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Nama Kelompok 5

1.Angga wahyu pratama (05)

2.Puja harta hadi (28)
3.Rsi prastya (33)
4.I kadek Tony Suantara(38)
Expressing love

Puja: hy ... gays, I'm happy ..!

Dewa.Angga.Tony: why are you happy ...?
Puja: I met a girl in a place where I had been shopping ...!
Dewa: Oh ... really?
Puja: Yeah, that’s right
Angga: who is it ....?
Puja: That girl is my neighbor
Tony: It seems Puja begins to fall in love with this girl ..!
Dewa: Yes, we can see from his behavior. It’s so different ..!
Angga: hahahahaha, .. Come on Puja…just admit it ..!
Puja: Yes, I think so ..,
Dewa,angga,puja,tony : heheheheheh

expressing anger and annoyance

Angga: hi.. tony ..! Is this your HAND PHONE? .., Tony: ... em, let me
check, ohh it is not mine.
Puja: what problem is it?
Dewa: It's look like my HAND PHONE., Who destroyed it?
Tony: angga Dewa, he had accidentally dropped it ..! Puja: it seems has
serious damage n it.
Dewa: can you becareful when borrowing something to another people,
see my phone is broken.! ..
Angga: Sorry dewa, I guess it belongs to tony
Tony: Well dewa, just apologize angga please forgive him. Puja: yes,
that’s right dewa , do not get angry anymore dewaDewa: you have to
replace my cell phone ..!
Angga:ok , dewa, sorry yah dewa

expressing attitudes towards something

Expresi heppy

Angga and dewa are preparing a surprise for Tony’s birthday

Suddenly Puja has coming

Puja: Dewa, angga guys what are you doing ..?

Angga: We make a surprise gift,
Puja: for Who ? ..
Dewa: For our friend, Tony has birthday today
Puja: ohh, yeaah, I forgot ..!
Angga: let's go to tony’s
Dewa. Puja: Come on ...!

They also went to the tony’s

Puja: Happy Birthday tony

Tony: waw, thanks guys, you are very good
puja: What is not just for friends, we will do anything !..
dewa: yes…that’s true tony….
Puja: Well I am very happy to see you happy
Tony: I am very happy, thanks guy’s I love you ..!
Expressing sadnes

Dewa: hi angga why are you sad?

Angga: I'm sad because my father is in really bad sick..
Tony: What is your father sickness..
Angga: his sick is tuberculosis …
Dewa: let's see your father …at home,…who knows we could help.!.
Angga: daddy ...... there angga’s friends
Puja: yes, what’s up …son?
Tony: uncle, we bring some meal for uncle.
Dewa: true uncle, the drinks and bread.
Puja: thanks…. son.
Dewa: no problem uncle, please get better soon
Angga: thanks friends

expressing attitudes towards something

Angga: tony why are you confuse?

Dewa: it looks like you are missing something
Tony: yahh I'm looking for my sandals
Puja: actually where is your saandals?
Tony; may be it’s exchanged or dropped
Dewa:you have idea
Angga: it will be better to buy the new one
Puja: yes that’s true angga.!
Tony:waw frend’s you are very god’s ,thank’s gays. .!

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