Summer Assignment-Incoming Seniors-2

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Senior Video Production Summer Assignment

1a.) Because of recent trends in various forms of media, societal beauty standards have become more warped and complex than
ever. My film will be a documentary discussing the various beauty trends that are pressure women and men alike to conform to
unrealistic forms of beauty. I will be interviewing key people to represent various demographics (ex: I will interview 2 latinxs, 2 black
people, 2 asians etc.) to better understand the variations in beauty standards within a culture (ex: asia prefers light skin and big eyes,
latin america revolves mostly around having fit bodies etc.).
1b.) Since societal beauty standards are typically focused on women, I’d like to expose men who also face problems because of
issues with body image and meeting unachievable standards. Basically, I would like to show that the pressure of beauty standards
affects both men and women alike and I would like to promote awareness about issues facing individuals such as body dysphoria
and eating disorders.
2a.) Opening Scene - The film will begin with b-roll and statistics regarding the different beauty trends that are arising in America
and globally. After introducing the subject, the interviewees will introduce themselves on camera.
2b.) Rising Action - I will begin telling the interviewees what the point of the project is to make the answers and settings appear
more realistic and the responses seem natural as opposed to appearing rehearsed. Question Example: Do you consider yourself to
be beautiful? Why or why not? (I will make sure they are comfortable answering questions like this prior. )
2c.) Climax / Conflict - I will ask what they think causes women and men to not like the way they look? Why are beauty standards
so hard to achieve? Who sets these standards?
2d.) Resolution - I would like to include a section where the interviewees are shown pictures or videos of each other and compliment
each other and I would also like to end with interviewees describing what they like about themselves regardless of what standards
are enforced.
3.) purely based off of ethnicities to better represent diverse groups, LGBT interviewees would also be beneficial to understand their
4.)I want this to reach people of all ages struggling with self image issues. Often times there is erasure in regards to these self image
issues and I want to show its diverse and complex nature and encourage those with illnesses like these to get help.
5.) documentary
6.)I want to expose the sides of these pressures for beauty that are often times erased from the media. There are people besides
teenage girls who face issues like these and they should therefore be given the representation they have been denied. Providing this
representation will be my hook.

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