonyG,Hcj,) (Stree t 1'1.111\, ~u b- Co lllr,\Clm)

Title of Key Personnel (for th is project)' u""9" A.clI ;lecl, li.b.)11 U" '; ' II1(>'

Status of ,
Name of Project Owner of Project Valu e of Project Role in Project j:.,
Ml) rl,lI)~jJ()lt.l t ioll Ou ick-8ui ld Progr.1tn St l('(' t PI,lIl s/ Mi,lmi 0,1<1(" (m inty Se,a,ooo Project Manager PO



IIvailabl lity based on ";" of ti mc pc r mon th o
Mon th 1 )'l Oln
-:-:-c-- Mon th 2 _1'_'''_''_ __ Month 3 )5<)n
--- .,n
MOtl ill 4 2 '1'10 Mon th 5 2_'_"'_"_ __ Month 6 50".,
,,-,---- ---
Month 7 50% Month 8 7_'_'''_"_ _ Month 9 IS'}(l
--- ---
Month 10 75"', Mont h 1 1 75% M onth 12 IS' Y"
--- --- ---
Mon lh 13 _70_" _" _ _ Mon Ul 14 _
7_,,_,:,_ _ Mo nt h 15 _7.::.
5'_'''_ _
MOn tl l I G 7',"" Montll 17 _
7'_'''_''__ Month 18 7S""
--- ---
St<ltu s Abbreviations:
PD= Pre-Desig n P=Perrnitling
SO = Schem<lti c Design CA=Co nstructio n Ad mi Illstra t ion
DD = Desig n Deve lop ment PC- IOost Co nstl uctio n
CD = Constru ction Documents

Form HFO-W C
Requ es tfor Qualification s
Qualifications of Proposer Team
Key Pers onnel Workload Capacity
In:it"''.1C :j ,;ns " ~JS <:"- 3>'3 :-: : :::~:: ~.~.: ;~. eJ:,- ':" :~e K2: ! P~' 3: -r ,; 1 c-e-:l'e: ,,~: r~ ;:l:::: . .: - V ') -{- ' 5 p':p=;:' e:::: 5'3-,
:::r !:-e ~ . ,,, :;f"':- . ;: :..!. s ·e .; t. ,- ; : .... ,: F' ,= ) '::: Lo:' :::a :~ ( f : r~ ;:; F:) s ::: . . e 11 i\,13 r :~ :r~'" \ 1.; ... , ..... N~t. (; ::~ J .. " ~

' ;_' _'-_

RFQ Na .: _ >_::_ ___________

N ..r ne of j( ~ y Pers Oflre '; _-_"_"_-_' _'-_

- .-_ '_._ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __

SU !US of
Na me o · P,ol ec: Owner of Proiec ~ VJl ue of Project
Pro ject

'I j C' . , I. " ~ "I) N "

po= Pre-Des,s , P=Fe r-' lt: lrg

SD = $cner-:'1a:lc Ces ,g ~ CA =Cor strL.c:lofl ACr';"'lr ls:ral lcn
; ' De'Je
CO :: OesH cc rn ~ nt PC - P:s: Co ns:rucl:ol'
CD:: Corstr!JClIOr Dcc~men:s

;: :r- .. =: .... (
~" . s.K ':':0.0::'";

Request for Qualifications
Qualificatiolls of Proposer Team
Key Personllel Workload Capacity
------------------ ----------------------------
Instru c t ions: This form shall be co mpleted for eacll of the Key Pe rso nn el ide ntifi ed in Form RFQ-Q T . Month 1 is proj ected to start
on th e 3'" mo nth (90 days) follOWi ng th e RFQ due date. (If the RFQ is due in March , the n Month 1 would be June) .

RFQ Titte : WY NWOOIJ NW 3 1m AV LNUE WOONLH F RFQ No .: I (,- 1 7- 0~9

Nam e of Key Personnel : _M_'.:.'Y.:.9:..-ic_r_('_"_"_
" '_(_I(~'?-:-:-_______________________________ ______ _

Title o f K ey Pe rsonn el (for thi s project)- Pub li£.. Hclati()ll s ~ Il l'( i.di, t
Status o'f- - ,r.J"'
Nam e of Proj ect Own er of Project Va lu e of Project Role in Project ,"','
Proj ect
----- .- -- - - -- -- o
S tr dt c ~i c Po licy Dev elopme n t (County) New Floriud MdjO lity S25,OOO Led d 10% PD ~

r(,l lNa t PrOIJOS.11 Deve lo pm e n t JHO & As soci ates Open CO n l rJct As s l PM on-going

Hes ili cnt M i,ll ni Po licy & O utreach UrbLlIl IIll P,Kl L-lb S20,00O Po licy Lead 80% (II

IdluM IA Po licy & Oul l eac h Urbdn ImlJ.'lC t Lab S 15,000 Pol icy Lead 50%( A
I - - - ---- - - - -

!\V,lIlillJllity ba sed 011 ';', of ti llle per m onth oc,

Mon th 1 (,U Month 2 HI) MOllth 3 _H.:,.O_ __ 1

MOllth 4 HO MOllti l 5 gO Month 6 8_ 0_ _ __

MOll th 7 gO MOllth l\ 80 Mo ntll 9 _HO_ _ __
Mo nth 10 xo Month 11 HO Month 12 _fl_O_ __
Mo nt h 13 Btl MOlltll 14 ~ MOllth 15 flO
- --
Month 1G flO MOll til 17 BO MOil ti l 15 tl_O_ _ _
Status A bbrevia tions:
PD = Pre- Des ign P=Pc llllilii ng
SO = Sc llem ati c Des ign CA=Constructio ll Ad lnin istratio n
DO = Desig n Developm ent PC- Post Constru ctioll
CD = Constru ction Docum ents

Form HF- O -WC

Hevised 7/29/20 16
Request for QLlalifications
Qualifications of Proposer Team (,
Key Persollnel Workload Capacity ?
------------------ ~.

Instru ctio ns: Thi s form shall be cOlllpleted for eacll of the I<ey Personne l ide ntified in Form RFQ-QT. Montil 1 is projected to start
on th e 3'" Illonth (90 days) followin g til e RFO due date. (If th e RFQ is du e in Marc h , th e n Montil 1 wou ld be June) . ,n
RFQ Title : W YNWOOD 3HD IIV[NU E WOON[ IU- RFQ No _: 16·17·0 ~9 r
- -- ----
Nam e o f K ey Personnel: _N_IN_II_JO_H_N_S_O_N_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ "
Title of Key Personnel (for th is projecl) ' OWN LII "

Nam e of Project Owncr of Proj ec t Value of Projcct Role in Project

Status or--
Proj ect ,n
- .- - --- -- - -- - - --- C
MILJ10WN 29 MOIIGII N GII OUI' S I~O ,OOO Art Cons ult a nt Pe nding 0'
I'I, NN INSULII ON" 130C/\ LJ"V[LOI'MLN rs S I 00,000 Art Cons ultant Pending ,"
I w
- - - -,
flvill l' liJilrty t)ased o n 'y" o f tll11 e per m ontil

Mon ti 1 '1 iO"" Month 2 i ll"" Month 3 20 " "

Month 4 iO"" MO llth 5 ) 0'\, Month G -
20 " "
Mo nth 7 )0"0 Month 8 20" .. Month 9 20"1,
Month 10 21l":' Monlh 11 2U"" Month 12 - 21l"" ()
-- i-
Monlh 1 3 21l"I, MOl1til 14 iO"" Mo nth 15 20"0
---- l'
Month 1 G 20'1" Month 17 )11"" Montil 18 2.l_)"_
''' _ _
S tatus Abb reviati ons: "

PD = Pre-Design P= l" erl11illll1g '0

SO = Scllematic Design CA=Co ns truction Adm ini str ati on
DO = Desig n Development PC- Post CO l1stru cti on 7"
CD = Con structio n Docum ents

For m I~I- Q~WC

Re Vi sed 7/29/2016

Requ es tfor Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposer Team
Key Personnel Workload Capa city
In s tr uctions : T n.s f:rrn sra I ::e ::r"'r;:lelcc fer e3 cr ::;f tr e Key Pe rsof'ln ellcer.tifled In For:-n RFQ-OT f\,l cnth 1 IS p q ~::ed tJ 5:3r:
or Ire 3 -; r-ortr , 90 da IS I toitC'N'q; :re RFQ cLe cale (If the RFO 15 d L.e Ir ~la r ::--, tren ~l orti1 1 w Ot,;lc 'tJe Jur e

RFQ No. : _10_

""_'-_"0_"_' _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __

Name of K ey P erso nn el: 5.1"1 Goa:-2'r i Sue~t plans. St..8·Con{'Jcor

Tit le of Key Pers onn el (fo r IriS pr:Jjecl) : E':

Status of
Na me of Pr ojec t Own er of Proj ect j Va lue o f Proj ec t Role in Pr oj ect

C [/ 01 '1~"1 '-J'/€1. CT 1$:)0.000 DD


~.1:ri :1 1 '}.) t\1.:;r;h 2 50 1") Month 3 00 '

fl.! :rt" 4 5·) , ~,l crth 5 600 ') i\lcnth 6 75 ,
M:;;,,:r~, -; 73 r Marth 9 75 '<) I'vlcnth 9 75 0

~,I.:r; "" 1J 31~ I'vlor: th 1 1 a,: , I'vl ontn 12 3,: '<;

1"I.: rt'1 13 3'~' 1 I'v lcnth 14 30 ~ I\10nlh 15 3,} <)

!"'::-- 13 3,j" t\.l ;)nt~ 17 30'" Mcr.:h 133C"~

S "3:US A:: cr-:;'I'a:'ors
PO= Pre-O-=3 gn P=Pe r---:,t:,rg
SO = Sct'leT,a:IC Des gn CA=Sorst nJc~ : on Admr(" rstra:ron
00 = Oe ',,= ! c~rT:em PC- Pes; Cors~fl.. ctic n
CO = Co nstr uction Documents
;:"Jf'T1 ~F ::::: ,iIS

R~"s~! 7 :1:0'"
Project Team Organization

3,SC3~~O::-"; -~'

Local Office lanOSC3De and

Urb8!'1 OCSIgr
~~", " 'r 3~h ' 11

Wal+er ~ e\'er Sustainable "1i8ml Inc.

. r, :. ", : .. '.,.J.--
,CI ; ;;~", H. !-ar-mer. RCA Coastal 3ys tems

Intema t..oral, In c
: ,I ! , 'j

:: ~ ,,-,, " I 50

',," ~ 'oj.,,~~ ,.~ .. :~ .~r·

.1, -._ . • ,,"I ; """'L"",

:>.), ~:;; j. ), .)", ,

Tea m Stru ctu re


Our .:n rl.' J":,[':':l1 ("'.Im j, J ,nul I. ,L:;ik :;rUllj' llf \ j,)lllur:, k.hkr~ in th . . d i,.:i l,li rk', of r. . ~il iell[ L1nJ '(J f'~' Jr..::hill.'(IlHl'. urb,1I1 lk,iS"' .He-hi-
r.... (!llr~ .. lIhl':(),hUI J.:n,; i llc<.'rill':':, :\ ) 'illl:h. \\: !'r ~) f ")": [U \\IHk Idg:th,'r i ll J (1IILl bo r,Lri\'l' " brJilllrLh (," lJur 10.:.1111 ~lrLlL':urc: 111\ )r .... ..:],,\ . . 1:
r~·\..:mS!':, ,I rllu nJu hl .: or hi\ \' d l ,11l .1 [~·pi.:,d. hi"r.Jr..:hi.: .d pn .lIlli ,~.


L.lI:.d Oil!L': L.uhl, ... .1 I~( .m.! L' rh,1Il Dl',i;n \\ ill ,en.: .1\ ! h, le.un k hkr .1Il.1 puinr of.:ull ucr t;) ( pf'lkLt 1l1.11l .l g l' IIlCnL 5.hcdu ling .1Il,!
.I ,lmini,rT.Hi,m. ! ,h.·.11 Orric.- h. 1- c ! )!Hi,I.'~ .•hl, ':"1'.:r:,n:.' in ,\ orkin:; with mulri]'I.: diI'IH,. C, Hhlil LUH" .mJ ''lhlkk, ~. n ur nttict' i,
rn:"glli l ~·,I.h.1 LUhl ,,·.I;'.· .H...:hi(~Cl\lr.· tirm "(:': 11 !:I II " .1 III rh.· rolc <I t l'ril1ll' ,:; ,uh u ll.lllt. \\ '.' uk .: g.f.'.1f I'ri,k ill <JUf ,Ihillty h i lhq,kr,:
b,)kl dnign i..!,·.h ff.JI" th .: , [lId i,) 1ll.1 built r,·.liit .',· ,1nJ I\ l' h.l'.l'l'\(cn,i\( l· ''f'l'r il'!l \,.( "' c ur iJ1~ 1ll1lI1iLil-',tI'Q'pr(l\ .d , ,IIIJ k.l,1illg "::Ollllllli llil .r
JlICcljl1~\. \\ '\,.' .HI..' k I\dl \ II ~~ If ')1I f irlll ,)1 .I ei-. c .Q'I'f l).kh til "ullIl'n:hl'n,jl~' ,it~, J,·,ign. (Ollllllll!lir.\' ,'(' 1(,'" ,m.! rhl' ,lhil it l' W Cll]L!l'\)f.H,' II it:'
nlulril,k '[ .I kl'h,)kkr"


\\',' r'~ (l~"i.'': r!lJ t th,' :-\\'C hi \ ,'IIt1,· \"' I'llk rl' h J ~'II· If'J..\ prni,· ... : rll.l! 11 1.1 ~' r':ljllir~' rh ,' npc'r: inl'lI: ,)t' J II i,!.: r, ln~ , u f' .:..I"U::.ll11,
I h"r,t:lr, \\\,.' hi'" 1"'I:}',I"l! 1 {,,11:1 t: , r ~ : li , RF\~ :~ .l! dfl "T.' .I. dh' ':(I f , ... ,)lh Uir IIlS ~ r'H q' \\!l il,' ,I!") 1ll.Ill.lSln; Ih,' .'(::Ir:, 'It' .111
" \.1'.111,1 ,.1 \I,·h '1:' 'I'':' l.I:i ,r , [,1 h ~· , h!'!l'l~.1> Ih',(!,,: ,1111, rh, ':(lntr.k ·; i, 1II1c!,·f\ I.l I

, ~

Request for Qualifications

Qualifications of Proposer
In s tructi o n s (P lease ulllLle the attaciled adultl ona l page. as necessa ry)

Proposer sh~ 1I provlcle the following inforillation for ~tleast tlll ee (3) comp leted projects of equa l or grea ter scope, size , and complexity. P rovide
all required information and submlt til is Form for each proj ect. as requ ired by the RFQ. Fai lure to submit a comp le ted Form for each project may
res ult in the Proposer's Proposa l being rejected as non- re spo ns ive. r,efe l ence Form RFQ-PP-R must be completed for each Fo rm RFQ-PP
th ai is submilied.

RFQ No.: 'G- 17-049 RFQ Tille : LJrlJd ll De~ IUll & Lal1d scape Ar chite ct ur e/ Cng in ee ring Se rvi ces for Wynw ood NW 3rd AVE
Nam e of Pro p ose r : LOCAL OFF IC[ LANDSCAr [ AND UlmAN D[SIGN Nam e of Project : Miami Grand Ce ntral Pa rk
Addr ess o f Project: Mi,1Ini, FL "-,,
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- r-'
Name of Projec t Own er : Om ll! I P(llk We st Hcdevcloplne nl Assoc idli on Proj ec t Own er Contac t Nam e: Mil rk Lesnia k, Project Md lldgcr

Proje c t Owner Contact Telephone No, : 7H6.202.0530 Project Owner Contact E-mail address: marklesl1lak@gma ,

Brie f Scope of Proj ect and How Proj ec t is Similar (additio nal space prov ided): 1\ POP -LIP park. th e largest in th e US, conceived as a cata lyst for -'
rev il.ll il<ltion of n bligh ted Miami neighborhood and dc si9 11ctl for tll,lximull1 fl ex ibility: farm c r's rna lkcts, conce rt s, et c., and pass ive rec rea tion. c

Valu e of Contract (if applicable): Award ed: PHO BONO Actual : PRO BO NO N/A 0 ~>;

Basis for Difference in Valu e: _N_I_A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ __

Proj ec t Completion (no. o f ca lenclar cl ays) : Projecled : 180 A c lua l : _1_8_0_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ N/A 0 n
Project Geog raphical Location : 0 Urban D Rura l
Typ"-of Proje c t: _PUb1i<;,.r : :-K-e-Sl-il-
en-C.,:y--,.-- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ",

~ ,
By ~ 7 / 27 / 17
Sig n atur e of Aulhorized Representalive Date
Je nnifer [3o ls\(1(.1 PI ill Li pdl

P rinted Name Till e

Form RFO · PP
RevI sed 12/23/2016
Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposer
Please ut ilize the space below. as necessary .

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Form RFQ -PP

Rev'sed 1223,2016

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Request for Qualifications

Qualifications of Proposer
Instru c tions (P lea se ut ilize th e atta c:ll ed additional paye. as necessary)

Proposer sha ll provide the followi ng information for a t teast tlHee (3) com ple ted projects o f equa l or grea ter scope, size , and co mple xity. Prov ide
all required informa tio n and submit th is Form for each project. as requi red by the RFQ. Failure to submit a co mple ted Fo rm for each project may
result in Ih e P roposer's Proposal being reJecled as non-responsive . Re ference Form r<FQ-p p-R mu st be completed for each Form RFQ-PP
Iha l is submitted.

RFQ No .: 16- 17-049 RFQ Title : UlmAN DLo IGN, LAN DoC APE AIKH I I l:Cl UHl: AND l: NGINl: En IN G StHV ICtS 1·01< Wynwnu,
Naill e of Proposer: LOCIIL m H CL LAND oCAPL AND URBAN Dl: oIGN Nam e of Project: Mayayuez P,uquc del Litur,, 1
Address o f Projec t: _M_o_y_o 9__U"_'Z_,_I'_"_c_' t_0_H_i_co_________________________________________________________________________________________ --'
Nam e o f Project OWller: Ci ty of M,ly~lqllCl Project OWller C o ntac t Nam e: LUI SCltlhH-)Q, Pr ojec t Arclllt cc t C'
Project Own e r Contact Telephon e No_: 787.220.8633 Project Owner Contact E-mail address : IUIscamano@yahoo.cot1l o
Bri ef Scope of Proj ec t and How Project is Similar (add itiona l space provided) : A miles-long Water fron t park provid ing coastal resil,ency, SllSt,l"' - :.;
nbi ht y thlough phytol clll ecJid l ion.=ls we ll as (rell ti ng a fl exib le mu lti-use park / pass ive rcCtetl tioll spiKe . u
Value of Contract (if appli cable) : Awarded: 80,000 A c tual: _8_0:..,,0_0_0______________ _ _ N/A 0 .,

Bas is fo r Dill ere n ce in Val u e: _N_'_A_______________________________________________________________________________________

Project Completion (no. o f ca lendar days) : Proj ec ted: 540 Actual: _5_4_0_______________________ N /A 0

Project Geographical Location : B Urban 0 Ru ral

Type of Project: Waterfront/Coa stal , Pub lic P arks , Hesili e ncy
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v'< ·- 7127 /17
Sign?ture of Auth 01zed Represe ntative Date
Jpnnifer Holstiid Pr inci p,l l

Pri nted Name Ti lle

ReVIsed 12/2312016
Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposer
Please utilize the space below. as necessary.

P .'.~ ~LE C~_l - J;:.l~
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Re Vi sed 12 23,2016


Request for Qualifications

Qualificatio ns of Proposer
In s tru c ti o n s (P lea se util ize the atta ched aJdltlonal pay e, as necessary)

P roposer shall provide Ih e following informalion for at lea sl thr ee (3) co mple ted projects o f equal or greater scope , size, and co mplexity . Provide
all required in formation and submit thi s Form for each project, as requi red by the RFO, Fai lure to s ubmit a completed Form for each project may
result in the Proposer's Proposa l being rej ectecl as non -responsive. Reference Form RFO -PP-R m ust be comp leted for eacll Form RFO-P P
that is s ubmitted.

RFQ N o ,: 16- 17-049 RFQ Titl e: Wynwood NW 3rd Avenue Woonerf

Narn e o f Pro p o s e r : LOCAL OFriCE LANDSCAPE AND UlmAN DESIGN N a m e o f Pr oj ec t : Arvernc View Landscape Resi liency Improvement s , ,,
Add ress o f Projec t : _
1I_,v_c_,,_n_p_,_N_e_w_Y_o_,k_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
Nam e o f Projec t Own er: L&M DevelopmC'nt jl,H\n c rs P roj ec t O w ne r Co ntac t N am e: Jush Hd g9~1 It y, Pr ojec t M,lI1c1£j Cr o
Projc c t Own er Co nt ac t T eleph o n e No .: (2 12) 233-0495 P roj ec t OWll c r Co ntact E-m a il addres s: jh,' ggar! y'''''lllcJevp,lI !ncrs.colll
Brie f Sco p e of P roj ect a lld Ho w P roj ect is Simil ar (additi onal s['ace pro vid ed): " esilion! I,l ncl scd pe inf'ilst ru c!ure imp,ovemen ts for il multi-acre .J"
CO d ~ t Cl I hotl sing C('Irnpu s <.Iir el tly (;'I ci ng th e AU.lnli e ocetln wi ll prote ct I c<;iue nt<. (, 0111 SI Ollll Wtl t c r ,] 11<..1 se Ll surge ri sks, while credtiny more ue sir(1bl e public spiH. es. "

Valli e o f C o ntra c t (i f appli cable) : A wa rd ed : 15Y,958.00 A c tu a l : 159,958.00 N/A 0 "

B as is fo r Diffe ren ce i n Va lu e: _,,_1,_,_ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ -,
Proj ec t Co mple ti o n (110. o f ca lend ar days) P rojected: 180 Actu al : l ila (estim ated) N/A 0 o
Proj ect G eog ra phi ca l L ocatio n : 0 Urb an D Ru ral

Ty p e o f Proj ec t: C,,'~;;:I,::i·~kS. Hc\i lioncy

By :
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Sig n ature o f AUI ~o rized Representative Da le
Jf'n nif(' 1 l3 0 lstdd Prin eip,ll

Printed Name T itl e

Form f ~FO · PP
ReVised 12/23/2 016
Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposer
Please ut ilize the spa ce below . as necessary.

ARvER~E. r'-IEW YORK ;,,,h H ,(':;l'~
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Form RFO -PP
ReVISed 12 23,2016


Request for Qualifications
Proposal Design Approach and Process
RFQ Title: VVynwood NW 3rd Avenue VVoonerf

RFQ Number: 16-17-049


In the spa ce prov id ed bel ow respo nd to the requirements f or Design Approach and
Process as specified in the RFQ .

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Fo' t ne NY'/ 3rd Avenue \;'/oonerf we envision a continued evolution of our p ractice mar -
rying aest'let ics. use, sus t aina!:Jle prac tice s and resilien t systems deeply int eg rate d wi th
su rr o unding hard infrastructure.


With ou' pu!:Jlic stree ts cape projec t s at Miracle Mile / Giralda Avenue Wo o ner f in Coral
Ga'o les. ou' Gra nd Central Park project in Downtown Miami and various p rojec t s in the
Rockawa/s in coastal New Yor~, we've d eveloped an approach t hat bring s a uni q ue t ech -
nica l landscape / urban d esign praxis d evelope d in cl ose conversation wi t h t he comm uni -
t y. There 's a reason we 've called o ur fir m Lo cal O ffice . Ra th er t han approac hing a d esi g n
c hallenge from on hi g h and far aw ay, ou r wo rk lo o ks to embod y a c rea tive outg row t h of
loc ally -inspired cre ativi t y and func t ion. We d on' t sim p ly seek t o inclu d e t he co mmunity
brain t rust, we rely o n it.

Our community outreach includes b ut g oes beyon d t he usual civ ic and community o r-
g ani zation eng agement; we reach rea l, everyday cit izen s at t heir places of ownership,
shopping. liv in g. bo t h long t ime resi d en ts and t hose new t o a rapidly-ch ang in g neigh bo r-
hood like Wynwo od , c it izens commi t t ed t o see t he ir commu nity d eve lop, g row in vibra ncy
an d are t here f or t he lon g t erm. Some t hin g as simple as sc he d uling com mu ni t y outreach
duri'l g times when single parents are les s likely t o need a ba!:Jysit ter can have a dramatic
impact o n t'le varie t y of voices heard . Our team brings t echn ical expert ise; residen t s will
bring expert ise t nat's in herent in just having been a residen t of that community.

At t he sta~e holde r / business owner an d regulatory stratum, communication , coord ina t ion
RI (.I-I> \]'

Request for Qualifications
Proposal Design Approach and Process
Please utilize the space below . as necessary.

a'ld i'lclusi::J'l becornes para-nou'lt. Our work in Shorevi ew in t he Rockaways required

complex negotiation and interfacing between a vari-
ety of state ag~ncies city agencies and t he sensitive
t ra'lsfe r of Army Corps sta nd ards for coastal p lant -
Ing. DU(l'lg OU' d"velopment of Mira:le l"1 i1e. busi-
ness oW'"le~s 'vV2'2 hosted a~ a series of cha'-r2ttes t:J
stl~u!ate a vita l cl SCQLJ"'se on € v€ryt 'ling f(o .'";1 0 '/2" -
arch in g co""cerns about t1le ir needs a:1d visions Fo r
tne i'" p "aces of busi:li2ss . to deta ils II~e sic/2wa!.( v/ i d ~ h .
viicl2'l ing Fo r ci(cu!.~t : o..., a"'K! pro'lid --:9 so?c:e for a!
fresco d .ni'lg. e~:. Tnese cra'rettes dee;Jly informed
our des ign de'/e~o;J-nent and Impu!sed t he creatio.., of
a stag~e(ecl p'lcsing plan for cQ'lstruction to minim ize business d ls':o'lti:luity.

Ou' firm has "'Iorkecl i'l i"Lam i extensively a'ld one of our pri'lci;Jais. Walter Meyer. grew
uo i:"l tile a r e3. Ou'" cO llmu'l lty-basecl design v'lor~ has bee:l r2cog'l i:ed a~ the feclera l
level. 1.'1 A;Jril 2J13. t he Fecl~ ral Gove rnment recog'lizecl tl,8 flrm's partners' i'li tiati 'Jes for
rebui lcJ lrg a mcv~ r?si 1ie'lt Roc~a'Nay B2a:h \Nith the HLvnccne Sa1dj "C rarnoi:Jns of
Cha'l g,," award.


Vie e'1vision t he NV! 3rd A'Jenue Woonerf as a space bo~n fo r the commu'lity yet built
in harmony v/ith t ile NRD -1 master plan. A woonerf whe~e color, lig!lt, play, aesthetics
and social izing int2'sect. A facade- to-facade des ig n, as in our Glral da Ave Woonerf,
perhaps w it h pedestria'l -only sectio ns yet allow i.'l g fo r enoug h vehicle and service traf -
fic as requ ire d to keep the neighborhood eco nomic ally viable. The interac tion between
la 'ldsca,oe a~d a't. both on facade and in private prope rty. is key. La'ldscape 'borrowing'
existing facaje art to create space: landscape as aperture a ~ d fra.-"e .

The Woonerf will be a p lace not o()ly of identity and aesthet ic s but a space of innovation
in urba n resiliency A hydrology strategy must mitigate
Mlami 's fa"'loLisly intense down;Jours. which can shut
clow n serv ice. ava il abi lity of space and co mmerce. In
ou r Parqu e Littoral (Coastal Pa rk ) project in Mayag'
Puerto Rico, ,,",e showed how plan tings ca n creat~iv~e~l;y;:,c,~~~~~~~;
doveta il with a pla nn ed hard in frastructure buildout "-::,-;':;,;~~1: ~~~
sufficient to create pla'lt 'banks' of species both
a'ld beneficial (i'l MayagOez's case. provid ing phytore-
mediation of u(ba'l runoff befo re reach in g the ocean). %;;;...."':

A contro lled e'lv i'onment like a woonerf is a'l oooor -

turlty to reintroduce a'l d test custom -g'o'fln native
s;Jecles and create a bank. As the climate gets hotter
and storm eve'lts more intense (NOAA has estimated a 1-2% increase in ra ins torm inte n-

J '
Request for Qualifications
Proposal Design Approach and Process
Please utilize the space below . as ne cessary.

sity eac h yea') g'2e n in frastructure becomes even more valu3b le and benef icia!: a proo-
e(iy esta8 1l s ~ ed nat i'; e spec ies . for insta nce, evapotra nsp irates faster th e hotte r it gS!ts
(a siegle tree ca n tra nsfer 50-100 gal lons of water on a hot d ay) Th is tra nsfer creates an
evaporati ve coo lirl g ef fect: w o one r f as microcl imate , pro'j id i'lg reso lte f~o m t he heat-re-
tain in g st reets of t he co ncrete urbs.

N:?t v/o (~i'l g 9'-2-9 (: in frastr u ctu"'e is cr itica l: a series o f netvlo rked trees \N ill creat e a
v/o on er f not lc23b ly c o o ler t h a~ su rrou nd ing streets. Add it iona ll y. roots tapped in to
g roLJ 'l d Nat2 ( he lp m itlgC)te the pre ssu re and co nce rn of a n eie lJa:ed w a ~ e ( ta ':) le. T hus
g(ee rl infrast ru :ture has a d ua l be nefi t of g"oufldwater m itigatio n a nd coo ll :19 o f the
atmos:::> h er2. t NO press in g 1 ''l la:l1i CO 'l Cern 3, re li evin g p ress ure 2. nci d:::pe l d::: ncy 0 1 ha :-d
infra st ru ctu re.

Local Of fi ce t ~ ie s tJ l o o~ f:) (v/ 3 r d aid O'/c( d 2sig n for co nt in g-2 ,i cy Tn.:? most i~te n s:? rain-
fall event e '/2' reco rc!"d in r~ i a mi was 5.6 inches in a sing le holl'. OLl' 1'1 lracl2 Mil e / Giral -
da A ven u2 II'/oo n erf ca , h a'l d le 7 inches per hou r, to an tiC ipate fut Ll'" c li ma t e vo lat ili ty
and ra in fall event increases.

T he 1
'4 V/ 3 (d .A ;S'il;.:? 'vVo o'le rf ca'"' h2 1p clea n t he a ir not o nly b y" e i colP'"a;J i'l g ped 2 st"ia 'l
t raff ic t h rou9 ', a fecade-to-faca :! 2 des ign t hat eli m inate s CLl' 8 cuts and strategica ll y limit -
Ing combust ion -e ng in e ve hi cles but by t he ca refu l se lec t ion of S;J2C les measures t o have
hi g h carbon ai' sequestration ra tes.

Our Mirac le M il e / GlCalda A '/2 Woo nerf proved on min imum p la,t in g sta ., da rds for 1"11-
ami by netwo r ~i n g porous pa '/ in g. t ree ro ot s and surface abeya nce systems into a sin g le
storm'Nate r / flood reci uctlo n system. vVe envision t he sa me for the Wynwood woonerf.
We foresee a ra inwater Irr igat ion sy stem, which would red uce fer til izer maintena nce
(ra infa ll. normal lj acid ic. a ll ows increased nutrient uptaxe w h en cO'Tl;Ja red to ofte n al ka-
line mu n icl;Jal water sou rces)

Pla n ti ngs e,"l g2ge and interact wit h pedestrian movement . as ou r wo r x in Hlracle Mile,
w he re l i g~t, sca le anci t exture w ere coord inated with g roundco v2r and visua l In te nsity of
shrubbe r y, hi g 1e r i:l a r e:1S of slower movement a nd lighter in areas of greater ped:::stria n
act ivi t y

Local O ffice often p rimes and leads co mple x t eam s, unus ual for a la nds cape / urban
d es igner. liVe have a p roven capacity to shepherd a project to c omp let ion o n t ime and
o n budget Fi nal ly. we ha'le assemb led v/hat we feel is a lea d in g t eam composed of local
" ! laml firms a,d fi rms w it h roots in t he area, and f irms t hat are lea d in g lig h ts in t heir in-
dust ries.

v'le f in d t he N W 3 'ci A ve .o,ue Woo n er f o ne of t he more excit in g p'oj ects we've come
across In rece nt yea rs and hope to be able t o collaborate wi t h t he City and residents of
1'1 lami.

!{ I (} - p \1'

Reqllest for Qllalification s
Technical Capabilities and Methodology
RFQ Ti tl e: Wyn wood 3rd Avenue Waanerf

R FQ N umber: 15 -1 r -043
- - - - - - --

In t he spa ce provided bel ow r esp o nd to the r eq u irem ents o f the RFQ rega rding Technical
Ca pabilities and Meth od ol ogy .
U:cal C: c-'? L3~l!.;.:a::e 3"d L ro a ~ C).~5,g·~ ·S reputa: :on has beer, built on G;?Srg:' tha: a·:ts 33 a 5ca ce
o f ini.-=~a::r: g 3 -=:.·.)~e:l<:s ~\ I{h CGI'll1hlr'lt> ..,hlle le'.erag ng riatura ! lan ds.:: ape SlruCtJres pr~ces3es
tv :r-= a:~ a 1 i":eg:' 3~2c!. 1l~1"J'.3 : \e Itfras: 'ucture for the long ter:11.

In our a:,3 (tj ,\\ 'nnll' g P e s;lter~q Roc!'5 Garde n III A.rverne. ~y anc 111 our ""I)rh In Cora l Gao les as part
of ti'e team tI'a: bl.llt tile ,\ l lracie \I de / Grralda A~enue IADOnerf (both g9\ernlllent streetscape
;Jr:g " 3 ;~5 '.'.~ t;"'e:! D er-belj 8 '1 et;-:cs:f e"'.'rJr.mental a,1d susta ,raol-? d~S l g'1; hm\ tJ m a ~ e tr2
S~ ;7::?::. .:a::e i~:: sri: a ·j:e;.... ,)rna ·. \'2 ' 5j:a ce f0r tre ur~Jail raS ;C:?'1t bLt a cr:,.;c:ale'er;;ert cf the Cit:. '5
f3:)('C tha: an' ~:I.:r 3:~3 c:' ,(;ca l \l;ll ~ '~r3~'lltle s, Landsca~e and ma~=na ! s ar-? PO~'.~r.ul \.~CtJ(3 to
r~s::;..:r ..i tJ 11':::1''5':; clra:c Z:I-'25 ~\11de ~"')r~if'g 111 t3rdel11 \o\ lt h more trscLtara l ra'j Irfr3';:~~ICLr:J
ap pr'Jacl~es,

I/'I~ co:li-2,e C'•. r :~,;'. ~ ':' cJ'~C-2r3t G ~ CI'g ,'J f 1113',anals ard ser.s . : , '.lt~ tJ tl" e ~el-f:n~a::','2 q .,a 1:'2S c i
t i ~ef: Lbl.: s:;a:e =,::.~~er'"c= 3 'I..:v, 5 us tJ d:?e:l} ad\.lse client s as tJ ';\re'2 tJ pr'or lt ,l:? Imestrren:-·
,,.,~ e ( = tJ 5': (T'~, .\ ;':::'2 to 5': .,.(6= -- ret a : s;:ere IS the Sa 111 2. Oepend ,ng on Its alloca: .on It ca n
ha.e a c s~r~c.;'· ·., )i'a:e efLec t on t!'e 9\ ;Jer:ence of the end use r. A fel,'., bo le! ele ments can gJ a lon g
~.. 3: t o\\ 3 'j Irel'10r"3C:e p lacelila;,.,n g, \',hd e pcorl~ chosen tac!,g~J un c elernel"!t5 wea r a ,\a~ at a
bUGg-=t ~\'tn IWlIted flnal lf'n pact.

F l na ':~ , \O\N !'Ir:g 111 iWU3 : r-26'0115 'lve a ~e e\penenced in neg'Jtl a: ,ng an ef;ect l\ e path t h roug~l
s ,:ua:,or.s IP',c\'r 5 a ~ a "et~ o f sometiiTeS com petlrg pubhc 'pm a te Interests, Loca i Of:"lce h;qJ el~t: ~
flrds It5e f a p r: l~ e a 'd tea"', lea::er G,;e t J our prO\en tr3<: ~ record of na. lgaLng comp le \ reg'Jlat)r,
IS3l.eS, scrne t i' II'g t!~a: se ts L;S a ,::;a~ from oth2( lancscape I urban desIgI1 pract ices.


Tne e:-:g 1'8ers a 'le s.,::entlSts at Ard3 ....'an ha \ e pro\ rded ser. . lces on ten s of tnous3f',CS of pr0Jec ts
rang:n g f(Jm s llig'~ - fa mll~ resrder,ces to billion ,doilar ind ustrial com ple,es.

\.\:? prOLe ';, 11It?-?t til ~ cemar.c s of a '1> project. an)\\ here . r-.o ma tter ho\.\ l a r g~ or small )'Jur
en g'neerrn g need . cur d-2d lca'_ed staff a ~ proaches It 1;\0 101 enthUSiasm and our fu ll arra:. of resour:es.
Ih lth mer 55 years of bu ildl rg the t,,(da l~l an br3 :1d. ~\8 accept notll lng less than compl ete sa: ls;a ,; tlon
on all projects til a t bear our name.


Foundec 111 1\ 1131111 Beacllin 2009. Street Plans IS an a VII a rd-\o\ inning urba n pla nnin g. dcSlg'l. and
resea rch. a::hcca:) finn \.\ ;th oif.ces In \ lIa l11l. Ne\V Ya rh Ci t>, and Sa n Fra"clsca. Our firm IS hnO\\ n
for 3d '. ar clIl g Inlio\ a~ )\ ~ pr3ct ,c es to test and IInplerncl1t prOjects for a range of publiC. pm· a~e. ane
nOli-profit c lients. TtlfOugll Ute publ ication of fou r open-source gUides, and one i ullle'1g!h bool,
publ is hed b~ Is:a rl d Press. \0\ 8 t"l a\ e become the ste',\a rds of the Internationa l Tact ica l Lrba nlsr'1
mO\811le1'L Our r-2sea".: h and ad\. oca q \\ orh has a lso gl\. en s ha;Je to tu PICS mcludlllg open s ~ reets.
publiC marl,et desig'" and pub li C space ste\vardshlp.


BiSCA'y \J E EV3 ,' jE~P 1 V:; CO\F' -\ ,\ ) , I\ IC. IS a full ser.lce Sur\e: Ing and Engln ee nn g COf:t par\
loca ted III Sour!' Florr da a l~d It has been Since Its founding mo re than 100 ~ eal's ag0, 1/'1'3 are
ccmmHted to cr~at,n g I nn ~\ a t.l.e solut,ons for the cha nging demands of ou r c lients and our
en...lrOr'r.-;en L BISCA' \E ras been dc,?pl ~. IIh 01\ ed and IS e \ treme l~ \\e ll \;:; rsed In ~\orhH1g "', lth ln the
Request for Qualifications
Technical Capabilities and Methodology
Pl ease utilize t he space below , as necessary.

ha.3 cOr1 t. nuous i:- a'ld ;JDrrl'-;-=nCy t. -=~ n Invol',ed In plannin g and de','S'I'Jpmg t;"'Ie S:)uth Flond a r-; g Jr.
BISCAYI'i E C'". fi -:: n ~ Ji holes CJnt:3 ::ts 1,v tn the Cll} of i\1. arnl. Cli.y of h. Clt/ of Holly wcod . i\1 a l~l·
D3s-:: COUf"':L! and t'12 Flo(:ca D~ pa ,,: '"':;-;-rt of Transportation (Di strict 4 and O I Sl~ l(: t 6 \.

Our contlnu-sd pres-snce and cornr"ll: rr:en t to this commun ity has given us the opport unity to g3 1n a
\J3 5 ~ ~ no\" I ~:g:: ~ f our loca l cxc : .»1"1 5 Ir.cludlng surveying control. 'W llethEf It IS a rna v=( of pr Jpe:tj
boundaries. section corne~s . or :crt~Ji mOriume nt,;, BISCAYN E has an arch!'/'9- of da:3 that IS second
tJ ncro:? 0 ', -::( ~ h·-= ,'=3(:;. S:SCA Y' jE rla s tUiIt a massi" '? libra ry of (-2S0UrCES and documents that ha ', e
prOI,.€- f' ir" ,::liuabl-= and a ~ .c:.. :J f: -=n r,=fsr'·~C to by g')ve rnrn€n t agencies. prl'/ 3:e en glr,eerlng firms. t;---=
leg3 1~ro fcssicn and the pub!,,:.

Coa.3~a lSysterTs Intel"naLtJr,a l. Inc . ( C oas ~ al Syst-=rnS J has an esta blished reputa t:on for prov iding
Sol'Jt.ons tv cornpl-= x pr::Ject.3 In to"..; coast31/\v3teliront environment. For o'ler 20 l :;a ~s . we ha Ie
h€lp-=d cll-=nts rea lize th-=If v's:')n by eng'neerlng cost-effectrv'S solutions in the d-=slg,,: of mannas.
bea:;'es. cr3hore/ne a~sh':re c::as ~a l st fl.lctures and pfl',ate island cest rna : lcns.

Ills 113'1'S a ·ra3se S s , g~d cant =X;:':;-~ I .:;"": ce In manag ng proJ~c ts t!lDu gl" ') out Flonca. tile Ca ntcea n
and the ,-l.,l1encas. Fror;, II": cr a I field Inl,. est,g3 tlons including hydrographic surveyl!1g and marne
resource aSSeS.3i",lents tr' DU;~ t:ern1I ~ l ng. design and con struction. I;\le pro'/lde cll ent3 wltn a fiEld-tD-
fini sh solut,on .


A natl'/c- tv!. ? ~l a ,1 \V,t!, n:cr:: t.'1a·~ tll l-:y-t:lrE:: y~ a r 3 of prof2s3 ional e\;:-ensnce In tropical a:-rd
sutt~op lcal r,ort lcu1ure . Par'::cl:la'· 2 (;Je r::se In a r~orlcultu re . la ndscape rn a , nt~na ;-,c e. i nte g'-a ~-= d
pest rnanagsf:~ e nt. pl3n~ nutrlt!on . h~9 rr:a'1ag-=rner:t dUring construction. tree reloc a~ lon, plant
appra 3al. al"' C t:-2e n5:< a'1a '~,sl s. AC',ISe j:r:)~erlY owners and managers, lands.:a;::e Indu s~ rJ
prof9s3 lcnals. d-::v91oper3. ar:hl:er::ts. a .... C englne2rs. Provid e on-site con s IJ lta~,on s . r:re pare t::c hnlca l
repo l1s and spe '::lf ica ~ l on s. pr J'.:;:Je p(:)Ject Ol,.el·S l g~lt. foren sics and exp..;rt testimony 111 lega l cases.


E SCIences . Ir"'co rpora tsd {E SClen.:::eSlI S an environmental. englneeflng and ecolo g ca l consulting
firm provldlng :3 Wide ra ngs of ser',lce s to clien ts III both the publ iC and priva te sectors. E SCienCeS
was formed In 2000. bringing tJg-=t~er a team of profeSSiona l and technica l staff members With a
long history of successfdll:i e'<':?::u ': :rg pr:::>Jects throug!,out Flonda and the Southeastern United
States . E SCienCe S' f ..JI1darnen~al pl";I!2S0~hy IS ba Sed on ·' responslvene ss . eX;Jel1lse and Cl"2a ~ dl g
va lue for th ei r cl ie nts. "

E Sci ences de11V2fs stron g pr)Ject m a n ag~ rnen t. co mprehensive mul ti-disciplinary services .
knowl..;dgs- of speCifiC regiona l Issues . re le'/ant experience . and ded ication to technical ex::;ell -= nce .
ThiS expertise q ua li fieS them as leaders In the ir f ield . They understand the cha ll el1g~s fa Cing private
companies and g)I/ernmen t agencies. Irlcludlng schedulin g constra ints and shrinking budgsts. and
respor.ds by s:n... cunng he pOJect tea m to dell~ e r hlg'1 va lUe and ex::e!!en serviCe .

E SCiences W3S founded on the cel lef that they cou ld consistent ly perform better Ula n their
com petitors bj p ro~lc!ln g qua llty. re lia ble service s rega rdless of the size of the proj ect. T he~ a pply the
same pr:Jfessloral and technological eX;Jertrse to their services whet her the prOject IS a sr"'1all SIngle"
So;;(\'C2 cont:-act or a !arg2 - s.:a l~ mul tidiSCipl inary eff.xt.

Request for Qualifications
Technical Capabilities and Methodology
Pl eas e uti lize t he s pace below , as necessary .

sl\ l l,.\ / Susta ina!Jie ,\ Iiami provides your team with 20 years of knowledge and re lationsll ips in the
public sector. , " ,",ether it's educating and advocating for your prio rities. strategic communications
a~d publ'c ou:,,o3:h . gO'lern ment or pub lic relations. or proj ect manag<;ment. s\II.~ I Susta 'na:Jle
~ I ; ami is ready to ass ist yOU in na \,ig3~ i ng through complex governmen t and community structur2S in
an efficient manner to ach ie',e your cesired goals with proven results ,

Susta inable i\l.ami is Disad ,a ~ ta5ed Bus iness Enterprise Certified (No.15369 ) &. i\1:ami-Dade County
1\l icro ' Small Business Enterprise ISBE I Certified (No. 157311.


Direc tor / O'hner of Nina Johnson. for'11erly known as Ga llery Diet. i\l iami. FL. Programming higllligh s
incluce th" fICst 1\l lami €,< hibi:;ors of art ists Jo nas i\le'as. A.vol Erizku. Ann Cra ·l<;n . Katie Stout . Betty
and Francesca II/oodnlan. RJcilell e Feinstein . Clifford Owens. Aki Sasa mo to. Christy Gast. Brid g<;t
Baver. as I'.ell as a l ter~a:iv e pro;ests I',i(h Proyectos 1'Itravioieta and !'Irtblog A~blog with J'Jshua
A:Je lo'h , i\ila mi based a:tis's exh ibl:ed include Shaeti Baxter. Em mett i\l oo re. and Nicolas Lobo . The
g3!ler; also ma~a6-ss the pub li c art proposais and commiss ions for g3 Uery artis:s. Bhakti Ba\t~r .
Nicolas Lobo. Emmett 1\loo r2 a lG Ed ,v in Beauchamp. among others.


-1 6

Request for Qualifications

Qualificatio1/s of Proposed Lalldscape Architect
In s truction s (Please ullliole \tIe <'l Un ched ?dtl ll lnn <ll page, as neLeS.,,,r y)
Proposer s llall provide the l allo wing information for al lc ast three (3) completed projocts where th e individ ual idenliried in th e Proposer's Proposa l
serveu as th e Landscape Architect , as de fin ed in the RFQ, for the stated proJecUphases. Each project subm itted sh ou ld be o f equal or g re ater
scope, size, and com plex.i ty . Provide all required in fo rmation and submit ttlis Form fo r each project. as required by the R FQ. Failure to submi t
a co mple ted Form for each projec t may result in Ihe P ro posal be ing rejecte d a s no n-re spo nsiv e . Reference Form RFQ-LA-R must be co m pleted
for each HFQ-LA Form prov,ded .

RFQ No .: 1G·I/·049 RFQ Titl e : UrlJrtrl Oesrq n (lIiU L~lI dscc=t p e Archl tecture/Cnglneering S ervices for Wynwood NW 3rd t
Name of Proposer: LnC<'I 1OHl eo L;:'lnrJ sG<'Ipe & Urban Ocsiqn Name of Propose d Landscape Archite ct: ~J~e:..n_n...j..:fe:..r..:B:..o:..l..:s..:li:.
Jd=-____ ____ _
Name of Project: Arverne Vi ew Rp.sillenc.y
Addres s of Project : 57- 17 Shore Front Pkwy, Arvernp. . NY 111iD2 o"
Name o f Proje c t Owner : Arveme PI p.sp.rv~l l() n LLC Pr oj ec t Owner Contact Name : _J_O_s_
ly_ _ _ __ __ _ __ _
Proje c t Owner Contact Telephone No.: 1l4G-S27 -7229 Pro je c t Owner Contact E-mail arJdress: jha m Co
Brief Scope of Project (additIo nal spa ce provided ): DOSlnn of reSIlie nt sys lollls 'Hld 1;lI1dscape improvements resul ting in a comprehensive resilient
system s sco pe for Ihe Arve rne View bu ildings and site

Value o f D es ign Fees (i f i:lJ-l1J1i cable): Awarded: 159 .9[)H.BO _ _ __ _ _ __ Actual: 159.9S8.80 N/A 0 ~
Ba si s for Diff erence in Valu e: _N_'I\
_ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __
Value o f Construclion (if a pplIcable ): Award e d : 1.U ' OAOO 00 A c tual : 1.81O.4UO.OO N/A 0 ()
Ba s is f or Difference in Va lu e: _N_' I\
_ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ o"

Proj ec t C o mpletion (no . o f ca lenda r da ys ): Pr u je c leu : J(J() A c tu a l: 3GO N/A 0

Type of Project: El Desi gn· llid-Bullu D Des,gnlllulid 0 CM @Flis k 0 O Uler (spe cily): _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _
LEED o r Green Globe Cert ified Pro je c t: 0 Ye s E1 N o II yes . lev el of C erti r i c~ t io n : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _
Was work p e rf o rmed as ~ n employee of th e Proposer? El Yes 0 No
, 1
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) r
S IQIlCl t\lr e o f Au lhorizm.J Officer a le

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Printed N;1!ll 8 . tue

Rf{ j LA
Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposed Landscape Architect
Plea se utilize the spa ce belolV , as necessary ,

.l, rt\/~R ,',E. ~ , E~'J J.b:' H ,!~;,:(r:-::
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Request for Qualifications

Qualificatiol/s of Proposed Lal/dscape Architect
InstnJ c tioll S (Plfl;;t!,;"lll i lli / e ti le ::IU'l ched ilddll lOIl<l1 p.l ~8 . a"i npCp.<;!.;1fY)

Proposer Shdl! provide the followi ng informatiOI1 fOf i:lt IC;'lst til l eD (3) compl eted proJocts where the 1Ildividual identified in the P roposer' s Proposa l
served as tile Landscape Architect , as defi ned in the RFQ , for the slaled pr OJect/pha ses. Each project submitted sho uld be of equal or greate r
scope, size, and comple xity . P rovide all required 1Il 10 rrll CtliuIl and subnHl IIl1s Form for each projec t, as re quired by the RFQ . Failu re to suomi!
~ co mpleted I"orm for ea c tl project may resul t ill the Propo sal uei llg l eJe cted as no n. re s po nsive. Referen ce Form RFQ-LA-R mu st be completed
fo r each RFO ·LA Fo rm provided .

RFQ No .: 16- 17-049 RFQ Title : UrlJilll De::;l wn and L ~I I1U SC dpe Ardlltecl ure/CnYll lee ring Services for Wynwood NW 3rd t

Name of Proposer: LOCAL OFFICE LANDSCAPE AND UH Name o f Prop ose d Landscape Architect: JENNIFER BOLSTAD "_.

Name of Project : Mayatjue z. Pi=Hque del Lilural
Address of Project : Mflya \Juez. Puerto R,co 0
N a me o f Project Owner: City of MetyrtllUez. . Proje c t Owner Contact Name : LUI S Carn;~rio . PrOIect Arcll ite ct Z
Project Owner Contact Telephone No.: 787 .220.B!i:U Project Owner Contact E-mail address : luiscamano@ yahoo ,com "mc
Brief Scope of Pro ject (add iliuflal s pace prov ided): 1\ rnllp.!'.·lu n~l Wnl(~ rl ron l p<1rk l'fOvldin~ coac:;t<'ll resll,enc.y. 5U$I<'I 1I1 -
nbrilly ttH ough plly l o reme£J lcliIOIl;t ~ wp.1I ;.:I S cred trt1!-l a flexrlrle rmrltl-use I )~rk I P;1SSl ve recrealron spa ce. '.'
Vallie of Design Fees (if a pplica ble): Award ed : tlO.OlJIl A c tual : 80.c·O'-O
' -_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ N/A 0 _.
Oftsis for Diffe re n ce in Valu e : _N_I_
A_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ c.'

Value of COll s tru c tion (i f applrcatJle): A warded: Actu a l : _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ N/A 0

0 0
B:l s is fo r Differen ce i ll V a lu e: _ __________________ _ _ __ ________________________ _

Project Completi o n (no. o f cale lldar uays). Prujected: A c tual: _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ N/A 0

Type o f Proj ec t : D DesIYIl-Bid ,[]u llcf 0 lJe siy nl8ullu 0 CM@Rlsk 0 Olher (s pec ily) :
L EE O o r Gr ee n Globe Certified Project : 0 Yes 0 N o If yf'!s. le,, (~l of Ce rtificat ion : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Was work performed ClS a n employee of the Pro p os er ? D Yes 0 No
l3y '. ' \- .. .. ' . - - - - . - - - I; "
'1_I j -l...l._ _ __ __
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.\\ 1\1 \ 1I It, .{. ,.l·.\,-
. ,\ ,

P nnl cu Nallle

" .\ \ ..
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1'1 I) I II
Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposed Landscape Architect
Please utilize the space below. as necessa

P4.R~LE CE _ Ll7:iiiAl..
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Request for Qualifications

Qualifications ofPro/lused Landscape Architect
Instru c tion s tl 'J!'!;'! ; e ul li l/e th~ <ln~ Ghed f'Hhllhllrm llJ;1g e . as nt~l.e Ssil r y )

Proposer sll dll provlue Ihe following illiurmation for (.1110.<-151three (3) completed projects wh ere the indiviLlual identified ill the Propose r' s P ro posal
~erved as tile Landscape Architect . as defi n8u in the RFQ, for the stated proje cUpl1ases . Each project submitted shou ld of equal or greater ve
scope, siLeo and com~lex ll y . Provide <=til required information and sulJllllllhis Form for each project, as required by the RFQ. Failure to submit
a completed ... orm for each proj ect lI1ay re suH ill the PropusCllbciny rejected as nUll-respon sive . Referen ce Form K FQ-LA-R must ue compl eted
for each R FO LA Form provid ed.

RFQ No .: ' 0-17 -04Y RFQ Title : Desl!-In ;;Ind Land sc<'l pe Arclliif}c\lHc/[nglllf!p.rinq ServicE:~ s for Wynwood NW Jrd I-
Name of Proposer: LO CAL Of- f-I C[ LANDSCAPE AND UI~ Name o f Proposed Landscape Archite c t : JE NNIF ER BOLSTAD u
Name of Proj ec t : SHOll EVIEW I~ ESILIE NCY GARD[N c

Address of Pro ject : 92-22 ilol1<'1nd Ave . Fd( Huckaway . NY 11693


Name o f Proje c t Owner : Shoreview AlJartmcnts Projccl Owner Contact Name : Dr . J;:mie Simmons. Board PIPs idAll1
Proje c t Owner Contact Telephon e No.: 718 -887-41 08 Project Owner Conta c t E-mail address : jesimrnons07@Q rn<Ji l.c(Jm
Brief Scope o f Project (additional space provided ): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __

Srni'l ll -s<:<1te rC51111:'!n1 infraslrlu..:llll e . •1 f100rl tJarne r wllhttle IIlIed O;.jI!J~n feritur lllq (tunc rwtlvcs adapted to st'liine wind s and occasional inulltlatloll . '"ar
Value of Design Fees (If applicable): A w ard ed : [;[)IIO _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Actu al : 6000 N /A 0 13c
B asis for Diffe r e nce in Valu e: _N_'_
A_ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _


Value of Construction (i f ap plicable) : A wan.l c u : 4()OOO A ct u a l: 40000 N /A 0 is

Basis for Differen ce in V allie : _N_'A
_. _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ()
Proj ec t Completion (no. o f calendar days): Proj ec ted : UO Actual: ,10 N/A 0
Typ e of Proj ec t: EJ Deslgn -l3id-l3 uilcf 0 Deslyn/Bllllel 0 CM@I<lsk 0 Ollier (speclly) : _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
L EED o r Green Globe Certif i ed Proje c t : D Yes S N o If ye s, level o f Cer ti fl(_.r1t iun : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __
Was work p erform e d a:; a n emplo yee of lh e Proposer ? El Yes o No
. - '- I \ ' "

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Printed N81lle 1 iUc
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Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposed Landscape Architect
Please utilize the space below . as necessary.

S."10R:::v ' E'At R'::SILlE',:Y G,l?::'E',
P'JC«. ..l,'. .l'( Bc:l.CH. V (
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i?eqllest for Qualification s
Qualifications of Proposed DesigJl Ilrchitect
Ill s trll c ti o IlSjPl p,.h e u\ili/e til!;:! dlt.,H) I(; d c1UJI \I()lldlJ)HljP, (:!i' Il et.e~~<1I'n
PIOPOSC I s il,,11 pl o vlde lile foi IOWIIl\) IIlfO ll l1ollon for 31ledsl tl il ee (3) cOIl'l)lcl eu pl oject:; w h ele lile Illdlvicill<ll luell lrfled IIllhe Propos""s Pl opos<1 1 ,0
selved CI S tile De s iYlI Ar c llite ct. as uefrned in lile 1, 1·0. l ur tI ,e , loleo pl oJecls/pl",ses. (O " c h pr ojecl s uulllllled silo uld be of cqudl or gleatel .-,-
scope. SILe, iJncJ cOlll~lcXl l y . Provluc all required Hlforrndlioll and suunHt IIllS I- arlll lor each project. as required by the RFO F 8li UIC to submit
;'J CUfnpleteu I- ur lll for e.:Jcll 1J1oJect Inay ICsull lli Ole f-J rupusc.ll bCltly lej ec te d <..IS nUl l-resp unSlve . f~deH:~ l1 ce f- orlll R FO-OA R must bo co mrlcl c d

fur each For lll F, f 0 DA sllblllilled

RFQ No 16 11 U· I·' R F Q Titl e l Jl) I limd"(dpr' A.rcl ll tcdule / rll l JIIll'c rr r1< } ~l'rV i lf> l or Wy n wood NW 3rd AVelll l(' WOllllPd

N,tl I11 C o r Proposer: L, I( ,II 0 1l1u-' L.Hld <.( ,qw 1\!(__1111L' c..tU I l' ~_ N ame o f Pr o po sed Oes iyll Ar c hilect: Alllhuny (,dl( ld C.d lee t l'ldm, ~ub (on tr.l ( I (If)

Nam e o f Proj cc l: Uly uf PUll dl' I,I Y H Illl ,wny 20U Mrl'>te r r'I. !!) drIll ~u l r1\ Il <l ~ l'd l.ode
I\dd rcss of P ro j ec t : 2BU fou l I II SI I ".:1, I \HH 1~'lrty, II) 8JSr;) ,-
Name o r Pr oj ec t Owner: uf l 'O ll l li' l,lY
(Ity P ro j ec t Owner C o ntact Name: Lllk IJluiJd l..e l
------~--------- -----------------
Project Own e r Contact Tel e pholle N o,: ,'OB F)')<'I'1 {)t) ~' r ojcc t OWli e r Contact E -rn a il adLi ross: f) ! ~Ul ne l(~ ponde! (ly .(jI~1
- ---,---
8rie f Sco p e o f Proje c t (<:lddl llullrll spac.e provId e d): UJ II ILI( ~ f_J\.-l '~~'l ("'f 1'1,1 (.1,1 (1<.1 new ~ () I III 11<.l'.('d cod !' lUI lhe l.lly o f Ponderay, 1 h e code PItJPosed <.ot hfYIf1 (l '"
11,,' U'.C' q ll (,IllPtll,lIY <, IItH tlll('<' ,, <, kqlllll1dll"' f011ll flf In\" 1I1l 1 d ("'ve h )l lOlf'll l , cl'o we ll ,1<' ne w dl<.\riLl, lJulldIlH), 1I1ld '>IIPp l <" Cdl " ' sldIH.i flrds. 10 (I("lle a mo,1"' dc n se I..I l y.
---.-----.- -.--.-
Value of Desig n Fee~ (I f ;)ppllca iJle): Awa rd c d: ') 11 :',000 Actual: S II '),lhlO N//\ 0 -1

BaSIS for Diff e re n ce ill V a lu e:

Value of C o nstru c ti u n (If nppllcdble) Award ed : A c tlJ ,) I: ________________ N//\ B

Oasis f or Diff e re nce III V a luc :

Proje c t C OlllpJ eti u lJ (no o f c dlendd l tl dyS) Projecled: _1_, "_'_ _ __ _ Actual: 00 N/A 0 r

Type o f Projec t: 0 Oeslg ll- lJld- l lu lld 0 Oesl~n/Uliliu 0 CM~" , sk B OU,er (specify) . lOllldu, 1'1,,,, I f OII'll -II,l <,ed Code
L EE D o r Gree n G loile Certi fi ed Project: 0 Yes B N o If ye s. level o f Ceillficali on ___ ['

Wa s work perfonned a5 a n employee of lh e P rop ose r ? D Ye" B Nu
C-" _.---r 1~~I, _2_.o_n,----_


, S 'gnalure of I\,-
~lrlor~icd O lflcer .'.
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P'I!lt1cJ Name Til'"

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----------_ . --------- -- ._- --- -------- _. .---------.
Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposed Design Architect
F le 3 S~ u t : I L:~= t~e sr;a :e below. as neces33r;

T X ' j S~· , e': 3; t ~' ~ ::: ~oj ·~( ~ l\' arJJ~ r hr :::.: ... tr2 ':Jr;,CT ,\\ a$ :~ r? dl a1C rO,';"'1 , SJ;2C (0·-::e. H-:'! n'd ce n' !..:l: ~ I e v'; :;:0 Corcc>r3j
C .yir,; l ~ C: 3~ J lj l .s d l d :,:)L..c:ic C Jtf2.:!(;1-: 1= ' 0 (-;: 5:> a - d M O : ~ 'Gc; i ;r ej t:-. -2 (cd,:> r..: lo:~-;;otd jp, ,J ', ;H lve L0"12 C...J; !ClllJ 3r d
": i ~ ': : 5 CJ': .:' >:J !"l;:!Jr.::!; irt) t i t::' CJdl.!, r~ C'Jmr4.:-r .::: ; i0 t~' e ( .:c! f:caton of t="'"' J03,/ str:.Jct:..r-:-; as a st; 3H~g/ fvr tn t~ ri n' prcp~ .~j
/{cqllcst for Qllalijicatiuns
QlIalificatiolls of Pruposcd Desigll ilrchitect "

In s tnlctioll S (i 'l'"'o1se l ll lflJ'e flip. allcld1f·,j F!, l\I I!I(lfl ;:t1 p<'lye <'I S fl ef.f''''~i'l r y )
shall PI uvru e UIe foll oWlllg Ilifol i ll dtio n for at lea st thl ce (3) complcluu PIOJlx;ts wll e ll:~ tile it l(Jivruualrucntlfreti in til e Pr o poser's PI o po s~il
selveu a,
the Desig n Architect. 8S del II leu III lile '<f'O , l or lile sid led prolCclslphases. Each pl oJect suullllllcu shou ld be of equa l or gle<Jtcl '"
scupe. !:-IL8, .:HlJ cO lllple xlty . F)rovi de all requ ired information (:) t HJ su brllit UII S I- UI II I for cd cl l proJect, 35 requir ed by the R FQ . Failur e 10 su bm it
a cUlllpleteu r or m for each pro ject may re sult in tile Proposel l bC l l l y reju cleu dS IIOIl- re sponSlve Reference Form R~Q -DA- R lIlu st be completed
101 ede ll I 01111 RI-O·DA subillitted .

