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Journal of Behavioral Medicine, Vol. 29, No.

1, February 2006 (
C 2006)

DOI: 10.1007/s10865-005-9031-6

Hypnotic Treatment of Chronic Pain

Mark Jensen1,2,3 and David R. Patterson1

Accepted for publication: September 28, 2005

Published online: January 11, 2006

This article reviews controlled trials of hypnotic treatment for chronic pain in terms of:
(1) analyses comparing the effects of hypnotic treatment to six types of control conditions;
(2) component analyses; and (3) predictor analyses. The findings indicate that hypnotic
analgesia produces significantly greater decreases in pain relative to no-treatment and to
some non-hypnotic interventions such as medication management, physical therapy, and
education/advice. However, the effects of self-hypnosis training on chronic pain tend to
be similar, on average, to progressive muscle relaxation and autogenic training, both of
which often include hypnotic-like suggestions. None of the published studies have compared
hypnosis to an equally credible placebo or minimally effective pain treatment, therefore
conclusions cannot yet be made about whether hypnotic analgesia treatment is specifically
effective over and above its effects on patient expectancy. Component analyses indicate that
labeling versus not labeling hypnosis treatment as hypnosis, or including versus not including
hand-warming suggestions, have relatively little short-term impact on outcome, although the
hypnosis label may have a long-term benefit. Predictor analyses suggest that global hypnotic
responsivity and ability to experience vivid images are associated with treatment outcome
in hypnosis, progressive relaxation, and autogenic training treatments. The paper concludes
with a discussion of the implications of the findings for future hypnosis research and for the
clinical applications of hypnotic analgesia.
KEY WORDS: hypnosis; chronic pain; clinical trials; control groups.

Interest in hypnotic treatment for pain condi- ing to the increased interest in hypnosis, to the extent
tions appears to be on the rise. This may be due to that this research supports demonstrable cortical ef-
recent evidence that hypnotic analgesia interventions fects of hypnotic suggestions on pain experience, as
result in substantial cost savings following medical opposed to a perhaps more trivial effect on merely
procedures (Lang et al., 2000) as well as an increasing a willingness to report pain (Rainville et al., 1997).
demand for non-pharmacologic therapies that do not A third possible contribution to the growing interest
carry the same troublesome side effects that many in hypnotic analgesia may be the fact that there are
medical procedures do (e.g., Blumstein and Gorevic, now an adequate number of controlled trials of hyp-
2005). Evidence demonstrating changes in both sub- notic analgesia for chronic pain to make meaningful
jective pain reports and pain-related brain activity reviews of this literature possible, and the findings
following hypnotic analgesia may also be contribut- appear to be more encouraging as to the efficacy of
this approach than they were two decades ago (see
1 Department Chaves and Dworkin, 1997; Holroyd, 1996; Mont-
of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washing-
ton School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington. gomery et al., 2000; Patterson and Jensen, 2003).
2 University of Washington Multidisciplinary Pain Center, Box The most recent American Psychological
356044, University of Washington Medical Center, 1959 N.E. Association’s Division 30 (Society of Psychologi-
Pacific, Seattle, Washington, 98195-6044. cal Hypnosis) definition of hypnosis states that it
3 To whom correspondence should be addressed at Department
“. . .typically involves an introduction to the proce-
of Rehabilitation Medicine, Box 356490, University of Washing-
ton School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington 98195-6490; e-mail: dure during which the subject is told that suggestions
mjensen@u.washington.edu. for imaginative experiences will be presented” and

C 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
96 Jensen and Patterson

that following this introduction “. . .one person (the gains made with treatments. There also appears to
subject) is guided by another (the hypnotist) to be a group of patients who seem to derive little direct
respond to suggestions for changes in subjective benefit, at least in terms of their experience of pain,
experience, alterations in perception, sensation, from hypnotic analgesia treatment.
emotion, thought, or behavior” (Green et al., 2005, An important and appropriate question that
p. 262). While some controversy exists concerning pain clinicians who are considering using hypnotic
what else an intervention must include in order to be treatment in their practice might ask is, “How much
called “hypnosis” (e.g., whether or not term “hyp- benefit does hypnotic analgesia treatment provide,
nosis” needs to be used when performing hypnotic especially relative to no hypnosis treatment (i.e.,
procedures, cf., Green et al., 2005; Nash, 2005), a usual care), other pain treatments, or simple atten-
hypnosis treatment usually begins with an “induc- tion?” We recently reviewed the complex issues in-
tion” consisting of one or more initial suggestions for volved in selecting and using control conditions in
changes in behavior or perception (e.g., for focused hypnotic analgesia clinical trials (Jensen and Patter-
attention and/or relaxation). Clinicians providing son, 2005). In that review, we discussed the strengths
hypnotic analgesia treatment usually then follow this and weaknesses of six different potential control con-
induction with specific suggestions for alterations ditions in this research: Baseline (pre-treatment) as-
in how pain is viewed or experienced, although the sessment, standard or usual care, other treatment,
specific suggestions used tend to vary between clin- hypnosis add-on (to another treatment), attention
icians (and between research protocols, see later). control, and minimal-effect control conditions. We
Hypnotic treatment for chronic pain often, but does argued that each of these control conditions can pro-
not always, includes post-hypnotic suggestions that vide important useful information, but that each also
are made during the session. These might include the has its limitations and weaknesses.
suggestion that the benefits experienced during the Our purpose in the current review is to evaluate
session (e.g., a reduction in perceived pain intensity) the published controlled trials of hypnotic analgesia
will last beyond the session, for minutes, hours, or for treating chronic pain, organized by the types of
even for days, months and years, or that the patient control conditions used in these studies, in order to
will be able to easily create a state of comfort after provide a state-of-the-science summary of the effi-
the session after a specific cue (e.g., after taking cacy of hypnotic analgesia. Most (13 of 19), but not
a deep breath, holding it for a moment, and then all, of these trials randomly assigned the subjects to
letting it go). the hypnosis and control conditions. In addition to
The purpose of typical hypnotic protocols is including some published clinical trials that have not
to teach persons with chronic pain a alternative yet been included in previous reviews of this litera-
skill (self-hypnosis) that they might use to alter ture, we discuss in this paper two types of analyses
their experience of pain and suffering outside of the that have not been a focus of previous reviews: Com-
treatment sessions. That is, the primary goal is not ponent and correlational (outcome predictor) anal-
to alter pain during hypnosis, but to make hypnotic yses. We conclude the paper with a discussion of the
suggestions and teach skills that will alter pain in- research and clinical implications of the findings from
tensity and its impact throughout the patient’s daily this review.
life. In our clinical experience, some rare individuals
seem to be able to learn such a skill and make it CONTROLLED TRIALS OF HYPNOTIC
“automatic” and seemingly permanent. For these ANALGESIA TREATMENT
individuals, dramatic benefits of hypnosis treatment FOR CHRONIC PAIN
seem to occur quickly and to not require significant
ongoing effort or practice to last indefinitely. More We were able to identify 19 studies that used
often, we have found the benefits of hypnosis treat- one or more control conditions for evaluating the ef-
ment to come on gradually, and to vary from person ficacy of hypnotic analgesia treatments for chronic
to person. With time, some patients seem able to pain. Many (eight) of these studied headache (Melis
reduce primarily the suffering associated with pain, et al., 1991; Schlutter et al., 1980; Spinhoven et al.,
while others seem able to reduce their experience 1992; Anderson et al., 1975; Andreychuk and Skriver,
of both pain intensity and suffering. Many require 1975; Friedman and Taub, 1984; ter Kuile et al.,
ongoing practice using audiotapes made of actual 1994; Zitman et al., 1992), but several included
treatment sessions to maintain and build upon the other chronic pain conditions such as cancer-related
Hypnotic Treatment of Chronic Pain 97

pain (Spiegel and Bloom, 1983), sickle cell disease and neurofeedback in 24 patients with a variety of
(Dinges et al., 1997), fibromyalgia (Hannen et al., chronic pain problems following two baseline (no-
1991), osteoarthritis pain (Gay et al., 2002), low back treatment) sessions. All participants began the study
pain (McCauley et al., 1983; Spinhoven and Linssen, with the baseline sessions in which the study proce-
1989), temporomandibular pain disorder (Simon and dures were described and baseline EEG assessments
Lewis, 2000; Winocur et al., 2002), disability-related were performed. Following baseline, patients were
pain (i.e., pain as a secondary condition to physi- randomly assigned to one of three treatment proto-
cal disability, Jensen et al., 2005), and mixed chronic cols: Four sessions of hypnosis alone, eight sessions
pain problems (Melzack and Perry, 1975; Edelson of neurofeedback training alone, or both hypnosis
and Fitzpatrick, 1989; see Table I). and neurofeedback training. The hypnosis treatment
consisted of a taped hypnotic induction that focused
Comparing Hypnosis to Baseline Control on suggestions for muscle relaxation, followed by ego
strengthening suggestions (e.g., “. . .feeling stronger
The baseline control experimental condition in- and healthier, [having] greater alertness and energy,
volves assessing the treatment outcome variables at less fatigue, less discouragement, a feeling of greater
least twice before treatment begins; usually once be- tranquility and of being able to overcome things
fore and once after a baseline period. The length that are ordinarily upsetting and worrying. . .to think
of the baseline period varies between studies, and more clearly, to concentrate, . . . to be less tense both
sometimes varies between subjects in the same study. emotionally and physically”). No direct suggestions
This design recognizes that pain and other outcome for pain control were included in the hypnosis treat-
variables often change over time for reasons other ment, with the assumption that the “ego strength-
than treatment, such as regression to the mean (the ening” suggestions used would be enough to im-
tendency of outcome domains to decrease in sever- pact pain experience. Following treatment, all par-
ity over time when initial assessment yields higher- ticipants participated in two sessions during which
than-average scores) as well as random fluctuation. they were asked to practice the pain management
Without the inclusion of a baseline control condi- procedures they had learned during treatment. The
tion, it could be argued that any improvement ob- McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ), assessing the
served during treatment could be attributed to the sensory and affective components of pain, as well
natural course of pain in the sample. Both the base- as overall pain severity (total Pain Rating Index
line control condition and the standard/usual care score), was administered before and after each of
control condition (described in the next section) con- the baseline, training, and two post-training prac-
trol for the effects of time on outcome. Their primary tice sessions. Relatively little improvement in pain
difference is that the former assesses change in out- was found during the baseline sessions (range, 8–
come before treatment begins among patients who 29% pre- to post-session decrease in pain across
will later receive treatment (patients act as their own the three MPQ scale scores; median improvement
controls), while the latter assesses outcome in two across pain measures = 14%). Although somewhat
groups: One that receives treatment and a second more improvement was observed during hypnosis
that does not receive treatment during the same time training (range, 21–32% improvement; median im-
period. Having at least two measures of outcome provement = 23%), none of the observed changes in
separated by a reasonable amount of time before either the baseline or hypnosis condition were sta-
treatment, allows investigators to have some control tistically significant, perhaps due in part to the low
over this possible confound. Improvement in out- sample size and associated low statistical power.
come that exceeds baseline, especially if this is a con- Dinges et al. (1997) asked 37 children and adults
sistent finding across a number of different studies, with sickle cell disease (SCD) to complete daily
provides some evidence that the changes seen with diaries during 4 months of baseline and 18 months
hypnosis are not merely due to the passage of time. of treatment that involved weekly (for the first 6
Six studies were identified that assessed out- months), bi-monthly (for the next 6 months), and
come during a no-treatment baseline period (Dinges once every 3 weeks (for the final 6 months) of group
et al., 1997; Jensen et al., 2005; McCauley et al., 1983; self-hypnosis training and practice. In the hypnosis
Melzack and Perry, 1975; Simon and Lewis, 2000; treatment, participants were given suggestions for
Spinhoven et al., 1992). In the first of these, Melzack ideomotor responses (e.g., hands moving together,
and Perry (1975) examined the effects of hypnosis arm becoming lighter and rising) and encouraged to

