The Art of Heraldry in Two Parts

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5.:' A Jſi.
,_. .___.-_...-,þ-.Mffl..-_.-- .. 'AN-m a." "warm" ,

H E R A L D R Y.
I. The Origin'l and Unive'ſhlit the Sun, Moon, stars, Angels,
of ARMs and ENSIGNS, with &c. Of VEGETABLES, as Trees,
their Uſe and Neceſſity 5 their Flowers, Plants, Fruits, &c.
Blazon, Diſtribution, Abun Of the PARTS of MAN.s Born',
mentx, and Rewards of Honour. as the Hands, Legs, Arms,
11. Of diverſe Kinds ofEſtotc/veom, Heart, &c. Of ANlMALS, as
and of the Bearing or Uſing Lyons, Tygers, HOTſCS, Stags,
the Ordinariex in Coat Armour. &c. in Whole and in Partx.
III. Of Coat Armour form.d of V. Of Charges from Fowls and
Arm-incur. THiNGs, whether Birds of all sorts, in Whole and
Civil, Eccleſiaſtical, Military or in Parts.
Marine, ſuch as are made by VI. Of Charges from Fiſhes of all
Man, or for his Uſe. Kinds, in Whole and in Parts.
IV. Of Charges in Coat Armour VII. Of Chnrgcs from Monſtrous
form.d of COELESTIALS, as, Animalx, in Whole and in Parts. -

Embelliſh.d with Forty Copper Plates, containing above 900 Coats of Aims
of the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain and Ire-[an d, curioufly engraven,
with their particular Deſcriptions, and by whom borne.

Interſpen.d with 'be Natural Hiſtory of 'be ſeveral Species of Birds, Beaſts,
Fiſhes, Vegetables, be. comprehended therein.

Together with Ocuflonal Explication: of all the Tnruu uſed in the Science
of HznAu'n Y, and peculiar thereto.

To wl'idPi: pra-fix'd,
An Alpbabetical LIST o 'be Name: of 'he Families whoſe Coat' are delinea
z 'ed in the Book, .with . eferences to the (Pagfl where they are to be found.

Printed for J. O s B o n N, near Dark-Head, in south-work : And
Sold by A. BET 'r r. s w 0 R T a in Pater-Noſter-Row,
1 ,,..


r. ' HE fol'lowing Sheeq were-white
* 1 ten, ax the Reader 'will 'ohſhijve
h] ſeveral Taffi.zgee' therein,
ahoat the ſear 1710; and it
'wax deſigned at that Time to
ddſomefew Ralejfizr the zMaIſhalling and
.nzpaling Arm: .* But ſeveral Dtſhpjzoint
zents having interven'd, and, particular/5'
he Death of the Undertaker, the Sheetx
zere laid aſide hj the Exeeatom of the De
m'd, as an imperfict. H/or/e, and not look'd
Pto till now, 'when a Book being committed
A 2 to
' a
E iv _]
to ny' Peruſhl, I war ſo taken with its Con
zſſmjſh and Inſtructivenefi, 'which render:
this Cornea-'en
alſtrrye Science that Iadvifdto the
intelligible theBub

lzſhing Fit, e; it nex; it being, ſh for as

it god, ' a complete and independent Piece.
And I make no Queſtion, but that the very
r great Number; ſſojſ Families of Dſſinctiorz'
who/e _/Irm.r are dofiribed and exhibited
herein, will be a meam' of its- meeting with
a Reception ſufficiently favourable to take off'
the ſmall N*amber printed; and the rather,
becauſe 'tis more than probable that it will
never be reprinted by reaſon (ffthe irrecove
rable Lrſr of the Plates, .which were they
to be engraven anew? would ococſſanſheh an
Expence a: would neeelſhrily raiſe the Book
to a Price beyond what the Preſhnt Pro
prietor intend; to allow it at.

The beautiful Order 'which i: follow'd in

this\Pieoe, and the natural IIi/iory ſo em
phati'tally interſperſed throughout the ſame,
and that inſo coneiſt and intelligible a Man
ner, iJ' 'what .will give it a proper Di
ſtinction, and wifl make thi: Study delight- i

[ V]
even to thoſe who have hitherto thought
it dry: a"ridjey<ane.

The' Alteration: that have haþpen.dſime

it was wrote; with regard a ſeveral Fa
milies that' have hee'n lately eiivzohled, or .
raiſhd to higher Degreey of Honour, are
ſhch ac will alway: reader a W*orl: of this
Nature liahle, in the Comſe of afew Zſiears,
to the ſhme Inco'rwenienees. But as the
Rule: and Reaſon: of Heraldry are ſh e/la
hlzſh'd that they are likely to he for e.ver the
ſhme, the Reader will have compriz'd in a
ſmall Poeket Volume an intelligihle andper
Petaal Directory, a; to the Knowledge (f
everſjſihiag that is eſſential in Heraldrj,
and cſheciall] in' that Part that relate: to
the Art ffBlazom'ng, G'c.

ſhe Sale ofthis little Piece .will he a: quick,

Perhapc, as the preſtat Propriez'or can rea- '
ſoiiahly it, coiffidering he never intends
to reprint it, fbr the Reaſhm ahove, and
Iſhall not therefore .waſte any Time in an
necefflary Recommeadatiom of it .* Urine
cſſzry, I call 'em, hecazt e the Uſtfidmfi and
Iatelligihleneſh ofthis Piece i: ſitch, a! 'will
A 3 at
at one I/iew be apparent to every Reader: All'
thereſſore, that I think farther' neeafill, is to
add in this Place an Alphahetioal Liſt zf
the many Fanzilies of the Nohility and Gen
try of they-e Nations, whoſe Coats are de
flrihed, and exhibited therein, 'with the Pa
ges where each lVame or Family i: tohe
found in the Treatiſe.


Alphabetical L I S T

Families of Nobility and Gentry,

ARMS are deſcribed in this Work; Moſt of
which are exhibited on the PILATES.

A Akeris ibz'd Branchley 4.!

Gmundeſham 34. Amedas ibid Berkeley 4.:
Archer 4. l Aſhmole 1 4. 1 Berncſton 4.;
Alleyn ibizl Appleton I 4; Bnn'cſter ibiel'
Alman ibid Aucher 1 60 Boydel ibid
Atkins ſo Armine l 63 Banbury 44.
Anteſhed 54, Atherton r97 Brightley ibid
Aſhley 58, 1 7 I Arundel 204. Bury ibid
Avery 58 Aycr ibid Barnardiſton ibid
Aſh 6I Adam 2 o; Buckworth ibid '
Aſton 62., 81 Appleby , ibid Batnymarſhe 4.;
Andrcws 7o Atfield 2. l o Butler 49, lol
Aldham 7 6, 7 7 Aungier 2. zo Burceſter 49
Argal 83 Bidgood ſo
Atlow 98 . ' B Bacon ſo, 129
Ames- Ace 99 A skcr vilie r7 Brome ' 5.1
Arblaſtcr 1 08 Ber mingham 2. 1 Barnaby z
Armigcr 1 l 7 Barrington 12 Bimgham i id '
Armſtrong 1 18 Bclfieid z'bid Burkin 5.4'.
Aldham 1 24, - Bagecroft ibid ' B'affizt 54., 76
Aſhbumham 1 z 1 Bradſtpne 33 Bpymon ' ſo'
Arncſt 1 36 Bridges 34. Baxtcr 5.8
Affley 1 z 7 Browne ibid Be'runes 'ibid
A4 Bagot
Bagot 61 Brett ilid C
Boys . 63 Bowycr 157 Atclline 18
Bromflect 66 Bunes 160 ourtncyn,toz
Brainthwaitc 67 Brogravc . 16; ChuLrchi-ll 34., 179
Boyle 67, 80, 81 Bcxmct 167 Chibmle 34
Baldwin 69 Bedford 168 Clayton 41, to; '
Bath and wells 70 Bakcr 171, zoz Croſs 42.
Badby 71 Bore ' .- 173 Clopton ' 42, 67
Bcnton ibid Barton 174. Coplcy 4; 73 Beckwith ihid Cheney 47, 84.
Baliol 74. Bowet ibid Colvil ſz
Bagginton 76 Booth 1-78 Cartcret 54
Bryan ihid Bones ihid Colcman 5.7
Bcringham 77 Bendiſh ihid Cranficld 58
Brooke 83 Brixſtone ihid Chamber 6;
Bddock 84. Bolcync x79 Chn man ihid.
B.owell , 8; Bamard 181 Calt orupe 6;
Blackerby ihid Blame 182. Colembert' ihid.
Broughton 87 Bcrham 18; Cottcl ihid.
Barkham 88 Baronby z'hid Culpcpcr ihid.
Bruce ihid Button ihid Clark 65., 119
Barkcnhead 92. Botreaux 188 Cuts 67
Bellingham 9'8 Bolourd 190 Colc ibid.
Bcllas ihid Brodrcpp 195- Chambcrlain 74.
Bodcnham 99 Bedingflcld ibid Candiſh 77
Brampſton lo; B'oylznd .196' Cade ihid
Bridgman 104. Biln'ey ihid Campbel 81
Bludworth, z'hia' Bordam 197 Chaucer 83
Bel-tie 109 Billeſworth ihid Chichcſtcr 84.'
Bowes xrz Barantinc ihid Clifford 88
Brudenal 117 Broncham 199. Clavering 89
Button 114. Brougham ' zoo Cawdrey 1, 94.
Barnham 12.6 Brounlow 203 Carlcton 102.
Blare ' 12.7 Bcvcrſham z.hid Chivcrton 107
Bonville 129 Bard ' ihid' Clcavcr lll
Bright 1 2. Bridgc 20; Chute 114.
Blunt " iid Boughton - ihid Cavel 1 1z
Blackbom ihid Bohun zo6 Garden ihicl.
Burrough 13,- Bcconthorpe z'bid Criſpc 118
Bellot 137 Band z.hid Covcntry ' 1:6
Briſtol 140 Bridgcr 21; Chctwynd 130
Banks 14.! Bhyton iBid Chichelc lz7,
Boltcr 147 Barnaby ihid' Chriſtop cr ibia'.
Bayncs z.hid Barker . ibia' Coventre ibz.d.
Beckingham 1ſo Bruges .2.x7 Chorley ihid.
Bromhall 15-1 Bat-bon 2.!8 Clarges - 14.'
Bromfield 15; Bakſte; zzz Cope 14.;
carter . x 52.
Cobham 155- Dering 69'
Crcw 15-7 Duckett 70 F
Clifton 15-8 Dcviniſh 71 Airborne 1-1
Chufile 159 Dclahay 77 Franccis 3'45
Colcv' 160 Dymoch 114. Fitz-harding 4.:
Compton 162. Dc-Vic 115 Fotherby 45
Carcw 16; Dc-la-Val 119 Fulford 6t
Croſte * 164. Drake 12.3, 2.2.1 Fanncr 62.
Cox 166 Dcſcus 12.) Fitzhugh ibid;
Corkc 168 Dclaluna ibial. Fortcſcuc 66
Cooper 171, 187 Doughty xzo French 67
Golleton' 172. Davics ibid. Frcnes ihid.
Cavcndiſh 17; DarcY 1-36 Fitz-Gcrard 69
Cockcs ibid. Dolcman 139 Flectwood ' 83
Chaffin 18; Di y 140 Fitz-Willi'ams , 84,
Colc 190 Dincy 141 Fleming 98, 126
Charlton 194. Dallin e 14-3 Ferrcrs 1 04:
Cotton ' r96, in Dayrel lſo Foſhauch 1 1o
Corbct 198 Drew 153 Foſtcr 1 13, 190
Came ibid. Darncll 158 Fcro 1 1;
Cock ibiel. Dimock 163 Fane 118
Carington 199 Dove 199' Foley 137
Cromcr did. Duke 20; Fowkc 1 40
Cantrell zoo Dowdal to; Falconbcrg ibid,
Coliborn ibid. Dolphin 2.!0 Fanſhaw did.
Calvcrly 202. Divc 21: Feak 1 41
Cornwallis ibid Darbury 212. Fitz-hammond 1 ſo
Canhauſcr 204. Dolphingly ibid. Fclbridge 1 5- 2.
Cootc 20; Field l 53
Can burſt an. E Flanderingham 1 5,
Cor ellis no Liot 5.3 Fines 3 60
Coling ibid. Etton 66 Frampton '1 67
Claxton 2.2.: Elvcs 88 Farner 1 68
' Eglinton ' 132.Fountain 1 7.o
D Eyrc 136 Farington 1 77
Yrby 18 Eden 140 Fitz-Geffiy 1 79
Darcy did. Egcrton 157' Fox 1 84.
omhay 2.2. Engliſh 163 France its An- A .
tient Arms Z o
Dennc 34. Emme 167
Duckenfield 44., 46 E-lpin on 170 Fremingham ifliel.
Durant 44 Eglcs ord 197 Folgnardly r99
Dixin ſo' Eaglesfield ibid. Fitz-Morcs zoo
Daſhwood 541, nt' Edwin 2.04. Fenwick do;
Dixon 57', 87' Edgworth 2.054.' Furnival 10;
Downcs 57 Ellis 2133. 222. Forcs 2. 1 2
D'aycot 58 Eſcot 2.-1'3 Fitz-jamcs ibid.
Dudley 6't Evdyn . no Fitch 21 8
D.oylcy 66 Feltham ibid.
G Lc
G Hampton 2 2 Herbert 1 59
E Grande 1 8 Hunte 22, 70 Hacket 1 62
Gardinis 2 2 Hobart z z Hanmer ibid.
Gebion Mill Hu ſſey 4. 1 Hill 1 62
Grcy ibid. Huddleſton 4.) Hawes x 63, 2 1 8
Grill 43 Huddy 52. Hatch i 68
Goddard Mid Hicks 54. Hackwell 171
Grandmain 5'7 Harcold 5) Hunlock 17z
Gaſeoign 58 Howet 59 Harling I 76
Grove 65' Heningfield 6 1 Hockenhull 1 78 i
Gerard 69 Home 62 Hadley 197
Gage 7 9 Hewet ibid. Heron 199
Gonor 7 1 Hungerford 6 3, 1 03 Heath zoo
Gillesborough 7 7 Highlord 66 Herwart 204.
Gernon ibl'd Hatton 67, 140 Hodly ibid.
Gill 84. Hawley 70, 80 Hauner 212
Gold 84., 143 Hodbonel 70 Hatſield 213
Gaunt 83 Hamond 7 1 Harbottle ibid.
Gorein 94 Hay 74 Hawkins 2 2. 1
Granvi e I 1OHall 74., 1 1 5', 14, 1 Halſile 222
Goodred 1 1zHoblethorne 74.
Glove Humframville ibid.
1 2 5. I . 1
Grundin 1 30 Holley 76 JOnes 61, 1 1 3, 1;9,,
Gliſſon Mill Hulſe 77 171)
Grainger l 39Hockman 8x Ireton 66 I
Groſvenor ibid.Hare 88 Johnſon 81
Grandorge i 40 Hildebrand 97 Iſham 89
Garrard 1 52 Haſtings 9 7 Ince 1 oz
G-ames ibiil Harington 99 jolliff 1 18
Glegg 1 53 Heyneford ibid. Ingilton 1 26
Gouldwell I 55 Hamildon ibid. Ireland 1 42
Gould - 1 58 Hide I0I Jomey ibid.
Grant 1 ).9 Hales x13 Jaſon 1 78'
Goodrick 1 6 2 Hayes 1 1 7 jerv'is 2 04.
aGovys 1 68 Huitſon 1 22
Gawdy . 1 8 7 Harvey l 26 ' K
Glynn '96 Hnmond 1 27 Night 1 7, 66
Goddard ibz'd. Huflenhul 1 29 Knowles. 44.
Grave 1 9 7 Hothe ibid. Keirdiff 6 3'
Graham 2 1 o Hanſiird 1 zo Kendal 6i
Geſſe 2 I 3 Holdeſheafe 1 39 Keynes 66
Griffin a. zo Haiely 1 43 Kiddal 7I
Hadden 146 Kro e
Kerngple 97
H . Hoſy 147
Eveningham i 8 Hardneſi ' I ſo Keymis 113,
Heyworth ibid Horon 1 5l Kingfley 1 1 7'
Hillary ibid. Hume ibid; Kymbrrley 1 37
Hentington - 2- I Holland 158 Kingſton i 5- 1.

Kirke I 55 M Maſim 1 5-2.
Kadrodhard 18z Uſters 17 Markcs 1 5;
Keat 1 84. Mogunclay 1 8 Mompcfl'on ' 1 57
Kirkhil 1 96 Morten n- 2. 1 Moſtyn 158
Kirlator 20) Maplcſden 42 Monk 1 66
Molincux ihid. Mervin 1 68
L Mannock 4.3, 46 Mackcnz y
Mnrſh 11 7 6
Ynne 1 7 Manox 45-
Lacy 1 8 Manduit 5.7
Liskirk 2- I Martin 78 Muſterton 177
Lucas 3 3 Mcwes z.hid. Moyle 1 78
Lem ynge 4. l Monſon 6 2. Middlcton 1 8 2.
Latimer 43 Marſhal 65 More 18 , x
Lumley 49 Middleton 70 Milher
Maulcvercr 3 1 85'
Ley, or Leigh ſo, l 09, Manncrs 71
2 1 2. Milluborn ihid. Mainſton 1 89
Lytton 59 Moray 7z Mclliſh 2 I 95'
Lcwkeacr 62. Maitland ihid. Millington 1 96'
Longhcr 66 Monchenſiiy 74, Moor 1 99
Moriſwith 76 Morton ibid.
Lane 70 Micklethwait 84. Monſter 205
Leakc ihid, Morris 87 Mallct 2. 1 o
Lowdham 7 3, 1 1 7 Muſgravc ' 94. Mnngay 2. l 8
Larder 78 Matthews 9; Mcvcrel 2 zo.
Loggan ihid. Manſel 97
Loney 81 Mountaguc 1 02. " N
Lavidcr 83 Moſizle 1 05. Orton 41, 78,
Liflc 87 1 1 o. 1 14.
Lawton 89 . Morgan 1 14., 1 ſo Ncvil 5-z,69,197,199
Lowthcr 93 Minict 1 17 Noryvich \ j.ſ
Lccte 11I Man, Ifleof 1 18, 146 Napxcr 7l
. Lcibne 1 24. Mecrs 1 l9 Noel 99
Lucy . x 2.; Mordaunt 12z Ncchur ihia'.
Lec 1 2. 6 Monnings 1 26 Naeſmith 111
Langford . 1zz Minſhal 1 32. Ncwthal 1 18
Lednard 1 4, 1 Mildred ihid. Nightingale 1 42.
Lcmming 1 46 Minſhull 13z North 1 64.
Lancaſtcr 1 53 Mordcn 140 Newdigate 1 67
Legat ibid. Mondeford 1 42. Newcomc I 68
Ldgan 1 62. Mcrgich 14.; Nealc 1 85
L.Eſtrangc 1 63 Mico z.hid. Nathilcy 1 89
Leg 1 7 2. Ma nard 146 Naughton 205- '
Langham x 8 I Ma mains 147 Newport 206, 2. 1 7
Low I 82. Manley ibid.
Lodthe 1 85 Maynard ihid. O
Lovel ihid. Morley 15.0, 2. x 8 Ldficld 77
Lei'gham 1 94, Maſters . ' l 5.1 Otway 87
Luttcrcl 2 1 6 Morice iliJ. Orton' 1 7;
Langley 2. 2. 2. Osbo: n
,. .

Qsborn 1 fy. Paris 179 e \ S
Oglethorpe 178 Proby 184. Harpc r . 11
" Pitficld 194. Stafford 18,z4.,6;
..- P Belham 199 Sherbumc 18 -
Rideaux 21 Pomfret zoo St. Loe a. 1;
Preſton 3'4: Picktoh uz St- Pcin-e Bid.
Back 41 Rrelatc ar; St. Maur ibid.
Pcyton 41;" Pale ibid. Sutton ,
. gl 't itid; Swinſton 3? i;
i ington .
Peckham Hid:
4'9- m Q Stowa
St'ou hton
stern y ' '

. Pcnnin on 52,'197' Uixlcy 14;"

Plnunc e 53- Actlcton'xſy SdhaEn 22
seller it.
Plumlcy 66 , Spmner r ſz
Povcy R
Parker . 74; . Saunders fz,t71,1.79
Perſchoulb 778 Utland 1'8 Spilman 75
Pcyto 643 Rye 21' Savage 57,- 15,
Porter 98 aynsford 4.! Shirley 51
Pcarſon 11'1' Ruffiz-l 'fo Stradling is
Proctor ibid. Raymond yr Swillington 6;
Paulet 114. Radcliff 6; Sk'cpper . 61.
Pierpoint 126 Rothcrtord- 74 Stephens did;
Pelton lzd Rigdon 77.' S.talcc 63
Puleſton ibid. Richmond ibid; Strangman 66
Pyrton 13; Rcſtwold 81 Salboum . 76
Fine 1-3'5513'9' Rcyce 114, Smith77,104.,16'7,uz
Palmer 136,18332.'13 Rawlins ibid: Stanhope 80
Portman 140 Richardſon 118 Scotc 81
Ralſord ibid: Roos 119 Sackvillc . 89
Pedley 14.! Rubeus' 123, 15'1 Shuttlcworth 98
Powcl 142. Rither, or Rider 12.) Sonmc ful."
Palton z'u'z'zl. Rogers 131 shaw 1 01
Pa ns ibid Rctowre 13; Scudamorc 1 04.
Pnme 146 Roſia 14.', S 'ng 1 05
Playcr 14-7 Rowch If! S ipſtow I 1o
Polcy Iz-o' Rcdcſhall 15-3 Stapleton 1 1 4'
Pjckcring ibid: Ruſhout 163 Swctenham' ' 1 15
Pynoke 15.2. Robinſon 12.: Stalworth l 19
Philips 15'5' Read me, no St. Clare I 24.
Hritchard * 158 Ra'enſcroft ibid. St. John 1Iz
Pjerrcpon _. Rcnus 205 Scotto 1 3 2.
Pxogcrs" 159 Rochdalc ibz.d. Southwcll 1 36
Panel 164. Rainey 2.06 Shakcrley 1 37
Plaiſc ibid. Ridgway ibid. Stukeley 1 59
Picheſhrd ibid. Roch zxz Styche did;
Plot 161 Rowton zxz Stcpkin 140
Powis 168 Ralcfllcn ibid. Spindclow 1 4.',
I x'xii ']
Scambler 15.; Twiſilen 70 wroth 44.
Stapleton 1 59 Terringham 71 Wicherley ibid.
-. springs
St. Marncy 1 5 1 Turncr 99 wray ſo
Trowbridge 10'7 well: 72, 55'
Srurmy U' Tenton 108 weld 55, 126
sausbury on. Tatnal 1115. Wood if
Stone ' .l 5.3 Tyler _u9 Wallop 6;
Shaen U7 Topcliff 13-7 Willin on 66
Sheridan ibid. Turville lzz Wilb m 67
Stratford 1 58 Theme lz6 Whiſtlcfixrd ibid.
S encer r 60, 16; Trant 142 Waterhoule 76
S 'pton 1 6o Tanner 14; Wyche ibil.
Sran ways 1 6z Tote 146 Wrottefly 78
She ngton 171 Tremain ibid. Wallington ibid..
Swynford 173 Taylor lſz Walgrave 80
stamp 1 76 Thompſon 153, 197 Widrington 89
Slade 1 78 Tynte I 5.3 Wooler 92
Samwell 1 84. Trevor 158 Wyrley 98
strond ibid. Trewarthen 177 Whitmore ibid.
Shelley i 89 Twiſtleton 187 Warcup 1Ol
Starkey 19; Travel .1 96 wra 104.
Savill 202 Trenethyn 204. Wy eman, to;
Stringer ibid. Touchet 206 Wingates i 115
Seymour 204. Troutbeck 210 Whitwell 119
Stanton 205 Tregarthick ibid. Watterton 127
Squire 206 Turbut 212. Wichalſe ibid.
Symonds 2 1o Welſhe 129
Salmon 2i1 ' U Wollaſton lzo
Shclly 2l2 Vedale 43 Whittington 'ibicL
Sea 21z Vautort 58 Wantin 139
Strickland ibid. Ulmſton- 71 Waldengcld 140
Shoreville ibid. Vowcll 74- Warner 14.!
Scales ibid. Vaughan 83 Wiſemale 142.
Slyngsby 218 Vemey izo Wansford 15-1
Vincent 136 wells ibid.
T Verdon 1ſo wither 153
Uſher 167 Worley 15.,
Rompington Vaux 20; Williams 158
2. 2 Vandeput 210 Wolſtenholm 162.
Trelesk 42 Viſicher 212 Wallingford 164.
Taddington 44. Windham 166
Thurland 45 W Wilſon 168
Tuſton 58 \ Ickham 17 Whichcote 173
Trenehard 59 Woodville 33 wolf 18;
Trye 61 ward 43 Wyne 196
Throgmorton 63, 87 Wenman ibid. Wancy ibid.
Tracy 66 Winwood ibid. Weele 197
. 'I
, Watton '1 a? zwentworth, "7 Yelverton - 150
. Witbens t'-'2..53 Wheclcr;
zlloſ iwerdcn ihid. Yedling 197, 199
Wotton 2I8 Yallen 2o3
wren r'ih''d. William; 2 2. 1 Yarmouth 218
White '206.
Wynch ' -2-x.'o . Y \
Whalley , 2512.. Ork 7o Evclton zz
Walcot I 11; w Young 14;

- 'xt-Wlwvo mugffi U" >


'This Chapter treateth of the original do' univer
j'ality, the fiindry Denominationx, and the origi
nal Diſoipline of Armx and Enfigns, with their
uſe and neceſſity .- Their Sjmpathy with the Bear
e'rt, and eonformity with Names., their Definition,
Blaun, Diſtribution, Accidents and Party, and
laſtly their Ahatements and Rewardt of Honour.

'T H E Dignity and Eſtimation of

Arms cannot but be great, if we as
lone conſider that it delights the
Beholders, greatly Graces the Pla
cles where they are erected, and. gives occaſion
to the Beholders to make inquiry whoſe they
age, and of what Family the Bearer is deſcend
e .
Before l proceed further, it will not be un
neceſſary briefly to begin with ſome Ohſerva-_
tions ſmtable to this Subject: And firſt, of
B thoſe
a. . The Art of
thoſe Marlex or Enfigns Called Armt, in Latin,
Arma. .
The word Arma as in Guillim's Heraldry, is
taken for very natural Inſtruments, and in this
ſenſe Doctor Cnflns doth uſe the ſame where he
ſaith, Arma belluir natura dedit, nt Leoni Den
ter, Serpenti acnleum, &C.
It is alſo taken for all manner of Inſtruments
that belong to Mechanical Trader.
Inſtru- . It is likewiſe taken for all ſorts of lVar/ihe
Tents Ml.ſnſtruments : But the word Arma doth not here
nary. ſignify any of theſe things, but is taken for'
Shieldr, Targen, Milzrary Cajfirhx, Bannerr,
and other Martial Inſtruments on which they
were Engrauen, Emboſſed or depicted, and theſe
were peculiar only to Martial Men, and pro
feſſed soldiers, which to this day is called Arms,
from the Latin word Arma. And Claudius
Fauohes ſaith that Arms have their denomina-.
tion, becauſe Militnry Men did bear their ſe
veral De-oiccx as aforeſaid upon their Shieldr.
Guillim ſaith that Arm! were called Symbalu,
whichſignifies Tokens or Marks, which in the
time of Hoſtility or civil Tumults were given
to Soldierx by their Captains or chief Command
ers, for diſtinguiſhing of Particular Perſons, as
well amongſt themſelves as from their Ene
Theſe Armorial Notex ſo much in requeſl:
now amongſt us, are oftentimes called Enflgm,
which comprizcth in general all Marks and
Tohenr of Honour due to meritorious Perſons,
as well in reſpect of their Gooornment, Learn
ing, Wzſdom, Magnanz'mity, &c. as for their
Martial Proweſs. Amongſt theſe Enflgns are
thoſe Marias and Shopes of Animals, that Mar
tial Men uſed to adorn their Hclmetx withal,
to the end that they might appear more emi
nent in the Field, and be the better taken no
tice of for their valorous Actions, when they
encountred their Enemies in Battle, or ſhould
draw on their Forces to fight.
, Note, the uſe of theſe Enfigns was yet further
'extended than the Adorning of shields and
Helmets -, for Ships were beautified with Armx
on their Srerm, to diſtinguiſh the one from
the other, as the Ship where St. Paal went,
whoſe Badg was Caſtor and Pollitx., alſo the
Fore-Deck of Earapa that was carried away,
had the form ofa Bil/I depicted thereon, which
r gave occaſion to the Fable, that a Ball had
ſtolen away Earopa, nordid the Antients only
.uſe it, but it hath been a Cuſtom in all ſucceed
ing. Ages, even to this day, and from thence
doth come the names of Shipc. A
. Arms then, according to original uſe, are Definition
Tokens or Reſemblances ſignifying ſome Act of Arms.
or Quality of the Bearer, either by ſome wor
thy exploit performed in Mzlitary Affairs (eſ
pecially if beſtowed by a Noble Prince) or elſe
by their Learning and VViſdom, which 'they
do by ſpending their Spirits in continual ſtudy
to make themſelves fit for the Patronage and
deſence"of their Country.
. Sometimes there are Arms born, which may Rebuſſcs;
ſeem to have been deviſed (in their firſt Inſti
tation) according to theSir-Name of the Bear
er, as 3 Caſtles for Caſtleron; three Gates for
Tates -, three Coneys for Com'ihy, and the like,
and ſuch Bearings are called Rebaffes being Ve
ry Antient. . '
If there were two diſtinct Pamilz'es of one
Sir-Name, yet bearing ſeveral Coat Armoars,
it is not evident that they were both extracted
from one Aaceſtor, for the Coa't-"Ldr-mom- is the
expreſs ſign of Diſtinction. . '
B 2 As
. The Art of
As ſuppoſe there are two Families divers in
Name, and iſſued from ſeveral Parents, and
both'of them do bear one Coat-Armonr , and
the name of one of them is agreeable to the
Coat-Armaar, and the other diſſonant from the
ſame ., now the queſtion is, to which doth this
Coat belong? In anſwer it may accordin to
probability be conjectured, to belong to him
whoſe appellation is agreeable therewith, ra
ther than to the other. And it is obſervable,
that two diſtinct Families ought not, nor are
they allowed to bear one and the ſame Coat
Armonr, but amongſt the Weljb this Rule is not
Sympathy There is between the Arms and their Bear
of Arms ers a kind of Sympathy, inſomuch as he who
with then'
diſhonourably or unreverently uſeth the Arms
of any one, ſeemeth to have offered an affront
to the Perſon of their Bearer, inſomuch that
according to the opinion of ſome Authors, their
owner may right himſelf againſt ſuch an Of
fender, actione znjnriaram. '
Antient As touching the antiquity of Arms, I ſhall
Bearing. give you a Brief account of ſome peculiar
Bear-ings. The Romans choſe the Eagle the
grecdieſt of all Birds, The Phrygiam the Saw,
a hurtful Beaſt: The Thrafians Mars : The
antient Goths the Bear .- The People of Alam.,
that invaded Spain the Cat, a greedy and craf
ty Beaſt : The Old Preneh the Lyon : The Sax
ons the ſame; but afterwards the French that
inhabited France took the Toad, and the Saxons
the Horſe , a warlike Beaſt , and now the
French have the Flowers de-lzs, which they ſily
was ſent them by an Angel from Heaven to
Clo-vrs, the firſt Chriſtian King of France :
The Hemms did bear the Ball, in token of Va '

liantneſs and Hardineſs. The Enſign of the

King of Autioch was an Eugle holding a Dru
gouin his Claws : That of Pompey a Liou with
a Sword : That of Arrillu was a Crowned'Geu
net', and the Romuus themſelves that were ſav
ed by Geeſe that watched in the Capitol,
could not be moved for ſo great a Benefit re
ceived, to bear a Gooſe in their Enfigns.
There be of them alſo that ſet in their
Shields Swords, Duggcrr , Hulbcrtx, Axex,
Towem, Cuſtles, Engmer, and many other In
ſtruments of Homiclde and Deſtruction : Fur
thermore the Enſigm of the Perfium was a Bow
and Q_uivers; likewiſe amongſt the Heathen
Gods, Jupiter' choſe Ligbtm'og -, Ncptune the
tripple toothed Muce -, More the juoeline 5
Bacchus the Speur wrapped in Boug/ns and Iv 5
Suturn the Sietlo, and every one of theſe Buzlges
of Arms, according to the nature of his Cruel
ty, Ruw'ng, Violence, Munhood, &C. as the
Heralds do appoint, are ſuppoſed ſome to be
Nobler Bearings than others, for the more
Cruel and fierce the Beuſt or Fowl is, the more
Noble is that shield eſteemed, and thoſe Tur
get; or shields that have milder things thereon,
as Trees, Flowers, Plantx, and the like, alſo
the Sun, Moon, Stm'x, Plrmetx, and other of
the Celeſtiul Spherer, or ſuch as be parted on
ly with variety of Colours, or charged with
any Of the Honourable Ordiuuries only, as alſo
by any Artificial thingx, made by the Inventi
on of Man : Theſe and ſuch like things are not
eſteemed ſo Noble as the former, and are not
ſo Antient Beuringr.
Thus having briefly ſhewed the firſt Ori
ginal Inſtitution and uſe of Arms, I ſhall pro
.ceed to the practick Exerciſe of theſe Armoriul
'Take-m, which appertain to the Office of a 'He
ruld, and is termed Armory, and may be thus
B 3 dcfinedz
6 The Art of
on Of'A" defined., Armor is an
the true hnowledgyand aſc Art ri htl I) reſcrihlng,
of Aged),
my. The Skill of Armory conſiſts in Blazom'ag
and Marflmlling. . '
Rules in By Blazoning is underſtood the diſplayin'g or
Blazoning expreſſing a Coat of Arms in its proper Colours
Coan. and Metalsz, for to lay Colour upon Colour, Me
ral upon Metal is a - great Fault, and a diffe
rent form of Blaurzing makes the Arms not
the ſame. ' ' " ' '
Rules in .By .Marſhalling is underſtood the ioining of
Mmial- divers Arms in one shield, in which you muſt
ling Coffl- have a great care, but of this more when I
treat of Armt joyned together. '
., You muſt uſe no 'repctition of words, but '
compriſe them in as few as you can!
A French Armoriſt ſaith, that to Blazon, is
to expreſs what the Shapes, Kinds, and Colour
of things born in Arms are, together, with
their apt and proper Sigmfieeztioiu. ' '
In the Blauniag of anyCoat of Arms, al
' ways obſerve this ſpecial Rule, firſt begin with
the Field, and then proceed to the Blazon of
the Charge, and if there be ſundry things
charged in the'Field, whether they be of one'
or divers kinds, name that firſt which is moſt
predominate, and lyeth next the Field, and
then that which is moſt Remote. - .
The Blaaorz of Army conſiſts in Accidentx
and Peru., and filch
and Diſſ*crencei. ' Accidents
i , are
" Tincture

Tincture. Ti"afhz're, as Guillim notes," is'a variabl'e hew

of Arms, and is as well common to differences of
Army, as toArms themſelves, and the ſame
is diſtributed' into Colours and Fare. '
Colours- goloiirx he 'ſaith is an external DYC, Where
with any thing is coloured or ſtained 5, or elſe
is the gloſs of- any body beautified with light -,
and the Colonr here mentioned is both General
and Special ; by General is underſtood the pro
per and natural Colour of each particular
thing, whether Natural or Artificial, of what
kind ſoever they are Illuſtrated, or ſet forth
in th eir external or proper Beauty.
Things that are born in their natural Co
lonrt are to be blazoned proper, and not to
mention the Colours.
Other things there are in Armory which
have only names attributed unto them, and no
Colonr ſpecified in the Blazoning thereof, the
name being ſufficient to expreſs the ſame, al
though the form is allone and the ſame, which
' is in Reſemblance like a round Ball or Bullet,
the names of which are as followeth, with Co
lonrs appropriate to them.

woNmY-exver Beſants, whoſe Colour is Or.

Plates, Argent.'
Henrts, Azure.
Torteaaxes, Gules.
Pellets or Ogrcjſes, Sable.
. Pomeis, Vert.
. Golpes, Purpure.
. Orenges, Tenne.
. Gnzes, Sanguine.