RFQ No 16 - 1/0-1',.1 HFQ Title : un , la nu:.(., p c A rtilltCdult: l l rll,) tn cc ll ny ServlCcs for WymvoocJ NW Jrd I\ vc'n uC' Woo/1 c d

Nam e of Proposer : I olal OH'le I !'l lld'.oldl_'e 1\H... Il , t~, . t lltf' Name of Propos.e d Desig n Architect: Anth o n y Galei;) (Strce t PI,H)'>. Suu (u ntr dC l ol)

Nallle o f Project: M,h,Jl ( Cit y III Il Uv,l l lon Ut~I JI ( t TE' rtl P0 1 (~~:"~~~'~l ll ~~~i. M i,ll ll i
Adth ess of Pro je c t: un l I NI )l1d A v('nu(', MI,l nll, I l 13 1 ~I (p1f", :( ~().I~ i\ d~.~ld wr d r'i .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _

Name of Proj ec t Owner: M.I{Jr: (~O IJl' Il! l'S I, llC __ Projec t Own e r Contact Name: _
lrl_'__________ ____
Pr o ject Ow n er Co nt act Telephone N o. : 11)', -109 :,322 Project Owner Conta c t E-m ai l address: tmkl.l i\<.1v ldldc qu lty.c o ln
B riel Scope of P ro jec l (iJud ,lIo lln l sp.Jcc pi ovtdeu): ';rte dp""qll ,iIlJ l"rt lll lJI1 Q, .l lld 1'<." tl utlll HI t il a W tll ~I :;, 10 1 pr e d evelopment ~ ites ill the d rst li c t of '"
l illi e I l dlt l 111 M ldi lli. lOlly led t il(' dc siy ll of Ill ulttpi (' <itc!ldf'io ... fo r 11 1(' ul '.lr ILl. rn ( IUUlllfj rl l'W ',t IUdlt l l' ;', th e rL' U:' l' of ('xi~ tlll g ~ tr uclu t'(' ;" and str ccbc .J pc rr nl.H()Vf'I11f' ~

Vatuc of Dcsig n Fees ( If oppllco ul e) : AWd n ted : ,

--_._------ I\ctual: " ' .000 NIA 0 ~

Ba s is for Differel1ce ill Valu e: ___________ _

Valu e of Constru ction (I I afJplr c ~ I) l c) Award ed : _ _ __ _ __ Actual : _ _ __ _ _ __ ~Jl A El
lJ~sis for Diff e re n ce ill Vallie : _._._. __ _
Pro jec t COll lfJleti on fnO. 0 1calend", Ud YS) . Projccteu: ~,___ Act""I : 90 0 NII\

Ty pe o f Proje c t: 0 Dcslgn [J,d 131111u 0 Desiy nltlulld 0 CM@R lsk El O lllr.r(s peclfy) " Ie De ,_,g~,_,+_~_
I "_"_
"_" '_q_____._______ 1.1

L EED or G reen Gloue Certified Proj ec t : 0 Ye s El No If ye o. leve l of Cellrllca ll oll

Was w o rk p e rl o lmec!-as an employee o f the Ploposer? 0 Yes El Nu

fly _~ _ _ _ _ _ _ r-1 ·~
G ,----- --'-'1\-.i1)
-. "kil.' ---_
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Slq nalule of /IlJIllo lbcd O ll,c er Da le ',"

\1 ' .tLL~'
_J,I_uLll!.. C/- r ~___ l 'rll ro...i l-.ldl/PHIj'"' d l\'l<.Hld ~ L' 1

Pfl nted N ·Hll C

- - - ' -- -- - "ne,

J.i' I) I'"

Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposed Design Architect
P:eaS2 utilize t'oe space belJIN as reCeS3.3ry

T.:rj' Ie'; t i e si~~ d2; ;r f l): t .-:~ Te n~ ~on~1 U5~ P~r'l~ . t for r~c ,V J; c Cit", I rno'i)~: C'o1 DI 5:;:C t :> Ll t::e H31 t p r~;J-?'1! {.:3.5 3:r-: jl, Ai
t~e PJ}~;: t arch t ~ct. h ~ sl.;"e':: dl.:! 5eJ :ed t .... .:> ~cc .. rrent3 fo' (,,:'. eN. r c :<21,'2 O~-2d fTL. ! t . p l ~ :i , t ~ d~s,~n a l t ~rnat l ,/S's , tha:a :1
Irel J': t..': a c::;rr !:Ira: en cf o::-=r:, pa; ;I'/€' ii=dce. ar,d ;:rcg "3 n" rr~c! ;::J](e 'III~;' b . ;" I;: st~uc:-.;r :?'j.
Request for Qualificatiolls
Qualifications of Propo,',ed Design Architect
In s tru c ti o n s (l ' lcilse ult il le tile .1 Uilctled ,lddltlona l page , as nCCE.:s::.a ry ) o

I '(oposer shall jJl o vlde til e following Inform ation for <.It least l!1rec (3) cUIllplelecJ pl o)ects wllcrc th e IIldtvidu al identified in th e Pro po ser's Pru fJu ~d l ."
sCl ve d as tile Desigll Architect. as d eflncd In tile I'FO. 101 th e sta ted pI CljCc ts/pilases. L<lc ll jJl oject s ubll1llted sl)Quld lJe of equal or \l l eatel ,.

sco pe. SllC!, 8nd comple Xity. Pro vide all required IlIl or tll <JtlO ll and f- Ublllit HilS i- urm fur eacll proJect, as reqU ired by the I~FO . ~ai1u rc to S UUIIlII
" comple ted 1- 0 1111 for each project f1l;1 y result " ' ti,e I 'Ioposdl bellig l ejected as Iloll-respons lvc . f.1e lel ence HF-O-DA-R mu st be co m pleted "Oil"
l UI c<1ch FOlm HiO- DA slJllI1 l1ltecl
lh - l1 0,1\.1 H.FQ Tille : U[) -. Ldl lJ >\ .-iPL' A r L llI lt'duIL'I Lr ll.JlIll' L' II I"lll S~ l vke~ l or Wy n wuud NW 3rcll\venue W Oo ll(: rf
N a me o f Propos e r: lUCJI U lfl c.c L.l rHh<'dpI ' A It hll c( 1111 (' NaOl U o f Pc o p ose d D esi yn A rc hitec t: I\lllh u ny G(H<. ifl (~ I reel PI ,Jn ~. ) ub-Cu rII IJC lu r)

N~lI1c o f Proj ec t : H I\ C;) YIl C (, 1'' ''''' 11 I ' do t Ut.'IIHlI l ·, 1 I dl lOll 1' 1{ I1I'( I

Addre ss of Project: 1 HI~«1YI 1I:' Buulcv'l ld . Mr,'Illi.ll ?3 1J 1

Nallle of Project Owner: M ldlll i Ouwrl\I..'w~OE-'vdO I H1H,: n l l\\l tll ()II IY Proj ec t OWller Contact Name: _1_"_
1>_ , [_"_~_'_;"_
",_,,_,_10_1,_ ' I_I"___________

Project Owner Contact Telepllun e No.: ,10/ -(16:; 9/32 Project Ow ner CO llt<1Ct E-mai l address: del d e~J-l .j eI IJ(~. m ldrn.dLld .(om u,
Urief Scope of Pr o ject (add ltl o l ldl 5!Jac e provided ): 'lhl ('f'-Wf'f'l-.l uI 4I l p rl..IJC( 1 t l lr} ll r'IIl .~r t'H II1(' d t wo palklllt;) I ll ('d lilns ,11ullY BI~l..dy l le BlVD, 111 10 dL1IVd l €t\

~'lrl J llt 'prlt •.'. VJ IlIr ddrly LU II1II1UI1 11y p l uY l nrnr l1l1 lQ. l lrt' l-l l ujcLt dbu ImiUUl't i th ~ l e ll u lrl l inq ollk.l.. dvrre Blvd ,. w ltll dn added on sl leelJ,JJrl-.IllY Idnc and d c(.hcJ l cd

- ---=
V;tllle of Desiyn Fees (I f npplrcable): Awarded: >33_,I)_U_U_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ____ Actudl : S 1l,OOIl N/A 0 .,
Oa s is for Difrcrellcc in Value : ____ _

Vallie o f Constru c t ion (I I appllC;ll)le) Award ed : SJ3.UUIJ A c tual : S ~ ',OliO ._ _ _ N/A 0

- -----.'"
B as is for Difference in Value : _ _ _ __ _

Pr o jec t Completion (110 o f c<,lellda r days) Projec ted: 1tl(, A c tuat : ~~b N/A 0
T ype 0 1 Proj ec t : 0 Desly n-Old- lJulld El l)eslun/Bullu 0 C M@ I<ISk 0 O l hu l (specIfy)
L E I=D o r Grc c n Globe Certi f ied P roj ec t : 0 Yes EI No If yes. level of Celt,flCd l lUII _
Wa s work p cr form f>o-as all employee of th e Propose r? 0 Yc,; El No "
/' '

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Pili teo N<IIIH~ Iltic
RrQ I) '"

Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposed Design Architect
Please utilize the soa: e below, as necessa ry

bL: s/ b lk 2lJn 02. TOrii I~.j the Si:= C2''i;g' fJr U"'e != I:::: prQ,ec t. a:id t ~, e ces;gl and instJ'iJ:ion s of t he tr.:l(j.c o l'T'llng e lerr e~t :; along
B ,SC a j'12 S.JJ I='n('j {::~-st r-?~: Pd"; I!~ 1 ~J" ', !r£ 3:-- d :~-:rC3~ ~d t:us:bt~e la.le' . He played a large role in t he pe' mlt acqu is,: ,on
p roces5, and overa ll projec t rrandjer.-oem .


T· ,:1\ r; t:',· I > I I':- : ' h..l;~ t~ -- :- ::- .:~i 11: i:;-'" C, ,f: I!'I)II~:'_': , I" : L:_l.;. r:~.: r:-":', \ 1 I:~',: ,~,,:,
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i"r:--., rt: :- !:-;1L',: j-..~" 1'~.I: hl Prl.> ~ in \1 Ir ...-h 201 : ; , 1: . un;:,1!. . .'· PLl::l' riz.:n.l-- OtiC ut"thc fur 11) 1'01.)"-'
lJi' tht' ~ I.:.I:-. II.: i~ .1 r 1""-til1-:;: .i ..!>:::,,·t t""'u:ry 11lC'!1lber .It th~ L' ni\'c:r~i~:-' OJ-,\ l i.L:l1i S..+IJ\..I! or'
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I.:.• - ",_ '. , ~ " ,:. SO .tLn:,:; Oi' nt:\\' f',I:- k ~p.l(~ in .\ 1:.I mi- D.L..:t: County.

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Princip:t\ Ii l llt: St f'..' ct P J.l n ~ Co l1.lblJl·;t!i vc: 11 01 i, lIll i, FL 10 to - P n:.,;en [

.\ 1:.1::::- D t.!.: Tn:>;" ~tri ,;1 Q ;!..:~ - B.!::J Pn'';:'.l:1: . \ \; .I:':.:i. Fi .
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l hC' T .lLt:':.I! L 'rL'.l;li~ [ ·..; Gl:ic.: to .\ IJte ri:ti5 + Dcs:gn . 2010
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Fl;t.::".' L"'":"'lII:".it~ G·/;J, :~
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Proj et' t. S()Illt'l'\'i!k , ~ 1.\
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P0Id ~ r.I,\" G I'c;:;,\\ ':1,'-" ::; .In..-i P.trhw.l.\·s !\ 1.1srcr PLtn , Ponda.!:·, ' 0
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:\ 'H r h \\' ~ ~r Cnr:lnLn it:' ,\I Ister P;.l ll , El PJ';o, TX, S;1:.lrr( o ..1.:: .-\ !'plicltioll
Fl P_L~c ) , T\ P ;.Iil Fl P.I't) T '\ Ci:ywiJ..: Bi..:: ..'k . \ ~ :J~ . I l.llh!k·h.l r S U :-\'c ~'
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j'lno',a. : "';'? pr3:ti.:es t':) t-2 S ~ 3r,c iMpl-?r"'en: proj-?::ts br a (::1I1g'2 0' p l~.!J Lc. pr i'/:l~'?' and ror -pro"l: cI-?r~5.

Throug " t;-,e p ' l :a~ , or of foy ope·l-s:l'...... :e gJ 'd-?s. an::! cne fL.II-12n::';:;1 booo{ ;:~; by Isla nd Press. 1',2

ha Ie become the ste',',ards of the inte(;la:!onal Tact ica l Urban ism movement. Our researc h and ad Iceac,)
INo rk has also gi 'len shape to top ics includ:ng open s~"'eets. public mac~et design, and publiC space
Our core services are dj'/ided into three categories:

Pla nnin g + Desig n

Active Transportation
• Com prehensive Bicycle + Pedestria n Ma ster Plans
• Bicycle Parking Plans (Including Ne'N York City Bicycle Access Pla ns)
• Gree nway. Path, and Trail Plans
• Bicycle and Ped est rian Network Audi ts
• SmartCod e Bicycle Mod ule Ca libration
Transportation Planning
• Com;.xe hensive Plan Tra nsport ation Elements
• Street Design Stanciards
• Street Networ~ Plan ning + Design

Urban Design + Land Use Planni ng

• Zoning Codes and Master Plans
• Transit-Oriented Development
• Neighborhood/ Corridor/ Communi:j 'Regional Haster Plans
• Compreh2:,sive Pla n ~.mend'1lents + Land Use Policies
• Land Use + Zonillg Code Analysis
• Form-Based Codes
Architectural Design
• Full Architectural Services
• Build ing Des ig n
• Building Type Development
• Development Standards
• Architectural Standards

Tactical Urbanism
• Lectures I Workshops I Training s
• Research + Best Practice Deve lopment
• Demonstration Projects (one day to one week)
• Pilot Projects (one month to one year)
• Interim Desig n Projects (one year to five years)
• Policy Development
• Strategy + Advisi ng
• Hetrics + Evaluatio n

Public Invol '/ement

• Meeting + Workshop Facilitation
• Demonstratio n Projects
• Project B randing and Communications
• Prolect + Prog'am Websltes
• 'Neb-Based COl'lmunlty Planning + Engagement Tools
• Even t Planni ng H arketlng I Publi c Relations
Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposed Urban Designer b

Instructi o ns (plea se utilize the atta ched addJtlonal page, as necessary) 'f"

P roposer shall provid e the following information for at least three (3) cOlllple ted projects w here the individua l id entified in the Propose r' s Proposa l ~

se rv ed as th e Urban Designer , as defin ed in the RFO, for the stated project/pha ses. Each project submitted sho uld be of equ al or grea ter I'

scope, size, and cOlllplexity, Provide all required inforilla ti on and subill it this Fo rm for each project. as requ ired by th e RFO. Fai lure to s ubillit
a comp le ted Form for eac h project may resu lt in th e Proposa l be ing rejected as non-respo nsive. Reference Form RFP-UD-R mu st be completed 'z"
for ea cll RFO-U D Fo rm submitted.
RFQ NO , 16- 17-049 RFQ Tille : Urban Design and Landscape Archileclu re/Engineering Services for Wynwood NW 3rd I \.
Name of Proposer : Local Office Landscape and Urban Desi, Name of Proposed Urba n Designer : _W_a_lle_r_M_e_y_e_r____________ ,!!
Nam e o f Proj ec t : MIami Grand Centra l Park "
Address ofProject:_M_'a_'_"_,,_F_L______________________________________________________________________________________ ,n

Name of Project Owner : Oilln i 1 Park We st Rectevetoplllenl Ass ocial,o, Proje c t Owner Contact Name : Mark Le sniak , Project Manager '"'.'c,
Project Owner Contact Telephone No.: 786.202 .0530 Project Owner Contact E-mail address: Illarklesn iak@g mail .colll ,ry
Brief Scope of Project (add itional space prov id ed) : A pop-up park , tile targest in tile US, conceived as a ca talyst for ~'
rev italization of a blighted Miami neIghborhood and designed for maXI111Um fle Xib ility: farm er's markets , concer ts. etc. , and passive recreat IOn. '.'
Value of Design Fees (i f appl icable) : Award ed : PRO BONO Actual : PRO BONO N/A 0 ".,~
Basis for Differen ce in Value : N
__/A_ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ,"u
Value of Construction (if applica ble): Award ed: Actual : N/A 0 U

Basis for Differen ce in Value : ____ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __


Project Completion (no. of calendar c.lay s): Projected : 180 Actual: 180 N /A 0 is,
Type of Project: 0 Design-Bid-Build 0 Desig n/Bu ild 0 C M@ Ri sk 13 0 tll er (speci fy) _P_lI_b_lrc_P_a _
rk_s_,_R_e_sr_lre_r_'c_y_ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ o
LEED or Green Globe Certified Project: 0 Yes 0 No If yes. level o f Cc rti fic<l ti on: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ (!
Was work peIForm~~-7-an~~'.'>yee of the Propos er? 10 Yes 0 No '"'c·
Oy --.::'.!\~ / ' 7_1_3_
0_/1_7_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Signatu;;;fA~thorized O ffi ce r

Da te
P rif,i ed Nam e Ti tle
Rr o. t)!J

Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposed Urban Designer
Please util ize the space below , as necessary,

\1 ..l, \1 :i?.l,,'.~ :E', - ::> .! . . p.P"
\1 :,l.\1 1. FlOP IC,l.
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RF:::' UC

Request for Qualifications
Qu a lifications of Proposed Urban Design e r ";-,
In st ru c ti o n s (please utilize the allaclled adu ltlona l paye , as necessary)

Proposer sha ll provide Ihe followi ng informati on for at least three (3) comple ted projects w here th e ind ivi dua l identifi ed in th e Proposers Proposa l -I

served as th e Urba n Des ig n er , as defilled in th e R FO , for the stated projectfphase s. Eacll proj ect submitted sh ould be of equ al or greater ,0~
sco pe, size, and complexi ty. Provide all req uired informati on and submit thi s Forrn for each project, as required by the RFO. Fai lure to s ubmit .,
a co nip leled Form for each project may re sult in th e Proposa l be ing rejected as n on-resp onsive. Re fe rence Form RFP-UD-R mu st be co mple ted z
for eac h RFO-UD Fo rm submitted . ~~:
RF Q N o .: 16-1 7-049 RFQ Title : Urban Design and Landscape Architecture/Engineering Services for Wynwood NW 3rd , -;
Nam e o f Pro po s er : LOCAL OFF ICE LA NDSCAPE AND URI Narn e o f P ro p osed U rba n Desi g n er: _W
_a_l_te_r_M_e'-ye_r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
Narne o f P roj ec t : Mayaguez Parque del L,tora l "
Ad d ress o f Proj ect : Mayaguez. Pu elto R,co "
Narn e o f Proj ec t Own er : City of Mayaguez Proj ect O wne r C o n tact Name: Luis Cama li o. Project Architect
P roj ect Ow n er Co ntact Teleph o n e No.: 787.220.8633 P roj ect Own c r C o n tac t E-m ail ad dres s:
Bri e f Scope o f P roj ec t (add itional space provided): A miles-long walerfr on t pal k providing coastal resil ie ncy . sustaln- c·

ability through phylore media tl oll a s well as creating a fl e xib le multi- use pa rk I passive recrea tion space. "
Valu e o f Desig n Fees (if applicable) : A wa rded: 80,000 A c tu a l : 80.000 N /A 0 ""
B as is fo r Differe n ce in Va lue: N/A ~.'
------------------------------------------------------------ ~
Va lu e o f Co n st ru c ti o n (i f applicable): A wa rd ed: A c t ua l: N/A 0
B as is fo r Differe n ce i n V al u e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ TI

Proj ec t Co mpl etio n (no. o f ca lendar days) : P roj ec tcd: 540 A c tu a l : 540 N/A 0 .71

Typ e o f Proje ct : 0 Design-Bid-Build 0 Design/Build 0 CM @Ris k 0 O ther (speci fy) : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ 2)

LEED o r Gree n Gl obe Certifi ed P roj ect: 0 Ye s 0 No If yes , le vel of Certification : _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

W as work·perfOr?';:~r;~g()1QIOyee o f th /'!,P ro p oser? El Yes 0 No ~
lJy ,:,., :,<\0 IV 7_/_30_/_
17_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Sig nature of r uthorized Officer Da le
, z
P rinted Nam e Title

Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposed Urban Designer
Please uti lize the space below. as necessary.

P.l, ,:(o::;'L E DEL lI - :'PAl
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Request for Qualificatiolls
QlIalificatiolls of Proposed Urban Designer
In s tru c ti o n s (please utilize tile attached aLJdl llonal page . as necessary ) C
Pro poser s ilall provide til e following informati on fo r at least thr ee (3) co mp le ted projects wh e re til e Individua l ide ntifie d in th e Proposer's P roposa l -r
serv ed as til e Urban D es igner, as de fined in til e RFO, for til e stated project/pha ses . Each p roject su bmitte d should be o f e qua l or greater
sco pe, size, and complexity. Provide al l req uire d informati on and subm it tili s Form for ea ch project, a s re quired by th e RFO. Fai lure to SUblllit '"-~
a complete d F orm for each project m ay result in th e Proposal bei ng rejected as non-respon si v e. Re feren ce Form RFP-UD-R mu st be co mple ted "r',
for ea cil RFO-UD F orm submi tted. n
RFO N0 1G- 17-049 RFQ Till e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __
Nam e of Proposer: LOCAL OFF ICE LANDSCAPE AND URI N allle o f Proposed Urban Designe r: _W_a_l_te_r_M_
e_ye_r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
N a m e o f Proj ec t : I\.-verne View Landscape R eSilie ncy Improvements ~:

Addr ess o f Proj ec t : ilrverne, New York "

----------------------------------------------------------------- '"

Name o f Project Own er : L&M Deveiopill ent Parlners Project Own e r Contact Nam e: Josl1l-1aggarly , ProJecl Manage r
Proje c t Owner Contact Telephon e No,: (212) 233-04% Projec t Own e r Contact E-maif address: jllagga rly@lllldevparln ers.colll ,,'r\
Bri e f Scope of Proj ec t (ad ditional spa ce provided): R. esillen ilan cl scape Infrastructure Improvements for a l11ul ti·acre coast al hOLJSlllg campus '"
dllectly faCing the Allan tlc ocean Wi ll protect residen ts from storrllwa ter and sea su rge ri sks , while crea ting more desirable publiC sp aces.
Vafu e o f D es ign Fees (if applica bl e) : Award e d : 159,958 .00 Actual: 159.958.00 N /A 0
B a si s for Diffe r enc e in Valu e: NIA
------------------------------------------------------------ "
'•. J

V alu e o f Co nstructi o n (If app lica ble) : Award ed : Actu al : N/A 0 ,-:~
~ ,
B asis for Diffe re n ce in Valu e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _

Proje c t Completion (no . of ca lendar days) : Projected: 180 A c tu a l : 180 (eslllllaled) N /A 0 ,: "')

Type of Project: 0 D e sign -Bid-Build 0 De~i yn /l3 u i l d 0 C M @ r"s k 0 O th er (speci fy) : _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ o

LEED or Green Globe Ce rtifi ed Project: 0 Yes 0 No If yes , leve l of Ce lt ifl ca tion : _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ "
Was wori<' pe rforrll_e~~a; a-1J~ ployee of the f ropo se r? 0 Yes 0 No -,

l3y -----b<" ~~ ,"TV 7__
7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Signature of 'ruthorized Offi ce r Date
Prin ted Nam e Title

Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposed Urban Designer
Please utilize the space below . as necessary.

.1 rf'.E ~'.E \oIE\\ ?E3 1L1E\, C'r PROJE::T RF:: =::\.:E
J ;;'. E.~' . E . "E A '(SF \.- I"." I! I ~": 11 •
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5\'!Cl:t,'J k· Clu ro.: ~, publi ( at io ns :and awards

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"l·,lmmll:lit·.. lihll:,l,bl.ll R... ,ilil'n..;\," ,\ [,,'\!.\ p) I \ .\\ . Dome ~ . :-.1.1\ ~I' l,;
\\'hir;: H " lI'(," H \Jrn~ .I I1'" \.I:hhCh.l!lI!'ltlil ut'("h.lll;!t'· :\ \\.Ir-l . ' \ i'ril ~I)! "
·Cre.lfin;!. R~· .. il iL':H Cilit'; fl,...,n .. , !~ I \\·Hrl...,hul" II.I:-\Jfd Lr.ldll.H '" S,h.l'}! \)!·Dt',ig:l . FdHu .ln· 20 : '\
~(jllj .\ /. \ PliL-rt'J R,":'I H"lI"!" .\\\.I;,\. P.lrquo.: J <.'J IUiJr.d . .\ 1.I.I·.I ::uo. PR
211]11 (:<.'I1le\ .\ \,.11"..1 t~lt · ')(I'Lli~1.1hk· l lll ·',hl n ldlll· ". P.II·'lllt' dd Lil,'f.d ..\I.I.'.I:;ua. PR
201 1) \\ .1>11;;1;' <1 0 r)l: C"I1;r.:"i<ln.d 1"~'<l:;1\:t:I)1\ !~) r' [ ('hk- r,hip .m..! IIlIHl\.!tI,lII ill dl'" l~ro.:::11 F~"l!lll!ll·.
"'u'l.Ii:1.Ihd;[ .I:h! F. ,ll,),!,· .....1:11.1 J ,t: l~". f-t:J..h l1I: c.... fUrtl,~ .\11,! I (.),1,1.11 ':(lt~I::Hlnll\'" C"!lI:~lh i .l L·lIil<.':"it,. {;~ \PI~ ,\ :'1:1 21)1)')
~1jI J -': :--. , \ "1.\ .\ I<.'~:t \ " Ir.. ! l •.I;'ll.::1 ht:f\\'~11 t ·i l .lJd '1.'.1, \ ner:1t'. \:Y
.\1..,\.: .. \\ dl.:'r ·"u;'~·~ :l.ll;Jr d l·rb ,l lll'!l\'. C\lllhr:d:;l': H .ln.nJ. ~1 )1 1;
'\!,\l'r. \\llt,!, ·PI.I;I:I :1 ": 11 1' 1. d,,·: l'r!'lIl I\ , J"''''[.'f'l!k·:1l H oilloI !ul u J I.", l.i·. l .lmhri,I;;:.:: 1l.1!". Ir,! ':1141;

Request for Qualifications '"
Qualifications of Proposed Environmental Specialist
In s tru c tion s (PIC Ol :; f~ u\illLe tile a\la c llcu addI IIOIl<'1! payc. :-I S neccss:lrY)

Proposer shall provide the following information for at least three (3) co mpleted projec ts wh e re th e ind ividual identifi ed in the Proposer's Proposal
se rved as the Environm e ntal S peci a list , as defined in the RFO , for the st<Jted projects/phases. Each project submi tted shou ld be of equal or
gre<Jter scope, size, and com plexity. Provide all required infofllwtion Clnd submit this Form for each project, as requ ired by the RFO, Failure to
submit a completeci Form for each project may result in the Propo s<J 1 bei ng rejec ted as non- responsive. Refe rence Form RFO -ES- R mu s t be
completed for each Form RFO- ES tha t is provided .

RFQ N O . : ~- 1 7 - 0'Y HFQ Till e: WYNWOOO NW 3nO AVENUE WOOrW(F

Nam e or Prupo s e r : 1lf'lrn('lIo "j"llljl{~ ~'.-H ln("r\, Inc. Ndlll e uf Pr opu 5C u E n v irolll11 e nt al S f,J ec ia lis t: F <;(-jt" fll -PO:;. rl1l-nrpllr~fPI '
Nanl c o f Project: Mrdr1Ji Ueach Tree Inventory ,,
Address o f Proj ec t: C

N ame of Pr oj ect Owner: Mi,lllli ~c" cil Proj ect Own e r Co ntact N am e: Mdl k WilJid fl lS(rO llll el), M" "jd li td Wells (LlII r~1I

Project Owner Contact Telephone No.: 9Jt1 -fl2H-57U5/ (.10S) 67J -70BC Proj ect Owner Contact E.lnail address: mawillid l llS@(u rr lau J c rdalc. g0 v n l<ll~ ~
Brief Scope of Project (ndclitional spa ce provided) : City· wiJ~ lit':,€: inventory (.If {lees. within <ily ROW, P{IIKs. and (oadways. \Ve a{s.o " <we a{ sQ ~.H(Jliide.j "
ellVirOll lllentdl ~erviu~') tu t he lily 011 spec pldfl S, 5(:',1 level ri s.e 5 t udie ~, Y' OUrlUwd t er elevJt io J'1 mon itor in g <Hl<J n ldpping . "'"

Valu e of Des ign Fee s (i f applicalJle) : Awarded : ___________ Actual: _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ N/A 0 ",",

Bas is for D ifferc nce in Va lue : ____________________________________ _ _ _____ _________________________________________
Va lu e of Construction (if applica ble) : Aw arded: Actu a l: N/A @
Basis fo r Differe n ce in V atue : "

Proj ect Completion (n(), ()f wlr.nrlilr rl;,ys) : Pro j ec ted: Actu a l : N/ A 0
Typ e o f Proj ect : 0 Design -[3id-[3 uild 0 De signiCuild o CM @ Ri sl< 0 0th er (specify): _1l_ot_u_'o_l_re_s_o_u_'c_e_s_fl_'d_p_p_in_q______________________
LEED o r Gree n Gl o lJe Ce rtifi ed Project : 0 Yes El No If yes , leve l of Certillc<Jtion: _______________________________________
W~'" work p e rform ed ~ s a n employee of the Propo se r ? 0 Y"s B No
; ,
~" l. July 21,20 II
Sig n"tll rp. of Authorized Drlt e
JU~tll) 1"l eedrnd ll ;\ ss ()d<~te, JC llior Sc ienti st

Printp.rl N"fllf' Tillp.

Rro I')
Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposed Environmental Specialist
Ple ase utilize the space below, as necessary ,

Cit y of Miam i Beach Tree Inventori es

Client City of Miami Beach

Co nta ct Brenda Cartonel! Analys;

EnVIronment & Sustalnacl!ity DeparJT'ient
I,ea Conve nllon Center Drive. fvliami Beach. FL 33139
Te! 305·673,7COO, Ext. 67211 Fax: 736,394·5394
,"" '=: I ' ~ S r ~"f.::C;::'f:crf."lc'1· ' 2r"" l t~1:(1;1 ::r:',

Project Da tes 112013 - Ongoing

Project Staff Jt.:stin FreedMan Briar Voelker. Jennifer Sayar') Nadia Locke

Des cription

S:r?~: T r~e In'/ertory- E SCler.ce.5 has
- _....--. "--'
c:::rC ...c:e : fill': prases cf s:reet tr?~
w\'er::::r'8S fer tre C f! cf i\.har~1 6e3ch . T'J
C3!= frcre Itar. 3C ~CO trees have

~- -
. M .

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!rve"':ored E Sc:e:,ces IS In Ire pr:::ces3 of

cc rcLc:lrg Ire final ~ has e Tne wGr~ is
c:::rc~c:e: us ,g s.. c-me:e' ac:::ur3te gletal
~cs , tl .:r"r g e~'.:;~rrer.: E Sc:erc83 pr::vlcac 1 - 0
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Ire Cill Nth an E3R. A r~G I S s ha~e file Tria . ~,:- ,::: - .......... ~ - -
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'Io rk !relL-cas a532s.;,ng each tr?B fer its '.", ", I ' ..... .... ... " ....... ~
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g?rer31 corCI!lcn and prJvld ing
r?Sor:rle'1Ca!:ors fcr m3lr;enarce
:'C- ~ I '

Gr~ enspace Cancel A3sessment: Using i- .. .- ..
T:ee Carc~y and I-Tree Vue E Sciences
.• .. ,
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~, -.
aS3es,;ed !t'le ex:ent of the City 'S urbar
.. .. I / : :Seiencl!!S
fcres: carc~y and the ecological service5
p.::lVided by Ira trees E SCiences estimated
Ire caro~'I ccve rage fcr Ire CI~/S entire urban fcrest its park.5 and its rigrts of Nay using i- Tree Canopy II also
es;im a:ed Ihe pe rcer::age of aV3l1a::le space remaining within the C I~I fer accltlenal tree planting E SCiences
used thiS iniermatcr to estimate the car:-en seques:ration and storage as well as pollutant removal being
~rov i ced by tria trees E Sciences developed a fer public education documentmg the information from
the study

I ;-Sc iences
Request for Qualifications
Qualificatiolls of Proposed Ellvirollmental Specialist
In s tru c ti o n s WlcFlsc util ize It le attactled Fldd ltlOll;o}1 prtye. ::IS necess<='Iry)

ProiJoser shall prov id e lIle fo ll owin g informati on fo r at leas t three (3) com pleted projects w here lIle ind ivid ual identified in lIle Pro pose r's Pro posal
served as the Environm ental Speci ali s t , as de fin ed in the r, FQ, for the stuted projects/phases. Each project su bm itted should be o f eq ual or
grea ter scoiJe, size, <:l Ild co mplex ity, Provid e a ll requi red inform ation ;m el submi t thi s Form for e;) ch project, as req uired by the R FQ , Fa ilure to
submit <1 co mpleted Forlll lor each projeclill ay result in th e Propos;)1 bei nG l ejected as non-respo nsive. Re ference Fo rm RFQ -ES- R m us t be
cOlll pleted for each Fo rlll RFQ-ES that is provided .

RFQ No : ' (, - 17-019 RFQ Titl e: WYNWOOD NW 31.'_D

_ A_V_
_ E _W_O_O
_.I_'F_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

N a m e ur P, o~user: lIf'fmf>lIo Aja mil & ~'<"Ill nf' 1 <;, Irtc Ndl1lO o r P, o p use u E livirunll lC llla l SJjecialisl: F <.,-jPIlCP'i., In ro q . nfi4 l p d
Name of Pro je c t : Muu nt Dord Tree Inve ntory anu Ur bd ll Forest lY Consult ll1 4
Address o f Proj ect : ( ily-wiele
------------------------- Fe
Name o f Project Owner : Mou nl DOl" Project Own e r C o nta c t Nam e:J_o_I_"_
' _p_e_I"_'I'_,______ ________ o
Project Owner Contact Telephone No.: 302-735-7 155 Project Owner Conta c t E-mail address: PclcrsJ@c i.mounl oo,,,,(
Brief ScoiJe of Project (<lddilional space prov ided): (il y-wide I,eo invcnlu,y and ",ba " (ooc'I,y (o" , nlt i'''J
Valu e o f De sign Fees (i f applicable): Aw a rded: _ _ __ Actual : N/A 0 r;
B~ s i s for Diffe rence in V~lu e: ___________________________ _____________________
Valu e of Construction (if appl icable) : Awarded : Actual: N/A El
l3asis f o r Difference in Va lue: ________________________________________ ________
Project Completion (no . o f cil le nrlilr dil yS ): Projected: [un, """,11.. Actual: [ " I" " ,u"lh, N/A 0
Type of Project: 0 Des ign-Bid -Bu ild 0 Desig n/Build 0 C M @ Ri sk EI O the r (s peci fy): natu ral ,esour ce lIlappintj anel urban fo re, try consultinG

LEED or Green Globe Certified Project: 0 Yes El No If yes , leve l of Ccrtili ca tio n : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ ___
W" s work performed "s a n em J1l oyee of th e Proposer? 0 Y" s El No

Oy __ ,- Ju ly 2 1, 20 1"1
S ig n;] lllre of f\uth orized Office r Date
JU:. tlll Il eedtl hlll I\ s~,oci,1te/Sc l l i u r ~ciel lti s t

Prin i"ri Ni1 ll1 e Ti ll"

RI- n r"
Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposed Environmental Specialist

Instructions (Plc;]sc utlhLe til e allacllc d ao thlional pay c . as necessary ) -,

Pro >Jose r sha ll prov ide th e followin g informa ti on for at leas t th roe (3) com>Jle ted projects w here the ind ividua l identi fied in th e Propose r' s Proposal "
se rved il S the Environmental Specialist , as de fin ed in the RFQ, fo r the sta ted projects/p hases. Each project sub mitted sho uld be o f equal or ~

greilte r sco>Je, size, and compl ex ity. Provide all requ ire d in fo nndlion and sub mit til is Form far eacll project, as re qu ired by th e R FQ . Failure to "
subm it <1 co rnple teu Form for each projec t l11 ay resu lt in the P ropos,l l be in g rejec ted as non-respo nsive. Re ference Fo rm R FQ- E S-R l11 us t be "

com ple ted for each Forlll f<FQ-ES that is provided. ;-


RFQ No .. lb· I j·U'lY RFQ Title : WYNVlUOI) NW Jill) /lVIo NUIo WOO NlH r "
N<lmo of Proposer: lIell "dl" /ljdr"rl & Pd rt I1CI>, Ille. Name of Proposed Environmental Specialist: f Science" Incorpora ted <

Name of Project: S\li "va~ P,lIK Improvemen t' "

--- - - _ . _ - - - -- - - - - - 0-
Address of Project: Ri verview Rei , Deerfield Oeac h, r L 33 ·1 4 1

Name of Project Owner: D"erfiei Ll BedLh Project Owner Contact Name: _K_
ri_,_M_u_r'-Y_____________ _

Project Owner Contact Telephone No.: 9 04 .480.43 17 Proj ect Owner Contnct E-mail address: KMUl y@eleedlelel·ueaclI.Lolll c

Brief Scope of Project (additiollal s>Jace provid ed): Hed. velop City p<l IK. includ ing ddy ducks an d k" ya K dock '-
Value of Design Fees (if a>Jp lica ble ): Awarded: Actual : N/A El L

Basis for Difference in Value :

---------------------------------- "u
Value of Construction (if "pp\ir."hlp.): Aw"rd ed : Actual : N/A 0
Basis for Difference in Value:
-----.------------ - - - - - - - - - -

Project Completion (!lo. o f c;] I! "l(lil r d ;ly~;): Proje c ted : Actual : Ju ly 20\3 · 5e~ l e", ue l 20 15 N /A 0 c

Type of Project: El Desig n-Gid -Gu ild 0 De signi8u ild 0 CM ~~ Ri~k 0 O tller (specify) : ()

LEED or Green Globe Certified Proj ect : 0 Yp.s EI t-J o If YAS , l"vf>1o [ C;'" lific" lion: "
Was work performed as an employee of the Proposer? 0 Yes El No
13y: July 2 1,20 17
SrV" <l lurc a[ A ulh arr Lcd Offrcer
Date q
Justin freedma n J\~S () C l d l c/ S C llh)r SC ien tis t "u
Prin lp.ri N"Ill p. Ti lll>
IUO [ 5 N
<C i t P 0 f ,:£t1i illll i
" ~ , ,-
Dal' leI J A,krs.)
C, t'.' \'ar .. I '~c r
To if/heM It ,.,·Iay Concern :
Si..bject ' Ref~ rer.ce Let:er for En vi ron mental Special ist (ES ). as defined in RFQ No. 16 . 17· 04..t
" o j . " ... '"' . . ; ;, ' , ....-. . ' .. ..

Narr.e of FrOGCSdr ' 6~11elo ~ J amlr j Partners, Inc

f"-Jarne of F ro~ose d ES :: Sc:erces Incorpor.3ted
T r.e a to'J ~ ref-3r-sor,ced F r'}f:os~ r 1$ resr-onc lng to a Re~uest fo r Qt..a lif:cat,cns (RFO ) that ras been ISSLed
by the C't'( o( ~l l am l \I'I~ {,=r;l .lre that lr.e Proposer prc'IiCe wr;tten {-=fcre::ces for their propcs~d
En 'lironrl' ental Spec i alist T!"le PrCl:cs .~r IS reC;Ue'i;ir.g that you, as the CWf1€r of Ir e re re r e r~ced ;JrOJecl .
~ro 'h:e the foflcv. ' rc; Ir.h rrrar,cn as w ~U as any oU'e r pe~ in en t Infcrmat icn. You r insigrlt is appreC!a :ec .

Nane Of Pf<:jeC:; Cit, of Mldr-I Be,)(h Tree Inventory

t¥ lJ?/;~"'!~(*:·iibJj:t t;-t~n$w:z@$~:!~]71hn g~a,;li>fi§4! :;-t)t~iil

S,:o;::c of \N c r~ tor Referenced PrClccL Street and RCW (re€' IIwenl ory
19_'_,9_'_6_ _ _ _ __ __ _ VaiLe of Cons lnxlior : S_~_>_ _ _ _ _ __ __ __
'hh.e of P~CJ'~ct: 5_

T r;,e c f P:'JjE:CI: 0 Dqs G'"'-a,(!-B .... I!d 0 C ·... @ ~ l sY. 0 Desj~n·6l,., dd EJ Otr,er (e~O L (c t!' J :.~~.. )mt'ql
C or s :r·; r:t i~ r. cr::("'I ~ le t c ,~ :)r tire Jrd N1t hi(", budget: [!] Yes 0 No
~ .:-','. ler. j etC tt·~ P -;::")3~r.: E 3 ser, e in U"'is ca~ac;tl en tris projc -;t ? h rth e <"I'l ,re prOtt'C! dLf;I{.cn.

Ct.;alit., cf "licr'.. EJ k :ov.:: E:'q:e:;ta:ions 0 ,.l:/er3ge 0 8~low E:<p ec tJ!10rs

Err::: r:; a " c Or.IIS3 ·cr s· 0 A ;:;Ove Ex ;:::ec!;Y ;or:s 0 A /eragp. 0 B:!low EX j::ectJt !c r~s
(.J' tC'/~l ojx~·~'..t' lOns 1l(:1(.11 .!<; 'I!\',~f e:fQ('; Jnd CI'" s.s;(:ns tr ail antl clDa h~ Oy P ICJ et:l CWflt;!()

0 1.;. E~· o r':> ar.d Or.,ls3Icn3 rC3iJit Ir, lI:creased con:iln.. cticn cos t? o Yas [J No
Was tre ES re s ~cnsl ~/ .q? [J Y.s 0 No
10'135 [h~ ES tirrel, with re·' le'.'vS arc submittals? [J Y.s 0 No
Cld the ES eflect:vely res(Ji-Ie Is sues in a tunel, rr.alner? [J Ye s 0 No
P :eaSd tY P8 in the fiek! b ~ low to ~ro~'d e c orrments (Plea ... e use :re JII.tcterl .)Ce,tlCn;)1 PJ~e . as ncce:;S,Jr!l
E S( lc ncescor' pl("·!d :,",e PIOI~ ct en !U" C dl"'d In blidgct. Tl'e iif'd t DfOd\.ct WJS ;:;r o(~~"I t.)o,llly prt' ~ e'1t"! 'j dn d
olCComp" "neJ Jll of !he g O J , ~ )~t ou \ fal the pm jl'ct. The ~tJf work and turn Jfo \...nd :Hl'l:! .... a~ OI...!,>I JnJing. dl"'d I would
J ~fil1j t , ! I ! use E · SCII~ n(es ,1'J-llll for '; lm,I,H trc '~ In vcntory rCIJled .-York.

Narr,e of PrC!~ct Owner' C l f of M IJrnl SeJch

~jarr€ o f Project Owner's Represen tative : Mar k Wil!il ms .,
' '-"'-"-"-0'-' --------------
S,gnaWe of Project O"ner's Representaliv-e---/ L'--}Tc (.-,-,"'P-, -(-'---,"-:-1'0--'[('-
Title . Urba n Forester ( pre'J iou~ positIOn:

Tele prone . 9S'1 328 ·573S E -ma,l: md w lttldms,.pfort ! a ud erd d !~ gov

Date : i lZ 1120 ti

Sincerely ,

Annie Pe rez . CPPO

Dlrectcr RF O· ES·~
~1J\~!ied ~15.t~·6
Procurement Departmen t

([ itt' of Jfliftllli
Daniel J Alfonso
Cit! Manager
T a ""h om It Ivla, Concern:
Sc bject: Refe reoce Le::er for Environmental Specialist (ES ), 23 c efined in RFQ No.1 ,-1 7- 049
.. " ;" "1 • 1 • , .~ " I . ,~ " " I" ; • I , , ;,

Na;r,e of Proposer: 8 ~ rli,e ll o AJam11& Partr:ers. Inc.

Na".-e of Pr:~osed ES: E SCiences Ir.corpora:ed

Tre abo'le re~er3nced Prccc$cr is res ccn':i,",\;; to a RcqlJe s: for 8ua:ificat' cr.s ( R~Q) th a ~ ras te'=:l issuec
1:y tre Cit, of r-..ra r-i. 1jI1: rSG ');r: t~at t!:e P ~:::j:CS e" pr:)'h:e wrten r2:erenc85 for the ir ~ru l=cs a d
E n'/ironmer.tJI Spec ial'st. Tre F .. o~cs.:r is reC1t;es ~ ir.g th2: yc-u, a3 the Owr, e~ of tr.e re fer .:r:ce j prcject
pr:)'ide Ire fJlc'h'; r.g inf:r--:at:cn aj w::!! as ar-.y otr,er pe1:ner.t ir.forT.atior. . Your ins ight is a;Jr;recia:ec
Na-ne of Proje ct: Mou nt DorJ Tree Invent:)!)

... ,... t,' .'! .... :.- .. ~ .. , ' , ~- ~, .. ,.!.:., , : • , ._,. 4

S ec!=~ of \/ ,'I)r:< for R 3 :3r2r.c~ ·: Pr ~i~st. City-wide GPS tr'?e inver tor/ ard urban for~s~ry consultirg

Va l:.Je c f PrJ!,=ct:
------------- Va lue of COr:5~~UCt:C'1 : S'lA --------------
Ty:,:eCf P r~i2 ~~. 0 D~.5i,;--:-~ .d-8I. i id 0 Civ'@r{;s '< DOe s:gn-8Jjlc IElOtr-er er~a'lfc( ~ s:,-yors ... I ~ . rg)
Ccns:r:Jc:icn cor.ple:ed C,1 t:r,e all d wit-l in cu dGel: 0 Yes D No
Hc'f.,I IOr.g d:c tr.~ ~ i~~CS2(! E5 52 "',€! in ti': ;s ca paci ty en th is project? Six r:1or. t ~s
E rror s anc Or. is 3 cns. tzJ Atc'l e Ex;;ec ta ~icn s 0 A/~r 3; -= 0 Be:ow E.(;ectaLo":s
(Ace':e e ;( ~e ,::a;: c rs jrc!'ca:ei fewer e r~ :(s a'd : m ssiors ~ ra ..• a'1 tiapa:ed by Prcject
Di ~ Errors ald O":lis.sions f 8SJit in j nc, ~asec co ns ~r uc~ ; cn ccst? 0 Yes 0 No
VIas the E S responsive? 0 Ye s 0 No
'lias t:1e ES timely with re '/rews a:lc sutr;--,ittals? 0 Ye s 0 ~io

Old the ES e~ect i Vt;; ry reSC !'it;; iS3 1,;es in a iy m arne~? I] Ye s 0 No
Please! ty\=€ in tt:e fj e ~d ce low to pro'lice conrr:er,ts (Please usa tr.e 3t;ac;-ed pa~e, as neces3ary)

Ivlour.r Dcr] ii: a uniC;:Je C::rr.mL(':tj wit h ex : ~eme Putlic en~ageme r.t in :he field. E·Sciences die an inGe dible job wi:h
the Pd:l ic in their ir, r ~raC:lons. Res ,Jlt ln (j in sig .,ifica,'n ly less inc;u ir:es into ou r offce.

Na .l1e of Project Ow"er: City of Mount Dora (\

Nal1e of Project OW'1er's Rcpresa1talive : Jo hn A. Peters, III, PE ( ,n
Signaturo of Project Owner's Repr esen ta tive : .( I
T itle. Public Wc rks & Utilities Diredor /
Telep hone : 386- 490- 2522 E-mail: ~etersj" ci tyo m
Da~e : July 21 . 20 17
Sir cerely.

A nnie Per ez, CPPO

Director RFO-ES-R
P rc curement Departm ent Rev,s..?-d 3115f2C16
Da1i -: i J Aifor S(J
Cit; t\lara ';j -: r
To W t:om It May C oncern:
Sl.bject: Re ferer: ce Le ~ :~ r fcr En'/ironm enta l S ~ec ia H st (ES ), as defi ned ir. RFQ No.1 0,17 · 049
I ' .. .. . . 10. 1' 1 ;1 ::,. • •

i'la,T e of Pro~c sar' Ber-n ello AJarr. 11& Pa rtners Inc.

!'la me of Pr c post?d ES. E Sciences lnco rpo ra ~ed

Tr e a: o'/e r =;ei8'1 Ced F jC~CSci is r= ~ ;or, d i n g to a R e ~ J e s ~ for fica::o"1S (R!=Q; that has be~ 1 iS3l.eC
t 'j t:-- e Cit'! cf t\.'I,ami. \\e req .. ir e th at tre Pr ::;:::oser provide wr:t:a r re'ere,ces fJ r U"',?;r pr:pOscd
En'li .. ~nme r:tJI Speci a!:st. - rh~ -='(:)!= ose" is r ec;. l...: e s ~ : n ~ trat Y,)J"': , as Ire O',-vre r of tre r= f= r e ~ ce d proj -: :~,
P~O \. :Ce t:--d fcEcw ir.g i rforrra~icn a3 'hel: 33 any ott er j:: er:i rent i r:f:: (m a ~ :or. . Y::: L.' r insight is a;:pre-:;j aled

Narre of ? r q~ :1. SulliV'3n F,uk Improveme1t Project

" , . ..~. '!' • , .,' I . ,. :.:;.... ) ,.

Sco ce of V'/ erk fer R =~er er:cc : : ' Fi::ject: e ..,t_,_,d_e_'_'9_n_____ ____ _____ _ _ _
V a'L':: cf Pi CjlS Ct: $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Value of Constn. . ct ian: $_13
_c_,c_c_c _ _ _ _ _ __ _

--;- / -:.e ci Fr:J;-::c: 0 ~-=5 ~ '";· e ic· 5 '''!!G 0 C M9~ s~< 0 Desig,,·B..:ild 0 OI ~2' ( ________
Cc ns:;'Jc;,on o;:r ~ : ~ :-?c en tl ~ e and 'N1th.n bL. d~et: 0 Yes 0 No
How lor g ..: rd t.... e pr:}::0s-ed E5 S2r/ e ir. this ca;Jacity on th is proJect? ~J:.-y_
~:!_,_,_ _ _ __ _ _ __ _

EI Aco'/e E x ;:ec :a ~ er.S 0 P,VS'3je 0 B~!cltl Ex;: ect3! ons

Error s ar,c Or:1iS,i;Cr.;i· 0 A:cve =X;::6c ta ~, ons 0 A ,,,,? r3';~ 0 =.;?Iow = x;:eC~ 3: ens
(,J. X 'I'! ~x ;: €c $ irt.::"=3:e5 fe'.v~ r err: r:; 011'<: cr" !ssiors rhar. arncip a:ec"JY Project Owr er)

Die E .r ~ O ( 3 3- d Om iss (;""':.3 fes :~ t ir ir:c:e3.3Bd ccrs~; uc ~ io n cost? D Y2 S 0 ~, O

'1'135 the ES f %;:: o rs ive? 0 Yes D No
'Nas It:e ES timely with re'lit?ws a :~ d sJcf1ita !s? 0 Yes 0 No
Old the ES e~ec l j ve :y resc ivo:! i55...; e :; ir, a timely manre r? 0 Yes D t-;o
P:e3 sa Iy::.e in tha fie/oj t: elow to ~ rov i de cCfi:rr en ts (P'ease use tr e 3t:3c!-ed addltJ OrJ3 1p a G ~ . as ,1 ecessal'/ .

Na me af Projec t Owner: C
' "________ _ __________ ___
N3:'11e of Project Owr. er's R e~ res en !a ~ive : Kr
_ i'_M
_O '---_____ -H'---_ ___ ___ _____
S;g natt.; re of Projec t Owner' s Representa t:ve· _____ _ _ ---!i'f-lL-""Y .L-_ _________
Tit!e: Director of Ecmc lTlic Devel opme nt
Telepr,or.e: 9_5_4 _-48_0-_4_3 _17_ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
Da :e 7/2 120 17


A nnie Perez , CPPO

Di -ector RFQ·E5·R
Pro:::urerrent De p a rt~ e ,., t Rev,se(! 91 15/:!:lt6

,- ..--- Sciences .. -
Justin Freedman , MS
Senior Scientist

~,lr. Freedman is an ex~e r'enc ed emironmental prJfess icnal ser/ing public and private clients throug hout the State of Floriea.
He specializes in enviro nmental re'/iew of tr3 n s~ortaUo n related projects through all phases of the project (~Ia nn ing design.
permitting. cons!ruction and ~ost-co nstruction monitoring). IVIr. Freedman has
Educ ation
conducted NPDES and permit compliance inspections of FOOT assets. and
mitigation and maintenance monitoring for cozens of FOOT constructed sites. ~1.S. , ~Io '/a Southaas!e rn Universitj 2010

He has assisted wit~ tre ~e r", ittir,g ci r,Uc,erQUSFOOT projects and has
writen rmrs tr,an 1CO NEPA memes for cinor transportation projects and Profess ion al Licenses I Ce rtifications
techn ical documents for PD&E Slud;es ard Re9'/3 Iuations. ~1r. Freedman is Certified Arborist. FL 5488A
also an aC '/anced di'ler with e:<!ensi'/E ex~erie nc e conducting benthic resour:e
Tree Risk A.ssess ment Qualification (ISA)
FO~P CerUied Erosion ar,d Sedin-,er,t

~,Ir. Freedman also spec ializes in municipal consulting and has providad plan Co ntrollns~ector and Instructor

review. la nesca~e ins>ect:on, environmental assessments. ex~ert witness, Certified ~Ia n atee Obsen/er
permitting ordinance de'/slopT,ent. s:ree! tree ir.'/antory. ca nopy assessmer,ts. PADI Ad lanced Ope:] Wa:er, Enr;cGed
carbon seques!rat'on analjsis and wi ldl;;e pefCiitting san/ices to municipalities Certified Olver
thrcughout south Florida. He r,es also corduc!ee rumerous s!ueies relatee to
Certified Landscar:e J n s ~ector
climate cha ,~,se acd sea Ie-/el riSe ar d vres ir.',0I',ad wi!h the preparation of the
Certifed Green Ind Jstries Be s;
Broward Cour,t; Clima:" Char,g2 Act.or, P:an.
~,Ia n age m e nt Practices Instructor

Project Ex~~ rie nce Certified in Advanced ~,le in te r.a nc e of

City of ~1Junt Dora Tree Inventory, La ke Co unty, Florida - E Sciences Traffic
ccneucted a street. pa rk end right-or-waj tree in-te ~to ry for t.~e Citj of ~,lou nt Years of Experience
Dora. The City was most ir,teres!2G in minimizing risk while preserving the
cil/s his:oric downtown tree car:cpy ~,I r. Freedman was the project manager 15
for th is project

City of ~l i ami Beach Street Tree Inventory, ~l i ami ·D ade County, Florida - ~,Ir. Freedman managed six phases of street tree
inventory health assessment for the Cit; of Mami Beach: to date more than 30,000 trees to date. The assessments include
health and structure eva luations. ieent'fcat'cn of utility cc nmcts, prun ing recommendations. anc general risk evaluations. The
resulting GPS data will be USed to generate a GIS tree database which the City can then use as a tool for manag ing urban
forest resources in this particular communit'! The results of this analysis may then be used to develop the framework for a
Citj-wide GIS tree database. ~,Ir. Vo€:ker performed the entire GPS inventory and created the resulting GIS tree database.

Sullivan Pa rk Improvements Permitting, City of Deerfield Beach, Florida - The City of Deerfield Beach CR.l, recei'/ed
grant funding to i,"prove its Sullivan Park property located on the Intracoastal WaterNay. Improvements include upland features
(i .e. new bathroom facilitieS , a s~ las h park. landscaping etc.) and in-watar infrastructure including a marg inal dock for kayaking
and padele board ing and finger piers for boats. E Sciences was engaged by the project design firm Bermejo Ajamilto provide
permitting support. E Sciences' sar/ices include conducting a benthic resource survey, coordinating with the permitting agencies
and preparing permit applications. ~iIr. Freedman serves as project manager for this project.

City of Miami Beach Groundwat er Elevations Monitoring and Mapping Project (Sea Level Rise Study), City of Miami
Bea ch, Miami-Da de County, Florida - The purpose of the study was to evalua e low lying areas vulnerable to SLR within lVIiami
Beach based on the assu mpt:on that tre groundwater le'/eis under the City are tidally influenced and therefore flooding may also
be influenced or exacerbated by tical fluctuations. To accomplish this . the E Sciences Team monitored groundwater elevations
and other data over a period of SE'/en mont~s . The ele vation data col lected was used in conjunction with Light Detection and
Ranging (LiDAR) tcpogra~hy and tidal data to model vulnerability and provide guidance regarding potential storm water priorities
for the CitY. ~,I r Freed man aralyzed the data and prepared the report for the City. Mr. Freed man presented the find ings of this
study at the 2013 Annu al SOUlll Florida Association of Environmental Processionals Symposium.
POST T!oIIS C(~: U Mf.NT rt.. A ~ :(""'SPfCl..!Q L.-S P'\..AC[
r·o : r RAN!;a : RRo\9L 1: OR '/.IouD /tt I At4 0 rH ~H NJOHI;S.' THIS IS NOT A BILL
1-' .w,.': S,S ~'PL.( ()'JI-. O to'Y r~ f flt4ANCE D[ PAR'~j\.'T,
( '1" , ry: PI..... /.I, .Ll" S 'II 2 ""Ii;:
~\f, ClOOP Mi t-A';: c\. 3:1 110
f'ht.,.;4>oE: IJ DS ~ J6 . 1" ~tI

Effect i v" Year O ct. 1 2016 Th ru Sop. 30 2017

RECE IPT FOR E SCIENCES IN C TI'Io ' .,; . ....... ,r.;. '>i .. ~.,.. __ ... ,~ . ~ ;Jo."fI.oa. ;Ie

--~~~~-------------- ';"'1'1111 U:" 1" "')0-' ... ~I"IJ" G>>e ~Iii; - ;..\01'
r:lft ~ .1...... ,: ..r....,.A 1'- 'Of 10'. ' fto;.. ~
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JI.c r;OUNT NUMBeR 81 &74
REC EIPT ", UM8f R 41320
111 NE 1 S T 905



Jose M Fema ncP,J.

!""I na ne;: DirectQL

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·'g"\f~2Rlorida : ; ~:--.
Board of Professional Engineers
._ ~I' Attes ts Iha t ._ •
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h Iluthori! ed under tbe p r ovisions.of S.:cdQQ 1l.. ., ;¥tOHda 'S tarutc llI, to o ff~r c services
to th.~ p ublic through a Profe"' ii:.n;)l.Eo gifieC('d~ etn~ imd cr-Cha pte r 471, Florid ... SU.tut CIi.
Expiutioo : 2/23/2019 r '
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A udit No: 22S201<)oJ26~J R ~ 8691


"~!f- . .~i BOARD OF PROF ESS IONAL GEOLOGISTS (350) 437 · 13?5
TALLAHASS Ee FL 32399-0783


OR~A:-,DO FL3~ = :1

Congr3tulatlons Vi!tr th is Ilcerse you be come one of the nearly

ere rr,illion Ficndiars by the Depar::Tl2rt of 3USlreS3 31'C
Pro'es.i lcnal q':>; l..'a:ICr. , O ... r pr: ;~53 er a!.:; arc: :LSlr esses fa "g~ SPi t Or FLO~ I OA
frcm ar:I'"H : ec: s :0 Y3cht bra,.;:,:; fr Jm boxers :0 bar;eqIJe DEPART~IE N T OF BUSI NESS A.'IJ
res ·a..:rarts . af'd they '.t.eep Flcnda 's eccrol"'ly s:r:rg PROFESSIONAL REGULATION
Every day we w ~r "< to irT'prcve the way we de b.Slres.> in o( j er GB4 15 ISSUED 06108;2016
to serle y':u bet;;f F Jf IrfcrT,a, 'on a:;out our serJ'ces please
leg )r:? www.lTI .I flcr idalic There J:;u can fird mere GcOlOGY BL'SINES3
m:crT' aceL. ! eLi dl'<1510rs and ire regda;lcr5 :1"3, i,...,pac; C SCI ENCES. INCQR?ORATED
you subscnte to Oecalirrenl newsiellers ato ear" rT'ore acoui
the Depaliment"s irltlallves

Ol,.r mission at Ire Cecar1ment \5 . License Efflclenily Regulate

r3Ir''1 'he ecn5:antty s:n... e to serve y:a.. ce:ier so tna! '{':I,. can
sc~/e ycur c:...stemers T " a .~ k you fer domg b1.5.res3 In FIC r'ca 13 C::~; i F I =D JrH' :"t~ P"')/ s O~i 0' C1 q2 F5
E'~rll c" :ali! .\... ," ~~ .~ l';:6:~C:~",9
and !lcns on 'leur new Ilcense '

RICK scon. GOV=:.O:NOR



Named below IS CERTI FIED
Under tr.e pro'lls ons of Chapter 432 FS
Ex;:ma:icr. date JUL 31. 201 a

ORLA,~DO FL 32801

!S5LE: 06.Cd 21)16 DIS?L;l,'( ;'S REQU IReD BY LA','I SEC =I lP3C6C8CCCl139

; , 'J :,: . -

Miami-Dade County
Internal Services Department
Statement of Technical Certification Categories


111 NE 1 Street, 906, Miam i, FL 33132

Cod e Catego ry De sc ript ion Appr ova l Date Expira tion Date

E' J \/I K:)I'l~Jl::NTAL Ei'JG 1N ::t ,~ II'IG - STORfvlWAE ;~ DRAINAGE

1001 06/0 7/ 2017 06/ 30/20 19

1002 06/0 7/ 2017 06/30/2019

1003 06/0 7/ 2017 06/ 30/2019

E I\JVI?c)N~/lt l\nAL ENG I ~J::=:; ! i'JG - CONTA~,lINAT IO N

1005 C6/07/20 17 06 .'30/201 j

E I\N IKJN~, lc NTAL E ,'J GI:...J =:: ,:::., ~ j~ - R:jI, I'= DIAL ACT ION PLAN
1006 C6/07/201 7 06/30,'2019
O::S IG,'J

U, \ jIRJN~l : >nAL E I'JJ I ~J : :R I :-'jG - WE~LFIELD , GQOUNDW.\TEq,

1009 06/07/2017 06/ 30/ 201 9

16 .CO C6/07/20 17 06/30'20 19

17.00 E ,~G I N EE R I NG CO NSTRUCTION HANAGE,\ loNT C6/07/2017 06/ 30/ 2019

Appro ved By
Technica! Cen ifica :ion C ommi t~ee

fvl iarr.i -Dadc Coun ty

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RequestJor Qualifications
Qualificatiol/s of Prop osed Certified Arborist
Ins tr uc t io n s (rl ease u t, lile !"e al1ac h9d additional page as neces sary )
I-Jr o ~JOser sha ll (Jrovlcie Ihe following mform atlo n l or al least three (3 1comp le ted pl o jecls whe re the IndivIdual uJenl lf,e d III th e Proposer's Pr op osa l
serv ed as Ihe Certif i ed Ar bo r ist. as defm ed In the RFQ. fo r the staled proJ ects/phases Each pr oj ec t submitted sh ou ld be of equa l or greater
scope Sile . and com ple xity ~ rov lde all required Illfoml ation and submi t thiS For m for each proje ct. as requ ired by the RFQ . Failure to submIt
a comp leted Form for ea ch project may res ul t In the Proposal be ing rejecte d as non-responsive Refe rence Form R FO -CA-R must be compl e ted
101 ea ch For m RFQ- CA suiJm lHe d

R FQ N o 1(,17049 RF Q Title Wy l \W O,) l! J l d P, , €,lllJ€ W OiJ "':'l f

- - -- - - -
Name o f P ropose r : lOt .11Off,,-"'lamhc.,ll)f' ,I!ld Uf U<lll De,)14 Jl Na me o f Propose d Ce rtif ie d Arbo rist :l_,_"_H_,_H_"_'_"_"_'e_'_____________ _ 0)

_'_"_'_"_'_"_'_"_,c_o_n_'_'"____________________________ ____________________ _ __
Na nl e o f P ro ject : K
Add ress o f Pro jec t : MII \ ~ p lI AlP,} Down tuw n Mlilfni 0'
Na m e o f Pro jec t Ow n e r: ')wlle PIO~f>rt l e~ P ro jec t O w n e r Co ntac t Name : _Jo_I_Io_._,_B_._,,_'_o_"_____________
Pro j ec t Own e r C o n tac t Tele ph o n e N o.: JOS 371 JRJ7 Pr o j ec t Ow n e r C o ntac t E-mail addre s s : Jbemo n @".wif('PfOPHOlfi l'
Bri ef S co p e o f Projec t (add ition al sp ace provided ): ( v,)luiI \u.)r'\ t., f t ll l!>lrnq (o n(l I! I('IJlS tt nd OverslI:" ht o f l arqe 1 fee Reloccl t lo n 'J
Vtl lu e o f Des i,g n F ees ( If app hc.ab Ie): Awa rtl ed : NJt. A c lua I : N_____________________________
/A _ N/II 1!1
Ba s i ~ fo r Oi Ita ' -e n ce i n Va i ua : N
_____________________________________________________________________________________ ,
Va lu e of CO l1 s truction (If app itca ble ) Aw arded: ~ 77I) .Ot)O ____________ A ct u al: N/ A _____________________________ N/A 0 ""
Ba sis f o r OJ He rene e i n Va IlIe ;N
__f A
____________________________________________________________________________________________ m
Pro j ec t Co mple ti o n (no o f cale ndar d ays) P rojc(.led : 6 y"<lf\ tol"! I y(' rll l UI I !! 'f" pf!\J P\ t A c tu a l : '_,_" _"_"_________________________ N/II 0
Ty pe o f ProJect: 0 [)es lgn BIIJ BUild 0 Oes.tgnlBulld 0 _,_,,_,,_,,_It_,,_,,_
C M@ H.lsI..BOlher{ sj.Jeclfy) C , _______________________________
LEEO or G ree n G lobe Ce r tifIed P roject: 0 Ye s 0 Nu If ye s. leve l o f Ce r tIf ica tIon L_l_" _" _"_>W
__" _______________________________________
W~S wo rk pe,formed ~s ;lll employee o f the Pr opose r ? DYes El No
By .~j((-'(: - -, --,_-/ (;)tl--'-I7-'---_
~I yrlalure of 1\1Iltlon,w d O fficer Oale
/, ( , {I 1( , "~
- ---.1'-4 .... ---'- _ _ L----'_ 4-,,&,.-1-...V"'-"'____
Pnll teu N ~(!IP. T11I~

Flit I t to
!.Clt l' of :£f1rall11
: ~ ::
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To 'tillcm It May Concern.
SLt!eC1: R~fe r ence Le!ter fer Certj fied Amoris t leA), as de'ined in RFQ No. 16-1 7-049 .
. . ·1 . . '" .
\a me at ?rapcse r" --=',-,-,-_..:.~,-"/,,,.,-"
..,-..:L::..:~~,~,I..:·<:.:..' .:·,"Cc.(-'cc:.:.."'::J::...._,;
J'..ame of Prq:csed CA l. XI Hd",me f
r.,e accIJ':! re '':!r~rc l!C F' r::: c csc! r ,$ resccrdin; to a R-:;!Guest fer C'.. afifcatic4' 5 (Rf'Q ) !tat has been isst;ed
b'f U"',e Clt{ of ~l ia rr. 1. ,,\ ..~ i eCi.Jire It-a! tte Propcser prOI;)de writer; references for their proposed Certified
A;, ~cr.s t T:-e Pr:pcser \s r'!'Gues~: r.s tr at 'j,)t. as Ire Owner of the r~ (ef~ r.ced project. pr :l~ ide tt,e
'cllcwlr g ;r f..::t.latcn as "Nell as ar.y ctr er ~ er\ir,ert ir'(Jr:natlor . YJur irsi9 /"; ' is 3!=precia ted .
•'-'are of P ro/eel. Cor JI wdcles T'e':! S iJ(: ~s~;o1'1 .'A aster Plan 3nc !ml= le'1'lentation

.,,, o;J "" 0' ~. , .. "

.s:cq::e )( ~/V;r Jo.; fer R~ f~r ~rcec P~ c ief:. : . Ma s t~ r P'dr. (o r Sl ,~{ Trees arc lrnok'T'er f.] t!On Prognm Ad fT'lnlHfJt icn

V;:le cf ?;-Cl€ct $ S].2C-Q..x;C r-ee P1a r r r.c;; Vall.e of Const:'~'crjcn : $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __

TIl::e c f P;=!-=c:. 0 C~sl~r -eld-8,~·:Jd 0 CM, 0 Ces.c;n-8uilc [g"6ti~r t ~ ",-f ~ I,., £ I. a("" ..{;c".,s
C.:rs::"JC1Cn cc,....~Ie:~~ on tirr,e 3nd ~ Ith lr: bllc~et: ~Y es 0 No
r cYi :erg c:d !h~ pr:.~CSeC CA seri~ ir, U-.lS caP~C!tl or: U"" IS pf'Jjec:? ",",0 11", ~s
_.Q -~~~~~---------
Ct,; aiir/ :: f\.\-::N G' Atc'l"= E.~<?c:alicrs 0 AJen<,; e 0 Betcw Expectaticr.s
Er':::: rs ar c Gr l53 cr: s ifA!:.c"Ve E;q:eda:icns 0 Av~ra~e 0 Eeicw E. .q:ectancns
(,l.:" cv ~ ~ lfCotC:)' lcrs rC:II:a:es ~ __ ( ~'-cr; dJ1.d ;)r. ISS;Ons :h. n l '1Xlpitled by Protec: C\IroT:e r_ 1

Cld ::(Tcrs a . . d Orli sSlcns resuit if: ir cr~ a s~ c' cons:r... C!.ion CDS:? o Y2S IU'/ No
'/'las !:-e Certified A.'""boris t respcr.sive? jif'Yes 0 No
Vias ~ :-:e C~r-.:lie d Aiooris t tirle ly wIth rev'ews aid'la/s? gYes 0 No
e tC It-e C~;tj f ed A ,-borist ef.e':l,VC?I,/ rescfli,=-, issues in a timerl" !if Y.s 0 No
P!ease tyte !r. t!-e field :€:Icw te prc . . ld e cc mr.ents (plea5/! use N attac,'"co acartlo" af page as necessar'J )
L'S~ .£ ~ ,..c."",,'/,,--~~Ie.../ )::e...s ~.u:. I,-f...y v..-,.,.t; tl "" ci ;5, 4 p/ea.£ :.. r l.. -to
W =- f l(. ......... ' 0.. "" .
l\ai.1e of Prqect Owner City of Coral Gdble..
~,arne of ProjeCt Owner's Represe-n-ta-u-·v-p-
. :-::B-<O-OC:,,

Sjg ~attre of ?rcjed Owner' s Rep(C~sentative . ~ ~. . . .

