Text Functions: LEFT Function

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Text Functions

1. LEFT Function: It returns specified (by you) characters from the left side of a

text string. You can extract characters up to the total length of the text string.

2. RIGHT Function: It returns specified (by you) characters from the right side of

a text string. You can extract characters up to the total length of the text string.

3. MID Function: It returns specific characters from a specific position in the text
string. You can extract text up to the total length of the text string.

4. LOWER Function: It converts a normal text into a lower case text where you
have all the letters in small letters and numbers will be unchanged.

5. UPPER Function: It converts a normal text into an upper case text where you
have all the letters in capital letters and numbers will be unchanged.

6. PROPER Function: It converts a normal text into a proper case text where you
have the first letter of a word in capital letter and rests all in small and numbers
will be unchanged.

7. REPT Function: It repeats the text which you specify the number of times. You
just need to specify the text and the repetition number. Its biggest benefit is for
creating the in-cell chart.

8. LEN Function: It returns the number of total characters a text string has. You
can input a text string directly into the function or simply refer to a cell.

9. FIND Function: It helps to find the starting position of a text string (Case
Sensitive) from another text string. You just need to specify the text to find and
a text from which you want to find.
10. SEARCH Function: It helps to find the starting position of a text string (Non-
Case Sensitive) from another text string. You just need to specify the text to
find and a text from which you want to find.

Date Functions
11. DATE Function: It creates a valid date according to Excel's date format. You

need to provide day, month and year to create a date.

12. DATEDIF Function: It returns the difference between the start date and end

date. It has six different ways to show that difference.

13. DATEVALUE Function: It converts a text date into a valid date according to
Excel's date format. You can refer to a cell or you can also enter that text
directly into the function.

14. EDATE Function: It gives you a date which is a number of months before or
after a specified date. In simple words, you'll get the same date in future or
past month like the specific date.

15. DAY Function: It returns the day of the month ranging from 1-31 from the
date you specified.

16. DAYS Function: It returns the difference between two dates using four
different methods which you can specify.

17. TODAY Function: It gives you current date/today's date as per your system
settings. This is a volatile function which changes its values when you
recalculate your worksheet.

18. MONTH Function: It returns the month number ranging from 1-12 from the
date you specified.
19. EOMONTH Function: It gives you the last date of a month which is a number
of months before or after a specified date. In simple words, you'll get the last
date of a future month or past month.

20. YEAR Function: It returns the year number from the date you have specified
(It should be a valid date).

21. WEEKDAY Function: It returns the day number from the date you have
specified ranging from 1-7.

22. WEEKNUM Function: It returns the week number of a specific date. For
example, the week containing Jan 1 is the first week of the year and is
numbered week 1.

23. NETWORKDAYS Function: It returns the number of working days between the
start date and end date which exclude weekends and any dates identified in

24. NETWORKDAYS.INTL Function: It returns the number of workdays between

the start date and end date which exclude weekends and any dates identified
and specified holidays.

Time Functions
25. TIME Function: If create a valid time according to Excel's time format. You

need to provide hour, minutes, and seconds.

26. TIMEVALUE Function: It converts a text time value into a valid time value

according to Excel's time format. You can refer to a cell or you can also enter

that text directly into the function.

27. HOUR Function: It returns the hour value (ignores minutes and seconds) from
a time value ranging from 0-23 hours.
28. MINUTE Function: It returns the minute value (ignores hour and seconds)
from a time value ranging from 0-59 minutes.

29. SECOND Function: It returns the seconds' value (ignores hours and minutes)
from a time value ranging from 0-59 seconds.

30. NOW Function: It gives you current date and time as per your system
settings. This is a volatile function which changes its values when you
recalculate your worksheet.

Logical Functions
31. IF Function: You can provide a condition to check and it returns a specific

value if that condition is TRUE and another value if that condition is FALSE.

32. IFERROR Function: It evaluates a value for an error and returns a specific

value if an error occurs.

33. IFNA Function: It evaluates a value for #N/A error and returns a specific

value if an error occurs.

34. OR Function: Test two or more conditions differently and return TRUE if any of

those conditions is TRUE and FALSE if all those conditions are FALSE.

35. AND Function: Test two or more conditions jointly and return TRUE if all of

those conditions is TRUE and FALSE if any of those conditions is FALSE.

36. NOT Function: It converts a TRUE into FALSE and FALSE into TRUE.

37. FALSE Function: It returns the logical value TRUE in the cell where you insert


38. TRUE Function: It returns the logical value FALSE in the cell where you insert


Maths Functions
39. SUM Function: It adds values. It can add individual values, cell references or

ranges or a mix of all three.

40. SUMIF Function: It returns the sum of the numeric values of which meet a

condition. You need to specify a condition and the range to check that condition.

41. SUMIFS Function: It returns the sum of the numeric values of which meet

multiple conditions. You need to specify conditions and range to check those


42. SUMPRODUCT Function: It multiplies values from corresponding cells in the

given arrays, and returns the sum of those products. It can take an array

without using Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

43. ABS Function: It converts a number into an absolute number. The absolute

value of a number is the number without its sign.

44. EVEN Function: It returns a number by rounding it to the nearest even


45. INT Function: It returns a number by rounding it to the nearest to the nearest


46. MOD Function: It returns remainder after dividing two numbers, not the result

of the division of two numbers.

47. MROUND Function: It rounds a number to the nearest multiple of a number

without considering that number is greater or lower than the original number.

