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Digestive and Liver Disease 49 (2017) 1177–1184

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Review Article

A consumer’s guide for probiotics: 10 golden rules for a correct use

Marco Toscano a , Roberta De Grandi a , Luca Pastorelli b,c , Maurizio Vecchi b,c ,
Lorenzo Drago a,d,∗
Laboratory of Clinical Microbiology, Department of Biomedical Science for Health, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Department of Biomedical Science for Health, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Unit, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, San Donato Milanese, Italy
Laboratory of Clinical-Chemistry and Microbiology, IRCCS Galeazzi Institute, University of Milan, Milan, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Probiotics are used all over the world as their beneficial effects on the human organism have been widely
Received 15 February 2017 demonstrated. Certain probiotics can down-regulate production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and pro-
Received in revised form 19 July 2017 mote intestinal epithelial barrier functions, increasing an anti-inflammatory response and contributing
Accepted 20 July 2017
to the host’s overall health. The main mechanisms by which probiotic microorganisms can interact with
Available online 1 August 2017
the host are by modulating the immune system and the epithelial cell functions and interacting with
intestinal gut microbiota.
To date, hundreds of different microorganisms are used for the formulation of numerous probiotic
Anti-inflammatory response
Gut microbiota
products; therefore, it is very difficult to choose the best probiotic product for specific or more general
Multistrain products needs. Therefore, physicians are getting more and more confused due to the high number of commer-
cial products which are often lacking healthy effects on the host. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to
demonstrate the main characteristics that probiotic microorganisms and products should possess to have
a positive impact on the host’s health. To this purpose, this review suggests “10 golden rules” or “com-
mandments” that clinicians should follow to properly select the optimal probiotic product and avoid
misidentifications, mislabelling and “pie in the sky” stories.
© 2017 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction angiogenesis and the immune system and aid the digestion of
numerous dietary components [8,11]. However, gut microbiota is
In the last few years, a growing interest in studying and using often associated to many conditions of clinical interest, in partic-
probiotic microorganisms has been observed, not only for the treat- ular dysbiosis [11]. Consequently, it is clear that the manipulation
ment of gastrointestinal diseases but also for the improvement of of intestinal microbiota composition by means of probiotics may
overall human health. Indeed, several studies highlighting both the be a promising approach to ensure the correct maintenance and
systemic activity of probiotics and their beneficial role in ame- improvement of human health.
liorating diabetes and allergic diseases management have been To date, hundreds of different intestinal microbial species are
published [1–4]. used in the preparation of probiotic supplements and, for this rea-
The leading mechanisms by which probiotics are thought to son, it is very difficult to choose the probiotic product that is best
be effective on the host’s health are their ability to modulate suited to a patient’s needs.
the intestinal immune system, to improve intestinal physical The common approach to this issue should be one that follows
and immunological barrier functions [5,6] and displace potential a set of specific guidelines, which guarantee a probiotic product’s
pathogenic microorganisms by competitive exclusion through the quality and efficacy, such as:
production of antimicrobial peptides [7]. Recently, there has also
been a great interest in studying the effect of probiotics in modu- • proper microbial species and strain identification of all microor-
lating the gut microbiota composition [8–11]. Commensal bacteria ganisms contained in the product, with the deposit of all strains
belonging to intestinal microbiota protect the host from the action in an international culture collection;
of pathogens, regulate the host’s fat storage, stimulate intestinal • characterization of the safety and probiotic efficacy of each strain;
• evaluation of the microbial beneficial effects on the human host.

∗ Corresponding author at: IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute, Milan, Italy. However, today it is very difficult to identify which probiotic
E-mail address: (L. Drago). formulation is the best one to improve the human health, mostly
1590-8658/© 2017 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1178 M. Toscano et al. / Digestive and Liver Disease 49 (2017) 1177–1184

Table 1 and non-living bacteria for their beneficial effects on the human
The 10 recommendations of probiotics.