TiUe C lf~, ! o r City Jf Co ral Pub iic Worlts Wnd sc.ape S~rvices DiVIsion

I'!!ep"one : 3_°_5_4_60_;_1_3_°____________ E-mail: bda,..."emllle*orakjab les com

Date ' 07 1)/ 2017

Sincerely ,

Arr le Perez. CPPO

Procurement De;Jart:ner,t

Req uestfor Qualifications
Qu alifications of Propos ed Certifi ed Arb oris t
l r" <; ~r 'Jc t IO I'l5 ;: t,, 'ioe " ~e .~ '! .I:"3 : ~ ~ l ';C:' C:~ .J ; iI '.~ J~ ~ e~5sa "',

!J·::-;s~ - ~ -a i : -:) .IC ~ ~" ,,: ' o 'c .. r,; r'c r-dt: ... '': f ] : ea s' :.... ~~ ~ cer : ~. ,?,: : ':I ~C:S ... ~e ·~ :; ,:. (,c • <: !..<l c ~ " :.'ec r :," ~ =',)C:Se' 50 P'oc es al
3':-,~ )S ':-e C ~ r;l t l ed A,' o o n s t ;) " ::':-' r c·: r '-e ':) ~ ::: fe' :re ;:a',,;: :) c:;J e:: s.~l" a 5es E } c~ cr:::! ,:: ; ,.:;!T tte·.:: Si'cu'::::le ::lf ~ c:~ a l Jf ~ r ea l e c
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'3 ::,.... c e ~€ : ;: :.-- '0 ' ': :1:'" :JfJ.-= : : -:h -es ... !! f' Ir e 0 -:::C5a :e .... ; -e,e::ec H - : r'f e ZC:f"" s , I! 0e 'ere"ce !:' ; r-r RF ':'· : "·;;> 'T' .. Sl :oe co r- c e' e(~
' C' :B C.- F:)r- =! ::: ::;·CA 5 ... 0 'T'

A J1 r~s s of ? rOje cl: -:-' -'-"c--' -'-"-'-' -'-·c'----------------------------------------------------______________________________

,.. ,Ime 0f PrO/,3C~ Ow n.w _:_'_'_"__: '_'_'-'-'·-'-'c"-:-::~cccc_:__---------- Pror~ C~ Ow n~r Co n ta c t Ndme 3C'C'C
' _'cOc"_"'_":.....'_'c' _'__--:_____________
P rOJec t OWrt! f CO\1~a :t T 't l ep ho r,,~ Nv : l:~ ..l!': j-i P roj e.: : Owne r Co nta c t :-r.l.J,r add r'! ss : ~<:,l"'r~"",e· ~O'l t;J: '!s ;J"-

V J/u e o f C e~ , gn F i!e~ • ~ ,.t.: " C3 C ~ : AWiJ nJ~" ' _ ~

__'__________________________ ,A c tua l: "_'_'___________________________ "'. ;. r::J
8~ s i s fo r C , Hete ~ c e In V alue.'___
' ____________________________________________________________________________________

V ·l l u ~ o f Cons tT'JC hOIl . f 3 :C; ' ca::~ AwJ rtled : _;_l._

X__ _____________________ Ac tu a l : '__
JC' _JOO ' '______________________________ N,A 0
Ba SIS fo r Olfferenc e In Va lue . "
__' '___________________________________________________________________________________

Pro jl! c t C a m ple lion i: of caler dar :::ays I Proje c ted : C __, ___________________ Ac tu al: ~
__m_r_________________________ N .A. 0
T I pe o f Pro j+!c t: O ::'o?So r;r· a,C,SI..I'd 0 Des.g r l !:h.. lld 0 eM"?>:', SI< I!J Cu"'er (SV€C1t:nC__" _"_"_"_'_"'_________________________________
l!: =:D o r Gre ... n G lobe Certifi ed ProJe ct : 0 V:!S 0 \le!f I "!s Ie·. e :)/ C<!r'rf-c.11Ic n U
_ "_'_N
WJS w ork perfon n ed <IS an empfoy~ o f the Proposer ? 0 y~s El No
8) ----0f
·t-on;::~ Of'
Jf A ... cer

J-.,; {( J(C ", V'

pr,ntec 1\Iane f ,Ue
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IC I t P 0 f itl i ,11111
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.' ,::r.:"
To V\ 'hom It i'Jld,/ COllce"n
SlJt Je;t F. ~fer~rce L9!'U fer Cert if i ed Arbo rist {C A l as defined In RFQ No . 16·17·049.
; ' .... ..,; ;

rI _::j r~~e 0; ? rJ Jt:s~~ j (,\ ll ',,\ H ~', 1I' 1"'1

The 3::: 0 1'= ,-?I :: (-?~ ::" ' : =,------------------------------------------

,: or:s-:!~
IS r~ 5 c.:nd ! ~g ~ o
a P.:eques: for Ouari~cajlc/1s
(p..=- O) {hal "las be= fl IssLed
t::l :re ::;" ',/ Jf '.".i~-! ", .~ f i: ~ _,re- :ha" :r(: Proccse ' pr0'i1d-:- ,'j' [:~n reler.,:nc-?s 'cr !t- elf I=r,::ccs~ rj Cert ified
A'boris ! Tr:2 P F::;: C; -:= ( I:; r t2!~ljes:;rg: It'al y n ., 3'5 a-:e Owner of tt'-~ r e'o';:ferced O( ~J~ r.r rr o ','(~.: !I-e
rc l C WW; f; 1rj" :: ' ; )' ~1 : ,:;1' 35 .',~ I a s 3P'l c l '~~ r per:.rt'!nt Ir i.:r'l'd:i'JIl YCLl( I I~ Si ';ri IS a :' :Jr -= ': ' a ' ~d

~J :Wle cfP' ,)J,-.::t f l. ~CI ! .n unyC)·,,~ I

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\' ai .e Of ='r::j -:- ,:: $ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ Va lv? cf Ccns:p;"C! iC n 5_'_'_'_"_"_"_,·__________

/ ( ::. ()'"::,~ u,:~ ·:::" ( :~';:Ie~e :.:r t.... ';C' :] • •/:: l~ i :"H' bLc~,:;,r 0 Y:?"'. 0 f'jC) U .I .':-C r.p ~ .~ ... . ~'l.' ,. ~ / 'p /~J
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Be lew E ( ~>;;\: : ,"! '.\ r:' · s

Y.: , > ~j J

'NJS tr,e C.:! rt lficd Ar bo r isl res ;: ors'vc:? El '( ~ -:;, D ~. o

'/ .3 -;' :1",.:: Ce~ jf.e d Arb c r is t tw'e!, N 'I ~ fo:: I ' -='.~S and SJtr'I: :. ljS:- [J Ye3 D ft.. , ..:

o d tt"t: Cer: i f led .A. r~ori$.t o;? f' -= :': '/~ " , r:::s ol... ~ ISj:Jt?s In a t: 1" ~ I ! n'Ll "I'-="? 0 '(es D / .]

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to I n ·, .... ~f Jr<" '1' .'· ~ : I on ·i t " lt N;! '1' 1'1 1l,1'J': h.ld 11 ro o Jlkhl lonJI CO~ i

Naille of ;:~) I ~ ;:' : O v~re ( 1"" ,.:. 1"1 ru ',ony (0'1··1 Ll(
NJme of Pr ')l~ct OWf1e r s P.::orese- nla!IVe At'q~ !~~lv_ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

Slgl' aure of PrJjec! Owner s R~pr-?sen!Jhve ~ It!:'" ___- --

Title ViC>' P;f"", Hit' '""1t

SUlcer-= I'(

A,'1 I' I€ Perez . CPPC'

Dllec: or ~ .. j . ..,:;. -P
;~~".s['< 1 ~'5-:.'Q . , j
Pr~c U~ rTle'l ' Oe~3 rt/l1~r !

Requ est f or Qualification s
Qualificatio ns of Propos ed Certifi ed Arborist
'n~ 'i 'Jctl<1n s ::>~a;.e . ' ze '~~ }:-""K'-~<': ~; r. ' ::r " ;d<;" .J~ 'e-:!!~"'I r,

::; ':=r:s~ r 3: ~ H' ',:" ( =-: ~ ::-C O!'e·! ;: ' : 1=0::5 /o' .. ~ -"' :t't'! r-:', ::_3 :", ":''' eo: r '-e ;:,·~C :S': ' S ?':cr; <;31
5-,, ! : ' : ,I ;: ._~,= 'c 0: .', ,"; --: _ .... :- '-::
i~-.e ,:a" 'r o:: Cel"":ltled Arbans: 3S ; ~. r e: ... '-e ==: '':' :re ila:;:] ;:; ' ::,e.::s : "a ..eS ::'3C· :':!-:C: 5.. :-::": 5,... ..:,;: ::~ ; i ~";_a Y ;-eJ"e'
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'or ea c!'l F;rT R=C-C ,l, S",C'~ :'ec

R FQ .'l o '-i.'~ ;..;1

N.l m e of Pr:>po s qr " .:'-l ':: " .," oJ " ': • .l:"~ ) ..; ,':.,' :>C. 'J" Nd me of Proposed Ca~jfi Q d Ar hor1 s: ·C'C·_'_"C'_-_"_"_'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Na me of ProJ ect: T
- ' C'C'-'C'-'C'c''C'C'-:-'C-'- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ad .lr'!ss of ProJect : ;__'''_',_':--,.l_'_'_,c"_"_'_-....,___-,-___________________________________
N':HT''t of ProJ~c t Owne ': _'_'_' _' _'_'_'_';_'_'_'-:c'-''.,..,::-::-:-:::-:-______ PrOJec t CWl'ler Con :.act Name _'_"' ''_'_'C'!'_' ____________
p ~O I'~-:t Cw"~r Conta,.: : T ~ ! e p",ofle ~ ,j • ,,
' _ '_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ P r0j~l!t Ow ne r C"nta'; ! ::: ,ma il a 1d r ~'iS h ":"" ~ '.,.: 'T 1'" )'"}

8nef 3 ,;ope of Pro ject 3'=': ~ I~ -; 3:32 : -: ', C"e: : l_,_O_"_'_'_'_~_'_"_______________________ _ _____

V l iue of Ce~ i gn F~e::l 1 1ccilcl C'e : A ..... 1 "l!~d "'"_'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A<:!ua/: ,,'_'_'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ...... !.J
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A ..... a r d~d ' ,.'3.:)(·' )....0 0

Vl fue o f Constr".JCbon t 3 C::;;I(:'::';: e
-------------- Actu al: ------------------- N;' '01,1.

Bd~ i s for DiHerence in Value: ,'_01 ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

- - - - - - - - N, ~
Actu a l: >.:1m... 0
T I pe of Project: 0 ~ 5".J r, c c- ·S" llc [!J :$!.;,g ,~. 3 1.1k! 0 ~ M @i=l. sk 0 ,Other ( S~e Clt'f l
\Jr . r~w n
LEEC or Green G lobe Ca-mfied ?rJp~ct : 0 Y~5 0 'k It f~5 ie"'::; ot Cer1f-C.3 :Jor">
W3S "N or\( perlormed . s a n ~mployee of the Proposer ? 0 Yes (!] No

S~naru ~ of .l ... (" oro:ed Cf'lcer Dale

; - j/ I.'
Name Tile


P.O. Box 330203

Miami, FL 33233
(305) 858-4667
lisa0 1isahammerrca. com

SU:\[.\IA RY

SU.\ [.\IA R Y
.-\ j \ \,.' .\ I i3m JJ Il \\ ith nh'r': l l1:111 til in;. -thl" .: ..' :-- (' .l rs (J f 1" 1"1..' '-..'55 ioI13 1~\rh..' rjL'Il(,~ i n U\ ) Piea I :llld ~ lI bu\) pi. .: a I
11l)rtil.,:u ltuf"C:-. Parti . ~'\pc:"rt i "\,: ill a rb~ ' r i (, LJ1IU r.:. LlnJ..,..:apL' tll3i lH c:"lla l1 l:C' . i n t('gr3!~d pC : :> ( mJ Il .lg t;.' ll h .'l lt.
plant nurriti \) Il. 11'' :1.,,' I11Jllagc ll1 (,llt d ur in:; L' l l l1 .) tru \,: t iLlll. tn,:'".: rck'I..,;)tilJ ll. plant apprai s~l!. 3nd tr ..'\:' ri .;!" all.J!: .:;i ... ,
,-\ 1.1\ i.'l L' lirl' r'I.'r!: o \\ "~rs ;) nd 111 .1 11.1:;..: rs. Ll l h.I ~ ..:ap(' indu'>tr: pro!~· ss i L) IlJl s . dl:.' \ ('1 0 p~rs . Hrci1ik'Ch. 3:1l1
en~in('c:"r:-.. P r1..1\ id~ I) I1- 5it ..' (\)lhll l l.llii,'Il ., . prl:.·p :1 1....• tl..'chn i('al rC' pl..)rts ~ll1d spccili..:: atiol1 ::.. pri.1\ ide pr\1j('ct
0\ cl"sight. t~) rl:.·l1si( s and t'.\p('rt t...')tinh)l1: in kgcd ..: a "~:::..

19)' --l'r~~ \l '11I L i.\ /I f! I lcIlJllfll 'r. / /on i ... ·ultllrdl CUJ/.\Uftdlll
Pri \:l t-:' ( I..llh tl l tin,:! I' r~j.,.:[ i ..: (' i n !J ih.~''''': J I''' in; and arbI..1 r i..:u lrurc. ad\i5i t18 p rl..' I"~rt: {)\\ll\:.·r:;. l1l~l!l,I.:; ,.:r .... an. .1
1:11h.b..:aj1I;.· !'rl1 l::." .., il.)I1.11 s L' 11 1,1I1...IK,.1 ;, ...• J~ ~ .l l la~ ~' m ...'IlL SI'('cialtics incl ud.: pLwt cl i:l,:! 11I..)si s and pr..:' s....:riptil111.
tr,:..:- pru nin g : :. pccili "" 3t i""lh. 1.! J1 d . . ....:a I1.... J1l.l i nt.?ll:l lh:C spc(ili ..:a ti o lls. L1Illb....:3p...' l11unitv ring pr ll ~raJll s . trcL'
pr .... : :. cr\ ~Hj \) n prl. ':;ram .,. t f ....·\:.· r ..:' 1 \.'C ~lt i\\ 11 p r\l :;r:l! ~1S . Lln . .I"":Jj'lc train in:; prL'grJl11 s. tr('c ~l!ld 1,1Il d ::i....:~II'c
appra isal s. trcc ri,,].. a ::,::.~s s n h.' IH:; . 1.1Ild )..: ~q"\;.' ck si SIl rt.'\ i..: \\. kg:ll cascs ir" 01\ in,:; trcc s and Icl n d ':lc~li' i l~:; .

/ 9 \3- / 9\ - Erf l' lJ.\i{) IlJ.: ..'Ilf. L'r l'dll ffu rr il ·lflllll'r.!. F/()riju ('O ()I'I'/'u(il'l! Er/..!lIsirJll Sl'JTi .. ·e
DL'\cl . .) pl;'d ed th':.:1 t iL) Il:11 pn)8r:1 l1h i n tl rb:l ll lll..l rticult urL' i n D:l lk Count: . T:l rg(' t ~d audi t'll cc s \\L'r",' grlHlIllb
l11.l i nt..:' t1:t I1CL· PI\1k ssi . .)[lJ Is, rc.'u i k r.:i . .1 n. . li hJlil c o \\ n~rs. Pnn iJ('d \\ Or]..5I1ul' S, s('min~l rs . and l' Il -Sil":
L'\nluJti L~n :;. CI. :' 1.1 . rLi in,ltc.'d J nd l: l~1I1.l.:; ..' d .\1.1 ')1": 1' Ga rdener \ OIUI11('L'/" program. De\-.:I",' pcJ cl. ' ll1llluni t:
g:l:·dl:.'nin::; progr:lI11 s in illll(.'r .:ir:, llC'i:::hbl.xilL){)JS.

/ 9 ~_'1- 1 Y'fJ L"llonlf!)/:\' 7~'c"JJh'ilfJJ. 5;hdlld, TI!(Jt' hi,,:c: l/oSl'iful. Cllir/.!I'.\ i(, ' (1'Florida
PL'r f,) l'IllL'd Iab L) r~lh) r: dutics r,!at.:d II.) IllL'd ical rc.' scar.:h project on efkcb of pectin on serum ch ~.Jlc : :. t 2r\..) 1
/c\('Is. Fund('d b: Fl l) rid~l Citru s Co III 111 issil)J1 . Pak)rtlk'd gd el..:ctrophvresis. spcctrophl1!0ll1ctr: . and
basic Ia bo r:ltl1 r: duties.

19 ~ 1·19 ~ l IIorr iClllllirisl " ""I',' r .~ id". Ci n· (lilt! COIIIII)' of HOIlOIIIIII Zoo
In s t~lI kd Jnd 111:1il1t~l iIlCc1 plant s
in J.\ iar: . \\"o rk ed inside c ag ~s \\ith \ari o tl s bird sp..:ciL's. installing,
pruning, a nd feniiiLing pl an ts fllr aestllL,t ics. pe rching. and sheila fur birds.

19 -9· 19 \ I R,'.\,urc!J A.\ \f ,I"'II. 0"1'<11'1111,,111 or

Fruil Crol' ,. Cll il'<' rsill' oIFlorid"
Part-tiIl1L' Sl llliL'IH J.') si :J13 nt tl.) agriclIl lLI ra l rcsearcilL'r in s llldi~ s in\ oh in g the cn~cts ofu ltra \ iokt raLii:nilll1
o n 1~)1.1J crops. ma.\il11il-ati l)n ll frL' : :. ill Cl1 lltl.?111 in pin..:s. dc\ek) pl11ellt of absci ss i\ll1 CL) lllplHrndj t~' r c itrus. and
cn'cl.:h t, f 1" 1.1111 grl)\\ til reg ubt\) r-; 1.~ 11 p':3~h bl\)I..)!11 , Dut iL's included ba:;ic b bor;u ,) r: fu nLtil.1 . 11 S i nclud ing thL'
tb3~(, \.1 1'3 .;; p~'((rl.' rlhll\') llk·k'r and g:l:; Cil rl1 1ll:l!l)graph. A lso l11 ~l int:l il1 ('d e\pl.' rilllent ~ll piants in tlk'
grc.'l.?n hl.1 Lhc and gr\ l\\ til chamb..: r. . . PL'rll)rllled l11i~rn -gr ~l hillg ri nd hudding pl"l)c('dul"c.''i.

II.) - -- I Cj\ I D(h -iIL'/. 11' (~r5;. -, i~·J}l\'.
,·/,':I'i( l tlfllh'. L'l1in!ni(1 o( Florid( /
\lJj t1r in Fruit CI\)PS. Ct'rtitil.:a t..: ,JfSpl.'\.' ial i/Jli t'l !1 in T rnI1i~~11 .-\ gricu!tufl..· .

"\larded \\ 'illiJIl1 F, \\ 'ard r\chic,cll1cnt r\\lard. 1981,

11))-/ -/ I)"l - J/(/ \h'l' ulSdL·lI l '~' . Dill/ng\". Florid,1 {nf l' nlt/fiolla/ ClliI'I.!rsi'.l"
The' sis ft'st'Jrl2il ill pullin:tti c1n ecolng: .

. \ \\~lrd ..:d FI I.) ri lLll nl ..:rn:Hi ,) n~ll L' ni\cr . . il: I r:1\('1 h: III.l\\::,hi p. J une.' 1935.1...) jl.lrt i(' ipatt' in "Tr""' l'ic3!
,\::: rL)('col l1g:" cn ur,..:. Co .~;t .l Ril..' ~l. Org Jlli;:!ti t) ll lL) r Tr~) pi"': :l l Stth.l il..'';. Jul: -.\ ugu sl 1985 .

.-\ \\ard ...'d ()rg :l lli /~l l i I.1 1l t."d·. \ m('ri': ~1 11 SUt:::- 1~·lk)\\ 5hir\ . .-\ lIglht 1936. 11.) pl..'rr~' rIlllll;\jt,.'r·~ tht'..;i:; ["(' ')c':lr.:h ill
Costa Ric,1.


AIll~ric:.I!l S L)...:id ~ (\ f Cl'llslilt in~ .\ rbl)ri'h, R~~i .'lt .:r\;.·d C\1lh ult ing ,-\ rbl) rist \ 0, 333,

111:.: rn~lti \)I1-l 1 Sl)ci,: t> of :\ rl"h,)ri(lll: ~ jr,.' , Ccnili . .'d ,-\r L" L) ri ~ 1 \ ll , SO-07:;S, BL1\.l rd of Oil\?C!,"II'). Fk)ri . . LI
e h.lp t.,!". 2000 ' C00 2,


St.ltc o i·Fk' riciJ. Ccn iticd Pe st CL'l1t!\l l 01'c'r:lt c1 r, Ccni tic ~ti Ll n =JF~ c)007 ,

Ccniti"d Lnel I Th"rlllc1grJphcr. Int'rJ r,," Tecl ining C"nter. 201-1,

Requ estfor Qualifications
Qua lifica tions of Proposed Project Manager
I n strJr.:tio"~ IOleaSf!! 1.IIINle :h& altaO'ed ad<;illOfl81 ;lil<ile, as 1ecel$.if)' J

Proocser shall :Jf wide the follow ing information for at 'east :i1rea :3) cor p~ ted ;lrOjCCts Niere :t'1e "ncivldual icentllied In lhe Pro poser's Prooosal
~r/ed n if"e ?~Oj9C1 M.ln.1ger as deftred in :re RFQ . fo r Itoe s,a!ed Pr:J,ectslpr1ases . E ach pro! ecl SLbmllted s/1ould be of ac ual or gr~aler
scoee. S IZ. ~ . arc! xmolexlly Frcvlce all reql.ireCl lnfornarion 3nd i ub rl!i :1"' 15 ~orm for each pr:l;ecl. as -ec"JIP3d by Ire RFO FaIlure to su[)m d
a :cml= leted f orm foreac;, ~roiect may result ,n the ?roocsal being feJec:ed as non·resl=cnSlv~ Refererce i=orm RFQ..PM-R must be complete d
fe r eac h hrm RFQ·PM submitted .

RF CI No ' ~":.--::
:.:~9_ _ _ __ RFQ fltle UPBA.N C E51GN ~ ND ~""DSOP': ARCr1r:'(TJ~Vf'iG , N~:RI .·JG SERVICES FeR 'NYNWCOO NW lRlQ

Na ma of Pro pose r: Lrx~1 Offi(e l.tr1d§(Jpet. Urb anDe~ ig n Name of ?roposed Project Manager: :And:.::'~':'~?:N2':
' ____ ____ ___
Name of Proj ect: :M'::..:"~m::".:':k_--,-_ __________________________________ _____
A ddrass o f Project: 1075 Biscayne :Jlvd, Ml.!ml, FL JJ132

Name o f Project Own er: C ~ty of "'Iaml Project Owner Con tact Nam a: ,CC.'C'C'_vC.C"C"C'C
' _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _
Proj ect Owner Contact Telephora No.: (305 . 4 16-1:06 Project Owner Contact E -mail OIddr<:!ss ::av.lS<luez:i!l..llolmlgov.(OI"l
Brief Sco~e of ? roj ec t (acditic ral space pro.... icee ): larr:;e 'le~5 el "nOor n9 f<lciliry :1esign. ;to r trwa~er -M(ldqemellt co" m-JC'"Jor documenu

V1Jue of DQ$'gl1 rges (if lcoJicable): A warded: :,·C'C'Jt1:....___ ___ ___ _ Actual: :'C·5C ='____________ N/A CJ
Basis f orDi~ o r ance in Vll ue: _ __________________ _______ _________________
V l lue of Construc!ion (if aopficatJ@): Awarded ::\3:,: '____________ Actu al : :\3:,:,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ NfA 0
Bas is for Differ'!nce in V3 Jue ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ ____
? roj e~! Comple~l on :r,o. of calendar da'l'i): Proi ~te d :o:~712'·:0~
15:...._________ Actual: :O'C/:'O:'C':....___ ____ ___ N/A CJ
Tne of P roioct: EJ :esi~r·~ eic-auild Cl Des i~ ', 9!Jtld Cl CM@Rtsk I:J Otter ( s~eClf'l ) : _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
l EE:). oT~, ;Jen Glace Carti"fle'd Project: CJ Y~s lEJ No If yes, level of Ce~ifica!icn : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____
1/ >.- 1 1 I
Wa s Waf ( !t ~~r:Tle~ as an !!mf'~g e of the Pro poser? [J Yas [J No
Br "-\£:.f't ~
S i gr.a ((.;r~
")f Authonzed Officer
.'--''-''''--o_''_ __ _ _ _ __
Pnnted Name H ie

Req uestfor Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposed Project Manag er
Instructions :F'e3$fI ~ t~i ze 1M ~na c.~ed otdaiIJooa l ::I<Ige. as oeccsll ry:
P'cooser srafl JrO'l ce the foUcwi"g il'forma iJon fer::l\ :easl tlroee (J ' como' e!ec ~r?jects Nl"e:-e:he .nCivioLal -dertified ~n the Proooser's Proposal
ser/ed :IS t/"e Project Ma nagar, as deflt'ed in lI"e RFO, fer the slated pn::~clsip h ases . E3C;'\ project st.brrt!led 31"ould be of aQual Of' g r~ a(e r
sccoe . SIZe, ard ccmp1e)(lt'j . Provice :til reqUIred Information ard Submit lr lS Form for eacl"I pr:J]ect. as reqLired by the RFQ. Falh.. re iO subMit
iii :;omclelen ,=orm 'or ~ach prCfect may ;esu" In the P ro~osal Je'ng "ejected <IS non-resocnSI'Je. Referenca Form RFQ-PM-R must:Je coMpleteO
for each Form RFa --PM submitted .

RF Q Title . URB,l,N DE:iiGN ~ND ~ '''DSc)'?E A~ C ~ IT:Ci',;Rt.Er-.G I r-.~E;;I NG 5EW'CES tOR W"NWOOO NW lRia:
RF a No .-"-""-'-'"-" '-,-cc:c;:---
Name of Proposer: lXJI Offl(~ •.3rcaope So U'bdn Desu;n Name of Proposed Project Manager. _A_O'_'_'_'_"_'_,,_ _ __________

Narneof ? rojec1 : 8e-'c'c'""CC'-' -

"--:CC____-:____- - - -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A ddress of Projoct: 1075 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 3J 1J2

Nam@ofP rojectOwner: C"ty of .....'dml Proj ect Owner Contact Name: c·Y.C.·CECiC"C"'..::"_W
Project Ow ner Contact T elephone No ,; {]OS l 6~3-7080 (6' ]' Project Owner Contact E-mail <ldd r1?SS: Eliz~bethWl'eato", '@miar"1 l t:eachfl.ii
B ri ef Scope of ? ro j ect (additicnal space pr'J~ided ): p l~ r "', rg, ceSlgn, and regulatorl permitting, ~~vln<; , Grading, Dfalrag~

V'llue of Cesign Fees (if applicat:le ): ANarded: _,,_,_,,_ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Ac tual : :"C'C'C'______ _ __ _ __ NIA C
Basis fo r Differen ce in Value : _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __

V llue of Construction (if ap~ li(".ab l e ): Awar ded : _SS_"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Actual : :":"_______________ N/A [J
Ba sis for Difference in V3 Iue: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __________________ _ _ _ ____

Project Completion (no. of calendar days}: Project ed : _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ac!Ual : _ __ _ _ __ _ __ ____ N/.A. IE]
T ypl! of ?rcject: CJ Oesltjr.ISl.llC [J CM.§RISk D Other (scecify): _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
'[J !)esign· aic-BJltd
lE ED or~ ree " Globe Cectifled Proj;)ct: CJ Yes I!l No If yes. le~el of 8ertj fication: ______ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __
I 'J' (
Was 'N or~ ~erfo rmed as lJ1 !!mploy~e of th e Proposer? Cl 0
,. \.. ~ ~'
Y3S \10

(';:VC t'\f\re~_J. ,.=:~~~~


Dr 07n.1/ :011
Signak!re of Auth6rized Officer '-'-"'---ccOac'-.- - - - - -
R. .'iarley 5dssc
.J Pfe~de"t

Printed Name ------~T='~

Request for QualIfications
Qll alifications of Proposed Proj ect Mallager

F rl)pcSo'lf " ~ Jl! P"P ::j e To! 1c. ..........1roo; 'n1ol'Tr.:rj : n ~ r <I : Q1S tr lf~ ::>j<::C~:e<"; ;lr;,:! -...h '.... "'.1) l" a Irxt .. ~~~ ~r.,;;j .. :t:: PrJ:oo~;~~.s :::lrq:;:: 6<1 1,:cc:;~ 'toE; Pi""}j,..,.;( MJid.ger .;;~ dfo"ine<: r tt ~ RFC . fer :M Sl3t$,J :}rc ,:c::v:::t~ =:3::"" PfOjod S .t".-n;-j s;X:"c. I{ ~ )' <I:;!u.;' cr ; .... :: le·
~~ ~ . !; ~G {ir e x:r~ @)(r, Pf;!1.r'';J : 11 ' <.."'.:I.r-::l r~ T"' ~ c r ni~ ~ •• :: ' t{ Ih 5 -;~ r "Tl b ~ , .l'~ ect . a s -e;.LIr3( b',: htI V-: . F.:; IU'e:c ~·.L,,- r
a ~~ -,:: €!',: ri :: .::: r ~ '')r ~ :t ;r-:, ~C. "1\B! '~ J-: In u..~ :::·~.r::!..l l ~"9 ''!j=.:1~ ~ s r C:'l · "6 ~ = :H'I6 '1f1 . r:;.;~r ')ftcl'J =:.,,...... R i=·:J,.PY';;; n-t;!'.: )10 -::;;m;>:e'.OC
':i 1)G:t F l ,l r ~=::·? "'i s .. orr.:a:: .
RFQ Nt) :_.'~..._'.~
' .~,",~J_ _ _ _ __ _

,.,- ' "11'' o· P rol05er: _Kl ~! ,..l P m..: ~ p '! t. '}, :ar ~ :;Ign

,., ' :TIe :>1 ?ro. ~l : -d\,. ::1\. '" \' H r _ :: m l ~ ~· 1JI 1b C~t;:r'

Ajul"l';!..t;:::: of rroj,A::t :"ilt. I <)·J~ .... :; ·1 '"" ': e..: .. .. ';'>,"'''1 ( :.11 ~ ~ " 'ri!,. /ol t ml ~)C" . H B ' ;":'

... .l'llO :>: Prl'),ec r ~~ : .... ii! r. I-{'...I:IE: ,. ~".!: ~..iJ -:~ ~1 ?'O~ :: t C\ltTHI'COr1 t Xt ~JI'"\€' : :.:.'~-~'<~"=.~'""="~ _________
P rajUo~t QwTl e' C.Jrt3ct Tal a-p h ':lf"1e NQ.: :<::) ~j~-3.l.:i S ProjlJlCt Qw.' OIf :i]f'I~e. E4Tdo.' awJr!U: '1': .. :-t= 11 ;r1l-d" d;! ;10".'
B .1M 3 Co.J 9 :1 P r~,."! c l .: ",jd I ;::,- 3i ;.c.l r f: ~ -'J'.i::I ~~:: c..JrS":~ ,).!", "1i'T .. 1!T .... ,~ . " :;I"u:n .,1 r ~ ' ~X"\ !, ·4.I ' ~ '~I !ar-I-il"! :le~l~ n

V,/l.j() Of C"-e-.J. igr r ~~ 1'1 :lC:=I i('Jt-e :: A..,.,.~~j : C$(i.t

' ~x
=--_ ________ ,l. c r.lal' $'l4 ;e<;..I)o:

B-~ ~ f:;r Dire r: n';8 In ' : :'~'~

' .~~i~
-J~'~.~-."<=,,~ _____________________________
V. h....,. 01 C4')t'..str..l.:tlr..lO ~If J'I:~i.;3:-." ; A ...... f d<,"d: :S~':~·t;~::':':":)_ _ _ _ _ __ _ ActJ8 !: F~~: iJ N.A 0
1:.\.;Jsj,! rjf D~9rarce in Vw IL" : _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

P"'lJ ~ -;t C'.)4-:o. ::/ .)t!"r'I : ~o :i ::r!!·;n::lIr ::aY1i:': P~too : O!'.:l(1) .~ctu Hr : :"'=.~'=
' ~'~~ _________ tJ:.:. D
Ti'::11 c' Praj.!ct. rJ ~ ; " . ?";-H! I . Id CJ :.;~ - :~d'.C" C (; ~ '3~ ' 'i < D ::: Ih;- ·~;'::.Jr.j:' ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __
LE= ~, Q,._:J r~ n Glebe C!Jr'".!f'~ PT<J j@<:t: [J Y ~ :i E: No If y~~ . le'l a l r;Jf Car.ifica6crl· _ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ _
I .' • •
W ;ts. Wt) r ~ ",rf')('!'f'Ied n in !mpICY"lIl of IT'i Pro postf r ? 0 '(~S 0 ' tc
Sr '~
\....... ' r ."2'~ 1 <'r~ :.<;,rl
I ~ , " _
' - -:..:.::.:...:_ _ _ _ _ __ _

Sogl"8rur'! ::If >\w'ftl.onzoo Officer C,ue

-- )


5'1" r v. ... ~

003 1121"; ;.. f2 .... SC
Cit'! "'3nd],=r
To V/ACri It \,laj' COl,:e;-;-

SJtj9,;t: ? efe~2 r.c8 Letter for Project Manag er, as defined in RFQ No, 10-1 7-043

i'13....,~ of P rlJpcse- L::C3 Cf:i :::~ ~ancsca;:le 3. u -tan De.fgr

Na ;-.: cf :::l-J~os 2d P,c'jest ~/I ar.agar: A:- cres ?ere:::

The 3:J C' i ~ refer encec = fccose~; 5 res;;cnc irg :0 a ReC;Le3t fer OLa it caticrs (=(F:2; tha: nas j-2-an ssued
ty t :i ~ C 1,/ of '~! ; a;j . ~1',2 r2::;U !re tha ~ :1 8 PrC::JCSH provice wr tte .1 re:ere1ces f(;r : l e'r pr::Jp o sa,~ Project
J\.l ai'!ager (PM ). Tr. e Prq:-cser is ;fr1Je5 t ~1 ;J : ha~ yOJ as tre O'lile r c: tre r2fe~e '1c ed ,:rJj -3ct. pro', i:e t;-a
b:l::"I',ing nf,:)r na~ J(:: n 3S v,el as a.1Y eIre; pe~inent ir.f.Jrn'a ticn. Your r,3igh: is a::Jp 'ecia:ad .
~Ja 'Ie c. f PDject r\lllS iL ,i l "Jr ,;


Ty::~ cf rrc!€(: :. G J-ss .:;;1-3 id-6 Ji!d LJ C~. ~ .s~ sk 0 De3 ifjl-8L ilt: 0 0:h~r ( _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
CC~S'-J::: cn CC . . --:I:lc~~c1 C" t me a,1c w~t:-';n bJd'~8t: D YeS ~ ~ c
-; QN 1': 1~9 GC If,1S JrJ ~OSe.j P~,1 503rJe ir t 16 capad'j as PJ\1 cn t.lis r:ro,e.::t? ~(-5 ;. :.:, Co l;tf'~ ClCI' C0m~ a
Ql!a ~i !'j cf D::si9n. D A:CV7; Exp7;cta: ers (] A'1':'3;a D Eelow Ex::·e·::ta'jcrs
c r·c,.r3 810 Or" S.5;ors 0 f..CO'l e Ex~e·:taticlS [!] A !J = ~3;e 0 Ba:cw =x;::a·: :atjom
(.J.:.: ,e ~ <:~::: 3- i cr 5 ; r':: :3 ~=5 '::,.,.::' S'#: '; 3;"C :r sso:rs tra'- a!1:1:lc3:ec t j ? ;::l ~ :: :::,•.~. --?- )

Ole :: T(;.rs ard On'i5~ cr.5 rES :j : ir i:1Cr~.:l3~ c::msti Jc!iCi1 ecst? lJ Yes El t.c
VV as :he PM resp ansi'/s? ,0 Yes D f, c
v\}as the PM time'y with reviews and submittals? Ei Yes 0 No
Die :re PM efactively reso:ve issues in a timely manner? EJ Yes D No
Please tJPe ;n the field belcw tc pre vide comments (Please use the a:::3Ched ;>age. as necessary)

Ar'cr'!5 'el-:z. P.E. arc :'O =t WJi very recep ti'/e to COM c:mcerns and very responsive wi:h recomr"'lencatlOns to fu ll fill
COM best intere st.

Narre of ?roject Owner: City of Miami

Na rr e of Project Own e r's Rep resenta tive Cados 1\. Vasq uez _~

Sig na:Jr-= 0: F roject Owne;'s R epresentat ive :_ _ _ ~a;..<:7'V

Title: Project l\-tJnage r
Te1ephore : (3C 5) 4 16·1206;l:

Date: July 20, 2017


Ann ie Pe:ez. CPPO

Dire :t:::r RFQ-P'.I-R
Procurenen t Ce~a1me:1t Re",s~diII1S,20'6

(Cit!? of Jfliillll!
J 3n er J :., f:msc
Cit l \ la1a ,; ·~-

?Iea se ut Ice :- s space te:o','/, a3 necessary

RFO-?··JI· :(
Re lls ~o a,. ' 5;2016

Ca~lel J ~,f crsQ
Cli', ,\ la r ?,'.;e r
To INtlom It May Con cern :
Subje ct: P.ef~rence Letter for Projec t Manager, as dat: ned in RFQ No. 16· 17·0..1.9
, ' ,: • ~ ; ... ' " • • : 'j ":" i • ." •.. ;, .~. "

t'- larne of Proposer' local Of':c:? Lilr d scape & Urban Design
Name of Prooosed Project i\;l anager: _A_nd_r_c_'_P_
e'_e_'______ _ _ ______________
T he aco'/e raf-2rerced Pr:)pcsar is responc ing to a R=quest fer Qualifica tions (RFQ ) that has teen issued
by' tr.e : ity of 1\.lia :r.i Ihe req uire tha t tr,e Proposer ~r:J'/ i de written ref,=re nces fer their pr o ~ c sed Proj ect
Manager (PM) . n". ~ Proposer is reques ting th at you, as tt"-e QINner of the refere nced project. pro'/ide the
fo l!owirg infcrmaticn as well as ani other pertinent information. Your in sight is a~ pr ecjated
Name of Prcject: f-J,]I.dover ;\'dr inJ Filci 'i ty Utility Design

1,-; 1 .! ~ ;, ,. • to, " , ~ .: . • • .. ... t '~,

" ",
S cc~ -= of Vlerk for Rs:er3 nC ed Project. c ons t ;l!c~: t) n l J rr inis:ratron, stvrrnwa~er n).lt~.lgernen t , w,,:er/se'N~ r sani(j

Va!ue of Pro;ect. $_'_36_,0_5_,_.7_,:_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Va lue of Construct:on: :5 _'_3_


Ty;:: e ci PrcJec:, G Ce3,gn-B,c!- Build 0 C I\I ~Ris< 0 Design- Build 0 Other ( _ _ _ _ __ __

Cc r.str'.Jct:or: ccrlpleted on time and within budget: EJ Ye s 0 No
HO'N lona c! id the pr'Jposed pJ\.l S<2rve in the capac it'j as PM on thi s r:-roject? ______ __ _ __
El Abo'le E:<tJec~ations 0 A'/era]e 0 8 e10\,1 EXiJectations
ErrJrs ane Omissicr:s: G Abol/e Ex;;ectations 0 A/eraG e 0 Below EXiJecta t: ons
{ A:: o'i~ ~'(p ec:.J·;cns r nC;::: :l :~S ;e ·.~e r er'or:; <lnd omlssicr: s than anticIp ated by Owner)
Proj ~ ct

Did Errors and Omissions result in increased const ruction cost? D Yes IIEl No
Was th e PM responsive? 0 Yes 0 No
VVas tile PM ti mely with reviews and submittals? 0 Yes 0 No
Did the PM effectively resolve issues in a timely manner? El Yes 0 No
P lea se ty):e in the field below to provide comments (Please use tr.e at:acr.ed additional page, as neccssa r{)

We J r~ vCly plt2itsed 'l'I ith the design profes sional services provided for the HJulover UtilitIes Projec t (2015 ).

Na me of Project Owner: Mi ami -Dade PROS Departmcnt

Name of Project Owner's Representative: Ms. L~Yd:

S~) --£2
Signature of Project Owner's Representative:
Title : Project )\ lanager
n, &~
T elephone: (305 ) 75 5- 5456 E-mail: Iydias@rn iam idadt:!.gov
Date ' --t-~'-7r2-cr;,'-Z+' ;-1-,---- - --


Annie Perez, CPPO

Dir ector RFO-PM ·R
Procu re ment Department Re"'15~tJ811S1 2G16

Bac~e l cr of ..I.rts COf's:ru c:icn Se nior Civil De signer
."laragerrent F·or·ca ·f1ler '1 at cr 31
Ur l'Jer s.t y :Vliar l F·cr Col \ :1': 3 \I r. B~UllL· l)ll rt hL\'''; () \t.·r 2t) ~~a rs of e\ ]1c.· ricllL·(, ill sit..: ,:i\ il el1~iJleai!l:';
."I." .dle r "' rt s E n g .ree n r~ \ h~ rr l
alhl ha:- Ll1ll1pk' lL'd proj ects /i )l' ~l \ ari~l~ or 5it(''5 ill\.'ludill:'; ht.Jt~I..; .
Cae;! Ccr·r \.. C;::ll e,;e \ lIar' ::; cr':: 3 c\.)lld~1I1lilliLlllb. 111~lrinas . resorts. indu st riJ i \.·ol11ll1er\.·iJI a re~l:; . :Ilh.l pJrJ...s.
J-L: r.:::; uLlrl: \.·LlordiIlJt .... S \\ itll pwj\.·c t cllnsldt,IIlt...; iJl ..:llI~lil1::; arl.:hit..:L'l . . .
\.·n:,;I ik':.:r..; and I1k'':)1;1l1ic]1 elc\."tri\."a l plu!11hin:,; \ \I ry, til ": Ibur.:
\'" ~~il~; :- t....'rH ::-il': ..: i\ illi-:-,i:;n \\ ith proj('\.·l r'.:q uir':I1l": llb.

\ Ii" . B":Lll1(' l lUrl pl"l..}\ illl:'::- d(';:,i~11 and COllSll'UCliol1 ad1llilli~ll"Jlil11l ::-(' 1"\ i-:e5
;.\.... ~\...lCi,HCd \\ ill1 ::>iIe ci\ il :lIhl utili l: rr\.)jc.·cts und ..: n.lJ.....:n b: C O~bl.ll
~: ... [>:'11; ::. . 1-1 . . h.l:' ~'I·o\ il!..: d \."i\ il d;.?si~l1 . l.,.· l1!l::::.lrucli\)11 in..;r(,Cl illl'.;:'. tiekl
s u n ..: ~:- :lIid pl.l!ll1ill~ I~I: OUl.) t~")r 1ll1!1l('I"l\ll::-. ~it..: \.·i\ il ]l1d perllli1lin.:;
I='r ~~ie-.·b ti1 n ll:~lhlut Sl1llth FI.)rid.L ;]Ihl Ih\.' C ~lribb ...·~lI1. \l r. B\.'t,Hh':\...)U n
cLJn~!lI\.'b in:-p('cti olls and inter:lcl s \\ ilh L'Olllr:l\.·tl.,.) rs Il) ensure Ihe projl:.'l't
i:-, cnnwkt>:' d ~hX\)I\lil1~ to ciesign pl.ll1 S and spt.' . .·ili~·~H:l'lh. .-\ l1J1Lul l: he
!_'r~t)~lr..:" Jlld rrl) ...·Cs SCS :J. ppro \ illl.:ltel~ 51\ W le n sit..: plJJb t~) I·
lL·\<;.' :\ ) !~rn ..: I1t.:> in SLllJth FIl)rid~!. Th esc pl.l1~s illL'ludc -:i, il t'l1:,;il;ecrillg
lL, ... i:;lb !~'r \\ :It..:r dislriL'lItilJJl . s a nit~\r) 5(, \\ c' 1". /=,J\ in.:;. gr:\d ill:';. irri.:;~!!jllil
~l:;d 5 t \) rn'. \ \:1~..:r l11ana;;':ll1cnl t:lc ilili('s. H i5 Sh1rlll\\Jl..:r ll1ClilJ~el1l ent
d",.,i::;i1!.;.'\p ...'ri...·I1 ...·c' inciuli('s the' us..:' O!" b(' SII11:II1JgC:llk' nt pra\..'ti.:..::-; ~b \\.:11
as i!l. i ,~ ...-ti\) 1l " . .:l ls and ('.\ti ltr:ll io Jllr;;;'Il ...'h(' s.


1 O !h S tr e e ~ A udi to r i um, Miami Bea c h , Fl o rida

CLIENT: Cil: ot" ,\ l i:llni Bc::ICh
Ci .. il Jc ... i;11 Llild ('11\ irO!1I1l\.·IlU! pc rmittil1:'; for the Cit: o f .\l iJll1 i !3 ...· ~I\..·h· s
j().1 Str.:('t .-\ulii10ri ulll and B,.'<1cl1 Patrol H e~l dquan('rs. Th. .' d..:s ign
in ...·ludcd re'i1 0ratiol1 of til(, t\\ O buildings to ill\.·ludl:' 11('\\ \\::Iter and Se \\er
s..:n ic c'. as \\('ll :l s connel·tions to the adj aCent public r(' strooIllS.

1826 Co llins A venue Garage, Miami Beach, Florida

CLIENT: Crc'sl'(,lll H('ights
Sil -." \.'i\ il t'n:;in ": i...'r i l1~ 5(' n i\.·~ s 1'0 1' 139 Sp::ICe -1--sto r) aUlLlm ~ll >:,d pJrJ...illg
~ ~lrJ~e. Dl.' si~lll:.'d pa\ ing. g.rading and drainagt' 3.S \\ell as \\:ller and Se\\t'r
s('n i .... (' s. Pro(' ('ss('d SI01"I11\\J tc r pLlI1s through \! ial11i -Dadl.' D ER'\ ! and
duin:lgt' \\ t'li throu::;h Florida DEP. Proct::ssl.'d Ori\~\\a: COl1l1e .... l i\)I1 Jnd
Or:1il1;'I:;(' pl.'rmits through FOOT.

B ayf ro nt Street End s Improvement s, Miami Be ach , Florida

CLlENT : Ci l) O r ~kl l1l i B"::1cl1
Bullo-hcad design and ~!l\ ironment:!1 permitting t'or slr('e[ t'nd s ~11 S0Ulh
S11llre Dri \ e. 1Olh Stre!.;.'!. I -l-·h Stre(,t. Li neoln Ro ad as \\ t' I I ::I::::. Is l:ll1d \. ie\\
PJrJ... . StrcCb(ap ..., Jcsign ru r str(':.;.'t t! lld s al South Shore D ri\e . 1011i Stre el
and l.illL'olll Rv ad 10 illlprm e up land ::ICCeSS to thc' \\J [":I" I"I'OI1 1. P;'l\ il1 g.
gr:IJ illg. drJiluge li ghting ::Illll Llnd scap ...• hardscapt' il11 pnJ \ ell1e1llS .

ORESTES BETA NCOUR T Beachw al k , Miami Beach , Florida
CLIENT : Cit: o( \l i3ml B,. . ach
C I\ il CLla:-!.ll ~11~i l1 t".'('rin~ dc'SI~Jl ~lIld c'1l\ irnll!l1I..,I1t,iI 11crlllittln:; I~lr (h I.. '
-l, ()l){) I ~)()( llll gr:h.k p,l\cr \\] 1\...\\3: tlut L\1nlk'cb LUll1ll1tl:' P,lr!.. lh' rt h t,'
~ 1'1 Str,:('[ in th(' S0uth B..::ac l1 eli :::.!ric[ ~1r \l i,I1111 BCJ( h. J I,Jll d- \\ ith
,1 ,,~,lc i ~l t ..: d J111('nlties ~l lld 1 ~l11dsc~j p i llg ,

Capri So uth Be ach, M ia mi Beac h , Florida

CLI ENT: \ Lldkld Dc\ c'lopl1lC'llt
p,j\ Illd-' ~r:ldill:; JilL! draill,lg.(' d('si:;n fnr 3 r.:~ilk'l1t i J l cOlllpl('\,,' ') \\ illl ~l
tl\ul ...,~ unit:; anJ ~I n undt.'rgrl1und PJrking' Ilt.'\t tv BIs(a: IlC 13,1: ,
c(1\l.:'r:l1 :; \\\d cit: b!...)c\..s, D,,'sign inl'lulkd \\ater main C\tc' 1 lb ! ~' r (, ~lCh
..,t:'~' .:1. li:'~', ;;.l1lltJr: 5':1'\ icc'S, 5 (1'':('( e' llll~ Jill! stQI111 draill~Id-"'> :::,~, ..,( ..'111
i:~IIYl' h' lik'llt I~) r till..' lk'>i :::llborlllll1d \\ ith ~bs()('i ~lh:-d ~~U I1l11 S!.Ili l'l~s,

The Cle '/ e-l ander Hote l, Miami Beach, Flo rida
CLIENT: Ci t: of'\ klm i BC'ach
C I\ i I c'n:;i 11l..'('ri ng dc'sign ::l1ld c'1l\ irOlllllCI1U I pl.. '1'mi ni ng 101- tilc 1'':111)\ l t il)I1S
i n ...:I ,ll~il~g a n~ \\ drailla:;,c s:st: m, \\ :J t~ r and :;.:\\~r sc't'\ic,,':: . ~wd :5il~
;!l'Jdil1:; W :ICC \)l1l llh)d:ll: till..' ~,\i ::.ti ng alij::rcc'1H pub! i\,' sidl..\\\ :i!~s .

Coc o w a !k Drainage Impro ve ment s! Mi a m i, Fl orid,)

CLIENT: CO('l..H\al k.
DI..' ..;,i';:l ("d ' S~ l~ rnl \\ :1t2 r dr] ill .l~c.'
improl, c' lll.:"nts t~1 r k)\\I..'r ]('\ 21 g:ILld-~ in
Cl)l..· l" ,\ J!~. Dr:l ill J~c' J Il(,\\ d2:':P \\:H~ 1' inj ':('t il) 11 \\cll
dc::.ign included
\\ i:11 "t~'l'ill \\:It..:r h~l l~ d l ing appllrt211:1I1C;;:S W r,,' dired draillad-~ tll the' 111._' \\
\\ ~' n i !l.~t.1!:"-d in the Cit: rid-In·of·\\ .1:,
Co urts o f So uth E.'? ac h! M iami B~a ch , Flo rida
CLIENT: COUrt5 o f SOllth Beach
P~l\il1; , gr:d ing and stoni1\\ Jt2r m:ll1:1:;CI1l('1l1 d c'~iS-1l fur . J. Ot)-Lnil. multi·
Llillil; dt:-\el \1 pment loc:J tc.'d in lh(' hi storic South Bca...:h Dist rict ot'
'\! i.l111i B<;.'a...:Il, Designs [I !so include'd \\ ~1t~r maillS and saniur: se\\~I'

Hadley Park! Miami! Florid a

CLIENT: Cit: or i\!iami
Ci\" jJ cngineeri ns design i ncluding grl)lll1d stabil izdti...m fll[' fire
t;'uck ,1«(('5S , stllrm\,'dt12l' drain,lge, \o\'cl tcr and se \\'(~ r fo r il 1lt2\ \ ' park
P,l\'i1 il1 n/ amenity build ing \\'ithin the City o f ~ fidmi' 5 rlddley r <uh..

J ose Marti Park, Miami Florida

CLIENT: Cit; ot' ~ l i aJl1i
Si !~ ...:i\ il ~ngin~~rillg. t~) r ! -:Kr~ projcocl sitl.:" dl.:"\d npll1c.'llt \\ ilh a
"':OIll111U llit; g: nllus iulll, 1\ ]\ ing.. g.r~ld itlg. alh.l s tL)rl ll\\ :l k ' r lll~l n.l ~c.'J1l(,llt
designs \\ c'r~ cOlllpkt.:-d and \\ :ll~r Sl.:"\\ ~r SI.:"J'\ icl.:"s \\ ~rl;.' pro\ idl.:'d tl) 1111..'
sitl.:'. SU'2c't iJllpro \~IllI.:"Il I ') \\ere dl.:"'d fvr Svu lh \\ 'cst S'h Str~c'L

ORESTES BETANCOURT L ittle Haiti Cultural Ce nter, M i ami , Fl o rid a
CLIENT: Cil\ of \ l i'"11i
~ ii . .' ('i\ il ~ 11:;!ille(' rin:;
fl.'!" J 1.5 3('r..:- 511,-' dL'\ d l.' Pl1h.'111 \\ illl .I ,:u ltu rJ l
( ': I1! ...' r ,111d Ih(,~lIL'r. Pel\ in:;. t:rad ill ~ and SII.'rl11 \\ ~HI.'r 1l1,ln.l:;;.· llh: n! d\:"i~!l:'l
\\~·r ..· c"!l1pl..:[.:'J and \\,It~'r sc' \\('r st:'nicc" \\('ri.· pr"\id ..:d I ,) thc "iL'
illL'ludin!;; ~l \\ ,lt~I' m :1111 ~'\I02lbi I.1Il. S[r~' ('l in1l'I\HClllcr1t, \\..:-1....• di..'~i:;n cd
,11 \111:; \\ illl thrl.'L' (3) )1Jrking ItlIS tLlulin:; 180 SP:I((''i.

N orth B e ach R ec r eat ional Co rrido r (NaRC ), Mi a mi Be a c h, Fl o rida

CLIENT: (il\ 01' ,\ li 'lI11i Be'lch
Sit ..:' Ci\il (,1l:;irh..'I?ring 5\.'l"\ic;:'s incluci-.:.· I.:'a \in::! and gr:h.! in.:; fl)r 6.7U!)
1:1":('.11" (...·i.·t l)f Illulti-pUIVl)Si:.· public J('("6S ("\..'ITiJllf" lL' l r:I \~' r'i~' a ll.'n ~ t h L'
\\ ~' ",:~'rIl ('d;\..· Il l' Ih(' b('.}ch dUIl(,s b('t\\ (,~Il 6-1-' h 5tr .:\..'1 and j9 :' Strt..'cl.
DL" ":;!l in..:luJt:s thull.' ..:-r~hanccrnentj _ 1~1 1h.lsc~l pin:; . . :- lcctrical ~H kl \\ Jtc'r
.,.:n il.'e r l)!" irri;:;:l!i l)l1.

Ponce and B i rd , Cora l Gables , F lorida

C lIE": I'.'!lee 'Ill,! Bir,1 \li al11i De\el"I'l11erll. LLC
Pr\l\ j,-~ ... t..' 11\ il"l'I1!ll(,Ilt.11 an~1 ch il pcrl1li ttin ~ s.:n i..-.:.., Ill t" tlk' ~k\..:-k11'm(,llt
1.1f:l.l t.' i.:;hl !l11.1r~ JI'art !ll('1l1 builLling c\..'lllJinin::: aj1 p rl'.\illl~lt..:' l : '2 7~ units.
1 ');~· IJl\..' r \\ itll an ~Hl.lL'h('d 8 st l.'r:- r ,l1lin; . . lrtJi..:llll"':-. S(,(lIr..:-d
t..'il \ ir'I.'llllh:.'11Ul I'crillits t lll'(lll~h the.' Fllwi. .L1 D\..' j"',lrl lllenf of
I" r.l:' "j""l\ \ rt.l t i\..l 11. D\""p ~l n Jllt..' 11l of Em·irol1!llcnul PI\)t . 'I.':liI.1!l.
. \l i.l lll i-DJlk
C,)UIl!: an~l Dep,!rt:11c.·llt nfR;;:guLHl1r) ;:lIld b.':O!l\ll:lic R':)\..1ur,:e'i .

S e tai D ~ velopment, Mi ami B each, Fl ori da

CLJE ~ T ! Scui Resort and Rt..'siLit..'llct..'s
PJ\ in;. gr:.lJ ill~. i.lnd dr:li nJ:;-;:- (ksigllj I~) r a 11('\\ r. .·1id('l1tiJI
\..', ""Ilh.!,JI11ini ul11 tt)\\('[" \\iIh 195 units as \\>!II as Iw t.:1 r':l h) \ a!il)lls . DI..'si~ n
il1clul..kd \\ ak' r. ti re.' and s.:lI1iur: S':"n ict..'s as \\ . :- 11 a:i [) dl"l1)",-1.)ff I.l ll t..' on
Cllllil1:i .-\\\..'I1U(, <llhl ~ Oll! ;:md 2 1-' Stre!;;'l t..'llo...l i mIWO\c'Ill~' rH5 .

South o f F if~h , Miami B eac h , Florida

CLIENT : Brio 1m c'St I11C 11 1 Group
Dc\ ..:-l l'1'1111...'lll of I~)ur cOlllh)l11 iniuJ1l bui ldings l'n tl'P Of3 g:lra::;c.· pedc"-)ul
\\ ith :111 oll-gr~l dc p001 clt-·cl-. 3re~1 and dun~ r:.'shJratil..11l rrnjcct. PrlH idcd
(\lJ.5ul p('r1llitting J ill! en~in~' crillg st'ni..:cs th.1I inclulkd r('r1llits !"rl1111
the Fk)ri~Ll Dl..'lxlrtrn\..'lll l)f Emin.1Il1l1('1ltal Protc.'clil..)11 (D[P, and Illarin\.'
tun!.: lj~h[in= rc\ico\\ throLl:;h tile Fk)riJa Fi sh ~lIld \\' ikllifc C\..)lb(,I·\~ltilln
CL'lllIll i'isi,)n (F\\ ·C). r\ ls0 pro\id02d Fk)riJ.l BuilJillg Clkk. Cit~ Cnd\..'
rFE3CI. and Federal EIll('rgt'llc: l\ l anJ::;c.'IllL'llt :\g . . I1(~ (FE \!.\) 11 1..)1..h. 1
compliallce.' rt'\ it'\\ s.

South Poi nt e Park , Mi a mi B each, Florida

CLIENT : 11.lrgrc.'~I \es and r\SSL'Cialc'S
Ci \ il I..k si~ll anJ cn~l s l.1 l 0211\ ironment~ll r'('rm ilting ('It' a multi -l'urr1bl..'
rccrt'Jli l.)nal park arc':l to r strucllI l"a l. l1.lrdscapL·. and LI !l~lsL':lI't.'
illll' l\1\ el l1 t.'iH S in ('.\c('ss \..,( 16 acres. ,-\ eli\ ilic.'s include the clm~Irllc t i lln
1..'( .1 1ll.lin p~lrk struclUrc.' \\ ith orticcs 'col1(,6siI..11l rL·slrl.)\..)11b. ~I SlllrJge
Lh.:il it ~ r\ ) ["" ]1.:lll \chick" . ~l r.1i'ic'd sl' rp(,l1tinc \\a ll-.\\:l~. and r Ll~:;r\)tlnd
(.Ici litil''i.

CO \ ~ r \ t,


3acreor of 5c,~rc ",
n C,vl Engine e ring Departm e nt Head
:::~gree r'ng F'or'da Irte r"at:cnal
",nuers'!'1 Mar'"ll F oraa 2':~\
\ 11'. r . . r...:"L h.b O\('r 17 ~.:'ar::i o fc i\il t:'1l~i[h: . .'rin~ ~\p('ril..'lh':t.'
in 1- lllridJ, II.:
LI CE N SU R E h,h Cl)lll l'i-:'l.:d tll(' pLl1111ing . (k~ i~ !1 <1lll1 Cl11lS1ruc tioil Jdlll ini,lr:n i,Jll ft., !,
"it\.' ci\ il I' roj \.'l' b including )"'ark:>. strcc t ~ C:lrC' . ~lI1d Right-of-\\ ' a~. I k l1a"
.1 1.;1..)CQIll]'1I . . tI?J d~si:;ns t~l r pri\ :It(' sir.: dc\ ch)Pll k'll ts such J .~ l:lH('I:>.
cl)ndllllliniul1ls. ~"'~lrkin: lut5gara:; . .,s. comlllercial rropatic.':'i a nd dr~ suck
1l1,m n.l:- . ThesC' )",I\'j(,l'ts h.l \ t: r>:.'q uir.:d til.:' ck~ i:;11 of :-. h.) ['111\\ at . . r
mJlu:;~!lh.· nt S.\ st..:'I1l" cOllsi::.til1,g. of r(, k'lltioll ar.:a:, . dr:lin.l;(' \\el l:>.
('\ti ltr.lti l·\11 trcn . :h('". <.llkl outl:lIls . Thc::.c Pl'llj('l'ts l1a\(' a!sl) r. .·quir('J I h~
dl..'"i ~ 1l nf\\:It('r a nd ::i.miul: Sc\\l?r scn IC6,

Hi" sik' ci\ il dcs i.::;n e.\rericnce in FI ,)rid.1 incl udes til(' r(,rJ llitting of
I='roji.:.'C L~ tl:roll~h 3~C lh: i('s such a:; Ih~ Flurida Dl? partll1~n l 0"
En\ ironl11C'llu!
Pr. )t ..:"('t il)11 (DEP). S('It:t h Fl uril..lJ \\ ·;'} I ;:''I' \1.1 I1a:;~ment Distri...:!. :t nd FIL1ri(\,1
D\"Tar~Il1 (, llt of Tr:ll1 :il,nrUlidtl. He l1.b procc::>s2d SWnll\\at.:.'r I1U!1J:';clllC'l1t
d ..'.;i,:;r:" tlll\1 U!;!1l tl1;..,.; . . a ~.:' !li..'i ~.;; In 0blJin En\ ironmcnt.!1 Rc s\")urc~ P.. -:- r11lits
I [RP ,. an~! 11 . . ha..; d(,l1lulblrJt~d ~.\I'1cri~ I h..'c \\ it ll r'n.).i~cts adj,l\,....: llt I i.) th('
\,.' tl~l~ t :1I1...! ~) r \\J.h..' rti·l1Ilt. T hl..'~ ...' P!\)jl'I.' IS 11.1\\:.' r. .'q llir~d (,\kn ~i\ t.·
\,.'l)\\[\Ln.lti \.)!l \\j lh d i \cr~...-:' proj~\,.·t teal1l~ to d('si~ll p roj~('b !lUi l11e;.?l th\,.'
d. .'\ >:.'k)Pllll'IH rrogr:lIl1ll1in ;; !;!oab fur Q,.)th public and pri\:He S1..·c tl'r di.:'nts,
but til.H :11,u 11l~.:' t t h~ string~llt rl't; u !J to r~ perll1i:ri ng erik' ria III 111.111:1 ;.:'
su rLKc \\ :11-:-1' rU!l0tr


360 Cond o mi n i um s Deve lopm e nt, North Bay V illage , Florida

CLIENT : Lelllwr Dc\ c!O P!llcnt
Ci \ il l:.' ll~inct.'r ing: . b1l1khC'~l J design and t.'1l\ ironment:!1 p('nllitling. lo r 6-:1121'.:'
condul1liniu lll d.:'\ t:'10Pllk' l1t.