_ In theſe Nine are comprehended all the Co

lours uſually made uſe of in Blaaonry.
Coats of Arms are Blaaoned by Metals and Terms for
Colours; when they belong to Gentlemen, un- Colours
der the Degree of Nohiles Minores, as Gentle
men, Eſ'qairet, Knights and Baronets -, By Pre
cioas-ſtones, when to thoſe of the Nobility, as
Baronx, Viſeoants, Earls, Marqmffetand Dahes;
- B 4. _ and
8 The Art of
and by Plunetx, when to Emperourx, Kingx, t -
and Sovereign Princes. .

Metuls and Preciom Plunetr,

Colours, Stones.

Or Topaz Sol
Argent Pearl Luna
Gules Ruby Mars
Azurc Saphir Jupiter
Sable Diamond Saturn
Vert . Emerald Venus
Purpure. . Amethiſt Mercury
- (Head
Tenne Jacinth Dragons
Sanguine. Sardonix. Dragons

This in Arms is Blazon'd Or,
and ſignifies Gold, and the black
Specks in the Eſcocheon do ex
' preſs the Colour. This Metul is
" ſaid to Inchant the Heart of
Fools, and Blind the Eyes of .the
Wiſe. Of the excellency of this
Metal, Ht.fiodm thus writes, Aurum eſt in cor
poriour, fieut Sol later ſtellux ., and as this Me
tul doth exceed all others in Purity, Valuc and
fineneſs, ſo ought the Bearer to endeavour to
ſurpaſs all others in Vertue and Proweſs. The
Precious Stone is Topuz, which Diuſcorides ſaith
aſſwages wrath and ill humours, and this Stone
was ſet in the Breaſt of Auron.
The Plunet to which Gold is reſembled is
Sol, of which the Pbiloſopber's write, that as the
Heart of Man is the Nobleſt, ſo is this Plunet
more worthy than any other, and as it were
the comfort of them all. e
The Colour White 'is reſem- AYEW
bled to Light, and is called Ar
en.t, this in Dignity and -Worth
s next to Or', and without theſe
two Metalk- no Armar'y Lc'an be
good: " "it" ſignifies Hope, Inno
* " '--eency, continence and Tempe
ranee. The Preciou-s-Stone is Pearl, which Pearl.
Plato ſaith hath a reſtorative Vertue, and is .
toiMan, which is verified b J'ofiphm,
Who-faith,- That When the City 0 Feraſalem
was beſieged by Titus I/eſpafianm, the Jews
lived ſome time only upon Pearls., and Ari
ſtotleſaith it comforteth the Brain.
' .:"The Planet is Luna, which Pliny ſaith, Is the Luna;
Fair-neſs of the Night, the Motherof the Ho-,
nour,- aod Lady of the Sea and Tides. She
is arlfi) ſaidto ſbe the' c'hanger of the Air and
Mad-r, and as the Scripture ſaith, She is the
Ripener of, and Increaſer of Fruits, as ap
pears by the Benediction of Joſcph, who was
bjeſt with the ripe Fruits of the Moon;
*=* The word Gula, ſignifieth Gul
* hil- ' Red, and is ex'preſſed by Line-s es'
l '- ' Paleways from the Chief to the
- '- Baſezand which isof that great
neſs, that it is uſed for aVe
ſture of Majeſty and Dignity,
, . ' and is uſed by the Judges and
Chief Magiſtrates-in their-Scars of 'Judicatnre
iTfihe LPreciousStone is the Rnhy, which nei- Ruby,
.ther-fire nor Water waſtet-h or ſpoileth.
its Plamr is .Mars, which of all others is the MRW
moſt'.Hot and fiery, he is ſaid-to be-t-hc-God
of Butle- '
to i . The Aft of B

Azurc. M Theand
B Blew, word Azure bygLines
is expreſſed ſi nifles
Y overthwart the Eſcocheon ', It i$
W a Royal Colour repreſenting the
fig Skie z it ſignifies Loyalty, Chaſti
z ty, and fidelity. The Preciou':
saphire. Stone is Snphire, which as Iſidare
ſaith, is both Noble and Excellent, being are
nlcdy againſt Poyſon, and a Preſerver of the
Jupſtm Sight. The Pldnet is Jupiter, which by his
goodneſs, as Martiamts ſaith, abateth the Ma
lice of Saturn, and augmenteth the goodneſs
of the others.

The word Sable ſignifies Black,

Sable. and is expreſſed by Lines crofling
each other as in the Eſcachcan,
and although it doth repreſent
Mourning, yet is of a good eſteem
in Armory. This Colour ſigni
fies Prudence , Conſtancy and
Heavineſs for the loſs of Friends 5 the Preci
mamoni ous Stone is the Diamond, which of all other
lS of the greateſt value, and is of that hardneſs,
that it cutteth all Stones and Mctalx, The
Plane: is Saturn, the moſt malevolent of all
others, and under whom are." brought forth
Grave Councellorr, great Builders and good
Houſe-keepers. '
The word Wert is Great;
Vert and is expreſt by itroaks Bend
ways: This Colour is moſt de
_ lightful and comfortable to the
\\ Sight., it ſignifies Tonth, Love,
Peace and Concard. The Preci
ous Stone isthe Emer eld, which
Imerakl hath in it ſelf ſingular Vertues. The Plane'n
is Venus, which is of temperature Cold and Venus
Moiſt, and doth excite to Love.
Purpure is a Colour conſiſt- PurPuffl
ing of much Crimſon, and a lit
tle Blew, and is expreſs'd by
Lines Siniſter Bend-waysz it hath
its denomination from a Fiſh cal
r led in Latin Purpuru. The Pre
cious Stone is the Amethiſt,which Amethifi.
for its Preciouſneſs was ſet in the Breaſt of
Auron. The Plun-ee is Mercury, which is of a
goodly Tcmperature, being of quality good
Flifith good, and goeth with evil for company
a e.
.Tenny or Tuuny is a bright Colour, and Tenny.
made of Red and Yellow, and is expreſt by
Lines like the Purpnre *, Amongſt the French
this Colour is much in uſe, but not with us.
The Precious Stone is the Fury/the, which is Jacl'mhc
ſaid to be of ſingular Vertue. This Tenny is
compared to the Drugon's Head, which altho' Dragon's
it be not a Plunet, yet in ſome reſpects hath Head'
the Nature of a Pluner, and keeps its con
il'ant courſe in the Zodiuck as they do.
Sanguine is much like the colour of A/Iurrey, sanguim,
and is made of Lu/ze, with a little Spaniſh '
Brown, it is alſo expreſt by Lines as the Pur
ure. It is a Colour in uſe amongſt the Knights
Yf the Both, as alſo amongſt the Serjeunu at
aw in their Veſtures. The Precious Stone
to this Colour is the Surolonix, which St. John
in the Re-oelutiom'i'aith, ſhall be the ſixth Stone
in the Heaveniy yern/Hem. The Drugon's Tail Dragon's
. is appropriate to this Colour, which tho' no Tal'h
Flemer, yet in his workings and Movings hath
the effects of a Plnner, through all the Twelve
of th? Zodiock. Thus
12 ache. am. of: '
Thus having treated of the jl/Ivmlx, and Ca
lourx uſed in Hemldry :' I ſhall proceed next to
Fm-rx, uſed as well in Doublings oftheMantles
pertaining to Coat Armour, as in the Coat it
Fum, Fnrrs, according to Gmlhm, conſiſt of one
Colour alone, or of more than one.
ſ Black mixt: as Emine
. l with Black, with White andErmines
Fum that _ and are ei- Or .
are 'Com- . ther Black mixt as Evmlnois
'pounded with fellow and Peru;
of two Or .
Colours < Vair'y , Argem and A
only are [ without zuie.
ſorted = Black, ſuch and
either. 'are accord- .
ing to Vcrry , Or and Gules,
' L Leigb. Orthe like Colours.

But for the better explaining them obſerve

theſe Examples following.
Ermine, that is,. when the
Field is Argent, and the Pow
Ermine dering is Sable.
and Er- Ermines, is When the Field
'mmcs- is Sable, and the Powdering
are Argent.
Erminoir, that is Whel-dl; the

i Field is Or, and the Powdering

Erminois i is Sableh
and Pcan. i a Pmn, is when the Field is Sa
gle, and the Bowderi-ngsane

Verry or Vairy, which is ofVcFry or
two ſorts, that is if your VairY
ry do conſiſt of Argent and A
zure, then in Blazoning to ſay
Iſm'ry is ſufficient, but if it be
compounded of any other Co
., lours, they ſay Yairy of ſuch
and ſuch a Colour, naming them.
This Example is' Biazoned
Potmt-Countcr-Potent, or Hairy Path-r.4'I

- Cum', and the Colours muſt he Coumet'f

expreſt as Argent and Aznrefilzaxem. it
or the like. "
In Antient times theſe Doub
tingx orFm-rs were uſed for Linne
ing of Robex, and Mantles of senators, Cor'11
fills, Kings inand
'Emyeronnyou the Examples
- - of '' ' i-a
Furra, 1 ſhall next proceed to Lordings,

14 The Art of

Example: of
B 0 R D U R E s.
Bordurcs H E Firſt is Gules, a Bora'ure Or, altho'
Plain- this Bardure is plain, yet in the Blazo
ing the word plain is to beognitted.
Engrancd._ 2. Sable, a Bordure Engruz ed Argent, this'
lS called Engrailed from the ,L.o'ztin Word In
grerlior, which ſignifies to go in, or to make
Entrance, or elſe from Gradm, which figni
fies a Step or Degree.
Invctkd 3. Argent a Bordure Invected Azure. This
' Bordure is quite contrary to the laſt, for as
the other did enter into the Field, ſo contrari
wiſe this doth, by the inverſion of the Points
into it ſelf. "
meA ted ' lS
t 4. Gules, a Bordure Indented
ſo called as being, as it were,Argent. This
compoſed of
Teeth, and in the faſhion of Inolenturer.
Counter- 5,, A\zure a Bordure Counter-Compone', Ar
S-'OmPonccgent and Gules. Note that Counter-'Compone'
doth alwaysconſiſt of two Tract-s, and no more,
whereas that of Cheek] doth of three.
vary 6. Vert a Borolure I'uiry.
Checky, 7. Or a Boru'ure Checky Argent and Sable.
Hommes 8. Ermine a Bordnre Azure, charged with
charflcd' eight Plates. Note that a Pluee is always to
be underſtood to be Argent, without expreſ
fing the: Colour. '
9. Gules a Bordure Sable, charged with
three Bendlets Argent, What a Bend is ſhall
be ſhewed, When. l some te ſpeak of Bwdrzfi '
l ZQ-r --ſe
H R A L'D-R Y. " he


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. " U 4..
no .

'.-\ u Ill-II. .
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Rdþ.. 2.
to. Ermine a Bordn're Compane' Orand Sable. Componc
This is ſo termed as being in ſmall and
equal Pieces.
l 1. Gules a Bardnre Argent, charged with Vcrdoy of
I/crdoy of Trefoils ſlipped proper, that is Vert. Treſoils.
12. Azure, a Bordure quarterly compoſed
of Purflew Ermin, and Co/mter-Componc', Ar
gent and Gules.
' 13. Argent on a Bordnre Azure , Eight
Mertlets, Or.
14. Azure on a Bordnre Argent , eight
Lioncels Paſſant, Or.
15. Argent, a Bardure Quarterly, Gules
and Azure, the lſt and zd, each charged with
3 Lions Paſſant Gardant Or, the zd and 4th,
each with 3 Fleurs de liz, Gold. .
16. Argent, a Cheveron Gules between
three Heurts, within a Bardnre Compone', Ar- Baskcr
gent and Azure. By Bm/zervi/[e of Pomrilas Villc
in Com. Hereflzra'.
17. Argent, a Demi-Lion Rampant Gules,
within a Bardnrc Sable, charged with eight Be- LYRUC
fants.By Lynm of Sonthmich in Com.N0rt/aampt0n.
18. Ermineona Bardm-e, Gules eight Mullets.
Or. By l/Vic/ebam of Swaclijfi in Oxfordſhirc, Wickham.
19. Azure, a Falcon Volant Argent, with
in a Bordnre Ermine. By Sir Palmcx Fairbarnc, Fairbonc.
Knight, ſometime Commander in Chief of
Tangier, Father of Admiral Fzzii-borne.
20. Argent on a Bend Gules, a Lion Paſ- Muſters.
ſant Gardant Or, within a Bordure Engrailed
of the ſecond by Sir Form Mtſters, Knight.
21. Azure, a Pheon Argent, within a
Bcrdnre Or, charged with eight Torteauxes sharpe.
by the moſt Reverend Father in God, Dr.
join: sharpe, Archbiſhop of Tork.
22. Argent, a Burdure Sable on a Canton Knight.
Gules,a$pnr0r,with0nt theLeather byKnight. -
C 13. Or,
18 The Art of
lcGrande 2 3. Or a Bend between three MulletsGules,
within a Bordm-e Connter-Ca'mpone , Ar'gent
and Azure, by Le Grande.
Rutland. 24. Gules an Orle, engrailed in 'the inner fide,
within a like Bordnre Or, by Rutland of Snrrcy.
. 25. Q_uarterly Or and Gules, within a Bar
Zgfflmg. dure Sable, charged with eight Eſcallop Shells
* ' Argent, by the antient Family of Hem-ning
hdm of Snffoll.
Heyworth 26. B. a Saltire Sr, within a Bordnre G.
charged with 8 Myt rs of the zd, by Dr.'PVil
[inm Heywortla, Biſhop of Lichfezld and Cavmtry.
Stafford. 27. Or on a Cheveron Gules, a Miter ofthe
"firſt, within a Bordnre engrailed Sable, by
Dr. Smfford ſometime Biſhop of Bath and We/Lr.
Sherbornc 28. Vert a Pelican in her Neſt, Valnerated
in the Breaſt, and feeding her young Ones,
Argent, Within a Bordure Parted, indented
of the firſt and ſecond, by Dr. Sberbornc Biſhop
of V/inchcſtcr.
Catemm 29. Sable, a Croſs engrailed Argent, on aBor
, dure or eight Towers of the firſt, by Care/line.
Dyrby, 30.- Azure, a plain croſs Humetty, within a
Bordu.ſe, parted per Bordnre of the Iſt. and zd.
Mogun. 31. Ermine on a Bordnre Gules , eight
chery. Horſeſhocs Or, by Magnnc/aery.
Darcy. 32. Sable, a Bardnre Argent, charged with
eight Cinqueſoiles, Gules.
Darcy. 33. Argent, three Cinquefoiles Gules, with
in a Bordare Vert, charged with eight Eaglets
diſplayed Or, by Dany. _
Hfflaſl'- 34. Argent, three Fleurs de liz Sable, be
tween ſix ,croſs Croflets, Azure. 3. 2. and i.
within a Bordnrc engrailed Sable, by Hi/Idry.
Laws. 35. Argent, a Lyon Rampant, Purple,
within a Bordnre Compane, Or and Gules, the r
laſt charged with Beſantsh
' i Labdflr . Pay, 13

1 '' 2 .3 4

* "Ililiillllll'illllllllllllll




ul m
si 'Iſle NS
ullffl" "l'lln I
i"Imllh' '

Example: of
1. Rgent a File with one Label Gules. .
. 2. Azure, a File of three Lam- F'les'
beanx Ar ent.
3. "A i-le of five Points or Lambeaux,
Azure. By the Name of Hmtington.
4. Argent, a File of three Points in Bend
Sable, by the Name of. Mormz an Alien.
5. Three Piles Bat-ways Gules, the firſt ha
ving five Points, the ſecond, four, and the
laſt tri le Pointed, by the Name of Lis/eirk
a Dutc Man.
6. Argent, a File iſſuing out of the Chief,
without any lntermiflion at all, Sable.
7. Argent, a Bend Sable, over all a Label s,_ Lffi
Of three Points, Gules, by St. Loe.
8. Gules a Bend Ermine, over all a Labelkw
of three Points Or.r By Rye of Lincolnſhire.
9. Azure, a Bend cngrailed Or, over all a _
Label of ſive Points, Gules. By Bermmghamgglmmg.
10. Argent, a Bend Sable, over all a La- It. Peirre.
be] of five Points Gulles, . G 1 La
bel11.of Ar ent,
thigee two CVert.
Points, everons, u es,
By Saint a of-3_t Man: _
12. Argent, a Cheveron Sable, a Label of Pride-am
three Points, Gules. By Pridganx.

C 3. 1.3- At!
22 The Art of
narring- 1 3. Argent, three Cheveronels Gules, over
tqn- all a Label of three Points, Azure. Born by
the antient Family of Burrington of E ex.
14. Ermine on a chief Gules, a Label offivc
. Bctfflffl. Points Argent- BY Belftild
15. Gules, a Feſs and Label of five Points,
Hampton- Argent, by Hamptom ..
Gaul-mia 16. Argent, 'two Bars Sable, a Label of five
Points, Gules. By Gardim.x. b
_ 17. Qpa'rterly, Or and Gules, a La el
Azurc. By Trompington.
18. Argent, on a 'Bordure Gules, ten Be
num' iants, over all a Label Ermine.
Baaecroft 19. Al'gento a LYOII Rampant Sable, over '
5 ' all a Label of one Point Gules. By Bagecroft
of Beckels in Norfolk.
commey, zo. Or, 'three,'Torteauxs, over all a Label
Aznre, on each Point a Myter Argent. Born
Aby Dr. William Cow-me), ſometime 'Archbi
ihop of Canterbury. ._,
Gobion. 21. Gules, a croſs Formy Argent, over all
a Label of three Points Azure. Born by Sir
Jflzgb Goc'n'on, Knight. -
Domhayo 21. Gules, a Croſs Argent, over all a La
.bel of five Points Or.
Grey. 23. Barry of fix Argent and Azure, in
Chief three Torteauxes, over all a Label of
three Points Ermine. Born by the Right
Honourable Tbamm Grey, Earl Of Stamjard,
Lord Grey of Grcby, &c.
, , 24. Argent, two Bars Nebule Sable, a
ZMW' Label of three Points Gules, By Zwelton.


Dzffsrentes or Diflinctions of Fami

lie: in Coat-Armour.

The Firſt Houſe.

The Elder Brother du< Label.

ringthe Life of his Father.

2" The Second Brother. Creſcent

The Third Brother. Mulier.


The Fourth Brother. Mertiet.

The Fifth Brother. Annulet.

The Sixth Brother. Flower.


C. 4
24' The Art of

The Seventh Brother.
Croſſc. (I
Molme The Eighth Brother.
Double \ L _
Cater- ©V The Ninth Brother.
foile. ' i

By theſe Differences every Brother or

Houſe ought to obſerve his due difference for
the avoiding of contention in Coat-Armonr.
Zd Houſe' The Firſt Brother of the Second Houſe bear
eth a Creſcent charged with a Label during
his Father's Life only. The Second Son of
the Second Houſe, a Creſcent charged with
another Creſcent. The Third Son of the Se
cond Houſe, a Creſcent charged with a Mul
lct. The Fourth Son of the Second Houſe,
a Creſcent charged with a Mertlet. The Fifth
Son of the Second Houſe a Creſcent charged
with an Annnlet. And the Sixth Son Of the
Second Houſe , a Creſcent charged with a
gaLHouſe, The Mulier, which is the difference of the
third Houſe is thus charged ., For the Firſt Son
with a Label, during his Father's Life only r,
For the Second with a Creſcent -, For the Third
'with a Mn/let z, For the Fourth with a Mert
lctz For the Fifth with an Amzulet., And for
the Sixth with a Flower-de-lir.
lb szh The Mertlct, Ammlet and Flawer-de-lix, be
:mſ 64_: ing the differences of the Fourth, Fifth and
Houſcs. t Sixth Houſes are charged. for'Diſtinctions, as
the tun/let is, &I. And
And Daughters are allowed to bear the
Arms oftheir Fathers, with the lame Diſtiflfl'ie
am' as they uſe.
The ſeveral Parts of Arms which make
up the Atchcivment, ma. the Eſcocheon or
Sheild, the Mantle, Helmet and Creſt.
The Accidents in the Eſcorheon are Points Accidentse
and Abarements.
Points are certain places in an Eſcooheon, di- Points.
verily named, according to their ſeveral Poſi
tiont, whereof ſome are in the Middle, and
ſome Remote. Thoſe in the Middle are in or Middle
near the Center of the Eſcocheon, and ſuch are Poinh"
the Honour, the Fell' and the Nombril Pointl.
The Fefi Point is in the 'exact Center of the FcſsPoint,
The Honour Point is next above the ſame in Honour
a direct Line, and the Nombril Point is next Point
underneath the Feſs Point.
Remote Points are thoſe that are placed at' a
further "diſtance from the Centre of the Eſoo- Eggs"
oheon, lnferior.
ſome and ofThe
theſe ſome are thoſe
Superior Superior, and
that have

their being in the upper part of the Eſcocheor,

and of theſe there are Middle and Extreams.
The Middle is the preciſe middle ofthec'bief,
between the two Extreams. The two Superior
Extream Points do ſſeſs the Corners of the
Chief part of the E cocheon, and are called the
Dexter and Simſter.
The Inferior Points do poſſeſs the Baſe of the Ink-Tin,
Lſoooheon, and of theſe there are alſo both Mi - Poinm'
dle and Remote.
But for the better Explanation thereof, I
have in an Eſooobeon lacedLettm that anſwers .
to every one of the aid Parts or Points.

36 i The Art of

' A. Signifies the Dexter-Chief'.

Parts in A Point. .
Ififfl" B B. The PrcczJ/'e-fl/liddle-C'Ioicfl
D C. The Sim'fl-cr Chief.
E .D. The Honour Point. '
F I E. The Fcſk Point.
H F. the Nombril Point.
- G. The Dexter Baſe.
.\ 11. The Dexter Middle Bdſt.
I. The Siniſter Bag: Point.
'The knowledge of t eſe Points are of great
concernment, and ought to be well obſerved,
for oft times they are occupied with ſundry
things of different kinds in one Efimcbe'm.





- "-"-._-__-.

Example: of
Abatements of H O N O 11 R.

N Almnment is an Accidental Mark an

nexed to Coat Armonr, ſhewing ſome
diſhonourable quality or ſtain in the Bearer,
whereby the Dignity of the Coat Armonr is
Alutemtnts do conſiſt in Diminution and Rc- Abate
mrſing. Diminution is a Blemiſhing of ſome ments
particular Point of the Eſcacbcon, by reaſon of
ſome Srm.n and Colour which they muſt be al
ways of, as Sanguine and Tenne, and never of
Mortal, for then they are Addition! of Honour.
Now what theſe Almtements are, followeth. -.

1. Argent a Delph Tenne: This Abatementpclph.

is due to him that revoketh his challenge.
2. Or, an Eſcochcon reverſed Sanguin: Due Eſcoche
for defiowring a Maid. ſondrever
l- c '

3. The whole Coat Reverſed (w'zJ Sable acoaz re.

Lyon Rampnnt Argent, due to a Tmytor; and verſed.
were the Arms of Oliver Crommll.

4- Or, a Point Dexter Tenne, due for too point

much boaſtmg of his Martial Acts. ., Dutch
5. Argent, a Point in Point Sanguine, due to Pointin
a Coward- Point'
s. Or,
30 ' The Art of'
gflt . 6. Or, a Point Clean-pain Tenne due to him
mP'mthat kills his Priſoner, after he hath yielded
himſelf and craveth Quarter.
Gore. 7. Argent, a Gore Simſter Tenne, due for
flying from his Colours.
Guſſets. ' 8. Or, two Guffm Sangum,
. . that
due to him '
commits - Adnltry. _ " .
Plain ' 9. Argent, aPlain Point Tenne, due to him
Point' that tells Lyes to his Prince or General;


' 2 3


_ Wul

\ "lI-willl

l' 'l

Ill" u

a ...


On which Augmentations and Ad-.
ditions of Honour , and how
they are moſt uſually placed in
'1. Ules, a Canton Or. Canton.
2. Argent, a quarter Azure. Quartcr.
3. Sanguine, a Gyron iſſuing from the Dex- Gyron.
ter-chief Argent. .
4.; Ermine, an Eſcar/non Gules; Eſcoche
5. Argent two Flaſqnes Azure. On
6. Sable, a Star of eight Roz'yſe or Points Or, gaſtluer
between two Flomohes Ermin, and is the Coat anchcs'
Armour of Sir Henry Hobart of Blioleing in .
Norfolk, Knight and Baronet deceaſed.
'.7. Tenne two Voyderr Or. Voydera
8. Argent, a Canton Sable, born by the Sutton.
Right Honourable Robert Sutton Lord Lex/mon.
9. Argent, a Feſs and Canton Gules, born Wood
by Richard. ÞVoodz/ille, Earl Rivers. - Vine
IO. Argent, on a Canton Gules, a DucalLuc-as.
Coronet, Or, by Lncm.
11. Argent, on a Canton Gules, a Roſe, Or, Ei-adſionc.
by Bmdſtom.
D 12. Or,
34- Lhfl Art of
stafford- 12. Or, a Cheveron Gules and Canton Et;
mine , by the antient Family of Stafl'ord of
'Ihtenbae in Comilin'cks. ,
Franceis. 13. Ermine, on a Canton Sable, a Harpe
Argent, by Sir Fgbn Franceis, Knight, Lord
-Mayor of= London," 1401.
A muſh 14.. Argent, on a Canton Sable, a_ Pleur
dcgſhm. file-Ill, Or, by (igmundeſharn of 'Backing/tam
prefion. is. Argent, two Bars Gules, on a Canton
, of the laſt, a Cinquefoil of the firſt.
chuzchm, 16. Sable, a L-ion Rampant, Ar ent, on a
. Canton of the laſt, a Croſs Gules, orn by his
Grace John Chm.rhill, Duke of Marlborough,
Captain Generalof Her Majeſty's Land Forces,
and Knight of the moſt Noble Order of the
Garter. The Croſs on the Canton was an Aug
mentation granted to Sir Winſton Cbnrchill,
Knight, Father of the ſaid Duke of Marlbo
-. ronf1g7.. Argent, 'on a Croſs Ermines, an Eſcoſi
Bfldscs. cheon of the firſt, charged with a Roſe Gules,
born by Noah Bridget, Eſq, Clerk of the Par
liament at Oxford. -
Denne. ' 18. Argent, on two Hanches Sable, as ma?
-ny Leopards Heads, Or, born by Denne of
Chibnale. 19. Azure, two Lions Paſſant Gardant, Or,
between two Flanches Ermine, by Chibnale of
Browne. 20. Argent, three Mertlets between two
Flanches Sable, on each Flanch a Lion Paſſant
of the firſt, born by Sir Valentine Browne, Ba

C H A'P,
Treot: of the divers kinds of Eſcocheons;
what the Field and Charges are ; the Dzſi
'ver at) of Charges, And their Common Ac- .
cidents, with their Properties and Forms ;
And laſtly of the Bearing or 'Uſing the Or
dinaries in COAT ARMO UR;
together with divers Notes, Rules and
Obſervations to them belonging.
Scpchcam are either of one Tincture or more Eſcoc'ne
than one. Thoſe that are of more than 005
pne, ſome are more predominate, and that
lS laid to be predominate,when ſome one Mmzl
Colour or For is ſpread, or is underſtood to be
ſpread all over the ſurface of the Eſcar/non,
which ls termed the Field or shield; And in
ſuch one
than Eſcochlom as have)
(as moſt have inthe
them more
Field andTinctures Tincture
Change-of the ct
muſt beobſerved. And in the, firſt Field.
name the Field, and then the Charge thereon,
and if there be ſeveral Charges (as oft times
there is) then name the firſt which is neareſt
the Field.
The Charge is that which poſſeſſeth the Field, Th
whether it be Senfitirye or Vcgetahle, N-tturalchfrgb
or Artificial, and is placed either throughout
all the ſupcrficies of the Eſtochean, or elſe in
ſhme ſpecial part of the ſame.
The common Accidents of Chargex, are A-Co'mmon
lamb-ration or TrnnſPm-tmy', or they are Tranſ- Accidents
'neration or &Mter-changing.
'The making of O R D 1 N A K I E S con-Ordzna.
Eſts of Lines diverily Compoſed. Lines &ICzics.
- D 2. the
36 The Art of
the matter whereof theſe Ordinaries are form
ed, and according to the divers Tracts and
Forms of Line-s, they receive their diversShapes
and variation of Names.
The property Of theſe Lines are their Right
neſs or Craakedneſx.
A Right Line is carried equally through
out the Eſcochean without riſing or falling, con
trary to which is a crooked Line. '
A Crooked Line is either Bunched or Corn
ered, according to theſe Examples.
Engrailcd- w
Invected. rYYYYYYm
Cren-elle or W

Nebule- 'UUUUUJ '
Indenteda \\\/\/\/\M/
- Dancette
Of theſe and ſtreight Lines are compoſed
the Honourable Ordinariesz as alſo Abate
ments and Rewards of Honour.

The? Honourable

Honoura-Z H E Honourable Ordinm-icr are the Crofi,

ble_Ordi- Chief, Fcſs Barr, Pale, Che-anon, Bend, .
names' Soltz'er and Eſcocþican, all which ſhall be treated
of in order.
, The
The C RO S S taketh up the fifth part of.Cfoſs
the Eſoocheon, but if charged then the third,
and it is born as well Engrailed, Invected, Wa
vey, or the like as plain., alſo 'tis born be
tween a Charge, and charged, as the reſt of
the Ordinarics are.
The C H I E F is ſaid to be given to thoſe, chid
that by their high Merits have procured them
chief Places and Eſteem amongſt Men. It muſt
contain the third part of the Eſcotheon in depth,
and it is divided into a Fillet , which contains Fine,
the fourth part of the Chief, and ſtandeth in '
the Chief Point.
The F ES S contains in breadth the thirdFcſs
part of the Eſoocheon, and doth occupy the
Center of the Shield." This hath formerly been
taken for the Girdle of Honour, as dividing
the Shield into two equal arts.
The B A R differeth Om the Feſi only innar.
that it contains but the fifth part ofthe Shield,
whereas the Feſs doth the third. It is divided
into the Cloſet, which contains the moity ofcloſct
the Barr, and the Baralet which is the half ofBarulet,
the Cloſi't.
The .P A L E contains the third part of
the Eſcocheon. it is ſubdivided into a Pfllletpalcs
, which is the half of the Pale, and is never to be Pancr
charged which any thing,either Quck or Dead,
neither muſt it be parted', into an Endorſe,Endorle
which is the fourth part of a Pale, and is not
uſed but when the Pale is between two of them.
If the Pale be upon any Beaſt, then you muſt
ſay, He is Debrafed with the Pale; but if the
Beaſt be on the Pale, then ſay, He it supported
of the Pale.
The C H E V E R O N Repreſents the Raf- Cllcrcxorq p
ters of a Houſe, and was in antient Time the
Head attire of the Women Prieſts. It takes up;
" P a the
38 The Art of
the fifth part of the Field, and is ſnbdivided
CheveTo into the Chweronel, which contains half a Che
nel. wren, and a Couplo Cloſc, which is the fourth
C ou ple
part of a Chweron, and is'not born but by
Pairs, except there be aChweron between them.
Bend. The B E N D doth contain the fifth part
of-the Field in Breadth if unchargcd, but if
charged, then the third.
Bendlet. lt is divided intoa Bmdlcr, which is limited
to the ſixth part of the Shtcld ; into a Gnrtcr,
b which is the moity of a Bend :, into a Coſt,
which is the fourth part of a Band -, and into
Ribon. . a Rihon the moity of a Coſt.
hend S'mi There is alſb the Bcnd-Szſnzſter, which goeth
ſter. thwart the Fſcochron from the Siniſrer Chief
to the Dcxter Bnj.þ, which is quite contrary to
the other Band z and this is ſubdivided into the
Straps. Ssmpe, which is half the Bmd, and into the
Battunc. Bdttmze which is the fourth part of the Bend 5
And this is the moſt uſual Badge of lllegiti
macy, but note that the Ram-me doth not ex;
tend it ſelf quite thwart the Shield, but wants
ſomething at both ends, as by the example will
Saltire. - The S A L Tl R E contains the fifth part;
of the Shield, but if charged then the third.
' 'I'he Snttz'er is ſaid to be about the heigth of
a Man, and was formerly uſed to Scalethe Walls
of a Town, and was driven full of Pins, which
ſerved for Steps.
This Ordinary as the reſt is born Engrailed,
i Wot-U
ay," orthing.
withſiany the like',
- ' as alſo between or charged
' An Ineſco'cheon doth contain the fifth part
' An Ineſco of the Field, and muſt be' placed in the Feſs.
Point. .This is alſo termed an Eſcocheon ofPre-z
of Pre- ' tence, and is ſo born by thoſe that match with
tence. an Htircfl, giving therein, her Coat ofZgrmn
. 1 _- _.- 'l..-,t. *" '- - xam;

--.. ../.



