Mbtimyers-Briggsmy 4 Personality Type

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Name Meskerem Muka

AOS 210
MBTI/Myers-Briggs/Personal Type

My 4 personality characteristic letters are ISTJ

What are my personality characteristic letter?
Introverted;( I)
 are shows that indicates a person who is energized by time spent alone.
 are shows who focuses on facts and details rather than ideas and concepts.
 are shows that who makes decisions based on logic and reason
Judging; (J)
 are shows that who prefers to be planned and organized rather than
spontaneous and flexible
ISTJs are sometimes referred to as Inspector personalities because of their focus on
details and interest in doing things correctly.

My related career choices are;

Accountants and auditors prepare and examine financial records.

 They ensure that financial records are accurate and that taxes are paid properly
and on time. Accountants and auditors assess financial operations and work to
help ensure that organizations run efficiently.

 In addition to examining and preparing financial documentation, accountants and

auditors must explain their findings. This includes face-to-face meetings with
organization managers and individual clients, and preparing written reports.

Administrative services managers plan,

 direct, and coordinate supportive services of an organization. Their specific
responsibilities vary by the type of organization and may include keeping
records, distributing mail, and planning and maintaining facilities. In a small
organization, they may direct all support services and may be called
the business office manager.
 Large organizations may have several layers of administrative managers who
specialize in different areas.

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