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SVMS Musical 201 8, Holidays in United States

Thu Aug 30, 2018

All day MUSICAL INTEREST MEETING (cast and crew)

Thu Aug 30, 2018 - Fri Aug 31, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm CAST AND CREW INTEREST MEETING (Tentative)

Where: IHS Auditorium and Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor
TENTATIVE DATE (this will be offered on ONLY 1 date to ALL interested students---
if you miss it then you have to learn on the fly): Auditioner Meeting - Rules and Expectation
Review - Overview of the show - provide music, sides, and auditioning tips - rehearse music - dance
combo for general dance audition - Q&APotential Crew Meeting - First Opportunity to S Up for
CREWS and schedule - Rules and Expectations Review - Crew and Crew HEAD assignme
- Q&A - Begin some projects (as time allows)

Fri Aug 31, 2018

All day MUSICAL INTEREST MEETING (cast and crew)

Fri Aug 31, 2018 - Sat Sep 1, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:40pm - 5pm CAST AND CREW INTEREST MEETING (Tentative)

Where: IHS Auditorium and Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor
TENTATIVE MEETING DATE (this will be offered on ONLY 1 date to ALL interested
students---if you miss it then you have to learn on the fly): Auditioner Meeting - Rules and
Expectations Review - Overview of the show - provide music, sides, and auditioning tips -
rehearse music - learn dance combo for general dance audition - Q&APotential Crew Meeting
First Opportunity to Sign Up for CREWS and schedule - Rules and Expectations Review - Crew a
Crew HEAD assignments - Q&A - Begin some projects (as time allows)

Mon Sep 3, 2018

All day Labor Day

Mon Sep 3, 2018 - Tue Sep 4, 2018
Calendar: Holidays in United States

Tue Sep 4, 2018


Tue Sep 4, 2018 - Wed Sep 5, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm 8th Grade Auditions 2018

Where: IHS Auditorium/ Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018 Created
by: Amanda Armor Description:
Meeting and Auditions for Interested 8th graders. 7th graders with scheduling
conflicts MAY attend this audition, but be sure to identify yourself as a 7th grader when you sig
in and get your audition number.
SVMS Musical 201 8, Holidays in United States

Wed Sep 5, 2018


Wed Sep 5, 2018 - Thu Sep 6, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm 7th Grade Auditions 2018

Where: IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018 Created
by: Amanda Armor Description:
Meeting and Auditions for Interested 7th graders. 8th graders with scheduling
conflicts MAY attend this audition, but be sure to identify yourself as a 8th grader when you sig
in and get your audition number.

Thu Sep 6, 2018


Thu Sep 6, 2018 - Fri Sep 7, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Callbacks/Dance Auditions

Where: IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018 Created
by: Amanda Armor Description:
Schedule for Callbacks and Dance Auditions: - General Auditioners that were
unable to attend on other 2 days MAY request a time today but they MUST set this up with Mrs.
Barker PRIOR TO this audition. - Featured Dancers will be seen on this day - SOME callback
auditions may happen on this day (please check callbacks list outside of chorus room/cafeteria or
on our show website (ADD URL) to see if you have been called for today

Fri Sep 7, 2018


Fri Sep 7, 2018 - Sat Sep 8, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 7pm Callback Auditions 2018

Where: IHS Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor
Callbacks: - Please check list outside of chorus room or on the show website (ADD
URL) to see if you have been called - If you were not called back, this does not mean that you
will not be cast in the show. - If you HAVE been called back PLEASE collect your callbacks pack
from Mrs. Barker PROMPTLY on Thursday morning. You should familairize yourself with ALL
packet contents n case we wish to see you read or sing for any roles you were NOT officially
called back for. - Be prepared to stay late should we need to see your read or sing again. We w
send as many of you home on the 5:00 Activity Bus as we can, but we may need more time wit
some of you. The official end of callbacks will be 6pm, but you may be dismissed earlier. You ar
welcome to sit in the audition room until your ride home arrives on campus.
SVMS Musical 201 8, Holidays in United States

Mon Sep 10, 2018

2:30pm - 5pm Cast and Crew Meeting

Where: IHS Chorus Room/IHS Auditorium
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor
Today's Schedule: - Review Rules and Expectations - Review Rehearsal Calendar
(all conflicts MUST be reported to us BY MONDAY) THEN Cast/Crew will split up: - Cast (in ch
room) - Sing Through of all full-cast numbers (in chorus room) - Crew (in auditorium) - will rev
the crews available and begin work on some of the set/props pieces

