April 2011 Vol 24 No 2: Platinum Sponsor

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April 2011 Vol 24 No 2

The AMMJ is Sponsored and Supported By:

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AMMJ Contents
April 2011 Issue Vol 24 No 2
Asset Management and Maintenance Journal

6 Maintenance Engineering and 38 Fit at 50 - Keeping Aging

Engineering Economics Transformers Healthy For Longer
Economics and engineering still live like worlds apart. Keeping fit and “staying young”
And yet, one needs the other. This must change. One are goals for many including
outstanding example of this long lived separation relates power transformers. Many of the
to the maintenance function. What happens and why? world’s transformers are reaching
an age where these goals are
becoming critical for their survival,
and for the survival of the operating companies.
10 Impact of Reliability Centred
This paper contains a brief description 44 The Role of Vibration Monitoring In
of potential areas of benefit of using
RCM. Some of the cashable and Predictive Maintenance - Part 2
non-cashable advantages that will Some Illustrative Examples of Vibration Monitoring
have a positive impact throughout an in Predictive Maintenance.
enterprise. Vibration monitoring being used to
detect and diagnose problems on
rotating equipment ranging from
20 Protection Of Drives electric motors to large crushing
Microprocessor based electronics and data communication machines used for mining and
networks are very common. Surge processing.
Protection Devices helps preserving
these systems from damage. How
to properly stage these SPDs can 51 Machinery Troubleshooting - First
be as important as actually making Impressions
the decision to purchase them.
When troubleshooting a machinery problem, whether
for an unusual vibration problem or a component failure
such as a bearing or seal, first impressions from the initial
22 Lessons Learnt In 45 Years of machinery inspection are very important.
Condition Monitoring Load parameter W’
Lines of
constant b/d

The lessons learnt by one of the

52 Maintenance News

World’s leaders in the field of

Original Oil 71°C

Condition Monitoring. This paper of The latest maintenance news, products & services.
when 1.0 Bearing
bearings Oil 40°C too short

brief case studies in narrative style Increased risk of half-

frequency whirl

is intended to entertain, inform and

0.1 0.5 0.9

55 AMMJ Sponsors and Supporters

Eccentricity ratio

even inspire.

30 2011 CMMS and EAMs Listing 56 Maintenance Seminars

The AMMJ’s annual listing of Computerised Maintenance The Len Bradshaw and Ricky Smith Maintenance
Management Systems and Enterprise Asset Management Seminars in Australia 2011.
Systems. What do CMMS and EAMs provide in 2011.

Asset Management and Maintenance Journal

ISSN 1835-789X (Print) ISSN 1835-7903 (Online)

Published by: Copyright:

Engineering Information Transfer Pty Ltd This publication is copyright. No part of it may COVER
Publisher and Managing Editor: be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or SHOT
Len Bradshaw transmitted in any form by any means, including
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or This issue’s cover
Publishing Dates: otherwise, without the prior written permission of the shot is courtesy of
Published in January, April, July and October. publisher. SKF and shows
Material Submitted: For all Enquiries Contact:
an impact spanner
Engineering Information Transfer Pty Ltd accept no
Engineering Information Transfer Pty Ltd for mounting larger
responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed rolling element
PO Box 703, Mornington, Victoria 3931, Australia
in articles, features, submitted advertising, advertising bearings. Go to
Phone: (03) 5975 0083 Fax: (03) 5975 5735
inserts and any other editorial contributions.
E-mail: mail@maintenancejournal.com page 53 for details.
See website for details of how to submit articles or news. Web Site: www.maintenancejournal.com

To Subscribe to the AMMJ go to www.maintenancejournal.com to download the SUBSCRIPTION FORM. Annual Subscription is from $80.
Maintenance Engineering and
Engineering Economics
José Guilherme Pinheiro Côrtes1 jgcortes@terra.com.br; (Brazil)

Arthur Wellington is recognized as the founder of Engineering Economics (EE) for having written
the seminal work “The Economic Theory of the Location of Railways” in 1877. In it, he showed
his disgust with his fellow engineers who took no account of the economic aspects of investment
decisions regarding engineering assets. More than a century later, economics and engineering still
live like worlds apart. And yet, one needs the other. This must change.
One outstanding example of this long lived separation relates to the maintenance function. What
happens and why? Let us see next.

Engineering Economics and Maintenance Engineering

One basic concept in EE is the capacity of an asset or group of assets to deliver an output of goods and/or services.
Suppose the case of having to decide whether to acquire or not a new machine. How much is it worth? Basic economics
tell us that any asset is worth the discounted value of its expected cash flow over its life cycle. However, the asset’s
ability to deliver goods or services and therefore to produce a healthy cash flow depends on the physical capacity it
puts at the organisation’s service.
And this capacity depends on the
maintenance services it gets. An The One Hoss Shay Capacity Model
obvious connection, right? But not Capacity (t/y)
to everybody, it seems.
Until now, most EE textbooks 1000
implicitly assume that maintenance 800
activities “just happen” and
keep capacity constant until the
very last moment of an asset’s 400
existence. Then, they suffer 200
“sudden death” and thus stop 0
creating revenue and costs. This 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
extraordinary behaviour of an Year
asset’s capacity has been named
“the one hoss shay model of
physical depreciation”. Fig. 1: The One Hoss Shay Capacity Model
This approach is an obvious simplification of a problem that no doubt is much more complex. EE textbooks
devote many pages to describe different models of fixed assets depreciation that do not mirror physical reality. A
few pioneers, a long time ago, recognized the issue and tried to insert in their writings some useful information
concerning real depreciation, or still better, real capacity decay.
The theme has been recently brought again to discussion by some specialists in engineering asset management. It
certainly deserves more attention and can possibly stimulate the joining of forces of Engineering Asset Management
(EAM) – encompassing Maintenance Engineering (ME) – and EE2 . There is a lot more to say about EE lack of
realism that could be cured by some injections of good engineering knowledge and practice. But now let us see
how ME interfaces with EE.
Maintenance Engineering Needs Engineering Economics
ME as an engineering function demands resources that cost money, at the same time that it promises benefits
that are badly needed by any organisation. Its worth derives from a positive balance between what it produces
(benefits) and what it costs (sacrifices). It therefore must be subjected to financial screening, just like any other
commitment of resources. An association of ME with EE is thus of extreme importance, be it to help to choose
among alternative maintenance programs or to gain proper recognition of how much it costs and produces.
To add tasks of financial planning, evaluation and control to the maintenance function is bound to face opposition.
Resistance to change is everywhere, why should it be different here? ME has already a long history of conflict with
operations management, to the point of being considered “a necessary evil”. Although entirely disagreeing with
this, I know it is a real and widely diffused prejudice. I am also convinced that every engineering function should be
more involved in the financials of its activities. To support this view, I will argue that:
1. All those who believe that any ME is worth more than it costs, please bring evidence.
2. It is time to improve the financial toolbox accepted and used by many authors in the ME field; it is embarrassing
to admit that many tools are being imported from EE textbooks which are behind the more advanced “state of
the art”. Take a look at the box opposite.
Vol 24 No 2
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AMMJ Maintenance Enginering and Engineering Economics 

Maintenance Engineering Deserves Better Financial Tools

ME mixes old fashion with modern financial tools. Old stuff includes ROI (Return on Investment), a
coefficient that express a measure of gain (return as profit or cash flow) as a percentage of sacrifice
(investment); all these variables are measured in more than one way, to complicate matters still further.
Also, simple payback rule that ignores the time value of money is no adequate solution. EE and
Corporate Finance can offer better resources. What?
There are proven discounted cash flow methods – NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of
Return), LCC (Life Cycle Cost), B/C (Benefit Cost Ratio) and DPB (Discounted Payback) – not to mention
the more refined Real Options tools. All those require two (hard to get) inputs: the investment expected
cash flow and the corresponding discount rate (adjusted by the systematic risk of the investment). This
toolbox can certainly be upgraded to better satisfy the needs of any area of application. There is no
reason to use old stuff.
Even if sharp tools are used, EE is not able to properly formulate the problems ME faces and to supply
the required inputs. None is more qualified to generate cash flow projections than the Maintenance
Engineer. Acquiring skills in forecasting methods and accounting is recommended, nothing so difficult
as to impede engineers to do the job. My favourite example is cost. ME cost is traditionally gauged by
how much it spends, what is just a fraction of the whole “cost iceberg”. There are many other costs,
including hidden ones such as loss of business reputation due to the deliver of poor quality goods, the
final outcome of faulty maintenance activities. It seems that current cost models ignore the costs of not
doing maintenance work. A rigorous cost model is still lacking.
Discount rates come next. The use of “hurdle rates” to appraise capital expenditure projects with no
justification of its value is common and undesirable practice in many engineering applications. Even
textbook authors in Corporate Finance and EE fail in this respect. Is that a surprise? Not so much. To
adjust a discount rate to the project level of risk is no easy task. But there are means to do it, starting
from the basic financial theory of asset pricing under conditions of risk. The corporate wide cost of
capital may be a good guess to begin with, because ME spending is much related to preserving the
current business capacity.

Engineering Economics Needs Maintenance Engineering

EE needs more engineering. Gradually, EE was pushed out the more technical university departments, being
restricted to industrial (or production) engineering departments. These may provide a better living environment
for Engineering Economists, but it certainly limits the scope and reach of their work. Take a look at the bestsellers
textbooks: there is ever less engineering content in them. I do not want to disrespect anyone’s intellectual
production, but this a sad truth. If you are sceptical, please search inside any EE textbook for engineering subjects
like innovation, maintenance and retrofit; you will find nothing.
From my thirty six years of experience teaching to undergraduate and graduate students of Engineering at
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), I learned that it is easier to teach Economics to them rather than
to teach Technology to students of Economics or Business Administration.
My students – they alone deserve credit for this – never offered any major resistance to become learned in
Economics. Although it was not my intention, some of them became very good economists… To my greatest
satisfaction, most of them became better engineers. Where I found some opposition was in the academic staff.
To many of them, Economics is not a necessary intellectual competence of the engineer. In Brazil, to the best
of my knowledge, engineers tend to reach high management positions and, also, many times become very
successful entrepreneurs. In the beginning of their professional careers they look for opportunities to strengthen
their intellectual capital, such as the MBA programmes, a clear recognition of the missing ingredients in their
undergraduate preparation.
What ME can supply that EE needs? Much, but I will draw the attention to only two themes:
1. First and foremost, ME is indispensable to shed light on the matter of production capacity. Once a
production facility is started up, ME enters the game to preserve its capacity. How do ME activities relate
to capacity levels? I assume that Maintenance Engineers can answer this question in their own language.
What we (Engineering Economists) need is to get this answer in a language that we understand. We,
on both sides, must therefore strive to understand each other. The financial health of private and public
organisations alike will much benefit from this. And, of course, we will be doing a much better job.
2. ME is a service that can be supplied in many ways. Different strategies and technologies make a host
of investment (and current spending) alternatives, with varying implications for the availability of production
capacity. We must explore this territory together.

Vol 24 No 2
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AMMJ Maintenance Enginering and Engineering Economics 

The CAM-I Capacity Model

CAM-I is the acronym for Consortium of Advanced Manufacturing International, a not for profit private
organisation with valuable contribution to industrial management. It developed a capacity analysis tool,
a semaphoric model that divides one facility’s capacity into three major categories: green (productive
capacity, used to produce goods and to improve processes), yellow (unused capacity) and red (non
productive capacity, busy with sterile activities such as waiting, reprocessing and maintenance, among
others). Thus, to CAM-I maintenance is not a value adding activity. However, the same capacity model
takes a 24/7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) schedule as a world standard. How does this capacity
availability come by? What makes it possible? Maintenance, I guess…
Is the 24/7 regime possible? What is the best ME can do to deliver maximum productive time to a
particular facility? Thus, what would be, in the state of the world, the net available productive time, given
the best ME solution? I would love to see these questions answered.

There Comes Engineering Asset Management

Economists developed some interesting approaches to the analysis of business firms. Let me introduce two:
1. The Resource View of the Firm
It consists in viewing the firm as a pool of productive resources – labour, equipment, materials and so on. Resource
based concepts oppose long established view of firms as pools of products, therefore giving more importance to
marketing than to technology and operations, let alone maintenance engineering. In the eighties, it also represented
a different standing vis à vis the Japanese lead in many manufacturing fields.
2. The Process View of the Firm
This approach puts a coordinate set of process and activities between resources (basic inputs) and cost objects
(final outputs). Its heyday occurred in the nineties with the emergence of the radical proposals of reengineering
and activity based costing – sometimes wrapped together under the name of activity based management.


If I had to choose, I would pick the process view of the firm. Why? Because it adds processes to resources, it asks
us to look at how resources are used by the firm. Resources flow to or are consumed by cost objects through
processes. Not every cost object is also a revenue object: some are (for instance, saleable goods), some not (such
as support of community activities).
However, and possibly, accountancy influence upon activity based costing has resulted in replacing costs of
resources for resources properly. People often speak of depreciation instead of fixed assets, salaries but not
labour etc. I strongly argue in favour of starting from physical resources, to only later translate their use in terms of
money spent. This leaves me very comfortable with Engineering Asset Management, as regards physical assets.
Not every resource in taken into account, but a very respectful share of them is.
What is good news here? First, physical assets mean high cost, low decision reversibility and technology choice.
After you have decided to buy a particular equipment, a lot of money must have been spent, you will have to keep
the item for many years and the choice of technology will spread its effects over other resources – labour, specially.
I could have added that buying a new machine is a manly source of pleasure… EAM comes to rescue all involved
in these decisions and consequences from a lack of a sound framework to analyse every business case.
Second, EAM invites EE to assist in every step conducive to more effective management of resources. If this
invitation is not yet loud and clear, let us make it. Economic sense has to be made of any decision that costs money
to both private and public bodies. Take the case of public infrastructure. Official reports abound giving us notice
that infrastructure swallow huge budgets just to get maintenance and yet display a very unsatisfactory state.
Third, EAM is a multidisciplinary field, where different eyes (and minds behind them) look at the same problem:
how to do the best with our physical assets. I hope EAM will in the near future become an interdisciplinary field,
where eyes will see others and minds will strive to think together. Engineers are problem solvers by nature. As
problems rise and get ever more difficult to tackle, engineers must improve their preparedness. Before managing
physical assets, they are defied to manage intellectual assets. Time is now.

1. J. G. P. Côrtes recently retired from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and is presently working
as a private researcher and consultant.
2. As far as I can see, engineering economists are not aware of the rapid advancement of EAM. They should.

Vol 24 No 2
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Locate electrical

Detect plumbing issues

Check mechanical
The Impact Of Reliability
Centred Maintenance
Daryl Mather Reliability Success P/L (Australia)

As a cornerstone of the maintenance discipline, Reliability Centred Maintenance - RCM can achieve
benefits in a vast number of areas depending on where and how it is applied.
When properly implemented, RCM provides companies with a tool for achieving lowest asset Net
Present Costs (NPC) for a given level of performance and risk.
This implies a cashable impact across a multitude of economic activities, covering both OPEX
(Operational Expenditure) and CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) .
However, RCM will also provide companies with a range of non-cashable advantages that will have a
positive impact throughout the enterprise.

This paper contains a brief description of potential areas of benefit; not the entire range of uses for
RCM. Along with these areas, the author has previously used RCM for capital submissions in regulated
• to reduce the risk of legal ramifications in management of environmental integrity,
• to establish a tool for contract negotiations related to outsourced maintenance,
• reduction of a company’s carbon footprint,
• and as a means of developing trouble shooting guides
The information in this paper helps alleviate some of the benefits anxiety that often surfaces in the
early implementation stages of large-scale RCM projects, and to provide guidelines for trainee RCM


Direct cashable benefits from implementing RCM can emerge in every area where maintenance and operations
have an impact.
This can include such disparate areas as increased uptime, decreasing energy usage, reductions in chemical
utilization, or reductions in inventory holdings and routine maintenance spending.
Instead of trying to cover all the potential areas where the method can deliver financial impacts, this section will
focus more on how RCM influences the profit and loss of an enterprise.
This is evident in two principle areas, an increase in potential revenue, and direct cost reductions.


The main noticeable result of Reliability Centered Maintenance is a dramatic change to the maintenance regimes
that are in place.
John Moubray, a pioneer in this field until his passing, regularly stated that RCM would achieve “a reduction of
between 20% and 70% in routine maintenance where there is an existing scheduled maintenance program.”
Based on the experience of the author, this leads primarily to an increased level of cost-effectiveness of
maintenance, particularly in industries that are very asset intensive.
The team is able to claim benefits in these areas where there is a calculable reduction in the cost of labor,
materials or consumables to perform maintenance (refers to both routine and corrective or reactive activities)
over a reasonable amount of time. (Usually a year)
Logically, these are only potential benefits at the completion of the analysis, as it will take until the first omitted
routine, or the first breakdown requiring reduced resources, before savings begin to accrue.
However, once implemented they can easily be quantified through direct calculation. For this to be accurate there
is a need to quantify both the routine maintenance costs as well as the corrective maintenance costs.
There are some real world limitations on attempting to forecast cost reductions purely through accumulated
The first issue the team can face is that current maintenance regimes often do not exist in the company’s ERP
or CMMS program, or they group them at a high level. Data losses, poor ERP management, and distrust of

10 The Impact Of RCM AMMJ Vol 24 No 2

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technology means that experienced technicians often keep
Figure 1
the knowledge of existing maintenance outside of corporate
Further compounding the issue is the disparate way that
maintenance routines are stored. At times, they are at an
asset level, a maintainable item level, and still other times
they can be at higher system or unit levels.
A second limitation is that on the occasions when RCM
proposes a more rigorous policy, there is a tendency to overlook
the change in reactive and corrective maintenance1.
Still, some direct cost reduction cases are obvious and do not
require a detailed activity analysis.
Every task in an RCM analysis must be both applicable,
meaning it is physically possible to do the task, and effective,
worthwhile doing in terms of cost and/or risk, before selection
as an adequate failure management strategy.

When maintenance is developed using an unstructured

method there are common errors that can occur:

One of the great misleading statistics in asset maintenance today is the calculation of average life for bearings. The
effect of this is to support the outdated and almost mystical belief of the link between age and failure. Based on
this way of thinking, it is still common to find maintenance departments carrying out hard-time bearing replacement
programs as a means of managing risk.
However, it has been the experience of the
author that hard time bearing replacement
policies can increase, rather than decrease,
the likelihood of failure while at the same
time increasing the direct maintenance
This flies in the face of popular beliefs and is your career
and company
an example of how RCM thinking can drive
reductions in routine maintenance levels.
The original Nowlan and Heap report2
specifically spoke about bearings when
addressing failure in complex assets.
A complex item, as opposed to a simple
item, is one that is subject to many failure
modes. As a result, the failure processes
may involve a dozen different stress and Equip yourself and your staff via our proven off-campus
resistance considerations. learning programs in Maintenance Management and
Even with complex items, failures related Reliability Engineering: masters, graduate diploma
to age will concentrate about an average and graduate certificates.
age for that mode. However, bearings have
many failure modes. ‘Our mill will save $US84,000 as an outcome from studying
Where there is no dominant failure mode just one Monash unit.’ Perry Pearman, Ponderay Newsprint,
(the most common cause of failure) , as is Washington State.
the case in complex items such as most ‘I was the Engineering Manager, and believe the Monash
bearings, then distribution of the average life
MRE studies helped me to be promoted to General Manager.’
of all the failure modes is widely dispersed
along the entire exposure axis . Therefore, Rob Howie, Chelopech Mining
failure will be unrelated to operating age. Mid-year entry 17 June 2011.
This is a unique feature of complex items.
When deciding maintenance policy for For details contact: mre@monash.edu call +61 3 5122 6453
bearings, this issue is further exacerbated by or visit www.gippsland.monash.edu/science/mre
the provision of the L10 life by manufacturers. CRICOS Provider: Monash University 00008C
This number represents the point at which
10% of the items may have failed, meaning
that 90% will have survived.

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Lieblein and Zelen, in their seminal work on the subject of bearing life4 , found that the characteristic life, the
point where statistically 63.2% of the items will have failed, was roughly 5 times the L10 life.
They also found that the “life” forecasts had a median Weibull Beta value of 1.4, indicating a near constant
probability of failure. This means that the likelihood of failure at any point in the life of the bearings in their
study increased only marginally as the asset aged.
Other published analyses have quoted a beta of “1.3” for Ball and Roller Bearings, and a beta of “1” for sleeve
In process manufacturing industries, we find contaminated oil as one of frequent reasons for early life
failures. However, this is only one of the multitudes of stresses that bearings face as complex assets. Others
can include poor storage leading to false brinnelling and early corrosion, excessive heat and pressure,
overloading, exposure to vibration, abrasions and cracks. All of these could contribute to either early life
failures, or premature wear out.
Often, the L10 life is mistaken for an end life point for bearings, thus used as a reference interval for replacement
tasks. However, as can be seen from the information above, it is not the end-life, rather a minimum guaranteed
life for 90% of bearings under specific load conditions.
This is in line with Nowlan and Heaps’ findings and shows that in many cases we are at best wasting a large
portion of the bearings useful life, making this an ineffective use of maintenance resources. Over one Machine
this appears to be a very small maintenance Cost item. However when applied throughout a plant, or on the
so-called “critical” assets, it amounts to a significant maintenance cost.
Increased bearing life and decreased labor costs are not the only potential savings.
Frequent replacing of bearings on, say, motor shafts we introduce the likelihood of a range of additional failure
For example, installation and frequent change out failures include:
• Wear of the motor shaft, decreasing the adequacy of the interference fit; leading to bearings spinning on
the shaft (A failure of the motor, not of the bearing)
• Over heating of the bearing during installation leading to early life failures and distortion of the inner race
• Excessive force (i.e. Hammers) instead of bearing pullers, damaging the races of the bearings and leading
to early life failures
• Bearing misalignment • Wrong bearing selection • Pre-failed bearings due to poor storage techniques
While we can manage some of these, others are a direct result of frequent bearing changes.
Therefore, if we use hard time bearing replacement as a maintenance policy then we are:
• reducing the maximum used life of the bearing, and
• increasing the likelihood of failure through the introduction of several additional failure modes
In the RCM decision algorithm6 , a management policy for an Evident Operational and Non-Operational failure
mode must comply with the following:
“Over a period of time, the failure management policy must cost less than the cost of the operational
consequences (if any) plus the total cost of repair.”
Ineffective maintenance is more common than most professionals think, it can also include areas such as
maintenance out of context, where maintenance regimes are unaligned with how the asset is used, or practices
that decrease an assets efficient operations.
Using the decision algorithm in RCM, the first option available to the team is Predictive Maintenance. Where
this is both applicable and effective it will increase the effectiveness of maintenance in a range of areas:
• Predictive Maintenance detects the signs of the onset of failure. As such, it provides the capability to
manage all failures, including random failures.
• It can be done in-situ and often without interfering with the normal operation of the process.
• It will ensure that the asset utilizes all of its economically useful life. (As opposed
to hard-time replacements)

This mistaken belief that there is always a relationship between age and failure leads maintenance departments
to all sorts of policies that, in practice, are achieving nothing.
Often these occur during maintenance turnarounds. The opportunity to access items that are normally in a
running state drives people to inspect items just in case a life related failure mode has developed.

