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Character Profile Worksheet

The character profile worksheet is a tool to help you keep track of vital information about your
character. Not only does it help you to define your character, but it will also be a valuable tool
to refer back to when developing the story.

Basic Statistics:

 Name: Archbishop Mismipe

 Age: unknown
 Nationality: unknown
 Socioeconomic Level as a Child: none
 Socioeconomic Level as an Adult: none
 Hometown: unknown
 Current Residence: forbidden sanctuary
 Occupation: none
 Income/Salary: unknown
 Birth Order: unknown
 Siblings (describe relationships): none
 Spouse (describe relationships): none
 Children (describe relationships): none
 Grandparents (describe relationships): none
 Grandchildren (describe relationships): none
 Significant Others (describe relationships): none
 Relationship Skills: fight

Physical Characteristics:

 Height:1.5~2m
 Weight: unknown
 Race: humanoid/undead/lich
 Eye Color: there is no eye at all
 Hair Color: gray
 Glasses or Contact Lenses?: none
 Skin Color: grey
 Shape of Face: oblong
 Distinguishing Features: Archbishop lich
 Manner of Dress: religious
 Mannerisms: none
 Habits (smoking, drinking, etc.): none
 Health: dead
 Hobbies: none
 Speech Patterns: can make sound but can’t speak
 Disabilities: none
 Style (elegant, shabby, etc.): corpse
 Greatest Physical Flaw: none
 Best Physical Quality: none

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes:

 Educational Background: religious education

 Intelligence Level: very high
 Mental Illnesses (if any): none
 Learning Experiences: religious education
 Short-term Life Goals: serve god
 Long-term Life Goals: serve god
 How does character see himself/herself?: priest(shamanism)
 How does character believe he/she is perceived by others?: monster
 How self-confident is the character?: none
 Does the character seem ruled by emotion, or logic, or some combination there of?: none
 What would most embarrass this character?: none

Emotional Characteristics:

 Strengths/Weaknesses: light,holy,dark,unholy / fire,bludgeon

 Introvert or Extrovert?: none
 How does the character deal with anger?: pray/fight
 With sadness?: pray/fight
 With conflict?: pray/fight
 With change?: pray/fight
 With loss?: pray/fight
 What does the character want out of life?: nothing
 What would the character like to change in his/her life?: nothing
 What motivates this character?: religion
 What frightens this character?: none
 What makes this character happy? none
 Is the character judgmental of others?: no
 Is the character generous or stingy?: generous
 Is the character generally polite or rude?: polite

Behaviors and Mannerisms:

 Group Behaviors: make group pray

 Individual Behaviors: pray alone
 Catch Phrases: protect sanctuary worship god

Skills/ abilities:

 inherent: religious power/spell/magic, able to use cursed relics

 will learn: none
Spiritual Characteristics:

 Does the character believe in a God? Many gods? None at all?: evil one
 What are the character's spiritual beliefs?: believing god
 Is religion or spirituality a part of this character's life?: whole life
 If so, what role does it play?: leader of religious group

How the Character is Involved in the Story:

 Character's Game Role (Main character? Hero? Heroine? Romantic interest? Sidekick?,
etc.): Boss
 Scene where Character First Appears: underground cathedral
 Relationships with Other Characters: leader of undead monsters in cathedral


While the following scenarios are not specific to any game, they will help to further define your
character's persona.

 How does the character hold a baby?: he drains life with touching
 What does the character do when they are left in a room alone?
roam around and keep praying
 How does the character act around the opposite sex?: kill both

Character Growth (How is the character different at the end of the game or story from
when the game or story began?):
1st battle
1st phase: summon/raise undead fanatics(lower class) to fight for him
2nd phase: create golem with dead bodies of fanatics and leave the place

2nd battle
1st phase: summon/raise undead fanatics(higher class) with undead priests to fight for him
2nd phase: cast magic/religious spells to fight 1vs1
3rd phase: absorb player’s life foce and become avatar of evil god.

Describe a small segment of a narrative that could occupy 20-30 seconds of a short
animation or cut scene from a game where your character does something that conveys
Bones and corpse are scattered all around the chamber and blood is all over the place.
Archbishop is roaming around the chamber slowly but steadily and keep mumbling with
eerie sound. As player get into the chamber, archbishop suddenly stops and slowly turn
around see the player. His mouth movement is getting faster and larger as his mumbling
sounds gets loud enough to fill the chamber and he raised his glowing scepter in the air. All
undead in the cathedral are awake and know player is here. There is no way to go back and
no getting away from fanatics.
Additional Notes on this Character:
Was a human before god abandoned the world.
Archbishop became a lich but still can use holy spells.
Has high resistance to holy/light and unholy/dark element.
Weakness is fire and blunt.

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