Example-s of the ſeveral

-C R O S S E S
Moſt uſually born in Coat

1.' Rgent a Crofls Sable born by Sir

Richard Raymfiird of Da/Iingt'an in Ra ns_
Narthampton/hire, Kni ht, late Lord Chief ſorZL
Juſtice of the Court o King's-Bench.
35, a Croſs Vert, born by the Name of
Hu e '. ,
Erznine, a Croſs Sable, by the Name ofuuſſfi'"
Anlmct. Archcr.
Argent, a Croſs Sable between four Pellets,
born by Sir Robert Clayrzm of the City of Lan- Claytom
' don, Knight, Lord Mayor thereof, Anne 1680.
2. Sable, a Croſs Potent Or, born by the -
Name Of Alleyn. Allcyn.
Azure, a Croſs Potent Or, by the Name "
of Branchley.
Gules, a Croſs Potent .
Ermme, by the Name Branchle
" * 'Y
of Narton. '
. Nortan.
Ermme, a Croſs Potcnt Azure, by the ' -
Name of Le m nge. Le ' ce
Per Bend, d/r and Sable, a Croſs Potent, myng "
eounterchanged by th' Name of Alma/7.: ' Almamr

32 Azure.
42- JZhz Art of
3- Azure, a Croſs. Potent Fitche Or, born
by Etbeldred King of the Waſt Sdxonr.
4. Sable, a Croſs Pattee or Formy Argent,
Mapleſden born by Mdpleſdm.
- Gules, a Croſs Pattee Argent, by the Name
Croſs' Of Croſr. "
Argent, a Croſs Pattee Flowry Sable, by the
Swinſton. Name of Swinſton.
a Per Pale, Or and Gules, a Croſs Pattee,
ppwn' counterchanged by the Name of Ctopton.
5. Or, a Croſs-Pa't'tee Gules, fimbriated Sa-.
ble, that is edged "with another Croſs of a difu
ſerent Colour. '
6.. Or, on a Cheveron Gules, three Croſſes
Pattee or Formepf the Field: Born by Willi-e
Peckz am Peel: of Sotmford-Hdll in E/fi'x, Eſquirc,
Son and Heir of Edward Pea/e of the ſaid-Place,
7. Ruby,
at aLaw,
between ten' Croſſes.
Formy Pearl: Born by the Right Honourable
J, George"Berkelcy, Earl of Berkcley, Viſcount
Durſley, Baron Berkeley of Irſerleeley-eSaflzle,.
zorz of Mmbmy, Segrdve, and Brewſe of Gower, One
Bcrkclcv- of the Lords of Her Majeſty's moſt Honourable
' ' Privy Council, do: ' . r
' Rnby, a Cheveron Ermine between ten,
Croſſes Formy Pearl, is born by the Right Ho-.
nourfible John Berkeicy, Baron Ber-kclczy of
Vzfiw Kdthdonm, and Viſcount Fitz-Hdrdingof Bed-71
'FitzHardj hat/in in Ir'rlmzd.
ins- Alſo by the Right Honourable William Lord
' If? Berkelcy of 'Stmron in Samerſet-jbire, &c. _
Per e cyf 8. Azurqa Croſs Moline Or, born by _$11*
Mpnlucuxf ZZIZ-Zfldimnk of Town-flat in Nqttinghnmlzſhzzel

Azure, a Croſs Molline Argent, by the-'

Itch-'5- NW? effTnilek-z - '- '
Gules, acroſs Moline" Or, by the Name ofBerncfien
Berneſton. ſ
of Ar ent, aCro.s
'Uvgcdnle Moline Gules, b y the Name uvodalc'
of Hampflzire,
9. Sable, a Croſs Couped and Pierceg Or,
by the Name of Gri/I. * Grmq
Notc That Piercings are born round, as' '
in this iixample, as alſo four-ſquare, and Lo
zenge ways.
Io. Ermine, a Croſs Patonce Sable, born by
Jomttha'z Goddard, Doctor in Phyſick, and
Fellow of the Colledge of Phyſicians., A Mandi
Gules, a Croſs' Patonce Argent, by theL t,
Name Of Latimcr. ' a mer.
Argent, a Croſs Patonce Sable, by the Name
Of Baneſttr. ' Baneficxf
Vert, a Croſs Patonce Or, by the Name of
Boydel Boydcl .
Sabl.e, a Croſs Patonce Or, by the Name
'of Mannack, ' ' ' Mannock,

of Azure
Wmzg' a'"' Croſs Patonce Or by the Name
" 7 ward. . '
, I.Quar'terly
born by Gules midard
Sir Ric Azctſre,
mm-ma CrofſscPatonce
ſſ'o flſwd in
oxþm-jhire, Baronet. . ' WWW?
11. Argent, 'a Croſs. Bottony Sable, born by
Richard Wimvood late of Dittbn-Park in Buck
ingbam-ſhire, Eſqz Son and Heir of 'the Right
HonourableSir Ralpb Winwood, Kt. 'Principal
Secretary'of State to King James, and Embaſ- WYWWI
'ſador Ledget to' the States of .the Uzziged Pro
iaincu. ' ' ' ' .'
12. Atgent, a Croſs Flory Sable, and is the
Coat 0f*51r Godfrey Cork] o£ Spr.otþofongh in Cpplcyu. ..
whim PZWPFF:

zs; Pa:
44 The Art of
stoway' 13. of
Name Sable a Croſs Rdg nly Or , b Y th 6
Argent, a Croſs Raguly Sable, by the
wroth, Name of Wrorh.
14. Argent, a Croſs Wavey-voided Sable,
Ducken- by the Name of Dnckenfield.
field. 15. Azure, a Croſs Cercele Voided and Se
my of Croſs Croſiets Or, is the Coat of Knomles,
Knowlcs. of which Family was the Right Honourable
Earl of Charles Earl Of Bznhnry, Viſcount &Val/Zngfard,
ganbuw and Baron Knowler of Grcys. . . . ' _
Tadding 16. Or, a Croſs Croilet Gules, by the Name
con, of Taddington.
Argent, a Croſs Croflet Sable, by the Name'
wicket- Of V/ickcrlcy. '
ley. Argent, a Croſs Crofiet Gules, by the Name
Brightley.0f Brightley;
Vert, a Croſs Crofiet Or, by the Name of
Bury. . Bury.
. Sable, a Croſs Croflet Ermine, by the Name
Durgpt. of Dnmnr; " '
17. Argent, a Cheveron between three\
Croſs Crollets Gules, born by Richard Stern
of 'Wite-City?" in Torkjlzire, Eſq; Son to his
Gracc,Richard late jLord Archbiſhop' of Tork,
Deceaſed. * ' '
18. Azure, a Feſs Dauncette Erminc, ble
. tween fix Croſs Crofiets Ar ent, 'born by Sir
gzaognard" Thomas Bar'nardiſton of Kc dingtan in Suffblk,
-' ' Knight and Baronet ', By Sir Samuel Barmrdh.
ſton of Brightml-Hall in the ſaid County, Ban
ronet. '
19. Argent, 'a- Chev'eron Azurebetween,
* three Croſs Croflets Fitch'e Gules, born by Sir
Buck- John Bnc/eworth of Land/m, Knight' ' ' -
Worm. 20. Argent, a Croſs gouped, Sablez charged
with another Or, ' ' '
21. Azure, a Croſs Engrailed Ermine, . -
born by Nnthdniol Szodghton of St. jolms near Stoughton
Wdrwick, Eſquire.
na. Sable, a Croſs Engrailed Or, in the
dexter Quartera Mullet Argent, by theP t
Name of Pcyton, of which Family is Sir *Tbo- cY on'
mas Peyton of Kmlton in Kmt, Baronet.
By Sir---Peyt0n of Doddington in Cam
bridge-flain, Baronet: And Sir Robert Peyron
of Eflſt Bdrner in Hdrtford-jhire, Knight.
2 3. Sable, a Croſs Engrailed Argent, inthe
Dexter Quarter an Eſcallop ſhell of the ſe
cond, born by Jflſtiflifln Pdgit, ſometime OfPagit,
Grdyr-ſnn, Eſquire.
24. Azure, a Taw Argent , on a Chief
indented Gules, three Taws of the firſt, born
by EdZ-crd Thnrlangl, Eſquire, only Son of Sir
one of theRJliigarons
are in of
hisy ,Majeſity's
Knioht, Thumnd'

Court of Excheqner, Deceaſed.

23. Azure, a Croſs Fleury at the ends Ar
gent, by the Name of Che-my. chen'eſ,
Sable, a Croſs Fleury Or, by the Name of ſ
Manox. Manox.
26. Gules, a Croſs Pall Argent.
27. Azure, a Croſs Avelane Argent.
28. Gules, a Croſs Fourchy Or.
29. Or, a Croſs Ankred Sable.
30. Gules, a Croſs Formy Argent, the ends Hammer.
Embattled by Batnymerſhe. ſhe.
31. Argent, Four Spots of Ermine in Croſs, Huddlc
by Huddleſtan of Che/hire. ſten.
32. Gules, nine Fuſills in Croſs Flory, at Fotherby.
the ends Or, by Fotberby of Lincolnfln're.
33. A Argent, a Croſs Patonce Gules voided pill-ring
of the Field, born by Pil/cington. ton.

34- Ar
46 The Art of
ggzken- 34; Argent, a Croſs Pointed Sable voided
Of the Field, by Duekmfield.
Mannock. 35. Sable, a Croſs Flory at the ends Or, by'
Mannocb. .

Thus much for Croſſes which may be born

between, or charged with a Charge.


' m _



7" 7

i Example; Qf

(3 H I E F 5.
LO R, a-Chief Gules, born? Sir Mart-.12
Lpmley of Bmdflgld in ffex, Banenet. Lumley.
2- Azure, a Chief Engrailed Or.
3. Argent, aChief lnvected Vert.
4. Saphir, a Chief lnde'nted Topaz, born
by his Grace Fumes, Duke, Marqneſs and
Earl of Ormond, Earl of Ojſery and Preclmodr, Me a
Viſcount 'Ihurln Barou of Arklow and Law-Gummi
thmy," Knight of) the moſt Noble' Order o-f the
Gum, Chancellor of the Univerſity of ox
ford, and one of the Lotds of Her Majeſty's
moſt Honourable Privy-Councel, and Lord
Lieutenant of the Kingdom of Ireland.
By the Right Honourable Richard Earl Ofi'drl of
Arrcm, and B'aron Butler of Weſton in Eng- Amid'
land, his Brother.
s- Azure, a Chief Nehulc Argent
Of,6. bGules, a Chief
the Name Crenelle or Embattuied
of'Binreſtier. ' '
'37. Ermine, a Chief Dauncette Sal-ble
8. Vert, a Chief Wavey Or.
9. Ermine, a ChiefQuarterly Or WGules,
by the Name of Peckham. &NUN'
Io. Or, a Chief Cheek), Argentand Azure,
11- Gules, .a Chief 'Argent'ſpzmou-nzed of
another Or, " ' " ' ' ' '

E 12. Ar
..\ Aft. Of p; ii
tz. Argent, a Chief Sable, in the lower'
part.the_reo,f._a..fillct..Argent. . 1 .
13. Sable, a Chief Or, charged with a Shai
pournet Ermine.
14.. Azure, three Bars Argent, in Chief, as
many Bezants, born by jSir Richard Arkim of
Atkins Mnch-Hadham in Hartford-ſhire, Knight and
Baronet, Deceaſed. .
15. Az'ure, on a Chief Or, three Martlets
wray. Gules, born by'Sir William Wray of Aſhhy in
Lincolnfhire, Baronet. 4
BySiAr-i-Wmy of Glcjmwarth the Tſzidn
County, Baronet. -
16. Argent on a Chief engrailed Azure, 'a
Bidgood. Tortoiſe Paſſant- Or, By Dr. John Bidgodd
late of the City of Exerer'. - ' "
17. Argent, on a Chief embattled Sable,
Ley zor three Plates. By the Name of Ley or Leigh,.'
Leigh-l of the Iſle of wight.
18. Ermine, on a Chief Gules, five Loſenges '.
Dixin. of 19.
firſt. on
Bya the Name
Chief of Dixiiz.
Argent, two Mulllets
Sable. By Sir Nicholas. Bacon, Knt, ſometime ,
Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England 5
and Fmncix, Viſcount St. Album, Lord Chan
cellor of England, his Son ; and by the Bacons
of Shrnhhmd-HAII and Dizzington inSnffizl/e.
20. Ermine, on a Chief Gules three Owls '
Soham. Argen*t. By Cople of Saham, Camhridge-ſhire,
and or the City o London. ' .
21. Argent, a Lion Rampant Gules, on a
Chief Sable three' Eſcallop ſhellsof the firſt.
Byzhis. Grace Wriotheſty Rujſcl, Duke offleda
Ruſſdfl 's fowl, and by the' Right, Honourable Edward
Rfflſet, Earl .of Orfard, &c.
32: . Ermine,; on a'Chief indented Azure,
three Dueal Coronets Or. 'By Sir William
' Lytton '
Ljttan of Knebwortb in Cum. Hertfard, Baro-Lytton
23. Gules, a Feſs Ermine, in Chief three
Roſes Or. By the Name of Sellcr of Kcm scucr.
and London.
24. Azure, an Eagle diſplayed Ermine, on
a Chief embattled Argent, three Ogreſſes. By
Sir Jo'mtbom Rdymnd, Knight, ſometime Al- Raymond.
derman of London. . ,
2'5. .Ermine, a Chief Parted per Chief ln
den;ed,Gules and Or. By the Name of Brome. Bromc,
This Ordinary is ſubject to a Charge, as
the 'others are.


1., Zure, a Feſs Or, by the Name of w
Eliot. pilot
zirmine, a Feſs Gules, by the Name of Bm'- NNW.
Or, a Feſs Gules, by the Name of Caſm.lflcfflvl
2. Ermine, a Feſs Danncette Sable, by themning
Name Of fennington. ' wſh
Argent, on a Feſs Dauncette Sable, three
Mullcts Or, within a Bordure Gules, B"eſimty,
by the Name of Waſt. ' Wffl.
Azure a Feſs Dauntette Argent, by the
Name o Benghzm. - Bengbam,
of Ver', a Feſs
Somner DauncetteErmine, bY the Name w'
of Kmt.
Argent, a Feſs Dauncette Gules, by the a
Name Of Navil Of Lrircſter. ' Nail.,
3. Gules, a Fcſs Wavey Argent.
4. Argent, a Feſs Humet Sablc- .
5. Argent, 'a Feſs per Feſs indented Vcrl
and 'Sable, between two Cottizes counter
changed. By the Name of Hnddj of Dorflt- Muddy
Tl. \

6. Per
Name of Feſs Indentedſi Or_ and
Sflimdc'fj. ' ' Azure, By
i the Saumiers,
7. Parted per Feſs Sabic and Argent, a Feis
Eenabattied, Counter-Embzgtt'icd, (hunter-chalk
3 7
1S33; . Z.FW\Z
5'4 The Art-et
Anteſhed. 8. Per Feſs Or and Argent, a Feſs Nebule
Gules. By the Name of Amejhed. " '
9. Argent, on a Feſs between a double Cot
tize Gules, three Griffin's Heads erazed Or,
Daſhwood born by Sir Ro'flert Dnflrmoad of Nerbrook and
W*ickham in Oxferdfln're', Knight.
And by, Sir Samuel Dafl'weod, Knight, late
LordF-Mayor fof London, andby SirFmnci-s.
Ddflmwod, Knight, his Brother.
10.' Ruby, four Fuffils in Feſs Pearl, born
Carteret. by the Right Honourable George Lord current,"
' of Hammer in Beelfora'flzire, &c. '
And by Sir Philip Czzrreret of St; Onen in the
Iſle of J'ai-ſay, Baronet. ,
ll. Gules, a Feſs Wavey between three
Henry Fleurs-delis Or, born by Sir Henry' Hjc/er of
Hicks. Rnckolls in Effiex, Baronet. . '
12. Or, on a Feſs Azure, three Garbs of
. the Field. Born by James Vernen of St.'Moir-i
timm the Field in Mddleſex, Eſq; deſcended'
from the Iſernan"x of Cheflvire, late one of the
_ '13. Argent,
Principal a Barof
Secretaries Azure,
State born by Captain

Buzkin fames Bnrkin of London, Eſq; , '

' - . ' 14. Topaz, three Bars Wa'vey Ruby, Born
by the Right Honourable Fames Earl of Perth,
Lord Drnmmand and Stoblm/l, Steward of 'Stm
them and Bdlabzfdder by l nheritance, ſometime -
Lordjuſtice General oftheKingdomofScatldnd,
one of the extraordinary Lords of the 'Seſſion,.
and one of the Lords of the Privy Conncil for'
the ſaid Kingdom, to King jnmex ll. '
' Bar'ry VVavey of ſix Or and Gules: born by
Bafi"ct. John Baflfſiet of Heat-'Iron Pmzcladrdon in Deum/ſture;
Eſq;" ' ' ' . ' ' ''
15. Ermine, a Bend- Sanguine.
16.. Sable, a Barulet Argent.
127. Er
17. Ermine, a Feſs "engrailed Azure. By Nol'Wich.
the Name of Norwich.
18. Argent, a Feſs embattled Gules. By the
Name of Plauzxhe. '
19. Sable on a Feſs Ermine, a Bend Gules
Gutte Or. By Spilman. ,
20. Vert, a Feſs Flory Counter-l-'lory Or.
By the Name of Hdreold. HarcokL
21. Azure, a Feſs Nebule between three
Creſcents Ermine. By Weld of C'heflaim' ' wckL
2'2. Or, on a Feſs between three Crefisents,
Gules, a L'ton Paſſant of the firſt. By Boyn- Boynmn,
'an of Aft/dam in Tor/ejhirc. '
23. Or, a Lyon Rampant Vert, Debr'uiſed
with a Feſs Argent. By the Name of Surtonsutton,
of Berks. " "
24.. Argent, a Feſs Raguly Azure, between
three Fleurs-de-lis Gules. By the ".Name of
Wood of Kent. ' Wood
25. Argent, a Feſs indented Sable. Born
by the Right Honourable, John Waſt Lord De [a Weſh
Ware, Groom of the? Stole, and firſt Gentleman '
of the Bed-Chamber to, his Royal Highneſs
Prince Gcargefl

4 ' Example:
5-6 The'Art of
9. He. . at. I



Example: of '

P A L E s.
i. . Ules, a Pale Or. By the Name of
' G.mndmnin. Grand
i 2. Azure, a Pallet Argent. merm
3; Vert, an Endorſe Or. . _ .
4. Ar' ent, a Pale Ljgzenge Sable. By the
Name 0 &lodge. ' 'r Cavwm
Gules, a Pale Lozenge Argent. By the '*
Name of Mnnduir. "ma
i 5. Argent, a Pale indented Vert. By the
Name Of Dixon. Dixm.
6. Argent, a Pale Flory, Counter-Flory,
Sable, '
7. Azure on a Pale Radiant Raionee, a Ly
on Rampant Gules, Or. By the Name of
Colemdn of Brnnt Ely in Snffblk. Coleman;
J 8. Party per Pale Argent and Sable, a Pale
9. Argent,three Pallets Wavey Sable. By
'the Name of Donmcr. DOWRCS
to, Argent, a Pale between two Pallets '
1 I. Paly of ſix Topaz and Saphir, a Canton
Ermine. Born by the Right Honourable Ro
her: Shirley , Lord Few-err of Clmrr- Lord Per
ley, 'Pers

[27 Al-
58 "' The Art of- * .
12. Argent, on a Pale Sable, a Conger's
Head Erected and Couped Or. Born by Sir
Gaſco.rgn. Bernard Gaſeaign, Knight.
13. Argent, on a Pale engrailed Sable,three
Ahley. Creſcents Or, By the Name of Aflalcy.
14. Argent, on a Pale Sable, an Eagle diſ
played of the firſt. Being the antient Arms
Tnſton. Of the Family Of Tnftazz of Kmt,
from whom the Right' Honourable the Earl of
Thanet is deſcended-'
15. Argent on a Pale, within a Bordure Sa
Baxter. ble, three Bel'ants. By the Name of zBaxtcr.
'16. Argent on a Pale Azure, three Fleurs
Cranſeild. de-liz Or. Borne by Lionell Crarzfeild, ſometime
Earl Of Mzddlcſng. .
1 7. Ermine, onaPale engrailed Azure, three
Lyon's Heads Couped Or. Borne by the Fa
mily of A-z/ery of Fillanglcy in Warivickflyire. '
18.' Argent, two Pallets Gules in Chief,
Vautort. three Mullets Sable. By the Name of Iſomtort.
19. Argent, on'two Pallets Sable, fix Croſs
Betunes. Crollets Fetchy Or. By the Name of Betune:
of the County of Salop. . '
20. Paly of fix Argent and Gules, a Bend
Draycot. Ermine, By the Name of prayen, . _
21.' Paly of fix .Or and Azure, on a Bend
Gules, three Mertlets Or. Born by Sir Ri
chard Martin, Lord Mayor Of*Londah, Anne
I 89: .
522. Paly of ſix Azure and Argent, on a
Stradling. Bend Gules, three Cinquefoils Or. ' Born by
the antient Family Of Swadling alias Eſtcrling,
of Walex. . *
23. Paly of ſix Or and Azure on a Chief
Gules, three Croſſes Patee Argent. By the
Mcwcsa Name of Mewes of the Ifle bf l/Vight. ' ''
He Pair*i
H E'RLAFL D R' Y. 59
24.. Party of ſix Or and Azure on a Feſs
Gules, three Mullets of ſix Points Argent, by
the Name of Homer. Howeb
25. Party per Pale, Paly of ſix Argent and '
zure, the other part Sable. Born by Trm-T h
thard of Dorſerſhire. , ' ram an!

Noſe, That ſuch Ordinarics as are either of

' themſelves, or elſe by reaſon of ſome Charge'
impoſed on them , do challenge the third
part of the Field, are exempted from this
kind of Bearing one beſides another; of
ſuch the Field can contain but one of them
at once; but their Derivatives and Subdivi
ſions may well be ſorted in the ſame Eſco
LhCOXl, as a Pale between two Endorſes, a
Bend between two Cottizes, and ſuch like,


*'-L ' i 4.

Example: of t

1. ules, a 'Qaeveron- Argent. Born by
Tbomm F'djbrd of F'dford in LD'IUF'I- FIM'
We' Zſq.a ,
Argent, a Cheveron Azure, By the Name sqmzng
of Swfilingrm. non.
Or, a Cheveron Sable. By the Name ofH .
Argent, a Cheveron Gules. By the Name
1 r . Trye."
a. "Ermine, a C'heveron Couped 'Sable '
the Name of Stones. JWCS
"3. Or, aCheveron Azure.
34. Sable, a-Cheveron Rompe 'At-gent.
g. Azure, a-Cheveron engrailed-on-theout
&ykfld Yyſhe Name of Dzdley. Dudleya
. 6. Argent, two Cheverons Bible. Born "by
&ry-fly', uflh -.latesof"*"Twirrrdhm in Mddle- Am,
of Dammin Mltflrire, 'jBaroneL '
Fyfsnml All: ctoflmglgſiBwwel in Mfi'tt- '* '
Mr', If 7' - _ _ _
cuBy Afly of 'Hztchbnrj m the find
ntyafaz '., _ . "
-. And ay ſible'- Nfla armed inrthe ſaid'Coun
WYY'EH" " ll-Z
Ermine, two Cheverons Azure. Born-by
Sir White! Began of Blirbfletd in Smffivdflzjrt, BTZW

O 2',
62 -' The Art*a of ' _
Or, 'two Cheverons Gules. Born by Sir
Mounſon. John Momlſon of Bnrton in Lincolnflairſſe, Knight
oFth.e'Bath and Baronet.
Ermine, two Cheverons Gules. By the Name
'Fanner. of Fanncr. , . . L z .
7. Azure, three Cheveronells Argent. Born
Lewkencr by John Lemkenor of Weſt Dmn in Sufl'ex, Eſq.,
' ,'Ar"ge"nt, three .Cheizerone'lls Gules. i Born
Lougþer- By Rii'hizrd Lougher of 'Tytleſton in Glam'organ
' ofHam.
8. Eſq;
Gules, ,. , , Cheveronells-Or.
three three. - Cheveronells
., 1 By'the
, reverſed

9. Argent, a Cheveron enarched Gules.. .

lo. Azure, threeCheveronellsbraeed in the '
' '5.7 baſe of the Eſcocheon, Or. By the name of
Fitz-hngh Fire-Hugh. - . .. a. _ , -
. 11. Ermine, on a Cheveron Gules, three
SKCPPCF' EinquefoilsOr, .,Born of Skcppcr, of Lincoln
H'C. .

12. Gules, a Cheveron engrailed between

three owls-Argent. Born by the .late Right
Hewet. Honourable George, Lord Viſcount Hewer of
, a the Kingdom of [ral-and, and of Pzflmhmy in
" Cor/1. Hertfarot'; .. '
1 . I 3. Per Cheveron Azure and Argent, in
' Chief two Faleons Volant, Or. _By the name
Stcpbms_ of Stephcmz Andis born by Thomas Stephem',
Eſquire, Son and Heir of Sir Thomas Step/am: of
little Sadhnry in Gloceſterſhirt, Knight;
'14. Vert, a Cheveron Argent, B
15. Ermine,. a Couple-Cloſe, Gules. .
1'6.'Party per Cheveron Sable and Argent.
Men' By the name of Aſtan. . - _
li'"7." Ef
17. Ermine, a Cheveron Gulci.
18. Argent, a Cheveron between three Sta
ples Sable, the Points downward. By the
name of Keirdzff Of Irelzmd. . Kcipdifl;
139. Or, a 1(dlheveron Gules, a Cantzn Er- .
mine.of Born
far'd Tottenhze the antient
in Cum. FamilaYldoſeverfllsflfford.
Back', Sta -

other Branches of' that Noble Family.

jgo. Quarterly Argent and Azure, a Che
veron engrailed Counterchanged. By the name
Of Chamber. ' -
21. Gules on a Cheveron Argent, three Bars Chamber,
Gemells Sablc. Born by the antient Family of
Tb"rogmortofl. , .- Thmfl.
22. Party per Pale indented Gules and Ve.rt,momn'
a Cheverou Or- By the name of..Hmgerford.nungcr.
23- Argent a Cheveron Sable, Fimbriated ſord.
and Engrailed, on the out ſides Azure. By
theiname of Smlee. " $talec..
2cttIZArgent, on a Cheveron Sable, five Be
ſanfs.(_)r.Zf* By the name of Boys Of Bntkingham-Boys' .
..*-2.5< Party per Cheveron Argent and Gules,
a 'Cijel"ffent'counterchanged 5 born'by Chapmamchapman.

n-.;. ' ' _" i


I .l
A'llu _' . .

a w . 18 - >



.' w.. . Example; of

.r..- R, a Bend Azure, by the name of Col- canne.

- 7. therupe. rape. 3.
- . Gules, a Bend Or, by the name of Calemhert. cum.
Argent, a Bend Vert, by the Name of Km- bern.
dal, ' . - - ', Kendal.
Or, a Bend Gules, by the name of Coml. comb
2.." Argent, a Bend Engrailed Sable, born by .
the Right HonourableEdword Rndchfl Earl ofmdd'ffi
Dtrwent-Water, &e.
Argent, a Bend engrailed Gules, by the
name of C.nlpeper 5 and is the Coat of the Right culpcpm
Honourable Lord Culpeper, Baron of Thamvay.
It is alſo born by Sir Thomas Cnlpeper of Pre
ſton-Holl in the Pariſh of Aylexford in Kenr,
Baronet. , p
Argent, a Bend Engrailed Azure, by the
name of Grave. .
Or, a Bend Engrailed Azure, by the name
of Clark- ' C] ark.
- Gules, a Bend Engrailed Or, by the name of
Marflmi. , Narum.
Gules, on a Bend Argent,-three Croſſes Patre
or Forme Sable, is born by Sir John Rererxjzſy of '
' Thrihergh, in the VVeſt Riding of York m'e,
Argent, a Bend Wavey Sable, born by Hen
zy Wnllop of Fnrleigh-wnllop inHampſhir.e, Eſq,
' F 3. Gules
66 * The Art of
, 3. Gules, aBend Wavey between two Cot
Efton- tizes or Coſts, Argent by the name of Ettan.
Azure, a Bend Wavey Cottized Argent, by *
willing- theSable,
Keynes. name aofBend Engrailed Cottizcd Argent, by j i

fon- the Name of Willmgtow.

Az'ure, a Bend Engrailed Argent, Cottized
Fortcſtuc' Or, by the Name of Forteſcne.
4. Sable, a Bend Flory Counter-flory Argent,
Higfflord- by the Name of Higlolard.
Sable, a Bend Flory Counter-fiory Or, by
32;" the Name of Bromfleet.
' 5. Per Bend Sable and Argent, a Bend Ra
' gule Counter-changed, by the Name of Strang
Strapgman man
6. Vert, a Bend Lozenge Or. By the Name 'i
Knighh of Knight of Hampſhire.
Sable, a Bend Lozen eArgent. By the Name
LenthaL of Lentl'MZ of Oxford ire.
Ermine, a Bend Lozenge Gules. By they
Pmmley- Name of Plumley of Dwonflrire. _
7. Sable, a Bend Engrailed between ſix Cino;
POVCY' qnefoils Or. Born by Tho. Pot/e), Eſq; one
of the Maſters of Reqneſtx to his Majeſty King
Charles the Second. .
8. Ermine, a Bend voided Gules. By the
Ireton. Name Of Ireton;
_ -' 9. Or, two Bendlets Azure; By the Name
DOYVY- "of D'o ly, and is born by Sir John D'ayleyof
Claijleylznmptan in Oxfordfliire, Knight., by Chri
ſtopber D'ayley of Aldcrbnry in the ſaid Coun
ty, Eſq., and by Land D'ayley of St. Gilcs in
the Fields in Middle"fox, Gent. .
Or, an Eſcailop Shell in Chief Sable, be
tween two Bendlets Gules. Born by the Right
Tracy. Hononirable the Lord Tmcy of the Kingdom of.
Irelzm -

4 Or, two Bendlets Engrailed Sable. By the .
, Name of Branthmaire of Norfolk, Bramth
'O- AZUTC, three Bendlets Wavey Azure'a'tc'
Born by Sir Thomas VViIbra/mm of Waadhey in Wilþra; ,
. Cbtſhire, Baronet. _. hath:
1 I. Bendy of ſix Pieces Argent and Gules..
1'2, Or, a Garter Gules. . . - '
13. Argent, a Coſt or Cottiz.e, Sable.
14; Or, a Ribon Gules. . '- _
is. Argent, a Bend Siniſter Sable;
16. Azure, a Scrape Argent;
17. Gules, aBattune Argent. _ . .
A 18. Party per Bend CrenelleArgent and
. Gules. By Boyle Earl of Bnrlihgton, 810.' shy-la
19. Party per Bend Indented Or, and Azure.
" By the' Name' Of Whzſtlefora'. Whiſtle.
20. Argent, on a Bend Gules, three Barrs Ford
- Indented Or. By the Name of Hattom . Button;
, 21- Argent, on a Bend Engrailed Sable, 3 '
JPlates. Born by the Right Honourable John
Lord Cntt's of Gowmn in Ire-land. .. , Curm
i þhins. Or: By
22. Sable, the Name ofFmzcb-
a BendArgent * Frenclni
between two Dol
23, Sable, a Bend Argent, between two
Cotiſes indented Or. B.orn by the ancient Fa
mily of Clopton of Kentwell in Suffalk. Ckoptonſi'
24- Argent, three Fleurs-de-liz, in Bend be
tween two Bendlets Sable. By the Name of
Cole. ' . . Cole.
. 25. Party per Bend Azure and Argent, two
Bendlets Engrailed, Counterehanged, By the
Name of Frmcr;

F i Ezamfl
. 63 'The Lia of ..___
ſ &bia-61" A [my 68.
__L__ _., .e

' --'m Many ,
m' I

Example; of

1.. Earl, a Saltire Ruby, on the Center
thereof an Imperial Crown Topaz.
Born by the Right Honourable Fittan Lo"*d ''e- Ear; of
rard, Baron of Brandan and Earl of Mu4jwLd7M3Xfidd;
&c- deceaſed.
By'the Right Honourable John HtL-Gerard,
' Earl ot Kildare, Primier Earl of the Kingdom La; A
. Irelmzd,
dZRight Honourable Digby, Lord Ge. Lorg Ge
mrdZ Ba on of G mrds Bromley. tar .
' Lz By'Sir mads emrd of Harrow-hill in Mid
dle 'x' Knight and Baronet.
By ifilbcrt Gemrd Coſſein of BraflZ-rton-Hall
in thel orth-Kidin of Torleſhire, Eſquire, Son
and H ir to Sir sithen Gemrd, Knight and
Baronet. '
R'uby, on a Saltire Pearl, aRoſe of the firſt,
born by the Right Honourable George Lord'
Nevil, Baron of Bngawnny in Alonmonth-Sbire. Bez-gzvm.
Or, a Saltire Sable, born by the Right Ho- ny.
nourable Sir Edward Dering of Snrrendm Dering Deting.
in Kent, Baronet ;, ſometime one of the Lords
Commiffioners of his Majelly's Treaſury, O*T.
. Argent, a Saltire Sable, born by Mart;"
BaZdm'n of Czflle Gcſhel in King-'5 Count) in Baldwinl
. Infant/1, Eſquire,

F 3 Azure.
-7.0 The Art of
Azure, a Saltire Argent, born by Sir Wil
York. liam Tork of Bnrtoh Pedwdrding in Lincolnflrire,
' Knight. i ' ' '
Sable, a Saltire Argent, born by Thomas
Ducketſi Duct" Of Sft'Plemordm in Cambridge-[hire Eſq.,
' " Vert, a Saltire Or, born by the Name of
Hunt. Hum
' ' Per Pale Azure and Gules, a. Saltire Ar
pagg. gent, by the Name of Goge.
2. Pearl, on a Saltire Engrailed Diamond,
r 9 Annulets Topaz, born by the Right Honou
Ezrl of rable Robert Leak Earl of Scarf/idle, and Ba
Scaſfflale_- ron Deynoourt. - .
_ Vert, a Saltire Engrailed Argent, by the
'Hawley. Name of Hamley.
' ' And is born by the Right Honourable From
cis Lord Homley, and by Henry Homzley of Brmt
'' " ct in Middleſex,
.Argent, a Saltire Eſquire.
Engrailed Sable,. born by
'Sir George jl/Izddlcton of'ton in Lanmſhire,
Baronet. . ,
' 3. Parted per Saltire Argent and Gules, a
Saltire Counterchanged.
4.- Azure, a Saltire quarterly, quartered Or
and Arge'nt, being the Arms of the Epiſco
Zsflfidffl pal See of Both and We/Zr. .
' e 57 5. Per Pale Argent and Azure, a Saltire
Hodbonci, Counterchanged, by the the Name of Hodhoml.
' ' ' 6. Gules on a Saltire Or, another Vert, by
Andrews. the Name Of
' ' 7. Gules, a Saltire Cleche, that is pierced
through, Or;
8. Per Pale, Argent and Gules, three Sal
tires Counterchanged, born by Lome of
Lame. London.
i' ' 9. Girany of four Argent and Gules, a Sal
tire between as many Croſs Croffits al}_ Confi
J w.ſdgp, terchanaed born by Rage-r Two' en o _Bm -
*"'' horn in Real, Eſquire, Eldefi: Son to Sir Tho
'mn- Twzſden, Knight and Baronet, one Of his
Majeſty's Juſtices of King's Bench.
IO. Azure, a Saltire Argent, Gntte de Sang.
by the Name of Gonor. Gonol"
I I. Party per Feſs Sable and Gules, and Pa
ty of four Counterchanged, oYer all a Saltire . -
Argent, by the name of Hambfid- - 1- Hmohd'
12. Argent, a Saltire between four Roſes = _
Gules, born by Sir John Nzpr'fer of-L/mm Hac Name:
in Com. Bedford, Baronet. . [I
13. Argent , a Saltire between four-Cheſ-N
.rock-s Sable, by the name Of Badby. . Ba"dbþ
.14. Ermine, a Saltire Countercompone Or
and Gules', by the name of *Ulmſta/z. , -
15. Azure, a Saltire Or, 'charged with a *
Bendlet of the firſt, by the name of Terzgzzg-Terjng.
ham of L6z'6£ſt67fl1z'r-6.[ ' - barn.
16. Ermine ona Saltire Sable, five Beſants, .
by the name of Mtmm'rs. L . , . Mannets
17. Vert, a Saltire Engrailed Argent, [be
tween four Croſs Croſlets "Or, 'horn by Ithe:
Name Ofz-Dng.vtmlfll of Darſcrflazre. 3 'Deveniſh,
1 8. Azure two Shin-Bones in Saltire Argent,
by the name of Millhborn. w ' Number;
I 9. Sable, a Saltire Embattledocountetzfim- '
battled, Argent.,
20. Argent, by the
three namepf-Kzddal.
Saltircs, Couped' andZEn

grailed Sable, by the name of Bamon, 1 '

73 ' Ihe'atrc of
1 . . . _. X
' it: -.-"-'-- "*' -" ""*""_ 'I '

l, Uſſ.flC/LCOTZJ U &Hard-Pay 79- '.'

i , 2 4* it.


Example: of
1. Rmine an Ineſcocheon Gules.
2. Or, an Orle dure, by the Name of
Bertmm. Bertralp.
3. Argent, an Orle Engrailed on the lnner- "
fide Gules.
04. Gules, an Orle Engrailed on both ſides
5. Argent, an Orle of three Pieces Sable.
6. Ar ent, three Eſcocheons Sable, by the Lowdham.
Name 0 Lowdbzm. '
7. Topaz a Lyon Rampant, and Treaſure of
Scotland Rubyz within a Border gohonated
Pearl and Saphir. This is the Coat of the Right
Honourable Alexander Earl of Marmy, Lord Em of
Doun and Abermthe in Scotland, and ſometime Man-ay',
one of the principal Secretaries of State for' '
that Kingdom.
8. Topaz, a Lyon Rampant cut in Pieces
at the Joints Ruby, within aTreaſure of Scot
[and Saphirz born by the Right Honourable
Richard Lord Mditland, Lord juſtice Clarkc ofLordMait
the Kingdom of Scotland, one of the Lords ofhnd:
his Majeſty's moſt Honourable Privy council
,., . .. , for.
74 The Art of
for that Kingdom, and Eldeſt Son to the Right
Honourable Charles Earl of Lauderdale, &c.
9. Gules, an Ineſcocheon Argent, within an
Orle of Cinquefoils Or; born by Doctor Hugh
Chambeþchamherlairz, Doctor in Phyſick in Ordinary,
gain, to his Majeſty King Charles the Second, and by
his Brother Doctor john Chamherlain, Doctor
in Phyſick.
IO. Argent, three Eſcocheons Gules, born
HIY- by the Right Honourable John H-ty, Earl of
Errol in the Kingdom of Scotland.
1 1. Barry of eight Ermine and Gules, three
m" Eſcocheons Argent, by the Name of Hall of
. Tarkſhire.
Palm' 112. Gules,
3. King
Balz'ol ofanScotland.
Or, three Orle Ar gent,
Eſcocheons born
Barry b Varry
of fix John

Monchen, and Gules, born by the antient Family of MWzq

ſey. Gbmſtffl'
14. Gules, on three Eſco'cheons Argent, as
i VoweL' many Cinquefoils
[ſome/1 Azure, born by the Name of
of Sa-merſetſhire.

nother is. Argent, an Orle and three Martlets in

ſhut Chief Gules, by the name of Rozherford. .
16. Gules an Orle Argent, Debruiſed with a
Quixlcy- Bendlet Ermine, born by the Name of Qui-thy.
17. Or, on three Eſcocheons Sable, as many
Parker- Pheons of the firſt, by the Name of Pan-ler.
H bl r 8. Sable, a Maſcle within a double Preſſure
than: Flory Argent, born by Sir Henry Hohtexhamc
. Lord Mayor of London, 1547. <
Hujnſram 19. Gules, an Orle Ermine, born by the'
vine. Name of Humfmmville, . .
20. Or, an Orle Sable, charged on the Chief
with three Annulets of the firſt, -
- -*J
67. . The Art of

t no i r
" *,' "7- l-' i HſſiilPile
* is K- *'
'an brdinarY \-._
conſiiting of a
" J , '- "*- - twofold- Line,-- formed-i. Ya -Wedge,
i dzctnandi . an Azitient Addition to rni'przg- being
ÞFt/iſhat which' makes all Foundatio s"and.-Fortifi
I-l'.z.'f>-',_.\r cations-fiire and firm," eſpecially ppoh M'ooriſh
' i' i" andzWatry Gr011nds_.. . x '* . f:
I . ._ '. - " ' . '

r 311. wffl" .! 'A . _: he_ Examples follow: .

