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Spotted by ISI: Chinese DF-21 near Korean Peninsula

The Asian arena is heating up in light of the crisis in North Korea and the Chinese
are not sitting quietly. The US is intensifying the air defense envelope in Japan and
South Korea, and is sending naval forces to the region, while China is conducting
missile tests and setting up its own air and sea defense systems in the South China

China's operational framework is partly used as a signal against US aircraft carriers,

The main force on which the US bases its deterrence against Pyongyang, but also

Operational deployment of the DF-21

One of the measures taken by China in this regard is the operational deployment of
the DF-21 missile system. ISI experts have been able to identify such deployment on
the basis of high resolution photographs of the Eros-B satellite.

The deployment of the DF-21 was located on 18.5.2017 in the Liaoning area.
Liaoning is a northeastern Chinese province bordering North Korea and the Yellow
The deployment of the DF-21 as photographed included three adjacent areas where
launchers were deployed with their support vehicles.

It appears that the deployment area of the DF-21 has been prepared in advance. It is
possible to see the launching areas of the launchers as well as the roads connecting
them. Probably for rapid system deployment when needed.

This figure indicates that this is one of the routine operational deployment areas of
the system. This assumption is consistent with operational logic aimed at protecting
the Yellow Sea and the Eastern Sea from American naval forces.
“Carrier Killer”

“The DF-21D would be instrumental in striking a vessel in the open ocean or denying
access to a potential opponent in transiting to a conflict zone, like in the East or
South China Seas”, Written on the nationalinterest website.

According to the CSIS website “Due to its solid propellant and Transporter-Erector-
Launcher (TEL) vehicle launch system. It can be easily transported and has a short
launch time, allowing it to be deployed during a rapidly changing military situation,
adding to its tactical effectiveness.

“The DF-21D is a conventionally armed DF-21 variant designed to attack ships at

sea. Sometimes dubbed the “carrier-killer,” U.S. reports suggest a range a 1,450 to
1,550 km. Similar to the DF-21B, the warhead is likely maneuverable and may have
an accuracy of 20 m CEP”.

Experiments and Signals

In recent months, China has carried out a number of missile tests in the South China
Sea and Korea, where US forces are located.

“The People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force (PLARF) has conducted a number of
weapons tests, which included the launch of a new missile type in the northeastern
Bohai Sea close to the Korean Peninsula, the Information Bureau of China’s Ministry
of National Defense announced on May 9”, Diplomat website report.

The eastpendulum site revealed an experiment with the DF-26B missile launched
from Northeast China, over the Korean Peninsula, and across the country to the
west. Chinesemilitaryreview reported that Taiwanese Ministry of Defense has
claimed again and again that Second Artillery Brigade in the Guangzhou Military
Region deploys Dong Feng-16 (DF-16) Medium Range Ballistic Missile (MRBM)
with an estimated range of 800km to 1,000km.

There is no doubt that missile deployments in various areas against US interests and
missile tests in the region point to Chinese attempts to signal to the Americans who
is the landlord in the region.

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