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Urcegur, 30 de diciembre de 201F Tensor Caloulus 4 Cartesian Tensors * Suromation Cowertion: @ sien ul Hose sommands ore obtained giving valu. 91213,---09 ty cerduin indices 1 we hove indicated ath Yoe smb Zt with The range ef index variation For example 8 Fe ban ° Zz ab, = ab #02b2 + Fanby @) Z oi 2 anys nae so 4 inne o a To treo colevhas agpanr vey Freqvenly som of the bye of ye. G) ond @) , cvinre we wd on uo repeated ieices. Sn the case die comfortable ant Hoe ona 6 abbreviated if we agree that for suoh inclices Lhe som 590 wall be Suppressed. The follwing &s established Ennskio emnenhon: when in a call be understood Hat enceria txpession there ore fue repeated tndce, 4 te aubere ave 5.0 a7 ia which the eqented wkces avo added fom He dinension of space S the examples (2) end (4) or plified by the convention ty biz Ob 4 be 4 nbn RYN AUK 4 Bias 4. 4 Oinxn Reman omy free index in an expees Stn Hal ime Ihe sae ange as sonmahen nds, unless shled cthennse : Remark 2: to index may ccc more Pron fuce in ony 3Iven expression Observahon the repeated indices can be re press ‘sum ohanging we have, for crample cath any beter withet the ibis ambos becavse bath members vepreent Ue sem ob 02k b+ anbn 190 expression xe ‘Example 4° Ca) Recording fo Remark 2 surheut meaning © Bo expression of She form ain 4) «9 covseved well defined, Gort 2 obtained by composition of the meaning fol exprescion Shand Xt we ai. In other words, the inden 2 regpeded OF occuring once in the term (xi+ vi) tn the & 0), the expres 28100 a, a imolves ho ser of ind +The ines of seamen jy whch songes over the Integers 4, 24 1 clor that the ute of the porkvlar characher ‘eeavie the expre soins Qrar and avis apron Sta as 04%; doce 2340 J essenbal, ent bractly the came fr Hoe weaton, 4 1s ealed a dommy sndey * The inde i, ah Indepentert in” Mt He 00 907 sarkelar waive #\2,3)-- a S) iw called a free iedey: & 2 #3) wribe Tie dae ne radia 29h + arate Yodan +20 Tn 12 W0TE+ Au dehy Res kctay = Ou) Ta= Wan % + Pe tartn nada + eT ag 9. Tet dw data + Av detas Oa data eaurge, Baas Tay 3° 0 Tas dudahes uta Dari + dorailae Pa davies ae pvaen PKS. Xe das Tay de aety ns anata zit + Mata 4 Auaytins dda AWTS Maayte De iy = Madu Ty -4 ic Pas itn Dates Dea Ais Tha 6 Pas Hn Tas Aa +a $e AaTas daa ous WT 6 dee Bae Ate = (aa)ty Note Loox the transformation cule for second rane Fensers using its nahix representation TY Me Tee + Tue 2 = ha Tee (ay) > Te argt (ae) We hove “GIG 29: :) 2- Opperations with Cartesian Tensors 9) Additbon: the som of tuo tensors of equal rank is ansther tensor of the same rane Let on give the proof for second rank forgone only Give two tensors Aj and 241 we define the som in § by Bye Aye By ay To x! system we howe by definition, Eye Aye 29 Ayn Bin + Pie jm Be Adie (Aent an) = em Een hence, €y 0 tensor of Steord- rank b) Scaler multiplication ty rrvltily a tensor by a Sealer, ‘multiply each companert the tensor by the sealar td the poet . DAs (2) $2.4 tensor of second - rank ©) Maplechon « tenor of am b tines a feosor of rank ¢ fentor of rane bie nth ght components 6 eval by a Eye te Aj Brg = Let os Sue the Pret for the specal cate Sys AyBe — s = (De re Aer) Fem Yen Ben) it Aer) ) 4 Ren den Ane Bare = Wie Ne Aen Jen Extmn, Here, Ea tensor %€ fourth cong 4) Conteachion