Gospel of Luke - A New Translation IRENT

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G-Luke – Readers Edition

The basic text of this IRENT is open to the public and available free to
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Alas, time and tomorrow do not wait for us!

G-Luke – Readers Edition

Translator’s Note:

• Vol. I of IRENT (Gospels and Acts) uploaded in one zip file.

• See also other zip files,

IRENT Vol. II – Epistles and Revelation
IRENT Vol. III – Supplements (#1 to #6)
IRENT Vol. IV– Introduction

• The translated text comes after the Title page and the Table of Content
page; all the introductory material is placed at the end of the text [before
the Appendix Section] to make it easier for reading on a mobile device.

• See ‘Essential Vocabulary’ in a separate file (including in IRENT Vol. IV).

• See an attached file, Short Vocabulary List for IRENT.

ISSN 1943-0345
Read IRENT – Luke (Readers Edition)

An Invitation to Reading in English – N.T.

[The New Covenant in Yeshua the Mashiah]

Vol. I: Gospels & Acts

No. 4
Gospel of Luke
(Readers Edition)

安路者 Ahnrojah Books 2008

ISSN 1943-0345

(Vol. I. No. 4. IRENT – G-Luke – Readers Edition)

Ahnrojah Books

The basic text of this IRENT is open to the public and available free to all for their personal
use. The text is continually updated and uploaded at http://tiny.cc/bostonreaders .

The ‘New Testament’ is the Scripture

of the “New Covenant” in Yeshua the Mashiah.

Not a replacement

but the renewed one for the Old Covenant of Y H W H.


Publication Notice
How to read IRENT
Acrostic Bible
Essential Vocabulary

Part I (Ch. 1:1 – 4:13)
Part II (Ch. 4:14 – 9:50)
Part III (Ch. 9:51 – 21:38)
Part IV (Ch. 22:1 – 24:53)

Preview of the Sequel (Acts 1:1-12)
A Brief Timeline of the Life-history of Yeshua
OT quotations & allusions
<Outline of the ‘Sermon on the Plain’> Lk 6:17-49
<Outline of the ‘Sermon on the Mount’> Mt 5:1 – 7:29
Title Page

{ Gospel}a According to Luke: b

[Yeshua, the Son-of-man]

{Gospel} ░░ [‘Gospel’ in the title of all Four Gospels is in the sense of a ‘Gospel-book’.]
Gospel according to Luke░░ [Here, Gospel = ‘Gospel book’ = the gospel writing in the name of Luke,
signifying authorship and editorship.] [‘Luke’; Lukas; Gk. Loukas – Col 4:14; 2Ti 4:11; Phm 24.]
PART I: Introduction to the Son-of-man

Yohanan & Yeshua 1:1 – 4:13

(Lk 1)
Lk 1:1-4 Dedication

Since, as are well known,
many indeed have undertaken to draw up
a narrative account
concerning those facts and events
which have taken place fully
[and established firmly] in the midst of us,

based on what was exactly handed down onto us
by those who have, from an [official] beginning,
become firsthand experiencers
and servant-ministers of the [joyful] messagea proclaimed,

therefore, as I have followed [with the mind]
through all things closely from its start,
it seemed right even to me [and so have I decided] that
I should set down in writing an orderly account to you
— Your Excellency, O Theophilus! b —
that you may know how well founded and truthful are
the things expressed in words
which you have received from teaching in instruction. ◊

1:2 [joyful] message ░░ [i.e. Gospel (= Good News)]
1:3 Theophilus ░░ [= Act 1:1; Gk. ‘who dearly loves God’]]
Lk 1:5-25 Birth of Yohanan foretold
There came to be in the days of Herod, as King of JUDEA,a
a certain priest named Zekharyahb
from the [eighth] priestly divisionc of Abiyah
and he had a wife from the daughters,
[in the line of the tribe] of Aaron,
and her name was Elishebad.
And both were righteouse before the Elohimf,
walking in accord with all the commandments
and ordinances of the Adonaig
— they being free from reproach;
And they had no child, Elisheba being barren;
moreover, by now, both of them, were well gone on in their age.

It came to pass that, while he was carrying out
priestly function before the Elohim
when his priestly division was on duty for that week,h
it came to fall on him ☼by casting lots
as was the custom of the priestly service {☼ 1Ch 25:6, 8}
to enter into the Mishkani of the very Adonai
and burn incense.
And the whole multitudej of the people was in prayer
there assembled outside [in the middle court of the Miqdash]
at the hour of incense offering.

a 1:5 Herod, King of JUDEA ░░ (a vassal king under Roman rule; known as ‘Herod the Great’) [‘King of Judea’ - only
here. Elsewhere 17 x in NT as ‘King of the Yehudim (> Jews)’; cf. 23:3ff King of Yisrael]
b 1:5 Zekharyah ░░ [Heb. meaning "remembered by Yah"]; /Zechariah - most; /Zacharias – KJV; /[was not a High

Priest as claimed by Church Fathers of mid-4th century.] [from the Tribe of Levi, not Yudah]
c 1:5 eighth priestly division ░░ [among total 24; each division - 2 times per year in duty] [1Chr 24:10, 19]
d 1:5 Elisheba ░░ [Only in G-Lk] [Heb. "the Elohim is my oath"] /> Elizabeth;
e 1:6 *righteous ░░ [= ‘worthy for God’s name’; not ‘sinless’]
f 1:6 the Elohim ░░ /> God; [Greek ‘ho theos’]
g 1:6 the very Adonai ░░ /the Lord – KJV, most; /Jehovah; [Here, arthrous ho kurios. Cf. IRENT renders anarthrous Gk.

kurios (‘Lord’) as ‘Adonai’ or as ‘YHWH’.]

h 1:8 on duty for that week ░░ [here 4th week of the 2nd lunar month. Cf. v. 27 – second duty in the year.] [1Chr 24:19]
i 1:9 Mishkan ░░ [→ into the Holy Place, not the Holy of Holy Place (Heb 9:3)] (naos – temple sanctuary) [Cf. hieros

– Miqdash. 4:5ff]; /sanctuary – JNT; /x: temple – KJV, most;

j 1:9 multitude ░░ [as on sabbath day, not necessarily on a feast day of Pilgrimage Festivals.]
And [while Zekharyah was inside the Mishkan]
there appeared to him an angela of Adonai,
standing at the right side
of the Altar of Incense [in the Holy Place].
And Zekharyah was startled at the sight
and fear came upon him.b
But the angel said to him,

“Don’t be afraid, Zekharyah,

you see, heard with favor is your supplication.c
There, as for Elisheba, your wife, she will bear you a son
and you shall call his name <Yohanan>d.
And you will have joy and such delight,
and many will rejoice at his birth.
Indeed, he will be great in the sight of the very Adonai
and ☼wine or strong-drinke he shall not touch it, {☼Num 6:2-4}
and he will be filled with holy spirit [Cf. Jn 3:5; Lk 1:35; Mt 1:18]
from his very birth leaving his mother's womb.
And he will have many of the sons of Yisrael
turn to YHWHf their Elohimg.
Yes, it is he who will go forthh before the Elohim [v.76b]
in spirit and power of Eliyahu, [cf. Mk 9:13; Mt 11:14; 17:13] [2Kg 2:11]
to ☼turn the hearts of the fathers to [love] their children; [☼Mal 4:5,6]
and [to bring back] the disobedient
[to walk] in the wisdom of the righteous;
[In this way] Yohanan will make ready for [the plan of] Adonai
a people well-prepared.” [Isa 40:3a; Mal 3:1]

a 1:11 angel ░░ [Gk. aggelos, Heb. malach ‘messenger’] [here, divine (= ‘from God’) messenger] [Cf. *archangel.]
b 1:11 fear ░░ [because the word has not been heard from Elohim for 400 years]
c 1:13 supplication ░░ [+ in behalf of Yisrael with entreaty for the Mashiah to come for its deliverance]; /x: prayer – most;

/ [Zekharyah was not ‘praying’ for a son to have (nor he was expecting one - v. 18), but was answered to have a son to be
the forerunner of their eagerly waiting Mashiah.]
d 1:13 Yohanan ░░ (‘Yah is gracious’); /Heb. Yochanan; [Except for the baptizer (Immerser here), IRENT renders as

‘Yohan’ for other persons with same name, simply to help differentiate.]
e 1:15 wine or strong-drink ░░ [fermented from grapes or from grains to make drunk] [Cf. Mt 11:18ff]
f 1:16 YHWH ░░ [= Transliterate of Tetragrammaton (the Hebrew name of God in OT). Yahueh; Yahweh; /x: Jehovah;

LORD in OT LXX]; [Gk. anarthrous kurios (lord, master) for God in N.T. is usually rendered as Adonai, and as YHWH
where the name itself is deemed to be known to the readers.] /LORD – ALT, NLT; /x: Lord – KJV, most;
g 1:16 the Elohim ░░ (Heb.) /God – most; / [IRENT has ‘the Elohim’ instead of ‘God’ in the quoted O.T.]
h 1:17 who will ░░ [+ as a forerunner of the Mashiah for whom yoů people are eagerly waiting]
And Zekharyah said to the angel,
“[If it’s true of coming the long-promised Mashiah,]
on what basis should I know this [to be so]? [cf. ‘know’ - v.34]
I, you see, am an old man,
and my wife is well gone on in her age!”
And the angel answered him, saying
“I, I am Gabriel, a [v. 26] the one who stands
in the very presence of the Elohim,
and I’m sent to tell you
and bring good news of these things to you. [vv. 13-17]
And listen! you shall remain without voice and,
[try as you may],
will be unable to speak,
until the day that these things actually take place,
because you didn’t believe my words as they are,
which shall be fulfilled in their due time.”
Meanwhile the people were {in a full congregation praying}
waiting for Zekharyah [to come out]
and they all began to wonder
what was keeping him so long inside the Mishkan.
And when he did come out,
he couldn’t speak to them.
And [right away] they knew that he had seen a vision
while in the Mishkan.
And as for Zekharyah,
he was addressing them in signs to communicate
and remained unable to speak throughout. [→ 1:64]
And it came to be
after the days of his [duty on] sacred service [in the Mishkan]
were completed,
he returned home.
 And after these daysb
Elisheba his wife conceived,
and she kept herself hiddenc for five months, [→ v. 24]
“This is what Adonai has done for me
in these days when He has looked with favor upon me!
He has taken away my shame among people!” ◊

a 1:19, 26 Gabriel ░░ [Dan 8:16; 9:21] [His label ‘archangel’ as such is not in the Bible.] [cf. Michael - Rev 12:7; Jud
9; Dan 10:13, 21; 12:1]
b 1:24 after these days ░░ [Shortly afterwards (fall in next month); they had been anxious to have a child.]]
c 1:24 kept herself hidden ░░ /> hid herself – KJV; />> kept herself in seclusion;
Annunciation to Mariam
Lk 1:26-1:38 Annunciation to Mariama
b [← v. 24; cf. v. 36]
Afterwards, in the sixth month,
the angel Gabriel [1:19] was sent forth from the Elohim
to Nazareth, a small villagec in GALILEE,
to a virgin maidend [Cf. 1:34] given in marriagee to a man named Yosef
who was from the royal House of David;
and the name of this virgin maiden was Mariam. f
And the angel, coming in before her, greeted:
“Rejoice, O you who are favored with God’s grace!
The very Adonai be with you.
{O wonderful Mariam! As for you, be you praised
among all women [to become such a mother]!}”
Now, {seeing him,} she was quite perplexed at his saying
and was pondering what sort of greeting this might be.
And the angel said to her,
“[Of what you’re about to hear]
do not be afraid, g O Mariam,
you see, you’ve found favor with the Elohim.
Now, hear me: you’re going to conceiveh in your womb
and will give birth to a son i
and you shall call his name Yeshua j [→ 2:21]
[Attend to my words]: he shall be great
and he shall be called ‘Son of the Most High’
and Adonai Elohim will give to himk
the throne of David, his forefather:
and he shall reign over the House of Yaakob into the ages,
and of his Kingdom reign there shall be no end.

a 1:26-38 <Annunciation to Mariam> ░░ [This event is followed by <Mt 1:18-25> (Annunciation to Yosef) (how long
after Mariam has conceived?). The detail of his birth itself as in <Lk 2:1-7> is not in G-Mt.]
b 1:27 in the sixth month ░░ [+ of Elisheba’s pregnancy ← v. 24; cf. v. 36] (not 'the sixth month of that year’) [after

the weekly duty by Abiyah division for the 4th week of the eighth lunar month.]
c 1:27 village ░░ - NIV; />> town – NIV, NET; /xx: city – KJV, NASB, most;
d 1:27 virgin maiden ░░ /> virgin – most; [Gk. parthenos (=Mt 1:23) in LXX is for Hebrew words, both betulah (‘pure

virgin’) and almah (young maiden of marriageable age). Here, she was a maiden and as a virgin she married Yosef.]
e 1:27 (= 2:5 mnēsteuō) />> espoused - KJV (archaic for ‘marry’); /x: betrothed; /xx: ‘‘engaged’; (marriage

promised/pledged); [Marriage = the contract between two families → the betrothal (erusin) → the woman is now as wife
→ the formal home-taking (Heb. nissu′in) with chuppah]
f 1:27 Mariam ░░ /> Mary – most; /Miriam – Heb. OT; /Maria - Latin; [Not from David’s line (of the tribe of Yehudah)

but from the Tribe of Levi. (Lk 1:5 her being a relative of Elisheba (> Elizabeth)]
g 1:30 afraid ░░ [of the bearer of Mashiah v. 31, not about "*virgin birth' to bring out a demi-god or god-man.]
h 1:31 going to conceive ░░ (sullambanō) [i.e. she will conceive soon. Not somehow to be found pregnant!] [Her

pregnancy by her husband is in the power of holy spirit v. 35] [Cf. Mt 1:18-20 is an account which follows this divine
promise to her.] [Cf. ‘bring forth’ Mt 1:20 gennēthe > gennnaō ‘generate’ ‘beget’]
i 1:31 a son ░░ [a 'son of man', not god-man/demi-god.] [Cf. 'Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given' (Isa 9:6).]
j 1:31 Yeshua ░░ /[Heb. 'salvation, deliverance'] [a short form of a common theophoric Hebrew name Yehoshua (‘Yah

is Salvation’)]; /Gk. Iēsous; /Iesus – KJV 1611, Latin; /Jesus – English, French, Spanish, etc.;
k 1:31 to him ░░ [as the seed of David through his father Yosef]
And [+taking in all this,] Mariam said to the angel,
 “How will this be [accomplished]a as I know not a man? b
And the angel answered and said to her,
“There holy spirit c will come upon you [Mt 1:18, 20]
and power of the ☼Most High will cover over you:
for that reason, indeed, the holy One to be [soon] begottend {in you}
shall be called <Son of Elohim>e. [cf. Exo 13:12]
And look, here, Elisheba your kinswomanf!
even she has conceived a son in her old age,
and this is now sixth month for her pregnancy
who is being called a barren woman
— nothing is impossibleg
that which is declared from the Elohimh.”
And Mariam said, “See, the handmaid of Adonai, here I’m!
May it be done to mei according to your word.”

Then the angel departed from her. ⌂

a 1:33 How will this be accomplished ░░ [+ how the Mashiah of Elohim should come through me?!] [not asking about
how she becomes pregnant, or even as ‘virgin-conception’.] /x: How can this be - NASB; /How this will happen – CEB;
b 1:34 know not a man ░░ [i.e. she would normally not have no conjugal relation until she should come under the roof

of her husband]; [conception is to come afterwards; not 'I am going to stay 'virgin'] /- KJV; /xx: since I am a virgin –
many; /xxxx: since I haven’t had sexual relations with a man – CEB;
c 1:35 holy spirit ░░ [Cf. //Mt 1:18, 20 ‘from holy spirit’] [= ‘spirit of God’ parallel to ‘power of the Elohim’ (on the

next line in Hebrew poetic style) for divine intervention to bring forth the promised Mashiah; not ‘God impregnating her’
to bring out a demi-god or god-man. Cf. Gal 6:6; 1Tm 2:5] [Cf. 1:15, 41 (of Yohanan); Gal 4:29]; /x: the Holy Spirit;
d 1:35 begotten ░░ (> gennaō – Mt 1:2-16 – beget; bring forth) - ASV, (YLT); /x: born – most;
e 1:35 <Son of Elohim> ░░ [‘he shall be called’, not ‘he is’.] [Not ‘God the Son’] /x: the Son of God (→ 4:41);
f 1:36 your kinswoman ░░ [i.e. Mariam is from the line of Aaron in the tribe of Levi; not from the line of David in the

tribe of Yehudah. Both Yeshua and Yohanan knew each other (Cf. Jn 1:31), as they were enates (cf. agnates) – their
mothers (Mariam and Elisheba) were relatives. Thus, Yeshua was physically from the Davidic line, not through mother.]
g 1:37 nothing is impossible ░░ [that she is the one who would bring forth Mashiah Savior, not about ‘*virgin birth’.]
h 1:37 from the Elohim ░░ [Gk. para tou theou – taken as construed kataphorically to ‘pan hrēma’.]
i 1:37 be done to me ░░ [There, she will conceive later (→Mt 1:18-21) which comes after Lk 1:26-38.]
Mariam visits Elisheba
Lk 1:39-1:56 Mariam’s visit to Elisheba
And in the days afterward, a

having made herself ready [for a long journey from Nazareth],

Mariam set out and, in haste bound for the Judean highlandb,
she went up to a certain town in Judea.
On arriving, entered the house of Zekharyah
and gave her greeting to Elisheba.
And it came to be,
when Elisheba heard the greeting from Mariam,
the baby jumped in her womb,
and Elisheba was filled with holy spirit;
and she exclaimed, crying out loud [to Mariam],

“☼Blessed wordsc be to you [bringing God’s special favor]

among all women [to become such a mother] [1:28]
yes, ☼blessed words be to the fruit of your womb! d
What an honor it is to have
the mother of my Mastere should come to see me!
Why, no sooner had your greeting reached my ears,
the baby in my womb jumped for joy.
And blessed is she who has believed
that what was spoken to her from Adonai
would be [wonderfully] fulfilled!” ⌂

a 1:39 in the days afterwards ░░ (en tais hēmerais) [after Gabriel's annunciation (how soon?), Mariam with Yosef is going
to conceive cf. vv. 42-43.] /in those days – KJV, HCSB, NET; /in these days – ASV, NWT; /later on – ISV; /x: now at this
time – NASB; /at that time- NIV; /x: soon afterwards – GW; /xxx: a few days later – NLT;
b 1:39 Judean Highlands ░░ /x: hill country (Gk. euloglō) (cf. ‘praise’ aineō Lk 2:13)
c 1:42 blessed words be ░░ (Gk. euloglō) (cf. ‘praise’ aineō Lk 2:13)
d 1:42 the fruit of your womb ░░ [Mariam's pregnancy would be noticeable, having a few months passed by then.]
e 1:43 my Master ░░ /my Lord – most; [Cf. 2:11]

And Mariam said,
“My soul magnifies [His name;
Magnifies the name of] the Adonai!
And rejoices, O my spirit,
rejoices in the Elohim my savior!
yoů all see that, tenderly He’s looked upon His servant-maid
humble as she is
Indeed, look, from now on
all generations shall call me blessed [in God’s favor].
Yes, great things the mighty One has done to me.
Oh, indeed, ☼holy is His name
“And ☼His [reaching out with] mercy be
from generations to generations on those revering Him.
He has stretched out
His mighty arm;
He has scattered off
the ones haughty in the thoughts of their heart.
He has brought down the mighty ones from their thrones
and has exalted the humble ones.
The hungry ones,
He has filled and satisfied with good things;
and the rich ones,
He has sent away empty handed.
He has come to the help of ☼Yisrael, His servant, {☼Isa 41:8; 44:21}

remembering to show His mercy, {☼Hab 3:2; Psa 98:3}
true to the promises ☼made to our forefathers
— to Abraham and to his seed forever!” {☼Mic 7:20; Gen 17:7; 18:8; 22:17}