organism. Several evidences highlighted the ability of dead cells
1st Knowing the correct definition of probiotics to induce a wide range of biological responses in the host enhanc-
2nd Microbial lysates, non-living bacteria and non-colonizing spores ing the anti-inflammatory response [14–16]. The administration of
cannot be considered probiotics
heat-killed bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, for instance, has been
3rd Getting an exhaustive probiotic identikit
4th Monostrain or multistrains products: making the correct choice
observed to induce a pronounced increase in the production
5th Avoid antibiotic resistance genes in probiotic strains and products of anti-inflammatory cytokines and modulate positively allergic
6th Choose probiotic strains resistant to gastrointestinal environment symptomatology [16,17]. Consequently, the immunostimulatory
7th Probiotic strains must be able to colonize the gut effect of probiotics seems not to depend on the cells being alive but
8th Preferring probiotics that are able to positively interact with gut
it may be linked directly to the biological and physical nature of
9th Be sure about the safety of probiotic strains and evaluate the subject specific microbial components. Indeed, there is also evidence that
health status before probiotic administration metabolites and cell fractions of probiotics can exert a positive func-
10th Preferring probiotics with a demonstrated clinical efficacy tion on the host [14]; DNA, lipopolysaccharides, peptidoglycans and
cell homogenates have all a strong immunomodulatory effect act-
because of the lack of knowledge of specific probiotic features, ing on the innate immune system and they have been demonstrated
which should be considered. to decrease the risk of atopic dermatitis onset in children [18–21].
The present paper aims to clearly inform Manufacturers and Although microbial lysates have a beneficial impact on the host
Clinicians on the basic characteristics that probiotic microorgan- health, they cannot be considered as probiotics; indeed, they are
isms, and above all, probiotic products should possess to be used effective on the organism only if continually administered not being
as positive bio-modulators of human health. This study also aims able to induce biological responses for a long period. Conversely,
to provide a useful and quick “instruction kit” for physicians to fol- only alive microorganisms can have a lasting impact on the organ-
low, in order to give an easy and immediate interpretation of the ism being able to colonize the gastrointestinal environment and so
probiotic(s) under consideration. The 10 “commandments” or “rec- persist in the host.
ommendations” clinicians should never forget when dealing with Regarding microbial spore formers, instead, only spores that can
probiotics are listed in Table 1. germinate in the gastrointestinal tract and colonize the environ-
ment can be considered as probiotics and used in the formulation
2. 1st commandment: know the correct definition of of products [22]. Spores can survive transit across the stomach bar-
probiotics rier and are more resistant than vegetative cells; moreover, they can
germinate in presence of nutrients and favourable environmental
The classic definition of probiotics is “live microorganisms conditions becoming able to colonize the gut and exert their probi-
which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health otic effects [22]. However, if spores do not germinate they are not
benefit to the host” [12]. Interestingly, bacteria belonging to Lac- active at intestinal level and no beneficial effects on the host will
tobacillus and Bifidobacterium genera are the most used probiotic be highlighted.
microorganisms in the food industry, due to their probiotic and
beneficial effects. However, also non-bacterial microorganisms,
such as Saccharomyces boulardii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are
3.1. Recommendation
often used as probiotics because of their postulated activities and
beneficial effects both at intestinal and systemic level.
Although microbial components have been observed to have
Sometimes, probiotics are referred to as “biotherapeutics” or
a beneficial impact on the host’s immune system and health,
“pharmacobiotics”, leading to a profound misunderstanding of
they cannot be considered as probiotics, as well as non-colonizing
what probiotics are [13]. Indeed, the term “therapeutic” indicates
the handling of a disease and, therefore, should be referred only
to a drug, while probiotics can have a broader meaning [13]. Con-
versely, the term “pharma” is mainly related to pharmaceuticals,
either drugs or chemical components [13]. On the contrary, pro- 4. 3rd commandment: get an exhaustive probiotic identikit
biotics are not drugs but, instead, they are “biomodulators” that
must be resistant to gastric juice and bile salts to arrive intact to In the last few decades, advances in molecular biology and
the intestinal environment and exert their beneficial activity on the microbiology techniques have allowed a clear identification and
host’s organism [7]. Indeed, a probiotic microorganism should also characterization of bacterial strains, avoiding any confusion about
be able to positively influence the host’s health, leading to beneficial probiotic identity [23]. Identification and tracking of individual