MF 07 Pe of Indices of on ath eq0l avd 5 ark teaser whch are set med Over the TBE * 9) the result isa fenene Of rank roa Covader Aico, coheh obeys Arate® Dei Dei Aon dug Aico (a bet sat ond m over the index s Ths 1s the transformation, lau 6 © second-roek tensor, Hence, Nessu 18 0 second: rang tensor Mifferenkiation of cactescan tensors Geet tes tee Ty= Aa 2p. Tin, beanse the coofficients 2h are constants , 45 derivate both sides of the last expression respect fo xn we have Tim = he Tings 2% (es) On ‘bere for sbbrevedson oa Tis « Tae atm 5 Using Ey. C40): x, Wy ond Seferentahng, aK a Dae” Dag (AX) Tre fem in the parentheses © bry Sor according ty the transformetion lew the Fy Ces) can be written as Tyme ah An er Toes Ga The partial deriva ive They fam comporents of @ ied cone tentoe a general The farhal dervative of a cortesian tensor of ronk r is another tensor of rank 44 = General Tensors + The essertal point abact tensor crledks is Hat chen oe mane a statement abodd frre ox do mt wah st singly by dot for re coordinate sycee bit cde for all camdinate systems Consequently, we ceed ty find ovt how guank hes behave when ue 90 from ene Crordlinafe system fy ancHer one We therelore consider the change of coordinates 285% suey by the 0 equations Ee 8) Canna, 1), (a) where the €% are ; Oe the Lede sedi = are accume ty cm Eeom 4 te Beene eC a a), ® OF more simply as wee aon) an ee £0 Diterewtatns (e6) with respect te cach of the coordinates xb we obtain the 7H teansfermaken matin of coefficients att ax ant" oxo axe ax? ax? ax oot a a ax” a” " ax ag The determinant 3) of the mabrx v5 called the Jacobian of the ete v) oe] (2a) We chall assume that * tea Hes im en ere Salve equakion (39) far the ld evo wsformatien eeahons fer some raege of the coordinates leaded le, tae nu we) Go) TE we def. ene the Jacobian of the inverce Frecsformbon by 3 [28]. &) Example 4 the change of coordinates From Certesian coordinates ee prlor coordiombes Go)~ (xx) (9) 19 Rs given by Go) (ee) (#9) 9 ) , 2 foo xe ree ys Y= €5en0 © testy a, - Then Pe oat] fa a ty [oe es & | te ~esene ax? ax a es] oo Je x | | 508 cae | Ter Red : , ax” ax” | J | we | ont By? ae Joe t mye | ee | a J ot Oe ) Tensor of Rank 4, Consider a vector field Px Cv') defined on some evbsed 8”, that is, for each i; the component vy: VG) 8 scalor field (real-valued fonchen) G2 varies over the Het the » componente v', v4. 1 of V be expressible as n real-valued fanchang, s0y, 8 le a Ge) ~s)shem ond a 7 in the C)~ spate where (x) and Gx") are related by Fy (26) and &q C20) Deinton a: the vechr freld Pie a contravarionk tensor of rank 4 Cor Contravariant a Fe ite Components (1!) ond Cr) relative 1 4 the cespechve coorlnate 2yehene (1) and (x) obay the law trorforenton ertrovoriont veckor -!'_ ax qu i Contravoriant yeckor Thi. Bet (acien) (2) Dafietin We wacler Gu 9 a cn Sor of Yann 4 Cor covariant =. i -~- =~ tear orbitrary fair °F Coordinate systems (x) and (x), respectively, cbey the lau of trnsformo! te covariant vector Th. ox! weir ti BT (aera) os Frample wo: a @. derivatives, ©) is 0 conhravariont vector, 1 show that the parhal TU2 BE, defsoad in cach, coordina fe system) trans fom according ty dhe 2 Differentiating both sides of with, vespect to wi Bet ae ax en Pr the chain role for porhal derivabves ot High - Rane Tenses Setord— Rane