Success Criteria Research Paper

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Name: ____________________________________ Research Paper and Survey Success Criteria

Section/Criteria At Expected Level Above Expected Level

The survey has been provided and contains the required The survey contains very well-thought-out questions that show very little or no
 15 – 22 Questions INCLUDING filler questions. amount of questions. The questions are un-leading and un- bias and do not lead the participant towards an answer in any way. Google
 Questions are un-biased and un-leading. bias. The survey is presented via Google Forms with minimum Forms is used effectively and clear fluency with the tool is evident.
 Google forms is used as the survey tool formatting errors.

Literature Review The literature review contains the minimum number of The literature review contains more than minimum amount, and all are from a
sources, and each are from a different location/format. Each different style of source. The reviews show a thorough understanding of the
 1 page, double spaced per review review is of appropriate length and shows a good source and its relevance to the topic of study.
 Minimum of 3 sources understanding of the source
 Use of different types or sources (book, web, journal, etc.)
 Shows connection and relevance to research question

Results & Discussion The results are organized and presented visually in an effective The results are organized and laid out in a very easy to follow, visual manner
manner. that makes an exceptional impact.
 Results organized and displayed visually
 Use of graphics, tables and/or charts Data has been displayed using graphics, tables and/or charts. There is a healthy mix of data tables, graphs and charts that convey the data.
 Discussion connects literature to the results
The discussion is complete and makes connections to the The discussion links clearly and confidently to the research and this further
literature reviewed. serves to support/prove the results.
Content & Comprehensiveness All sections are completed and organized correctly. It meets All sections are completed and have logical flow and transitions between them.
 Sections are complete and organized the minimum length requirement. Length is appropriate and not above or below limit.
 Minimum of 8 pages double spaced; From INTRO to

Research Process and Drafts A rough draft is presented and reviewed by the teacher. The Rough drafts for every step of the process are available and reviewed by the
sources are annotated, and notetaking is demonstrated. teacher.
 Rough work is presented They show extensive reading and annotation skills throughout the entire
 Research notes/annotations are evident section of the document.
 Drafts (revisions) have been offered

APA Formatting APA format is followed throughout the paper and minimal APA format is followed throughout and no discernable errors are made.
errors are evident. Clear command of APA citation style is Extremely proficient use of APA citation has been demonstrated.
 Arial Size 12 Font, double spaced evident.
 Title page
 Running head & page number
 Proper citations

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