effects after its intake [7]. strains is essential when microorganisms are used for the formu-
lation of probiotic products; to this purpose, phylogenetic analysis
2.1. Recommendation is the most powerful tool for bacterial taxonomic classification, as
ribosomal RNA sequences provide detailed information for a com-
Probiotics are live microorganisms acting as powerful biomod- parative identification of probiotic microorganisms [24]. When a
ulators, with a positive impact on human health. Indeed, the official microorganism is used for the formulation of food supplements or
definition of probiotics given by FAO/WHO Committee is “live other products for human consumption, its full characterization at
microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, both genomic and physiological level is critical. Each microorgan-
confer a health benefit to the host.” ism contained in probiotic products must be identified at species
and strain level, according to the International Code of Nomencla-
3. 2nd commandment: microbial lysates, non-living ture and its microbial genome must be completely sequenced. This
bacteria and non-colonizing spores cannot be considered allows the identification of every single gene involved in bacte-
probiotics rial metabolism and its function. Consequently, the safety of food
products and, above all, of commercial probiotic strains should be
In the last years, there was an increasing interest in study- evaluated before their launch on the market. Generally, the guide-
ing microbial components (e.g. proteins, lipids or nucleic acids) lines require:
M. Toscano et al. / Digestive and Liver Disease 49 (2017) 1177–1184 1179

1) minimum concentration of 109 CFU of live microorgan- BR03 were used in combination rather than alone. Consequently,
isms/daily dose on labels (even less if the usefulness of this these two bacterial strains showed promising probiotic features
lower dose has been clearly shown and supported at scientific and their combination may lead to a greater beneficial effect on the
experimental level); human organism, enhancing anti-inflammatory immune response
2) identification of each probiotic strain by integrating phenotypic and improving host’s overall health.
and genotypic characterization; Moreover, in multi-strain products, it is also essential that all
3) absence of pathogenic factors. microbial strains do not compete for nutrients and energy sources
and do not inhibit the growth of other strains [27–31]. Different
Commercial probiotic products currently on the market are strains used in the same formulation, indeed, can act as antago-
not always correctly labelled, as many microorganisms which are nists, not only inhibiting probiotic activity of other microorganisms,
claimed to be contained may not be present or their amount may but also slowing microbial growth rate, as demonstrated by Vitali
be lower than that declared on the label. In 2002, Weese et al. et al. The authors, indeed, evaluated the growth compatibility of
detected several deficiencies in the labels of numerous Canadian three Bifidobacterium strains (Bifidobacterium infantis Y1, B. breve
commercial probiotics for human oral intake, finding that bacteria Y8 and Bifidobacterium longum Y10) contained in a probiotic prod-
contained were improperly identified in 43% of analysed products uct, observing a significant inhibition of the growth rate induced
and the content of 25% of products were misspelled [25]. Drago et al. on B. longum Y10 when co-cultured with the other 2 strains [32].
also performed a quality assessment of the main probiotic products
available on the Italian market in 2011 [26], obtaining results simi- 5.1. Recommendation
lar to those of Weese. Indeed, in the Italian study, authors observed
that 42% of analysed products did not contain the declared bac- It is fundamental that research on multistrain probiotic formula-
terial amount of at least one of the labelled strains. Moreover, no tions is based on those microorganisms showing in vitro synergistic
viable microorganisms were detected in 17% of products and a con- and symbiotic activities to enhance the possibility of providing
tamination due to Enterococcus faecium was found in 8% [26]. The more clinically effective probiotic formulations and justify, in this
presence of a non-declared microorganism, which might poten- way, the use of multistrain products with respect to monostrain
tially hold numerous pathogenic traits, represents a serious risk for ones.
the health of the host.
These studies highlight the need for specific legislation, which
mandates the accurate identification and characterization of pro- 6. 5th commandment: avoid antibiotic resistance genes in
biotic strains in commercial products, as well as the careful testing probiotic strains and products
of all commercial products available on the market.
The intensive use of probiotic products in association with
massive antibiotic therapies might establish, over time, a dan-
4.1. Recommendation
gerous reservoir of antibiotic resistance determinants in probiotic
microorganisms [33]. Generally, we can consider antibiotic resis-
Only a well, fully characterized microbial strain should be used
tance among probiotic bacteria a positive feature, as these
for the formulation of probiotic products. Claimed dosage, genetic
microorganisms are able to restore intestinal eubiosis without
typing and traceability are the main tools for a new probiotic.