1. '03'2 'a LPile Enf railed Same; 'hym by the
gvgrffl- NamGzOfWMW/Z
. .0 re'- . .2,.,:-Azir"re; "a:Rile. Ermine, born Slr Cyri/l
. V'iltdlg Which? &Fþzfi'jfqrdffin .S.urry, Knee. ſometime
y ..""Embaſifidppr at: Conflnmrimple for his Majeſty
- '-Kingzcþrp-Zgv,the=Pirſt. I' '.**
. r Wſhan'd- A'ZutctaiPikzOtz: by the Nainctof Aldbtzm.
Ln V.
by the
Sable, -a''Pile Ermine, by the Name of Mo
of Bas
MYHIF- ' - rifivith. - - - - . '
With 3..Ermii.1e,_two Piles in point. Diamond,
But, zj born'by'the 'Right Hononrablefloþn Duke of
New- Ncwmfllc. . Je? ,- '
Came; ' 4. 7Argent three Piles meeting, near the bafe
. of the Eſcocheon; Azure, by£ the ..Namg. of
Bryan, Bryan; -* =. . \ ' ' .
' *-'B'aſſct- ..Or, three Piles Gules, by the Name of BeflZ-t,
Azure, threg Pixgs Or; ÞY the Name of Sal
Salboumg bonm. ' Ar
Argent, three Piles Gules, debruiſed with a .
Bendlet Azure, by the Name of Gilleshorongh. If?
Argent, three Piles waved Gules, by thef 5 '
Name o.f Can-diſh. Candiſh.
Ermine, three Piles waved Gules, by the
Name of Germn. Gemon.
Ermine, three Piles Engrailed Sable, by the
Name of Cdde. czdc.
5. Argent, three Piles, one iſſuing out of
the Chief between two others, tranſpoſed or
reverſed Sable, born by Captain Richard Hnlſe Hung
of Betherſden in Kent, Eſq;
6. Azure, a Pile wavey iſſuing out of the
.Dexter Corner of the Eſcocheon, Bendways Or,
by the Name of Aldham. manam.
7. Argent, a Pile in Bend, iſſuing out of
the Dexter Corner of the Eſcocheon Sable, '
Cottized Engrailed Gules.
8. Argent, a triple Pile flowry, on theTops
Sable, iſſuing out of the Siniſter Baſe in Bend,
towards the Dexter Corner.
9. Or, on a Pile Vert, three wheat-Sheaves
of the Field, born by Sir Anthony Oldfield ofoldfield.
Spalding in Lincolnjhire, Baronet.
m. Argent, a Pile wavey Gules, by the
Name of De [a Hny. De*h-haſ
n. Argent, a Pile Sable debruiſed with a_
Cheveron, both Counterchanged of the Field,
by the Name of Bcrir/gham. Retina
12. Or, on a Pile Engrailed Azure, three him.
Crollcts of the firſt, by the Name of Rigdon .
of Bows/fly, in Com. Lincoln. R'gdon.
13. Azure, a Pile between ſix Eſtoiles Or,
born by Smith of Soham in Camhridgefllire. Smith.
'4. Vert, a Chief Or, over all on a Pile in
Bend Argent, a Koſe Gules, by the Name of
Richmmd. \ Richmond

13. Or,
78 The Art of
13. Or, three Piles Sable, a Canton Ermine;
born by Sir Walter Wramſlcy , Baronet , of
tefley. , Wrotteſlcy in Cum. Smffl
16. Or, on a Pile Azure, a Stag's Head Ca
boſhed of the firſt, born by the antient Family
Perfe of Perflhauſ*e, of Perſclaanſe Gwarnell and Wood
houſe. hdll in Com. Smffi '
17. Ermine, on three Piles Sable nine Bed
Larder. fants, by the Name of Lardcr.
18. Or, three Piles in Bend, each Point En
figned with a Fleur-de-liz Sable, by the Name
Norton. of Mrt'on.
'9. Or, three Piles and a Lion Paſiant Sa
Legg?" ble, by the Name of Loggan of Oxjbrdflxire,
and ſometime of 'Upton in Glonceſterfln're.
20. Argent, three Piles wavey Sable on a'
wailing Chief Gules a Saltire Or, by the Name of Wals
ton. lington.

gPaſLdl.OTM- _.
- The Art of

Eacampler of
. 'A
..'- -"

Artitions are ſuch in which there is no

Tincture, that is Metal, Colour, or Fur
predominating in them, and are formed ofſun
'dry ſorts of Lines bf Partition, occaſioning oft
. times Counterchanging and Tranſmutation,
and theſe kinds of Bearing are ſubject to be
born Wav'ey, Engrailed, or the like. For Ex
1. Parted per Pale Argent and Gules, by
WalgraYe the Name of VValgrm/e.
2. Per Feſs Or and Azure.
3. Per Bend Embattled Pearl and Ruby,
born by the Right Honourable Richard Boyle
Earl of Burli'rlgton, and Baron Cliffbrd of Lanſl
Earl of horoagh in England, Earl Of Cor-he, Viſcount
Burling Dangar-z/aa, and Baron Toaghal of Ire/and, &c;
ton. And by the Honourable Robert Boyle ofSraal
Boyle. bridge in Dor/lerſhire, Eſq, Brother to the Right
Per Bſſen'd the
Or late
andEarl of by
Vert, Barlington.
the Name of
Hanvlcy. .
4. Quarterly Ermine and Sable, born by the
Right Honourable Philip Sranhope Earl of
Stanhope. Chqſlcrfield, and by jahn Staahapc of L.lveſtan
e. "........,. ... _ in Derhyflaire, Eſq;
-.--, n Some Blazon this Coat parted per Croſs, but
. , it is moſt truly Quarterly.

s. Per
5. Per Bend Siniſter Argent and Azure.
6. Per Cheveron Sable and Argent, born by
Sir VVi/[oughbj Aſtm of Aſtan in Cbcſhire, Ba- Anon'
7. Per Pile in Point Or and Sable.
8. Per Pale Travers, Argent and Gules:
9. Parted per Pale, Or and Gules, a Pile
tranſpoſed Sable. This is a Bearing rarely
metwilth. 1 Gl dE b h ,
to. oferReſt-weld.
Name Sa tire u es an rmine, y t e Reſtwold.
11. Per Pale Gules and Argent, the Bal'e
parted feſsways Sable. A bearing rarely to be
met with.
12. Girony of 6 pieces Or and Azure.
13. Girony of 8 pieces Topazand Diamond, Duke and
and is born by his Grace Arcbilmld Campbell, Euz of
Duke and Earlof Argile, Lord,Kz'mz're Camp- Argile.
bell and Larn, &c.
14. Per Pale and Cheveron Argent and
15. Chappe Or and Vert, Counterchang
16. Party per Pale indented Argent and A
zure, born by the antient Family of HIC/emdn Hickman.
of Lincolnſhirc.
17. Party per Bend Siniſter Crenelle, Gules
and Argent, by the Name of Boylcy. Boyley.
18. Party per Pale and per Bend, Or and
Argent, by the Name of Jolmſan. Jolmſon.
19. Party per Pale indented Argent and Sa
ble, a Saltire Counterchanged , by State ofscotc
Efl'ex. - .
20. Party per Cheveron, invectcd Sable
and Ermine, by the Name of Lmcy. I-OUCY
From Partitions l ſhall proceed to Counter
changes, which doth alſo admit of a Charge,
as theſe Examples willgemonſtrate.
i The Art of
ſ R

GILmic/.c/za 'gree-r
fij- 82

Ihhffizii" vl' "p

' wTo? "inI!

Mlllillllllli'if. _

b- at.
' you
* fflw- will-

LA - - -.z . . .

Example! ' of '

1.- ' Rble,
by the NamgedfPale Gules and Sa- Brook'.

z. Per Pale, Argent and Sable, a Pale

' Wnterchanged.
3. Per Pale Argent and Azure, per Bend
Counterchanged. 3 this thel-'rmchArmoriſts term
4- Pet Pale Argent and Gules,a Bend Coun- ,
ter-changed by the Name of Chaucer. Chaucer
z, Paly of ſix Argent and Sable, a Chief
, 6. Per Feſs Gules and Argent, a Pale Coun
terchanged, bY the Name of Lavidcr. Lavider
' 7. Parted per Pale Or and Gules, three
Roundels Counterchanged.
8. Per Feſi Argent and Vert, a Pale Coun
terchanged, three Lyon's Heads erazed Gules,
born by Sam. Argal of Walthamſtm in Efl'cx, [in-331..
Doctor in Phyſick.
9. Per Feſs Sable and Argent, a Lvon Ram
pant Counterchanged, by the Name of Vang
ham, and is 'born by the Right Houourablegm of'
Richard Earl of Carhnry in Ircland, and Lord enow.
Vanghan of Emlyn in England
,xo. Per Pale Nebule Azure and Or, fix
Martlets counterehanged by the Name ofFke-"md

G I [la Per
st" Fayzfart 'of
n. Per Feſs Argent and Gules, a Peſs be
tween three Creſcents countereha nged. .
12. Paly of ſix Argent and Gules, a Bend
Paly of as many counterchanged.
13. Paly Bendy Or and Sable.
14. Barry of ſix Indented, the one into the
other Argent and Sable, by the Name 'of
Gffl- Gill. " - f T . ", . ' ..
I 5. Barry' Bendy Argent and Vert;
16. Checky Topaz and Saphir, agFeſs Ruby,
. fretty Pearl, born by the Right Honourable
Lord William Lord Viſcount Che'my, of Nmhzwn in
Cþfflfj- Scotland, &c.
. 17. Checky Argent and Gules, a Chief in
M'dile. dented Azure, born by J'afeph Mcklcthmaite
thwalt' of Smayle'in Holderneſx in Torkſhire, Eſq; '
18.- Checky Or and Gules, on a Feſs Azure,
three Eſcallops Argent, born by Sir Robert
Baldock. Baldoclv, of Norfolk, Knt. . - '
' 19.. Barry of -ſix parted per Pale Indented
Argent and Gules, counterchanged, born by
PeYtW William. Peyto of Cheſterton in Wartviclr-fllire,
' Eſquire. ' '5
20. Barry Pily of eight pieces, Or and
Gules. _
21. Cheque Argent and Gules, a Chief vary
of the firſt, and Azure, born by the antient
. ' - Family of Cbichefler of Raleigh in Devonſhire,
&wi-he- and by the Right Honourable the Earl of Don
er' 'lago/1 in Ire-land. . , .
22. Qnarterly per Saltire Or and Azure, a
Lyon Rampant counterchanged, by Gonld of
Smwrton in Com. Down, and by Edward Gonld
of London, Merchant.
23. Loſenge-Argent and Gules, born by the
Pitz-Wiui-Right- Honourable the LOTdFItL-Vſillidmy of
ams. Irclmid. *

24. Par
H£_:E R A L =DR Y. 85
24; Party per Feſs Argent and Gules, a Ly
on Rampant within a Bordure all counterchan
ged, by the Name Of Bowell of Bury-Court in Bowell.
Corn. Santbampton. A
25. Girdnny of eight Pieces Or and Sable,
on a Canton Azure a Mullet of the firſt, by the
Name of Blackerby.

Thus much of Coat Armours that have an

Obſcure derivation from ſome of the Ordina
ries, and do keeptheir Name. I ſhall next pro
ceed to ſome Examples where two or more Or
dinaries are joyned in one Shield, and which
are ſubject to a Charge.

G 3 Example?
86 'The,Andt'

OTfþllaJ'ZfCcſjMn-ed 'Balneo f
. , 5'
nzm r; _
l i
"F T
l i
__._L -
( Ar

Example: of
1 lowed together
r, ' ules on a Cheveron Argent, three Bars
Gemells Sable, born by Sir Baynbam nt _
'Throgmorton of flower-wall in Gloucecterſhire, morg
Knight and Baronet.
2. Sable, a Pile Argent debruiſed with a
Gheyeron Gules, by the Name of Dixlzn. Dixon,
3. Argent, a Pile Azure, debruiſed with a
Chaveron connterchanged Argent and Sable,
born by Sir John Otwdy of I mirc, in the Weſt Otway.
riding of, Knight, hancellor of Dur
ham, Vice-Chamberlain of the County-Palatine
of Ldncaſtcr, Deceaſed.
4. Argent, two Bars Gules, on a Canton of
the ſecond, a Croſs of the firſt, born by Thomm
Bronghton of Bronghton in &afford/hire, ERBBMSMTI
Son and. Her. of Sir Bryan Branghtan, Knight
and. Baronet.
5. Sable on a Saltier Engrailed Argent, an
Eſcocheon Or, charged with a Croſs Gules,
by the Nameof Marrix. Men-is,
6. Or, a Feſs between two Cheverons Sable,
born by-Jeba Lzfle of Moxbnl in Warwick-jhire, Lint,
Ijſqnirg. * ' '
' G 4, 7. Gules
'88 ' The Art of - . n

7. Gules, two Bars and a Chief indented

Hare. Or, born by Sir Raphe Hare of Stow-Bardolyh
in Norfolk, Baronet. And by the Right Ho- . '
Colraine. nourable the Lord Colrainc in Ireland.
8. Argent, a Cheveron and Chief Azure.
9. Argent threePales and Gules, a Cheveſi
Barkham. ron Or, born 'by Sir Edward Barkham of Waſt
Acrc, in Norfolk, Baronet. .
10.- Barry'ofjſix .iece'jsOt and Azure, a
Gaunt. Bend Gules, by the game of Gaunt. . - .
11. Argent, a Pale and Chief Gules:
12. Gules a=Saltire Engrailed Argent, and
a Chief Vairy.
13. Checky Or and Azure, a Feſs Gules,
born'by the Ri 'ht Honourable Hugh Lord
Clifford. Clzflbrd, Baron o Chudleigh in De-uanſhirz, Son
- and Heir ofthe Right'I-lonour'able Thomas Lord
Clifford deceas'd, ſometime Lord High Trees'
A ſurer of England, &e.
14. Per Pale Argent and Vert,' a Cheveron
Engrailed counterchanged: ' .
.15. Topaz, a Saltier and Chief Ruby ona'
Canton Pearl, a Lyon Rampant Saphir; born
Bruce. by the Right Honourable Thomas Bruce, Earl
of Ailesbury and Elgin , Viſcount Bruce of
Amptbil, Baron Bruce of Wborlton' and
Kinlaſr, &C. '
16. Sable, a Cheveron within a Bordure
Engrailed Argent.
' 17. Barry of ſix Or and Sable, an lneſco
18. Argcnt.
Quarterly perl'Saltire Or and .Gules','._a

. Saltire Engrailed Erminc.

19, Barry of ſix.Argent and Gules, a Pale
Ermine. " ' ' ' '
20. Or; a-Fels"AZure'debruiſedby a Bend, born by Sir Elmes of Srokc'jo'ox'u
Elwes. Clnrc in 'Six/folk, Ba roriet; 'and by Sir John Elnm,
Knight. zt. Gules
' 11: 'Gules, a Feſs and three Piles in Chief
. Wavey Argent, born by Sir fill-.aim Iflmm ofmmm
" Lampor't in Northamptonjhin, Baronet;
_ 22. Or a Feſs counter-compone, Gules and
Sable, a Chief indented Azure. r
23. Quarterly Topaz and Ruby, a Bend
Vairy, born by the Right Honourable Charles
Saokoile Earl of Dorſot and ſl/Iiddleſex, Baron &Yf-1'
Bac/eharſt, and Knight of the Garter, do. et'
.This 'Coat is alſo born by Colonel Thomas
Sack-oil: of' Selſcombc in Sujſex, Son of Sir Tho
mash sack-vile of the ſaid place, Knight of the
Bat ;
Quarterly Olr and Gultesa Bend Saklldle, born .
b SirofFames
riYsk C aim-in
Dnrham, 0 Amvel
Bargnet. . int e Biſho p - claw-me

Qparterly Argerit and Gules, a Bend Sable,

born b Tho. VVidrington of Fenham in Northnm- Widflnc
berlom , Eſquire; and by the Right Honoura- ton. a'
ble William Lord V/iddrington.
Quarterly Sable and Or a Bend Argent, born
by George Langhton of Langto'z in Lincolnjhlrquughton,
24. Argent a Croſs Gules and Chief Vert.
25. Or, a Pile in Bend Ermine Perforated
through a Chcveron Grules.


i lſi 'lfil ffil r
ii\ ., r
a w'- --.- *

C H A P. lII.
Dear: Coat Armogr [armed ly' things
Artificial, to wit, ſm a: are made 5]
My', and for his a/E, which [bad be redu
ced 'ender ſeveral' Heads, as they Relate
'a 'be 'oli- af Ci-vil Life, a: the Enſgm
Digm.ty, Lotb Temporal and &cleft-'fli
tbl ; or off Pmflfflom but/1 Likrd and Me
cbam'cal, or as the] Relate 'o Miliary
Action', 'a wed the Land a: Sea,

r. 'Up-.ter a Scepter Royal in Pale, inſigþ
ed'with an Eye-Sol.
The Eye betokeneth Providence in
' Government, being the Watchmgn of
the Body, and the Scepter is an'Embl'em of
juſtice: '- - ' . A
\ 2. LanaaMound, Saturn environedwi't'ha
Circle, and enſigned with a Croſs Avellane
Mars. . .
Thisas Gnillim notes, is'a'n Enſign repreſent:
ing Soveraign Maieſty and Jurifiiictio'n of a
King, and therefore it is blaz'oned by the
Plan'ets. ' . ' '
By the roundneſs of the Mound, and in-e
w, .. thereof
He with . A a, Croſs,i is.. figuificd,

91 '' Art of,
that Religion and the Faith of Chriſt, ought
to be received and embraced, throughout his
Dominions. "' ' ' * '* ' *
3. Sol, a Cap of Maintenance, Marnturn
ed up Ermine, <' i - *'
This is called the' of Maintenance, for
that Pope Julias the ſecond, ſent ſuch a one.
with a Sword to King e-Henry'' the-eighth', ' for
he had lately before that written a 'Book a
gainſt Martin Luther., and, after that, Pope
Leo the Tenth, gave him? the Title of Defender
.of the Faith.
4. Lana,-a Mantle .of "Eſtate, Mars, 'dou
bled Ermine, couched Sol, garniſhed with
Strings faſtned thereunto ſretways-dependant,
and taſſelled of the ſame.
The Mantle is a Robe of Eſtate'peculiar to
Monarchs, and free Eſtates.
Town of .Theſe Arms dobelong to the Town of'
Brecknock'Br-eþknock*iiq Waler. ' ' '
s. Jupiter, a Mace of MajePcy in Bend Sal.
It is called "a" Ma'ce of Maj'eſty, to diſtin
guiſh it from a Mace born by a common Ser
geant. r - ' -. - - -.
6. Pearl three Garters nowed Saphir, lim
briated and buckled with this lnſcrlption'- up
'on it, HONI soſſ QUI -MAL. ,r.-. PENCE,
all Topaz. . . . . .
This Garter is worn by the Knights of the
Garter. ,- , '
. 7.. Gules three Taſſels- Or, by the Name of
Woolct Waalcr.
- 8. Saturn an imperial Crown Sol. I
OfCrowns l ſha-'i-l ſpeak more in the Chap
ter of external Ornaments. -
9. Gules three Ducal Crowns Or, on a Chief
Bericen of the ſecond as many Laurel Leaves proper,
head. born by Sir John Berkenhmd, Knight, deceas'd,
to. Pearl,
' lo: Pearl'a Sword of Eſtate in Pale, the
point erected Ruby, hilted and pomelled To-'
paz 3 the Scaberd enriched with precious Stones
:-'"'The manner of bearing this Sword varieth
according -to the ſeveral Eſtates and Dignities,
of the Perſons for whom they are born.
. . 1-1. "Or, a Cardinal's Hat or Ca , with
Strings pendent and plated in form o a True
"Lover's' Knot, 'the 'ends meeting in baſe Gules,
- Such Red- Hats-are worn by the Cardinals at
Rome, and other Catholick Countries.
12. Venuna Staff in Pale Sol, and thereup
on a croſs Pattee, Luna ſurmounted off a Pall
ofLthe laſt, charged with four, like Croſſes
fitched Saturn, edged and ſtringed as the ſe
cond. This Coat belongs to the Archiepiſco
pal See of Canterbn , to whoſe place it apper
tains to Crown an lnaugurate the Kings and
Queens of England.
13. Vert, three Gem-Rings Or, enriched
with Turkeſſes proper.
Ring Cuſtom
a common and Time
Ornament for hath
everymade the i
nick Hand, yet of right nonelſhould uſe and
wear them, but ſuch as either by Blood, Wars,
Learning, or Office and Dignity, were made
capable thereof.
'4. Azure, a Biſhop's Croſier in Pale erect
Or. The Croſier was given to the Biſhops as.
an Emblem to fetch and draw the Souls of Men
to their Lord and Maſter Jeſus Chriſt.
15. Or, Six Annulets 3, 2 and 1, Sable', by
the Name of Lomther, and is born by the Right Lowther.
Honourable Richard Lomthsr, Viſcount Lonſ
dale, CY. - -
' By Sir William Lowther of Pomeſraf? in the
'North-Riding or Ter/aſſure, Knight. <
94, The Art of
By Anthony Lawtbcr of Mask in TGlMl/'lfl'di
in the North-Riding of Tork ire, Eſq;
B fhnry Lowtloer of Cap pruneth in Cpnber
Ian , Eſq.,
Azure, lſix Annulets 3, 2 and t Or, born
Muſ Sir.P-b.illip Maſ'graw of Edmhall in C'Hmber
land, Knight and Baronet.
By Sir, Edward Mnſgraac of Haytan-C'afll' in
the ſaid county Baronet. _ . . .
B Fy ChriſzopheeMa/Zra-ue of Eden-Hall
in t e, aid Count-y, Knight, ſecond Son to-the
ſiid Sir Philliſhdeceaſed.
By PVilliamlMujzrave of Mnflnwe-Ha/l in
By William Ma/(*grave of Clear, both of the'
ſaid County, Eſquires. ' .
And by Edward Maſzraw of Afloby in Wcfla
morland, Eſqnire. -
16. Argent a Cheveron between three An
Get-ans, nulets Gules, born by Thomas curcing of Kinſtofl
in &awake-re, Eſquire, and by Law: Gorcing
Of the Inner-Temple, London, Gent.
The Charge of Annulets are born ſeveral
ways, and of greater or leſſer quantities, as
by theſe Examples may appear.
Argent, three Annulets in Chief Gules.
Azure, five Annulets in Croſs Or.
Barry of ſix Argent and Azure, over all
three Annulets Or.
Per Feſs Argent.and Sable, fix Annulets
Gules on a Chief indented Argent, three
Annulets Sable. 1 d
, , 17. Gules, ten Bil ets,'4, 3, 2 an 1. Or,
Qflfflþ by the Name of Cawdrcy.
if the number of Billets be ten, or under,
then in the blazoniug Name, the quantity of
them ', but if above, then the Number is not
expreſ'; 18. Dia
_ 18. Diamond, a Bend Engrailed between ſix
Blllets Pearl, born by the Right Honourablemuþ
Hildebrand, Lord Allington o Ireland. hung,
19. Gules, 3 Pens Argent.
20. Ermine, 3 Wheels Sable.
21. Argent, a Croſs Gules in the firſt quar
ter, a Katherine-Wheel of the &cond.
This Wheel differs from the plain, which is
of uſe for Carts and other Carriages, it having'
Teeth ſet round it, and was much in uſe in the
primitiveAge of the Church, for the Torturing
Chriſtians, and took its Name from St. Kathe
rine, that ſuffered Martyrdom on ſucha kind
of Wheel. '
22. Gules, ' 3 Katherme-Wheels Argent, on.
a Chief of the ſecond a Bull's Head couped Sa
ble, born by Sir Phillip Matthew, of Edmore
ton in Middleſex, Baronet, and b you-hire
Matthew: of LincoIm-Irm in Middle ex, Eſq;
23. Or, three Text SS. Sable.
14. Vert, two Organ Pipes 'in Saltier, be
tween four Croſſes Pattee Argent. .
It is ſaid that Tubal the Son of Lamech, was
the firſt that found out Muſical Inſtruments.
25. Azure a Harp Or, ſtring'ed Argent*
This is the Arms of the Kingdom of lrelomd,
quartered in her Majeſty's Royal Atchieve

96_ Theffirt of

MAN' A J'Ul m
*u'duhfll. r

5 "'"' 'a

Other Example: . of
-1.PEarl, a Manch Diamond, born bY"the In; of
Right Honourable .Tbeaphilm Earl oft-louring.
Hunrihgtan, Baron Haſtings, Hungerfnrd ,ton.
Botrmnx, Nmmnrfl: and Molim, &c.
The word Manch is derived from the Latin
'- word Manim, which ſignifies the Slecve of a
Garment. A
2. Argent, a Cheveron between three Man- m l
ches Sable, born by Sir Edward Mmmcel of "me"
Margam in Glamorganflure, Baronct. ,
3. Or, a Purſc Overt Gules.
4. Gules, a Cheveron between three Iriſh
' Broges or Shoes, Or.
5. Azure, a Plough in Feſs Argent, by the
Name of Kroge. , Kroge.
6. Gules, three Scithes without the Sncads,in
Pale Barways Argent, by the Name of Kcmple. KemPlc'
7. Sable, a Cheveron between three Tuns
Argent, born by the Company of Vintners.
8. Argent, three Fuſilsupon Slippers, Gules." '
They are called Fuſils from fucus, which
fignifies a Spindle of Yarn. Pliny ſaith it was.
a faſhion and cuſtomat Rome, that when Maids
were to be Wedded, there attended upon
them one with a Diſtaff, of dreſſed Wool, as
alſo with a Spindle and Yarn upon it, to put
H them
93 The In i .
them in mind that Houſewiſery and Wivery
were to go together.
9. Argent three Weavers Shuttles Sable, tip
ped and furniſhed with their Quills of Yarn or
Thread, Or, born by John Shnttlmartb of New
worth. by-Hnll in Torkflaire, Gentſi
10. Argent, a Cheveron between three Car
Atlow. penter's Squares, Sable, by the Naxbe ofArlow.
' 11. Argent, a Fefis between three pair of
Pint-ers, Gules.
12. Gules, a Cheveron between three Mul
Iets,Or, born by John Soamc of littleT/anrlow in
Soame. Snffolþ, Eſq; and by" Colonel Sadme of Nmrfelk.
. 1 3. Or, on a Feſs Azure, three Hawks Bells
of the-firſt. '
Theſe ſort of Bells are of great Antiquity,
being worn by the Hebrew High Prieffx on the
Skirts of their upper Garments, in their Di
vine Worſhip, to move the People to Attenti
on. And the great Bells were 'invented to hang
in Churches,to call the People toDivineServ-ice.
14. Sable, three Bells Argent, by the name
Portcr. Of Parte-r.
15. Argent, three Bugle or Hunters Horns
Sable, ſtringed Gules vmd garniſhed Or,b0rn by
Belling Alum Bellingbam ofLea-ven in ÞVeſtmqrelmd ,Eſq:,
Argent, three Bugle-horns Sable, ſtringed
Vert and garniſhed Or, is born by Hnmfrey
Wyrley. "On-ley of Hamyſtead-Hall in Smffi'rdjhire, Eſq;
16. Vert, frettyOr, born by Sir Will. Whit
W hit mare of Apley in Sbropfl'ire, Baronet.
Sable, Fretty Or, born by Sir j'ohn Bellew of
Bellem Town in the county of Mmth in lrelarzd,
17. Gules a Frett Argent, born by Sir Da
Playing. ' m.el Fleming of Ridalc in Weſtmorbmd , Knr.
and by'Edward Fleming .of Inſlow in Dawn
flJire, Eſquire.
' ' Sable,

Sable, a Frett Argent, by the Name of Ha
rington. _ _ Harington
Gules, a Frett Engrailed Ermme, by the
Name of Eyneford. '3 - Eyneford.
18. Or Fretty Gules, a Canton Eri'nine,
born by the Right Honourable Baptiff Noel, 34" of
Viſcount Campdm, Baron Of Ridlington and El- Gainesbo
mingtan, and Earl of Gzinuborongh. ' rough
And with a due difference, is born by the
Honourable John Noel. late ofLuffmbam in Rut- Nocl.
landſhire, Eſq; third Son of the Right Ho
nourable Baptiſt Nael, Viſcount Cnmpden', &c.
= 19. Argent, a Frett of eight' pieces Gules,
each charged in the midſt with a Flower de liz
Or, by the Nameof Hnmildcn. . . . Hamildcn
- 20. Argent Fretty Gules and ſemy ofCaſtles,
the ſecond by the Name of Ng-cbur. . Nffhuſi
, 21. Argent, threeWeel-s revers'd Vert.
' 22. Or, three' Dice Sable, each charged Ambcg
' with an AceArgent," by theName of Amlm AN. Ace.
There is no Fortnnein- the Dice, but all
Ominous, for he that loſeth is tormented, and
he that winneth is enticed to Play onuntil he is
enſnared, may be loſe far more than
he formerly won, beſides the ill Accidents
that often attend, even to Murther it ſelf
23. Ermine on a Croſs quarterly pierced *
Argent, four Fcr-de-Molim, Sable, born by
Sir Edmand Turne?" Of Stokf Lffbford in Lin- Tumor." i
colnſhire, Knight.
. 24.- AzurghFeſs'betWeen three Cheſs-rookslgodem w

Or, by the nam'e of Bodenham. r ham.

This is a thing uſed lin' the Play of Chels,
being for the defence of all'the reſt, and
ſtands in the utmoſt 'corner of the Cheſs-' .
Board, or Frontier-Caſtle. , .- -*. .;,
fflzzz Azure,.three broad Axes Argent, two . 'ii-full'
and "one, 'by the Name of Wright of the King;" . " .
dom of Scotland. H 2. - Exam- w
'too 'Lheflmof
_.._.___.. .

- thin .crjaaſſloo ff

Other Example: of



r. Able, three Cn covered Argent. Born

by Edmand are-'p of North More in War-cup.
Oxflrdjhire, Eſq; '
. 2. Argent, on a Chief Sable, three Cups co
vered Or. Born by Meatus Butler of Hailes in Rule'
over Rmvclzff in Lancafluirc, and of the City
of London, Doctor in Phyſick.
3. Gules, a Fuſil Argent.
4. Saphir, a Cheveron between three Low
zenges Topaz, born by the Right Honourable 31" Of
Henry Earl of Clarendon, Viſcount Carnbnr meum.
and Baron Hide of Hindan; and by the Ri t on
Honourable Laurcnce Hide, Earl of roomier, a"
late Lord LieutenantGeneral, and General Go- n
vernor of the Kingdom of Ircland; and one of
the Lords of her Majeſty's moſt Honourable
5. Gules, a Maſcle Argent. . '
The Fuſil is longer than the Lozenge, hav
.. ing its upper and lower parts more acute
and ſharp than the other two collateral middle
parts: ; Yru'. 7

41 ..
. .-" The Lot of l
The Lozenge differs from the Fuſil, in that
it is not ſharp at the top and bottom, but all
the Lines of an e ual length.
A Maſcle is in orm and ſhape like the Lo
zcngc, but that it is voided as in the Eſcoche
on appears.
6. Argent, aflhevcron between 'three Fuſils
Ermenois- Born by Sir John shaw of Eltham
shaw. in Kcnt, Baronet ., and by Mr. Thomas shaw of
the Ci o Londa ,- 'erchane _ - ,
' 7. Egg"na oh I &nd-'Sable, 'three Maſdes
Carleton- of the FieldJz'Bpjrn.byf 'cava-ad C*drleton of
Ampthil in Bedfizrdfliire, Gent.
8. Pearl three Lozenges in Feſs Ruby, with
Mounta_ in a Bordure Diamond. Born by the Right
guc zffl Honourable Chdfln Mawtagm, Earliof My.
afMm: zchgfler, Viſtouht' Mmdwil, Baron'aof K'Lmbol
'chcſterl- ton; and one of the Lords of her Majeſty's moſt
Honourable Privy Council. " -
' By the RighfHonourable RalpbDuke OfMolme
Duke Ofmgm, Manquiſi; Of Malmtbermer, 'and Lord
NPWSW Maunmgne of Boightanz Maſter of her MajeſtY's
Great Wardrobe, and one of the Lords 'of her
Maieſty's moſt 'Honourable Privy Council.
Fzm "o . By'the Rightil-Tonourable Edward Mantagnc,
sanawzzi I Earl of Sandm'ch, Viſcount Mounmgneof Himbſi
' ingbrook, and Baron of St. Neati'. '
By the Height Honourable Charles Monnmgln
. Lord Halizgflzk, 'Auditor of the Exchequer, and
alſo one of the Lords ofrthe. Briv'y council.
' By Edward :MoHiItagne of Horror' in Nar
thizmptaxflzire, Eſq', -
And by William Monmague; Eſq; Son and
Heir of the Right Honourable William Moun
rzzgnzc, ſometime Lord Chief Baron of the
.C01ir1''0f. Exclteqner, Bith their proper .
remes, '
' ..>. .-ar -
9- AF:
. 1 o Avgent, a Roundle Gules.
The Roundle is a thing much uſed in Coat
Arm'our, but by different Names, it retaining
meand the lame ſhape, and the Names appro
priatedi to it, doth declare the Colour without
hinting it a and of theſe Ronndles there are
nine ſhrts, w'z. Bezants whoſe colour is Or.
Plates, 'whoſe colour is Arge-nt. Torteauxes,
whoſe colour is Gules. Heurts, whoſe colour
is Azure. Pellets or Ogreſſes, whoſe colour
is Sable Pomeis is Vert. Golpes is Pnrpure:
Angdesofis theſe
Tenne, and'Guzes
three is Sanguine.
are the uſual bearing ei
ther in a Field by themſelves, or on, or ble
tween any of .Ordinaries, as by the Examples
in the Eſcocheon doth appear.
10. Or, three Torteauxes. Born by Sir
William Cum-'ney of Powderhnm-Caſtle in Dc- Court
twnjbire, Baronet. "CY
An'vd by John Chimney of Knamflona in' the \ ,,
ſaid County, Eſq; '
11. Argent, three Torteauxes in Bend, Cote
tized Sable, by the Name of Incc. luce.
12.. Or, on a Feſs Sable three Plates, born' z
by Sir John Bmmpffm of Serum in Effcx, Bramp
Knight of'the Bath. And by Dr. Bmmpflan fien
of DaZZ-ar'x-Cammam, London, '
13. Sable, two Bars Argent in Chief, three
Plates, born by Sir Edward Hungcrfard ofFar- '
ley-Caſtle in Hampfhire, Knight of the Bathflw
And by Sir George Hungerford, Baronet. foul,
14.- .Argent fix Torteauxes, three, two and
15. Or, on a Pale Azure, three Bezants
born by John VVild'mm of Bmncot alias Breke',
in Borlefln'rt, Eſqz- ._ -
'6. Argent, aCroſsSable between four Pel
lets, born by Sir Robert Ci-zyton of the City ofclalmz
' ' at; ' Llme '
104. The Art of
London, Knight and Alderman, ſometime Lord
Mayor thereof.
r 7. Sableten Plates, ſour, three, two and one,
on a Chief Argent, a Lyon Paſſant Sable, born
Bridgman by Sir John Bridgman of Cnflle Bromwickin War
with"flain, Baronet, Son and Heir of the Right
Honourable Sir Orlnndo Bridgm-m, Knight and
Baronet deceaſed, ſometime Lord Keeper of
the Great Seal of England.
By Orlotnda Bridgmnn of VVithin-Braok in
Wnrmicle-flzire, Eſq; ſecond Son of the ſaid
Sir' Orlnnda.
And by William Bridgman ofTorL-bnildings in
the Pariſh of St. Martim in the Fields in Mid
dleflx, Eſq; deceaſed.
18. Gules on a Cheveron Or, three Croſſes
Forme Fitche Sable, between as many Bezants,
Smith. born by Emſmm Smith alias Hfrez. of St. Jonas
in the Pariſh of Clerleennrel, in Middlcſbx, Eſq;
Son of Sir Rager Smith Of Edmomhorp in Leice
flerfln.rc, Knight, deceas'd.
i-19. Argent, three Bars Sable in Chief, as .
many Torteauxes, all within a Bordure Er
mine, born by Sir Thomas Bludworth of Lea
worth. ther-head in Surrcy, Knight, Son and Heir to
Sir *Thomas Blndroorth of the ſaid place, and of
the City of London, Knight, ſometime Alder
man and Lord Mayor, Anno 1666. _ '
zo'. Horſe-ſhoes
t three Argent on of
a Bend Gules,born
the firſt, cottiſed Sable,
by the Fa
mily of Ferrers of Shellingtharpe in Corn. Lin.
tain, ' .
21. Gules, three Stirrups Or, born b the
senda Viſcount Scndamare of the Kingdom -o Ire-'
more. land.
22.. Argent, a Feſs Sable, between three
' Hatchets proper, their Handles Gules, by the
wray. Name of Wrny of Cornnmll.
23. Ar- .
23. Argent on a Cheveton between three
Maſcles Gules, three Cinquefoils of the firſt, .
by Spring of Pakmham in Suflblk. ' 'spr-hig.
24. Sable on a Che'veron between three
Mill-Pecks Argent, as many Mullets Gules, by -
Moſeley of Stafliirdjbirt; Moſhley.
25. Sable, a Cheveroſſ'between three Cro
nells of Tilt ſS/pears Argent,' by Wyſeman of W'Yſcinan.
Riwnhall in E ex. . p