B l uepoint s Marina, P ort Canav eral, B rev ard County , Florid a

CLIENT: Blul'j:'L)int:i Intl' rn:H iotlJI Fishai..:=s. Inc.
\1.1 ri!~J lk"i::;n J nd ~n\irClnlll('nul pt.'rlllitling lo r a 10-:1..:r(' Lir; S ll)r]~1.:"
Ill:ll'lIlJ (.h:i1it; . including 9-W dl'~ sl ip:,. 10 \\('1 slil)S. alld 33
l.luIKilint; hl)lding: slips. H ~clro gr:l phic al1~1 m~Ir!l1c r. . 5iJUrc(' sun('~s
conl..llI\,.·t~d. Ci\ i1 engill('('ring SC=I'\ il.'C's also 1'1'0 \ idC'd.

Casa Del Mar Yacht Club, Boynton Beach , Florida

CLIENT: Lancorc- ;\urs cr~
DI..' sign J lh.l permitting of . L 1 aLrt.' sit.:' Ii.)r J~ O Jr~ stJck lll.l rllU rru.ll''':l.
DI..'~igll o f Jl)cks . bulkheads a11d dr.:'Jging (u r J) \ \ ('t s lip ~ .

Haulo ver Marin e Ce nter, North Miami Beach , Florida

CLIENT: \\ ~ ~ tr.:'c \ bri nas
\ Liri lll..' ~lIld site- ci\ il illl prm C'I11('llt:, I~) r tile- r. .·dl' \ .:'1 0 ["" 1111..'n 1 o( J !l('\\ Il1JrtllJ
LILilit~ \\jtll ~lppro\ill1.ItI..' I~ ..lOO f\..'l't o r bu1J....he:ld. S ll l'\(,~ ing. \\ :\1('1' :llld
".lll:ur~ =--\..'" (' I' t\('.;i ::;n . tIl ili l; Clh)rd in.n ill il . a n ~1 !'•.'nl1 ~tnh.: ti('1n :hli nini" tr.u il1l1

:) :: 5 _ '.1-

ANDRES PE R EZ , P. E. :>t?f\ i-,:,: . . pnl\ idl..'d. R~lk...,igl1-:d ;,11-:.:'1 pi!..: bulldh..'ad \\ ilh ~lLl~.:'r":- ;J ."') lpil.:'·
"'llpp~'rt..?d I'c'i 11 1:'rccd ( \.H1I.: r..: t-: I~) rk IiIi I:1 l11h:l1i ng pl~1! 1·~xl11.

I sla nd Gard e n s M e g a Y ac ht Harbour, M i ami , Flo rid a

CLIENT: F I~l g",llHl~ Propl..'rtics
.\ 1,1rll1.1 d".'3i':;1l and ell\ il\)llllk'l1ul p(,l"lllini1lg 1"\.)]" 50-:>lip Ill.:'g:l) a..:-l1t h~lr b\l r \ ) n
\\ -JhPIl 1 ..,I~l1ld ~b pan 1.., 1' S600\ ! sit..:' r,:,·d . .'h'll)I'IllI..'IlL II)orographi..: and
11l~lrjnl..' r~:'\'lIl\.'"1..' su n 1,.') ..; ,]J ld lIlllkn\ :ll . .·r bulh.h~ad a::.SI..''';Sl1h.'I1L:-; pn)\ idl..'d .
DI..'::.i':;'l1 \.)1' dr..:'dglng. llllli':;:\lll)l1. Ii.\-;:d pil..·r:> . ~l11d lItililil..'s ti.l\· \ e~scl..., up iLl --l5(}
I"':t't 1\)l1g.

L atitud~ Devel o pm e n t, M i a mi , Florida

CLIE NT : '\!i ~l!l li Ri\~ r rrl) 1ll Partrh.T ::; .
(i\ il c.'l1gilh:I,.'ril1g and IlUrilll..' Slrudurcs cksign a nd cll\ ir01l11lelltal
pt:'rl11i l!ing ti.)f a Illuhi·t \.)\\er cOlldulllin iulll ck\clllPIll('])t O il th(' ~1i:1Jll i
Ri\~r. II)dl'l)gral,hic. 111.11"111(' r":"Sl'UI"C~ Slln t') 5 ant! tid:11 !l\c!r3ul ic
llunl..:ri..::Jillhllkling \\ ~ r ~ cond ud..:d.

Mu s e u m P ark, M i ami , Fl orida

CLIENT : Ci t\ 01' ~ l i " l11i
Pb illliJ1~ <.'f n~;H"i J1 -: 3!lh:lliti('s ~lIld ~ll\ ir\)nn~entJl p('nllitting I~asibilit) stud)
C("lIl'pl.:li\'I J} r~' i\c t.) a propl)s,. .'d ha)\\ ~llk . \\all..'rfrolll c.'llhaIlC~IlII..'IlL and
~ ) [Ik' r publi ..: jl:lrk <1111('n itic.'s aILHlg the "horelilll..' and \\ ithin J basin ~)1l
Bi""::l) l1-: 8.1) <1:- pan 1..'11'" t!lc" pr\'r'l'ls;;;,d S~O\ I .\. lll:::.('Ulll P,lrk illlpr\.) \~lllc:nt .)
r'rl~j~-...:t. Dl..'-;i~1l and pc:rrllining of Sh)rnl\\at~ r lll.:lllagclllc.'l1! I~)r the ~~·Jcr;,
m:bt~r r'd,llllled park . and r'l:lI1lling. 'dc:sign of b rgc \C:- SSI..' ! Illl..)l)ring t:l..:ilir).

17:\ 1 Ir ~ , and 20 ·t> St re e t E nd s Im p rove m ent s, M ia m i Bea c h, F lo rida

CLIENT : eil) () f '\ ! i~1!11 i B(,<1..:11
D('sign :J!h.l c.'ll\ irl)flllll..'Il UI p('rt11ining of llltilli-purpus":" publi..: a..:-..:c:::.s
Cl'l ITi lk'lr tr~l\~r :iing til.? \\ 61 (,"rI1 c:dgc of b(,J..:ll d uncs bct\\e.'(,11 l7' h Strl..'('t Jilt!
~ ()I!I Str,.'I':!. O..: sign t'1l ":0t11pa::;s('s 15 bllh:-ks and th r ~..: (it) parb.

B 3yfr o rl t S t r ee t End s Impr ovement s, Miami Be a c h , Fl o rida

CLI E NT : C il: llf ,\ !iami 8("1..:h
Gulk ll("h.l (k si~11 and ('11\ ironlllcllt :ll permitting I~) r str..:'t't C:-IlJ S at Slllith
Slh)re Dri\('" . 10th Strc..:t. 14Th St l\.'e.'t. L. in":-l) 11l R\.xld as \\..:11 as I::; bnd \ ·i.:'\\
P:lrk. Slr..:'('t:'c:lP": cksigll f~)J" :itr(' ..'t clld.:-i at S011tll SI1L1rc Dri\(' . 10th Street
:l nd Li llcl)ln R l'~hl tl) il11pro\c upland aCC6S tl) tile.' \\Jtt:'rrrlllll. P;l\ing.
gr~lding. drain:lgc lighting nnc! bnds..:apc 'h:lrdscapl..' i 11lprn\,""·I11~llt S.

B e ach w alk , Miami Beach , Florida

CL!ENT: Cit\ of ,\ l i" llli B~ ,, (h
(i\ il c\.'I:bl:ll cngilk'cring c!('sign and ,.:"11\ ir~l1lll1 ('nl ~lI pcrmitting I~)r tIll..' 4.oon
Ii.)l'lt \.'11 grade p:]\('r \\ a l~\\a: that conn('ct:; Lumllltls Park. north tl) ~ 1:>t
Slr~et ill 111(' SI.)lItil B('aL'"ll distri..:t \..'If :'-. !i:ll1li 8 (,;1.:-h. 31l)ng. "ith a.:-i.:-il).:-i:lll..'d
all1en iti(';, and 1:111dscaping.

B e achwalk II, Miami Beach , Florida

CLIENT: Cit) lll'" \ 1iallli B('a..:-h
( i\ il (~ )'ht.ll
('ngilk'c:-rillg ck...,ign :l11d e.'11\ il\lllillelll:ll 111..'flllitting t~) r Ih..: :.3(1)
I~~t ~In gr~h,k' pa\I..'r \\al"\\:l: that C\)I1I1I..·C[:, SI..)uth /\)ink' PJrk. \Llljl)l';
ANDRES P EREZ , P .E. Stl)tk'man D~)ugIJS P~lrk. al1d LU11lm us P.lrk in th~ Sl..lUth BI.'~h.:h d ist ri(l 0 1
\ Ii:I 11l i 8~:I,'11.

Capri Sou t h Beac h , Miam i Bea c h , Florida

CLIE NT : \Ll~li~ld D~ld 0pl1l ~nt
p~!\ ing. gr:ldil1g and dr:tinag(, design LIt'':' t'~',:-,it..ktHial complc.\c,:-, \\ illl ~I l\Jul
7~ Ullits ~l!ld an ullliergn.J Ul1l! IXlrking g~lra:;(' nl..·.\[ t l) B isC3; Ill::' B-1; . ( (1 \ t:.'ring
[ \\1..) (it: bk)(l.. s. Dt..:sign in",:!ul..kd \\~1lC'r ll1~l in e.\ tensi ons Illr ea . .·h ~t r('et. lire.

S~lllilJr) :,enil..'I..'::,. str..:"ct CI1I..I:; and storm dr~liJ1ag(' S) stCIl1 impn)\I".'I11L·J1( kIt'
the Ill'ighL"I\) rl h,)l'd \\ ith :bs(x i ~lted !)ump St.1til)!lS.

J ose Marti Par k , Miami Flo rida

CLIENT: Ci tl ul' \lia llli
Site ci\ i I ~ng i!1c.~(' ring I ~) r I-a(r~ project site d~\ d Opll1 etll \\ itll a (l)I11t11Llt1it)
g) Il1I1~lSiull1. Pa\ ing. graJing and s t o rm "~lt('r 1113n ~l gCl11eJ1[ d('~igllS \\('1'('
C ~) l11p!....-t,,:d and \\3t~r 51;,'\\('r s l..' l'\i('~s \\ ere pro\idc.·d to the' site . Strect
iI1lP I\)\~'l1h.'Jl h \\(,l'C (k' ~ig n('d tll r So uth \\·~ s t 5th Stl'(,Cl.

Lit tle H a iti Cu lt ural Center, Miami, Florida

CLIE NT : Z) S\"' lH ich ,\r-:hit..:ct s
Sit...' '~i\ il ('t1~it1 ....'(ri t1:; I ~~ r a !.5 J~r.: ~jlc lk\clv J)l11.:nt \\ ith CI cultur~JI ccnt ...'r
and t !i,,' .llcL 1\1\ ill~. ~radiJ1':; :JnJ sr\"')r l11\\~I~ \"'r mall a;;el11":ll t d.: ~i~r1S \\(' ]'('
cOll1pkt ..:'J. and \\ Jt;;;:'r ~ . .'\\;;;:'r Sen i~..:" s \\ ~r~ pt\H id('d tl) th..: site ind udi n,:; a
\\ ~ltcr n l~l in C\t..:.'tl::;i ,1t1 . Stl'cC't il1lpn) \Ct11~l1 b \\('l'C' designed a k~ng \\i tb .3
r :l r~ i l1!; kits wtaling 180 spaces.

l o we r N ort h Ba y Road Drainage I mprovement s , Miami Bea c h , Florida

CLIE NT: Cil il Wod,s
D..:,:-,ign -bu i Id L'l')l1strU([ j!,11l proj..:ct th ~H i nel udl.'d tnari I1C rcsour...:e sun e: s
and lk':-.i.:;n of bulklh:'ad rcpLk'C'tn..:"t1l 5 at 23rJ anJ 29th s tre~t end s. Dcsi~n
or lI~t 11,,11. di,sil'clt~r bc1\ . al1d outl et lI or" 1'0 r (2) -12'· and (I) 36"
Dutledls frc)1l1 tile Slllrll1 l1Cltcr pUIl1P SI:1Ii 011 lIitll :' -75 II p pUll1p s.

Mu se um Park , Miami , Florida

CLIENT: Cit, of ,\ liJllli
Ci, il 1.'. l1g illL'L·ring dc :,i~1l and r('gulator: pCJ'lni ning I ~)r thL' 22 <1 . . T t' sitc.
DI.'si.:;n i nl..'lu...i..:d :l storm\\ atC'r 1l1~lI1agl:.' lllC'n t s: st(,lll that cOll1bilh...'S urainag.1..'
\\('I b \\ itb C'.\liltratiol1 lrcth:il('s al ong \\ itb r('t~llti o n ar":~1S Clnd \\~HCt' Jlld
sc\\er sC'nil..'cs 1'0 r the Park. \\h i..:h ind ud..:s \l i.1l11i-Oadl..' \\ ·~lter and Se\\cr
l11astt: r agr~I.·Ill":J1 ts fo r t h~ rt.~dt:\ d l.)p..:d P~1I1.

Peanut Island En v ironm ental Restorat ion , Palm Beac h County , Florid a
CLIENT: Palm 13~" cli Clluntl
Cll3;-,td ci\ il :Illd mari nc ~Inh.:tur~ s d":5ign I~) r 1 .5 -~kT(, artiti~iJI 1''':1..'1' habit~lt
:I nd 1.3 aer, 5II "lIc)1I ,~cl "rcbs ICI~ Dll n . .-\dditi cl nal rccltllr~S include a tidal
I'c1nd and t1u , IIin~ clialln~1. siullclll -duh IllClrina, r~Jc s trian b"ClrJllalks,
~lt1d sitl" uti lit: upgradl..'::'.

Pier 66 Ma r in a , Ft. Laud erda le , florida

:; :: :; ~ ',' ::

ANDRES PfREZ , P .E , CLIENT: L.\R Lu\ur: Rc s\xt:.

P!~II1J1il1g Jnd dl..'"ign l' j' !I)O -~ !ip 11h.' g~I-:~k·ht 1ll~lI'iJl~1 1 ~I\..· i)il:. [)~ :')igl1 \.l !
ul,bnd c:.\ .... ~l\ati o ll and lXbill dr<.:.·dging , ill(ludillg Illat~rial h~lndlil1g ~llld
J i'if't1sal dcsigll. D('si gn 1.11" bul!..hL'~h.l iIllPl"l)\I;;' Il1L'l1b and a:-"':;l' (i.:ut.'J Slll' !"":-
~l! I'pl) n $tnl .... t llr.:'~, a! \)ng \\ ith a p('lrti oll of li\I..'d ch' . . ks.

Qu iet Wat ers Bu si n ess Park, Dee rfield Beach , Florida

CLIENT: CI_ \\ . Rcell [Slate Scr, icc s Grc)up
E\al ll~H ,.:d thl..' l'.\i",tillg dr:lin ~l:;(, S;5t-.?11l at the -l9';:-1(!"(' Quiet \\ · att.'r~
BLbinc" Pel r, in Dccrliekl Bcelch . Fk)riJel. Thc are:l tl c)0JeJ during r3 in!:III
('\ ellt-.. ~lI1d tilL' 11: dro l0S: ~lIld st\)nn \\ at(,1" lll ~ln~lSI..'mcnt 5; stel11 \\ a:,
~LJI'\ t.': I;;' d ~lIld ('\ aluJ(\..·c! as p~l rt cd' a compreil(,ll .;; i\ c t.'l1gin('ering a ~s t.' S:'Il1(,I1t.
:\ ),'UI1lI' sUtil)11 \\~b lksigllt.'d (l) rr-': \I;;' nt til\..' parking l o t ~ Jild loading al-"..· ~I ::i
frull1 11~)l)ding :1 ."; th~~t.' ar('a" \\t.'rc criti .... al ll) tht.' opcratit1 l1s. T h(' pUIllP
st:1ti on \\~lS t.h..' sigll('d to L't)I1 \t:'; tht.' rtll w lT to tht;.' sitt.' rl;,·tt.'nrioll r lmd.
[n\ ir('l1l1llt.'11U! p\..·rlllib \\('I\~ t~ h'Jili('d . Jnd (l)llstnl\..·ti l)1l alil11ini strati l)1l
S(,I'\ i\..·I..·s pro\ idcd.

North B ~3ch Recre3t ional Corrid or (NBRC ), Miami Baach, Florida

CLIENT: Ci t\ o r\li :lI11 i B~" ch
Sitt: Ci\ il t.'n~ill('(·rin:; SC'!"\ i(,,·:;. ilh.:l u<..k r:n in!:! :JIlJ gr~IJing I ~' r 6.700 LF (I f
11lulti-rul")"'s..:.' ru h!i..: a.xt.' -; ~ ( 1"l j"j'iJ,"l r t\) trJ\(,I'St.' el kHl::: th(' \\(' st(,rI1 ed:;(' ("It
til .: b \..·~h:h dun ...·') b\..·l\\t.'('n 6..+ tl1 SlJ\.'i..' t ~lJld 79th Str\..·I,.~t. D...: : :. i);11 in"':!lkks dUll\..'
(,llh ~l! KI..' I1l (,llb, I.! lld.;...:al"lill ~, c!('ctri\..·:1 1 ~J:l d \\ ~ll.:r st.' 1'\ i\..·I;.· t~) r irrigJti()I1.

P inetree Park, Miami Beach, Fl or ida

CLIENT: Cil: of 1\1 iall1i B~:tch
Slll..1[".:lillc. ll1 ~l rill(, 1"t.':;.\.)lIl-'':(, :JIlJ h:dw~raph i (' Su !"\..:;s alDng. par!.. \\~Itt.'rj"I\)Ilt.
F(' ~hibi l il: Jn d pl"l;;'l illlin ar: (k-;i t; 1l llj" L'an ~11 and publ i:.:: \\~lta a(' .... l..'ss
strll...:tlIr...:s. Ct)Il(I...'PlS \\('rt.' PI\.'IXll"l..'d t~) r the Cit; tv rt.'\ iL'\\ that ill(luJcJ
bSl)l)lb. 1ll~1I1g.rll \t.· pbnt-:r~ ~llld k:l;JJ... LllJlk·hing. ~lr('as. O('sigll<.:?d lhL' k:I: ~lk
l elullchin~ :lre:t II ith e1 UlllqUC ,ill' I bul,hc:ld s: stem th ell incO rpc1r:llcS :til
J /\:hitl.·ctural [b ..·i:1.

Rick enbacke r Causeway Recreationa l Corridor, Miami-Dade County, Florida

CLIENT: 1\liami-D:ldc COUIll:
D(' :s i~1l OrS!1\.'I\.: liJl\..' subiliL:lti l)Jl Jnd as:;th:iah:d publil..' rt;.'l..'rt.'Jt ion ;]1'(':1
ak) l1g 2.5 mil(') nt' 51hXcl illc of tilL' R i(!..t.'llb~l('h.t.'r CallSc,;.·\\a;
i lllp r~)\ c,;.· 1ll(,llb
a.... nbs Bis(a; 11(' [3J:. \ l arinc rl..':;\) ur('t.' and h; dro;;r:1phil..' su ne: S cOlllpkt('d .
and ClXISUI c-n;;illl..'l;.·ring alul: ) i:, co nJul..'kJ h) 35:;('55 design \\ ~l\('
cOlld iti \)lb. sediml..'l1t trJJ1spl..)rt and op timuill shl) r\..·lill(' stJbili Lat io ll lll(' tlhKis.
Ol..'sign cklll\..'ll b inl..'luJ('d kllh.l SI..· ~lpil1g, in\ asi\ l' spl..·L'i('s ["(,111 0 \ al \\ ith lut i \ 1..'
srL'ciL's rt.' sk)ralil..)il, park ing impnn Clllcll[ S. stvr lll\\ aler lllallag":l1l('nl and
\crlllH' ki l).,!.. S t~)!" \\:1t('rlr'ont ~lL'ti\ ilies.

Sound scape Park, Miami Beach, Florida

CLIENT: Cit' o( '\Ii:lllli [l each
Prl)\ ilkd sill..' I..'i\ il L.'llgilk·l;,·ring ) 1..'1"\ i(t.'~ as p~1J·t ~) r tlk' tk...,ign lI..·am kd h; thl..·
ar ..·hit .... l.· lllra! tinn, \\ I..· st 8. C\)~bt.ll S: SIt.'Ill :;' l.'l)l1lpk'h:J tlk' Sh)rm\\~J{..:r
1l1.1I1Jg\..·lll\..'lI[ lk'"i~1l I~'lr thl.' ",itL.' , :llIll l""lr,'l((,-..."'L.'d tl1<..' CI~h" II f'l'rlllit thr\'l ugh

'0 3
ANDRES PER !: Z , P .E. th\,.' \l j,Hlli -D ~IJI..' CllUI1t: D\,.']'I.l rlll1 l..' llt Ilr LI1\ ir("lIlJll\,.'tlU] Rt;' . . ,)LH\:C
\ L1Il:l g\,.'llk'llt (I)[R\ ] ). In add ililm. \\~llI..'r and s anitJr~ ::\I..'\\C I" S(, ("\l~(," \\~r\'"
cks igncd 1~1I' til(' si t",.

So uth Po inte Pa rk , Miami B e ach , Florida

CLIENT: Il arg r~3 \ (' 5 ~lIld .-\ SS(1\.': i:l!~s
Ci\ i! ci('sign ClJ1d \,.' \',ISt:1! (,11\ il" l' ll111c'llt:iI 111..T1l1itting 01' a lllulti -rU1T'I('l';l'
1"\,.·lT\,.'atil'llal park arc':! t'IX strlll.:tllr:l1. harci scapc. i.1nd blld :;~ J PI..·
illlprl" ('l1lclltS i n l''\I,.'(')::) o f 16 ~h.:rc'-; ..-\~t i \ il i'"-· ... il1~I Lh.k t hl' (\'I Jl structi "m (, t"
.:l Ill.lin park stnh..:tuf':- \\ ith llni~I..' ;' \,.' l)lh':c',,-;j \'I!1 rc"t fL)l.) l1lS. J shx~lgt.· Lh.-il it:
I~' r r,lrk \-c'hidl'). a r:l is~d S..:'I"J'II..'lllinc \\:1Ik\\:I:. and pl:l:::;!'I.'I lJ!h.\ r:l~i\itit.'s.

St ormwater Treatment D istribution Ar ea (STDA ), M iami-Dade County , Flo r ida

CLIE NT: \ I i3I1li -Dad" Count\ D ER\ I
C i\ if I..~nginl:.'\"' ri n g d('"ign t~' r an SS-Jcr(' b.bin pu mp slL'nll\\ atc-I" runel']' I~l r
tr('at1l1ent frl1 !1l thl' 1/ \.)n1C-'itc':ld \I iliur: ba:-.(' ut ili/in.:; n:lttlr~J! \\".
De ,i~n included tllc pump ing sLltiP!1 c(lll'iisting or t\\i n IS. OOO G f" ).\1
p lll1lP~. djk~s and l'LJtfJI1 strudur.;-s \\ ith tl..·1cl11L' t r~ t~)r r('l11~"ltc' ( l)ntro l of
f:h:ili l; and pl..'rt ~lI"Il1ath":t' tlh' njl ,' r jl1 ~.

Req uest for Qualification s
Qualifications of Propos ed Surveyor
III 'i t rllcti<)!lS ( CUhl ~ :I' e Jlt;Khe:l.]dc·'~ C!lal palJ:l. as ~ ~ce<;sar/ l

P, :~C5 ~r sr.J II pr':'Jic'2 tI \2 'o iIO'llil1<] 'n fofm3,ion for at 'east three Pi ::crnp:e 'ad ;l(Ojtcts Wr;;!r2 Ihe "ndl', ;dual Uf)nlrlicd n the Pre poser's Propes;)1
S Gf':'~,j as Ir:e SurlwlcH a s :::eiredn tha RFD . fer :I'e stated pr:::Je c l s'[J 13S~S_ Each ;::ro!;;!:::1 subrrrl:ed 3t'cul d be of er;lIJ I or grea te r S(;C;;~ ,
:;::e ard c,;mp'·"~ , :'"
P:o 'lId~ a ' re quir·}d informalict1 ard sucmLt this F:wn for eacn prClaC!. a3 requ f..:d ~y tt' e RFO. F<!rluf:! to sul:r>lIl a
c;rr~ 1 2"~<1 Fc~m :cr each ;: rojec t may f,,!'>loll In tl",e Pro;:csa l beln;r 'eJ'~cted as ncn-re3p0l1s,l,e Refere nce Ferm RFO-S-R must be comp~t!ted
for each Form RFO -S submitted.
L.r.2,\,'1 CE3IG 'J.vlD ~/\ NC SC ,\P:: AI'CHIECT'-.:R[; 'ENG I,' IE"R Ir-.G
RFQ No .:16·1 7- C.19 RFQ Titl e. S:: ,~'/ IC ES FJ ':( Wfr l'l:-:'CO NW 1f'D .\ 'I= ,\I~E 'NClmJERF
Name of Propos~r : a,$c.::J.yr:e ::1'" Il':c!f I"] C.:J rrln r1Y In~ NJ rne of ,_·'"':..:90'"".I".o='o,""'CC"'."","PeS",",_ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
Prapo sed S lJ r /c yor: C
Na me o f Project: Lincoln ROod C:str:ct Phase 1
A ddr~s :i of Project: L nc.oln RO.l.1••\1 ami, FL

Na ille of Projac I OWl1ar:': Po :)' ~~ 1'~" 3.: 1;i'j; ,)r "·~ ' Ccrr~ r =c'd :)~r~lot: " s Proje ct Owner C'1nlact N:1l1le:/s,a"C""'CC"a"'C, a"'"'C,'c'3':c:-:-:-_--,-_____
Pr oj'2c t Cwncr CO l1t a.;~ T ~1\Jpl1olle N o.: (2 ',2\-133- 1,15C :( 2::3 Project Own er C o ntlct E.mail address: Icasl ' l l a ~fie:co per3t ion s net
Eriel S: ope of P,ojC!c t p-jJI!io~~;) 1 3t:JCe ;:ro"idcl): ThiS ,~f();C;t C<1r51 .;t·~d Jf Jro\,ldng Prcir; ~31o ;ril I 3l,. ;\,I)! rg Serm:es fer thtl l ;'1cc'n Road Ci~lric:

I /I 'N)~~;\ '~' I f' r_' i~ ~ t , II:~: '~':I!:; l---uLS. Jr! :Cp~; r J_ I'i,; ,lJ r .ey. R~i·t ')/ '.IV:]), J':! I';"[!1lflJlbn JI Jllid';t: apj j,HlIt<rr'l se,-JQI il'1d i:antlcl :. ... r:q.y.

Value of Dcs:gn Fee s (.f aq: II.:.3IJ!e.,: A W~l((jcd : 579,:00 CO (";u st ror Pha:,;~ 1) Act ual: "S7g,IJCrJ ot) Nil>. 0
Basis fo r CiHerence ill Valu c : _ _ _ _ _______________________ __ _ __________ __

Val uc of ConstL/l::~i on (If aplicai.; le): Awa rded: _ _ ________ _ _ _ Actual: _______ __ _______ NfA [J
easis for Difiert!llcc in Va luD: _ _ _ _ _____________ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __

Projec t Comp l etio n (no. of ca 1el'ca r days)' Projected : _____________ Ac: ual: ______________ NfA 0
Ty p~ of ?rojoGt: D Oes'g n-B ,c. 8ui:d EJ DesignlEu ir~ 0 C.'.1'§R:s{, 0 Otr.e, (speclry )' _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __
LE:=D or Gre~n G iob~ C~rt ilie d Projact: 0 YeS El N.,; If yes. Ie -lei of Cer:,ticJti:Jn
W'. s ~'o rk psdorrTl e ~s a n ernploYf:!e of the Proposer? El Yes D ,\jo
By ,
/ (1/' / /
, '.
'------S(gnalu r'? of Authorized Officer

MIke 3ar'.r.olom€l'I. PS,\ ' President

?rrn:ed Nil me Title

(fit).! of J~limHi
Daniel J. Alrol1$o
Cit, MJnaap.r
To Whom !! May Con cern:
Sul::;~c t: Reference Le!t\?r fer Surveyor, as declined In RFQ No, 1G·17-0·D .

,~~ ,

S:or-e of I// ur~{ fer Ref81'9:lCe d Project:

V:iIUG of Project: $,_7--'9,_0'_'0_ _ __ _ _"__ $ ,'6,COO,OCO

Ty~9 01 Pro:ec!: 0 Coa'gn,Bid,Build IE] CM@RlskOJ Deslgr.,8uiid OJ Oll,e,' (_ _ _ __ __

Cor.stn;c!ior. ccmple ted cr: tim~ and within budget: 0 Yes D No
He'll IC.19 did tile prcpos€.:! SurvCjC ( ser/9 in the capaci ty as S Ur'/ 9jCr on tli is prcject?.:.',-Y':...'_'_ __
Qualit, cf C03:,gn: I] Above ExpelJta!!clls 0 Average 0 Below Expectations
Errors and Om;s::i;ons: 0 Above Expe:tations 0 A'lerage 0 Below Ext::ectations
(,\ ~o'/ '3 8.'Il"ld J:loIl5 in·!i::.a!oJ'i (O"'IU errors 311d om[sslons 11:<111 anHclpa(>Ju Ily Pro:ecl Cwner .)
Did Errors and OmI5J:oIlS result In Incr ~K1sed construclion cost? 0 Vas 0 No
W3'3 tl18 SurJeyor re spcnslve? G'J Vas 0 No
'Nns the Surveyor timely with re',Jews and submittals? III Ves 0 No
Old Ihe Survoy01' effectively resolve iSSUEls In a tlmely mBnner? lEI Ves 0 N0
PJeflsc Iyr-e In the field below 10 provide commen ts (Pi!l<.ls !) usa '.bo attached addUional pa!! o, as necesso ry):
OlscJynp.l1as l1~ell VelY ef(~ctl'Je to '.'!OIk '.'111 11. mobU ili!5 qulc!dy and Is ,l bre to WOfk welJ with the rest of the design
t<!ilill to reso;ve problems <tIld o\}stJclc .. III a timely l\lJ nner.lhe project Is cwren tly tinder de sig n so '.'Ie cannot att,!st
to errors aL\d nm l ss~ons. That said. our experience working with them to date has been excelle rlt.

Name of Prejecl O\'Jt1or: Oti' Of Miami Oeach Ilead Deilgner 15 James Corn er Fletd Operations
Name of Project O'.vn or'$ ReprasG ntalive: City· Diego lopez Mcdln" / lead Designer· Isabel Castilla

Signalure cf ProJ oct Own er's Reprasenlaliyo:_-,-,~';;::"::"--'-",:,~':-,,:,

,: ,, _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _
TlUe: Principa l
Te!epllone: 21 2· 433·1450 ext. 233 E-mail: lca~tlIIJ@flc l doperat l t

Dale: 712012017


Annie Perez, CPPO

Director RFa·S- R
Procurement Department

Request f or Qualificatio ns
Qualification s of Prop osed Surveyor --_.-_.
In "trll c t iOllS , pr~J~ !l .tIi"!e:hil a:!.lclled JCCI'.K:~al pa'l~ . J ~ n @Ce ~ $,lry }

P'~c c, er s~la li ::'10"';'; t~·~ ' cI'")W" l'j n f';;'I1'a ' l)n
for at 'e3SI : h rg ~ {3 j ccmp!ele j ~r~Je::~s Iit"ere ·t,~ ndl'l'dua' (!er" p th~ Prcposer's ° ropos.)1
i~,.e;:l3 !he Stl rlQjo r as jef~ =c Ir th e RF;) fc- :i'e sta ,~J ,C'r?; ecls.;;~a:;'!s E:!ch :Jfc.e:: S-GMlt:E-d 3r:u l:i :ie cf eq ual J f greJ.te- s~oce
s =: a:"~ c:::I1'c'= < ". p{C 'J ~..!~ all ie'.;:l. r.::J :rf orn' a:icn ar.d sut r>:l t th s F:Jrrr fer eacn J:r::ject, a:; re \~l;' ej b 1 "'~ RF:). Fa,ll;rs Ie S~C11 1 t a
cc r"p'e1fo'rj F::ull fc; e:'l<::l proJect 'nJ, 1t n :he Pro~ os31 berg rejected as n:iIl·,esporSI'<e. Refe(~rca FornI RFQ·S·R O"ust ~ e ccrr:;eTec
'e( eac;, Form RF Q·$ St..Cml\:ed
URB ,I ~ I CESICN ,\ ,'JC l,\~. CSC,\ ?E ,' i~CHITEC TL.m: E"'G , ' ~ECP : ~; G
RFQ Tit l<! SCR'i!CE:' r CR ',orl ' N. Ceo N'.'I JPC W'::"I.E 'Ii CO N::~F
N,lIna of Proposed S lI r/e yor : C ·1r1C'C'O'Cc.·C"C·'C·,,--'-PCSC·'.c'__________
' _''...:.'C'C
N,lllle o f ?raject: S1":1crn Ghr!l!'i-Cl t Bn,; 11 RCSIC:l iIOIl Aounaar'l S<lr.1C~S
A Jrlress of Pr t)jcc ~ : SClI.lhern Gla':oilS T'J,I. L-, (J'T>O!~ le dd Fl33CJ..:
N,Hr,Q o f Pro;c r:.t O...n m r: 5,),;1' F r.n(11 '.·h~,:·~' "'''Sf!mcrl <J Sin';! ProJe ,;t Owner C on t a ~ ~ I'h llle: ;l mel;d ?cc rg..l ez·,\INS. PS'.1. '.16."'.
Proj qct eVill e r Conta c t Tt1 !e;Jh olle N,).: 15i3 · r:~·3-.3:I';O Proje ct O.... I1Of Con:act E'ma i l addr;)s s : arr.cnc;u i;r.'lmd,; r:v
B ri e f S ; 8p~ o f Pr .:lje ct )o~,~i l lC:f' JI 3:: 3.:e or~IJI<:! ""I ;; ::: ,:,1' r,lI ny 'he ~'oun,j~ry .)1 'cur '·~<: '.r:r 3 11" 1 JCI'nr:.l·i" -"l ~iqr'I'I"I ' lr~(! (J.1' ;JiI ' :CS '''111-.,1
s,).j }.>,;·ir;ns · Pr(l,!~"(: cl ~':: ' ,"'.:iJl"1 $u "',,~/ · P.:Jf1c·n' ').1 T il e Ancll, SI ,

V J lu ~ of Dt! s;gn =ae ::; ,.f 2r-::'caJ": ;: Awarded: c5"_,c·c5·c"eo·c50'-_ _ __ __ _ _ _ A c tua l: 3-a.5Sd 5J
8:ls i'i fo r ~i ffc r ~nco) in VJlue: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _
V:ll l'O of Cc ~l :;trll~!i o n \1/ ul= plicab lci: Aw .:w l"d : _____________ A.: tIlJ I: _______________ ~ NlA [J
B.l 'i is for Ciff~r 'H1 co in VElluc: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __
Pr oja::: ! Comple tion ~~~ of :;:.3'~(l 1 -3r d a:/s ~ Pro;<:!cted : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ A\!!u al : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ N,';.\ g
T fP~ of Pr oj·~c t : 0 Ce 5: ,; n ·3 -c - ~ "i'd 0 0 C t; I @R.~:" D OII1=f (spt!c:fy ;
Cesi;rlE:,ilc 'CC'C'C"O·'C'C·'C'C'C··ItO
"O"O'O:________ _ _ _
L::=J or G r ~ "il G Oh d Car:if iec] Proj.,,:t: 0G No If yes , leve l of Ce"'ll1cal:,Jr.

'tlls w o r, p~r.o r1ll 9 d aq nn ~f1lploy()e of the Proposer? G Yas 0 No

,- ,;/;/~
5y' . ---,/ 7/1 4.201 7



T l t ~e

Oiwlt)1 J. Al r0 r ~S J
To VJhol11 It "lay Concern:
Su t;~e c l ; Refe rence Leiter for Sur/eye r, a3 defin od In RFQ No, '16·17·040.
~ ,[l " ;;:::::::;~
Name of Propcs3r; Lec a Office Laodscaoe and Urban Oesign

Narr:e of Proposed S ur/e yor: O ; ~,=ayn e Engineering Cornpany. Inc,

T I~o aco'!') r~fdr;)r:ced Peor-eser Is (esponclng to a Roquest for Quuilficatbns (RFQ) tllat has been Issued
1:1' tt~a Cay of Mlzllnl. Wu mquiru Ibat the Propos or prov:do \wl1len raftJronces for t!lelr [J rcposed
Sur/G,o r. Tho PrJpos er Is reques tir:g tha t yell, 03 !lIe Ownor of rile re fa rance:J pro;s ct, prcv1de the
fcllm'.ln g fr.rc:matlcn as well £13 ony cll~er r-ertlnent Il1formnUon. Yom InsIght is apprsc!oted.
N<m~ a of Project: Souther,\ G!!lc!(l3-Cl l B!l i!n RiJsloraHo ABoumhry S9CV!COS

fimt~l~~" rnntJ~'fIg:l ,jj t.1W=3·,Z;:UXiitAAAWI

E l:rlO.:311 ,no 11\3 [}oura<lry 01 :our SilCU:lrlS ~n:.f (it)JlrlO,l:Ir.OoiOllly·U: re 0 (o j ) p:};~{115 ',\ i1hi"
S cop a of If/or!.; (er Ref.,ren ce d p[l:jocI:S;J'rJ Sllc!fc os • PrQI(~dod !l e·)'Ir.:hry sU!,,:(IY• P(lr(crOlod il~!o An!l:l(s: ~
Va:ca of ProJse!; $ 71j.~ 5a. 50 Valuo cf Conslruc!!on: $ _________ _
Ty;;o of PrcJocl: D Deslcn·aid·Gu:ld D C,\ !@Rlsk 0 Deslgn·B:..I!J EJ Other {sur/eyIng & \~~;Jp:;1g
Ccn,,(;ucl!an cc mplated on t1n~~ and w!~ hln budge t: El Yes 0 No
Ht)',',' long did lil8 r: rc!=os-3cJ Sur/oyo r serve In Ihe capacity a3 Survoyo r on 111Is proJec t?!3 mo::ttls
Qtl~:ny of Da3~Gn : EJ A;;Jve E:<peclaUons 0 Averag9 0 Be! ow E :<pecIClUOl~S
Errcr;; ad Or.llss!:;rs: I!l fI..CiJve E:(~ectaUons 0 A'/afOG9 0Below Expac!a!lcns
(Abo'io ,) \(p~Clil l !ll;. S lr.lIkaldS fawo r erfC{S a:ld om!ssIO.1S U'an BnUcI;lahad by Prlllget OWJ1iir.)
Did Er(C fSand Om!S3rO~S r:~ sua in Increased const(ucticn cos t? D Yes [2} No
Was the Su rveyor respcn slvo? lEI Ves D No
Vias the Stlr/e yo r til~~a ~y w:111 rovls'Ns and submittals? o Ves D No
Dfd 11:9 SIII'V9yor offacUvely rt3Scl\'9 Issues In a timely manner? 1!1 Ves D No
Ple(l s,J type III tlie fie ld bo!ow 10 provIde commonts (Pie !ISO uso !ha aUJ.chod ildd!Uon :Jl paoo, 0 3 naC6 5sa r/):
U:scayns E noi r1:HlI~IlO dlcl 31l OXCEl!lontJob In nctlalfong lnu proJoct loentron. TllOj cOnl phJted tho proJect on tlmo o'/on
Ulou91lt ACCOS5WOS IImltoJd ond propo rty was tl ndor water.

Name of Project Owner: South FlorIdaWatorManagomonl DIs Ir~ct

Name of Project Owner's Ra)lmS8n(alive: Amo lla RO_d_d:O
_,D_A_ _ ___ ___
Signalure of ProJecl Owne r's RoprosenIOllv;t\Ll,,"'- qnlu>-~_ az::::
Trtle: Survoy &- MappIng SocHon Admlnlslrrrtor · Intorlm UO
Te:ophone: (561) 6112·6605 E.mall:
Dele: 7/2012017

A n n ~e Peroz, CPPO
D!rac!or RrO·S·R
Pro cureme nt Dopmtment

Req uest for Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposed Surveyor
In s truct io ns (F'e.H I' J l~h ~e '~e alt,K ne<11dd OOl"d l .: >lqe. 15 -e Ce~ 5a l'l)

Proccser :; "a 'i p'r:;', :J~ ' h~ 'Ol'c:" .irg nf ;Wl<lI,Or1 b' a: ' ~a'it thr~ ~ (3) :cmp1e'-':!d pr~i€cts ','If'"r':! 1I1~ "rCiv 'dl. ) 1 (len' fi~d In ;I'c F ro ~Gscr s P-'Joc:;dl
5€I\e J d3 [h~ Sur/e,o r a s tj"! i "e j n tt:e P.FQ fer the s'lled pr::Jec:s;r:hases E3Cr. ,:rc;ect su::;nlt.;j ~r c l.. j be of ec;unl or ~ r ~3!er $I::;;;.:! ,
3'<:e ar d c.:fT'ce· t/ o ' I'}'; "ce aI' 'e'.'lLlf.a·:: r'f;;-wat 0'1 anj'l ths FOf-:1 '01 ea:h Prol ~r.:, a<;, r-?'-ll. le:1 b~' tt-e W:Q Fa 'ufe ~c s.... cmll a
cO lr ~It;n:~ f.! ,;:"Jnn k, r ~'lC:1 prC;€':: :lUi re:;t.. 1t n :he Propo sal oeu'g 'c.B::i!d as non -re~porSl/e Rcfe rdnce F0rm PFQ-S-R must b~ :::on'~'e'e'::
for each Form RFQ·S sucnlltled
RFQ No _'6_._'_7._C_'_)~____-o____ RFQ TiU~ S:: ~ \ ,' CE'3 FeR '''''(' lr.',Oeo N'.'I JRO ,.l. '/:: "'h 'e 'NI)ONE':!;"
N ,1fllo'! o f Pro po s,) r: e :K3y"oJ ':: oj " ,~ C :"' t'~ C': I":H ll; Ir e Name or Proposl} d Sur-illyo r: ~
' m,-,,"_
N,J l nc o f Pro ject: ',hlH'i C'e sio;'l ~.S!ricl P{O I ~CI (
A ddress of Pr oi~ c f : ' Atdnll O'lji!;n t;i s'rGl, \ \ ,11'11, F:' JJ lJl
N 1m \? of DroJ"ct C',vne r ' C;] ~I"I S<: , n ':. :·n'~" ! l: ~lr:!Cfa ' ltJ/l Project Owncr Conlact Na me: c'~'~O~
I '_T~'_'m
PP) jcct Owner Cont.1ct T i! :Bphol1~ 1-< 0,' 73,) 2'),: }!:o ~ ,(' J ' ':'j Project Own ']r Cont:tct E, 'n1:li! arldress: .... ICJ'J '}:":"'; jr:.: )il'(1 ~, 'JI

Vl h.. e or D.. sig 11 F ~9S ' : 1 =0' ob'~ \ : A.... .ld.HI: cS_"~''_"_
' _' ___________________ Ac ttla l: OS~'J~Jo'~"_______________________ N 'A 0
Bas is for Dif~\? r'? n ce in VlJue: ______________________________________________________________________________

V<i l ue of Co nst rli Clil)r1 df <l~::; , ;('Jb '~ ~ A .... ,mlud: _______________________ Ac tu:al; _____________________________ ~,,'A 0
Basis fo r Differ(m ce in Value : ______________________________________________________________________________
P roj9c t C l)rnp~e! i on (no. oi t;a1'; "C3.r :tl!,1' Projet;:~d: _______________________ Actual: _________________________ NiA EI
r,pe of Proj e c t: 0 C'e3.;;r -e ::-='.1:; 8 C;:$ ,I', £" II ;! 0 C,\l § R I $~ 0 Ol h ~r (s:et;if'l', ____________________________________

LE::::> or Gra~n Glo!)\! Cert lfe<l P~oj"t;t: 0 Y;!; IJ No: If f~ s ie,ei cf Csrt.f ca\iol"
W", w o rk p.;!rforn1od as :l!l eWllloycv of tllIJ Pro!loser7 G: Yes 0 No

By / . .~ 7_"_"_"_0_"_--=______
Sigr aru;oi! oi Al.;,rcr'l ed Cffce( Cale-

QUtp (l f ~Hl i 11111 i
0 (,10:01 J. Ai/a nsa
City 1~:a l1 a;;9r
To Wllom It May Concern:
Subject Ref~re n ce Letter (or Sur/oy~r, as derine(/ in RFQ No. 16·17·0,19.
ItWfrj.;r-mi"{i124JOI c: :e' !m?TIimt'9jt@tt · §tltJ,~3iiZJ.4i':,~4{'5 tX&r'~:
Ua me of Proposer: LJcal O ffic~ Lar.dsca~e and Urban Design
Na ma of Prop osed Slirvej'or: 8isc;lyna Errolnoeling Company, Inc.
Tile a~~OV9 r efer~l1co:!j PrCI:OS'3r Is ra :; pendin g ~o a Reque st fer QU<J llfrC8tlO r:S (Rf'Q) lil a! has !~een Iss ued
by the City of l\'iJlll1. Ilv''') requlr~ tl :at 1119 Pro;: os ~ r provide \','r itlan refeJellces for tlle!r proposed
Sur/eya r. Tile Propeser Is re ql;es:ing til::!! you, as the Owner of the re~ere{lced project, pro'ilc:e tile
fc llo'.'Iing Informal/orl as 'Nell a3 any otller perflnar;t rl1 fcrma~ ion. YOlir Insigllt Is aPl: rec[a\ed.
Nanle of ProJect: f.I~ fam j De sign Dls!rict PrcJacl

$:-!fi~~~1'aiG~ time t~mr~~j11J ,wttm"~'trr.~m!3ij$ tititarJ

S co~e c ~ \Nor~ fer Re~arenl~ed FroJ'3ct: M lIllfpt ~ Slt<2s!. RoadwiiYs In the Mlilmi Oo!s lgn District (SAP).

9,_0_70_ _ __ ____ Va fl!e ofCenstrucllcn: $, _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __

Valt.:c of Project: $,_1_
TyFO of Pro;ce!: D 0.':0,,.8:,:-2ul1<1 0 G,I,!:Q)R:sk Dl Design-Build Dl Other (, _ _ _ _ _ __
Ccns {(:1ctlon c c m r.~Gt8d ell tim 9 ar:d '.'{lthfn bu'd~e! : IJ Yes CI No
How I C I~g did the proposed S.J rlJe'J or serle In tiie capadty as Surveyo r cn this projoct? _ _ _ __
Qualii, of D~3:fi n: 0 Aco'/o E.'<pac{;ltlon s CI Average Cl Belew E:<pecta tions
Errors a ~,d Orr;! s3:or,S: [] Abov-; Exp%taron s D Averag8 D Below E:<;J 9ctations
(flbov.) t) :(!: ':! cI J 1!on s lr.d : <: 3~JS [,; ','ic r ·) : (.J (S amJ Oil1iH i0l13 tila n an!lclpal'3 d '0,/ Project OWl1(3 r.)
Die! Eirors and O:ll:ssioIlS re5uit In Increased C0 I1 3truc[:cn co317 D Ye, 0 flo
Was 11".8 Sur/oy~r responsive? lEi! Yes 0 No
Was lI:e Sur/eyor tlme!y with w·,/rows and submltta!s? lEI Yes 0 No
Old lhe SurlOyor effectiv21y re sol'/e Issues In a thneiy ma!~ner7 81 Yes 0 No
Please type In the fi e ~d be~cw to provid e commen ts (r : e a~ a usa Ilia all!lciloo IlddiUOila! [lOGB, as fH!C<lSSflf'/):

Name of Project O...mer: Dac ra Dove!opmanl Corporat io n

Name of Project Owner's RepresenlaHve: ~N.:lc.:.ot.:.a.:T.:'.:rm.:.t.:nl-::::;;~===:::>,,______ _ __

S!gnailire of Proje ct Owner's Represent ati ve: ~::?-.
Tllte: EntiHomen t Coord inater, ~1Ia n1 1 De sIgn orslricl Assoc iate s
Te lepllOne: 78(3 292 3436 ext 3436 E"m all: Nlco!\
Dale: 7/20 /20 17


Ann!e Perez, CPPO

Director RFa-S ,fl
. Procll remenl Departmen t

Mike Ba rtholomew, PSM
Pres id ent / Proj ect Manager
r,l~ Ea ""t - :: I Cr.~ · i; is P"25 ,:!~-_~ c: B 3.: ar= E-<; .... 2~,. · r-; Co~pa"i a-c a P ~J :=s s era ' Education
S ... ~ l sr;r a"'c ,'.l acee' .'. :.- 3 ' j-?ars of 2 <;::,e'e"'C2 la:;:r.::xma:=!j 22 yea'"; cf w~ :ci"' A ss:::c'a:e of
ra a Ce-=, W't."1 8 ,s-::ar -= E"g ;"''ge'Tg Cc [ ,;:o . . j In.: ) H,s respons lbillt:es l~cluG e T" cor ca: Ar;s
1.,3.1 a ·; .n.;; Ja";~ s:a'e r-'J it:r .liI'cn Dolrai con:ra:ts far ~,lu nicipa:iti e5 a nd S:a;2- Ever2!: Ccmmur lt'j
gs ·I'=,. . . rre' ~ a~ ~rc 95 a . . c 'l e'see -; £; (,"" E pr=.::ara:c r: of Cara ' R,'II'/ fl.l a;s a "'c Cc1leg-2 E'lee:: VIA
S.J~/er; LIDAR Des;;- a-j eel:'"') : 5" -'-=/ 5 a1C t7': = w'ce v5r e: j cf SJr'Jejs 11&3-)
erc:Jl.... :e"e: a: B,s(:3; " e ( 3Cl.- j 3 j ALTA. ,' ;:S ,\ l Spec j ~ c PL!rpC52 TOf=ogr3;Jhic Registration
~,le3r H,gr \/13.:2 "" e::) A,s.:: re is a:!I'/ei'j Ir'i01'/ e': In the p r epa r a ~:cn cf pla:s and In Pr::Jfe5s ena l
his rO ~ e 33 .c Ia : re- d e lve r fer t:-'e Cit} c' H,aie3n H.: 15 we:1 vers -:d In the requ lrer1ients S t.;rv,= Jor &. 1\1 3:::ce~
vf C ha::.: =r 177 , Pa"""': 1 a"':! Flcr:ca S:3: .. :="3 H.: has a 'v33~ k nollvl~':~2 of V3 r~OL: S ~ iJ :-:CG
svr:'N:re ~ r8g- 3 ;r5 5 ... C:" a5 1\1 C::OS :3:,C"1 1\1 005:a: or. V~ 1. Lelca 5 Cvslore T opc - ~,1 .:r::sd ~ C2":,; e:
OaT FDOT pr;x2:_;~=5 a1d r2 '~ .)+r2'.... 2'"':3 AL.:)(~23~ · S Aut::oCAD CIvil 3D and oas c P;:)Tess G~a !
SC~ ;i=l~.ig ca;: a :::I!;: es I'" a:c!:,cr he 1
1'1 :r!.-s C;C3 2'j Wit,'"; t ~ e off:c e s t3 ~f a . . c Fle'd Cre'N
S,;::-= ~/'s:::r Ir F-e ra"a;er:- .: ": c:
t~2 nV--::~J ... 5 ccrs:r .... c~ i on S.. i / Sj-n g pr::Jec;3 Affiliations
~,lerncer F l o(,(:~3
p-srorr.-:ed t:1r,Jughout sou~:-. Flonc a
S'..rv"YT,g a'd
R elev ant Experien ce ~/ la~p r; SCC!e:}
Lyri<:: S ubdi'/fs ;cn, M i a,71i, Florid a. Pr:)!-:: : t D-=s..:: r,j: : ,o~ This f: r~J -::c: c::ns;s~ed of I FS"IS I
ir ,::alBOUnC3"j Slo r', 21 TC::09'3:] 1~'C S'.:.rej T ent3~ i'l2 Pia!, ard Fina l Pia : Ye ars of
I='r2.82'3t en fc~ C I ~j ef ~,la~11 e
1\ COL; n~j r2 'i ie'N 31d a:crJ I /3 ' S ite Experience
Loca:3d 6 e~"',=~r N','l 1 A' /2:l ... 2 &. N= 2 A I':: a id N lj\J 8 St & t--NJ 9 St. Raie Ir 31 y 93~3
Pr·::jest· E X2 ClIt:V 9 I\la ;a-;~r
Exp~rt 1;';'; :r.e s5 f c r S :;n .3 ?t C O/9. Ke y La ,..;;]':;. FL & l"tl ur3 !s in Miami Dade Co unty, M i am i, Flo rida . Prc,ec:
D,?5C:·ip ~ cn Ps~.:: r"'" r=:;23-:~ T: ' ~ Pete,', a"'d a::erc Gee:r,gs i~ cc n.~. e"l vv,~t, S ~)i.set C O / 9 ~a~ : e~ ir
Ke y La ~ ;;') 2~: ~,! .. ~a·5 !c·:a: 2 : Ir (~.: C \j Of ~,1,a---:1 Fl oh:~3_ R;)!e in Pr;)ject. Ex~ e't \;V : ""ess
S outh S ::ac.'i Con s tru c tio n, M i arr: i B~a'::hl F lvr ida. Pr:rJect D€3cnpt.on Ths ~ roJ'2O:: cons ,s:: :! oT BOl.. r.da"'.i
V 2'; C.3:.:)"" F:2'd L:: j·cr...: c: L.,: to) 2::
P ,ies ;:',.;-Blo i't re 3S J '2r.-:ents cf Gp t,J 22J p les TO ~cS' 3.: r c S ... '"'F=l
a~, :! S:)J:ica-j S,:= Lcca :2: 4 13 i\l ..:;: ;g;!- A,sro. .... e Tlt!e EX2 ': uti'le 1\13 ,. . a;:-=;,

SFW. M. D ( Big Cyp res s B as in) Nap I.., Flo rida, ProjecI DeSCription Th,s prOleCI cons,s tej c' As· c Ll llt
sur'lej ef 2.+ S:fL :tUi 23 · e'e lat:cns i~ ~J~ i : il A.112r;ca1 Ve:t:ca: Oa:um of 1; 8a . Es tablish NAVD 88 E I € va~ l ons
Recor;:! SJrv=/·5 Fie 'd \;'/:)ik of 24 s ~=5 P~s ~;m,r ar,/ Survey~ r' s Ret)ort of a:1s,tes and Final Surveyor s Report
QA,;OC C om;:· l e ~ej All Slt-2S Role w, P r:JJ ~ st Execu tive rvlanage r.
Various St3te Roa ds for FO OT District 6, Miami Florida. Project DescripLon: This p rOlec t cons lstec of
R2:cn a r"lc Loca:= Rlg,1 :-0·-VV 3j ~Jlcr~Jrre.1t S2ston Corn e rs Pe rformed GPS Survey HOrizo nta l TraverSe and
anaiyz2 Surv~j Rlght-of-'t/3 J ~, 1 0:-: ... r.2"lt,cr 3 in conj 'Jr.ction Ih ith Recorj Oa:a Also performed t opcg ~ ap hlc
Su'Veys a cd pre,ac"d Dig 13: Terr3 r ~tcc", ' s (DTrvIS). S;te Location rvl.a mL Florida Ro le in Project Executive
Ma :1ager
/\Tini Pa rk Subdivis io n No. 1 and N o. 2, City of Miami, Miami·Dade County, Florida. Project DesCrlpt:on
Th is p r:)ject co ns:sted of the prepara~ ~ on of the tentative plat. fin al plat. ass ,Jcia ~ ed street vaca~ l on / c lo s u re for
Its submitta l to City of rvl ,ami and rvl laml ·Daci e County . Rol e in Project. Executive rvl anager
North and South Dis tric t Wastewat er Treatment Plan ts; Miami·Dade County, Florida, Projec t DeScription
this p roject cons isted of Oversaw and processing of field data . reg istra tion. integ ration , and importa tio n of scan
dala into software dala ba se, Prepa re hig h denSity 3D survey model of the Was tewater Treatmen t plant for
engin eering desig n wit h refe rence to a state plane coord inates and a vert ica l datum. Ro le in Projec t: Executive
Ma nager.
Project Ma nager f or City o f Miami - Various Co ntinuing Survey Projects , Miami·Dade County, Florida .
Proj ect Desc rl ~t ' on Overse es the prapara tlon of surveys re la ted to en vironm enta l projects at such loca tIons
as Blanche Pa ck rvle rrl e Christmas Pa rk, Kenned y Pa rk & Curtis Pa rk , Role in Project. EXecutive Ma nag er .

'i ~ ~ ...,~,! ~ ~y. ", itl.,,!

\ ....... " r ' ~,

~",. .. c~I~~' '''· '''II'\( .-,' m _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __

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~;;.::,: '~:
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._ .· ...-.c_

Fl. ,rilh D~p:t rlnl\'!l1 ,jr .\ .:rkll! l ur~ ,)nd C,' n ;;ulll~r Scrl'(c>
I)i >j<i ,II .Jf C,m.' u l utr )'O "n i«"li Lil'..:nsO! N.,.: LS5G66
lI"an! of l' r"r..,wl1u l S"n "YOI,"" _" " I .\ I ",ll'NS E.xpir:tlion Dahl !o!l;J1/Jry 23, 20 19
~ lJUS '\ lId... dh'~ j' k ·q r T ,1I., h";,n'. Fruritb ,lZJ':I') ,(,S\lO

Pro : e s.;; i o r.3.1 Su rvey :)~ a:ld l'!a~ per Li c ense

Un,;"r li',t! jlt,'''I;I',n. \.Ii' ell I!";r 4T!. Fluric!:t S[,llU h:J>

,\1l 1.. :IU EL JfJ[-{N 1l.\ :n!lOLm l '::W

Mi.lU ll LU£ IlA r CI R
LA KE WOI{ fII, n. J J~[)7

Requ estfor Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposed Engin ee r
In str uctio ns P'~3se u l ':I':~ 'r;? 3:ta-:.'1.,.c lCClllona l ,:Il'je a,; "'ece~5al)t'
?;cf=cser sha H;rJvrde Ire fcifcwlr,g lr"fcr:naLcn fer a: eas: Irree 13/ con-I= ieled ; (OJ~C: 5 wr.ere Ire rrd lvldr..a: cer, lf ed 'n the ;:)ropc ser 5 Proccsal
se r J-=d as the Enginee r as defined Ir Ire RFC; fer Ire stated prCJects.;::r ases Ea c:1 proje':t submitted should be of ec; ual or greater seQ ce
s,ze ard cOI~p l e)( i ty Pro 'lIce all re':;l: lred nf:(r1a: ,cn ar c s.. blr.r\ this Form for eacr prCJect as reC;Ulred by Ire RrO Fa ilure ~o sucm rt a CCr"lple :e
FOf' fe r each ~roJect ma, resyl! In Ire Pr':'ocsa i be rg re]ec!ec as ncn-resi= ons 'Je Refere."ce Form RFO·E::>R mI.-51 be cOM p ' e~ ed fer eael"'
Form RFO-E E that IS prOVided

RFQ No _"_--_' _'-_0"_'_ _______ _ _

Name of Propose r: LJ C3 i CWc~ lJr1ds(.1o~ ..I, fC'll t ~C ... r~ Name of Enginee r:SJm Go.1ter S t f~e t P I J rl~ , St.b·(,JfWJCtOI

Enginee ring Disci pline Completed by Engineer on Project (e 9 CIVil structural geotechnical etc): C
" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
Name of Project: l be ,!' J '1'1 ~ "'g'loor~ood Tfl .... '( (.1 -v'S P"m Add res s o f Project: _
l ,_b_
b~y !_o_
Name of Projec t Owner : C ' ,:>f P')f ''')nd Project Owner Co ntact Name: Jef~mlah J. B ar·l~ tt. PE . P- J E
Project Owner Contact Telephon e No.: 20~ 3-.1 3.::9 1 Project Ow ne r Co ntact E- mail address: Jbar' l ~tI . cQf ·IJrlcrr.l rne,,].w
Srief Scope of Projec t (adcltlon al sca ce pr:J'I'ced : .\ ) ' ~ nc 'l..c<'d ~ <t~ rbl'l~ public proces;. and de'l e l ocrll~n t o f n""ghoorhcod
tuft C ( .1Ir."ng plJn th,ll resul Ted n ')l-t~.)I11 <' S "'1,,"1 D P:)r TIJnc: nC;l-Cln'] ;m"SvICdl profil", ;p,,<,d hl.lrT'ps mc mil'll tr.1ific c i r cle~

' _'_"_'c_,_ ___________ Actual: ______________ _ 1"1, ~

Value o f Des ign Fees Clf aj:ohcac te ,: AN arded . _ 0
Bas is f o r Di~e rence i nValue : ________________________________________________________________________________

Value of Constructio n (If acc lica: le Awar ded : -'-3C

" _'J_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Actua l : _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N:':" 0
Sa sis for Di fferenc e in Va lue: _______________________________________________________________________________

Project Comp letion ( "'Ie of calendar d3:/S Projected: _'-_"____________ Actu al: _'_'0_ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ ~II~ 0
Type of P roj~c t: E Oesg r ·c1c-B",tlc 0 Cesg", g,,!'C 0 C·\,' sR s<. D Ott er(s r:o:!clf'j'
LEE D or Green Globe Certif ied Project: 0 Yes .e: I'J OIf y~s le 'le l oi Cer:./'ca: 'or
W 3S 'Nork p erfo rmed as an em ployee of the Proposer? 0 Yes D 'io
7·1 .1 ·1 ~
S,gnat:..:re of A!..tnor,;: ed Officer Da te

Pnnte': Name Tit le

Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Engineer
Please utiiize the space below. as necessary .

Requ estfor Qualifications
Qu alifica tions of Proposed Engin eer
Ins t ru c tio ns O'e 3;;"! 'J ;,hZ"! or e 3 1' 3::l .. rl ~d': ;.onal ;Ia-;e lS nee!!;;.>.)!),
Pr')cos~ r s.~a t prJ'I lde [he fOllowlrg Infor'Tlat lcn fer at least ,rr=e 13 , com j:: leted pr:;J€cts 'Nt-ere ire Ird l'/ ,denllfied In [r.e Proposer 5 PrJ91)sai
se r ,~d as Ire Eng ineer as defired In Ire RFO for Ir e stated prJjec:ts,'J:rases Ed en pOJeet SI.Cr:lltted sho uld be of equal or greater s co ~e
size ard : or~j:: l e,( I : '1 P('::l'IIde all re qUired ,rforma!ion ard ~ l,bm l t thi S For'11 for edch project as req l;ire1 by the RFO Failure to sucmlt a :or"lple te
Forrr. for €J ch Pr::)~C[ may result In Ire Prooosal being rejected as non-reS;:OflS I'J~ Reference Form RFO·EE -R must be com ~ l e ted for eaGr
Form RFO·EE that IS provided
RFQ Title Lroan Des.!],] - LA E ;)91"e~lIng SerI'C,,"S'or 'N'I"wood '1'.'1 3rd J,.."enve 'Noone·f
R FQ No _''_
' '_' '__
0-_' '---c-::---,----,--
Name o f Proposer: L )ol O ff'c~ Lilnd:;CJI:;~ .I rchl · ~o:tl.Jr-? Name of Eng ineer :Sam GOdter Str~e t plan s. Sub-Contnctor\

Engineer ing Dis cipl ine Completed by Enginee r on Project (e 9 cl'lll Slr:;ctu rai geotechnical etc.) : C_'_"_'_____________
Name of Project: .... -=-"'phll Pcstrtoll'g Plan Address of Project: rerlOhlli S t fe~t Fort \N)rrh. T'<
Name o f Pr oj ect Owner: ' je.lrSol;th;lce!nc Project Owner Co nta ct Name : i\'!ll<c8rennan
Project Owne r Contact Tetephone No .: 8' --6.3' -a~' 3 Project Owner Contact E-ma il address: mike ,ne.mou tIHlce';_v wr}
B rief Sc oj:e of Project pdcl tlo l"'al space provided : R.,()n';gl;f.l'.vn Jt h:rrp~,11 Stle.. ~. a mdJor thoroughi.J 'e througn the Fort Nortl, cen tr.l l Ci t'! S,l f" ed

(J1'"lr"UnI ! '! ot.treJch and nput. and the de'/E'lopment of de ilgn solu tions.