being influenced by a concomitant antibiotic therapy. However,
when antibiotic resistance can be transferred to pathogenic bac-
5. 4th commandment: monostrain or multistrain products: teria by means of resistant genes and determinants, a serious
making the correct choice risk for human health may arise, as pathogens can become resis-
tant to antimicrobial agents, nullifying antibiotic therapies and
Hundreds of different probiotic products are available on the further contributing to the spread of antibiotic resistance. Pro-
market. These products differ for excipients, amount and species biotic bacteria, indeed, as any other microorganism, can develop
of microorganisms and their activity on the host’s organism. The antibiotic resistance and resistant mutants if subjected to antibi-
main difference among probiotic formulations is the presence of otic selective pressure. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
one or more microorganisms in the same product [27]; however, document recommends that commercial microbial strains used
to date, it is difficult to understand which kind of formulation is as food supplements should not harbour any transferable antibi-
better. Many scientific studies have claimed that probiotic mixtures otic resistance and, consequently, the determination of Minimum
have beneficial effects against a wide range of diseases affecting the Inhibitory Concentrations (MICs) of the main antimicrobial agents
host, thus suggesting that the combination of different probiotic must be performed for each strain [34]. The antibiotic resistance
microorganisms in the same product can confer greater protection can be transferred in microbial communities by means of integrons,
against several intestinal pathogens compared to monostrain prod- conjugative plasmids, transposons, insertional elements and lytic
ucts [28–30]. However, sometimes when a probiotic mixture has a or temperate bacteriophage [34,35]. Interestingly, resistant gene
stronger effect than a mono-strain product, this is not due to the transfer occurring at high frequency has also been observed among
real synergistic activity of all strains, but only to the amount of lactobacilli as well as from these microorganisms to pathogenic
specific strain/s contained in the product. [27]. The only way two bacteria, thus strengthening the hypothesis that probiotic bacte-
or more microbial strains can be more effective on the host than ria can act as an important reservoir of antimicrobial resistant
a single strain is acting in a synergistic way, mutually enhancing genes that are potentially transferable to any microorganism in the
the activity of each strain and leading to a greater probiotic effect. intestinal environment [33].
In a recent study, Drago et al. showed that a combination of Lac- The development of antibiotic resistance among pathogenic
tobacillus salivarius LS01 and Bifidobacterium breve BR03 increased microorganisms, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas
the immunomodulatory activity of each single strain in peripheral aeruginosa, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Klebsiella pneumoniae,
blood mononuclear cells of asthmatic patients [28]. In particular, is leading to a severe health and economic burden worldwide
a significant increase in Interleukin 10 (IL-10) production, as well [36]. Optimizing antibiotic dosage and reducing underdosage is
as a reduction of the pro-inflammatory cytokines Interleukin 13 fundamental to preventing the selection of resistant subpopula-
(Il-13) and Interleukin 17 (IL-17), were observed when LS01 and tions of bacteria during antimicrobial therapy [37]; however, it
1180 M. Toscano et al. / Digestive and Liver Disease 49 (2017) 1177–1184

is also essential to avoid probiotic products and other food sup- Resistance to bile salts is also an essential criterion to consider
plements containing microbial strains with transferable antibiotic when testing a probiotic microorganism for its ability to survive in
resistance genes to reduce the spread of antibiotic resistance. One the small intestine. Bile salt hydrolase (BSH) activity allows bacte-
of the main problems existing in the probiotic market is the pres- ria to be resistant to toxic conjugated bile salts and remain viable
ence of numerous microbial strains that although do not adhere in the gastrointestinal tract [45]. BSH activity has been detected in
to EFSA guidelines, they are widely used in the formulation of probiotic microorganisms belonging to the Lactobacillus, Bifidobac-
probiotic products. In 2013, Drago et al. performed a phenotypic terium and Enterococcus genera, which are generally located in the
and genotypic antibiotic susceptibility characterization of the main intestinal environment [46–50]. BSH enzymes seem to play a piv-
microorganisms used for the formulation of Italian and European otal role in tolerance to bile salts, protecting bacterial cells from the
probiotic products [38]. The authors showed that 24% of isolated toxicity of protonated form of bile salts through the formation of
strains were resistant to erythromycin; 67% were resistant to gen- the weaker unconjugated counterparts [51].
