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Ludwig Wittgenstein postulated that language triggers the formation of images in the minds of

human beings. In my belief, literature paints the image of the world and of other people’s worlds in the
blank canvass of our imagination.

I find that literature is a gateway into the world, which we may find unreachable now, and to
the heart mind and soul of other people. Literature packages experience into a product that we can
consume in any place of comfort of our choosing.

To teach literature is to allow my students to take in these experiences as their own, and allow
them to roam the numerous worlds it offers on their own accord. To allow them to feel the emotions
encapsulated in each word and sentence.

I find great disgust in the way that other teachers would only take their learners to the surface
level of literature – treating literature as a matter of facts; merely making their students memorize
characters and order events. There are more possibilities in the teaching of Literature. Literature can
form in the minds of learners ideas and concepts that they have never encountered before, or would
not want to encounter. It forces them to think. To promote values within them that would force them to
act in the real world; to find in literature an honest picture of themselves and the people around them.

This is my role as a teacher, to tell my students to treat literature not merely as a matter of
facts, but a concrete and profound experience.

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