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 Okay, thanks to my friend for this time.

 So, ladies ang gentleman. My Name is Kodariyah.
 I will continue again presentation about gout.
 Before I’m going to symptoms, I want to ask you all.
 Does anyone feeling pain in the joints?
 Okay mem, what’s your name?
 Where do you feeling pain?
 Oh..on your knee.
 Do you also feeling swollen joint?
 Ok.. thanks mem...
 So, from what I’m asking this, it’s all the symptoms of gout disease.
 So, the first point “ Joint Pain ”. Sense of discomfort in the area of the
The second point “ Swollen Joints ”. The joints are swollen by the build-
up of uric acid in the area.
The third point “ Reddish Colored Joints ”. A burning sensation in the
area of the joint may result in redness of the joints.
 So, related to the symptoms of gout.
 Okay, next presentation will be explained by my friend melza.
 Please melza...

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