tamicin; and 9.5% of all tested bacterial strains were resistant to Therefore, resistance to low pH and ability to hydrolyse bile
tetracycline. The real problem was not the antibiotic resistance salts are fundamental features in the selection of probiotic strains
observed in the probiotic bacteria contained in these products, but for human consumption. Sahadeva et al. demonstrated the abil-
more so, the detection of several antimicrobial resistance genes, ity of several probiotic microorganisms contained in cultured milk
such as ermB which confers resistance to erythromycin; tetW and drinks to resist low pH and tolerate different bile concentrations
tetS which are involved in resistance to tetracycline; and aadA, [52]. In particular, all probiotic strains remained viable after three
aph3-III, ant6-I and aac-aphI which mediate resistance to amino- hours of incubation under acidic conditions (pH 3.0) and growth
glycosides [38]. The numerous antibiotic resistance traits found was not inhibited even when bacteria were subjected to 2% of
in many Italian and European probiotic strains may be the con- bile [50]. Moreover, in a recent study Toscano et al. evaluated the
sequence of an extensive use of antibiotics, which has created a probiotic characteristics of three Bifidobacterium strains (B. breve
positive selective pressure for point mutations and the acquisi- M-16 V, B. longum subsp. infantis M-63 and B. longum subsp. longum
tion of mobile genetic elements encoding antimicrobial resistance BB536), reporting the strong ability of these strains to resist acidic
and leading to the spread of a variety of antimicrobial resistance conditions, as shown by a high rate of viability after one hour
determinants. An example of testing antibiotic resistance genes of incubation in gastric solution [45]. Furthermore, the Bifidobac-
is recently followed by Lactobacillus kefiri LKF01 (DSM32079), a terium strains tested in the aforementioned study were also able to
new probiotic strain isolated from kefir grains [39]. This strain grow in the presence of bile salts, but only B. breve M-16V and B.
showed sensitivity to erythromycin, gentamicin, penicillin, clin- longum subsp. longum BB536 were capable of hydrolysing bile salts,
damycin and ampicillin and resistance only to ciprofloxacin and confirming that BSH activity is closely species- and strain-specific
tetracycline, but no resistance genes have been detected. Keeping [45].
this in mind, the careful selection of a probiotic product is defini-
tively mandatory. In particular, attention must be paid not only
7.1. Recommendation
to the number of viable bacteria contained in products and the
number of microbial strains used for its formulation, but also to
Only probiotic products containing microbial strains able to
the antimicrobial susceptibility profile of each strain, in order to
resist gastrointestinal conditions should be considered for human
avoid the serious risk of potential antibiotic genes transfer between
intestinal microorganisms.

8. 7th commandment: probiotic strains must be able to

6.1. Recommendation colonize the gut

The safety of commercial microbial strains should be assessed As discussed before, probiotics play a pivotal role in maintain-
before their launch on the market to evaluate not only the presence ing intestinal microbial eubiosis, mainly by inhibiting the growth of
or absence of virulence factors, but also their ability of acquiring and pathogenic bacteria. This inhibition can be due to the production of
transferring antibiotic resistance-genetic elements. Furthermore, inhibitory compounds, such as bacteriocins and organic acids, or to
all microorganisms contained in probiotic products should have a the competitive adhesion to the intestinal epithelium [53]. Indeed,
susceptible profile with no antibiotic resistance genes. probiotics can block the adherence of pathogens competing for the
same intestinal receptor or inducing an increased production of
mucin that inhibits adhesion of several harmful microorganisms,
7. 6th commandment: choose probiotic strains resistant to such as enteropathogenic Escherichia coli [54]. Moreover, the ability
gastrointestinal environment to adhere, colonize the gut and survive over time in the intestinal
environment is a fundamental feature for probiotic microorgan-
The stomach’s low pH and the secretion of bile salts in the isms, which allows them to exert their beneficial activities.