48. TRUNC Function: It truncates a number to an integer by removing the

fractional part of the number. In simple word, it returns on integer part from a


49. RAND Function: It returns an evenly distributed random real number greater

than or equal to 0 and less than 1. A new random real number is returned every

time the worksheet is calculated.

Statistical Functions
50. COUNT Function: It counts the number of cells which contain numbers, and

counts the numbers which are specified in the arguments.

51. COUNTA Function: It counts all the cells which are not empty. It doesn't

matter which type of value is there in a cell, it counts all the cell with values in


52. COUNTBLANK Function: It counts all the cells which are empty/blank, but if a

cell has a blank space it will not count it.

53. COUNTIF Function: It counts the number of cells which meet a criterion. You

need to specify a criterion and a range of cell to check that criterion.

54. COUNTIFS Function: It counts the number of cells which meet criteria. You

need to specify criteria and ranges to check those criteria.

55. AVERAGE Function: It returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the

arguments. You can refer to a range of cells or insert numbers inside the


56. AVERAGEA Function: It returns the average (arithmetic mean) of a group of

numbers and text. You can refer to a range of cells or insert numbers inside the


57. AVERAGEIF Function: It averages the number of cells which meet a criterion.

You need to specify a criterion and a range of cell to check that criterion.

58. AVERAGEIFS Function: It averages the number of cells which meet criteria.

You need to specify criteria and ranges to check those criteria.

59. MAX Function: It returns the largest value in a set of values. You can refer to

a range or insert values directly into the function as well.

60. MIN Function: It returns the smallest value in a set of values. You can refer to

a range or insert values directly into the function as well.

Lookup Functions
61. ADDRESS Function: It returns the address of a cell in a worksheet, given

specified row and column numbers.

62. AREAS Function: It returns the number of areas in a given reference. An area

can be a range of contiguous cells or a single cell.

63. CHOOSE Function: It returns a value from a list based on position given.

64. COLUMN Function: It returns the column number of the given reference.

65. COLUMNS Function: It returns the number of columns included in the given


66. FORMULATEXT Function: It returns a formula as a string from the referred


67. HLOOKUP Function: It searches for a value in the top row of a table or an

array of values, and returns a value in the same column from a row you specify.

68. HYPERLINK Function: It creates a hyperlink that opens a document stored on

a network server, an intranet, or the Internet.

69.INDEX Function: It returns a value from a column or a row based on the

position of that value in the column or row.

70. INDIRECT Function: It returns the reference specified by a text string. You

need to mention the text and reference style.

71. LOOKUP Function: It helps to lookup for a value from a single column or row.

72. MATCH Function: It returns a number representing the position of a cell in an

array. In simple words, you get the position of a cell in from a column or row.

73. OFFSET Function: It creates a reference offset from given starting cell using

height and width.

74. ROW Function: It returns the row number of the given reference.
75. ROWS Function: It returns the number of rows included in the given


76. TRANSPOSE Function: It switches row into column and column into rows using

Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

77. VLOOKUP Function: It looks up for a value in a column and returns the value

from the right of the value that you have found.

Financial Functions
78. FV Function: It calculates the future value of an investment which is based on

periodic and constant payments and on a constant rate of interest.

79. PMT Function: It calculates loan payment based on fixed monthly payments

and constant rate of interest.

80. PV Function: It helps you to determine that an investment is profitable or not.

For using PV function, you need a constant interest rate, constant periodic


Information Functions
81. CELL Function: It returns some specific information about a cell. You need to

refer to a cell and type of information you need.

82. ERROR.TYPE Function: It returns a number if the referred cell has an error.

For each type of error, there is a different number it returns.

83. INFO Function: It returns information about the current operating

environment. You can select the type of information you need from the function.

84. ISBLANK Function: It verifies a cell and return TRUE if that cell is blank (no

value) and FALSE if that cell is not blank.

85. ISERR Function: It verifies a cell and return TRUE if that cell has an error

other than #N/A and FALSE if that cell has any other value.

86. ISERROR Function: It verifies a cell and return TRUE if that cell has an error,

otherwise it returns a FALSE.

87. ISEVEN Function: It verifies a cell and return TRUE if that cell has an ever,

otherwise it returns a FALSE.

88. ISFORMULA Function: It verifies a cell and return TRUE if that cell has a

formula, otherwise it returns a FALSE.

89. ISLOGICAL Function: It verifies a cell and return TRUE if that cell has a logical

value, otherwise it returns a FALSE.

90. ISNA Function: It verifies a cell and returns TRUE if that cell has and #N/A

error, otherwise it returns a FALSE.

91. ISNONTEXT Function: It verifies a cell and return TRUE if that cell has a non-

text value, otherwise it returns a FALSE.

92. ISNUMBER Function: It verifies a cell and return TRUE if that cell has a

numeric value, otherwise it returns a FALSE.

93. ISODD Function: It verifies a cell and return TRUE if that cell has an odd

number, otherwise it returns a FALSE.

94. ISREF Function: It verifies a cell and return TRUE if that cell has a reference,

otherwise it returns a FALSE.

95. ISTEXT Function: It verifies a cell and return TRUE if that cell has a text value,

otherwise it returns a FALSE.

96. N Function: It converts a logical value into a number. 1 for TRUE and 0 for


85. ISERR Function: It verifies a cell and return TRUE if that cell has an error

other than #N/A and FALSE if that cell has any other value.

97. NA Function: It returns an #N/A in the cell where you enter it.
98. SHEET Function: It returns the worksheet number of the reference.

99. SHEETS Function: It returns the number of sheets in a reference.

100. TYPE Function: It returns a number representing a value type. When you

refer a cell in this function, it verifies the value and returns a number to present


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