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The Great Pyramids were built in Ancient Egypt 4500 years ago.

Over 100,000 men worked on

the pyramids for three or four months shifts.

Pyramids were constructed to house the dead pharaohs and queens. Imhotep built the first known
pyramid for King Zoser about 2580 B.C.The pyramid that Imhotep built was a Stepped Pyramid.
The transition from the Step Pyramid to a True Pyramid took place during the reign of King
Snefru, around 2610 B.C.

The Great Pyramid was built in 30 years. 100,000 men worked on the pyramids for three or four
months shifts.

Famous pyramids are built about 4,500 years ago. Smaller pyramids continued to be built for
more than one thousand years. Several pharaohs died before their pyramids were built. Around
2465 B.C, halfway through the Old Kingdom, pyramids became less important.

There are 10 pyramids at Giza that were built for Kings about 2500 to 2600 B.C.From about
1700 to 2700 B.C., the bodies of Egyptian Kings were buried inside or beneath a pyramid in a
secret chamber that was filled with treasures of gold and precious objects.

Sigiriya is located in the central province of Sri Lanka.

It is a rock fortress which was built by king Kashyapa during 477AD-495AD.

Sigiriya consists of an ancient castle built by King Kashyapa during the 5th century.

This is the most urban planning site of the first millennium. It has lion’s paw, mirror wall, art
works and gardens which were made for royal. It is clear that to do this construction there should
were many workers. Thus, to do such a large construction there has been used management
theories definitely. (Sigiriya, 2018) Such a huge creation was done by the king Kashyapa with
his clever management and getting the assistance of people
The king Kashyapa was able to such a huge creation successfully with his efficient management
and assistance obtained from people.

The Sigiriya fortress which is located the central province of Sri Lanka was built by the King
Kashyapa during the 5th century.

The Great Wall of China is one of the seven wonders. It is about 6,400km long and it was built
more than 2000 years ago. The Great Wall of China started building 7th century B.C. It is
obvious that a single person cannot manage the whole work individually. So that the project was
divided into many different sections as follows; Badaling Section, Mutianyu Section, Simatai
Section, Jinshaling Section, Gubeikou Section, Huanghua cheng Section, Huangyanguan
Section, Jiankou Section, Jiaoshan Section, Jiumenkau Section. Because of the proper
management of the work on the great wall they could do it successfully.

Socrates is the father of Western philosophy. He has discussed about the management practices
and concepts.

Plato was a philosopher in Classical Greece and the founder of the Academy in Athens, the first
institution of higher learning in the Western world.

the Persian philosopher and scientist Al Farabi has listed number of leadership traits.

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