FOI Documents Related To Letter From Agriculture Minister Lana Popham

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Lana AGRI-EX From: Roberts lan Sent: ‘Monday, October 16, 2017 203 PM Tor Popham, Lana AGREEX ce Ernst, Vincent dominic lebianc@parlgccx: Donaldson, Doug FINREX: Fraser, Scott TRREX Shoemaker, Wes AGRIEX Subject: Latter of response from Marine Harvest - Minister of Agriculture, Lana Popham Attachments: ‘Marine. Harvest etr.1o Minster Popham, Cetober 16 2017 pd ear Minister Popham, Please the attached letter from Vincent Erenst, Managing Director, Marne Harvest Canada, Sincerely, lan Roberts Director of Pubic Afars Marine Marvest Canad 250-850-3275 (7256) ‘ow MarogHarvestca MO Page 1 of 3 AGR-2017-73434 Campbell River, BC, VOW 8C8 October 16,2017 shi BY EMAIL ‘The Honourable Lana Popham Mhister of Agricuture, Bntsh Columbia PO 8043 Stn Prov Govt ‘Victoria, BC, VBW 9E2 Re: Stocking Dear Minister, We have resewved your October 13th lttor advising us of the sensitive nature of discussions ‘between your government and some Broughton Archipelago First Nations Who oppose out ‘operations in thelr traditional tertories ‘As you are aware, our company has been very wiling and wanting for these discussions to feccur for along time, ‘Two of our farm sites have been occupied unlawfully by protestors since late August, and eary September respectuly. We have managed this statin with considerable, patience. end feniy, as you have acknowledged, and despite much stress being ifcled upon Our ‘employees, our fish, and our business plans and operations. In hopes of all partes siting ether to discuss a long-term solution, we had delayed certain business operations for weeks, Teng 28 possible, bt now have to care for our living and growing animals ‘As these events have proceeded wo have been disappointed to hear no request made by your ‘Government asking the protestors to leave our stes - yet you are now suggesting that we futher ‘delay or darupt our business and infct major and cosly adjustments to our operations, ‘Your letter references UNDRIP and goes onto tellus that “companies should make every effot to develop and maintain hoary relationships with First Nations." This is precisely what we hhave done in all ther operating areas for the past 20 years, and wil contre to be leagers in this province by creating employment and provcing training, enepreneufal opportunities and Daly needed community revenues with Nations that have been wing to engage with Us. AS ‘yu know the elected leadership of Broughton First Nations involved have refused to meet with Us to discuss their concems and to leam about our business and possible benefits to their communities. We have consistently sought meaningful daiogue with al First Nations In the Broughton Archipelago It's very clear through media comments and direct communications thatthe Broughton First Nations are using Marine Harvest as leverage for thei primary concem which is thei MO Page 2 of 3 AGR-2017-73434 Indigonous rights and tile cispute wit the Province. This isnot something Marine Harvest can resoWve, ‘Your letter also reminds us of the tenure renewal process in which we are about to engage with FLNRO. We expect this to be a rigorous and fair process and we lock forward to working with ‘Government officials as these renewal requests proceed. ‘As you know Marine Harvest is one of Vancouver Island's latgest employers and duting the last ‘wo years has invested $80 millon inthe business in BC, Furthermore total investment in 2017 {and the four following years is planned to reach $175 milion. Over the past 30 years we have bul a strong and successful business. As you futher know ours isa global company which vl ‘ploy capital investments according to local business conditions and prospects Your ltr does not add to our confidence about the wisdom of a large BC investment, and we believe ‘ther industies would find sucha station deeply concerning. |We cannot put our business on hold for partes unuiing to meet and discuss long-term solutions and compromise. We have communicated clearly to your govemment that we a2 ling to discuss quick and significant concessions to our production pan, i there i agreement for immediate dialogue with the Broughton First Nations about long-term solutions. and the Femoval of protesters uniawtily trespassing on our worksites, Yours tuly, Vincent Erenst, Managing Director, Marino Harvest Canada ce ‘The Honourable Dominic Leblanc Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard ‘The Honourable Scot Fraser Minster of indigenous Relations and Reconciiaion ‘The Honourable Doug Donaldson Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development MO Page 3 of 3 AGR-2017-73434 CLIFF Log 186976 Page 1 of | DMO Deputy Minister's Office Referral Slip for 10186976 2017/1103 [bea Tyee: Ema “atom — Dralt Response Boe 201703 [eaten Subscion: Tinie?’ Office Writer BOT TAOTLT Rasp Tipe Received: 2017/10/11 Fe No. Due: 2017/1031 Entered By: stair ‘Approved: Approved By. Signed: Sqn By. Ciosea: 2013 Fees Te DRO Cony Te ranch Rep: Issue: XRet rater: Mua Electoral Dist ‘Subjct “Marine Harvest restocking aking place either Friday of Saturday, October 1h or Mh ‘Log Notes ZOU7AAOTG Letter seat out Friday, October 13,2017, Fiashmants Tile’ 186976_Marine Harvest? Verso Type! Fle: 186976_ marine harvest. docx ‘powrove Approved By: Last Update: 2017/10/17 Tie: Maine Harvest reslodkng io ke place Friday or Saturday is week Version 2 Type: Fie: marine harvest - restocking to take place fiday or saturday this weeks, Aoproved: Approved By-_Last Updato:2017/10/17 Tie: Marine Harvest ~ restocking to Take place Friday o” Saturday this week Version 1 Typo: Fic: marin harvest - restocking o take place Fiday or saturday this weekamse, Aoproved Approved By: Lest Updote: 2017/10/11 [Referral OMO Dopuly Hinsiors Offoo > DMO Doputy Ministers Offco sem DMO Deputy Ministers Oise ‘Sent 2017/1071 Status Complaied Ref Acton’ Ninisiers Drak }ro: DMO Deputy Ministers Ofice Received: 2017/1011 Resson: sign To Completed 2017/10/16 Over _ 2017/10/12 _ Fie No. [Referral DMO Deputy Mnistor's Offco > DMO Dapuly Minister's Office > ADM Agni, Sl & Poly (ASP) [From DMO Deputy Ministers Office ‘Sent 2017/1011 Slawe Completed ABFAGIOR Minisers Dan ADM Agi, Si & Policy (ASP) Roceived: 2017/10/11 Reason: Te Comploted: 2017/10/12 _Due: 2017/10/20 _ File No. [aeterral DMO Deputy Minister's Office > DMO Deputy iiiser's Oia > ADM Agr, Se & Poley (ASP) > ASP Corp. Govemance, artes [From ADM Agi, Sel & Policy (ASP) Sent DOVTTIONT Stata” Complcied Ret Acton Ninsias Dal Te: ASP Corp. Goverance,Polde Leg ‘Received: 2017/10/11 Reason: [Assign To Completed 201701016 Due: _ 2017/10/20 _ Fie No: 2017-11-03 DMO Page 1 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX ————e>Ee{KsK«e//["__ From: ‘Shoemaker, Wes AGREEX Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 1:37 PM To: Mack, James AGREEX Subject: Re: Update on salmon farming ‘Thanks for checking, Just asked Vincent. They cannot delay restocking. Port Elizabeth is their only site so they say. If they don't hit Salt water in the next couple of days they will die. Wes W.H. (Wes) Shoemaker, MBA Deputy Minister Ministry of Agriculture Floor, 808 Douglas Street Victoria, BC V8W 9B4 Tel: 250.356.1803) Cell: 250.516.6892 | Fax: **Please note: is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain legally privileged information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or reproduction is strictly prohibited. ** Sent from my iPhone ‘On Oct 11, 2017, at 1:20 PM, Mack, James AGRI:EX wrote: Wes, erst meeting went well. Minister Leblanc was supportive of minister Popham's overall request of collaboration. She asked him if he could stop the restocking at the protest sites. He didn't respond to this request either way. She's asked me to see what can be done, ©1516 215816 T'm going to talk to Rebecca Reid DFO as well as Vincent w marine harvest to see what can be done. ‘Wanted to check in to make sure we're not crossing paths ‘Sent from my iPhone DMO Page 2 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust, Susan D AGRIEX From: Fair, Susan P AGRLEX Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:23 PM To: ‘Shoemaker, Wes AGRIEX Subject: RE: Letter sent to Marine Harvest Hi Wes, call has been scheduled for this Frid: BC time. Susan From: Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 12:42 PM To: ‘Blewett, Catherine’ Ce: Fair, Susan P AGRI:EX Subject: RE: Letter sent to Marine Harvest Catherine, ‘Thanks for facilitating the discussion with Dr. Kristy Miller. Discussion was very insightful and I'd like to followup with you about issues arising out of that discussion, 313 Wes ‘From: Blewett, Catherine [mailto:Catherine Blewett( Sent: October 14, 2017 7:14 AM : Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX Subject: Re: Letter sent to Marine Harvest «and our Minister's are connected. Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network. From: Blewett, Catherine Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2017 10:46 AM To: Shoemaker, Wes AGRLEX ‘Subjects Re: Letter sent to Marine Harvest ‘Thanks Wes. Please do not hesitate to connect over the weekend if you need to. Ihave updated Minister LeBlanc. DMO Page 3 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 c Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network. From: Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2017 1:25 AM ‘Subject: Letter sent to Marine Harvest ‘As promised. Wes DMO Page 4 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX From: ‘Shoemaker, Wes AGRIEX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 1:25 PM To: aul, Doug D IRR:EX ce: Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX: Hodson, Georgina AGREX; Mack, James AGRLEX; Smith, Jessica C AGRLEX; Beale, William AGREEX; Sheldan, Tim FLNR(EX; McLaren, Kenn FLNREX Subject: Re: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization ‘Thanks Doug. We may be awaiting some edits from FLNR MO. Wes W.H. (Wes) Shoemaker, MBA Deputy Minister Ministry of Agriculture 5" Floor, 808 Douglas Street Victoria, BC V8W 9B4 Tel: 250.356.1803] Cel 16,6892 | Pax: E-mail: wes.shoemaker’ **Please note: This email is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain legally privileged information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or reproduction is strictly prohibited. ** Sent from my iPhone On Oct 13, 2017, at 1:24 PM, Caul, Doug D IRR:EX wrote: Just discussed with MSP. He supports and suggests it go immediately. De Doug Caul Deputy Minister Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation ‘On Oct 13, 2017, at 1:05 PM, Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX wrote: Hi Georgina - Tim asked that I review and approve this letter on his behalf. I approve this letter. Thanks Craig Sutherland Assistant Deputy Minister Regional Operations Coast Area Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development British Columbia, Canada DMO Page 5 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 From: Hodson, Georgina AGRIEX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 12:03 PM To: Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX Ce: Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX; Mack, James AGRI:EX: Shoemaker, Wes AGRIEX; Smith, Jessica C AGRIEX; Beale, William AGREEX Subject: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Good afternoon, Please find attached the most recent draft with revisions stemming from the call this morning. Please advise if you approve this version. On Wes! behalf, I will collect any farther revisions to incorporate. Please call me at 250-896-6221 or email. ‘Thanks! Georgina Georgina Hodson Manager, Executive Operations and Planning Deputy Minister's Office | Ministry of Agriculture (p) 250.896.6221 DMO Page 6 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX EES Feeeeeeesesesssssssse Hodson, Georgina AGRIEX Friday, October 13, 2017 12:05 PM French, Shawna IRR:EX; Jones, Lisa FLNR:EX FW: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization 186976 Marine Harvestdoce High -Apologes, forgo to ce you both, From: Georgina Hodson Date: Friday, October 13, 2017 at 12:03 PM To: Tim Sheldan , Doug Caul , Kenn McLaren Cc: Craig Sutherland , James Mack , Georgina Hodson , Jessica Smith , William Beale Subject: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Good afternoon, Please find attached the most recent draft with revisions stemming from the call this morning. Please advise if you approve this version. On Wes' behalf, | will collect any further revisions to incorporate. Please call me at 250-896-6221 or email. Thanks! Georgina Georgina Hodson ‘Manager, Executive Operations and Planning Deputy Minister's Office | Ministry of Agriculture (p) 250.896.6221 DMO Page 7 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 na BRITISH COLUMBIA File: 0280-30 Ref: 186976 Mr. Vincent Erenst Managing Director Marine Harvest Canada 124-1334 Island Hwy Campbell River BC VOW 8C9 Dear Mr. Erenst: have recently become aware of Marine Harvest’s decision to restock the Port Elizabeth salmon farm, Although this may be part of your operational procedure, it comes at a very sensitive time in government-to-government discussions. I want to highlight that this decision occurs as we are entering into sensitive discussions with some of the First Nations in the Broughton Archipelago ‘who remain opposed to open net pen salmon farming in their territories. 1 want to be clear that whatever operational decisions you should choose to make, the Province retains all of its rights under the current tenure agreements, including potentially the requirement that you return possession of tenured sites at the end of the current terms. My colleagues from FLNR will be in touch with you to describe the process for you to initiate applications for replacement tenures. As you know, government will be reviewing tenures and will make a decision on renewals before the current leases expire in June 2018. Issuance of any replacement {tenure or any permission to allow you continued occupation of existing sites on a month to ‘month remains subject to future decision making processes and cannot be guaranteed, however we look forward to your input on the lease renewal decisions. Sincerely, ‘The Honourable Lana Popham Minister of Agriculture Ce ‘The Honourable Dominic Leblanc, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard ‘The Honourable Scott Fraser, Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation ‘The Honourable Doug Donaldson, Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development Ministry of Agreutre ‘Oe ofthe ter sng As: ‘Teephow 25037-1022 POBmSD6 Sh Pr Got Fes 250387152 eter VaW gE? Web Adtes: plgovbecalag DMO Page 8 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust, Susan D AGRLEX From: ‘McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 1:50 PM Te ‘Shoemaker, Wes AGRI.EX; Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX Ce: Hodson, Georgina AGRLEX; Mack, James AGRLEX; Smith, Jessica C AGRLEX; Beale, William AGREEX: Caul, Doug D IRREX; Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX; Renneberg, Tim FLNREX Subject: RE: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization ‘Attachments: 2017-10-13 186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock (5).pdf If we add this (below) to the original letter, attached, it does show the intent of what we are trying to do, get all parties to keep the long term in mind as we get to negotiations. From Tim R: ‘As you're aware, our government has committed to implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. Practically, this means that companies should be making every effort to develop and maintain healthy relationships with the First Nations 5.16 ‘companies are doing business.s 13, 313 Kenn From: Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 To: Shoemaker, Wes AGRIEX ‘Ce: Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX; Mack, James AGRI:EX; Smith, Jessica C AGRI:EX; Beale, William AGRI:EX; Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX: MeLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX ‘Subject: RE: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Sorry Wes this is news to me, From: Shoemaker, Wes AGRI-EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 1:23 PM To: Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX ‘Ce: Hodson, Georgina AGRIEX; Mack, James AGRI:EX; Smith, Jessica C AGRI:EX; Beale, William AGRI:EX; Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX ‘Subject: Re: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Craig, I understand your MO is working on edits? Wes W.H. (Wes) Shoemaker, MBA. Deputy Minister Ministry of Agriculture 5" Floor, 808 Douglas Street Victoria, BC V8W 9B4 DMO Page 9 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Tel: 250,356,1803} Cell: 250,516,6892 | Fax: 250,356.7279 ***Please note: This email is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain legally privileged information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or reproduction is strictly prohibited.** Sent from my iPhone On Oct 13, 2017, at 1:05 PM, Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX wrote: Hii Georgina - Tim asked that I review and approve this letter on his behalf. I approve this letter. Thanks Craig Sutherland Assistant Deputy Minister Regional Operations Coast Area Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development British Columbia, Canada From: Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 12:03 PM ‘To: Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX Cez Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX; Mack, James AGRIEX; Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX; Smith, Jessica C AGRI:EX; Beale, William AGRI:EX ‘Subject: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Good afternoon, Please find attached the most recent draft with revisions stemming from the call this morning. Please advise if you approve this version. On Wes' behalf, I will collect any further revisions to incorporate. Please call me at 250-896-6221 or email. Thanks! Georgina Georgina Hodson Manager, Executive Operations and Planning Deputy Minister's Office | Ministry of Agriculture (p) 250.896.6221 DMO Page 10 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 BRITISH COLUMBIA File: 0280-30 Ref 186976 Mr. Vincent Erenst Managing Director Marine Harvest Canada 124-1334 Island Hwy ‘Campbell River BC V9W 8C9 Dear Mr. Erenst: 213 13 are entering into sensitive discussions with some of the First Nations in the Broughton Archipelago who remain opposed to open net pen salmon farming in their asserted traditional territories Thave recently become aware of Marine Harvest's plans for restocking some of the salmon farm 313 313 the Province retains all of its rights under the current tenure agreements, including potentially the requirement that you return possession of tenured sites at the end of the current terms. My colleagues from FLNR will be in touch with you to describe the process for you to initiate applications for replacement tenures. However the issuance of any replacement tenure or any permission to allow you continued occupation of existing sites on a month to month remains subject to future decision making processes and cannot be guaranteed. Ministry of Agriculture ‘Oca fe Mer aig Ars: “phe: 29057-1023 PO Boc043 Se ry Got Frese 2503871522 Wels 8 VOW GE2 en Ass: Mpg beast DMO Page 11 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 ‘Thank you for considering my request. Sincerely, >. craters ‘The Honourable Lana Popham Minister of Agriculture Ce: ‘The Honourable Dominic Leblanc ‘Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, ‘The Honourable Scott Fraser Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation ‘The Honourable Doug Donaldson Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resouree Operations and Rural Development DMO Page 12 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX eS SS From: aul, Doug D