And Mariam stayed with Elisheba about three months
and returned to her own home. ◊

a 1:46-55 <Magnificat> ░░ [The title is from Latin Vulgate “Magnificat anima mea dominum”] [This song of praise
(‘canticle’) by Mariam (v.26) imitates the thanksgiving psalm (in 1Sam 2:1-10) of Hanna who is the model of Elisheba,
not that of Mariam.]
Birth of Yohanan the Immerser
Lk 1:57-1:79 Birth of Yohanan the Immerser
As for Elisheba herself,
when the time came to the full for her to give birth,
she brought forth a son. a
And those neighbors and her kindred heard that
Adonai had shown His great mercy towards her,
and they all rejoiced with her.
And it came to be, ☼on the eighth day,
that they presented themselves
for the brit-milahb of the child
and they were about to have him named ‘Zekharyah’
after his father′s.
His mother, however, spoke up and said,
“Not so! He’s to be called <Yohanan>c”.
And they said to her,
“There is no one in your family who goes by that name!”
And they made gestures to his father
inquiring as to what he wanted the child to be called.
He, for his part, beckoned for a writing wax tablet
and inscribed on it <YOHANAN – that’s his name>
— to everyone′s surprise.
And his mouth was opened all at once with his tongue loosed
and he began to speak, praising the Elohim. [← 1:20, 22]
And all their neighbors were awestruck;
and there throughout the whole hill country of Judea
all these things were being talked about.
And all who heard these kept reflecting them in their heart, saying
“What really will this child become?”
Yes, {indeed} the hand of Adonai was with him.
And his father Zekharyah was filled with holy spirit
and prophesied, saying [concerning the coming Mashiah]:
“Praise be to Adonai Elohim of Yisrael.
Because He has come to care for
and has ransomed His people,
and has raised up
a mighty ☼hornd to secure our deliverancee, {☼Ps 18:2}
the one coming out of the House of David, His servant,

a 1:59 brought forth a son ░░ [Yohanan was born 4 B.C. 12th lunar month (6 months before Yeshua's birth Lk 2:7).]
b 1:59 brit-milah ░░ [Judaic rite for an 8-day old newborn male. Lev 12:3; Gen 17:12]; />circumcision.
c 1:60 Yohanan ░░ (‘Yah is gracious’); /John – most; [It is the Hebrew name transliterated for this Immerser; RENT

renders all others as ‘Yohan’, not as ‘John’ which is now a common English name.]
d 1:69 horn ░░ [Metonym for strength, power, and triumph; a mighty one]
e 1:69 deliverance ░░ /> salvation – most (religious jargon);
as God spoke from the ages ago
through the mouth of His holy prophets
that we would be delivered out of our enemies
and out of the hand of all those who hate us;
to show his mercy to our forefathers
and to be mindful of His holy covenant
— the oath which He swore to Abraham our father —
that, having rescued us out of the hand of our enemies,
He would grant it to us
that we may serve Him with no fear any more in our hearts,
and that loyalty and righteousnessa before Him
were to be our guides all the days of our {life}.”
And Zekharyah utters concerning his son Yohanan
[born to be the forerunner of the Mashiah]:
“Yes, as for you, my child,
you shall be called the prophet of the Most High:
Indeed, <you shall go before {the presence of} Adonai [v.17a]
to make His ways ready> {Mal 3:1}
to tell God’s people to come to know [the way of] salvation
through having their sinsb forgiven,
in compassionate mercy of our God
— in this mercy sunrise will{/mss}c be upon us from on high,
to shine upon those who lie in darkness
and under the shadow of death
and it will guide our feet into the path of God’s shalom.”
Now the child grew and became strong as to spirit.
And he was having his days in the desert-wildernessd
until the day of his public appearance openly before Yisrael. ◊

a 1:75 *righteousness ░░ [‘all that is righteous’ – i.e. worthy for God’s name.]
b 1:77ff *sins ░░ [As used in a concrete sense in O.T, the wounded relation to God (‘sin’) is manifested in what one does
contrary to God’s will (such as revealed in the Torah of Moses).]
c 1:78 {/mss} ░░ {/has looked (=visited)}
d 1:80ff the desert-wilderness ░░ (= Mk 1:4) (‘the wilderness of Judea’ - Mt 3:1) [‘Bethany on the east across the

Jordan River (that is, in PEREA) – Jn 1:28] [It’s not ‘wilderness of outdoor’, nor ‘sandy desert’.]
(Lk 2)
Birth of Yeshua at Bethlehem [BC 3]
Lk 2:1-7 (Cf. Mt 1:18-23) Birth of Yeshuaa
2:1 Now it came to be in those days
that a decree had gone out from Caesar Augustus, b
that the whole inhabitants [of his dominion]
should be registeredc for a census.
This registration was befored Quiriniuse was administeringf
over [the Roman province of] SURIAg.
Accordingly, all went off to get registered,
each to their own ancestral home town.
Among them was Yosef, who went up from GALILEE,
out of their town of Nazareth, h
to head for JUDEAi, to the home town of King Davidj
which is called Bethlehemk
— because he himself was
from the royal House and family-line of David —
to get registered along with Mariam,
who had been given in marriagel to him
— now being pregnant. m

a 2:1ff <Birth of Yeshua> ░░ [His birth is not narrated in G-Mt, but just the origin of his birth Mt 1:18-25.] [not ‘first
Christmas’ which began 4th c. CE in Constantine Catholic Church to replace the pagan Winter Solstice Festival.]
b 2:1 Caesar Augustus ░░ [as Caesar, 27 BC to 14 CE at his death] [Succeeded by his son – Tiberius Caesar (Lk 3:1)]
c 2:2 registered for a census ░░ [the special census on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of the reign of Augustus]

[different from usual Roman census (i.e. in 28 BC, 8 BC, and 14 CE).]; /xxx: taxed – KJV;
d 2:2 before Q. was ░░ [i.e. earlier than the one taken place in 6 CE which Luke mentioned in Act 5:37.]; /xx: taxing

was first made – KJV; /first enrollment made – ASV; /was the first registration;
e 2:2 Quirinius ░░ [appointed as a legate governor of SURIA after Herod Archelaus the Ethnarch was banished from the

Tetrarchy of Judea in 6 CE; returned to Rome 12 CE.]; /> Cyrenius – KJV;

f 2:2 who was administering over ░░ /> was governing; /while he was governor of; (Later he became ‘governor’ with

the title of ‘legate’ (6 – 7 CE)]

g 2:2 SURIA ░░ [a Roman Province. Mt 4:24]; /Syria;
h 2:4 town of Nazareth ░░ [polis – city; town; village] [G-Mt is silent about their living in Nazareth before His birth.]
i 2:4 JUDEA ░░ [i.e., Judea proper, a part of the Roman Province Judea.]
j 2:4 home town of King David ░░ [Cf. not ‘City of David’ = ‘Zion’ (1Ch 11:5)’]; /x: city of David – most;
k 2:4 Bethlehem ░░ (‘house of bread’) [= ‘*Bethlehem of Judea’ – Mt 2:1] [About 6 miles S. of Yerusalem. About 90

miles journey from Nazareth along the eastern side of Jordan Valley.]
l 2:5 given in marriage ░░ (= 1:27 mnēsteuō) /xx: pledged to be married;
m 2:6 being pregnant ░░ [if advanced in her pregnancy, an arduous journey would not be possible.]
And so it came to pass that,
during some time when they had been there in Bethlehema
the days came full for her to give birth.
And she gave birth to a son, b [Mt 1:16] her firstborn, [BC 3]
and, having swaddled him up, laid him in an animal stallc
— it was that there no placed to be shared for them
in the guest roome [of the house they were staying].

Lk 2:8-20 Shepherds’ adoration
And there were certain shepherds in the very region nearby,
living out in an open fieldf
and keeping watch over their flock during the nightg.
And {look!} all of sudden
an angel of Adonai appeared before them
and ☼glory of Adonai shone around them
and great fear came upon them.
And the angel said to them,
“Do not be so afraid; Listen well,
here I’m bringing good news to yoů
— great joy which will be to all the peopleh:
because there is born to yoů today a delivereri,
who is [to be] Mashiahj[Mt 1:16], yoůr Masterk (cf. 1:43)
in the home town of King David.
And to yoů all this shall be a sign
[to -see what’s announced now has come true]:
— when yoů’ll find a baby swaddled-up
[he is there] lying in an animal stall.”

a 2:6 when they had been there in Bethlehem ░░ [+ his ancestral place, staying at their relative’s] [i.e. already there;
not ‘on the way down to Bethlehem’, or ‘as they got there’.]
b 2:7 gave birth to a son ░░ [Yeshua was born 3 B.C., 6th lunar month; (6 months after Yohanan's birth Lk 1:59).]
c 2:7, 12, 16 animal stall ░░ [for animals (13:15)]; /x: manger (feeding-trough);
d 2:7 no place ░░ /x: not a room (- as if no room vacant for rent) [Festival season with relatives visiting.]
e 2:7 guest room ░░ [Gk. kataluma (Lk 22:11); not ‘inn’ pandocheion (Lk 10:34)] /x: inn – many;
f 2:8 living out in an open field ░░ [cannot be in the rainy wintry season of late Oct to early Apr.]
g 2:8 during the night ░░ [tēs nukotos] /x: at night – NIV, HSCB, NET; /x: by night – KJV, ESV; /spending night

– JNT; /the nightly (watch) – Aramaic;

h 2:10 to all the people ░░ [Cf. ‘the Savior of the world’ (Jn 4:42; 1Jn 4:14); Rm 5:15 God’s grace and the gift ~ to

a whole multitude];
i 2:11 deliverer ░░ [of people, Israel; not ‘saving sinners’] />> savior;
j 2:11ff Mashiah ░░ [i.e. ‘anointed One’ as a King (in the spirit of YHWH Elohim); it was as Mashiah king He was

executed.] /Heb. Mashiaḥ; /> Messiah; /Gk. Christos; /xxx: Christ – most (- of Church, anachronistic);
k 2:11 Mashiah, the Master ░░ [Cf. 2:26 Mashiah of ‘LORD’ (= YHWH)] [Cf. 1:44] /Christ, the Lord – most; [In

IRENT, the epithet ‘Lord’ is reserved for the risen Mashiah as to a king, not as to ‘God the Son’.]
And suddenly there was with the angel
a multitude of the heavenly hosta praising the Elohim
and saying,
“Glory to the Elohim in the Highest [places above]
and [shining] on earth here below;
Shalomb among people,
— shalom from{/mss} God's favorc!” [cf. Lk 19:38b]
And it came to be,
when the angels departed from them into the heaven,
the shepherds said to one another,
“Let us then now go over to Bethlehem
and see for ourselves this very thing
which has taken place,
that the very Adonai has made known to us.”
And [heading to the village]
they hurried off [to locate them].
And here they were, both Mariam and Yosef
— yes, with the newborn baby
lying in the animal stall [just as they were told]!
And seeing the infant [with them laid in there],
they related to the parent what they had been told about him.
And when they heard all were astonished
at what the shepherds told them,
while Mariam, for her part, kept all these things in her heart,
pondering upon them.
As for the shepherds, they returned to the field to their flock,
glorifying and praising the Elohim
for all that they had heard and seen —
it had all come out exactly as they had been told it would. ◊

a 2:13 host ░░ /army; [Cf. Heb. tsaba]

b 2:14 shalom ░░ [that is, God’s shalom – harmony, wholeness, peace]; /peace – most;
c 2:14 from God’s favor {/mss} ░░ (Gk. eudokias, genitive) {>/God’s favor (nomin.)}
Brit-milah; Named him Yeshua
Lk 2:21a brit-milah
2:21 ☼ a
And when a period of eight days came to the full
for the child’s brit-milahb, [☼Gn 17:12; Lev 12:3]

Lk 2:21b (cf. Mt 1:25b) named Yeshua

and his name was called <Yeshua>, [← Lk 1:31. //Mt 1:25b]
which is what the angel gave to her
before he was conceived in the womb. [Mt 1:21]
Presented at the Miqdash
Lk 2:22-24 Presented at the Miqdash
And when the [period of forty]c ☼days had to come to an end
for their{/mss} purification offering [5:14] to be made [in behalf of her]
as required according to the Law of Moses, [☼Lev 12:6]
they brought the child to Yerusalemd
to present him to the very Adonai
just as it is written in the Torah of Adonai:
<☼Every male opening the womb
shall be consecrated to Adonai>, {Exo 13:2, 12}
and to offer a sacrifice offering according to what is said
in the Torah of Adonai:
<☼A pair of doves, or two young pigeons>. e{☼Lev 12:8 (Cf. Lev 5:7)} ◊

a 2:21 eight days came to the full ░░ [= on the 8th]; /x: after 8 days; /x: 8 days later;
b 2:21 brit-milah ░░ [Judaic circumcision rite after the Abrahamic Covenant]
2:22 [period of forty] days ░░ [Lev 12:2-4 (7+33 days)]
2:22ff Yerusalem ░░ /Jerusalem - English; /Yerushalayim – Heb; /
2:24 doves ░░ [They could not afford a lamb (Lev 12:8a). Cf. Astrologer-magi with gifts (Mt Ch. 2) were
yet to visit – a year and half later.] /turtledoves – KJV;
Shimeon & Hannah
Lk 2:25-35 Shimeon blesses infant Yeshua
And look¡ there was a man in Yerusalem, by the name of Shimeona,
and this man was righteous and devout
— waiting for the °Encourager of Yisrael, [°= the Mashiah]
and spirit was upon him – holy spirit.
And it had been divinely-revealed to him by the very holy spirit,
that he would not see death,
before he had seen the [coming] Mashiah of Adonai. b
And Shimeon came in the Spirit [of the Elohim] into the Miqdashc
as the parents brought the child Yeshua in to carry out for him
what was according to the customary practice of the Torah.
Then he took thechild into his arms and praised the Elohim, saying
“Now, O Sovereign Master¡
you’re letting me go in peace as you have promised,
because my [own] eyes have seen your [promised] deliveranced
which you have prepared
in the presence of all peoples;
your deliverance —

a light for revealing your will
to the Gentiles {Isa 42:6}
and [light] for the ☼glory {Isa 40:5the glory of Y H W H}
to your people Yisrael.”
And Yosef {/mss} and {his} mother were astonished
at what was spoken about him;
and Shimeon gave them blessed words and said to Mariam his mother,
“Look¡ this child here is chosen
for the downfall or rising of many in Yisrael,
and for a [warning] sign [11:29-30] for many to oppose [12:51]
2:35 b
thus to reveal their secret thoughts out of many hearts
— yes, a sword will pierce through your very soul.” ◊

2:24 Shimeon ░░ /Simeon – most; /
2:26 Mashiah of Adonai ░ [i.e. YHWH’s anointed One] [Cf. 2:11 Mashiah, Lord] [Cf. 2:11 Mashiah, the
Lord (= ‘King’, not ‘God the Son’] [YHWH = anarthrous Gk. ‘LORD’]; /x: Christ of the Lord;
2:27ff Miqdash ░░ [Gk. hieros; Cf. naos – Mishkan 1:9ff]; /Temple;
d 2:30 your promised deliverance ░░ (of people) /x: your salvation;
Lk 2:36-38 Hannah prophetess
And there was also a prophetess, Hannah,
the daughter of Phanuel in the tribe of Asher.
and she was quite advanced in her age.
She had been married only for seven years
and remained a widow ever since for abouta eighty-four years;
she never absented herself from attending at the Miqdash,
with fastings and supplicationsb
— in her rendering sacred service — night and day.
And coming upon there at the very hour,
she gave thanks to the Elohim.
And she kept telling about that child
to all those who were waiting for Yerusalem to be freed.
Lk 2:39 (cf. Mt 2:23) Return to Nazareth
And as they had carried out all the things
according to the Torah of Adonai,
they returned to GALILEE , to their own town, Nazareth. c

a 2:37 for about {/mss} eighty-four years ░░ {/until by now} eighty-four years old;
b 2:37 supplications ░░ (1:13; 5:33) = petitions; /x: *prayer(s) – most;
c 2:39 to Nazareth ░░ [Cf. probably, later on, they moved back to Bethlehem, where G-Mt’s <Visit of magi> +

<Flight to Egypt> would find its place. See Appendix: Lk 2 for Gospel harmonization.]
Childhood of Yeshua
Lk 2:40-52 Childhood of Yeshua: the boy Yeshua at the Miqdash
And the child grew
and becoming strong {as to spirit} [1:8]
being filled with wisdom,
and God’s grace of was upon him.

A boy Yeshua in Yerusalem at Passover with his parent

And his parents would go up every year to Yerusalem
at the Festivala of the Passoverb.
Now, again when he became twelve-years old
they made to Yerusalem
[CE 9]
according to the custom of the festivalc
this time, taking the body with them.
And when the [seven prescribed] days were ended, {Exo 12:15ff}
as they were returning,
the boy Yeshua remained behind in Yerusalem;
and Yosef and his mother{/mss} didn’t notice it.
But assuming him to be in their traveling group,
they made a day's journey distance. d
Afterwards they began to look for him
searching among their kindred and their acquaintances
and when they did not find him,
they returned to Yerusalem, looking for him there.
And it came about that,
three days later since they left the City,
they found him in the Miqdash court,
sitting among the [Torah] teachers,
listening to them and putting questions to them:
and all who heard him were astonished
at his understanding from his answers.
And they were shocked when they saw him,
and his mother said to him,
“Dear child¡
why! what is this you’ve done to us?
Don’t you see? your fathere and I have been in pain,
looking for you all over!”

a 2:41 Festival ░░ /x: feast ~ - KJV, most; /

b 2:41 Festival of Passover ░░ [= one of the three Pilgrimage Festivals for Yehudim];
2:41 custom of the festival ░░ [as the Pilgrimage festival]/
d 2:44 a day’s journey distance░░ [a unit of distance; not a duration of journey]
e2:48 your father ░░ [cf. v. 49] [She was not mistaken that was Yosef – he is the human father of Yeshua. Yeshua was
a human being and a human person, not someone who had no known father! The virgin birth myth is a Catholic midrash.]
And he said to them,
“How is it that
yoů had to go looking for me?! [+]a
Did yoů not know that [now] it is necessary for me
 to be about the [things] of my Fatherb?”

((There, they did not understand what he meant.))
And he went down with them and came back to Nazareth,
and there he was placing himself under their authority;
And as for his mother
she dearly treasured all these things in her heart.