Table I. Controlled Trials of Hypnotic Analgesia for Chronic Pain

Experimental Number of sessions; Outcome Primary finding(s); effect sizes (d)a and
Author(s) Diagnosis conditions/ Tx time; practice dimension(s); process Assessment % change scores associated with pre- to
and date (N) randomized? recommendations variables points post-Tx changes in pain measures
Anderson Migraine Hypnosis (Hyp); “6 or more” sessions; Number of headaches, Monthly Hyp more effective than MM on all
et al. headache Medication Up to 12 months; number of grade 4 during 12 three outcome measures.
(1975) (47). management Told to practice on headaches, months of Effect sizes and percent change could
(MM). own (w/o tape) frequency of being Tx. not be computed.
Randomized. twice a day. headache free;
No process variables
Andreychuk Migraine Hypnosis (Hyp); 10 sessions; “Headache index” Pre-Tx; All three interventions equivalent;
and headache Hand 10 weeks; (product of Last 5 Hypnotic responsivity associated with
Skriver (33). temperature Told to practice on headache duration weeks of percent improvement (highs = 71%;
(1975) biofeedback own (w/o tape) × headache Tx. lows = 41% improvement) across
(T-BF); twice a day. severity); treatment conditions, with the largest
Neurofeedback Hypnotic responsivity association among those who
(NF). (HIP). received neurofeedback (but
Randomized. differences between groups not tested
for significance).
Effect sizes could not be computed.
Pre–post percent change on headache
index; highs/lows: Hyp: 39%/33%;
T-BF: 83%/66%; N-FB: 67%/31%.
Dinges et al. Sickle cell Hypnosis (Hyp); 44 Sessions; % days SCD pain, % Daily as- Relative to baseline, there was
(1997) disease Baseline (BL; 18 mos; days other pain, sessments significant improvement in % days
(SCD) 4-mo). No clear practice average SCD pain during SCD pain, % days other pain, %
(37). Not randomized. recommendations, intensity, average BL and non-SCD pain days medication taken,
but practice SCD pain duration, Tx and % non-SCD bad sleep nights; but
monitored % SCD pain days phases. there was also a significant increase in
medication taken, average SCD pain intensity and pain
% bad sleep nights duration.
on SCD pain days, Amount of self-hypnosis practice
% bad sleep nights outside of the treatment sessions not
on non-SCD pain significantly related to % of pain-free
days, % days school days.
or work missed; Effect sizes could not be computed.
Amount of Relative to BL, there was a 19%
self-hypnosis increase in SCD pain intensity on
practice. those days there was SCD pain.
Jensen and Patterson
Edelson and Various Cognitive Four sessions; Walking time, sitting Pre-Tx; Between group comparisons indicated
Fitz- chronic behavior 2 weeks; time, reclinining post-Tx; significantly greater effects (relative
patrick pain therapy alone; No practice time, pain intensity 1-mo f/u. to the other conditions) in the CBT
(1989) diagnoses Cognitive recommendations. (MPQ-VRS); pain group on walking and sitting time,
(27), w/low behavior severity and significantly greater effects
back therapy (MPQ-PRI); (relative to the other conditions) in
(n = 7) the following No process variables the H-CBT group on pain intensity
most hypnotic assessed. and severity.
common. induction; Pre–post effect sizes/percent
Hypnotic Treatment of Chronic Pain

(H-CBT); improvement for: (1) Pain intensity,

Attention CBT: 0.72/14%; H-CBT: 1.29/28%;
control (AC). AC: −0.05/−1%; (2) pain severity,
Not randomized. CBT: 0.12/7%; H-CBT: 0.82/30%;
AC: −0.04/−1%.
Friedman Migraine Hypnosis w/o Three sessions; Peak headache Pre-Tx; All interventions more effective than
and Taub headache thermal 3 weeks; intensity, number of post-Tx; the SC condition on all three outcome
(1984) (66). suggestions Told to practice on headaches, 6-mo, 9-mo, measures, and equivalent with each
(Hyp); own (w/o tape) medication use; and other on most outcome measures;
Hypnosis w/ twice a day and at Hypnotic responsivity 12-mo f/u. Planned comparisons between patients
thermal onset of headache. (SHSS:A). with high vs. low hypnotic
suggestions responsivity indicated that highs
(Hyp-T); continued to improve while lows
Hand leveled off from 6- through 12-months
temperature on peak headache intensity, and highs
biofeedback tended to improve while lows
w/ autogenic deteriorated some from 6- through
suggestions 12-months on number of headaches.
(T-BF); Effect sizes could not be computed.
Relaxation Pre–post percent improvement in peak:
reponse headache intensity, Hyp: 26% highs,
training (RR); 9% lows; Hyp-T: 29% highs, 0% lows;
Standard care T-BF: 20%; RR: 3%.

Table I Continued
Experimental Number of sessions; Outcome Primary finding(s); effect sizes (d)a and
Author(s) Diagnosis conditions/ Tx time; practice dimension(s); process Assessment % change scores associated with pre- to
and date (N) randomized? recommendations variables points post-Tx changes in pain measures
Gay et al. Osteoarthritis Hypnosis labeled Eight sessions; Pain intensity, Pre-Tx; Both interventions more effective than
(2002) (36) as “imagery” 8 weeks; medication use; Mid-Tx; SC on pain intensity and medication
(Hyp); No instructions for Hypnotic responsivity Post-Tx; use. The two treatment conditions
Progressive practice given. (SHSS:C), imagery 3- and 6-mo varied in the timing of effects, such
muscle vividness, belief in f/u. that Hyp was effective on pain
relaxation treatment efficacy. intensity sooner than PMR was.
(PMR); Hypnotic responsivity was significantly
Standard care associated with change in pain
(SC). intensity in Hyp patients at 4 weeks,
Randomized. and in PMR patients at 4 and 8 weeks.
Imagery vividness was significantly
associated with change in pain
intensity in Hyp patients at 8 weeks
and 3-mo f/u, and in PMR patients at
4 weeks.
Belief in treatment efficacy unrelated to
outcome (although how and when
belief in treatment efficacy was
assessed was not clear).
No process measure was associated with
outcome in the control patients.
Pre–post effect size/percent
improvement, Hyp: 1.20/56%; PMR:
0.60/31%; SC: 0.11/4%.
Hannen Fibromyalgia Hypnosis (Hyp); Eight sessions Morning stiffness, Pre-Tx; Hyp more effective than PT for
et al. (40) Physical therapy hypnosis/12 muscle pain, fatigue, post-Tx; measures of muscle pain, fatigue,
(1991) (PT). sessions physical sleep disturbance, 3-mo f/u sleep disturbance, distress,
Randomized therapy; patient and medication use, and self-reported
12 weeks; physician global global outcome; treatments
Hyp participants assessment of equivalent with respect to morning
given practice tape outcome, FM point stiffness, physician-reported global
and told to tenderness; distress outcome, and FM point tenderness.
practice once a day (SCL-90), Effect sizes could not be computed.
medication use; No Pre–post percent improvement, Hyp:
process measures 35%; PT: 2%.
Jensen and Patterson
Jensen et al. Pain Hypnosis (Hyp); 10 sessions; Pain intensity, pain Pre-Tx; Hypnosis more effective than baseline
(2005) secondary Baseline (BL; 10–45 days; unpleasantness, pain post-Tx; on measures of pain intensity, pain
to disability range: 2–27 Post-hypnotic interference 3-mo f/u unpleasantness, and perceived control
(spinal weeks). suggestions given (mBPI), depressive over pain; hypnosis no more effective
cord injury: Not randomized. to encourage symptoms (CES-D), than baseline on measure of
13; multiple practice on own perceived control depressive symptoms or pain
sclerosis: (w/o tape). over pain (SOPA interference;
10; amputa- control); Of all process variables, only patient-
tion: 7; Hypnotic responsivity rated outcome expectancy assessed
cerebral- (mSHCS), after, but not before, the first session
palsy: 1; treatment outcome was significantly associated with
postpolio: expectancy, treatment outcome (r = .39, p < .05).
1; Charcot- treatment response Pre- to post-Tx effect sizes and percent
Marie- during first session, improvement on pain intensity,
Hypnotic Treatment of Chronic Pain

Tooth: concentration of efficacy analyses (27 patients who

1). treatment, completed Tx w/o medical
diagnostic group. complications unrelated to Hyp Tx):
Hyp: 0.53/21%; BL: 0.18/7%.
McCauley Low back Hypnosis (Hyp); Eight sessions; Pain intensity, pain Pre-EMG Both treatments resulted in significant
et al. pain (17) Progressive 8 weeks; severity (MPQ-PRI feedback pre- to post-treatment decreases in
(1983) muscle Told to practice at and NWC), pain condition; pain intensity, pain interference, and
relaxation home. interference, pre-Tx; depression that were maintained at
(PMR); deppression (BDI), post-Tx; f/u.
Baseline (BL; 1 sleep latency, 3-mo f/u. Significant pre- to post-treatment
week; 1 EMG physician concern decreases in pain severity and sleep
evaluation about medication latency were observed in hypnosis but
provided use, activity level not relaxation subject that were
during (sitting, walking, maintained at f/u.
between BL reclining); Physician concern about medication use
assessments). No process measures showed a significant pre- to
Randomized. assessed. post-treatment decrease in both
treatment groups, but was maintained
at f/u only in the hypnosis group.
No significant changes were observed in
any outcome measure pre- to
No significant changes were observed in
activity level in any condition.
Effect sizes could not be computed.
Pre–post Tx percent improvement in
pain intensity (0–10 numerical scale)
and pain severity (MPQ-PRI and
-NWC), respectively, Hyp: 31, 25,
25%; PMR: 35, 19, 19%; BL: 0, 9, 5%.

Table I Continued
Experimental Number of sessions; Outcome Primary finding(s); effect sizes (d)a and
Author(s) conditions/ Tx time; practice dimension(s); process Assessment % change scores associated with pre- to
and date Diagnosis (N) randomized? recommendations variables points post-Tx changes in pain measures
Melis et al. Tension-type Hypnosis (Hyp); Four sessions; Number of headache Pre-Tx; Hyp more effective than SC condition
(1991) headache Standard care 4 weeks; days per week, Last week on all three outcome measures.
(26) (SC). Told to practice once number of headache of Tx; Pre-Tx to f/u effect sizes and %
Randomized. a day with tape. hours per week, 4-week improvement statistics based on
headache intensity; f/u. measurements from figures in the
No process variables paper, Hyp: 0.30, 31%; SC: 0.00, 0%.
Melzack and Various pain Hypnosis alone Four to twelve Sensory pain Before and Hyp, NF, and BL not associated with a
Perry diagnoses, (Hyp); sessions; (MPQ-SEN), after two significant decrease in pain, although
(1975) including Neurofeedback 2–6 weeks; affective pain baseline Hyp and NF were associated with
back (10), alone (NF); “All but a few” of (MPQ-AFF); pain sessions, significant increases in alpha activity.
peripheral Hypnosis plus the patients who severity the Hyp+NF associated with significant
nerve neurofeed- received NF were (MPQ-PRI); training improvement in all three pain
injury (4), back given a tape of the No process variables sessions, outcome measures.
cancer (3), (Hyp+NF); music they heard assessed. and two Duration of pain relief was 15 min to
arthritis Baseline (BL; when they post- 4 h after the treatment sessions.
(2), two sessions produced alpha to training Effect sizes could not be computed.
phantom prior to play at home practice Pre–post sessions percent improvement
limb and training). between sessions. sessions. in pain severity, sensory pain, and
residual Randomized. affective pain, respectively, Hyp: 23,
limb (2), 21, 32%; NF: 9, 21, 32%; Hyp+NF:
trauma (2), 34, 33, 48%; BL: 10–16%, 10–4%,
and head 8–29%.
pain (1)
Schlutter Muscle Hypnosis (Hyp); Four sessions; Headache hours per Pre-Tx; All three interventions equivalent on
et al. contraction EMG 4 weeks; week, pain intensity, post-Tx; three outcome measures.
(1980) headache biofeedback No pain intensity during 10–14 Effect sizes and percent improvement
(48) alone recommendations submaximum effort weeks f/u could not be computed.
(EMG-BF); for practice were tourniquet (for head-
EMG given. technique; no ache
biofeedback process variables hours and
plus assessed. intensity
progressive only).
Jensen and Patterson
Simon and Temporomandibular Hypnosis (Hyp); Six sessions; Pain frequency, pain Pre-1-mo No significant change on any measure
Lewis disorder (23) Baseline (BL; 6 weeks; duration, pain baseline; observed during baseline period.
(2000) 1-mo). Told to practice intensity; Post-1-mo Significant pre- to post-Tx improvement
Not randomized. daily. No process variables baseline; observed following Hyp on all
assessed. Post-Tx; outcome measures; improvement was
6-mo f/u. maintained (pain duration, pain
intensity), or improved further
significantly (pain frequency) to f/u.
Pre- to post-Tx effect sizes and percent
Hypnotic Treatment of Chronic Pain

improvement in pain intensity, Hyp:

1.43/45%; BL: −0.11/−3%.
Spiegel and Cancer (54) Group therapy Weekly sessions; Pain intensity; no 4-Month Over the course of 1 year, GT+Hyp was
Bloom w/hypnosis 1 year; process variables intervals. more effective (showed less increase
(1983) (GT+Hyp); Instructions given assessed. in pain) than GT or SC. Effect sizes
Group therapy for use of hypnosis and percent improvement statistics
w/o hypnosis outside of the could not be computed.
(GT). treatment sessions.
Standard care
Spinhoven Low back pain (31) Hypnosis (Hyp); Six sessions; Pain intensity, Pre-Tx; The two treatment groups did not differ
and Education (Ed). 6 weeks; up-time, distress post-Tx; significantly from one another on any
Linssen Not randomized. Hypnosis subjects (SCL-90), 2-mo f/u. outcome measure;
(1989) given audiotapes medication use; Patients who completed both
to facilitate No process variables treatments (in a cross-over design)
practice. assessed. showed significant pre-Tx to 2-mo f/u
improvement in up-time, distress, and
medication use; no change noted in
pain intensity.
Pre-Tx to 2-mo f/u effect size and
percent improvement in pain
intensity in the patients who
completed both treatments were
negliable (0.05 and 2%, respectively).