2:30pm - 5pm Full Cast Vocals and Choreography

Where: IHS Chorus Room/Auditorium
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018 Created
by: Amanda Armor

Tue Sep 11, 2018

2:30pm - 5pm Full Cast Vocals and Choreography

Where: IHS Chorus Room/Auditorium
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018 Created
by: Amanda Armor

Wed Sep 12, 2018


Wed Sep 12, 2018 - Thu Sep 13, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Blocking (Cast Called TBA)

Whe re : IHS Chorus Room/Auditorium
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

5:15pm - 8pm Elementary Cast Auditions (Haine and ECE)

Where: IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018 Created
by: Amanda Armor

Thu Sep 13, 2018


Thu Sep 13, 2018 - Fri Sep 14, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Vocals (Cast members called TBD)

Where: IHS Auditorium/ Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018 Created
by: Amanda Armor

5:15pm - 8pm Elementary Cast Auditions (Rowan/CVE)

Where: IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018 Created
by: Amanda Armor
SVMS Musical 201 8, Holidays in United States
Mon Sep 17, 2018

2:30pm - 5pm Full Cast Choreography

Where: IHS Auditorium Calendar:
SVMS Musical 2018 Created by:
Amanda Armor

Tue Sep 18, 2018

All day Design Crew

Tue Sep 18, 2018 - Wed Sep 19, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Lead Vocals

Whe re : IHS Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Wed Sep 19, 2018

2:30pm - 5pm Full Cast Choreography

Where: IHS Auditorium Calendar:
SVMS Musical 2018 Created by:
Amanda Armor

Thu Sep 20, 2018

All day Cast Snack

Thu Sep 20, 2018 - Fri Sep 21, 2018
Where: IHS Cafeteria Calendar:
SVMS Musical 2018 Created by:
Amanda Armor
Description: Parent Volunteers bring snacks for cast at 4:00 (break 4:15-4:45)

All day Design Crew

Thu Sep 20, 2018 - Fri Sep 21, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 7pm Full Cast Vocals and Choreography

Where: IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room/Cafeteria
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor
Schedule: - Review Musical Numbers from Act I (2:30-4:30pm) - SNACK BREAK -
bring something to eat (4:30-5:00pm) - Run Vocals with Elementary Cast (5:00pm-6:30pm) - Parent
Meeting at Pickup (6:30-7:00pm)

4:50pm - 7pm Elementary Cast Vocals

Where: IHS Auditorium Calendar:
SVMS Musical 2018 Created by:
Amanda Armor
SVMS Musical 201 8, Holidays in United States
Fri Sep 21, 2018

2:30pm - 5pm General Rehearsal - TBA

Where: IHS Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Mon Sep 24, 2018

2:30pm - 5pm Full Cast Blocking/Choreography

Whe re : IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room/Cafeteria
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Tue Sep 25, 2018

All day Design Crew

Tue Sep 25, 2018 - Wed Sep 26, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Full Cast Vocals

Whe re : IHS Auditorium
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Wed Sep 26, 2018

2:30pm - 5pm Full Cast Choreography

Where: IHS Auditorium Calendar:
SVMS Musical 2018 Created by:
Amanda Armor

Thu Sep 27, 2018

All day Cast Snack

Thu Sep 27, 2018 - Fri Sep 28, 2018
Where: IHS Cafeteria Calendar:
SVMS Musical 2018 Created by:
Amanda Armor
Description: Parent Volunteers bring snacks for cast at 4:00 (break 4:15-4:45)

All day Design Crew

Thu Sep 27, 2018 - Fri Sep 28, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Full Cast Vocals

Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

4:50pm - 7pm Elementary Cast Choreography/ Vocals

Where: IHS Chorus Room/ Auditorium
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018 Created
by: Amanda Armor
6:30pm - 7pm Parent Meeting (Cast, Elementary Cast, and Crew)
Where: IHS Auditorium Calendar:
SVMS Musical 2018 Created by:
Amanda Armor Description:
PLEASE ATTEND THIS MEETING. We will be brief, but we want to touch base with
you all on what the kids should expect and how you can be of help to our production in the upcoming

Fri Sep 28, 2018

2:30pm - 5pm General Rehearsal - TBA

Where: IHS Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Mon Oct 1, 2018

2:30pm - 5pm Full Cast StumbleThrough

Whe re : IHS Chorus Room/Auditorium
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Tue Oct 2, 2018

All day Design Crew

Tue Oct 2, 2018 - Wed Oct 3, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Run Through