Having treated of civil Artificial Thries,

next comes in Order Mlimrj thing: as well
for offence as Defence.. ' ' . t

. I

.. a
- 41
c V '*'-L'
.. .. . -

f' I *
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L.ZxA/npler ofo '

l. Rgent, a Tower tripple Tower'd,
Gules, chained Tranſverſe, the Port
O r. '
Caſtles and Towers are Places of Strength,
and 'commonly ſeated on a lofty Aſcent, and
in Plac'es of Strength both by Nature and Art,
and do ſerve' for. places of Refuge and Retreat,
rather than for the Valorous to perform any
noble Exploit in, and many times Caſtles and
Towers have proved very pernicious to thoſe
that have repoſed their Truſt in their'Safety. . "l'
2. Or, a Tower Sable,, having a Scaling-Lad
der raiſed againſt it in Bend Siniſter Argent.
3. Argent a Tower tripple Towerld Sable,
on a Mount proper, born by Sir Richard C'hi- .
wrron, Knight, ſometime Alderman of London. Chlvffloll
4. Or a Caſtle in Baſe tripple Tower Gules,
the Po'rts diſplayed ofthe Field,leavedArgent.
Mr. Gnillim obſerveth, that when the Archi
tecture or Maſonry extendeth all over the
Field, from one ſide to the other, it muſt be
.blazoned a Caſtle: But if it be thus turretted
and environid by the Field, then it muſt be
blaſoned a Tower or Caſtke with ſo many,- Tu r
rets, do. .
s. Argent, a Brid e of three Arches il
Feſs Gules, maſoned Sa le, the Streams trans
fluent proper, a Fane Argent, by the Name of-rmw
Trowhridge, ' "' ' ' ' '' 6. Sa- bridge.
'08 Lhe Art of
6. Sable, a Cheveron between three Tents
Teuton Argent, by the Name of Tmron.
Tents and Tabernacles were the chief Habi
tation of our Fore-Fathers, and ſuch kind of
Habitations were beſt for their convenience,
for the often removing their Seat, for the re
ſreſhing their Cattle with change of Paſtnres.
And this Cuſtom is at this Day obſerved by
the Tartar-"am, and ſome other of the Eaſtern
People. '
7. Gules, three ſingle Arches Argent, the
Ca itals/and Pedeſtals Or. .
. Azure three'Banners diſvelloped or diſ
played. in Bend Or.
Banners are very uſeful for every Bandof
Foot, or Troop of Horſe to 'gather their Comſi
* pany together, each Banner having ſome par
ticular Mark of diſtinction for. their better
knowledge thereof.
9. Ermine a croſs Bow bent in Pale Gules,
Arblaſter. by-the Name of Arblaſter.
The Croſs-Bow is ſaid to be firſt deviſed by
the Greciam.
10. Gules, a Drum in Feſs between three
Drum ſticks erected Argent.
This loud founding lnſtrnment is of like uſe
with the Trumpet, and uſed by many Nations.
Zizta that renowned Captain of the Bohemi- .
ans being ſick to Death, deſired his Soldiers,
whenhe was. dead, to flea him, and make a
Drum of his Skin, aſſuring them that when
their Enemies ſhould hear the ſound. thereof,
they would put them to flight.
1 1. Sable, a Beacon fired Or, the flame pro
Upon the InvafiQn of an Enemy the Beacons
are ſet on Fire, which preſently gives an Alae
rum to the whole Country, and-ſuch Beacons
' are
are placed upon high Hills, as in Kmt, L"flix,
and other Frontier Counties of England, for
. the like occaſion when need requires.
la. Argent, a Culvering diſmounted in Feſs
Sable, by the Name' of Lezgh. ' high
13. Azure, three Murthering Chain-ſhots
. 14. Pearl three BatteringRams barways pro
er, headed and garniſhed Saphir, by the
ame of Bertic, and is born by the Right Ho- Rank
nourable Robert Earl of Lindſey, Baron WiI-Em ,,f
longhby of Eresby, Lord Great Chamberlain ofLindſey.
England, and one of the Lords of her Majeſty's
moſt Honourable Privy Council, cj'c.
Alſo by the Right Honourable Fames Lord
Bcrtie, Baron Norris of Rycot, Earl of Abing
ton, Lord Lieutenant of Oxfardfl'ire, Gover-zfflofA.
nor of the Tower of London, and one of thebingcon.
Lords of Her Majcſty's moſt Honourable Pri
This Coat with a due difference, is born by
the Honourable Captain Peregrin Bertie, of
Waldcrjbire in Kcnr.
By the Honourable Captain Richard Berric
of Cretan in Lincolnjhire. And by the Honou
rable Captain Charles Bertie of 'Uffington in Lin ' ,
The Battering Ram was an Inſtrument much
- uſed by the Romanx, at their beſieging Cities, or
Holds,with urpoſe to ſurprize them; and ſuch
an Engine did Titm Veſpntinnm erectagainſl
Jſernjnlem when he took it. . .
15. Azure, three Launces in Bend Or. '
Gnillim obſerves, That it was the Cuſtom of
the Romnm, before they waged War, after a
denial of reſtitution of 'Things unjnſtly taken,
or ſatisfaction for injuries offered, that their
King of Arms ſhould amongſt other ceremo
140 The Art' of
nies throw a Spear headed with Iron, and im
brued with Blood, and ſcorched with Fire, in
to the Soil of that People, againſt whom they
intended Wars, to declare to them, that they
would with Fire and Force ſeverely puniſh them
for injuries done them.
16. Ruby, three Horſemen's Reſts To
Ear' of paz, born by the Right Honourable John Earl
Bath. of Bath, Viſcount Gum-vile of Lnndſdomn, Ba
ron Gum-vile of Kilhampton and Bid-ſand.
The Clarion by ſome is ſaid to be a Reſt for
Launces, and by others a Muſical Inſtrument
uſed in Battle and Turnaments, like unto
Trumpetsz for in many old Deſcriptions of
Tiltings, we find Knights to come in with
17. Sable three Scaling Ladders in Bend
Shipſtow. Argent, by the Name of Ship/few.
18. Argent a Sweep Azure, charged with a
Magnal. Stone Or, by the Name of Mognol.
This Inſtrument was uſed to caſt Stones in
to the Towns or Fortifications of the Ene
mies '
19. Gules, a Cheveron Engrailed between
three Trumpets barways Argenth
The Trumpet was made by the immediate
Direction and Command of God to Moſer,
and was to be uſed for the aſſembly of the Con
gregation, and for the departure of the Camp.
And the Sound of the Trumpet, is but as the
loud Voice of the General, and altho' the
- Trumpeter fights not, yet his Sounding doth
much excite and encourage the Soldiers to Va
20. Gules three Pole-Axes in Feſs Argent,
over all a Feſs chequie of the firſt and ſecond,
Poſhauch. by the Name of Foflmnch.
21- Ar
21. Argent, twoiSvvordsin Cheveron Azure,
piercing a Man's Heart in Chief Gules, in Baſe
a Cinquefoil of the ſecond- By the Name of
Pearſon of Balmaids in Scotland. . Pc3ſſ®* .
22. Sable, a Feſs voided Or, between three
Towers triple Tower'd Argent, by Clad-ver ofclearer.
Bnckinghamjhire. '
23. Gules, a dexter Hand couped feſsways _
proper, holding a Sword in Pale Argent, be- '
tween two broken Hammers,..0r, . by the name
of Nneſmith of Scotland. , Naeſnith
24. Or, three Nails Sable, two and one.,
by the Name of PraEZer. ' - Procter.
25. Argent, on a Feſs Gules, between three
Bundles of Match fired proper, a Mertlet for ,
difference, Or *, born by Leete of Crzmbridge- um' .

'other v
11: The Aud: .
tlll.lycfv Pafl, 112Zl 'r

. ll Il
w- c

Other Example: of

r. Rmine, three Long Bows in Pale Bent,
Gules, by the Name of Boren.
2. Gules, three Arrows Or, feathered and Bow'
headed Argent, born by Sir Edward Hales ofuales. -
Tunſtal in Kenr, Baronet. .
By Sir Robert Hales of Beaheshorn in the ſaid
County, Baronet.
. And by Sir Chrzſtopher Hairx of Co-'uentry in
Warmth-flain, Baronet.
3. Sable, a Cheveron 'Engrailed between .
three Arrows Argent, born by Sir Hamfrcy
Foſtor of Aldermaſton in Barhſhire, Baronet. Foſtcl"'
4. Saphir, a Croſs between four Pheons To- Ear, of
paz, born by the Right Honourable Richard Ram
Jonjr, Viſcount and Earl of Ranrlflugh in [Te- laugh
lan .
' 5. Vert, on'a Cheveron Argent, three bar
bed Arrow-heads Sable, born by Sir Charles
Keymzls Kxven-Mxhlcy in Glomargfflſhino Keymii
r The Bow and Arrows were Military Inſtru
ments much uſed in former Ages, before the
invention of Gnns by the Englzjh, and great
Execution was done' thereby. And it was the
for ofthe
every Perfiam
one to put anwhcn'they went
Arrow into to War,
a Cheſt for
i that purpoſe, placed before the Throne oftheir
A I King i,
'1 14. The Art
King', and at their return, for every one to
take forth an Arrow, and by thoſe remaining,
the number of the Slain did the better appear.
6. Argent, three Spears heads Gules, a.
Reycc. Chief Azure, by the Name of Reyce.
7. Sable, a Cheveron between three Spears
heads Argent, the points embrewed proper,
Men-gan', by the Name Of Margan.
8. Argent, a Sword erected in Pale Sable, '
Dymock. by the Name of de Dymack.
The Sword is a Weapon fitted for Executi
on, and hath been uſed in all Ages.
9. Gules , three Swords Pomels in Feſs,
their points extended into the corners of the
Eſcocheon Argent , by the Name of Sm
Stapleton. pleton.
IO. Azure, three Swords, one in Pale with
the Point upwards, ſurmounted of the other
. two, placed Saltier ways , with the points
Norton- downwards Argent, by the Name' of Nor'an.
11. Sable, three Swords, one in Pale erect
ed between the other two, with their Points .
downwards, Argent', by the Name of Ram
Rawlins. lim. ,
12. Gules, three Swords bar-ways Argent,
the Hilts and Pomels Or, born by Chaloner
Chute. Cbntc of the [ſim- in Hampſhire, Eſq,
13. Diamond, three Swords in Pyle'
Pearl, Hilted Topaz. Born by the Right
of Honourable Charles Pauler, Duke of Baltvn,
Bolton. Marquiſs ofiy W*z'ncheſt-cr, Earl of Wiltfliire,
and Lord St. John of Bafiflg; one of the
Lords of Her Majeſties moſt Honourable Pri
vy Council.
14.. Azure, a Courtclaſs in Bend Argent,
Tamal- garniſhed Or., by the Name of Taw-11.

X i. SZ-j
. is. Sable, three Battle Axes Argent; born _
by John Hall of Bmdfard in H/z'ltflnre, Eſquire, Hall.
16. Argent, a Galley under full Sail A
Zure. . '
The firſt Shiptbat weread of, was made by
Nanb, for the Preſervation and increaſe of all
livin creatures in the time-of the Deluge,
'to wit, the Ark, but Tfnſbn firſt madethe Gal
key, which Seſoffris King of Egypt uſed after
17'. Azure, three Pieces of Maſts couped
with their Tops Argent. -
18. Gules, a Ruther or Helm of a Ship
Argent. ' . - r
19. Vert, threeSails Argent; by the Name
of Cnz/el. . . Cflvclt
2'0; Gules, an Anchor in Pale Argent, the
Timber or croſs Piece Or, by the Name of
Gaadreed. . ' Goodre 4
. The Anchor ſignifies Succour in Extremity; ®*
21. Or, three Cheval Traps, and a Chief
' Sable, born by the Family of De Vz'c of the De Vic.
Iflc of Garnſ*cy;
22. Sable, a Sling in Bend,- between two
Pheons Argent, by the Name of Cnrdm alias Carden
Cnrwnrden of Herqfbrdfljir'.
13. Sable, a Portcullis Argent, by the Name
of l'l/ingntu; win me,
j 24. Azure, an Anchor in Pale Or, by the g
Name of Fcra. Few
25. Argent, on a Bend Vert, three Spades
. Of the firſt, by Smctenbnm of Cbefln'rex Swetem

I a Other
.1.15 The Art- of
z *' MLLmdQQtb-Jzyzr -,.:; 5

' 1 . 2 3 . fh '

mwmmimn' "


Other Example: of
t, . Rgent, three Eſcocheons or Shields Sao
ble. By the Nane of Lowdbam. LWM
2. Ermine, three Eſcocheons Gules. Born
by Sir James Hayes, Knight. Haycs'
3. Argent, a cloſe Helmet Gules, garniſhed _
Or. - By the Name of Kingflejy. KWW'
"lt was' the Cuſtom of the Romans in their
Wars, to cover the Head-Pieces of their light
harneſſed Soldiers, whether Horſe or Foot,
with the Skins of Bears; and the Grecians u
ſed to cover their Heads with the Skins of Ot
ters, inſtead of Helmets, and both to the end
that they ſhould appear more Terriblc and,
Gaſtly to their Enemies, and by ſuch a ſur
prize they might the better gain the victory.
4. Azure, two Bars Argent, between three
cloſe Helmets Or. Born by Gabriel Ilwmlger Amigez.
of North Crude in Norfolk, and of the Inner
Temple, London, Eſquire. '
'5. Argent, three Helmets with their Bevers
open Sable. By the Name of Minier. Minieg
.,".6. Azure, a Motion proper. This is the '
Morion now in uſe for the Foot Soldiers,
7. Pearl, a Cheveron Ruby between three
Morions or Steel Ca s Saphir. Born by the Bmdmh
Right Honourable Ro ert Brud'tel Earl Of Car- Earl of
dis-m, Baron Brndncl of Stomm, &c. Cardig-m,
' 3 81 5.!"
118 The Art of
8. Saphir, three left hand Gauntlets Topazl
Fun Born b the Right Honourable Thomas Fnne
Earl o Weſtmarelnnd , Baron de le Spen
cer, &c.
A YZXV 9. Gules three Dexter Arms Vambraced prove
r.: :ong . per. By the Name of Arm/hong.
lo. Argcnt, on a Pile Azure, three Dexter
jplliff, Gauntlets of the Field. Born by Thamns Job,
lzff of callen-Hall in Worocflerſhlre, Eſquire,
and by V/illinrn jalhff of Cnrſwcl-Cnſtle in Smf.
flraſhirc, Eſq', ,
U. Ruby, three Legs armed proper, con
joyned in Feſs at the upper part of the Thigh
flexed in triangle, garniſhed and ſpotted To
The Ifle paz. This is the Arms of the Iſle of Man, and
Yf Wffl! lS quartered by the Right Honourable the
Earl of Derby. '
' 12. Vert, a Feſs counter com one Argent
and Azure, between three Cura es or Breaſt
Plates of Armour of the ſecond, on a Chief of
the ſame,as many Baldberny or Buckles as the
third. By the Name of Baldberny of Scotland.
13. Argent, three Saddles with Stirrups
14. Or, three Chaplets Vert, by the Name
Richard Of Rirhnrſan.
ſon. Gm.llim obſervcth, That Chaplets were by
the Ramam, given as a Reward of Honour for
ſome Military Services performed, and they
were of ſeveral ſorts, ſome were made of Law
rel, others of Oaken Leaves, Palm, lvy, Olive,
and ſomeof Gold, and ſome of Silver, alſo ſome
of Roſes, Violets and ſuch like Flowers.
15. Argent ona Cheveron Sable, fivel'lorſeo.
ſrif*pc. ſhoes Or. Born by Sir Nlrbolnx Crzſpe of Haz
mtrſrnitk in Middleſex, Baronet. '
16. Argent , a Shackbolt Sable, by the
rjewthal. Name Of NNW-44.
17- Gules;
17. Gules, three Waterbougets Argent.
By the Name of Ram, antiently Baron Rans ofRoW
Hamlake. Which Arms are now qnartcr'd by
the Right Honourable the Earl of Eut/and.
18. Argent, three Waterbougets Azure.
This kind of Waterbouget was antiently
uſed in Coat Armour.
19. Gules, a Feſs between three Waterbou
gets Ermine. Born by Sir 'Thomas Meer; ofMcers.
Lincoln, Knight, ſometime one of the Com
miljioners of the Admimlty. .
20. Vert, a Cavalier armed at all Points, a
Cap a pee, brandiſhing his Sword aloft Ar
gent, garniſhed Or, mounted on a Barbery
Courſer, furniſhed throughout as the ſecond, _
garniſhed as the third. .
21. Gules, aCheveron between thrce-Buckets
Or. BY Whitwe/Z. . Whitwcll.
22. Sable, three Scalmg Ladders Argent.
Born by Sir Robert de la Vale. Dela Vale
2. 3. Argent on a Cheveron, between three .
Faſcines Sable as many Beſants. By Smlmorrhstalworth. .
24. Sable, three Tenter-Hooks, two and
one Argent. 'By Clerk. clerk.
25. Vert, a Bend Argent, between ſix Nails
or' By Tjk" 'were

I 4 Chap,
[30 The Art of

C H A P. lV.
Treatsqf Common Charges in Coat Armour,
whereof ſome are Natural, and meed]
formal as Angels and Spirits, and other:
&at/1 formal and material as the Sun,
Moon and Stars, as alſo ſuch Natures
4s are ſublunar , and all kinds of Mi
nerals which have Life after 4 ſort a:
Vegetables ,. and Senſicive creatures
which have pe'fect Life. '

Common Charges are Things Natural or

Artificial; thoſe Artificial are already
handled. Things Natural are Formal or Ma
terial, and are of that great variety, that it
can't be expected in ib ſmall a Volume to paſs
throughrall the particulars of them, but onl
give ſome Examples that may ſerve to lnſtru
the Reader to Blazou a Coat of the like
Celcſtials are- borrt ſingle, or upon, or be
tween any of the Honourable Ordnaries, and
then' three are the uſual Number.


._ -'_"-.._-_.

:3: Mr" 5 _,. .

'1 il*Effl 22! tm i


- lffll ,@

17 19



'The me of

Examplerof ,
C E L E S T I A L S.

LMAN, an Angel ſtanding direct with

his Hands conjoined and elevated
upon his Breaſt, Habited in a long Robe clofi:
girt Lnmz, his Wings diſplayed as prepared
to fly Sal. _ ' -
Angels are inccrporeal Eſſences of a Spiritus
al Nature void ofali material Subſtances. They.
are the Meſſengers by whom God hath ni-_
ſeſted his Will and Power to his Elect, and
in Scripture they are ſaid to be Miniſtringſ
1. Luna on a Chief, J'Izpiter a Che-'rub diſ-.
played Sol. *
The Cberubim were drawn with Wings be
fore 'the Place where the Ij*melires Prayed,
maniſeſting their great Speed When they went
3. Or,
about the aLord's
Sphere Buſineſs.
Azure, benntified and re' i

plcniſhed with variety of Celeſtial Bodies, en

compaffing the Terreſtrial Globe, all proper.
Theſe were the Ornaments wherewith the,
Shield of Achilles was garniſhed.
4. Azure, a Star of ſixteen Points Argent.
Born by John Hm'tflm of Clmxby in Torkſbire,
Eſquire, one of the Captains of his Majelty's
company of Fgot-Guakrds.
' ' 57' 53?
'5. Sable, a Feſs Wavey between the Pole
stars Artick and Antartick, Argent; . Born
by Sir Francis Drake of Back-land Ma'mcharum Duke
in Dewnflaire, Baronet. Deſcendant of the
famous Sir Francis Dml'c, Knight, that failed
about the World, making great Diſcoveries
thereof. .
A Star commonly conſiſts of ſix Points or
Raies, and then in the Blazoning, the Num
ber need not be expreſt *, but if of more, then
name of what Number as in the former EX?
amples. . .
Stars were Created by God to ivc Light,
and with their lnfluences to be Affi ant to the
Sun and Moon in the Procreation, Production,
and Fructification of Seeds, Plants and Herbs;
as alſo for the deſignation and foreſhewing of .
Times and Seaſons, as the Sun and Moon
were. '
Stars are ſometimes pierced, and other
whiles charged, and when pierced the piercing
is round.
6. Pearl, a Cheveron between three Stars
Diamond. Born by the Right Honourable La, of
Charles. Earl of Petcrbarangh and Manmauth, p
Viſcount Mardant of Aud-me, &c. and Ba- tough.
rou' of Rygate.
7. Saphir, three Stars and a Chief Wavey
Topaz. Born by the Right Honourable Cbarlu
Bodw.lle Roberts, Lord Roberts ofTrnro, Viſcou nt
Badmyn, and Earl ofRadnor, one of the Lords 31" 'I
'of Her Majeſty's moſt Honourable Privy-Coun- m T'
cil. And is alſo born by the Honourable Hendcr
and Fnmcu Raberts, Eſquire, Sons Of the Right
Honourable John late Earl of Kadnar, &c. Mans

8', Gules;
[24 The Art of
8. Gules, a Blazing Star or Comet, ſtream
ing in Bend proper.
.The Comets have been obſerved to Prog
nolticate dreadful Events of Things to come,
as Peſtilence, Famine, War and the like.
Sometimes the ſtream is born upwards
as it was before the great Peſtilence in
'665. but moſt commonly _it is born down
9. Argent, a Cheveron Sable between three
Flames of Fire proper.
Fire in the Scripture is oft times taken for a
ſpecial Token of God's Favour, and that he is
pleaſed with the Sacrifices that are done unto
him, and Fire betokeneth Zeal. Some Wri
ters affirm, That none of the Mechanical
Trades were found out before they had Fire.,
but afterwards daily put in practice ſome new
Invention or other, yet as it is a good Ser
vant, ſo it is (as alſo Water) a bad Ma
lo. Azure, a Creſcent encircled within an
Orl of Stars Or, a Bordure of the ſecond,
Button. Born by Thomas Burtan of London, Eſq',
1 1. Azure, a Sun in his Glory. By the name
S'- Clerc. of Saint Clare.
The Sun is a glorious Body, the Fountain of
Light, and the production of Fruits, Plants,
and all the Splendor that the Moon hath, ſhe
borroweth from him ; and between both theſe
there is a great conformity. .
12.. Gules, a Chief Argent, on the lower
part thereof a Cloud, the Suns reſplendxnt
Raies iſſuing thereout proper. By the Name
of Lcſane.
i 3. Azure, one Ra of the Sun iſſuing out:.
dexter Corner
ctBy theoName
the Eſcocheon,
of Aldam. bend
' ' " ' IA- Orz.
14. Or, a Sun Eclipſed Sable.
The Sun's Eclipſe is occaſioned by the intere
poſition of the Moon betwixt it and the Earth.
15. Gules, an lncreſcent Or. By the Name
of Dcſffl- harms.
This is the State of the Moon from her en
trance into her firſt Quarter, in which time
ſhe is more and more Illuminated until ſhe hath
filled her Circle.
16. Gules, a Moon in her,Complement Or,
illuſtrated with all her Light proper, which is
ſufficient without naming the Colour, which is
Ar ent. '
'she Moon is the Miſtreſs by which all moiſt,
mutab'le and inconſtant Things are ruled, as a
Woman, the Sea, Rivers, and Fountains. The
Ebhing and Flowing of the Sea following the
Moon"s Motion. d ſſ
17. Azure, a Moon
the Name of De [a Luna.ecre ant p ro pe r. B YZZ:

This is the ſtate of the Moon in her VVain,

the Horns muſt always be turned towards the
left hand of the Eſcocheon, as that in her Com*
plement is towards the right.
18. Argent, a Moon in her Detriment or
Eclipſe, Sable.
The Moon is eclipſed always in her full State,
and is ſo occaſioned by the lnterpoſition of the
Earth betwixt her and the Sun. .
19. Azure, a Creſcent Argent. Born by
Jacob Lmy of London, Eſqnire. LucY.
20. Azure, three Creſcents Or. Born by*
Rabcrt Rirber or Ride-7', ofSmrcmft in Torkflzire, Rfflm- w
Eſq; And by Thomas and I'Villiam Elder oi'Rider.
Bedzml-Grem/ in Middle"fix, Eſq;
Sable, three Creſcents Argent. BY the
name of G/W'- cle-re.

us The Art of
- Gules , three Creſcents Argent; By the
Per-point. name of Perpaim.
Gules, three Creſccnts Ermine. By the
Fleming. name of Fleming; . .
fGflufles, three Creſcents Or. By the Name"
Mming O anmn I.
zx. Peaigl, a Feſs between "three Creſcents
Earl Diamond. Born by the Right Honourable Ed
l-i eld-ward Henry Lee, Earl of Litcbfield, Viſcount
Quart-mien, and Baron of Spilrb'nry;
22. Diamond, a' Feſs Ermine between three
Creſcents Topaz- Born by the Right Honoui
Coventtp rable Tbomm Cor/entry, Earl of Covmtry, Viſd
count Dercburſt, and Baron Covemry of jflesboi
rough in W'orcqflerfliire, &t.
r And by the Honourable HmLLCbt/entry, Eſq;
Son to the Right Honourable Thomes Lord Co
Luengry, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of Engi
if'l -
1 23.- Aznre, a Feſs Nebule between three
weld. Creſcents Ermine. Born by Hnm. Wcld of Lnl
wert/a Caſtle in Dorfltfliire, Eſq, ſometime Go
- vernour of the Iiland and Caltle of Portl-md,
and Szmd's Fort.
24.- Gules, a Star iſſuing from between the
Horns of a Creſcent, Argent.
2 5. Argent, a Cheveron between thr'ee'Crcſ
Ingilton. cents Sable, ſired Gules. By Ingiltam

Ot/aer Example: of Creſcent!

R on a Chief Indented Sable, three Creſt
Harvey. ccnts Argent. By the Name of Harvey
or Come'e in Corn. Sm'rey, and Oi.' Effli.x.
Sable, a Croſs engrailcd between ſour Creſ
B'mhw- tents Argent;- By the Name or' Ham-lum.
Per Pale Sable and Argent, three Creſ
cents counter-changed, By the Name of Top
rlzff. Topclifa
Barry of ſix Ermine and Gules, three Creſ-w
cents Sable. By the Name of Wnttman. , miner'
Or, five Creſcents, in Croſs Azure. By
the Name Of Hamond of Hgmpflyirc, Hammd'.
Argent, ſix Creſcents, three, two, one, Sa
ble. By the Name Of Blczre. Blue,
Per Pale Argent and Sable, fix Creſcents
counterchanged. By the Name of Wichnlſe Wicbalſe,
Of Dcoanſhire.

yhim. humiii"i w' *

II" IN Ilffl'l-."llilllffllll
"ii.a u "ii

mfiilinhflm .

p 4 Other Example: of
I. Rmine, a Mullet of ſix Points Gules,
pierced of the Field. By the Nameflufl'enh'ul.
bf Hujſenbl-zl.
Meteors are an imperfect kind of Mixture
engendered in the A'irY Region of a certain
attracted Fume, drawn up by the operation of
l'the Sun and Stars, and is of a hot Quality',
'which at length'breaks into Fire, and ſo let?
eth or waſt.eth it ſelf, and finch are Mullets or
' Flaming Stars.
Antiently Mullets were born of ſix Points,
"as in this Example, but now uſually of five;
1 2. Per Cheveron Or and Vert, three Mul
lets Counterchanged. By the Name of Hotbe. Hothc
3. Sable, ſix Mullets, three, two, one Ar
" 'gent pierced Gules. By the Name of Banw'lc, Bonvile;
' Lord Harringtan.
Azure, fix Mullets, three, two, one Or. By waſh
" the Name of Welſha
4'. Gules, on a Chief Argent, two Muliets
Sable. Born by Sir Edmand Bacon of Redgmve- Bacon;
Hz/Iiq Suflblk, Baronet- .
U" BYSirHHny Blean of Lqunde in Lo-w'ngl'dnd
in Suffolþ, Baronet.
" By Sir M'rboizu Bacon Of Shrnblmd-Hzl/ in,
C'sdc'nbrzm in the ſaid county, Knight of the
Bath; '

Pearl Le'ZP"
130 The Act' of
. Pearl on a Chief Ruby, two Mullets pier
E I of ced Topaz. Born by the Right Honourable
Riding Panlet Saint J'obn, Earl OFBn/Zingbroak, &e.
brook, \ And by Sir Walter Saint Fohn of Lydinrd
sr John. Tregas in Wiltſhire, and of Butter-ſay in Snrrcy,
Baronet. .
5. Azure on a Croſs Argent, five Mullets,
Vemey. Gules. Born by Sir Ralpb Verncy of Middle
Clnydan in Buckingham-ſture, Knight and Ba
6'. Argent, two Bars between three Mullets
. of fix poins pierced Sable. Born by Philip
DOUUMW Dangbty of Tork-buildingr in the Pariſh of St.
a Mnmm in the Fieldr, in jl/Ijddlcſcx, Eſq; '
7. Per Bend Argent and Sable, three Mullets i

of ſix Points, in Bend counterchanged.

8. Argent, three Mullets pierced Sable. By
' ' the Name Of Wollaſton of- Sbentan in Leiccſter- .
wonaſtonfliire, and of Oncot in Staffordſhire. .
Whittinm Azure, three Mullets pierced Or.
ton, a Name of Wbittington of Lincolnjhire. By the
Azure, three
Grundin.'n. -. Mullets
i Or. By
A the Name''* of.. -
"*.' Or, three Mullets Sable. By the Name of- '
Pelton. Peztom ..
. ' Sable, three Mullets Argent. By the Name
Puleſton. Of Pldeſton- ' . . - '
Gules, three Mullets Argent.By the Name of
Hanſhm Hanſnrd of Lincoln/hire. i .
' -9. Sable, on a Bend Argent, three Mullets
gnaw, . Gules. Born by Fmncis G[1ſſ0n,.D0&Qr in Phy
' ſick
10. Azure, a Cheveronbetween three Mul
'Cfv-rwynd lets Or. Born by Walter C/zetwynd late of In-x
' gcſtrc in Stnffllra'jbire, Eſg.7 ' .
. 11. Or, .a Cheveron between three Mullets
pierced Sable. Born by John Dn-uier of Creſfing
ſxy Lliavies. Temple in EflZ-x, Eſq, Surveyor of her MEJC: e
I r - .y s
i. ſty's Ware-houſe at the'Cuſtom-houſe, London; 'ly
i and ſecond Son of Sir Thomas Davz'es ſometime
Lord Mayor of London.
12. Gules, a Feſs between fix Mullets Ar
gent. Born by the Right Honourable John
.' Aflzbnrnham, Lord Afltbnrnbam, and by ſeveral bumhzm,
others of that antient Family in SnſIZ-x, &c.
13. Argent, a Mullet Sable, on a 'Chief
Gules, a Flower-de-liz, Or, Born by William R
Rage-rs of Cnſtlc-Hale in the Pariſh of Panſwick Mrs*
in Gloccſterjhirt.

K2 - other.
33, ſiLhe Art of

Otber Example! of

M u L 'L E T s.
P E R Feſs Or and Azure, a Mullet ofeight
Points counterthanged, by the Name of
catte . Scott.a.

lllright. Or,Azure,
by thethree
NameMullets and a Chief indented
of Bright.
Azure, a Creſcent between three Mullets
Minſhal. Argent, by the Name of Minflml.
Per Pale Argent and Gules, three Mullets
Lansford counterchanged, by the Name of Langford.
Per Feſs indented Gules and Or, three Mul
Egnngm counterchanged, by the Name of Egling
'4. Azure, Jupiter's Thunderbolt in Pale
Or, inflamedon both ends proper, ſhafted Sal
terwife, and Winged Feſs ways Argent.
15. Barre Nebule Or and Sable, born by
munb the Name of Blunt.
16. Argent, a Rain-bow of divers colours
17. Sable, three Mullcts Or, pierced of the
Mildred. field a Chief Neb.i11,e..Ermine, by Mildrcd.
18. Argent, a Feſs Nebule between three
Blackborn Mullets Sable, by Blackþorm.

19, Gules,
19. Gules, a Feſs varry Argent and Azure
between three Mullets of ſix Points Or, by
.Tur-ville. Turville.
* zo. Azure a Creſcent between three Eſtoils Minſhuu
Or, by the Name of Minjhull. Theſe Eſtoils
have ſix Points, and when their Points are wa
vey, they are called Eſtoils 5 but when they
are compoſed of ſtrait Lines, then they are
called Mullets of ſix or eight Points, according
.to their number.

ſ 3 Example:
. tas/'i A . Thomas .

Ue elczjalw -,'

' [I ly A
' l'l' v
l t
' HERALDRY. 1135

Example! ' of'

'Under 'which Head all Trees, Flowers,.
Plants, Leaves and Fruits, are or may
be umprized.