Table I Continued
Experimental Number of sessions; Outcome Primary finding(s); effect sizes (d)a and
Author(s) Diagnosis conditions/ Tx time; practice dimension(s); process Assessment % change scores associated with pre- to
and date. (N). randomized?. recommendations. variables. points. post-Tx changes in pain measures.
Spinhoven Tension Hypnosis (Hyp); Four sessions; Headache intensity, Pre-8-week Hyp and AT more effective than BL,
et al. headache Autogenic 8 weeks (plus psychological baseline; and equivalent to each other on all
(1992) (46) training (AT); booster sessions distress (SCL-90), post-8- outcome measures.
Baseline (BL). given at 2, 4, and 6 headache relief; week Analyses indicated that pre- to post-Tx
Randomized. mo); Perceived control over baseline/ and pre-Tx to f/u perceived control
Hypnosis group pain and pain coping pre- Tx; over pain was associated with change
given tape on last strategy use (CSQ). post-Tx; in headache intensity and pain relief
session and told to 6-mo f/u. ratings.
practice twice a Pre- to post-Tx (or pre- to post-BL)
day. effect sizes and % improvement in
headache intensity, Hyp: 0.18/18%;
AT: 0.42/17%; BL: −0.05 and
−0.07/3%, and 3%, participants in the
Hyp and AT conditions during
baseline periods, respectively.
ter Kuile Headache “Cognitive Seven sessions; Headache index Pre-Tx; All three conditions equivalent on
et al. (146) self-hypnosis” 7 weeks (plus (intensity × post-Tx; measures of medication use and
(1994) (C-Hyp); booster sessions duration), 32-week f/u. psychological distress. Both
Autogenic given at 2, 4, and 6 medication use, treatments were more effective than
training (AT); mo); psychological SC on headache index.
Standard care Hypnosis group distress (SCL-90); Analyses including patients who had
(SC). given tape on 6th Hypnotic responsivity been assigned to SC and who were
Randomized. session and told to (SHCS), referral then given treatment showed
practice. group (referred by significant decreases in headache
neurological outpt index for both Tx groups pre- to
clinic, response to post-Tx that were maintained at f/u,
community with no difference between treatment
advertisement, groups.
response to Referral source did not predict
advertisement in outcome, but patients with higher
university responsivity scores showed larger
newspaper). improvement than patients with
lower hypnotizability scores in both
treatment conditions.
Pre- to post-Tx effect sizes and %
improvement in headache index,
C-Hyp: 0.30/17%; AT: 0.56/33%; SC:
Jensen and Patterson
Winocur Myofascial Hypnotic Three sessions; 28 Current pain intensity, Pre-Tx; Significant between group differences
et al. pain relaxation days; hypnosis worst pain intensity, post-Tx. were found on measures of current
(2002). disorder. (Hyp-R); group told to voluntary maximal pain, worst pain, and both masseter
Occlusal practice mouth opening, and superficial masticatory sensitivity
appliance self-hypnosis on assisted maximal to palpitation: for current and worst
(OA); own (w/o tape) mouth opening, pain, Hyp-R more effective than SC;
Education and thrice a day. difference between for muscle sensitivity measures, both
advice (ED). voluntary and Hyp-R and OA more effective than
Not randomized. assisted mouth SC.
opening, masseter, Pre- to post-Tx effect sizes and %
temporalis, and improvement on current and worst
Hypnotic Treatment of Chronic Pain

superficial pain intensity, respectively: Hyp-R:

masticatory 1.94/57%, 1.93/51%; OA: 1.25/48%,
sensitivity to 1.34/33%; SC: 0.31/12%, 0.42/13%.
No process variables
Zitman et al. Tension Hypnosis (Hyp); Four sessions; Headache intensity, Pre-Tx; Analyses indicated improvement on all
(1992). headache. Hypnosis not 8 weeks; headache relief, post-Tx; outcome measures that were
labeled as Both treatment medication use, 6-mo f/u. maintained at follow-up, with the
hypnosis groups given tape anxiety symptoms three interventions equivalent with
(UL-Hyp); and told to (STAI), depressive one another with one exception: Hyp
Autogenic practice daily. symptoms (SDS); was more effective than AT on
training (AT). therapist. headache intensity at f/u.
Randomized. Therapist unrelated to outcome on any
Pre- to post-Tx effect sizes and %
improvement in headache intensity,
Hyp: 0.10/8%; UL-Hyp: 0.30/19%;
AT: 0.14/7%.
Note. Tx: Treatment; mo: month; f/u: Follow-up; BDI: Beck Depression Inventory; CSQ: Coping Strategies Questionnaire; CES-D: Center for Epidemiologic Studies-
Depression Scale; HIP: Hypnotic Induction Profile; mBPI: Modified Brief Pain Inventory Activity Interference scale; MPQ-AFF: Affective subscale of the McGill Pain
Questionnaire; MPQ-NWC: McGill Pain Questionnaire–Number of Words Chosen; MPQ-PRI: McGill Pain Questionnaire–Pain Rating Index; MPQ-SEN: Sensory
subscale of the McGill Pain Questionnaire; MPQ-VRS: Verbal rating scale of pain intensity from McGill Pain Questionnaire; mSHCS: modified Stanford Hypnotic
Clinical Scale; SHCS: Stanford Hypnotic Clinical Scale; SCL-90: Symptom Checklist 90; SHSS:A: Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale, Form A; SHSS:C: Stanford
Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale, Form C; SOPA Control: Control scale from the Survey of Pain Attitudes.
a The statistic d is computed here as the pre- to post-treatment difference in outcome divided by the standard deviation of the pre-treatment score. It represents change

in outcome in standard deviation units.

106 Jensen and Patterson

develop their own metaphors and self-suggestions made and given to the patient for practice. The
to use for pain management. A large number of autogenic treatment condition consisted of sugges-
measures were collected from the daily diaries (see tions for hand heaviness, hand warming, and a pleas-
Table I for a list of outcome domains), with signif- ant coolness of the forehead during the first three
icant baseline versus treatment phase differences sessions. The fourth autogenic session consisted of
observed on: (1) the percentage of days during which instructions for practice (without a practice tape) af-
both SCD pain (from 20 to 11 days) and non-SCD ter treatment. Among the patients given hypnosis,
pain (from 19 to 6 days) were reported by patients, significantly greater improvement was observed in all
(2) percentage of days of non-SCD pain that medi- outcome measures (average headache intensity, rat-
cation was taken (from 6 to 1%), and (3) percentage ing of change in headache activity, and psychological
of “bad sleep nights” on non-SCD pain days (from distress) following treatment than following baseline.
8 to 2%). No significant changes were found in the Spinhoven et al. (1992) is the first study to
percentage of days of SCD pain that medication was be cited in this review so far that allows for an
taken, or on the percentage of bad sleep nights on estimate of effect size, which is a standardized way of
SCD pain days. Also, despite the fact that there was representing change in an outcome variable (Cohen,
a significant and substantial reduction in the number 1988). This statistic, d, is the average difference be-
of SCD and non-SCD pain days, there was a signif- tween the pre- and post-treatment scores, divided by
icant increase in pain intensity (increase of 19%, on the standard deviation of the pre-treatment score. It
average) and in pain duration (from 1.7 to 2.4 days, therefore represents the change in outcome in terms
on average) for those SCD pain events that occurred of standard deviation units. For the purposes of this
during the treatment phase. The authors concluded paper, and to make effect sizes comparable between
that the treatment had an overall benefit for reducing studies, we only report on pre- to post-treatment
the frequency of the less severe pain episodes. effect sizes for measures of pain intensity or severity.
McCauley et al. (1983) included what they de- Cohen interprets effect sizes of .20 as representing
scribed as a “minimal EMG feedback” session prior “small” effects, .50 as “medium” effects, and .80 or
to treatment in a trial comparing hypnosis and relax- larger as “large” effects. The effect sizes associated
ation training for low back pain. This baseline was es- with improvement in headache intensity in the Spin-
sentially an EMG assessment session, and treatment hoven et al. (1992) study were 0.18 (a “small” effect)
outcome measures were obtained 1 week before this following hypnosis and −0.05 (representing a very
session and then during the latter part of this session, small increase in pain intensity) during the baseline
before treatment began. No significant change in any period. Associated pre- to post-treatment percent
outcome measure was observed during the 1-week improvement in headache activity were 18% follow-
baseline period (percent improvement in a 0–10 nu- ing hypnosis and −3% during the baseline period.
merical rating scale of pain intensity and the MPQ Simon and Lewis (2000) examined the effects
Pain Rating Index and Number of Words Chosen of hypnosis on pain reports in 23 patients with tem-
scores were 0, 9, and 5%, respectively, over the base- poromandibular pain disorder relative to a 1-month
line period). However, patients given hypnosis treat- no-treatment baseline. The three outcome measures
ment (and also relaxation training, see the section (pain intensity, duration, and frequency) were
comparing different treatments to hypnosis, later) re- assessed pre-baseline, post-baseline/pre-treatment,
ported significant pre- to post-treatment (percent im- post-treatment, and at 6-month follow-up. The
provement in the three pain measures were 31, 25, hypnosis intervention consisted of a single session of
and 25%, respectively) and pre-treatment to 3-month education about hypnosis followed by five sessions
follow-up improvement on the majority of outcome that involved an eye closure induction, relaxation
measures in this study. imagery, suggestions for limb catalepsy (i.e., in-
Spinhoven et al. (1992) treated 46 patients with hibition of voluntary movement), metaphors (“to
tension headache with either hypnosis or autogenic induce automatic or unconscious bodily responses”),
training following an 8-week baseline period. The hypnotic analgesia and anesthesia suggestions, and
hypnosis intervention consisted of three sessions suggestions to use muscle tension or pain as a
that included suggestions for relaxation, inatten- cue for muscle relaxation. The last session added
tion, pain displacement, plus a fourth session dur- post-hypnotic suggestions for relapse prevention, as
ing which an individualized practice tape (that in- well as a recommendation that the patient practice
cluded suggestions for future-oriented imagery) was self-hypnosis daily with audio-taped recordings of
Hypnotic Treatment of Chronic Pain 107

the hypnotic treatment. Simon and Lewis (2000) size, Cohen, 1988), and 21% improvement (hypno-
found no significant changes in any outcome mea- sis), respectively.
sure during the baseline period, but significant and
substantial reductions in all outcome measures
pre- to post-treatment that were either maintained
(pain duration and pain intensity) or improved Comparing Hypnosis to Standard or Usual Care
significantly further (pain frequency) at the 6-month
follow-up assessment point. The effect size and The standard care treatment condition is similar
percent change associated with the pain intensity to the baseline condition, in that in both assess out-
measure used in this study indicated a slight increase comes in participants who do not receive hypnotic
in pain intensity during the baseline period (effect treatment. However, a benefit of the standard care
size, −0.11; percent improvement, −3%), and sub- condition over the baseline condition is that patients
stantial improvement following hypnosis treatment assigned to this simultaneous control group condition
(effect size, 1.43, almost twice the size of a “large” have outcome data assessed during the same time
effect, Cohen, 1988; percent improvement, 45%). that patients who participate in the hypnosis condi-
Finally, Jensen et al. (2005) enrolled 33 patients tion do. In addition, the length of the baseline period
with chronic pain secondary to a disability into a may, or may not, be the same length as the treatment
case series examining the effects of 10 sessions of period. As a result, a no hypnosis treatment standard
standardized hypnotic analgesia treatment on pain or usual care condition provides better control for
intensity, pain unpleasantness, depression, and per- length of time (i.e., patients assigned to both con-
ceived control over pain. Outcome measures were ditions have outcome assessed over the same time
assessed before baseline and again after a baseline period), as well as for other factors related to time
period (which ranged from 2 to 27 weeks, depend- that could potentially impact outcome (e.g., histor-
ing on when treatment could be scheduled after a ical confounds such as time of year and associated
minimum 2-week baseline period). The hypnosis in- changes in activity levels that sometime accompany
tervention in this study consisted of a standard in- changes in season, cf. Campbell and Stanley, 1966)
duction followed by five specific suggestions (for di- than a baseline no-treatment control condition does.
rect diminution of pain, relaxation, imagined analge- Using such a control condition, investigators simply
sia, decreased pain unpleasantness, and replacement administer to the control patients the measures that
of pain with other nonpainful sensations), as well as are administered to the hypnosis patients; the only
post-hypnotic suggestions for daily practice and that difference between the two groups is the presence or
the benefits of treatment will last beyond the session. absence of hypnosis treatment.
Patients in this study were encouraged to practice Five of the studies identified for this review in-
outside of the session as often as they chose, but were cluded a simultaneous standard or usual care condi-
not given any practice tapes prior to the 3-month tion as one of the control conditions (Friedman and
follow-up assessment. Analyses among the 27 (of Taub, 1984; Gay et al., 2002; Melis et al., 1991; ter
33 enrolled) participants who completed treatment, Kuile et al., 1994; Spiegel and Bloom, 1983). Spiegel
provided complete data, and who did not develop and Bloom (1983) assigned 54 women with chronic
medical complications unrelated to hypnosis (i.e., an cancer pain from breast carcinoma to either standard
“efficacy” analysis), as well as among the 30 partici- care (N = 24) or to a group receiving weekly group
pants who provided complete data (even if they did therapy for up to 12 months (N = 30). The women
not complete treatment or developed a medical con- in group therapy were, in turn, assigned to groups
dition, i.e., an “intent to treat” analysis) indicated sig- that either did or did not have brief (5–10 min) self-
nificant pre- to post-treatment improvement in pain hypnosis training as a part of their group therapy
intensity, pain unpleasantness, and perceived con- treatment. The hypnosis intervention consisted of
trol over pain (but not depressive symptoms) over suggestions that patients do not fight pain, but rather
and above change that occurred during the baseline “filter out the hurt” of any sensations by imagining
period. Improvement was also maintained at the 3- competing sensations in the affected areas. Patients
month follow-up. Pre- to post-treatment effect sizes were also given instructions for using these skills out-
and percent decrease in pain intensity in the effi- side of the group therapy sessions. These investiga-
cacy analysis sample were 0.18 and 7% improvement tors found that, over the course of 1 year, the women
(baseline), and 0.53 (representing a “medium” effect who received group therapy plus hypnosis treatment
108 Jensen and Patterson

