HSSLive Plusone English Unit2 Death The Leveller

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Unik 2 ~ Death the z heveller- Activihy —J poek think hak the alow Why «does the _ oft our ‘blood and chk are shackales Ans. Life on eord. ikselP ic a bubbl Onur heritage and famild — honony' i us__skalvsJ ard rtr—OC sot} Our education weld ard position Aekermine who | we are in ebciehy-_ Buk OS James Shivley says . these ng positions ar bu bit and lo derio ig I shoxk lived. hey are oNu. fer frstanb: Death comes unex pecksall Ord we canre ae Sil Cran) Seen a | ood _actons we..dle ston earth vad or hoclows too are onl AC fe presence of lighk.. do ux__bleod ard st males us ger g | ten, Qre Tha db Ws. Grodness is whak heaven ! nd spode | Whak do 'sceptre ‘and crown” Ard seul eee for znd whkabk dae they sumbolice 7] the eceptre and Crown or sumbole } power Bee ee eas “the Sceptre and tal | and crown are. be orhar ighs of pereonali Ss My [ Athos” ie is aS axlourl Fo aha King ovnam | the scudhe and spade - are nok en Fal they! re dhke ‘tools g classmate Q_fexrer_o¥ he common man. Jb is also axrhour +o Kim. Bod. these symbolise he rank la G_person on the ladded oe social tak, Di! 3.) bohy oes the = say thak "Where is no orthour againsh Gale!” 9 Ans. | Walt pediwwer and kr social shatus are shovt lived! dhey are nok permanent A mans life is delerminec] by | Fate! ppt [We cannot lide ourselves fron ik. we Lave de move according. +o Ue Spinvohee} oe time and abe? No ormouy ! will prolkee lus Gom il! Bk the goodness Hhlak we ‘do when we are alice, will live on | in the | heavks of “people. ever when we Are. gone- Mar id bortal bon f athe Jdusk and +o hic dusk” we neo Some men widd sworde may _reapthe Geld : J [pohak does this mean ? ‘To reap the Gelds’ is associ alec) = width GBemi and “oe . JE means SOwsih ) Pras Seal e _ Whe the 4 qa ‘eword’ is used iP HI represents dhe war fel re ov battle Field. Ao! reap She Falds 1 here refers Ito reaping he battle Geld . Add hus we! udderekanal vely cleavl hark iE means to _ kill are Sa AS ba aa they kill nailiows inK fights a Men with ewords are coldiess ard Kings War, clascmate oat Whak is ma fale “of a men. ~ widh Swords whol hope 4o reap the field 2 1 ese brave men boho Won aurels on the battle a Cahknok jereven) Fate ancl pekth om atlockin them . they musk shod sheiv heod +o death vuahh like any .ddher commbn man. thy strength —land bravery will nok save thekd . Death is inevitabh | Whar does ' Deaths purple altar’ vebey 1 An altar is. deotk bed, where a dlead body is kepk beFeve sacriPice or burial A dead bed has losk J ikS colour and will be bhie! black widhonk dhe low of blood. his puxple colony! of death is. transrred Yo | the altar. J So |e fignve ob applied tere is (shrane Fareed epi une what does the johrase 'Vichsr—Vichim’ Mean Vicboy —! means ~the person who wins and: vice meank he perso who 7ijs killed by the vichr Be ik the VichrJor vichw deadh ic common +o’ _a@huone and bedhk fe bleed on the altar gf Oheadr | Whar aes envvive dead. ? lohak ave. the s_ thar blossonv” Prthe dusk isky 2 eg = “Dead isi Ans. | [Fakes away man {fom earda! Buk che goodness fré hin Dlove and care he the insk ackous the chdtseved on faraily On. heer hing ‘and friends — will live on. on the sands oF Hire will lbave memories [bohy is Death called he eveller 2 hose: memowies voil| blossom fx dhe dusk. To level means to make straight ead ict or_egual. 4n dhs poem Lkveller 1 personified os a ie nok eomal fer all men. _ Life ok eavdh dreak some Sole are born rick akd are powerful 3 live Gin lOxuzmy land Ton he PK poverty Some some odhkey hard come live worl hard fara ery comle subter diseases. [uk dead [word the ‘came | one alone. He Is) | AcHyihy as) 5 | f Dead. wipes °] He attacks each mane spimik. He leaves Ro I leveller tho makes eoral on eaxdh nok _povti all. she wich and the poor _ So he is nndenbkedly la Leverter’. - Elaborake hese ideas. she achous of the yus b Only Cwdll_ sweer and |blosceom in vhe duck. hi ffs from eordn. He oye one atkenHon te she bk hak each Man Kad Kis ovr has Az position fA sociehy. or Sok he porn. 7 L os <= oe = = [Ke is abouk +o attack was a king ov lo labourer. Anal ‘man’ _is thus freed! +o leave earth. athe only shings thar remain are the doce enel Cyusk achous Wwe have Oder done wheN we were alive. 