_t. Ron a Mount, a Fear-Tree fruited.

p proper, by the Name of Pyrron. Pyrton.
Argent, on a Mount in Baſe, a Fine-Tree
fruitcd, by the Name of Pint. _
Vegetables have in them a living Power ofpmc'
Growing, Budding, Bloſoming and Fructi-\
fying, as Trees, Plants, Herbs, Graſs, &a.
and of theſe, ſomeon Trunks or ſolid Bo
dies, and ſome upon flexible Stocks; ſome a
gain grow upon a ſingle Stem, as commonly
all Trees do and ſome upon ſeveral Stems, as
l-Shrubs, Ro ſZs, and the like. - -"
2. Gules, the Stem or Trunk of a Tree era
dicated, as alſo Couped in Pale, ſprouting out
two Branches Argent, born by' Wzlliam Bur
rougb of Burraugh in Leiccſterflzire, Gent. '
- 3. Azure a Limb of a Tree Raguled andBumqg'þ'
Trunked in Bend Argent.
4. Argent, three Stocks or Stumps of Trees,
Couped and eradicated Sable, by the Name of
' Retamfl.
' ' ' ' l- " Retowrc.
K 4 5.- Gules,
. .
136" The Art of
s.Gules,th.ree WoodbineLeaves pendant OT-"
Thewoodbineisaloving and amorous Plant,
embmcing all that groweth near it, but with
out hurting of that which it loveth, and is con
traryto the Ivy. (which is a Type of Luſt ra
ther than Love) for it injureth that which it
moſt embraceth. I
6. Sable, 'three Laurel Leaves ſlipped Or.
The Laurel was' in antient Times thought to
be a Remedy againſt Poyſon, Lightning and
the like, and in War uſed as a Token of Peace
and Quietneſs.
7. Argent, threeWoodbine Leaves bendways,
H.herne. two and one proper, by the Name of Theme.
8. Or, three Holly Leaves barways, two
and one, their Stalks towards the Dexter part'
Arnefi. of the Eſcocheon proper, by theName ofArmfl.
. 9. Vert, five Fig-Leavcs in Saltier.
IO. Topaz, two Bars Ruby, each charged
Fdrl of with three-Trefoyles llipped of the firſt, born
Cafile by the Right Honourable Roger Palm" Earl Of
main. Caſtlemm'n, and Baron of in Ircland,
-, I I. Azure, 3Quaterfoils Argent, born by Sir
Vincent. AmboryI''inccm ofStoEc-Dabcrnan in Snrrcyfiart.
As alſo by Samuel Vincent of Buckingham
Houſe in Norfolk, Eſq,
12. Argent on a Cheveron Sable, three Quak
terf'oils Or,born by Charlcs Nicholas Eyre, Eſq;
13. Arg. 3Cinquefoils Gules,born by sirrfba.
Dart-1. Lxrcy OfSLCICWJ-Hfl/Z in SLOſttbinEflPx, Bar.
14'. Argent, three Cinquefoils Gules, eath
chargedwithfivc Annulets Or, born by Ed
Sbuthwel. nrm-d Southwel of Kingxwcſton in GlaceſtcrflyirrI
liſiſ, (Son and Heir of Sir Roberrsamhffiel) Se
cretary of State in Iz cland,and one of the'Cle'rkS
of herMaieſty's moſtHonourablePtivY-Countil,
15.. Or, a Cheveron between three cinque
foils Gules, born by the Right Honourable
Sir '
H E R A L D R Y. '37
Sir Thomas Chiohlcy of ÞVimplcy in Cnmbridg- Chichelel"
fln'ro, Knight.
16. Argent on a Chief Gules, three Cinque
foils of the Field, born by Sir Thomas Bcllot ofBcuot.
Moreton in Cbeſhire, Baronet.
17. Saphir, a Cinquefoil Ermine within a
Bordure Topaz, born by the Right Honourable Lord
Jacob Lord Aſtley, Baron of Rending,'deceas'd. Afiley..
And is alſo the Coat Of Sir Jacob Aſtlcy Qf
Molton-Conſtable in _Norfolk, Baronet. <.
18. Argent, a Feſs Engrailed between three
Cinquefoils within a Bordure Sable, born by
7710. Folcy of Kidderminſter in IVorcoſterfliire, Foley.
Eſq. By Paul Foley of Soon/e Court in Here-forat, Eſq., and by Philip Foley Of Pro/hvood in
Smffioraflzir: , Sons Of Tho. Foley of Wirlcy
Court in lVorceſterfliir', Eſq',
' 19. Argent, an Oak Tree eradica-ted Vert,;qmbeh
acornedOr, by the Name of Kymberley; ley:
20. Argent, on a Bend Sable, three Acoms
Or, by Almrir. Akaris,
2 1. Azure, a Cheveron Ermine between three
OakBranchesJlip'd and acorn'dOr, by Arm-day. Amedfl
22.Arg.a CheveronSable, between 3Pine-Ap- Chriſta
ples Gules,flip*d and leav'd Vert,by Cb-riſfopbenpher- '
23. Argent, a Cheveron Sable between Corentre i
three Collombines pendant Azure, by Cooemre. i
24. Argent, a Cheveron between three
Turfs Vert, born by the antient Family of
Sbnkerley of Hulme in Com. Ceflrico. 'Shakerley
25. Argent, a Cheveron Azure,. between '
three Thiſtles (liped Vert, their Flowers of the
ſecond, by Charity. .Chorley," .
Theſe Charges, as alſo Fruits, Flowers, Cfl'®c.
are born on, or between, an)r of theOrdin-arics. - .

The Art of
ſiſru its' 8< Wonſcm ing.54 138 I


Example: of


r. Rgent, a Pomegranate in Pale fiipped Graingi , , .

r, by Grm'nger.
This Fruit is eſteemed very good in Phyſick,
whoſe Juice is uſed for the allaying the Heat of A
burning or feveriſh Agues.
2. Azure, three Pears Or, by the Name of
'' Stnkeley. Stukelcy.
3. Gules, a Cheveron Ermine between three
Pine Apples erected Or, by the Name of Fine. Pinc
Under this head may be comprehended all
other kind of Fruit. '
' 4: Azure, a Garb or Wheat-ſheaf Or, born
by Sir Thomas Groſvcnonr late of Eyton in Che- GFOFVC, Baronet. "01"
Azure, a Garb Argent, by the Name ofſioldcſi
Holde/haft. hczfe,
5. Sable, three Garbs Or, born by Sir Ri
c'mrd Stychc, Baronet, Brother and Heir to Sir St b
William. ye *
Argent, three Garbs Sable, by the Name'of '
IVdmi-ng. Wanting,
6. Azure, ſeven Garbs Sable, four, two and
one Or, born by Sir Thomas Dolcman late OfDolenian.
shaw in Barkfliire, Knight, one of the Clerks of
the Privy Council to King Charles ll. Father of
Sir H/mfr'cy Doleman, Knight.

7. Ar
140' The Art of
7. Argent, on a Cheveron between three
Edcn- Garbs Gules, as many Bezants, born by Tobim-
Eden of the Inner-Temple, London, Eſqz
Azure, a Cheveron between three Garbs'
10'4 Hat. Or, born by the Right Honourable Chrifl-apher
ton' Lord Hatton, .GoVernor of the Ifle of J'nrſey.
And by Roger Hatton of London, Merchant. '
8. Azure, three Ears of Gm'nm-Wheat cou
Gran- ped and bladed Or, by the Name of Gmn
dorge. darge. .
. 9. Saphir, a Flower de liz Pearl, born by
Bnſtol. the Right Honourable George late Earl of Bri, Baron DzZhy of Shorbournz, and by the
U.Digby' Right Honoura le Simon Lord Digby, Baron of
Geoſbi/l in Ire/and.
Or, a Flower de Iiz Azure, born by Hen
ry Portmnn' of Orchizrd in Some'rfltſhirc, Eſq;
Azure, a Flower de liz Or, by the Name of
Stepkin. Step/sin; '
Argent, a Flower de liz Gules, born by
Mordcn. Fohn jllorden of London, Merchant.
- Gules, a Flower de liz Or, by the Name of
Palford- Palfor'd.
Xffldffl. " ofGules, a Flowerde liz Argent,' by the Name ,
' Vert, a Flower deliz Argent, b'y the Name
FPWK of Fozpl'.
' lo. Pearl, a Cheveron Ruby between three.
Zzgſifflowers de liz Saphir, born by the Right Ho- ..
conbflgſrzlgourable Thomas Lord Viſcount Faulconberg,
Or, a Cheveron between three Flowers de
Fanſhaw. liz Sable,' born by 'the Right Honourable Em
' (yn Lord Viſcount Fnnflmwz, his Majeſtyas Rev.
membf'ancet of his Court of Exchequer, &To.
By the Honourable Henry Pan my of Dang
lmli in Eſſrx, Eſq.; And by t e Honourable.
Charles Fanflmw of Dengy-ha/l aforeſaid Eſq',
ſometime Envoy Extraordinary in' Portugal,
Sons of the Right Honourable Thomas Lord
Viſcount Fanflmw, deceas'd.
Il. Topaz on a Feſs Ruby, three Flowers
de liz of t e Field, born by the Right Honour- EM of
able Thomas Leonard Earl of Snflex, and Lord 5uſſcx_
Danes of Gilejland, &c.
Argent, on a FeſsGules, three Flowers de
liz Or, born byſe Dzſhy of Norron-Dzſ- Dlſney.
my in Lincolnflaire, Eſq,
12. (Darterly Gules and Or, in the firſt
quarter a Flower de liz Argent, born by Elim
Aſhmoleof the MiddlcaTemplc, London, Eſq, Aſhmole'
13. Sable, a Feſs Dauncette Or, in chief
three Flowers de liz Argent, born by l'Villmm
' Feet/e of Smffbrd insmfflbrdflure, Gentleman. Feak.
14. Sable , three Lozenges Argent, on a
Chief Or, as many Flowers de liz Gules, born
by Sir Mchalm Pedlej of Abbot/ley, and Terſ- pe'dkzy.
worth in Hnntingronſhire, Knight.
15. Argent, a Cheveron Sable, between
three Columbines ſlipped proper, by the name
Of 16. Sable on a Croſs between four Flower

de liz Argent, five Pheons Azure, born by Ce

leb Ban/zs of the Diers in Alexfard in Kmr, Eſq;
Son and Heir of Sir John B/m/es of the ſaid place Bauh
r 7. Or on a Bend Engrailed between ſix Ro4
ſes Gules, born by Edmond Warner of VVar-ncr
Hall in Ejſcx, Eſq; And by John V'Gzrncr of Bro
lcwrhmait in the Pariſh of Kirby-overbam in War*ner.
Tar/eflzire, Eſq., deſcended from the l'l-Czrners of
lVarners-Hrz/l aforeſaid. _
18. Gules, two Swords with their Points
erected in Saltire proper, l'lilts and Pomels Or,
. , between
. 142 The Art of
between three Roſes Argent, w.z. onein Chief
Trant. and two in Feſs, born by Sir Pntrick Tram of
Irelomd. .
19. Or, three Flowers de liz Azure, within
a Bordure Gules, charged with 'eight Roſes
Cllſges- Argent, born by Sir Walter Charges of St. Marſi
rim in the Fields, Baron-et. '
20. Sable, on a Cheveron Argent, three
Roſes Gules. ſeeded and bearded proper, in
the dexter chief a Helmet cloſe Bevered of the
Roſe, Second, born by Robert Roſe of Haſtand in Der:
Izjflaire, Gent. '
under this head all other Flowers may be
comprized., ſome few more Examples I have
here ſet down.
Argent, three Roſes Gules, by the name of t
Young. Taling
Gules, three Flower de liz Argent, by the
wiſe male name of Wiſemalc. '
Azure, a Vine with Fruit and Leaves all Or.
_ _ Per Pale Ermine and Gules, a Roſe Coun
Nlghtm. terchanged, by the name of Mghtingale.
gle. Sable, three Roſes Argent, ſeeded Or, by
Powcl. the name of Powel.
- Argent, ſix Roſes 3, 2, and I, Gules, by
Palton. the name of Palum. '
Argent, ten Roſes 4, 3, 2, I, Gules, by the
Payens- name of Payem.
M fide Gules, three Flowers de liz Argent, by the
fOKL name Of Mondeford. . _ _ .
Or, five Flowers de llZ in Saltlre Sable, by
spjndclow the name of Spindelom.
Gules, ſix Flowers de liz, 3, 2, I, Argent,
horn by Sir Gilbert Ireland of Hnt, and Bmnſig"
Ireland- in Lanmflaire, Knight
Argent, three Gilly-flowers proper, by the
lot-ney, name of J'ai-ney. t .
21. Ar
21.' Argent on a Cheveron Azure, between
three Roſes Gules, fliped Vertas'many Flowers
de liz, Or. By the antient Family of CoPe ofCOPC
Oxford and Nor-thamptonſbfru. ,
22. Or, on a Cheveron Azure, between three '
Roſes Vert as many Bunches of Grapes Or.
By Could. r ' Gold
23. Argent, a- Feſs Gules between three Ha
ſelffNuts Or, the Husks Vert? By' Haſelcy offlafflcyv
Sit olk.
24. Ermine, on a Bend Sable three Acorns
Or. By Dn/hnge. . Dailinge. '
25. Argent, a Feſs Sable between three Ap
ples Gules. By Apple'ton. Appleton:
£From Vegetables' as -- Trees , Plants, .
F.ruits and Flowers, cfi-c. I ſhall next treat of
the' Parts of Man's Body.
AN The me of .

9.' 3 4,


Exampler of the


- 7)hper
iter, ourHand,
right Bleſſed and
Ladya with her Son
Scepter in - -
in herffflsſi'zfl'flfi.
Left, all Topaz. This Coat belongs to the Bi- ry.
ſhoprick of Salisbury. '
. 2. Gules, a Saracen's Head crazed at the
Neck Argent, environ'd about the Temples
with a wreath of the Second, and Sable. By
the Name of Mergith of Wales. Mergith.
3. Argent, three Blackamore's Heads cou
ped proper, banded about Gules, Born by
John Tanner of Court in Cornnml, Eſq; 'rannen
Or, three Blackamore's Heads couped pro
per, banded about Argent. Born by Samuel
Mro of London, Eſq, and by Edward and Act- Mico
ran Mico of London, Merchants.
4. Argent, a Cheveron Gules, between three
Perukes Sable. p
Claudius ſurnamed Comoztm, when he gained
the Government of France, inſtituted a Law
that the French Men ſhould wear their Hair
long (as his Arm was) in token of Liberty, for
ſhaving off the Hair was then a Token ofBon
dage, and this was obſerved by the Romanr,
who uſed to ſhave the Hair of their Bond
5. Or, a Heart proper, a Chief Sable. By
the Name of Soam I or \ Scamblcr.
L 6. A1-*
146 The But of
o'. Argent, a Feſs Gules , between threei
Hearts vulned and diſtilling Drops of Blood
on the ſiniſter ſide proper. By the Name of
Tote. Tote.
7. Azure, a finiſter Arm, iſſuing out of
the Dexter point and extended towards the ſi
niſter Baſe, in Bend Argent.
Z.>Vcrt, three Dexter Arms conjoined at the
Shoulders and" flexed in Triangle, Or, with
with Fiſts clenched Argent. Born by Art/om
Tre'maino of Collocombe in Dwonflyiro, Eſq.,
9. Argent, three ſiniſter Hands couped at
i Maynard the VVriſts and erected Gules. Born by Sir
jolon Maynnrd late of Gunnorrbnry in the Pariſh
of fling in Middle"fox , Knight, Serjeant at
Law to His Maieſty King Charles II.
10. Or, a Man's Leg couped at the midſt of
Haddon. the Thigh, Azure. By the Name of Haddom
11. Argent, a Man's Leg erazed at the
Prime. Thigh Sable. By the Name of Prime.
12 Ruby, three Legs armed proper, con
joined in Feſs at the upper part of the Thigh,
flexed in Triangle, garniſhed and ſpurred To
Arm: Ofpaz. This Coat is the Arms ofthe lfle of Man,
the' lfle of and is quartered by the Earl of Derby as Lord
of the ſiiid Ifle.
13. ArgengGutte'de Sang, by the Name
Theſe Drops are ſeldom born by themſelves
alone, but upon or with ſome of the Ordina
Gutte de Sang, without naming the Colour,
ſignifics drops of Blood, and is always Gules.
Guttc de Larmes, drops of Tears, which is
Azure. Gutte de Eau, drops of Water, which
is Argent. Gutte dc Poix, or Gutte de Sable 3
that is-drops of Pitch, and is Sable. Gutte de
Or, drops of Gold, and is Or.
. The
The form or ſhape of theſe Drops are all
as one, only the names change the Colours. '
14.. Azure, a Pale, Or, Gutte de Sang, born
by Sir Thomm Playqr. late of London, Knight Play"
and Chamberlain of the ſaid City.
is. Or, on a Cheveron Gules, three dead
Men's Skulls of the Field , by the name of
Bol't'cr'. t * Bolten
.16. Sable, a shin-bone in Pale ſurmounted
of another, in Croſs Argent, by the name of
Baym. Baym'
17. Or three Legs Sable, Couped above the ' ſ
Knee. By Hoſju' Ho Y-
18. Azure, three ſiniſter Hands Couped Ar
gent. By the antient Family of Malmaim. Malmains.
19. Argent a dexter Hand Couped, within a
Fjordure engrailed Sable. By Manley of Chc- Manley;
20. Argent, a Cheveron Azure between three
finiſter Hands Couped Gules. By the Right
Honourable Bamzſter Lord Maynard of Eſtainer Maynaſd
in Ejſhx, and Lord Maymzrd of lVz.c/elom in Ire

La df
'148 The Act of
_--.-_-_ -d_

R OM the parts of Man's Body, Iſhall
proceed to Animals born in Coat Ar
mour both whole and in parts, which the fol
lowing Examples will demonſtrate.
And of Animals thoſe of Prey are of moſt
'Eſi.eem, as the Lyon, Tiger, Bear, Wolf, Cj-c.
And inCoat Armour the bearing of whole Ani
mals being more worthy than the ſeveral Parts,
I ſhall firſt begin with them.
Of all Creatnres apt to Generation and
Corruption, Animals are moſt worthy.
All Savage Beaſts are naturally Armed with
ſomething wherewith they may hurt their Ene
mies, as the Boar hath Tusks., the Lion, Tal
lons., the Stag, Horns; the Serpent, Poyſon;
and the like.
_All four Footed Benſts are eſteemed more
worthy of Bearing than Fiſhesor Fowls, in re
gard they contain in them more worthy and
commendable fignifications of Nobility: And
the Males are eſteemed more worthy then the

E xamplar
Pfffl' "9
2. 5'

35? ' The Art o?

. Example: of .

.I. ARgent, a Lyon Rampant Sabler'By

the Name of Stapleton. £
Argent, a Lion Rampant Gules. By the
Verdon. Name of Verdan.
. Argent, a Lion Rampant Vert. .By,,the
Springs.- Name of Springr. , ' ' '
Or, a Lion Rampant Sable. By the Name
PORW of Polcy.
' .. ' Azure, a Lion Rampant Or, by the name of
Beck'ng. Beckinghnm.
'. ham.
Ermine, a Lion Rampant, Azure, by the
' Hardneſs. name of Hardneſs of Ice-m .
Argent, a Lion Rampant Sable,'Crowned
1 Money, Or, born by Charles Marlcy of Droatfardr in
Hnntflairc, Eſq; one of the Maſters of Requeſts
to King Charles the Second. '
. Azure, a Lion Rampant Crowned Or. Born
Dayrel. by Sir' Francis Dnyrel Of Cnſtle-"C-.nmpr in Carn
' ' bridgflylre, Knt. '' ' .
. Vert, a Lion Rampant Or, by the name of
Morgan. Marg-an. ' - ' . ,
'. Ermine, a Lion Rampant Azure, crowned
pickemg Or, born by Sir Henry Pickering'of Wbnddan in
= Cnmbridgflylrr, Knight and Baronet.
. ' 2. Azure, a Lion RampantGardant Or, born
Wt'Hffmff by Fitz. Hnmn'zona'a' " _ ..
sw- '- - -- or,
H E R A L D R Y, 151
"Or, a Lion 'Rampant Gardant Gules, by the
name of Heron Horon. - -
Gules, a Lion Rampant Gardant Or, born
by George Maſters af Lincolns-Inn in M'ddle-Maſters
ſer, EſqS
Gules, a Lion Rampant Gardant, Argent, 3,. Mar.
by the Name Of St. M'zrney. ney_
3. Gules, a Lion Rampant Regardant Or,
born by John Moricc og' London, Eſq, Morice
Or, a Lion Rampant Regardant Vert, by '
the Name of Hnme. Hume,
Or, a Lion Rampant Regardant Gules, by A
the Name of Robern. Roberts,
This Action of the Lion, manifeſts an in
ward and degenerate Perturbation of the Mind,
which is Repugnant to the generous Nature of
the Lion, this-denoting a timerons Mind, yet
it betokens a diligent Circumſpec*tion and Con
fideration of Things to come.
4. Argent, a Lion Rampant Coward Pur
pure, by the Name of Romcb. Rowch.
This Cowardly Action of clapinghis Tail be
twixt his Legs (as all Beafts do that areaffright
ed) 'is contrary to the Noble Spirit of the
Lion. .
5.Or, a Lion Rampant double Qncve Azure,
born by Sit- Cbriffapbcr W*anrjord of KirHz'ngton Wansſord.
in Torkflvire, Baronet.
Or, a Lion Rampant double Queve Sable, by
the Name of VVe/h. ' W ells,
Sable, a Lion Rampant double Queve Or,
by the Name of King/fort. Kingſton,
Azure, a Lion Rampant double Queve Or,
by the Name of Bromball. Bromhall,
' The Forked Tail is an Emblcm of Magnani
mity and Strenuouſneſsa
L 4; 5-1 BAH
152 The Art of
6. Ar ent, a Lion Saliant Gules, by the
Felbridge.Namco Felbridge.
Sable, a Lion Saliant Argent, by the Name
sturmy' of star-my.
Gules, a Lion Saliant Argent, by the Name
Salisbury. of Salisbury.
When the Lion proſecntes his Prey, he pur
ſueth the ſame Leaping or Saliant, which Acti
on he never uſeth when he is Chaſed in Fight,
but is always Paſſant.
7. Or, a Lion Rampant with two Heads,
Maſon. Azure. Born by Simon Maſon of Great Granſ
' den in Hnntz.ngtonjhire, Gent.
8. Sable, two Lions Rampant, Comba
Caſtcr- tant Or. Born by Nicholas carter of Willer
barrow in Kent, and of London Doctor in Phy
ſick. -.
Lcz'gh Faith, That theſe two Lions were of
ſundry Regions which ſtrove for Government,
for the Lion is as deſirous of Maſtery, as a
Courageous Prince is ambitious of Honour.
Azure, two Lions Rampant Gardant, Com
Gamrd, batant Argent. Born by' Sir Jacob Garrard of ,
Langford in Norfolk, Baronet.
9. Azure, two Lioncells Rampant Endorſed
This Coat is ſaid to be born by Achilles at
.the Siege of Troy ; and Leiglo ſuppoſeth it to be
a Combat intended between two Valiant Men'
who both met in the Field, but the Prince tae
vouring them, taketh the Matter into, his
Hands, and then they turn back to back, and
ſo leave the Field. '
Io. Or, a Lion Paſſant Gules, by the Name
Gamcs_ Of Gamer. ' ' - '
Or, a Lion Paſſant Sable, by the Name of l
Plynollcc, Pynok -

Sable, a Lion Paſſant Or, by the Name of
Taylor. Taylor.
Sable, a Lion Paſſant Or, by the Name of
Field- ' Field.
Ermine, a Lion Paſiant Gules, by the Name
of Draw. ' Drevv.
Ermine, a Lion Paſſant Sable, by the Name
Of W*i'ber. wither'
1 1. Azure, a Lion Paſſant Gardant Or, born
by Sir John Bromfield of S/lffolk-Place in South- Bromfield.
work, Knight.
Azure, a Lion Paſſant Gardant Or, born by
William Tbompſon Of the middle Temple, Lon- 'ThomPſon
don, Eſq;
Argent, a Lion Pallant Gardant Sable, by
the Name of Stone. Stone.
Argent, a Lion Paſlant Gardant Gules, by
the Name of Qnerlcton. Qllcrlfltofl
Gules, a Lion Paſſant Gardant Or, by the
Name of Brett. Brett.
Gules, a Lion Paſſant Gardant Argent, by
the Name of Rode-ſhall. Redcſhall.
The Lion Pallimt ſeemeth to go with more
Confidence and Reſolution, but the Gardant
with more Vigilancy and Circumſpection.
12. Sable, two Lioncells Counter Paſſant
Gules, the uppermoſt towards the Siniſter
ſide of the Eſcocheon, both Collar'd Gules,
born by the antient Family of (il-egg of Gnyton Glcgg..
inC/aejhire. - .
13. Gules, a Lion Sejant Argent. *
Although this Geſture hath affinity with the
Lion couchant, yet the difference is eaſily to be
' 14.. Gules, a Lion between ſix croſs Croilets
Argent, born by Sir Hntſwcll Unto, of Hotſvell Tynw
in the Pariſh of Goat/onrfl in Somerſetſhire, Bas
ronet. " '
' The
154 Jrhr Art of
The Lion muſt not be thought to he com
pelled to Couch, but that he hath ſo ſettled
himſelf of his own accord *, for it is con-trary to
his Nature to be compelled to any thing 'by
Chaſtiſement, and a generous Mind is eaſier to
be led than drove.
1 s. Azure, a Lion Dormant Or.
'Tis ſaid, That the Lion fleepeth with his
Eyes open, being an Emblem to Governours,
whoſe Vigilancy ſhould ſhew it ſelf, when others'
are moſt at reſt and ſecure.
Some are of Opinion, That the Lion ſhould
not be made Gardant, affirming that to be
the property of the Leopard. The generous
Nature of the Lion is diſcerned by his plenti
ful ſhaggy Locks which cover his Neck and
Shoulders, and doth ſhew his Noble Courage,
eſpecially if curled and ſhort; alſo the thick
neſs of the Lion's Mane, is a Teſtimony of his
generous Birth, and by the ſame he is diſtin
guiſhed from the Baſtard Race of Leopards, be
gotten by the Adulterous Lioneſs and the Parde,
which are Naturally deprived of this Noble.
Mark, nor have they the Courage. -
To Lions, Bears, Wolves, and other Beaſts
of Prey, Nature hath given ſharp Teeth and
Tallons, for the ſeizing and keeping their
Prey, and therefore in the Blazoning of Beaſts,
* their Teeth and Tallons muſt not be omitted,
and for expreſſing them, ſay Armed of ſuch.
and ſuch a Colour, according as the Colours of
the Field will permit, and contrary to the Co
lour of themſelves.
All Beaſts of Prey in their going do contract
their Tallous within their Fleſh, to keep them
ſharp for the Tearing their Prey, which other
wiſe would be blunt, and to become uſeleſs to
them. ' " ' '
16. Azure;
16. Azure, a Chief Or, over all a Lion Ram
'pant Argent, Billette Sable, .Born by.the
ancient Family of Gouldwell of Great Cbarol in Gouldwell
17. Argent, a Lion Rampant, Chequy Or
and Azure. By Cobbam. Cobhafl
18. Argent, a Lion Rampant Sable, Col- ' '
lar'd and Chain'd Or, by Philips of PiEZon- Phffl s
Caſtle in - . , . P.
19. Ermine, a Lion ſaliant Gules, by Wor- woricy,
. Party per Feſs Or and Gules, a Lion
Rampant Regardant, counterchanged, by the
Name of Kirke : 1 . Kitke.
21. Gules, a Lion Rampant.Gardant Or,
gorged with .a Collar Azure, charged with
three Flowers de liz of the ſecond, by Lanca- ., a _
ſter AL. A , Lancaſtcr
22. Azure, a Lion RampantArgent, Crown
ed Or, by Orton. . Orton.
23. Azure, a Lion Paſſant Gardant in Chief,
and a Flower de liz in Baſe," Or,' by Flan- Handw
dcnncgbam. ingham
24. Ermine, a' Lion Paffiint Gules, by
Legat. ' ' Legat.
- 25. Gules, a Lion Paſſant within a Bordure
Engrailed Argent, by Marken . Markes_

. . Ot/yer
15? _ Ilium of
amuse 3

- 23
' ' . 3 l l l l l l l l l l l li'

i Other Example: of


1. SAphir, a Lion Rampant Pearl, born by

the Right Reverend Fatherin God, Na
t'hanicl, Lord Biſhop of Dnr/mm, and LordLd. Craw
C'rew of Stene in Nortlmmptanflyire.
Argent, a Lion Rampant Sable, charged on
the Shoulder with a Mullet Or, born by SirMomPeF
'Thomas Mompeffan of Bnthampton in I/Viltflzirqſon.
Kni ht.
VZrt, a Lion Rampant Or, born by Arthnrshwh
Sbnen of Great Kewe in Snrrey, Eſq, Son and
Heir of Sir Fames Shaen of the ſaid place,
Knight and Baronet.
2. Vert, a Lion Rampant between three Tre- '
foyls ſlipped Or, born by Them-1s Sberidansheſidsm
of Cmmn in the Province of 'Ulſter in Ireland,"
U; -
i. Pearl," a Lion Rampant Ruby, between Em 'I
three Pheons Diamond, born by the Rightgrjdgwa.
Honourable Srraop Egertan, Earl Bridgwataȝter.
Viſcount Brac/elcy, and Baron of Elcſmer. , Egerton.
This Coat is alſo born by Fabn Egerton of
Broxton in Che/hire, Eſq, Eldeſt Son ofSir Phi
lip Egerſun of Egerton and Ozmm, in the ſaid
county, Knight.
4. Argent, a Lion Rampant between three
Croſs Crofiets Fitche Gules, born by Sir J'vbnnowſcr.
Bony/er of Kingſþerfley in Stnflrdſhire, Knight
and Baronet. 5. Er
158 _The Art of
. 5. Ermine, a Lion Rampant Gules, within
Pr'ffl'ffld.a Border Sable, born by Sir William Pritchard
of the City of London, Knight, Lord-Mayor
thereof Anno. 1684.
6. Gules, on a Pale Or, a Lion Rampant
Darnen. Sable, born by Sir Fohn Darne/l of the middle
Temple, London, Serjeant at Law.
7. Barry of ten Argent and Azure, over all
. a Lion Rampant Gules, born by Richard Strat
sMfford'ford of Hayllng and Ncither-Gaiting in Gloce
flerſhire, Gent. deſcended from the Stratfordx
of Farmcot in the ſaid County.
8. Azure, Semi of Fleurs de liz, and a Lion
Rampaut Argent, born by Sir John Ho/land of
Honand. _Qm'denharn in ZVorfolh, Baronet. '
9. Pearl, Semy de Cinqueſoils Ruby, a Li
on Rampant Diamond,,
Earz of nourableW*i/llanz bornEarl
Pzerrepont, by ol.ctKingſton
the Right Ho up
Kingſton- on Hall, Viſcount Nemar/e upon Tront, Baron
of Holmo Piorropont, .&C.
men-e- And by Geroas
pont. Shropflviro, Eſq., Picrrepont of Tonge-Caſtle i in
Sable, Semy de Cinquefoils, a Lion Rampant
Cliſton. Argent, born by Sir Thomas Clifton of Clzfton
in Lancaflnre, Baronet.
IO. Per Bend Siniſter Ermine and Ermines,
'-over all a Lion Rampant O'r, born by Sir Ro
Moſtin ger ſiloſtin of Aloſtyn in Fllntſhirc, Baronet.
, Trevor, This Coat is alſo born by Sir john Trevor of
Brynkynalt in Denhflhire, Knight.
11. Girony of four Or and Azure, a Lion
Gould- Rampant Counterchanged, born by John Goald
of Broadncmett in Deoonflvlre, Gent.
12. Girony of eight Pieces Ermine and Er
mines, a Lion Rampant Or, born by Sir Tree/or
wzmams, l/Villiams of Langihhy-Caſtle in Monmonthſhire;
Baronet. _

13. Saa
. i3. Sable, a Lion Rampant Argent, depreſ
ſed with a'Bendlet Gules,, born by Sir Fohnchurchill.
Chnrchl'll of Chm'chill in Sommerſetfln'rr, Knight,
14. Argent, a Bend between two Lions Ram
pant Sable, born by Sir Fohn Osloorn of chide-Whom
fnnds in Bodfordſhire, Baronet. '
15. Ermine, three Lions Rampant Gules, by
the Name of Chndley of De'z/onſhire. chmncy,
16. Argent, three Lions Rampant, and a
Chief Azure, born by Samuel Grant of Crnn
dnl in, and of the Inner-Temple, Grant.
London, Eſq;
17. Per Pale Saphir and Ruby, three Lions
Rampant Pearl, born by the Right Honoura
ble the Earl Of Pemhrook and Monrgomery, Ba
ron Herhert of Shnrland, Cm'dzff, Roſs of Km-I*Tgbrgfik
dole, Porr, Mdrmion, and St. Lm'ntin, Lord
Preſident of the council, Lord Lieutenant of
W*iltflyire, Monmoþlth and South Wales, one of
the Commiffioners of Trade', and Knight of
the moſt Noble Order of the Garter. .
By the Right Honourable VVi/linm Herhcrnffifflfflff
Marqueſs Pomir, &c. Ear, 'of
By the Right Honourable Arthnr Herb-'inflaming
Earl Of Torrington, &C. ton.
By the Right Honourable Henry Lord Hor- Lord Her.
her! of Cherhnry. but.
By Sir Thomm Herhert of Tintcrne in Mon- Herbert.
mozlthſhire, Baronet.
By Sir Matthew Herhert of Bromfield in Shrop

This Coat is alſo born by Sir l'Vz.llinmffones of

Slomey in Sommerſetjhire, Knight.
By Edward Pragers, Eſqz one of the Grooms
of the Bedchamber to King Charles the. Second.
1 8. Pearl, lix Lions Rampant Diamond, born
by the Right Honourable Richard Snonge, Earl Em Ri.
Rivers vers.
160 "The Art of
Riverr, Viſcount Colchcſter, &c.
19. Ermine, on a Chief Azure, three Lions
Rampaut Or, born by Sir Anthony Amber of
_ Auchcſ' Blflyoprbanrn iflcm, Knight and Baronet.
20. Argent, a Feſs and three Lions Ram
paut, in Chief Gules. By Spencer.
Spenc::- 21. Or, on a Feſs Gules, three Lions Ram
pant Argent. By ColM/il/c. -
Coleville- 22. Ermine, on a Chief indented Sable, two '
Lions Rampaut Or. By the antient Family of '
Bures of Effl*ex and Suffal/e.
But-es. 23. Argent, three Lions Rampaut and a.
Chief Gules. Born by the Right Honourable .
Henry Tclverton, Viſcount Longuwi/le, and
Lord Grey of Rntbin.
24.. Party per Cheveron indented Argent
and Purple, two LlOnS Rampaut in Chiefof)the .
ſecond. By Skipton. r '
skipton- 25. Azure, three Lions Rampaut Or. 'By
the Right Honourable Ntnbaniel Fines, Viſi
count Say and Scle. '


A; l-_-__
iOQ/Olw Ypſſalui
3 þa 4', 1


ſ' '1 i Affiqhſſys

ſifllllllimw. A
rownen; Qui _ In'
-' : lK. - - þ
162 'Art of

Other Example: of


r. lamond, a Lion Paſſant Gardant Topaz,

between three Helmcts Pearl, born by
' the Right Honourable George Earl of Northamp
H'L of ton, Baron Compton of Compton, Lord Liente
thgnpwn_nant of Warwio/eſhirc, &e.
z- Azure, a Lion Paſſant between three Phe
woiſtdn- ons heads Or, born by Sir Tho-na: Walſtcnholom
holom- 'of Minſingden in the Pariſh of Edmonton in Mid
dle/ex, Baronet.
Sable, three Piles Argent on a Chief of
the ſecond a Lion Paſſant Gules, born by Sir
Hacket; Andrew Hath: of Moxhnll in Warwiokfloire ,
4. Or, a Lion Paſſant Sable, in Chief three
Piles of the ſecond, born by Captain ſfohn Lo
Logan- gan of [bury in Oxfordjhire, Eſq;
s. Argent, on a Feſs Gules between two
Lions Paſſant Gardant Sable, a Flower de lis
Or, between as many Creſcents Argent, born by
the Honourable Sir Henry Goodriok of Ribflan
Goodrick.Park in Tarkſhire, Knight and Baronet, ſome
time Envoy Extraordinary to the King of
6'. Argent, two Lions Paſſant Gardant Azure,"
born by Sir Thomas Hanmer of Hammer in Flint
Hamner. jhire, Baronet. And by Sir John Homer of the
Middle-Temple, London, Knight.
. Of;
Or, two Lions Paſſant Gardant, Sable, born
by Sir James Rufliout of Mild/I Green in Eflex, Ruſhout.
Gules, two Lions Paſſant Gardant Argent,
born by Sir Nichalm L' Eſtrange of Hulſhan in L'eflmngn
Norfolk, Baronet. And by Sir Rogcr'L'Eſtmnge of
St. Gile: in the Fields in Middleſex, Knt.
7 Gules, two Bars Ermine, in Chiefa Lion
Paſſant parted per Pale Or and Argent, by the
name of Hill of Norfolk. Bill.
8. Ermine, a Saltire engrailed and Chief
Gules, on the latter a Lion Paſſant Gardant Or,
born by Evers Armine of 0£gadby in Lincoln/hire, Arminc
and of Kmon in Rutlnndflzire, Eſq;
9. Or, three Lions Paſſant Sable, born by Sir
Thomas Carew of Hackcomb in Dc-uonfliire, Ba- Carem
Sable, three Lions Paſſant Argent, born by
Fame's Engliſh of Buckland in Maidſton in Ken't, Engliſh,
10. Argent, three Lions Paſſant Gardant
Gules, born by Thomni Brogm-ue of Hamels in Brogſavml
Hertfardflyire, Baronet.
u. Ruby, three Lions Paſſant Gardant Per
Pale Or and Argent, born by the Right Honou
rable William 0' Brion, Earl and Baron Incheqm.n,
and Baron of Barren in Irelnnd.
12. Azure, a Feſs Wavey, between three
Lions Paſſant Or, by the name of Hawex. Hawest
I 3. Sable, two Lions paſſant Argent, Crown
ed Or, born by Sir Charles Dimock of Strive-[by Dimeck,
in Cam. Lincoln, Baronet, champion on the
Day of Coronation of the Kings and Queen: of
England. . A
14.. Sable, two Lions paſſant, Paly of eight
Argent and Gules, born by the,ancieut Family Smn i
of stranger-ay: of Mcllmry Sandford in Camwaicf
Dorſeg. M a is. Azu
164. " The Art Of
15. Azure, two Lions paſſant Regardant,
their Tails between their Legs and coming over
Pznzn. their Sacks Or, by Pane/l.
16. Azure, a Lion paſſant Or, between three
Flowers de liz Argent, born by the Right l-lo
Nmh' nourable William Lord North, &e.
17. Party per Pale Or and Gules, a Lion paſ
fflflſg ſant Argent, by the antient Family of Plaiſc of
. Norfolk,
. '8. Or, on a Feſs Gules, a Lion Paſſant Gar
Xglmg' dant Argent, by Waflingford. .
* I 9. Chequy Or and Azure, on a Feſs Gules,
Pjcheforſhthſee Lions paſſant Argent, by Pichcford.
zq. Per Pale and per Feſs indented Argent
Croſce. and Azure, in the firſt Quarter a Lion Paſſant
Gules, by Croft.