reported less increase in pain than those who re- outcome measures, but did not provide the specific
ceived only standard care. means of the outcome measures at post-treatment
In another relatively early study, Friedman and and follow-up, making computations of effect sizes
Taub (1984) assigned 66 patients with chronic mi- and percent changes difficult. However, it is possi-
graine headaches to one of five different experimen- ble to estimate post-treatment outcome means in this
tal conditions: Two hypnotic analgesia interventions, study by measuring the distance from the abscissa
a hand temperature biofeedback condition, a relax- in graphs of the outcome measures that were pub-
ation training condition, and a 3-month standard care lished in the article. Using these estimates, the pre-
control condition. Participants in one of the hyp- treatment to 4-week follow-up effect sizes and im-
nosis conditions were “instructed in self-hypnosis.” provement in headache intensity were 0.00 and 0%
Those in the second hypnosis condition were given for the standard care condition and 0.30 (represent-
the same instructions as those in the first condi- ing a small effect size, Cohen, 1988) and 31% for the
tion, but also given a hypnotic suggestion to visual- hypnosis condition.
ize putting their hands in bowls of warm water. All ter Kuile et al. (1994) randomly assigned 146
of the participants in the two hypnosis conditions patients with recurrent headaches to an interven-
were also divided into high and low hypnotic sug- tion that contained both self-hypnosis training and
gestibility groups based on their Stanford Hypnotic cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), an autogenic
Susceptibility Scale, Form A, scores. During the hyp- training intervention, or a standard care condition.
notic inductions, highs were instructed to “enter hyp- Outcome (headache index, which is a composite
nosis” following a shoulder-tap signal, whereas lows measure of pain intensity and pain duration, med-
were instructed to “simulate entering hypnosis” af- ication use, and psychological distress) variables
ter the same signal. All treatment subjects received were assessed at pre- and post-treatment for patients
three sessions of weekly treatment, and outcome was in the three treatment conditions, and at 6-month
assessed pre- and post-treatment, as well as at 6-, follow-up for patients who received hypnosis/CBT
9-, and 12-month follow-up. The three outcome mea- and autogenic training. Patients assigned to the
sures were peak headache pain intensity, number of standard care condition were subsequently as-
headaches, and medication use, computed from data signed to one of the two intervention conditions
taken from 3-week periods of headache diaries com- at post-treatment. The first four sessions of the
pleted just before each assessment point; standard hypnosis/CBT intervention condition consisted of
care patients completed diaries for 3 months prior hypnotic suggestions for relaxation, inattention,
to being assigned to a treatment condition. Their re- pain displacement and transformation, and hypnotic
sults indicated that patients in both hypnosis groups analgesia, as well as training in thought monitoring.
showed greater decreases in all three outcome mea- Session five focused on cognitive-restructuring and
sures than these patients did during their 3-month pe- did not include hypnosis. A tailored audiotape of
riod of standard care (comparisons between hypnosis both future-orientated hypnotic suggestions and
conditions are discussed in the component analysis “more adequate cognitions” was made in session
section, later). six, and given to the participants for home practice.
Melis et al. (1991) had 26 patients with chronic Session seven focused on discussion about progress
tension headaches undergo 4 weeks of assessment and instructions for home practice. The autogenic
before treatment, and then randomly assigned them intervention consisted of six sessions of suggestions
to either 4 weekly 1-h sessions of hypnosis supple- for: “arm heaviness, arm warming, steady and reg-
mented by a home practice tape, or 4 weeks of no ular heart beat, easy breathing, pelvic warming and
hypnosis treatment. The hypnosis intervention was relaxation, and comfortable coolness of the fore-
described as including suggestions for visualizing the head.” As with the hypnosis/CBT group, the seventh
headache as an image, and then altering that image, and last autogenic session focused on a discussion
as well as suggestions for moving the pain to other of progress and instructions for continued practice
areas of the body (pain displacement). The hypno- (but without a practice tape). Relative to the stan-
sis group reported significantly more improvement dard care control condition (pre- to post-treatment
on measures of headache intensity, headache dura- effect size and percent improvement in headache
tion, and number of headache days than did the stan- index: 0.16 and 9%, respectively), patients in the
dard care control group. Melis et al. (1991) provided hypnosis/CBT group showed significantly larger
pre-treatment means and standard deviations of the improvement in the headache index measure (effect
Hypnotic Treatment of Chronic Pain 109

size/percent improvement: 0.30/17%), but did not one study significant pre-treatment to post-treatment
differ significantly from the standard care condition changes were observed in pain intensity, and some-
on medication use or psychological distress. times other pain-related outcomes, following hypno-
Gay et al. (2002) randomly assigned 36 pa- sis treatment. The single study that did not show sig-
tients with osteoarthritis pain to one of three nificant effects with hypnosis provided only four ses-
conditions: Hypnosis, relaxation training, and a sions of a taped hypnosis intervention that focused
no-treatment/standard care control condition. The primarily on “ego strengthening” suggestions, and
hypnosis intervention consisted of eight weekly ses- did not include any specific suggestions for analgesia
sions that began with a standard relaxation induction (Melzack and Perry, 1975).
followed by suggestions for imagining a pleasant va-
cation memory as well as a memory from childhood
that involved joint mobility; no direct suggestions for Examining the Effects of Hypnosis When It Is
analgesia nor for post-hypnotic effects were given, Added to Another Treatment
although, of course, there was an implicit suggestion
for experiencing no pain in the memory suggestion. A third type of control condition is non-hypnotic
The subjects in the standard care control condition treatment that is itself thought to provide benefit for
were administered the outcome measures for as patients, but which could potentially be made more
long as the trial lasted (6 months), and were offered effective with the addition of hypnosis. Comparisons
treatment after their last follow-up assessment. Pa- of treatments given with and without hypnosis can in-
tients in the hypnosis treatment showed a substantial dicate if hypnosis provides benefit beyond that of the
and significant decrease in pain intensity after 4 control treatment, or as we shall see, might possibly
weeks of treatment (large effect size = 1.20; 56% interfere to some degree with the effects of that treat-
decrease), which maintained through 3 months of ment. Although their analysis did not include stud-
follow-up, but appeared to increase slightly in the di- ies on chronic pain, Kirsch and colleagues reported
rection towards pre-treatment scores at the 6-month in a meta-analysis that adding hypnosis to cognitive
follow-up point. Patients in the no-treatment control behavior treatments enhanced treatment outcome in
condition reported little (and not significant) change most studies, with their most conservative estimate of
in pain during the 6 months of this trial (pre- to post- this effect being a 0.5 standard deviation unit (Kirsch
treatment effect size = 0.11, percent change = 4%). et al., 1995).
However, although significant differences between Three clinical trials were identified that exam-
the hypnosis and the standard care control condi- ined the impact of adding hypnosis treatment to
tion were found at mid-treatment (4 weeks after another treatment for chronic pain (Edelson and
treatment started; with hypnosis patients reporting Fitzpatrick, 1989; Melzack and Perry, 1975; Spiegel
lower pain intensity levels than the standard care and Bloom, 1983). In the first of these, cited above
patients), post-treatment, and at the 3-month follow- with respect to comparisons of hypnosis to base-
up, the differences in pain between the hypnosis line, Melzack and Perry (1975) randomly assigned
and standard care conditions at 6 months were patients with a variety of pain problems to hypno-
not statistically significant. The lack of significant sis alone, neurofeedback training alone, or both hyp-
differences at 6 months may have been related to the nosis and neurofeedback. For purposes of this sec-
slight increase in pain intensity from 3 to 6 months in tion, we are interested in whether adding hypno-
the hypnosis patients, as well as the increased vari- sis to neurofeedback might be more effective than
ability in pain intensity in both groups at 6 months neurofeedback alone. The four-session taped hyp-
compared with variability in outcome at 3 months, nosis intervention used in this study was described
and perhaps the low sample size in this study, which above. The neurofeedback training component con-
can limit the power to detect significant differences. sisted of eight sessions of alpha enhancement (alpha
The findings from the 11 studies that use ei- feedback) training, using EEG measures from elec-
ther baseline or standard care control conditions, re- trodes placed over the occipital area. Increases in al-
viewed above, show a generally consistent result. In pha bandwidth activity were followed by taped flute
each study, little or no change in outcome measures music, and patients in this treatment condition were
was observed during the no-treatment baseline pe- asked to maximize the amount of time that the music
riod or standard care conditions (which ranged from played. Patients who received alpha feedback train-
1 week to 4 months). On the other hand, in all but ing alone showed a marginal (9%) and nonsignificant
110 Jensen and Patterson

improvement in overall pain severity (as assessed by pain intensity and severity, respectively). While this
pre- to post-session changes in the MPQ Pain Rat- was a single study with a relatively small sample, the
ing Index during training). However, patients who findings suggest the possibility that the presence or
received both hypnosis and neurofeedback reported absence of a hypnotic induction has an impact on
a larger (34%) and statistically significant improve- different outcome variables in patients given CBT.
ment over the training period, suggesting that adding As described above, in a study on cancer pain,
hypnosis to alpha feedback training is more effective Spiegel and Bloom (1983) assigned 30 women who
than the neurofeedback training alone. were receiving group therapy to participate in group
Edelson and Fitzpatrick (1989) randomly therapy alone, or group therapy plus a brief 5–
assigned 27 patients with various chronic pain prob- 10 min session of group self-hypnosis intervention
lems (back pain being the most frequent) to four that included suggestions for replacing pain sensa-
1-h sessions of an attention control (supportive, non- tions with competing nonpainful sensations (such as
directive discussions), cognitive-behavioral therapy a cold numbness or warm tingling sensations). After
alone, or a CBT plus hypnosis treatment. The CBT 1 year of treatment, the women assigned to the com-
intervention used in this study focused on encour- bined treatment condition reported lower increases
aging the participants to: (1) avoid using the “pain” in pain intensity than the women who received group
label to describe their sensations; (2) reinterpret pain therapy alone.
sensations as “numbness” through the use of imagery In summary, and although data are available
(this component of the CBT treatment might be con- from only three studies, the findings concerning pain
sidered as hypnosis or a hypnotic-like intervention intensity are consistent. When added to other treat-
by many clinicians); and (3) modify maladaptive self- ments, hypnotic analgesia results in greater pain re-
talk. The hypnosis/CBT condition was identical to duction relative to other treatments provided with-
the CBT intervention, except that it was preceded by out hypnosis (see also Kirsch et al., 1995). An intrigu-
a standard hypnotic induction. Interestingly, adding ing finding (but perhaps a spurious one that needs
the hypnotic induction appeared to alter the effects replicating) from a single study suggests the possi-
of the CBT treatment, such that CBT treatment bility that hypnotic treatment might interfere with
without the induction had a greater effect on pain the effects of cognitive-behavior therapy on reducing
behaviors (increased walking effect size and percent pain behaviors.
change: 0.74 and 50%, respectively; decreased sitting
time effect size and percent change: 0.81 and 27%, Comparing Hypnosis to Other Treatments
respectively) than CBT provided with a hypnotic
induction. In fact, the effect sizes associated with The most common control condition in hypnotic
the CBT intervention are in the large range (Cohen, clinical trials is the alternative treatment control con-
1988) for improvement in walking time and sitting dition. Thirteen of the 19 studies identified for this
time, while there was an actual worsening in walking review include at least one such condition. The treat-
time (i.e., decrease) and in sitting time (i.e., increase) ments that have been compared to hypnotic analge-
in the patients who received CBT following a hyp- sia include physical therapy (Hannen et al., 1991),
notic induction (associated effect sizes and percent medication effects (Anderson et al., 1975), the use
worsening were 0.08 and 0.29, 8 and 10%, walking of an occlusional appliance (for temporomandibu-
and sitting time, respectively). On the other hand, the lar myofascial pain; Winocur et al., 2002), educa-
patients in the CBT/hypnosis treatment condition re- tion (Spinhoven and Linssen, 1989; Winocur et al.,
ported greater decreases in self-reported pain experi- 2002), biofeedback (Andreychuk and Skriver, 1975;
ence than the patients who received CBT without the Friedman and Taub, 1984; Melzack and Perry, 1975;
induction. The effect sizes associated with these out- Schlutter et al., 1980), and autogenic or other relax-
come variables were 1.29 and 0.82 (percent decrease ation training (Friedman and Taub, 1984; Gay et al.,
28 and 30%) for pain intensity (MPQ pain intensity 2002; Spinhoven et al., 1992; ter Kuile et al., 1994;
rating scale) and pain severity (MPQ Pain Rating Zitman et al., 1992).
Index), respectively. Patients in the CBT alone
group also reported decreases in pain, but these Hypnosis Compared with Physical Therapy
changes were not statistically significant, and were
not as large as those observed in the CBT/hypnosis Hannen et al. (1991) randomly assigned patients
patients (percent decrease in pain, 14 and 7% for with fibromyalgia to groups that received either
Hypnotic Treatment of Chronic Pain 111

