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Technology does offer ease in the activity, one gadget. Gadgets are a form of advancement of an age that
can not be avoided. In this modern era, gadgets can not be separated from everyday life. Not just for
adults, but kids are now hard to separate from gadgets. With gadgets, children can sit quietly without
bothering their parents. This makes the kids so accustomed to spending all day with iPad, mobile
phones, TV, video games and other gadget technology. Most parents give gadgets to their child as a
preferred game option because it has a practical value. The easier and cheaper the price of new gadgets,
also affect the desire of many people to give gadgets to their children.

Today, the use of smartphones, tablets and electronic gaming devices has begun at an early age. It can
make children become very dependent on gadgets. Dependency on gadgets can have a negative effect.
Child health experts emphasize that children aged 0-2 years are not allowed to be exposed to gadgets.
Children 3-5 years are limited to one hour per day and children 6-18 years are limited to two hours. But
the fact is, children actually use gadgets 4 to 5 times more than the recommended intensity. Playing
gadgets in long and continuous times every day can make children grow into an antisocial person. This
happens because the child is not introduced to socialize with others.

Addiction to gadgets can make children more aggressive and difficult to control. Parents become
neglected when they rule something on the child because the child is just focusing on the gadget. The
use of gadgets will also have an impact on brain growth. Toddlers whose brains are too exposed to
gadgets tend to experience cognitive delays, impulsive enhancement and decreased ability to self-
regulate. Early brain development is determined by natural and environmental stimuli. The stimuli that
come from the gadget will be related to executive function and attention deficit, cognitive impairment,
learning difficulties, impulsive improvement and decreased ability to control oneself.

Excessive use of gadgets will also affect the child's intelligence. If children are dependent on gadgets,
then they will be very difficult to catch a lesson at school. Because what they have in mind is mostly only
focused on the gadget. Many think that gadgets are one means of effective education. However, experts
argue that education derived from gadgets is not durable and sustainable in the child's memory. Because
after all, a good source of education for the brain is nature and the environment.
Gagdet is not only bad for the children, but the adolescent too. Risks of using gadgets need to be
watched for anyone especially in children. Therefore, parents should be wiser in this regard. Parents
should pay more attention to children not to depend on gadgets.




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