Whe re : IHS Auditorium
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Wed Oct 3, 2018


Wed Oct 3, 2018 - Thu Oct 4, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Blocking (Cast Called TBA)

Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Run Through of Act I/ Crew View

Where: IHS Auditorium Calendar:
SVMS Musical 2018 Created by:
Amanda Armor

Thu Oct 4, 2018

All day Cast Snack

Thu Oct 4, 2018 - Fri Oct 5, 2018
Whe re : IHS Cafeteria
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor
Description: Parent Volunteers bring snacks for cast at 4:00 (break 4:15-4:45)
All day Design Crew
Thu Oct 4, 2018 - Fri Oct 5, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

All day Sound and Lighting Crew

Thu Oct 4, 2018 - Fri Oct 5, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 7pm Vocals (TBA)

Where: IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room/Cafeteria
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:40pm - 7pm Program Lighting

Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

4:50pm - 7pm Elementary Cast Vocals

Where: IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018 Created
by: Amanda Armor

Fri Oct 5, 2018

2:30pm - 5pm General Rehearsal - TBA

Where: IHS Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Mon Oct 8, 2018

All day Columbus Day (regional holiday)

Mon Oct 8, 2018 - Tue Oct 9, 2018
Calendar: Holidays in United States
Public holiday in: Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia,
Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts,
Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North
Carolina, Northern Mariana Islands, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin

Tue Oct 9, 2018

All day Design Crew

Tue Oct 9, 2018 - Wed Oct 10, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018 Created
by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Full Cast Vocals

Whe re : IHS Auditorium
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor
SVMS Musical 201 8, Holidays in United States

Wed Oct 10, 2018

2:30pm - 5pm Full Cast Choreography

Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Thu Oct 11, 2018

All day Cast Snack

Thu Oct 11, 2018 - Fri Oct 12, 2018
Where: IHS Cafeteria Calendar:
SVMS Musical 2018 Created by:
Amanda Armor
Description: Parent Volunteers bring snacks for cast at 4:00 (break 4:15-4:45)

All day Design Crew

Thu Oct 11, 2018 - Fri Oct 12, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Vocals (cast called TBA)

Whe re : IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

4:50pm - 7pm Elementary Choreography

Where: IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018 Created
by: Amanda Armor

Fri Oct 12, 2018

2:30pm - 5pm Blocking (cast called TBA)

Whe re : IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Mon Oct 15, 2018

2:30pm - 5pm Full Cast Choreography

Where: IHS Auditorium Calendar:
SVMS Musical 2018 Created by:
Amanda Armor

Tue Oct 16, 2018

All day Design Crew

Tue Oct 16, 2018 - Wed Oct 17, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Vocals (cast called TBA)

Whe re : IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor
SVMS Musical 201 8, Holidays in United States

Wed Oct 17, 2018

2:30pm - 5pm Blocking (cast called TBA)

Whe re : IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Thu Oct 18, 2018

All day Cast Snack

Thu Oct 18, 2018 - Fri Oct 19, 2018
Where: IHS Cafeteria Calendar:
SVMS Musical 2018 Created by:
Amanda Armor
Description: Parent Volunteers bring snacks for cast at 4:00 (break 4:15-4:45)

All day Design Crew

Thu Oct 18, 2018 - Fri Oct 19, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Full Cast Vocals and Choreography

Where: IHS Auditorium Calendar:
SVMS Musical 2018 Created by:
Amanda Armor

4:50pm - 7pm Elementary Review and Cleanup

Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Fri Oct 19, 2018

2:30pm - 5pm Full Cast Choreography

Where: IHS Auditorium Calendar:
SVMS Musical 2018 Created by:
Amanda Armor

Mon Oct 22, 2018

2:30pm - 7pm Full Cast Stumble Through

Where: IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room/Cafeteria
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Tue Oct 23, 2018

All day Design Crew

Tue Oct 23, 2018 - Wed Oct 24, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 7pm Run Through Act II

Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor
SVMS Musical 201 8, Holidays in United States
Wed Oct 24, 2018


Wed Oct 24, 2018 - Thu Oct 25, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Run Through Act II/ Crew View

Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Thu Oct 25, 2018

All day Cast Snack

Thu Oct 25, 2018 - Fri Oct 26, 2018
Where: IHS Cafeteria Calendar:
SVMS Musical 2018 Created by:
Amanda Armor
Description: Parent Volunteers bring snacks for cast at 4:00 (break 4:15-4:45)

All day Design Crew (LAST DAY)

