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Kaira Looro
Architecture Competition
Sacred Architecture

Introduction 1

Design 2

Theme 2

Program 2

Location 3

Organization 5

Mission 5

Calendar and deadlines 5

Registration 5

Prizes 6

Material 6

Evaluation criteria 7


Rules 7

Causes of exclusion 8

Notes and conditions 8

Jury 10

Supported project 12

Sponsor 13 | Kaira Looro Architecture Competition to support Balouo Salo

Introspection, spirituality and divinity.
These are the elements around which
the sacred architecture revolves. The light
and the lightness of the materials join sa-
cred and profane, creating an architectu-
re that, through spaces and forms, try to
invite the humans to an interior research. | Kaira Looro Architecture Competition to support Balouo Salo ....... 1
DESIGN - even if a low cost and sustainable ap-
proach is highly recommended, proper
THEME innovative solutions, also including hi-
gh-tech, are welcome.
Kaira Looro are two words in Mandin- - it is important to have a keen eye for
ga language, the main culture in Tanaf. timing and construction conditions, re-
The greetings of welcome or farewell, mind always that it’s difficult to find spe-
are not simple greetings of “good mor- cialized workers on place.
ning” or “good evening”, but they are real - natural and local materials are highly re-
good wishes and prayers for the peace commended.
of others. Often people greet each other - please consider that when in operation,
“Alma kaira siyaa laa”, or that “God will the structure should minimize the con-
give you peace.” sumption of water.
Kaira Looro, that in Mandingo language - it would be better if the structure is able
means “Architecture for Peace”, is not to celebrate different kind of worship
just architecture, but it also represen- (Muslim, Christian, Orthodox, Animism)
ts the link to a culture, a spirituality and as any potential sanitary or environmen-
research of interiority. The challenge is tal emergency.
to celebrate this cult philosophy by de- All the necessary documentation, such
signing a sustainable and culturally-dri- as photos of the location of intervention,
ven architecture, for a place with a lack of video, drawings (cad) can be found on
materials and with low technology. the website also before registering for
the competition. All the uploaded do-
cuments can only be used to attend the
DESIGN Kaira Looro Competition.
To design a place of worship means cre-
ating a new landmark, but also giving
substance to a culture of a community,
being lightweight and graceful to under-
stand its spirituality.
This competition has to show and de-
scribe the theme thanks to an impressi-
ve design also being integrated and able
to become a symbol for all the country.
Carefully included into the landscape, it
will represent the conjunction between
earthly and divine.
The project has to respect the following
- maximum imprint on the ground is
fixed at 350mq; maximum height is 30m.
Please consider that existing buildings
don’t exceed 6m high. | Kaira Looro Architecture Competition to support Balouo Salo ....... 2
LOCATION Tanaf Bolong. Here, the sides of the river-
bed are almost flat. Rise fields and other
From 1980 to 2005, the region of Casa- cultivations used to fill the valley befo-
mance, in the far South of Senegal, has re the climate change. Today, because
been marked by war with more the of the drought and the salt intrusion,
20.000 displaced people and 5.000 hu- everything has been destroyed: tides
man casualties. Since 1965, the same from the Atlantic Ocean run through the
region, had to face devastating drought Casamance river and reach the valley;
that is still affecting the Sahel, producing the water has a salt concentration whi-
high temperatures and reduction of the ch is five times than the ocean’s one; the
rain water. The name of the region co- groundwater is also infected. All of these
mes from the river Casamance, that flows problems affect 80.000 people of 350 vil-
through three regions: Ziguinchor, Kolda lages and communities who live in the
and Sedhiou. valley.
The site of intervention is located in the In front of Tanaf, on the other side of
village of Tanaf, inside the region of Se- valley, is situated the village of Baghe-
dhiou, at the boundary with Guinea-Bis- re, where many of the most renowned
sau and so it is a crucial frontier for the Griot in Sedhiou have their place. Here it
entire region. an important religious holiday is celebra-
Tanaf is also overlooking a valley called te that attracts people from all over the
country. The Griot is a mandinga social- | Kaira Looro Architecture Competition to support Balouo Salo ....... 3
ly-emblematic figure. He is the one who dbanks and clay banks. There are several
keeps the knowledge by a community to laterite’s quarries and the forest of Bal-
orally pass on to future generations, also madou which provides the territory with
playing the Kora and singing. many different tree species such as the
Tanaf is the main village of the river ba- Baobab, Palms and Mango.
sin on the Tanaf Bolong Valley. It is the The site of intervention (see the section
one with the largest population (almost “Download” on the website) is today wai-
4.000) and deepest supply of resources ting to host a mosque. Nevertheless, it is
(market, school, hospital). Inside the vil- possible to find a different site to place
lage there is a Mosque and a Christian the project, provided that design requi-
church which are in bad structural con- rements are observed.
The soil is characterized by a red laterite
stone, full of iron, and a sequence of san- | Kaira Looro Architecture Competition to support Balouo Salo ....... 4
The aim of the competition is to create a Application fees:
holy architecture which should become
a symbol for the territory and help com- Early registration - 60€/team
munities to overcome difficulties. Normal registration - 90€/team
The winning project will be given to the Late registration - 120€/team
Non Profit International Organization Ba-
louo Salo and then will be donated to Ta- How to apply:
naf community to build it.
The Balouo Salo OINP reserves the right • go to:
to adopt the proposal as a charity project tion.html;
and to engage the awarded team during • enter the Registration section;
the construction. • complete the module and pay the fee
This competition is also promoted as a fi- by credit card;
nancial contribution to the humanitarian • after the registration, the team leader
project carried out by the OINP Balouo will receive the confirmation by email,
Salo. All the application fees will be do- with the ID and a link to upload the
nated to “A Bridge for Life” (www.balouo- project.
Note: Check in junk mail if you don’t re-
ceive the registration mail. It is advisable
ORGANIZATION to carry out registration procedures and
CALENDAR AND DEADLINES loading projects with cautious ahead of
the deadlines.
Early Registration
Open: 20 January 2017
Close: 13 February 2017 (h 23.59 GMT)