eight 1-h sessions of hypnotherapy (supplemented number of headaches per month reported by the hyp-
by a self-hypnosis home practice tape) over a 3- nosis group during the 12 months of treatment (a de-
month period, or 12–24 h of physical therapy (that crease from 4.5 headache days in the 6 months prior
included massage and muscle relaxation training) to treatment to 1.0 in the first 6 months of treatment
for 3 months. Outcome was assessed pre-treatment, and to 0.5 in the second 6 months of treatment) com-
post-treatment, and at 3-month follow-up. The pared to the medication management group (a de-
hypnosis intervention began with an arm levitation crease from 3.3 to 2.8 and 2.9, respectively). There
induction and included standard ego strengthen- was also a statistically significantly greater decrease
ing suggestions as well as suggestions for general in the number of patients in the hypnosis group who
relaxation, improved sleep, and “control of muscle reported a Grade 4 (“blinding and totally incapac-
pain.” Physical therapy included both massage and itating”) headache (a decrease from 13 to 4 and 5,
“training in muscle relaxation.” These investigators during each 6-month epoch, respectively) compared
found larger improvements in the patients who to the medication management group (an increase
received hypnosis than those who received physical from 10 to 13 and 14, respectively), as well as dif-
therapy on measures of muscle pain, fatigue, sleep ferences in the percent of patients who reported a
disturbance, distress, and patient overall assessment complete remission of headache activity in the last
of outcome. These differences were maintained 3 months of therapy (44% hypnosis, 13% medication
through the 3-month follow-up assessment. The av- management). Means and standard deviations of the
erage percent decrease in pain among patients who outcome measures were not reported in this study,
received hypnosis (35%) was in the high end of the so effect sizes and percent improvement in pain in-
range of improvement seen in most of the hypnosis tensity could not be computed. Also, there was no
studies, while the percent decrease in the patients follow-up performed in this study; all measures were
who received physical therapy was marginal (2%). obtained either before or during treatment, so the
relative long-term efficacy of the two treatments af-
ter treatment ended could not be determined.
Hypnosis Compared with Medication Management

Anderson et al. (1975) randomly assigned 47 Hypnosis Compared with an Occusal Appliance
patients with migraine headaches to receive either and/or Education
hypnosis or medication management for migraine
headaches. The participants assigned to the medica- Winocur et al. (2002) assigned 40 patients with
tion management condition received a prophylactic temporomandibular myofascial pain to three ses-
dose of prochloperazine (5 mg) four times a day for sions of one of three conditions: “Hypnorelaxation”,
1 month and then twice a day for 11 more months. the use of an occusal applicance, or an education and
They were also given Ergotamine which was to be advice condition. The hypnorelaxation intervention
taken at the first sign of a migraine. Participants included both progressive muscle relaxation and
assigned to the hypnosis condition were given “at self-hypnosis training directed towards relaxation of
least” six sessions of hypnosis by experienced hyp- facial muscles. Participants were asked to practice
notherapists every 10–14 days for 12 months. The these procedures three times every day during treat-
specific hypnotic inductions used by the clinicians in ment. Patients in the occusal applicance condition
this study were not standardized, although similar received a full-coverage, hard acrylic applicance con-
post-induction suggestions were given to all patients, structed to fit the maxillary arch. Patients assigned
and included ego strengthening suggestions for “less to the education and advice condition met with a
tension, anxiety, and apprehension” and for “being senior faculty member to discuss their pain problem,
more alert, determined, persistent, or less dependent, and were provided with recommendations regarding
affected, and so on.” Participants were asked to prac- how to manage activities and diet in order to better
tice self-hypnosis twice daily at home using the same manage pain. Measures of pain intensity (current and
suggestions given in the treatment sessions. Outcome worst), mouth opening, and facial muscle sensitivity
was assessed on a monthly basis throughout the 12 (to palpitation) were administered before and after
months of the study. Patient recall of number of treatment. Patients in the hypnosis condition (but
headaches per month in the 6 months prior to treat- not the occusal appliance condition) reported sig-
ment was substantially and significantly higher than nificantly greater decreases in pain intensity (effect
112 Jensen and Patterson

size and percent change: 1.94 and 57% for current and percent change in this variable for these patients
pain intensity, and 1.93 and 51% for worst pain who received both treatments was very low (0.05,
intensity) than patients in the education condition 2% improvement), despite the fact that all of the
(effect size and percent change: 0.31 and 12%, and patients whose data were available participated in 12
0.42 and 13%, for current and worst pain intensity, sessions of treatment, six of them being hypnosis.
respectively); occusal patients did not differ sig-
nificantly from education patients (effect size and
percent change: 1.25 and 48%, and 1.34 and 33%, Hypnosis Compared with Biofeedback-
respectively), although they also did not differ sig- and Nonbiofeedback-Assisted Relaxation Training
nificantly from hypnosis patients on these measures.
No significant differences were noted between the Nine studies were identified that examined the
three treatment conditions on objective measures of effects of a hypnosis treatment relative to one or
mouth opening, but patients in both the hypnosis and more relaxation training interventions (Andreychuk
the occusal conditions reported significantly greater and Skriver, 1975; Friedman and Taub, 1984; Gay
decreases in muscle sensitivity (in the masseter and et al., 2002; McCauley et al., 1983; Melzack and Perry,
superficial masticatory muscles) to palpitation than 1975; Schlutter et al., 1980; Spinhoven et al., 1992; ter
did patients in the education condition. Kuile et al., 1994; Zitman et al., 1992). In one of the
Spinhoven and Linssen (1989) also included first such studies reported, Andreychuk and Skriver
an educational control condition in a cross-over (1975) assigned 33 patients with migraine to one
study of the effects of education and hypnosis on of three treatments: Hypnosis, hand temperature
low back pain. The 45 patients who were recruited biofeedback, or neurofeedback (alpha enhancement
into this study were assigned to receive one of training). Participants received each intervention
the two treatments, first, followed by 2 months of once a week for 10 weeks. The hypnosis condition
no-treatment/follow-up, then the treatment that involved a taped training in self-hypnosis, with
they had not yet received, followed by another suggestions for relaxation, visual imagery, “verbal
2-month follow-up period. The outcome domains reinforcers,” and “direct suggestions for dealing
assessed included pain intensity, up-time (from daily with pain.” The hand temperature biofeedback
diaries), distress (psychoneuroticism and depres- condition included both biofeedback and autogenic
sion scales of the SCL-90), and medication use. relaxation instructions; the latter usually consist of
Patients in the hypnosis condition received training hypnotic-like suggestions for relaxation and (non-
in self-hypnosis using a variety of suggestions (re- painful) sensations, although the specific autogenic
laxation, imaginative inattention, pain displacement, suggestions used in this study were not described.
pain transformation, future-orientated imagery) Participants in the neurofeedback condition received
and in the fifth session participants were given an reinforcement for increasing alpha bandwidth activ-
individualized audiotape to facilitate self-hypnosis ity as measured from the right and left occipital areas
practice after treatment. Patients in the education (with right ear as common ground) after “relaxation
condition received lectures and facilitated discus- instructions” were given. All participants were asked
sion all geared “. . .to induce an attitude that pain to practice twice every day on their own (without a
can be controlled by the patients themselves.” A practice tape) between sessions. The single outcome
number of patients dropped out of this study as it measure in this study was a headache index score,
progressed, but data were available for 31 patients which is a composite measure of headache duration
who participated in the first phase (and therefore and headache severity as assessed from daily diaries,
received one of the two treatments) of this study and was assessed prior to treatment and during the
and who provided 2-month follow-up data following last 5 weeks of treatment. Participants in all three
their first treatment. Analyses showed no significant treatment conditions showed improvement, and
differences between the two treatment conditions there were no statistically significant differences
on any measure. Data available from 24 patients between the treatment conditions.
who completed both phases of the study (and there- As discussed above, Melzack and Perry (1975)
fore received both treatments) showed significant included a neurofeedback condition (8 sessions of
pre-treatment to 2-month follow-up improvement alpha enhancement training) in their pre-session
(after the second phase of the study) on all outcome to post-session analysis of the effects of hypnosis
measures except pain intensity. In fact, the effect size and neurofeedback on chronic pain. In this study,
Hypnotic Treatment of Chronic Pain 113

there was a trivial and nonsignificant difference practice were given (without a tape) in the last ses-
between the neurofeedback alone and hypnosis sion. Analysis indicated improvement in all three
alone conditions. outcome measures (headache pain intensity, pain re-
Schlutter et al. (1980) randomly assigned 48 pa- lief, and psychological distress) from pre- to post-
tients with muscle contraction headache to one of treatment that were maintained at 6-month follow-
three treatment conditions: Hypnosis, frontalis EMG up. No significant differences in outcome were found
biofeedback training, and EMG biofeedback train- between hypnosis and autogenic relaxation training
ing plus progressive muscle relaxation. Patients in in this study. These findings were essentially repli-
the hypnosis condition received an induction that in- cated in a larger follow-up study comparing a larger
cluded eye fixation, progressive relaxation sugges- number of sessions (seven, instead of four) of these
tions, and suggestions for drowsy, comfortable feel- same two treatments (ter Kuile et al., 1994). A third
ings. Suggestions were then given for alternative similar study also showed no significant differences
(nonpain) sensations and pleasant imagery. Study in outcome between patients with tension headache
participants were given four sessions of the treat- who received autogenic training and patients who re-
ment they were assigned to. Outcome measures in- ceived a hypnosis intervention involving suggestions
cluded number of headache hours per week, pain that they imagine themselves in a future situation
during a submaximum effort tourniquet test, and in which pain reduction has been achieved (Zitman
overall head pain intensity. Number of headache et al., 1992).
hours and headache intensity were also assessed at Gay et al. (2002) compared hypnosis to a pro-
10–14 week follow-up. All three measures showed gressive muscle relaxation treatment condition (and
significant pre- to post-treatment decreases, and this to a no-treatment control condition; see above) in 36
improvement was maintained for the two outcome patients with osteoarthritis pain. The hypnosis treat-
measures assessed at follow-up. No differences be- ment, involving relaxation suggestions for the induc-
tween the treatment conditions were found. tion and then suggestions for pleasant memories in-
Friedman and Taub (1984) included a relaxation volving the use of the joint when it was not painful,
response training (Benson, 1975) and a hand tem- was described above. The relaxation condition was
perature biofeedback condition in their trial studying eight sessions of standard progressive muscle relax-
the effects of hypnosis treatment of migraine. This ation training. In this study, both interventions were
relaxation response intervention involved “step-by- more effective than no-treatment, and there were no
step” instruction in obtaining a relaxation response significant differences in outcome between the two
through mental repetition of a single word (the hyp- active interventions overall. However, hypnosis did
nosis intervention used in this study was described show a trend to be more effective than relaxation
above). Their hand temperature biofeedback condi- (56% average pre- to post-treatment improvement
tion, like that of Andreychuk and Skriver (1975), in- versus 31% improvement), and the difference in im-
cluded standard hypnotic-like autogenic suggestions. provement between the two treatments was statisti-
Three sessions of hypnosis treatment were no more cally significant at the mid-point (4 weeks after treat-
effective, on average, then three sessions of either re- ment began) of treatment. Patients in both treatment
laxation response training or the hand temperature conditions also reported similar decreases in medica-
biofeedback training condition on the measures of tion use over the course of treatment that were not
peak headache intensity, number of headaches, and observed in the no-treatment condition.
medication use. McCauley et al. (1983) assessed a large num-
Spinhoven et al. (1992) randomly assigned 46 pa- ber of outcome measures before treatment, after
tients with tension headache to four sessions of hyp- treatment, and at 3-month follow-up in 17 patients
nosis or to autogenic relaxation training. The hyp- with low back pain who were randomly assigned
nosis treatment involved suggestions for relaxation to receive either a hypnosis or relaxation training
training, imaginative inattention, and pain displace- intervention. The patients assigned to the hypnosis
ment and transformation. At the end of the final intervention received 8 weekly sessions that in-
hypnosis session, a tape recording of that session cluded one of six hypnosis suggestions (one new
was given to the patient for use in daily practice. suggestion was given at each session, in order of
The autogenic relaxation training intervention con- patient preference) from the following list: Age
sisted of suggestions for hand heaviness, hand warm- regression, disassociation, fantasy, change in pain
ing, and coolness of the forehead. Instructions for image, glove anesthesia, and hypnoplasty. Patients
114 Jensen and Patterson