12 The Impact Of RCM AMMJ Vol 24 No 2

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ARMS Reliability offer a range of reliability training courses for glo @ E balre
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In particular, this again is a common activity in relation to bearing management.
For example, a turbine turnaround occurs once every 3 years (say) for other failure management reasons.
The maintenance department has taken this opportunity to perform a dye penetrant check on the bearing to
see if any cracks are starting to form, requiring them to take action.
On the face of it, this appears to be a perfectly valid, even wise, use of the opportunity. However, on applying
the RCM logic a little closer this perception changes dramatically.
For the sake of this example, we will say that the P-F interval is about 3 months. Meaning once we detect
cracks in this particular bearing, we have around three months of time prior to functional failure.
If we test the bearing on a hard-time basis of every three years, and the P-F interval is three months, then the
following logic applies. Turnaround Interval = 3 years
Figure 2
The dye penetrant test is only useful if the bearing failure is
occurring at the time of inspection.
This means it had to start developing at less than 3 months
prior to opening.
As we shutdown every 36 months, the likelihood of this
occurring at that exact moment (given the randomness of
bearing failure) is around 1:12.
Moreover, the likelihood of it not occurring is around 11:12. Likelihood of detection 1:12
This task does not satisfy the RCM applicability criteria and Likelihood of non-detection 11:12

is a waste of resources. P-F Interval = 3 months

In addition, opening the bearing housing and interfering with the bearing, which presumably is operating fine,
we again introduce the possibility of human error7.
It is difficult to categorize this maintenance practice directly; but the closest match in RCM is Predictive
Maintenance. (PTIVE)
In the RCM decision algorithm, this means the team needs to answer all of the following questions before this
task is applicable:
• Is there a clear potential failure condition? • What is it?
• What is the P-F interval?
• Is the interval long enough to take action to avoid or minimise the consequences of failure?
• Is the P-F interval reasonably consistent?
• Is it practical to do the task at intervals less than the P-F interval?
The team would be able to answer all of the above questions positively except for the last one. For the task of
dye penetrant, testing it is not practical to do the task at intervals less than the P-F Interval, therefore the task
is not applicable.
Inapplicable maintenance practices are widespread and, in the experience of the author, often reflect the
underlying belief of a consistent relationship between age and failure.
Figure 3
Unplanned Shutdowns
There are two specific areas where an
RCM team can claim savings. Shutdown Overruns Downtime
Startup Failures
Where an asset, or system, has
a history of failures leading to lost Off Spec. Production
Under-performance Planned
production opportunities. Principally this Production Slow Down
refers unplanned shutdowns, overrun Capacity
turnarounds, and start up issues of an Uptime
asset or system. Best Achievable
Where an asset, or system, has a history
of failures leading to reduced production
output. This includes areas such as
utilization, quality, and reduced availability. For example:
• Reduced turnaround times • Increased yield (quality)
• Increased availability for full production rates

14 The Impact Of RCM AMMJ Vol 24 No 2

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The RCM team can claim these savings only where they can prove they have isolated the cause of the lost, or
reduced, production and have recommended a strategy that will mitigate it or prevent it in the future.
These are potential because it will take a reasonable amount of time, nominally one year, before effective
measurement can prove reduced production losses.
However, it is often the case that there are noticeable increases in available uptime after implementing RCM
maintenance policies.
Calculating benefits in this case requires the estimation the value of additional uptime, throughput or yield, as
well as the reduced costs of labor and materials.
As these are historic failures, issues such as quantification of lost production, direct maintenance costs, and
the frequency of failure are relatively easy to find out.
However, an alternative is to use sophisticated forecasting techniques such as Crow-AMSAA. This is time
proven as an accurate method for forecasting failure rates; enabling the team to then calculate savings from
the changes to asset maintenance. This is also a valid method for forecasting savings in direct costs.


It is the experience of the author that CAPEX, as opposed to OPEX, benefits often represent the largest
cashable advantages to implementing RCM.
A delayed use of capital, compared to the pre-RCM scenario, allowing deployment elsewhere in the enterprise.
This occurs through life-extension, and through higher confidence decision making.
A reduction in operating losses, over the life of the asset base, attributable to correct timing of capital
refurbishment and replacement tasks. (Thus increasing NPV)
A potential reduction in the cost of capital and the cost of insuring assets, due to the increased confidence in
Through the incorporation of risk into the budgeting process, the benefits of this are literally incalculable as
they depend on how the organization uses this information in the marketplace.
A calculable reduction in inventory holdings based on the RCM approach.
While there are other cashable benefits, the above listed items represent the most common and the least
debated among the reliability communities.


RCM will increase the teams’ awareness of the limitations and operational requirements of the physical assets
they study, often substantially. This results in the following intangible benefits:
• A reduction in the risk of safety and environmental integrity related failure modes.
• Increased knowledge of the assets, their functions and their failures
• Increased ability to trouble shoot failed assets
• Changes to P&IDs specifically, and at times to other process drawings
• Changes to operation procedures, training, purchasing, work practices and other related areas
• A tangible increase in the quality and integrity of asset data because of the focus of RCM
However, it is often difficult, if not impossible, to measure the extent of the impact or to link them to changes in
the profitability of the enterprise. At times, the effort to do this can actually distort or obscure the achievement
(Attempts to equate a reduction in the risk of loss of life to a monetary value, is an example of this)
However, it is possible to represent some non-cashable benefits in monetary terms. The most common of
these is cost avoidance.

When the mitigated risk is economic, it is often termed cost avoidance.
Where the team has implemented a policy for a reasonably likely failure mode where there was an inadequate

16 The Impact Of RCM AMMJ Vol 24 No 2

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existing strategy in place, the team is justified in claiming this as a potential benefit of RCM, even though the
failure has not occurred previously.
These benefits count as non-cashable for a number of reasons:
They will never appear as part of the profit and loss of any enterprise. Nor will they cause a change to
maintenance budgets or revenues.
The team requires estimates to calculate the cost
avoidance benefit. Some failure modes may have Redundancy
similar consequences, affect similar assets, and
have overlapping impacts on production. Remaining pre-RCM
For example, RCM teams can find themselves routines

Existing pre-RCM routines

presenting benefits of several times the value of the Net maintenance
entire installation. If not explained correctly this is a tasks
false representation, which can erode the credibility
of RCM, and of the team attempting to implement

They are nevertheless valid and important benefits
for the RCM team to claim.
Note the emphasis on “an inadequate existing
strategy”. RCM did not invent maintenance, and often
there are adequate existing failure management

policies in place.
As an output, the team will find that some maintenance
regimes will disappear, some will remain, and they Figure 4
will add some new, more sophisticated, regimes Pre-RCM Post-RCM
(see Figure 4).



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This occurs because some of the maintenance policies in place are redundant, some are either inapplicable or
ineffective, yet others are adequate means of managing failure.
Thus, there is no justification for claiming benefits where there is an adequate existing strategy to manage the
failure mode.
Nor is there any justification for claiming benefits where failure modes are not reasonably likely.
Other areas of risk mitigation are failure modes that would affect either safety or environmental integrity.
In many cases, these will have direct economic consequences through regulatory penalties, or through
secondary economic damages caused by the failure. Where this is the case then the team can calculate the
value of the cost avoided in a similar method to economic only consequences8.
Where the failure mode will not have significant economic consequences, the delta between the discovered
risk and the managed risk can represent the benefit of risk mitigation.


The benefits of RCM are obvious to anybody who has studied it or to Cashable Non-Cashable
any maintenance practitioner who can relate to the concepts espoused
in the method.
All levels within the corporation generally see different advantages to Increased Risk
RCM and there is rarely a lack of motivation for improvement. Revenue Mitigation
Implementation problems commence due to fundamental
misunderstandings about maintenance and the functions of physical
asset management9 . This leads maintenance departments to see Reduced Knowledge
increased risk where it does not exist. Costs Increases
For example, a maintenance manager could face any of the following
recommendations: (Among others)
Elimination hard-time replacement policies where applicable and effective,
Elimination of invasive inspection while we have the opportunity on planned turnarounds.
This reluctance to change comes from the perception that this is risky, and instead of implementing the policy
changes, things stay as they are.
The result is more of the same.
• Risk of unplanned failure stays provably higher, and
• the effectiveness of maintenance stays provably lower.
Moreover, resources remain tight performing maintenance that is not required, or repairing problems caused
by the activities that are supposed to prevent them.
It is clear that before we can successfully implement the strategy outcomes of RCM, we first need to make sure
that there is a deep understanding within the company of modern reliability principles.


In a time of continual change, the ability to implement is one of the most prized and sought after skill sets.
In all training we do we highlight the importance of momentum and the vital role of benefit awareness in
creating momentum.
RCM often requires the cooperation of a range of departments; including purchasing/stores, human resources/
training, operations, maintenance and the engineering department.
In the experience of the author, initiatives are not successful over the medium-long term when companies try
to order change. If you want to change the way an organization works fundamentally, then people have to want
to change.
For this to happen they need to understand the logic behind RCM, and they must understand what the benefits
are to them in their present role.
One of the useful tools for engaging people is a solid, fact based benefits cases for every analysis that is

18 The Impact Of RCM AMMJ Vol 24 No 2

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To be effective the task of calculating and promoting the benefits of any RCM effort should commence during
the analysis period itself, and presented before implementation.


1. The issues surrounding RCM and WoL asset management are covered in more detail in “RCM-
WP-002 RCM and Whole-of-Life (WoL) Asset Management”
2 Reliability-centered Maintenance, F.S. Nowlan et al, United Airlines, San Francisco, Dec 1978
3 Reliability-centered Maintenance, F.S. Nowlan et al, United Airlines, San Francisco, Dec 1978
4 Statistical Investigation of the Fatigue Life of Deep Groove Bearings, J. Lieblen and M. Zelen,
Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Vol 57, No 5, November 1956.
5. Bloch, Heinz P. and Fred K. Geitner, 1994, Practical Machinery Management for Process Plants,
Volume 2: Machinery Failure Analysis and Troubleshooting, 2nd Edition, Gulf Publishing
Company, Houston, TX
6. Our RCM Decision Algorithm is based on Figure 17 – A Second Decision Diagram Example, page
49, SAE JA1012, 2002-01
7. Human error is discussed in detail in white paper RCM-WP-003 Introducing Human Error.
8. Cost avoidance calculation methods are available in Handout RCM-HO-002 Calculating Costs
Avoided, inspired by the work of Steve Soos from Meridium on this subject.
9. The Role of the Maintenance Manager, Daryl Mather, 2008: (RCM-WP-004)
• Design effective maintenance policy • Execute them as efficiently as possible
• Collect relevant data for higher confidence decisions
Daryl Mather is the Founder and Principal Consultant of Reliability Success Pty Ltd. He can be contacted on:
dmather@reliabilitysuccess.com, or via the website at www.reliabilitysuccess.com


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Protection Of Drives
Alltec Corporation www.allteccorp.com (USA)

Surge Protection Devices (SPDs)

Sophisticated and highly susceptible microprocessor based electronics and data communication networks are
integrated across every sector of today’s fast paced business world. Preserving these mission-critical systems
from the damages of surges, spikes, and transients ensures that these systems are protected from equipment
destruction, disruption in service, and from costly downtime. How to properly stage these SPDs can be as important
as actually making the decision to purchase them.
Protection of Drives
The use of various types of drives to control motors is very common. The purpose of the drive is to increase
the efficiency or to manage the speed of the motor being controlled. Through various processes and control
mechanisms, the drive often reshapes the sinewave to provide a signal to the motor that allows for greater
efficiency or varies the frequency of the signal to control the speed of the motor. Due to the action of the drive, the
power quality of the electrical environment can be compromised. That is, the drives can create voltage surges and
harmonics on the system.
There are various technologies available that aid in correcting these issues. This application note focuses on
applying surge protective devices (SPDs) to a drive system to mitigate the damage that can occur due to voltage
surges while considering the effects of the harmonics on the surge protective device.
Application of SPDs Figure 1 One Line Diagram of a Typical Drive Layout
To aid in the description of the application of SPDs to
a drive system, please refer to Figure 1. This figure
illustrates a typical drive layout. The incoming power is
usually delta configured (3 phases and ground). Often
the incoming voltage is 480 V, but other voltages may be
used. The incoming power is usually stepped down to a
lower voltage (typically 120 Vac) that provides power to
the control circuit. The control circuit contains sensitive
electronics. Once the power is acted upon by the drive
the output is fed to the motor.
As noted, there are five opportunities for protecting the typical drive system – each are labeled with a circled
number and are described below.
1. Drive Input.
Protecting the drive input is an essential step in protecting the drive system. Providing protection at this location
prevents surge damage due to events propagated on the electrical system from upstream sources, external
events such as lightning and switching surges created by the utility, and the interaction of multiple drives on the
same system. At this location, a parallel connected, voltage responsive circuitry device is appropriate (one without
frequency responsive circuitry). Frequency responsive circuitry is not recommended for this location due to the
fact that this location is typically more susceptible to impulse transients as opposed to ring wave transients.
2. Inverter Input.
The inverter input is one of the most sensitive and critical areas of the drive itself. It is at this location that care must
be taken and the proper survey conducted. You may install a parallel connected, frequency responsive circuitry
device provided you have confirmation that within this drive that no additional capacitors have been installed to
mitigate harmonic currents. IF THEY HAVE, then at this location, a parallel connected, voltage responsive circuitry
device is appropriate (one without frequency responsive circuitry). Frequency responsive circuitry would not be
recommended for this location due to the high harmonic content that necessitated the installation of additional
capacitors. Installation of frequency responsive circuitry devices at this location will lead to failure of the SPD.
3. Control Circuit.
The control circuit contains sensitive electronics that can be damaged by the environment created by the drive
or by surges from external sources. Protection at this location is essential. Since this circuit is isolated by a step
down transformer and it feeds sensitive electronics, a series connected SPD with frequency responsive circuitry
is recommended for this location.
4. Drive Output.
Protecting the immediate drive output is recommended when the length of the connection between the drive and
the motor is longer than 50 ft (15 m) or if the connection is routed along an external wall or outdoors. One reason for
protecting at the immediate output when the length of the connection to the motor is long is due to reflected waves
that can occur as the signal (often higher frequency) from the output of the drive reaches the motor and is then reflect
back and forth between the drive and the motor. This action can create “voltage piling” – the reflected voltage adds
Vol 24 No 2
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AMMJ Surge Protection Devices 21

to the nominal voltage and other reflected waves. The SPD will aid in reducing the voltage peaks of the reflected
waves. More importantly, if the connection between the drive and the motor extends outdoors, along a path that
is exposed to the environment or close to the building’s steel structure, protection at this location is important to
diminish the effects of direct lightning or induced voltage surges due to nearby lightning. These surges can cause
damage to the drive, even if protection is provided at the motor input. At this location, a parallel connected, voltage
responsive circuitry device is appropriate (one without frequency responsive circuitry). Frequency responsive
circuitry is not recommended for this location due to the high harmonic content of the signal due to the normal
operation of the drive. Installation of frequency responsive circuitry devices at this location will lead to failure of the
SPD. Utilizing a voltage responsive circuitry device at this location will eliminate this possibility.
5. Motor Input.
Protecting the motor input is an essential step in protecting the drive system. Providing protection at this location
prevents surge damage due to events propagated from the drive output to the motor input. Providing protection
at this location aids in extending the life of the motor as the SPD helps to prevent damage to the windings and
bearings of the motor due to surges. Further, if the connection between the drive and the motor extends outdoors,
along a path that is exposed to the environment or close to the building’s steel structure, protection at this location
is important to diminish the effects of direct lightning or induced voltage surges due to nearby lightning. These
surges can cause damage to the motor, even if protection is provided at the drive output.At this location, a parallel
connected, a voltage responsive circuitry device is appropriate (one without frequency responsive circuitry).
Frequency responsive circuitry is not recommended for this location due to the high harmonic content of the signal
due to the normal operation of the drive. Installation of frequency responsive circuitry devices at this location
will lead to failure of the SPD. Utilizing a voltage responsive circuitry device at this location will eliminate this
Overall, properly installed surge protective devices reduce the magnitude of random, high energy, short
duration electrical power anomalies. These occurrences are typically caused by atmospheric phenomena
(such as lightning strikes), utility switching, inductive loads, and internally generated overvoltages. The
ultimate goal of our approach is to keep sites and systems operating safely and reliably. PowerTrip®
Surge Protection Devices incorporate “Frequency Responsive Circuitry” technology years ahead of any
other devices on the market today. Utilizing proprietary electro-chemical encapsulation, PowerTrip® SPDs
dissipate large amounts of surge energy to prolong service life.

Signing the order was easy...

Greg wondered why he had taken so long to get outside assistance. Perhaps it was the fact that
Maintenance consultants seemed to have a bad reputation – “Borrow your watch to tell you the time – then
sell you your watch”. Perhaps it was because they had a reputation for charging exorbitant fees. Perhaps
there was a little bit of pride involved – “It is my job to make this plant safe, efficient and reliable, and I am
going to do it – myself!”
But finally he had to admit that the challenges he faced were too great for any one person to deal with on
their own, and he had contacted Assetivity. It’s amazing how a series of equipment failures (including a
catastrophic conveyor pulley shaft failure that had caused a major safety incident and significant downtime)
can focus the mind, he thought, wryly.
At the initial meeting with the senior Assetivity consultant, Greg had been impressed by the way in which
his problems and issues had been listened to, considered, and absorbed. He had liked the way that, in the
course of their discussion, they had together been able to give focus to the complex network of issues and
opportunities that he faced, and put these in perspective. He been attracted to the down-to-earth and
practical discussion regarding implementation issues. And he was impressed by the focus on developing
and implementing solutions, rather than on selling specific products, tools or methodologies.
It had become clear, in the course of their discussion, that there was an urgent need to “get back to the
basics” – to ensure that the current Preventive Maintenance program was appropriate, and was being properly executed at shop floor level, and that failures
were being prevented, and the causes of those failures eliminated. They had agreed that the first step was to conduct a quick diagnostic review, focusing on
these areas, in order to develop a plan of action. Getting authorisation from the Plant Manager had been surprisingly easy, and Greg was signing the Purchase
Order for this review now. So far, it had been smooth sailing, but Greg knew that the real challenges lay ahead. But, with the involvement of Assetivity, he had
confidence that they were on the right track.

More than availability and reliability...

Perth, Brisbane, Melbourne
Ph +61 8 9474 4044 Asset Management Consultants

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Lessons Learnt In 45 Years
of Condition Monitoring
Ray Beebe Monash University Gippsland Campus (Australia)

The author was inspired by the concept of condition monitoring to help prevent unnecessary overhauls when
he started as a young engineer in power generation in 1964. In parallel with a general engineering and middle
management career in several power plants in Australia and the UK, he developed and applied vibration and
performance analysis for pumps, steam turbines, boilers and heat exchangers. His experience and passion for
sharing knowledge led to presentation of many in-house and public courses and his first book. That in turn led
him to Monash University in 1992 and a second award-winning book in 2003. In that role, he reflected on his
experiences and has written 70+ papers, many of which have been chosen for conferences and technical journals
around the world. The lessons learnt stand forever, but not all are well-known. This paper of brief case studies in
narrative style is intended to entertain, inform and even inspire.

Introduction: the starting years

Yallourn Power Station was initially built in the watch of Sir John Monash, citizen soldier (WW1 Lt-General) and
engineer. It was the biggest one in the State from 1924 up to 1966. Such places tended to have the best engineers
and I was fortunate to have two excellent bosses there. They had responded to a request from the manager of
maintenance. He was apparently holding a sheaf of fault reports, overtime returns, spare parts usage reports, on
a turbine that had just come back into service after a major stripdown. “There has to be a better way than this” was
his cry. Research in POWER and ASME papers led to the Valves Wide Open test being applied. My involvement
in testing 60MW and 120MW turbines there gave me the topic for my engineering course dissertation.
Performance tests were also performed on the boiler feed pumps and used as a guide to overhaul.
Measurement and analysis of machine vibration as a guide to its internal condition was very basic. We had a
Philips velocity transducer and a readout box that gave overall vibration in thousandths of an inch. For some
machines of rotation speed below 900 r/min, a multiplier of 1.5 was used: nobody explained why (later I learnt
that it was because velocity transducers have a natural frequency below about 900 c/min). We could examine the
output on a CRO, and tell if most of the vibration was at rotation frequency and if there was any “high frequency”
present. This was adequate as most of the problems were caused by unbalance due to wear.
Two methods were used for balancing in the field. The timed-oscillation method required only a stop watch and
graph paper (Beebe, 2001). The other used a manually tunable filter that fired a stroboscope to detect previously
chalked numbers around the rotor. The usual vector calculations followed.

Lesson #1 Choose your bosses well

Lesson #2 When a plant is new and/or the major asset makes it easier to get proposals
for monitoring etc. accepted.

After further training attachments, I was assigned to Hazelwood Power Station in 1966. It had three 200MW units in
service, but would grow by a unit each year to reach eight, its current size. The boilers were essentially identical,
but there were two makes of steam turbines and boiler feed pumps.