Normal Registration
Open: 14 February 2017
Close: 10 March 2017 (h 23.59 GMT)

Late Registration
Open: 11 March 2017
Close: 02 April 2017 (h 23.59 GMT)

Submission deadline : 23 April 2017

Jury Summoning : 01-7 May 2017
Results announcement: 14 May 2017 | Kaira Looro Architecture Competition to support Balouo Salo ....... 5
1st PRIZE The participants will upload these mate-
€ 2,500 rial:
(considered such as cover expenses)
Internship at Kengo Kuma Associates, • n. 1 A1 layout (841 x 594mm) in .pdf
Tokyo format, written in English,300 dpi, maxi-
Award plaque mum size 10 mb, horizontal layout.
Possible realization of the project This layout must contain:
Publication on websites and architectu- a. design concept / conceptual idea;
ral format b. graphic framework aimed to illustra-
Exposure in architectural events te the project (i.e. plans, facades, cross-
sections) , choosing what to display and
2nd PRIZE the relative scale is up to competitor’s
€ 1,000 choice;
(considered such as cover expenses) c. 3d views - i.e. renderings, pictures,
Award plaque hand sketches;
Publication on websites and architectu- File name: A1_<TeamID>.pdf (es. if “Tea-
ral format mID” is 123 , file must be named A1_123_
Exposure in architectural events pdf )

3rd PRIZE • n. 1 report pdf(A4 layout), maximum

€ 500 characters 2.000, written in English,
(considered such as cover expenses) File name: A4_<TeamID>.pdf (es. if “Tea-
Award plaque mID” is 123 , file must be named
Publication on websites and architectu- A4_123.pdf ). The report cannot contain
ral format any pictures.
Exposure in architectural events