in the relaxation condition were given standard the American Psychological Association’s Division
progressive relaxation training for the first five 30 definition of hypnosis, cited earlier. Similarly, re-
sessions. Starting in the sixth session, they were laxation response training asks patients to repeat a
taught a “differential relaxation” technique in single word, which presumably would result in an in-
which they went through some common activities crease in focused attention, and focused attention is
while learning to sense and then eliminate muscle considered by some an essential component of hyp-
tension. Patients in both treatment conditions were nosis (e.g., Spiegel and Spiegel, 2004). To be fair,
encouraged to practice at home regularly. Significant clinicians who teach relaxation skills to patients with
pre- to post-treatment improvement was noted in chronic pain might be struck how “relaxation-like”
a number of outcome measures, including pain hypnosis treatments are (cf., Edmonston, 1991). In
intensity, pain interference, depressive symptoms, any case, there does appear to be significant over-
and physician concern about patient medication use lap in the content, and effects, of treatments labeled
(blindly rated by three physicians who reviewed each as “hypnosis” and treatments labeled as “relaxation
subject’s medication regimen), in patients in both training.” In the few instances where differences do
the hypnosis and relaxation treatment conditions. emerge, however, hypnosis was more effective than
These improvements were maintained in both treat- relaxation training in terms of speed of effects (one
ment groups with one exception: In patients in the study) and improvement in sleep latency and physi-
relaxation treatment condition, physician concern cian ratings of concern about medication use (a sec-
about medication use increased by the 3-month ond study), suggesting the possibility that hypnosis
follow-up point and was no longer significantly might in some populations and for some measures be
different from pre-treatment levels. Pain severity, as superior to relaxation training.
assessed by the MPQ Pain Rating Index and Number
of Words Chosen scales, improved pre-treatment
to post-treatment in the hypnosis patients, but not Comparing Hypnosis to Attention Control
in the relaxation patients. By 3-months follow-up,
however, both treatment groups were significantly Although attention control conditions are fairly
different from pre-treatment levels on the MPQ common in the psychotherapy treatment literature,
scores. Only the hypnosis patients showed significant we could identify only one hypnotic analgesia study
pre-treatment to post-treatment improvement in with chronic pain that used such a comparison. As
sleep latency, and this improvement was maintained mentioned above, Edelson and Fitzpatrick (1989)
at follow-up. Interestingly, while there may have compared a CBT treatment administered to patients
been a tendency for the hypnosis patients to show with various chronic pain problems following a hyp-
greater gains on some of the measures pre-treatment notic induction (as well as a CBT intervention ad-
to post-treatment than the relaxation patients, on ministered without hypnosis) to patients who par-
all of the outcome measures besides sleep latency, ticipated in an attention control condition. Patients
the relaxation patients caught up with the hypnosis in the attention control condition did not show any
patients by the 3-month follow-up assessment. significant change in any outcome measure, pre-
In summary, hypnosis appears to be superior treatment to post-treatment, while the patients in
to some common pain treatments, including phys- the CBT plus hypnosis condition reported significant
ical therapy for fibromyalgia, medication manage- pre- to post-treatment decreases in both pain inten-
ment for headache, an occusal device for temporo- sity and pain severity.
mandibular myofascial pain, and education/advice
for myofascial pain and headache. On the other
hand, with few exceptions, hypnotic treatment was Comparing Hypnosis to Minimal-Effect
no more effective than biofeedback-assisted and Control Conditions
nonbiofeedback-assessed relaxation training. How-
ever, as clinicians who provide hypnotic analgesia We have previously argued (Jensen and Patter-
treatment, we were struck with how “hypnotic-like” son, 2005) that a particularly useful control condition
the relaxation treatments in these controlled stud- for hypnotic analgesia research is a “minimal” ef-
ies were. For example, autogenic training usually in- fect treatment that would: (1) control for the amount
cludes a number of suggestions for alterations in of time in treatment spent with a therapist (i.e., if
the experience of sensations, and therefore meets the hypnosis intervention is eight sessions, then this
Hypnotic Treatment of Chronic Pain 115

condition would be eight sessions), (2) be viewed treatment conditions in their study of patients with
by patients as being as logical and potentially effec- migraine headache: As described above, one group
tive as the hypnosis intervention, but (3) is known received general instructions in self-hypnosis, and the
or thought to have minimal specific effects on pain second received these same instructions plus spe-
intensity. A condition of this nature can control for cific suggestions for hand warming (imagining one’s
the time and expectancy effects. By including such a hands being dipped in bowls of warm water). Sim-
condition in an experimental design (as well as a ma- ilar pain change scores were observed in the pa-
nipulation check to verify that the control condition tients assigned to these different hypnosis conditions
was indeed viewed as equally credible as the hypnosis (see Table I), indicating that adding a suggestion for
intervention), the differences between hypnosis and hand warming in a hypnotic treatment of migraine
this control treatment can be attributed to the effects headache did not contribute significantly to the ef-
of hypnosis over and above effects of time and pa- fects of the hypnotic treatment.
tient expectancy (see Jensen and Patterson, 2005). In Zitman et al. (1992) performed a study in
spite of such advantages, we were unable to identify a which their hypnosis intervention (future-oriented
single study that used such a control condition when imagery) was not presented as hypnosis to one of
studying the effects of hypnosis on chronic pain. group patients, but was later explicitly labeled as
hypnosis to another group in a second phase of
their study. Similar pre- to post-treatment differences
OTHER DESIGNS AND ANALYSES were found in both hypnosis conditions on all out-
come measures. However, at 6-month follow-up, the
Knowledge about the effects and mechanisms of group that had been told that the intervention was
hypnotic analgesia can also be gained by performing hypnosis showed continued decreases in a measure
component and process analyses. Component analy- of headache pain intensity, whereas the patients who
sis designs can assign patients to hypnosis treatments received the same treatment but had not been told it
that differ in content (e.g., different inductions or was hypnosis showed a post-treatment to follow-up
suggestions) or dose (e.g., number of treatment ses- increase in average headache pain.
sions). To the extent that differences are found be-
tween altered hypnosis conditions, conclusions can
be drawn about the relative effects of the different Process/Predictor Analyses
Process analyses, on the other hand, are used to A number of predictors of hypnotic analgesia
identify the predictors or covariates of treatment out- treatment have been examined in chronic pain out-
come, and can be used to help develop and test differ- come studies, with the most common being hypnotic
ent theories of hypnosis treatment effects. For exam- suggestibility (Andreychuk and Skriver, 1975; Fried-
ple, some theorists contend that specific mechanisms man and Taub, 1984; Jensen et al., 2005; ter Kuile
underlie hypnosis, such as hypnotic suggestibility et al., 1994). Other predictors include: attributions
(Hilgard and Hilgard, 1994), motivation (Patterson and coping (Spinhoven et al., 1992), referral source
and Ptacek, 1997), relaxation (Edmonston, 1991), ex- (ter Kuile et al., 1994), therapist (Zitman et al., 1992),
pectations (Kirsch, 1985), social cognitive/contextual frequency of self-hypnosis practice (Dinges et al.,
variables (Chaves, 1993), automaticity (Miller and 1997), as well as patient-rated outcome expectations,
Bowers, 1993), and disassociation (Freeman et al., initial treatment response, concentration of treat-
2000). To the extent that moderators or mediators ment sessions, and diagnostic group (Jensen et al.,
predict or covary with treatment outcome, respective 2005; see Table I).
support can be obtained for these models. Andreychuk and Skriver (1975) administered
the Hypnotic Induction Profile (HIP) to the 33 sub-
jects in their study that compared the efficacy of 10
Component Analyses sessions of hypnosis, hand temperature biofeedback,
and neurofeedback (alpha enhancement) training.
We could find only two studies of hypnotic anal- They found that HIP scores predicted treatment
gesia of chronic pain that used component analy- outcome in all three treatment groups, with patients
ses (Friedman and Taub, 1984; Zitman et al., 1992). scoring higher on the HIP (“highs”) more likely
Friedman and Taub (1984) included two hypnosis to show improvement (71% improved) than those
116 Jensen and Patterson

scoring low (“lows;” 41% improved), although significantly associated with change in percent work
patients in both groups showed improvement. In- pain-free days from baseline to treatment.
terestingly, the differences in treatment outcome Jensen et al. (2005) examined a number of pre-
as a function of hypnotic responsivity seemed to dictors of treatment outcome in their study of hyp-
be greater among those who received neurofeed- notic analgesia treatment for disability-related pain,
back (67% for highs versus 31% for lows) and including hypnotic responsivity (as assessed by the
hand temperature biofeedback (that also included Stanford Hypnotic Clinical Scale), treatment out-
hypnotic-like autogenic suggestions, 83% for highs come expectancy (assessed by a four-item measure
versus 66% for lows) than among those who received assessing beliefs about the logic of the treatment for
hypnosis alone (39% for highs versus 33% for lows). treating pain as well as patient confidence of its suc-
Friedman and Taub (1984) divided the patients cess for eliminating or decreasing pain) administered
in their study who received hypnosis treatments into before and after the first treatment session, change in
those with high versus low scores on the Stanford pain intensity from before to after the first treatment
Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale, Form A, and com- session (reflecting “initial treatment response”), con-
pared these patients on the three outcome measures centration of treatment (range, 10 sessions admin-
of their study: Peak headache activity, number of istered as often as once a day to once every 4–5
headaches, and medication use. They found similar days), and diagnostic group (for the groups that had
outcomes between highs and lows across the three seven or more subjects: Spinal cord injury, multi-
measures in the first 6 months following treatment, ple sclerosis, and amputation). Only one of these
but some interesting differences from the 6- to the predictors, treatment outcome expectancy assessed
12-month assessment points. During the later follow- after, but not before, the first session, was signifi-
up period, highs, but not lows, tended to improve cantly associated with pre- to post-treatment change
further on the measure of peak headache intensity. in average pain (r = .39, p < .05). The weak (r = .16)
Also, highs reported a continued decrease in number and nonsignificant association between hypnotic sug-
of headaches during this period, while lows reported gestibility and outcome was somewhat surprising in
a slight increase in number of headaches from the 6- this study, given the general consistency with which
to the 12-month period. this variable has been found to be associated with
In their study of headache pain, ter Kuile et al. treatment outcome in other studies (Patterson and
(1994) examined referral source (from three sources: Jensen, 2003).
A neurological outpatient clinic, self-referred from Gay et al. (2002) correlated change in pain in-
the community, and self-referred from a university) tensity with hypnotic suggestibility, belief in the ef-
and hypnotic responsivity (as assessed by the Stan- ficacy of treatment, and pre-treatment patient rat-
ford Hypnotic Clinical Scale) as predictors of treat- ings of imagery vividness, in their controlled study
ment outcome in patients who received hypnosis or of hypnosis treatment for osteoarthritis pain. Hyp-
autogenic training. Referral source was unrelated to notizability was assessed with the Stanford Hypnotic
outcome, but hypnotic suggestibility was significantly Susceptibility Scale, Form C, and imagery vividness
associated with changes in the headache index score was assessed using a 5-point rating scale (ranging
in patients in both treatment conditions, such that from 0, ‘no image’ to 4, ‘as vivid as reality’) during
patients with higher hypnotizability scores showed suggestions for visual imagery. Both hypnotizability
larger improvement than patients with lower scores and imagery vividness were assessed pre-treatment.
in both treatment conditions. However, neither the specific measure used to as-
Zitman et al. (1992) included therapist as an in- sess outcome expectancy nor the timing of this as-
dependent variable in their analyses of the effects sessment (e.g., pre-treatment versus some other time
of hypnosis and autogenic training in a sample of during the study) were described. Pre-treatment hyp-
patients with tension headache (although they did notic suggestibility showed moderate to strong as-
not describe the different therapists, so differences sociations (rs range, −.24 to −.48) with change
in terms of such variables as age, gender, and ex- in pain from pre-treatment to mid-treatment, post-
perience, are unknown). They found no differences treatment, 3-month follow-up, and 6-month follow-
among the therapists with respect to treatment out- up assessment points among the patients who re-
come. Dinges et al. (1997) assessed frequency of self- ceived hypnosis. Despite the low power associated
hypnosis practice during the 18 months of group hyp- with the very low sample size, one of these associ-
nosis training, and found that this variable was not ations (that associated hypnotic suggestibility with
Hypnotic Treatment of Chronic Pain 117