Thu Oct 25, 2018 - Fri Oct 26, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Clean Up (Cast Called TBA)

Whe re : IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room/Strings Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Program Lights Act II

Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

4:50pm - 7pm Elementary Review and Cleanup

Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Fri Oct 26, 2018

All day Sound and Lighting Crew

Fri Oct 26, 2018 - Sat Oct 27, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Tech Run Act II

Where: IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room/Strings Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Mon Oct 29, 2018


Mon Oct 29, 2018 - Tue Oct 30, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor
2:30pm - 5pm Tech Run Act I and Notes
Whe re : IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room/Strings Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Tue Oct 30, 2018


Tue Oct 30, 2018 - Wed Oct 31, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Tech Run Act II and Notes

Whe re : IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room/Strings Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Wed Oct 31, 2018

All day Hal low een

Wed Oct 31, 2018 - Thu Nov 1, 2018
Calendar: Holidays in United States

2:30pm - 5pm General Rehearsal - TBA

Where: IHS Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Thu Nov 1, 2018


Thu Nov 1, 2018 - Fri Nov 2, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

All day Cast Snack

Thu Nov 1, 2018 - Fri Nov 2, 2018
Where: IHS Cafeteria Calendar:
SVMS Musical 2018 Created by:
Amanda Armor
Description: Parent Volunteers bring snacks for cast at 4:00 (break 4:15-4:45)

2:30pm - 9pm Partial Dress Run

Where: IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room/Strings Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

3:30pm - 9pm Elementary Dress Rehearsal (please try to arrive by 3:30)

Where: IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room/Theatre Room/Strings Room/Band Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor
- Come IN COSTUME - We will break for dinner (paid service) at 5:15pm and the
kids who pay for the meals will be fed at this time.
Fri Nov 2, 2018

2:30pm - 5pm General Rehearsal - TBA

Where: IHS Chorus Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Sun Nov 4, 2018

All day Daylight Saving Time ends

Sun Nov 4, 2018 - Mon Nov 5, 2018
Calendar: Holidays in United States

Mon Nov 5, 2018


Mon Nov 5, 2018 - Tue Nov 6, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Tech Run Act I with Notes

Whe re : IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room/Strings Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Tue Nov 6, 2018


Tue Nov 6, 2018 - Wed Nov 7, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018 Created
by: Amanda Armor


Tue Nov 6, 2018 - Wed Nov 7, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018 Created
by: Amanda Armor
Description: 2:40-3:00pm???

2:30pm - 5pm Tech Run Act II with Notes

Whe re : IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room/Strings Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Wed Nov 7, 2018


Wed Nov 7, 2018 - Thu Nov 8, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018 Created
by: Amanda Armor

All day Cast Meal

Wed Nov 7, 2018 - Thu Nov 8, 2018
Where: IHS Cafeteria Calendar:
SVMS Musical 2018 Created by:
Amanda Armor
Description: Parent Volunteers bring snacks for cast at 5:00 (break 5:15-6:00)
All day Friends and Family Night/ Open Dress
Wed Nov 7, 2018 - Thu Nov 8, 2018
Where: IHS Auditorium Calendar:
SVMS Musical 2018 Created by:
Amanda Armor Description:
Parents may come to watch the show, film and take pictures tonight. No flash photography or
video recording will be allowed during the shows. Run Throughs will begin TENTATIVELY at: 3:30pm
and 6:30pm

2:30pm - 9pm Open Dress

Where: IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room/Theatre Room/Strings Room/Band Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

3:30pm - 7pm Elementary Dress Run (arrive at 3:30 if possible)

Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor
- Come IN COSTUME - We will break for dinner (paid service) at 5:15pm and the
kids who pay for the meals will be fed at this time.

Thu Nov 8, 2018


Thu Nov 8, 2018 - Fri Nov 9, 2018
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

2:30pm - 5pm Full Tech Run (TBA)

Where: IHS Auditorium/Chorus Room/Strings Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor

Fri Nov 9, 2018

4pm - 10pm SHOWTIME 7:30pm

Where: IHS Auditorium/ Chorus Room/Band Room/Theatre Room/Strings Room
Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor
Call Times/Schedule (Tentative) 4:00pm Leads/Cast who Get Miced 4:30pm
Ensemble 1-25 4:30pm Notes/Mic Check for LEADS in Auditorium 4:45pm Ensemble 26-50 5:0
Ensemble 50-100 5:20 pm Crew Arrives 5:30pm Warm Ups on Stage/General Notes 6:00pm
Rehearse Scenes and Numbers in "Last Look" 6:50pm Crew set up for TOP OF THE SHOW 6:55
HOUSE OPEN (silence in hallways and backstage/quiet in greenrooms) 7:00pm Audience will b
let into auditorium 7:10pm Greenroom in Chorus Room 7:20pm Move to places for TOP OF SHO
7:25pm Places for TOP OF SHOW 7:30pm SHOW STARTS 8:15pm Intermission (silence in hallw
and backstage/quiet in greenrooms) 8:25pm Places for Act II 8:30pm ACT II STARTS 9:20pm S
ENDS/CURTAIN CALL 9:25-9:40pm Cast/Crew may visit with family and friends IN COSTUME MS
enter/exit through stage left doorway ELEMENTARY CAST will be brought out through stage righ
doorway 9:40-9:50pm Change/Return Costumes/Clean Up Greenroom and CHECK OUT with
designated adult. 10:00pm Doors lock---everyone must be out.
Sat Nov 10, 2018

4:30pm - 10:30pm SHOWTIME 7:30

Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor
Call Times/Schedule (Tentative) 4:30pm Leads/Cast who Get Miced 5:00pm
Ensemble 1-25 5:15pm Ensemble 26-50 5:30pm Ensemble 50-100 5:30pm Mic Check for LEAD in
Auditorium 5:55 pm Crew Arrives/ Elementary Cast Arrives 6:00pm Warm Ups on Stage/"Las Look"
6:50pm Crew set up for TOP OF THE SHOW 6:55pm HOUSE OPEN (silence in hallways an
backstage/quiet in greenrooms) 7:00pm Audience will be let into auditorium 7:10pm Greenro in
Chorus Room 7:20pm Move to places for TOP OF SHOW 7:25pm Places for TOP OF SHOW 7: 30pm
SHOW STARTS 8:15pm Intermission (silence in hallways and backstage/quiet in greenrooms)
8:25pm Places for Act II 8:30pm ACT II STARTS 9:20pm SHOW ENDS/CURTAIN CA 9:25-9:40pm
Cast/Crew may visit with family and friends IN COSTUME MS enter/exit through stage left
doorway ELEMENTARY CAST will be brought out through stage right doorway 9:40-9: 50pm
Change/Return Costumes/Clean Up Greenroom and CHECK OUT with designated adult. 1 00pm
Doors lock---everyone must be out.

Sun Nov 11, 2018

All day Veterans Day

Sun Nov 11, 2018 - Mon Nov 12, 2018
Calendar: Holidays in United States

11am - 6pm Showtime 2:00

Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor
Call Times/Schedule (Tentative) 11:30pm Leads/Cast who Get Miced 12:00pm Mic
Check for LEADS in Auditorium 12:00pm Ensemble 1-25 12:15pm Ensemble 26-50 12:30pm
Ensemble 50-100 12:45 pm Crew Arrives/ Elementary Cast Arrives 12:50pm Warm Ups on
Stage/"Last Look" 1:20pm Crew set up for TOP OF THE SHOW 1:25pm HOUSE OPEN (silence in
hallways and backstage/quiet in greenrooms) 1:30pm Audience will be let into auditorium 1:4
Greenroom in Chorus Room 1:50pm Move to places for TOP OF SHOW 1:55pm Places for TOP O
SHOW 2:00pm SHOW STARTS 3:15pm Intermission (silence in hallways and backstage/quiet in
greenrooms) 3:25pm Places for Act II 3:30pm ACT II STARTS 4:20pm SHOW ENDS/CURTAIN CA 4:25-
4:40pm Cast/Crew may visit with family and friends IN COSTUME MS enter/exit through stage
left doorway ELEMENTARY CAST will be brought out through stage right doorway 4:40-4: 50pm
Change/Return Costumes/Clean Up Greenroom 4:55 CHECK IN FOR STRIKE 5:00-5:45 STRIKE (you
will be dismissed by your Strike Captain when all of the work is done) 6:00pm Doo lock---everyone
must be out. 6:30pm CAST PARTY!!!

Mon Nov 12, 2018

All day Veterans Day observed

Mon Nov 12, 2018 - Tue Nov 13, 2018
Calendar: Holidays in United States

Tue Nov 13, 2018

2:30pm - 7pm SET STRIKE (auditorium reserved)

Calendar: SVMS Musical 2018
Created by: Amanda Armor
Thu Nov 22, 2018

All day Thanksgiving Day

Thu Nov 22, 2018 - Fri Nov 23, 2018
Calendar: Holidays in United States

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