From whole Lions I ſhall proceed to the Parts


'war iffi..

4- .

' MM
&W- (A
166 The Art of l

Example; of the

r. Rgent, a Lion's-head erazed Vert.
i 2. Ruby, a Cheveron between three
Lion"s heads erazed Pearl, born by the Right
Albe Noble Chnflopher late Duke of Alhemarle, Earl
marle. of Torrington, Baron Monk of Potheridge, Beau
champ and Tcyl, Knight of the Garter, Captain
of the Guard, Lord Lieutenant of Efflex and
Dwonſhire, one of the Gentlemen of the Bed
chamber, and one of* the Lords of the. Coun
cil to K. Charles ll. ' 3
Azure, a Cheveron between three Lions
heads erazed Or, born by Sir Hugh Windbam
of Silran in Darſetſfthire, Knight, one of the ju
fliees of His Maie y's Court of Common-Pleas
ar Weflminfflr, deceas'd. And .was alſo born by
Thomas Windham of Tale in' Devonſhirc, Eſq;
windham one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber to King
Charles ll- third Son of Sir Edmmtd Mad/um of
Cork-anger in Sommerjkt/hire, ſometime Knight
Marſhal to the ſaid King.
3. Or, three Bars Azure, on aCanton Gules,
a LionȜa head erazed Argent, born by Thomas
Qpxe Cox, M. D. Phyſician in Ordinary to His Maje
ſty King Charles the Second. And is alſo born
by panz.dcoz; of London, Doctor in Phyſick.
. a
A' Ruf:
4.. Ruby, a Bezant between three Demy Li
ons Rampant Pearl, born as the paternal Arms
of Her Grace the Dutcheſs of Grafran, being
ſole Daughter and Heir of the Right Honoura
ble Henry Bonnet Earl of Arlington, ViſcountBmnet
Thetford, &e. Knight of the Garter, Lordcham- Earl of
berlain of the Houſhold, and one of the'lctzords Arlington.
of the Councel to King Charles ii. And is alſo
born by the Right Honourable Charles BennetLard Of;
Lord Oſſalflon. ſulſton.
Alſo by John Bennet of Ahington in Camhridg- Bmnet
fl'irt, Eiq; ",
5. Azure, two Bars Wavey Ermine, on a.
Chief Or, a Demy Lion Sable, born by Sir
james Smith of the City of London, Knight and Smith
Alderman. '
6. Or, out of the midſt ofa Feſs Sable, a Lion
Rampant Naiſſant Gules, by the name of Emme. Emme, '
This that
of Blazon
be found
is peculiar
iſſuing tooutalloſ.the
living *
midſt of ſome Ordinary, or common Charge.
7, Vert , three Quaterfoils Argent, each
charged with a Lion's head erazed Sable, born
by Thomas Plot, Eſq; Secretary to his Highneſs plot
the great Duke ofTuſoany; deſcended of the Fa> .
mily of the Plots Sparjhrl: in Berkfliiro. L
8. Argent, two Lion's Paws erected in Saltire,
the dexter ſurmounted 'of the ſiniſter Azure.
9. Sable, two Lion's Paws iſſuing out of a
dexter and finiſter Baſe Points erect, in form of
a Cheveron Argent, by the name of Frampton. Frampton .
ro. Gules, three Lion"s Paws or Gambes era
zed Argent, born by Sir Richard Newdzgate oſNewdz
Ardbury in Warwz'okjhire, and Harficld in [Hid-gate,
dle/ex, Baronet.
u. Azure, three Lion's Paws couped and
erected Argent, by the name of 'U/ber. uſhen
M 4 la. Ar*
368 The Art of
72.' Argent, three Lioffls Tails erected and
Cork-e, erazed Gules, by the name o'f Corke.
The Lion hath great Hrength in his Tail, and
his mnth motion thereoſis a ſure ſign of An
ger. When he intends to aſſdii his Enemy, he
flirreth up his Courage by often beating his
Back and sides with his Tail, and when he is
hunted, the better to eſcape his Purſners (with
his Tail as he goeth) he ſweepeth out his 1
Footſteps and ieaveth no Tract behind him.
13. Argent, a Lion"s head eraſed Sable, be
Ncwcomctween three Creſcents Gules, by Newcomc.
14.. Argent, three Lron"s heads eraſed Gules,
Govys. Collared of the firſt, by Go*uys.
r;- Argent. a Feſs Sabie between threel ion's
Parmcſ heads eraſed Gules, born by the Right Honou
Lzggfin rable Wi'lizm Furmcr Lord Lamp/m.
" 16. Gules, two Demy Lions Paſſant garden:
Band, Or, by Hardy. *
17. Argent, a Demy Lion Rampant Sable,,
Mervin. by Men/in.
18. Or, a Lion's Paw in Bend, eraſed be
tween two croſs Crcflets Fitehe Gules, Born by
PWYW Sir Thomas Fowl, Knight. .
w_lſ '9- Party per Pale Sable and Or, three Lionffls
* on' Paws eraſed in Pale connterchanged, bv Wz.I/on,
zo. Argent, three Lion's Paws erected two
and one within a Bordnre engrailed Sable, born
BFdſofdo by Mr. Thomas Beaford late of Doctor's-Com
mons, London, Deputy Regifler of the Admi
Theſe and the like Parts of Lions and all
other Beaſts, are born on and between any of
the Ordinaries.
From Lions l ſhall proceed to Elephants,
Pity-ries3 and other Beaſts, ' - '

*l A Yea-fief M'b;12a\r;]0%,169
1 9- 3 4' 5'

. -'
il !il[il ]l l l lil l l l l l l
1 70 The Aft of

2 Other Example: tof


in Whole and
-r - in Pa.rtS.'-' ' 2." 1

1. . llles, an Elephant Paſſant Argent, his

. Teeth Or, by the Name of Elping
llpington m'- , ' _ i
The Elephant lS a Beaſt of great Strength
but'of greater Wit and Docility ſurpaffing
all other Be'a'fil's, and is ſo Ambitious, that if
, theY'are 'Praiſed they will Kill themſelves
With Labour', his Strength appears .in that he
carrieth on his Back in a Caſtle of Wood, about
thirty Men, as is accuſtomar in' the Eaſtern
Countries to .make uſe .o them in their
Wars, '
2.. Or, a Feſs Gules between three Elephants
fountain- Heads erazed Sable, born by John Fonnmin of'
Melmn an the Hill in Torkflairt, Eſq., ,
3. 'Purpurez a Proboſcide Trunk or'Snout of
an Ele hant in Pale couped, flexed and reflex
ed in orm of an S. Or. " '
The Elephant hath great Strength in this
Part, and uſeth it for his Hand as well to Feed
himſelf, as for all uſes of Agility.
4.: or,
4. Or, an Aſſes head erazed Sable, by the
Name of Hackmll. Hackwell;
The Aſs is the lively Emblem of Patience:
From this Beaſt and the Horſe cometh the
Mule, which being ſo produced, doth not bring
forth Young as other Beaſts.
5. Pearl, three Bulls paſſant Diamond. This
is the Coat of the Right Honourable Anthony E I
Aflyley-Coapcr, Earl of Shaſtrbnry, Baron Aſt- sſſgſtsgl
ley of VVimbarn St. Giler, Lord Coaper of Pmv- ty,
let, &C
The Bull is the Ringleader amongſt other
Beaſts, and through hope of his encreaſe of
Breed, he is priviledg'd to Range freely in all
The Bull being Gelt changeth not only his
Nature, but his Name to an Ox. And it is
ſaid that the Athenians to expreſs their grate
fulneſs for the laborious Travel of the Ox, did
ſtamp it's Figure on a certain Coyn called a Di
6. Sable, a Cheveron Ermine between three
Bull's heads caboſed Argent, born by Tbamqssandcrs.
Sanders of little Ireton in Derby/hire, Eſq;
7. Pearl, three Bull's heads erazed Diamond,
born by the Right Honourable Sir John S/icffing
ton of Fiſhcrwick in Smffizrdſhire, Baronet, Ba
ſon of Louglanengh, and Viſcount MAN-ner', Lord Mali
ſometime Cuſtos Romlornm, and Governour of ſarene.
the County of Londanderry and Town of Colef
mine, and one of the Lords of His Majeſty moſt
Honourable Privy-Councel for Ire-land.
8. Gules, a Goat Paſſant Argent, by the
name of Baker. Baker.
The Goat is not ſo hardy as politick.
9. Gules, a Stag ſtanding at Gaze Argent,
attired Or, by the Name of Fowl, ' Jomm
'i'72 . The Art of
"' u .
- " The Stag is a goodly Beaſt full of State in
.n,. -n
xu . his G.ate and View, and amongſt Beaſts of Chale
I 'eſteemed the chief for Came. lt is obſerved
' ithjat when he findeth himſelf Fat, he lodgeth in
flbſcure Places to avoid Chaſing. This Beaſi:
is indued with two excellent Faculties above
-' others, to wit, quickneſs of Hearing, and ſwif
neſs of Foot, which makes the Chaſe more long
. "and difficult.
i it'-
Gules. a Stag ſpringing forward,

Pliny ſaith that the Horns of this Bean,

''wh-ilſl: they are growing, are ſo mollified with
"Wax that they may be made capable of divers
Impreſſions. All Horns are hollow except to
Iwards the Tip, but the Deers are Solid through
uzu t.
7' "'"1 1. Vert, on aCheveron between three Bucks
triping Or, as many Trefoils ſlipped Gules,
Robinſon-rborn by Sir Lnmbley'kobinflm of Kcntmell-holl in
Snffolk, Baronet, Son and Heir of Sir Thome-r
Robin/on, chief Protbanomry of his Majeſty's
\ Court of Common-Pleas, deceas'd.
The Buck is a worthy Beaſt, and hathmuch
of the Properties of the Stag, but cometh ſhort
of his Statelineſs and Boldneſs.
12; Or, three Buck's heads couped proper,
Cblleton. born by Sir Peter Colletan of St. Fame's Field:
in Middle/ex, Baronet.
The Bearing of the Headof any livingThing
betokeneth Juriſdiction, and Authority to ad
miniſter Juſtice, and to execute Laws.
13. Saphir, a Stag's head Pearl, born by
the Right Honourable George Leg, Baron of
LMDMgDarmaur/a, Maſter General of the Ordnance,
mouth. Lieutenant of Alccholt and Wolmer-Foreſt in
Hmztjhire, .Maſter of the Horſe to his goylal
ig *
Highneſs jamcs Duke of Tork, Admiral of His
Majeſty's Fleet of Ships in the Medirermnexm,
Amu- 1683. and one of the Lords of His Ma
jeſty's molt Honourable Privy Council, &a. Fa
ther of the preſent Right Honourable William
Lord Dartmomh.
14.. Saphir, a Buck's he'ad caboſed Topaz,
vulned in the Forehead proper, born by the
Right Honourable Kemzeth, M' Kenzie, Earl
of Seaſon, Lord M' Kmzie and Kentail, Baron Effl' of
of Ardelu, Iſlandomm and Lcwx, Sheriffprin- Seaſon'
cipal of the Shires of Roſr , and North '
Nafi, &e. i
15. Diamond, three Buck's heads caboſed
Pearl, attired Topaz, born by his Grace Wil
liam Duke of Dewnflaire, Marquiſs of Hurting
tan, Earl of Dewnfln're, &e. Lord Steward ofEm
the Houſhold to Her Majeſty, Lord Lieutenant Down."
of Derbyflnrc, one of the Lords of Her Maje- ſhire.
Ity's moſt Honourable Privy-Council , and
Knight of the moſt Noble Order of the
16. Azure, a Feſs between three Tigers
heads erazed Or, born by Sir Henry Hnnlock offlunloch
Mſingerworth in Derbyſbire, Baronet.
17. Argent, a Cheveron between three At
tires of a Stag, fixed to the Scalp Sable, by the
Name of Cor/m. cookes'
18. Or, three Attires of a Stag Barways, in
Pale Sable.
19. Gules, a Bore Paſſant Argent, by the
Name Of Bore. Bore;
20. Argent on1? Il/eſs Sable, a Bore paſſantof
firſt by Swyn
Eimine, twoorBoars
- Paſſant, in Pale Gules,Swyn
, rOra .
born by Sir Pan! Wbicbcote, Baronet. whzchcoz,

21' Al'
1 74. The Art of
22. Argent, three Boar's heads erazed Gules,
narrow two and one, by Barton.
23. Argent, aCheveron between three Hinds
Beckwith. heads Gules, by Beckmith of Tarflzire.
24. Argent, three Rain-Deer's heads caboſed
BOWCt- fable, by Bawct.
25. Ermine, a Feſs Gules between three
Wolve's heads erazed Azure, born by Nicho
. [as Miller, Eſq., Son and Heir of Sir Humphry
"lum" Miller of Oxenhamth in Kmt, Baronet.

SBZCZJ.EJ'WAOIG As part; Ptffi "5,
9 3 4
, William: .Illuxl


L *= r] "il J 'ſi
V)ww* -.llil
Il l l *


zllli ii

* ill'i'llll " "lll'Ill'l

sffl . ill-al
176 The Art of _

Otljer Example: of

B E A S T S in Whole and.
in Part. '

.1. Able, aFeſs between three Horſes paſiant

Argent, born by Sir Thomas stamp of
London, Knight and Alderman.
A Horſe erected, (that is bolt upright) may
be termed enraged, but his nobleſt Action is
expreſt in a filiant form. The Horſe of all
Beaſts for Man's uſe is eſteemed the moſt noble,
and uſeful either in Peace or War; he is natu
rally ſtubborn, fierce and proud, and of all
Beaſts there is none that vaunteth more after
Victory obtained, or dejected if vanquiſhed,
- and none more prone to Battle, or deſirous of
Revenge. .
2. Gules, a Horſe's head couped Argent, this
was the Coat Of Sir Thomas Murflv Of Darkes in
Marſh. the Pariſh of South Mmmes in Middle/ex,
Knight, deceas'd.
3. Argent, a Unicorn ſeiant Sable, horned
Hat-ling. Or, by the name of Hurting. .
The unicom takes his name from his one
Horn which grows on his Forehead, yet there .
is another Beaſt call'd a Rimceras which hath
but one Horn, but that doth grow on his
The unicorn is no leſs worthy of remark for
his Virtue than for his Strength, in that his
Horn is ſaid to be a powerful Antidote againſt
Poiſon, in ſo much as (according to the gene
ral Opinion) the wild Bcaſts (for fear of the
venemous Serpents) uſe not to drink before he
hath ſtirred the Waters with his Horn; he is
ſaid to be of ſuch a great and haughty Mind,
that he will never be taken alive, but rather
will be killed 5 being by nature of ſo untamely
a Diſpoſition.
4. Gules, an Unicorn triping Argent, arm
ed Or, by the name of Mnſterron. Muſterton
5. Vert, three unicorns in Pale currant
Argent, armed Or, by the name of Faring Farington.
6. Sable, a Camel Paſſant Argent.
This Beaſt doth ſurpaſs the Horſe, notonly
for Strength (his common burthen being Ioool.
weight,) but for his ſwiftneſs in Travel.
7. Argent, a Bore paſſant Gules, armed Or, Trewar
by the name of Trcmartben. _ then.
The Bore, though he wanteth Horns, .lS. no
way defective in his Weapon of defence or ra
ther of offence, to wit, his ſtrong and ſharp
Tusks, being reckon'd for the moſt abſolute
Champion amongſt the Wild Beaſts. ln illS
Fight he is ſo cruel and ſtomachful, that he
foameth all the while for Rage, and agalnſt the
time of any Encountcr, he often whettcth
his Tusks to make them more pierclngl,
'and he beareth the Cncounter with a nob e
Courage. -
N 8. Pearl,
1 78 The Art Of
8. Pearl, three Bore's heads erazed and ere
Earl of cted Diamond, armed of the firſt, born by the
waſting. Right Honourable George Booth, Earl of War
tofl. rington, &C.
And by Sir Robert Booth ofSalfbrol in Lancet
Sooth', Knight, ſometime Lord Chief Juſtice of
his Majeſty's Court of Common Pleas in Ireland,
and one of his Majeſties moſt Honourable Pri
vy Councel for the ſaid Kingdom.
And is alſo born by Richard Booth of the Ci
ty of London, Eſq;
9. Argent, a Cheveron between three Bore's
Oglc- heads erazed Sable, born by Sir Theophilm Ogle
thou" thorp, Knight.
IO. Azure, three Cups Or, out of each a
Bore's head erected Argent, born by Sir John
Bones' Belles of Scampton in Lincolnſhire, Baronet.
11. Azure, a Toiſon d' Or, within a Trea
Jaſon. ſure of Scotland Or, born by Sir Robert Joſm
late of Broad Somerford in Wiltſhire, Baronet.
12. Argent, a Cheveron Sable, between '
three Ram s heads erazed Azure, born by Sir
Bcndiſh- John Bendifl: of StePZc-Bnmſted in Eſſex, Ba
' The Ram is a Captain of the whole Flock,
and his Strength conſiſteth in his Head
13. Gules, an Aſs paſſant within a Bordure
Moy), Argent, born by the antient Family of Maylc
of Kent.
14. Argent, an Aſs head erazed Sable, by
Hockem Hocleenhnll of Cheſhire..
hmL Is. Ermine, on a Quarter Sable, a Horſe's
head couped Argent, Bridled Gules, by Brix
Brixfione. ſtone Of Carnnml.
16. Argent, threeHorſe's heads erazed, and
Slade- a Chief Gules, by S/ode.

17. Gules,
17- Gules, three Unicorn's headscouped Or,
by Paris. ' _ Pa ns.
18. Party per Cheveron Sable and Argent,
three Elephant's heads erazed counterchanged, '
bornby the antient Family of sounden. Saundcfs
19. Sable, a Bull paiſſant Or, born by the
antient Family Of FitL-Geflrey of Bcdford- Fitz-Gef
fln'rt. " ſCY.

20. zA-rgent, a Cheveron Gules between ' .

three' Bull's heads couped at the Neck Sable,B®1®Y"®"
Horned Or. - - .
ma t'iI IL
and '-

*.- '


'"'..-._ *'- u ,.'5--




Other Example: of

MB. E. A.S T S.
1. ARgent, a Tiger pafſiant, and gazing in
a Looking-glaſs, all proper.
The Tiger is ſaid to be a Beaſt of great
Cruelty, and exceeding ſwift of Foot, whence
ſome think the River 'I.zgris took its Name.
It is reported, that when thoſe that go to
Rob her of her Young, do uſe a Policy to detain
their Dam from following them, by caſting
ſundry Looking-glaſſes in the way, on which
ſhe uſeth to gaze long upon, whether it be to
behold her own Beauty, or becauſe when ſhe
ſeeth her Shape in the Glaſs, ſhe thinketh ſhe
ſeeth. one of her young ones., but by this
means they eſcape her.
2. Argent, a Bear Rampaut Sable, muſled
Or, by the name of Bar'mrd. Barnaxd.
The Bear by nature is a cruel Beaſt, and in
its Combates uſeth no leſs Policy than Strength.
The Female is moſt cruelly enraged againſt
any that hurts her Young, or rohbcth her of '
3. Argent, three Bear's heads erazed Sable,
Mulled Or, born by Sir Fames Langham ofLangham.
Cottcsbroak in Nortlmmptonfln'rc, Knight and
Baronet, deceas'd.
By Sir William Langlmm of Walgmve in the
ſaid county Knight. And by Sir Stephm Lang
N 3 bane
182 The Iſtf of
ham of London, Knight, Sons of Sir '_Tolm Lang
ham, Baronet, deceas'd.
4. Gules, a Wolf Paſſant Argent, born by
Sir Edward Low of New Sarnm in Vſzltjhire,l '
Knight, ſometime one of the Maſters of the
High Court of Chancery.
The Wolf by Nature is a greedy, ravenous
and cruel Creature, and a great Enemy to the
poor harmleſs Sheep; inſomuch that (for the
publick good) Laws have been made to ive a
Gratuity tothoſe that kill, or take any o them
Maoidon, Grand-child of Cham the Son of
Noah, bore a wolf when he went under the
conduct of Oflm. And the Image of a Wolf
was ſet up at Delphos before Apollo, who was
called Lycoctones a Wolf-killer, and he was
Rewarded by the Laws of Draco and Solon that
' killed or took alive this Creature.
5. Argent, on a Bend Vert, three Wolve's
heads erazed of the Field, born by Sir Richard
Middleton Middleton of Cbzrk-Caſtle in Dmbighfln'r', Ba
And by Sir Thomax Mddletoniof Sranſted
Monnt-Fitchet in EfflZ-x, Knight.
6. Vert, a Greyhound currant in Bend, Ar
gent, collared Gules, ſtudded Or, born by Ri
Blame. ' rbard Blame of Abergmlly in-Cxcrmarthenſtoire,
Eſq., and by John Blame of Set/make in Kem,
Gentleman, and by Richard Blame of Lon
The Dog, whether it be for Pleaſure and
Game in the Field, as the Greyhonnd and the
Hound, of which there are ſeveral ſorts, as the
Brick-hound , Blood-hound, Harier, Grey
hound and the like 5 or for ſafe- guard at Home
as the Maſtiff deſerveth a very high Eſtimation,
and of all Dogs thoſe of Chaſe are the moſtde
ſerving in Heraldry.
_ It is obſerved that there is ſcarce any Virtue
incident to a Man, but there are ſome reſem
blances thereof in the ſundry kinds of Dogs 5
and the Maſtiff hath that undaunted Courage
and true Love to his Maſter, that he will take
his part even to Death, inſomuch that the Ra
mam took Maſtiffs hence to carry in their Ar
my inſtead of Soldiers; others there are that
when they happen to be loſt, will refuſe Meat
to eatuntil they ſee their Maſters again 5 others
are to be admired for their excellent Properties
in looking to their Maſter's Goods, others in
fetching, carrying, and finding out any loſt
Thing that they are enjoyned to do; and
others in purſuing any thing of Game in the
Chaſe by the Scent of its Foot.
7. Argent, three Grey-hounds currant in
Pale- Sable, collared Or, born by Sir- Glew
(More of More-hall and Rank-hell in LanmjIyire,Mo\e*
Gules, three Grey-hounds currant in Pale
Argent, collared of the Field, born by Sir 'ſho
mas Maulewrer of Allerron-Mmtlwcrer in Tork- Maulcyc.
flrire, Baronet. ſel. .
8. Argent, two Bars Sable, chartged with
three Trefoils of the Field, in Chie a Grey
hound cnrrant oſ the ſecond, born by William
Palmer of Ladg.nwe in Wnrwickfloire, Eſq; palmer
9. Gules, a Talbot Paſſant Or, a Chief Er
mine, born by Tlaomm Clmffin of Cbettle in Chaffin.
Dar/erfbire, Eſqz
10. Argent, two Rdynards or Foxes counter
Saliant in Bend, the dexter ſurmounted of the
ſmiſtcr, Saltirewiſe Gules, bY the name Of Kffl' Kadmd.
dread-Hard, of Wales. Hard.

N 4 The
184. The Art of
The Fox for his great Wit and Subtilty, doth
ſurpaſs all Beal'ts, and is compared to the craf
ty Lawyer.
11. Ermine, on a Feſs Gules, a Fox paflant
Or, born by Sir Tbamas Proby of. firm-hall in
Huntingronjhire, Knight. And by John Preby
of the Mzddle-Templc,'Landon, Eſq;
12. Or, three Foxes headserazed Gules, on a
Bordure Argent eight Ea lets diſplayed Azure,
born by Nwinflm Fax 0 Smdlzraak in Snflblk,
Eſquire. -
, 13. Gules, an Ermine proper.
The Skin of this little Beaſl: is an exceeding
rich Fur uſed fo* the Lining of Kings and
Prince's Robes, and is that Fur ſo much uſed
in Heraldry, call'd Ermine.
14. Argent, three Cat-a-mountains paſſant
Keat. in Pale Sable, born by Sir Jonat'han Kmt of
Paul: Waldm in Hertfordſhire, Baronet.
There is no Creature that contendeth fb
much for Liberty as the Cat, and therefore the
Dutch formerly bore it for their Enſign.
It is alſo a creature Of ſuch great uſe, that
no Houſe can well be without one for the de
ſtroying Vermine.
15. Argent, two Squirrels Seiant endorſed
Gules, born by Sir Thamm Samwel of 'Upton
Samwell. and Gaytan in the County of Nort/mmpton,
Baronet. -
This little Creature is much to be commend
ed for its great induſtry in gathering, and pro
viding its Food in the Summer for the Winter,
.which ſhould be an Example to the ſlothful
Man who regardeth nothing but from Hand to
16. Argent, three Coneys Sable, by the
Srroud. name of strond.

From the Coney-'tis ſaid that Men firſt learnt
the Art ofundermining and ſubverting of Ci
ties, Caſtles and Towers, by the Induſtry-of
37. Or, three Bears Paſſant, Sable, by Ber
ham of Kent. ' Bcrham
1 8. Azure, a Cheveron between three Bear's
heads couped Argent, Muſled Sable, by Ba
rmby p Baronby.
'19. Sable, a l-Volf Rampant Or, by LombaI-Wthe'
20. Or, aWolf Rampa'nt Azure, within aLoven
Bordure engrail'd Sable, by Lot/ell. '
21. Sable, two Wolve's Paſſant Argent, by
Wolf. w olf.
22. Ermine, three Wolve's heads couped Sa- .
ble, born by Minor of Middle/ex. Mullet"
23. Gules, three Greyhound's heads- era
zed Argent, Collar'd with Rings Sable, by
Neale. *' a 'Talbot's
24. Azure, a Feſs between three . eale.

heads erazed Or, born by the antient Family of

Bllſton of Lindlcy in Com. Leicefler. " Button
zs. Sable, a Cheveron between three Hare's
heads erazed Argent, by Spencer of Sbropflilmsl'cnffls'
7 'K

From Beaſts I ſhall proceed to Animals.

,-.,1.86._ . .. __-. iazhzhztrt of ffi "ffi

' A
Oſhu/ITLCLZJÞGC ' Pausdfii
2 3 .5'7 A


I 6

Example: hf i

A N I M A L s.
1. E R T, a Tortoiſe paſiant, Argent,
born by Sir Charles Gawdy of Cum-hill
in Dehmham in Snflblk, Knight and Baronet. Gawdyx
. By Sir John Guwdy of the lame County, Baronet.
By Charles Guwdy of Smpcſtan, and by Antho
ny Gawdy of Ipſwich, both of the ſaid County,
Eſquires. .
e Tortoiſes, live both by Land and Sea, and
are much eſteemed as well for their Vertues and
Operation, as for the delicacy of their' Shells
uſed for divers curious Works, and their Fleſh
to eat. They are Enemies to Vipers, deſtroying
both Snails and Worms that eat the Fruits.
The Shells of the Armdian Tortoiſes are very
great, of which they make Harps, whereof
. Mercury is ſaid to be the firſt lnventor, who
finding a Tortoiſe upon the Rocks after the fal
ling of the River Nilm, the Fleſh being conſu
med, and the Sinews dried up, he ſtrok'd them
with his hand, and making a kind of Muſical
' ſound, he framed it into a Harp.
2.. Azure, a Tortoiſe erected Or, by the
name of Caoper. Cooper.
3. Argent, a Cheveron between threeMouls
or Wants Sable, born by Richard Tmzfleran OfTwjfflc.
pmx in the Waſt-riding of Torh/hire, Eſq; ton.
188 The Art of
This Animal is very pernicious in Gardens,
Orchards and other Grounds, caſting up the
Earth in great Hillocks with their Snouts.
They are very quick of Hearing, and have a
good Smell.
4. Argent, three Toads erected Sable, by
Botreaux. the name of Botreanx.
Toadsand Frogs when they fit, hold up their
Heads without motion, which ſtately action
Spencer in his Shepherd's Calender, calleth the
Lording of Frogs.
5. Or, a Cobweb, in the Center thereof
a Spider proper.
The Spider may be ſaid to be born free of
the Weaveris company, for ſhe ſtudieth not
his Art, nor hath his .Stuff, having her Thread
out of her Womb,from whence ſhe laborioufly
draweth it, and through the Agility of her
Feet ſhe weaveth Gins, and dilateth, contract
eth and knitteth them in form of a Net, and
with the Threads that ſhe draweth out of her
Body ſhe repaireth the ſame, and theſe Webs
are framed with much artificial Cunning, and
yet are fit for no uſe but to entangle Flies zand
as it is obſerved the Execution of the Law is
compared to Cobwebs, as the Poet hath it.
Laws like Spider-'3 Wcbs are wrought _
Great Flies efldpe, and ſmall are caught.

The Spider is Poiſonous, yet her VVeb, al

though it be drawn out of her Womb, is ſaid
to be an Antidote againſt it.
6. Argent. ll Emets, 3, 2, 3, 2, I. Sable.
By the Emet or Pifinire, as indeed by the
Spider, may be ſignified a Man of great Labour,
Wiſdom, and Providence in his Affairs: And
to theſe little Creatures the ſlothful Man is ſent
to learn Wiſdom. 7. Vert,
7. Vert, a G'raſs-ho per in Feſs paſſant Or.
In the Summer Sea on the Male Graſs-hop
pers do ſing', but the Females are ſilent.
Amon It the Athmiam, Graſs-hoppers were
holden fir a ſpecial note of Nobility, and
therefore did uſe to wear in their Hair golden
Graſs-hoppers. Solomon reckoneth the Graſs
hopper for one of the four ſmall things in the
Earth that are full of Wiſdom, but according
to the Fable the Emet thinks him otherwiſe.
8. Gules, an Adder nowed Or, by the
name of Nathiley. Nathilcy.
The Serpent is very ſubtile and prudent, as
well to hurt others as to ſave himſelf; and
knowing, that his moſt principal and moſt
weakeſt Part is his Head, he hath the greateſt
care thereof 5 this here enfolded may ſeem as
Gni/Zim noteth to be one of the Locks of that
Monſtrous Dame Main/2: , every Hair of
whoſe Head was ſaid to be aSnake; and indeed
Albertm ſaith, that the Hair of Women taken
at ſome Seaſons and laid in Dung will become
venemous Serpents, which ſome have ſuppoſed
' to befal that Sex, for the ancient familiarity it
had at firſt with that accurſed Serpent.
9. Azure, a Cheveron between three Ur
chins or Hedghogs Argent, born by I/Villixzm
Mm'nſton of London, Gentleman, lineally deſ
cended from Thomas Mainſtm of *Urchz'nfidd in Mflnſtm
Herejordſhirc, Gentleman, who lived in the
Time of Edward the third.
The Hedghogs may be compared to a Man
expert in gathering ofSubſtance, and as it were
one that maketh Hay whilſt the Sun ſhineth.
lo. Sable, a Feſs between three Houſe-Snails
Argent, by the name of She/fry. ShefleY.
The Snail though a ſlow goer, yet in time by
the conſtancy of her Courſe> aſcendeth to the
top of the higheſt Tower. 1;
190 Lhfl Art of
It is Fabled, that when the Hare was to go a '
Journey for a Wager with the Snail, the Hare
too confident of his Footmanſhip, reſolved to
take a Nap by the way; but the Snail well
knowing that he had nothing to truſl; unto but
hisindefatigable perſeverance, came to his Jour
neys end before the Hare awaked.
11. Argent, a Cheveron Gules between
three Scorpions reverſed Sable, by the name
Cole. Of Cale. "
Scorpions are Veuemous, yet the Oyl made
m Aml-. of them. is. .an approved Antidote againſt their
mſhmofown ſtmgmg. ., .
we KZ'n - 12. Sable, three Toads erected two and one,
dom a being the antient Arms of the Kingdom of
France- France.
13. Argent, a Cheveron Sable, between
Colc- three Scorpions, Gules, by Cale of Shrepſhirt.
14. Party per Feſs Gules, a Feſs Ermine, be- _
F'fflmg. tween two Squirrels currant Argent, by Fre
am' minghczm.
15. Sable, a Harveſt Fly in Pale Argent,
Bolourd. b'Y Boloum'.
16. Vert, a Cheveron between three Bees
Foſter. Argent, by Poſter
Thus much of Animals, underwhich Head
may be comprehended all thoſe of four or more
Feet, that lay Eggs, as Crocodiles, Salaman- '
ders, Camelcons, Ewtes, Lizards, Off.



Treats of Fowls and Birds of all ſorts, which

' ma) he termed Aereal Animals, and ma)
he conſidered hy their Feet, which are ei
ther whole, (which refimhleth the Palm of
a Hand, and ſuch are the Swon, Gooſe,
Dark , and for the moſl part all River
Fowls) or divided, as the Eagle, Falcon,
Raven, and the li/ee, and Birds of the Air;
asjhall appear h] the following Examples.

L L Fowls of what kind ſoever muſt

be born in their natural Actions, of
Standing, or Flying, Cj'c.
Concerning the Beaks or Bills,
and Feet of Birds, 'all thoſe that either are
whole Footed, or have their Feet divided and
yet have no Tallons, ſhould be termed Mem-
bred; but the Cock and all Birds of Prey
ſhould be termed Armed., and the Arming
or Membringrthem is always to be of a diffe
rent Colour from the Fowl or Bird it ſelf.
It is generally obſerved, that the Femalcs a
mongſt Birds of Prey are the noblell: and moſt
hardy, which Nature hath ſo ordered, as be
.ing her part to take care and to provide for her
young. In
>T< -

192 The are of

In the Blazoning of Fowls much uſed to fly;
if their Wings be not open or diſplayed, they
muſt be termed cloſe.
The Parts and Members of Fowls are uſually
born in Coat Armour both Couped and erazed,
and that on, or between any of the Honoura
ble Ordinaries.
Birds are of a more noble Bearing than Fiſh,
for that they participate more of the Fire and
Air, the nobleſt Elements.