IRR:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 1:24 PM To: Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX ce: Hodson, Georgina AGREEX; Mack, James AGRIEX; Shoemaker, Wes AGRIEX; Smith, Jessica C AGRIEX; Beale, William AGREEX; Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; McLaren, Kenn FLNREX Subject: Re: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization ‘Attachments: image003,pg Just discussed with MSF. He supports and suggests it go immediately. De Doug Caul Deputy Minister Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation On Oct 13, 2017, at 1:05 PM, Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX wrote: Hi Georgina - Tim asked that I review and approve this letter on his behalf. I approve this letter. ‘Thanks Craig Sutherland Assistant Deputy Minister Regional Operations Coast Area Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development British Columbia, Canada lodson, Georgina AGRI:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 12:03 PM To: Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX Ce: Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX; Mack, James AGRIEX; Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX; Smith, Jessica C AGRI:EX; Beale, William AGRIEX Subject: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Good afternoon, Please find attached the most recent draft with revisions stemming from the call this morning. Please advise if you approve this version. On Wes! behalf, I will collect any further revisions to incorporate. Please call me at 250-896-6221 or email. Thanks! Georgina Georgina Hodson Manager, Executive Operations and Planning Deputy Minister's Office | Ministry of Agriculture (p) 250.896.6221 DMO Page 13 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX eae _ From: Sent: To: Sheldan, Tim FLNR-EX Friday, October 13, 2017 11:55 AM Metaren, Kenn FLNR:EX ce: Shoemaker, Wes AGRLEX; Hodson, Georgina AGRLEX; Mack, James AGRIEX: Caul, Doug D IRR‘EX; Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX; Beale, Wiliam AGREEX Subject: Re: Draft Text for a new letter After Geoff and don have spoken. Sent from Tim Sheldan's iPhone (On Oct 13, 2017, at 11:51 AM, McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX wrote: Itis my understanding that once this is revised we should send asap. Thanks, Kenn From: Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 11:10 AM ‘To: Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX; Mack, James AGRILEX; Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX Ce: Mclaren, Kenn FLNR:EX; Beale, William AGRI:EX ‘Subject: Draft Text for a new letter Is this what | heard? If so, we can forma Mr. Vincent Erenst Managing Director Marine Harvest Canada 124-1334 Island Hwy Campbell River BC VW 8C9 Dear Mr. Erenst: | have recently become aware of Marine Harvest's decision to restock the Port Elizabeth salmon farm today. While | understand that your company has well established operational plans for all your operations and sites, ! want to highlight that today's decision occurs as we are entering into sensitive ‘cussions with some of the First Nations in the Broughton Archipelago who remain opposed to open net pen salmon farming in their territories. | want to be clear that whatever operational decisions you should choose to make, the Province retains all ofits rights under the current tenure agreements, including potentially the requirement that you return possession of tenured sites at the end of the current terms. My colleagues from FLNR will be in ‘touch with you to describe the process for you to initiate applications for replacement tenures. However the issuance of any replacement tenure or any permission to allow you continued occupation of existing sites on a month to month remains subject to future decision making processes and cannot be guaranteed. Wes ‘W.H. (Wes) Shoemaker, MBA Deputy Minister Ministry of Agriculture 5" Floor, 808 Douglas Street Victoria, BC VEW 984 DMO Page 14 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Tel: 250.356.1803] Cell: 250.516.6892 | Fax: 250.356.7279 his email is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain legally privileged information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or reproduction is strictly prohibited.** DMO Page 15 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX. From: Hodson, Georgina AGRIEX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 11:47 AM Te ‘Shoemaker, Wes AGRLEX; Beale, Wiliam AGREEX & Mack, James AGRLEX Subject: Re: Draft Text for a new letter Attachments: 1186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock_DD feedback in. docx "ve incorporated MD's messages into this version. Let me know what you think. From: Georgina Hodson Date: Friday, October 13, 2017 at 11:41 AM To: Georgina Hodson , William Beale Ce: James Mack Subject: RE: Draft Text for a new letter My quick review based on what Kenn just sent to us is its missing the sentence(s) about their input that may have been Ina previous draft. Can you review? Wes From: Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX Sent: October 13, 2017 11:39 AM To: Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX ; Beale, William AGRI:EX Cc: Mack, James AGRI:EX Subject: Re: Draft Text for a new letter Revise letter is attached. Georgina Hodson Manager, Executive Operations and Planning Deputy Minister's Office | Ministry of Agriculture (p) 250.895.6221 From: Georgina Hodson Date: Friday, October 13, 2017 at 11:10 AM ‘To: Georgina Hodson , James Mack , Tim Sheldan , Doug Caul , Craig Sutherland Ce: Kenn McLaren , William Beale Subject: Draft Text for a new letter Is this what | heard? If so, we can format into a letter: Mr. Vincent Erenst Managing Director ‘Marine Harvest Canada 124-1334 Island Hwy Campbell River BC VOW 8C9 Dear Mr. Erenst: DMO Page 16 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 | have recently become aware of Marine Harvest's decision to restock the Port Elizabeth salmon farm today. While | understand that your company has well established operational plans for all your operations and sites, | want to highlight that today's decision occurs as we are entering into sensitive discussions with some of the First Nations in the Broughton Archipelago who remain opposed to open net pen salmon farming in their territories. | want to be clear that whatever operational decisions you should choose to make, the Province retains all of its rights under the current tenure agreements, including potentially the requirement that you return possession of tenured sites at the end of the current terms. My colleagues from FLNR will be in touch with you to describe the process for you to initiate applications for replacement tenures. However the issuance of any replacement tenure or any permission to allow you continued occupation of existing sites on a month to month remains subject to future decision making processes and cannot be guaranteed. Wes 'W.H. (Wes) Shoemaker, MBA Deputy Minister Ministry of Agriculture 5" Floor, 808 Douglas Street Victoria, 8c VaW 984 Tel:250.356.1803| Cell: 250.516.6892| Fax: 250.356.7279 ‘**Please note: This email is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain legally privileged information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or reproduction is strictly prohibited. DMO Page 17 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 nae BRITISH COLUMBIA 0280-30, Ref: 186976 Mr. Vineent Erenst Managing Director Marine Harvest Canada 124-1334 Island Hwy Campbell River BC VOW 8C9 Dear Mr. Erenst: Ihave recently become aware of Marine Harvest’s decision to restock the Port Elizabeth salmon farm. Although this may be part of your operational procedure, it comes at a very sensitive time in government-to-government discussions. I want to highlight that this decision occurs as we are entering into sensitive discussions with some of the First Nations in the Broughton Archipelago ‘who remain opposed to open net pen salmon farming in their territories. L want to be clear that whatever operational decisions you should choose to make, the Province retains all of its rights under the current tenure agreements, including potentially the requirement that you retum possession of tenured sites at the end of the current terms. My colleagues from FLNR will be in touch with you to describe the process for you to initiate applications for replacement tenures. As you know, government will be reviewing tenures and will make a decision on renewals before the current leases expire in June, 2018. Issuance of any replacement tenure or any permission to allow you continued occupation of existing sites on a month to ‘month remains subject to future decision making processes and cannot be guaranteed, however wwe look forward to your input on the lease renewal decisions. ‘Thank you for considering my request. Sincerely, ma @re ‘The Honourable Lana Popham Minister of Agriculture Ce: ‘The Honourable Dominic Leblanc, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard The Honourable Scott Fraser, Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation ‘The Honourable Doug Donaldson, Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development Wy ot aati eb ‘wie ae Tenge sera * ‘PO Bos 9043 Stn Prov Govt Focsimde: 250°387-1822 ‘wes ve Web Ades: mpigo tecalag DMO Page 18 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX eee From: Shoemaker, Wes AGREEX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 1137 AM To: Mack, James AGREEX; Hodson, Georgina AGRIEX; Beale, William AGREX Subject: FW: Draft Text for a new letter Here's what Minister Donaldson communicated during the conversation, Do you think there Just sent you to align with this? any adjustment to what | Wes From: McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX Sent: October 13, 2017 11:30 AM shoemaker, Wes AGRIEX ; Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX ; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX Ce: Beale, William AGRI:EX ; Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX ; Mack, James AGRI:EX ; Sutherland, Crai Subject: RE: Draft Text for a new letter FUNR:EX HiWes; Yes it looks like this is the intent. This is what MDD wrote just before the conversation today: Re: Marine Harvest plans to restock Dear. | understand you have made the decision to restockS Although this may be part of your operational procedure it comes ata very sensitive time in gov to gov As you know our gov will be reviewing the leases for the farms and will make a decision on renewal for 18 of the sites before the current leases expire in June 2018, We look forward to your input on the lease renewal decisions. Kenn From: Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 11:10 AM To: Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX; Mack, James AGRI:EX; Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; Sutherland, Craig FUNR:EX Mclaren, Kenn FLNR:EX; Beale, William AGRI:EX Subject: Draft Text for a new letter {s this what | heard? If so, we can format into a letter: Mr. Vincent Erenst Managing Director Marine Harvest Canada 124-1334 Island Hwy Campbell River BC VW 8C9 Dear Mr. Erenst: DMO Page 19 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 | have recently become aware of Marine Harvest's decision to restock the Port Elizabeth salmon farm today. While | understand that your company has well established operational plans forall your operations and sites, | want to highlight that today's decision occurs as we are entering into sensitive discussions with some of the First Nations in the Broughton Archipelago who remain opposed to open net pen salmon farming in their territories. | want to be clear that whatever operational decisions you should choose to make, the Province retains all ofits rights under the current tenure agreements, including potentially the requirement that you return possession of tenured sites at the end of the current terms. My colleagues from FLNR will bein touch with you to describe the process for you to Initiate applications for replacement tenures. However the issuance of any replacement tenure or any permission to allow you continued occupation of existing sites on a month to month remains subject to future decision making processes and cannot be guaranteed. Wes W.H. (Wes) Shoemaker, MBA Deputy Minister Ministry of Agriculture 5" Floor, 808 Douglas Street Victoria, BC VW 984 Tel: 250.356.1803] Cell: 250.526.6892 | Fax: 250.356.7279 E-mail: ‘**Please note: This email is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain legally privileged information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or reproduction is strictly prohibited.** DMO Page 20 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX From: Sent: Te: Subject: Attachments: Here was the first draft Wes From: Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX ‘Sent: October 12, 2017 1:08 PM Shoemaker, Wes AGREEX Friday, October 13, 2017 10:13 AM Beale, William AGREEX; McLaren, Kenn FLNRIEX FW: 186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock 313 Tor Jones, Lisa FLNR‘EX ; French, Shawna IRR:EX ci Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX ; Mack, James AGRIEX ; Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX ; Scott, Melissa AGRI:EX Subject: FW: 186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock Hitisa and shawna, ‘At the request of our MO, staff have drafted the attached leter on behalf of MLP which addresses Marine Harvestsimpencing restocking of smolts at ther fclit inthe Broughton Archipelago area. nan effort to keep everyone in the loop as this evolves, we are sharing it with you and requesting that you inform your OM, 2s we aticipate they will have feedback. g.14 sid Please note, ths raft has not been shared with our MO. Thanks, Georgina DMO Page 21 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Page 022 tof Page 023 Withheld pursuant to/removed as 8.13 Shust, Susan D AGRIEX From: McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 11:30 AM Te ‘Shoemaker, Wes AGRIEX; Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX ce: Beale, William AGREEX: Hodson, Georgina AGRLEX: Mack, James AGRI'EX; Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX Subject: RE: Draft Text for a new letter HiWes; Yes it looks lke this is the intent. ‘This is what MDD wrote just before the conversation today: Re: Marine Harvest plans to restock Dear... | understand you have made the decision to restockS although this may be part of your operational procedure it comes, ata very sensitive time in gov to gov5 As you know our gov will be reviewing the leases for the farms and will make a decision on renewal for 18 of the sites before the current leases expire in June 2018. We look forward to your input on the lease renewal decisions, Kenn From: Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 11:10 AM To: Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX; Mack, James AGRI:EX; Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; Sutherland, Craig, FLNR:EX (Ce: McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX; Beale, William AGRIEX Subject: Draft Text for a new letter Is this what | heard? If so, we can format into a letter: Mr. Vincent Erenst Managing Director Marine Harvest Canada 1124-1334 Island Hwy Campbell River BC VOW 8¢9 Dear Mr. Erenst: | have recently become aware of Marine Harvest's decision to restock the Port Elizabeth salmon farm today. While | understand that your company has well established operational plans forall your operations and sites, | want to highlight that today's decision occurs as we are entering into sensitive discussions with some of the First Nations in the Broughton Archipelago who remain opposed to open net pen salmon farming in their territories. | want to be clear that whatever operational decisions you should choose to make, the Province retains all ofits rights under the current tenure agreements, including potentially the requirement that you return possession of tenured sites at the end of the current terms. My colleagues from FLNR will bein touch with you to describe the process for you to initiate applications for replacement tenures. However the issuance of any replacement tenure or any permission to allow you continued occupation of existing sites on a month to month remains subject to future decision making processes and cannot be guaranteed. DMO Page 24 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Wes W.H. (Wes) Shoemaker, MBA Deputy Minister Ministry of Agriculture 5" Floor, 808 Douglas Street Victoria, BC vBW 9B4 Tel: 250.356.1803] Cell: 250.516.6892 | Fax: 250.356.7279 E-mail: ‘**Please note: This email is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain legally privileged information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or reproduction is strictly prohibited.** DMO Page 25 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX ———ESEeEeEeee From: Hodson, Georgina AGRIEX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 8:29 AM To: ‘Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX; Beale, Wiliam AGREEX Subject: Re: 186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock docx ‘Attachments: 1186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock pdf, 186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock dock Wes and wil Latest version attached. As dscused, the revision is reflected atthe end of paragraph two. hank, Georgina From: Georgina Hodson on behalf of Georgina Hodson Date: Thursday, October 12, 2017 at 10:55 PM. To: Georgina Hodson , William Beale ‘Subject: Re: 186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock docx Hi Wes and will, Please find the final attached, in PDF and Word. Wes, | made a slight change to paragraph three, where | felt it was necessary to improve readability where *"2 was repeated. The change is as follows: 313 Please advise if you prefer the previous version of paragraph three, | have that version at the ready as well. DMO Page 26 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Thanks! Georgina From: Georgina Hodson Date: Thursday, October 12, 2017 at 10:12 PM To: Georgina Hodson Ce: William Beale Subject: 186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock. dock Georgina, Here is the letter to format as clean version, changes accepted, comment removed, MLP e-sig applied. As for the CCs, copy Minister Donaldson, Fraser, and Dominic LeBlanc. Once you format, please send back to Will and | he will be sharing with FLNRO tomorrow to gain their support in sending. DMO Page 27 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 ed BRITISH COLUMBIA File: 0280-30 Ref: 186976 ‘Mr. Vincent Erenst ‘Managing Director Marine Harvest Canada 124-1334 Island Hwy. Campbell River BC VOW 8C9 Dear Mr. Erenst: 8.13 313 we are entering into sensitive discussions with some of the First Nations in the Broughton Archipelago who remain opposed to open net pen salmon farming in their territories. Thave recently become aware of Marine Harvest’s plans for restocking some of the salmon farm 513 wee ene _ 8D . the Province retains all of its rights under the current tenure agreements, including potentially the requirement that you return possession of tenured sites at the end of the current terms. My colleagues from FLNR will be in touch with you to describe the process for you to initiate applications for replacement tenures. However the issuance of any replacement tenure or any permission to allow you continued occupation of existing sites on a month to month remains subject to future decision making processes and cannot be guaranteed, Ministry of Agriculture fe fe tnie Matyas TWlpone: 2505579023 ar of Aa POBOSO SinProrcon ——Facamie 280 ST ata 80 VBE? Web Atte: vba DMO Page 28 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 aon BRITIS COLUMBIZ 8.13 ‘Thank you for considering my request Sincerely, ‘The Honourable Lana Popham Minister of Agriculture Ce: ‘The Honourable Dominic Leblanc Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard ‘The Honourable