Customer Master Data, Customer Account Group & Regarding Customer Sales Area

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Master data:-

SD Master Data:-

- Customer Master

- Material Master

- Condition records
Customer Master:-

General Data: - Maintain address and contact person.

- Search term -> used to search the customer

- Transportation Zone -> used for route determination (route used to send the products over to
the customer’s location)

- Region – State

Contact Person tab -> any contacts if we have in this customer / company

Sales Area data:- (Sales tab, Shpping tab, Billing tab, Partner Functions tab).

Sales Tab: - Customer Group (domestic/private/Govt/Public sector etc) and Currency.

Shipping Tab: - Shipping Conditions, Order combination, Delivering Plant, Complete delivery flag, Partial
delivery and Delivery tolerances.
Shipping condition – E.g. 10 day ground free shipping, Express delivery etc.

 This is master data level general preference. You can change it at transaction level.

Order Combination check box – Here you can combine orders / line items from different orders/partial
deliveries of individual order items in one delivery.

Red color – combined to a single delivery (ship to, shipping date are same – other parameters are also

Blue – Single delivery

Green – Single delivery

Complete Delivery check box – All line items to be shipped as a single delivery. Say, there are 2 items.
Confirmed date for first item – 10th Jun & Confirmed date for second item – 12 th Jun.

In this case, instead of creating 2 deliveries- one on 10 th and other on 12th Jun, Complete delivery will
happen on 12th Jun.

Note – For both the items, it will consider the final date when all the qunatity can be delivered. It means
the complete order quantity for first line item can be delivered on 10 th June and for 2nd line item, it is 12th

Billing Documents Tab:-

Easier and convinient way for the customer to pay where he will have a summarized billing :-

Invoicing date – (combination of deliveries) Date on which customer needs to be invoiced. Instead of
sending individual invoices, create one invoice at a predetermined time and send that to the customer.

Invoicing List Dates – (combination of invoices) Combine invoices for the entire month – combination of
all line items of all the invoices for that particular month compiled together into one document.
Customer will pay against this document.

Tax Classification – To identify if the customer is taxable or not. FI/CO cosnultant will provide this data.

Taxable customers – regular commercial customers, corporates.

Non Taxable customers – Govt, Military, Non Profit organization, re-sellers.

Company Code data:-

Recon Account :- When we create invoice, system will post the invoice values into accounting. For
customer invoice, Customer A/C (and G/L A/C via recon. A/C) will be debited and Revue account will be
credited. When we get payment, customer will be credited while bank will be debited.

Recon accounts of customer and vendor are the GL accounts. The purpose of the recon account is to
display the total balance of tens and hundreds of customers and vendors a company code may have. If
we were to post entries directly in the recon account of so many customers and vendors at the day end,
we will be lost while figuring out the balances of each customer and vendor individually because they
will all be mixed up in just one account. Therefore, we only post to the individual customer or vendor
accounts (also known as subsiidary account or sub ledger account) and through link we create, all the
balances of these accounts are updated on the recon account.

Benefit – If you need to check the balance of customer ABC, we go to the customer ABC and check how
much he owes to us. But if we want to check the total outstanding towards all customers, we go to the
recon account and check the customer total.

Posting is not the purpose of the recon account and hence nothing can be posted manually to recon

Customer Extension (VD01/FD01/XD01):-

Remember – You are not changing the customer (VD02). You are extending the customer (VD01). Using
an already existing customer and creating another view for it is called “Extending the view”.

Customer Creation with reference:-

Customer Field Changes:-

Additional Fields in customer master: -

Freely configurable fields – Can change Label & F4 options (how?).

At General level and Sales Area level

Not at company code level

1> Get the data element name from the technical attributes of the field.


3> Enter data element name

4> Change the Label

5> Check the changes in the customer master

How to block Customer Master: - (VD05)

To block customers from posting orders, deliveries or invoices etc.

Reason –

Customer regularly defaulting on payments,

Regulatory / compliance / legal issue

Each Order blocking reason should be assigned to the document type. Else, the customer will not be
blocked to post order. No need to assign delivery and billing block reason to any delivery / billing doc.
Can you delete a customer master: - (VD06) or ANY MASTER DATA


Reason – To maintain the consistency. Say, you already have a customer which has transactional data
booked in the system - like orders, deliveries etc. Then if you delete the customer, this will cause

But you can ARCHIVE / PURGE the data by archiving programs.

 Ideally Customer master and its transactions should be archived.

To archive, you need to “Mark the customer for deletion”. In specific sales area or all the sales areas.

While creating order, you will get warning message. You can still create an order.

Reason to delete the customer –

1> Very old customer

2> You don’t want to do any further business with the customer

3> May be the customer number is changed and you don’t want to use the old number.

Customer Account Group:-

Go inside the customer in VD03 or XD03 and then to find the customer account group, click on Extras ->
Administrative data.
Number ranges:-

Customer XDN1 / OVZC

Transactional data – Sales Order, delivery, billing VN01
01 -> Number has to be entered externally.

Note – You need both number range object and interval to create a new number.
Number range buffering ->

Regarding Customer Sales Area:-

1> If you don’t enter Sales Area data for the customer in the initial screen, then in the next screen, you
won’t be able to see the Sales area tab.

2> If you will click on “Customer’s Sales areas…” button in the initial screen, then you will find all the
sales areas where the customer belongs. These sales areas may belong to the same company code or
different company codes.

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