V:. iue of Design Fees (If applicaoleJ : Awarded : _;'_-_' "_" _"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Actu al; _15_,_,_,_c_____________ NI,4. 0
8as is fo r Di fference inValue: ________________________ _ __ _ _ _ __ ___________

Value o f Constructio n (if a~p licat: I~) Awa rded: __________ __ _ A ctual : S1·5mlllio n
Ba sis f orO irre r ence inValue : ______________________________________________________________________________________

Project Completion (no of caiendar days l Projec ted : _l"_,O_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Actua !: _l_CO
_ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ N; A, 0
Type of Pr oj%t: 0 Ce5 ;gr:-BI(~ -8U1ld D Des:g"",Suilc 0 O .I.§Qlsk GJ Otrer (specify ) _"_"'-"_"_,_'_og' -
De_'-"9'-'_ __ _ _ _ __ __ __
L EE D or Green Globe Cert ifioi!d Project: 0 y~s D No If yes level of Ce~lfic ati on
Was w o rk pe~o r m ed as an employ ee o f the Proposer? D Yes El No

By ____ ~;.;-
~ 7·) -1 -17

Signature of A utr,oriled Officer Date

S<lrlUcl GOJ(<!f
Printed Na me Title
Reqllest for QlIalifications
QlIalifications of Engineer
Please utilize the space below . as necessary .
Requ estfor Qualifications
Qualifications of Proposed Engin ee r
I ns ~ ru c I i on s F'e3~€ J'I I' ~ <: ' ro.:; ) j'] :;'e d 3dclhcnal pag"! 35 neces.>arj

::J rO CQS2 r sra ll ~rov'C~ e :r,; fO llG':IIf~g rnformat:cn for at least thr,=<; (3 1CO I,, ~leted prcJ€sts Nre re tre ,rC I'JldL.a i centrfied II1lhe Proposer 5 Pr:lposal
ser/e,j as tre En gin e'J f as de';ned in the RFO fer Ire stated ases E3cn pr?jes: sucml[;ec shoulc be of er:; ual or greater sco r;e
S, 2 ~ ar:d :on~~ l e (:1, Pr:1I1Ce all r~qUl red Information and sutrmt [r,I S Form for ~a ch pOlee! as reqL;lred by [he RFO F allure to submi t a :omplete
Fon, for eash pr:;Jec:: may result In Ire Pr)posa l bell-:g rejected as nOIH€s p or.Si'Je Reference Form RFO -E:: -P must be co mpleted fer each
Fum RF Q-E E that IS prOVided

RFQ No ~"~
7 ..:.
.'; ..l_'~ ________ _ RFQ Tit le Lrban D€),gn - lJndSCJO" -\r C"lt~Ctur~ E;1gln€'!' lng fer '!-I"lnwood NW 3rd Avenue ',voon"rt
Name of Pr op os er: l JC)1Of' C"! l .lI1dsClCt' ArC!"\lI-i'ctur", Na me of En g ineer:Sam (Cd t ~r SU"!et plJn s. Sub·ContrJctor

~_'"_"_ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __
En g in eering Discipli ne Completed by En gi nee r on Projec t (e g . CI'III. structural geote chnical etc.) : C
Na me o f Proj ect: B..Jr11IlC: UI1 P-:'~'> .i tr ' an . B-c/cl.:! Jrd T']f'ic C.flm l'1g ProgrJIT Ad dress of Pr oj ect: 6..13 P l n~ S t'~""I. Burlin gton, 1fT 03..101 IClt/Wld" iCO D.:!

Name of Proje ct Ow ne r: CII,/ vI Burlington Public 'No r"-, Pr ojec t Ow ner Contac t Name: _"_"_0_"_L_0_;_"____________
Project Ow ne r Con tact Te le phone No. : Sc.:'·365·32.33 Proj ec t Ow ne r Conta ct E.m ail address : n losch~burlll1 gton 'J t.g ov
B ri ef Scope of Proje ct I accll,or al space pr ::lVIded : P-:C€Stl .In. blc,/cl€. ,md (flftrc CJ I ~1ing oropos"d .:;rOJ€cti for Burling!,)!) Department of PL.b hc Wm'.. "
Ql.Ick Bu ild P'Og'ln1-- d iyognm to c~ lrv e( t"sl ,nf' dstructure pOJ(>cts for p"r'Tlanent fu ture con struction.

Va Iue of Des i 9 n Fees Iif a r:;c lica ale ): Aw ard ed: _P~
jn_p_'~oG~,'~,~"'--____ ___ Actua I: ~\~6~i~
'C~O'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ N;A 0
Sasis for Differenc e in VaJue : ______________________________________________________________________________________

Va lue o f Const ructi o n (if applicab le ): Awarded: _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ Act ual: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ NiA 0
Sasis f o r Difference in Va Jue : ______________________________________________________________________________________

P r:)j ~ct COr.1p letbn I ro of calendar day s)' Projec ted: :3~
60'--______ _ ____ Act ual: ProJ2'ct In PrC 9[~ SS NIA 0
T ype o f Projdc t O Oeslg r -Eld-Build 13] Des ign/ Build 0 CM@Rlsk 0 Otr:er (specify )
LE ::: D or Gr een G lobe Certif ie d Proj ect: 0
D No If yes le'l~ 1 of Cer1ifica llon
YeS ______ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _~
Was w or:..; perfo r med as an emp loyee of the Pro poser ? 0 Y:::s GJ No
By · _________-~;__" ______________________ 7-1 4- 17

S l g n a lu r ~ of Authoriz:::d Officer Date

S.1n1uel GOdt.:>r Proj 2'ct Engine"r

Prlntec' Name Title

Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Engineer
Please util ize Ihe space be low. as necessary .

Sa'll is le.'1d· ... g t :~ -= p:ld-Jc t' cn of d-? sign and eng:ne'?r ing drawings for f: eC est ' ian, b icyc le. and traff:c ca lming project s throughout
tnt? cit:/. Tilest? inClLJc:!~ r:edesuian cross ing reFuges, cu rb ext'2nSiOn5, prot.:cted bik e lanes, traffc circle s, chi canes, and woonerfs.
Tiles:: project:; '1'1;" ce bLJi~ t by t:1 2 D~partme n t of Public Work) in the faB, and teS~-2d and i t :?rat~d for eventual permanent
constru ct io n.

<[ltv of stlizlllli
:'§ \
. :"'T·~ . Da' l€ .; A.f.:;rso
, " .- , " c ( ! ~.Ia - a ;~r

To 1,\ll-.orr It .\ la'l Co ·~. c e rn :

SU~J e c t R~fe i-= r. ce Leta, for Eng in ee r, as de fined in RFQ No. 16·17·049

l' jJ ~'e of Fro ~os~r' Lucal Oike lanc 'i('.-Ip ,~ A ~chl r ec:ure

~ . 3.8 af P"Cf;c sad cr,g'neer' SJr-. GO.H:' (S:r:'.:t PIal':>, Sub-Co nrrJ ctcr

Th e a: c\/ ~ 'ef~ r ~"',cec P; ')ccser is r ~s :cnd l n ~ to a ReC;uest fer C~a llr.c 2:1':; '''s (qFQ) tha: r,as bee n IS:;L.ed
0 :1Ir e C ti of '.haMI v' / ~ ieq l...: i ~-= th...:t: :,- a PiJ;;Oseq: rcv'c-= 'N 'n:en r e;~ r -= rc e5 'Jr [~e l r prq:cse': Enginee r
Tne P r: f: 05 ~ ' is r-=q '... es : , I~; t:--at ~ O U. as t"e of the reie-e '1ce'; ;: (.,)J'::c" pro vida tt-e followinG
Inr,JrT dt;or. as 'lve I as ary other ~er: l na"'l i infor;r.ation. Y ::H.~r lr. slght is acoreciated
l'iare 0; FrGJect g~r! l ng ::ll1 ?~ -:: .;- :itnan, 9 C'; cI~ , Jl'd TraV c CJhl "og Pr o 'Jr:l .~,

,> j.~' ~".. '. , '~." I c. " .. , ' " ,, ' • I " , :• • t~ ' .. . , !J ' .~ ":"4-. ; ,

E:l9r e~ r: l'g Dls :j~li n 9 Ccmpletdd by E ,~g i neer on Project (e.G , ciVil. s!~:Jctural , etc .) _(_,,_,1_____ _

T l ':.2 G' P ·:j~ct. 0 DBs ~r-8 d-6·Jild 0 CM2~ sk 0 O-asig'l-B ..! Ie 0 Ot;-er ( _ ________
C:::rS:' L.': t or c.:)r:p l ~:~d on t re a~d w'th in buc£;et· 0 Yes 0 t'j o
H·: .'I k:: r g cic t~ e !=r:::~ O S2'Cl Engi ne er ser/~ in ~h l s ca:a sity or bs ~r:i~ c t? Ir Pr':l ~r~S3, so '1:: A;)rI12017

::-r-:-s a"'c Om,S5io0S. G A~o'lc; E .~pe cta :j .:)ns 0 Aar3;~ 0 o c 'C W!:: ,q B : :3tiG, s
:'-),C 0 . ~ := <ceC! ; I n:: i.::a·~ j f~'.,; ~ · d"tJ ' :; and :m"SSlcr3 Ira .., a'1l1C,;latec ty P ' :;!~r:; J 'NOe' )

Old Err:;rs arc Omissio('ls resl,. lt In increased cons:ruc:ion cos:? 0 Yes 0 No

1;'135 the Engineer responsive ? 0 Yes 0 ~Io

IN 35 thi! Engineer t l mel~ with reviews and submittals ? 0 Yes 0 No

Did I,- e Eng ineer efectl'lely reso h'-= issL;es in a tirr. i!ly ma r'n er? I!l Yes 0 No
P ! ~a se t1':: e n tre field be low to pro'/lde C0f1r1e1ts (P!ease use We al!ac"lec 3cd,tlcr a! cage as necessdr; ):
S,l m anJ :r,e S { ' ;O~: :~ J""'" ar ~ , r c~ ed lbl y r~ s;:)On s lve . or od uc;r g d raft rra:I!" d j 01 <;..:: " ~d u le ard l Sr~ ql..eq",c. Sar.l
ra i () 11,~C anc ~~'J l-=j 'N ':h qJcst or i a; ni!'?ded, and has he lped pr ' o rH ; ;:~ pro; ", ( t~: o keep the prOject on )c"edu l ~

Name oi Project Owner: City of Bu r:ington Pub lic Works

Na,'"';1e of Prcject Owner's Repres er,latlve : Nicole Losch
----~-------------------------- of Project Owner"s Repres enta tive: _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _
Title : Senior T'ansportdtion Planner
T ele~t'one : 8el-8os -san E.mail: nlo sch ~bt.r h r.g(Onvt.g o v
Da te · 7'17, 17


Annie Perez, CPPO

Director RF::J-E ='-R
~c ·" ser. 311 5,2') '0
Pr:JCuramert Del=ar:rr.ent

<Cit!' of Jthclllli
Danel J A, fonso
CIty fo..lanag-=f
T:) \hhcm It 1\.lay Ccm:ern
SutJ~ct: Reference Le t:er for Engineer, as defined in RFQ No. 16·17·049
, '. , , ' • ;.. .. ' I' • '." o• • • " " , _I ' .... ' '"
Narr,e of Proccser: lool Offlct! LandscJpe Architecture

I'lar.1e cf Pr::iGcsed c ngireer ' SaM GO<1t~r (Street Plam, Sub·(ontr.lctor)

Tr-= 3cc'/e f='s-re,cec PrJ ;: cse r is res :::onding to a Reql..est for Ot;a lificaLcns (~;=Q ) {rat has been Issued
t'J t~' e Cit} 0: ,"'Laml 'v'i= re~d i re tr~: th e Prq:oser prQvice wr itten references fer the ir pro[:osed Enginee r
T~e Pror:: os~r is r aqu e stll~g
tI' at you, as the Owner of the reiere ncec r: roJect, provide the followi ng
IrfcrJl2iicn as ~vell 33 a"1 other pertinent information. Your insigh t is ap precla:e:d
N.3f~e of PrCj€ CI. Hemphill R~ j t rl ptrg ?1.ln

r;;.~~Ql!e.. . ¢,J ! - rt:Xr;1?::·ZiJZl.0%jo:tLri ~, :c:m::1irftt.::::®!:?\·T; ;f~:;~J

E~gif1eeflng DISCipline Cc mpleted by Engineer on Project (e g .. civil. strucwral. etc.): _(_i'_"_ _ _ _ __
S,:o::e of Wcrk iar Re ;2(enCeC Project: Restriping of Hemphill Stree t In Fort 'Nor!h, r<

Va ·li<=: cf Proje:t. S50.GCO V a lue of Constructlor: S 1·5 mill.on. prJ5ed pr;)H::

Tjc~ c; Proj -=s!. D Oe3:9r 48 :d-Euild 0 Ci\,I,b' D Oe3'g'l48uiid 0 Ot~er (Eng i n~erjng Oes:g r
C,)r':s:rl.ctl·Jr.., ccr~ pl::,:!~~! cr t:n-e a ~ d within budget: 0 Ye s 0 No
r0'.'i 'o"g die t:-:a j: r.::: :=csed Engi neer se rle in this capacity on this pro!e:::? _,o_<n_o_r_L_"S_______
[J Ac o'/e EXJ:ec!a!ions 0 A/~ra;-2 0 Be lew Ex;:ectaLc ns
E"r:Jrs 2 ;iC emission .; · E1 Abo'le Ex;::-=ctat"ons D Pwe ra~~ D 6~ !C'N =x~ecla"cns
; ,.l::~·. e O::~f:o::.:ta! :c r. 3 r r Gi~3;';!S 'e·.... .;!r er:-Jrs 3,'C ;;m rS.5lor:s lhan 3r nCIpated by' Pr~Jec: )

DIG Errcrs and Omiss.ons result in increased cons truction cost? 0 Yes 0 ~Io

'NO.5 the E ngine~r res pcnsi'J-e? 0 Yes 0 No

'NO.5 the Engin ee r timely \lI i t~ re'lie'NS and submit;als? 0 Yes 0 No
Old tr.e Enginee r e ffe ct ; v~ly resobe iS3ues in a tiMely marner? 0 Yes 0 No
Please typ~ ir the field be!cw to provk!e co mments (P:ease use fhc alta ct1Ec accilloral.oase as neces33r/l
SJ :r Goat~r die ,1n ~ x.::ellent jcb 'o:!Jd ing dn im;::ortJnt cornrnunit, diSCUSSion a i;out the r"'CQnf·gL;rd tion of Hemohil1, a
nlJjor ti'orougl fJr~ tr roLgh for: 'North s c'!ntn[ city. Sam ','las ,;-s5ent ial in de'Ie-looing design solutions to creat~ a

Name of Project Owner: Ne.1r Southside. Inc.

Name of Project Ow ner's Representative : Mike Bren nan
Signature o f Project Owner's Representat iv-e-:--~rcl..
Title· Planning DIrector

Telephone : 8_'_7_'0_'d_'_.8_2_'_3-::-r-::-:..-c::;,---______ E-ma il: m ikel neJr

Oate. 1; lt'1'/17
Sincerely .

Ann ie Perez, CPPO

D irector RFQ ·EE· R
Procuremen t D~partrnent Re'llsed 8,15.. 20 '6

<Cit~ of Jtlillllli
C ]rle! J A.f )r.:;c
.. , ""
c,:! ~·. '3""2;e~
' \

T o Whom It ",lay Concern :

Subje..::: R~ '·~r~:lce Le::er for Engineer , as defined in RFQ No. 16·1 7-049 .
~ ~ ·I·' : · 'J ·; :-I ' ., ~ " . . ... ~.

Nar":la of Propose r: Loca l Or:ic:; Lards.:at='e Architec ture

Nar,'ie of PrOf=Os9c! Er,;gineer: SJrT: Go a: ;?r (Stree t Pldns Sut:·ContrJclor)

Tr.e a:::C1l9 ra:-aranc ed PCOf:CS9r is resporcing to a R3qt.9S: fo r Qua li;icat;')r:3 (R.=O ) that has been issuec
c'j t~a Clt:1 cf 1\: lao:-,i. '1; 2 ~~::; '...ii"~ tra: the Pro~ o ser f:rc'/ide wr itt an re:a rer.ce3 fer their proposec Eng ineer.
Tr,e P(;)CCS2" is re-=1Lest. -g tha: ycu, as t:-,e Owr,ar of the refe ,"enced pr.:ject, pro'; de th e follcw ir.g
ir: ~o( . . nat:cn as 1.-109 11 33 an'j ~e r! :n ent information. Your insight is appracia:ec .

Name of Prcj<::ct. Llt t,/ c':m 'J -;Igrcorr.ocd Trafflc Ca lming Plan

- . LI ~ ~ .. 4 I " ,; " .:" j '~ I.:';." 1 I:

Eng ir.eering O'sdplir.e Cc ;r.p:e~ed by E ng ~ neer on Projec t (e.g ., civil. struc:u ra t. etc.): TiJnSpGrta ' ion
S GO~ 8 0' V/0r'r.. for Rafererce d PrJject: Seeping and Ct;;Slgn of T~Jrt C c.:~ I ~llrg on ~Jir~ Cit} S::-eets

Va :J ~ of Prcject. S_3_Jn_,_~r_~r_._______ _ Valce of Cons tructicn: S_3_3C


Typ-3 c; P roj e s ~: D D-=3i::; r>5,d-BiJild 0 C~Jl@Kj s k 0 Des ign-Bu'lc 0 Other ( ____ _ __ __

Co ns~i~lcto r c Jr. .c l e:e~ or ti me anc ..../: th in bucg et: El Yes 0 No
H..J'N Icr'9 c:.: ri"'e pr::Jc3ed Engine9r S8:"'/9 in t:-,is capacity or, this project?
[] Ato'!':; Ex;::ect3 t!ons 0 A Jer39<:: 0 Below E :<~ecta t:on s
E;-;-ors anc' Q'- iS.3:on3: EJ AGove Ex;::ect3tions 0 A-/e r3ge 0 Below Expe cta ~ions
( ~2 0'J~ er.~e c : ai icr' 3 Ir cica1e$ :t"; 'N -= ( errors ar.d OfT'i55icn$ than a:~uclDated by FrcJ~r: t Ol,'/n ~ r.)

Did ErrJrs ar,d O ~i s3;ons r<':5 ult in increased construction cost? D Ye s El No

"VVas the Engineer res ponsive? El Yes D No
1j'/a5 the En gineer time ly 'Nit.~ r2v!e'Ns and submittals? lID Yes D No
DI.:! Ire Engi nee r effec: jve ~y resolve issues in a tiel al, manner? 0 Yes D No
Ple3s e ty;:.e in t~e f:elc ce low to pr::)'/ide comments (P:ease us~ the at:aC"""led actll:!cna l page as n e'~ ~53a rJ).
It l2rk indL.:d '~ d ~ ~: ;n s: '1~ ,CGbiic j.: roccss, a~d d C'/~!o prTI ent cf traffic calming OL.::Cf'""lCS new to Pcrt l,md, inr.!udlng
" inI J'\oiri,II,rrn fil., ~n(,i' r! nlJrTIm ;mri mini trflffic r.irc lt~ s
f\Ja r:1e of Projec t Owner: Cit} of Port ~J nd , fvlaine
Na("i,e of Proj ect O'/vner' s Rep resentative : Jeremiah J. B;lrl lett. PE. PT9E
------~,· ~--,7---,
Si<;;ratt.• re of Project Owner' s Represen ta!ive :__;
T itle: Tra nsporta tion Sjstems Engineer (-

Te leohone: (207) 87HS91 E-mail: jbartrett

Da te: Jul, I3.2017

Sincere ly, Pere z, CPPO

Director RFO-E': -R
R ~ 'lI s~d Bol S,2Ct6
Procu rement Departr1ent


T '1':\ C.I'::,t I'.l p~::·,lii'.ll tH·S (r.:~t [\.I::~ C,) li.i:-I)r.i::·:c . .I:,,: :. . ,1 : - l~l': r.:T::~ '\li .l::1! dr.:,:.:,
, \ nr:':'I'~:. j • .1 !U::'):~.l~~:" r '::!..~:::Z~': .l;-~·::i:;.:..:r. \\Ti:.:r. ~i'-": 1:'-.::-,.1 .~. ,h!'.",:.It..:' i:~ r!~...: r...::.: [Ii' rr.t:l"i" .
l'c\k<~i,lll, rll bi..:v.:k i1l1·r,btn:..:run:.

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Pri'1l:ii).,1 1, ~1l 1C Slrcer P l.lllS C ul l..ho rativc J! .\ li.ll1li, F I .. .!Oltl - P r..:.;cnt

.\ !: ,I::~: - D I,~"'" T r .I:::'r' 'r:,\ :i, \ !l Q :i(k ~ Bu:k! P;' . );:· I:~ l. .\ !: I::::. FL
W",.I\", (i ,'"'' TJc'ri,' ,I' k bJl1 i' :C: Pil", Pr')jec'(' ~" J:C): , FL
B::. . :\\\ \ Tt . :r; -:,t! l !r!--,t:li~ :~ l Pill)t Proj-.:...: r.., ;'\.) r t:l'x:~t \; ~Ji:-.I'
, ' :'
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B.I:; t·~ )1:: J>.I~:0.\"Jy, :.. [i.l:lli, FL, T.h·r i(;!1 LTrh J::: . . 1ll PU !~-lIl'·!,
TI ;:' I: L·r"; .:,:, r; j'./. :~
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Prl) i<:~-t. S, ,mcrvi: :e, 1\ l. \
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Requ es t f or Qualifications
Qualifications of Prop ose d Geotechnica l Servi ces Spec ialist
IrS~~'Jctlo '1S p le ase "b. ~[) :r .. <l!fa c:-e<l ) Cl(llfor a, ,)age ~s , ecess'),! \
;':'ac cser shall :lr~vTC.;! !he 'c,lewlng 'r,/cr"T1"wcn f::.r 31 'east :~r~e (3) comp ' ete~ pr Ojec s Nrere :t'e 11'111'1ldU 2 1 cen:'fied n :he p,o~ o so! r' :; Pr:::oosal
ser/~d JS Ire G~o(echnic a l Serv i c~s SpeC ialis t (G EO). as je;:red lr me R=a, fer lhe staled ~ rJ:ec : :>I~ .. ases =3C:1 ;)(Olect sut:;ml:;ed 5;-Cl.IC
b'O! Jf ~ ua ' or g r~ ,,:e r iC :;C~ S ze arc ::-nj:1ex1rl P-O'/tce all reql.l r ~d Irfcr-, ahon l rd SLbr.llt It-Is ="x m 'c r 1:!3c.'1 .::Jr::JJec ~ , as -eQu red 'J'! :.... e
Fi;:Q F31Iur.:! ;c sL~r." 11 a C::,"T"p·e!"!d ~)r:n ':r ~ac,~ ;:;role~ may ~es :.. lt ir the Prooosal being 'eJe::.t!!d JS ncr·r es;JcnS lve Reier~r. c~ =or- =,=.: .
GEO·=! mUSl!;)e compleled lor each FJr~ RFC·GEO s:.:tmlned .

RFQ ~o ~ :;:....r
,I; , -; RFO Title oj]. ,,~ ...:.:t \~ ~ 1 ~ d .!l..h. ..:.t U~"\f'(' -."~
Na me of Propos~r: cC--:-:---:--- - -- - -- -- Na me of Proposed GEO : .:.{.-.....:·C!L'C"_"C'_·c-" ,' -_J_
Nar.1e of Pro ject: ,,1..'';''. k .. ( \ 1( .; ·.\r~_t ·
Address of ? roje cl: _'",-cc,:~"~,-,"wC·.cl_'C"'O"c'~<--c'_cC"C,,";~,lc·YC!"'t'~~."-_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _-:~_ _:--._~_ __ _ _ __
Ndme of ?rojec: Ow .. er: ;,. ~:. f; J.:'~:" Project Ow ner Contact Nam e: \ :' J J'" ;1 ((.I '!' .!
~ " 1 J . . .- \ \ . (' . . \
Project Cwner Con ta;;: T-!Ie::mon'! ~ .) . : ... .:~ . • } ~.' ~ (~ . Projec t Owne r Contact E·m ai I 3dd ress : ,~ '"":'1 .... ..:. :[..1 - ·. t..: ';J~ t:<. ~' -' . ...;Ij'":;
8 r:ef S ;opeofPr ojtO!ct (3Cc.iloraI30aceo r:lJlC:ed):':::' n-~ r {" '!: "; ( ;L\IT(~.~ tJ_j-> t-£I"~ 1',- ..:.1·; ....... ,·· .rL~l~,:.I %~ :r
(;.:-~ \·i··~ ~.l ~ '.," C, 'I-u.\1 ~"..... l' '..''' r''- '~ ,-' ,,,,~ ~,.? :,,,:" ;:~,:)JI;' ;"" "' cp"; :"• .-" J ~':': ~!(! '.l',.
VJ llI e o f Ces:sn Fii!es ~-f aC j:.ica::lie j: A'warded :' _'c
' "rC'_'-T'~
"",,-"J:,-______ Act ual: ,i !:.... N/A 0
BasIs for Diff er en ce in Value : _"!:c:c'"-'-_____ _ _______ _ _______-:-____________ _ _ _ _
V3!ue of ConsU'Jc:ion (J a~oljc3ble ) "'Haded : _r'-"~,-
"'__ _ _ ______ Actual : -'oe..:.I~"-'-___________ I'-4/,l 0
83S is for Ditfer en ca in Vll ue: -'(~:~!-"''-------_,_-----_,:_c_------,_-------------
, I ' I
Praject Complatlo n (no of ;ater03f da'/s ~ P roje·: ted : _C<'_'~'-.'-~!C"",'",2'_'G"'L~C'"~~,',tc'~,~"_ A c:ual : _cr...:.~"·'___________ '.fl, 0
T Ir.e of P ;oje ct: 0 Ces . gn·el(:~ · 2;,.i I C c:J Ce'::lgr/9ullc 0 C'v1@~ : sk 0 Ot:-er {sc:ec,t'll
L~':;:C. or Cre~n G:o be Car:ified Pr'Jiect: 0 Y~'3 c:: ,\lo 'f 'Ies. le vel of C ~~lflca l ion. _ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __
'foi lS 'Nork perfvrm ed as an empley"l'] of (he .::I rc!)os er? (] Yes 0 .\10
./,r / ' 1 _
~~---- / . . . .....,.
SIgnature c: ,lull" cnz~ Officer Cale
I' \
',::,_-.1_ ,.(
\ ~ ). .
,:"c, . J... U." . ?r';",L,.}

Req uest f or Qualif ica ti ons
Qu alif ica tions oJ Prop osed Geotechnical Services Spe cial ist
In st r u c:i o ns P'e a~e Jtr!''::!l 'I'e Jnaw!!'l JddlllOr;:JI JaQ~ as r.e.;e5'>.iI~/ 1
?-O!=OS<:!f $," all Jnvce ire 'e IC\'IIf'g niCf-a~::::n 'er 11 e as; !tree J:
-:;:r~ ele:: :If::jects l..-er ~ lr e .rC lV d~a cen:.fie-: n :re '::r:CC5~r s. :::lrC:: O:iJ1
:;~r/ ~c 3s!he Gectec.' r" lc al Ser/lCes S ::l'!c:aII SI (Gi:Cl) as :e:~red Ir ::-e .~~Q fe r :t'e ilated Jr:Jec:sJ :>rases Eacr ;Jr ::;Ject SI...::;mlr. ec sncwc
:>e c: eq~a l or greater 3C:::::~. So ze a,-c co.. c e"( ":/ F "c'J'ce 31i reqUired rfOfTa tlcn and SUOM,! Ir iS For-: for eac!1 .JrJjeo::t, as 'ec;l.l'eC J:' the
.:;I F,J Failure to SLam ,! a :omc eted 1:.::,,, Ie" eac .... DD!ec: ma,! rest. i ~ 'n th e ?'occsal oe,I"£ ;eJected l S ic .~-re$l=0n.s , v"! PC:::<Jrence F .:: 'm ,=-.=: -
GE J · ? mus. be :or.;c e:ed fer eacn Form ,~ = Q·GE C 5UCI1"'.ltteo

Nam o of Propos e r: _ __ _ _~------~----- Name of Pro po sed GEO: --,IC'C,"'cC'Cl"" C'c"'---':

Na ma of Projec t : tl '..] ,.4 ~ ,l- ~.' 1- \': u ~ :-

Add rass ofPrOject: -,~~'~~',---O~'c-:~"'~'''c''---~oC'---C-~_"l~

~ J 7'
~~'"''~~C-_ _______________________ _____
NJm e o f Proje ctOwner: _j'<,-'~',:':.'c'~J::.'__'_ _""c::':..l)liC'·~''_,-"·_,,'/:;~":c'_ _ Project Ow ner Cont act Na me : __'-":~,i-l'::.:c"·;.'_jl::.,":~·.-r-__;-__:_-;_­
( ~
? r:lj~c: Ow ner Cufltac t Telephcre Nv.: ..,: -: . :;: ~.1 ' ~ I :"" "1-: Proje::t Ow ner Co ntac t E-m ail a ddress:..~cJ(~.-.c:c~<>. •.j.".~.•~r:-'~~
~, .
S nef Sc:lpeof ? rojcc: 3adt;cnaISCilc::!;:r:·,IC!e'.l : -4",!.Y •. ,~. -"I'\C" .",\ · '" ;os-V,'''J-I' ~ :-: 'C'"
.-.!.. ('
r"'" I).~:.:',_
, ', I(: ,"~\L ( ,
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(..,J~ ~ ;-'"';II.. _ c.:; ) --r ,. ; .: ~.::"

V J ,ue 0 f 1.. -"'--c'

- F ee s IIf ace "le3C\e ,: A N ar :.e
- ' '!!$lgn ' d· "' f, """'c,-L
"'",, , \ _ ______ A •
"'. ua l', f_,
:'"I I~, ',,' ,,-',' N/A 0

B as is fo r D iffe r~ ncc in Value: _'---'c'::.°:o.___ __________ ___ _____;_---------- ------

Vl lu e of COn str:J c !la n (if aoclicat;le l Aw ard ed: _ll'_'.::',,'_____ _____ A ctual: _ crc1o'____ ____ _____ r-.:..l.. 0

e .lsis fo r Diffe r&nc e in I,/]Iua: _..!.I-_'~C~

:::._ _ _ __ _ _ _,_------""'~_,c-----__,---------------
P::::ject Com pleti on ,,10 cf C3 =,d3r :la, s. P~oj~,::ed: (' L,~ ~.;",:. ~ -!~.f ~:.::~ A.::ua f: ,---"", ~,,:,~_ _ _ __ __ _ __ N, '; 0

T Y ;l~ of ?,ojec t: 0 Ces o;;,~·a!c·31..1Ic 0 C~:W; ~ ,Su II~ 0 C....' ..gP. isk 0 Cttw (3rlec.fy ) _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _
LE 2~ or Gre;!n S late Cert!' ied ?ro !,~c:t ; C! y =~ 0 N,J If yes. le'lel of Ce~l fca!:cn . _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __
W 1S 'Nl)r !< p~r:or;n'!d 1 5 1 ': em ;:: lcY'!t! of t!"le PrO:lOser? b v :s O I'ojO

8, g:~L /-;;:::::-- _ _~!:"~r~'~;"_'_

.: ' -_'__ _ __ __ _
S;£~ a { l.. re of ,.l.u::,c-:zec C~cer Dat~

h·d", f"TI t.J I~ - Q' '. (I'Ll~J

Til le

Req uest f or Qualifi cations
Qualifi ca tions of Propos ed Geo technical Services Sp ecialis t

~r:::~os~r 5r,all ~r(; '"de .re '~!IOWfr<; Ir'or -,aIIO" :01 at e3S1 :rr~e ,3, :::>t""'I:>!e::!'J ::>r:::Jecis wher':! the rdi\l'oualrdenllfiej Ir. :r.: :lrcoc:;er"s Pr: ;:csal
ser/~C: as :he GeotechnIcal S<.!rvices Spuclalis i (G::O ). as Je'"rec r :re :';F,J. ror Ire slat~d ::>r:jec:s:::lr asi'!s Each J(~:ec t SI'CL C
:l€ ::f :::r o;:eater s<:ooe 51:: a"c : :r-~Ie , r:y .= r:'1'1r. all re<::"_lr~c r.r<:;rTla!.cr arc Lbm I th l;' F')rm fo r ~ac." ,;)f),e:t 3S r~C wl ' ;d :)'1 :i;:
;: ,= C F ;itl ll";'! :0 Sl.tml: a :'r~ eteo :;:r,,;, 'or eac- cr::lJe':: ;- 'a: res ~ 11 rr lh:! .:;:-J~ osal :Jelns rejecteo as '10n-res;:onSt'le Re'~ r ence .=)(..-: ~ .=: .
GE:J-2 rrust be ::onp leted fer eaC.1 F:l rm .::;;FC-GE:') sub~jltec: .

RFQ No ._.!!,\,,-'''
''C''::':,'..:~:.-1,---__ RFQ Title ---,I..lL.:'..:.,,,--,,_"-Y';.~,:I'"--'~:"::.::"_')'-'_'-'~_'.;c':..~r: ;"':l~,,,.l,,-_"C, -,-, ,J'-'_!--,--__-,-,___--._ _ ,
Name of Proposar: ----~---o,-,--------- Name of Proposed GEO: ,7:..,;,' ~ h:.;'~' :i. ! ~'''':\ ;- ~ I~~ . ,·!_·'I -:;'<
Name ::If Project: ) ~ : ~. (j\~":'>l~' - ',"'

A,jd (~s s of Project: _ 't.!:."':,c",--"NC'CIC:_'_'C"'c"_c!c'c'"C"-':":-_,c'L" 'C' "'o,-',"_'_.'-'-c_______ ______~---~----------

' 'O,'C'--'--'-:'c
Nclme of ?-oject Owner: -"c..o)'-'.'o' --,'C ' ',..:--,-,,-,,_,,,,,",.'_ __ Projac: Owner Conlact Na me: _'!..C"c'c:c'~cJ!.o\~'('-'-:--~-----
J;.",,\..\'1 >1 ::'l :',: \ ~ ,.... '
1'-:.~ .. v...........IJ ~. \':r L ,<

V Jf ue of Des gn F ce-s (./ aOj:.IcablE: : A NM""Jed : _r~)"'L~'cc~.c<'!.c'_,~

' ;:_______ Ac tua l: _1""<'-'\LC'-1S_:,,';:C'C~~:_
________ Nl :.. 0
Bas is fa r "-______ _ _ ______ ______ ~----------------
Oiffer ence in Val ue: _--""'Jlc'-
VJlue of Construction (if aOl= licat1e) AW;J rded: _--"".C
' ''-~_ __ __ _ ___ .A c tua l: ,,1,
_"'-""-~_ __________ Ni ~
Basis for Cifference in val ue: __""--"C'-C-_ ___ _ _____ _____-~--------------------
Proj ~ct Com ple:i on (no of ca ","dar da'j'i ; P rci ~c:~ed' .'... '<. ~: J '" ~~-:~~· ... Ac:ua l: _ !.',,_'_-_ __________ r-.:A 0
T y;;e of ?roJ~ct: 0 Ce5,4; n· E I ,::'·3 1..11~ b C~S:~:" i Sl..ld 0 :\, ,9 , 0 e ther (sc;:Cify)
LE :=J or G'~'1n Gl obe Ci! r: i f i ~d Projdc : : 0 Y~5 0 ' Ie If 1'=5 le',BI of Ce,-:!'C3l1C n _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
w)S 'NJ( p~rormed as an e!'lp!oy,]~ of t!1e ?-c.Jcser? 8 v ~s O N::l
/i L; /~.
Sy' ~; h·,~
S l sna!Ur~ of ,It.-lhcriz;:d O"-;cer Date
E:.\:(.\,,:: ~,1.' 1+' L1 , (J Qj'J.O" o:l.....J
.::l"rlec I\.ame Ti t!~

To 'A1\",om It l"la, Concern:
Svbj e:l: R,,:ere"ce Lener lor Engineer. as de f:ned in RFQ No. 16·1 7·049.

Tr a a :o'J ~ (efe "e n c ~d ?rcpcsar is iespcnd:ng to 3 ReCj lJ est far Qualifi caticns (::!?Q) that has been issued
t y Ire CI:Y cf ,\Iia ni . V-Ie requir3 tha t i ~e PiOI= CS e,- ~rov i ce 'Nritten ra fere1ces fer their propos~d Engineer.
The Pfo!=:osei is reql.:es::rg that you , as the Owner of the refe rer:ced proj ect. provide tr e fa Howing
information as w ~n as any other per:ir ent infc rl1 ation. Yo ur insight is appreci ated
NameoI Project:~L' H· (nl;.)11i be. (fl ",,"]

Engineering Diseiplir:e Cor.r: ie!eC: ty E ,1 g i ~ee r 001 PrJject (e.g, civil, structt.:r31. j.
S': C P-= I) f IN orl-; f'Jr R -= fer,= 1C ec Pr"J j e': ~ : ::J.~N:.'-'.:'..:::""-.x~\<:".!."-!.~-'2.'..l.I,¥'0..-'- ,_fl~i:2:.'3:£L.i:i'o':!.!.:r:;,:::~ i.{. It prr I
Va :t.:e of Pro!e-:L $ N JI A' V.3!ue cf Ccns:ruction: S
Ty ~~ cl Pre! ect: [!l Ce;;;go-S;d-B Jild 0 C~1.9R i sk 0 Design·Build 0 Other ( _ __ _ _::--:--::::-
Con 5tcJctiun conpleted 00 I""e and wi:hin budget: 0 Yes 0 No '(~f t1> ~~ LcN( rfl. v < <1<'D ,J If<
Hc'."'J Icng c!id the PiCPC S:?tj Eng iil2er7 r"'/~ in tr,is capacity on this pr Jject? -,\,--~_c_;t):
__~,- ____
O'Jalit) of "'lerk: ~ A"Jo'Je Expecta tions 0 Avera ge 0 Be!ow Expecta ticns
Errors anc Om issions . ~ Above Expectations 0 Avera£e 0 Below Expectations
(Abo ve expecta!:ons indica!es fewer crro rs ar;d omissio:1s tna n anticipated by Project Owner .)

Did ErjJr5 a:1d Omissions res ult in ir: cr2 3sed construction cost? D Yes BJ"No
VVas the Engi neer responsive? .iq' Yes 0 No
V'/as th e Engineer tim ely with reviews and subr.1irtals? Er Yes 0 No
Die the Eng ineer effectiv'?ly resolve issces in a timely manner? £[ Yes 0 No
Ple3S€ ty;:::e in the field telow to prcvice comrr.ent s (Pte3se 'Jse the attached acdiliona! page, as necessar/)

Name of Project Owner: I'll t, i ,

r-t'~?r ,n(
Name of Project Owner's Rapreseht3tive: MC ~M·I

Title: .L::..__..c..;.--'-~L--..!:L---'--'-":'--<"~ ______________________________-,-________

-i<:-'-'--'+,-"'-'-"-'-=--'--'----- E·mail: Dil Nty~ r\} 0 <:> 0'" A" •. , " ~


Annie Pe rez . CPPO

Director RFQ·EE R
Procu rement Departmer t Revised 8; 15120 15



- _ ._ .. _._------------ --

PhD . Technical Scien ces in So,I l\ lech anics. University of Havana . Cuba . 1979
i\l S In Soil l\.lechanlcs. Ur:lvers,ty of Havana . Cuba 1976
8.S C E . Uni'/ersi ty of Hava na. Cuba 1969


Professional Engineer. Florida No 466 25

Profession al En9lneer. Ca lifornia No 77531
Geotechnical Engine er. Ca li fof:1 ia. No. 2976


Dr. Horta has over 4 5 yea rs of vari ed eX~9 rien ce in the fie ld of geo technical engineering . and has been
with A;dam an & Associates fo r 24 ye3 ~s ~J l r Horta s u ~er'l j ses geotechnical investi gations and prepares
s u~-suria ce ex;:: lor3:lon re;:ort5 fo r a wlce va riety of projects ir.clu cing low to high-rise structures
highw3jS a:1d bri dg es. embank:neots cars and j: ut lic ....' IJrK ~ roJec ts He also supervises construction
monitoring anc te.5ting on si mil ar prol-?CIS He als o man ages and supervises engineering services on
e:wironmenr a! pr')Jects Includ in g Phase I aild PhaS e II assessmer:ts . contamir:a~ion a ssessm ents . anc
remed ia!:on. Some relev ant experience includes

City of '\!;am i. Cor.:inuing Sar'/ ices ContfJct • Dr Hcr:a is " r"l ecI manager for the City oi Miancl ccr.traci as
Ait:::!r71ar has teen ~ro "i c' ; r~ £9ctecrnical er~ ir. eerin~ ccrs:,uction materials testing and hydrolcsy services
fer IT,cre Ir,an 15 ysars pro'liclnS a IJar;e:y of s2:jiCeS on cozer:s of IJ3riCLS ~ ublic wor:,s and infras:ructure
prolects Examples oi prcjects include

Miami Dad a County, Con ti nu in g Servi ces Contra ct · Dr. Ho~a IS projec t manager for the Dace Counly
cceiraCI as Ardaman has been proviclng geotechrical engineering cons:ruclion maierials testin g and
en Jlr;:nmer,tal sc:erces serJices io f\liar.1I·Dade Coun~y for more thar: 15 years. provicing a IJariet! of serJices
on dozens of IJar:ous ~ utlic wcrks and inir3structLre projects. Exam ~ l es of projects incll!ce

SR 825 Imp rovement Program ; SR 826/836 Interchange - FOOT, District 6, Miami , Florida 2000
Project Manager: Ali Toglia ni, P.E., FOOT
I\lr. Horta served as Senior Geotechnical Eng ine er for this interchange which in cludes 50 bridge s on
va riable soil condit ions The bri dges will be separated on shafts and driven piles The soil
investigation includes about 230 bOrings ex1end ed to depths of 125 fee t below grade

SR 836·RS RR Wes t bound to Southbound HRFT Connectio n, Miami , Fl orida 2008-2009 Project
Manager: Mr. Scott Dean , HNTB
tvlr. Horta performed analyses of the foun dation underpinnings based on the sresult s of modeling of
the structures using the Pia xis 3D program .

Sawgrass Exp ressway Ramp Toll Plaza Im provements (US441 & Ly ons Rd - New toll
facilit ies / roadway improvements) . 8roward County (Bentley Architects + En gineers)
~Ir. Horta as Senior Geo technical Eng in eer for this project which included the geotechnical
investigation for the improve men ts and widen ing of five ra mps connecting the Sawgrass Expres sway
to US-441 and Lyons Road. Siandard penetra tion test and auger bori ng s were performed up to 20

: . : Af(laman & ASSOCiates . Inc

EVELIO HOR TA , Ph .D., P.E. (Continued )
fe2t be ~c w grac'e Labora:ory testing and engineering reco mm endations we re provided for the new to ll
fac ili ties and roadwa'/ improvements

N'N 57 Av enue ('N . 4 Av enue ) from W. 21 Stree t to W. 49 Street, Hialeah , FL 200 1 Project
Mana ger: M r. Ali Togliani , FOOT
r....l r. Horta se rved as Senior Geo technical Project Engineer for th is subsurface exploration and
g"=otechnica l engineerin g e'/a luatlon of the ex isting 1 9-mile section of IN 4 Avenue that will be
w idened to the west. Two new bri cges w ill be required to pro vide access to lateral streets. retaining
wa lls w ill be req uired along the existing ca nal to provide room for the proposed widening and the
e x i s~ j ng roadW3j pa vement section was e'/a lL: ated . Dr3 inage and L8? tests were performed along
the a'i gnm ent. Subsurface e,<;)lcrat:on was pe rform ed using SPT and Auger borings in accord ance
w:th FOOT recomme ndation s Englneerir;g work included eva luating a:ternate foundation s types

Po rt B o u levard Expan sion , POri of M iami. 1\1 iami 2004 Proj ect Ma nage r: Mr. Ju lio Gra ve ,
Foster Wheel er Environmental Co rp .
tvlr. Horta se rved as Senior Geotecr,nica : PrJject Engineer for rea lignm ent and widening of the Port of
l'vl,arr. i a.:ceS3 Soil borings for rca .:way and a new bridge fo undation were comp leted .

• Bert h 6 an d 7, Port of Miami , M iam i , FL 200 3. Project Manag er: M r. J ulio Grave de Pera lta , P.E.
(Foster Wh eeler)
~1 r. Horta served as geotechn ica l Senior Project Engineer for the two add itional berths at the Port of
i\.1:ami. The geotechn ica l investiga ti cn included la ild and sea borin gs to 90 feet below grade .
GeJte:::hn ica! recorr.r:le ndatior.s were pro'l iced for the design of the bert:l s a :1 d the r elated re~a i nir, g
stru ctures

Homes tead Ex tonsio n Fl orid a T u rnpike (HEFT ) - Ok eecho bee To ll Plaza t o 1-75 W ideni ng 199 8-
1999 - Prime Consul tant: K im!ey Ho rn & A5Soci a tes, M r. Murra y D. Thorn be ur g, J r., P.E.
l\ l r Hort3 serlJ ed as geotechn ica l Se nior Project Eng :neer for inv es~ i ga: : on of the five bridges included
in t ~i s HE FT sectio n and other geotechnica l aspects of the prcjec:t tna: incl udes the use of drivi ng
plies . s:, afts and shallow footings .

Home stea d Extens ion Fl o rida T urnp ik e (HEFT) - Tami ami Toll Plaza Imp r ov ements 1995-199 6
Pri me Co n sulta nt: Sverdrup Corporatio n , Mr. Gary Rou fa , P.E.
~J1 i. Horta served as geo!echnical Senior Project Engineer for this project that extends from S\N 56 ·'1
Street to SIN 24·" Street. Road w icening cridge inve3t j ga ~ i on . asphalt pavement survey and testing
and noise wall investigation was inclu ced in the geotechnica l investigation .

Palm etto Expresswa y Improvemen t, S.R.'s 826 an d 83 6, F!o rida Department o f Tra nsportation,
District 6, Dad e Co unty, Fl o rida 1991 -1996 ; Pr ojec t Manag er: Ali Tog liani , P.E., FOOT
1\1r. Hort a served a s Senior Project Engineer for thi s project. He supervised a field investigation that
included over 190 borings extended to depths as great as 150 feet . He also cond ucted detailed
foun dation ana lyses fo r fou ndations and embankments . including evaluating va riou s foundat ion types
such as driven p iles. drill ed shafts and shallow footings

W ei g h t-In-~I o t io n Sta tions , Intersta te 10, J ac kson Co un ty , Flo rida , Fl o rida Departm ent of
Transportation , Distri c t 3.
i'vl r. Horta serJed as Project Engineer for thi s project. He supervised field and laboratory investiga ti on
for ONO Weight-In - ~Iot l on Sta tion s and four Static Scales. He also co nd ucted all the engineerin g
analyses and prov ided recommendations for diffe rent alternatives to reduce settlements of the
proposed s ~at i ons to a mini mum Foundation eva luation included slope stability , preloading vert ica l
drainage. drill ed shafts . and exc avat ion of compres sible soil s.

Sou th Fl orida Ra il Co rr ido r, Pha se II, Doubl e Tracking and Signa l System Update , Da de
Co unty , Flo rid a
1\1 ~ Horta served as Proj est Engineer for the geotechn ica l invest:gation for this major mod ifica ti on to
the current Tri -Ra il System .

. . " 11 Ardaman & Assoc iates. Inc .

EVELIO HORTA. Ph.D., P.E. (ContlOued )

South Florida Rai l Corridor Pha se II . Hialeah Terminal to Hollywood Blvd . 19 95·1997
Pri me Consultant: HDR Eng ineering. Mr. T om Kuinjan , P.E.
J\l r Horta s2 r /ed as geotecr.n(cal Senior Project Engineer for the ne 'N ra il way tracks and two new
brido;'?s a'on g the 11 miles proJest a!ignment. Field and latora:ory tes~ ln g were periormed t h a~
included de~ p standard penetration 5011conngs pa 'Jement survey and asphalt testing

~I I C ·M I A Elev ated Ra il roa d . M iami International Airp o rt 2002

DAC Project Manag er : Mr. Gasser Douge , P.E.
t-..l :- HOrt3 served as Sen ior Projest En gineer for the new eiev3ted r3 ilroad connect ing the M IA
te rmi nal3 with the new comp lex of ca r re nt3 i east of Lejeune Road The geotechnical in ve stigation
incl uc!2c ceep bO ri ngs . raooratory testing and stuc ies to provide recom menda tions for piles and shaft
fo uncat:on for the new continuous bridge structure and its main tenance facilities

Ce ntro I Bo ule vard Ex pans ion. M iami International Ai rpo rt (M IA ) 1999·2 00 0

DAC Pr ojec t Ma nage r: Mr. Chuck Ba ssil, P.E.
J\l r Horta serv ed as g-?ctechnical Senlcr ProJ e-:t Engineer for the expa o: s;on and impro veme nt of the
e'1ti 3r,ce roa,j of i\I IA that includes Widening of the existing Centra l Boul e'/3 r::l . N'N 20 Street wes~ of
LeJ"une Road six (6) new bridgeS and Widening of eight (8) bridges Field and laboratory tes ting
were performed t ha~ included deep standard penetra~ i on soil bori ngs . dra inage and asphalt test ing

• Parking Gara ge No. 6, M iami Internati onal Airport (MIA) 2000

DAC Projec t J';lanager: Mr. Georg e Ga rCia, P.E.
I\' i . Horta s:=rv ed as geotechnica l Senior Project Er g neer for the r.ew s;x (5) storj park ing structure
Fie!.:i a-:c la~or a:J (Y tes~ i n g VI.e re performed tha: incluced d-ee;J S?T borings . fcunca~ l on alternatives
and pro tect,on of adjacent structures

• N ort h T erminal Expansion Progra m. I\l iam i I nterna~ional Airp o rt. Miami , Fl orida 200 7·2 a0 9
Project M,nager: ~Ir. Enrique Perez. (~l i ami·Dad e Av iatio n Department)
AtCam ail is cUfle ntly .eeriorr:li r.g a'i s Jil te3: ing fo ur.dat,on inspections .e ile ins~3 I1 a: l on observa:ions
and ma : ~ (l 3 ! 5 te5~ l ng for 1a diffe rent projects within tr,e s.:o~e of the f'l arth Te rminal Expans ion .

South Term in al Ex pansion Program , Miami Internatio nal Airport. M iami , Fl o rida 2006 Pr oject
~la nager: Geo rg e Garcia , P.E. (Miami International Airport)
[\'l r. Hort3 served as Senior G-:?otechn lca l Eng lr.eer far thi s proje-:t which incl uded the design and
ccns~ r uct l on of the new te rm ina l plus the new Conco urse J a:-:d remode ling of Concou rse H.
Arda ;l l an performed all soil te sting and fo unda :ion inspection a.1d testing for the new te rminal (J ) and
re modeled term inal (H).

M iami Internati onal A irport, C on cou rs e A Terminal Ex pansion

l'vl r. Horta served as Project 1\lanag-:?r for this project that included foundation and soil testIng
including compaction test ing concrete s ~rength test ing and fie ld tes ting serv ices including field and
plant inspection of asph alt

• M iami Internationa l Airport, Concourse F Renovations

Mr. Horta was Project l\,la nager for thIS proJect. Services included founda~ i o n and soil test ing incl uding
compact ion tes ting co ncrete strength testing and field testing services

M iami Internati ona l Airport, Sa tell ite Bridge Concourse E Eva luation
rvlr. Horta was Project Manager for this proj ect performing foun dation eva luation for the ex isting
bridge impr·: wements. rev iew of previous so il inve stigations and tests and analys is of soil cond itions
and pred icted soli -structure beha vior under th e propos ed new loads

M iam i International Ai rport, Pr o pos ed Concourse H Geotec hni cal Investigation

M r Horta was Senior Project Engmeer for th is project wh ich consisted of 501 1 borings and

_ _ .... Ardaman &. Associates. Inc .

13 0
EVELIO HORTA , Ph .D., P.E. (Cor,tlnued )
----------_.- ._-------_._--
geot-::!s~ ni ca ) r=por. for the proposed structure

W atson Island Mari ne & Hotel , Wats on Island , Miam i 2003 Pr oject Manage r: M r. J ose ph L.
Herndon , Flagstone Pr operties , LLC - Ad ditio na l Servi ces 2009 Project Manager: Mr. Michael
Pe lc za r, Fla gstone Properties , LLC
1\1 ; He ri a se r le:' as Senior Geotechn ical Project Engineer for a new mega yacht marina with two
high-rise hote ~ 3 a;1d parK ing garage 'ma :! stlucture .3 Land and wa:e r bonngs r::eriormed to 85 feet
be:c'N grade allowed foundat :on recommendations for th e proposed str:.Jct'.Jres and for all reta ining
arc mcoring st . . uctures In 2009 Arda man performed more borings for thi s project and also fer a
proposed artif;cia l reef.

i\l aiden Island Develop m ent, Maiden Island , Antigua , West Ind ies 200 5 Pr oj ect Manag er: Mr,
Cesa r Molina R.A,
fVl r HOr':3 Se ~'1 =d 33 9-=otechnica l S8nior Project Eng ineer for th is project which included a new
m ar'r. a . m ultple one and t'No~s~::r'l S tiuc~ u re3 . a lighthouse on thiS smail isla:1d . A tota l of 17 borings
we re ):e:iJrm ed to 30 fe:=t below grade to pro '/ide foundat:cn recomr:1e ndations for the assorted
5 :ilJctur-2 3

Ri ng T heatre' S herman Family Stage, Un ive rs ity of M iami, Coral Ga bles (2 000)
Dr. Horta s-?n/-2d a3 Senior project manager/eng ineer for th is project which involved the Shell
s::-t..:ctur-? of t~, e r')of wa3 load tested to prove that the propOSed add itiona l load from modifications to
the t ra3: ~ e cc ul...i Co2 sU;Jported . A full sca le load tes t was designed with the a;Jpro '/ed of the Structura l
Eng -nee; ( S ~i l J. R.:x! r;£'J -::::, a il e! Sa ~ a3 ) and modifi ca~ i ons we re perforl.1 e-: Wlt.l subs~antiai sa vi ng3 fer
the Ur;ivers:ty of l\ll iam i.

FlU Par!< ing G:Hase {200-t), Uni'ler3ity Dri ve , Fl o rida Internation al Unive rsity , M iam i, Fl orida
Or HCr':3 s=?:-,-2] as s=nior project ma n a~-= r/e n g in ee r fo r t ~I S p r :Jj:?c~ wr. ich invCl lved g=?'Jto?shnica l
i ,--;v~st i <;;3: i or, s fJr bl,0 (2 ) ne"N four~st.::ry pa rking gara;es The projects we re defined in areas
oc:cL.,:J ie j It/iLl ex:s::ng spcrts fields and parking areas The gS Jto?ch nica l in'/esti gation was performed
Ir: C:OS2 coo rGlna t: ')n ~" i t r, Uni vers ity authorities to ca use minimum disr'Jprlon to norma l activities
S,.:rea·: footmo;;s ~\ie r 2 reco mm ended and were used for these heavy s truc~ure s

Park Square at Doral, M;ami, Florida

fVlr_ Hor:a W33 Projo?ct Eng;neer for this project wh ich included a fu ll rango? of construction materials
tes: ing ir;cl uc!:r:g SOil s concre:e and IT,asonry on an eleven sta ry cor;cr2te bu ild ing w ith an ajjacent

fou r-story parking ga rage .

• YMCA Vil lage Ca rver, M iami Florida

fVl r. Horta s-= rved a3 Project Engineer on this twe l ve~story concrete structure which was deve loped
frJm 2 008 to 20 09 . Ardama n's involvement included prov iding all of the canstruction materials testin g
service s for this project.

Basketball Gym Bui lding (2 00 7) SI. Th om as Un iv ersity , 16.1 0 1 NW 37 '" Ave., M ia mi , Fl o rida
Dr Horta se rved as sen ior proj ect manager/eng ineer for this project which invo lved geotechnical
In'/8stigat:on for the new basketball 19ym build ing . A tot al of four s:andard penetration test borings
we re completed as Well as 3 ex filtration tests for dra inage design in re lated parki ng areas . The work
was perfermec on functional sports fi elds coord inating with UniverSity at.;thoritie s. Sprea d footings
were r2commended for the project.

''~ OD '' School, Da de Co unty, Fl orida

M r Horta served as Sen ior Project Engineer provided geot2ch nical in vestigation of the proposed
build in£s for tr,e school The investigat:ons included soil borings and test pits . Impo rta nt savings
were obta ined based on inves tigation res ults simpli fy ing soil improvemen ts recommendations

• Islamorada Wastewater Pla nt and Sewer Main , Islamorada , Fl o rida

Mr HCi.3 \N3 S Senior Geotechnical Engineer for this project wh ich included the design and
cor.s t~ uction of a new wastewater plant and collect ion system through part of Islamorada that ex~ends

------------_._-- --------
: - : Ardaman & ASSOCiates. Inc .

' 3'
EVELIO HOR TA, Ph .D., P.E. (Continued )

for about 8 m iles The geot-=chnlcaJ iriVss;lgatlon included bonngs bet'Neen 2C-30 feet

Plan tatio n K ey Wa s t e wa~ e r Treatm ent Pl an t and Colle c tio n Sys tem, Pla nta tion Key. Flo rida
1\1r Hor:a was Se'":lor Geot2chnica l Engineer for th iS project w hi ch Ir.c ludec a new was tewa:er plant
for P l a :1t a~ , o n Ke y Ardaman provided ovef SO tor:ngs for the recommendation s of the proposed
strt..:c:ures fO L.r. dat:o n and other geo tec hnical as pects of the project.

City of M arathon Wastewate r System , Marathon , Fl ori da

i\,l r Horta was Sen ior Geotechnica l Engineer for th is project wh ich included over 4 0 borings that were
com p leted to ca fin e soi l characte ri stics along the existing vacuum sewer mains for the City.

L oc a l Residential & C omme r cial Pr ojec ts , Hollywood , Fl o rid a

i\! r Ho rta a3 p roject engineer pe liorms 50 11 boring cescriptlons and foundat ion a lterna tive ana lys is for
V3 riOU S p r o~ o se c s~r u ct rJre5 and ac!d,:.or: s in the C ity of Holl /'Nood area

• Sherid an Plaza , Ho llywood . Fl orida

i'vl r. Hor:a P :)l/ 'ced g~otechnjca l eng lne enn g and foundat ion recommendations for thiS shopping

Fir e Stati o n #16, Homestead , Fl o r ida

l\ l r. Hor.:a a3 proj ~ct engin ee r pro vided ge otechn ica l eng ineenng ane founc.3~ i on recol7lr:1enda~ i ons
fcr this proposed fire station.

Birc h Po in te Building. Ft. La ude rd ale, Flo rida

i\1r. Horta se rv ed as Project Eng ineer for this geotechn ica l in ves:iga::on of th is 11-story building on Ft.
L::I'",;c2~j3 ' e ' s lr.t2r::OS~3 ! S 'lhte rW3j He s:J r:;e rvis-::j the fie ld in '/es tig.3:,c: n w hi ch cons isted of dee~
s:3 r C3 rJ pe ne:ra::on sod torir£;s a ne:' c01ducted a n e'J3 l ua::c n of fOl...:nda:,o n a"t-e",....a:lves

• RDPCC B uild i n~. Dade County , Fl orida

f\k. HCr.3 se rv ej a3 Project f\.la nage r fo r t ~ e in v est : ga~ :o n·of th iS d l s~r ss3ed bUild ing He supervised a
fie ld d r:i[in g r:;rc£; ram to a3cert3!n t ~ e cause of tr.e appa rer. t se~': : 02me r. i: and prepared a
reco n:r:1 2nd3 t.c n for unc-=:-;:: inning the structure to inhibit furthe r s2t~ l em2nt

P & L Aut o Parts , Opa Locka , Fl o rida

1\1 ( Horta served a3 Project Er.g ineer for th is S:t2 that was conta mina: sd w ith petroleum products
Contam ina:-?d so il and w3~=r we re found in a n initial inves~ i g3t i on . (vIr Horta s;;pe rvised t he field
inlJe5~i ga! i on . we ll insta llation and water a nd so il sampl ing during the preparation of the
Conta olina::on Assessme nt Report (CAR ) preparation . He also completed the Remed ial Action Plan
and su pervised s it e remed iation activIties

A uto Am erica Moto rs , Opa Lock a, Fl orid a

i\1 r. Horta was the Proj ect Engin ee r for th iS site that was found to be contaminated w ith petro leum
prod ucts The invest:ga:ion included SPT t:orings . monltonng wells install ation and water sampling
and a na lys is A Contamination A.ssessmen t Report. followed by a R emed ia l Act ion Plan that included
exca lJ a: lcn and d isposa l of contam inated SOils A monitoring pla n was establ ished until water
conta mination le 'leis were found to be below allowable limits

Rob ert's Rad i ato r, Hiale ah , Fl o rida

M r. Horta served as Project Eng ineer for a contamination result ing from two different chem ical
prod ucts wh ich were found at two separate locations at this site A Contamina ti on Assessment
Report that Incluced SPT borings. well installation . SOil and water sa mpling . and testing was
comple:ed . Also . a spill prevention control and counte rmeasure plan W3S peliormed in order to bring
to facility into comp liance With County requirements A Remed ial Action Plan that included
contam inated so il disposa l and monitoring the water was performed

Closu re o f Old Sou th Dad e Landfill. Miami-Dade Solid W aste Ma nage ment, Dade County ,

_ _ , . A rdaman 8. ASSOC iates. Inc .

EVELIO HORTA , Ph .D., P.E. (Con tinued )

i\.l r Horta s2r'1ed as Ar'Jar,"';2r. 5 PrOject rvla na;~( for liner OC testing for this lancfiil closure prJj8ct
The pr:Jject ir c!L.:C€5 de5~r:.:ct " /e ar.d r.ond estruc tl'/e testing of the synthetic liner and ins!=ectlon of the
liner placement a3 we ll as geotechnica l testing of the beddlrg ard cover salls and soil for tr,e cer11S
fVlr Horta als o wr.:>te the QA'OC manua l for the Pond "C' sand t lanke t a.1d sur;ervised pre-
q u a li f ic a~ lon testing for the matenal proposed for this blanket.

No rt h Dade La ndfill. Miami-Dade Solid Waste Mana gement, Dad e County , Fl o rida
f\,l r Horta "va5 a ProJest Engineer for the design anc cons:ruct:on of thiS mU"lclpal solid was~e facili ty
He W3S involved With 52'/8r31 aspects of the project Including the subsurface eX,::lloration prior to
design, s:ability ana lYSIS of the landfill slopes and foundat ion and inspection of the sand COVBr during
construction .

• City of Sunri se - Projec ts with various cl ients:

Ivl r Horta has s~ rved as Se r"1lor Engineer,'Re I!ewer on the follQl,o\lIng pr.:Jjecrs that indUCed a wide
range of geotechnical and faci lities eng ineering services'
Dan Cytyrn Office Building " Geotechnical
Sunr:se PU MP S~a~ lo n 2 Materials test ing
• Beef O ", Sradj' -" s of Sunrise =- Building inspection
FPL Subs~at J on . Sunrise Blvd - Material testing
Propose: Ecition to Ex isting Litrary :::. Ma!erials test ing w
Proposed LA. FitJ1 es5 Center - Geotechnical ·
Proposed V'la rehou se Saw Grass {Vl ills Circle · Mat::rials test:ng
Pr'Jf=o5ed hote!. Sa N Grass Mills Circle! Red Snapper Read - Geotechnical
Pa:1t:'er Are3 Ir:tercha-;ge • Quality control inspection.
Pi q::osed A:T1 trLs: Bank. t'-j'N 91 i\ St & Oal(la1d Pa rk Bi'/d =- Gacteshn ica '
P3nt~er Area Irtercra-;ge . Quall t'! A55 'Jra ·1ce durin£; co n S ~~'Jct:cn Of t~e lI~te ~:han ge ccnnect!.1g
the Sa 'iV~ra35 ExpressvlJ3y'and the Panther Arena .