And as for Yeshua, he was advancing in wisdom
as he grew up
and was favored by God and men.

a 2:49 for me? [+] ░░ [+ Sorry for that much trouble.]

b 2:49 about the things of my Father ░░ [cf. v. 48] [Gk. plural in ellipsis]; /x: in my Father’s house – NET, NIV, ESV;
/> about my Father’s business – KJV; /[Note: all bible translations have it capitalized as ‘Father’, i.e. God.]
Lk 3:1-22 Coming of Yohanan the Immerser,
forerunner of Yeshua

(Lk 3)
Yohanan the Immerser prepares the way
Lk 3:1-20 {//Mt 3:1-12; //Mk 1:2-8} Ministry of Yohanan the Immerser
Lk 3:1-2a Historical Settinga
Now, in the fifteenth year [CE 28]
of the reign of Tiberius Caesar , b [CE 14 – 37]
▪ with PontiusPilate
— governing Judea [and SAMARIA] [CE 26-36]
▪ and Herod Antipas [3:19]
— being Tetrarchc of GALILEE [and PEREA], [BC 4 to CE 39]
((while Philip, his [older] step-brother, being Tetrarch [BC 4 to CE 34]
of the region of ITURAEA and TRACHONITIS))
▪ and Lysanias [CE 14-29]
— being Tetrarch of ABILENE, [3:19]
▪ during Hannand [CE 6/7 – 15]
and then, now, Kayafae as the High Priest, [CE 18-36]

a 3:1-2 <Historical setting> ░░ [In the ancient world, the date is to be expressed by the list of events; a calendar date
by itself (e.g. the reginal year of a king) would have not much meaning to the people.]
b 3:1 fifteenth year of ~Tiberius Caesar ░░ [Son of Caesar Augustus (Lk 2:1) (BC 27 to CE 14 as Caesar)]
c 3:1 Tetrarch ░░ [A ruler with rank and authority lower than a king, …]
d 3:2 Hannan ░░ [only once here in G-Lk and Act 4:6 by Luke. Also Jn 18:13, 24] /Annas (in English; Gk. Annas);

[father-in-law of Kayafa (/Caiaphas)] [cf. similar named but different from Hananyah (Gk. Ananias), the High Priest in
Act 23:2; 24:1. [Cf. different persons: Ananias – (1) the ill-fated in Act 5:1 (2) a Yeshua’s disciple in Act 9:10 ff.]
e 3:2 Kayafa ░░ [= Hannan’s son-in-law – Jn 18:13] [In G-Lk He is referred to by his name only here, but elsewhere

by his title ‘the High Priest’] (appears 2x in G-Mt; 5x in G-Jn by his name - 11:49; 18:13, 24, 28); /Caiaphas (in English
– Gk. Kaiafas);
Lk 3:2b-13 {//Mt 3:1-12; //Mk 1:2-8} Yohanan appears in the wilderness
in those days, God’s utterancea came down to Yohanan,b
the son of Zekharyah,
[+ finding himself there] in the wildernessc [1:80].
Yohanan’s immersion-rite
And Yohanan went into all the surrounding region of the Jordan River
[to begin] proclaiming a rite of immersiond
[in token] of turning their heartse to God’s way
[leading] into [receiving] God’s forgiveness of sinsf; [Mt Ø; //Mk 1:4]

Isaiah’s words – 1
as it is written in the scroll-book
of the words of Isaiahg the prophet, {saying}
<Listen! ☼A voice of someone shouting out!
In the wilderness
Make yoů people ready the Way for YHWH
Make straight the paths for Him.> {Isa 40:3} [Cf. Lk 7:27]
Isaiah’s words – 2
3:5 ☼
Every ravine will be filled
and every mountain and hill will be leveled to the ground.
And the crooked roads shall be straightened
and the rough roads shall be made smooth.
And every mortal fleshh will surely see
the [work of] deliverancei by the Elohim. {Isa 40:4-5}

a 3:2 God’s utterance ░░ (rhēma cf. logos) (Eph 6:17) /the word of God – most; /> God’s declaration – NWT;
b 3:2 Yohanan ░░ [born 4 B.C.]
c 3:2 the wilderness ░░ (= Mk 1:4) [‘rocky desert-wilderness’; not ‘outdoor wilderness’, ‘sandy desert’.] [‘the

wilderness of Judea’ - Mt 3:1; ‘Bethany on the east side across the Jordan River (that is, in PEREA) – Jn 1:28] [linked
to the place the prophet Eliyahu was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire - 2Kg 2:4-11]
d 3:2 rite of immersion ░░ [parallel to Judaic ritual purification w/ full body immersion)] /xx: baptism (- church rite);
e 3:3 turning one’s heart ░░ /> repentance; [Gk. metanoia ≈ (→ God will change one’s heart to lead into

transformation (x: conversion); not ‘remorse’ ‘regret’ ‘restore’ ‘repair’.]

f 3:3 sins ░░ [in a concrete sense in Judaism (OT), referring to one’s doings contrary to God’s will in the Law.]
g 3:4 Isaiah ░░ [Heb. Yeshayahu, 'salvation of Yah']
h 3:6 flesh ░░ [metaphoric. a human creature with ‘body + mind’]
i 3:6 deliverance ░░ [Act 28:28] [as for Israel; not about ‘salvation of sinners’]; /x: salvation – most;
Preaching repentance
So Yohanan was telling the crowds that had come out
to get immersed by him [for purification]a,
“A brood of vipers¡b who warned yoů
to flee from the wrath [of God] about to come upon?
So then, bring forth fruits consistent with repentance
and don’t get on entertaining thoughts, saying,
<We have Abraham as our father!> c
Indeed, I tell yoů that, yea, [even] from these stone pebbles
the Elohim can raise up children to Abraham!
Already indeed the axe is poised
at the root of the trees [to be cut down]!
Every tree, then, which does not produce good fruit
is to be cut down and thrown into the fire!”

3:10-14 Replies to questioners

And the crowds asked him, saying
“What must we do then?”
And answering, he said to them, “The one who has two tunics,
let him share with the one who has none,
and the one who has food, let him do likewise.”
And tax-profiteersd came also to be immersed and said to him,
“Teacher, what must we do?”
And he said to them,
“Collect no more than what is allocated to you.”
Likewise there asked him some of those soldiers, saying
“Here we are — what must we do?”
And he said to them,
“Do not extort anyone by force or accusing falsely
but be content with what yoů get for yoůr wages.”

a 3:7 for purification ░░ [i.e. = from repentance]

b 3:7 vipers ░░ (also Mt 3:7; 12:34; 23:33) [religious snakes; dangerous; calculating]
c 3:8 Abraham ~ our father░░ [i.e. claiming that it would make them to stand righteous before Him.]
d 3:12ff tax-profiteers ░░ [on tribute for the Romans] /*tax-collector – most; / x: publicans – KJV;
3:15-18 Heralding the coming Mashiah
And as the people were in [such] expectation
and everyone was wondering
whether perhaps Yohanan himself might be the very Mashiah.
In reply, Yohanan said to them all,
“ I indeed immerse yoů with water; [+] a [Mt 3:22; //Mk 1:15]
but coming up is ☼the One who is mightier than I
— certainly I’m not adequate enough
even to unfasten the strap of his sandals.
 He on his part will immerse yoů with holy spirit, [Cf. Jn 3:15]
yes, fire of spirit : [Cf. 12:50]
his winnowing fork is in his hand
and he will thoroughly clear his threshing-floor
and will gather the wheat into his barn;
the chaff, however, he will burn up with unquenchable fire.”
And in this way, with many other exhortations
he was brining good newsb to the people. ◊

Flash-forward: Yohanan imprisoned

3:19-20 {//Mt 14:3-5; //Mk +6:17-18} (cf. Mt 4:12 = Mk 1:14) Yohanan imprisonedc
Herod the tetrarch, however,
having been rebuked by this Yohanan
for taking Herodias as wife
— who was a sister-in-law {wife of Philipd},
and for all the evil things— ((which Herod himself had
added another evil thing on top of all these things:
by having Yohanan locked up in the prison.

a 3:16 with water [+] ░░ [+ for conversion to prepare for the coming Kingdom]
b 3:18 bringing good news ░░ [Gk. euanggelizō] [good news with political implication (cf. Lk 1:19 ‘good news of a
personal message)] [x: The Good News; /x: the gospel]; /x: preached – KJV; /
c 3:19-20 <Yohanan was imprisoned> ░░ [= a flash-back insertio by G-Lk, which does not record his death.]
d 3:19 Philip ░░ [Known as ‘Herod Philip’, brother of Herod Antipas] [Father of Salome from Herodias]
Lk 3:21-38 Beginning of Yeshua’s Ministry

Immersed by Yohanan; Beginning of Yeshua’s ministry

Lk 3:21-22 {//Mt 3:13-17; //Mk 1:9-11} (Jn 1:29-34) Yeshua immersed by Yohanan
Now it came to be when all the people were immersed
there in the river [by Yohanan], Yeshua likewise was immersed.
And as he was praying, the heaven a was opened,
and the holy Spiritb came down upon him
as a dove would in a bodily form
and a voice voicec came out of heaven, saying
“You, you are ☼my Son, my beloved! {☼ Ps 2:7} [9:35; Heb 1:5]
{ Isa 42:1} {/mss – Ps 2:7}d

In you I take great delight!” ☼

The narrative continues down ↓↓ from here Lk 3:22

to Lk 4:1-13 <Baptism> and <Wilderness 'Temptation'>.

a 3:21 heaven ░░ [in symbolic language, ‘heavens’ in Mt, Mk]; /x: heavens – NET; /x: sky – CEV, ERV;
b 3:22 the very holy spirit came down ░░ [// ‘anointing’ Lk 4:16; Heb 1:9; Act 4:26] [‘the holy Spirit’
//Mt 3:16 ‘the spirit of the Elohim’; //Mk 1:10 ‘the spirit.]
c 3:22 voice ░░ [i.e. of an angel – Jn 5:37]
d 3:22 In you I take delight{/mss} ░░ {/today I have brought you forth (x: begotten) ☼ Psa 2:7}
<Yeshua’s family lineage>

Lk 3:23-38 Genealogy of Yeshuaa

3:23 a
Here, as for Yeshua,
he was somewhere in the ☼thirtieth year of his age, b{☼Num 4:3}
when [thus] [vv. 31-32] himself starting out [his task]. [CE 28 Passover]

b c
He was, as he was thought of, a son of Yosef d [← Mt 1:16]

[who was] son of Heli,e

Lk 3:24-31a (not in G-Mt or O.T.) to Nathanf

of Matthat, of Levi, of Malki, of Yannai, of Yosef,
of Mattathiyahu, of Amos, of Nahum, of Esli, of Naggai,
of Maath, of Mattathiyahu, of Semein, of Yosef, of Yoda,
of Yohanan, of Rhesa, of Zerubbabel, of Shealtiel, of Neri,
of Malki, of Addi, of Kosam, of Elmadam, of Er,
of Yoses, of Eliezer, of Yorim, of Matthat, of Levi,
of Symeon, of Yehudah, of Yosef, of Yonam, of Eliakim,
of Melea, of Menna, of Mattatha, of Nathan,

Lk 3:31b-34a {//Mt 1:2-6} David to Abraham

of David,
of Yishai, of Obed, of Boaz, of Salmon{/mss}, of Nahshon,
of Amminadab, of Ram{/mss}, of Hezron, of Perez, of Yehudah,
of Yaakob, of Isaac, of Abraham,

Lk 3:34b-38 (in O.T.; not in G-Mt) Abraham to Adam

of Terah (20), of Nahor,
of Serug, of Reu, of Peleg, of Eber, of Shelah,
{of Kainan}, [LXX]g of Arphaxad, of Shem, of Noah (10), of Lamech,
of Methuselah, of Hanokh,h of Yared, of Mahalaleel, of Kainan,
of Enos, of Seth, of Adam (1), of the Elohim.


3:23-38 <family lineage> ░░ [Lukan interposition – 3:22 should continue to 4:1] [Names of those
appearing elsewhere in NT are shaded, e.g. Abraham.] [Note: a duplicate of ‘Matthat and Levi’ in v. 23 & v. 29.]
{/mss} v. 32 of Salmon ░░ {/of Salsa}; v. 32 of Ram ░░ {/of Admin, of Arni}
[v. 24, 29 Malki ░░ /Melchi; v. 32 Yishai ░░ /Jesse]
b 3:23 in the thirtieth year of his age ░░ (hōsei etōn triakonta) / ‘about thirty’ is ambiguous – easy to mistake as ‘around
thirty, that is, from 25 to 34-year-old’. [See Jn 19:14 with the same word ‘about’ – ‘sometime in’.]
c 3:23 as he was thought ░░ /according to the law; /He was known as – Berean study Bible; /was thought to be – HCSB;

xx: as was supposed – KJV, most (“conjectured”?); /x: supposedly – NAS 77;
d 3:23 Yosef ░░ [+ who was natural and legal son of Yaakob] [‘Son of Yosef’: Mt 1:16, 15; Jn 6:42; 1:45; Heb 2:16]
e 3:23 of Heli ░░ [+ becoming as his legal son] [Yaakob (of Mt 1:16) and Heli → See 'levirate marriage' (Deu 25:5)]
f 3:24-31 <to Nathan> ░░ [Nathan’s line diverging from Solomon’s line of Mt 1:6-15.] [This is not Mariam’s genealogy.

Luke does not name Mariam at all in genealogy!! She is not Heli’s daughter. Mashiah cannot come from the seed of a
woman. Being a relative of Elisheba (Lk 1:36), Mariam herself was from the tribe of Levi, not of Yehudah.]
3:37 {of Kainan} ░░ [Only in LXX – mss copyist error – dittography from the next line]
3:37 Hanokh ░░ (/Enoch) [Gen 5:24; Heb 11:5; Jud 1:14] /
(Lk 4)
So-called 'Temptation of Jesus'
Lk 4:1-13 {//Mt 4:1-11} (//Mk 1:12-13) Being put testa
Lk 4:1-2b {//Mt 4:1-2; //Mk 1:12-13}
And Yeshua, full of [power of] holy spirit,
returned from the River Jordan
and was led in the Spirit [of Elohim] into the desert wildernessb;
there, ☼forty days he put himself to be tested from the devil : [+]c

Lk 4:2c-13 {//Mt 4:3-11}

In those days there he did not eat anything [+]d
and when the days had come to end,
he was in hunger.
There{/mss} the devil said to him,
“If really Son of the Elohim you are, e
then speak [a command] to this stone to turn into a loaf of bread!”
And Yeshua answered to the devil, saying
“It is written, {Dt. 8:3} <It is not on breadf alone that hman shall live,
{but on every utterance of the Elohimg}!>”
And {the devil} having led him up {into a high mountain}, showed him
all the kingdoms of the inhabited land in an instant of time.
And the devil said to him,
“To you — I’ll give all
this authority and the glory of them
for it has been given over to me,
and to whomever I choose I’m giving it!
You, therefore, if you do prostrateh yourself before me,
it shall all be yours!”
And in reply Yeshua said to the devil, i
“{Be gone from me, you Satan!}
It is written, {Deu 6:13}
<It is YHWH your Elohim — you shall worshipj
and to Him onlyk — you will render sacred service.>”

a 4:1-11<Being put to test> ░░ [It is not 'Temptation of Jesus' (as to seduce, entice or entrap) but Himself putting on
test. Here, Yeshua, being a mortal human – son of man, is confronted and challenged to prove who He himself is.] [This
is continuing from Lk 3:21-22 for a unified pericope with an interpolation of Lk 4:1-13.]
b 4:1 desert wilderness ░░ [H4056 midbar – where the word of Elohim is heard]
c 4:2 the devil ░░ [‘devil’ – personified e-v-i-l – meaning ‘accuser, slanderer] [→ ‘Satan’ in //Mk 1:13]
d 4:2 anything [+] ░░ [+ other than what the wilderness could provide]
e 4:3 son of the Elohim ░░ /x: the son of God; [cf. Yeshua as the Son of the Elohim ← Mt 3:16 //Mk 1:11 //Lk 3:22]
f 4:4 bread ░░ [metonymic or figurative = ‘what they eat for subsistence’]
g 4:4, 8, 12 *the Elohim ░░ (Hebrew word used to render Gk ‘the God’); /God – most;
h 4:7 prostrate ~ before ░░ /> worship – most [- different sense, nuance and usage];
i 4:8, 12 the devil ░░ /it; /he – most; [English pronoun ‘he’ for the devil gives a wrong personification.]
j 4:8 worship ░░ [proskuneō as in Deu 6:13 LXX; cf. ‘fear, revere’ in MT].
k 4:8 only ░░ [not in OT text]
And the devil led him to Yerusalema
and had him stand on the parapetb of the Miqdash perimeter,
and said to him
“If really {the} Son of the Elohim you are,
[how about this:] jump down from here:
Is it not written? c{Psa 91:11-12}
<He will command His angels concerning you
to protect you [in all your ways] >
and, <they will catch you down on their hands,
lest you strike your foot against a rock.> …”
And answering, Yeshua said to the devil,

“It is said,
<You shall not testd out YHWH your Elohim!>” {Dt. 6:16}
And having completed all the testing put on Yeshua in challenge,
the devil retreated from him to lie in wait for an opportune-time. ◊

Begins His ministry in Galilee

PART II: Galilean Ministry of the Son-of-man

Public Ministry in GALILEE 4:14 – 9:50

Lk 4:14-15 {//+Mt 4:12b; 23-24; //Mk +1:14b; 1:28, 39; //Jn 4:1-3} Begins in Galilee
4:14 And Yeshua returned in the power of the Spirit [of Elohim] into GALILEE
and a report went out through all the region around about him.
And he himself [+ with his task he set out] began to teach
in the synagogues [of the people in Galilee], being praised by all.

Lk 4:16-30 {//Mt 13:54-58; //Mk 6:1-6a} Proclaiming at Nazareth

4:16 And he came back into Nazareth
— where he had been brought up —
and as usual to him, on the day of the sabbathse
he entered into the synagogue there.

a 4:9 Yerusalem ░░ [‘Holy City’ in //Mt 4:5).]

b 4:9 parapet ░░ [On the Miqdash perimeter at southeast corner where the site looms directly over a cliff, some 450
feet drop to the bottom of Kidron valley. Shofar-blowing was from there.]
c 4:19 not written? ░░ [+ Let’s see here and try quote too …]
4:12 test out ░░ [ekpeirazō – into provocation; cf. peirazō ‘put on test’]
4:16 the sabbaths ░░ /the sabbath – most; [See 6:5 EE for detail on sabbath rest]
And once there he rose up [+]a of reading out aloud
[+ from the TaNaKh Scripture] to the congregation:
So, to him the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed.
And, unrolling it
he found the place where it was written,
<☼Spirit of YHWHb is [here] upon me;
He [thus] has anointed me! [Heb 1:9; //Lk 3:22]
to go and bring good news to the God’s poor. [cf. Lk 6:20 //Mt 5:3].
He has sent me
{to heal the broken in heart}, {☼ Isa 61:1}
to proclaim to the captives — release

and to the blind — recovery of sight, {+ ☼Isa 42:7}

to send the oppressed freed with a release, {☼Isa 58:6}

to proclaim a jubilee yearc of YHWH. {☼Isa 61:2a} d>
And upon this, he rolled up the scroll
and returned it to the attendant, and took his seat,
every one of the congregation in the synagogue
having fixed their attention on him,
he then began to address them,
“Today,” he said,
“this very scripture passage [in TaNaKh] is fulfilled . . .
— in yoůr hearing.”
And all were well impressed by him and shocked in wonder
at the graceful words coming out from his mouth
and they said,
“Why! This can’t be Yosef’s son!”
So he replied them,
“Surely, yoů will say to me quoting a proverb like this,
<Doctor, cure yourself!>
and say: <Why don’t you do also here
in the hometown of your own home place
what we have heard of that happened
in KepharNahum [way out there]!>”
And continuing, he said, [//Mt 13:57; //Mk 6:4; (Jn 4:44)]
“Yes! I say this to yoů:
No prophet is good enough to be acceptable
in the hometown of his father.

4:16 rose up [+] ░░ [+ to take a role of a public reader to a congregation]
b 4:18 spirit of YHWH ░░ /x: the spirit of the Lord; (YHWH - 4:8) [‘spirit of Adonai YHWH’ in Isa 61:1]
4:19 jubilee year ░░ [year at the end of the seven cycles of sabbatical years. ‘Fiftieth year’ – Lev 25:20.
It fell on CE 28]; /x: acceptable year - KJV; /x: favorable year – NASB; /x: ~ of favor – ESV, NET, NIV;
d4:19 <verse> ░░ [Yeshua purposefully omitted Isa 61:2b “and the day of vengeance of our Elohim; to comfort all
who mourn” – the day would be His second coming. Cf. Rev 6:10-11.]
But it’s true!
I tell yoů this: —
There were many widows in Yisrael in the days of Eliyahu,
when the heaven was shut up— three years and six months,
when there was a great famine all over the land;
yet Eliyahu was sent to none of them,
except to [the village of] Zarephath in the land of Sidon
— to a widow, [a foreigner, non-Yisraelite]. [1Kg 17:9-24]
And there were many lepers in Yisrael
in the time of Elisha the prophet,
and none of them was made clean,
except Naaman the Syrian, [a non-Yisraelite]. [2Kg 5:1-24]”
And the whole congregation in the synagogue [gasped and]
became furious as they heard these words;
and they jumped up [on their feet]
and hustled him out of the town
and pushed him as far as a brow of the hill
on which their town had been built
— They meant to throw him down off the cliff.
But making his way right through them
he went off. ◊
Lk 4:31-41 (cf. Mt & Mk -various) In KepharNahum –teaching and healing
Lk 4:31-32 (cf. Mt 4:13; 7:28-29; Mk 1:21-22) Teaching in synagogue
4:31 And he came down to KepharNahum a,
a town in GALILEE.
And he was teaching them [as people gathered] on the sabbaths
and they were astounded at his teaching;
because his word was with [such] authority. [Mt 7:29; Mt 1:22]

4:31 KepharNahum ░░ (‘town of Nahum’) (4:23; 7:1, etc.); /> Capernaum; [on the northwest coast of
Sea of Galilee – one of few major cities in Galilee.]. [Yeshua settled here at the start to base his ministry of
proclaiming the Kingdom reign of God]
Lk 4:33-37 {//Mk 1:23-28} Healing a demoniac in the synagogue
And there in the synagoguea was a man
with an unclean spirit of demon, b
and he cried out with a loud voice,
“Aah! [Let us alone!]
What have we to do with you? Yeshua, [You] Nazarene¡
Have you come to put us out?
I know you, who you are — the Holy One of the Elohim!”
And Yeshua rebuked him, saying
“Shut up! Now get out of him!”
And throwing the man down in the midst,
the demonic spirit came out of him; [look!] nothing had hurt him
And amazement came upon all
and they spoke to one another, saying
“What’s going on with his word!
yoů see, with authority and power
he commands the unclean spiritsc,
and they come out!”
And what people heard about him
was spreading into all over the countryside.