The vibration measurement program was as at Yallourn, but more use was made of the balancing instrument to
find relative phase angles of the 1X vibration to give a crude operation deflection shape. For routine monitoring of
the steam turbines, permanent numbers were painted around the rotor line at a visible section.

Case study 1
A strange vibration was experienced on the newest machine at the generator drive end bearing. When runup
following a shutdown, the machine vibration was unacceptably high. The operators tripped it and ran for some
hours on turning gear (low speed rotation at 30 r/min). Back on line, the vibration was now acceptable. This
happened repeatedly: sometimes all would be OK after a shutdown, sometimes not. Vibration measurements
with our crude instruments on line in both states showed that the vibration amplitude and phase angle differed on
every run! All I could say was “these symptoms indicate that there is something loose inside the generator rotor
around that end”.

Stripdown was arranged and the generator rotor examined closely. Nothing was found. Eventually, a message
came from the OEM saying that one of the rotors – this one - was non-standard. At the end of manufacture, the
rotor centres were bored out to about 100mm diameter, and the hole packed tightly with rubber bungs. Flaws
were found in one of the rotors and a length was bored to a bigger diameter…. but bungs of the same size were
inserted – see Figure 1. You can guess the effect of these masses moving around! They were removed -“no
longer our practice” - and after an expensive 38 weeks off line, all ran well.
Vol 24 No 2
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AMMJ Lessons Learnt In 45 Years of Condition Monitoring 23

Figure 1 Cross-section of 200MW generator that proved to have loose bore plugs

Lesson #3 Correct and confident diagnosis is often possible without complex instruments.

Lesson #4 Persist with the “5 Whys” until every possibility for a cause has been exhausted -
right back to the intimate detail of a component’s manufacture.

Case study 2
The coal mills (64 of them!) are essentially a large
heavy single-stage fan, driven through a fluid
coupling, The coal flow eroded the blades unevenly,
causing unbalance. Unlike the older much smaller
mills at the older Yallourn Power Station, timed-
oscillation balancing was not workable and the
phase angle method is used.
A rough mill would be detected on routine vibration
checks, and arranged to be taken from service.
Next day, it was cold and isolated to be safe
for phase marks to be chalked around the drive
shaft. De-isolation was followed by an “original
run”. Shutdown and isolated, a trial weight was
attached, and a calibrating run made. Shutdown
and isolated, the balance correction could be made
at the blade chosen. De-isolated, a final check run
was made. Provided operators were available,
this took a day.
I decided to make permanent shaft marks, and
from records of our experience came the rule: “Cut
off 1 pound per thou of vibration 2 blades behind
the indicated high spot”. A table giving size of cut
and mass was provided. Balancing now took an
hour or so, as the initial reading was made on-
line when the high vibration was detected. The
next day with the mill isolated, open and cold, the
correction could be made and the machine closed
up for return to service. Figure 2 Large lignite coal mill (8 per boiler)
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AMMJ Lessons Learnt In 45 Years of Condition Monitoring 24

Case study 3 Figure 3 Boiler feed pump (4500kW): head-flow

data logged by DCS (truncated diagram).
Routine testing of the boiler feed pumps was done as at
Yallourn, with throttling in on the outlet valve to get head-
flow test points over the widest range allowable. This
took some time and much physical operator effort.
Reflecting that internal wear has a consistent effect to the
head-flow curve, I realised that throttling was unnecessary,
as one or two points around the normal operating area
were enough. Testing now takes 15 minutes each pump
(Beebe, 2003) and later plants take advantage of their
DCS – see Figure 3).

Lesson #5 Review test procedures regularly,

to find if a test or procedure is in fact still
needed, or can be simplified or have its interval

The UK experience
Based on my proposal to learn more about condition
monitoring, I was successful in getting a 2-year
travelling scholarship to work in the UK. (500MW boiler
commissioning (Babcock), turbine design and dynamics
(Parsons), and tests and investigations with the then CEGB). Unlike my home situation with the world’s cheapest
fuel, thermal efficiency was the priority, but its engineering effort shares much with condition monitoring. Following
a shaft crack in a 500MW unit, vibration monitoring had been further developed.
I returned full of ideas, and wrote 11 reports. Only one had a specific recommendation to spend money: to enhance
our vibration analysis capability by obtaining a real-time analyser, accelerometers, vector filer phase meter, plotter,
tape recorders, etc. The Power Generation Manager approved the largest expenditure on test equipment that
the technical heads in the power stations had ever seen. He did so on the condition that each station proved an
engineer to work with me in applying the equipment. This proved to be very wise, and gained “buy-in” at each
place that a superstar would not have gained working alone!

Lesson #6 If you find that worthwhile learning for your organization can only be obtained
outside it (whether in another country or not), make the proposal, but ensure that it is only you
that can be selected to go!
Lesson #7 To get buy-in, involve locals deeply in any development.

Documented test procedures and program operation

I was assigned to the newest plant - Yallourn W (now called just “Yallourn” ( then with 2 x 350MW steam units) and
set up the CM program. Part of this was my belief that documented test procedures are essential, not only for our
CM people, but to get operating staff on side. We wrote about 25 of these documents.
[In 1987, I returned as a member of the management team. The station now had 4 units - 2 x 375MW had been
added. What had happened to the CM work? I found that more test procedures had been added- there were now
58! The CM team was led by a keen technical officer.
We produced a regular newsletter summarising our test work and results. (Recommendations for urgent action did
not await its publication!). Never more than one page, 70 copies were sent throughout the plant. Operators in
particular commented favourably, as did the plant manager.
At privatisation in 1995, the new owners found that the CM team had better maintenance records than the official
CMMS! Later, they won the CSi award for best CM program].
Lesson #8 For staff training and for briefing of relevant staff, document the procedures (include
digital pictures) and make then available to all on the company intranet.
Lesson #9 To ensure continuity of the CM program, estimate costs/benefits and maintain a
running score sheet. Even if only done for a sample period each year, worthwhile payback will
be shown. Publicise your activities modestly, admitting any shortcomings.
Lesson #10 Initial development of CM applications is well done or managed by professional
engineers, but ongoing routine CM is better run by technical staff whose career expectations are
likely to be less ambitious. Trades/craft people can also find this a fulfilling career.
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AMMJ Lessons Learnt In 45 Years of Condition Monitoring 25

In the meantime
It took some months to write specs, call for bids and then analyse them and place orders. In my absence, the
Yallourn (old station) people had bought a replacement balancing instrument. It had a significant advance on
the old ones – it had a frequency scale! Without them realising this capability, we had a way of finding vibration
signatures (spectra). Several intractable vibration problems were solved. (Beebe, 2001)
I recall the stores manager raising his eyebrows when asked to locate a large mill bearing and count the number
of rollers in it!
Lesson # 11 Check your cupboards – you may have under-utilised equipment with as yet
unknown capability! See again Lesson #3.

Putting the advanced vibration analysis equipment to work

No single supplier could provide all the items we needed (this was in 1975). Connection of vibration transducer
to signal conditioning to analyser to plotter was easy to get a one-off vibration signature. But as our aim was to
start routine signature analysis, repeatability was essential. After some experimenting with signal outputs, gain
and attenuation, this was achieved.
The operating instructions were apparently written by the electronics design engineers and were difficult to
understand by we mechanical types! I wrote a handbook of simple step-by-step instructions for applying all
the equipment. An example is shown in Figure 4 of the RTA front panel showing the required buttons and dial

Figure 4 Front panel of the analyser showing how to set it up (from the operating handbook we wrote).

We designed a special graph paper so that plots could be compared by holding sheets up to the light. Our intent
was to eventually have this comparison done by a computer, but in the pre-PC days….
As the equipment was to be shared around five power stations, we set up clearly labelled carry cases to facilitate
collection by any driver. Each case had the required connecting cables. Unfortunately, after some time cables got
lost. Locating the cases also took time.
In the ensuring years, more advanced FFT analysers, multi-channel tape recorders, later versions of other
instruments were obtained. A major re-organisation set up a central specialist group.

Lesson #12 Specialist test equipment needs to have a regular owner and full-time skilled
Hand-portable analyser/collectors and associated computer packages have become commonplace, so our dream
was realised.
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AMMJ Lessons Learnt In 45 Years of Condition Monitoring 26

Case study 4
The new graduate engineer hooked up the accelerometer via the long cable reel to the signal conditioning/
readout instrument. He reported that turbine vibration was 55mm/s rms – over 10 times greater than what might
be expected! Before panic set in, we found that he had used the cable to connect the accelerometer to the
instrument. It was an ordinary shielded co-axial type, intended to be used from the instrument to an analyser. Low
noise cables are required from charge output accelerometers to avoid tribo-electric boosting of the output to give
a spurious high vibration reading.
Lesson #13 Check, and recheck, critical data values if any look to be unusual.
Case study 5
Using an innovative approach, site trim balancing Fig 5 Bearing stability chart showing effect of oil viscosity
was conducted on a 120MW generator rotor. and bearing length
The coupling between turbine and generator
was unbolted, and faces held apart. The exciter
was connected to run as a motor, with the rolling Lines of Recommended
torque provided using the overhead crane and Load parameter W’
increasing area
a rope wrapped around the rotor. (Appropriate constant b/d
design checks had been made).
After reassembly, run-up proceeded as normal, 10
until when nearing normal service speed Oil 71°C
generator bearing vibration suddenly jumped Original
so much that the floor shook and dust fell from
the rafters! The operator tripped the machine.
Subsequent attempts at run-up were no different. Operation
A challenge for the vibration team! The gear when 1.0 Bearing
was set up with the analyser set to PEAK HOLD bearings Oil 40°C too short
mode. The extreme vibration was revealed as at
19 Hz – the first critical speed of the rotor. It Increased risk of half-
was noticed that the vibration started soon after frequency whirl
the auxiliary oil pump was stopped, so it was
left running and the unit was eventually put into 0.1 0.5 0.9
service. The 19Hz vibration was still evident, and
Eccentricity ratio
could be varied in amplitude by changing the oil
Bearing dimensions and clearances were found, and the bearing wedge pressures (giving shaft loading) and oil
temperatures noted to calculate the Load Parameter. The resulting plot on a bearing stability assessment chart
showed that the operating range was well outside the “recommended” area (ESDU 1966), as shown in Figure 5.
The only variable that could be changed permanently was the length of the bearings (to increase the specific
loading). Surprisingly, the spares in the store were found to be shorter, as were those on the adjacent “identical”
machine! Bearing changeover was the cure. This was a strange case, as this machine had operated 17 years
without this problem. The vibration team gained superhero status for this success. (Beebe, 2002).

CM by performance analysis – the big bucks

Case study 6
I had developed performance tests for both types of 200MW machine at Hazelwood with useful outcomes and
continued this at Yallourn W. The methods followed had since been published (ASME, 1970). On one unit, our
tests were run before the official acceptance tests.
Routine tests on a 350MW unit showed a small but significant decline in performance. Prior to a planned outage, a
steam forced cool was conducted. This procedure is used to bring the machine to standstill more quickly by cooling
the turbine metal, rather than allowing slow natural cooling. The inlet steam temperatures were slowly decreased
over some hours during offloading. Testing after return to service showed that the performance has returned to its
initial level. Close examination of the data concluded that there was some restriction in the intermediate pressure
section, deduced to be from blade deposits (Beebe, 1978).
Soon afterwards, the OEM site manager met with the plant manager to tell him that as the first unit had
reached 2 years of service, it was time to arrange a major outage and stripdown. When asked the reason for the
recommendation he was told that an inspection after two years was standard practice in the OEM’s country. The
manager had been my boss and mentor in my initial job, so was well versed in CM! He did not support an overhaul
given our vibration and performance condition assessment, and the machine continued to operate for 17 years
before its high pressure section was opened.
Lesson #14 Take OEM recommendations into careful consideration,
but do not follow them blindly.
Vol 24 No 2
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AMMJ Lessons Learnt In 45 Years of Condition Monitoring 27

Figure 6 Comparison of accurate tests (upper plots) with results

Case study 7 calculated using DCS data (lower more numerous points)
In 1995, tests run on a 500MW turbine at the
latest plant (Loy Yang B) led to an overhaul to

Corrected VWO Output MW

remove metal debris carried from the boiler. Long 530
experience elsewhere had shown that accurate 520
special tests were needed to obtain CM data, as
plant instruments were not sufficiently accurate
nor repeatable. 500
As this plant had a DCS, opportunity had been 490
taken at each accurate (and high cost) Valves 480
Wide Open test to extract data from the plant
historian and compute the same condition 470
parameters. Although the same values were not 460
obtained, a directly comparable trend was clear 31-Jan-93 28-Oct-95 24-Jul-98 19-Apr-01 14-Jan-04
as shown in Figure 6, which shows the VWO
Date of test
trend over its life from its initial acceptance test.

Lesson #15 Assess whether the plant instruments can be used to give a usable trend for CM.
If a DCS exists, then try data extraction and utilisation.

Case study 8
The superheater tubes in a series of large coal boilers of the same natural circulation drum type design leave the
furnace through spaces between roof tubes, and connect to later sections, often via headers. There are several
superheater sections in series. The platen superheater at the top of the furnace has 30 sections, each with 16
tubes in a U-shaped pendant loop, hanging through the roof tubes of the furnace. Unlike other designs where the
leading tube down has a kink so that it becomes an inner tube in the up direction, these pendants are laid out such
that the assembly would be flat, i.e the inner tubes are progressively shorter than the outer tube. The platen is
heated mainly by radiation, so the longest tubes on the outside of the array take up more heat than those on the
inner side.

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AMMJ Lessons Learnt In 45 Years of Condition Monitoring 28

These tubes are then led Figure 7 Boiler cross-section above furnace.
out of the furnace space
through gaps in the roof
tubes into the dead space,
where they connect to
primary superheater inlet
tubes. There are 80 of these
superheater sections across
the gas path, so each has 6
Excessive metal
temperatures lead to
considerable reduction in
creep rupture life. At these
temperatures, an increase of
only 11 C° can halve the life,
so operational monitoring is
important. Manufacturers
use thermocouples installed
in tube walls, sometimes in
special sections (BEI) to try
and measure the maximum
metal temperature. Such
sophistication was not
available when these boilers
were built, so at several
sections, 5 thermocouples
were fixed across the gas path
to primary superheater outlet
tubes in the dead space,
and the limits for operation
derived by calculation.
Two boilers built almost at
the same time exhibited quite different temperature behaviour at otherwise similar operating conditions. One
was often close to alarm limits, and operation was adjusted to keep within them. The other showed no such high
temperatures. After some years of service the “good” boiler suffered a spate of superheater tube failures due
to overheating and creep rupture, and the complete superheater had to be replaced. Why should two identical
boilers be so different?
Close investigation and painstaking tracing of tube path layouts showed that the hottest tubes from the outside of
the platen array led mostly to leading tubes, but sometimes to the tube behind it in the primary superheater, as the
number of platen tube banks is less than the number in the primary superheater. The monitoring thermocouples
were installed on leading tubes. Unfortunately, in the “good” boiler, the thermocouples were installed on leading
tubes that did not come from the hottest tubes out of the platen. Presumably, the installer was given set distances
in from the furnace wall rather than specific tube numbers. The lesson here is to check such points in detail if two
“identical” plant items show quite different behaviours.
Lesson #16 In critical cases, do not believe everything you read in the control room without
verification of labels and actuality at and inside the plant.

Conclusions and final lessons

Condition monitoring can be a key contributor to higher reliability and availability when set up properly and run by
trained and dedicated people. Some investment is needed in equipment but much useful work can be achieved
with simple instruments.
Lesson #17 Training is essential before starting CM work, followed by regular reinforcement
via courses, conferences. Consider getting certification to verify capability.
Lesson #18 Share your learning via on-line forums, conferences, articles in engineering
Lesson #19 Make recommendations clear and concise: put the technical complexity in
Lesson #20 THE MAJOR ONE. Condition monitoring is not an end in itself, and should be
applied along with other maintenance strategies as decide by an RCM or similar analysis.
Vol 24 No 2
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AMMJ Lessons Learnt In 45 Years of Condition Monitoring 29

ASME (1970) Simplified procedures for routine performance tests of steam turbines ASME PTC 6S Report
(reaffirmed and revised 2003)
Beebe, Ray (1978) Recent Experience with Condition Monitoring of Steam Turbines by Performance Analysis -
IEAust Mechanical Engineering Transactions, 1978 pp 42 – 49
Beebe, Ray (2001) Machine condition monitoring MCM Consultants, Hazelwood
Beebe, Ray (2002) Diagnosis and solution of resonant whirl on a steam turbine generator Proceedings
ICOMS2002, Brisbane.
Beebe, Ray (2003) Predictive maintenance of pumps using condition monitoring Elsevier, London
Beebe, Ray (2008) Is your control room data telling you what you think it is? Proceedings MARCON2008 (and
several journals)
BEI (British Electricity International) Modern power station practice: incorporating modern power system practice.
3rd ed. Oxford Pergamon Press, 1990-1992
ESDU 66023 (1966) Calculation methods for steadily loaded pressure fed hydrodynamic journal bearings
Engineering Sciences Data Unit, IMechE London

About Ray Beebe

Senior Lecturer and Co-ordinator, Monash University School of Applied Sciences and Engineering
Ray Beebe has a passion for condition monitoring from 28 years in power generation, followed by 18 years at
Monash University, where he led the postgraduate programs in maintenance and reliability engineering (off campus
learning) up to 2011. Since retiring from tenured service, he continues teaching and speaking involvements and
is working on a third book. He was awarded Engineers Australia’s 2004 George Julius Medal for his second book
Predictive maintenance of pumps using condition monitoring. For 30 years, he has spoken at conferences world-
wide, and many papers have appeared in technical magazines.
Note: papers are available on request. A complete list of my papers can be found on: http://www.gippsland.

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The 2011 Listing of CMMS and EAM’s
The 2011 Listing of Computerised Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) and Enterprise Asset Management Systems (EAM’s) was compiled by
Len Bradshaw, March 2011.The data given is as received from the respondents. The AMMJ does not therefore accept any liability for actions taken as a
result of information given in this survey.

AGILITY Agility - Mobile Expert/Lite

SoftSols (Asia/Pacific) Pty Ltd SoftSols (Asia/Pacific) Pty Ltd
Australia Australia
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IN-COUNTRY SUPPORT FOR THIS CMMS/EAM: Australia, United Kingdom, China, Philippines, and Poland
Australia, United Kingdom, China, Philippines and Poland
IS THIS CMMS/EAM DESIGNED FOR A PARTICULAR INDUSTRY Mobile Expert/Lite can be used across all industries
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management, oil and gas, mining, health care, government, defence, AUD$299 per user per annum
pharmaceutical, commercial office and fleet management industries. IS THIS CMMS/EAM available as a stand-alone system: NO
IS THIS CMMS/EAM part of or able to be integrated with a larger
TYPICAL COST OF THE CMMS/EAM SOFTWARE: management system: Yes, Mobile Expert/Lite is a PDA solution.
AUD$1650 per concurrent user
IS THIS CMMS/EAM available as a stand-alone system: yes CMMS/EAM DESCRIPTION
IS THIS CMMS/EAM part of or able to be integrated with a larger Mobile Lite
management system: yes Mobile Lite is a simple to use PDA application used for real time
processing of work orders including recording status updates, recording
CMMS/EAM DESCRIPTION of time spent and completion details.
Agility is a simple and affordable CMMS/EAM solution. It provides all
the key features that managers need to generate a rapid return on Mobile Expert
investment. Mobile Expert is a complete mobile maintenance management PDA
solution used for real time processing of work orders including status
Browser-Based: updates, recording of time spent, recording of delays and lost time,
Completely configurable web browser system. Instant access from your recording fault codes, issuing of spare parts, checking on spare parts
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Flexible and Easy to Use: orders.
Agility offers a user-friendly screen to ensure that both engineers and Mobile Lite / Expert both use proven Microsoft.NET technologies, are
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will swiftly identify poor performing plant and opportunities to improve For a FREE demo, please contact us at ssap@softsolsgroup.com, or
reliability. call +61 (0)8 9467 9800.
• Simplified screens providing a personalized We also offer onsite/offsite support services, including Industry Solution
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Work Order & Preventative Maintenance
• Full description of standard maintenance work. Third City Solutions Pty Ltd,
• Breakdown Jobs Australia
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• Help Desk and Work Requests
• Pictures, Documents, Unlimited Attachments, printable IN-COUNTRY SUPPORT FOR THIS CMMS/EAM:
• Inventory and Spare parts Australia, Europe, South Africa, Asia
• Work order costing. TYPICAL COST OF CMMS/EAM SOFTWARE: AUD$4000
Employee Allocation / Resourcing CMMS/EAM available as a stand-alone system: YES
• Graphical “drag & drop” scheduling tools Part of or able to be integrated with a larger management/corporate
• Employee database system: NO
• Multiple skills, and Pay Rates. DESCRIPTION
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Powerful Scheduling assets (plant, equipment, vehicles etc) in an organised and logical
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Prepare and document the maintenance history, schedule work that
Customised Reporting
needs to be done on a routine basis, prepare unscheduled jobs that
For a FREE demo, please contact us at ssap@softsolsgroup.com or need to be carried out, and record work already completed. Whether
call +61 (0)8 9467 9800. you want to maintain manufacturing equipment, a fleet of vehicles or a
hotel chain, AMPRO will do this with ease.
OTHER RELATED SERVICES AMPRO’s modules are seamlessly integrated with each other as are the
add-on applications of AMPRO PE (PDA application) and Job Requests
We also offer onsite/offsite services, including Industry Solution (work request application that allows operating departments to request
Consulting Services; System Customsation; Bespoke Development; work directly into the AMPRO).
Installation and General Implementation; Training Courses; Data
Integration; Reports writing, and Project Management. Some benefits/features of AMPRO:
• AMPRO helps you to devote more maintenance man-hours