Ci ty o f M iam i Ga rdens - Proj ec ts w it h various clien ts :

Prof='osed Gooc!will Site (materials testing)
St. Thomas Uni'lersity PhYSica l Plant (m aterials te sting )
CA~ O;:a Lock3 Headstart Facil ity (materials test ing )
Ca;,,::>1City Corr:munity Center (m aterials testing ) - cl ient. City of r...llam i Garden s
VarioL.:s street re?a irs (materials testing)
Propose': WarehOUSe @ NW153 5t and NW33 Place (geotechnica l eva luation)
Proposed Ta rg et site (contamin ation evaluation)


Go lfito Marina, Bah ia Escond ida Marina Realty, Costa Rica

Reta ined to I=rDvide peer review of f;20rechn ical eng ineering aS30cia:ed with a major marina
development includIng sta:Jility of slcpes and ma nne facilit ies foundat ion s (;Jiles bulkheads . piers and
retaining wa lls).

La s Ca noas Dam , Managua , Nicaragua

Desig ned and built for irrigation purposes a~out 40 km from Managua . the dam is 4 5 meters hIgh and
one kilometer long with a sa ndy clay core and rockfill embankment. The dam was designed in a
highly se ismic area with a n active fault about one kilom eter downstream An extensive grouting
program W3S implemented to control seepage through highly fragmented volcanic rock . A 1200
ml/sec spillway and 8 mol/sec intake structure was part of the design

Ba co nao Dam, Sa ntiago de Cuba , Cuba

Th is 110 mete r high . 450 meter long dam is stili under const ruc!lon and was deSIgned as a
clay /rock fill dam A diversion tunnel Wi th a shoe horse Section (8 m high ) was construc te d to allow
the const r:Jct'on of the upstream coffe rdam (part of the embankment) and perform foundation
tre atment that Included grouting to 80 meters into the river bed Intake stru cture is a 2 km long

__ • Ardaman & ASSOCiates. Inc .

EVELIO HO RTA. Ph .D .. P.E. (Conti cue d)

Mo a Dam , Ho lguin, Cuba

A 8.! -rreter-h lgh clay ccre.'rackfill dam was designed and bUi lt with a lal ent;c (resIdua l) cIa; core In an
a~23 where the ra iny season extends for mos~ of the yea r creat ing se rlCUS compact ion problems A
1300 mlfsec s:)illwa, was budt on high ly fractured rock Consideration was given to rock fractunng
d lrec~,cn In sr: il1 w3jloca :ion and design Ex:enslve cer.1ent grouting W33 ap;:: lled a: the founda! lon to
depths of 50 m

Ca uto el Pa so Dam , Bayamo, Cuba

Des igned and buil t or. the longest Cuba n river. the dam is a homogenous clay structure 20 km long
anc 35 meters high. A two-m ir e-long . 30-meter -d eep Slurry well was cons~ructed to control seepage
3'iC impr:ve slope s~30 ili ty . The rr.ain spillway for 4000 cm l /sec was designed with segmented
c:rcul3r g3:2S 10 me~=rs high. The g3tes we re supported o ver 20 me:2r high concr2~2 crest bearing
on s.Jf.. Sal ls Three intak e s~ rUC:ur e5 for 20 ml/sec were de-signed for irrigatIon pur;:;OS2s

• L ake Greg ory Da m, Cou nty o f Sail Berna rdino, Californ ia ( 2010)
Ccr CUC~2G a c2:f.Jrr.1a~;on 3ssessment a,1d eeveloped remedial options for tre dam s:acll lza tJon uncer
design e3 ....~ hqu a ~ e cor.ditions The 110 feet high dam was bui lt in 1936·1933 and has teen upgraded
In a ccor~a::, ce vrth cu rrer.[ d=si:;n star:dards The deformat ion assesslil ent and effec: of remed ial
act:cns were s~ L;c!:=d a;:~ l ing the des:;n €arthc; uake acce!era!lons to a two c imenSlona l numerica l
mod"l of the dam .

___ .. Ardaman & Associates. Inc .
Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Public Relations Specialist
RF Q Ti tle: Ur!Jan Design & Landscape Arch i:ecture / Eng ineering S-?P/ices for

RFQN um b e r : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I'vlaggie Fernandez, LEED Green Associate
Nam e of Propose r: _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

In th e space provided below desc ribe the experience of th e firm's Pu blic Relati ons
Specia lis t. Pl ease desc ribe the education , sk ills, and experience in detail.
Magg ie Fernand-=z, LEt:O Green Associa:?

\Ni:h ov,?( 20 y-=at5 ' e:<;Jer ier1(e in r!'-'e public sector including publ ic policy ad'/ceaey, projo?ct manago?menr.
s:i3:eg i c con"':rnu nica::ons. and 5us~a;nabi! i : y, j\ I .i. Fernandez has the knolfllecge of a nd connect ions in
go'/ t a . . . d g rea:2r Scvh Florida cor.1muili:y to achieve success. A civic en:r'=pre!"'!cur driven by her passion
to create and sus: ::! in li'/at l.? C9:"1rr.uni:ies Ihi : h vi!Jrant economies, Maggie has helped clients na'/iga:e efficiently
through comple;( gO'l'?rnmer t a:1d community network s in order to ensure t ha ~ their programs or proj ects are
effectivel:; implemen:ed. bus'r,~s) d~'/Elopment goals are met and strategic messaging goa ls accompli shed.
Ha'iing 'Norked d; ( ~c t : y V'Ji:h a 'l'Iid2-varie:y of South Florida's leading governments, community organ iza:ions,
environmen:ai non-p ro fi:s. mana;~r.1ent consulting firms and crea:ive ag encies, she understand s her client's
needs and hQ>,'1 t'J c::Jmi:"'Unica:2 t~cm e F 2ctiv~l:;. I.Nhile serving as Assistant to the Coun ty J\.lanager in the 56
billion i\\ iar"1>Dade Cou n::; 9")/~(rH~len~, s!ie gained in-depth experience in sus~a i nabili:y, communica: ions, ,-/va :2r
and was~e ca;J i~3 : in-:provement, and business development. Hands-on public and med ia relations,
as lfi'?!1 a..i special e V-2r.t prod'Jction and logistics, experience was gained while in tho:: iVl iami -Dade Mayor's Office
of Com mL;n i ~a~ i ons a::d s-2(',ing 25 the Ci:y of l\l icmi 8each Specia l Even~s Director. As a member of the Grea:er
Mia:,,! Cha:1,cer of Comm2rc2 (GI\lCC ) and as a key member of its Res ilience Co rnmi t: e~, ~laggie wor ks dilig-?ntly
to educate membe r; and [he busi:-:ess cOr.lmunir/ a!Jout important environrr,€nral and infiastructure issues
facing the ~Il!ami-Dad~ commu'1i: j. Her ach ievements have been recognized by fv1iamj Today, the GMCC and
Dream in Green.

• Public relations and ou:reach
• Public policy advocacy
• Project management
• StrategiC communica tions
• Susta ina bil ity

· Bachelo r of Science in Political Science - Spring Hill College (1998)

• LEED Green Associate


• s~I IA / Sustainable M iam i: President (20 13-present)
• IVliami-Dade County: Sustainability Program IVlanager for Out reach & Public Affai rs (2009 to 201 3)
· lVliami-Dade County: ASiis;" nt to the County Manager (2003 to 2009)
• City o f Miami Beach: Special Events Director (2000 to 2003 1
· IVliami-Dade County !vla/0r's Office: IVled ia Re lations Coordinator ( 1998-2000)

Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Public Relations Specialist
Ple3se ut i liz~ the space belov/. as necessary.


• Ov!?r 20 Y'2J(S' e'<pericr- c'2 in go v-2rr.lT'en: a~m i nistr a tio n and development of str3:eg ic plans and
communica:ion stra:2gi2s,
· Expt?-rience in Cr-2a:if' g and manag ing prJgnmj wi:h p roven resul:s in a w ide range of specia l ~ ; es includ ing
s:Jst3inabili :y. ar:d cutre3ch and comr.1un ica:ions.
· Subj~ct i\'a::er E:<;;02~: in Sus~3 i na':J ili : ,/ (! .1d Cli r:la:e Change planning and messag ing,
• Del71ons: r3.:2c abili t j' tJ COn1cr'll.;n;ca :e efre·::.vely INi:h cIi.:;n~s and s:akeho lc02rs thmu'jh ex ce!lent or3 !. writ:en,
a nd presenta::on skills.
· Proven capJb iJ: :, to le~d s: (a~29 i c plJ nning and performance improvement proj'?ct5 and implemen: so l u~ i ons
that d eliver resul:s.
• Project manag :: I1")en~ e <perience \Ni~h a pro 'len track record on managing multiple projects simultaneously and
d elivering resul ts on time .
· Ability to a;1al,=2 complex organi z a~ i ons and deliver innovative reco mmenda : ions and solutions with
supporting dJta that align to the organi:a:ion 's and leadersh ip goals and mission.

1\ 11.1-1'1<
... H. ,

i ~~;r;\ Daniel J A : f l) ~ S0
.... . .'
~ \
CII I i\.'aia,;~r
To Whom It /"lay Concern:
Subject: R eferencE Letter for Public Re latio ns Speci al ist, as def;ned in RFQ No, 16-17-049.

Na me of Proposer: local Off:ce Landscape & Urban Design

Name of Proposed P ublic Inf0rma::on Manager: Maggie F~ rndndel

The a~o'Je r~fer~ncec Pre poser is responding to a Request for Qua tif:calions (RFQ) that has been issued
by the City of f\.l iami . "'/03 rec;uire th aI the Proposer provide written references far their proposed Public
Rela tio ns Special ist (PRS ). The Proposer is r e~uesting that you . as the Owner of the referenced projec t.
pr0'J:ce the foHowirg inrOr 'T1.atlon as well as any other perti nent in fonr. ation. Your insi~ht is apprecia ted.
Name of Proj8ct V/E-Lfta -I,I\/Jt-?r & En.:-rgy LeJrning and Be ha'/tor Project

P;··~£t4tl!, ~~·S!$?~ ,rni1:~:rt=jt1l'Wmk(;wtt: {(itZ*·:;;:;»Zi;;$t r:;)

Sco~e of I;'/ork for R eferenc ed Project· ( omm urlty ~ut,ecch & Educatlon Program ,Vd nago?r
V3iLe of Proj ect: 5_ N_,A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
90_-,c_"_0_ _ _ _ __ _ __ V21~e of Construction: 5_

TY;J~ of Pr:;J-?c~. 0 D'?s:C;--:·6 ~:·8uilc 0 Cfl.l~R,sk 0 Design-St.-lid 0 Other (CommJr.;t·/O'~: jedch

COf's:r'...:ct.or. CCf"j;.:18t~S on t:ri"2 and '..... ithln budge~? 0 Yes 0 t-jo
How len:; cic the ~·ro;Josed PR S s€,rV9 in this ca;::dcity on t~js project? 2 y~ars ( Se;:terr'b~r 2r; 13-2015;
Qualit! of W crx: ~ A:::OV9 Ex;:ectaticns 0 ,~'J9ra~e 0 6e !o'N EX;:'9r:latior,s
Error3 anc Omissions: [3J Above Ext)ectaticns 0 A'Iera';,e 0 Below Ex;:::ectat:or.s
( ,.l. ')c·.~ e~:;e':l,J: crs ; rC lc a~e5 f.::· •..,~r ee'Cf; arc Or1IS.5ions :han anliCipatec by Prop::ct Owner .)

Die Err,Jrs a r.c O mis3,ons resu lt in increased construction cost? D Yes I3J No
Was the PR S responsive? El Yes D No
v'las the P RS timely with re'/iews a nd submitta ls? G Yes 0 No
DIG the PRS effectively resol'/9 issues in a timely manner? El Yes D No
Please t/;Je in the field below to prov;ce camme i1t3 (Please use Ihe allacre,j adc ltlonal pafje . as necessarl)

See attached additional page

Na me of Project Owner: Jenny Ma y. Dream in Green. fo rmer Board Chairperson

Name of Project Owne r's Repre sen tative : _

Sl g natur~ of Proje ct Owner' s Repre sentative : "';'T(,-7"-;~"''-!~,'.J!"'/
---'.:,,11,,'.:,;--11,),,' - --'-----------
T itle : Execu t ive DI recto r V C' - /)
T elephone- 6 10- 39)-8887 E-mail:
Date: July 25.2017

Since re ly,

Annie Perez, CPPO

Director RF'J-PR-R
Procurement DBpartment ReVised 5,19i::01 7
Oanlel J A:hnse'
Cit·! f\, 1,.;l18:;J9r
Please utili::e tile spac e be lo w . as necessa ry .

Fror. ~ Septelloe: 2 ~13 L: 2'}15. ~.~.::gg ''2 Fe ~n ~1 nde-:!. · "'Jugh 5 LJS~3 in J::; I ~ ~,..I Jam i, se ('l,e-j as t:E' Pr.Jsr.3r.:
Manager o· \N~ · lA 3 - V\'3t=r 2~ Energy learning I Beha '/ior Project. In t his C3Pd Citj r-.1a9'j '>?
deve lo ped and irnp·-2f""".en t=c Vi::>l.A.S a pa r: J be : 'N ~ 2n Dre am inGree'l (DIG! ar c i re M .ar..1
Dac~ VV.3t2~ & 5'='.'1-2: ~e~a--:rrent (vV.!,SDJ funde 'y t;--e Env lror c lenta l Prat e-et ton A9-= l1cy ( =~A J.
to erea:e C:J f"'r~luni:j-·'''/ 1\..~t? d ':13r2"'~:;3 en how W3 .J and ene rg'j are In ter reia:ed in crd-=r to
empo h er resJden :s : .J Ma':.:e il" :or,"'f)2d c:ecisions rl2gardng water L:se. Throu g 1 52 school a "l . . !
c':/;',:TLni :/ '.~, cr'(:i:~':P:i.I/;:·LA3 r23·: red 1,50 S house-holes, a. .h.:: sa'ied 3 317 ndllcn gJ llcrs or
~1JJ:2 r a r:c 735 5i)5 k:!,J'.'IJ::-I'..;urs of e'ec:r!citj ar:e r e d~lCed ove r 1.23 fr .i'ltcr. pd,; of GHG
emi s5JC,ns.

pr::y;td-=: e,c ept 1or J ' 521, i,:-?s t.) D:Ci . E ·<::e~d in s: the PU~ I; C ou:re ach ane educat.o n g:Ja !s S2~
~y t J;;g ie
by E?A a ,~c! s::.l f;. T.1 is is e\i dercec t~ r::~~h the me33ura:le re5J ':; 0; the prog r3;"'1 , ~"Jgr; ; e ' s ir-
ct?pt:- , k:l0 ,vled·; -? of
1 a ~d r~ : J: 0r,~hJP5 vi ithin the cOr.1munitj a"":d loea : gO'/ ernr:1ent, coup le-j wit h
her eq ,::!! e$s ar:)ou r~~ cf en'2rgj a;l\'~ LEED cr2'de :1 tlals. se:ved the p rogr3fll w ell and Vd .i a big pa~ o f
its success.

We highl; recormenc ~.1.~99 e ald SU5tJ naol e ~A i ami for ary cOIT'mun ity and put llc relatons

Pe ... sec 5 191:::0' 7

Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Art Specialist
RFO Title: Urban Design & Landscape Architecture ' Engineering Services for

RFO Number: 16-17-049

- - - -- --
Nina Johnson
Name of Proposer: _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __

In t he space p r o vi ded bel ow d escrib e the experience of the firm's Art Specia list. Please
de scribe the ed ucation, ski lls , and experience in detail.

I ha ve known Nina Johnson for ma ny years as a colleague in the art f ield and first had t he privilege to work
together on a maj or public ar: proj ect for the City of Sal Habour in 20 13. The project was by artist Christy Ga st,
\,II/hom Nina represen:ed a ~ her ga llery, and she helped us coo(dina~e and implement all aspects of the art'Norks
jns talla~ion, exhibition . deinsta llation and cont inua:ion on to both the Bass Museum of Art and later to the Perez
Art Museum M iami pe rmanent collection.

vVorking with Nina "vas a pleasure. Her 2. ~: e.<pertis.:: lent greatly to t he p roj ect and helped us to con :'2x:ua li ze
the project to our cornmi~t2e and also exp lain the \No rk th rough d id ac tic ma:er ia l to our la rg-?Iy non-art
aud ience. In add ition her und2 f s:,oJ:lc! in g of a rt i :;~s helped us troubleshoot a!1 aspects of the project easily,
progia rTl though~ft.;1 and pr,JI/oca: ilJ'2 tou rs ai:d ta l~ s , a,l d ensure the everyone was thrille d with the outcome.

Nina also worked wi~ n us on procLlcing a lim ited ed i: ion a~ 'Nork in conjunction with t he project wh ich wa s a
hig hly successful and sough: af:er v" Clr~ . She also spearheaded t he negotia:ions w ith both museums who
exh ibited and fin ally collected the v'/ork. This \.1135 a huge kudos to our then fledgling art prog ram, and could not
have happened withou t her.

I could not recommenc j\j ina Johnson more high ly fo r an art advisory posi:ion . H02 r knowledge of art his~ory as
well as con temporary ar: is un surpas sed, and her pa:ient, open and insightful character fos t ers a wonderful work

Any for fur: her questions plea se ca II me at 9 17 704 5319

Cla ire Breukel

Cura tor
Bal Harbour Village

' 39
Request for Qualifications
Qualifications of Art Specialist

RFO Number: 16-17-049

N ame 0 f P roposer: _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

In t he space prov ided bel ow d esc ribe t he experience of t he firm ' s A rt Spec ialist. Pl ease
describe t he educati o n, s kil ls , and experien ce in detail.

Education : BFA - The School of the [vl useum of Fine Arts 2005
Boston , [VIA
BFA - Tuffs University 2005
Medford [VIA

Nina Johnson is the founcer of a contemporar; art ga !lery located in Miami , Florida . For the past 10 years
the ga lle ry ha3 pre sented a rigoro L.;s pr:>g ram of solo a nd group exhi bitions by a w ide intergeneratlona l
mix of interna~ l ona l a rti sts The program bcas:s a V33t ed ucationa l and Qutrea :h component and seeks to
creat2 a tNO·W3Y win ccw into a g!cc a! a rt d,a~og Jcr,nson often works with priva:e ce velopers to bu ild
comprehen sive art col1 2ctlon s fe r bo t1 inte~ i or and ex~er i or spaces . rvla ny of the a:1ist represent:d b, t:--:e
ga lie r, ha '/e t:e e.1 final ists fo r numerous public a,1 proj-=:ts , includin g those e,(2cute by Bhakti Baxter for
the Port Of ~, l l a mi, Chr is~y Gas~ a~ Sa ! Har: OL!r a nd N:co la3 Lobo at The Underline Eschew ing trad itional
models fer co~merc i a l art spa: es N:n a Js hn so n w-:)(Xs ext ensive!, w ith institution a l pa rtn e rs th roug hout
the cO r.lmuni ty to cre3te a broader a 'JC ;,?1ce for con~emporar'J art, as w ell as to provide a co mmercia l
p la:form for a ti:S:S of intem at:cna l r2rown to exh ib it. place worx, a nd forge re :ationsh ips in M ia mi. N:na
Johnson-[Vi llewski is also the crea: or and Chair Emeritus of the Knight funded . [vl lami Ra il

1-1 0
DJ rl ei J ;ljfo nso
CrTY ~Ia r:ager

To W'io ~ It I" ay Concer:1.

Sl..cJec:: Re:€':'e;-,ce Le::~' fer Art Specialist. a3 C-3fr,ed in RFQ N o. 16-1 7-049

Na r-,e of Pro poser: LOCA:' OFriC ~ U.,~DSCAPE AN D URBAN DESiGN

N3re of P':;ccsec A '-: S:o:c 3:5: ~'':.:''~,<'.:J::O,,:H'..'

' ',:S~C,:,N____________ ____ ____~
T,-02 a::c', <;;! r-=t-?- ancec ?:CCC 5~- ,5 -es::crc ,nr; ~c a P.e-:;ues: fer O... al.h:at:cns (RFO ) !ha! has t ee'l iSSl. ec
by t~e C I:j of 1'. !lar1"1I \//2 (-3<:;l.. lre Ita: :I".e P'cpcse - ~ro" ide wr.ten re:e'-a nc es fe r their pro j:csec ~
S:Jeciali st (AS ) The P-::::!=cse; IS reCI-e5:.q ; tha: you. as tr.e O...... "':e ' of tr,e referer.ced prJject. provide
:I",e follcw n g Ir,iorrla t,c- aJ ', .ell as a-" o!~, e r per:Jn ent ir, YCt..r ins;ght is aq:r~c i a:ac
/", a-e cf Fr~j~:t. L.NSCR, :>':.o 3,1 ... r,1;lB Ct...R

S c::;~e of'N:;r'<. fe r Ref~re n cec: Prc:p.ct. 14_

' "_T_s_P_,_
CI_A_L:_sT_ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
V 3 ~'~e r:f P- ojec:: st_C_C_C_C_ __ _ __ _ _ Valu "? ofCcrs:r·~CrCG : S_'_,A__________
T;: ~ cf '> ~ieC:. 0 De 3.; ... ·c C·D.. ~C 0 ( ,\1.8::;,5 <. 0 Ce5,:;n-6c. i~c EJ C::-:e- iT [,(. /_~;L;1-? " t '6!s;.: 1
;1-..f /.1. ~-;'CT
Cc~s:·:..c :o n c::r;::!':?!ec or ~ -;2 3-C ': . :h ..... t:l..c~e;? £!:] Ye5 0 ~ c

r C':, Ic~,<; e'c :r":2 ,::ro,:,c52 ': ,.1.3 5c ~l~ n ~;-;: :a::ac,:,/ as AS on ~ rC'j e(:~?_"_\_'C_'_iT'_-_S_______

E-;-:rs a -:: 0""-,53 cr:s ' 12] ,l:c',e :=x;:ec:a:.cr3 D A/ 's n;e 0 8 2:':W E ,.(.:ec~a::crs
(.':';';"'.: ~~;;e :::.J : , ors 're CJ, ~ 5 '~"" e' af'~rs 3,- C cr.IS'; crs :ra- :1r:Jc:;:a :e-:::ry ? 'C! ~C; C\'orar. )
D'c ::--y:; aie 0,...,;3:;,cr.5 res ... !! In :r:c r ea se~ co-.s:i1..;c, en ccs:? 0 Ye5 [8 1-.0
'Was tr.e AS r€sj:or,s;ve? [8 YeS0 No
"vVas tr e AS tirr:ely v,. . ;:h (e \/ ~e '.vs a,1c :t:als? [) YeS0 ~jo
DIG the AS ef.ectlve!y r'asci'le IS5Les :n a timely 0 YeS 0 No
P I~a5e t'ipe in the r;e ld ceic w :0 pro'lice ccmm€"'lts (P!edse :he ai:ac!'8d additional p~e . as necessar/J:

N ame of Proje ct Owner: B :E=__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

N 8r:1e o f Project Owne r' s Representative. _C_LA_,_RE_BR_E_U~K~El/l~_----:'~~~-----_:,_----

S,gnatcre of Project Owner's Represe ntative: /:. Z:::::~_, 'L-~,___________Z,,__.c/

Telephone : + 1 917704 53 19 E·mail: CLAJRE@(lAIREBREUK ELCOM

Date: 07/26/2017


Annie Pe rez, CPPO

Procu re ment nt

(cit~ of Jtlii1111i
" ""~\.
","' ,,,., Daniel J Alfonso
" ,. , - Cit, Maoag~'
I ... ~.
rJ ~ \
P:eaSe t.t .li z~ t:1 € s~ace below, as necessarj.
I ha '/e kr'O\'I~ N:na Joh nson for rla -,y years as a colleague in the art field a nd r;rst had
t,e priv: lege to work toget~er on a rla;or pu~l ic art project for the City of Ba l Ha~our In
20 13 . The pro:est was by a1:st C ~risty Gast, who m Nina represented at her gallery,
a,e s~,e helper: us coorc :na:e a'.d im plement a'i aspects of the a.1'Norks insta llation ,
ex~ : ::; i t:on , ce r,sta lla:ior. ale cont:nu at'on on to bot ~ the Bass rvlusaum of Art a.nd later
to tt-,e Pe rez Art "I~se um ~,!.a ~i perma nent collestion.

',-;:)r'<l(; " ,: t1 ~I'~ a was a ~ I ees ~ :e. He ' a,1 eX;Jertise lent g-eatl y to the project a nd
;-,e:ped us tJ co ntext:Jalize t.~e proj ect to ou r co mm i ~ee a.l d also eX,ola:n t:,e work
t"rou(;h c :cact.c mater:al to our large!y non -a rt auc ience. In acdit.on her :ng
of a:-tis:s he!;;ed us t;oubles ~ oot ail as .~ ects of the project easily, prog ram t~o u ghtfu l
a .~d pra'locat ve tours anc ta i, s, a.' c ensura tne ever/one was th rilled with the
outcorle .