Lk 4:38-39 {//Mk +1:29-31} {//Mt 8:14-15} Healing Kefa’s mother-in-law

And he got up and, leaving the synagogue,
he made his way to the house of [a man called] Shimond.
And the mother-in-law of this Shimon was there
suffering from a high fever,
and they asked him to do something for her.
He came over to her lying down and,
bending over her, he rebuked the fever
and it left her.
All at once she got up and began to attend them.

4:33 synagogue [+] ░░ [+ where He put Himself teach people]
4:33 unclean spirit of demon [+] ░░ /x: spirit of an unclean demon; /
4:36ff unclean spirits ░░ [Cf. ‘defiling’. Cf. ‘evil spirits’ only in G-Lk (Lk 7:21; 8:2) and Acts]
d4:38ff Shimon ░░ /> Simon; [Yeshua called him by this original Hebrew name, not by the name ‘Peter’] [Gk. Petros
‘Peter’ (fr. Aramaic ‘Kefa’ – rendered so throughout in IRENT) appears from 5:8 on.]
Lk 4:40-41 {//Mt +8:16-17; //Mk +1:32-34} Healing the sick
4:40 a
And as the sun was setting people brought to Yeshua
those who were sick with various diseases
and he laid his hands on every one of them
and healed them.
And [as they were cast out] demonic spirits also were coming out of many,
crying out “You are {the Mashiah}, the Son of the Elohimb!”
And rebuking them, he did not allow them to speak out [about it]
that they knew him to be the Mashiah.

Lk 4:42-43 {//Mk +1:35-38} Departing KepharNahum

4:42 [← 4:40]
And when it became next day,
he left and went into a deserted place
and the crowds began looking after him.
and [when] they came upon him
and sought to keep him from leaving them.
But he said to them,
“Also to the other towns as well
it is necessary for me to bring good news
of the Kingdom reign of the Elohim; c
this is the very reason I’ve been sent.”
Lk 4:44 {//Mt 4:23; Mk +1:39}) First tour in Galilee on His Mission
Thus he continued proclaiming [good news of the Kingdom reign of the Elohim]
in the synagogues of GALILEE {/mss}. ◊

a 4:40 sun was setting ░░ [A day in the Bible is daytime period, not 24-hour period from sunset. Sabbath rest (v. 31)
now ended at sunset.]
b 4:41 the Son of the Elohim ░░ (22:70); (> the *Son of God; cf. ‘God’s Son’ 1:35); /Son of God – most; [‘son’ is a

special relational term; not of a biological-social notion. As to Yeshua it denotes His unique relation to God. It is also a
title for Mashiah of YHWH. Not unbiblical ‘God the Son’.]
c 4:43 kingdom reign of the Elohim ░░ /> kingdom of God; [the core message of the Yeshua’s Gospel – not with rule

but with love and shalom. It is not a place to go (e.g. after death)] [//kingdom reign of the heavens in G-Mt]
(Lk 5)
Miraculous draft of fish
Lk 5:1-10a [cf. Jn 21:3-8] Miraculous draught of fish
5:1 Now it came to be that
while the crowd of people were pressing upon him
to hear the word of the Elohim,
on his part, Yeshua was standing there
by the Lake of Gennesaret. a
And he saw two small ships lying close inshore,
the fishermen, who had stepped out of them, washing off their nets.
And he got aboard one of the ships, which belonged to Shimon,
and asked him to pull it out a little away from the shore.
He then sat down and there from the ship he began teaching the crowds.
And when he had finished speaking [the word of God to the crowd],
he said to Shimon,
“Why don’t you pull out [the ship] to the deep [water].
There yoů guys lower yoůr netsb for a [real] haul!”
And Shimon answered and said to him,
“Hi chief¡ through a whole night we toiled
but we’ve caught nothing [in our nets] c—
… Well, if you say so —
… I should then lower all these drag-nets once more
… and will see, yeah, will see.”
And when they had done this, they closed-in a great number of fish,
and their net was about to break;
so they signaled by motioning to their partners in the other ship,
to come and help them.
And they came and filled both ships with fish,
to the point of sinking.
There, when Shimon Kefad [6:14] saw this,
he fell down at Yeshua’s knees,
saying “Go away from me. You can see,
I’m nothing more than a sinful man, Master¡e”

5:1 Lake of Gennesaret ░░ (Mt 14:34; Lk 5:1; Num 34:11) [= ‘Sea of Galilee’] [=Sea of Tiberias Jn 6:1;
21:1] (Cf. Mk 6:53)
5:4 lower ~ nets ░░ [Cf. ‘cast a net’ – Mt 4:18; 13:47; Mk 1:16]
5:5 our nets [+] ░░ [+ moreover, isn’t it already daytime? Now, no fish is to be around.]
5:8 Kefa ░░ /> Peter; [Given to Shimon by Yeshua near the end of His ministry (Mt 16:18). Since he was
not called by a Gk translation word Petros, IRENT renders all as Kefa throughout. The Aramaic itself, meaning
‘stone’ ‘rock’, appears only in G-Jn (1x) and Pauline Epistles – rendered as ‘KEFA’.]
5:8 Master! [+] ░░ [+ unworthy of your call to be a follower of you.]
Kefa and others called
Lk 5:9-11 {//Mt 4:18-22; //Mk 1:16-20} Calling Kefa and others@
The fact was, astonishment overwhelmed him and all with him,
at the haul of these fish which they had taken;
and likewise were also Yaakob and Yohana — sons of Zebedee —
who were partners with Shimon.
And Yeshua said to Shimon,
“Don’t be afraid [of me to follow] .
From now on
it is going to be people – no, not fish any more –
that you shall be gatheringb up.”
And when they pulled their ships ashore,
leaving everything behind
They — Shimon as well as Yaakob and Yohan —joined Yeshua
to become followers of him. ◊

Leper healed
Lk 5:12-16 {//Mt 8:2-8; //Mk 1:40-45} Healing a leper
5:12 And it came to be, while he was in one of the towns,
look¡ there, a man covered with leprosy!
When seeing Yeshua, he fell down on his face
and begged him, saying “Master¡
if only you just wish to, you can make me clean.”
And Yeshua stretched out his hand and grasped the leprous, saying
“I do! It’s my wish.
Be you made clean!”
And at once the leprosy departed from him.
Yeshua, for his part, charged him
“Tell no one [on the way] about what had happened.
go off [straight] and ☼let the priest examine you {Lev 14:2}
and then present your purification-offering [2:22]
in accordance with what Moses had laid down
as a °proof to the them that you are clean.”

This story, however, got by itself spread even more,
and large crowds were gathering up to hear him
and to be healed {by him} of their sicknesses.
Yeshua on his part took himself out
to be in the desolate places and be praying. ◊

5:10ff Yohan░░ /John – most; [for all ‘John’ except the Immerser as ‘Yohanan’ in IRENT.]
5:10 gathering up ░░ /x: catching – most; /
A paralytic healed
Lk 5:17-26 {//Mt 9:2-8; //Mk 2:1-12} Healing a paralytic
And it came to be when one day Yeshua was teaching
there sat at his feet Pharisees and Torah-teachers
who had come out of every village of GALILEE
and of Judea — even Yerusalem.
And power of Adonai was present {for him} to heal {them}.
And look, men were carrying on a cot a hman who was paralytic
and they tried to bring him in and to lay him before him.
And not finding by what way they might bring him in
because of the crowd,
they went up to the [flat] roof-top
and [making an opening] through the tiles,
they let him down on his little cot
into the mist in front of Yeshua.
And seeing such trust they had, he said to him,
“ Our young man¡ your sinsa are forgiven.”
And the soferim and the Pharisees began to reason, saying
“Who is this guy [— mere mortal!]? [//Mt Ø]
He is uttering [such] blasphemies!
Who can forgive sins [against God’s law],
except the Elohim alone? [//Mk 2:7b; //Mt Ø]”
But Yeshua knowing their wondering, replied them, saying
“What are yoů all wondering in yoůr mind?
Which one is easier? To say <Your sins are forgiven>;
or to say <Get up on your feet and walk>?
But in order that yoů may know this
(and be proven to yoů)
that the Son-of-man has full authority [given from above]
on earth to forgive sins ....”
At this point he said to the paralytic man,
“To you I say: Get up! ...
Pick up your stretcher and go on to your home.”
And all at once, the man got up before them
and having picked up what he had been lying on,
he went home, praising the Elohim.
And astonishment took hold on all present there
and they praised the Elohim,
and they were filled with awe, saying
“We’ve seen extraordinary things today.”

5:20 sins ░░ [sins of breaking God’s law]
Levi is called (=Mattithyahu)
Lk 5:27-32 {//Mt +9:9-13; //Mk +2:13-17} Calling Levi (= Mattithyahu)
5:27 And after these things Yeshua left the house
and then saw a tax-collector a, named Levi b,
seated at his tax booth
and said to him,
“Be a follower of me!”
And he got up, left everything behind,
and went following him.
Then Levi spread a big reception feast in his house
in honor of Yeshua
and reclining at the meal were quite a number of tax-profiteers
and other people of same kind.
And the Pharisees and their soferim murmured to his disciplesc,
saying <Why is it that yoů eat and drink [like that]
mingled with the tax-profiteers and outcast sinnersd?>
And [overhearing,] Yeshua responded [to this], saying to them,
“Those who are healthy have no need of a healer;
but those who are sick, they do.
I have come to call and invite to me
— not those of righteous virtue
but outcast sinners to turn their hearts to God’s way ” e [cf. 1Tm 1:15]

On keeping fasting; hard to accept new teaching

Lk 5:33-39 {//Mt +9:14-17; //Mk +2:18-22} On keeping fasting; Old vs. new
And they said to him,
“Yohanan’s disciples
– see, they do often keep fastingf and make supplicationsg;
so do the disciples of the Pharisees;
but the ones – disciples with you –
go on eating and drinking! huh!”
And he said to them,

“Yoů can’t expect the bridegroom’s attendants keep

their fasting,
while the bridegroom is still with them, can yoů?

a 5:27 *tax-collector ░░ [collects tribute the Romans exacting from the occupied population. Elsewhere rendered as
‘tax-profiteer’ – 7:29ff. Cf. Zacchaeus (chief tax-collector 19:2).]
b 5:27 Levi ░░ (= Mk 2:14); [//Mt 5:27 Mattithyahu (> Matthew)] [Does not appear in G-John.]
c 5:30ff disciples ░░ [life-committed learners to a teacher-master. (Heb. talmidim). Cf. pupils, students.]
d 5:30ff outcast sinners ░░ /> *sinners; [Refers to a class of people in Judaic society who failed to keep the Torah of

Moses. Not Gentiles or unbelieving people.];

e 5:32ff turn their hearts ░░ (→ God’s changes their hearts with forgiveness); />> *repent; (a religious jargon

with different sense, nuance and usage.)

f 5:33 keep fasting ░░ /x: fast – most; /xx: go with food - BBE;
g 5:33 supplications ░░ (1:13; 2:37) = petitions; /x: *prayer(s) – most;
But the days will come
when the bridegroom will be taken away from them,
then they’ll have fasting in those days.”
And he spoke also a parable to them:
“No one cuts a piece off a new garment and
patch up an old one;
If he does,
not only the new one will get ruined
and but also, the patch from the new
won’t match the old one .
And no one puts new wine [to be made] a
into old stiffened wineskins;
otherwise, the new wine [as it ferments] will burst the old wineskins
and it will be spilled and the wineskins will be ruined.
But new wine [to be made] has to be put
into new supple wineskins;
{then both [wine and wineskin]
are preserved together}b.
Here, no one who used to drink old wine c
desires new one;
as he says <the old wine is still good enough for me!>d”

(Lk 6)
Plucking grain heads on a sabbath
Lk 6:1-5 {//Mt 12:1-8; //Mk +2:23-28} Plucking grain heads on a sabbath
6:1 Now it came to be
when on {the second after first} sabbath e,
that Yeshuah was going through the grain-fields, f
and his disciples plucked the heads of grain
and did eat them up, rubbing them in their hands.
But some of the Pharisees said to them,
“Why are yoů all doing what it is not permissible
[for us] {to do} on the sabbaths?”
And answering them, Yeshua said,
“Have yoů neither read even this — [1Sm 21: 1-6]

what David did, when he got hungry,
he himself and those who were with him?

a 5:37 new wine to be made ░░ [i.e. freshly squeezed grape juice to be let ferment]
b 5:38b{mss} ░░ [fr. Mt 9:17]
c 5:38 fully aged wine ░░ /> old wine; [not ‘wine got old and soured’]
d 5:38 still good ░░ [alludes to the attitude resistant to accepting new teaching from Him.]
e 6:1ff sabbath ░░ (See ‘sabbath-rest’ in v. 5.)
f 6:1 grain-fields ░░ /xx: cornfields – KJV; /
— how so he went to the House of the Elohima
[to see the priest there] {1Sm 21:1}
and, having received [from Ahimelech the Priest],
ate the loaves of ☼bread {☼Lev 24:5-9}
which had come off [on the previous day]
from the presentation table {☼ Num 4:7} [in the Holy Place]
and gave them also to those following him!
Not allowed [against the law] for no one to eat those bread
but for the priests, isn’t it?”
And he said to them,
“A lord of the sabbathb is what the Son-of-manc is!”
Healing a man with a withered hand on sabbath
Lk 6:6-11 {//Mt +12:9-14 //Mk +3:1-6} Healing on sabbath: a withered hand
6:6 Now it came to be on another sabbath, d

he entered into the synagogue and taught.

And a man was there;
his right hand was withered.
And the soferim and the Pharisees were now watching him closely,
to see whether on the sabbath he would as customarily give healing;
so that they might find something to accuse him of.
As for Yeshua himself, however, he knew their going through in
he said to the mman with his withered hand.
“Get up and stand into the midst.”
And he arose and stood up.
And Yeshua said to them,
“Let me ask yoů: is it allowed on the sabbath —
to do good and no harm;
to save a lifee and not let it destroyed?” [//Mk 3:4 - killed] [Cf. Mt 12:10b, 12b]
And after having looked around at them all, he said to the man,
“Stretch out your [withered] hand!”
And he did so,
and his hand was restored {sound as the other hand}.
But they became filled with anger, and talked to each other
— as to what they should do about Yeshua.

6:4 House of the Elohim ░░ [i.e. the Temple of Yerusalem]
b 6:5 a lord of the sabbath ░░ [not ‘the Lord’; /Lord – most]; [as the giver of God-given ‘sabbath rest’ (Heb 4:9) is
shalom, the true rest (Mt 11:29). Not about sabbath provision or a commandment. Not sabbath day keeping]
c 6:5 *Son-of-man ░░ [Lit. ‘the son of the man’; Aramaic for a human being. IRENT capitalizes it when used as

Yeshua’s self-designation ‘I’ (mostly in G-Mt) but without drawing too much attention to himself.] /xx: Human Being;
d 6:6 sabbath ░░ [Any *day, including Sabbath day, begins with sunrise; sabbath rest is for the daytime period only.]
e 6:19 life ░░ – most; [i.e. one’s whole being]; /soul – NWT3;
Twelve chosen (‘Apostles’)
Lk 6:12-16 {//Mt 10:1-4; //Mk 3:13-19a} (→ 9:1) [cf. 10:1-12] Choosing Twelve
6:12 Now it came to be in those days
that he went off to the mountain hill
to praya and passed the night [to be] with the Elohim
in his prayer.
And when it became dayb,
he called up his disciples to him
and chose from among them ☼twelvec{☼Gen 49:28} [Cf. Act 1:13]
whom he also designated as those to be sent out d: [Mk 3:14 v.l.] [→ 9:10]
● Shimon [5:8] whom he [later] also named ‘Kefa’e, and
● Andrew his brother;

● Yaakob [Ben-Zebedee], and

● Yohan [his brother];

● Philip, and
● BarTalmai;
● Mattithyahuf, and
● Thomas;

● Yaakob Ben-Halfai, and

● Shimon who was called ‘Zealot’;
6:16 g
● Yehudah Ben-Yaakob , and
● Judas Iscariot ((who at the end became a betrayer i)).

a 6:12 to pray ░░ [not ‘petition’ ‘supplication’ as such, but being in contact, being connected, being communicating and
in communion.] (See fn on 11:2 ‘pray’)
b 6:13 day ░░ (Lk 22:66) [After ‘night’ (v. 12) is over, it becomes ‘day’. ‘Day’ in the Bible is that which begins at

sunrise. Not to be confused with a sunset-to-sunset calendar day in rabbinic Hebrew calendar.]
c 6:13 the twelve ░░ Only appears as this in G-Jn, G-Mk, and G-Lk. Also as ‘twelve disciples’ ‘twelve those sent out’

(‘apostles’) in G-Mt. [= counterpart in New Covenant to the twelve tribes of Yisrael in YHWH’s Covenant in O.T.]
d 6:13 designated as those ~ sent out ░░ [on a mission; Gk. apostolos emissary, missionary] /> named apostles; / [6x

in Lk (Lk 6:13; 9:10; 11:49; 17:5; 22:14; 24:10). Also Mt 10:2; Mk 6:30; 3:14 v.l.]
e 6:14ff Kefa ░░ /> Peter; [See 5:8]
f 6:15 Mattithyahu ░░ [Heb.] /> Matthew – most; /Gk. Matthaios; [= Levi, tax collector Lk 5:27, 29]
g 6:16 Yehudah ░░ /> Yudah; />> *Judah - most; /x: *Judas – KJV; [names Judah (Yudah), Jude and Judas - same in

Hebrew and Greek. IRENT keeps ‘Judas’ for the betrayer.]

h 6:16ff Judas ░░ [Names of Yudah (Judah), Jude and Judas are same in Hebrew and Greek. IRENT retained “J’ for

Judas only to help distinguish among many.]

i 6:17 betrayer ░░ [Yeshua was ‘handed over’ in His surrender to Father’s will.] [*betray]
Lk 6:17-19 {//Mt 4:24-5:2; //Mk 3:7-13a} His ministry; with healing
6:17 And on the way coming down with them
Yeshua made a stop at a plateau [on the slope].

And there was a large crowd of his disciples

and a great multitude of the [native] people
from all of Judea and Yerusalem,
and from the coastal-region of Tyre and Sidon.
They had come to hear him
and to be divinely healed of their diseases;
and those who were plagued by unclean spirits
were being healed.
And all the crowd tried to grasp him
because power of healing was coming forth from his presence
and he gave divinely healing to them all.