5 HONORABLE MENTIONS • n. 1 cover .jpeg or .pdf format 1920x1080

Digital certificate pixel size. It should be a relevant image
Publication on websites and architectu- showing the project that will become its
ral format avatar icon, maximum size 10 mb
Exposure in architectural events File name: Cover_<TeamID>.jpg (es. if
“TeamID” is 123 , file must be named
10 FINALISTS Cover_123.jpg)
digital certificate
Publication on websites and architectu- Text should be synthetic and written
ral format in English. Layouts cannot contain any
Exposure in architectural events name or reference to designers. Layouts
can have also group’s “TeamID” on it. The
All the awarded proposals will be tran- teamID has to be written also into the file
smitted to architectural magazines and name.
websites, will be hosted in international
exhibitions. | Kaira Looro Architecture Competition to support Balouo Salo ....... 6
Each member of the jury will evaluate 1. Participants must respect calendar da-
each project by assigning a total score tes, procedures and fees, respecting also
for each project, from a minimum of 1 to all the instructions regarding the requi-
a maximum of 30 scores, and a possible red material.
mention useful to establish a ranking in 2. Competitors can be students, gradua-
the event of a tie, and the allocation of ted, freelance architects, designers or ar-
mentions. tists and is not mandatory to be involved
The score from 1 to 30 is assigned accor- in architectural disciplines or enrolled in
ding to the following parameters, each architectural associations.
parameter can have a maximum score of 3. Competitors can join the competition
10 points: individually and or in team.
4. Teams, with up to 5 members, must
- Sustainability and building process have at least one team member betwe-
- Architectural quality en 18 and 35 years old. For the winners
- Flexibility and contextualization the organization will ask projects suppor-
ting documentation to verify the requi-
The assignment of the entries will take rements of the team. If the requirements
place for those projects that are not are not respected they will be banned.
among the winners, who are part of the 5. Teams can be composed of any num-
finalists and they will receive a number of ber of team members and of any com-
mentions by at least 80% of the jury. petitors belonging to different counties
The jury will draw up a ranking that will and universities.
decide the winners and finalists. If the 6. Paying a single entry fee allows each
point of the project will prevail with more team to join the competition with a sin-
mentions and in case of a further tie, the gle project. 7. Paying
winning project will be decreed by the further entry fees allows to join the com-
president of the jury. petition with further projects; fees to be
determined by the competition’s calen-
dar. In this case it is advisable to change
ORGANIZATION the project manager.
FAQ 8. Prizes includes bank commissions and
fees and is regardless to of the number
During the whole contest, until the sub- of attendants a team is made of. The
mission deadline, competitors can ad- prize will be delivered to the team lea-
dress der and it is intended as reimbursement
any kind of question by writing to the of expenses for the participation at the
e-mail address on the website info@kai- competition. Staff will individually answer 9. The prize corresponding to the intern-
the competitors by e-mail and will publi- ship is for a maximum of three members
sh weekly updates in the “FAQ” section of the winning team, enrolled in the
of the competition website. Answers will competition trough the registration. The
be published in English. Questions simi- duration of the depends on the availa-
lar to those already present on the FAQ bility of the studio and it must take pla-
will not be answered. ce within one year from the close of the
competition and must be agreed on da- | Kaira Looro Architecture Competition to support Balouo Salo ....... 7
tes determined by the host institution, at least will be disqualified.
including details provided. Travel costs g. Team members who publish their own
will be paid by the winner, but the stu- proposal material before the conclusion
dio will contribute to living expenses in of the competition will be disqualified.
Tokyo. You cannot transfer the prize to a
person who is outside the project team.
10. Jury’s verdict is incontestable. ORGANIZATION
11. It is forbidden to competitors to pu- NOTES AND CONDITIONS
blishtheir own proposal material before
the conclusion of the competition. a. The winning project is considered do-
12. The participants agree with the hu- nated to the International Organization
manitarian purposes of the initiative and Balouo Salo, which thus acquires a per-
they know that their registration fee is petual and exclusive license, which is in-
fully devolved to the Association Balouo ternational, with permanent, unlimited
Salo. and irrevocable license to use, perform,
13. By violating the rules, competitors adapt, modify, publish on any media
and their teams will be disqualified from channel, exhibit, reproduce and deploy
the competition without any chance of
the project. The Organization can accept
getting a refund.
purposes of marketing and advertising,
14. The authorship of each project is
make editorial revisions, create derivative