~rr:a 2:5.) v.~~ ~<e::: V\ ih us or, produc ing a I:r.I;:2d ed ;ton 21'Nor~ in con;uncton with the
~~~ie:t w ...., : :~ I,.-I,es a high ly s'...!c:e33f..: 1a~.d sou£ ht af'l2; '!.ark . Srj09 a1s0 s~ea;hea ,:ed the
r.egot.a::ons ltii t~ bo~~ r.1US?'Jms W"iC eX 'lib:t2c a.1C t: na:ly collected t:1e INork. This 'h33
a hu <;e beos to our t~e:1 fiec,/n g art pro(; 'a .'n , and cDulc not ha'/e h3~penad w'thout

I cDulc r,ot recommend Nina Johnsor, more h;ghly for a.1 art advisory pos ;tion. Her
kn ow!ecge of art history as well as con:eClporary a,1 is unsurpassed, and he r patient ,
open and insightful character fosters a woncerful work environment.

And for furthe r questions please cai l me at 917 704 531 9

Claire Breukel
Bal Harbour Village

Nina Joh n son- M ilewski

Nina Johnson, formerly known a~ Gallery Diet, tvl larn i, FL
2007 - pre sent

Progr amm ing highlig1ts include th e first tvliami exhibitions of artists Jonas Nleka s, Awol
Erizku , Ann Cra ven, Ka tie St out, Betty and Fra ncesca Woodman, Roche lle Feins tein, Cl ifford
Ow en s, Ak i Sa.iamoto, Christy Ga:5t, Bri dget BaKer, as we ll as alternat ive proj ec ts w ith
Proyecto s Ult r aviol2 ta and Ar tblog Artblog w ith Joshua Abe low. tvl iam i ba sed art is ts
exhibit:,d include Bha'<- ti Baxte r, Emmet t ,"vloore, arid l'J i cola~ Lobo. The gallery also mands-=s
the pub lic art propo sals and commissions for gallery art is ts, Bhakti Baxter, Nicolas l obo,
Emme tt tvloore ald Ed win Beauchamp. among others.

Pu blisher / founder
IVliami Ra il, IVliami, FL
2012 - 2017

An ed itorially indeper:c 2nt e'<pansion of the Brco~l'{n Ra il produced both in print and online
four times a year . Fundec b 'l the John S. and James l. Knigl-:t Foundation.

Art Consultant
Sa! Saz Developme nt
20 14 -20 15

AC '/i s'2 on the developr;,er.t of cultural progr amm ing for a new mixed -used
d-=lJelq:: rT'ent in Wynwooc in a-:id ition to bui ld t he core collec t icn w i t ~ an
estima:ed va lue of Slm ill ion.

Art Consultant
Reg alia Beach Development
20 13 - 2 0 1~

Ad '/ise on the acquisition of 5l.Smiliion art collec t ion for t ~e common area spaces of the
Regali a Cond ominium in Sunny Isl es Beach, Florida.

Commun ity Engagement

The Miami Ra il Chair Eme ritus

2017 - Present

I nstitute of Contempor ary Art N EXT Com m ittee

201 6 - Present

Perez Art IVlu seum Core Creat ive St eering Committee

2013 - 2016

Moder at or, Tony Goldm an at 8al Harbor Art Nights


The M iami Art M useum Contemp oraries St eer ing Committe e


The Mu seum of Contemporary Art North M iami Leadership Cir cle

2011 - pre sent

, -1 3
Requestfor Qualifications
Qua lifications of Proposer Team
Key Personnel Workload Capacity
Instructions : T rl s ror,';1 5 ~ a ll b'? comp lel-=c for each of the Key Per30 nnellce nufied rr Form RFQ-Q T Month 1 IS prOjected to start
en : ~ e 3 ~ IT'C~I:-' r9() da Is followin g tr e RFO dL:e ca:= I lf Ire RFO IS due In March. tren Month 1 would te June )

RFQ Title : '/"r'llood r-jl,'/3rj A/enue IJ'Joor.e'i RFQ No .: _" _"_" _0_"_9_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Na m e of Key Pers onnel : _J<_"'_n_,f_<o_3_"_"_"_d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __

Title of K ey Personnel (for thi s prQject J: L~ad Do:?slg'l L..,I

Sta tus of
Name of Project Owner o f Proj ect Value of Proj ect Role in Project
PrmcpdlLJndseJpe Arch ,CA

56-1,000 P-incipalland scaoe Arc h,DD

5111 ]00

!\1cr.l:- 1 251 <) r..lcnth 2 25 ',> r..rcnth 3 25 '1}

r..ronth 4 25'0 Mon th 5 25 '1) Mo nt h 6 25 "

i\10 n!h 7 25'0 1\1cnth e
25 ' 0 Monch S 25 '0)
fl..lor,{;1 1J 15 '~ l\! cnHl 11 25 ' J Mon th 12 23 "
iII1 Jrt~ 13 25 10 f'..1c r. t:1 14 25 ~~ !'vlanr: 15 25 ')
I\l orth 16 25 'I) fI..l en t!"! 17 2 5 '~ rvl ontil 1323 ''1
S'3·'.. $ Ac cr~ l1 a ' ors
PD= Pre·Des £; :1 P=Permlltlng
SO = Sc ~ e m a: i C Oe CA=CorstructlOn Ad ministration
DO = Oes Ig1 Oe 'lelcp men: PC- Post Co n s:~ u ctlo n
CD = Constru ct ;on Documents

For-n RF':::·'l:C
RaYlst'c i 29·2'=-1 1
Ci ty of Miami . Florida RFO 16- 17-049

Exhibit 2


Servi ce Categ o ry 0e
Contra ct Type Project Specific
Consultan t TBD
ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS . ... .......... . 5
2.01 TERM 8
2. 04 COMPENSATION ... ... .. 8
3.03 CONSULTANT KEY STAFF .. ........ 10
3.04 TIME FOR PERFORMAN CE .. ..... 10
4.01 GENERAL . 11
ARTICLE 5 DEFAULT . . .. . 11
5.01 GENERAL .. . ... 11
6.01 CITY·S RIGHT TO TERM INATE .. . ... 12
7.0 1 OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS · . ...... 13
7.0 2 DELIVER Y UPON RE QU EST OR CAN CELLATION .............. . 13
7.03 RE -USE BY CITY .. ............ ... 13
7.04 NONDISCLOSURE . . .. .... 13
ARTICLE 8 INDEMNIFICATION ... ................. ... 14
ARTI C LE 9 INSURANCE .. .... ... 15
9.0 1 COMPANIES PROVIDING COVERAGE . . ............. 15
9.03 FORMS OF COVERAGE .. ....... 10-\.0
ARTICLE 10 MISCELLANEOUS .. . ....... .... 16
10. 06 NOTICE S 17


City of Mia mi . Florida RFO 16· 17·049


10. 11 TIME 19
10 .13 NO PARTNERSHIP . 20
10.17 CONTINGENCY CLAUSE .. ........... 2 1
ARTICLE A1 GENERAL ... ....... ......... ........ . 25
A1.02 WORK ORDERS . ... . 25
A1.03 PAYMENTS . .... . 25
A2.02 SCHEM,>, TIC DESIGN .. 25
A3 .01 GENERAL 34
A3.02 EXAMPL ES ...... .. ..... 34
ART ICL E Ai RE! ~13URSABLE EXPENSES . ..... ... ..... 35
A4 .01 GEN=RAL 3S
ARTICLE AS CITY ' S RESPONSIBILITIES .. .. ...... ... ...... 35
A5 .02 CONS TR UCTION MANAGEMENT ... .. ............ . .. .36
ATTACH~lcNT B· COl'.lPENSATION AND PAYMENTS ... .. .. ... . 38
ARTICLE B1 1'.1CTHOD OF COl'vlPENSATION .. .......... .... ..... ........ .................... ......... 38
B1.01 COMPENSATION LIMITS . ....... ............. 38
B1.02 CONSULTANT NOT TO EXCEED ....................... 33
ARTICLE B2 WAGE RATES . ..... ..... ......... .. ..... .. 38
B2.01 FEE BASIS 38
B2 .03 MULTIPLIER .... 38
B2.04 CALCULATION . .. ....... ... .. . .. ........... 39
ARTICLE 83 COl'.lPUTATION OF FEES AND COMPENSATION .......... ... .... ... .............. ........ .. .... ..... .. 39
B3.01 LUMP SUM . 39
ARTICLE 84 PAYMENTS TO THE CONSULTANT .. ........... . ....... .. .... .. .... .......... . ... ...... ...... . 41
B4.01 PA YMEN TS GENERALLY . ... 4 1

Wy~\, \,OO O

'J 7
City of rvtla mi . Florida RFO 16-17-049


65.01 GENERA L 42
66 .01 GENERAL 42


' J3
City of Miami. Florida RFQ 16- 17-049

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:' ~'!;;';. '~ CITY OF MIAM I

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WOON ER F (RFQ No . 16-1 7-04 9)
Contract Type Project Specific
Consu ltant TBD
Con su ltant Office Location TSD
City Auth o rizati on T SD
Ag reemen t Num be r TS D

TH IS AGRE EfVlc NT made this _day of _ _____ in the year 20 17 by and between
TH" CITY OF i\I I A~,l l. FLOR IDA , a Florida municipal corporation , here inafter ca lled the "City ,"
and (Consulta nt's Name ). hereinafter called the "Consultant. "

A. The City is sued a Request for Qua 'ifications (' RFQ ') No. 16-17-006 on
for the prov ision of a full range of urban design and plann;ng landscape archi tecture
and eng i;)eering serv:css i:1 the des ig~ of the Wynwood N'N 3" Avsn u,,; It'/oo ~erf (the -Project")
and the Co;)sulta;)t s proposa l (" Pro~osa l) in response thereto , was selected as one of the most
qualif;ed for the prov ision of said Se rvices . The RFQ and the Proposa l are sometimes referred to
herein. collective ly. as the So licitation Documents , and are , by this refer ence, express ly
incorporated into and mad e a pa rt of this Ag reem ent as if set forth in ful l. The So lic itation
Documents are deemed as being attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein as
supplementa l te,ms . provid ing. however, that in the event of any conflicts(s) with the terms of this
Agreement. this Agree ment shall co ntrol and supersede any such co nflicts (s).
S. WHEREAS. the City. through act ion of the City Manager and/or the City
Comm ission , as applicable. has selected the Consultant in accordance with Section 287 ,055 ,
Florida Statutes. (Consulta nts' Competitive Neg otiation Act, here in afte r referred to as "CC NA)
and the appl icable provisions of the City Procurement Ordinance, to provide the professional
services as described here in
WITNESS ETH . that the City and the Consultan t. for the con siderations herein set forth ,
ag ree as follows'

URSr'-,'J DESiG N .l.i'JD !...,.l,J\4D3C,..l. i=l E ,.:l RC H17:=':TUP= E\ GI NEER lI'4 G SERVIC ES FOR
City of Miami. Flori da RFO 16-17-049


1.01 A ddi tio nal Services mean any Work defined as such in a V'/ork Order. secured in
compliance with Flo rida Statutes and City Code.
1.0 2 Attachments mea n the Attachments to th is Agreement are expressly incorporated by
reference and made a part of this Agreement as if set forth in full.
1.0 3 B ase Fee means the amount of compensation mutually agreed upon for the completion of
Basic Services
1.04 Basic Servi ces mean those services designated as such in a Work Order .
1.05 City Commissio n means the legislative body of the City of Miam i.
1.06 Ci ty Ma nager means the duly appoi nted ch ief administrative officer of the City of Miami .
1.07 City or Owner mean s the Cit, of Miami. Florida. a Florida municipa l corporation. the public
agency which is a party hereto and for which this Agreement is to be performed . In all
respe cts hereunder. the City's performance is pursuant to the City's pos ition as the Owner
of the Project. In the even: the City exercises its regulatory authority as a governmental
body. the exercise of such regulatory authority and the enforcement of any rul es ,
reg ulations. codes. laws and ord ina nces sha ll be deemed to have occurred pursuant to the
Ci ty' s a~thor i ty as a governmental body and shall not be attributable in any manner to the
Cit; as a party to this Agreement. The City of rYl iami shall be referred to herein as "C ity". For
the pur;: oses of th is Ag'eement . "City" without mod ifi cation shall mean the City Manager.
1.08 Comm ission means the legislative body of the City of Miami .
1.09 Community B us iness Enterprise (" CBE") means a firm v/hich has been certified by
~,l lam i -Da:!e Count; "ho v, ill prov ide arch itectural, landscape archit ectura l. eng ineering . or
su rvejing and ma;Jping professional services to the prime proposer as required purs uant to
City Code Section 18-87 .
1.10 Consultan t mea ns the individua l, partnership. corporation , association , joint venture , or any
combination thereof. of properly reg istered professional architects. or eng ineers . which has
en:ered into this Agreement to provide professional services to the City.
1.11 Continuing Contr act me31, this Agreement was sol icited as continuing contract. Per the
Consultalt's Compe:,:i'19 i'<e::;otiation Act. Section 287 .055. Fla . Stat. A "continuing contract" is
deRned as a contract for pro fessional services entered into in accordance with all the procedures
of tleis act tel'ileen al a2eGc, and a firm whereby the firm provides professional services to the
a g~r, cy for projects in which the estimated construction cost of each ind ividual project under the
contract do~s not exceed S2 million. for study activity if the fee for professional services for each
ind ividua l stud, uncer the contract does not exceed S200.000. or for work of a specified nature
as outlined in the coetract requ ired by the agency. with the contract be ing for a fixed term or with
no time li mitation except that the contract must provide a termination clause . Firms providing
prcfe ssional ser/ices under continuin g contracts shall not be required to bid aga inst one another.
1.12 Contractor means an individual. partnership , corporation , association . joint venture , or any
combination thereof. wh ich has entered into a contract with the City for construction of City
facil ities and incidenta ls thereto.
1.13 Department means or refers to the City of Miam i' s Plann ing and Zoning Departme nt.
1.14 Directo r means the Director of the City Department designated here in who has the authority
and responsibil ity for managing the specific project(s) covered un de r this Agreement. Unless


City of lIiI iami . Florida RFO 16- 17-049

otherwise specified herein or in a Work Order. for the purpose of th is Agreement . the
Director is the top administra tor of the Planning and Zoning Department or thei r designee.
1.15 Erro rs mean items in the plans . specification or other doc uments prepared by the Consultant
that are shown incorrectly. vlh ich results in a change to the Services and results in the need
for t ~, e construction contracto r to perform rework or add itional work or which causes a dela,!
to th e completion of constructio n.
1.16 Errors and Omissions mean design defic iencies in the plans . specificatio ns or other
documents prepared by the Consultant. which must be corrected in order for the project to
function or be bu ilt as intended .
1.17 Inspector means an employee of the City or of a consulting firm hired by the City and
ass igned by the City to mak e observations of Work performed by a Contra ctor.
1.1a K ey P ersonnel means Sta~ positions assigned on a full-time basis to the Prog ram by the
Program Coord i na~or with the Director's approval. to serve as an extension of the City's sta~
typica !ly w0rk ;rg inside the Cilis ~,t iami Riversid e Center (fVtR C) or other requested City
fa ci lity .
1.19 Notice to Proceed ( "NTP ") means the sa me as "Authorization to Proceed ." A duly
authorized wr;tten letter or directive issued by the DirectJr or Project ~Ianager
a:kno"/ led~;n g t~at a'i cond ;tio ns precedent have been met and/or directing that the
Co nsultant mal beg in work on the Project.
1.20 Om issio ns rrea n item s that a' e not shown or included in the plans. specifications . or other
e·JCuments pre;:Ja red b,! the Consultant wh ich are necessary for the proper and/or safe
operation of the Project or req uired to meet the Scope of Services.
1.21 Primary Services mean those Serv ices cons idered by City to be funda menta l to the
successful managem ent of the Projec t as stated in the RFO . and in Attachment A. Scope of
Service s of this Ag reement.
1.22 Projec t "''Tanager mea ns an employee or representative of the City assigned by the Director
to mana~2 and monitor "'Jork to be performed under this Ag reement or the con struction of
a project as a direct re presentative of the City.
1.23 Program me3ns the City' s mu lti-year Capita l Pla n, prepared on an an nu al basis tha t deta ils
the planned financial res ources and implementation schedule and strateg ies for the City's
capital projects over a five (5) yea r period .
1.24 Project means the design. construction . alteration and/or re pair. and all se rvices and
incide nta ls thereto. of a City fa ci lity as contemplated and budgeted by the City . The Project
or Projects shall be further defined in the Scope of Services and/or Work Order issued
pursuant to this Agreement.
1.25 Profe ssiona l Services mean those services within the scope of the practice of arch itecture ,
profess ion al engin eering or registered surveying and mapping as applicable . as defined
by the laws of the Stat2 of Florida . or those performed by any architect. professio na l
engineer. or reg istered survey or or mapper in connectio n with his or he r professio na l
employment or practice These services may be abbreviated herein as
"architectura l/engineering se rvic es " or "profess io nal services ', as applicable. which are
within this definition
1.26 Professional Services Agre emen t ("Agreem en t " or " PSA ") mea ns th is Agreement and
all attac hments and any authorized amendments thereto . In the event of a conflict between
the Request for Oualifications C'RFO") and the Consultants response theret o. the RFO sha ll


City of rvilami . Florida RFO 16-17-049

control. In the e'/ent of any conflict between the Consultant s response to the RFO and th is
PSA . this PSA shall control. In the event of any conflict between thiS PSA and its
attachments this PSA sha ll control.
1.2 7 Resolution r71e3,~S tf',e document constituting the official approva l of the City Co mmission
as required for the Cit; ~,13~ager to e'(ecute th is Agreement or increase the Project Budget
among other matters.
1. 28 Ris k Administrator means the Citis Risk Management Director. or their des ignee. or the
individua l named by the City ~,Ianager to administer matters re lating to insurance and risk
of loss for the City .
1.29 Scope of Services or Services mean a comprehensive description of the activities . tasks .
design fea:ures. objectives . del iverables and milestones required for the completion of a
Project or an a»ignr71ent with sufficient deta il to allow a reasonably accurate estimation of
resources necessary for its cOr71pletion .
1.30 Sub consulran t/Subcontrac tor mea :1S a person or organizaton of properly reg istered
professiona l ar:hitects. eng ineers . reg istered surveyors or r71appers . andl or other
pro fessiona l seecia :tles that has entered into a written agreement with the Consultant to
furn ish s~ecifi ed professional services for a Project or task.
1.31 II'/age Ra tes r.1ea1 the effective direct expense to the Consu ltant and/or the Sub consu ltant
on an hourly r3:2 bas is. for emp lo yees in the specified profess ions and job categ orieS
ass igned to provid e serv ;ces under this Agreement tha t justify and form the bas is for
professional fees. r2~a-c:ess of actual man ner of compensation .
1.3 2 Woone rfrr,ea ,1s a r,Jad in w",;ch c!evices for re ducing or slOWing the flow of traffic have been
insta ll ed.
1.33 Work rr,ea1S a'i services. r71a'erials and equipment providec! by . or under this Agreement
with the Consultant.
1.3-1 Work Order means a docum ent interna l to the City wh ich authorizes the performance of
specific professional serv ices for a defined Project or Projects .
1.35 Work Order Proposal means a document prepared by the Consultant at the request of the
City for Services to ce provided by the Consultant on a specific phase of a Project.

V'NN"'IOOD N'/13"' : ..l,/ENUE VIOO NEr<:F

City of Miami . Florida RFQ 16-17-049


2.01 TERM
The term of this Ag reement sha ll be ef:ectlve until fin al completion of construction of the Project
and Fina l Payment is made to the Consu ltant. The City. by actio n of the City ~tanager . sha ll have
the option to extend this Agreement subject to the continued satisfactory performance as
determined by the Director of the Plann ing and Zoning Department. and to the availability and
appropriation of funds . City Commission authorization of this Agreement includes delegation of
aut hority to the Ci ty ~,Ianager to administratively approve said extens ions provided that the
compensation lim its set forth in Articl e 2.04- 1, Compensation Limitat ion s are not exceeded .
In the event the Cons ultant is engaged in any Project(s) on the Agreement expiration
date. then this Agreement sha !1 not expire and shall rema :n in effect until completion
or termination of sa :d Project ,s). No new Work Orders shall be issued after the
expiratio n date.
The Consultant agrees tJ provide the Ser'Jices as specifica lly described and under the specia l
terms and cond itions set forth in Atta chment A, Scope of "'Iork . hereto (to be determl~ed ). which
is incorporated into and made a pa;1 of th is Agreement.
REQU IREj\,IENTS ORDINANC E 13 331, c odif ied as Sectio n 18·87(p), City Code .
Pros pective Firms IT,us t ad here to tr,e fo ll owing requirements :
1) Assig~ a m:n i:;-,um of fi:teen per:ent (15'lo) of the contract va 'u e to firms
current:y certified by Mal1i· Dade County as a Commun:ty Business Ente rprise
(,CBE') in good sta nding
2) Pla:e a spec ific emphaSIS on utilizing local small bus inesses from within the
City's mu nicipa l boundaries (within the City lim its).
For information on the City's CBE requ irements. visit the Office of Capita l Improvements (OCI)
webs ite at: ht~ 'J"I/'NW'N ri' 1:.1ll ;C ) '/ com /CtTP/r)rms html

The amount of compensation payable by the City to the Consultant shall genera lly be a lump
sum not to ex:eed fee. based on the ra tes and schedules established in Attachment B,
Cornpensation and Pa yments, hereto, wh ich is incorporated into this Agreement prov ided.
however. that in no event shall the amount of compensation exceed (total va lue of award )
(5000.000.00) in tota l over the term of the Ag reemen t and any extension(s). unless expl icitly
approved by actio n of the City Comrnission or City Manager, as applicable. and put into effect
by written amendment to this Ag reement. Sa id fee is comprised of a fee for Basic Services of
SOOO,OOOOO plus 500. 00000 for Additional Services and $00 ,000 .00 for Reimbursable
Expenses. The City may. in its sole and absolute discretion use other compensation
methodolog ies The work may never exceed the limitations provided in Section 287.055.
Florida Statutes . for "Continu ing Co ntracts" .
Unless otherwise specifica ll y provided in Atta chrnen t B, Compens ation and Pa yments .
payment shall be made in accorda nce with Florid a Statute Chapter 218. Part VII . Local
Government Prompt Payment Act. after rece ipt of the Consultant's invoice . which shall be

INYNI,'}OOD \j l, ' } 3": A iENUE If/OONER F
City of Miami. Florida RFQ 16-17-049

accompa nied by suffic ient supporting documentatio n and conta in sufficient deta il. to constitute
a "Proper invoice" as defined by Section 218 .72 (1) . Florida Statutes and to allow a proper
aud it of expend itures should the City requ ire one to be performed . If the Consultant is entitled
to reimbursement of travel expenses . then all bills for authorized and a ~proved trave l
eX;Jenses shall be submitted in accorda nce with Section 112.061 . Florida Statutes The
Consu lta nl sha il utilize Atta chme nt S, Scheduled S2 - Cons ultant In vo ice . for the
submiss ion of invoices.

VlY i'oV'/tJOD N'," 3-~ : .l,VEI'IUE V, OO NERF
City of rvlia ml Florida RFO 16- 17-049

The Se rv i c~s to be performed hereunder shall be performed by the Consu lta nt's own staff. unless
oth erwise pro vid ej in this Ag reement. or approved. in writing by the Cit, . Sa id appro va l shall not
be con stru ed as con stituting a, ag reement between the City and sa id ot her person or firm.
Director or the ir desig nee may ma ke written request to the Consultant for the prompt remova l and
re pl acement of any personne l employed or reta ined by the Consultant or any Sub consultants or
Subcontra ctors. or any pe rso nne l of any such Sub consultants or Subcontractors engaged by the
Con su ltant to provide and perform Services or Work pursua nt to the requirements of this
Agreement. The Co nsu lta nt shall res pond to the City within fourteen (14) ca !endar days of receipt
of such req~ est with either the remova l and replacement of such pe rsonnel or written ju stifica ti on
as to why that ma l not occur. All decision s in'/olving personnel will be made by the Consu ltant.
Su ch req uest shall solely re la:e to sa id employees work under this Agreement.
The parties ac kno':/!ejge tha t the Co nsultant was se lected by the City . in part. on the basis of
c; ualifica:ions of pa rticul ar staff ide ntified in the Consultants response to the City's solicitatio n.
he r e i na ft~r referred to as "Kef Sta;r. The Consultant sha ll ensure that Key Staff are ava ilable for
Work upon req ue3: fr om tr,e Cit/ . a3 long as sa ;d Key Staff is in the Consultants employ . The
Consul ta nt "i ll obt ain prior \'lritt~n a:cept ance from the Director or the ir designee to change Key
Staff. The Co nsultant sha ;1 provide Director, or their design ee with such information as necessary
to det ermine the suite)il,!y of propOSed new Key Staff. Director wi ll act reasonably in eva luati ng
Key S:a:r qualifica:i ons Sus h a:cepta nce sha ll not constitute any respo nsibil ity or liability fo r the
ind ivid'Ja i' s ability to perform
The C o nsu l;2~t ag rees to start all Work hereunde r upon re ceipt of a Notice to Proceed (NTP)
issued by the Director or their designee and to com plete each ass ignment. ta sk or phase within
the time stipula:ed in he NTP. Time is of the essence with respect to performance of Work under
this Ag reement.
A re3son able extension of the time fer completio n of va ri ous ass ignments . tasks or phases may
be granted by the City should there be a delay on the part of the City in fulfilling its obl igations
un der th is Ag reement as st3:ed herein. Such extension of time shall not be cause for any cla im
by the Consulta nt for extra com pe nsa:ion oro'/ided the total dura:ion of the con tract term does not
exceed three '1ea rs f'om the da:e of the Notice to Proceed .
Consulta nl is so lely respons ible for th e technical accuracy and qua lity of their Services .
Consultan t sha ll perform all Services in compliance with Fl orida Administrative Code Rule 6 1G 15-
19001 (4) and Sect ion 4 71 .033 (1) of the Florida Statutes, as amended . Consultant shall perform
due dili gence. in accordance with best industry practices . in gath ering information and inspecting
a Project site prio r to the commence ment of design. Consultant sha ll be res ponsible for the
professiona l qua lity . techn ica l accura cy and coordination of all des igns. drawings . specificatio ns.
and other Services furn ished by the Consultant unde'r th is Agreement. Consultant shal l. without
add itiona l compensation . correct or revise any errors . omissions. and/or deficiencies in its
designs. drawings. specifications or other Services . Consultant shall also be liable for claims for
de lay costs . and any increased costs in construction . including but not limited to add itiona l work .
dem ol itio n of existing work. rework . etc" resulting from any errors . omiss ions. and/or deficiencies
in its designs. drawings. specifications or other Services .

v',Y f'.,,',', QOD 1" I,'j 3;;~ ,! IENUE VJOQ r>., ER F

City of Miami. Florida RFQ 16- 17-049


4.01-1 A Sub consultant. as cefined in Article 1.29. Sub consu ltanUSubcontractor. is a firm
that was identified as pai of the con sulting team in the competitiv" selection process by which
the Consultant was chosen to perform the Servic es uncer thi s Agreement. and as such is
ide ntified and listed in Att achmen t A, Schedule A1 , Su b consultants/Subc ontract ors
atta ched hereto and incorporated herein by reference .
4.01-2 A Specialty Sub consu lt ant is a person or organization tha t has. with the consent of
the Director. entered into a written ag reement with the Cons ultant to furnish un ique aed
specialized professiona l serv ices necessary for the Project or task described under Add ition al
Services . Such Spe cia ! ~J Sub consu ltant sha ll be in add ition to those identified in Atta chme nt
A, Schedu Ie A 1, Sub con sultants/ Subco ntra ct ors .
4.02-1 All services provided by the Sub cons ultants sha ll be performed pursuant to
appropriate written ag reements between the Consultant and the Sub consultants . which shall
conta in pro'/is ions tha~ prese rve and protect the rights of the City under this Ag reement.
4.0 2-2 Nothing conta ;ned in this Agceement shall create any contractua l or bus iness
re la' ionsh ip between the Cit'! a~d the Sub consu ltants. The Consu ltant acknowledges that the
Su b consultants are entirel, unde r his direction. control. supervisio n. retention and/or
Th9 Cocsultant sha ll no' a~d . moc lfy . or change any Sub consultant lis'ed in Attachm ent A,
Sc he du Ie A 1, Sub c on s u Ita nls/Subco ntractors without prior written approval by the Director or
designee . in response to a ',,-itten req 'Jest from t~e Consultant stating the reasons for any
pro;::osed substitution. T r~ C i ~ " 5 a:C ( ) '/S 0 : r~J''': :;3 ~ 3 br s u t~ ~ ' ~ 'J~ :'Y'l of s r.l b-conSU r~2.1~S S ~ClII rot

lJr'- e 330na~ I' 1 be wi~:--, h 21:j

If the Consultant fa ils to comply with any te rm or cond ition of this Ag reement, or fa ils to perform
any of its obligatio ns hereunder. or fa ils to comply with any applicable law, code. rule. regu lation
or permit in perform ing under th is Ag-eement. then the Consu ltant shall be in default. Upon the
occurrence of a default hereunder the City . in add ition to all remed ies ava ilable to it by law. may
immediat2ly, upon writt2n notice to the Consu lta nt, term inate thi s Agreement whereupon all
payments . advances . or other compensation pa id by the City to the Consultant while the
Consultant was in default shall be immed iately returned to the City. The Consultant understands
and ag rees that terminat ion of th is Ag reement under this section shall not release the Consultant
from any obligation accru ing prior to the effective date of termination .
In the event of termination due to defau lt. in add ition to the foreg oing . the Consultant sha ll be
liable to the City for all expenses incurred by the City in preparing and negotiating this Agreement.
as well as all costs and expenses incurred by the City in the re-procurement of the Services .
including consequential and incidental damages . In the event of Defau lt. the City may also
suspend or w ithhold reimbu rsements from the Consultant until such time as the actions giving
rise to defau lt have been cured . The Cons ul t31t's ila!Jil ity for Defau lt sha 'i not ex ceed the t)!a '
amou nt of this Agceement
A find ing of Default and subseq uent t2 rmination for ca use may include. without limitation . anyone
or more of the following :
'J"'YNl,'/OOO t-NI 3< ,.l.'/ENUE v'/OO f'.. ERF
City of Miami. Florida RFQ 16-17-049

5.02-1 The Consultan t fa ils to obta in or ma intain the professiona l eng ineer ing
certification/licensure . insurance or bonding here in required.
5.02 -2 The Consu lta nt fa ils to campi,! in a substa nti al or material sense . with any of its dut,es
under this Ag reement. with any terms or conditions set forth in this Ag reement or in any
ag reement it has with the City . beyond the specified peri od aiiowed to cu re such defa 'JIt.
5.02 -3 The Consuliant fail s tJ commence the Services with in the time provided or
contemplated here in. or fa ils to complete the Work in a timely manner as required by th is
5.02-4 The Consu ltant fa ils to comply with any te rm. cond ition. obligation or covenant of this
Ag reemen t. as defined he rein. wh ich is to be perfJrmed by the Consultant .
5.02-5 The Consulta nt fa ils to comply with any applicable code . law. rule , or reg ulation
appl icable to the Consultant's performance of this Agreement.
The City. through the DirectDr or the Director's authorized desig nee. shal l provide written notice
to the Consultant as to a find ing of defa ult. and the Co nsu ltant shall ta ~<e all necessary action to
cure sa id default within time the stipulated in sa id notice. after wh ich tim e. the City ma,! term inate
the AJ reement. The City. a~ its sole and a:>solut, d;scret:on. mal allow add itiona l days to perform
3:1y req:J ired cu ,e if the Cons ul ~alt provide s wri~ten j ustifica~lon deemed reasonably sufficient. If
the Defa ult has not been corrected b,! the Consulta n ~ within the time speCified . the Agreement
sha ll be a u tom3~ ic a !ly te,m inated on the last day of the time stipulated in sa id notice. v/ithout the
necessity of any further action by the Oty .
Sho uld any suc h fa ilu re on the pa ,1 of the Consu lta nt be due to a cond ition of Fo rce ~;Iaj eure as
t ha~ term is interpreted uncer Flo,iG3 la N . then the Cit; may a:low a ~ ex:ension of time reas onably
CGr;1 m e n 3 ur a~e with the ca use of such fa ;lure to perform or cure .


The City , includ ing the Di rector or Ihe director's authorized designee ha s the right to terminate
th is Ag reemenl for any reason or no reas on, upon ten (10) bus iness days written notice. Upon
te rmi nation of this Ag reement. all charts . sketches . stud ies . drawings, and other documents .
includ ing ail electro nic copies related to Work authorized under Ihis Agreement. whether finished
or not. mus~ be turned over to the Director or designee. The Consu ltant sha ll be paid in
accordance with provi s:ons of Attachment B, Compensation and Payments , provided that sa id
doc umentation is turned over to Director or des ignee with in ten (10) bus ineSS days of ter mi na~ion .
Fa ilure to timell del iver the docu mentation shall be cause 10 withhold any payments due without
recourse by the Consultant until all documentation is delivered to the Director or des ignee.
6,01-1 The Consultant sha ll ha ve no recourse or remedy from any termination made by the
City exce pt to reta in the fees . and allowable costs or reimbursable expenses . earned
compensation for the Serv ices that were performed in comple te compliance with the
Agreement. as full and fina l settlement of any cla im, action. demand. cost. charge or
ent itlement it may have. or will have aga in st the City , its officials or employees
The Consultant sha ll have the right to te rmin ate this Agreemen t. in writing following breach by
the City if breach of contract has not bee n corrected with in sixty (60) calendar days from the date
of the City's receipl of a written stalement from the Consultant specifying the City's breach of its
dut ies under th is Ag reement.

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City of Miami. Florida RFO 16-17-049


The Consultant warrants that it has not employed or reta ined any company or person . other than
a bona fide employee work ing solely for the Co nsultant to solicit or secure th is Agreement and
that ~e or she has not pa id or ag reed to pay any person. company. corporation. ind ividua l. or firm .
other than a bona fide employee work ing so lely for the Consultant any fee . comm iss ion .
pe rcentage . g ift . or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of
this Agreement.
For L'1e breach or violat ion of this provision. the City shall have the righ t to term inate the
A~reement wit ho ut liability and. at its discretion . to deduct from the contract price . or othenNise
re~over . the full amount of such fee. commission . I='ercentage. gift. or consideration.


All tracings . plans . drawings . spe cifications. Claps computer files . andlor reports prepa red or
obta ined unde r thi s ,A,gree ment . as we ll as all data collected . together with summa ries and charts
de riv 2d therefrom . includ ing all e;ecti onic digita l copies will be considered works made for hire
an:! wi ll. based on incrementa l transfer wherein the aJove shall become the property of the City
u;Jon paYCl ents made to the Co nsultant or termina tion of this Agreement without restriction or
limitat:on en the ir uSe . and \Nil! be mad-= available. on req uest. tv the City at any time during the
perf:rma .1ce of s'Jch ServiCeS andl or upon completion or termination of this Agreement The
Cons 'Jltant sha~1 not copyright any materia l and products or patent any inve ntion developed under
t:'i s ,A.greement The City shall have the right to visit the site for inspection of the work and the
pro ducts of the Consulta nt at any time . The Cons ultant sha ll be permitted to retain copies
includ,ng reproduc ible copies so lely for info rm a:ion and reference in co nnection with the City's
use and occupancy of the Project.
Fa : l ~ re 0: the Consulta1t to ~rompt l y delive r all such documents . both ha rd copy and digital. to
the Dlre:tor or designee with ir, ten (10) business dais of cancellation , or within ten ( 10) business
days of request by the City . sha ll be just cause for the City to withhold payment of any fees due
the Consu ltant until the Cons ult 3nt del i'Jers a:1 such docu ments . The Consultant sha ll halfe no
re course from these requ irements .
It is understood that all Consu ltant ag reements andl or Work Orders for new work will include the
prov ision for the re-use of plans and spec ifications . includ ing cons truction drawings. at the Citys
sole option. and by virtue of signing th is Ag reement the Consultant ag rees to such re-use in
accordance w ith th is provi sion without the necessity of further approvals . compen sation. fees or
d ocuments being requ ired and without re cou rse for such re-use . The Consultant will not be liable
for re-use by the City of plans . documents. stud ies . or other data for any purpose other than that
intended by the te rms and cond itio ns of thi s Agreement. or for clans d')cuments stud 'es or ot'>er
d3t3 that halfe been altered blf the City.
To the exte nt allowed by law . the Consultant ag rees not to divulge. furn ish . or make ava ilable to
any third person. firm or organization. without Director's or the ir des ign ee's prior written consent.
or unless incident to the proper performance of the Consultant's obligations hereunder, or in the
course of jud icial or leg islative proceed ings where such information has been properly
subpoenaed . any non-publ ic information concerning the Services to be rendered by the
Consultant hereunder . and the Consultant shall requ ire all of its employees . agents . Sub
consultantsl Subcontractors to comply with the provisions of this parag raph .

I/iY N'/}COD r-NI 3"= AV!:NUE v"OO NER F

City of Mia mi. Florida RFO 16- 17-049


The Consultant will keep adeq uate re cords and supporting documentation . which concern or
reflect Its Services hereunde r. Records subject to the provisions of the Public Records Law.
Florida S t at~tes Chapter 11 9. shall be ke;lt in accorda nce with the a;lplicable statutes . Ot her\Nise
the records and documentation will be reta ined by the Consu ltant for a minimum of three (3) years
from the da te of termination of this Agreement or the da te the Proj ect is com pleted . wh ichever IS
later. The City. or any duly autho rized agents or representa ti ves of the City . sha ll have the right
to a'Jdit. inspect. and copy all such records and documentation as often as they deem necessary
during the period of this Agreement and during the thre e (3) yea r period noted above: pro vided .
however such activity shail be conducted only during normal bus iness hours .
Cons~ltant shall add ition ally compl, with Section 11 9.0701, Florida Statutes . including without
limitation : (1) kee;l and ma inta in publ ic records that ord inarii, and necessarily would be req uired
by the City to perform thi s service , (2) provide the public with access to pub lic re cords on the
same terms and cond itions as the City vlould at the cost provided by Chapter 119. Florida
Sta~utes , or as otherwise provided by law: 3) ens ure that publ ic records that are exempt or
confidential a ~d exempt from disclosure are not disclosed except as authorized by law; (4) meet
all requ irelT,ents for reta ining public reco rds and transfer, at no cost. to the City all public records
in its possession upon termination of this Agree ment and destroy any duplicate pub lic records
that are exempt or confidential and exempt from disclosure requ irencents : and , (5) prOVide all
e!ectron ica'ly stored publ ic rec ore s to tne Cit; in a format compatible vt'th the City's informa tion
tec hnology sys:ems.
OF PU5L1C RECORD S AT (3 05) 416-1800, VIA EMAIL AT
Consultant shall uti lize the US Department of Homeland Se curity's E-Verify syste m to verify the
em;Jloyment elig ibility of all new employees hired by the Consu lta nt during the term of the Contract
and shan ex;cressly requ ire any Sub consultant performing work or provid ing services pursuant to
the Contract to lik ewis e ut ilize the U S Department of Home land Secu ritys E-Verify syste m to
verify the employrcent eligibility of all new employees hired by the subcontractor during the
Contract te rm,


It is the City' s longstand ing policy that the Consultant shall indemnify, hold harm less. and defend
(at its own expe nse) the City , its office rs , agents , directors , and/or employees from all liabilit ies ,
damages . losses. judgments, and costs , includ ing . but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fe es.
to the extent caused by the neg ligence , recklessness . neg ligent act or om ission, or intentional or
wrongful misconduct of Consu ltant and persons employed or utilized by Co nsu lta nt in the
performance of this Contract. Consu ltant shall, further, hold the City , its offici als and/or
employees . ha rm less for, and defend the City its officials and/or employees aga in st. any civil
actions, statutory or similar cla ims . injuries or damages arising or resu lting from the permitted
work. eve n if it is alleged that the City its offici als and/or employees were negligent. These
indemnifica:ions sha ll su rvive the te rm of this Contract. In the event that any action or proceed ing
is brought against the City by reas on of any su ch cla im or de mand the Consultant sha ll. upon
wrrtten notice from the City resist and defend su ch action or proceed ing by counsel satisfactory
to the
1//'1 V ,'IOOD ~jW 3~: A / Er-- UE 'v',OO NERF

City of Miami. Florida RFO 16-17-049

City The Consultant expressly understands and ag rees that any i ns~ra n ce protection required
by th is Ag reement or otherwise provided b'l the Consu ltant shall in no way limit the respons ibility
to indemnify. keep and save harmles s and defend the City or its officers . employees . age nts and
instrumentalities as herein provided .
The indemnificat ion provided above sha ll obligate the Co~sultant to defend. at its own expense.
to and through appellate . supp lemental or bankruptcy proceed ing . or to provide for such defense.
at the City's option , any and all claims of liability and all suits and actions of every na me and
descript ion which mal be brought aga inst the City. whether performed by the Consultant. or
persons employed or utilized by Consultant.
Th is indemn ity wi ll survive the ca ncellation or expiration of the Agreement. This indemnity will be
interpreted under the laws of the State of Florida . including without limitation and interpretation ,
which conforms to the li mitations of Section 725 .06 and Sect ion 725 .08 . Florida Statutes. as
aiJpl icable. as amended .
The Consultant shall req uire ail Sub consultant agreements to in clude a proviSion that the, wi ll
indemnify the City .
The Consultant ag rees and recog~izes tha~ the City sha ll not be held lia~le or resiJonsible for any
cla ims which mal result from any actions or omiss ions of the Consu ltant in which the City
part;cipated either through review or concurrence of the Consu ltant's actions. In reviewing .
a,oprov ;ng or rejecting any subm iss;ons by the Consu ltant or other a·: !s of the Consultant, the City ,
in no way . assumes or sha res a~:I respo nsibil ity or liaoili ty of the Consultant or Sub consultant
under this Ag reements .

Ten do ll ars (51 0) of the pa,n,ents by the City constitute se~a r a~e . d,st;nct. and independent
cons id2ration fJr the granting of this Indemn ification. the rece ipt and suff;ciency of vlh ich is
volunta-i ly and know;ng iy ackn o'illedged by the Consultant.
The Cons'J ltant sha ll not start Services under this Ag reement until the Consultant has obtained
a:1 insurance required hereu nd2r and the City's Ris:, Administrator or the ir authorized designee.
has approved such insurance .
All insurance policies shall be issued by compan ies authorized to do business under the laws of
the Sta~e of Florida and satisfactory to the Risk Admi nistrator. All compan ies shall have a Florida
resident agent and be rated at least A- , in accorda nce with A.M. Best Company's Key Rating
Guide. latest edition.
The Consultant shall furn ish certificates of insurance to the Risk Administrator for review and
approva l prior to the execution of th is Agreement. The Certificates sha ll clearly ind icate that the
Consultant has obtained ins urance of the type . amount and classification required by these
provisions . in excess of any pe nd ing cla ims at the ti me of contract award to the Consultant . The
Consu ltant sha ll mainta in coverage with equal or better rating as identified herein for the term of
this Agreement. The Consultant sha ll provide written notice to the Citys Department of Risk
~Ianagement of any material change . cancell ation and/or notice of non-renewal of the insu rance
within thirty (30) calendar days of the change.
The Consultant shall furnish copies of insurance pol icies perta ining to this Agreement to Risk
Adm inistrator within ten ( 10) business days of written request.

\NY t'NIOCD :-')','1 3"'- A'J EI'j UE \I' /OO N E~F

City of Miami . Florida RFO 16-17-049


Consultant sha ll ma intain commercia l general liability coverage written on a primany and
non-contributory bas is. with limits of at least S 1.00000000 per occurrence . $2 .000.000.00
aggrega~e for bod ily Injuny and property damage. The cove rage shall include Premises and
Opera:lon s. Cont ingent and Con tractual Liability. and Products and Completed Operat ions .
with ad ditiona l end orsemenls as applicable Waiver of Subroga tion appl ies in favorite of the
certificate holder.
The coverage sha ll be written on a prima ry and non-contributory basis with the City listed
as an add itional insured as reflected by endorsement CG 2010 11 /85 or its equivalence.
Notice of ca ncellaUo n should read (30) ca lenda r days a~d (to) bus iness da ys for
9.03 -2 BUSINeSS AU TOMOBIL E: The ConSUltant shall prOVide business automob ile
IlaOJ il.ty cO'lerage includ ing coverage for all owned . hired and non-owned autos with a
min im al ccmbined sing'e lim it of S 1,000.000 .00 nam in g the City as an additional insured
with res,Ject to th is coverage. N')tice of cancel lation should read (30) calendar days and (10)
busin ess days for nonpayme nt.
9.03-3 PROcESSIONAL LI ABI LITY INSURANC E: The Consultant shall ma intain
Prof2 3s ional Liaj i~ity Insura ,1ce including Errors and Om ission s coverage in the mini mum
amount of SI .000.000 00 per claim, SI .000.000.00 agg re9a:e providin g for all sums wh ich
the Co nsu l:ant sha ll be legally obl igated to paj as da .l1ages for cla ims arising out of the
servicE 3 pe rform ed by the Co nsultant or any person emp loyed by the Consultant in
co nnection w;t~ th is Agreement. Th is ins urance sha ll be ma in:ained for at least one yea r
a;:er co eepletian of the constru ct ion and asceptance of tr,e Project covered by this
Agreerilen~, COl/e ra g-:? mus! ref2re:lCe the retroactive d3te .

9.03-4 WORKER'S Cm ,lPENSATIO N INSURANC E: The Consu ltant sha ll mainta in

WClrk er's Compe nsation Insuranc e In compl iance with Florida Sta tute s. Chapter 44 0. a3
arnend ed . and Emp loye;is Liability with a minimum limit of S500.000.00 each occurrence.

9.03 -5 SUB CO NSULTAN T CO MPLI ANCE: The Consu ltant sha ll ensure that all Sub
consul~antscomply wi:h these same insurance req uirement3.
The Risk ,A,dministrator or their authorized deSignee reserv9S the right to require mod ificat ions.
increases . or changes in the requ ired insurance req uirements. coverage , deductibles or other
Insurance ob ligation s by providing a th irty (30) calendar day written notice to the Consultant in
accorda nce with Article 10.06. Notices . herein . The Cons ultant sha ll comply with such requests
unless th e insura nce coverage is not then read ily ava ilable in the na tio nal market. and may
request add ition al cons ideration from the City accompanied by justification.
The Ci ty reserves the right to aud it the Consultant's accounts during the performance of this
Agreement and for th ree (3) yea rs after final pa yment under this Agreement. The Consulta nt
ag rees to furnish cop ies of any rec ords necessary. in the opin ion of the Director , to approve any
requests for payment by the Consultant. The inspection and aud it prov isions provided fo r City
cont racts sel forth in Sect ion 18-101 and Section 18- 102 , City Code . are applicable to this
Agreement and are deemed as being incorporated by reference herein.

'hYN'hOOO NVl 3;::: A, ,,·:= N .... E / ,OONERF
City of Miami Florida RFQ 16-17-049

Th is Agr=ement. as it may be amended from time to time. represe nt3 the entire and integrated
agreement between the Cit; and the Con sultant and supersedes all prior negotiations
represe n t 3~i ons or ag reements . wriUen or oral. This Agr=e ment may not be amended . cha nged .
mod ified . or othe0Nis= altered in any respect. at any time after the execution hereof. except by a
written docu l7le nt executed with the sa me formality and eq ual dignity herewith. Wa iver by either
party of a creach of a,1Y provi sion of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a wa iver of any
other breach of any provision of this Agreement.
The performa ,1ce of t ~ i s Agreement sha ll not be t rans~err ed pledged. sold . deleg3ted or assigned .
in whole or in part . by the C ons~ltan t withou t the written consen t of the City . acting by and throug h
it3 City CommI33 'on . It is understood that a sa le of the majority of the stoc k or partnership shares
of the Con sulta~, ~ a merg=r or bu lk sa le. an assignment for the benefit of cred itors sha ll ea ch be
deemed tr3132.::IO',3 tha~ would con stitute an assignment or sa le he reunder req uiring prior City
The C013ult3 .1t s serv'ces are unique in nature and any assignment. sa le transfe ren ce without
Cit,! Commis3ion 2. pcro'l al S ~3 !1 be ca use for t~e City to terminat e this Agreement. The Consu lta nt
shall ha'/e no recourse from such termination . Th e City mal req uire bonding. other security .
certified fin a.1cia: sta ~ements and ta x return s from any proposed a3 3ignee and the executio n of
an aS3 i g nme n ~'a 3 3um~t : on Ag'e"ment in a form sat i s~actory to the City Atiorn ey as a co ndition
pre cedent to con s'dc, ring approva l of an assignment.
Th e ConS 'J!t3n: and the City each binG3 one an Qther, their pa rtners successors . leg al
re;:>rese nt3ti'/3S and author:zec ass 'gn s to the othe r party of this Ag ree ment and to the partners .
succes sors leg,, 1 re~resentatiVes and ass igns of such party in respect to all co ve nants of thi s
In comp l!ance V/i:~, t,'1e Cons ultants Competitive Negotiation Act. for any Proj ect to be
com~e n 3 at ec unGer the Lump Sum method . the Co nsultant shall certify that wage ra tes and other
fa ctual un it cost3 S' g the compensation are accurate . complete . and current at the time of
NTP. The ori ginal Project price and any add ition thereto will be adj usted to exclude any significan t
sum s by wh ich the City determ ines the Project price was increased due to in accu rate . incomplete
or non-cu rrent Vi3;; = ra te3 and other fa ctu al unit COSt3 . All such price a :Jj ustments will be made
withi n one (1 ) yea, following the end of the Proj ect.
This Ag re ement s!1all be interpreted and construed in accorda nce With and governed by the laws
of the State of Flo ri da . Any su it or action brought by any party . concerning th is Agreement. or
arising out of this Agreement. shall be brought in ~l i ami-Dade County Florida . Each party sha ll
bear its own attorney' s fees except in actions ari sing out of the Co nsulta nt' s duties to indemn ify
the City unde r Ar:icle 8. Indemnification . herein where the Consultant sha ll pay the City's
reas onable attorney's fees.
10.06 NOTI CES
Whenever either party des ires to give notice unto the other. such notice must be in writing sent
by registered United States ma il. return receipt req uested addressed to the party for whom it is
intended at the place last specified and the place for givin g of notice shall rema in such until it
shall have been cha,nged by written notice in complian ce With the provision s of this paragraph .
For the present. the parties Gesignate the following as the respe ctive places for giving of not ice '

For Ci ty o f Miami:

U P 9 '-\~j DESIG N ~ ,\J D L~} . JS :A?E AR':HlTECTU R!: E'-. G! NEERING SER'/IC E3 FOR
v'/Y i'.V,COD N'N3" ~ ; :::N UE '/ ,OONERF

City of Miam i. Florida RFQ 16-17-049

Daniel Alfons o
City fl.lanager
Office of the City fl.lanager
City of Miami
444 S\;V r ' Avenue. 10 " Floor
fl.l lami. Florida 33130-1 910
Email: d · a l fon s o ra::m i am la~v com
Phone : 305-416-1025

Ann ie Perez. CPPO

Depa ,1ment of Procurement
City of Miami
444 S .\I'/ 2nd Avenue . 6th Flo or
fl.l lami Florida 33130-1910

Pho ne 305-4 16-1910

Victoria Mendez
City Attorney
Office of the City Attorney
City of M:ami
444 SIN 2nd Avenue . 9th Floo r
~, ' I a mi . Florida 33130- 1910
Ema :l: \j i: tJ r;a.,..,e'ld ~ 7 a r i:l'l :cp', ":-:''1
Phone 305-4 16-1832

With Copies to
Francisco Garcia
Planning and Zon ing Depa~ :nent
City of Miami
444 S .W 2nd Avenue.3rd Floor
Miam i, Florida 33130-1910
Ema il fga rcia '1Cm iam iqov com
Phone 305-4 16- 1400

For Consultant:

The la nguage of th is Agreement has been ag reed to by both parties to express their mutua l intent
and no rule of st ric t constru ction shall be applied aga inst either party hereto The head ings
conta ined in this Agreement are for refe rence purposes on ly and sha ll not affect in any way the
mea ning or interpretat ion of this Agreement. All persona l pron oun s used in this Ag reemen t sha ll
inc lude the other gender. and the singula r shall inclu de the plu ra L and vice versa. unless the
context othe~N i se req uire s. Te rms such as ·'herein." "hereof." "hereunder." and "hereinafter" refer
to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular sentence . parag raph . or section where


Vff ~\h000 NW 3" ~ A'/E NUE \I\jOO ~J E':~F
City of I\liami . Florida RFQ 16- 17-049

they appear. ur,less the conti"xt otherwise requires Whenever refere nce is made to a Section or
,",rticle of this Agr22 1":'1ent. such ref2rence is to the Sect ion or Article as a whole. inc lud ing all of
the s'Jbs ections of su ch Section unless the reference is mad e to a particular subsection or
subpa rag raph of such Sectio n or Article .
Prep ara ~ i on
of th is AgreelT,an t has been a joint effort of the City and the Consultant and the
resu lting document sha ll not. solely as a matter of judicial construction. be construe d more
severely aga inst one of the parties than any other.
If there is a conflict or inconsistency between any term. statement. req 'Ji rement. or prov ision of
any exh ibit atta ,ched hereto. a,1Y document or events refe rred to herein. or any documen t
incorporated intJ th is Agreemer,t by reference and a term. statement. requirer.1ent. or provi sio n
of this Agreement. the te rm . sta ~emen t , req uirement. or provis ion con ta ined in th is Ag reement
sha ll preva :1and be given effect.
In an e:rort to enga9i" in a coope ra:ive effort to res olve confli ct wh ich may ari se during the course
of the des ign and/or construction of the subject Project. and/or following the completion of the
Project. the parties to th is Agreement agree all disputes be~Neen them shail be submitted to non-
bin din g mec ia: io n prior to the in itiation of litigation. unless other,'lise a~ re ed in writ ing by the
parties A certified ~,le d i at0r . W10 thi" parties find mutually acceptab le will conduct any ~,l ed i ation
Procei"d ings in ~,la;-li-Daje County State of Florid a. The parties wi ll spl't the costs of a certified
med iato r on a 50/50 basis The Consultant ag rees to inclu de such similar co ntract pro visions in
the ag reeme nts w:th a'l Sub conSUltants and independent co ntractors reta ined for the Project.
the:eby prov:d:nJ for non-bind ing mi"dia!io n as the primary mechan ism for dispute re solution.
Each party will bo03 r their own attorney's fees .
In an effort to ex;Jed iti" the cor,elu siJn of a,1Y litiga:ion the pa rties voluntarily wa ive their right to
jury trial or t) file permissiv e co un te rclaim s in any action ari sing under this Ag reement.
10. 11 TIME
Time is of the essence in this Agreement. Consulta nt sha ll promptly perform its duties undi" r this
Agreemen t and Work OrdoOrs pursuan t hereto . and will give the Work as much prio rity as is
necessa,-y to cause the Work to be completed on a timely basis in accordance with this
Agri"2ment. All Work shall be performed strictly (not substantia!!y) within the time li mita ~ions
necessa ry to ma inta in thi" crit:cal path and all dead lines establ ished in this Agreement and/or
Work Orders pursuant hereto.
The Consu lta nt sha ll comply with all appl icable laws . codes , ord inances. ru les. regulat io ns and
reso lu tions inc lu ding. witho ut limitation, the Americans with Disabilities Act CADA'). as amended ,
and all applicable guidelines and standards in performing its duties . responsibil ities . and
obligatio ns re lated to this Agreement. The Consu ltant represents and wa rrants that there shall be
no unlawful discrimination as provided by la w in connection with the performance of this
10. 12-1 ~ION ·DISCRI MI NATION : The City wa rrants and represents that It does not and
will not engage in discriminatory practices and that there sha ll be no discrimi na tion in
connection with the Consultanrs performance under this Agreement on account of ra ce .
colo r. gender. religion . age. ha ndicap . ma rita l status or nation al origin . The Consultant
further cO'lenants that no otherwise qualified individual shall. solely by reas on of thei r race .
color . gend er . re ligion . age . ha ndicap marita l status or national origin. be excluded from

UP3,l N CE.3IGN j,i'4C LA'lGS ,:,.:I.?E -" RCt-!T ::::TlJRE E~jG I NEER ! NG SER'/I CES FOR
'/iYNI,'/OOC V /I/ J>~ ~ 'I E I'-4 uE h OONERF
City of Miami. Florida RFQ 16-17-049

par:icipa:ion in . be den ied services . or be subject to discrimination under any provision of

Ihis Ag reement.
10. 12-2 OSHA COMPLIANCE : The Consultant wa rrants that it will comply with all safety
precau tions as req uired by federal. s:ate or 10calla'Ns. rules . regulations and ordinances
10.12-3 The City reserves the right to refu se the Consulta nt's access to City property.
Includ ing Project Jobsites . if the Consu ltan t employees are not properly equ ipped with
sa:ety ge ar in accordance with OSHA regulations or if a cont inuing pattern of non-
compliance with sa fety regulations is exhibited by the Consultant.
10.1 2-4 ADA C O~l PLl A N C E : The Consultant sha ll affirmative l, comply with all applicable
pro'/ ision s of the Americans with Disabilities Act CADA') in the course of prov iding any
wel r~ l a ~or or serv ices funded by the City. includ ing Tit ~es I and II of the ADA (regard ing
nonds crimina:ion on t.'1 e bas is of disa bility) and all applicable reg ulati ons . g'Jide li nes and
s:a l da rds. Add ; : io n a ! ~ y-t h e Consu ltant sha ll ta ~ e af:irmative steps to insure
nond iscrimina'ion in employment of disabled perso ns.
The Cor.sL: lta, t is an indepe ndent contractor. This Ag reement coes not create a joint venture.
partnersh ip cr ot ~ e r bL!siness ent?rprise or a ffi li a ~ i o n betv/ean t;,e parties_ The Consulta nt has no
authority tJ bind th e Ci t'! tel any promis e debt. default contract liabi lity . or uncertaking of the
Cons ultant.
Any l:1 a::e r not exp ress!, prov ided for herein dealing with the City or de·: ision s of the City sha:1be
wit:l in the exer: ise 0: the reasonable professiona l discretion of the Direct or or t~e i r authorized
desig nee.
The Cor. 3·J ~ ta .lt
und=rs:3 nds d.l0 aj rees tha: a'l disputes bet'Nean it a.",d t'le City bas ed upon an
a :l eg~d v:o la: 'on of the L=rm s of th is Ag'eement by the City sha ll be subm it:ed for resolutio n in the
following manne r.
The initial St2,D shall be for the Consultant to notify the Project Ma nager in writing of the dispute
and s ~ bm it a copy to the City of ~,l i an1i personnel identified in Article 1006. Notices .
Should the C ons ultant and the Project ~Ianager fail to res olve the dispute. the Consultant shall
submi: their d ; s~ u te in with ail supporting docum entation . to the Director oi PZ. as
identif'ed in Article 10 .06 . Notices. Upon rece ipt of sa id notliication the Director of PZ shall review
the iss u% re lative to the dispute and issue a written find ing.
Should the Consultant and the Director of PZ fa il to reso lve th e dispute. the Consultant sha ll
submit their dispute in writing within five (5) ca lendar days to the Director of Procurement. Fa ilure
to subm it s~lch appea l of the written find ing shall constitute acceptance of the find ing by the
Cons ulta nt Upon receipt of sa id notification the Director of Procurement sha ll re view the issues
relative to the dispute and issue a written finding .
The Consultant must submit any further appeal in writing within te n (10) business (i'l: (5) sa:er.4 af
days to the City ~Ian age r . Fa ilure to submit such appea l of the written finding shall constitute
accepta nce of the finding by the Consultant. Appeal to the City fVlanager for the ir res olutio n. is
req uired prior to the Consultant being entitled to seek jud icial re lief in connection therewith . Should
the am ount of compensat ion here under ex ceed 55 00 .000 .00. the City ~ I anagers decision shall
be approved or disapproved by City Comm ission . The Consultant sha il not be entitled to seek
jud ic ial relief unless

City of Miami. Florida RFO 16-17-049

0) it has firs t received City ~.Ianage(s written decision. approved by City Commiss ion if
applicable or
(ii) a period of sixty (SO) ca !endar dajs has expired after subm itting to the Cit, ~Ianager a
detailed stateme nt of the dispu te . accompanied b, all supporting documentation. or a
period of (90) ca lenda r daIs has expired where the City ~Ianage(s decis ion is subject to
City Commission approval: or
(i ii) The City has wa ived compliance with the procedure set forth in this section by wfl tten
instrument(s) signed by the City Manager.
The Consulta n: has been procu red and IS being engaged to provide services to the City as an
indepe ndent contractor. and not as an agent or employee of the City. Accord ing ly. the Consultant
shall not atta in. nor be entitled to . any rights or benefits under the Civil Serv ice or Pens ion
Ord inances of the City. nor a.1Y rights generally afforded cla ssified or unclass ified employees . The
Co nsultant further uncers:ands that Florida Workers· Compensation benefit s ava il able to
employees of the City ace net a'/a!la:,ie to the Consultant. and ag rees to provide workers
compensation insura nce fo r a ~y employee or agent of the Consultant renderi ng services to the
City under th is Agreement.
Funding for this Ag:eement is contingent on the ava il a:,i lity of funds and continu ed authorization
for program actv;t!es and th is Agreement is subject to amendment or termination due to lack of
funds. re duction of funds and:or change in prog ram req uirements andi or regulations. upon thirty
(30) ca lenda r days· not;ce
The Consultant and the City ag ree that it is not intended that any provis ion of this Agreement
est? Jl ishes a thi re part, c-00ef'ciarj giving or allowing any cla im or right of action whatsoever by
any third party under th is Ag reement.
If a PSA or other Ag reemen t was provided by the City and included in this solicitation for the
Project. no add:tional term s or cond :tions which materially or su:'sta ntially vary . mOd ify or alter
the terms or cond ;tions of this Ag reement. in the sole opinion and re asonable discretion of the
City. will be cons,de:ed . An, a,l d ail such add itional terms and conditions sha ll ha ve no force or
efiect and are inapplicable t) this PSA or other Agreement.

~'\IYNV IOOD r-. I;'J 1'= ,4 IjEI~ UE .NOQNERF
City of Miami . Florida RFO 16-17-049

IN WI TN ESS WH EREOF. the parties have executed this Ag reemen t No.

_ _ ~. as of the da y and year first above writte n.

WI TNESS/ATTES T. Consultant, (TBO)

Sign ature Signature

Print Name . Title Print Name. Title of Authorized OFicer or Official

ATTEST (Corpora te Sea l)

Consulta nt Secretary
(Affirm Consultant Seal. if ava ilable)

ATTEST CITY OF MIAMI. a mun i c i ~al c o rpora ~ i on of the

State of Florida

Tod': B. Ha nnon. City Cleek Da niel J. Alfonso . City Manager



Ann Marie Sharpe . Director Victoria Mendez . City Attorney

Risk Management Department

1;V,(,\,I,'/)OD N'/ I 3": Av'E f'. UE \NOONERF

'6 '
City of Miami , Fl orida RFQ 16-17- 049


HEREBY CERTIFY that at a meeting of the Boa rd of Directors of
-:--:---~c---=__---:-- - - - - - - - : --:- ' a corporation organized and ex ist ing under
the laws of the State of he ld on the _ day of __ a
resolution was dull passed and adopt"d authorizing (Name) as
(Title ) of th e corporat ion to execute agreements on beha lf of the
co rpor at io n and providing tha~ their eecu tio n thereof, attested by the secretary of the corporation ,
sha ll be the officia l act and deed of the corporation ,
I further certify that sa 'd res olution rema ins in full force and effect.
II\J WITNESS li I HE:Ri:Oi' , I have here unto set my ha nd thi s __ ' day of _ _ _ __
20_ _
Secretary: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Print: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __

HEREBY CERT IFY t.'1at at a meeting of the Boa rd of Directors of
-,---,--___,:c-:---:::-c-__-;----------,---,--,--' a pa rtn e rs hi p org aniz ed and ex is: ingun der
the laws of the State of , held on the _da y of , ' a resolution
was duly passed a,l d ajopted authorizing (Name) as
(Titie) of the pa rtnersh ip to execute ag reements on beha lf of the
pa rtnersh ip and provid es tro e: their eAscu tion thereof, attested by a pa rtner, sha ll be the officia l
act and deed of the pa rtnership ,

I further cer- if'! that sa id par-ners;, ijJ ag reemer,t rema ins in fu ll force and effect.
IN WITN:::SS W Hi:REOF, I ha'/e he reunto set my hand th is __ ' day of _ _ _ __
20_ _ ,

Partner: _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Print: _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ __

Names and addresses of partners '

Name Street Address I City State Zip


V'JY N"'IOOD N\N 3": A VE ~ UE '/'IOO""' ERF
City of Miami. Florida RFO 16- 17-049


Joint ventures must submit a j oin t venture ag reement ind icatin g that the person signing this
Agreement is authorized to s;gn doc umen ts on beha lf of the joint ve nture . If there IS no Joint
venture ag reement ea ch member of the JOint venture mus t sign this Agreement and submit the
appropri ate Certificate of Authority (corporate. partnership. or individual)


I HEREBY CERT IFY that. I (Name) indiv idually and doing
bus iness as (d/b/a) (If Applicable) have
executed and am bound by the terms of the Agreement to which this attestation is attac hed .
IN WI TI'IESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand th is __ day of . 20

Signed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Print: _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __


STATEO F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

) SS

COUNTY OF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

The foregoin g instrument was acknowledged' before me th is _ _ da y of

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 20_ _ . by . who is persona lly
known to me or who has produced as ident ification and who
(did / did not) ta ke an oath.






City of Miami. Florida RFQ 16· 17·049


The Consultant shall perform the specialty design work for the . Project
The City of Miami's (the "C ity") intention is to complete the _ .:" . project to .
. ~ . in accordance with the Scope of Serv ices described in Request for
Qualifications (RFQ) ,. . . and th is Ag reement.
The Consu ltant sha ll provide comprehensive ~ : design services for the City .
including but not limited to. . . and other re lated : :' - c'~ :. ".
services as needed to complete the Project. Consulta,lt sha ll provide professiona l :
. services fur the Proja·: t for wh ich Cons ultant was selected in accordance with Se ction
287.055 Florida Statutes . as a,l1 ended . otherwise known as the Consulta nts' Competitive
Neg otiations Act (CCNA).
The City mal also rec; uire the Cons ultant to perform surveying (three· man and four·man crews).
geotechn ica l investigations and testing . landscaping architecture . roadway lighting . traffic
s i gna l iza ~ i on. pub lic Involve ment. and related se rvices necessary for the design and preparation
of construction documents for the Proj ect. Co nsultant sha !1 prov ide des ign. construction
docu men ts . construction ad ministra t on and related services necessary for the design.
construction eng ineering and inspection services for the Project.
A 1.01·1 The Cons ultant ag rees to provice co mprehensive Professional Services in
accord ance with a ~ 1 a pplica~le la.,./s. build ing and environmental reg ulatio ns. includ ing the
Florida Bu ild ing Ccca and the Cit, of ~,t l am i. Florida . Code of Ordinances . and as set forth
in this AJreement and further enu merated in a Work Order. Consultant may be required
to perform all or so me of the services presented in this Agreement. depend ing on the
needs of the City for the Project. Consultant shall furn ish. as Basic Services.
comprehensive profess ional ~ . . : 0 . services for the Project.
A1.01·2 The Cit; will phaSe the lilork req uired to complete the Project so that the Project
is designed and co nstru cted in the most logical. efficient. and cost effective ma nner. The
Con sulta nt sha ll be directed to proceed with each phase of the Project throug h the use of
Work Ord er Proposa ls and Wo rk Orders .
When OCI has determ ined that a specific phase of the Project is to proceed. the Director or
a~thor i z e d desig nee will req ues t in writ ing a Work Order Proposal from the Consultant based on
the proposed Sco pe of Services provided to the Consultant in writing by the Director or des ignee .
The Consultant and Director or des ignee. and others . if appropriate . may have preli minary
meetings. if warranted. to further define the Scope of Services and to res olve any questions. The
Cons ultant sha ll the n prepa re a Work Order Proposa l following the format provided by the City .
ind icati ng the proposed Scope of Serv ices . time of performance . staffing . proposed fees . Sub
consultants . and del iverable items andl or documents .
The Director or designee may accept the Wo rk Order Proposa l as submitted . reject the Work
Order Proposa l. or negotiate revisions to the Work Order Proposal. Upon acceptance of a Work
Orde r Proposa l. OCI wi ll prepare a Work Order that will be reviewed by OCI staff and the Director
or des ignee. Upon approva l. OCI will issue a written Notice to Proceed (NTP) subsequent to
approva l of the Work Order by the Director or designee.

URBAN OESIG;-'j -\N D L,.l {\I DS:,.lPE t>.P :f-lIT::C rwP E E'l GI N::EqiNG SER'/ICES ~Q P
City of r'vl iami. Flortda RFO 16-17-049

The City will pay the Consultant in accordance with provisions and limitations of Attachm ent B,
Compensation and Paym ents No payment wi ll be made for the Cons ultant's time or services
in connection with the preparation of any Work Order Proposal or for any Work done in the
a!Jsence of an executed Work Order . NTP andl or Purchase Order.
Consu ltant agrees to provide complete civil engin eering services as set forth in the tasks
enumerated here in after in acco rd ance "11th the Flo ri da Bu ildmg Code. la test edition , all fed eral.
sta~e . County and City of ~,I iami . Florida. Laws . Codes and Ord inances. Consultant shall maintain
an adeq uate staff of qua lified personnel on the Wor ~, at all times to ensure its periormance as
spec ified in this Agreement.

Consultant sha 'l submit one (1) electro nic set of a!1documents and seven (7) copies of documents
requ ired under Article A2 , without add itional cha rge. for review and approva l by the City .
Consu ltant sha ll not proceed with the next task of the Work until the documents have been
a~p roved . in writing by City. and an Authoriza tion to Proceed v/ ith the next task has been issued
by City.
Consu ltant is solely respons ib,e for the tech nical a:curacy and qua lity of their Work. Consu ltant
sha ll psriorm all V'Jo rk in compl iance with Florida I'>.d mini strative Code Ru !e 61G 15-19 .00 1(4) and
Section 471 033 (1) (g ) of the Florida Sta'utes. Consultant shall perform due diligence. in
nOaccorda~c2 I'/i th best ind'Jstry prac!:ces in gathering information and inspecting a Project site
prior to the co mmenceme nt of des ign C ons ~ilta .1t shail be responsible for the professional quality .
te chn'cal acc uracy and coo rdination of all ces ign. dra'Nings. specification , and other Services
fT~ ;shed by t1e Consu ltant under th is Ag ree ment. Consultant sha il. witho ut add itiona l
compe ns a~ io n. correct or re vi s2 any error s, om ission s. and/or de~i ciencies in its des ig,l S .
drawings specifications or other Services. Consu ltant sha ll also be liable for cla ims for delay
costs. and any increased costs in constru ctio n, includ ing but not limited to add itional work.
demo lition of existing work. re 'Nork. etc , resu lting from any errors. omissions. andl or deficiencies
in its des igns . drawings . specifications or other Se rvices.
A2.0 1-1 Consultant sha ll confer with represen tati ves of City . the Project Manager.
and other jurisd ictiona l agencies to develop several options for how the various elements
of the project will be des igned and constructed.
A2.0 1-2 Consu ltant sha ll. utili zing a compilation of ava ilable documentation . confer
with representa tiv es of City . the Project Manager. and other jurisdictional ag encies in order
to comprehens ively identify aspects of the completed Project that may require further
refineme nt to attain the requ isite deta il of design development required to beg in the
creation of Construct ion Documents. For clarity of scope , the items that need further
development will be ca lled Conceptua ls and the rema ining items will be called Des igns .
A2.01·3 Cons ultant sha ll prepare written descriptions of the vanous options and
shall participate in presentations to multiple groups expla ining alternative options
Sufficient deta il sha ll be provided to support the presentation materials.
A2.02-1 DESIGN CONCEPT AND SCHEMATICS REPORT: Consultant sha ll prepare
and present. In writing and at an ora l presentation if reques ted . for approval by City . a
Des ign Concept and Schematics Report comprising Schematic Design Stud ies . in cluding
an identification of any special requ irements affecting the Project . a Statement of Probable

City of IVllami. Florida RFQ 16-17-049

Construction Cost. Project Dev':lopment Schedule and review of Constructabillty Review

re"orts .
1. Schematic Des ig~ St"d 'es cons 'st of site plan(s). floo r plans (where applicable ).
elevations . sections and all other e'ements req ui red by City or Project ~J!anager to show
the sca le and relationsh ip of the components and design concepts of the whole . The
floor plans may be sing le-line diagrams. A simple perspect ive rendering or sketch.
mod,:1 or photograph thereof may be provided to further show the design concept.
2. A Sta tement of Prob a~le Co nstruction Cost. prepared in Construction Standa rd Index
(CSI) format. to ude a sum mar! of the estimated Project cost and an eva luation of
funding a ~loc at io n . Such s u mma~y shail be in sufficient deta il to identify the costs of
ea ch elerr,ent and include a breakdown of the fees general cond itions and construction
contingency. Such eva lu ation sha ll comprise a brief description of the bas is for
est·mated costs per each element and Similar Project un it costs. Costs shall be adjusted
to L'le projected bid date. Recommendations for reducing the scope of the Project in
order to bring the estimated costs with in all oca ted funcs . in the event that the statement
of ProiJable Construction Costs exceeds allocated funds Consultant sha ll update its
documentation . at no add itio na l cost to the City . to reflect this reduced scope . An ,!
·'Statement Of P roba~le Construction Costs· pr': pared by Consultant represents a
reasonable estimate of cost in Consultants best jUdgment as a professional familia r
w ith the local construction industry.
3 The Project Deve lo pment Sc hedule sha ll show the proposed completion date of each
t3S~ of the ProJ'Oct th rou gh des i g~ . bidd ing and post design services.
4. Co nst:uctabi! ity Re view reports shall be co n d ~ct 2d by the City and/or the Consultant 2t
design stages deemed ne:essary by the Project ~,lanager. Consu ltant shall provide five
a~: ! t;ona: delivera Jie plan sets for d:strib ution. by City to others for this purpose . n.ere
sh?11 be a,1 establi shed dead line for review report submission back to the City.
Consu ltant sha ll provide writ:en responses to a~ 1 comments within two weeks and sha ll
ma in tain files of all related review reports and response reports . If necessary , City may
coord inate Constructabi lity Rev iew meetings with some or all of the reviewers with
Consultanl present to discuss specific issues. In add ition to the Constru ctability Review
process mentioned above . City reserves the right to conduct a Peer Review of the
Project documents at any des ign stage. Cost of such a Peer Review would be borne
by City. Any findings as a result of sa id Peer Review would be add ressed by Consultant.
and if requested by City . would be incorporated into the des ign documents . at no
add itiona l cost to City and no extension of time to the schedule
From the approved Schematic Des ign documents. Consultant shall prepa re and present in
writing and at oral presentations if requested. for approva l by City. sepa rate Des ign Development
Documents. updated Project Development Schedules . updated Statements of Probable
Construction Costs and a review of Constructability Rev iew reports .
The Design Development Documents shall consist of drawings (site plans . floor plans
elevat ions , and sect ions) . outli ne specifications . and other documents .
2 Design Development cons ists of cont inued development and expansion of architectura l
andi or civil Schematic Des ign Documents to establish the fina l scope . re lation sh ips
forms size and appearance of each element through .
2.1 Plan sections and elevations
2 2 Typi cal construction details

City of Miami. Florida RFO 16-17-049

2 3 Final materials selection

2.4 Construction phasing plan
3. The updated De'/elopment Sched ules sha ll sho"'l the proposed completion dates of each
milestone of the Project through design. bidd ing constru ction and proposed date of
occupancy . Consultant wi ll also detai l all long lead procurement items and
archi tecturally significant equ ipm ent that will need to be purchased prior to the
completion of Construct ion Documents .
4 . Provide updated Statements of Probab le Construct io n Cost. If either statement of
Probable Construction Cost exceeds allocated funds Consultant shall prepare
rec ommendations for reducing the scope of that pa rticular Project in order to bring the
es:imated costs with in allocated funds . Consultant sha!1 ued?te its documentation . at
no add itional cost to the City to reflect th is reduced scope .
5. Constructabil ity Rev ieW reports.
6 Prepa:e a summary report and/or Des ign Deve !op ment draw;ngs or sketcheS showing
1.'12 foundations and the fram ing of the proposed Primary Structural System , including
ma:eria!s. gross sizes and critica l deta ils. These docuncents may become partially
completed wo rking drawings.
I. R~ '/ i e'N
the initi2! resu l ~s of a:lY stJec ia! st udies req ~Jired 'tlhish are establi shed during
the Schema ti c Design Phase a,ld determine their efTects on the Structural System.
8. R~ \/ : eW a-:1'/ ge o t~c hnic: a l re,Jor. for s~ ructu~a : cc ncern s a,i d br the re commenced
foundation system
9. Est2.~ li sh c ra,,,'ng a ~d draft ing sta nda rds for the Proj ect '1tit1 the clien: and des ign tea m
such as gri d li nes . mat:h lines . sca le and sheet size .
10 . ;'..3s ist the client and ces ig:l tea rn in prepa rin g a pr2 ~i mina;y opinion of costs and an
outline of specifications .
Fro m the approved Design Deve lopment Documents . Consultant sha ll prepa~e for written
approva l by City . Fina l Construct ion Docu ments setting forth all desig n drawings and
s;cecificat ion s needed to comprise a fu lly biddable. permitta~le constructible Project.
Consultan t shall produce 30 %. 60%. 90% and Fina l Construction Documents for rev iew and
app roval by City. which shall include the following
1. A Drawing Cover Sheet listing an index of all number of drawings by each discipline .
Drawings not included in the 30%. 60 '/0 . 90% and Fina l review shall be noted .
Consultant shall attach an index of all anticipa ted dra·,ving sheets necessary to fully
define the Project.
2. The updated Project Development Schedule to include an outline of major construction
milestone activ ities and the recommended construction duration period in calendar
3. An updated Statement of Probab le Construct io n Cost In CS I format.
4 Consultant may also be authorized to include in the Constru ction Documents approved
add itive and/or ded uctive alternate bid items. to permit City to award a Construction
Contract with in the li mit of the budgeted amount.

City of ~l l am i. Florida RFO 16-17-049

5 A Projec t Specifications index and Project Manua l with at least 30 Y, . 60 h 90Yo and
Fina : of the Specifications completed . Documents subm itta l sha ll also include all
sections of Divisions "0" and "1'.
6 Perform an int=rnal review and check the structural design a ~ d the structura l Co ntrast
Do cuments includ ing the inte rrelations hip of the Pri ma ry Structura l System with the
des igns prepared by other design d isciplines . The prim e des ign profess ional is
respons ible for overa ll coord ination of the various eng ineering disciplines.
7. ft. ss ist. if req uired . in obta;ni ng approva l by appropriate review agencies .
8 Assist. if req ui red . with manufact urer or supplier reco mme nda tions .
9. Con scl!t ant shall inc lude. and will be pa id for. City-req uested alternates outs ide of the
establi shed Project scope or that are not constructed due to a lack of funds No fee
wi ll te pa id by City in con nection wi th alternates required by the fa ilure of Consu ltant
to des ign the Project within the Fixed Limit of Construction Cost.
10. Con s'j!;anl shall not proceed with further const ~u ct l on docu ment development until
a;Jprova l of the 30% documents is rece ived in writing from City. Approval by City shall
be fo r prog ress onl, and does not re lieve Consu ltant of its responsibilities and liabilities
r"iative to code com pli ance and to other covenants co ntained in this Ag reement.
Cor 3u!! ant sha!t re3 Jlve a ~: c; uestions ind icated on th2 documents and make all
cha ngeS to the docu ments necessa ry in response to the review com mentary . The 30%
Docu me nts review (ch eck ) set shal l be returned to City upo n submiss ion of 60'/,
co mplete Construct i01 Documents and Consultant shall pro vide an appropria'e
res~ o nse to all revie'/! comments notcd on these previously subm itted docume nts .

Of the Scl/c n (7) copies to be pro vided. the Consu ltant shall subm it to the City four (4)
f:111 siZe copies of the drawi ngs and spec ifications . and one digita l copy in pdf format.
A2 .0 "-1 M AXII\ lUM COST Ll il.I IT: Prior to authorizing the Consu ltant to proceed with
preparation of Construction Document Development . the City sha ll establish and
communicate to the Cons ultan t. a maximum sum for the cost of construction of the Project
p ,lax imum Cost Lim it") If the Cit) has not advertised for bids wi thin ninety (90) days after
the Consul tant submits the Fina! Des ign to the City . the estimate of the cost of cons truct ion
s ~ a 'i be adju sted by Co nsu lta nt. Notwithsta nding anythi ng above to the contrary. the City
may re quire the Consulta nt to revise and mod ify Constru ction Docu me nts and assist in
the re-bidd ing of the Work at no add itiona l cost or fee to the City if all respons ive and
resp on sible bids received exceed ten (1 0%) percent of the ~l ax i mu l11 Cost Limit .
A2.04-2 DRY RUN PER MITTING: The Consultant shal l file and follow-up for approval of
bu ild ing pe rmits at the ea rliest pract icab le time during the performance of the W ork . for
approva l by City . County . State and/or Federa l auth orities having jurisd iction over the
Project by law or contract with the City . and sha ll assist in obta ining any such applicable
certifications of permit approval by such authorit ies prior to approval by OCI of the final
set and printing of the Construction Documents . The Consultant shall promptly . at any
time d uring the performance of the Work hereunder , advise the City of any substantial
increases in costs set forth in the Statement of Probable Construction Cost that. in the
opinion of the Consultant. is caused by the requirement(s) of such .
Upon completion of dry run permitting Consultant sha ll prov ide as part of the seven (7)
copies to be submitted . five (5) full size sea led cop ies of the drawings and specifications
Consu ltant shall also provide dig ital versions of the drawings in .dwg .. plt. and .pdf formats .
The speCifica tion add itional terms and cond itions shall be provided in both .pdf and .doc
formats .

UPSA\j OE.3;G ~ J ~ .\ j D L-l\I'jDSC~PE ~R:H I~:::':TU PE E~j GI t'j EERI f'.J G SEP Ij!CES F,)R
IIJY N'v'/OOD NVI 3'>( -\ IE f\l UE ~\iI)ONERF
City of iVI,ami. Flori da RFO 16-17 -049


A2.05- 1 B ID DOCUM=NTS APPROVALS AND PRINTING: Upon obta ining all necessary
approva's of the Construction Documents from authorities having jurisdiction. and
a:cepta nce by the City of the 100% Construction Docu~ents and latest Statement of
Probable Construction Cost. the Consulta nt sha ll ass ist the City in obta ining bids and
preparing and a'Narding the construction con tract. The City . for bidd ing purposes . will have
the bid documents printed or at its own discre tion. may authorize such print ing as a
re imbursable service to the Consulta nt.
The Clt'j sha ll iss ue the B:d Documents to pros~ect l ve bidders and keep a complete
List of Bidders.
2 The CO~SJI :a 1t sha'! assist the City in the prepa'at!on of responses t:) questions if any
are req uired d~ri ng the bidd ing period. All addenda or cla rifications . or responses shall
be issued by the City .
3. The Consult21t sha'i prepare revised plans . if alY are requ ired for the City to iss ue to
a:1 prospective bidders.
4. T he Cit} v, i!1 sched ul e a "Pre-B id ~,l eeting " on an as needed bas is for the Project. The
Cons" lta 'l i s~a !1 a::end a,l Y and ail pre- bid meet,ng :s) and req ui re attend ance of Sub
consu!t ?.1:S at such mee~j ngs .
5. The Co n s~lt3nt wi!1 be present at the bid open ing if req uested by the City .
A2 .05·3 8 1D EVA LUATION AND AWARD : The Consultant sha!1 assist the City in
e'1 3"J3:,cn of bids received to determ ine the resp onsiveness of bids and the pre paration
of dxume1ts for f..'m rd of a contract. If the lowest responsive B2s2 Bid re ceived exceeds
the Total Allocated Funds for Construction, the City may:
1. Approve an increase in the Project cost and award a Contract:
2. Raje:t all bids and re-bid the Project within a re asonable time I'lith no change in the
Projsct or ad ditional compensation to the Consu ltant:
3 Direct the Consulta nt tJ revise the scope and.'or qua lit; of cons truction. and rebid the
Project. The Cons ultant shall. without add itiona l compensa tion. mod ify the Construct ion
Documents as neces sary to bring the Prob able Co nstruction Cost based on such
revis:ons within the Total Autho ri zed Construction Budget. The City may exercise such
option where the bid price exceeds 10% of the Fixed Construction Budget provided to
the Consultan t and as may be mod ified by the City and the Co nsu ltant prior to solicitin g
bids .
4 . Suspen d. cancel or aba ndon the Project.
NOTE . Unde r item three (3) above. the Cons ultant shall. without ad dition al compensa tion ,
mod ify the Construction Doc uments as necessa ry to bring the Probable Construction Cost
within the budgeted amount.
A2 .06-1 The Con struction PhaSe will beg in with the issuance of the NTP to the ch osen
Con tractor and will end when the Consul ta nt has provided to tr, e City all post con struction
documents inc luding Contra ctor As-Built drawings Consu ltant's record drawings.
warra ntees . guarantees . operat iona l manuals . and Certlficate (s) of Occupancy have been
delivered to the City and the City approves the final paymenl to the Consultant. During

WYI\NIOOD i'i,11 3~ ~ A I~ N UE v'IOONERF
City of Miami. Florida RFQ 16-17-049

th is period . the Consultant sha ll provide adm in istra tion of tne co nstruction contract as
provided by this Agreement. and as provided by law.
A2 .06 -2 The Cons~ltant. as the representative of the City curing tr,e Construction Phase
sha ll aevise and consul~ with the City and sha ll have the a'Jthoritj to act on beha lf of the
City to the ex~e nt provided in the General Cond itions and the Supplementary Cond it'ons
of the construs tion contract and their Agreement with the City .
A2.06·3 The Consultant and respective Sub consultants shall vis it the site to conduct field
observa~i ons . at a minimum on a weekly bas is and at all key construction events to
ascerta in the progress of the Proj ect. and sha !1 visit the site as a~p ropri ate to conduct field
inspection s to ascerta in the progress of the Project and determine. in general. if the Work
is proceecLng in accordance with the Contract Documents The Consultant shall provide
any site visits necessary for certification if required by the authorities having jurisdiction.
Thres~o l d inspection sha ll be provided by the Consultant at no a ,~d i t i onal cost to the City .
The Consul:ant sha ll report on the prog ress the Work . includ ,ng any defects and
de~i cienc i es that may be observed in the Work. The Consultant and/or Sub consultants
will not be required to make extensive inspections or provide continuous da ily on- site
inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work un less othe~Nise set forth in this
Agreement. The Cons ultant will be respons ible for writing and distributing minutes of all
rr.eet'ngs and f;eld ins~ect i o n s report fr om a:1 meetings it is asked to attend . Consultant
and Su b consultants wi ll not b", held respons ible for co ns~ruct ; on means . methods.
t2chn iques seq uences , or procedures . or for sa:et; preca 'JtIOns and prog rams in
co~nect i on ,,,'~~ the v'lork The Consultant will no t be he ld res ,Jo,1s;b!e for the Contractor's
or Subcont, actors . or a,~y of their a'j ents' or employees' fa il ure to perform the work in
accordance ~, i th the contract unless such failure of perfcrma1ce results from the
Consult31t's acts or omissions .
A2 .05-4 The Consul ~ ? nt s~a ll furnish the City wit:1 a writen re~ort of all observations of
the Work made by Consu ltant and requ ire all Sub consulta nt , to do same during each visit
to the Project. The Consu ltant s~a :1 also note the general status and prog ress of the Work
on forms furnished by the City The Consultant shall submit the reports in a timely manner.
The Co nsultant and Sc:b consu'tants sha ll ascerta in tha~ the Work is acceptable to the
City Consu ltant sha il ass ist the City in ensuring that the Contractor is making tim ely.
accura~e . a~d complete notation s on the "as-built" dra'Nings Cop ies of the field reports
sha ll be a~tached to the mon th ly Professiona l Services pa;me nt req 'Jest for construction
ajmin istrat;on se rvices . T he Consultant's failure to provide written reports of all site visits
or minutes of meetings sha ll resu lt in the rejection of payment requests and may resu lt in
a proportional reduction in Construction Admini stration fees pa id to the Consultant.
A2 .06·5 Based on observations at the site and consultation with the City. the Consultant
shall determin e the amount due to the Contractor based on the pay for performance
milestones and shall recommend approval of such amounts as appropriate . This
recommendation shall constitute a represen tation by the Consultant to the City that , to the
best of the Consultant's knowledge . information and belief, the Work has progressed to
the po int ind i ca~ed and that. the qua lity of the Work is in accorda nce with the contract and
the Contractor is entitled to the amount stated on the requ isition subject to:
1. a deta iled eva luation of the Work for conformance with the contract upon substantia l
completion :
2 the res ults of any subsequen t tests required by the contract:
3 minor deViat ions from the contract correctable pr io r to completion . and

URg,.l. ~j DESj,:J N ;'i'.:J LA."I DSC,.I.? E .l PChITo::: r UP E Er-.. GI ~l EERI N G SER '/ICES coP
v'/YN',"OOO r-..','J 3": ,AvE N UE I,.'JOONERF
City of ~ l lami. Florida RFO 16-17-049

4 ani specific qualifications stated in the payment certificate and further that the
Contractar is entitled to paymen t in the amount agreed upon at a requis ition site
mee ting or as stated on the requisi tion .
Prior to recommend ing payment to the Con:ractor . t.~e Consu ltant will prepa re a written
sta tement to the City on the sta us of the Work relative to the Construction Schedule.
wh ich shall be attached to the Co ntractor's Requ isition Such sta temen t shall be pre pared
immediate ly followin g the req uisition field meeting and sh aH not be cause for delay in
t;mel, pa,ment to the Contractor. By recommend ing approval of a Pafment Certificate.
the Consulta~t sha ll not be deemed to represent that the Consultant has made any
exam in ation to asc ertain how and fo r wh at purpose the Contractor has used money paid
on account of the Cons:ruction Contract Sum.
A2 .05-6 The Consu ltant shall be the interpreter of the req uiremen ts of the Contract
Docu ments and the Juege of the performance thereunder. n .e Consu ltant sha ll render
ir.terpretations necessary for the proper execution or progr ess of the Work upon written
rec; ues: of either the City or the Contra: tor. and shall render written decisions . within a
max im um of ten (10) calendar days . on all claims. disputes and other maters in question
b=:'Neen th= City and the Contractor relating to the execution or progress of the Work.
Interpreta tions and decis ions of the Consultant shall be cons istent With the intent of and
reasonaal, infera:,19 from . th9 Contract Documents and sha :1 b9 in written or graphic form .
A2 ,05·7 The Consu ltan t shaH ha'ie the authority to recomme nd rejection of INork which
d09s not conform to the Contra:t Documents. Whene'ler. in t~e i r reasonable opinion . the
Cons:J ita ,1t cansie,,:s it necessary or advisable to insure compl iance with the Contract
Doc~ments . the Co n s ~l tant will haR the authority to recommend speci al ins~e ctian or
test:ng of any INark d"emed to be not in accordance wi th the Contract. whether or not
such IJ';or~ ha s teen fabricated and/or delivered to the Project. or insta ll ed and comple ted .
A 2.05 ·3 n ,e Consulta ,1t sha:1 promptly review and a~p rove . reject or take action on shop
draw!ngs. sal71ples . RFls and other submis sions of the Contractor. Changes or
substitutions to the construction documents shall no t be authorized without con currence
of the City's Project ~,la n age r and/or Director of OCI . The Consu ltan t shall have a
ma,<imum of ten (10) c a ~ enda r days from receipt of shop drawings . samples . RFl's or other
s ubmilta~s by the Contractor. to return the shop drawi ngs or submitials to the Contractor
vdh comments ind icating eith er approval or disa pprova l. Consu ltan t sha ll provide the
Contra:tor with a detailed written explan ation as to the bas is for rejection . Consu ltant shall
ha ve five (5) ca lendar days to review contractor payment application s to ensure the City
compiles with Flo rida Statu te Section 218.70.
A2 .06·9 The Consu lt ant sha ll initiate and prepare required documentatio n for changes as
required by the Consultant's own observations or as requested by the City . and sha ll
review and recommend actio n on proposed changes . Where the Contractor submits a
request for Change Order or Change Proposal req uest. the Consultant shall. within ten
( 10) ca lenda r days. re view and submit to the City. their recommendation or proposed
action along with an analysis and/or study supporting such recommendation .
A2 ,06·1 0 The Consultant shall exami ne the Work upon receipt of the Cont ractor's request
for substantia l completion inspection of the Project and shall. prior to occupancy by the
City , recomme nd executio n of a "Certificate of Acceptance for Substa ntial Completion"
after first ascertaining that the Project is substa ntially com plete in accordance with the
contract requirements . The Consultant shall , in conju nction with repre se ntatives of the City
and the Contractor. prepa re a punch-list of any defects and discrepancies in the Work
requrred to be corrected by the Con tractor in acco rdance with Florida Statute 218 735 .

L;R3,.l~j DE3iG:--/ AND u. ,'. SS-:;.?E A?CI-i:TE':;TUPE E\.::;, 'jEE P~NG SER'/ICES FOD
I'IY """OOD rN/3" i> VE, UE v'IOONERF
City of Miami Florida RFO 16-17 -049

U~ on sat is~a: t ory completion of the punch-list. the Consultant sha ll recommend eXecution
of a "Cert ificate of Fina l Acceptance" and final payment to the Contractor. The Consultant
shalf obta in f~om the Contractor, upon satisfactory completion of all items on the punch-
lis~ . a:1necessa rj close-out docume ntat ion from the Contractor including but not lim ited to
a:l guarantees. wa rr anties . operating and ma intenance ma nuals for equ ipment. re leases
of liens:cla 'ms and s ~ ch other documents and certificateS as may be requ ired by
a,:J~lic ab le codes . laws a~d the contract. and del iver them to the City before final
a cc epta~ce shall be issued to the Contractor.

A 2.06- 11 The Consultant sha ll monitor and provide ass ista nce in obta ining the
Contractor's com;lliance with its contrac t relative to : 1) initia l instruction of City's personnel
in the o~e'a: i on a,l d ma intenance of any equ ipment or system: 2) initial start-up and
t,"s:ing ad;'Jsting and ba lancing of eq ui pmen t a~d syste ms: and 3) fina l clean-up of the
Proj ,,:t to assu re a smooth tansition from cons truction to occupa ncy by the Cit;.
A2 .0S- 12 Tne Con3 l1lt a~ t sha ll review the Contractor's -as bui lt' drawings and su bmit
them to t~e Cit; u~ on a;lprov al by the Consultant. The Contractor is respons ible for
prepa ring the "as bu ilt" drawings .
A 2,03-13 The Consultant sha ll furn ish to the City the ori ginal documents. including
d-2 .'I:ng 3 ra l iSe:] to -a 3-bu ilt" cond itions based on informa:ion furnished by tile
COlt,a:t]r: surveJ a,l d specik co nd itions In prepa rin g the -R ecord Set" documents . the
Co ns '):a ~ t she :1 r21y on the accuracy of the information prov ided by the Contractor.
in .;:::I 'Jd;n g t :t~ Co ,"t ractor' s record d;-awings , Any cert i fica~ion req~Jired under th is
A :;r2= c~nt incll:s;cg the conten ts of "as-built' documen ts is cond itioned upon the
a :C u c ?:, of the infcrmation a1c d ocuments provided by the cons:ruction contractor.
Tran3'er 0; d'?lg 23 maj2 bj "Cha .1g e Authorization- , -Cha:1ga Order" , 'Req ues: for
In : ~lfr. ?: !c n" . S 'Jb3~ , ~lJ ~ ,Orl apprJV?!S . or other cla rifi ca~ i on s If,i: 1 be the Consultan t's
r2 s;cns ''; 1 :/ tJ incorpora:e il~to the "Raco rd Set" and record documents. Cha nges maje
in the fietd to su i: f'e!e: cond itions . or otherwise made by the Cont,acto r for its conven ience .
sha:1 be ma rkeci by the Contractor on the "Field Record Set" and transferred to the original
co nt:a·: t docum2nt 3 by the Co nsultant. The orig inal document3 . as we ll as the "Record
S2t" sha 'i b2som e the r:: roperty of the Cit;. A reproduc ible set of a'i other fina l documents
'1lill be furn 's'1ed to t'1e City free of cha rge by the Consultant. The C on su lta~t shall furnish
to t ~e Cl'y one corr.plet2 set of "Record Set Ora·Nings". in Auto CAOO (computer-a ided
d2sgn and d,aTtlng l Ve,sion 2000 or such other forma t ascepta~ le to the City .
A2 .05 -14 The Co nsu ltant shall furnish to the City a sim plified site plan and floor plan (s)
reflecting "as,built" cond itions with graph ic sca le and north arrol'l. Plans must show room
names. room num ber3 , overall dimensions . square footage of ea ch flo or and all fonts used
in the draw'ngs Two sets of drawings sha ll be furn ished on 24 " X 36" sheets and one
electronic copy .
A2 .06-1 S The Con su ltant sha ll assist the City in the completion of the Cont ractor's
performance evalu ation during cons truction work and upon final completion of the Project.
The following time frames are sequential from the date of the NTP. A co ncu rrent project timeline
is attached as Schedule A5
Development of Objectives TBD dUring Negot.a!.on s
II Sd:ernaiic 0025:91 TBD dU ring Negotiations
III Des:gr: Deve'cpr:oent TBD dUring ~Ieg ot. a t:on s

IV 30),') Construction Documents TBD dUring Negotiations

URBAN DES IGN :'1 ' 10 L"\ ,' IDSC,.\?E ,.l ?·:I-l ITEC TLPE Er'lIGI NEEP ING SE RVICES i=" J P
lilYj\j1h OOD N't'J 3~O; A IE NUE 'I'/OOf\.,EPF
City of fvliami. Florida RFO 16-17-049

V 60 >0 Const ~u ct .on DocL.rr;ents TBO du nng Negotiations

/) Construction Docum ents TB D dUring Negct :at ior.s
VII 0 0/ - Run Perml t lng TBO dunng Ne~ c t , a: , ons

VIII F,r"'a 1 Con struction Documents TSD dUri ng Ne';,on s

IX S,dd lng and a'Nacd of Construction Contract TB O dunng Negot lat:ons
X Const;uctlon Contract Administration TBO dunng Negot:a: :ons
Se rvices ca:egorized b"do'N as ·Ajd i:,onal Serv ices·' may be specified and authorized by City and
a ~ e norma lly cons idere d tJ be be/Jnd the scope of the Basic Services . Additional Serv ices shall
either be id,mtified in a Wor~, Order or sha ll be authorized by prior written approva l of the Di rector
or City tl-Iana]e r a1d ;',HI be comr:er.sated for as provided in Attachme nt 8 Arti cle 83 .05 , Fees
f or Add iti o nal Services .
Except as may te speciiied in Atta ~hme nt A, Sc hedu le A-I , Sub consultants /Subc o ntractors
herein. Add i t i ona~ Se rvices mal inc~ude , but a~2 not limited to the following·
A 3.02 -1 APPRAISALS Inv2stigation a,1d creation of ceta iled appra isa :s and
va :u3tion3 of e'(:s~ l ng fa: i!::,e3 , a.l d su rveys or inventories in cor.nect ion with const ru ction
performed by City .
A3 .02- 2 SPECIAl TY DESIGN Any add itiona l specia l profess iona l services not
included in the Sco,e of Work .
A3 .02 -3 P R ~ ·D ES 1 GN SU?VEYS AND TESTI NG Environme,1ta l investigations . site
eva 1u3ticJns. or compa rative stud ieS of prospective SiteS . Surveys of the existing structure
requirej to com;Jlete as-built documentation are not add itional services
A3 .02·4 EXTE NDED TESTI NG AND TRA INING Extended assista nce beyond that
provided under Bas ic Services for the initial start-up . testing adjusting and ba lancing of
any equ ipment or system : extended training of City's pe rsonnel in operation and
maintenance of equipment and systems . and consu ltation during such tra ining and
prepa ration of operating a ~d ma intenance manuals . other tha n those provided by the
Contractor. subcontractor . or equipment manufa ctu rer.
A3.02·5 Jl.1 AJOR R~ VISIONS ~,1ak i ng majo r revis ions to drawin gs and specifications
resulting in or from a chang e in Scope of Work. when such rev isions are inc onsistent with
written approva ls or instruction s previously given by City and are due to ca uses beyond
the control of Consultant. (~Iajor revisions are defined as those changing the ScoPe of
Work and arrangement of spaces and/or scheme and/or any sign ificant portion thereof) .
A3 .02·6 EXPERT IfIITN~SS ' Prepa ring to serve or serving as an expert witness in
connection with any med iation . arbitration or legal proceeding . provid ing . however. that
Consultant cannot test i ~/ aga inst City in any proceed ing during the course of th is
A3.02·7 MISCELLANEOUS Any other services not otherwise included in this Agreement
or not customarily furnished in acco rdan ce with generally accepted
arch itectura l/engineering practice related to construction.
The Cit; may at ItS option . elect to proceed with add itio nal services relating to the Project.

URBA:'-J OE3":;~J .',, 1\0 L..l., ~ CSCA? E AP:Ht TECTlJPE ENGI N EERING SEP'jICES c .J P
City of Miami. Florida RFQ 16- 17-049


Re im bursable Expenses cover those services and items authorized by the City in add ition to the
Basic and Additional Services and cons ist of actua l. direct expend itures made by the Consu ltant
and the Sub consu ltant for the purposes listed below. Transportation. travel and per diem
expenses shall not be consid ered as reim bursable expenses under this Agreement.
A4 .0 1-1 COMMUN ICATIONS EXPENSES Iden tifiable communication ex penses
approved by the Project ~,Ianager. long distance te lephone courier and express ma il
between the Co nsu lta nfs va rious permanent offices and Sub consulta nts. The
Consu ltanf s field office a: the Project site is not considered a permanent office . Cell
pho nes wi ll not be conside re d as reimbursable expenses unde r this Agreement.
A4 .01-2 REP RODUC TION. PH OTOGR APH Y: Cost of prin ting reprodu ction or
photog raphy . beyo nd tha: ·"hich is required by or of the Consu ltaM s part of the work . set
fort h in this Agreement
A4 .01·3 GEOTECH NICAL IN VESTIGATION Identifiable So il Borings and Reports and
tesLng costs approved by the Project ~. lanager.
A4.0 1·4 PER MIT FEE S All Pe rmit fees pa id to reg ulatory agen cies for appro'J3:s direc tly
2:tri tutat le to the Proje ct . These perm it fees do not include tho se perm its required to be
pa id by the Consulta nt.
A 4.01·S SURVEYS Site survs;s and spec ial pu rpo se surveys when pre-au thorized by
the Project ~,Ianager .
A4 .0 1·6 OT HER. I:sms not ind icated in Article A4 . Re imbursable Expenses . when
authorized by the Project ~. \ana]er .
The Ci:, will re imbu rse the Cor,sJ1t?nt for aJthorized Reimbursab le Expe nses pursuant tCl the
lim itatio ns of this Agreement 23 verif'ed by supporting documentation deemed appropria:e b,
Director or their designee includi.1g . w:thout limitation , detailed bi lls. itemized invoices and/or
cop ies of cancelled checks.
Re im bursable Sub co nsul:ant eX;Jenses are lim ited to the items descrited above when the Sub
consultant·s ag ' ee ment provices for reimbursable expenses and when such ag reement ha3 been
previou sly approved . in writing by the Di rector and subject to all budgetary limita:ions of the City
and requirements of this Agreement
City. at its expense and insofar as performance under this Agreement may requ ire. may furnish
Consultant with the information described below. or. if not readily ava ilable. may authorize
Consultant to provide such information as an Additional Service . eligible as a Reimbursable
Expen se .
AS .01·1 SURVEYS Complete and accura te surveys of building sites. giving boun dary
dimensions . locations of existing struc tures. the gra des and lines of street pavement. and
adjoi ning properties the rights . restrict ions . easements . bounda ri es . and topograph ic data
of a bu ild;ng site and ex isting u ilities information regard ing sewer . water . gas. telephone
and/or electrica l services .
AS .01·2 SOIL BORI NGS. GEOTECHNICAL TESTING · Soil borings or test pits . chem ical
mecha nica l structura l or other tests when deemed necessa ry: and. If req ui red . an

UP.8..'. ,'i DE .3 ,(;N ~ ,'j D UN DSC APE ..\;; :I-I-=CTUPE ENGI NEERING SER'/lCES FOP
V'!YN'v'I OOO NV, 3" : "W::NUE \I'JOO N E~F
City of Miam i. Florida RFO 16-17-049

appropriat" prof"ss ion al interpretation there of and recommendations Consu ltant sha ll
re commend necessary tests to City.
AS .01-3 GEN~RAL PROJECT INFORMATI ON Information rega rding Project Budget.
City and S:a:e procedu res . guidelines . forms. formats. and ass istance req uired
estaoli shing a progra m pursuant to Article A2.02 . Sche matic Design.
AS .01-4 EXISTING DRA't/ INGS Drawings representin g as-bui lt cond itions at the time of
orig ina l co n s ~ructlon. subject to as-bu ilt ava ilability. However. such drawings. if provided.
are not wa rranted to represent cond itions as of the date of rece ipt. Consultant must still
perform field investiga:'on s as necess a ~1 in accordance with .t,rticle A2 0 1. Developme nt
of Objecti'l es. to obtain sufficien t inform ation to perform its services. Investigative services
in excess of item ized requ irements . "Normal Requ irements" . must be authorizeG in
ad vance.
AS .01 -S RELI ABILITY . The services. inform ation. surveys and reports described in
iI.rt icles A5 .0 1-1 through AS 01-4 aoove . shall be furnished at City's expense . and
Consultan t shall be ent:t:ed tJ rely upon the accuracy and completeness thereof provid ed
Consu l:a.1 t has ri:'I'ewed a!1 such informa:ion to dete rmine if add itional in formation andl or
testing is required to properly des ign the Project.
AS .02-1 Du ring construction . Consultant and the Project ~,la nager sha:1 assu me the
res.cons :biJ:tie s described in the g'anera l condition s and supp lemen ta ry cond itions of the
c on3 ~ lUc t ~ on con~la::t r= ! a ~ l.r. g to review and atJprova: of the construction v/ork by the
Co ntractor.
AS .02-2 I; Cit/ obser'I':s 0- ot:1-="Nise beco~'as 2wa r2 of 2.1Y fa 'Jlt or defecLv8 Work in the
Proj-2ct or ot~ e ~ noncon formailce IvV: t;, the contra:t during construction . Cit'y' Sh 3 11 give
prompt notice thereof to Consu ltant.

LPBA ~ I DESi.:;N .J. ,\j D L ,.l. ~,C5 :,l?::' u.P:h "':: :r .JPE E'\I GI NEER INS SE?'/ICES C2R
City of Miam i. Florida RFQ 16- 17-049







UP8;l.~j OE.3iG~ j .!~ j D l.;X 'J :::)SC,lPE ~R:~I ~ =:T J D!: ='.GI NEEqIN'J SEP'/ICES FOR



The fees for Professional Servic es for each Work Order sha ll be determined by one of the
following methods or a comb ination thereof. at the option of the Director or desig nee. with the
consent of the Consultant.
a) A Lump Sum as defined in Article 83 .01. Lump Sum.
b) An Hourly Rate as ce fined in Article 8302 . Hourly Rates . and at the rates set forth
pursuant to the same .
The aggregate sum of all pay me~ts for fe es and costs. including reimbursable expenses . to the
Consultant payable by the City under this Ag reement shall be limited to the amount specified in
Article 2.04-1. Compensation Lim its as the maximum compe nsation limit for cumulative
expenditures unde r this Ag reement. Under no circumstances will the City have any liability for
work performed , or as otherwise mal be alleged or cla 'med by the Consultant , beyond the
cumula :ive amount provided here in. except where specifically approved in accorda nce with the
City Cods by the City ~,la ,1a g er or City Commission as applic able as an increase to the Ag reement
and put into e:fect via an Amendment to this Agreement.
Absent an amend ment to the Agreement or t ~ any specific Work Order, any max imum do ll ar or
pe rcentage amounts sta ted for compensation shall not be exceeded. In the event they are so
exceeded . the City sha ll have no lia~ ili ty or respons ibility for paying any amount of such excess .
which will be at the Consultant's own cost and expense
All fe es and compen sation p3;able under this Agreement shall be formulated and based upon
the averages of the certified Wage Ra tes that have been received and approved by the Director.
The averages of sa id certified Wage Rates are summa rized in Attac hment B. Sc hedul e B1 -
W age Rates Sum mary , incorporated herein by re fer ence. Sa id Wage Rates are the effective
direct hourly ra te s. as approved by the City. of the Consultant and Sub consultant employees in
the specified profession s and job ca tegories that are to be utilized to provide the services under
this Agreement, regardless of manner of compensation .
Atta chment B . Schedu le B1 - Wag e Rates Summary identifies the professions . job categories
and/or employees expected to be used during the term of this Ag re ement. These include
architects. eng ineers, landsca;.Je archit2ctS . profession al in tern s, des igners , CADD technicians.
project managers , GIS and environmental specia lists, specification writers , clerica l/admin istrative
support. and others engaged in the Work. In determ in ing compensation for a given Scope of
Work . the City reserves the right to re commend the use of the Consultant employees at particular
Wage Rate levels.
For Work ass igned under thi s Agreement . a maxim um multiplier of 2.9 for home office and 2.4 for
field office sha ll apply to Consultants hou rly Wage Rates in calculating compensation payable by
the City Sa id multipl ier is intended to cover the Consultant emp loyee benefits and the
Cons ulta nts profit and overhead . including without limitatio n, office rent. local te lephone and
utility charges office and drafting supplie s. depreciation of equipment. professiona l dues .

URB,lN m::.s,Gri .l,ND L.l, :'-IDSC,lPE .l. ~:r'I-=:TuPE = \! r,JI NE!:. Ri NG SERVICE.S FOP
WY N'/ ,QOO N\'J 3~: A, J !:NUE 'v'JQO NEPF 133

subscriptions . stenograph ic. adm inistrative and clerical support. other employee time or tra'ie l
and subsistence not directly related to a project.
Sa id Wa ge Rates are to be utilized by the Consu lta nt in ca lculating compensation payable for
specific ass ignmenls and Work Orders as req ueS!i=d by the City . The Consultant sha ll idenlify Job
classifications. ava ilable staff and projected man-hours requ ired for the proper completion of tasks
and/or groups of tasks . milestones and delive rables identified under the Scope of Work as
eemplified in Attachme nt A, Schedule A2 - Key Sta ff.
Regardless of the method of com pensa ti on elected here in, compensation paid by the City shall.
via the ~,lult i plie r. cover all the Cons ulta nt costs including . without li mita tion , employee fringe
benefits (e.g . s;ck leave. vaca tion. holiday unemployment taxes . retirement. med ical. insurance
and unemployment benefits) and an oVe rhead fact or Failure to comply with this section sha ll be
cause for cance ll ation of this Ag reement.
There shall be no escalation clause as part of this Agreement.
The City agrees to pa'j the Co ns ultant. and the Cons ultant agrees to accept for services rendered
pursuant to th is Ag reement. fees computed by one or a combination of the methods outli ned
a':;ove. as a?plicable. in the fo llowing manner:
83 .01 LU MP SUM
Comrens3tion for a Scope of Wor:< ca ,' be a Lump Sum and must be mutually agreed upon in
'tlrilin g by the City and the Consult ant and stat"d in a Work Order. Lu mp Sum compensation is
the pref,med method of compensation.
B3.0 1·1 LU ~ IP SU M. Shall be the total amount of compensation where all aspects of
Work are clea rly defin ed quantified and calculated .
B3 .0 1·2 MODIFICATI ONS TO lUMP SU M: If the Cit; authorizes a substantial or material
chang'" in the Scope of Serv ices. the Lump Sum compensation for that portion of the
S", rvices may be eq~ i :ably a ~d proportionately adju sted by mutual consent of the Director
or ces 'gnee and Consu lt3nt, suoject to such a~d i t i onal a~prova ls as may be req uired by
legislation or ordi nance.
B3 .01·3 Lump Su m compensation sha ll be calculated by Consultant. utilizing the
Wag e Rates established here in includ ing multiplier. and reimbursable expenses . Prior to
Issuing a Work Order, the City may req uire Consultant . to verify or justify its requested
Lump Sum compensation . Such verification sha ll present sufficient information as
depicted in Attachment A , Schedule A2 . Key Staff
B3 .02·1 Hou rly Rate Fees sha ll be those rates for Consultant and Sub consu ltant
employees identified in Attachm ent B, Schedul e B1 . Wage Rates Summary . All hourly
rate fees will include a maximum not to exceed figure . inclusive of all costs expressed in
the contract documents . The City sha ll have no liability for any fee . cost or expense above
this figure
B3.02 ·2 COND ITIONS FO R USE : Hourly Rate Fees sha ll be used on ly in those
instances where the pa rtie s agree that it is not possible to determine. define. quantify
and/or cal culate the complete nat ure. and/or as pects. tasks . man-hours. or milestones for
a particular Project or portion thereof at the time of Work Order issuance. Hourly Rate

UPBAN DESIG \J AI'I !) L.l.NDSC.,lPE ..l. ?:MI ~::: ,:T ... PE Ef\IG I NEER!~IG SER',ICES F·JR
ItN \j','ICCD '-},'I 3:>: ..1. IENUE I;'JOON EI:!L

Fees may be util ized for Add itional Work that is simila rly indeterm inate. In such cases . the
City will establish an Allowance in the Work Order that sha ll serve as a Not to Exceed Fee
for the Work to be performed on an Hourly Rate Basis.
Any fees for authorized reimbursable expenses shall not include charges for the Consultant
hand ling . offi ce rent or overhead expenses of any kind. including local telephone and utility
charges . office and draft ing supplies. depreciation of equipment , professional dues. subscriptions,
etc .. reproduction of drawings and specifications (above the quantities set forth in th is
Agreement) , ma iling , stenog raph ic. clerical. or other employees time or travel and subsistence
not directly related to a project. All reimbursable services shall be billed to the City at direct cost
expended by the Consultant. City authorized reprod uctions in excess of sets required at each
phase of the Work will be a Reimbursable Expense ,
The City will reimburse the Co nsultant for authorized Reimbursable Expenses pursuant to the
lim ita:ions of th is Ag reement as verified by supporting documentation deemed appropriate by
Director or the ir designee includ ing. without lim itation, detailed bills , itemized invoices and/or
copies of cancelled checks .


The design of aj(Jit;ve and ded uctive alternates contemplated as part of the orig inal Scope for a
Project as a ~th orize d by the Director will be considered as part of Basic Services , The design of
add itive and deductiv,,: ait2rnates that are beyond th e original Scope of Work and construction
budget may be bil led to the Cit; as Add itional Services , The fees for alternates will be calcu lated
by one of the three methods outli ned above . as mutually ag reed by the Director and the
The Consultan t may be a~thorized to perform Additional Services for which add itional
compensa:ion and/or Reimbursable Expenses , as defined in this Agreement under Articles A4
and B303 respectively , may be applicable. The Consultant sha!1 utilize the Work Order Proposal
Form and worksheets which can be found on the City's Webpage at
h t ~'J /I"JVhW mia;-ni go'/ comt'CI TP/form s htrll.

The webpage also provides the procedures for completing these forms . Fa ilure to use the forms
or follow the procedures will result in the rejection of the Work Order Proposal.
83 ,05-1 DETERM INATI ON OF FEE : The compensation for such services will be one of
the methods described herein: mutually ag reed upon Lump Sum or Hourly Rate with a Not
to Exceed Li mit.
83 ,0 5-2 PROC EDURE AND COMPLIANCE : An independent and deta iled Notice to
Proceed (NTP) , and an Amendment to a specific Work Order, shall be required to be
issued and signed by the Director for each additional service req uested by the City , The
NTP will specify the fee for such service and upper li mit of the fee . which shall not be
exceeded , and sha ll comply with the City of Miami regulations . includ ing the Purchasing
Ord inance, the Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act. and other applicable laws.
83 ,05-6 FEE LIMITATI ONS : Any authorized compensation for Additional Services , either
professiona l fees or reimbursable expenses , shall not include add itional charges for office
rent or overhead expenses of any kind . includ ing local telephone and utility charges , office
and drafting supplies , depreciation of equipment. profess ional dues , subscriptions . etc ,
reprodu ction of drawings and specifications . ma iling stenographic , clerica l. or other


employees time or Iravel and subsistence not directly related to the Project. For all
reimbu rsable se rvices and Sub consultant costs. the Consu lta nt will apply the multiplier of
one (1.0) times the amount expended by the Consultant.
The Consultant sha ll not be compensated by the City for revis ions and/or modificatio ns to
drawings and spec ifica!ions . for extended construction administration. or for other work whe n
such " Iork is dee to errors or omiss ions of the Consultant. as determined by the City
If a project is suspended for the convenience of the City for more than three months or terminated
without any cause in whole or in part. during any Phase. the Consultant shall be pa id for services
duly authorized . performed pr ior to such suspension or termination . together with the cost of
authorized reimbursable services and expenses then due. and all appropriate . applicable and
documented expenses resultin g from such suspensio n or termi nalion. If the Project is resumed
after having bee n suspended for more than three months . Ihe Cons ultant's further compensation
shall be subject to renegotiations
Payme nt s for Basic Services mal be requested monthly in proportion to services performed
during ea:h Phase of the V'lork . The Sub consultant fees and Reimbursab le Expenses shall be
bi lled to the City in the aeLla l a'Tloun! paid by the Consultant. The Consultant sha ll util ize the
Cit/s Invoice Form wh ich ca1 be found on the OCI webs ite at
r.t~ ')'/"',,',., ,,', r ,i Yf, i.:: ; cc~ '::; ITD ":'T s r !",L Failure to subm it invoice(s) within 60 days following
the provision of Servic es conta ined in such invoice may be cause for a find ing of default. Fa il ure
to use the Cit, Form wiil result in rejection of the invoice .


For those Projects and Work Orders where comprehensive des ign services are stipula!ed . sa id
payments sha ll. in the aggregate . not exceed the percentag e of the estimated tota l Basic
Compensation indicated below for each Phase .


Invoices subm itted by the Consulta nt sha!! be sufficiently detailed and accompanied by supporting
documentation to all ow for proper audit of expenditures . When services are authorized on an
Hourly Rate basis. the Consultant sha ll submit for approva l by the Director. a duly certified invoice .
giving names . class ification. sa lary ra te per hour, hou rs worked and total charge for all personnel
directly engaged on the Project or task . To the sum thus obtained. any authorized Reimbursable
Services Cost mal be added. The Consultant shall attach to the Invoice all supporting data for
payments made to and incurred by the Sub consultants engaged on the ProJect. In addition to the
invoice. the Consultant sha ll. for Hourly Rate autho rizations , submit a progress report giving the
percentage of comp le tion of the Project development and the tota l estimated fee to completion.
Payment for Additional Services may be requested monthly in proportion to the services
performed . When sllch services are authorized on an Hou rly Rate bas is. the Consultant sha ll
subm it for approva l by the Director . a duly certified invoice. giving names . classification. salary
rate per hou r. hours worked and tota l charge for all personnel directly engaged on the Project or
task . To the su m thus obta ined . any authorized Reimbursable Services Cost may be added The


Consultant shail attach to the invoice all supporting data for paymen ts made to or costs Incurred
by the Sub consultants engaged on the Project or ta sk.
In add ition to the invoice. the Consulta nt sha ll. for Hourly Rate authorizations. submit a progress
report giving the percentage of completion of the Project development and th e total est imated fee
to completion .
No deductions shall be made from the Consultanfs compensation on accoun t of liquidated
damages assessed ag ains! contractors or other sums withheld from payments to contractors .
85.0 1 GENERAL
Re imbursable ExpenSes are t ~o se items authorized by the City outside of or in add ition to the
Scope of Work as identified in the Work Order (as Bas ic Services and/or Additional Services) and
consist of a ~tual ex~end : tures made by the Consultant and the Consultants' employees. the Sub
consu ltants . and the Specia ~ ty Sub consultants in the interest of the Work for the purposes
identified below
B5 .01-1 TR ANSPORTATION : Transportation shall not be considered as reimbursable
expenses under this Ag reement.
85.01 -2 TRAVEL A~JD Pe R DIE',': Trave l and pe r diem expenses shall not be cons idered
as re imbursable expenses under this Agreement.
85 .0 1-3 CO~, 1.\1 U N I CAT I ON EXPENSES: Identifiable communication expenses
appro'ed by the Project I,Ianager. lo ng distance telephone , courier and express ma il
between Consultant and Sub consultants .
B5 .0 1-4 RE PRODUC TION . PHOTOGRAPH Y: Cost of print ing reproduction or
photog raphy. beyond that wh ich is requ ired by or of th e Consultan t to deliver servic es set
forth in th is Agreement. A!I reimbursable expe nses must be accompa~ied by satisfactory
B5.01-5 PE RM IT FEES : All Permit fees paid to regulatory ag encies for approvals direct ly
a:tributable to the Project. These permit fees do not include those pe rmits required to be
paid by the construction Contractor.
85.01-6 S URVEYS : Site surveys and special purpose surveys when pre-authorized by
the Project Manager.


Reimbursable Sub consultant's expenses are lim ited to the items described above when the Sub
consultant ag reement provides for re im bursable expenses and when such agreement ha s been
previously approved in writing by the Director and subject to all budgetary limitations of the City
and requi rements of Article B5 , Re imbursable Expenses. herein .
It is und erstood that all Consultan t ag reem ents andlo r work Orders for new work will include the
provision for the re-use of pla ns and specifications . including construction drawings. at the City'S
sole option . by wtue of signing this agreement they agree to a re-use in accordance With th is
provision witho ut the necessity of fu rther approvals . compensation. fees or documents be ing
required and without recourse for such re-use .

NY N';Jf)OD N'// 3~: ,.l',E'JUE v'/OONERF



(Multiplier Applied)




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Il oI.M S'vV 2no Ave nue· 8m Floor
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n·.03 Fr ~~o;).;:r hcr8~y a :k~o·.v i 2cg e 5 anc af.irms to t~ e con te n:s of tliis RFQ. It3 Proposal
iha rE: :j. Ind ... c l;"":£; "... ':!"OL.: lirn itai:ion ar'y A.:cencum or all A d ~2nd a ha'le been re ad . ur.derstxd
anlj aSf!?>?'::' to -:-'1 lnt;j ar:c corrp ie t:nfj th8 spac es provided telo·.... ·

Adden c Ur l ~; o. 1. D:i tel'.! J Vf'..Z .3-i'" ,::;0 n

AC: cenccm No. 2. Da:ec J V .rJ... ,) to ~" .:2.0\1-
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1\1.~1' Ie,·, t-IL '5 0 ~v<' "\, \ Ii 12 I' ,HI \1-
61. 1. RFQ No .: 16-17-04 9

I y thd~ a:-::, a"\1 a ~ ! irf.:rrr a:ior ccr.ra l'"":ec ir thiS RFO is tn..e I cer.:l ~y tha: th is R'=O IS rlaJo::?
,-!Itrout pntY t, .. ccrS;:3rC!.1!; . agreerr.en t. or ccnnectior.s with any :::cQora t.on. fr:T1 or ~efso r
3t..t· r.1i~: i rg a R,=Q fef tr.e sa iT.e materials . su~;;l ies, eq u : t. cr S6r, lce.:; and is In all res::>e.::t,;
far and 'A lt;"O!.. ; CCI:L.3 en or fr aJd ! agra-a to a::: 1(~ e by an terrT;S anc cond itions of the R~Q a ~c
Cl"c:r:If.: tha : I a-' a..:(nor·l -?C to sigr for the Prq::oser's fir m. P:e3 Se pnn t the followlI 1'; anc sigrl
your na'11/:? '

F' rJpos:ng F'f;-fs Name

..... 1 \
Pnnr: lc.=!1 BUS iness A d';rass

1\~ - 1f ;>~ \j ~l--

Telc orone
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S.3 No 018 ~ o3':3731

Qu a ,i eJ If' Kln g3 Cour,!y
M i Co"'-'rn,s')lon Exp i res 06·20· 2Q20

I fur:!",,,r ce"d I !!'.}: SJ, '~ r'.;:5ciJ..:;r' 15 new Ie f ~ ! for: e ar.::: etf~ ':.' .

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... rCJIl Ce5 ..,;n .:Jn~ _a ll oJ S':d~e "\:cnlt~.: :ureJ~ I·g f1 ee"'ng Se; '" ee3
'or :r"! ':I I" w C~)'~ 1'4',,/ ] ...c :" /~"ue '.~" ')Ol'~rl

RFQ 15-17 -O.! 9

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At t:~ r r~as a '-a ;)le nctl:e to a1 a.:tu.1i or p ros~ect 'Ie ccr.!ractJal party . 3"C af; -:;r
r9,1$ ':'l1a8"19 o;:p.; r.u r: ,ty 10 suer; par:y to b€: heard . t h ~ C \1 M.J 1 a g~ r . af~er conSJIt.J!lcr.
. . . ,t·' InA Chle: P:-OCL.:r211-:'r l O::jcer e-'c
tt:{; Cit/ A :!o" e} s ~ a ll hJ I~ t~ e J U:hO'.I, :0
d~bar a actJai P3r:'t fcr :hB CdL..Sf;!S IIs:ej t'€lov./ fron cl:nsicar3~ :o n ~c r oW I r ~ of
Cit·, cr.. . rtrar:lS T- e Ct: ::',;.v ;...-,e,... t sh ..;ul c e: :or a pl~f'od of rc: fe',~ er thd n Ir f ee y'33fS Tt:c
CII/ r.;l arago:!r 5:1.:;11 .1 5.) r-a'e ttie a.rhor;{! to s ... sp :!,"':d a c.:)n :ra ctcr fron- cor :)I {~ er.J ( 10 1l
fc r a"/'Iord of CII/ C Gnl~ aL 1 3 ,: tt~e r e IS .crob aDIi} Cat,5e fer c ec;d nnent. Pe",c 1no the
j (::: a f T ,er.t d ,:; tcl rrr,I,-" lt!Gn, t;-cl a~t :l .; r :'j t.) :j e:.:I ' a 'ld sus;Jenc cor!r<lctors shJ !l Co'!
e ·(~r.:l s e rj 111 a :c o r ~anc~ 'N;:."' rP,9 Jla:lol1s. wh ch 5'l all be ;sSLJ ~ d by the Ct1 1e f
Pror:~ rernent Officer aft oa r a;);: ro\JJ ! OJ' I r, ~ City ~ylJnag 9~ , th:~ Co::; A:t (j r:1 ~ i, ard tt, ~
Cit, Comm isSion.

1. C.)n',ICl or f,')r c,~r- ,T, S-;Ir;n of.3 crirl'l~ a J cffC!P s':: . . to ottai nlng or attem pting
nc ; c~ t
to c tta ,n .3 Ol..tJ ic or ;:: rI'ia~~ c :)ct ~ ~,:t cr sl,ccor,:rac:, or IncIden t to the periorma:1ce
o f such C:Jlllrac t ::J( Sl..Ct:ort."'3C:

2. Cor.'l'etton un ~ d S:<.1 : ~ or f":;C0(~1 5:dl ...t~j oj err. :J e.:z ~ e T c r t_ ti.e:;, fcr~<J ri , bnt>e.-y,
f.] ':;I;iC,T lor: c ( c e.str'.Jc:,on cf racer'; ::., rece,'i ',1'; slci :=: r. pr i) ~ f:(:Y cr anI o: l~ er
of' eflse in '~ lc a: in ~ a lac,.; i)r bus r~eS3 W!2g:-i! j or cuslness nor €::it"j.

3. Con'/lc llcr u"'C\~'r s!.:1 :~ or fed ~:aJ ario l(:.JS! s:a t... tc s am;i.n.; cu t of the 5ucn'lssicn o f
bl(!s or Respons ds

..! V cJa:l:)n of C~ '~ : :'3 c l p .::l'I!Slons. 'l,hiCh is re garc~rl t: 'j the Ch l".!f Proc ~reme 'i t
Otf cer te Co2 ir':C , c a t,·. ~ of nOf"' - '2'spo nslbilrt'l. Such violation may Include! fa lL,r':;!
wl ;ncul gc oc C3 iJS e !(j ~ er.o r m in a cr: c~j d ... ce W t ~'~ the te'ms a l~ d conditions of a
con trat::l or to r; r;rfor:1 ' ,... . d ·jn the t me l,f7HtS pro Ylced In a cor.tract. pro\l!c ed Ih3t
fa dure Ie p~rfo rf"1 causl3'd by ac:s ce yacd tht~ c::m trcl of a par.y sr.all not b.a
co nsidered a baSIS fur c eb a ~11 e nt cr susperS lon .

5 Debarrrent or 5 U :5~enSlcn of ihe ccnt-actl..:al party by a,,",-y feceral . stat ~ or olh 8r

g (J 'Iernn~en!a

6 F-3 l s~ ce:1:r:catIOr. purs ... a'1t 10 pa ragraph (c) below ,

7. Any othe~ caus~ jucc;ec by the Clt'l f\.lanager to ce so Sdrious and compeJl Ir.g a s
to affect th~ respcnsrbl!,ty of the cor tra r:tua i party ~erformlng City con tracts .

U ro.~ n :)P.;'4 f1 ,ne L i m::i -:: a ~<:! A r" n tr~l;t !lr'~/ r:,' g n,~er' n~ S~f'<IC05
;0 ; 'r.t v'i,IiW,")O j M V 3:C A. er' L9 'N ooneI""'
Cili of Marn , Flc('.:!=3 RFQ16- 17-C4J

>I' ,, ~ I

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" '?' :F.

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·~\l CGnlrai: :S fo~ GI')GC'> arc 3 "': ,~·l'ceJ sa lt.'"5 , ar.d leJ 3eS by the Ci t'! sl"'aU CG r :~l n a
2[-:r:.';('.1:,:;n :~lat re,:7't2 r II"',e c::::r:ract'J31 par~y nor ar,y of It5 pn nc,pai Qwno;;!rs or
~,'!r30 ~ ne j rid;; te~!i c:,I'.vic:eoj ci a;'I',' of Ire " i o l..l ~lc n s set for.r aCID'>€' or ct:'barrl?d Of
susper.ced a~ Se! for!r n :,a "'3~()iJr C~) (5).

T' " . ~r · ',-:t~r::;Jl;"~<: re:·et·, CC.~ f cs tl',): nt-~llh(lr t,e (·orW.J:' :~i,)1 p.l'ly r·or <:i1Y of lIs pr ,n':::8.11
,,: ·,"'J~~ I J :;r ::,.:'~ jonre i h~l s c· ee r~ r:C'r"l'·/ ! (.:")(~ 0; ai~l 0' t' e '/ loialicrs s,?t fcr::I 3 JO'le or deCd ,·r.:·C
:;~ s .•':; .:::e ~ df;!C 3$ 5~: fsr..h ir p;j(J>;;raph {C; (5:

I, \ '-I I': " I ., 1 .. · · b 0 .c, II(in.""

..JL,u.\.LIJ_t1,-,.~t~"'''~\'-,'';~_'_~T,v-+l_t_..,;..--"V,-,- I, -
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IJ, :;.-tn CU"'''..j f1 'i re ... dfll; ;:iC.1P<J Arc h lte;lure ~rgme '-'m"'l<j S~"""'CI1';
'0: 1'11' W , r' .... tOd :-"'/, J 'I..: I\ ·" ~ rt.. ,.! '/I, xrtl'rt

CIty of ~,,' l iami , Flcrida RFQ 16-17-0J9

CElHI FIC I T E OF CO .\ I Pl.I .\ .' Cf: WIT H SECT IO"
( ~. \
):-~~I, ' \ ',';,: ~ ~;::< ~\f'
her~by cer.,!!

~ ..I: " . ,,--:,
. .\, ar:l the (Pres1d03rt S~cre:arJ or
Pr:rcl;:-alj or \ " _,-' > ~ "~~ 1..>., \." .: (1:;. ( <f · It"~,,,· L ' I l"'/l (Proposing Firm );
iI; ! nJ';<j r8:Jc S~c Lo ns 13-87 of tr-e CIty' cf l\ liam: Procurened Ccce:
(Proposing Firm ) ( ' .~ (' k· J.: ( >1 \,,~: t( ~! ! . i It "(.. ~I t<:~:.'rre reb y
r' agr~es to
ClS3:gr. a r..Ir.Ir:iUr.i of'fWeen per::e .l t ( 15~'o)lof the cont rac~ value to firms CLrreniJ!
cer:Jie': bj Ma r, li-Dace Cot: n i~1 as a COmmLnl!/ clis ;nes3 Enterprise C'CBE"):

IV } (Prop osin g Firm ) _____ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ hereby is certified

b/ :\1.2.111-Cac e COL:nty as 3 C8':: f:ri1 arc 'N il s2!f-perform ~o meet U"',e fi ft~en
;:er:e.'il ( 15~ ~) CBE rec; uireie'"'t. A,1 a c~i '/e co~y of :r e responc'ent's CSE certif;catl0n
rr;us ~ 08 inc!uc'ec 111 the proposal docum E; flt.


v) (Pr opos ing Firm) hereby a ~ree5

1::1 n"ake a 3sigr~m e n :3 purs uant t o it em (ii i). above , to certified eS E firm3 who
rna nt3 1n a ·Local Office ," as defined ir: City Codt! Se ction 18-73:

NO" .";. ~:l~~E~~;;~;~'~WY(
No . OIBn634J731
. , K:r'~~~
COUNTY OF ~QE _ ) Q u a l i ill~3d :n KIng o; Counly
~ t-.--l {.- '::> M 'I Comm is:; lon S.(.Jlfes 06 -20-202 ""-

6~fore rr e ,~I'Jolary Publ:c cu ly cqmmis3ioned, qualified ane acting personally. appea red
.J ";' '~ \ \t'r OJs-Irc\C
' to ",e well known, who be <n g by ",e
rrs! d l..;!Y 3'Norn upon o a~,1 says ttl at hei she has been authorized to execute the foregoing
Cer.fica:e of Compliance with Section 18-87 of the City of ~..Iiami Procuremenl Code on behalf
of Proposing Firm named there in in favor of the City.

SLb,c,ibe~ ane Sworn to beiore me this YV c: ']1/

y f . ('It _
. , ,20.1..-:;-
My commission exp ires : 'tf(tiC(/ ~' /3«<-.
(!rj-2t' -20?b
Bonded by·

U r~<ln Ct:! -;Iqr ow"; Uwt:scape A,·~hltectLre.' ::::-g:Ineer' ng Ser.;IC,~S

'c r :h e W yn waod t-.'I'/ 3':>u Averue Wooner
Letter of Agreement (LOA)
Communi t:- BU5ino.: S5 Ent~rpri se Prog raJT~ (' C BE ')