Sermon on the ‘plain’a

6:20-49 His ministry – with teaching

Lk 6:20-49 {//Mt 5, 6, 7}
Lk 6:20-23 {//Mt 5:2-12} Blessed and honorable are (‘Beatitudes’)
And with his eyes now brought on his disciples Yeshua spoke:
“Blessedb [and honored] are ☼the God’s poor people [+]c!
because yoůrs isd the Kingdom reign of the Elohim to belong
Blessed are — yes, the ones who hunger now!
because yoů shall be filled.
Blessed are — yes, the ones who ☼weep now! {☼Ps 126:6}
because yoů shall be rejoicinge.
Blessed are yoů, whenever others bring their hatred against yoů
and whenever they reject and shun yoů
and reproach yoů and defame yoůr very name
— all on account of the Son-of-man.
When this happens, rejoice on that very day;
yes, yoů should leap for joy!
Take note that yoůr reward is rich in the heaven.
In fact, that’s exactly
how their forefathers treated the prophets. ◊

a 6:20ff <So-called Sermon on the Plain> ░░ [Collection of Yeshua’s teachings of smaller amount than in “the Sermon
on the Mount” of G-Matthew. The phrase ‘on the Plain’ is inaccurate. It’s not a plain but a plateau in the mount.]
b 6:20ff Blessed [and honorable] ░░ [favored]; /x: happy; /x: fortunate; /x: it will be well; /x: will be blessed; /x: God

will bless; / [Cf. ‘terrible and shameless’ 6:24ff – shame and accusations]
c 6:20 the God’s poor people [+] ░░ [+ – they are blessed as to spirit ⇦ Mt 5:3]; [“the ones whom God has to care of

their needs and who are totally dependent on God” - ☼Isa 29:19; 61:1; Ps 14:6; 40:17] [not referring to being
economically and materially poor condition]
d 6:20 yours is the Kingdom ░░ [God’s Kingdom is not a place to go, but God’s reign, the reality for people to belong

to.] [Cf. 11:2 ‘Have Your kingdom come’]

e 6:21 rejoicing ░░ /laughing – most;
6:24-26 How shameless!
But how terrible and shameless it is for yoů

who luxuriate in rich,

why! yoů have received yoůr comfort in full!
How terrible and shameless it is for yoů
who are now full with food,
why! yoů’ll be hungry!
How terrible and shameless,
the ones laughing now,
why! yoů’ll have deep sorrow and weep!
How terrible and shameless,
when people heap up praise on yoů,
why! that was just the way
their fathers were doing even to the false-prophets. ◊

6:27-36 {//Mt 5:38-48} Love your enemies

But to yoů, I say to the ones listening to me:
<Be yoů loving those who come as enemiesb to yoů;
do good to those who do not love yoů>.
Give blessed words those who curse yoů,
pray in behalf of those who exploit yoů.
To one who strikes you on the jaw one side,
offer the other side also,
and from one who takes away your garment
do not withhold your tunic either. [//Mt 5:39a-40]
To everyone who asks you [to borrow]
give; [Mt 5:42]
and from the one who takes away what is yours,
do not demand it back.
Yes, just as yoů would like others to do to yoů,
be you doing likewise to them. c [//Mt 7:12]
And if yoů love those who love yoů,
what good is that for yoů?
It’s a fact that even those outcast sinners love those
who love them. [Cf. Mt 5:46]

a 6:24ff how terrible and shameless it is ░░ (Gk. ouai); /x: woe (to you) – most (- archaic); /how terrible it will be –
ISV, (GNB); /x: how horrible it will be – GW; /x: are in for trouble – CEV; /x: it will be bad for you – ERV; /xx: curse
is on you – BBE; [Cf. ‘blessed and honorable’ – 6:20]
b 6:27 enemies to you ░░ /> your enemies;
c 6:31 <verse> ░░ [so-called Golden Rule; see Mt 7:12 fn.]
And if yoů do good to those who do good to yoů,
what good is that for yoů?
Yoů see, even those outcast sinners do that too.
And if yoů let those people borrow
— whom yoů expect to get repaid [+to claim yoůr gain from it],
what good is that for yoů?
After all, even {those} outcast sinners let other sinners borrow,
expecting to get repaid in full!
No, be yoů loving those who come as enemies to yoů
and do them good
and let them borrow,
turning down no one{mss},
And yoůr reward will be great
and yoů shall be [as] sonsa of the Most High:
— yes, He Himself is kind even when we are
ungrateful and at our worst.

Be compassionate b just as yoůr Father is compassionate! [Cf. Mt 5:48]

Lk 6:37-42 {//Mt 7:1-5; //Mk 4:24-25} How not to judge others

And don’t be judging down on others,
that way yoů are by no means to be judged likewise! c
Don’t bring down judgment to others,
that way yoů are by no means
to get judgment brought down likewise! d
Be yoů setting others free,
and yoů shall be off free!
Be yoů giving, and yoů shall be givene in a good measure
— pressed down and shaken up and running over —
they shall give it into the folder on yoůr lap.
Indeed, in the same measure yoů are measuring out,
it will be measured out to yoů in return.
And he also spoke a proverb to them,
“A blind one cannot guide another blind, can he?
Won’t they both fall into a ditch?
A pupil is not above his teacher;
but everyone fully trained will be like his teacher.

a 6:35 sons of the Most High ░░ [Hebrew idiom] /x: children of the Highest – KJV; [cf. God’s children – Jn 1:12]
6:36 compassionate ░░ /x: merciful – most; /
6:37 are ~ to be judged ░░ /xxx: God will not judge – GNB; /
d 6:37 judge down ~ bring judgment down ░░ (krínō ~ katakrinō)
6:38 giving ░░ [purpose of work to have is to give.] [Cf. Act 20:35; Eph 4:26; Prb 11:24; Mt 6:20]
And why is it that you hardly fail to spot the tiny splinter
in the eye of your fellow brother,
but do not give a thought to
the big wooden plank in your own eye?
Yeah, why is it that you dare say to your fellow brother,
<Brother, why don’t you let me take out
that splinter in your eye>,
when you yourself fail to see
the plank in your own eye?

You [pedantic] hypocrite [of religiosity]!

Take out first the plank out of your own eye
and then you’ll be able to see clearly enough
to take the splinter out of your fellow brother's eye. ◊

Lk 6:43-45 {//Mt 12:33-35} (cf. Mt 15:20)} By their fruits shall be known

Indeed, no good tree produces bad fruit;
nor, again, an unhealthy tree produces good fruit.
In fact, each tree is to be known from its own fruit.
They, yoů see, don’t gather figs from thorny thistles,
nor do they pick grapes off from a thorn-bush.
The good *man brings forth what is good,
out of the good things treasured in his hearta
and the evil one brings forth what is evil
out of the evil things things [treasured in his heart]:
indeed, what ones’ mouth utters
comes out of what the heart is filled with. b

Lk 6:46-49 {//Mt 7:21-27} To build on the rock bed

Why, then, do call me, <Master¡ master¡c>
and yet do not put into practice what I tell yoů?
Everyone who comes to me and listens to my words and does
— I will show yoů to whom this one is like:
He is like a man building a house,
who dug deep down
and laid a foundation upon the bed-rock
and when a flood came,

6:45 heart ░░ [not just a seat of emotion and feeling; but involves experiencing in life; tightly interwoven
and synonymous with ‘mind’.]
6:45 what is filled with ░░ /x: abundance;
6:46 Master¡ ░░ (Gk. kurie, vocative); /> Lord – most (- a biblical jargon with different nuance and usage)
[IRENT consistently renders as ‘Master’ in Gospels when Yeshua is being addressed (e.g. 5:8) even in this
setting of His teaching collection in one place here in G-Lk and //G-Mt.]
the torrent burst upon that house
but was not able to shake it down:
because it has been built so well.
But the one who has heard [my words] but do not act accordingly,
is like a man who has built a house upon the soil
without a firm foundation;
when the torrent of flood burst upon the house
at once it collapsed
— and what a great destruction that entire house became!” ◊

(Lk 7)
Healing 2- Centurion’s faith
Lk 7:1-10 {//Mt 8:5-13; //Mk Ø }{Jn 4:46b-54} Faith of a centurion at KepharNahum
7:1 And after Yeshua had finished
all his sayings in the audience of the people,
he came into KepharNahum.
And a junior officera of a certain Roman centurionb was ill
and was at the point of death
— this one was precious to him.
Now, hearing about Yeshua,
this centurion sent elders of the Yehudim to Yeshua;
to ask him whether he would come and save his servant.
And when they came to Yeshua,
they pleaded with him earnestly,
“He deserves to have you do this for him;
you see, he really loves our country
— in fact, he himself had even the synagogue
built for us.”
And Yeshua went off with them
and when he was not far from the house
the centurion had already sent friends to come to him
to tell: <Sir, don't trouble yourself [so much by coming over],
Indeed, I’m not fit for you
even to come under my roof!
For that reason
neither I consider myself as worthy to come to yoů.
Instead, just say by a word
and let my child – the servant – be healed.

a 7:2 junior officer ░░ /servant – most; /servant-boy; /orderly – JNT; / [Cf. Jn 4:46 ‘royal officer’s son’]
b 7:2 centurion ░░ [Roman officer commanding about 80 soldiers.]
In fact, I myself too am a man
placed under{/mss} the authority [+]a,
myself having soldiers under me as well:
thus, I say to this one, <Go!>; there he goes,
and to another, <Come!>; here he comes.
Yes, I say to my servant, <Do this!>; then, he does it!”
And when Yeshua heard these things,
he was appalled at the centurion .
He turned to the crowd that followed him,
And said:
“I am telling yoů:
No, not even in the whole Yisrael
have I found such deep trust [as he did put on me]!b”
And the centurion’s friends who had been sent out
returned to the house
and found the servant in good health. ◊

a 7:8 placed under the authority {/mss} [+] ░░ {/who has} [+ as you are under the authority of your Father]
b 7:8 trust [as he did put on me] ░░ /> trust [as this]; /x: have faith; [not faith (in God), or (religious) belief]
Widow’s son at Nain
Lk 7:11-17 Widow’s son at Nain
7:11 And afterwards it came to be,that he went

to a town called Nain in Galilee,

and his disciples were going with him as well as a large crowd.
Now when he got near to the town gate,
and look!
there someone who had died was now being carried out to burial
— a mother’s one-and-only son;
And besides, she was a widow;
and a considerable crowd from the town was with her.
And when the Master saw her,
he was moved with compassion for her
and said to her, “Stop wailing”
And he went up and touched the stretcher [bearing the body];
and those carrying it came to a halt.
And he said,
“Young-man¡ I say to you: Arise!”
And the dead man sat up and began to speak.
And Yeshua gave him back to his mother.
And awe took hold on all and they glorified the Elohim,
saying “A great prophet has risen up in our midst!” [Deu 18:15; Act 3:22; 7:37]
Also, “the Elohim has come to see and help his people!”
And this word concerning him spread out
throughout the whole Judea and all the surrounding region. ◊

a 7:11 afterwards ░░ /x: the day after – KJV;

Yohanan the Immerser sent inquiry
Lk 7:18-23 {//Mt 11:2-6} Yohanan sent inquiry to Yeshua
And the disciples of Yohanan [the Immerser] reported to him
concerning all these things [Yeshua has done].
so, Yohanan called two of his own disciples
and sent them to Yeshua to ask:
<Is it really you that should be

the One who is to come [+]a,
or are we all to wait for a different one?>
And having com to Yeshua, the men said,
“Yohanan the Immerserb has sent us to you to ask,
<Are you the One who is to come,
or are we all to wait for another one?>”
((It was at that very hour that he had occupied with bringing healing
to a large number of people,
freeing them of their diseases, sickness, and evil spiritsc,
and also to many who were blind
he granted the gracious-gift of eyesight.))
And Yeshua answered and said to them,
“Go and report back to Yohanan
the things which yoů have seen and heard
— that blind ones are seeing again,
lame ones walk,
lepers are cleansed
and deaf ones hear,
dead ones are raised up,
☼poor ones have the good news [of the Kingdom reign of the Elohim]
proclaimed to them.
Yes, [+]d blessed is the one who should not get stumbled over
[failing to see things] in me.” ◊

Lk 7:24-35 {//Mt +11:7-19} (cf. Mk 1:2) Yeshua witnesses about Yohanan

7:24 And after the inquirers from Yohanan left,
Yeshua began to speak to the crowds about Yohanan:
“What was it that yoů went out into the wilderness to look at?
A reed swaying in the wind?
No? Then, what did yoů go out to see?
A man wearing soft and fine clothes?
Look¡ those who are in splendid dress and living in luxury,
are in the royal palaces.

a 7:19 ☼the One who is to come [+] ░░ [+ as we had believed so!] (//Mt 11:3) {☼Zec 9:9; Mal 3:1}
b 7:20ff Immerser ░░ /baptizer; /Baptizer – GW, ERV; /xx: Baptist – most, KJV, ESV, NIV, (anachronism);
c 7:21 evil spirits ░░ (only here and in 8:2 and Acts 19:12, 13) [unclean spirits – 4:36ff = ‘defiling’.]
d 7:23 Yes, [+] ░░ [+ Yohanan shouldn’t be having doubt on me.] [7:24b]
Really, what did yoů go out to see? A prophet?
Yes! I tell yoů, [to see] someone much greater than a prophet.
This is the one about whom it is written, {Mal. 3:1}(//Mk 1:2b)
<Behold, I myself am sending my messenger
before your presence;
and it is who will make ready the way for your coming
before you.> [Cf. Lk 3:4]
I’m telling yoů: among those born of women
there is no one greater {prophet} than Yohanan {the Immerser}:
yet the one who is humbler and lesser
[among those] in the Kingdom reign of the Elohim
is greater than Yohanan.”
((Now all the people who heard this, even the turncoat tax-profiteers,
acknowledged the Elohim to be God of righteousness
— they were people who had all come to get immersed
with Yohanan’s immersion rites.
But the Pharisees and the Torah-sagesa disregarded the plan
which the Elohim set for them,
by not having come to get immersed from Yohanan.))
7:31 {mss}b
“To what then can I compare [the people of] this generation?
And to what are they like?
It is like children who sit there in the market place
and call out to one another [in their children’s game-play],
<We played flute for yoů [as in wedding]
but yoů all did not dance in joy;
we sang dirges for you [as in funeral]
but yoů all did not weep in grief.>
In fact, Yohanan the Immerser has come upon the scene
and he is not eating bread nor drinking wine [at feasts] ,
and yoů all say, <he’s got a demonic spirit!>
The Son-of-man comes
and here eating and drinking with yoů all [at feasts] ,
and yoů all say,
<Look¡ there, a glutton and a winebibber,
a friend to turncoat tax-profiteers and outcast sinners!>
Well, the very wisdom [of God] [cf. 11:49 = Yeshua Mt 23:34] is made right
by all actions she producesc.” ◊

a 7:30 Torah-sages ░░ />> lawyers; /law experts

b 7:31{mss} ░░ {the Lord then said} – KJV+;
c 7:35 actions she produces ░░ /= deeds; />> Gk - children; [emendation based on Mt 11:19. A variant Aramaic split

word from two different stems. See EE there.]

A woman anointing Yeshua
Lk 7:36-38 (cf. Mt 26:6-13; //Mk 14:3-9; //Jn 12:1-11) Woman anointing Yeshuaa
7:36@ And one of the Pharisees invited Yeshua for a meal.
Thus, having entered the house of this Pharisee, [his name ⇨ v. 40]
he reclined at a meal.
And look! there, a woman was …
well, an outcast sinner in this town!
When she learned that
he was reclined at a meal in the Phariseeʹs house,
she brought an alabaster flask of fragrant-oil along with her,
and took up her place at his feet
[on her knees] there behind him.
Weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears.
She wiped them with the hair [flowing down] from her head
and kissed and kissed his feet ardently
and poured the fragrant-oil [on them].

Lk 7:39-50 A Lesson to Shimon, the host

Now seeing that which was going on,
the very Pharisee who had invited him said to himself:
<This man, if he were a prophet, he would surely know
who and what sort of woman this one is.
[Look¡], she is touching him — she, an outcast sinner!>

And responding [to the Pharisee], Yeshua said to him,
“Shimon¡b I have something to tell you.”
And he says,
“What is it going to be, teacher?”
Yeshua said,
“There were two people
who owed money to a certain money-lender:
the one of them owed five hundred denarii! [huge amount]
and the other owed him [paltry] fifty denarii.
But when they did not have anything to repay him with,
he forgave both of them [and cancelled the debts].
Then, tell me which one of them will love him more?
But answering, Shimon said,
“The one …, well, I take it …
who owed the bigger debt and graciously-forgiven.”
And Yeshua said to him, “You’re right!”

7:36-50 <Woman ‘Anointing’ Yeshua> ░░ [This full pericope in Lk here outside the Passion narrative is
different from a shorter one within the Passion narrative in other three Gospels. Prob. a prequel.] [See EE]
7:40 Shimon (the Pharisee) ░░ [poss. same person as Shimon the leper – he later got contracted but healed
by Yeshua and hosted a dinner during the Passion week where Yeshua was anointed by a woman.]
And turning to the woman, he said to Shimon,
“This woman!
— do you see her?
I entered into your house,
no water you brounght me for my feet [to wash].
But this very one, it’s with her tears she has wet my feet!
and with her hairs wiped them off.
Not a greeting kiss you gave me:
but this very one, ever since she came{/mss}a in,
has not stopped kissing me on my feet.
No oil you have brought out to pour on my head greeting as a guest:
but this very one, however,
with fragrant-oil has poured on my feet.
By virtue of this,
I tell you that her sins – her many sins! – have been forgiven:
— seeing that she has shown such deep love
while the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little.”
And he said to her,
“Your sins are forgiven.”
And those who reclined at the meal with him
said among themselves,
<Who is this guy who even forgives sins!>
And he said to the woman,
“You have put your trust in me, so are you made wholeb.
— Go in shalom!” ⌂

a 7:45 I came in {/mss} ░░ {/she came in}

7:50 made whole ░░ [sōzō in the context of healing]; /> saved – most;
Begins His ministry in Galilee
(Lk 8)
Women group following Him
Lk 8:1-3 (cf. Mt 4:23; 9:35; 27:55) (cf. Mk 16:9; 15:41) Women group following Him
8:1 And it came to be afterwards
that Yeshua went journeying through towns and villages,
proclaiming to bring good newsa
of the Kingdom reign of the Elohim. [9:2]

There ‘the Twelve’ were with him

and also an entourage of some women
who had been healed of evil spiritsb, yes, infirmities:
• Mariam, the one called a Magdalene,c was one of them
((she was the very one who once had
seven demonic spiritsd got driven out of her)),[Mk 16:9]
• and Yohanahe[24:10] the wife of Kuzaf, ((overseer in Herod’s))
• and Susanna and many other women
— these women were providing support for him and his disciples {/mss}
all drawing out of their own means. ◊

A parable of a sower
Lk 8:4-8 {//Mt 13:1-9; //Mk 4:1-9} parable of a sower
8:4 And when a large crowd gathered together
as the people from town after town were flocking to him,
he spoke in a parableg:
“The sower went out to sow his seed:
And as he sowed,
some fell alongside the foot-path, and it got trampled down
and the birds in the sky pecket it up.
And other fell on the rocky patch,
and after sprouting up
it withered away because it lacked moisture.
And other fell in among the thorny thistles,
and the thorny branches grew up with it and choked it off.

a 8:2 proclaiming to bring good news ░░ /x: preaching and proclaiming ~~;
b 8:2 evil spirits ░░ (only here and in Lk 7:21; Act 9:12, 13) [= unclean spirits 4:36ff = ‘defiling’.]
c 8:2 Mariam, the one called Magdalene ░░ ‘Mariam the Magdalene’ (Lk 24:10)
d 8:2 demons ░░ /x: devils – KJV; [‘seven demons’, i.e. seven-fold ‘demonic’ spirit/power]
e 8:3 Yohanah ░░ (=24:10); /Yochanah; /Joanna
f 8:3 Kuza ░░ /Kusa; /Chuza;
g 8:4ff parables ░░ [= illustrations in a story line to help understand some aspect of what is otherwise beyond

comprehension of the listeners. Many parables in the Gospels are to make truth claims. Many are allegorical, but not
same as allegories. Not ‘fables’ or ‘stories’.]
And some other fell on good soil
and, after sprouting up, brought forthe a crop a hundred-fold.”

As he told these things, he shouted,

“The one who has ears to hear, let him hear!”
Lk 8:9-10 {//Mt +13:10-17; //Mk +4:10-12} Reason for saying in Parables
And his disciples asked him
what this parable might be about.
And he said,
“To yoů it is given the privilege of understanding
the hidden truths of the Kingdom reign of the Elohim:
but to the rest it is given in parables,
so that, though looking, they may look in vain
and, though hearing, they may not get understanding. {Isa. 6:9}
Lk 8:11-15 {//Mt +13:18-23; //Mk +4:13-20} Interpretation of the parable of the sower
Now the parable is this:
The seed that is sown stands for the Word of the Elohim.
Now those [seeds] fallen alongside the foot-path are
[like in the case of] the [people] who have heard the Word;
then comes the devil a and takes it away from their heart,
such that they may not come to believe and get saved.
And those fallen upon the rocky base are like in the case of the ones who,
when they hear it, received the Word with joy.
But, as these do not have root,
they believe for a while
but in time when they are being tested they fall away.
And as for what fell among the thorny thistles —
these are [like in the case of] the ones who have heard
but, as they go on their way they get choked off
by worries and riches and pleasures of living b,
and fail to bring out fruit.
And as for that seed on good soil —
these are [like in the case of those] who
having heard the word  in a fine and good mind ,
hold it fast [in their hearts]
and bring forth fruit by virtue of their patient-endurance.