duodenum make the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) a hostile envi- Biofilm production is another important mechanism probiotic
ronment for microbial growth [40]. Generally, the viability of bacteria use to colonize the intestinal environment. Biofilms are
microorganisms at gastric juice is species- and strain-specific; surface-associated communities of microorganisms embedded in
Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis, for example, was observed an extracellular polymeric matrix that virtually exist in every natu-
to possess the highest acid tolerance among the Bifidobacterium ral environment [55]. Biofilm formation is a developmental process
species, which generally shows a very low resistance to acidic that has been compared to differentiation in multicellular organ-
conditions [40]. These probiotic bacteria have several protective isms. A typical biofilm forms when bacteria adsorb to a surface
mechanisms, which allow them to have an adaptive response to and become attached, growing further and dividing into two layers
low pH exposure [41,42], such as the ability to exclude protons from under the control of specific biofilm genes [55]. Biofilm produc-
inside by increasing H+-ATPase activity [43]. The same mechanism tion is now considered one of the main bacterial survival strategies
is involved in the acid tolerance of Lactococcus lactis subsp. Lactis, necessary to increase access to nutrients, maintain the activity
which can significantly increase the biosynthesis of cell membrane- of extracellular enzymes and protect microorganisms from the
bound H+-ATPase when incubated under acidic conditions [44]. action of antibiotic and pathogens [56]. Generally, the production of
M. Toscano et al. / Digestive and Liver Disease 49 (2017) 1177–1184 1181

biofilm and the related adhesion to intestinal cells are both strictly a significant decrease of ␤-glucosidase, nitroreductase and azore-
species- and strain-dependent. ductase activity in healthy volunteers [63]. All these enzymes are
Several studies have assessed the ability of probiotic bacteria closely associated to intestinal bacteria and are not produced by
to reach the gut and colonize it by evaluating the faecal recovery the human host; indeed, 30 days after the end of probiotic oral
of these microorganisms. As stated before, the ability to adhere intake, enzyme activities were observed to return to baseline lev-
and colonize the intestine highly depends on the specific bacte- els. Furthermore, also the L. casei strain GG has the same effect
rial strain tested, and this is the reason for many conflicting data on gut microbiota metabolism, being able to reduce faecal ␤-
about fecal recovery of probiotic bacteria. Indeed, Dommels et al. glucuronidase in the host [64]. Further studies with microbiota
demonstrated that Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 and Lactobacil- composition modification as the primary outcome should be car-
lus rhamnosus GG were detected in fecal samples of volunteers after ried out to clarify the impact and interaction of probiotics with
3 weeks of probiotic daily consumption, suggesting a strong colo- human gut microbiota, since this is influenced by a vast array of
nization ability for both Lactobacillus strains [57]. Conversely, in host and environmental variables, thus making it difficult to state
a previous study, Prilassnig et al. were not able to detect strains clear and meaningful hypotheses on this issue.
belonging to Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus gasseri, L. rham-
nosus and Lactobacillus casei, which were administered daily to
healthy individuals [58]. These data highlight the fact that various 9.1. Recommendation
probiotic microorganisms show different characteristics and prop-
erties to intestinal colonization and they further suggest the need Even if there are few and conflicting data on the impact of probi-
for a better choice of the best-suited strains. More interestingly, a otics on gut microbiota composition, only probiotic products with a
strong connection between probiotics and the gut barrier has been strong intestinal activity should be considered and used for improv-
observed. The gut barrier is essential to prevent bacterial adhe- ing human health.
sion and regulate paracellular diffusion to the host’s tissues, but
is also fundamental to discriminate between commensal microor-
ganisms and pathogens, adjusting finely the immune response to 10. 9th commandment: be sure about the safety of
pathogenic bacteria [59]. In this context, probiotics are fundamen- probiotic strains and evaluate the subject health status
tal to implement the activity of intestinal microbiota in maintaining before probiotic administration
the integrity of the gut barrier by influencing the secretion of mucus
and chloride, preventing the rearrangement of tight junction pro- The safety of probiotics is another important aspect we must
teins after exposure to pathogens and restoring disrupted epithelial consider in choosing probiotic microorganisms for human con-
barrier by enhancing cell regeneration [59]. sumption. Generally, in vitro assays are useful to exclude potential
pathogenic microorganisms from being used as probiotics. How-
ever, a virulence factor may be down-regulated under conditions
8.1. Recommendation used in safety assays, thus being undetectable [65]. For this reason,
in vivo models are often more useful than in vitro ones, as virulence
A microorganism with a strong in vitro probiotic activity but is mediated by several factors, including direct interaction with