pre-treatment to mid-treatment change in pain) was dard care). In the one study that it was examined,
statistically significant. The association between hyp- patient-rated imagery vividness was associated with
notic responsivity and change in pain intensity among treatment outcome in response to hypnosis as well
the relaxation patients was more variable across the as relaxation training. Another study found that
four assessment points (rs range, −.14 to −.66), but changes in perceived control over pain covaried with
two of these were statistically significant; those asso- treatment outcome. Treatment outcome expectancy
ciated with pre- to mid- and pre- to post-treatment assessed after the first treatment session was found
changes in pain. All of these coefficients between to be associated with treatment outcome in one
hypnotic responsivity and change in pain were weak study, although treatment outcome expectancy
(range, −.05 to −.10) and nonsignificant in the pa- prior to the first session was not. A number of
tients who received no treatment. Similarly, vividness other variables were not found to be associated
of imagery during hypnotic suggestions for imagery with treatment outcome, including: Referral source,
assessed at pre-treatment tended to show moderate therapist, frequency of self-hypnosis practice, initial
to strong associations with change in pain among the treatment response (reduction in pain during the first
patients who received hypnosis (rs range, −.43 to treatment session), concentration of treatment, and
−.74) and relaxation (all but one of four coefficients diagnostic group (spinal cord injury, amputation,
rs range, −.27 to −.70); two and one of these coeffi- multiple sclerosis).
cients reached statistical significance in the hypnosis
and relaxation patients, respectively. All of these as-
sociations were weak (rs range, −.21 to .21) and non- DISCUSSION
significant in the control patients. On the other hand,
none of the associations between belief in efficacy of Summary of Findings from the Review
treatment and change in pain were reported to be
statistically significant, although, as indicated above, There are now a sufficient number of pub-
the measure used to assess treatment outcome ex- lished controlled trials to allow for some initial con-
pectancy, and when this measure was administered, clusions concerning the efficacy of hypnotic anal-
was not described in the manuscript. gesia treatment of chronic pain. Based on the 19
Using analysis of covariance, Spinhoven et al. articles identified for this review, we found that
(1992) examined the association between change for all but one study that included a no-treatment
in pain attribution, coping strategies, and treat- condition (see Melzack and Perry, 1975), the hyp-
ment outcome in a group of patients who were notic treatments resulted in more pain reduction
given hypnosis and autogenic treatment for ten- than did no treatment. The magnitude of pain re-
sion headache. Composite scores from the Coping duction varied across studies, although in some the
Strategies Questionnaire that represented Active changes in pain were substantial. Moreover, when
Coping and Helplessness were not associated with longer-term outcomes are examined, decreases in
treatment outcome. However, pre- to post-treatment chronic pain tend to maintain through 3-month (e.g.,
and pre-treatment to 6-month follow-up changes in Jensen et al., 2005), 6-month (e.g., Zitman et al.,
a composite score representing perceived control 1992), 8-month (e.g., ter Kuile et al., 1994), and even
over pain were associated with both decreases in 12-month (e.g., Friedman and Taub, 1984) follow-
headache pain intensity and with percent of pain up. The efficacy of hypnotic analgesia for different
relief reported with treatment. chronic pain diagnoses or conditions (e.g., neuro-
To summarize the findings from component and pathic versus musculoskeletal pain; low back versus
process analyses, labeling a treatment as “hypnosis” headache pain) cannot be determined given the rel-
may have had a slight benefit (over not giving the atively small number of studies and the many dif-
same treatment the label as “hypnosis”) in the ferent diagnostic groups studied. However, in every
long-term effects of hypnosis treatment for headache diagnostic pain group studied to date, there appear
pain, but including or excluding a suggestion for to have been individuals who have benefited from
hand warmth did not appear to alter outcome in a hypnosis.
headache pain trial. Often, but not always, hypnotic Comparisons between hypnosis and other
suggestibility was associated with treatment outcome treatments that differ in important ways from
to both hypnosis as well as relaxation treatments hypnosis (e.g., medication management, physical
(but not to outcome in patients who received stan- therapy, education) suggest that hypnosis is often
118 Jensen and Patterson

superior to other treatments for producing changes hypnosis was added (Edelson and Fitzpatrick, 1989).
in pain reports. This body of studies suggests that On the other hand, there is substantial evidence that
the effects of hypnotic analgesia are not necessarily hypnosis potentiates the impact of CBT in nonpain
solely attributable to expectancy, since each of these studies (Kirsch et al., 1995).
alternative treatments also presumably enlisted The two component analyses that were identi-
patient expectancy. However, it could also be argued fied suggest that including a hand-warming sugges-
that hypnosis might be particularly effective for tion when treating headache (Friedman and Taub,
enlisting patient expectancies; perhaps more so 1984), and that explicitly labeling the hypnosis inter-
than many or most other treatments (Kirsch, 1985). vention as hypnosis when treating tension headache
Studies that include effective means for controlling (Zitman et al., 1992) may not have a significant
and assessing expectancy (e.g., minimally effective impact on outcome in the short term, although
control conditions) are still necessary to address this it remains possible that an explicit label of hyp-
key issue about one potential mechanism of hypnotic nosis may improve long-term outcomes (Zitman
analgesia. et al., 1992).
Comparisons between hypnosis and treatments The predictor analyses suggest that a number of
that tend to include hypnotic-like suggestions (e.g., variables are unrelated to outcome. The few predic-
relaxation, progressive muscle relaxation training, tors and covariates of hypnosis treatment outcome
autogenic training) tend to show similar results. In include perceived control over pain (Spinhoven et al.,
the very rare case that significant differences do 1992), imagery vividness during a pre-treatment im-
emerge between hypnosis and other relaxation-type agery task (Gay et al., 2002), and post- but not
treatment conditions, hypnosis treatments tend to pre-first session treatment outcome expectancy
be superior (e.g., Gay et al., 2002; McCauley et al., (Jensen et al., 2005). However, one study did not
1983). Interestingly, in studies that have examined find an association between treatment outcome ex-
predictors of outcome, general hypnotic suggestibil- pectancy and treatment outcome (Gay et al., 2002).
ity tends to predict outcome in patients who receive The most consistent predictor of treatment outcome
hypnosis as well as either relaxation training or au- is global hypnotic suggestibility assessed pre-
togenic training, yet hypnotizability is not associated treatment (Andreychuk and Skriver, 1975; Friedman
with outcome in patients who received standard and Taub, 1984; Gay et al., 2002; ter Kuile et al.,
care (see Table I). Similarly, imagery vividness 1994). But even hypnotic suggestibility is not always
also predicts outcome to both hypnotic analgesia significantly associated with outcome (see Jensen
treatment and relaxation (Gay et al., 2002). As a et al., 2005).
group, these findings provide preliminary support
for the notion that treatments labeled as “hypnosis”,
“relaxation training,” and “autogenic training”
are perhaps more similar than they are different, Research Implications
and in fact may operate through some shared
mechanism(s). Although the current review suggests that
Not enough studies have compared the effects of hypnotic interventions for chronic pain benefit some,
pain treatments with and without hypnosis to draw but not all, patients with a variety of chronic pain
firm conclusions about the relative benefit of adding problems, there remain a number of important
hypnosis to other treatments. The few studies that unanswered questions. These include: (1) Whether
have been performed suggest that treatments with the effects of hypnotic analgesia treatment can be
hypnosis appear to result in greater decreases in pain accounted for by the effects of treatment on outcome
than treatments without hypnosis (Edelson and Fitz- expectancy; (2) whether the relative rates of respon-
patrick, 1989; Spiegel and Bloom, 1983). However, sivity to hypnosis treatment differ as a function of
there is also some preliminary evidence to suggest pain type or pain diagnosis; (3) what researchers
that hypnosis might interfere with the beneficial ef- do about the problem of variability in hypnosis
fects of some treatments on some variables. Our treatments between studies; and (4) the primary
only example of this was the study comparing CBT components of hypnotic analgesia interventions that
alone with CBT given following a hypnotic induction, contribute to their efficacy. This section discusses
where the beneficial effects of CBT on pain behav- some ideas for addressing these key questions in
iors appeared to be vitiated, or at least reduced when future research.
Hypnotic Treatment of Chronic Pain 119

What Are the Effects of Hypnotic Analgesia 1 and 2, peripheral neuropathy, below-level spinal
Treatment that Cannot Be Accounted cord injury pain) and nociceptive pain (e.g., low back
for by the Effects of Outcome Expectancy? pain, fibromyalgia) would be useful. Our clinical
experience suggests that neuropathic pain problems
As we have discussed both previously (Jensen (in particular, phantom limb pain) may be somewhat
and Patterson, 2005), and in this review, no hypnosis more responsive to hypnotic analgesia than nocicep-
trial has yet been performed for chronic pain that has tive pain problems are, but this hypothesis requires
included a experimental condition that adequately testing.
controls for outcome expectancy. While it seems The studies we reviewed report an average pre-
unlikely that the long-term outcomes of hypnosis as to post-treatment improvement in overall pain inten-
reported in a number of studies could be explained sity with hypnosis treatment that varied from as low
by the effects of expectancy alone, research is needed as 2% (Spinhoven and Linssen, 1989) to as high as
to test this impression. We view a research design 57% (Winocur et al., 2002). Most (15 of 24) of the
that includes a minimally effective but credible (to pre- to post-treatment percent improvements in pain
patients) control condition useful for this purpose. A intensity in these studies hover somewhere between
series of clinical trials that include such a condition 17 and 35% (see Table I). Five of the studies reported
would provide important information about the an average improvement that was greater than 35%
effects of hypnosis that are not due merely to the (range, 39–57%), and four reported an average im-
passage of time, a particularly powerful placebo, or provement that was less than 17% (range, −19 to
especially the effects of treatment expectancy engen- 9%). In the only single study that reported a pre- to
dered by the treatment (Kirsch, 1985). We recognize post-treatment increase in average pain, Dinges et al.
that such trials can be difficult and expensive to (1997) also reported a simultaneous decrease in num-
perform, and that this type of a control condition still ber of pain days, so the “increase” in pain observed
has its weaknesses (Jensen and Patterson, 2005). We does not reflect overall pain. The average pre- to
would still urge any researchers interested in design- post-treatment improvement rates in pain intensity
ing future clinical trials to carefully consider includ- found in these hypnosis studies compare favorably
ing such a treatment condition in their design, given to other chronic pain treatments, including operant
that it is one of only effective methods for ruling out therapy for low back pain (e.g., 24 and 20% improve-
a key potential explanation for hypnotic analgesia. ment; van den Hout et al., 2003; Turner and Clancy,
1988), treatment with intrathecal opioids for chronic
pain (e.g., 27% improvement; Thimineur et al., 2004),
What Are the Relative Rates of Responsivity and a combination of tramadol and acetaminophen
to Hypnosis Treatment in Different Chronic for chronic low back pain (e.g., 39% improvement
Pain Populations? on the MPQ Present Pain Index score; Ruoff et al.,
In addition to trials that include one or more Overall, these studies provide an initial estimate
control conditions, the field could also benefit from of the average changes in pain that might be expected
additional case series, controlled or not, that describe across different chronic pain problems with hypnotic
the outcomes of hypnotic analgesia treatment in pa- treatment. But more data are needed to replicate
tients with different pain problems and diagnoses. these findings in both similar and new pain patient
Single-subject case studies or case series with rela- populations. We would argue that such data could be
tively few patients in them might have some utility obtained by clinicians currently treating patients with
if they describe a new strategy that might enhance chronic pain (as opposed to only researchers study-
the efficacy of hypnosis treatment; however, the ing hypnotic pain control) as long as they: (1) assess
literature is already full of case studies that describe pain intensity before and after treatment and (2) are
profound effects of hypnotic analgesia treatment careful to obtain data from all patients treated. Such
in individual patients (Patterson and Jensen, 2003). data would help us understand if the usual rates of
More needed are larger case series that include response observed in these first studies of hypnotic
all consecutive patients seen. In particular, studies analgesia treatment (in the 17–35% range) are sim-
examining the effects of hypnosis in large samples ilar or differ across different pain populations. Re-
of persons with neuropathic pain (e.g., post-herpetic search in this area will be particularly enhanced if fu-
neuralgia, complex regional pain syndrome types ture reports use a standardized and similar outcome
120 Jensen and Patterson