8:12 the devil ░░ [//Mk 4:15 – the Satan; //Mt 13:19 – ‘the evil one’]
8:14 living ░░ (Gk bios – also 2Ti 2:4), life, not Life (zōē). [Cf. psuchē]
Lk 8:16-18 {//Mk +4:21-25} (Cf. Mt 5:5; 10:26; 7:2; 13:12) Listen
“And no one, after lighting an oil-lamp,
covers up it with a vessel or puts it underneath a bed;
but places it upon a lamp-stand,
so that the people may see the light as they come in. [8:16 // 11:33; //Mt 5:15]
Indeed, there is nothing hidden,
that will not become revealed;
nor anything kept concealed,
that will not be known and come to light. [8:16 // 12:2; //Mt 10:26]
Pay attention then how yoů hear this!
As yoů should see —
whoever has something,
more will be given to him!
but whoever does not have [to begin with],
even what he thinks he has
will be taken away from him!” [8:18 //19:26][//Mk 4:25] (cf. //Mt 13:12 //25:29)◊
Real kindred
Lk 8:19-21 {Mt 12:46-50; Mk 3:31-35} Yeshua’s real kindred
8:19 And there came to him his mother and brothers
and they were not able to get to him because of the crowd.
And a message was sent in to him,
<Your mother and your brothers are standing outside.
They want to see yoů.>
But he answered and said to them,
“My mother and my brothers are these:
the ones who hear the word of the Elohim and are doing it.” ◊
On the ship
A storm stilled in the Sea
Lk 8:22-25 {//Mt 8:18, 23-27; //Mk 4:35- 41} Across the Sea
8:22 Now it came be on one of those days,
that he on his part got into a small fishing ship, also his disciples,
and he said to them,
“Let us go over to the other side of the Sea.”
And they set sail.
Stilling the storm
But as they sailed, he fell asleep.
Now a violent windstorm came down on the Sea
[+ rushing down from the Golan Heights],
and they began to be swamped and were in danger.
And having come down to him to wake him up, they said
“Chief, chief¡ a we are about to perish!”
And he awoke and rebuked the wind and the raging waves;
and they stopped and it became calm.
And he said to them, “Where is yoůr faith?”

a 8:24 Chief! ░░ (epistatēs) /> Master! – most; [IRENT renders kurios, kurie as ‘Master’, not ‘Lord’]
And they were awe struck and astonished, saying to one another,
“Who really is this man?
He commands even winds. And the waves
— see, how they’re obeying him!”

to Decapolis
Healing a Gerasene demoniac
Lk 8:26-39 {//Mt +8:28-34; //Mk +5:1-20} Healing a Gerasene demoniac
8:26 And they sailed down to the region of the Gerasenesa
[in northernmost DECAPOLIS]
which is on the eastern side opposite across the Sea GALILEE .
And as Yeshua came ashore,
there came upon him a certain man from the town
who was demon-afflicted.
This man had gone about with no clothes on for a long time;
and was homelessb and made his place in a cemetery area.c
And when he saw Yeshua, a cry broke out from him,
and fell down at Yeshua’s feet,
and with a loud voice said,
“What is it to me and to you, O Yeshua,
son of the Elohim the Most High!
I beg you, do not torment me.”
This man acted in this way because Yeshua was already engaged
in the task of bidding the unclean spirit to come out of the man.
((As for that spirit, on many an occasion
it had seized the man with great violence,
people then secured him binding down with chains and fetters
so as to keep him safe.
However, he would break off whatever binds him down
and be driven by the demonic spirit into the uninhabited area.))
And Yeshua asked him, saying
“What is your name?”
And he said, “Legion.”d
((It is that unclean spirit of many demonic spirits had entered him.))
And the demonic spirits kept pleading with him
that he would not order them back to the ‘abyss’.

a 8:26 of the Gerasenes ░░ (of Gerasene people) = Mk 5:1; [as in Mt 8:28 v.l. for Gadarenes]; [Prob. modern Kheras,
on E shore of the Lake, 12 miles N. of Gadara.]; /town of Gerasa – CEV; /
b 8:27 was homeless ░░ /lived not in a house – most; /
c 8:27 and made his place in a cemetery area ░░ [+ outside the town – NLT]; /but among the tombs – ESV, NET; /xx:

but in the tombs – most; [Cf. mnēmeion (Mt 23:39) vs. tafos (Mt 23:27)];
8:30 Legion ░░ [parody on a unit of Roman army, about 5000 men.]
Now there was a large herda of swine
being fed there on the hillside.
So they pleaded with him to let them enter into these swine.
As he let them
the demonic spirits came out of the man
and entered into the swine [as he commanded],
and the herd of swine rushed down the cliff into the Galilee Lake
and was drowned, [carrying all the demonic spirits with them].
And when the swine-herders saw what had happened,
they fled and told it in the town and in the countryside.
And the town people came out to see what had happened,
and they came to Yeshua
and found the man from whom the demonic spirits had gone out
— now clothed and sound-minded, sitting at the feet of Yeshua!;
and they became afraid.
And those who had seen it told these people
how that demon-afflicted man was made whole
[and how many pigs they got lost].
So all the crowd of the region around the Gerasenes
asked him to get away from them
because they were greatly afraid of what else he might cause.
Thus he got into {the} ship
to turn away from them.
But the man, from whom the demonic spirits had gone out,
begged him to come along:
but Yeshua told him to send him away,
“No, go back to your home;
and tell to relate
what great things the Elohim has done to you.”
And he went off on his way and spread all over the town
the news of all the things Yeshua had done for him. ◊

8:32 large herd of swine ░░ [2,000 of them (about $200,000 worth) – Mk 5:13]
from Dalmanutha back to KepharNahum
Healing Ya′ir’s daughter and a woman
Lk 8:40-56 {//Mt 9:18-26; //Mk +5:21-43} Ya′ir’s daughter &a woman with hemorrhage
8:40 When Yeshua returned, the crowd received him;
in fact, they were all waiting for him.
And look¡ a man named Ya′ira came,
who was a presiding officerb of the synagogue,
and falling down at the feet of Yeshua
pleaded with him to come to his house;
for she was his one-and-only daughter, about twelve years of age,
and she was dying.
As he was on the way the crowds thronged and pressed round him.
And there came a woman,
afflicted with a ‘flow of blood’c for twelve years,
who {had spent all her means of subsistence on healers, but} [cf. Mk

could not be cured by any one,

approached from behind him
and grasped on to the tassel at the hem of his robe.
And instantly her ‘flow of blood’ ceased.
And Yeshua said, “Who is it that touched me?”
And all denying, Kefa {and those who were with him} said,
“ O Chief¡ the crowds are hemming you in
and are pressing on you
{and you say, <Who touched me>?!}”
But Yeshua said,
“Yes, someone did touch me;
for I became clearly aware that
somehow power for healing had flowed out from me.”
And the woman, seeing she could not go unnoticed,
came up to him trembling and fell down before him.
She disclosed before all the people
why she came to touch him and how she was healed instantly.
And he said to her,
“Have courage, daughter¡
it is by your faith that you have been restored.
Go on your way in peace.” ◊

a 8:41 Ya'ir ░░ /> Jairus

b 8:41 presiding officer (of the synagogue) ░░ /x: ruler – KJV;
c 8:43 ‘flow of blood’ ░░ [= ‘uterine bleeding’ (a common affliction of women) which makes her ritually 'unclean',

which, in turn, makes anyone touching her also ritually unclean, obligating themselves to go through 'purification rites'.
Cf. Lev 15:25]
While these words were still being spoken,
someone came with this message
from the house of the synagogue presiding officer:
“Your daughter has died;
do not trouble the teacher {anymore}.”
But Yeshua, on hearing this, gave Yairus theses words:
“Do not fear. Only believe, [+nothing else right now],
and she shall be made well.”
And when he came to the house,
he didn’t let anyone to go in with him,
except Kefa and Yohan and Yaakob
and the child’s father as well as mother.
And weeping was everyone in the house —
and grieving over her.
But he said,
“Stop weeping; the child is not dead and gone;
no, only resting in sleep.”
And they chuckled at him to scorn,
for they knew that she was dead.
But as for him,
{having put everyone outside and} taking hold of her hand,
he called out to her, saying “My [[/child]], get up.”

And her spirit returned and she rose up instantly
And he ordered something be given her to eat.
And her parents were astonished.
But he charged them
not to tell around to anyone what had happened. ◊
(Lk 9)
The Twelve sent out
Lk 9:1-6 {//Mt 10:5-15; //Mk 6:7-13} (←6:12) [cf. Lk 10:1-16] The Twelve sent outa
9:1 Now the day came when Yeshua called to him
the ‘Twelve’ disciples together,
he gave them power and authority
to cast out all kinds of demonic spirits and to bring diseases to cure.
And he sent them out to go and proclaim the Kingdom reign of the Elohim
and to heal the sick.
And he said to them, [9:3-5 //10:3-12 cf. Mt 10:7-15]
“Take nothing for yoůr journey,
neither a staff{/mss} [other than one yoů have],
nor pauper’s bag, nor bread, nor silver money;
nor spareb tunic to have.
And wherever yoů enter into a house,
stay there until yoů leave that town.
And as for those who do not receive yoů,
yoů should, upon leaving that town,
shake the dust off yoůr feet
for a testimony against them.”
And they started off and went through the villages
bringing good news and healing people everywhere they go. ◊
Lk 9:7-9 {//Mt 14:1-2; //Mk 6:14-16, 20b} Herod mistook Yeshua as Yohanan
9:7 Now Herod the tetrarch heard of
all the things that were happening by Yeshua,
and he was perplexed,
because some said
<It’s Yohanan! he is raised from among the dead!>
and others said
<Eliyahu! [2Kg 2:11] he has appeared.>
and still others said
<One of the old prophets has come back to life!>.
And Herod said,
“Yohanan? — I [certainly] had him beheaded, didn’t I?c
But who is this?
How come I [with my own ears] now hear
such strange things about him?”
And he sought tried to see and meet him. ◊

a 9:1-6 <Sending out the Twelve> ░░ [Rather than founding a “new” Israel as a replacement for “old” Israel,
the appointment of the Twelve signaled the restoration of the twelve tribes and a redemption for all of Israel]
b 9:3 no spare tunic ░░ [Gk. ‘not have two tunics’]
c 9:9 Yohanan ~ beheaded ░░ [According to Josephus, Yohanan was executed at Machaerus, a frontier

fortress, east of the Dead Sea, BAR 38:05 2012, pp. 30-41.www.bib-arch.org/bar/ Machaerus: Where Salome
Danced and John the Baptist Was Beheaded ][Cf. Tiberias, Herod’s capital.]
Lk 9:10a {//Mk 6:30} (cf. //Mt +14:12b) transitio
And upon their return, those who had been sent out by Yeshua a [← 6:13]
recounted to him what things they had done. ◊

from KepharNahum towards Bethsaida

Feeding five thousand
Lk 9:10b-17 {//Mt 14:13-21; //Mk 6:31-44; //Jn 6:2-14} Feeding five thousandb
9:10b And Yeshua took them and went offc to be all alone by themselves
[from KepharNahum] toward a solitary place
in the vicinity of a town called{/mss} Bethsaida
[on the north shore of the Sea].

But the crowds got to know it
and began to come after him.
There, having received them
he began to speak to them about the Kingdom reign of the Elohim
and healed those who needed to be cured. [cf. Mt 14:14; //Mk Ø]

The day then began to be declining.
Having come up to his side,
the ‘Twelve’ said to him,
“Send the crowd away! if they make their way
into the villages around here, also the hamlets,
they could somewhere to stay for the night and
find some provisions.
You see, out here we are all alone — middle of nowhere!”
But he said to them,
“Yoů give them something to eat here! [Don’t chase them off.]”
And they said,
“Nothing more than five loaves
and two fish we’ve got here —
unless, of course, we ourselves go and buy some food stuff
for all of these people!”
In fact, there were about five thousand mend there.

And he said to his disciples,
“Get them recline [on the grass] in groups about fifty each”

9:10 those who had been sent out ░░ /apostles – most [anachronistic religious technical term]; /
9:10b-17 <FIVE thousand fed> ░░ [Lk does not record the Mt-Mk pericope <Feeding FOUR Thousand>
{Mt +15:32-39; //Mk +8:1-10} in the setting for the Gentile people and 7 loaves with 7 basketful leftovers.]
9:10b went off ░░ [‘by their fishing ship’ in the setting of //Mt 14:13 //Mk 6:32]
d 9:14 men [+] ░░ [+ in addition to women and children] [Mt 14:21]
And they did so and had them all recline.
And he took the five loaves and the two fish,
and looking up to the heaven he gave blessed words a
and broke them and handed them to the disciples
to place before the crowd.
And they all ate and were satisfied,
and what pieces left over were gathered, twelve baskets. ◊

<Intervening long section>

Luke does not show this intervening long section

in Mt 14:22-16:12; //Mk 6:45-8:26 – which includes percopes of:
(1) <Walking by the Lake (on the sea)>’ (Mt 14:13-21; //Mt 6:30-44) and
(2) <Feeding of the four thousand> (Mt 15:32-39 //Mk 8:1-10).

The Way to the Cross (Lk 9:18-36)

Yeshua confronts Kefa
Lk 9:18-21 {//Mt 16:13-20; //Mk 8:27-30} So-called Peter’s confessionb
9:18 And it came to be, as he by himself was praying,
the disciples came together to him
and he put the question to them, saying
“Who do the crowds say that I myself am to be?”
And they replied:
“Some say <You’re Yohanan the Immerser>;
but others say, <Eliyahu>,
and others say <One of the prophets of ancient days has risen>.”
And he said to them,
“Now yoů, who do yoů say I am?”
And [it was] Kefac [who] answered, saying,
“the true Anointed Oned of the Elohim!”

But he strictly charged them to tell this to no one. ◊

a 9:16 gave blessed words [+] ░░ [+ the One who brings bread out of the earth] /xxx: blessed the food - NASB, GW;
b 9:18ff<Yeshua confronts Kefa> ░░ [So-called <Peter’s confession> is a misleading and inaccurate theological term It
is Yeshua’s confronting Kefa with ‘who do you think I’m’.] [G-Lk does not mention of the setting (‘on the way to
Caesarea Philippi).]
c 9:20 Kefa ░░ [in Heb./Aramaic, meaning ‘stone’ ‘rocky’]; /> Peter; [a Greek translation word. Yeshua called him by

his original name ‘Shimon’ (Mt 16:18), not by 'Peter'.]

d 9:20 Anointed One ░░ [a Mashiah-king figure] [Here not as a title; Yeshua never let it be known openly that he was

the Mashiah, until His hour came here as the narrative moves towards the Passion Week.] [He is beyond the Davidic
royal Mashiah for Israel, to overthrow the Roman power] /the Mashiah; /xxx: the Christ;
Foretelling His Passion
#1 of foretelling His death and resurrection
Lk 9:22 {//Mt +16:21-23; //Mk +8:31-33} Foretellsa His death & resurrection
He also said,
“It is necessaryb for this Son-of-man to suffer many thingsc
And to be rejected [+ after being put on trial]
by the Elders and chief priests and soferim,
And to be put to deathd
and on the third day to be raised up [to Life].” [=18:33; 24:7] [Cf. Hos 6:2]
Lk 9:23-27 {//Mt +16:24-28; //Mk +8:34-39} Conditions of Discipleship
Then he said to all [of them],
“If any of yoů wants to come after me [on my journey],
he must once and for all say ‘No’ to your very self [+]e,
and take up your own execution stakef {day after day} [Cf. 1Co 15:31]
and be following me. [v. 23; //14:27 //Mt 10:38] g
In fact, whoever desires to keep their own being of lifeh safe
shall have it lost;
but whoever will lose one’s own being of life because of me,
shall have it back safe. [v. 24 //17:33]
Indeed, what does it profit, having gained the whole world
but it is one’s very self that a person loses or forfeitsi?
Truth to tell, whoever is ashamed of me and of my words,
the Son-of-man will be ashamed of this one,
when he comes in the glory of him and of the Father
and of the holy angels.” [v. 26 //12:9 //Mt 10:33]

a 9:22 <Foretelling of His death and resurrection> ░░ [2nd time – 9:43; 3rd time – 18:33] [It is ‘foretelling’ of what is to
come on the course.; there is no such thing as ‘prediction’]
b 9:22 it is necessary ░░ [in this context, it is a circumlocution for ‘by God’s will’]
c 9:22 suffer many things ░░ [Yeshua’s ‘suffering’ does not refer to the crucifixion]
d 9:22 put to death ░░ />> killed; [not simply ‘kill’ but ‘execute’]
e 9:23, 25 very self [+] ░░ [‘sacrosanct self’ being one’s own Lord]; (Gk. heautou ‘oneself’); [cf. ≈ Gk. psuchē (‘*life’

‘*soul’) in v. 25.] [Here ‘self-abnegation’ is of my will and my desire (for pleasure, pride, and power) and things which
provide me satisfaction and joy, occupying the center of my mind – to be replaced by God’s desire and concerns.]
f 9:23 execution stake ░░ Gk. stauros; /x: *cross - most; [synecdoche for a transverse cross-beam part.] [In a figurative

sense (as in 14:27) – criminals marching on their way to execution, carrying it shamed through the midst of a jeering
mob.] [no allusion to Yeshua’s death on the ‘Cross’];
g 9:23 following me ░░ [a hymn - https://youtu.be/mvZp87bIxU8 I have decided to follow Jesus.];
h 9:24 whole being of life ░░ [Gk. psuchē. cf. ≈ ‘very self’ in vv. 23 & 25.] />> life - most; /soul – NWT;
i 9:25 loses or forfeits ░░ [word play – as in //Mt 16:25 (lose) and 16:26 (forfeit)]
Transfiguration vision for the reality of God’s Kingdom
Lk 9:27 {//Mt +16:28; //Mk +9:1} God’s Kingdom to be shown
[And he said to them], [after Mk 9:1]
“Now, I’m telling yoů earnestly, there are some [of yoů] standing here,
who shall surely not come to face death, a
until first they see the Kingdom reign of the Elohim
[which has come].” [← Mk 9:1]

Lk 9:28-36 {//Mt +17:1-8; //Mk +9:2-8} Transfiguration vision

And thus [in actual fact]
it came to pass that about eight days after these words,
he took with him Kefa, also Yohan and Yaakob,
and went up to the mountainb to pray.
And it came to be, as he was praying,
the appearance of his face changed [to their eyes] c
and his clothes became gleaming white
— all shining and radiant .
And look¡ two men were there conversing with him here
— Moses and Eliyahu [2Kg 2:11]! d
Being revealed in [heavenly] glory
they were talking about his ‘departure’
which he was about to carry out in Yerusalem.e
Meanwhile as for Kefa and the other two with him
they had been being weighed down with sleep;
then, when they became fully awakened
there they saw the Glory of Yeshua
and the two men standing along with him.
And it came to be,
as the two were leaving him,
Kefa blurted out to Yeshua,
it is good for us to be here!
yes, allowf us to set up three tentsg
— one for you . . .
also one for Moses and one for Eliyahu . . .”
— not knowing by himself what he was really saying. (//Mt Ø)

a 9:27 come to face death ░░ /> experience death – NET; /x: die – GNB; /> taste (of) death – KJV, most;
9:28 the mountain ░░ [‘a high mountain’ - //Mt; //Mk. Cf. a high mountain Lk 4:5 v.l.]
9:29 appearance ~ changed ░░ [What changed is their vision, not Yeshua’s reality.]
9:30 Moses and Eliyahu ░░ [representing the Torah and the Nevi'im, respectively, of the Old Covenant
– along with Yeshua Himself representing Grace of the New Covenant – cf. Jn 1:16-17].
9:31 <verse> ░░ [the verse not in //G-Mt]
9:33 allow us to set up░░ /let us make – most; [‘we should set up’ - //Mt 17:4]
9:33 tents ░░ /booths; /x: tabernacles; /x: shelters; [allusion to Sukkot, the Festival of Tents/Booths]
And Kefa was saying these, there came a cloud
and threw its shadow over them
and awe swept over them as the cloud over shadowed them:
And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying
“This is my Son, the Chosen One! {mss} [3:22; Heb 1:5]
— ☼Listen attentively to him!” [ ☼Deu 18:15]
And after the voice was gone,
they found there was no one there at all but Yeshua.
And on their part they kept it all to themselves
and in the days afterwards
told no one anything of what they had seen.

Healing an epileptic son

Lk 9:37-43a {//Mt 17: 14-21; //Mk 9:14-29} Healing an epileptic son
9:37 Now it came to be on the next day
after they came down from the mountain,
a large crowd came upon Yeshua .
And look¡ a mman cried out from the crowd, saying
“Teacher¡ please, look upon my son with favor, I beg you
— you see that he is my one-and-only child!
See! a spirit gets hold of him
and there comes suddenly a shriek.
It throws him into a convulsion,
with foaming at the mouth
and hardly it leaves from him until he’s badly hurt. …
“Yes, I begged your disciples to expel it out,
but they could not.”
And in response Yeshua said,
“O, ☼generation of people I see
— faithless to God and perverting truth! [+]a
How long will I be with yoů all and put up with yoů?”
[And told the father,]
“Bring your son over here.”
Even as the child was coming,
the demonic spirit wrecked him and threw into convulsions.
But Yeshua rebuked the unclean spirit
and divinely healed the boy
and gave him back to his father.
And they were all awe struck at the majestic power of the Elohim.

