WorkFLow Description

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SO Work Flow:

 Order received from customer and process the order in the system.
 Sales order has been created and SO send to Asst. Manager or Manager for removing
authorization block on Sales order level. Both can remove the tick & will be optional.
 If Asst. Manager found the document OK or YES from his end then Authorization block will be
removed and also make changes on Sales Order level and OBD can be created.
 If Asst. Manager found the document not OK or NO from his end then SO reverts back to Sales
Officer for making changes.
 If Manager found the document OK or Yes from his end then Authorization block will be
removed and also make changes on Sales order level and OBD can be created after the
removing the authorization Block.
 If Manager found the document not OK or NO from his end then SO reverts back to Sales Officer
for making changes.
 Credit Customer limit, overdue days & overdue amount will be shown when we will remove
authorization block on Sales order.
 If customer credit limit has been used more than 50 % then it should give notification at the
time of order creation & removing authorization block.
 If Order will create from Sales Office 1000, 2000, 3000 then order will approve from Asst.
Manager or Manager. If will create orders remaining Sales Office then we will follow existing
 If we will create Sales order of Standard rebar’s then will go from workflow approval phase. If
order will create other than standard rebars Order type then authorization block tick will be
removed by Mr. Minhaj Junaidy or Haris Khalil.

OBD Work Flow:

 Sales Confirmation received and OBD create with reference of Sales Order.
 OBD forward to Asst. Manager or Manager for Approval. Both can approve the document and
will be optional.
 If Asst. Manager found the document OK or YES from his end then document send to Logistic for
 If Asst. Manager found the document not OK or NO from his end then OBD reverts back to Sales
Officer for making changes.
 If Manager found the document OK or YES from his end then document send to Logistic for
 If Manager found the document not OK or NO from his end then OBD reverts back to Sales
Officer for making changes.
 If further changes require from Sales end after forwarding the document to Logistic then
Manager or Assist. Manager will reject the document taking follow up from logistic for making
changes in document.

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