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Vol 24 No 2 AMMJ 31 2011 Listing of CMMS and EAM’s

to preventative maintenance or planned inspections rather

than to unplanned/breakdown work.
AMRPO Portable Edition
• AMPRO helps your business cut costs while maximizing the value Third City Solutions Pty Ltd,
of your investments. Australia
• Minimise downtime by using AMPRO maintenance software
to schedule the preventive maintenance of your assets. www.thirdcitysolutions.com.au
Reduced downtime means reduced costs and greater output
achieving a significant ROI (Return on Investment) for AMPRO. IN-COUNTRY SUPPORT FOR THIS CMMS/EAM:
• Use AMPRO to help budget for maintenance and repair Australia, Europe, South Africa, Asia
costs by analysing previous period’s costs (actuals versus TYPICAL COST OF THE CMMS/EAM SOFTWARE: AUD$1650
estimates) and projected costs (labour and materials) for upcoming IS THIS CMMS/EAM available as a stand-alone system: No
maintenance. IS THIS CMMS/EAM part of or able to be integrated with a larger
• The ability to export reports easily. management system: Yes
• The same ‘look and feel’ throughout makes the application intuitive
• Save time looking for spare parts and materials by setting up AMPRO PE is an add-on module to AMPRO that runs on a PDA
your inventory in AMPRO. AMPRO provides a quick (Personal Digital Assistant - a small mobile hand-held device that
reference for location, stock on hand. provides computing and information storage and retrieval capabilities
RELATED SERVICES for personal or business use) to perform various tasks related to asset
Third City Solutions is your one stop shop for your CMMS needs, we AMPRO PE is made up of a number of easy to use modules that runs
can assist in the implementation, online or on-site training, consulting on Windows Mobile™ based PDA’s. The modules included are Assets,
and follow up for your system. We can assist with the purchasing of Inspections, Jobs, Readings, Inventory and Job Requests.
PDA hardware and accessories and the creation of AMPRO operational Within AMPRO, data can be filtered, based on your criteria, before
manuals that are specific to your needs. We work with you to develop being uploaded to the PDA.
the best way of using AMPRO. Use a barcode scanner, attached or built-in to the PDA, to simplify and
speed up the entering of data and ensure accuracy.
AMPRO Job Requests Some benefits/features of AMPRO PE:
Third City Solutions Pty Ltd, • Reduce the amount of paper based work that you need to carry
around by storing it electronically in AMPRO PE.
Australia • Reduce the amount of data entry back at the office as staff enter
www.thirdcitysolutions.com.au their work directly into the PDA.
• AMPRO PE has been designed to be simple and easy to use
IN-COUNTRY SUPPORT FOR THIS CMMS/EAM: allowing anyone in your organisation to perform maintenance
Australia, Europe, South Africa, Asia related tasks virtually anywhere.
TYPICAL COST OF THE CMMS/EAM SOFTWARE: UD$1,800 • AMPRO PE is quick and direct, yet powerful and
functional and makes light work of organising your day to day
IS THIS CMMS/EAM available as a stand-alone system: No
maintenance tasks.
IS THIS CMMS/EAM part of or able to be integrated with a larger • Assign inventory to the jobs directly by scanning the item or adding
management system: Yes through the inventory page of the job.
CMMS/EAM DESCRIPTION • Avoid reading errors by entering the reading into the
Readings module. It will show you the previous reading to
Job Requests is an add-on module to AMPRO that allows operating compare.
departments around your company to request work directly into Listen to what our customers say - ‘AMPRO PE has proved to be a
AMPRO, where Engineering/Maintenance will create Jobs if required. huge advantage for our asset management and audit compliance
Remove the worry and drama out of a paper based system where your data gathering, it has allowed us to greatly improve our data entry and
job requests go missing, get forgotten about, or the “I phoned them data accuracy, while allowing us to operate remotely from our main
yesterday with that problem” syndrome. facilities’.
Job Requests is quick and direct. Follow the status of all job requests
from the easy to use interface. Make notes and/or comments about the CMMS/EAM RELATED SERVICES
Job Request and/or Job which are added as Journals. This easy to use, Third City Solutions is your one stop shop for your CMMS needs, we
yet powerful and functional software makes light work of organising can assist in the implementation, online or on-site training, consulting
your day to day job requests. and follow up for your system. We can assist with the purchasing of
Some benefits/features of Job Requests: PDA hardware and accessories and the creation of AMPRO operational
manuals that are specific to your needs. We work with you to develop
• Job Requests has been designed to be simple and easy to use the best way of using AMPRO.
allowing anyone in your organisation to quickly enter
work requests.
• Let your users monitor their work requests progress through each API Pro
stage right up to completion.
• Have control over who is authorised to create jobs from apt Group (of Companies)
the job requests. This feature will ensure double-up work Australia
is reduced and trades have a single point of access to ensure they www.aptgroup.com.au
get the correct information when carrying out job requests.
• Have AMPRO automatically notify you when new job requests have
API Pro is sold & supported world-wide.
been added and email the requester when changes
are made to their job request. All correspondence between AMPRO
Medium Site: $20,000 Large Site: $80,000
and Job Requests is recorded.
CMMS/EAM available as a stand-alone system: Yes
• Use the built-in filters to show job requests at the various stages of
IS CMMS/EAM part of or able to be integrated with larger system:
completion (not actioned, to be authorised, job raised etc.). You also
API Pro can be integrated into ERP & CRM systems.
have the ability to view only your job requests, your department’s
job requests, or all job requests. CMMS/EAM DESCRIPTION
CMMS/EAM RELATED SERVICES API’s design structure is tailored to suit industry IT systems and major
database structures, Progress, Oracle, MS SQL Server, DB2/400.
Third City Solutions is your one stop shop for your CMMS needs, we
Interfacing to:
can assist in the implementation, online or on-site training, consulting
• Condition Monitoring • Palm Pilot • Data Loggers
and follow up for your system. We can assist with the purchasing of
• ERP systems • Financial systems
PDA hardware and accessories and the creation of AMPRO operational
manuals that are specific to your needs. We work with you to develop Technology: System Security: API is controlled by the system
the best way of using AMPRO. supervisor who assigns users access to specific zones.

Return to Contents Page

2011 Listing of CMMS and EAM’s 32 Vol 24 No 2 AMMJ

Systems Structure: API Pro is powered by Progress providing multi- • Identifies and optimizes insurance spares and projected Inventory
tier client/server technology. Its query tools allow for advanced reporting demand;
and statistical analysis. • Creates dynamic OPEX and CAPEX budgets based on production,
CMMS/EAM RELATED SERVICES financial, taxation and asset management scenarios;
• Life cycle costing;
API Pro is used within 500 leading companies worldwide in a variety • Carbon, Water, Energy Accounting;
of industries maintaining high-value capital assets, plant, facilities, • Fully Integrated with PBS8
building & equipment.
API Pro is designed to generate continuous management improvements PDA’s software development and Asset Management experience
within your company by optimising production output, utilisation of and competencies assure boutique services to clients that have high
human & financial resources. expectations. We also assure our certified 3rd party Asset Management
Example of Modules: professionals who are fully supported by Paradigm.
• Plant Documentation & Information Searching CMMS/EAM RELATED SERVICES:
• Maintenance, Inspection
• Stock Control • Strategy Coaching
• Purchase Management • High level implementation and Customisation services
• Job Ordering • Training and Online training systems
• Internal Purchase Requests
• Drawing and Documents and Graphical Navigator Other related services: Product is delivered as a hosted service
• Production Calendar
• Project Management
• Resource Planning Bigfoot CMMS
• Analysis & Performance Smartware Group, Inc
• Palm Pilot USA
• Condition Monitoring Interface, SKF @ptitude www.bigfootcmms.com
• Documentation validation (FDA)
• Standard interface to SAP, MFG/Pro + others IN-COUNTRY SUPPORT FOR THIS CMMS/EAM:
Bigfoot is available and supported in North America, with resellers in
API Pro is supported with Professional Services – Implementation Australia, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia.
(porting data & seamless integration), Training, Software Maintenance
Bigfoot CMMS is designed for Manufacturers, Education, Financial
Services, Food/Beverage Processors, Government, Healthcare,
AssetMetric™ Hospitality, Retail, Stadiums, Arenas, Convention Centers, Property
Management, Construction, Transportation, Distribution, and Utilities
Paradigm Designs Australia P/L with single or multiple plant facilities.
www.Parasoft.com.au as low as $33 USD/user/month for Bigfoot CMMS. Services include
training, customization, hosting, and data conversion.
Australia and China IS THIS CMMS/EAM available as a stand-alone system: Yes
IS THIS CMMS/EAM DESIGNED FOR A PARTICULAR INDUSTRY IS THIS CMMS/EAM part of or able to be integrated with a larger
GROUP: Manufacturing, Pulp and Paper, Mining, Engineering and management system: Yes, it can be integrated with third-party
Asset management consulting service providers. applications, such as ERP and Accounting Systems.
As low as AUD$1,000 per user per month, price varies depending on
total number of uses and setup fees With over 1,400 customers worldwide, Bigfoot Computerized
Maintenance Management Software (CMMS) has a proven track record
IS THIS CMMS/EAM available as a stand-alone system: NO of managing the maintenance needs of organizations. Bigfoot CMMS’s
IS THIS CMMS/EAM part of or able to be integrated with a larger full functionality paired with its intuitive design allows you to implement
management system: YES, PBS8, the solution and get results quickly, often in a matter of weeks. Native
Bigfoot functionality includes preventive/predictive maintenance, work
CMMS/EAM DESCRIPTION: orders, inventory, maintenance requests, tool crib management, and
AssetMetric is the next generation “whole of business” optimization reporting, allowing you to:
system that dynamically models and optimizes PMs and related - Maintain detailed security, site, and user management control
Tasks, Spares, Risk, Lifecycles, Replacement Intervals, Budgets and access throughout your enterprise
Resource Allocations based on production, reliability, management risk - Utilize the same CMMS for an unlimited number of facilities
profiles, business life, taxation and financial inputs. Scenarios can then - Access Bigfoot CMMS worldwide, in real-time, with multi-language
be tested based on various inputs to provide economic and engineering capabilities
management decision support, which can then be easily implemented - Predict your IT budget
within EAM/ERP. - Undergo a minimal & quick implementation, often in a matter of
AssetMetric addresses Board level objectives as it insures Corporate weeks
Governance and Compliance because it provides a comprehensive risk - No need for software upgrades or server backup/maintenance
identification methodology within a Risk Mitigation Strategy Change - Schedule unlimited preventive maintenance tasks and procedures
Management System that then can be downloaded to the ERP/CMMS. with automatic reminders
Carbon, resources and energy usages modeling is provided and can be - Create, manage, and analyze work orders
used to model improvement or measurements for ”Triple Bottom-line” - Track and analyze equipment information and history
accounting variables. AssetMetric is the ultimate economic, engineering - Request maintenance from anywhere in your company
and environment continuous improvement tool for business and - Manage and track asset and parts inventory
shareholders. - Analyze historical maintenance issues and help predict future
Key Features: - Notify people of maintenance events with the automated e-mail
• Dimensional Plant reference and risk model (Asset registers); system
• Risk mitigation strategies (PAS55, AS4360); - Locate maintenance “hot spots” in your facility
• PM optimization based on production, reliability, risk and resourcing
levels; Bigfoot Benefits
• Lean PMs can be exported to CCMS/ERP; - Minimize equipment and repair costs

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Vol 24 No 2 AMMJ 33 2011 Listing of CMMS and EAM’s

- Reduce equipment downtime • Contact Register

- Maximize equipment reliability • Contract Management
- Increase equipment efficiency • Reports and Statistics
- Prolong equipment life cycles • Customer Satisfaction
- Boost capacity utilization
- Increase labor productivity
• Task and Financial authorisation model
- Lower your Cost of Ownership • Work Permits
- Improve deployment of assets and personnel Some modules include:
- Optimize overall maintenance efficiency • Projects
Visit www.bigfootcmms.com to download a free trial, and see how you • Stores
can increase staff productivity and reduce maintenance costs today. • Purchase Orders
• Quotes
• BMS Integration
Concept Evolution™ • PDA mobile
• Radio Integration
FSI (FM Solutions) APAC P/L • Facilities Booking
Australia • Digital Dashboard
www.fsifm.com • Workflow automation/integration engine


UK, Middle East, Australia, South Africa, Nigeria, Hong Kong, FSI’s software implementation services are aimed at enhancing and
Singapore, Malaysia supporting the operating processes of organisations managing hard
GROUP: No, Concept Evolution™ is a highly configurable, feature Our Implementation team consists of industry specialists and highly
rich application used by more than 850 clients internationally across all skilled technical experts with practical experience in managing clients
market sectors. of different sizes and backgrounds. From stand-alone systems that
address immediate operational needs to enterprise-wide strategic
TYPICAL COST OF THE CMMS/EAM SOFTWARE: Software cost solutions, we can help you achieve your optimum solution tailored to
for single user Asset Register and Planned Maintenance functionality your business requirements.
can start from AUD 6K. Optional modules range from AUD 2K upwards.
Implementation, Support and Training services and cost depend on Services include:
scope of project as agreed. • Project Scoping/Needs Analysis
• Project Management Services
IS THIS CMMS/EAM available as a stand-alone system: Yes • System Configuration
IS THIS CMMS/EAM part of or able to be integrated with a larger • Management Reporting Specification & Development
management system: Yes, Concept Evolution™ is integrated with • Post Implementation Services
Finance, HR or other incumbent systems in most medium to large • Custom Development
projects. • Support and Maintenance
• Training
FSI, Microsoft Gold Partners, have been designing, developing and OTHER RELATED SERVICES
implementing Concept™ Facilities and Maintenance Management FSI offers hosting of Concept Evolution™ and all services related to the
Software since 1990. Concept™ is widely regarded as leading the market successful implementation of our systems.
and FSI is noted for innovation within the industry. With Headquarters
in the UK, offices in Australia and Dubai, and an international partner
network, FSI is a global-leader in the design and delivery of Facilities eMaint X3
and Maintenance Management Software.
Concept Evolution™ from FSI is a fully web-enabled, complete Facilities eMaint Enterprises, LLC
Management/CMMS solution, and the next generation of the multi USA
award-winning Concept™ range. Concept Evolution™ is accessible www.eMaint.com
from anywhere through a standard web browser. Deployable regardless
of borders, Concept Evolution™ removes the costs and complexities of IN-COUNTRY SUPPORT FOR THIS CMMS/EAM:
alternative solutions. United State, United Kingdom, Portugal, Brazil
Easy and cost-effective to deploy and sustain, Concept Evolution™ IS THIS CMMS/EAM DESIGNED FOR A PARTICULAR INDUSTRY
is in use by many major Service Providers and direct organisations, GROUP: Designed for Manufacturers, Facilities & Property Managers,
from a single-property to enterprise basis. Solutions are scalable Fleet Owners, Mining and Construction, Service Providers, Municipalities,
and can range from single user “helpdesk only” or “asset register Health Care Providers, Utilities, Schools and Food Processors
plus maintenance only” systems, to large national or multi-national
full functionality solutions, including PPP solutions with automated TYPICAL COST OF THE CMMS/EAM SOFTWARE: Pricing starts at
abatement mechanisms. $40/user/month. Average first year investment of $5,000 to $10,000 for
the system and implementation services. (U.S. Dollars )
Concept™ provides clients with a total platform for the design,
development and implementation of their rapidly evolving strategies, IS THIS CMMS/EAM available as a stand-alone system: Yes
and delivers vital information to professionals and colleagues IS THIS CMMS/EAM part of or able to be integrated with a larger
responsible for the provision of a wide variety of building services and management system: Yes – It can be integrated with third party
asset management. applications including ERP and Financial Systems

Core functions include: CMMS/EAM DESCRIPTION

• Asset Register and Planned Maintenance eMaint X3 is a versatile CMMS/EAM system that is equally suited to
• Helpdesk and Reactive Maintenance the needs of manufacturing, facilities, property management, fleet
• Task Management operations, municipalities, educational institutions, healthcare providers,
• PPM Planner utilities, mining and construction, and service providers.
• Hazards and warnings Use it to schedule and plan service and maintenance, track work orders
• Resource Scheduler and work requests, control inventory, manage assets, perform and track
• Buildings and Locations Property Register condition monitoring (predictive maintenance), track maintenance spend,
• Financial Control and analyze data through reports and dashboards to make informed
• Document Management business decisions that help improve productivity and profitability.
• Self Service Portal System supports use of mobile and barcode technologies.

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2011 Listing of CMMS and EAM’s 34 Vol 24 No 2 AMMJ

The eMaint X3 system is fully configurable – from screen layouts to provides our customers many options, but what keeps them committed
field selections to workflows to reports and dashboards – so that it can to Maintenance Connection is the relationship and the level of attention
match your precise business requirements. each of our customers receives. Just ask them!
Emaint has been providing CMMS and EAM software solutions to Key features include: Work Order Tracking, Asset Management,
customers world-wide for over 25 years through both on-demand (web- Preventative Maintenance, Spare Parts Inventory, Service Requests,
hosted) and on-site deployment. Calendar Scheduling, Security Access Groups, Mobile Workflow, KPI
Dashboards, and Custom Report Writer.
Key components include:
• Asset Management - including warranty tracking and multi-location CMMS/EAM RELATED SERVICES
support Maintenance Connection can provide additional services including
• Inventory Management – includes FIFO/LIFO and mobile support data collection, consultation, implementation and training to help you
implement Maintenance Connection to produce yet another Maintenance
• Preventive Maintenance – calendar-based, meter-based or condition Connection Success Story. Our CMMS community service allows you
monitoring and auto-generation options to learn from the best practices of other users and share reports and
• Work Scheduling – easily manage work schedules through drag-and- KPIs with individuals or the Maintenance Connection community.
drop calendar views
• Reporting & Dashboards – over 95 pre-loaded reports and fully OTHER RELATED SERVICES
customizable KPIs and dashboards in graphical format Maintenance Connection offers its customers a fully managed option
• Fluid Analysis Integration – Integration available with selected fluid to host their software online in a Secure Data Centre. This allows our
analysis/lab systems customers to focus on the business of maintaining their assets rather
than worrying if their server has the latest software or if the backups
CMMS/EAM RELATED SERVICES have been performed. This service comes with an SLA to guarantee
eMaint offers the following Professional Services: network and server uptime.
• Implementation and Project Management
• Configuration and Customization
• Data Conversion and Data Integration MaintiMizerBlackBox™
• On-site and On-Demand Training Ashcom Technologies Inc.
• CMRP Consulting USA
Maintenance Connection United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Malaysia
3 user system, $4995USD for a 5 user system.
IS THIS CMMS/EAM available as a stand-alone system: Yes
IN-COUNTRY SUPPORT FOR THIS CMMS/EAM: IS THIS CMMS/EAM part of or able to be integrated with a larger
Australia, America, Canada, UK management system: Yes
GROUP: Maintenance Connection is able to adapt to almost any CMMS/EAM DESCRIPTION
industry. Our current customer industries include; Manufacturing, MaintiMizer BlackBox™ is the first self-contained CMMS network
Schools & Universities, Oil & Gas, Hotels & Resorts, Distribution & appliance on the market. MaintiMizer BlackBox™ is perfect for
Warehousing, Buildings & Facilities to name a few. companies with small or non-existent IT departments because Ashcom
provides technical support so you can focus on what’s most important,
TYPICAL COST OF THE CMMS/EAM SOFTWARE: Starting from your business. Simply plug it in and gain access to MaintiMizer™’s 5
AUD$9995 (includes all modules and 3 concurrent user licenses). modules, including:
Pricing is also dependant on implementation and support agreements.
• Work Order—Allowing you to submit and approve work orde requests,
IS THIS CMMS/EAM available as a stand-alone system: Yes track everything associated with that WO from costs to time loss/
IS THIS CMMS/EAM part of or able to be integrated with a larger spent, and delegate WO’s to specific employees or
management system: Yes, Maintenance Connection’s web-based departments.
open architecture allows the system to be very easily integrated within • Preventative Maintenance/Equipment—Know what’s going on with
ERP systems. your equipment & make sure your scheduled maintenance is done in
a timely manner. Keep tabs on the amount of time down, the upkeep
CMMS/EAM DESCRIPTION costs, warranties, and location of your equipment.
Maintenance Connection has been developing and delivering quality • Inventory—Know what you have and where it’s at!
Computerised Maintenance Management Software (CMMS/EAM • Vendor/PO—Maintain supplier records and easily create purchase
Software) to organisations around the world for over 10 years. Our orders.
Facility Maintenance and Asset Management Software (Browser-
Based CMMS/EAM) is designed to help your organisation manage • Timecard—Keep track of employee hours and rates.
maintenance, not software. Packaged in a simple, user-friendly, yet CMMS/EAM RELATED SERVICES
powerful application, Maintenance Connection connects maintenance
professionals to their operations with a unique style that continues to Training, Coaching & Mentoring:
revolutionise the way maintenance is performed. Ashcom knows making a CMMS implantation successful is directly
The technology framework Maintenance Connection is built upon affected by the quality of practical training a user receives. Ashcom offers
remains to be cutting edge – a full featured and entirely browser-based a broad range of tested training methods to fit your needs. Choose to
application without the need for plug-ins or propriety code, and without be trained on-site at your facility, at our state-of-the-art training facility
having to install anything on client machines. This means you can get or web training. Ashcom offers tried & true basic software training or
up and running quickly, and allows you to manage maintenance, not customized training tailored to your specific needs. Ashcom also offers
software. Combine that with software uniquely built for all the various coaching & mentoring services where an industry expert visits your
roles within a maintenance operation, and you have a powerful solution facility, observes your current practices and use of MaintiMizer™, and
that is easy to use, whether the end user is a Manager, Technician, or make suggestions to improving your current processes.
Maintenance Connection places a priority on providing customers with Technical Support, Customization, Data Integration, & Analysis:
the service, support and a product second-to-none all combined to deliver
a package unique to your individual needs. Ask our customers – service • Every purchase comes standard with a maintenance agreement;
excellence is the foundation on which all of Maintenance Connection’s giving you access to skilled support technicians when you need them
customer relationships are built. The maintenance software industry most. Ashcom’s support technicians are reliable, knowledgeable
and friendly.

