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In the folder Steam/SteamApps/common/Rocksmith2014/dlc is the

rs1compatibilitydlc_p.psarc file that you need to unpack.

2. Using the Custom Song Creator Toolkit, go to DLC Packer/Unpacker, untick ‘Decode Audio’
and click the Unpack button. Select the file rs1compatibilitydlc_p.psarc and then select an
output folder.

3. This creates a folder with the unpacked files, now we need to change the AppId in all the
files in the /rs1compatibilitydlc_p_Pc2014/manifests/songs_rs1dlc/ unpacked by the
4. In the folder open the file of one DLC song you already owned in RS1, in this case
Bohemian Rhapsody.

Find the line with WIN32 and get the number next to it, in this case 206143.

5. To change all the AppId’s in the JSON files and hsan file we use the program
We enter the AppId, then we select the /rs1compatibilitydlc_p_Pc2014/manifests/songs_rs1dlc/
folder and then we press Apply AppId.

6. Last Step is to repack the folder with the Toolkit and name the file
rs1compatibilitydlc_p.psarc. Then backup your original rs1compatibilitydlc_p.psarc file and
replace it with this new one.

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