Vocabulary: Education: Subjects

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Maths, Social Sciences, English/Spanish language and literature, Technology, Earth Sciences, physical
education, Music, Geography, History, information technology.

At school: pay university fees: pagar tasas matriculación de la Uni

Headmaster: director students are motivated: los studiantes están motivados
Students get good/bad marks:sacar buenas/malas notas
School/high school: colegio/instituto skip lessons: saltarse las clases
Playground: recreo
Take an exam: hacer/presentarse a un examen cheat: hacer trampas
Resit an exam: volver a presentarse a un examen
Fail an exam/subject: suspender un examen/asignatura
Pass an exam/subject: aprobar un examen/ asignatura
Stop/reduce early school dropouts: parar/reducir el abandono escolar temprano
Quit school: dejar el colegio revise the unit: repasar el tema
The attendance register: la lista do the homework: hacer los deberes
Attend classes/lessons: ir a clase ask doubts: preguntar dudas
We had a lot of homework: teníamos muchos deberes
Optional/compulsory subjects: asignaturas opcionales y obligatorias
We had to wear uniform at school: teníamos que llevar uniforme en el colegio
Study a unit: estudiar una unidad/tema
Study hard= hit the books: empoyar/estudiar mucho
I made an effort to pass: hice un esfuerzo para aprobar
Study abroad: estudiar en el extranjero
Go to a public/private school
Distance learning is better: aprendizaje a distancia es major
Learn the lesson by heart: aprender el tema de memorieta

The teacher explained very well, he was very funny, nice and patient. We learned a lot: el professor
explicaba muy bien, era divertido, simpático y paciente.

I did not understand anything that the teacher explained: no entendía nada de lo que explicaba el profesor

We did entertaining and funny activities and projects in groups: Hacíamos actividades entretenidas y
divertidas y trabajos en grupo.s

There are three terms: hay tres trimestres

Timetable: horario
Primary/Secondary Education
Use textbooks: usar libros de texto


Tease: burlarse de alguien

Abuse someone: abuser de alguien
Bullying has long-term effects in students (efectos a largo plazo)
Short-term effects: efectos a corto plazo
Behaviour: comportamiento
Cope with/face: afrontar
Stereotype of student bullied: shy, low self-steem: stereotype ode estudiante acosado: tímido, baja
Attack somebody: atacar a alguien
Threaten someone: amenazar a alguien
Prevent bullying / prevent teenagers from being bullied: impeder el acoso / impeder que los adolescents sean
Psychological and physical bullying
Coward people: gente cobarde
You are afraid to tell somebody: Tienes miedo de decírselo a alguien.
Depressed: deprimido
Upset: enfadado
Respectful attitude towards people: actitudes respetuosas hacia la gente
Respect: respeto
A victim of: una víctima de
You have to be brave: tienes que ser valiente
Stressed: estresado
Sadness: tristeza
Irritability: irritabilidad
Change in eating and sleeping behaviour
Loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy: pérdida de interés en actividades que solían disfrutar
They laugh at you: se rien de ti
Unable to concentrate: incapaz de concentrarse
Suffer from/undergo breakdowns: sufrir/experimentar crisis nerviosas
Exclude, insult, isolate, intimidate: excluir, insultar, aislar, intimidar
Commit suicide: suicidarse

Nowadays bullying is becoming one of the most serious problems in our society. Both
teachers and parents are really worried about children who are bullied. But how can we
notice that our child is being bullied? And the most important question may be: how can a
child who has undergone bullying at school get over from it?
The symptoms can vary from one child to another. However, there is always a change in the
child’s behaviour: irritability, sadness, loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy, sudden
poor school performance, thoughts of suicide…. All these things may tell us that our child is
a victim of bullying.
A child who has been suffering bullying for a long time may have serious psychological
problems. First of all, teachers and parents should work together in order to solve this
problem. Advice and guidance from a professional may be needed. The children should
realize that they have a problem. They should develop strength and confidence to cope with
the situation. On the other hand, teachers and parents can encourage them to talk and express
their own feelings. Doing physical exercise, drawing, listening to music or many other
activities help them release tension.
The very first solutions parents find to help their children are to change them from the
problematic school so that they are away from the bullies. In a new school, children are able
to forget the problem, find new friends and start a new life.

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