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Vol 24 No 2 AMMJ 35 2011 Listing of CMMS and EAM’s

• MaintiMizer™ is fully customizable; screens can be edited to provide TYPICAL COST OF THE CMMS/EAM SOFTWARE:
only the information you want and fields can be named with the terms MaintiMizer™ Web Edition pricing is based on number of users, on
your work-force use & know. average a 3 user system runs $6500USD. Please contact Ashcom for
• Data specialists help move your old data into MaintiMizer™ as more specific pricing based on your needs.
painlessly as possible. Your data can be analyzed, giving you expert IS THIS CMMS/EAM available as a stand-alone system: Yes
opinions on changes that will push your business forward. IS THIS CMMS/EAM part of or able to be integrated with a larger
management system: Yes
Ashcom Technologies Inc. MaintiMizer™ Web Edition—hosted on the internet or your intranet, making
USA upgrades and technical support virtually hassle free. MaintiMizer™ Web
www.ashcomtech.com Edition is fluid and has the ability to change and grow with you. Ideal for
companies that have multiple locations or for those that need access
IN-COUNTRY SUPPORT FOR THIS CMMS/EAM: to the system when they are away from the facility, MaintiMizer™ Web
United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Malaysia Edition comes standard with 5 user-friendly modules to get things done
As low as $30USD per month with a year contract. • Work Order—Allowing you to submit and approve work order requests,
track everything associated with that WO from costs to time loss/spent,
IS THIS CMMS/EAM available as a stand-alone system: Yes
and delegate WO’s to specific employees or departments.
IS THIS CMMS/EAM part of or able to be integrated with a larger
• Preventative Maintenance/Equipment—Know what’s going on with
management system: Yes
your equipment & make sure your scheduled maintenance is done in
CMMS/EAM DESCRIPTION a timely manner. Keep tabs on the amount of time down, the upkeep
costs, warranties, and location of your equipment.
MaintiMizer™.com—The SaaS, Software as a Service, version of
• Inventory - Know what you have and where it’s at!
MaintiMizer™ is an online edition that allows you to minimize the capital
• Timecard - Keep track of employee hours and rates.
investment of implementing new software and utilize MaintiMizer™
• Vendor/PO - Maintain supplier records and easily create purchase
for a low monthly fee. MaintiMizer™.com is great for companies that
are unsure if CMMS software is right for them or for small companies
just getting started with CMMS software. MaintiMizer™.com comes CMMS/EAM RELATED SERVICES
complete with 5 modules including: Training, Coaching & Mentoring:
Ashcom knows making a CMMS implantation successful is directly
• Work Order Allowing you to submit and approve work order
affected by the quality of practical training a user receives. Ashcom offers
requests, track everything associated with that WO from costs
a broad range of tested training methods to fit your needs. Choose to be
to time loss/spent, and delegate WO’s to specific employees or
trained on-site at your facility, at our state-of-the-art training facility or web
training. Ashcom offers tried & true basic software training or customized
• Preventative Maintenance/Equipment—Know what’s going on wit
your equipment & make sure you scheduled maintenance is
done in a timely manner. Keep tabs on the amount of time down,
the upkeep costs, warranties,and location of your equipment.
• Inventory—Know what you have and where it’s at!
• Vendor/PO—Maintain supplier records and easily create purchase
• Timecard—Keep track of employee hours and rates.
Training, Coaching & Mentoring:
Ashcom knows making a CMMS implantation successful is directly
affected by the quality of practical training a user receives. Ashcom Maintenance Management Solutions
offers a broad range of tested training methods to fit your needs.
Choose to be trained on-site at your facility, at our state-of-the-
art training facility or web training. Ashcom offers tried & true basic
software training or customized training tailored to your specific
needs. Ashcom also offers coaching & mentoring services where an
industry expert visits your facility, observes your current practices and
use of MaintiMizer™, and make suggestions to improving your current Reducing Costs
processes. Increasing Productivity
Technical Support, Customization, Data Integration, & Analysis:
Improving Quality
• Every purchase comes standard with a maintenance agreement;
giving you access to skilled support technicians when you need
them most. Ashcom’s support technicians are reliable, • Work Order We’ve been in this business for
knowledgeable and friendly.
• PM/Equipment over 25 years. We know what you
• MaintiMizer™ is fully customizable; screens can be edited to provid
only the information you want and fields can be named with the • Inventory need and want in a CMMS/EAM
terms your work-force use & know. system. MaintiMizer™ comes
• Data specialists help move your old data into MaintiMizer™ as • Vendor/PO standard with 6 user-friendly
painlessly as possible. Your data can be analyzed, giving you expert • Timecard modules to get the job done on
opinions on changes that will push your business fo
• Utility time, on task & on budget.
MaintiMizer™ Web Edition
Ashcom Technologies Inc. Contact us for more information—
www.ashcomtech.com web: www.ashcomtech.com
email: info@ashcomtech.com
IN-COUNTRY SUPPORT FOR THIS CMMS/EAM: United States, phone: +1 734 665 1780
United Kingdom, Canada, Malaysia
fax: +1 734 665 6074

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2011 Listing of CMMS and EAM’s 36 Vol 24 No 2 AMMJ

training tailored to your specific needs. Ashcom also offers coaching & professionals across all sectors of industry so it is a near, dovetail-fit
mentoring services where an industry expert visits your facility, observes with the real world needs of maintenance management practitioners.
your current practices and use of MaintiMizer™, and make suggestions
to improving your current processes. TYPICAL COST OF THE CMMS/EAM SOFTWARE:
Single user maintenance system Aud$3,250. A six user system running
OTHER RELATED SERVICES maintenance, stores less than Aud$10,000.
Technical Support, Customization, Data Integration, & Analysis: IS THIS CMMS/EAM available as a stand-alone system: YES
• Every purchase comes standard with a maintenance agreement; IS THIS CMMS/EAM part of or able to be integrated with a larger
giving you access to skilled support technicians when you need management system: YES
them most. Ashcom’s support technicians are reliable, knowledgeable
• MaintiMizer™ is fully customizable; screens can be edited to provide With over 10,000 customers, Shire Systems is the UK’s No.1 provider
only the information you want and fields can be named with the terms of CMMS solutions. Locally supported in Australia and NZ by Shire
your work-force use & know. Systems (South Pacific) the new Pirana system raises the bar for ease
• Data specialists help move your old data into MaintiMizer™ as of use and affordability.
painlessly as possible. Your data can be analyzed, giving you expert Pirana is the revolutionary browser-based system for the integrated
opinions on changes that will push your business forward. management of maintenance, materials, services and more. Streets
ahead of the rest, Pirana sets new benchmark standards for CMMS
simplicity, usability and affordability. Whatever the size of your
PBS8 Paradigm Business System ver 8 organisation - micro-small to mega-multinational - Pirana can fit your
needs like a glove. Pirana schedules, tracks and reports on any type
Paradigm Designs Australia P/L of task, supporting the real world need for getting things done in an
www.Parasoft.com.au organised, fast and effective way. Internet, intranet and mobile phone
deployment means you can access your system from anywhere.
Product Supported: Australia and China
With ferocious power, supreme ease-of-use and an unbeatable price,
Industry Groups: Manufacturing, Pulp and Paper, Mining, Engineering Pirana is set to tear shreds off its inferior rivals.
and Asset management consulting service providers.
Don’t ask us why Pirana is so affordable – ask the other CMMS providers
Now with 20 years of history in CMMS software, PBS8 operates as a why their software is not!
core system providing clients with proven technology that operates within Full functional maintenance software like this can only come from Shire
corporate landscape and requirements. PBS8 is a product for Clients – since 1982 the leaders in CMMS systems.
that require an Industrial strength system whose life cycle continues
Ask for your free evaluation system today and try for yourself the power
well into the future and that delivers expected core functionality and
and full functionality of Pirana.
meets the challenging user acceptance requirements but with a cost
of ownership. With Thousands of users PBS is a proven system that CMMS/EAM RELATED SERVICES
requires minimal training.
Shire is not just an IT company like other CMMS providers. We’re about
Strategies and Standards are critical success factors that any CMMS much more than software supply and support.
system must support if the business is to achieve worlds best practice. Shire offers a comprehensive range of multidisciplinary professional
So whether you adopt “On Condition”, “Risk Based”, “Operator Driven”, services to help time-poor organisations and maintenance professionals
“Six Sigma”, etc or all of these strategies it is of great benefit if the achieve their CMMS implementation and performance aspirations
CMMS system support the delivery of these strategies. – FAST.
Mature, Strategic Clients need a solution that serves the business, We customize our services to respond exactly to your pinpointed
leverages efforts and delivers competitive advantage, at a reasonable needs including system training, system implementation, System
cost. PBS is a unique to quickly and reliably generate forms, interoperate performance review, asset policy and maintenance strategy formulation,
with other SOA products and is architected to manage core and custom compliance and preventative maintenance plan development, asset
code. What this means is Clients can throw away those unsupported registration, asset identification labelling, and software installation and
access databases and build from a proven base system that provides customization.
95% of business functions and then add functionality that will seamlessly
integrate other core systems to secure business process through robust OTHER RELATED SERVICES
technology. Pirana On-TapTM is Software-as-a-Service and with it you can be up
A special note for Global organizations which will benefit from a unique and running with professional CMMS in a flash. For a small monthly
“trans-Lingual’ capabilities which enable the system to be used in fee Shire will host Pirana for you in a secure data centre, managing
multiple languages concurrently in a single data silo. All forms are the whole service, not least data preservation and disaster avoidance.
generated to support this mode which is a built in feature that is fully Shire also automatically upgrades the system-in-use. To get going at
Unicode compliant supporting for example Chinese character set. your end, you only need an Internet-connnectable computer with a web
Finally, Clients are supported by our experienced system architects
that have extensive experience in Asset management, Business
requirements, System Integration (Including SAP) and System PRONTO-Xi Maintenance Management
development. To be able to truly assess this opportunity you need to
organize a consultant with specific details. Pronto Software
• Strategy Coaching • High level implementation and Customisation www.pronto.com.au
services • Training and Online training systems
Other related services: Product is delivered as a hosted service or IN-COUNTRY SUPPORT FOR THIS CMMS/EAM:
Managed service or Supported onsite system Australia, New Zealand, South-East Asia, Africa, Europe and North
Pirana GROUP:
Shire Systems (South Pacific) Ltd PRONTO-Xi is designed for Companies requiring an ERP solution with
Maintenance Management functionalities , such as the mining and
New Zealand facilities managementorganisations.
www.shiresystems.com IS THIS CMMS/EAM available as a stand-alone system: No
IN-COUNTRY SUPPORT FOR THIS CMMS/EAM: Australia, New IS THIS CMMS/EAM part of or able to be integrated with a larger
Zealand, United Kingdom management system:
IS THIS CMMS/EAM DESIGNED FOR A PARTICULAR INDUSTRY PRONTO-Xi Maintenance Management is a module of Pronto Software’s
GROUP: Pirana’s functionality was specified by maintenance flagship ERP solution, PRONTO-Xi.

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Vol 24 No 2 AMMJ 37 2011 Listing of CMMS and EAM’s


Using PRONTO-Xi Maintenance Management as your central
Equipment Register will lead to improvements in asset utilisation and The Online Workshop P/L
resource productivity, as well as reducing disruptive breakdowns. This Australia
effective tool will assist businesses in improving equipment performance
and minimising stock holdings while ensuring that the right parts and
manpower are available when required.
PRONTO‑Xi Maintenance Management is also useful for assisting with
Zealand, North America, South Africa.
reducing a company’s maintenance and operating costs. It is designed
to maximise planning and control of a business’ plant maintenance IS THIS CMMS/EAM DESIGNED FOR A PARTICULAR INDUSTRY
activities. With Maintenance Management, companies can easily GROUP: Whilst SmartAsset suits all sectors, it is focused on:
monitor their preventative and predictive maintenance, project costing, Manufacturing, Energy, Gas and Oil Resources, Defense, Utilities,
plant downtime, fault repair and equipment repair costs. Water Resources and Local Government.
A key benefit from Maintenance Management is the ability to
automatically collate information on equipment repair and maintenance TYPICAL COST OF THE CMMS/EAM SOFTWARE:
costs, by plant, work order, equipment and cost centre. In addition, SmartAsset pricing is based upon the number of users or terminals. A
key performance indicators (KPIs) such as Mean Time Between single user can be purchased from AUD$3,000.
Failures (MTBF) are automatically calculated; fault analysis reporting
on equipment failures allows maintenance improvement opportunities; IS THIS CMMS/EAM available as a stand-alone system: Yes.
and full maintenance history and cost reporting are linked via the work SmartAsset Office Deployment Capability can either be overlaid on
order. your existing ERP/CMMS/EAM product or delivered on its own as a
Maintenance Management enables businesses to budget, schedule, fully functional EAM application suite.
plan, execute and report all maintenance activities and is fully IS THIS CMMS/EAM part of or able to be integrated with a larger
integrated with PRONTO‑Xi Inventory and Purchase Orders. management system: The SmartAsset product adopts the latest
Advanced functionality like automatic spare parts replenishment, parts Software + Services approach in its design and deployment and
valuation, inventory allocation against current and future jobs, usage adheres to worldwide standards for Service oriented Architecture (SOA)
reports, inventory movements and stocktaking really set PRONTO‑Xi and as such can be seamlessly integrated with other products that have
Maintenance Management apart. adopted this architecture.
PRONTO‑Xi Maintenance Management functionalities include:
• Full equipment detail and technical recording; CMMS/EAM DESCRIPTION
• Priority plant work order allocation; SmartAsset is an award winning product. It recently won the Microsoft
• Condition monitoring; OBA Solution of the Year 2008.
• Automatic inventory allocation; In a crowded asset maintenance market place, the SmartAsset product
• Work order forecasting; is the most comprehensive and user-friendly tool available for effectively
• Defect work order recording; managing your assets. Differentiated by its scalability, SmartAsset can
• Export to Microsoft Project; be implemented as a standalone basic CMMS or a comprehensive Asset
• Resource management; Management solution. Additionally the Microsoft Office deployment
• Stock purchasing; allows SmartAsset to overlay an existing ERP implementation.
• Ful integration with PRONTO‑Xi; Of the several deployment options provided which include web hosting,
• Customer invoicing for completed work. browser and mobile computers, the deployment method offering the
most significant benefits to users is SmartAsset ODC.
As a fully integrated, real time system, PRONTO-Xi allows companies SmartAsset ODC provides sophisticated functionality delivered via tools
to focus on management capabilities, by providing the tools to deliver with which the user is already familiar. For example, upon receiving an
business objectives by optimising staff, processes, assets and the work email notification of an equipment fault in MS Outlook, the SmartAsset
environment. It encompasses multiple disciplines ranging from Project user can review details of the fault by clicking a document review
Delivery Management, Operations Management and Capital Asset button added to the Email ribbon. The subsequent repair job can be
Management. prepared and assigned without leaving the Outlook Calendar. Complex
asset-related activities such as construction or refurbishment can be
Our Facilities Management modules include: seamlessly loaded into MS Projects for critical path analysis with the
resultant activity dates recorded in SmartAsset for subsequent planning,
• PRONTO-Xi Project Costing Management; assignment and detailed monitoring. Capital replacement projects can
• PRONTO-Xi Rental; be registered and reviewed in SmartAsset from within the same Excel
• PRONTO-Xi Maintenance Management System; spreadsheet that is used to perform the related financial calculations.
• PRONTO-Xi Service Management;
• PRONTO-Xi Mobile Service; SmartAsset offers its users:
• PRONTO-Xi Service Scheduler; • access to comprehensive asset management
• PRONTO-Xi Service Connect; functionality
• reduced training and retraining costs
• PRONTO-Xi Financials; • increased productivity
• PRONTO-Xi Distribution; • heightened user acceptance
• PRONTO-Xi Business Intelligence with IBM Cognos 10; • reduced deployment costs
• PRONTO-Xi Manufacturing; • ease of upgrade implementation
• PRONTO-Xi Manufacturing Scheduler.
OTHER RELATED SERVICES The online Workshop also provides:
Pronto Hosted Services, a division of Pronto Software, offers fully • Comprehensive project management
customised, flexible solutions, with years of experience providing • Installation, implementation and training services.
Software as a Service (SaaS) or on-demand software. • Consultation
With Pronto Hosted Services, Pronto Software manages the • Interface development
maintenance and upkeep of a company’s IT infrastructure and critical • Asset Management tools such as Asset Depreciation,
applications, delivering strategic value and business benefits for Risk Analysis and Enterprise Reports
growing companies. • Reports Development
• Post implementation audit services.
Pronto Hosted Services give customers the option to rent their business
software for a low monthly fee, outsource their IT infrastructure or OTHER RELATED SERVICES SmartAsset is deployed via a choice
have their systems managed, monitored and maintained by Pronto of web browser, mobile devices, web hosting and MS Office.

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Fit at 50
Keeping fit and
Keeping “staying young” are
goals for many –
Aging including power transformers.

Transformers Many of the world’s transformers are

reaching an age where these goals are

Healthy For Longer becoming critical for their survival, and for
the survival of the operating companies.

Thomas Westman, Pierre Lorin and Paul A. Ammann ABB Power Products (Switzerland)

The consequences of a transformer failure can

be catastrophic. This is why operators demand
high availability and a rapid recovery time after
an outage. With an aging fleet of transformers
and tight maintenance budgets, transformers
remain in service well past their optimal life
spans. The assumption that all are fit for an
extended working life can be a dangerous
When it comes to transformer asset
management, an operator’s main objectives are
to reduce the risk of a failure and minimize the
impact if a failure does occur. ABB’s TrafoAsset
ManagementTM provides just the support
operators need to make intelligent maintenance
decisions to face these challenges.

Power transformers, which are often the most valuable

Figure 1 A nearly catastrophic failure damaged a transformer
asset in a substation or plant, are indispensable
components of high-voltage equipment for power
generation plants, transmission systems and large
industrial plants. Unexpected failures cause major
disturbances to operating systems, resulting in
unscheduled outages and power delivery problems.
Such failures can be the result of poor maintenance,
poor operation, poor protection, undetected faults, or
even severe lightning or short circuits (Figures 1 and
2). Outages affect revenue, incur penalties and can
cost a company its reputation and its customers.

The Institute of Nuclear Power Operations stated

in 2002 that more than 70 events had been
associated with large, main auxiliary or step-up
power transformers (since 1996)[1]. Significant
station impact occurred during several events and
in addition over 30 reactor scrams (ie, emergency
reactor shutdowns) as well as plant shutdowns and
reductions in power delivery were associated with
transformer events. The result: in many cases, lost Figure 2 The transformer in (1) has been remanufactured
production and expensive repairs. to a fully functional state

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AMMJ Fit at 50 39

The enormous costs of power transformer failures Figure 3 Cost estimates of an unplanned replacement
provide ample incentive for electric companies to of a typical generator step-up transformer
ensure reliability and availability throughout the
life cycle of these key assets. Transformers cost
anywhere from $2 million to $4 million, and on the Environmental cleanup $500,000
rare occasions they do fail, the financial impact can Lost revenue ($500,000/day) $10 million
be even more significant – in extreme cases, they Installation labor and processing $100,000 – $300,000
can leave a company facing financial ruin (Figure Additional modifications and site work $300,000
3). In addition, as most countries have strict laws in New transformer unit $2 million – $4 million
place that control and regulate power supply, non-
delivery penalties can be as high as 100 times the Transformer failures can cost up to $15 million, in addition to an
price of the energy itself. operator’s reputation. Source: Doble Life of a Transformer Seminar.
Clearwater, FL, United States
An Aging Fleet
Although transformers are regarded as highly
dependable equipment, the world’s current
transformer fleet is quite old. The average age for
those in industrial plants is 30 years, and 40 years
for those used by utilities. While aging transformers
are generally not “ticking time bombs,” their failure
rates as well as their replacement and repair costs
are steadily – albeit slowly – increasing.
Figure 4 shows the development of the failure
rate of transformers installed in industrial plants
(dark orange), generation plants (light orange) and
transmission networks (gray). The risk development
curves are steeper for industrial and power generation
plants as the transformers in these installations
tend to be used more intensively. While age alone
does not increase the risk of unexpected failures, it
generally is an indication of this risk. Risk of failure
is heightened by other factors, including type of
application and the tendency to load transformers to Figure 4 Development of the transformer failure rate in
their maximum to meet the economic needs of the three different applications
deregulated environment and competitive markets.

Figure 5 shows the investment Figure 5 Transformer investment then and now
peak in the 1960s and 70s for
many companies in Europe and
the United States.
The cost burden when replacing
aging equipment has forced
many companies to keep
transformers operating beyond
their recommended life span in
order to smooth the investment
peak. This is only possible by
optimizing the maintenance
of the transformers and by
implementing measures that
extend their use.

