Character Profile Worksheet

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Character Profile Worksheet

The character profile worksheet is a tool to help you keep track of vital information about your
character. Not only does it help you to define your character, but it will also be a valuable tool
to refer back to when developing the story.

Basic Statistics:

 Name: The Devil, Lucifer, Satan, etc.

 Age: Countless
 Nationality: Hellish
 Socioeconomic Level as a Child: Top of the World
 Socioeconomic Level as an Adult: Bottom of the Barrel
 Hometown: Heaven
 Current Residence: Hell
 Occupation: Ruler of Hell
 Income/Salary: ~150,000 souls a day
 Birth Order: 2nd out of 4
 Siblings (describe relationships): He has respect but hates them
 Spouse (describe relationships): No love for the Devil
 Children (describe relationships): No children; despises them
 Grandparents (describe relationships): No grandparents in existence
 Grandchildren (describe relationships): Likely has many, not that he cares
 Significant Others (describe relationships): Others, yes; significant others, no
 Relationship Skills: Great at the beginning, loses it rapidly at the end

Physical Characteristics:

 Height: 6’ 4”
 Weight: 195 lbs in normal form
 Race: Angel
 Eye Color: Fiery Orange
 Hair Color: Jet Black
 Glasses or Contact Lenses?: Has 20 20 vision
 Skin Color: Normally red; can disguise himself
 Shape of Face: Angular; sharp
 Distinguishing Features: Horns; often depicted with a goatee but he has changed his style
 Manner of Dress: Smart; suit and tie
 Mannerisms: Does what he wants with no regard for anyone else
 Habits (smoking, drinking, etc.): Smoking, illicit substances, drinking just to name a few
 Health: Health, as expected of an immortal
 Hobbies: Messing with humans
 Speech Patterns: Never lies; often high and mighty
 Disabilities: None that can be determined
 Style (elegant, shabby, etc.): Elegant
 Greatest Physical Flaw: Has a major God complex (Devil complex?)
 Best Physical Quality: His immense strength and brains

(Note: Can change forms at any time to nearly anything so this is a description of his
more traditional form)

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes:

 Educational Background: Has graduated at least 300 times from different universities
 Intelligence Level: Very high
 Mental Illnesses (if any): Only a Devil complex
 Learning Experiences: Has been outsmarted by multiple humans; They have since been
dealt with
 Short-term Life Goals: Live in the moment and as flagrant as possible
 Long-term Life Goals: Break back into heaven
 How does character see himself/herself?: As an alright person despite all the bad press
 How does character believe he/she is perceived by others?: As the devil when he wants
 How self-confident is the character?: Highest levels of narcissism possible
 Does the character seem ruled by emotion, or logic, or some combination thereof?: Ruled
by the moment but can be logical when it benefits him
 What would most embarrass this character?: Being bested by anyone lower than him
(which is anyone)

Emotional Characteristics:

 Strengths/Weaknesses: Angelic strength, high intellect, cunning, has wings, can control
fire to a certain degree, immortal / Is easily distracted by anything illegal and/ or
immoral, items or people from heaven
 Introvert or Extrovert?: Extreme extrovert
 How does the character deal with anger?: By lashing out
 With sadness?: By lashing out
 With conflict?: By lashing out at the conflict
 With change?: With skepticism and lashings
 With loss?: With conflict leading to more lashing out
 What does the character want out of life?: To enjoy it to the fullest and to get back in to
 What would the character like to change in his/her life?: His place of residence
 What motivates this character?: Any of the seven deadly sins
 What frightens this character?: Nothing (massive rebellious streak)
 What makes this character happy?: Doing what he pleases
 Is the character judgmental of others?: Extremely
 Is the character generous or stingy?: Surprisingly generous if someone interests him
 Is the character generally polite or rude?: Says what is on his mind without inhibition
often offending those near him
Behaviors and Mannerisms:

 Group Behaviors: Always wants to be the center of attention and will do nearly anything
to make it so
 Individual Behaviors: Will often help people get what they truly desire as it is
entertaining for him
 Catch Phrases: “God-given I’m afraid.” “

Skills/ abilities:

 inherent: Control over flame, immortal, manipulative, draw out hidden desires, can
change form at will to nearly anything
 will learn: Control over light, regain his angelic powers,

Spiritual Characteristics:

 Does the character believe in a God? Many gods? None at all?: He knows God exists
 What are the character's spiritual beliefs?: Believes it all as he is a part of it
 Is religion or spirituality a part of this character's life?: Big time
 If so, what role does it play?: It describes his life and the lives of his family

How the Character is Involved in the Story:

 Character's Game Role (Main character? Hero? Heroine? Romantic interest? Sidekick?,
etc.): Hero
 Scene where Character First Appears: The Luciferic Rebellion
 Relationships with Other Characters: Superficial for the most part


While the following scenarios are not specific to any game, they will help to further define your
character's persona.

 How does the character hold a baby?: By dropping it

 What does the character do when they are left in a room alone?: Be bored and leave
 How does the character act around the opposite sex?: Audacious and cocky, then

Character Growth (How is the character different at the end of the game or story from
when the game or story began?): Begins as the devil, discovers that everyone can be
redeemed and is reborn

Describe a small segment of a narrative that could occupy 20-30 seconds of a short
animation or cut scene from a game where your character does something that conveys
emotion: funny, sad, surprised, etc. An example would be something like this: A kid in a
karate gi stands in front of a board ready to attempt to snap it. The board is suspended
between two cinder blocks as the kid tries every move to break the board, but the board
will not budge. Finally, after falling on the floor, he sits up and leans on the board with his
elbow, chin resting on his palm with the look of frustration on his face. The board snaps
and he falls again with a thud and dust puffs up.

The Devil gets out of his bed to grab a shower. After the shower he gets dressed and goes
downstairs where he makes breakfast. With breakfast made, he presses a button in the wall next
to a massive blacked out window. The window clears to reveal massive flame pillars, imps flying
around with whips cracking at the backs of damned souls as they toil in their own personal hell.
The devil sips his coffee, turns away from the window with a strained smile, and sits down to
continue eating his meal while watching his favorite show, the Good Place.

Additional Notes on this Character:

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