Scott Fraser Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation ‘The Honourable Doug Donaldson Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development Winey of Agate ‘toate ising eee Tenpiw: nser ” PO Box 9043 Sin Prov Get Facsimile: 250 387-1822 ‘no ver Woo Adbs: pvc! DMO Page 29 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX From: Hodson, Georgina AGRIEX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 11:39 AM To: Shoemaker, Wes AGRLEX; Beale, William AGRLEX ce: Mack, James AGREEX Subject: Re: Draft Text for a new letter Attachments: 1186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock_.pdf 186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock dock Revise letter is attaches. Georgina Hodson ‘Manager, Executive Operations and Planning Deputy Minister's Office | Ministry of Agriculture (6) 250.896.6221 From: Georgina Hodson Date: Friday, October 13, 2017 at 11:10 AM ‘Tot Georgina Hodson , James Mack , Tim Sheldan -, Doug Caul , Craig Sutherland Cc: Kenn McLaren , William Beale Subject: Draft Text for a new letter {s this what | heard? If so, we can format into a letter: Mr. Vincent Erenst ‘Managing Director Marine Harvest Canada 124-1334 Island Hwy ‘Campbell River BC VOW 8C9 Dear Mr. Erenst: ‘have recently become aware of Marine Harvest's decision to restock the Port Elizabeth salmon farm today. While | understand that your company has well established operational plans for all your operations and sites, | want to highlight that today's decision occurs as we are entering into sensitive discussions with some of the First Nations in the Broughton Archipelago who remain opposed to open net pen salmon farming in their territories. | want to be clear that whatever operational decisions you should choose to make, the Province retains all of its rights under the current tenure agreements, including potentially the requirement that you return possession of tenured sites at the end of the current terms. My colleagues from FLNR will be in touch with you to describe the process for you to initiate applications for replacement tenures. However the issuance of any replacement tenure or any permission to allow you continued occupation of existing sites on a month to month remains subject to future decision making processes and cannot be guaranteed. Wes 'W.H. (Wes) Shoemaker, MBA Deputy Minister Ministry of Agriculture 5S" Floor, 808 Douglas Street DMO Page 30 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Victoria, BC v8W 9B4 ‘Tel:250,356,1803 | Cell: 250.516.6892 | Fax: 250.356.7279 **Please note: This email is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain legally privileged information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or reproduction is strictly prohibited.** DMO Page 31 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 nae BRITISH COLUMBIA File: 0280-30 Refi 186976 Mr. Vincent Erenst Managing Director Marine Harvest Canada 124-1334 Island Hwy ‘Campbell River BC V9W 8C9 Dear Mr. Erenst: Thave recently become aware of Marine Harvest’s decision to restock the Port Elizabeth salmon farm today. While I understand that your company has well established operational plans for all, your operations and sites, I want to highlight that today’s decision occurs as we are entering into sensitive discussions with some of the First Nations in the Broughton Archipelago who remain ‘opposed to open net pen salmon farming in their territories, I want to be clear that whatever operational decisions you should choose to make, the Province retains all of its rights under the current tenure agreements, including potentially the requirement that you retum possession of tenured sites atthe end of the current terms. My colleagues from FLNR will be in touch with you to describe the process for you to initiate applications for replacement tenures. However the issuance of any replacement tenure or any permission to allow ‘you continued occupation of existing sites on a month to month remains subject to future decision making processes and cannot be guaranteed. ‘Thank you for considering my request. Sincerely, ‘The Honourable Lana Popham Minister of Agriculture Ce: The Honourable Dominic Leblanc, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard ‘The Honourable Scott Fraser, Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation ‘The Honourable Doug Donaldson, Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development Ministry of greats ‘Oot er singh “aephoe: 2503871023 PORE Si Pov Got Face 28087182 Vewota 80 Yew GE? We Adios: pupouteclogt DMO Page 32 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX From: ‘Shoemaker, Wes AGRIEX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 11:10 AM To: Hodson, Georgina AGRIEX; Mack, James AGRIEX; Sheldan, Tim FLNREX: Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX ce: ‘McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX; Beale, William AGREEX Subject: Draft Text for a new letter 's this what | heard? If so, we can format into a letter: ‘Mr. Vincent Erenst Managing Director ‘Marine Harvest Canada 124-1334 Island Hwy Campbell River BC VOW 8c9 Dear Mr. Erenst: {have recently become aware of Marine Harvest’ decision to restock the Port Elizabeth salmon farm today, While tinderstand that your company has wel established operational plans for all our operations and sites I wat to fishiigh that today's decision occurs as we are entering into sensitive discussions with some ofthe Fst Nations i the Broughton Archipelago who remain opposed to open net pen salmon farming in their territories, {gat to be clear that whatever operational decisions you should choose to make, the Province retains allots rights under the current tenure agreements, including potentially the requirement that you return possession of tenure snes Wes W.H. (Wes) Shoemaker, MBA Deputy Minister Ministry of Agriculture 5" Floor, 808 Douglas Street Victoria, BC vw 984 . 250.516.6892 | Fax: 250.356.7279 I ‘lease note: This email is intended forthe addressee(s) only and may contain legally privileged information. Any ‘unauthorized use, disclosure or reproduction is strictly prohibited.** DMO Page 33 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust, Susan D AGREEX From: Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 6:32 AM ‘Sheldan, Tim FLNR‘EX; Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX; Mack, James AGRIEX; Caul, Doug D IRREX Subject: FW: 186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock dock Attachments: 1186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock docx; 186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock pdf Tim, AAs per my text last evening, this is the revised letter that GM has asked with share with you and your Minister to ensure FLRN is supportive of sending. Would have to go out this morning. Let me know your thoughts. Wes From: Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX ‘Sent: October 12, 2017 10:55 PM. To: Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX ; Beale, William AGRIEX ‘Subject: Re: 186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock.dock Hi Wes and Will, Please find the final attached, in PDF and Word. Wes, | made a slight change to paragraph three, where I felt it was necessary to Improve readability where °'> was repeated. The change is as follows: 313 DMO Page 34 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 313 Thanks! Georgina From: Georgina Hodson Date: Thursday, October 12, 2017 at 10:12 PM ‘To: Georgina Hodson Ce: William Beale ‘Subject: 186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock.docx Georgina, Here is the letter to format as clean version, changes accepted, comment removed, MLP e-sig applied. As for the Cs, ‘copy Minister Donaldson, Fraser, and Dominic LeBlanc. ‘Once you format, please send back to Will and | he will be sharing with FLNRO tomorrow to gain thelr support in sending. DMO Page 35 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 neath BRITISH COLUMBIA, 0280-30 186976 Mr. Vincent Erenst Managing Director Marine Harvest Canada 124-1334 Island Hwy Campbell River BC V9W 8C9 Dear Mr. Erenst: 13 313 we are entering into sensitive discussions with some of the First Nations in the Broughton Archipelago who remain opposed to open net pen salmon farming in their asserted traditional territories. Thave recently become aware of Marine Harvest’s plans for restocking some of the salmon farm 8.13 513 the Province retains all of its rights under the current tenure agreements, including potentially the requirement that you return possession of tenured sites at the end of the current terms, My colleagues from FLNR will be in touch with you to describe the process for you to initiate applications for replacement tenures. However the issuance of any replacement tenure or any permission to allow you continued occupation of existing sites on a month to month remains subject to future decision making processes and cannot be guaranteed. Ministry of Agrcuture Ofc af he ite ali a: Teloghore: 250 87-023 POBox S43 Sn Pv Govt sri: 2503871522 Vero Bo VBW $62 Web Ades: hppo te cag DMO Page 36 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 13 Thank you for considering my request. p Sincerely, . i (>. (orak@ron ‘The Honourable Lana Popham Minister of Agriculture Ce: The Honourable Dominic Leblane Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard ‘The Honourable Scott Fraser Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation ‘The Honourable Doug Donaldson ‘Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development DMO Page 37 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX ‘Shoemaker, Wes AGRIEX Thursday, October 12, 2017 3:54 PM Popham, Lana AGRIEX; Beale, Wiliam AGRIEX; Smith, Jessica C AGREEX Fwd: 186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock 313 Wes W.H. (Wes) Shoemaker, MBA Deputy Minister Ministry of Agriculture 5" Floor, 808 Douglas Stree! Victoria, BC VBW 9B4 Tek: 250.356.1803 | Cell: 250.516.6892 | Fax: 250.356.7279 -mail:wes shoemaker **Please note: This email is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain legally privileged information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or reproduction is strictly prohibited.** Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Hodson, Georgina AGRIEX" Date: October 12, 2017 at 1:07:39 PM PDT To: "Jones, Lisa FLNR:EX" , "French, Shawna IRR:EX" - : "Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX" , "Mack, James AGRIEX" ‘, "Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX" , "Scott, Melissa AGRI:EX" Subject: FW: 186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock Hi Lisa and Shawna, ‘At the request of our MO, staff have drafted the attached letter on behalf of MLP which addresses Marine Harvests' impending restocking of smolts at their facility in the Broughton Archipelago area. In an effort to keep everyone in the loop as this evolves, we are sharing it with you and requesting that you inform your DM, as we anticipate they will have feedback. s.14 314 Please note, this draft has not been shared with our MO. Thanks, Georgina DMO Page 38 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Page 039 to/’i Page 040 Withheld pursuant to/removed as 8.13 Shust, Susan D AGRIEX From: Hodson, Georgina AGRIEX Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 3:14 PM To: ‘Shoemaker, Wes AGRUEX; Mack, James AGRIEX Subject: Re: Marine Harvest - restocking to take place Friday or Saturday this week Ok noted From: Georgina Hodson Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 2:54 PM ‘To: Georgina Hodson , James Mack ‘Marine Harvest - restocking to take place Friday or Saturday this week Wes W.H. (Wes) Shoemaker, MBA Deputy Minister Ministry of Agriculture 5" Floor, 808 Douglas Street Victoria, BC V8W 9B4 Tel: 250.356.1803] Cell: 250.516.6892 | Fax: 250, E-mail:wes.shoemaker’ ***Please note: This email is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain legally privileged information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or reproduction is strictly prohibited.** Sen rom my iPhone (0n oct 12,2037, at 2:49 PM, Hodson, Georgina AGRLEX wrote FW this the arty | recehved trom Wil ‘The approach he and landed on was that the ltter would be e'é to FN leaders in the area as well ‘The letter will come up for your review. From: Georgina Hodson Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 2:29 PM To: Susan Fair Ce: "Scott, Melissa AGRI:EX" , James Mack Subject: Marine Harvest - restocking to take place Friday or Saturday this week Hisusan, Couls you please action out (ona rush) a Ministers letter to Marne Harvest to ASP, a the request of the MO. The letter should include these points: 8.13 DMO Page 41 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 313 ‘Also, eave ito James fhe would Ike to welgh In on the approach. We need Yo get this letter back tothe MO tomorrow. ‘Tanks, Georgina DMO Page 42 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust_ Susan D AGRI:EX From: Sent: To! Ce: Subject: Attachments: Georgina, Shoemaker, Wes AGREEX Thursday, October 12, 2017 10:13 PM Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX Beale, William AGRIEX 1186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock docx 8.13 cy te letter to format as clean version, changes accepted, comment removed, MLP e-sg ‘applied. As for the ccs, Copy Minister Donaldson, Fraser, and Dominic LeBlanc. Once you format, please send back to Will and | he willbe sharing with FLNRO tomorrow to gain their support in sending. DMO Page 43 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Page 044 to/’i Page 045 Withheld pursuant to/removed as 8.13 Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX From: French, Shawna IRREX Sent: ‘Thursday, October 12, 2017 209 PM To: Hodson, Georgina AGREEX Subject: RE: 186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock Thanks, | have shared @ ‘Shawna French Director, Executive Operations Deputy Ministers Office Ministry of indigenous Relations & Reconciliation 5th Floor - 2957 Jutland Victoria BC Phone: 250 356-6330 Cell: 250-213-7671 mailto: From: Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 1:08 PM To: Jones, Lisa FLNR:EX; French, Shawna IRR:EX ci Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX; Mack, James AGRIEX; Sutherland, Cralg FLNA:EX; Scott, Melissa AGRI:EX Subject: FW: 186976 RESP Marine Harvest Restock Hitisa and Shawna, ‘At the request of our MO, staff have drafted the attached leter an Beha of MLP which addresses Marine Harvsts impending restocking of ‘smolts at their fact inthe Broughton Archipelago area. an efor to keep everyone in the loop a this evolves, we ae sharing with You and ‘requesting that you inform your OM, as we anticipate they will have feedbacks 14 314 Please note this draft has not been shared with our MO, Thanks Georgina DMO Page 46 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Page 047 to/a Page 051 Withheld pursuant to/removed as s.14:8.13 Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX From: Sent: To: Subject: Shoemaker, Wes AGREEX Wednesday, October 11, 2017 2:16 PM Hodson, Georgina AGREEX Re: heads up Sorry. Missed Wills earlier message requesting letter. Saw it though Wes ‘W.H. (Wes) Shoemaker, MBA, Deputy Minister Ministry of Agriculture 5 Floor, 808 Douglas Street Victoria, BC EW 984 Tel: 50.356.1803] Cell: 250.516.6892 | Fax: 250.356.7279 **Please note: This email is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain legally privileged information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or reproduction Is strictly prohibited.** Sent from my iPhone ‘On Oct 11, 2017, at 2:14 PM, Hodson, Georgina AGRI‘EX wrote: Will has requested that | direct staff to write a letter regarding the Marine Harvest restock, however I'm trying to get clarity on the intention and recipients of the letter and advice from James on what we could/would say if we were to proceed with a letter. There's no letter in the works at the moment. Sent from my iPhone (On Oct 11, 2017, at 1:43 PM, Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX wrote: What letter are we talking about? | have already reached out to Marine Harvest. Wes WH. (Wes) Shoemaker, MBA. Deputy Minister Ministry of Agriculture 5" Floor, 808 Douglas Street Victoria, BC Vaw 984 Tel: 250.356.1803] Cell: 250.536.6892 | Fax: 250.356.7279 **Please note: This email is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain legally privileged information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or reproduction is strictly prohibited.** Sent from my iPhone DMO Page 52 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 (On Oct 11, 2017, at 1:35 PM, Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX wrote: Hiwil, Given that Marine Harvest is planning to restock on Friday or Saturday this week, lam concerned about a letter getting to them in time since we're already at end of day Wednesday. | think James may have more information since he met with Minister LeBlanc today. James could you please advise on the best course of action for reaching out to Marine Harvest? Thanks, Georgina From: "Beale, William AGRI:EX" Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 1:11 PM ‘To: Georgina Hodson Cc: Georgina Hodson , Jessica Smith , "Mack, James AGRI:EX" , "McRae, Meghan GCPE:E) Subject: Re: heads up Georgina can we please get someone working on a draft letter to Marine Harvest asking that given the current tension they not restock and that may help get the parties to the table. This may or may not go out but it will be good to have in our hands, Sent from my iPhone On Oct 11, 2017, at 12:18 PM, Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX ‘ wrote: FYI see below From: Shawna French Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 12:17 PM ‘To: Georgina Hodson Subject: FW: heads up FY Shawna French DMO Page 53 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 From: Nash, Laurel IRR:EX ‘Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 12:15 PM To: Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; Scott, Douglas S IRR:EX; Mayhew, Neilane IRR:EX; Harbord, Chris GCPE:EX Ce: French, Shawna IRR:EX; Mack, James AGRI: Franklin, Janice TRR:EX ‘Subject: heads up 518 5.158.18 Laurel Nash Assistant Deputy Minister Strategic Partnerships and Initiatives Division Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation 250 953 4004 or 250 508 1670 DMO Page 54 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust, Susan D AGRIEX Scott, Melissa AGRIEX Thursday, October 12, 2017 12:29 PM Hodson, Georgina AGREEX Mack, James AGRIEX; Scott, Melissa AGREEX FW: 186576 RESP Marine Harvest Restock 8.13 ‘RE: Marine Harvest Restock ‘Note from James in E-Approval: Note that this isa draf for discussion - do NOT route for signature on correspondence Herel the staf response to our RUSH request yesterday. It is currently sitting with Susan Far in E-Approval, Melissa DMO Page 55 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Page 056 to/’i Page 057 Withheld pursuant to/removed as 8.13 Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX From: Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 1:55 PM McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX Shoemaker, Wes AGRIEX; Hodson, Georgina AGRLEX: Mack, James AGRIEX: Smith, Jessica C AGRLEX; Beale, William AGREEX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX: Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX; Renneberg, Tim FLNR:EX Subject: Re: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization I don't mind the theme or the bulk of this paragrap!