At the same time, financial 5a Investment in new transformers peaked in the

constraints demand an increased 5b Implementing ABB’s TrafoAsset
1960s and 70s. Without optimized maintenance
Management program can help smooth
return on investment under strategies and extended lifetimes, there will be
the potential investment peak.
reduced maintenance budgets another investment peak some 50 years later.
and spending.
The maintenance budgets are under increased pressure due to liberalization and deregulation, which have
created a more finance-based focus. As a result, operators can no longer follow a simple time-based maintenance
strategy that mitigates risks by doing everything, every year, for all transformers. Instead, they must implement
a more sophisticated condition-based maintenance strategy: doing more maintenance for high-risk transformers
than for low-risk transformers (High risk means high probability of failing and/or high impact of a failure on
business results). This requires reliable information about the status of the transformers.
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AMMJ Fit at 50 40

ABB TrafoAsset Management

Proactive Services Operators can no longer follow a
simple time-based maintenance
Operational managers require special tools to support their strategic and
day-to-day decisions, which address the above challenges and result in
strategy that mitigates risks by
the right maintenance actions at the right time. Here, a clear trend has doing everything, every year, for
emerged: Managers are moving from using time-based maintenance all transformers.
to implementing condition-based maintenance, where decisions are no
longer driven by an average timeframe defined by past experience and observations, but instead take into account
the actual condition of the equipment and the level of reliability required to fulfill its function. TrafoAsset Management
supports this trend by focusing on three elements: analysis, risk assessment, and planning of maintenance actions
based on asset management scenarios (Figure 6).
Figure 6 Overview of ABB TrafoAsset Management
Analysis Proactive Services
The design data, the information in the installed base
system, the results of the condition assessment and
the maintenance history provide ABB with a 360-degree
view of a transformer fleet. This data plays a pivotal
role for ABB in the assessment management process.
Not only is it important for minimizing the risk of failure,
but it also provides valuable information for initiating
maintenance work should a problem occur – that means
quick maintenance and short downtimes.
Design analysis
ABB has access to original designs for more than 30
legacy brands and design knowledge of nearly 75 percent
of the installed base of large power transformers in North
America – including those from Westinghouse, GE,
ASEA and BBC – and other predecessor technologies.
All new ABB transformers are built using the same design
concept, which incorporates standardized, service-
proven components and modules, ensuring flexible,
dependable and adaptable transformer designs.
Figure 7 Structure of a transformer monitoring system
Historical review
ABB’s installed data system
monitors a wide range of the
company’s products. A plethora of
data on transformers is available
and is continuously updated, eg,
current owner details and history.
The system provides an important
basis for the proactive detection of
problems. For example, an analysis
revealed about 700 potential cooler
problems in the installed base of
transformers. The search focused
on 10 to 600 MVA transformers that
were over 20 years old and had oil-
and water-type coolers. Many failed
completely due to leakages in these
cooling systems, and one such failure
resulted in a three-month production
shutdown and lost revenue for the
operator. Using the information in
the installed base system, operators
were contacted proactively and the
systems could then be checked
Transformer monitoring
Transformer monitoring is becoming an essential component of transformer management. It serves as an early
warning system for any fault developing in the main tank and in the accessories, allowing an operator to evaluate
the severity of the situation. Multiple transformers are connected to the operator’s network and can be monitored
from a local control room or from remote working stations (Figure 7). Sensors measuring dissolved gases,
moisture in oil, oil temperature, load current for each unit, and ambient temperature send data to the system via
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AMMJ Fit at 50 41

analog signals. The interface provides exact status

information by generating a model of the transformer
and its working condition and then comparing the
measured parameters with the simulated values
(Figure 8). Discrepancies are detected and potential
malfunctions and normal wear in the transformer and
its ancillaries are indicated. The monitoring system
also tracks transformer alarms, recording an actual
event as well as the sequence leading up to the alarm
to assist operators in determining the root cause. The
benefits of monitoring are substantial. A CIGRE study
has shown that transformer monitoring can reduce the
risk of catastrophic failures by 50 percent (The risk of
catastrophic failures can be reduced statistically from
0.07 percent to 0.03 percent through transformer
monitoring)[2]. Furthermore, it has been shown that
early detection of problems can reduce repair costs
by 75 percent and loss of revenue by 60 percent, and
that annual cost savings equal to 2 percent of the price Figure 8 Transformer monitoring interface showing the status
of a new transformer – ie, approximately $40,000 to of important parts of the transformer
$80,000 – can be achieved[3]. The strength of ABB’s
Transformer Electronic Control, or TEC, monitoring system is that it receives all the relevant information from just
a few multipurpose sensors. Other necessary parameters are calculated, adding only minimal complexity to the
transformer. The end user is no longer forced to spend a lot of time sorting and interpreting data. In addition, the
maintenance manager receives important information indicating the necessary actions for first-level maintenance
(First-level maintenance is the first line of problem management where information is gathered and symptoms
analyzed to determine the underlying causes. Clear-cut problems are typically handled with first-level maintenance
by personnel who have a general understanding of the products).
Figure 9 Typical output results of ABB’s Mature Transformer Management ProgramTM (MTMP)

9a Step 1: Transformer fleet screening (of the 9b Step 2: Transformer design and condition assessment (of a subset of high-risk
whole transformer fleet) provides a risk assessment. transformers) suggests concrete actions for each transformer.

Condition assessment
ABB is the pioneer in highly customized condition assessment
offerings. Its MTMP (Mature Transformer Management Program)
is a state-of-the-art minimally invasive condition assessment
process used to evaluate the power transformers in a customer’s
fleet and to identify which units need to be replaced or refurbished
and when.
This process is implemented in three steps (Figure 9). It starts with
a high-level fleet assessment based on easily accessible data,
such as unit nameplate data, oil and dissolved-gas-in-oil data,
load profile and history of the unit (transformer fleet screening)
(Figure 9a). Next, a subset of the transformers identified in step
9c Step 3: Life assessment/profiling (of a few transformers
one is examined in more detail (transformer design and condition that had unusual results in steps 1 and 2) uses in-depth
assessment) (Figure 9b). Modern design rules and tools are analysis to show the status of the transformers. The circled
area indicates the need for immediate action.

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AMMJ Fit at 50 42

used to evaluate the original design, and advanced diagnostic tests are performed to assess each of the principal
properties of the transformer in a structured way. These include mechanical status, thermal status (aging of the
insulation), electrical status of the active part and the condition of the accessories, such as tap changers, bushings,
overpressure valves, air-dryer system, pumps and relays. The number of units identified for further analysis is
typically limited to two or three out of a population of 100. At this stage (life assessment/profiling) (Figure 9c), highly
specialized experts analyze the units using simulation tools. Detailed data is then sent to the end users’ operational
managers, providing concrete information about whether a transformer can be overloaded, its nominal power or
voltage rating increased or its lifetime extended[4].
Risk assessment
The risk assessment (Figure 6) is based on two variables. The first, risk of failure, is estimated using the input from
the analysis phase, ie, age or time in service, transformer’s nameplate data (kV, MVA, etc.), application and loading
practices, operational problems or issues, latest field-test data (eg, dissolved gas and oil analyses), availability of a
spare transformer and spare parts. The second variable is the importance of a transformer in a network, indicating
how much of the operator’s system will be out of service if a particular transformer fails. By comparing these two
variables, different levels of urgency for maintenance actions can be defined (Figure 9a). The asset manager can
then ensure that maintenance of high-risk transformers is prioritized.
Asset management scenarios
The risks for a transformer operator include not only the inherent technical risks but also the economic consequences
of a possible fault, eg, the cost of non-delivered energy. With this in mind, ABB and a large operator co-developed
an economical model that evaluates the life-cycle costs of a transformer fleet over a given period (Figure 6). The
model takes into account four categories of costs related to the cost of ownership over the lifetime: investment,
maintenance, operational and consequential costs. Comparative investment scenarios and sensitivity studies can
be run by varying the replacement year or maintenance of the unit. For each scenario, the process shows the
associated net present value. An optimization routine can also be used to automatically minimize the life-cycle
costs of the population. The process outputs a list presenting the optimum time to maintain or replace the individual
transformers or transformer groups. The net present value of the whole population of transformers is determined
by looking at the condition of each unit and the maintenance actions selected to improve their condition. The
operational manager can then evaluate different maintenance scenarios and obtain a summary of the payback of
planned maintenance actions. The novel aspect of the method is that not only are maintenance costs considered
but economical benefits related to the impact of maintenance on reliability are considered as well[5].
Maintenance packages
ABB provides personalized recommendations and support using available data and state-of-the-art tools and
maintenance packages, as shown in Figure 6. These include regular asset services, early-life inspection, midlife
refurbishment and remanufacturing. For many operators midlife refurbishment has become very important as their
transformers are aging. Midlife refurbishment is an extensive overhaul of a transformer to extend the remaining
lifetime and increase reliability, and is typically performed after half of the expected lifetime. It involves several
maintenance steps, including advanced diagnostics to check mechanical, thermal and electrical conditions. New or
refurbished accessories such as on-load tap changers, bushings, pumps, temperature sensors, valves, gaskets and
water coolers might be used. Refurbishment of the active part through, for example, cleaning, winding reclamping,
connection retightening and installation of new parts, is often an aspect of a midlife refurbishment.

The benefits
Not knowing the risk structure of its fleet, a company tends to overspend on the maintenance of its low-risk transformers
and underspend on the high-risk transformer (Figure10). Overspending on low-risk transformers is a “high-risk
activity,” as approximately 30 to 50 percent of maintenance actions are unnecessary[6]. But needless maintenance
work can be avoided by implementing regular fleet assessments. The use of preventive or predictive maintenance
is improving the transformer economy, which has been challenged by the limited maintenance resources associated
with utility deregulation. Focusing the personnel and capital resources to the prioritized needs – with the priority
based on the condition assessment ranking – can provide improved reliability at a fraction of the cost of traditional
time-based maintenance programs.
It is estimated that life extension of five to 15 years can be achieved with properly focused preventive maintenance
programs. The economic advantage related to preventive maintenance work and corrective actions can also be
expressed in terms of extended life of the transformer assets – this is achieved by eliminating failures that might
have occurred due to the lack of timely critical maintenance.

A proactive approach
ABB TrafoAsset Management provides operators with the information, expertise and maintenance tools they need
to face the challenge of managing their transformer fleets. The result is improved asset management and lower risk
of unexpected failures. In addition, the comprehensive range of data collected, from design to condition assessment,
helps reduce the impact of a failure by enabling the transformer to quickly return to normal operating conditions. By
performing proactive maintenance based on the TrafoAsset Management method, operators benefit from a lower
risk of unexpected failures as well as fewer penalties (for utilities) and loss of revenue (for industry) (Figure 10).

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Figure 10 ABB TrafoAsset ManagementTM – Proactive Services in practice

One of ABB’s customers, a major transformer operator, had been using a time-based maintenance strategy,
which meant that it did not know whether the maintenance done on each transformer was adequate for its risk
profile. In addition, the maintenance budget was under pressure due to market liberalization and it was unclear
whether it would be sufficient for the risk structure of the transformer fleet.
ABB thus undertook a fleet assessment study of 128 individual transformers at 54 different substations to
determine the risk of failure of each of the transformers in the entire fleet. The result was a prioritization of the
fleet based on corrective measures, such as detailed design or condition assessment, diagnostic evaluation,
inspection, repair, or replacement. With this information, the customer could then reallocate its resources to
the high-risk transformers and reduce costs in the process.
The benefit of a condition-based maintenance approach is shown clearly in this example. The customer
benefits from an optimized use of time and resources, which results in increased fleet reliability. Much more
of the maintenance budget is now concentrated on the transformers that show a high risk of failure or are of
high importance in the network. These transformers are maintained proactively in order to lower the risk of an
unexpected failure.
Unit Budget prior to fleet assessment Budget after fleet assessment
11 high-risk transformers $110,000 (9% of budget) $245,500 (25% of budget)
47 medium-risk transformers $470,000 (37% of budget) $434,000 (45% of budget)
70 low-risk transformers $700,000 (54% of budget) $294,500 (30% of budget)
Total: 128 transformers $1.28 million maintenance budget $974,000 maintenance budget
Distribution of maintenance budget before and after ABB fleet assessment.
The result of the optimized maintenance solution is a savings of 24 percent of the customer’s maintenance
budget ($306,000 annually) as well as having better maintained high-risk transformers.

The importance of asset management and proactive services based on condition assessments of transformers is
paramount due to the increasing average age of the worldwide transformer fleet and the more demanding conditions
regarding quality of uninterrupted energy delivery. ABB’s integrated modular asset-management approach provides
a clear picture of the risk structure and the maintenance required to deliver needed asset reliability and availability.
This allows operation managers to make the best use of maintenance and replacement budgets, allocating funds
to high-risk units.
By reducing the risk of failure within given financial constraints and by minimizing the impact of a failure when it does
occur, ABB’s TrafoAsset Management is providing a powerful service.
For more information on ABB’s transformer offerings, please visit www.abb.com/transformers.
Thomas Westman ABB Power Products Zurich, Switzerland
Pierre Lorin ABB Power Products Geneva, Switzerland
Paul A. Ammann ABB Power Products Baden, Switzerland
[1] Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO). (2002, Sept 18). Significant Operating Experience Report, Ref. SOER02-3.
[2] CIGRE Technical Brochure 248. (2004, June). Economics of transformer management.
[3] Boss P., Lorin P., Viscardi A., et al. (2000). Economical aspects and experiences of power transformer on-line
monitoring. CIGRE Session.
[4] Boss P., Horst T., Lorin P., et al. (2002). Life assessment of power transformers to prepare rehabilitation based on technical-
economical analysis. CIGRE Session.
[5] Lorin P. (2004). Lifetime decisions: Optimizing lifetime costs for transformers through informed decisions.
ABB Review Special Report Power Services, 10–15.
[6] IEEE PES Transformers Committee. (2007, March). Tutorial: Transformer fleet health and risk assessment, Dallas, TX.

Further reading
– Eklund L,. Lorin P., Koestinger P., et al. On-site transformation: TrafoSiteRepairTM combines the old with the new
to improve power transformer availability. ABB Review 4/2007, 45–48.
– Jonsson L. Transforming Transforming: Advanced transformer control and monitoring with TEC.
ABB Review 4/2002, 50–54.
– Lorin P. (2005, April/May). Forever young (long-lasting transformers). IET Power Engineer, 19(2), 18–21.
– Lorin P., Fazlagic A., Pettersson L. F., Fantana N. Dedicated solutions for managing an aging transformer
population. ABB Review 3/2002, 41–47.
– Potsada S., Marcondes R., Mendes J.-C. (2004). Extreme maintenance: No location too challenging for an
on-site repair! ABB Review Special Report Power Services, 59–62.
– Westman T. (2009). ABB Transformer Service Marketing and Sales Presentation Pack.
– ABB Transformer Experts. (2006). Transformer Service Handbook.
Vol 24 No 2
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The Role of Vibration Monitoring In
Predictive Maintenance
Steve Lacey Schaeffler UK steve.lacey@schaeffler.com

Part 2: Some Illustrative Examples of Vibration Monitoring

in Predictive Maintenance
This is the second of a 2 Part series on Vibration Monitoring. Part 1 Principles and Practice
was published in the January 2011 issue of the AMMJ . Part 1 looked at the basic principles and
techniques of Vibration Monitoring and the economics of Condition Monitoring (CM).

Some Examples Of Vibration Monitoring

As will be shown, vibration monitoring can be used to detect and diagnose problems on rotating equipment
ranging from electric motors to large crushing machines used for mining and processing.

1 - Electric Motor

An example of a vibration spectra

measured axially on the DE (Drive
End) of a 250kW electric motor is
shown in Figure 1.
The nominal rotational speed was 3000
rpm and the rotor was supported by
two radial ball bearings of type 6217 C4
(85mm bore) with grease lubrication.
The vibration spectra are dominated
by vibration at both harmonics and sub
harmonics of the rotor speed (49.7Hz).
The spectrum 0-1kHz shows a number
of harmonics and sub harmonics
of the rotor speed with no bearing
characteristic frequencies being
In the 0-5kHz spectrum there is a
dominant discrete peak at 1141.8Hz
which neither corresponds with a
harmonic of the rotor speed i.e.
1141.8/49.98 = 22.84 nor with any of
the bearing generated frequencies.
On either side of 1141.8Hz peak are
sidebands spaced at the rotor speed
(49.98Hz) i.e. the 1141.8Hz frequency
is amplitude modulated at the rotor
This is shown clearly in Figure 2(a),
which shows that in the range 0-650ms
the signal is amplitude modulated at
20.2 ms which, within the measurement
accuracy, corresponds to 49.98Hz, i.e.
the rotor speed. Expanding the time
scale from 500-600ms, Figure 2(b),
shows that the time between peaks is Figure 1 Vibration acceleration spectra measured axially
on the Drive End (DE) of a 250kW electric motor

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AMMJ Role of Vibration Monitoring in Predictive Maintenance 45

Figure 2. Time signals of vibration acceleration measured

axially on the Drive End (DE) of a 250kW electric motor.
0.87ms i.e. 13.051ms divided by 15
cycles which corresponds to a carrier
frequency of approximately 1149Hz.
Within the measurement accuracy
of 0.0796ms, this corresponds to the
frequency of 1141.8Hz (0.876ms)
shown in Figure 1.
Dividing 1141.8Hz by the rotational
speed of 49.98Hz gives 22.85,
which is not close enough for the
frequency to be a harmonic of the
rotational speed.
One of the extensional vibration
modes of the outer ring was
estimated to be 1158Hz, which is
very close to the measured value of
1141.8Hz. One possible explanation
is that the discrete peak at 1141.8Hz
is an excited natural frequency of (a) Vibration acceleration 0-650ms
the outer ring.
The dominance of vibration at rotor
speed and the absence of any
frequencies related to the rolling
bearings suggest that the bearings
have experienced such severe
damage to the rolling contact
surfaces that this has resulted in an
increase in radial internal clearance,
allowing significant radial movement
of the rotor.
The envelope spectrum, Figure 3,
shows a dominance of peaks related
to the rotor speed with no evidence
of any bearing characteristic
When the bearings were removed
from the motor and examined the
None Drive End (NDE) bearing had
a ball running path offset from the
centre of the raceway towards the (b) Vibration acceleration 500-600ms
The DE bearing had significant Figure 3 Envelope spectrum of vibration acceleration measured
damage all around both raceways axially on the DE of a 250kW electric motor.
and the rolling elements shows
signs of severe distress. It was clear
from the NDE bearing, however,
that the cause of the failure was too
tight a fit between the outer ring and
This resulted in the bearing being
unable to move in the housing
and compensate for axial thermal
expansion of the rotor, leading to a
high axial load.
During a “run up” test prior to
installation in the plant, the RMS
vibration level of the motor in the
frequency range 0-1kHz before and
after fitting the new bearings was
0.304g and 0.335g respectively.
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AMMJ Role of Vibration Monitoring in Predictive Maintenance 46

2 - Generator Figure 4 Radial vibration acceleration measured at the DE end cap

During the initial running-in phase

of a 2MW generator on a test
bed, an intermittent rattling noise
was evident. The generator was
fitted with a radial ball bearing
(type 6232) at the drive end (DE)
and a cylindrical roller bearing at
the non-drive end (NDE).

Both bearings were grease

lubricated. The initial suspicion
was that the rattling noise was
related to the cage because it
was intermittent and became
worse as the bearings reached
operating temperature. Vibration
measurements obtained from the
DE of the generator are shown in
Fig. 4. Figure 5 Vibration acceleration measured radially at the DE of a generator

The acceleration time signal (a) Base spectrum

shows what appears to be
random bursts of high frequency
vibration but, on closer inspection,
this was in fact modulation at the
cage rotational frequency.

The time period between the

pulses corresponds to the
revolution of the cage, 84ms
(fc/o=11.9Hz). Also present are
pulses spaced at 9.3ms which
correspond to the BPFO - Ball
Pass Frequency Outer Ring (fb/o
=107.9Hz) of the type 6232 ball
bearing. Dividing the time period
for one revolution of the cage,
84ms, by 9.3ms gives the number
of rolling elements 84/9.3 = 9
Although vibration at cage speed (b) Base spectrum with zoomed amplitude
is evident in the time signal,
there are no peaks evident in
the spectrum at cage speed,
Figure 5(a). This is because the
energy produced by the cage is
very small and evidence of any
vibration related to the cage
is contained within the overall
carpet levels of the spectrum.

By reducing the amplitude scale,

Figure 5(b), some evidence of
cage vibration starts to appear
with discrete peaks becoming
just noticeable at 11.9, 24, 36Hz
i.e. the first three harmonics of
the cage speed. The 6th (72Hz)
and 7th (84Hz) harmonics of the
cage speed are also evident.

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Figure 6 Envelope spectrum obtained from the DE Figure 7 Envelope spectrum obtained from the DE end
end cap of a 2MW generator with rattling noise present cap of a 2MW generator when the rattling noise was absent

While the base spectrum shows evidence of cage vibration, on closer examination vibration at the cage speed
is readily seen in the envelope spectrum at 10.9Hz along with the BPFO, which was not evident in the base
spectrum, Figure 6. The envelope spectrum was obtained by using a higher sampling frequency giving a
frequency resolution of 1.56Hz and the cage frequency of 10,9Hz is within the measurement accuracy.
Vibration measurements
were also obtained when the Figure 8 Radial vibration acceleration spectrum on the
housing of a vertical impact crusher
rattling noise was absent and
vibration at both the cage
rotational frequency and BPFO
(Ball Pass Frequency Outer
Ring) were not evident in the
envelope spectrum, Figure 7.
The presence of vibration at
the cage speed and BPFO
does not necessarily mean the
bearing is in distress. Even a
geometrically perfect bearing
will generate vibration1.
Cage noise, which can be
loosely described as rattling, is
not uncommon in ball bearings
fitted with pressed steel cages.
This is particularly true under
minimal lubrication conditions,
where the lubricant cannot
provide sufficient damping
as the cage interacts with the
rolling elements and, in the
case of ring guided cages, with
the cage guiding surface as
the rolling elements speed up
and slow down when entering
and leaving the load zone.
The cage motion is often
erratic; the cage may rise and
fall in slow running bearings
while it may run eccentrically
in high speed bearings due to
the effects of centrifugal force.
The first bending mode of
the cage may also be excited
giving rise to a squeal or
squeak which may be in the
low kilohertz range for a 25mm
bore bearing.
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AMMJ Role of Vibration Monitoring in Predictive Maintenance 48

Figure 9 Radial vibration acceleration spectrum on the housing

of a vertical impact crusher after adjustment of gear backlash
Cage noise is not uncommon especially
in grease lubricated bearings and is often
symptomatic of the running-in process
as the grease is worked or “milled”
and disperses itself within the bearing.
Similarly, the presence of vibration at the
BPFO does not necessarily indicate a
problem and may be a result of variable
compliance (see “Variable compliance”
section of Part 1).

3 - Vertical Impact Crusher

A vibration assessment was made on a

vertical impact crusher prior to undergoing
field trials. The main aim was to verify
that the new bearing arrangement,
comprising a cylindrical roller bearing
(type NU2230E) and duplex bearing
(type QJ326) at the DE and a cylindrical
roller bearing (type NU2230E) at the
NDE, was operating satisfactorily.
The shaft rotational speed was 1750 rpm
and it was driven by a pair of bevel gears
with a ratio of 1:1(36 teeth), giving a gear
mesh frequency of 1050Hz.
Vibration acceleration was measured
radially on the rotor gear drive housing,
Figure 8.
Figure 10 Comparison of sidebands around gear mesh frequency
Vibration at shaft rotational frequency
(29.2Hz) is evident along with a number (a) Before adjustment of gear backlash
of harmonics. Vibration is also present
at 237Hz, which corresponds to the
BPFO of the cylindrical roller bearing,
along with harmonics at 474Hz and
711Hz which are just evident on the
linear amplitude scale.
The predominant vibration is at the gear
mesh frequency, fgm, of 1048Hz, along
with a number of sidebands at the shaft
rotational frequency, fs. The presence
of sidebands at rotational frequency is
not unusual, especially in the case of
sidebands at fgm ± fs.
As more sidebands appear at higher
amplitude, however, this is normally (b) After adjustment of gear backlash
an indication of gear eccentricity or
backlash. It was therefore decided
to remove the drive shaft, inspect the
bearings and adjust the gear backlash.
All the bearings appeared in generally
good condition, although it should be
emphasised that because the bearings
were not removed from the housing it
was not possible to inspect the outer
ring raceways, especially those of the
cylindrical roller bearings where vibration
at fb/o had been detected albeit at a
relatively low amplitude.

