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Project Presentation : Rainforest Animal

This project is an individual oral presentation about a rainforest animal. Choose

an animal that lives in the rainforest.

Find the following information:

1. Where in the world can it be found?

2. What/Where is its habitat? E.g. on the ground, in the water, in the canopy…
3. How has it adapted to its environment?
4. What does it eat? e.g Herbivore, Carnivore, Omnivore
5. Does it have enemies/predators?
6. What are its main physical characteristics? E.g. size/weight, colour, feathers/
scales/fur …
7. Fun facts. E.g. poisonous …

Prepare a poster or another creative way of presenting your animal to the class.
For example you can make a diorama instead of a poster, or you can bring in
food that your animal might eat, or make a model of the nest it lives in... Please
do not make a Powerpoint or a Keynote.
You need to prepare the presentation at home, labels / information must be
handwritten and in your own words. Be prepared to be able to answer questions
from the other students.

Due date: week of Monday 5th February 2018

Some helpful websites might be:

The Nature Conservancy hosts some excellent videos, exploring the rainforest
of Brazil, Costa Rica, Indonesia and Hawaii:

Enchanted Learning provides a simple overview of the animals found in a

rainforest, with links to labelled images: Rfbiomeanimals.shtml

The BBC Nature website provides a varied selection of top-quality videos,

exploring different aspects of the rainforest ecosystem:

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