unable to adhere and colonize the intestinal environment is not a the host. Also, screening of microbial genome for the presence of
good candidate for probiotic product formulation. virulence and pathogenic factors is very helpful to predict the pos-
sibility of non-active safety risk determinants [65]. Even if the oral
9. 8th commandment: prefer probiotics that are able to intake of probiotics is generally safe, as there are no side effects due
positively interact with gut microbiota to their consumption, a problematic case of the use of Lactobacillus
bacteremia on an 11-month-old male patient with short gut syn-
To date, few data exist regarding the ability of probiotics to drome has been described [66]. The patient had fever and hypoxia
modulate intestinal microbiota composition. A recent review high- and he received probiotic L. rhamnosus GG to treat rotavirus-related
lighted the lack of evidence showing a real impact of probiotic diarrhea. However, the compromised condition of the patient likely
microorganisms on intestinal microbiota composition, in terms of allowed the lactobacillus strain to reach the bloodstream, probably
diversity and richness of intestinal bacterial composition [60,61]. translocating across the intestinal epithelium, where it acted as a
However, numerous factors can put into doubt the conclusions pathogen [66]. Similarly, a lactobacillus bacteremia was observed in
drawn from different studies on gut microbiota, such as the use an immunodepressed 17-year-old male. This patient was affected
of different probiotic strains either alone or in combination; the by ulcerative colitis (UC) and he took L. rhamnosus GG to treat a
duration of probiotic administration; the low-resolution methods flare-up of the disease, even if there were no clinical data to sup-
used to study intestinal microbiota composition; the small sample port probiotic efficacy in pediatric patients with UC. However, the
size with low statistical power; and the possible inter-individual probiotic strain was able to exceed intestinal barrier and reach the
variation in susceptibility toward the probiotic strain used [60]. bloodstream, causing bacteremia [67]. Both case reports highlight
Nevertheless, in a previous study based on a culture-dependent the importance of considering the health status of individuals, the
approach, the authors of this paper demonstrated that the admin- severity of the disease and other risk factors before administer-
istration of the probiotic strain L. salivarius LS01 to patients affected ing probiotics, especially during conditions in which physical and
by atopic dermatitis (AD) could improve the classic symptoms asso- immunological gut barrier may be severely compromised, in order
ciated with AD, as well as lead to a significant decrease in intestinal to minimize all potential side effects and harmful consequences on
staphylococcal load [62]. Even if this result highlights the poten- the host.
tial ability of probiotics to influence directly the gut microbiota
composition, other studies are needed to confirm these promising
data. 10.1. Recommendation
Interestingly, the impact of probiotics on gut microbiota may
not involve only changes in intestinal bacterial composition but Generally, the real risk in using probiotic products is related
also in intestinal bacterial metabolism [63]. Indeed, in one study, more to a compromised health status of the patient than to the
the administration of L. acidophilus was observed to have induced microbial strain used in the probiotic product.
1182 M. Toscano et al. / Digestive and Liver Disease 49 (2017) 1177–1184

11. 10th commandment: prefer probiotics with a native for mesalamine, according to clinical trials demonstrating
demonstrated clinical efficacy the equivalence between E. coli Nissle 1917 and mesalamine, in
maintaining remission in mild to moderate UC [80–82].
All probiotic characteristics analysed in the previous sections of Interestingly, when considering the potential harmfulness of
this paper are fundamental for a microorganism to exert a benefi- other strains of E. coli, the demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects
cial role in the human organism, counteracting pathogenic bacteria of E. coli Nissle is a clear example that the efficacy of probiotics is
in the gastrointestinal tract and promoting the overall health of the closely species- and strain-specific and, for this reason, different
host. However, it is also extremely important to evaluate the effi- species belonging to the same bacterial genus can have different
cacy of probiotic strains in improving human diseases, and above activities and, consequently, they are not all effective in the same
all, improving the symptoms associated with a given disease. A human disease conditions. For example, L. acidophilus was observed
recent meta-analysis on probiotics highlighted how these microor- to be effective in the prevention and treatment of several gastroin-
ganisms can positively contribute to intestinal mucosal integrity, testinal diseases, including irritable bowel syndrome, necrotizing
exerting a pivotal role in reducing the risk of necrotizing entero- enterocolitis, antibiotic-associated diarrhea and Helicobacter pylori
colitis (NEC) in neonates [68]. Moreover, feeding newborns with infection, while L. plantarum and B. infantis showed no efficacy
human milk, which is rich in probiotic bacteria, reduces the inci- towards the above-mentioned diseases and conditions [83].