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AMMJ Role of Vibration Monitoring in Predictive Maintenance 49

Figure 11 Acceleration time signal on the housing

before and after resetting of the gear backlash
Due to variable compliance effects, (a) Before resetting of gear backlash
bearings will always exhibit vibration
at their characteristic frequencies,
so the detection of a discrete peak
is not necessarily an indication of a
Conversely, a bearing in an advanced
failure condition will not necessarily
generate vibration at the characteristic
frequencies. It is therefore important
to interpret vibration data with a great
deal of caution until experience has
been built up.
After reassembly, the vibration
measurements were repeated and the
results are shown in Figure 9.
(b) After resetting of gear backlash
After resetting of the machine, the
gear backlash was reduced and the
running speed sidebands around the
gear mesh frequency were significantly
reduced in both number and amplitude,
Figure 10.

Figure 11 shows the corresponding

time signals, both modulated at the
rotational frequency, 29Hz (34.4ms);
the RMS of the raw signal and
enveloped signal decreased from
1.08g and 1.59g to 0.70g and 1.06g
respectively after resetting of the

4 - Wind Turbines

Wind power is a rapidly growing form of renewable energy in many parts of the world. As an established
source of renewable electricity generation, they are set to play an important role in future energy supply around
the world. In the UK, there is increasing interest in placing wind turbines offshore, which offers a number of
advantages including improved wind conditions and reduced planning restrictions. However, the environment
in which offshore wind turbines must operate is more demanding and often extreme, demanding a higher
degree of integrity and reliability if costs are to be minimised.
Due to the remote location and poor accessibility of wind turbines, it is important that faults are detected
early and consequential damage reduced or avoided and repair costs minimised. This will lead to shorter
downtimes and reduced loss of revenue. Detecting bearing damage early could mean the difference between
replacing the gearbox at a cost of around €250000 and replacing the bearing at a cost of €5000.
Wind turbine gearboxes are subject to high dynamic
loads and, due to changing wind conditions, the
load spectrum varies greatly and includes high
peak loads and low load operating conditions. The
high static safety required for maximum load means
that bearings with high load carrying capacity are
required. When there is little wind, however, loads
are low and this can lead to damage due to sliding
of the rolling element set. As a result, many field
operating failures are a consequence of gearbox
bearing failure. Misalignment, poor lubrication and
maintenance also contribute towards this trend.
Figure 12 shows the spectrum from a gearbox
output shaft where the BPFO, 183Hz, and the
harmonics are clearly evident. Sidebands at the Figure 12 Frequency spectrum from gearbox output shaft
rotational speed, 18.7Hz, are also present.
Vol 24 No 2
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AMMJ Role of Vibration Monitoring in Predictive Maintenance 50

The gearbox was taken out of Figure 13 Damage on the bearing inner ring raceway of a gearbox output shaft
service for inspection and a
photograph of the damaged inner
ring raceway of the cylindrical roller
bearing located on the high speed
shaft is shown in Figure 13.
An example of an envelope
spectrum obtained from a wind
turbine gearbox is shown in Figure
14. Vibration at 227.1Hz, which
corresponded to the BPFI of type
NU2326 cylindrical roller bearing
located on the gearbox output
shaft, is clearly evident along with
sidebands at the shaft rotational
speed. Inspection of the bearing
revealed an inner ring raceway
defect. This data was obtained
from the FAG WiPro online
Condition Monitoring system
which was monitoring a VESTAS
V90 turbine.
Figure 14 Envelope spectrum obtained from the gearbox output shaft of a wind turbine

In some industries, maintenance is the second largest or even the largest element of operating costs and as
such as becomes a cost control priority. Equipment failure not only affects plant availability but also safety, the
environment and product quality. It can also impact on customer service in terms of missed deadlines and loss
of confidence.
The complexity and cost of modern day plant and equipment means that plant condition monitoring is now
becoming a much more cost-effective option. Although many industries have and still do take a reactive approach
to maintenance, since there are no upfront costs, they pay the price in terms of increased plant downtime or lost
Vibration monitoring is still probably the most widely used predictive maintenance technique and, with few
exceptions, can be applied to a wide variety of rotating equipment. Vibration monitoring allows the condition of
machinery to be determined as it operates and detects those elements which start to show signs of deterioration
before they actually fail, sometimes catastrophically. With this type of approach, unplanned downtime is reduced
or eliminated, thereby increasing plant availability and efficiency and reducing costs.
Rolling bearings are a critical element in many rotating machines and generate characteristic vibration frequencies
which can combine to give complex vibration spectra which at times may be difficult to interpret other than by
an experienced vibration analyst. In the case of rolling bearings, however, characteristic vibration signatures
are often generated in the form of modulation of the fundamental bearing frequencies. This can be used to
advantage and vibration condition monitoring software is often designed to identify these characteristic features
and provide early warning of an impending problem. This usually takes the form of signal demodulation and the
envelope spectrum which indicates early deterioration of the rolling/sliding contact surfaces.
1. Lacey S J. An Overview of Bearing Vibration Analysis, Schaeffler (UK) Technical Publication.
First Published in the Maintenance and Engineering Magazine (2010)
Vol 24 No 2
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Technical Short Feature:

Machinery Troubleshooting - First Impressions

When troubleshooting a machinery problem, whether for an

unusual vibration problem or a component failure such as a bearing
or seal, first impressions from the initial machinery inspection are
very important. Any troubleshooting exercise should begin with
a thorough investigation of machine history - process, design,
operation, maintenance, and all available machine details. These
first impressions are necessary to make sure the troubleshooting
team is fully armed with important data and minimize the chances
of a misdiagnosis.

Many people new to the troubleshooting process have a

tendency to immediately pick up tools and start working. A better
approach is to put the tools down and collect first impressions.
While they might not immediately reveal the problem, they may
identify a number of issues that are impacting overall reliability.
Recommendations for these initial inspections include:
1. Overall cleanliness - Good housekeeping often reveals that machinery maintenance practices are held
to a higher standard. Look beyond dust to the condition of the base and foundation, piping supports, seal
leaks, etc., for evidence of maintenance practices or environmental factors that negatively impact reliability.
What are the expectations that a field repair can be conducted without introducing contaminants that will
shorten the life of the replacement parts?
2. More detailed machine inspection - Start with the machine base and look for obvious signs of decay
or improper anchoring. Move up to the feet and inspect the shims and hold-down bolts. Poor practices at
the base often reveal a lack of quality of other repairs. Move to the shaft and drive (i.e., couplings, belts,
etc.) and look for evidence of shaft damage, improper coupling assembly, and incorrect key length. While
issues with these areas may not be the cause of the current problem, improvements made with the required
repairs will improve machinery reliability.
3. If running, perform a basic vibration check - Use a simple tool such as a coin with serrated edges to obtain
an impression of relative machinery movement if the machine is still running. While vibration measurements
tend to focus on the bearings, with coin in hand, start at the base and work up to the bearing locations to feel
for unusual movement. Pay close attention to boundaries and connections such as the base-to-foundation,
machine feet-to-base, and all piping and conduit. A simple condition such as a loose base-bolt can have a
dramatic impact on the machine.
4. Keep detailed notes of the initial impressions – They will provide a comprehensive and professional report
on improvements that will impact the life and reliability of the machine. While at the machine site, inspect
other equipment in the area for similar issues and carefully present this information to the stakeholders.
While no one likes to have their flaws revealed, a good presentation of steps that can be followed to
positively impact machinery will be well received.

Motor Feet Outside Base - Poor Support Base Not Flat

Content and pictures courtesy of SKF @ptitude Exchange

Vol 24 No 2
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Maintenance News
Dr Gunawan Joins Monash University to Lead MRE Thermal Cameras Play Their Part In
Dr Indra Gunawan has joined Monash University to lead and Flood Recovery
teach in the postgraduate programs in maintenance and reliability Deadly floods on Australia’s eastern seaboard have left a trail
engineering. He joins following 5 years at New Zealand’s of destruction with thousands of properties in need of damage
Auckland University of Technology. assessment and repair in coming months.
Indra graduated in Civil Engineering from Parahyangan At the forefront of the road back to recovery will be an army of
University, Indonesia, and gained his master’s degree in building inspectors and professional thermographers armed with
Construction Management and a PhD in Industrial Engineering no more than an infrared camera.
from Northeastern University, USA. His research interests These hi-tech cameras can detect, spot and measure temperature
include project management, reliability engineering and differences over entire surfaces.
operations management.
Residual moisture, mould or dampness problems can be easily
He replaces Ray Beebe, who has led these off-campus programs identified by thermal imaging cameras. For many flood victims,
since 1996 and seen them grow to reach students in many IR images will be required as buildings and property are able
continents. Ray retired from tenure in 2010, but continues part- to be assessed by thermal image without the need for further
time with teaching in condition monitoring. He continues to be damage or demolition.
available for speaking engagements and is writing his third book, Newly released FLIR E-Series handheld thermal imagers from
provisionally titled “Condition monitoring of steam turbines”. FLIR Systems, have further refined the skill in ‘moisture-spotting’
www.gippsland.monash.edu/science/mre through the use of MeterLiNK which frees the thermographer
from the manual process of collecting field data.
Using WI-FI and Bluetooth® technologies, MeterLiNK enables
Bermuda Electric Light Company Selects Oniqua the thermographer to wirelessly transmit diagnostic data from
clamp and moisture meters directly to the camera and associate
Oniqua Enterprise Analytics, the leading provider of MRO these readings with the corresponding targets stored in an
(maintenance, repair and operations) analytics software infrared image for accurate, coordinated documentation.
solutions for asset-intensive organizations, has announced that Voice comments can be added via Bluetooth headset and text
Bermuda Electric Light Company Limited (BELCO) has selected notes from the touch-screen keypad.
Oniqua Analytics Solution (OAS) to optimize its inventory levels,
increase operational efficiency and ensure reliable delivery of For building-related professionals concerned with tracking
electric service to the residents and businesses of Bermuda. moisture and water entry, MeterLiNK works with the Extech
InspectorPro MO297 multi-function moisture meter and
BELCO is Bermuda’s sole supplier of electricity, operating a psychrometer. Using Wi-Fi, images and data can be sent to an
generating plant and transmission and distribution system. iPhone(R) or iPad(R) to share reports and critical information
OAS will help ensure the right MRO materials are available quickly.
when needed to perform planned and corrective maintenance Roger Christiansz, General Manager FLIR Systems Australia
for BELCO’s power supply team. said: ‘MeterLiNK enables FLIR customers to integrate valuable
readings from advanced, multifunction Extech meters into one
“Our analysis indicated that by maintaining its current material format, infrared image.
management processes without taking any corrective actions,
BELCO would continue to increase inventory value and costs ‘MeterLink and the related connectivity features we are
without making any positive service level impact on the critical introducing represent FLIR’s commitment to driving innovation
spares necessary for the maintenance operation,” stated Lindsay and leadership in the infrared camera industry.’
Clarke, President of Oniqua Americas. FLIR SYSTEMS Australia P/L www.flir.com
“OAS, supported by Oniqua professional services, will help
BELCO eliminate unnecessary inventory; improve and maintain
the data integrity of its parts catalog; generate accurate, VAM Handheld Vibration Analyzer
business-critical reporting; and rapidly develop critical inventory
analyst expertise.” Datastick Systems, Inc., has announced the immediate
OAS is an advanced and comprehensive analytics solution for availability of its VAM Vibration Acoustic Monitoring package
inbound MRO optimization. OAS provides the unique capability for its VSA(TM) line of handheld Vibration Spectrum Analyzers,
to perform end-to-end analyses of MRO inventory, maintenance which are used in the maintenance of machinery, such as pumps,
and procurement activities, and then transform raw data into fans, motors, and compressors.
actionable information for smarter decision making. The package includes industrial noise-canceling headphones
with safety earmuffs and both Passive and Active Noise
In a recent research report entitled, Utilities Improve Financial Cancelation. The package also includes an in-line amplifier for
Performance for MRO Inventory, Maintenance, and Procurement: adjusting the sound level, as well as cabling and connector.
Ralph Rio, Research Director Enterprise Software, ARC Advisory
Group, stated, “With a utility’s sizable and widely distributed “Many vibration experts will use headphones as electronic
MRO inventory, the investment in OAS can provide significant stethoscopes in the normal signal acquisition process, so they
returns... OAS provides utilities with a comprehensive solution can simultaneously ‘listen’ to the sensor output while observing
for optimizing MRO inventory, maintenance and procurement the time or frequency spectrum displays,” said John Visotsky,
activities. It uses analytical tools to determine what materials Chairman of the Atlanta Chapter of the Vibration Institute. “This
are needed, when they should be ordered, how much stock to additional capability helps distinguish between bearing faults,
maintain, and what suppliers to use. This provides an opportunity race defects, lubrication requirements, gear mesh faults, rubbing
to improve asset availability and materials costs... and improve and other defects. Vibration novices will learn the sounds of
the P&L statement and balance sheet.” the problems they are finding, and gain greater certainty with
their tools. Audio signal output adds one more perception to a
www.oniqua.com vibration analyst’s toolset.”
Vol 24 No 2
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Maintenance News 53

Penny Melrose, Datastick CEO, said that the new accessory recurring jobs; and many others. All software enhancements
package was the direct result of requests from customers. and new functionalities in mespas R5 come free of charge to
“Analysis of the waveforms and frequency spectra of the vibration MESPAS customers. Two major innovations are the mespas
from machines with problems can prevent costly, unpredicted, Cube and mespas Reporting Engine:
and sometimes dangerous breakdowns. The VAM Vibration The mespas Cube, installed on board the ships, is a small
Acoustic Monitoring package gives maintenance and reliability offshore server (see attached picture). It acts as the hub between
managers and technicians an extra dimension in their analysis the vessel’s PCs and the central database ashore.
of vibration signals.” www.datastick.com
With the Cube, the vessel
client architecture was
Simple Tools Are Often The Best changed from a “single
user/single PC” to a
Mounting larger rolling element bearings is a technical job that “client/server” architecture,
can be frustrating without the proper tools. In one case, the which is fully network and
mechanics on a job were attempting to mount two 22244 spherical multi-user capable. This
roller bearings on a vertical pinion gear shaft. The bearings had means, the software can
to be driven up a tapered adapter sleeve to properly reduce the be run on multiple PCs on board the ship, without impinging on
clearance. The problem? They didn’t have the right tool for the the software’s ability to synchronize and work with the central
job. This bearing was to be mounted on a SNW44 series Sleeve/ database ashore. Since everything is pre-installed and pre-
Nut/Washer. The AN44 size nut is approximately 8.5” (216 mm) configured on the mespas Cube, there is no IT knowledge or
in diameter at the threads. intervention needed on board the ships to ensure the safe and
The workers had been trying for robust running of the software. In addition, the mespas Cube
three days to advance the nut allows automating certain processes.
on the threaded adapter sleeve. Ship owners and ship managers require accurate and timely
When they finally called for help, information on the performance of their fleet as the basis for
the problem was obvious. They informed decisions. The new mespas Reporting Engine was
were trying to advance the nut developed with this need in mind. “Those responsible for the
using a home-made piece of cost-efficient running of a whole fleet need a tool that gives them,
key stock! The existing nuts at the push of a button, the ability to review critical performance
were quite bashed up and had indicators, purchasing analyses, budgeting information as well
to be replaced. A quick visit to as a variety of technical overviews“, says Daniel Gsponer,
the trunk of the local SKF Field Chief Technology Officer of MESPAS AG. “All this information is
rep produced the proper tool: an available within the Reporting Engine.”
Impact Spanner. Both bearings
were properly mounted within The overviews, comparisons and analyses can be run on
an hour after the right tool was single vessel level as well as across products or even the entire
applied. fleet, thanks to the centralized database. With the mespas
Reporting Engine, the huge amount of data that is recorded and
The impact spanner is the “big brother” to the standard hook documented every day can be analysed and made available to
spanner. It’s made of special iron that takes a solid hit and relevant internal and external stakeholders.
doesn’t chip. The most important item to remember is that this www.mespas.com
spanner is designed to be hammered right on the head of the
tool, NOT on the handle. Hitting the handle usually breaks it off.
The TMFN series is available in several sizes to fit nuts from
about 5” - 30” (125mm - 750mm.) FLIR E-Series Creates New Class
Contents and pictures courtesy of SKF @ptitude Exchange.For For IR Handheld Cameras
assistance with mounting procedures, go to:
FLIR Systems has unveiled its new-generation E-Series range
of compact thermal imaging cameras - packed with new features
like WiFi and Bluetooth®. connectivity, Touch-Screen and
iPhone App – to maintain its leadership status in the predictive
MESPAS launches Release R5.13 of its Fleet maintenance and building inspection IR markets.
Management Software mespas R5 Available in three different ‘point and shoot’ models – E40, E50
or E60 for electrical and industrial and a bx range for building
MESPAS AG has released version 5.13 of its fleet management - the totally re-designed handheld cameras are lightweight and,
software mespasR5. With morethan 80 new functionalities and according to FLIR, ‘very competitively priced.’
modifications, this software upgrade is the most complex and FLIR is describing the new range as ‘the best performing
largest ever released by MESPAS. It contains enhancements and value for money compact thermal imaging cameras ever
and innovations to benefit the operational as well as the produced that are designed to fit both your IR inspection program
management side of a shipping company’s business. The and neatly in the palm of your hand.’
most important innovations relate to the mespas Cube and
mespas Reporting Engine. Over 80 new functionalities and Designed for those looking for high quality resolution, FLIR E-
enhancements MESPAS announced that it has released in its Series has more user-friendly features like MeterLiNK, large 3.5”
new software upgrade mespasR5.13 on January 15, 2011. LCD screen and the ability to communicate findings efficiently
and easily using Bluetooth®.
New features include a complete redesign of the Planned
Maintenance System (PMS) – now called Asset Management Weighing in at 800g (lightest in class) and tested to survive and
System – which is further improving the system’s architecture as maintain accuracy after a 2m fall to concrete, FLIR says the ‘E-
well as the functionality and look & feel of the user interface. Series range is the best performing value-for-money IR cameras
available, made ‘tough’ to stand the rigors, shocks and vibrations
Additional enhancements were implemented in part of daily use’.
management, procurement, and maintenance. For example:
simplified recording of jobs; enhanced part management Roger Christiansz, Managing Director FLIR Systems Australia:
functionalities including location history; easy categorization of ‘ The E-Series are new-generation IR cameras with all the mod-
Vol 24 No 2
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Maintenance News 54

cons and class-leading features you would expect from FLIR.’ amounts of money. That is why Mr. Zhou Weihua, Deputy General
E-Series is a successful combination of strong industrial Manager of the Production Department, took a decision in 2008
design and lightweight materials. The result is a camera that is to evaluate his maintenance strategy and the technology to be
ergonomically a pleasure to use and one that will not weigh you applied within that strategy. A critical decision was to look for the
down as you go about your business, whatever the application. most reliable and experienced way to determine the health of his
turbines in the fastest and most effective way.
‘We expect demand for the E-Series to come from a wide With a few different turbine designs and sizes out in the field
spectrum of sectors including manufacturing, R & D, automotive, he needed the best possible way to get reliable and regular
electronics, logistics, renewable energy, construction and HVAC information about the general condition of selected turbines of
all looking for value for money, user-friendly thermal imager these designs and types. At the same time he wanted identify
rugged enough to take it and still deliver superior image quality.’ any typical negative trends that might occur in the various, but
FLIR E-Series boasts a host of new differing, field operating conditions that the turbines would be
features including: deployed to.
Not being satisfied with his previous assessment process of
• Thumbnail JPEG image gallery
only using temperature readings of gearbox oil and generator
• High thermal sensitivity Accuracy
bearing housings, he wanted to investigate on-line monitoring,
± 2% and 0.1°C
where vibration signals from critical components are collected
• Long life battery 4 hours
24 hours a day and analysed to determine exactly if and where
• Fusion Picture-in-Picture (P-I-P)
problems are developing, and how severe any problems were.
• Copy images to USB
This type of monitoring would also provide valuable knowledge
• Thermal fusion (E40/E50)
that could allow critical maintenance to be planned and avoid
• Instant reports (E60)
unexpected and very costly breakdowns.
• Text and voice annotations
• Transmit images to smart iphone His first step was to make a deep investigation of what technology
or tablet PC was available and the quality and knowledge of the suppliers.
These investigations covered all the key suppliers of such
www.flir.com technology but contacts with other wind farm operators in China
quickly brought him to consider SKF and their turbine monitoring
system for further discussions. After direct contact with SKF, I
heard that they had recently been successful with remote on-
Marine Software’s PM Job Lock line monitoring, where data from the monitored turbine in the
U.K. based Marine Software Ltd have successfully supplied their wind farm were transmitted by Internet to their specialists for
MPM - Marine Planned Maintenance solution to Swedish based analysis.
Rederi AB Uman. These PMS systems will be installed on three In order to get first hand experience of their remote on-line
Gibraltar flagged self-discharging general cargo vessels, which capability he visited their Intelligence Centre Wind (ICW), their
operate mainly in the Baltic and North Sea regions. major wind turbine diagnostic centre in Hamburg, Germany”.
Marine Software also delivered a central OPM – Office Planned “In Hamburg I saw examples of almost all the capabilities
Maintenance system for Rederi AB Uman’s Karlshamn office. of a SKF WinCon system, because there were so many
This provides all shore side technical staff the ability to monitor systems deployed in so many wind farms. The level of detail
fleet maintenance status ashore. that the system could give was clearly demonstrated, and the
Reederei AB Uman were very interested in the “PM Job Lock” explanations by the people making the analysis clearly indicated
module, to ensure once the MPM database was operational on- that they knew all about wind turbines and the critical machinery.
board, that no crew member would be able to make Job Card The Hamburg visit gave me the confidence to set up a field trial
amendments to job instructions or interval periods, even as the on some turbines in Guohua wind farms in 2009”.
system administrator. The field trial involved 11 SKF WindCon systems to be deployed
The central office OPM users could then control these changes across 3 wind farms; one in Jiangsu province, one in Shadong
ashore and submit simple job card update files to the vessels province and one in Inner Mongolia. Around the time SKF were
for the reflective changes to be made. This type of control is installing their systems in the Guohua turbines SKF had opened
becoming increasingly popular throughout Marine Software’s a Remote Condition Monitoring Centre in Shanghai. Having SKF
client base, as it ensures on-going database integrity especially experts so close was an added benefit to Mr. Zhou and he was
for same class sister vessels. anxious to get the systems operating and see what the results
Mr Björn Holm, Fleet Manager Comments: would be.
“For us the choice of planned maintenance system was simple; The data was collected on
a user-friendly program with a lot of module functions that can be a local server at each wind
built on to fit just our organisation, and a great support function farm and transmitted to an
as well.“ www.marinesoftware.co.uk SKF server in Shanghai for
analysis. Any immediate
emergency situation would
be reported at once but an
Guohua Wind Turbines Choose SKF Remote ‘emergency situation’ was
Monitoring not detected at start up of
When the fourth biggest wind farm operator in China increases the monitoring, and a report was issued once per month to the
their installed capacity by 50% within one year, that indicates wind farm site managers and Mr Zhou.
a company that knows its business. And one of the business The reports contained the detailed vibration spectra for the key
aspects that all wind farm operators need to take care of is “turbine components being monitored, together with a brief statement that
reliability” – keeping the turbines turning as much as possible summarised the analysis of the data in terms of the condition of
and keeping maintenance activities down to a minimum. the component. But there was also a “report grid” that indicated
Reduced or controlled maintenance is always a valuable the components being monitored and each one had one of 3
contribution to bottom line profitability, but when you’ve got colours; green, yellow or red to give immediate indication of the
2000 MW of installed capacity then you are talking about huge condition, with green being OK, yellow being a slight to major