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" ,. '

.19'4. ' The Art of -

Example: of


l. ules,. a Swan cloſe Argent, by the
Leigham. name Of Ltigham.
'All River'Fowls have their Tails ſhorter than
other Birds, for the length of the Tail doth
hinder their Swimming, Diving, or Running.
The .Swan is a Bird of great Beauty and
Strength, and it is ſaid that he uſeth not his
, 'Strength to'Prey or Tyrannize over any other
' Fowl, but only to be revenged on ſuch as firfl:
offer him Wrong, in which caſe he often ſub
dueth the Eagle; and it is obſerved that he ne
ver encounters with any other of his own kind
but in two Caſes, the one if any be a Rival in
his- Love, or offer to Court his Mate, he will
be revenged to Death', the next is, if another
do? incroach upon his Poſſefiion or Place of
Haunz, he is never quiet until he hath expulſed
him. '
2. ,Azure , a Bend engrailed between
two Cignets Argent, gorged with' Du
cal Coronets with Chains affixed, circum
fiexing over their Bodies and between their
Legs, Or, born by Sir Charles Pitfield of Hox
riffidd, ton in the Pariſh of St. Leonards S/wrcditcb in
Middlqſcx, Knight, deceas'd.
Azure, three Swans Argent, by the name
of Clanrltaii'.
' Gules,
Gules, three Swans Argent, by the name of
Brodrcpp: 4 Brodrepp.
, Sable, a Swan with her Wings expanded
Argent, Membred Or, within a Bordure en- -
grailed of the Second, by the name of MomMorc,
Azure, two Swans Argent between as many' - .
Hanches Ermine, 'born by Samuel Mellzjh ofMclliſh.
the inner Temple, London, Eſq;
3. Sable, a Cheveron between three wild.
Ducks volant proper.
The wild Duck hath many En'emies, as Men,
Dogs, and Hawks, yet by their ſhifts in Flying,
Swimming and Diving, they often beguile the
Hope of their Purſuers.
4. Argent, a Stork Sable, Membred Gules,
by the name of Smrkey. k
The Stork is a Bird moſt careful of her St" ay'
Young, and therefore Nature requireth'h'er
Care; for their Young do take the like care of
them in their oldAge; whence it is, that the
' Stork is the Emblem of a grateful Man and a
dutifu'l Son; c/Eiiom writes of a Stork, which
bred in the Houſe of one that had a beautiful
Wife, whichin her Husbands abſence uſed to
commit Adultery with one of her meaner Ser
VaIlISr which the Stork obſerving, in gratitude
to him who freely gave him Houſe-room, he
gying in the Villain's Face ſtruck out both his
es. .
313.. Ermine, an Eagle diſplayed Gules, born
by Sir Henry Bedingfield Of Oxborongla nd Bed.
hall in Norfolk, Baronet. And by Sir Robcrt'Beding- .
Bedingfield, Knight, Alderman and Sheriff offidd'
London, 1703. . _ 1
The Eagle hath a ſharp and piercing Sight,
and ſoarethſo high, that oft times ſhe tranſ
cendcth the Sight of a Man. She hath a ten
der care of her young, and when they are rea
. .. ..; , O 2 -\ dy
'96 a The Aft of
' dyto fly, taketh them on her wings; and ſo
ſoareth with them through the Air to teach l
thcmto fly. ' '
6. Argent, an Eagle diſplayed with two. <
GI m Heads Sable, born by Sir 'john Glym of Ben-ced
7 ſter, alias Bxfiſter, in Oxfordjhire, Baronet. 6
7. Gules, a Bend between two Eagles diſ
.. played Or, born by Sir .Thomdr Tmvel of St. i
Tm'ct' Ill-'Him in the Fields in Middleſex, Knight.
8. Vert, three Eagles diſplayed in Feſs Or, i
WYflc- born by the antient Family of Wynne of (ſayd- .
der in Wales, Knights and Baronetsz L

ſit. __L_ . 3

Other Example! of Eagler, &e.

.Alum an Eagle diſplayed Argent, born . 5
Cotton. ' by Sir Robert Cotton de Bruce of Hatley U
St. George in Camhridgejhire, Knight. ii
Gules, an Eagle diſpla'yed Or, born by Ed
Goddzrd, ward Goddard of standen, by Thomas Goddard i
of Smindm, Richard Goddard of Catford, and 3'
by Edwm'd Gaddard of Oghonrn, all of'Viltfln're, .
Eſqnires. . 11
Argent, an Eagle diſplayed Sable, by Sir t I'
Mmngmn'Thomm Millingron, Knight, Doctor of Phyſick- ' i
' Sable, an Eaglc diſplayed Argent, armed
Boylmm Gules, by the name of Bqvland.
' ' Argent, an Eagle diſplayed Vert,, by the 31
Bilney. name Of Rilzzey. in
Or, an Eagie diſplayed Sable, by the name
Kirkhill'. of IGr/ehi/Z. .I
Gules, an Eagle diſplayedffirmine, by the
name of N.a/'Fgu hl

' Parted
. Parted perPaleOrand Ar lent, .an Eag'ie diſ- h
played Gules, by the nameo TZvw/'p/bn. gnaw?
_ Parted per Pale Gules and Ermine, an Eagle *
d'ſpiayed Or, by the Name of Bardam. Bordam
_ Parted per Bend Guies and Vert, an Eagle '
dfiglai'cd or, by the name of Grave. Grave,
Name three Ea lets diſpla y ed Or, bY the Bflfl
of Billaſworti .

Or, three Eaglets diſplayed Gules, by the

NaAme Of Egluf'rd. Eglesford
2. NZfne
the r nt,ofthree Ea ets
Englesfiaglld, diſpla yed' Gu leg, b Yffi',"-
Sable, fix Eaglets diſplayed Argent, by the
Name of Born-mine. Barantine,
9. Sable, a Goſhawk Argent, ſtanding up.
on a Perch, ſixed in the baſe Point of' the Eſco
cheon of the ſecond, Armed, Jeſſed and Belled
.Or, by the Name of Wnle. . Weele,
Next to the Eagle, which is reckoned the
Sovereign Queen of all Fowls, the Goſhawk,
the Ger-Fakon, the Faieon, of Birds of Prey
they are the chief,
Gules, three Falcons Argent, Armed', Jeſ
ſed and Belled Or, by the name of Ather
rm. Atherton.
Azure, three Falcona Argent, Armed, eſ- I
ſed and Beued Or, by the Name of -en-Penning
'Me-grow. Wfl- '
Name. ofaTbdling.
Faleon- Argent, Armed Or, by the''Ycdlm5'

10. Gules, a Cheveron between three Fal-.

cons Argent, born by George Hadley of Eaſt Hadley.
Burnet in Hertfordjhire, Eſq;
it. Azure, three'Bnſtards riſing Or, by the , ,
name of Nevill. ' "mile '
It is obſervable that all long Shank'd fowl in
their fiighndo ſtretch fox-(th their Legs at length
" 3 19
198 ' The Art of
to their Tails, but the ſhort do truſs theii Feet
up to the midſt of their Bodies. '
' 12. Or, a'Raven proper, born by Sir John
Corbct of stake upon 'Te-one, and Adderlcy in
Cord? Shopfliiro, Baronet. By Sir Vincent Corbet of
Merton Cork" in the County aforeſaid, Baſi
ronet. '
The Raven is fild to give no Food to its
" Youn ', until' ſhe ſeet'h 'what Colour they will
be o , and when ſhe ſeeth them black like her
ſelf, ſhe is very careful of them. This Bird is
ſaid to live about one hundred Years, and dotfi
take its Name from its rapine Quality.
13. Gules, a Pelican in her Neſt, withWings
eleyated, feeding her young Ones Or, vulned
Flame. proper, by the Name of Came.
' The Egyptian Prieſts, as Fnrnefins noteth,
uſed the Pelican for a Hierogliphick to expreſs
the Duties of a'Father to his Children.
14. Gules, three Cocks Argent, armed,
creflted, and' wattlcd, Or, by the' Name of
cock. Cor .
" The Cock may not improperly be termed
the Knight amongſt Birds, being of a noble
Courage, and alſo prepared to Battel, having
his 'Comb for an Helmet, his- ſharp and hook- .
ed Bill for a Faulcheon or Courtlax, and asa
compleat Soldier armed Cap-a-pee, he hath his
Legs armed with Spurs. When he is Victor he
Croweth, which gives teſtimony of his Confi
gueſt, and-when he is vanquiſhcd he ſhunneth
the Light or Society of Men. - ' - '
15. Or, three Swallows, their
proper, by the Nameof. Wngton. Wings
' cloſe
I "
Wauon The Swallow is the welcome Harbinger,
ſhewing? the approach'of the Spring. ' ' '"
to. Argent, a Croſs Gules betweenfour Pea
cocks Azure, born by the Right Honourable
Charles Lord Czringron of Wottan in lzffli Q
fln're, and Viſcount Barrefond in Irelemd. "almi
The Peacock is ſo Proud, that when he erect
" eth his Fan of Plumes he admireth himſelf, and
doth diſplay them againſt the Rays of 'the Sun,
that they may 'gliſter with the greater Glory.
17: Azure, three Pelicans Argent, vulning
themſelves in their Breaſts Gules, by Ptlhmrhpcſhm
18.. Ermine, a Feſs Gules between ſix Moor
Cocks cloſe Sable, combed and Wart-led Gules,
by Moor of Chejhire. . Mom
19, Argent, a Cheveron engrailed between
three Crows Sable, born by Sir William Cromer Cromer.
Lord-Mayor of London, Ameo 1413. a'ud by the *
Cromers of Kmt. ' . '
go. Party per Cheveron B. and Vert, three
Doves volant Argent, membred and beaked
Gules, born by Dam of Camhcrm/l in Snrry. Dam

._._"._ffi_-_, '.-"P-'-"_'-_ P-fl

Other Example: of Fowls:

. - Rgent, three Swans diſcloſed Sable, by
the Name of Folgnardly. Foigfllfd"
Sable, a HCI'OH Argent, by the Name of y'
Heran. ' - Herod,
Argent, a Cock Gules, Armed, Creſted,
and jolloped Or, by the Name of Bronrham. Broncbam
Argent, a Raven proper, by the Name of
Moflffl- Merton,
Sable, a Falcon Argent, Armed Or, by the *
Name Of Tedling. Yedling,
Azure, three Falcons their Wings expanſed .
Argent, by the Name of Ne-uile. ' Neyilc;

O 4 Argent',
'ad The Art of
' Argent, a Pelican in her Ncſt, vulned and
Curl-d; diſcioſed Sable, by the Name of Can-mit.
Argent, a cock Gules, Armed, Crettcd and
Broughamwattled Of, by the Name-'of Brokgh-m.
41- t, three Cocks Gules, by the Name
Coliborn. Of a" m'- ' . '
At ent, three Cocks Sable Armed, Creſt-.
Pdmfflt, .ed an warmed Or, b' the Name' of Pmfm.
'_ Sable three Heaflv oc.ks Argent, Membtcd
Hath, ..Gules, by theNaj-me ofHuM, .' ' - ,
' Argent, fix More-Cocks Sable, Memhred
nn- Gules, by the Name of Pin-Morea . -

4- u- p. u._ 4. w _- m An a.4___h

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Qoz' Aft of


Other Example: of*

BI R D Sfflinȝ Whole and 'in

\-\ Parts.
L E A R-L, ona Bend Diamond, three
Owls ofthe Field, born by the moſtI-Io
nourable George Sn-vill, Marquiſs, Earl and Vifſi
' count Hallzfnx, and Baron Of Eland in Turk
flyir.e, Lord Privy Seal, and one of the Lords of
' / " the Privy council to his Majeſty King Charles
' . . *;, U the Second, deceas'd. '
The Owl was Mincr-uafs Bird, and was born
by the Athenian: for their Armorial Enſign. In
Afmoury he. 'ſignifies Prudence, Vigilancy and
Watchfulneſs' by .Night. ' .
2. Sable,' an Eſcocheon within an Orle of
calvcrley Owls Argent, born by Sir Henry Calverlcy of
> Erybolmc in Torlſhire, Knight.
3. Diamond, Gutte de Eau, on a Feſs Pearl,
Lord three Corniſh Choughs proper , born by the
comwaþ Right Honourable Cbarlex Lord Carnnmllis, Ba
zzs, ron of Eye in Suffialk, and Lord Lieutenant of
.. the ſaid County.
4. Argent, a Croſs Patonce between four
Martlets Sable, of
'gluing-3, Tbomas'Szringcr a Canton
Bexwell: Erminois, born by
in L.jj*cx, Eſquire.

5. Or,
5.* Or, an Eſcocheon within an Orle of eight
Martlets Sable, born by Sir John Brawnlm of
Bclton near Grantham in Lincolnfliire, BaroneLBmwM
- The Martlet hath Legs ſo ſhort that they
can't go, and if they happen to fall upon the
ground, they can't raiſe themſelves upon their
Feet as other Birds do, to prepare themſelves
for flight, and for this reaſon they make their
Neſts upon Rocks and high Places , from
whence they may'eaſily take their flight. .
6. Per Feſs Gules and Argent. fix Martlets
connterchanged,born'by the antient Family
of Fenwirk of Norrhumberland, ' ' Fcnwigk;
- .7. Azure, a Cheveron between three Mart
lets Argent, born by Talemdch Duke of Linralm- Duke;
Inn in Middleſem'Eſ uire, Exzjgemer for-Lon
don' in the Court of -. omt'nonſiPleas.
8. Gules, a Cheveron embattled counter-em
battled, Ermine, between three Martlets Or,
.born by the Honourable Sir Francir-l/Vithim ofWzthcns; 1
Eltham in Kent, Knight, 'ſometime one of the
Juſtices of the .Gonrt of King's Bench, Weſt
minfler. 7 ' ' '
9. Gules, a Fer-de-Molin Argent, between
two Martlets Or, born by Sir William Bcver-B _
flmm of Millbeck-hall in Suffalk, Knight, one of(1273
the Maſters in Chancery. .
. IO. Sable, on a Cheveron between ten Mart<
lets Argent, fix in Chief and four in Baſe, five
Qgreſſes, born by Tbomm Bctrd qf CavergfieldBard.
i'n B'hckingbamfl'ire, Eſq;
' zi. Party. per Feſs, Nebule, Or and Azure,
three'Martlets counterchanged. Born by Baker Baker;
' of ' ' p '
' 12'. Argent, three Eagle's heads erazed Sar
ble, by the Name of Triton, '' ' Yencn,
FZ? A!"
poq- i The Aft of

13. Argent, fix Oſtrichc's Feathers, 3, ?

Jez-Yis; and r Sable, by the Name of jerm.x. ' '
' 14. Gules, two Wings conioined in Fefi,
sqmmm or twoWings in Leure Or, by the Name ofsey

15. Sable, an Eagle's Leg in Pale erazcd

Canhanſer Canlmn/Lcr.the Tallons Gules, by the Name of
16. Or, two Eagle's Legs barways erazed an
la-quiſe Sable, armed Gules,
17. Argent, a Croſs Sable between four Cor
mflo-Chough' proper, Born by Sir Ham-pin),
Hum- Edwin, Knight, Aldermau of Land-m
18. Azure, three PhefZmt-Cocks cloſe 01.,
RM_ By Read.
19. Argent, a Cheveron. between three Rag
Ram. ven's Heads eraſed Sable, by Rwenſcroft of
ſiroft. &cfln'w. '
20. Sable, ſix Swallows 3, 2' and I, By the
&tude-II. Name of Arnndell. '

* w"w
: ,. . 4..

Ox/Jer 'Exqmpley of? Birdn

ARgent, an Owle Gules,, by the Name of'

Beware. _ Ham-m, 2 j"
Trem. Argent, a Corniſh Chough proper, by 'the
thyn. Name of Trcnetbjn. ' - -
, Gules, three Doves proper, by the Name of
HOdbY- Hodby. ' i ' U'
Azure, three Larks Or, by' the Name of
Aycr' Aycr. \ ' ' .

' '. Argent, three Owls Sable, by the name of
Bridge. Men
Sable, three Owls Argent, armed Or, by
the Name of Bongbtorz. Boughton;
Argent, three Goots proper, by the Name
Of Coot'. COOK
Parted per Feſs Argent and Sable, a Mart
let counterchanged, by the Name ofRemix. Renis.
Sable, a Martlet Argent, by the Name of
Adam. Adam.
Argent, three Martlets Gules, by the Name
'of Fnrni-ML ' . Furnival.
Azure, three Martlets Argent, by the Name
of Kirlemm. Kirkcton
Sable, three Martlets Argent, by the Name
of Naughtarz. Naughton
Gules, three Martlets Argent, by the Name
of Wort'm. - Wotton.
Per Cheveron Or and Azure, three Mart
'lets counterchanged, by the Name of' Edge
warth. Edgwoffl"
Sable, four Martlets, two and two Argent,
by the Name of Monſter. Monſter
Argent, five Martlets three and two Gules,
by the Name of Dowdal. Dowdal. 1
Sable, ſix Martlets 3, 2, 1. by the Name of
'Apple-by. Appleby.
Per Pale Indented Argent and Sable, fix
Martlets counterchanged, by the Name of
Wrm. wren."
Sable, eight Martlets 3, 2, 2, 1. Argent, by
the Name of Staman. Stanton.
Argent, a Flower-de-liz between eight
Martlcts Sable, by the Name of Rochdale. Rochdale
Argent, an Eſcocheon within eight Martlets
Gules, by the Name of ſ/mzxr Vauþ

G ules,
206 , - ache Art of
nohun. Gules' Or;
Macritlfts, acreſcent Ermine
'Hathe Name between e.Igrht
of Bohnn.
' ues ten rtIets - -2 1,"O' ' ſſ
TſOnChet' Name o,f Touchet. 4, 3, , r, by Fhc

Squirc- . bySable three of

the Name Swa'm's Necks c'ou'ed'
Squire. p Argent,

Ram? Azure, three Peacock's heads erazed Or, b
thorp, the Name of Becamharp. .
Argent, three Cock's heads erazed Sable,
membred and iolloped Gules, by the Name of
i Gnles, two Wmgs inverted and conjoyned
mzney. Ermme, by the Nameof Raincy of Kmt.
Sable, a pan. of Wings conjoyned and ele
Em of vated Argent, born by the Right Honourable
Londan_ Robert Kzdgmzy Earl of Landondcrry, and Baron
deny, ofgalllon-Zi gcffiy in Ireland. .
Ncwport. Namei
u es
ot2 tNcwport.
ree ings elevated Ar gent , b yt'he

Much Gu es
Name three Win gs p endant Ora b y t he'
Of! Band;
.HERALD'RY. =<>7
,__-_.<,_____..__- A it .. ___.' __.. '_-___. .
. ' . . . .....- ,4\...--*..,

- . CH AE. Vl.
'Trea'tt of watry Animalt, Being/holt as have their
Abode and Relief on! in the Water, to wit
Fiſhes of all Sortt, which at they are of a leſt
compleat Nature than Earth , or Aerial Ani
malt, ſo are they of lej] eſzeem in Coat Ar
ſide Birds have their Plumet, uſings and Train:
for their cutting their Paſſage through the Air;
So are Fi es rovided with Fins wherewith they
guide themſeIfl/es in their Swimming, and cat
the Current of the streams and Wavexfor their
more ea te Paſſage, wherein their Courſe is di
rected y their Tail, as Ship: are eondncted by
their Helm or Rather.
Fiſhes are horn after divert manners, vizi directly
upright, imhowed, extended, indorſed, reſþecte
ing each other, ſarmonnting one another. Fret
ted and Triangle, &a. All Fiſhes (ſaith Leigh)
that are horn Feeding ſhall in Blazon he termed
Devanring, and that whereon the] Feed muſt he
All Fiſhes raiſed directly upright, and having Pin:
muſt he termed in Blazan, Hanriaant, ſtgnzfy
ing to Draw or Suck, becauſe that Ft' pdo oft
times put their Heads aho-Ue W*ater to rejreſh
themſelves with the cool Air, but eſþeciallj when
the H-'atert in the depth of the Seas doſo Rage,
and a: it were Boyl agaznſt ſome Tcmpe non:
' h"rorr/l
QOS the Art of
storm, that they cannot endure the unwonted
Heat thereofl All Fzflies being born Tranſverſe,
muſt be Blazoned, Naiant', or Swimming; for
in ſuch fir' dorhey bear themſelves in the Wah
ter when the] swim.
Of Fxjhes ſome have hard and cruſt'. Coveringrgy
others 'more ſofter Out/Me, an theſe latter
are of two fern, fime having only Skin and
others Scales;
Fiſhes are alſo barn in part, And an,- or between
an a the Honourable Ordinarier. *
Of the/ſeveral kinde, theſe ſoflmiflg Example:
[had Fuflire.

' Ham.

i'J/l 55? c.

' o o
--' I in-.
I '
. l-
'no THE Aft Of

Example; of

F I S H E S.
1. Zure, three Dolphins Naiant extended
in Pale Barry Or, by the Name of
Doiphin. Dolphz'n.
TheDolphin is here in its natural form of
Swiming, and is ſaid to Marſhal their great
Troops in admirable Order; for in the Van- '
guard ſwim all their Young Ones, in the mid
Ie the Females, and in the Rearward all the
Males, like good Husbands that have a Care to
their Wives and Children.. The' Dolphin is a
Fiſh of ſuch great Strength and Swiftneſs, that
in his purſuit of other Fiſhes for his Prey (who
make to the Rocks or Shoar for Shelter) he
oft receives Danger. The Narnmliſts ſay that
the ſhe Dolphin hath Dugs, and gives Suck to
her Young; That the Dolphin is a great lover
of Muſick, and loveth the Company of Men;
but that I leave to the Opinion of the Rea
b 2.1 Sage, a Polphin Naiant Imbowed Or,
symoſids y 3.t 16Azure,
_ amethrceyDolphins
o S mandr. hauri-ant Or, born

vmdcpm, by Sir Peter I'zmdcpnt, Knight, of London NICT*

c'hautz .
4.. Per Cheveron Sable and Argent, in chief
two Dolphins Naiant reſpec''ting cach other of
the ſecond, born by Ambroſe Arflc/d, Doctor
' m
in Divinity; and Vicar of St. Leonards Shore- Atfield,
ditch in Middleſex.
5. Vert, two Barbels. hauriant, reſpecting
each other Argent.
6. Gules, two Pikes hauriant endorſed Or.
7. Sable, three Salmons hauriant Argent, by
the Name of Salmon. Salmon.
8. Azure, three Trouts fretted in Triangle T
Argent, by the Name Of Troutbech. bel-&nt.
9. Argent, a Cheveron Sable, between three '
Crevices upright Gules. Theſe are not to be
Blazoned hauriant as Fiſhes that have Fins, but
to. Argent, two Lobſter's Claws in Saltire,
the Siniſter ſurmounted on the dextcr Gules, Tregari
by the Name of Tregnrthic/e. thick
I 1. Per Pale Argent and Gules, an Eſcallop .
Shell Or, born by Sir Hnmphry Wjmch of Hnrle- wynch.
ford in Great Mnrlaw in Buckinghnmjhire, and
of Hamms in" Bedfordjhire, Baronet.
. 12. Top'al," bn.a Chief Diamond, three Eſ
callop-Shells Pearl., born by the late Right Ho
nourable Richard Grahnm, Viſcount Preſton, and Lord
Lord Grahum of Es/ze, Embaffiidour- for his'pmſton;
Majeſty King Charles the Second to the King of
France, 1684..
13, Azure, three Eſcallops Or, born by Sir
John Mallet of St. Andrews in Hſefl. nnntax- Mauct,
hend in Somerſerſh'ire, Knight, deceas' .
14. Gules, a Feſs dauncette, between three
Eſcailops Or, born by Francir Di-'ue of Brom- Dive
hnm in Bedjbrdflrire, Eſq; Son and Heir of Sir .
Lez'vix Di-ue of the ſaid Place, Knight.
15. Or, two Bars Azure, in Chief three Eſ
callops Gules, born by Edward Clerk of C.bipley Clark
in Somerſetflaire, Eſq.,

P 2. 16. Sa
n1a The Art of.
1'6. Sable, a Feſs engrailed between threi
shew Vv'elks Or, born by Sir Fohn She/ly of Miche'l
grove in Su/ſex, Baronet. -,.
1 7. Argent, three Whale's Heads erected and.
Wbafley. erazed Sable, by Whalley.
1 8. Azure, three Turbuts, two and one Ar
Turbut- gent, within a Bordure Ermine, by Tnrbut.
19. Argent, a Cheveron between three Seles
heads couped Bendways Sable, born by the Fa
Lcy' mily of Lay, ſometime Earls ofMarlbaraugh,
20. Gules, three Roches Naiant Argent, by

Other Example! of Fiſhes.

Fore" GUles
Naznea of
hin hauriant Ar g ent ) b y the
pin, . Sable, a DoIphin Naiant imbowed Argent,
James. by the Name of FztL-J'pzmcx.
Gules,- a Dolphin naiant Sable, By the name
Vi.ſaeher. of Vzſncber.
Vert, two DoIphins indorſed Or, by the
Hamlet. Name of Hemm.r. . h
Darbmg' Ar entdDm-bnrg.
Namegof three DoI P ins naiant Sable, b y the

Argent, three Pikes in Pale naiant Gules, by

pkkm, the Name of Pic/zron.
Rgphmgſſ theVert,
Namethree Dofphins naiant in Pale Or, by' -'
of Dvlpbinglcy.
Azure, three Congers hau-riant Argent, by
Conghurſt The Namc Of CW'KhWſt. . ..
Argent, three Eels naiant' in Pale Sable, by
Ellis. the Name of Ellis. A
'Argent, three Dog-Fiſhes naiant in Pale SaF
bie, by the Name of Gcffe. Geſſec.
Barry wavy of ſix Or and Gules, three Prawns
naiant, in chief of the ſecond, by the Name of
Sea or Arſm. Sea.
Argent, a Cheveron engrailed Sable, be
tween three Sea Crabs Gules, By the Name of
Bridger. Bfldflerfi
Argent, an Eſcallop Gules, By the Name of
Prrlnte. Prelate.
Azure, an Eſcallop Or, By the Name of
Bnyton. " Bayton.
Gules, three Eſcallops Or, by the Name of
Pale. Pale.
Argent, three Eſcallops Gules, By the Name
of Barnaby. Barnaby.
Argent, three Eſcallops Sable, By the Name
Of Stritkland. Strickland
Sable, three Eſcallops Or, By Walcat. waken
Azure, three Eſcallops Or, By the Name of '
Hartficld. Hartſicld
Gules, three Eſcallops Or, By the Name of
Palmer. Palmer.
Hſslrzntlhree Eſcallops Gules, By the Name ofHarbofflc;
Azure, five Eſcallops Argent, 2, 2, 1, by
the Name of Roman. Rowton.
Azure, five Eſcallops 2,2, 1. Or, By the
Name Of Short-vile. Shol'evilee
Name five Eſcallo ps in Saltire Or , b y the Ratcfflffl'
of, Rateſden.
Azure, tive Eſcallops in Croſs Or, By the
Name of Barber. Barker.
Gules, ſix Eſcallops 3, 2, 1 Argent, By the
Name of Scales. Scales.
Sable, ſix Eſcallops 3, 2, 1, Argent, By the
Name of Lſffl- great.
'214. The am of

**_" - -. '. .. Nun-w

P; VH.. j
Trects of Man/Iron: obviouslyz flech a: are 'ex-i
orbitanc from the gem-r' 'carer/2' (ye No,
mre either for Qrolicy or Ejſence; and
(I theſb there are die/er: Sores, a: Ampbiq
.i4, that
were is,Water
ſuch ascreatures,
live ſbmetimes
.and other;

times a: Land (Ire-ctures. And tho/e

of a more rodrgr'ous Shn e, being formed,
or rother eformed with t e con/uſed Shope:
tf Creatreres of cle. e'en' [Gods and Qua
lz.tier, and ſuch are Monſters which St.
Auguſtin flu'th, can'c be reckoned amongfl
the good creatures that God created bejflore.
the Fall of Adam. . ' '

H E R A L D R Y. 'a 1 5
ſffaimu ‚'.( fz'atureo: 215
w/v If m ‚Jaffa‘,

516; QLhflizfli of '

i Example: of

Monſtrous CREATURES.

1. R G E N T, a Beaver erected Sable,

devouring a Fiſh, proper.
The Beaver hath his Tail only Fiſh, which
he keeps for the moſt part in the Water, his
hinder Legs are like a Swan, and his foremoſt
like a Dog ; ſo he ſwims with the one, whilſt
- a_ he preyeth with the other.
2. Argent, a Feſs between three Otters Sa
Lutterel. ble, born by Symon Lutterel Of Lmrtrel in the
' County Of Dnblin in Irelnnd, Eſq.,
. -r lt is reported, That in China they train up
Otters as, we do Spaniels, which go into the
Water and bring forth Fiſh at the Command of
their Maſters, which Cuſtom hath been practi
ſed of late Years by ſome in England.
- 3. Azure," a Mulimon Argent;
This is ,,a Bigenerous Beaſt of an unkindly
Procreation, being'engendred between a Goats
and a Ram 5 like as a Tyterns, is between an
Ewe and a Hee Coat. ' '
4. Gules, a Leopard Paſſant gardant Or,
with proper Spots. .
' The Shape of theLeopard denoteth his un-.
kindly Bzirth, and to he degeneratefrom the l,y-.
on, but more agreeable to the Pardus in his
shape and Spots z nor hath he the noble Conr
rage of the Lyon, to whom he is a mortal Ene
my, and oft times by his ſubtle treacherous
Policy, doth get him into a Snare.
5. Argent, on a Croſs Sable, a Leopard's
Face Or, born by the Right Honourable james Bruges
Bruges Lord Chamdox. And by George Kodney Lard
Bridges of Cainflmm in Somerſ, Eſqz, ſome- Chandos'
time one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber to
King Charles II.
6. Diamond, a Cheveron between three Leo
pardgs Heads, Topaz, by the Name of Went-&2112..
.Wort .
This with a Garter was born by the Right
Honourable William Earl of Srmflbrd, V iſcount Ear; of
'Wentwm-tb, Baron of Wentwartb, Woadhoaſc, sn-afford,
Newmarch, Overflcy and Ruby, Knight Of the
Garter, deceas'd. Which Honours are all ex
tinct but the Honour of Ruby, which is enjoyed
by the Right Honourable 'Thomas Wentwarth
Lord Rnby.
This Coat with a due difference is born by
Sir Ya. Wentwartb of Ill/alley, Eſquire, and by Sir
j'ohn Wentwartb of Empſall, Baronet, all of the
ÞVeſt Ridmg of Torkſhirt. *
Pearl, a Cheveron Ruby between three Leo
pard's Faces
nourable Diamond,
Francis bornEarl
Newport by the Right Ho ,Newport_' r
Viſcount Newport of Bmdford, Baron Newpart 54" of '
Of H'gh Arm-ill, Lord Lieutenant of Shropjhtre, Bradfordff
Treaſurer of Her Majeſty's Houſhold, and one'
of the Lords of Her Majeſtie's molt Honoura
bie Privy Couucil, CZ-c.
Or, a Cheveron between three Leopard's
Faces Sable, born by Sir Cbarles Wheelcr ofWheclffi.
Bnrbmy in'l'iſarwiclqflaire, Baronet, antieutly of
Mzrtin Hnjfingſtre in Worceſterjkire.

a 18' The Art of
Vcrt, ona Cheveron between three Leopard's
Faccs Or, as. many croſs Crofiets Gules, born
Pitch. by Sir Compart Pitch of Eltham and Mount
MeſZ-al in Kent, Baronet.
Sable, a Cheveron between three Leopard's
Hawezg Faces Argent, born by Thems Hams of Lon
a'on, Merchant. - -
7. Argent, on a Bend engrailed Gules, three
Barbon. Leopard's Faces Or,- born by Nicholas Bozrbon
of London, M. D. and one of the College of
Phyſiciansof London, deceas'd. .
8. Sable, two Bars Ermine, in Chief three
Leopard's Faces Or, born by Omn Faith-m of
Felthqm. GrayJ-Inn in Middleſex, Eſquire.
9; Gules, on a Bend Argent, three' Leo.
pard's Fa'ces of the Field, born by Sir John
Werdw of, Knight. .
. Or, on a Bend Azure, three Leopard's Pa.
Mingay. ces Argent, born by John Mingay of Girmim
bam in Norfolk, Eſq., .
Lo, Gules, a Cheveron between two Leo
pard's Faces in Chief, a Bugle horn in Baſe Ara
Slingsby. gent, born by Sir Tbomas Sli'ngxby of shriven in
the Weſt Riding of Torkjhire, Baronet. '
1 1. Sable, a Leopard's head Arge-nt, Jeffimt
a Flower de liz Or, born by Sir William Mar
lcy of Halmz/cer in Sufllx, Knight Of the Bath.
12. Argent, a Cheveron between three Sele's
Feet erected and erazed Sable. Theſe Arms
Xamouth belongs to the Town of Tarmomh in Norfolk.
The Milk 'of the Sele is ſaid to be very good
againſt the falling Sickneſs. "

ctſ'lf's*Fil 7 i
l ' meall!
gzo i The Art of

Other Examples of

Monſtrous CREATURES.

1. Zure, a Griffin paſſant, and a Chief

Eſelyn; Or, born by George E-velyn ofGodflont
and Ditton in Surrey, Eſq; And by John Evelyn
of SzyF-Court near Dcptford in Kent, 'Eſqz
2. Ermine, a Griffin Rampant Segreant Sa
phir, born by the Right Honourable Francix
Frm-[5 Lord Aungier , Earl, and Viſcount of
Lord Longford in Ire-land, and one of the Lords of
* Aunsier- Her Majeſties moſt Honourable Privy Council
for that Kingdom, are.
Sable, a Griffin Rampaut Segreant Or ,
gflffin. born by the antient Family of Grifiin of Dingley
in Nortbamptanflxirc. *
Azure, a Griffin Rampaut Segreant Or, by
Read. the Nlme Of Red/II of Hercfordflxire.
cmſeuh This Coat is alſo born by James Corſellil of
London, Merchant,
Argent, a Griffin Rampaut Segreant Or,
Mcveren, born by Owen Mevercll Doctor of Phyſick.
, Azure, .a Griffin Rampaut Segreant Sable,
Cohnfl- Born by Richard Caling of Carclzy in SbmpjbireI
Eſq; principal Secretary to the Lord Cham-e
berlain of his M'i)eſties Houſhold, deceas'd.
3. OF,
3. Or, on a Chiveron between three Cinque
ſoils Azure, as many Eſcallops Argent, on a
Chief Gnles, a Griffin paffiant of the Third,
Born by Richard Hawkim of Marflmm in Bark- Hawkins
ſbire, Eſquire.
4, Argent, a Dragon's Head erazed Vert,
holding in his Mouth a ſmiſter Hand couped at
the Wriſt, Gules, Born by Sir John Wot/ums williams
of Muſtom-hmſe in Fulham in Middle/ex, Knt,
Son and Heir of Sir Thomas Walliams of Eltham.
Comt in Kmt, Knight and Baronet.
5. Argent, on a Feſs double cottized Gules,
three Griffins Heads erazed Or, Born by Sir
Robert Daflxmood of Norbrook and H/mkham in Daſhwood
Oxforaſhire, Knight. And by Sir Samuel Da/h
wud, Knight, Lord Mayor of the City of
6. Sable, a Cheveron between three Griffins
Heads erazed Argent, Born by Sir John Cotton Cotton
of Lanwade in Cambridgeflzire, Baronet,
7. Argent, a Wivern, his Wings elevated
and Tail nowed, Gules, by the Name of
' Duke. Drake
Like as the Griffin doth partake of a Fowl, to
wit an Eagle in the fore-part, and a Lyon in
.the hinder, ſo doth the Wivern in the ſore
part the Wings and Legs of a Fowl, and of an
Adder, Snake or Serpent in the Tail. r
8. Sable, a Cockatrice diſplayed Argent,
Creſted, Membred and jolloped Gnles.
The Cockatrice is of that Peſtiferous and
poyſonous Quality, that he is termed the King
of Serpents.
9. Azure, a Harpey volant, crined Or.
This Coat ſtands in the Church at Hun

10- Ar
l I 1 , <...

22? "1. 'i The Art per,

to.- Argent, a Mermaid Gules, crined Or;
holding in her right Hand a Mirror, and in her
Ellis left a Comb, By the Name of Ellis;
II. Or, a Dragon Paſſant Vert.
12. Argent, a Reremouſe or Bat diſplay'd .
Bakſtcr Sable, By the Name of Balfle'r.
, both with the i
The Rcremouſe doth artake
Beaſt and Bird, ſo that it can't be well ſiaid to "
which it doth belong 5 for by her Wings andT .l

Flying ſhe ſhould be a Bird, and by her Body
a kind of a Mouſe. she bringeth forth her k;
Young, and ſuckleth them with her Paps, l*
Birds do not. _ -
13. Argent a Cockatrice volant Sable, By' i
Langley Langley. i . '
14.. Argent, three Dragons- Heads eraſed
.Hall*ale A Azure, by Halſale. _
15. Gules, a Feſs between three Hedge
Claxton Hogs Argent, by Claxtarl.
'6. Azure, three Panthers Heads eraſed
Smith proper, Born by Smith of Norfolk. _
under this Head cometh Man-Tygers,
Satyrs, Monk-hilles, as alſo Lion-drag0ns,,
' Lions-poiſons, and all other double-ſhap'd_

FH '


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