dence of NEC and thus has a protective effect on infants’ health Also the role of probiotics in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and
[69,70]. functional disorders is noteworthy, as numerous evidences high-
Probiotics also appear to be able to improve glucose metabolism light their ability to reduce the inflammation by decreasing the
in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. A recent meta-analysis number of intestinal pathogenic microorganisms and restoring a
of randomized, controlled trials showed that administration of normal colonic fermentation [84–86]. Moreover, probiotics abil-
probiotics led to a significant reduction in homeostasis model ity to reduce visceral hypersensitivity and influence positively the
assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), as previously observed host’s immune response is essential to counteract the low-grade
in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [71,72]. A high- inflammation and/or immune dis-reactivity usually associated to
fasting blood glucose (FBG) can lead to numerous diseases, which IBS patients [84].
include, in addition to diabetes, kidney and cardiovascular dis- In support of that, different studies underlined the significant
eases. Interestingly, probiotics can lower FBG levels in adults reduction in the frequency and intensity of abdominal pain follow-
[73]. ing the oral intake of a lactobacillus-based probiotics [87,88].
Moreover, a recent study highlighted the positive clinical effect
of probiotics, in particular L. salivarius LS01, in children affected by
moderate/severe atopic dermatitis [74]. This specific Lactobacillus 11.1. Recommendation
strain, indeed, was able to significantly reduce SCORAD (Scoring
atopic dermatitis), the score used to define the severity of atopic In the choice of the best probiotic species or strain to use in the
dermatitis, and itch intensity, leading to a general increase in qual- presence of a given disease, much attention should be paid towards
ity of life after 8 weeks of probiotic oral intake. More interestingly, those microorganisms/strains for which clinical efficacy has been
the positive impact of L. salivarius LS01 persisted also after the end already demonstrated.
of probiotic administration, suggesting the ability of this strain to
produce permanent beneficial effects in the host’s organism [72].
A wealth of data regarding the role of probiotic supplementation 12. Conclusion
in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) has been
generated through the years; indeed, IBD appears to originate from Probiotics represent a promising approach to improving human
an inappropriate and exaggerated immune response towards com- health as well as helping in the prevention and treatment of several
mensal bacteria and several alterations in gut microbiome profiling diseases of clinical interest. However, it is essential to clearly under-
were detected in both ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease, stand which characteristics a microorganism must possess to be
compared to healthy controls [75]. Despite the researchers’ great used in the formulation of probiotic products, since, to date, numer-
interest and engagement in modulating IBD inflammatory response ous probiotics available on the market have no beneficial effects on
by administering selected strain/s of microorganisms, only two human health and, above all, might contain some pathogenic and
probiotics have been accepted so far by international guidelines harmful traits.
for specific indications in IBD management, based on evidence Furthermore, clear legislation regulating probiotic production,
from clinical trials [76]. One is a probiotic formulation of Strepto- as well as strict safety controls of all phases during the manufac-
coccus thermophilus, B. longum, B. breve, B. infantis, L. acidophilus, turing of probiotics are needed to guarantee that only beneficial
Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus paracasei and Lactobacillus and well-characterized microorganisms can be used for human
delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus which has been demonstrated to be consumption.
clinically effective in maintaining antibiotic-induced remission in The present review does not have the presumption to be con-
pouchitis and in preventing the occurrence of this clinical entity sidered as a complete and precise analysis of the current scientific
[77,78], although to date it is still not clear which strain or strains literature, but it should provide physicians with help when pre-
between those contained in the aforementioned probiotic prod- scribing probiotics and in understanding the main differences that
uct are the most effective in improving the patients’ health. It is exist between numerous probiotic products that are currently
worth noting that the term “pouchitis” refers to the inflammation available on the market.
of the ileal pouch in UC patients who underwent restorative proc- We are convinced that these simple and clear 10 command-
tocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis, and it is thought ments could be a great help to physicians, industries and users
to originate from the bacterial overgrowth inside the pouch and it to better understand this interesting but complicated field, called
usually responds to antibiotic therapies [79]; indeed, it represents “Probiotics.”
a different model of inflammation compared to UC. Nonetheless,
European guidelines on the management of UC include a second
probiotic and state that the E. coli strain Nissle 1917 is a valid alter- Conflict of interest
None declared.
M. Toscano et al. / Digestive and Liver Disease 49 (2017) 1177–1184 1183

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