Vol 24 No 2
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Maintenance News 55

deviation from the “acceptable levels or trends”, and red being Management. “We have been working closely with our clients
something requiring immediate attention. over the past 20 years to design, build and manage enterprise
The first results were good, because Mr Zhou could “see” for the asset management solutions that help them gain maximum
first time what was really happening with his critical machinery. value from their asset life cycles.”
The SKF WindCon systems delivered the vibration spectra, “Our clients will now be able to procure this best of breed asset
similar to those he saw in Hamburg, and the SKF experts in management software directly from Logica, packaged with
Shanghai interpreted the data in terms of the condition of the certified professionals who understand the core benefits and
bearings, potential misalignment, gear damage etc. challenges of integrating Maximo with exiting systems to simplify
During the six months to January 2010, the SKF WindCons their processes,” added Sargeant.
provided good information on the turbines allowing Mr. Zhou to Maximo is asset management software that provides lifecycle
determine if and what maintenance would be required. In that and maintenance management for all asset types to help
period one of the installed SKF WindCons identified a severely companies gain maximum value from their investment, business
damaged generator gearbox bearing at the Inner Mongolia wind and IT assets within their lifecycle. The software provides a
farm. single platform to track enterprise assets, ICT assets, and
“The SKF WindCons did their job, said Mr. Zhou, they kept mobility assets, and is a critical application for Logica’s clients
me informed and the early identification of the severity of the in the energy and utilities, transport and logistics, engineering
damaged bearing in Inner Mongolia was enough to allow us to services, retail and public sectors.
plan for replacement at minimum cost and disturbance to the Logica is one of the few organisations that has IBM Maximo
planned electricity supply from the turbine”. certified professionals working across both its sales and delivery
Since the tests Guohua have installed another 58 SKF WindCons teams. Logica’s skilled team supports clients with planning,
and a further 280 have been ordered. implementation and the ongoing management of Maximo to
www.skf.com remove the complexity and ensure a smooth transition.
“The most effective asset management solutions are those that
track assets across the whole enterprise, rather than taking a
Logica Australia Partners With IBM siloed approach for individual departments. We help our clients
take this philosophy one step further by showing them where
Logica Australia, a leading IT and business services provider, they can achieve additional benefits by integrating Maximo with
has announced it has expanded its asset management offering other critical business systems and supporting this rollout,” said
by signing a new agreement with IBM to resell, deliver and Sargeant.
support Maximo® Asset Management.
For more information on Maximo please visit: http://www-01.ibm.
“Logica already has a very strong asset management practice com/software/tivoli/products/maximo-asset-mgmt/
in Australia,” said Paul Sargeant, Director, Enterprise Asset www.logica.com

AMMJ Sponsors and Supporters

The AMMJ has been published since 1988 (originally as the Maintenance Journal). Our survival over
those years has depended on the support given by our Advertisers. In these days of multi media options
the AMMJ particularly wish to thank our major current Advertisers who have advertised with the AMMJ
over many issues:

PLATINUM Sponsor and Supporter (Inserts and Multiple Page Advertising)

SKF Reliability Systems rs.marketing@skf.com www.skf.com.au www.skf.com.au/training

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ARMS Reliability www.globalreliability.com

FLIR info@FLIR.com.au www.FLIR.com.au
Infratherm info@infratherm.com.au www.infratherm.com.au
OMCS International steve@omcsinternational.com www.reliabilityassurance.com
SIRF Rt www.sirfrt.com.au www.rcart.com.au
The Asset Partnership mail@assetpartnership.com www.assetpartnership.com

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2011 Seminars

Seminar 1 (1 Day)

The Why, What, How and Who

Of Maintenance
Maintenance Costs. What Maintenance Does Your
Organisation Need. Deciding What Maintenance Can
Be Applied To Your Assets. Planned Maintenance, Who Should Attend:
Preventive, Predictive, and Proactive Maintenance. Tradespersons, Technicians,
Maintenance People, Maintenance Skills & Structures.
Planners, Schedulers,
Maintenance Supervisors,
Seminar 2 (1 Day)
Engineers, Managers and
Operations Personnel.
Maintenance Planning and
Maintenance Management
Maintenance Planning, Scheduling and Control,
Maintenance Stores, Computerised Maintenance
Management Systems, EAM’s and ERP’s, Maintenance
History Collection, Using Maintenance Data. An Introduction
To Maintenance Management and Asset Management.

Seminars 1 and 2 Presented By Len Bradshaw (Aust)

Workshop (1 Day)

Applying Best Practices to Venues

Maintenance Planning & Brisbane
14 - 16 September 2011
Control Melbourne
Ricky Smith has worked in Maintenance for some of the Best companies in the World
and also was a Maintenance Company Commander in Iraq and Kuwait. Lessons 19 - 21 September 2011
learned from this experience are identified and discussed in this Workshop.
Developing Effective Work Procedures. The Roles of a Planner. Planning Proactive
Work Process. Feedback on the Plan once it has been executed. Daily and Weekly
Scheduling. What to do about a low wrench time. Maintenance Planning effect on
Work Execution. Feedback to the planner and schedulers. Maintenance Metrics and
much more.

Workshop Presented By Ricky Smith (USA)

Organised By Engineering Information Transfer P/L and the Asset Management and Maintenance Journal
Seminar 1 Duration - 1 Day Seminar 2 Duration - 1 Day

The Why, What, How and Who Maintenance Planning and

Of Maintenance Maintenance Management
Presented by Len Bradshaw Presented by Len Bradshaw

1. Consequences of Good or Bad Maintenance 1. Computerised Maintenance Management

• The direct and indirect costs of Maintenance. Systems
• The real cost of failures and cost of downtime. • The different techniques involved with
• Do you identify and record real maintenance costs. maintenance planning and use of a CMMS
• What do you cost and what are you worth. • The move towards Asset Management Systems
Displaying your value to your organisation. and beyond the basic CMMS.
• Maintenance as a profit creator. • Links to other management systems, GIS, GPS,
• Short term and long term impact of insufficient Internet, Intranet, Web based systems.
resources in Maintenance • Who should be the planner. Responsibilities/
• Effect of too little or too much planned maintenance. duties of the planner.
• Your Impact on Safety, Insurance and Legal Costs.

2. Maintenance Activities 2. Maintenance Planning - The Details

• The different activities performed in maintenance. • Equipment coding, inventory and asset registers.
• Emergency, corrective, preventive, predictive, Asset technical databases. Rotables.
condition based, and Proactive maintenance. • Asset and task priority or criticallity.
• Possible problems associated with fixed time • Maintenance requests. Quick work request.
replacement of components. • A PM becoming a Corrective task. The small job.
• Understanding what are failures in maintenance. • Backlog and frontlog files.Opportunity
• The different failure types and how they affect what maintenance. Backlog file management.
maintenance should be used. • Planning PM routines and corrective work.
• What maintenance is needed. Basic rules in setting • Determining the weekly work. How much work?
inspection and PM frequencies. • Maintenance planning coordination meeting.
• Work order issue, work in progress.
3. Improving Maintenance Activities • Feedback and history.
• Performance measures for plant,
• Introduction to maintenance plan development. maintenance, people and planning.
PM’s and repair proceedures.
• Moving through Preventive / Predictive to Proactive 3. Maintenance Stores
• Store objectives and stock control.
4. Inspections & Condition Based Maintenance • Impact of maintenance type on stock held.
• Who owns the stores? Who owns the parts?
• What inspection and preventive/predictive techniques • Maintenance of parts in the store.
are now available in maintenance. • Vendor and user alliances. Consignment stock.
• A look at the wide range of inspection and condition • Monitoring service levels from your store.
monitoring techniques • Location of the stores.
• Visual inspections, oil analysis, vibration monitoring, • Internet spares, parts optimisation,
thermography, acoustic emission, boroscopes, fibre
optics, alignment techniques, residual current.
4. Maintenance Management
5. The People and Structures In Maintenance • Using downtime data to minimise the impact of
• The different organisational structures used for • Examples of how to collect, use, and understand
maintenance activities. maintenance data.
• Restructured maintenance, flexibility, multiskilling • Maintenance - Using MTBF? Histograms, Pareto
and team based structures. Analysis, Simulation.
• What motivates people to work with the company
rather than against it.
• Maintenance Outsourcing/Contracting - for and 5. Asset Management
against. • Introduction to Asset Management and
• Introduction to what the best do: Leadership, Maintenance Excellence.
recruitment, training, flexibility, motivation, • Introduction to life cycle costing of assets.
teams, TPM, performance, rewards, core skills • Introduction to Setting Strategies: Audits,
and outsourcing. Benchmarking, and KPI,s

Who should attend these 1 day seminars?

Tradespersons, Technicians, Planners, Schedulers, Engineers, Supervisors and Managers, plus Operations Personnel
and others interested in maintenance of plant and assets.
Return to Contents Page
Workshop Duration - 1 Day

Applying Best Practices to

Maintenance Planning & Control
Presented by Ricky Smith

1. What does World Class Maintenance Planning look like?

• Alcoa, Mt Holly – recognized worldwide as one of the best in the world.
• Lessons learned from this experience are identified and discussed.

2. Developing Effective Work Procedures

• Why work procedures are necessary and becoming more critical
• What the Work Procedure hierarchy is and why it is important
• The difference between ranking jobs for execution and jobs for work procedure development
• How to effectively map a work procedure
• How to write clear and meaningful Warnings, Cautions and Notes for work procedures
• How to identify and document constraints, impediments and resources for work procedures
• Basic rules for work procedures
• How to design and construct effective work procedures
• Basic metrics for work procedure development and usage

3. Proactive Work
• Proactive Work Flow Model Attributes
• The Roles of a Planner
• The Roles of a Maintenance Supervisor RICKY SMITH - Workshop
• Planning Proactive Work Process
• Kitting Parts Ricky Smith is renowned in the world of
• Managing the Backlog Overview reliability and maintenance. He has more
• Feedback on the Plan once it has been executed than 30 years of experience working in
hundreds of plants world wide in reliabil-
4. Maintenance Scheduling ity, maintenance management and train-
• Daily and Weekly Scheduling ing.
• Wrench Time Ricky has worked in maintenance at some
• Measuring Wrench Time of the World’s great companies including
• What to do about a low wrench time?
Alumax Mt Holly (now Alcoa Mt holly).
• Scheduling one week of work load for your crew
Ricky spent one year in Kuwait and Iraq as
5. Maintenance Execution a maintenance company commander for
• Maintenance Planning effect on Work Execution the US Army Reserve, where he provided
• Maintenance Scheduling effect on Work Execution maintenance to US and Coalition Forces.
• Lack of / use of Effective Work Procedures
Ricky has developed an insight applicable
effect on Work Execution
• Feedback to the planner and schedulers to every maintenance facet.
• Work Order Close Out Ricky is also a well-respected author
• Rework – how to eliminate it with his published books, “Lean
Maintenance” and “Industrial Repair, Best
6. Maintenance Program Metrics Maintenance Repair Practices” with his
• Metrics and Key Performance Indicators latest book, “Rules of Thumb in Reliability
• Department Level Measures Engineering”.
• Equipment or System Level Measures

Who should attend this 1 day workshop?

Tradespersons, Technicians, Planners, Schedulers, Engineers, Supervisors and Managers, plus Operations Personnel
and others interested in maintenance of plant and assets.
Return to Contents Page
Len Bradshaw - Seminars 1 & 2 2011 VENUES
Len Bradshaw is a specialist in maintenance Brisbane: 14 - 16 Sept 2011
Hotel Grand Chancellor
management and maintenance planning/control. He 23 Leichhardt St,
is currently a Director of the Australasian Maintenance Brisbane QLD
Excellence Awards. He is the Publisher/Editor of Web: www.ghihotels.com
the AMMJ (Asset Management and Maintenance Melbourne: 19 - 21 Sept 2011
Journal) that reaches over 120 countries. He has Rydges On Swanston Hotel
a Masters Degree in Terotechnology (Maintenance 701 Swanston St,
Melbourne VIC
Management). Web: www.rydges.com
He has conducted maintenance seminars for all
levels of maintenance staff from trades personnel How do I Register
to executive management. Len has conducted over 1. Mail the completed registration form together with your cheque made
payable to: Engineering Information Transfer Pty Ltd,
320 courses for in excess of 9,000 maintenance P.O. Box 703, Mornington, VIC 3931, Australia
personnel, both in Australia and overseas. 2. Scan form & email to: mail@maintenancejournal.com
3. Email and Indicate courses/ dates/venue required/ personnel to
attend and provide details of method of payment then email to:
Seminar and Worshop Fees AUD $750 per delegate (per day) mail@maintenancejournal.com 4. Fax to: 03 59755735
5. Or post/email a formal company Purchase Order/Purchase Order
The course fees are inclusive of GST and also include Seminar/Workshop material number and we will invoice your organisation on that Purchase Order.
as well as lunch and refreshments. Course fee does not include accommodation,
which if required is the delegates own responsibility. For Further Information
Engineering Information Transfer P/L (ABN 67 330 738 613)
Confirmation A confirmation letter will be sent for each delegate. Ph: Aus 03 5975 0083 Fax: 03 59755735
Email: mail@maintenancejournal.com
Times The courses start at 8:00am and end at 3:45pm, each day. P.O. Box 703, Mornington, VIC 3931, Australia
Arrival/Signing-in is from 7:40am on the first day the delegate attends. www.maintenancejournal.com
Cancellations: Should you (after having registered) be unable to attend, a substitute delegate is always welcome. Alternatively, a full refund will be made for cancellations received
in writing 14 days before the seminar starts . Cancellations 7 to 14 days prior to the seminar dates will be refunded 40% of the registration fee, in addition to receiving a set of seminar
notes. There will be no refund for cancellations within 7 days of the seminar dates. This registration form may be photocopied.


Please Tick Course Please Tick Venue
Course One: AUD $750

The Why What When & Who of Maintenance Brisbane

Course Two: AUD $750

Maintenance Planning & Maintenance Management

Workshop: AUD $750

Applying Best Practices to Maintenance Planning


Name of delegate Position

Name of approving officer Position


Phone Email

Method of payment Fee payable $_________________

Cheque - enclosed made payable to Engineering Information Transfer Pty Ltd

Electronic funds transfer - Please email to obtain EFT details from: mail@maintenancejournal.com
Charge to my credit card Mastercard Visa Card Other Cards are accepted but a 2% fee applies.

Expiry Date_______________

Name on card Signature

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AMMJ Subscription Form
Asset Management and Maintenance Journal

Mail this form to: EIT P/L, PO Box 703, Mornington, VIC 3931 Australia or email: mail@maintenancejournal.com
ABN: 67 330 738 613 Phone: 03 59750083 Fax: 03 59755735 For Australia prices are inclusive of GST taxes.
Prices are in Australian Dollars and are valid until 1 December 2011. This form may be photocopied.

AMMJ PRINT Version Place Tick in Required Box 1 year (4 issues)

Print Version Subscription (includes postage anywhere in the World): AUD $170 (US$170)

eAMMJ ELECTRONIC Version 1 year (4 issues)

eAMMJ Annual Subscription for One Person: AUD $80 (US $80)
May be used by one person and stored on a single computer.

eAMMJ Annual Subscription for Single Site: AUD $120 (US $120)
May be distributed throughout a single site of your organisation.

eAMMJ Annual Subscription for Multiple Sites Worldwide: AUD $400 (US $400)
May be distributed to any site within your World wide corporation.

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BTM '1-4461/+ '6;/3 9 November NEW ZEALAND

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BTM $ /(,&$"',-*-&5 9-11 March 15 September VICTORIA '2/1843 21-22 September VICTORIA
&   BTM  (,1$, ,"$(WE201) 16-18 November QUEENSLAND '01+/-. 4-8 October #2/8.=+1* '01+/-.

"  NEW SOUTH WALES '6'8.' 6).+6=+1* 8 July 27-28 July 22-24 November
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#$   '5/+6 '2/1843 $"',("( ,*$3$* &/3-=+1* '01+/-. VICTORIA
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PMS IR1 7-9 December 15-17 June 20 July #2/8.=+1* '01+/-. '1-4461/+ AUSTRALIA

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13-15 April 17-19 August
training from
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9-11 March 23-24 March 8-9 December
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19-21 October $/2'69 10-11 August
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VICTORIA staff to
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2010 SKF Training

2-4 March #2/8.=+1*



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15-19 March 9-10 November
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19-21 April ,$/&5%6"($,"5 WESTERN AUSTRALIA 13-17 September 6).+6=+1*
NEW SOUTH WALES '01+/-. *50(0

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23-24 February 18-20 May VICTORIA 12-13 August
VA3 (!/ 1(-,,
PT 16-18 March WESTERN AUSTRALIA '01+/-. *$3$* 
23-25 November 9 February .'5 VICTORIA
#% LB1 IR1 ANZAC Day

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Easter Monday 6).+6=+1* VICTORIA
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25-27 May 4 February 17-21 May '01+/-. NEW ZEALAND

MAR  #2/8.=+1* .6/78).96).
VA1  VA2
&.<'11' VICTORIA !+68. 24-25 June '2/1843
12-16 April
23-25 March
$%  BTM BTM PT  OA1 VA1 RCF 12-14 October '01+/-.
22-26 November WESTERN AUSTRALIA 15-20 November
$%  OA1
11 February QUEENSLAND 9)01'3*

VA2 FMC &/3-=+1* !+68.

April WESTERN AUSTRALIA 6).+6=+1* 31 August-2 September PSF 2+.501$+0 April FMC 2,# +$,1 *0-%
& OA1 BTM BTM  28-30 21-22

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2 February WESTERN AUSTRALIA ,$/&5%6"($,"5 NEW ZEALAND
$%  BTM IR1 7-9 December $3($4 .6/78).96).

 !+68. NEW SOUTH WALES '2/1843
#$  TASMANIA DB 5, +("
* ,"(,& 13-17 September NEW SOUTH WALES 18-19 May
9-11 March
 4('68 #2/8.=+1* 9)01'3*
" Good Friday 
 #2/8.=+1* "48469'
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 NEW SOUTH WALES MAR ,1/-#2"1(-,1- 17-19 March 18-20 May
#2/8.=+1*  /*(,501$+
6).+6=+1* 6).+6=+1* SPM . /$. /10
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  VA3 11-13 May QUEENSLAND 6).+6=+1* 30 August-1 September 5 February
'11'6'8 25 May
 VA3 6).+6=+1*
OA1 (*, *50(0*$3$* '01+/-. NEW SOUTH WALES 24-26 August
  VA2 ESA VA3 BTM 20-22 April 24 August 21 October

 AUSTRALIA   12 February #2/8.=+1* .6/78).96).

12-14 October !+68.

BTM Melb Cup (VIC)
&/3-=+1* #2/8.=+1* QUEENSLAND 3:+6)'6-/11
May Day (NT) SPM  SRM
/5571'3* 29 June !+68.

Labour Day (QLD)
3 March 20-23 April 6).+6=+1* 20-22 October
7-9 September 21 September 1 February
VICTORIA 2-3 September
SPM  &
PMS BTM SPM '01+/-. RCM $*( !(*(15$,1$/$# SOUTH AUSTRALIA
 VA3 BTM RCM 23-25 March MIC ,1/-#2"1(-,1- 6).+6=+1*
 VA2 29 April ("/-*-& 14-17 September  (,1$, ,"$ &/3-=+1*
13-14 May
16-18 November
VA3 !+68. #2/8.=+1* 6).+6=+1* VICTORIA
17-19 November

 1('3< 24 August 26-29 October '01+/-.
  %1 QUEENSLAND VICTORIA 25-26 November
14-16 September ESA  05* 0$/'
6).+6=+1* '01+/-. !+68.
 #$  93(96< *(&,+$,1
26 May 27-30 July 5-7 May !+68.
 21-23 April NEW SOUTH WALES
 #2/8.=+1* 3-4 May

#$  +)+2(+6 

20-22 July 9 June
1 December
Christmas Day

For further information courses:

  Boxing Day
The Power of Knowledge


Public, On site or

 Queens Birthday $%  

Foundation Day (WA)

 03 9269 0763







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