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Ideas for Christmas Event Activities

1. Photo Booth
- Have a photo booth where people can take photos for memory
- Include props that residents can take picture with
- Photos can either be printed/uploaded online on fb page or CC page where people can
download their photos
- Can have a contest for the ‘Most Creative’ photo etc

Logistics required:
 Cardboard cut-outs of various props
 Christmas hats
 Black sheet of cloth to use as background

2. Pin the Nose on Rudolph

a. Part I (for children)
- Create/print a picture of Rudolph the Reindeer in black and white to use as a template
- Have a coloring competition whereby the children compete to see who colors the best
(something like Family Day Out event)
- After the Reindeers are colored and the winner is determined, compile the colored
reindeers to use for the next part
b. Part II (for general public)
- Hang the colored reindeers on a wall
- Participants will be blindfolded and will be required to spin a couple of rounds
- A ball with velcro/masking tape will function as the nose of the reindeer
- To win, they must pin the nose on the reindeer accurately

Logistics required:
 Printed templates of Rudolph the Reindeer
 Red ball
 Velcro/Masking tape
 Crayons/Color pencils (or public can bring their own)

3. Christmas Wreath Crafting

- Using extra/leftover wrapping paper, cut the wrapping paper into strips
- Cut a 1½ inch square of thin cardboard

- Take a cut strip of wrapping paper and fold it over into a curled loop, with the plain sides
together. Bring one end about an 1/8 inch away from the other end and hold in place with
a small piece of invisible tape, allowing the tape to extend past both ends about 1/8 inch
- Stick the first loop down on the cardboard square, centered at the edge of one side
- Repeat with three more paper loops, so you have a loop in the middle of each side
- Take four more loops and stick them down at the corners of the square
- Continue making paper loops, sticking each one down just in front of, and between two
loops from the previous row
- When you get to center of the small square, make a single loop and stick this down right
in the middle

Logistics required:
 Wrapping paper
 Thin cardboard
 Scotch-Tape

4. Christmas BINGO!
- Create a 5x5 BINGO card, with each square representing Christmas decorations symbols
- Have small prizes for each specific combination mastered, such as lines, a T, a U, or a
square (as shown in the pictures below) in order to encourage participation and motivate
participants to score as many different combinations as possible
- However, each participant can only win one prize at once, so they must strategize

Logistics required:
 Customized BINGO cards
5. People BINGO!
- Make use of the Christmas event to allow residents of Pasir Ris to know each other
better, encouraging neighborliness
- Create a list of 10-15 traits or activities, and give all the participants the same list
- Traits/activities can be Christmas-themed, such as ‘Went skiing on Christmas Day’/
‘Played with snow before’
- Participants will be given a pen and they would have to walk around the CC to get to
know other residents, who will sign their name against the box they have done
- The winner would be the person who has managed to cross out all items on their list the

6. Find Santa's’ Friends!

- Scavenger hunt where several items related to Christmas is hidden in any place around
the first level of the community centre
- Items include an elf, reindeer and a stocking. Each item has varied rewards, according to
the difficulty level of where it is hidden
- Children are required to team up either with other children/with their parents to find the
hidden item, or they could choose to do it individually as well
- Clue cards will be scattered around the community centre leading to the resting place of
the hidden item
- Clue cards can be in the form of questions related to the community centre, such as ‘The
place in the community centre you go to when you are injured - First Aid area’

Logistics required:
 Elf, reindeer, stocking
 Clue cards leading to hidden area

7. Decorating Christmas Cookies

- Can team up with another organization to do a bake sale booth for the less fortunate this
- The bake sale can include normal cookies/gingerbread men for the festive season
- Children can design their own cookies before buying them, whereby all proceeds will be
donated to the less fortunate families in Pasir Ris
- To encourage participation, prizes can also be given out for the ‘Most Creative’/ ‘Most
Colorful’ designs
8. Snowman Slam!
- Paper cups can be decorated to resemble a snowman

- Cups will be arranged to form a pyramid, and children will be required to throw a ball at
a distance
- The objective is to knock down as many ‘snowmen’ as possible

Logistics required:
 Styrofoam paper cups
 Tennis ball

9. Musical Chairs
- Musical chairs can be played, but Christmas-themed songs can be used as the music
- Children can be grouped up into different groups to play this game
- Forfeits related to Christmas can also be given to the ones who do not manage to get into
a chair fast enough, such as singing a Christmas jingle in the voice of Santa Claus, or
spelling the word ‘Christmas’ with their butts

Logistics required:
 Chairs
 Speakers (to play the music)
10. Guess the Lyrics!
- Popular Christmas songs and jingles will be played, but the lyrics will be cut off halfway
- Participants will be required to sing along, and eventually sing out the correct lyrics to the
- Songs played can include:
 Silent Night
 We Wish You a Merry Christmas
 Frosty the Snowman
 Jingle Bells
 Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
 Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Logistics required:
 Speakers for playing of the songs

11. Balance the Ornament

- Players (children/elderly) will get into teams and each team will be given an ornament
and each member will be given a spoon
- Teams will compete against each other and try to balance the ornament on the spoon
while walking back and forth and passing the ornament to the next member’s spoon until
all members have done their part
- The fastest team to have completed an entire round will win

Logistics required:
 Christmas ornaments
 Spoons

12. Penguin Waddle

- This is a relay race where players of a team put balloons between their legs, waddling
like a penguin, racing against another team.
- The fastest team team wins

Logistics required:
 Balloons
13. Jingle in the Trunk
- Jingle bells/ornaments are loaded inside a (decorated) empty tissue box attached to the
- By dancing or prancing or by doing the jingle bell hop, the participants must get all bells
to exit the box. The participants may not use their hands in any form.
- Music will be played while participants complete their challenge
- The fastest participant to finish wins

Logistics required:
 Jingle bells/ornaments
 Empty tissue box

14. Wreath Toss

- Players throw all 10 ornaments through the wreath and have them land in the bucket.
- Fastest one to land all 10 ornaments into the bucket wins

Logistics required:
 Wreath
 Ornaments
 Bucket
15. Christmas Tree Stack
- When the clock starts, player may begin stacking cups into a pyramid shape
- When the triangle is complete, with 1 cup at the top, 2 cups below it and so on, the player
may begin to get the cups into a single stack
- To complete the game, the player must build a complete pyramid using all of the cups,
then get all the cups back into a single stack within the 60-second time limit
- Use Christmas cups/red cups

Logistics required:
 Red plastic/paper cups
 Stopwatch

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