17:17 perverting truth [+] ░░ [+ from their thoughts by putting man’s will first as God’s – those in
power] [Phi 2:15] {☼Deu 32:5}
Foretelling His Passion

#2 of foretelling His Passion

Lk 9:43b-45 {//Mt +17:22-23; //Mk +9:30-32} Foretelling His Passion
9:43b But while all were in wonder
at all the things which Yeshua did,
he said to his disciples,
“Yoů ☼put these words into yoůr ears:
the Son-of-man is about to be delivered
into the hands of men. [Cf. 9:22; Cf. 18:33]
But they were not understanding what was spoken
— ((in fact, its meaning was hidden from them,
so that they would not grasp it)) —
yet they were afraid to ask him about what they were told.

Which one is greater among you

Lk 9:46-47 {//Mt 18:1-2; //Mk +9:33-36} Which one is greater among us
Now a discussion started among the disciples,
as to which one might be greatera among them.
But knowing the thinking in their heart,
Yeshua took a child to put by his side,

Lk 9:48 {//Mk +9:37} (cf. Mt 10:40) Receive like children

and said to them,
“Whoever receives this childb
and does so for the sake of my name
it is me that they’re receiving
and whoever receive me
receives the very One who has sent me:
Indeed, the one who finds oneself
lesser among all of yoů,
is [in fact] the one who is [really] great.” c

9:46 which one ~ greater ░░ /x: who is the greatest;
9:48 child ░░ [word play in Aramaic, child or servant]
9:48 <verse> ░░ [Cf. Thematically 18:17 is appropriate to come before 9:48 here, and this 9:48 would be
more appropriate to be in place of 18:17. See Mk 10:15 fn.]
Lk 9:49-50 {//Mt Ø ; //Mk +9:38-40} The one not against you is for you
And Yohan answered and said,
“ O Chief¡ we saw someone
casting out demonic spirits, doing in your name,
and we tried to stop him because he is not coming with us.”
But Yeshua said to him,
“Do not try to stop him:
Indeed, the one who is not against yoů,
is for yoů{/mss} [doing in my name].” a ◊

9:50 not against yoů ~ for yoů {/mss} ░░ {/~ us ~~ us – most, incl. KJV+} //Mk 9:40 [different expression
from ‘not with me ~ against me’ in Lk 11:23 = Mt 12:30 (referring to Yeshua himself).]
PART III: Rejection of the Son-of-man (9:51 ff)
III. A & B. Road to Yerusalem
[⇦II. Galilean Ministry 4:14;⇨III. C. Final Ministry in Yerusalem]

A & B. Road to Yerusalem 9:51 – 19:28

((G-Lk Special Section 9:51-18:14))

9:51 – 18:14 G- Luke’s Special Section

Lk 9:51 (Cf. Mt 19:1; Mk 10:1a) Destiny: Yerusalem

9:51 Now it came to be, as the days were being fulfilled
for him to be taken up [from out of the world]
Yeshua, on his part, set out his way to Yerusalem.
Lk 9:52-56 Spurned by a Samaritan village
9:52 And he sent out scouts ahead of him.
These went and entered a village of Samaritans,
to make things ready for him.
However, the villagers did not welcome him [this time]a
when they found out that actually it was to Yerusalem he set his way.b
And when his disciples Yaakob and Yohanc saw what happened,
they said,
“Master, do you want us to call down

fire from the heaven to burn them all up {as Eliyahu did also}?”
But he turned around and rebuked them
{saying, “Yoů do not know of what sort of spirit yoů are having.”}
{((For | the Son-of-man did not come to get men’s souls destroyed
but to save them.))}
And they moved on and went to another village. ◊

9:53 did not welcome ░░ [compare with their initial response by Samaritans in the early days of Yeshua’s’
ministry – Jn 4:39-41]
9:53 Yerusalem ░░ [+ which was not to their liking as it competed against their Mount Gerizim for
the center of the Festivals on the part of Samaritans.]
9:54 Yaakob and Yohan ░░ [nicknamed as ‘sons of thunder’ in Mk 3:17 for their temper.]
9:57 – 11:13 The meaning of discipleship

Lk 9:57-62 {//Mt 8:18-22} On following Yeshua

And as they were making progress on their journey,
a certain man [came up and] said to him,
“I’ll follow you
wherever you may be going, {sir}.”
And Yeshua said to him,
“The foxes have dens
and the birds of the sky have nests;
but what does this Son-of-man have?
Not a spot to lay down his head [for tonight]!”
And he said to another,
“[Why don’t you] be a follower of me!”
But he said,
“Master¡ it is for my [deceased] father
[that I have one thing yet to take care of].
Please allow me first to go back
and see his re-burial be done right away
[before I set out to follow you].”
But Yeshua said to him,
“Yes, as for those [living] dead ones —
let them take care of burying their own dead ones.
You, however, are to be on your way
and proclaim the Kingdom reign of the Elohim.”
And another also said,
“I’ll follow you, Master¡
But allow me first to say goodbye to those folks in my
But Yeshua said to him,
“No one who has once put his hand to the plow
and then looks on the things left behind [cf. 9:23; 14:27; 33]
is suited for the Kingdom reign of the Elohim.” ⌂

(Lk 10)
Sending out the seventy
Lk 10:1-12 (cf. Lk 9:1-6; //Mt 10:5-15; //Mk 6:7-13) (cf. 6:12-16) the seventy are sent out
Now after these things the Master appointed {also}
another set [of men], seventy {two} in number.
These he would send out, two by two, in advance of him
whenever he himself intended to visit a town or some other place.
Then he said to them,

“The harvest indeed is going to be big,

but the workers are few:
Well then, turn to the Master of the harvest
and plead to thrust workers into his harvest!
“Get going! Yoů go-forth! [10:3-12 //9:3-5]
Look¡ I’m sending yoů out like lambs
into a pack of wolves.
[+For this journey] carry no money-pouch, no pauper’s bag,
not [even spare] sandals;
also, as yoů are on the road,
don’t get into people to stop yoů and schmooze.
And into whatever house yoů may enter,
what yoů do first is to say <Shalom to this family!>
And if a friendly persona is found in there,
the very shalom from yoůr greeting will rest upon him:
If it be otherwise, it is to yoů that
yoůr wishes will come back the way it went!
And stay in that same welcoming home,
accepting whatever they provide you
in the way of food and refreshing water:
indeed, the laborer does deserve his wages. [1Ti 5:18; 1Co 9:14]
Let there be no [need of] moving
from house to another [+ to find support] .
“And into whatever town yoů may enter
and when the people receive yoů,
yoů’re going to take whatever food put before yoů:
and heal the sick there and say to them,
<The Kingdom reign of the Elohim is here upon yoů. [cf. 17:21]>

10:5 friendly person ░░ [‘son of shalom’ is a Hebrew idiom]
But into whatever town yoů may enter
and when the people do not receive yoů,
get back on to its main streets,
and say,
<Even the dust from yoůr town that clings to our feet
— we are wiping off against yoů.
Nevertheless, know this:
that the Kingdom reign of the Elohim has here upon yoů.>
I’m telling yoů all, what will befall Sodom on that day [of Judgment]
will be more bearable than for that town will have to bear.
Woes to Galilean cities
Lk 10:13-15 {//Mt 11:20-24} Woes to Galilean cities
“How terrible and shameless it is
to you, Chorazin, [you here in Galilee] !
How terrible and shameless it is
to you, Bethsaida, [you here in Galilee] !
Straight to tell, if it were, instead, Tyre and Sidon a
that had seen such mighty God’s works which yoů have seen,
they would have turned their hearts to God’s way,
sitting on the ground, put on sackcloth
and covered their heads with ashes in [expression of] grief.
Still, even as things are,
what will befall Tyre and Sidon on that day [of Judgment]
will turn out to be more bearable than what will befall yoů.
And as for you, KepharNahum [you here in GALILEE]¡
is it supposed to be that you’ll be exalted to heaven?
Far from it: Down to Hades you will fall!
Lk 10:16 {//Mt 10:40} (Jn 13:20) ‘The one who hears you, hears me’
“The one who listens to yoů [now being sent by me]
— in fact, is listening to me,
and the one who rejects yoů
— in fact, is rejecting me,
and the one who rejects me
— is rejecting the very One who sent me. ◊

10:13 Tyre and Sidon [+] ░░ [— those awful cities in *SYROPHOENICIA];
Return of the seventy
Lk 10:17-20 Return of the seventy
And the seventy {two} returned with joy, saying
“Master¡ even the demonsa are made themselves
subject to us [confronting them] in your name.”
“Yes,” replied Yeshua to them,
“I watched the Satan ☼fall like a lightning
from the heaven! b {☼ Isa 14:12a}
See what I’ve given yoů? {/mss}c — the very authority
to ☼trample down on serpents and scorpions {☼Ps 91:13}
yes, authority over all the power of the enemy [to God];
and nothing shall by any means bring harm to yoů. [cf. Mk 16:18]
Nevertheless, don’t rejoice over this
that those [evil human] spirits are made themselves subject to
but {rather} rejoice
that yoůr names have been written in the heavens.” ◊

Lk 10:21-22 {//Mt 11:25-27} Yeshua thanking the Father

10:21 {+mss}d
In the very hour Yeshua overjoyed in the spirit
and said,
“I thank and openly give praise to You,
O Abba¡e Lord of the heaven and the earth!
seeing that you have hidden these things
from those so wise and learned [apart from You]
and revealed them those babe-like.
Yes, O Abba, I praise You
because that’s just how it became a delight in Your sight.”
And having turned to the disciples, he said,}
“All things have been committed to me
by my Father;
And no one knows who the Son is,
except the Father,
and who the Father is, no one knows except the Son and
except those to whom the Son chooses to reveal the Father.”

10:17 demonic spirits ░░ /demons – most; /xx: devils – KJV;
10:18 fall ~ from the heaven ░░ [A Semitism = ‘losing one’s power and influence’];
10:19 have given {/mss} ░░ {/give}
d 10:21 {+mss} spirit ░░ {+ holy} sprit; /spirit {+ of Yeshua}
10:21 *Abba¡ ░░ /Father – most; / {+ mss} [IRENT renders ‘father’ as ‘Abba’ Aramaic loanword when it
functions as vocative to address the Elohim, whom Yeshua addresses Him as Abba, never as ‘YHWH’ or
‘the Elohim’].
Lk 10:23-24 {//Mt 13:16-17} Blessed are the disciples
And turning to the all disciples by themselves,
he said,
“Blessed are the eyes
which see what yoů are seeing!
Indeed, I’m telling yoů that
many prophets and kings have been longing
see what yoů are seeing but never seeing it,
and to hear what yoů’re hearing but never hearing it.” ◊

10:25-37 Question on ‘Love your neighbor’

10:25-28 Question from a Torah-sage
10:29-37 Yeshua’s answer (Parable of ‘Good Samaritan’

On Life eternal; ‘good Samaritan’

Lk 10:25-28 (cf. 18:18-23) Torah-sage’s question on Life eternal
10:25 And look¡ a certain Torah-sage came forward
to stand up against Yeshua
and brought a question to put him to test in challenge,
“Teacher¡ what is that I’ve to do [to assure myself]
to receive Life eternalb as my portion [as God grants] c
[+to live here and now]?” [= 18:18]
And instead of an answer, he asked him back,
“What is written in the Torah?
What do you [find there when you] read?”
And in answering, he said, [v. 27. – Cf. Mk 12:30-31 //Mt 22: 37-39]

a 10:25-28 <A Torah sage’s question on eternal life> ░░ [this may be a Lukan doublet of another pericope Lk 18:18-23
(wealthy leader); //Mt 19:16-24 (wealthy young man); //Mk 10:17-22 (wealthy man)]. [Not to be confused with a
different Mt-Mk pericope of ‘God’s great commandment’ //Mt 22:34-40; //Mk 12:28-34]
b 10:25 Life eternal ░░ (also 18:18); /x: everlasting life; [Here it is in the sense of ‘blessed life from God’, that is, the

God’ kingdom to come. No eschatological tone. Different context and nuance from a typical Johannine use.] [not ‘to go
to heaven after death’.]
c 10:25 receive ~ as my portion [as God grants] ░░ /x: inherit;
“[in Deuteronomy:] {part of Shema - Deu 6:5}a

<You shall loveb Adonai your Elohim
out of your whole heartc
and with your whole being,d
and with all your strength
— {yes, with the whole of your mind}>;
Also [in Leviticus] {☼Lev 19:18} [//Mt 19:19; 22:39; //Mk 12:31, 33; Jm 2:8]

<love your neighbor
as [a person like] yourself.>”e
And he said to him,
“So, right! You have answered it, haven’t you?
This — you keep on ☼doing;
then, you shall live.” [ ☼ Lev 18:5] 
Lk 10:29-37 Answers with Parable of a good Samaritanf
10:29 That Torah-savvy person, now being anxious to prove himself
to be really someone in his position
[on that matter of scrupulously keeping the commandments],
did what he could do there:
— he threw back another question to Yeshua,
“[All right, then,]
just who is [fit to be] my neighbor?”

Taking it up from him, Yeshua then begins to tell … [+]g
“A certain man was going down. . .
from Yerusalem to Yerichoh. . . Yerusalem  Yericho 14 mi
and fell into the hands of banditsi.
Having stripped him and inflicted blows as well,
they ran off, leaving him {being} half-dead.
“There, by chance, was a certain priest
coming down on that road
and when he spotted it [afar], – [How could he be bothered!] –
he went by on the other side [of the road].

a 10:27 <verse> ░░ [*Shema Deu 6:5 is quoted: partly in Lk; incompletely in Mt 22:37; fully in Mk 12:30.]
b 10:27 *love ░░ [Not ‘worship’] [in response to the Elohim who is love (1Jn 4:1); not to make Him love us.] [Fear of
God is the other side of one’s love of God. (Pro 1:7; Psa 110:10; 103:13)] [= ‘honor the name of the Elohim’ Mt 6:9]
c 10:27 heart ░░ [not just a seat of emotion and feeling; but involves experiencing in life; tightly interwoven with

‘mind’.] [‘from your heart ~~ with all your strength’ = ‘who you are what you are’.]
d 10:27 your whole being ░░ (Gk. psuchē) /all your soul – most; [with hands, heart, head of human being]
e 10:27b as a person like yourself ░░ [Mt 19:19b; 22:39; Mk 12:31, 33; Gal 5:14; Rm 13:10; cf. 2Ti 3:2; Jam 2:8] [not

‘as you love yoursef’.] [*self-love = opposite of love; root of sin]

f 10:29-37 <Parable of a good Samaritan> > ░░ [This is not an isolated one, but an integral part with the preceding vv.

25-28 <Torah sage’s question on eternal life>]

g 10:30 to tell … [+] ░░ [+ to give a story! instead of an erudite expounding:]
h 10:30 *Yericho ░░ [‘City of Palm trees’ – oasis twin-city (old Jewish and newer Roman). Royal class kept their palaces

there. (Cf. Bethphage - the ‘bedroom community’ for priests.) Presence in the narrative of a *priest and a *Levite on this
road gives a hint of their on-going collusion with political power.]
i 10:30 bandits ░░ /> robbers – most; /xx: thieves – KJV;
And likewise, a Levite also came on the scene there
and saw it — he went by on the other side, too.
But a certain Samaritan traveling on the road came upon
where the man was fallen
and, at seeing him, he was moved with pity
So, he went over to him, and bound up the wounds
after having poured olive oil and winea over them;
[And then,] putting him upon his own beast of burden,
brought him to an inn and there he cared for him.
And on the next day, {upon departing},
he took out two denariib and gave them to the innkeeper
and said, <Look after him, will you?
And whatever you may spend more for him,
on my coming back here,
I myself will certainly repay you.>
“Now, the hard-hitting question is
<To this one here who fell into the hands of those bandits —
which one of these three {then} seems to you
to have become himself
to be a neighbor — to the very one in need?>”
And that one very sage in the Torah said,
“[Must I really say ‘Samaritan’?! . . . ]. It’s the one . . .
who ‘showed’ compassion on him.”
This is then what Yeshua said to him,
“Off you go and it’s for you
— do likewise as you now know well!” ⌂

10:35 wine ░░ i.e. fermented grape-juice.
10:35 denarii ░░ [A denarius (silver coin) = an average day’s wage for a laborer (Mt 20:2)]
10:38-42 Martha’s Lesson

Martha and Mariam

Lk 10:38-42 Martha and Mariam
10:38 Now as they were going on their way,
Yeshua entered into a certain villagea
and here a certain woman named Marthab
received him {into her home}.
And she had a sister named Mariamc who came [and chose]
to sit down at the feet of Yeshua and was listening to his word.
But Martha felt herself overburdened
by all that she had to wait on,
and she came over to him and said
“Master, it doesn’t matter to you that, as it seems,
my sister has left me alone to wait on, does it?
Tell her to pitch in for me, [+]d will you please?”
But Yeshua answered and said to her,
“Martha, Martha¡ you {are concerned unduly
and} seem got troubled
over so much} [— there, full in your hands]. e
Indeed, [+at present] there is only one thing important{/mss}f
— don’t forget, [+]g
∙ ∙ ∙ As for Mariam, she on her part showed
to have made a choice, the right one for her own.
That won’t be taken away from her [for now].” ⌂

10:38 certain village ░░ [most likely Bethany (Jn 11:1)]
b 10:38 Martha ░░ [meaning ‘Lady’]
c 10:39 Mariam ░░ /Mary – (English); [Note: several different persons with this same common name.]
d 10:40 for me [+] ░░ [+ and let do her part along with me], will you, please]
e 10:41 distracted ░░ [i.e. preoccupied with and putting ‘things and problems’ first, instead of ‘relations and persons’]
10:42 when one thing is all what you really need{mss}░░ {/a few things are needed, or one} {/a few things are
needed} [other mss variants: v. 41abc & v. 42b absent];
g 10:42 don’t forget it [+] ░░ [+ It’s for a short time I am going to be here with you all. That should be all that matters.

Be glad, will you?] [An ellipsis – the focus of the narrative is on Martha, not on Mariam.]
11:1-13 On Prayer

(Lk 11)
Lk 11:1-4 {//Mt 6:9-13; 7:7-11} Yeshua teaches prayer – have us honor God’s name
11:1 And it came to be that he was in a certain place praying;
when he was finished,
one of his disciples said to him,
“Master¡ teach us to be praying [+]a,
as Yohanan also taught his own disciples.”

‘So-called Lord’s Prayer’b {//Mt 6:9-13}

And he said to them,
“When yoů’re praying [+]c, say
<O Abba¡dhave your very namee be honored and sanctified!f
Bring your Kingdom reign come! [+]g
With the bread [of Life]h for us [cf. Jn 6:35, 48, 51]
[from above] in full measurei —
have us providedj as each day comes k!
And forgive us our sins l;[cf. Mk 11:25]
also indeed we ourselves make everyone free
who are in debt to us.
And do not bring us into [a place of] testingm
   and take us away from the [power of] evil}.>” {mss ← Mt 6:13b}

a 11:1 teach us to be praying [+] ░░ [+ to be like you] (Cf. Lk 6:12 Yeshua’s praying) [i.e. make us to be prayer
persons; not to give out ‘a [model] prayer worthy to recite’, ‘how to pray’, or ‘what to pray for’.]
b 11:2-4 <‘Lord’s Prayer’> ░░ [= rather <Disciples’ prayer taught by the Lord>. Cf. Jn 17:1-26 <Lord’s Intercessory

Prayer>].] [Much shorter than //G-Mt. See Appendix there.]. [Lord’s Prayer is not ‘of petitions’.]
c 11:2 praying [+] ░░ [+in yoůr life to hear Him and let Him hear in your praying]; [cf. Jn 9:31] [Praying means

breathing life, living in spirit, being connected to God in personal relation in a direct line for life-giving spirit. Not
monologue. Not same as ‘petition’ (*payer as a countable noun).]
d 11:2 *Abba¡ [+] ░░ /Father – most; / {+ mss} [v.l. = //Mt 6:9 ‘Our Father, the One in the heavens’] [Gk. pater ‘father’

is rendered as Abba (Aramaic loanword) when it is vocative to address the Elohim.]