Tencons let = (5) dense wa Fields VIGR), all def, tein Field, thot is, (vy) fined over the Hal 7 os 0 rprecertation Cr) Ceerdinates celated by £4 Ge) a 13 a 14m matrix of scaler me region in BA will be assumed 9 We) ond (TS) in Ge 2 ave admissible “AEF (30) Definthon 3. the wats if hs Components Fold 7 se 0 conbavariact teraor af rack 2 C78) mG) and Crt) sm Ca) obey he Lats of trasfornaton Contravariart tensor ue Chara) a) Definition a the matrix Feld 7 ts @ covariant tensor of crank 26 te Components (Ty) in Gx’) and (4) in G8) obey He laws of trons formation Coveriant tensor Tag” yt a. Tye Se oT, Gajeny ee Broken 5 the mahor ial 7s @ med tercr af cone 2, conbravarvant of tare and cooriant of rank, if ik, Componente op) 9 Ge) and CTY) se Ge") bey the law of trons formation Moved tensor 7 eae Go) = Arbitrary rank: Tenses Let inhodce « generalaed Vector © (ms p49) scalar el io *, is 9) Scalar fields, (Wt), defined over 6 region, let (1) dene Se eh systems Feld T, sch s on ordered areny of °F Component. fenchore in various coord ate Definition 6 Lhe Sereraticd vector field @ ie Conhavariant © fersor of ron me peg ef rank p ond covariant Of order 9, if ity component : Ce BF) 9 ©) ond Ge a) ‘0 Ga") obey Hee law of rarefermaten 28 at cae ep a ani on “am Tog ay GD uhh He clear cange for eee indices Example 11: Suppose that the components of 4 conhrvariont forcor T of cank Be eet etebem Go) of RE ore Tea, gota, Tot and neg Find He components TY of T in the x syctem, connected ‘by the Cuid-system vig *"s Go)? #0 Salstion From the tronsfermatin law Ty 4 2 ax! pos ant ond ea + oe Be a pe on aT + Se SRT, ae oe MAM 2 ng Waa ye TR (RS ant ante, (sy To ant Be aa Qa “ 2B Bm ae od ek yt an ar oe on ont & ee = (2x42 Wee rs ae ae 7 ax ox Be ax? pan 2 on TMs axtae pe TP. 8 Ts Aa)! = OPP TY Te, TM wenn? TS ats 260F TH 2 2x92 ~ 2 Gey? THe 2Gey s (a)? an mahi form 4c? Ta, OAT Oa Te aotats 2008) atP-26* aC) Ga* ax Bite ¥ Keonseker delty Fr edependent fumctons se (3, 8 x) 4 Tereer operations 4 The cferahons of adi:ton ond woolhplcahon of tonto in general, are defined 5 in He case of Corfe sian Teneo Only have f dane ‘nto cteourt that the fencers are of the sane HP® Ce. sane momber of confravariant dices and fame umber of covariant indices) ¥ Fer the continchon eer ice a $= (si * ) set fee Onin and tum 9005 the resulting tensor mest oe(sh go ‘3 allel 9 contachon of § with contmetion indices ia ad jo 1 | conhvariant of rane pa a | 'S enanard of rank gee Let "ond 7; be the components of a contravariant ¢ covariant veeto, Tepechvoly 34 the ner prodoch ee ‘2 defined in ench component system, then E ‘3.20 invariant Syometne and anh-symmehie fensors Aeowrark toto of nk 2 6 sad by be symmeinn ¢ Teh ‘Yeu con desote the symmehne part of @ tensor as The tensor Ty is said te be a Tye-5 ‘ho con derohe the anti- Symmebric part of a tensor og Tatel derwvahve of tensor Wetahien: Yau can denote the Portal denvative of « Cintravarart vector yt by Yul or avi yi Wo BE we Vs or vi, ord surilarly for higher rank tensors Hote tn the: Wookie, the parkal derivate of a tancor is often referred to as He oninary derivative of tensor, to dietiguish t from the tensorial Mferentakon Different whing Ea. (30) with respect fox, wwe fied % OKT! dees oot behaue live = ah ay at ar a Ts

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