~~~ ~
Local Offi ce La ndscape and Urban Design
I'lme or Pr ime Pro poser / Dc sign.Bu ilJ f irm

1:1 r~ spon5 e to R.FQ RFP \: t.: r.'.rer 16-17-0..t3 . tb~ u r.ce:-s igr~~d hcr-:b:, ar;!t's to ut iliz ~ th~ Community Business
[r:: ,.'r;::,ri.:;~('C B=" ) I::-;n li_~t-:j bc! 0'.\ . J:'c :-fJr;:-::;:; tl":2 stJt : .~ \\0f~, a.: t~c S[J.~ ;!J po;;'r:e:-: ~ J:;-:. if J '.\Jd~J the' con::-:!(L TI ~~
u:.':,,:-rs:;::-;!J f ... ;: r:c-:' c:;-;;r:.25 r!-:a: r:-,t;;' f: i':11 r .Ji bc·.:n ( or. :J~to;;'c 3rLi properly ::!r:-~ri s cd o~' t;;o;;' prej-:c(~~ \ ~ o rh. a::5si,;nm .::u, sl to
h~ rl.'!" f.)r::':;!.! t.:r\'n ~x= : t.;:: I..)r. Oi' l::o;;' c.,:-ct:-x t \~i!:1 t~o;;' Cit:- of ~, f iJ:;".i. FU-::'cL by s!g-:-:!r~ th! .5 Le ~•.:r orA~j~~m~nt ('L OX' )
1::0;;' u;: j ~r:):~-.:~ c crs ~~:s [0 J~~ ~c'r-: tv t:-:.: Ci::- c: i\t:Jmi P n'( l: ;- .: ;::~n: Coc~ 18-87. as 3::J.<;!:1': c-J .

1 ' .Jll h .' IJrlh< '\ IHlmi - D :fll ~ ('o ua l\ C'ert ifi< d ! ('S r.-AlE CB E- I. E ! T~ p~ or W or k 10 be P afor!l1 ~J Pacenl;:q:e ( 0;'. )
I CBE ' I Certi fh:.ll ion " 1.
Certili.::tl ill ll (\:jl.
(T e c ~ n i c :l1 C I.'rtiJk:tl ion
Ca t~':: I)r i,, ~1
Am oun l () r D ~si g :J. Fet'

E SCi e;'C8S, Ir.c. 1138 53 02123:2018 lC05 - Er; lw !ron menta l TSD
: n g ' ;;e~r i /'g

bes: or- I ;'~ kn.:\\ kede.
! c e:'!d} th.1t th..:- r ~' Fr-:;~J o r: 5 c ont.l j j, ~~. In [h: ~ L)fm :C.: tr~J(' anJ r! :c u;'] t.' t\, t1i .:

. '->'. :?\~ - -- - Jer.n lfer 8clstae. Pnr,cipal 7/ 21/2017

/ /
1?r1r.cipa!. ~~:-~5:Jcnt' s S l ~ n ature
- P rin~jr . ll. Pr~siJ~ n t s~Jme Ti:k (Den..:: )



n,~ u .~ d~ r5i.;:-. ed lu,i f;.:'350 cabl: u;:':oI11!::ir:ec capJcit) suffic ient (inc !:Jd in g J !1 Iic~ n5::' s a.,d tc-(; ~1:lic a l ~c-!1 i ticat!0 Il j ) t J
pro\iJ~ lh.' r.::quir.:---: 5~t'\'ices c on5ist~nt \. . ith norma! i:1 du5 tr: pr:l<2t ice and t h~' 3::, ili:) tL) otht' r.·\i s:~ m e~ t th\:.' prupo:;aJ

SP<~~ ~) !~'1/~ )
cBi~=, 5 Sigl1Jlure ! Dak

James S. Basse't. PE Vice President 7-24-2017

CBE Pri ncipals No:ne (Print) Title Dote

E Sciences . Incor" ora ted

:-.lame ofCBE Fiml


Internal Services Department
Sm al l Bu siness Devel o pment
1 · , NVt 1 51r::;ct. lW' F Gcr
1Ai~ 1 F IY:a 33 ·2~

m liiunidade ,g ov T 305-3 "5-~ 111 ::' 31;5·3'5-; 1so

Octeber ',J 2 016 CERT NO ' 13869

Apprc'I aIOa;e 1CJ5/2016 SBEJAE T'E":;;: 3

Dr Pete r K, Pa110w Expiration Date 2/2S;20i8

111 NE lstStSde9C:6
t\! ia"1 i, FL 33 132-00CO

Anniversary Date: Oct o ber 05 , 2017

Dear 0", Partl:w:

i\!'.3rl i-Da:::l e CCLr :'1 Srn3i' Dl:sines3 Oe'/elc j:meflt (S80), <3 ci '/is'on cf I fl :~ rr31 ,services Oepar.i.ient (ISO), IS
p l€aScG to.:: 1Ctlfy Y':Ju Jf yOL - fi r:n '3 cont lnu'rg eligi'Jil rj as a cer:;f : ~d S;11a ll B.Js ,r.css =merpr ,se Arch itec tura, &
E '-:G : r~ e ;: n£ ( SEE/A,E ) in acc:) rd.m:e ' N it~ sect.on 2-"04 01 cf the COC8 (y" 1\l iarT'i-03do2 Coun,y Yaur f:rT is
cer':lriec Ir the ca:ego1 es lislee belO'.v.

T he S8=f~:: ce·t; ~ cal jo n is ccrti ,lLJ ng t,t.,r'::'J'~ 1 tt"e Ar.r,iv er3ary Date !iS~2d aco',e cont!ngel't up:m you r firm
T3.;r ts;i rh; ;t3 el gi ciJi':y b~5ed en t~e c~ i t:;ria o'J:li red In ~ he 3for~fien~ : G r, clj :oce YJU "I; jll ':le ;1otified cf yoc r
a nrL.:a l r~ sj:on3 Ibil';:i cs In ad'la,""!ce of Ire A;mrv,=rsa,-y Date Y~ J m ust sutlT :t t::e ann;al A ,=FI DAVIT FOR
CONT i h J I,~ G ELiG /3 1i..I TY no !a~er :ha .~ :he A.");1;'l ersar; Da.:e :0 mair.ta i:"l '1S ;Jf ZI :glJ ility Your f rrr. will ce
I:st,=d 'n ;:he Cir2C !Or; -::;. r a,1 cert'fi.E::J f:rms, "...;~ich can Co2 ac:e5SZ: thr: t.:gh M'<:lrli-Daot'! County's SB D webs i!.:!
t+·-" " fo,\ IN, r' J'1l ;::3d p 8';;~' .. ,J ';;;L;sin ess:~us i "e~s-c-"'rtlficsti;;;r-o r ;;c r.3'ns :IS;

I': ;t",Cf:; '5 a ma!::rial chargB in YClur iirm yO'J mUSi advise th iS o:fice ':)y subm it:llg a stat us crange f:}rm with the
2S3CC: .3t~c su~r:cr:. j~ g doclilTe n : ~t icn. wlthn t1:,i y (30 ) daiS Char.£;~ 3 May ind !.:ce , but a-e nOI :irnlte:l to,
C';!'l e~5h ; ; , .::f:;cen, d :r 3c~::r::; , rr:ana; '~ne nt , key ~e rsGrr;eI, SCO,:J0 cf w,:~k ~erfo r l1=d , da iil operat iors , cr-,:;c.'lg
cusincs3 r'?l.3t 'o ,"'sr.ips v. ith o~:-e r fi rms cr i nCI'~' ; cua i s cr the ,ehys,cal lccatlcn cf yQLr firrl , Af~er Ot.;r re'/jew, yCL
wiil r~ei, .. e inst:-xtions 35 to how YoJu srC-J ld p'oceec , if ne:essa;y Fa.ilu re ;o:::; 50 "Nil: be deemed a faik.. re ::or,
yau .cart
to ccc,eer3t-2 ar.c wi!1 r~su l t in ac!;on to rer.1ove you r fiTI 's cer.if;cation ,

If y::u ha'ie any ques:ions or concerf'S, yot. may cont ac~ ou ~ office at 305-375-31 '11

Clauciot.;s Thompsen, Secticn Ch ief
Sma! B ~ s ine ss Oe'/elopllent Divisior'

0509 - p.:;q - J NA :lOP'N,W;; ('i:: '.1 S -<:NV'RO " M " .'I-~ L DESIGN ISflEIAE )
D51.J " , tJ ;l. 5 Sf N E" 5" 5·." .. "ER JIS T 30 SAN ,T .. "I " 3E 'I'IAGF. C::: LL (SSEi,o,E )
·00 ' . ::'. \"PC~~ t..!E " T~l E"'/G-;'i ":;RM',"'" TE'" ~qA I N.A GE DESiGN S(R'I (sa:::: ... ,, )
1002 ' E\ ; 'R~NME ~ T~ L ~~G ""'E;::" I NG ' GEClCGi' SE~V!c E S , SflF,'AE l
10:12 , !::,W IRJ\\;I.',,'l TAI.. EN GNE"=I,,..G-SIO' XV :>E 'v ICES 59::I"E;
1'X15 = WIR C ~ I.'E ',-~ l ::·,C-.:: O'... - ... MNA T;QN ~S SESS i M ON \"C~ ,S38,A.::1
'C;}'3 Et<VI"! O'llJE '!iAL E~::t.1!=:JVl L AcnCN "'...... /oj \,l E5ICN jSBEJ"'E I
lC09 ' E.... V'f1 0 ~l ~NG-W L __.f'EL:) GRr'OWTR 5L. Rfw ... -;-O:;:R i''lOTEC 3.M CT ( S8fl~E I
5~'J.:!C ·€ "'G INE~," 'NG 3f '<\tfC"S sal .o. i

19 ~

'9 7
." ' " ~

-'. ~ "":
~ J.;;

" ."';" .-

Letter of Agreement (LOA)

Communi ty Busi ness Enterprise Program ("CBE")

Local Offi ce La ndscape and Urban Des ign

Na me of Pri me Propose I' I Des ign-B uild Fi n n

III r~ )po J1 ')c

t l) R.FQ!RFP NumbLr 15-17-049 , the l! Jl(~~r5 igm:d hcr.:by agree:i to utilizt: r!lI.:: COIlUllllllity Husi llcsj
EIltr:ri)!"is~ ("CI3E") finn li sted bel'Jw, p;;!rfon:li ng t~ lC st.lted \vork at the stated pc rce llt3gc, if a \V ard~d tile contract. The
w:(krsig:l".;!d rur~h(!r certifies that t1:;; li :m b s 1.: ;::('n conta cted and properly appr i:icd of th e projected work assignmen t(s) to
b.: p.:i"l0rll1::d up on c.\~cuti c!1 o r th~ COIl (r:IC[ wil!l tltt! City orJ\. \iallli . Further, by signing this L~tlcr or A grc~l1lcIlt C'LOA")
tho;! u!lde J"si g~lc,1 CO I:S<.!l1t3 to a.:!l:cre to til..:: City of l\,fiallli Procureme nt Code 18-8 7, as amended.

i\ .l!II\! of t ! l~ :\ I i:III Ii-D :H\c C OIJ lit:; CCrlilk d ! e DE-ME CLl E·,\.'£ T ~· p -.! or Wurk 10 he l't!rff) J"lncl1 P Ct" CCH !:l gC C%)
el l!-: I CCr!ifj(;Jli OIi ..... 0. C.'rlil/c,l liiJ !! Exp . (T ~ c hlli( .l l Ce 1" t i liL' ~ll ioll
Ca( ~"')1 ics)
A l1Io u nt or Ik'i i ~!1 Fee

Biscayne Eng!nee r' tg Company. Ir.c. 3 :)7 3/31./2020 1301 - SJfv;;ying and TBD
M.::!;::ping - Land Surve:ir;g

I c~n dY. lila t

lh~ :epre:;-'r:tloIlS C O llt;llll~l~,l!l
- are true al:d accurJ. \~ to the best a f my knowledge .
tlus lorm
' <:/ 1 ,I -- - - ,-
,/< / ,/ \/tb Je nnifer Bolstad, Pr incipa l 7/ 21/ 2017
/ Pri /le i pa~:'F!')l!:)j(~ ":1 It ':) Signat ur e Prinei i.n L'Prc siekl1 t' s i\',lll1e:Ti C ~ (OJtc)


The utlcer"ignccll13s r~aso t:;Jbly Ullcolll !1littc:d capac ity sufficient (includ ing all licenses anci tcchll i c~d ce rtific3tio lls) to
~ rovide the r::quircJ services c0 I15 i;)t~ !lt with norma! industry pra ctice and the abil ity to othe rwise llI eet till.! proposal
spcci tic at ions.

"\ \ ;
~ ~,, ~,
I ,
\, ~
(' (, \ 7/24/2017
, { ' 0 ' ' ' ' '_i'_''' ' \ '..-'l ...k
CBE Prindpal 's Signature Date

Me l issa B olto~ Calabrese CEO 7/21/ 2 0 17

CS C Prillcipal' s i\ '\!11~ (Print) Title Date
Biscayne Engineering Compan y, I~c ,

Nallle ofCB E Finn

Internal SerJices Depalimellt
Srntl l l Business Develo pmen t
111 ,.. ','./ 1 S ircel. 1'Jlh f lOCl'
,\ , af!l!.I-'r)"i(j, j )312'J
rnLllTl i(I;l(le gOY T :J{J ~ · ) r5·3\\\ F 30:,,1/'),]11}0

April 10,2017 CERT NO: 357

Approva l D:1 ~ e: 3/ 15/ 2017 SaE. ..\E T I E f~ 1

(\.1( . Ge o r ~e
C. Belton E ,( pirJtic!~ DattJ: 3/31. 20:20i

BISCf\y~ j E EI\ Ci li',EERI,\iG C01\.IPANY, I~IC ,

529 v: FIi-l~l r ! r SI
1\.jlami , FL 33 130

OeJr 1\.1 r. Bolt en:

~.I : ami - Da '_~cCc ur:t, S ,~lJil SIJS1;'C:;3 D8"i~! o ~lr. e n! (SSD ), a ci'l'sion of tl~e I nt~rrtll S-2f'/ :ces Ce;:a rtm'...' I't (130) has
CGI~;pk:'t ·]d :I'e r';:'iI8W o f ,. 'J I:r o;)pf.CJ tlcn .: we attac~,me n IJ subll1i'.t:!rJ for c U ~ If:ul ti'; r . You r fi rm is d fici~ll1"J cer:iiiecl
i] ~ a ,\1.-,rll- Cy::; C":;Uf"!j Sn~JII ~.js;I'e :;s En t ,)r:) n~c A r :rl ti~c t u r:J 1 & E I~G i :~eer ; rg (SSE l.~E ) in ':l1 corjzH' c e .','Ilil
section 2-1 0 -1-.01 o f :t'E: ced e of r..l iani -D ad e Countj',

Tilis (S3E.'AE) ee,:;! cJtic r, is IJ Jlid far tt. r':!0 yea rs prcviceJ !I' a! you sublnit a "Con t;nui:-:g Eli glbllit'J Affidavit" on or
ce :':;~!) Y'lU ' ann i'/er sJry d ut:o of (\ ',:w:h 152 for t!'c first aneJ second 'J0 8 f of Ire t~r~e ye,J r j:e ncd, Ti'c af flda'/it must
i l '(~i,:J:-=: <Of",' Cj ' C1i~";CS ar r c C;---Cl;-<;t-~3 in yr:-ur Lnl ~e!: i l~ e :1t to your c;~rt,f l::,J ;; ;;' n t:1~1,:;i: )iI! t y TI-,e sutm :!:31 of J
"C G I'; ln; i ,~ Eir:;it lii!; rl..,' '- :CLl'I';'' a,l l1ual!y "tl l~n :;pcCI "ic SUPI:ortmg dccume.1 t.s on cr bei'X2 ;i c ur A: TI ter3,lr; CG :e is
I e:;: :Jt·:; c! to " l~ ! 'r ":l.:-- tr -2 Ir,:::2 'hu ",;ill b.-:: n o t i f ie,~ cf Ir iS r9Sj.' o r' slt'l l l ~Y in ad'/JI'C: '~ o f th:
'1'::Jr c'S~: · : : (3tI C I~.
A;'rl '/ ':: ' 31f"/ DOlt.: F Ji~ur3 Ie C::;r.;:- I/ ",i::1 :t'e s2ic re~r-cnsi:)ir;ties n13 j' 'CSLjt ir ir.f'·E!(! i l ~e act. ,)1l to (~ e':".:'r:i fj (t'0 firm.

I; <1: a :',:! 'i r"~ t!"'·?re is a materia l cl '~"r; ge i" tI' e firn~ il1dut!il:g bu t not lin'i ted 10. QI,','~er 5rjp, of:icers . di re(tor, scope oi
work t,e:ir£; pe r crTed dai:1 c p ~r 3: ~0 nS, affi t.atlo n(s) "... ith Dir er bus i l~e ';5e:; or II'e prJys;c 31loc 8!1on of Ire firrl , 'jou
ml,st lloUj thiS 0("C8 in ""' ;i!l1~ g I,',iiil in (10 ) days, !', otif:cat;on should IncludB s u p ~or :l n g dccl:mentation , Yeu wiil
r.~:C: I'i '.; !,i':!iy ;r:s :p.Jct lc,'s f,-':::l1i tl'i:; :: f",ce 83 to r .CN y eu sho uld j:;r0CAf!d, if ne.:e55.:1(";. T h is Ict~er w ilt be tile on ly
a,Jor o'11 1r' r;Uicil: ion i <; S'l ~d for t :· ~ (~ u r]: ion of you r firm' s t ~ re e '1~ ,Jr', cgr: if:cat io n If tl1f~ fi ra, at.~3 ;n 5
Cl ~?(~u:1· iorl or b~ col1';?S i!leli ";i!~ l e d'.lrI ng the thrge y ear certifictlt ion p gr io d. you w ill be orooe r l,! not ifie d
fo i lo ','/ il FJ an ad rri'l i 5 t n~ i 't e;s Bl at '1'Jur firm's cer. ifictl tion IltlS been remove d pu rs uant to 111e code,

Your COnlpry is c9 :ifi ed ir H'e ca t,)]ories as li sted b010\'f aff,xcl ing 'l eu the CpI=Crt Llr:~'1 to biJ ilr.d par:i ci pat 8 on

centracts 'hl tr~ Snl,J1I Busi r'ess Enterprise lIleasur0.s.

P ! e~lse not::: ttl J ~ U'e ca:e-;;crie s l i s:"'~J are very general and are used only to a5sist our customers in se3rching ttle
dir:Jc tc r'j for cr.~rti; i ed firms to n-,ee\ ccntiacl goals . You ca n find the firm's u p -te -d at e certi1 ication prdi!e as well as all
clil er certifiau flrlns on the ,\\ ia('~i - Oace Count! In ternal Servi ces t. Sm3!! Bus in ess DC'I eloj: nl enl Certified
Fl n~s' Oir2r,:(;r-/.::: 1 !l-e '.... ebsite rtt'-,:/l-,\",',w p'.i;:;rn id ;jdqJi evlsl1"' ~ I !t' u ~ i rps ?.',e d j firali9r-crO ~C1':li.Ll!S:R.

TI'ork Y~u Ic r YOLr int 6r%~ in c: oi l~g busiress with i'vliami -Oade County .

Sincerel y,

Claudi ous Tllompson , SBD Section Chie f

Smal! Busi ness Development Div ision

L;)C .) i O ft c'! L Wd S':: "lO'~ and Ur bll" D·."'s,qn LLC
Letter of Agreemen t (LOA)
C(lIl1J11L1nil~ OU:>i IlL'SS Enlapri s~ Progr:11l1 ("CB E" ',

Local Office Landscape & Urban Design

.\ arnl' or Priml' I)ropo ~ cr I D t:s igll ~ Bll i ld Firm

In 1\ : ",p\ )I1:>\,.' t ~\
RH! RFP \. umb..:!" 15-17-043 . th\,., 1l1l~krsi ~11~d hl.'r ..· b~ :1 :;1';;.' '':::' b) ul ilil": I hI..' C.mlJllllJlil~ l3u :.illt'::'::'
Enh:rrri:-.~ {"CBl~ ' - 1 ti rm Ij:'>l~d b..·I.. .)" . r('rt~1 r !l1iJ\:; 11 11..' Sl.I!..:-J \\ 0rk at til.: 5t,liI: J p...· r('t· 1l1.1 ~,,·. i f ;I \\ ar . .!cd thL' ('\..'Il1r:1...:1. The .. i::,!Ill.'d fun!] .:r ..:erti fi. .'::. 111:11 111..: firm h,b b"':-(,Il ..:o1lt;l...:t.... d and pr0 p('rl~ apprisl.'d 01"111.: projc(teJ \\ ork <lSS iS lllllclll( S ) 10
b(' p('rt~)1"1l1 \"'d 1l!'11I1 c\ c(,U li...' ll oflil(' \,.·l'ntra ...·! \\ ilh th...: Cit~ ot' \l ialll i. Furth.:!'. b~ si ::;nill8 lili..; Letl..-r o f :-\ grecIl1l..'tH (" LOX")
til...: UlllL'["'Ii';;lleJ ': t'/ls('llb 1\" aJh .:r..: III Ilh.' Cil) 01" \ l i.lI11i Prv(ur<;; IllI.:.'rlt CL) J~ IS-S 7. ~h :l llh.'lllkJ .

' ,111](' Ilf r !,,' \! j:tl1l i· n ,l (.k ( 'flunr ,' ( "rl ilini ( Hi'. · \ L ( In.· \ r 1.l p"lIr\\ nfl, 1<1 h ... I' " .. I"<ll"lI1 n l I 1'.'!"l·,' uLl '.! ,' I",,1
( BL ( "rti li,':u i,, " ' I, ( ','r!ili,' :lIillu L \p. I f ,' l' li lli,'.d (,'r lili ,':lf i ll tl
( :u ,':.! 't ri ,'_1
\ 111<111111 !I f Ik'i:.!11 Fl','

Susta; n a b l ~ f...l:an-;i, Ir.c, 15731 8/31 /2017 Comml..nrty Outreach &

Public R ela~ l on s Tao
I certi ( , -rh:L't ~hc .r~ p~ l1tJ. tily~1Inr.:' d_l ~h I 5 fv rm 31' ': trUe and ~h:.:ur:Hr.:' \.1 the o. >,t v i' r:1~ ~Illl\\ led:;!..' .

./:)' . . / ~r:I) J-ern lfer Bolstad PnnCic3 1 7,23 17

Prin,,: i;'J! 1-'r . . .:;i :.I.-.....-,, ':,-S S i !.! n~l;ur-;:- Prilh:ip:!l Prr.:' ::..i d!..'JlI ' S 0," ,I!l1C 1 it!.: (D~ltl')


The u nJ..:rj ;':; lh.'d h~!.~ 1'': ,1 ~ o r~,lb!~ L!I~!..'~' 11l1ll i rh.'d l'~I P~IL' it; SLJ ni( i~nl I in(l u d in~ all IiI,.· ...'ns 6 :1I1~1 tCI.·hni ": ~1 1 ct:r1 i tk~Hk)JlS ) III
pm,iJ.: t:lt: rl;.'q!.:i:·.:d :-o .: :·\i ...·(':-l·L)[ b i~t ..: 1lI \\i!h Ih)l'mal i nJ ustr~ pr~h:l iL'~ ::lI1d tli ... :J bil i l~ hJ 0I hc['\\i::. ... m...:('( tho-;:- Pro l:'L1sa l
s r~l"i lie .I1! I..' rh

C 13 E PllJ1C1 P.l I ~ 7/28;20 17

fvla rgari ta 11..1. Fe rnandez Presi dent 7/28/2017

CBE Pr incipa l ' s 1\:111lC' (Print) Tille
Sustainable Miami. Inc,

N31ll L ot' CB E Firm

FOP \-! LO .....

In te rna l Serv ice s Department
MIAM Sma1! B usiness Oe ve !op!nent
i ~ 1 ~','j 1 3T~e: 1~ Ficcr
Mlar1l FlcrlcJ 331 25
T 3C ::-3-5-Y j 1 F 2C5-2-5,:)'0"::
l11 i ,l l l1i d, H j~,~ ' I\

CCRT \J :) 1'5 -:" J i

Apc roy>al Da '~ C8,2(>2 'j 'J· \1I,: FG.S2i:
E<;:.r~n~ n Dmr, C? l ' ':~ ,?

1\\3 t\.1,J I·g:Jnta Fernard 'JZ

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T itl e : UJUdn Dc~i9 n & Ld JHJ scilpe Ardli l ec tuJ e/Enyi nee r iny Services for Wynwc RFO No .: 16· 17·049

List of Subconsultants
Co mpleli on of Fo rm
This form is initia lly to be completed and submitted with the RFO lis ting all Subconsultants to be used und er thi s Agreement. This form is to be upda ted
after award of th e Con tract as additi ona l Subcon sultants are add ed or changed. Ide ntify th e type of li cense(s) the co mpany ha s and note a ny SBE ,
CBE, CSOE or DBE (Miam i·Dade County) or (FOOT) cer tificatio ns. No othe r cer tificati ons are being request ed to be id en tified. Submit additional
pages as necessa ry.

Scope of Prolession<J1 FDOT/SBE/CBE/DBE

Name of Fi rm Address Ousi ness Ca tego ry Va lu e of Work % o f Work
Work Li censes Certifica ti on
Loc,1 10ffre e Lead LandscaiJ e
61 9lh ST. Suit e 0, LA666/305 DUE TUD TUD
Arc hil e<..l & DcsiU Il
L,llld ~c ap e ,md
Urooklyn NY 11 2 I 5 '),
Utb,1Jl f)('~iq n
Urb ,lI1 Desiqn
_. - - - - - - - - - - -- - ----- --- ...
I3 I ~Ci\ync S2Y W r lLlg ler SL TUD TBD ~
~urveyor LU 129 Engine c rillg SUD/CU[ 0'
Engil\(,(,l ll1g Miami FL 33 130 n
- - - - - ._-._-
The Str ee t IJl elJlS
464 S. Di xie
- -- - - - --
Design Archit ec t
--- - COdsta l TUD
Col l"bor ,1 1ivC' Highway. FL & Trn ff ic en gine ering n

Alti,l lllJn dnd 2608 West 84th 51. Gco-Icc hn ic(l i "u
59501 L4055 1 TSD T80
As soci,\IC S" h, rL 330 I G
Geo- rc ch
Engineet iny "',)
--- - -_.
464 South Dixie
CUd ~ I,,1 5ys10111 5 Alc ll il ct ture rlnd [nv it o nrn c nLd l Civil & '.'"
Highway 7087 TBD TBD
Inte l n,ll iun.l l Civil Engineer COds ldl En yi llecrilltj
- - --- Cortl l Gabl es, Florid" o
L I ~"l Ildllll 11er
P.O. Box 330203
Mi,H)li, rL 33233
ISA Arho l ist SO·0758 A, bOI h.l TilD TeD '"

... _-

- - -.--. ~
- --
- ----- - _._- ---- - -- - -- --
~ . -
ateg o ri es: SSE:; Small Business Enterpris e. CUE:; Com munity Business Enterprise, CSSE :; Co mmunity Small Business Enterprise,
DBE :; Disadvantaged Business Enterprise. FOOT:; Florida Department of Tran s portatioll

Name o f P roposer : Loce, 1Office Land sci\pe & Urb,u) Des ign Da te : 6/2:1J17 _
Na me of Individu al CO ll1 plelin g Form : Jennifer Uof, laci
S ignature : ~
FORM C- 1 0 4/12
Title : UrlJ,ltl & [<J nd sc<.l pe 1\1 chi tcc lllt c/E n yi nce riny Se rvices (o r Wy nwc RFQNo.: 10-17-049
- ----

List of Subconsultants ;,
Co mpleti on of Forl11 c
Th is fOlm is initia lly to be co mpleted and subm itted with the RFQ listing all Subco nsu ltants to be used under thi s Agre em ent. This form is to be updated ".'

afte r award of the Co ntract as add itional Subco nsu itants are ad ded or changed . Id entify the type of lice nse(s) the company has and note any SB E .
CBE . CS SE o r DBE (Mia mi-Dade County) or (FOOT) ce rtifi ca tio ns. No othe r ce rlifi cations are being requ ested to be identified. S ubl11it add iti onal ,0

pages as necessary . .;::

-- --- C'

Na l11e of Firm Add ress

Scope of Professional
Busin ess Ca tegory
Va lue of Wo rk % of Work "--
Work Li censes Certifica tion
I\ lfl ed I. D uPon t Co mmunity N/A
Sli So ldllld b lc MI<lI1 1 iJu iltiin g OUl l C,ll h/ Pllb lic (0 1ll111UIUly CU E TGD TOD "
Inc, 1()9 E c r 51 1('(' 1. H(' I,l l ion ... '.'
- .- - -- - - - -- -- - -
03 15 NW 211d Ave. N/A
NIIl.l Ju hn Sou ll Art SPCC idl1 s1 Ar Is TUD TUD "
Miami. rL 33 150 '"c

.- - - -- -- ------ -- -- -- - ,,
11 1 NE 1st Str ee t, Ellvi l o n lncntd i ,"
E-SciP lllf' S Su ite 906 [nv lro l1111 c n ldl SUE! CUE TOD TB D
Speci<'l li s, t ('
Midlni, Fio l iciCl
- c
- .,
- ---.

- - -- - --- - -- -- - - - - - - -.
u '"
Note : Business Catego ries : SBE = Small Busi ness Enterprise , CaE = Co mmuni ty 8llsin ess E nterprise, eSBE- ;:: Co mmuni ty Sm all Bu sin es s Enterpri se ,
- - - --- - -_.
DBE = Disa(l va nt aged B usin ess Enterpr ise, FD OT :; Flo rida De partm e nt of Tr~ n spo rt a ti o ll ~.'

N a m e o f Pr o poser: LOC<l i Offi ce Lands,c.lpe & Urb<.ln Design -,

Date : 6/22117 . --. ,',

Name of In cliviclu al Co mpleting Fo rm : Jel1l1lfer Oo btJd :!'

- - - - ------ S'go"", "

F ORM C· ,
0 41 12
6.4 CUHI FI C \ TE OF CO\ I PI.I \ .\CE \ \ ITH SECT IO.\S I S-87 O F Til E C II \ CO il E.
I. '-1,'" , I I r"'/-', -;J
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,! ~ ... J - ,
3r.-, trB (Presicer,t"Secre:ar/ Qr
I -~'/' ' 1, :' . ~· "-,l
(Proposing Fir m):
I have reac S2C~IJnS 13-87 of [. . . 8 C,ty'cf ,\ i laml Procurement Code :
'" (Proposing Firm ) ( . J \ ~k -K.' {>, \ Yo: tl' t \. i \ ~~ '~ I p/ll'ert!by asraes to
'" aS3:gr a rllrirT'l.m offir'!::-;en per.::ent (15~,:,) 10f the con:ract valL.~ to finTs cur~nUi'
cer:.f'e': b:/ I\1 12'711 -0aC2 Cot.:r.:y as a Ccmr:1l.rl lt'j 8L.S lneS3 Erte r;x:se rCBE"J:

rJ) (Propos ing Firm ) hereby IS cert;; ec

b/ 1\ ! l al1 i ~ Ca::!2 Courry a.3 a esc: fifT, 3r~d w'H sdlf-pe'-:cr....-::o mee: tre mlr,irn.:m fft-=-:'!n
per':e""t ( : 5)0) C6::: rec;u ir ~mer~t. An act:'Je cop, cf :rE re3;Jond~nt's CBE ce1.f;ca~ lon
r,us: be i r c!·...: ~2c' In the :)rcposal doc . . . ment.


.. ) (Propos ing Firm ) her~!:;'f agre-=s

tJ rr.3)...~ as:; ' ~ ,~r-er.t5 p u r5u~nt t o itam (ii i'. a ~ove, to certifiec CBc frrr.; w:--c

A( -- ('
ma;n:a n a 4Lc..:al Office." a3 cef:nec: In City Coce Section 13- 73;

CA':~ME~ ELY 9~A5 - ~'--

STATEO F~ l'-~'\S N'JT.l " YPJ B LlC-ST~;-20~NEW,(OR7l-~ ~ ~
)SS No 013A: a3 4J 731 (
COUNTY OF~..n\DE ~ ) Qual ih !d 1n .l(lnQ'> County \
~ 1'--\ ~- 'j. ,'vI'1 Ccn'm ,S3!On Ex;w es 06-20-2020'
S~fcre rre. a Not~t;J PubFc c! L:ly cqr'r:1l ssionec. G~alif:ed ar.c acting pers onally. ap~ eared
.J 17/\4.,\ Iff Ok-\... . .,'\ to rre 'Nell known . who belrg b/ me
forst d:...!y S'",or:-, L:oo n cat~ says tr.a~ he! she /"las been authonzec: to execute the foreg Oing
Cen.fic a:e of Compl la '1ce with Sec ticn 18-87 of the City of i\.liar:11 Procu remen t Code on behalf
of Proposing Firm namec there in in favor of t~e City.

Scbscribed ace Swern 10 be'ore me Ih,s ,-IV i o.f ]I, {,'1-. , i f .20

f\ly commiSSion e;q ires . '(, //i~(/1 / >' 3('£.c

Boncedby· ____________________

Ur:'ar D ~srgr arc larCs";.1ce .l..r ::n!h~c~L ·~, E ngrne~fln~ St'! r/'CP'~
lor n-' e 'N ir wO'Xl t-.'I'I 3" 0 ;\ lerue Wocn"r'




LOCAL OFFICE Paol o Ceja <pa bl v@ loca lofficl? landsca pec om>
-;:; "' ..... ~ .. " 1J"" 1~ '" :: - :';';' ''

Fwd : Notification - RFQ 16-17 -003 Urba n Design , Landscape Architec ture and
En gineering Serv ic es f o r a Flex Park at Virginia Key
Cha ney, 5ad e <SCha r ey'§rnlarr igov com> Wed Jul 13 201 7 at 9 51 A,\l
To Pa blo c,~ J a <pab l o@ l ocal o fficel a r1 dS Cap~ COin>
Cc Jen nifer Bolstad < J e n nl fer~ lt: ca '= ffi c e l a n ds c a;J~ com> . 'Nalter Loc a lOffi ceLandsca~e
<':J a ' : ~r ~ lo': alo fij c e l a n dscai=e cep'> C a 'r~ e " 8r35 < c 3 ~ll e n .§ ·oca l ofli c e ! a nds cape com > City of Miami CII'I Cleri<. 's Office
<Clerks@mramrg cvcom>

If\"'HII, tinn d .. , , ~ Ilrlf h; I \ " a I, ";il n (!'i l "l' \\tr ll l:l :-1: .1III I -[) 1· 1. - ("HIIH\", .\ "I lli 1I l"' e!lIT,'e r. .1"'I LIr til-Ill I~ nOlI n -q ' 11P·d [0

- ub m ir a 1, ,, ·;iI bU- llh"-- (~I\: r l" '~l> lJ:.r

T!l.IllJ.. ~ ' HJ.

Sade Chaney

........ .,.. //'_.. ""; · h!l'.·il ' ~ . ' Ii ' ! r,. 1/' ,/.1"11'.:/1 _ ,/,1 ' (·'.111.'" 'I' / :!' "

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From : Pablo Ceja [ mailto:~ab l o@ loca l ofice i ar.cscape com]

Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 5:42 PM
To: Chaney, 5ade
Cc: Je nm f~ r Bo lst3d . V\oa l t~r Loc alOmce Landscape , Carmen Bras

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