equally attributed to each member of
the team. works based on it, as well as to sub-licen-
15. Fees are not refundable no chances se to third parties the project, or parts of
of getting refund. it, through any shape or technology, wi-
16. Joying the competition implies ac- thout restriction time or place.
cepting rules and service terms. b. The eventual construction of the win-
ning project will be entrusted to the vo-
lunteers of the Organization or to third
ORGANIZATION parties considered suitable subjects, but
CAUSES OF EXCLUSION by communicating it to the winners.
c. The winning designers are required to
a. Layouts showing texts bodies not writ- support the organization in the possible
ten in English will be disqualified. granting of additional documents, exhi-
b. Layouts showing names or referrals bit and / or publications.
to their own team/their identity will be d. The organization, in case of con-
banned. Team ID can appear on the file truction, reserves the possibility to make
name only, since judges will not be al- changes to the project to improve the
lowed to see it. feasibility and cost effectiveness.
c. Files named not according to the pre-
e. All of the participating projects reserve
scription of the competition will be ban-
rights of use for exhibitions and publica-
d. Material which Is considered incom-
plete or non-congruent to the criteria of f. The projects must be new and origi-
the competition will be banned nal, and the result of intellectual activi-
e. Material wich is submitted by times ty of the participants. If the documents
and procedures different frome the ones uploaded were not the work of the par-
of the competition will be banned. ticipants and/or them were not owner
f. Teams missing one under 35 member of all rights of use, including the right to | Kaira Looro Architecture Competition to support Balouo Salo ....... 8
participate in the contest in the terms responsible for the declaration of false
provided here, the Organization Balouo data from the participants.
Salo will not be responsible in any case. n. By entering the competition, partici-
g. Competition material necessary to ful- pants accept the terms and rules of par-
fill the competition is available on ww.kai- ticipation. Material
is made available regardless of the kind
of subscription fulfilled.
h. The Organization of the contest has
the right to change dates or other de-
tails in order to improve or fix aspects of
the competition, a notice will be given
within a reasonable time through all its
media channel.
i. The Organization Balouo Salo is not re-
sponsible for any malfunctions, technical
difficulties or non-receipt of the material.
In order to avoid system overloads, they
invite the participants to carry out regi-
stration procedures and loading projects
with cautious ahead of the deadlines.
j. The processing of personal data of the
participants, carried out using manual
and computerized system will be carri-
ed out by the Organization Balouo Salo
just for the purpose of the competition
in accordance with the rules applicable
under Legislative Decree 196/03.
The provision of data is optional but
the refusal to supply them could cause
exclusion from the competition.
k. This contest is in no case a prize event
in accordance with art. 6 of Presidential
Decree 430/2001.
l. Candidates will be responsible for the
truthfulness and correctness of the data,
even personal, indicated and the organi-
zation of the contest does not take any
responsibility for indication for false de-
tails provided. In any case, the promoter,
in compliance with privacy regulations,
reserves the right to check the data en-
tered by requesting a copy of the iden-
tity document indicating in the personal
data used during registration.
m. The Organization Balouo Salo is not | Kaira Looro Architecture Competition to support Balouo Salo ....... 9
JURY | Kaira Looro Architecture Competition to support Balouo Salo ....... 10 | Kaira Looro Architecture Competition to support Balouo Salo ....... 11
SUPPORTED PROJECT flanked by three simple traits that have a
double interpretation. The three sections
All registration fees are devolved to the on the left of the logo represent both
Association Balouo Salo currently enga- the tides changing trajectory before Kai-
ged in Tanaf valley in an architectural ra Looro that the purpose of Balouo Salo
project, to resolve a serious emergency project to restore health, nutrition and
that causes death, disease and poverty wealth.
to 80,000 people. For more information about the project
The tides of the Atlantic Ocean invade “A bridge for Life” visit the website www.
the Casamance River and inundate far- .
mlands destroying rice fields and conta-
minating the well water. With the project
“A Bridge for Life” a bridge-dam will be
realized and it will make over 100 km2
of arable land and purifying water from
wells, resolving the emergency.
The Kaira Looro logo features the name | Kaira Looro Architecture Competition to support Balouo Salo ....... 12


OFFICIAL MEDIA- PARTNER | Kaira Looro Architecture Competition to support Balouo Salo ....... 13
PARTNERS & PRESS | Kaira Looro Architecture Competition to support Balouo Salo ....... 14
Organized by Association Balouo Salo
to support of humanitarian project
A bridge for life

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