1f we shower. love and aflecHon on our family and friends “'we will 6 lL remaik esh TR | stheiv memony , even .rt—~—“—~—~—~—~—~—OSOSCS—CO—OSOOOSNCOCC:Cstss ledevecd] the soc@hy onv! Kame will be remembered... CJ And our children” [will evuyvive vs Our good name and __leaa vill live SA. taal : Even death Smells bad hese memories CG will . bring swe scénk arc hese | memories will) blossom reverto be fe vgetien SS “alosies 0 ony__blood ard stole Are hadowl, nok enbstanhal things here Is Ke armour against Fale - g Life on eavdwJ is like a teay drop rrr ard a Pte while” Calls ad loces conrent Get Face | Ahe stdtus and riches by bith and feraily are nok _pecmanenk; Athe educah pees and she! posihow of our fee Gave nok evetlashna TAney Jaret pean which hove Gexiskenze only CF CLUr—~—t—“™r—s—i“‘“COiCs—s—sSC_O_O_OOCSs aise. of wealdR and /statis only wher ow classmate. i ~ tbody exis on eavdh. | | Fate nd dead bold| as we. havd no wae to_hide. “here ie ho asmouy +0 jpeoleck ve From death. However sthe goodreck we did : Take. jusk achons We per&Gdued..and athe | gewSibe Wwe did +o vhorkind will rake méVadmies itive OK ard on. Only these vill || be pesmarntrk on eardh. ‘ket ns leave flclpocts on dhe sands Gore pe | ‘ : _ Appreciation oF the Fem — Dead the Leveley Hl 4 C 7 S “Onu & momenlk do we have on eoxrdh fey and ~€il) ib wid things word lived!’ eid a avbek philosopher Sle. Life ic : la bub realy. tol byask aby nilinule . [dhe gloxie? of bidod dnd shake are shadow: [ eaidd Tomes! Shivley Pa this mous poets ‘Death the hevelley— ard _surdly we o vi dek the meani on appreciahing she poew Oiimthers +s ke +h Tipper ~dlass | 4 i ; edueaked pecple _AWwave she wémentary value off posit in socieh Tames Slstey praites | ' Dead’ er J [Ais impartial) dature te, mak lan epeth ed_crelabes man very ifferen 2 ANigne {rom ea Ml Death [ vel's dkis Inegual Bh F 3 os “the per | hot buk precise Iv|thas a depih “oF | werent po TA each Ting. classmate. fees hete a Sa cxystal clean roidhouk anu_-tondh off pirvity in ik. Ae harsh — realities! ee hl death and fate are! portrayed wid clavihy too. Fo the poent is Go warnin and reminder to si hak We tusk be pid. social ” chats and miche. I oF our blood Ahe[) opening lines" The glories PaGaEae are as pis. prond J Eig A pesgtt prove pois: "Man ts velme [hak hel ea) wopis and gold are__permonent. Buk he aust Ke aware | thak we have ho armour agains Fate . Death is now personiPied as Gh_ern dtekaboy. vohko | srathhes auvay athe aif ier of life withonk ony permission. Ahe Vecephre and crovk are equalled wit | the. saute and apede 5 gest thal equ |_sdidievs Brod (armer Own ake he fips ps wer and dhe, Hhe tool hard Teeaaw are. when 9 inte his grave. a bodk rea heiy Relds..) bul. Sheiv strona! herves Fausk Commo “ave up. wher Death oo 2 enemy to all men Comes AVEe | unexpectedly. C Finally, she gévlands ths worn? by the viele will Usidher Quen J when we resk. upon | Deaths pore aldar dead widhew= | blood s| (Ques Nead mu flys (We musk shop do Fate ad muel, come do the! cold tomb. classmate. the Boeny Aaa sebnn frightenis Because dsthe I pleasures. oF. lied J Seen frrsciens toch one f Us. "ible fear Poss nd dec fei poena md iceem reabtive!, kl Tames. - Soitey. aélble: a. pesili2 if aie An voy : flickers | ! a. soluhow Ae ties aGtey eee J way. to, make Traemdvies J live on 7 -theG is to | be. goop and TusT. and ovine wohile living on ear Cee four _}Pnes “compiled inte T ahree stan as y Thas an ocean of meani lenbedded in ik. Sb is rrore ov lese : za ballad type oF poem with Je ahuyme. scheme J! awiarsl ccnp . The poem abounds in image associabeo width T war and dead Bel. Bx ing. here ave many covplels — tibo tinge poelwy dhak wkyme with each other and [> lave. SP the _soshe lengdh . _ eq: "Gee ple and crown |_¢U Myst fumble dovar 7: Personificahos ave om a -_ a) Death lays Ais | ikke Lond 6n eiogs “YQ Cold +o6hb Anans Fecred Epithets are also many 1) ern boask Ko more yonry raightly Oeeds 4) Deaths purple allay! Actions be ‘he _jusk emell sweeF _ ie Caneral roe has [done zpackee. “be HE theme i classrate I bute ge Se | Athre ahs 4 De col the, Bye _. Cul of meaning “st is made Very lear bowk the poeea Death 5_ on impact personal hyl bulk dhe only | problem is abr. he Comes ninvite [and erakhes away the gilt of Lire. | However the poel- axes his oa! positive. [thought to pbroer Jin dhe Jock laos line [= The a hak we do on eavdh live on TO ever after we have gone aor a ttt apna epreecnapenpmy iy

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