$-13 Sent from Tim Sheldan's iPhone On Oct 13, 2017, at 1:49 PM, MeLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX wrote: Ifwe add this (below) to the original letter, attached, it does show the intent of what we are trying to do, get all parties to keep the long term in mind as we get to negotiations. From Tim R: As you're aware, our government has committed to implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. Practically, this means that companies should bbe making every effort to develon and maintain healthy relationships with the First Nations ® 16 S16 ‘companies are doing business, s.13 813 Kenn From: Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 1:25 PM To: Shoemaker, Wes AGRLEX Ce: Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX; Mack, James AGRIEX; Smith, Jessica C AGRI-EX; Beale, William AGRI:EX; Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX Subject: RE: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Sorry Wes this is news to me. From: Shoemaker, Wes AGRI: Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 1:23 PM ‘To: Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX Ce: Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX; Mack, James AGRI-EX; Smith, Jessica C AGREEX; Beale, William AGRI:EX; Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX ‘Subject: Re: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Craig, I understand your MO is working on edits? Wes W.H. (Wes) Shoemaker, MBA Deputy Minister Ministry of Agriculture S* Floor, 808 Douglas Street Victoria, BC V8W 9B4 Tel: 250.356.1803] Cell: 250.516.6892 | Fax: 250.356.7279 DMO Page 58 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 **Please note: This email is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain legally privileged information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or reproduction is strictly prohibited.** Sent from my iPhone On Oct 13, 2017, at 1:05 PM, Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX wrote: Hi Georgina - Tim asked that I review and approve this letter on his behalf. I approve this letter. ‘Thanks Craig Sutherland Assistant Deputy Minister Regional Operations Coast Area Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development British Columbia, Canada From: Hodson, Georgina AGREX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 12:03 PM To: Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX Ce: Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX; Mack, James AGRIEX; Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX; Smith, Jessica C AGRIEX; Beale, William AGREEX Subject: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Good aftemnoon, Please find attached the most recent draft with revisions stemming from the call this morning. Please advise if you approve this version. On Wes! behalf, I will collect any further revisions to incorporate. Please call me at 250-896-6221 or email. Thanks! Georgina Georgina Hodson Manager, Executive Operations and Planning Deputy Minister's Office | Ministry of Agriculture (p) 250.896.6221 DMO Page 59 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 ‘Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX ——e Hodson, Georgina AGREEX Friday, October 13, 2017 1:06 PM Sutherland, Craig FLNREX Re: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization image003,jpg ‘Thanks Craig Sent from my iPhone (On Oct 13, 2017, at 1:05 PM, Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX wrote: Mi Georgina - Tim asked that I review and approve this letter on his behalf. I approve this letter, ‘Thanks Craig Sutherland Assistant Deputy Minister Regional Operations Coast Area Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development British Columbia, Canada From: Hodson, Georgina AGRL:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 12:03 PM To: Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; MeLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX Ce: Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX; Mack, James AGRLEX; Shoemaker, Wes AGRIEX: Smith, Jessica C AGRI:EX; Beale, William AGRI:EX Subject: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Good afternoon, Please find attached the most recent draft with revisions stemming from the call this morning Please advise if you approve this version. On Wes' behalf, I will collect any further revisions to incorporate. Please call me at 250-896-6221 or email ‘Thanks! Georgina Georgina Hodson Manager, Executive Operations and Planning Deputy Minister's Office | Ministry of Agriculture (p) 250.896.6221 DMO Page 60 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 ‘Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX From: Hodson, Georgina AGRIEX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 1:28 PM To: Sutherland, Craig FLNREX ce: ‘Shoemaker, Wes AGRIEX Subject: Re: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Craig Theard from Kenn that MDD has one further revision which he's sending shorty. Sent from my iPhone (On Oct 13, 2017, at 1:25 PM, Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX wrote: Sorry Wes this is news to me. From: Shoemaker, Wes AGRIEX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 1:23 PM ‘To: Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX ‘Ce: Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX; Mack, James AGRI:EX; Smith, Jessica C AGRI:EX; Beale, iam AGRI:EX; Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; ‘Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX. Subject: Re: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Craig, | understand your MO is working on edits? Wes W.H. (Wes) Shoemaker, MBA. Deputy Minister Ministry of Agriculture ‘S* Floor, 808 Douglas Street Victoria, BC V8W 9B4 Tel: 250,356,1803) Cell: 250,516.6892 | Fax: 250, E-mail: wes shoemaker’ * lease note: This email is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain legally Privileged information, Any unauthorized use, disclosure or reproduction is strictly prohibited ** Sent from my iPhone (On Oct 13, 2017, at 1:05 PM, Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX wrote: Hi Georgina - Tim asked that I review and approve this letter on his behalf. approve this letter. ‘Thanks Craig Sutherland Assistant Deputy Minister Regional Operations Coast Area Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development 1 DMO Page 61 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Columbia, Canada From: Hodson, Georgina AGREEX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 12:03 PM ‘Tor Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX; Mack, James AGRIEX; Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX; Smith, Jessica C AGRIEX; Beale, William AGREEX ‘Subject: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Good afternoon, Please find attached the most recent draft with revisions stemming from the call this morning. Please advise if you approve this version. On Wes! behalf, I will collect any further revisions to incorporate. Please call me at 250-896-6221 or email Thanks! Georgina Georgina Hodson ‘Manager, Executive Operations and Planning Deputy Minister's Office | Ministry of Agriculture (p) 250.896.6221 DMO Page 62 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX From: Sutherland, Craig FLNREX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 1:58 PM Te McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX; Shoemaker, Wes AGRIEX; Sheldan, Tim FLNREX ce: Hodson, Georgina AGRIEX; Mack, James AGRIEX; Smith, Jessica C AGREEX; Beale, William AGRIEX; Caul, Doug DIRR:EX; Renneberg, Tim FLNR:EX Subject: RE: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Kenn you've also attached the longer version letter. | thought the decision was to go with the shorter version. Craig From: McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 1:50 PM To: Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX; Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX (Ce: Hodson, Georgina AGRI-EX; Mack, James AGRIEX; Smith, Jessica C AGRI:EX; Beale, William AGRISEX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX; Renneberg, Tim PREM:EX Subject: RE: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization If we add this (below) tothe original letter, attached, it does show the intent of what we are trying to do, get all parties to keep the long term in mind as we get to negotiations. From Tim R. As you're aware, our government has committed to implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. Practically, this means that companies should be making every effort to develop and ‘maintain healthy relationships with the First Nationss.16 companies are doine business. ».13 St Kenn From: Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 1:25 PM To: Shoemaker, Wes AGREEX Ce: Hodson, Georgina AGREEX; Mack, James AGRIEX; Smith, Jessica C AGRI:EX; Beale, William AGRI:EX; Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; MeLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX Subject: RE: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Sony Wes this is news to me. From: Shoemaker, Wes AGREEX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 1:23 PM To: Sutherland, Craig FUNR:EX Ce: Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX; Mack, James AGRIEX; Smith, Jessica C AGRE:EX; Beale, William AGRLEX; Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX Subject: Re: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization DMO Page 63 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Craig, | understand your MO is working on edits? Wes W.H. (Wes) Shoemaker, MBA. Deputy Minister Ministry of Agriculture 3" Floor, 808 Douglas Street Victoria, BC V8W 9B4 Tel: 250.356.1803] Cell: 250.516.6892 | Fax: 250.356.7279 **Please note: This email is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain legally privileged information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or reproduction is strictly prohibited.