measure. We would recommend, for example, that Towards this end, and based on the studies
all future hypnotic analgesia studies include as the reviewed in this paper, we make the following sug-
primary or as a secondary outcome measure the 0– gestions for such standardization. We propose that
10 numerical scale of average pain (Dworkin et al., a basic chronic pain hypnotic analgesia intervention
2005); this would allow for an even greater ability to (that would be developed for use in a clinical trial;
compare outcomes between studies. we are not suggesting that clinicians standardize
their hypnosis interventions when they see patients
clinically, see later) consist of the following: (1) A
What Should Researchers Do About the Significant standard induction that begins by asking patient
Problem of Lack of Standardization of Treatment participants to focus their attention (e.g., on a visual
Between Studies? object or the therapist’s voice) and that includes
preliminary suggestions for initial alterations in per-
The hypnosis treatments studied in the research ceived sensations (e.g., relaxation) or nonvolitional
reviewed for this paper all met the standard defi- ideomotor movement (e.g., eye closure, arm levita-
nition of hypnosis presented in the introduction as tion, limb catalepsy), and with the specific induction
an interaction in which “. . .one person (the subject) used clearly described or presented verbatim in
is guided by another (the hypnotist) to respond to the published report; (2) suggestions for alterations
suggestions for changes in subjective experience, al- in subjective experience of pain that include: (a)
terations in perception, sensation, emotion, thought, increased awareness of nonpain (competing) sensa-
or behavior” (Green et al., 2005, p. 262). However, tions, such as relaxation or a pleasant numbness or
this, and most other common definitions of hypno- warmth, or (b) analgesia (elimination or reduction
sis, are very broad, and can include a large number of pain), or some combination of these, with the spe-
of interventions that vary in important ways, such cific suggestions used clearly described or presented
as the length of session(s), number of treatment ses- verbatim in the published report; (3) treatment ses-
sions, inclusion/exclusion of home practice recom- sions that last a minimum of 20 min; (4) a specified
mendations with or without practice tapes, use of dif- number of treatment sessions, with three or less
ferent hypnotic induction strategies, and type(s) of indicating “very brief hypnosis treatment,” four to
suggestions given. Any one of these variables might seven sessions indicating “brief hypnosis treatment,”
have a significant impact on outcome. Given the and eight or more sessions indicating “hypnosis
very large variety of hypnotic interventions possible treatment;” and (5) recommendations of at least
when such a broad definition of hypnosis is used, daily home practice, specifying whether or not a
asking the question, “Does hypnotic analgesia re- practice tape was given to the patient. Anything that
duce chronic pain?” at this point is a little like ask- meets the above criteria could be labeled as “hyp-
ing “Do medications reduce chronic pain?” The an- notic analgesia treatment” for purposes of building a
swer, of course, to both of these questions is that it research base on hypnotic analgesia outcomes. Any
depends. Sometimes these interventions can have a modifications of the above would be clearly specified
powerful effect on pain in some people, and some- and labeled appropriately (e.g., “Hypnotic analgesia
times they might have no effect, or even make things treatment without an explicit hypnotic induction”
worse. or “Five-minute hypnotic analgesia treatment”)
The lack of standardization in hypnotic anal- to help make distinctions between the hypnosis
gesia, and the large differences in the specific pro- treatments studied clear. Our expectation is that the
cedures used between studies, makes it difficult to acceptance of a common operational definition of
make comparisons between studies and to tease “hypnotic analgesia” would increase the chances that
apart the effective from the incidental components of a literature base could be developed that allows for
these interventions. While it is possible that too much comparisons between different studies. Importantly,
standardization in research protocols too soon might as a research database is developed on the efficacy
reduce the possibilities of innovations in the develop- of hypnosis treatment that meets the above criteria,
ment of particularly effective hypnotic interventions, then variations on this (very short versus standard
we believe that the field would make significant ad- treatment session length, home practice versus no
vances if some preliminary standardization occurred home practice, etc.) could be examined and their ef-
in the components and length of hypnosis treatments ficacy compared to the outcome norms established in
that are used in research. a research literature on “basic” hypnotic analgesia.
Hypnotic Treatment of Chronic Pain 121

What Are the Components of Hypnotic Analgesia Clinical Implications

Interventions that Contribute to Their Efficacy?
We view the most important clinical implication
In the previous section, we made recommenda- of the findings from this review as follows: Hypno-
tions for what we view as a reasonable working op- sis has been greatly underused as a treatment and
erational definition of chronic pain hypnotic analge- should be at least offered as an option to far greater
sia treatment based on the practical consideration of numbers of patients with chronic pain. Further, hyp-
what it is that most researchers do when they study nosis is almost always a benign approach with a very
“hypnotic analgesia” treatments for chronic pain. To little likelihood of causing negative side effects. We
the extent that researchers can begin to report that urge clinicians who work with patients with pain
their interventions meet this standard, then increased to consider obtaining training in hypnotic analgesia
comparability between research studies is possible. treatment, and to then consider how to incorporate
For the most part, we expect that meeting the stan- this into their practice.
dards suggested above will be more a matter of re- The results of this review also provide some ad-
porting interventions in greater detail rather than al- mittedly preliminary clues about how one might de-
tering practice. sign and use hypnotic interventions for chronic pain.
Yet it is possible that any one or more of the One study that compared CBT with CBT following
basic components of hypnotic analgesia treatment an induction suggests the possibility that hypnosis
may not be necessary to obtain significant effects. and CBT might best be provided in different treat-
For example, in all of the studies where hypnosis and ment sessions, or, if within the same session, that per-
autogenic training were compared, autogenic train- haps the CBT portion of treatment be given prior
ing, which usually involves suggestions for relaxation to training in self-hypnosis (Edelson and Fitzpatrick,
and nonpain competing sensations, was as effective 1989). Gruzelier and others have argued convincingly
as hypnosis for the treatment of headache pain that the process of hypnosis, at least among those
(Spinhoven et al., 1992; ter Kuile et al., 1994; Zitman who show relatively higher levels of suggestibility,
et al., 1992). Although autogenic training does not in- involves a reduction in executive functions and crit-
clude an explicit hypnotic induction, many hypnosis ical thinking (Gruzelier, 1998, 1999). If this is true,
experts might express the view that the preliminary then any hypnosis-related reduction in critical think-
suggestions of relaxation and focused attention on ing might be contra-indicated in patients who are try-
sensations provided by autogenic training would ing to learn to alter maladaptive cognitions through
constitute a type of hypnotic induction (cf., Yapko, a process of evaluation and modification; a process
2003). Similarly, not all of the interventions studied that potentially requires critical thinking in order to
that were effective included suggestions for either be successful.
nonpain sensations or analgesia/anesthesia. For ex- Although the available research suggests that in-
ample, the hypnotic intervention used by Gay et al. cluding versus not including hand-warming sugges-
(2002) to treat osteoarthritis pain did not include any tions for headache pain does not impact outcome,
direct suggestions for analgesia, only that the partic- hypnosis research also clearly indicates that differ-
ipants remember a time when they had no pain (age ent types of analgesic suggestions can have different
regression). Despite this, these investigators found and specific effects, at least in pain analogue stud-
a very large 56% pre- to post-treatment decrease in ies (Rainville et al., 1997). In order to ensure that
pain intensity in the patients who received the hyp- the most patients benefit, it would appear to be wise
nosis treatment, while patients in the no-treatment early in clinical practice to include a variety of sug-
control condition reported very little (4% improve- gestions that are non-analgesic, as well as more than
ment) change in pain during the 6 months of this one option for analgesia or comfort. Useful non-
trial. Overall then, the hypnosis analgesia research analgesic suggestions includes ones for relaxation,
literature cannot yet tell us which specific compo- improved sleep, and ‘ego strengthening’ suggestions
nents of treatment are necessary or sufficient to to increase confidence and well-being. Post-hypnotic
obtain significant reductions of pain and its negative suggestions that the benefits of treatment will per-
effects on people’s lives. Identifying these, perhaps sist and become even more effective over time and
through the use of component analyses, will likely with practice, may also increase efficacy. Based on
remain an important research goal for many years to the patient’s response(s) to these initial suggestions,
come. the clinician can then tailor future suggestions to in-
122 Jensen and Patterson

clude those that seemed most effective for the pa- Conclusions
tient. There are no data from the current review that
would argue against this practical approach to tailor- The current review indicates that, despite signif-
ing hypnosis treatment for maximum efficacy in clin- icant differences in the hypnotic interventions used
ical settings, although, as indicated above, research between studies, and in the populations of patients
is needed to help determine which of these compo- studied, hypnotic analgesia treatment for chronic
nents of hypnotic treatment actually do contribute to pain results in significant reductions in perceived pain
hypnotic treatment’s efficacy. that maintain for at least several months, and pos-
Conclusive research has yet to be performed to sibly longer. Such changes in pain are not observed
identify the importance of, and best ways to incor- in patients who do not receive hypnosis treatment.
porate, home practice in treatment. Are most pa- Moreover, a few studies suggest that hypnotic anal-
tients able to practice on their own without a tape? gesia treatment appears to be more effective, on
Is home practice even helpful or necessary? If prac- average, than other treatments, such as medication
tice is helpful, how often and for how long should management, physical therapy, or education. Treat-
patients practice? Unfortunately, none of the studies ments that are hypnotic-like, such as progressive
that have been published to date have systematically muscle relaxation and autogenic training, seem to be
manipulated practice, so the importance of this vari- about as effective as hypnosis for chronic pain. This,
able on self-hypnosis skills remains unclear. There is as well as the fairly consistent finding that general
certainly no reason to believe that hypnosis is a skill hypnotic suggestibility predicts outcome in hypnotic
that cannot benefit from practice, and this idea is con- treatment as well as relaxation and autogenic train-
sistent with decades of research from sociocognitive ing treatments, suggests the possibility (but does not
theorists (e.g., Lynn and Rhue, 1991). Our clinical ex- prove) that these treatments might operate through
perience suggests that patients who practice regularly some shared mechanism(s). Research is needed to
benefit more than those who do not, and we have examine the efficacy of hypnotic analgesia treatment
had more than one patient report increases in pain across different chronic pain conditions using more
after they have misplaced their practice tapes. Fur- standardized hypnotic intervention protocols, which
ther, there are no theoretical arguments of which we would allow for better comparisons between stud-
are aware that practice would have any negative ef- ies. We proposed a standard operational definition
fects on treatment. In our own clinical application of of chronic pain hypnotic analgesia that could be used
hypnotic analgesia treatment, we recommend to pa- for this purpose, and suggested that researchers use
tients that they practice “at least” once a day, but we this as a basis for developing and describing hyp-
also inform patients of our opinion that the more of- nosis treatments that are used in future clinical tri-
ten they practice, the more benefit they will get from als. Research is also needed to identify: (1) The
treatment, and the longer it will last, based on our specific components of standard hypnotic analgesia
clinical experience that patients who practice regu- treatment that are necessary and sufficient for reduc-
larly have better outcomes (see Jensen and Barber, ing chronic pain, (2) which of these components are
2000). unique to hypnosis, and (3) which are shared with
Finally, we have emphasized a number of times other psychological interventions. Based on the find-
in this review that research is needed to determine if ings from this review, we recommend that clinicians
hypnosis is effective primarily through its effect on who work with patients with chronic pain learn hyp-
patient expectancy, or for other reasons, such as a notic treatment skills in order to assist those patients
specific effect on some underlying physiological or who would be interested in learning self-hypnosis
phenomenological “stage” which increases their abil- skills for pain management. Our hope is that contin-
ity to alter the processing and therefore perception ued research in this area, as well as increased appli-
of pain. While this issue is critical for researchers and cation of hypnosis in clinical practice, will contribute
for a clearer theoretical understanding of the mech- to the reduction in pain and suffering of the many
anism(s) of effective hypnotic analgesia, for clini- people who suffer from chronic pain conditions.
cians, it may not matter if hypnosis works through ex-
pectancies or physiological mechanisms. What mat- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ters most to clinicians, and presumably even more so
to their clients and patients, is that hypnosis can pro- This work was supported by the National Insti-
vide substantial and long-term benefits. tutes of Health (grant no. R01 GM42725-09A1) and
Hypnotic Treatment of Chronic Pain 123

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