** Sent from my iPhone On Oct 13, 2017, at 1:05 PM, Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX wrote: Hi Georgina - Tim asked that I review and approve this letter on his behalf. I approve this leter. Thanks Craig Sutherland Assistant Deputy Minister Regional Operations Coast Area Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development British Columbia, Canada From: Hodson, Georgina AGREEX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 12:03 PM To: Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX Cez Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX; Mack, James AGRIEX; Shoemaker, Wes AGREEX; Smith, Jessica C AGRI:EX; Beale, William AGRI:EX ‘Subject: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Good afternoon, Please find attached the most recent draft with revisions stemming from the call this morning. Please advise if you approve this version. On Wes' behalf, I will collect any further revisions to incorporate. Please call me at 250-896-6221 or email. Thanks! Georgina Georgina Hodson ‘Manager, Executive Operations and Planning DMO Page 64 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Deputy Minister's Office | Ministry of Agriculture (®) 250.896.6221 DMO Page 65 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX Fro Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 206 pM To: Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; McLaren, Kenn FLNREX Ce: Shoemaker, Wes AGRIEX; Sheldan, Tim FLNREX; Hodson, Georgina AGRLEX; Mack, james AGRIEX Smith, Jessica C AGRIEX; Beale, William AGREEX; Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX Subject: RE: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Fair enough, Tim Renneberg Ministerial Assistant sir Of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development 250-387-6240 wrote: 518 From Tim R: DMO Page 86 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 ‘As you're aware, our government has committed to implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. Practically, this means that companies should be making every effort to develop and maintain healthy relationships with the First Nations ».16 5.16 companies arg doing business. Kenn From: Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 1:25 PM To: Shoemaker, Wes AGRIEX Ce: Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX; Mack, James AGRIEX; Smith, Jessica C AGRI:EX; Beale, William AGRI-EX; Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX. ‘Subject: RE: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Sorry Wes this is news to me. From: Shoemaker, Wes AGRIEX. ‘Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 1:23 PM sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX Ce: Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX; Mack, James AGRI:EX; Smith, Jessica C AGREEX; Beale, William AGRI:EX; Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX Subject: Re: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Craig, I understand your MO is working on edits? Wes W.H. (Wes) Shoemaker, MBA Deputy Minister Ministry of Agriculture 5 Floor, 808 Douglas Street Victoria, BC V8W 9B4 Tel: 250.356.1803) Cell: Ea 50,516,6892 | Fax: 250.356.7279 -wes, **Please note: This email is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain legally privileged information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or reproduction is strictly probibited.** Sent from my iPhone On Oct 13, 2017, at 1:05 PM, Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX wrote: Hi Georgina - Tim asked that I review and approve this letter on his behalf: I approve this letter. ‘Thanks DMO Page 67 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Craig Sutherland Assistant Deputy Minister Regional Operations Coast Area Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development British Columbia, Canada lodson, Georgina AGRI:EX. ‘Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 12:03 PM Ge: Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX; McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX Ce: Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX; Mack, James AGRI:EX; Shoemaker, Wee AGRIEX; Smith, Jessica C AGRI:EX: Beale, William AGRLEX ‘Subject: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization Good afternoon, Please find attached the most recent draft with revisions stemming from the call this morning. Please advise if you approve this version. On Wes' behalf, will collect any further revisions to incorporate, Please call me at 250-896-6221 or email ‘Thanks! Georgina Georgina Hodson Manager, Executive Operations and Planning Deputy Minister's Office | Ministry of Agriculture (P) 250.896.6221 DMO Page 68 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 Shust, Susan D AGRI:EX From: Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 2:50 PM To: Shoemaker, Wes AGRIEX ce: Beale, William AGRIEX Subject: Re: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization ‘Attachments: 186976 Marine Harvest7.docx From: Kenn McLaren Date: Friday, October 13, 2017 at 2:46 PM Tei tale Sutherland ,"Renneberg, Tim PREMLEX" , Georgina Hodson , Georgina Hodson , Tim Sheldan ‘tim> Ce: James Mack , Jessica Smith , Wiliam Beale , Doug Caul Subject: RE: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization 313 From: Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 2:44 PM To: Renneberg, Tim PREM:EX; Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX; McLaren, Kenn FLN: Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX SG, Wack James AGRI:EX; Smith, Jessica C AGRIIEX; Beale, Willam AGRI:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX ‘Subject: RE: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization | agree. From: Renneberg, Tim PREM:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 2:43 PM Fe gutheriand Crelg FLNR:EX; Hodson, Georgina AGRILEX; McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX; Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX: Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX SE, Mack, James AGRI:EX; Smith, Jessica C AGRI:EX; Beale, Wiliam AGRI:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX ‘Subject: RE: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization {weir going to use the shortened letter, I'd suggest a slight amendment tothe final paragraph: Whatever operational decisions you should choose to make, the Province retains allo its rights under the Gurent tenure agreements, including potentially the requirement that you retum possession of tenured sites at the end of the current terms. My colleagues from The Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development willbe in touch with you to describe the process for you to initiate applications for replacement tenures. As you are aware, government will be reviewing tenures and will makes decision oy Fenewals before the current leases expire in June 2018. While issuance of any replacement tenure or any Permission o allow you continued occupation of existing sites on a month to month remains subject to future decision making processes and cannot be guaranteed, we look forward to your input on the lease rencoal decisions. Toking out "want to be clear” alters the tone and the slight change to the last sentence makes it more matter-of-fact and less threatening Tim Renneberg Ministerial Assistant Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development 250-387-6240 Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX; DMO Page 69 of 115 AGR-2017-73434 The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are confidential and are intended solely for addressee. The information may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for the sole purpose of delivery to the intended recipient. If you have received this transmission in error, any use, reproduction or dissemination of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail or phone and delete this message and its attachments, if any. From: Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX ‘Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 2:34 PM To: Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX; Renneberg, Tim PREM:EX; McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX; Shoemaker, Wes AGRI: Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX Ce: Mack, James AGRISEX; Smith, Jessica C AGRIEX; Beale, William AGRIZEX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX ‘Subject: RE: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization 'd recommend we not to include these additional two bullets. The latest draft note gets the key messages across. From: Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 2:25 PM ‘To: Renneberg, Tim PREM:EX; Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX; McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX; Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX; Sheldan, ‘Tim FLNR:EX Ce: Mack, Jemes AGRIEX; Smith, Jessica C AGRI:&X; Beale, Wiliam AGRI:EX; Caul, Doug D IRR:EX ‘Subject: Re: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization ve incorporated the revisions thus far assuming we are stl considering the more recent, shorter letter. See atached, 313 313 Let me know how you wish to proceed. From: "Renneberg, Tim PREM:£X" Date: Friday, October 13, 2017 at 2:01 PM ‘To: Craig Sutherland , Kenn McLaren , Georgina Hodson , Tim Sheldan Ce: Georgina Hodson , James Mack , Jessica Smith , William Beale , Doug Caul ‘Subject: RE: Marine Harvest Letter - Draft for finalization My concemn is that the shortened letter sounds lke a not-very-velled threat, which isnot the intent of the letter. Tim Renneberg Ministerial Assistant Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development 250-387-6240 ‘The contents ofthis e-mail message and any attachments are confidential and are intended solely for addressee. The information may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for the sole purpose of delivery to the intended recipient. f you have received this transmission in error, any use, reproduction or dissemination of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail or phone and delete this message and its attachments, if any. From: Sutherland, Craig FLNR:EX Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 1:58 PM ‘To: McLaren, Kenn FLNR:EX; Shoemaker, Wes AGRI:EX; Sheldan, Tim FLNR:EX Ce: Hodson, Georgina AGRI:EX; Mack, James AGRI:EX; Smith, Jessica C AGRIEX; Beale, William AGRI:EX; Caul, Doug D 2 DMO Page 70 of 115 AGR-2017-73434

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