11:2 your very name ░░ [i.e. YHWH (Yahueh > Yahweh; /x: Jehovah). Cf. Heb. haShem (‘the name’)]. [His name is
out of the way in 'Jesus Religion' (‘Jesus, God the Son’).] [The name of Elohim is at the apex and core of the prayer.]
f 11:2 have ~ sanctified and honored ░░ [a pledge more than petitioning = ‘to sanctify everything of us, with us, and in

us to bring honor to His name (Cf. 1Sam 2:30) = ‘to love your God’ (Mt 22:37)] /x: may ~ be honored – NET, etc.; /x:
hallowed be ~ – KJV (- archaic);
g 11:2 Bring ~ come [+] ░░ [+ and sweep over us] [“Yes, it has to come and shall come; and we will be a part of it.”]
h 11:3 bread [of Life] ░░ [i.e. the New Manna with allusion in Jn 6:35; Exo 16:33 //Heb 9:4 (manna as gift of heaven,

sign of His presence, and promise of His salvation)] [It does not refer to physical bread, representative of food and
material provisions.]
i 11:3 in full measure ░░ [For Greek hapax epiousios, see Appendix Mt 6:11]
j 11:3 providing us ░░ [cf. Pro 30:8b “feed me with food that is my portion” – NASB.]
k 11:3 as each day comes ░░ /each day; /> day by day – KJV; [//Mt 6:11 ‘today’] {☼Ex 16:4}
11:4 sins ░░ [//Mt 6:12 ‘debts’] (same Aramaic word for ‘debt’ and ‘sin’)
m 11:4 do not bring us into a place of testing ░░ /xx: lead us not into temptation – KJV; [Why would God ‘lead’ us

into ‘temptation’?]; [Testing God’s faithfulness (Lk 4:12); not trials or temptations] [See Appendix for peirasmos]
Ask and receive
Lk 11:5-8 God answers because He wants us honoreda
And he said to them,
“Say, one of yoů calls on a friend at the dead of a night
and say, <Come on, friend¡
will you please let me borrow some bread?
– three loaves would be fine;
A friend of mine just came to me from a journey
and I have nothing to put before him.>
How would it sound if a reply from inside is like this?
<Stop bothering me, o.k.? The door is already shut.
Yeah, my children are all gone with me to bed.
Can’t simply get up now to give you something, can I?>
I tell yoů this: [≠18:1-8]
● even if someone may not stir himself up
 for friendship’s sake to give out something to him,
 yet, knowing his friend is out there feeling ashamed [+]b
● there is no other way than getting up [to honor his friend]
and give as much as needed.
Lk 11:9 – 13 {//Mt 7:7-11} A.S.K.
So, [+ as yoů are who yoů are], I tell yoů-all,
keep asking and it will be given to yoů; [+]c
keep seeking and yoů will find;
keep knocking on and it will be opened to yoů.
And indeed, everyoned asking receives,
and the one seeking finds,
and to the one knocking it will be opened.
Now any father among yoů,
if his son in his need asks for {a loaf of bread,
would he give something like a stone pebble to his son?
Or also if his son asks for} a fish,
would he hand out something like a [water] snake
instead of a fish?
Or if his son in his need asks for an egg,
would he give out something like a scorpion?

a 11:5-8 <God answers us> ░░ [God answers to honor us, the very children who honor Him. He is not a reluctant Father
who would hear us only if we can invoke and importune Him. He is not someone who does not know what we need; He
is not a deaf idol, any of god’s people carry.]
b 11:8 feeling ashamed [+] ░░ [+ about to lose your face by having to come to ask like that] [different understanding

from cultural difference]; /x: shameless; /persistence –NASB, NRSV, (NET); /impudence - ESV; /importunity – KJV,
ASV; / [cf. 18:6]
c 11:9 given yoů [+] ░░ [+ — God will honor when yoů request what yoů need in seeking God’s righteousness and His

Kingdom reign] [Mt 6:33]

d 11:10 everyone ░░ [that is, those who belong to the reign of God’s Kingdom, when they would ask in harmony with

what God desires (1Jn 5:14)]

If yoů, then, for all yoůr badnessa, still know how to make
good gifts to yoůr children [for what they need],
how much readier will the heavenly Father be
to give holy spirit b to those who ask Him [+] c?” ⌂

Yeshua and His Opponents:

11:14-26 (1) The two kingdoms
11:27-36 (2) The faithless generation
11:37-54 (3) Pharisees and soferim

11:14-26 The two kingdoms

Healing a mute
11:14 {//Mt 12:22-23} Healing a mute one
And Yeshua was casting out a demonic spirit
out of a man whom it made unable to speak.
Then as it happened, the demonic spirit having come out,
the mute man began to speak,
and the crowds astonished.

Beelzebub controversy
11:15-23 {//Mt 12:24-30; //Mk 3:22-27} Beelzebub controversy
But some of them said,
“It is with the help of Beelzebul,d the chief demon,
that this fellow is casting out demons.”
while others, in order to put him to a testing scheme,
were seeking from him a sign from heaven. [cf. 11:29]
But Yeshua, knowing well what’s on their mind, said to them,
“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation,
and a ruling house against a ruling house falls.
So, if the Satan is also divided against itself
how do you suppose that its kingdom could stand firm?
{//Mt 12:27-28}
I’m saying this because yoů argue
that it is with [the power of] Beelzebul
that I’m casting out demons.
And if I really throw out demons
by [the power of] Beelzebul [as yoů argue],

a 11:13 for all your badness ░░ /> being evil; /x: being wicked;
b 11:13 holy spirit ░░ [= as a gift – unrelated to the *Trinity.] [//Mt 7:11 good gifts]; /xx: the Holy Spirit – KJV;
c 11:13 ask Him [+] ░░ [+ to God, who has His blessing and benevolence in store for all, when yoů request what yoů

need in seeking God’s righteousness and His Kingdom reign]

d 11:15, 18 Beelzebul ░░ (= Mt 12:24, //Mk 3:22) (Baal-zebul – ‘lord of house’); /Beelzebub – KJV, ASV; (Cf. Baal-

zebub - 2Kg 1:2 ‘lord of flies’)

by whose power do yoů suppose ‘yoůr very own sons’
— [see, my disciples here] —cast them out?
[+ Why, if yoů resort to that sort of argument,]
surely they themselves will be [found to play
the part of] judges.
Why, if that’s the way yoů see it,
but if it is with ☼God’s finger a that I cast out demons,
Then, surely the Kingdom reign of the Elohim
has already come upon yoů. b [cf. 17:21]
When the fully armed strong man is guarding his own castle,
his possessions are safe:
but when the stronger one than him comes upon him
and overcomes him,
he takes away even his whole armor upon which he depended
and divides up his spoils.

11:23 [// Mt 12:30]

The one who is not to be with me
is against me,c
and the one who does not gather with me
scatters [them] off [away from me].[v. 23 = Mt 12:30]
11:24–26 {//Mt 12:43-45} (cf. Lk 6:45} Unclean spirit returning
“This is what a unclean spirit does
when it comes out of a man: [4:33]
it roams through waterless places,
looking for a resting place but finds none,
then it says,
<I’m going to return to my house I came out from>.
And when he returns,
he finds the house swept clean and neat.
Then it goes and takes along seven other spirits eviler than itself,
and they all come in and take up their place there;
thus the last state of that man becomes worse than the first.” ◊

a 11:20 God’s finger ░░ [//Mt 12:28 God’s spirit]

b 11:20 Kingdom reign of the Elohim ~ come upon you ░░ [i.e. in the person of Yeshua Himself.] [Cf. ‘in the midst
of you’ 17:21.]
c 11:23 not with me ~ against me ░░ [Cf. Different from ‘not against you ~ on your side’ in Mk 9:40 //Lk 9:50]
11:27-36 The faithless generation

Lk 11:27-28 True blessedness

Now, it came to be
as he was saying this,
a woman from the crowd spoke up,
saying to him in a loud voice,
Now, it came to be as he was saying this,
from out of the crowd
a woman lifted up her voice for him,
“Blessed be the womb that carried you
and the breasts which nursed you!”
But in reply he said,
“No, rather, blessed are those
who hear the word of the Elohim and keep it.”
Jonah’s sign
Lk 11:29-32 {//Mt 12:38-42} (v. 29a = //Mk 8:11-12) A sign as Yonah was
And when the crowds were massing together, he began to say,
“This generation is an evil one:
it is looking for a sign [+]a!
but no sign will be given to it unless it be such sign
as Yonahb {the prophet} was:
Indeed, just as Yonah became a sign to the people of Nineveh,
so also the Son-of-man will be a sign to this generation.
The queen of the south will rise up in the judgment
against the men of this generation
to serve as evidence that will bring judgment to them:
because she had come from the ends of the land
to hear the wisdom of Solomon,
and look, what is here now is greater than that of Solomon.
The men of Nineveh will stand up in the judgment
against this generation
to serve as evidence that will bring judgment to it:
because they have turned their hearts to God’s way
at preaching of Yonah,
and look, what is here now is greater than of Yonah. ◊

a 11:29 sign [+] ░░ [+ of coming of the Kingdom reign] (Lk 11:16 ‘sign from heaven’) (cf. Mt 12:28) [Not a sign of
His Messiahship.] [Not a ‘miracle’ (as to prove His divine power/authority).]
b 11:29 as Yonah ~was ░░ Yonah from Galilee [2Kg 14:25] (> Jonah) [ not ‘a sign Yonah gave’]
Aphorism: lamp and eye
Lk 11:33-36 {//Mt 5:15; 6:22-23} Aphorism: lamp and eye
No one having lit an oil lamp places it in a vault,
{neither under the measuring basket},
but on the lamp stand,
so that those who enter into the house can see the light. [11:33 //8:16]
What the very lamp of the body is,
your{/mss}a eye is: b
When{/mss}c your eye is soundd,
indeed lit up is your whole body;
but when it is sickenede,
indeed darkened is your body.
See attentively to it, then,
that what should be the very light does not turn into
if, therefore, your whole body is lit up,
with no part darkened at all,
it will be wholly lit up
like when a lamp shining on you with its light.”

a 11:34 your eye {/mss} ░░ {/the eye – KJV++}

b 11:34 eye ~ lamp of the body ░░ [Cf. a modern expression ‘eye is the window of a person’.]
c 11:34 When{/mss} ░░ – most; {then/therefore – KJV++}; /indeed – Cass; /
d 11:34 eye is sound ░░ [an Aramaic/Hebrew idiom for ‘generosity’.]
e 11:34 eye ~ sickened ░░ [an Aramaic/Hebrew idiom for ‘stinginess’.]
11:37-54 Pharisees and soferim

Lk 11:37-11:54 {//Mt 23:6-36 not in order} Discourses against the Pharisees & soferim
Now when Yeshua had spoken,
a certain Pharisee invited him for a meal.
He went in and reclined at the meal.
But the Pharisee was shocked
at seeing that Yeshua had not first his hands washed
dipping in water before the meal. [cf. Mt 15:2; //Mk 7:2]
And the Master said to him,
“Now yoů the Pharisees! the outside of the cup and the plate
yoů do indeed keep clean;
but the inside of yoů is full of greed and wickedness. [//Mt 23:25-26]
Yoů foolish ones¡
Did not the One [=God] who made the outside
make the inside as well?
So then, cleansea the inside, [cf. Mt 23:26]
and then everything will be clean to yoů.

But how terribleb and shameless it is for yoů Pharisees,
because yoů pay one tenth [for a tithe] c
even on mint and rue and every herbd
but bypass the justice and the love of the Elohim:
It is necessary to do these things;
yet not to neglect those other things.
How terrible and shameless it is for yoů Pharisees,
because yoů like very much the front seats in the synagogues
and the greetings in the marketplaces. [11:43 //20:46] [//Mt 23:6-7]
How terrible and shameless it is for yoů
{soferim, and Pharisees, hypocrites [full of religiosity]},
because yoů are like the unmarked tombs
thus, people walk over them without noticing it!” [Cf. Mt 23:27-28]

11:41 cleanse ░░ [So emended as in //Mt 23:26] [Gk. ‘give alms’. Emended by taking Aramaic word
zakkau (‘cleanse’ as in v. 39) instead of a similar dakkau (give alms).]; /give alms of – KJV (so all others in
this sense to render Gk phrase ‘didomi eleēmosnē’);
11:42ff how terrible and shameless it is ░░ (Gk. ouai); /x: woe (to you) – most (- archaic); /how terrible
it will be – ISV, (GNB); /x: how horrible it will be – GW; /x: are in for trouble – CEV; /x: it will be bad for
you – ERV; /xx: curse is on you – BBE; [Cf. ‘blessed and honorable’ – Lk 6:20]
11:42ff tithe ░░ [meaning ‘one tenth’ – that of what’s gained from crops and herds was collected from the
people of eleven Tribes of Yisrael to support the Tribe of Levites charged with Mishkan service.]
11:42 herb ░░ (lachanon) [Cf. ‘garden plant’ - Mt 13:32; //Mk 4:32; ‘vegetable’ – Rm 14:2]
And responding to this, one of the Torah-sages says to him,
“Teacher, when you say that,
it's not just the Pharisees you're bad mouthing,
but even us as well!”

And he said,

“All yoů Torah-sages, for yoů as well how terrible and shameless it is,
because yoů load mpeople with burdens hard to carry
and yoů yourselves won’t lift even a finger to help them. {Mt 23:4}
How terrible and shameless it is for yoů,
because yoů are building the tombs of the prophets {Mt 23:29}
— yes, it was yoůr fathers who put them to death.
In this way then yoů’re bearing testimony on this,
expressing yoůr approval of what yoůr fathers did —
because they indeed did the killing
yet, yoů on yoůr part are building tombs.
Because of this
the ‘Wisdom of the Elohim’ [cf. 7:35; Cf. //Mt 23:34] also said to warn
<I’ll send out to them prophets and messengers;
and some of them they’ll kill and others persecute >;
so that the blood of all the prophets,
which was shed since the foundation of the world,
will hold this generation responsible;
from the blood of Abel
to the blood of Zekharyah who was cut down
between the Altar of burnt-offering and the Mishkana.
Yes, I’m telling yoů,
this generation will be held responsible [for all of it].
How terrible and shameless it is for yoů, O Torah-sages,
because yoů have taken away the key to knowledge:
not only yoů yourselves did not enter
but, those who were trying to enter yoů also have stopped.” {Mt 23:13}
And as he was leaving from there{/mss}b
the soferim and the Pharisees became very hostile,
plying him with a host of questions;
plotting against him, to catch him out on something he might say,
{so that they could bring charges against him}. ◊

a 11:51 Mishkan ░░ [fr. //Mt 23:35; Gk. ‘house’, i.e. ‘House of the Elohim’]
11:53 And as He was leaving from there{/mss} ░░ {/When He said these things to them}
False and True Security
12:1-12 (1) To fear man or to fear God
12:13-34 (2) Earthly and heavenly treasure

(Lk 12)
Lk 12:1 {//Mt 16:5-6; //Mk 8:14-15} Leavening of Pharisees
12:1 Meanwhile, when many thousandsa of the crowd had gathered
so that they were all treading one upon another,
he began to speak to his disciples,
“First of all, be on guard against
the leaveningb of the Pharisees
— by this I mean their teaching
which is full of [religious] hypocrisy.”

Have no fear; the Elohim alone to fear

Lk 12:2-9 {//Mt 10:26-33} Exhortation to fearless confession
“Indeed, there is nothing, however carefully concealed it may be,
that shall not be revealed;
or nothing carefully hidden away
that shall not be made known. [12:2 //8:16]
Because whatever yoů used to say in the darkness
shall be heard openly in the light,
and what yoů used to whispered into each other’s ears inside a house
shall be proclaimed – shouted out from the housetops.
And I’m telling yoů, my friends,
<Do not fear those who putc the body to death,
but, after that, have nothing more they can do.>
No, I’m goint to point out to yoů-all
whom yoů are to fear instead:
Fear the One who,
having taken life away [cf. Deu 32:39] [+ from those persecuting
has authority [of judgment]d to have them thrown
into the GeHinnome [for destruction]. [//Mt 10:28]

12:1 so many thousands ░░ [Gk. myriads ‘ten thousand’.]
12:1 leavening of the Pharisees ░░ [not ‘*leavening agent’ as such here (i.e. sourdough – Lk 13:21), but
leavening effect as in the process of baking bread.] [Alludes to their teaching.]
12:4 put the body to death ░░ [See v. 5] / > kill the body – most;
12:5 having taken life from them, has authority of judgment ░░ (apokteinō =v. 4 ‘put to death’) /xx:
after he has killed has power to – KJV, most; /xxx: who has power to *kill and also to throw you – ICV;
12:5 GeHinnom ░░ /Gk. geenna; [Cf. Gk. Hades (Heb. Sheol) – Lk 10:15symbolic of eschatological
punishment; in G-Lk only once here)]; /*Gehenna; /xx: *hell;
Yes, I’m telling yoů [my friends], fear Him alone.

See, yoů get five sparrows for two assarionsa.
Yet, not one of them is forgotten in the sight of the Elohim.
But even the hairs on yoůr head have all been counted.
Therefore, have no fear [12:32] [of those coming after yoů];
yoů are worth more than many sparrows.
I’m tell yoů then,
<Everyone who acknowledges openly
[that he belongs to] me before othersb [cf. Mt 10:16]
the Son-of-man will also acknowledge him
— will do so before the angels of the Elohim:
But the one who denies me before others
will be denied before the angels of the Elohim.> [12:9 //9:26]

Blasphemy against the holy Spirit

Lk 12:10 {//Mt 12:31-32; //Mk 3:28-30} Blasphemy against the holy Spirit
And everyone who speaks a word against the Son-of-man,
shall be forgiven to him: c
but the one who blasphemesd against the holy Spirite
shall not be forgivenf to him.

Lk 12:11-12 {//Mt 10:19-20; //Mk 13:11} (cf. Lk 21:14-15) Assistance of the holy Spirit
And when they bring yoů in [to bring accusations against yoů]
before the synagogue leaders ,
yes, the ruling powers and the authorities,
do not be anxious and worry about
 how yoů will defend  or what yoů should say:
indeed, the holy Spirit g will teach yoů
when the moment comes what yoů need to say.” ◊

12:6 assarions ░░ [about a few dollars’ worth; one assarion = 1/16 *denarius]; /x: cents; /x: pennies;
12:8 before others ░░ [setting is ‘under persecution’]
c 12:10 forgiven to him ░░ [← forgiven to men - //Mt 12:31]
d 12:10 blasphemes ░░ [that is, utterances dishonoring the Elohim. Syn. ‘speaks against’] [act of rejection of the
testimony that the Spirit gives to Yeshua as to who He is (Jn 15:26) and plans of God. Cf. 1Co 12:33 – its antonym.]
e 12:10 blaspheme against the holy Spirit of the Elohim ░░ = [//Mt 12:31 ‘blasphemes against the Spirit (of the

Elohim)’ = against Father.] [+ by ascribing His work to demonic spirit] [The Spirit is the Spirit of the Elohim, not another
‘Person’. It is the very God acting/creating in power as manifested in the works of Yeshua.]
f 12:10 not be forgiven ░░ [Cf. ‘unforgivable sin’]
g 12:12 the holy Spirit ░░ [= //Mt 10:20 the Spirit of your Father] [not the Holy Ghost, the 3rd person of Godhead.]
12:13-34 Treasure and the heart

Lk 12:13 -15 against greed

And one of the crowd said to him,
“Teacher, please tell my brother
to divvy up [now] our inheritance fairly with me.”
But he said to him,
“Man! Who has set me to play
a judge or an arbiter between two of yoů?”
And he said to them,
“Take my words:
keep yourselves away from covetousness {of every sort}:
It is that one’s [true] life is not secured
by abundance of possessions one has — no, not at all.” ◊
Parable: a rich fool
Lk 12:16-21 Parable of a rich fool
And he spoke a parable to them, saying
“The land of a certain rich man
yielded bountiful harvest:
so he asked himself, saying
<What shall I do?
I have no place to store my crops.>

Then he said,
<This is what I should do:
I’m going to take down my barns
and larger ones I’ll build,
and there I’ll store all the grain
and all my other goods.
And I’m going to tell my [dear] soul,
<O my soul¡ you have now ample stock of goods
laid up [to last] many years to come;
Take life easy on you, now
— eat, drink, be merry!>
But the Elohim said to him,
<You utter fool¡ this very night,
your very soul is going to be demanded of you,
As for the things which you have stocked up [so hard]
— to whom will they end up?>
That’s how it goes for anyone
who is treasuring up for himself;
and they are not rich at all in God’s sight.a” ◊

Anxious about earthly things

Lk 12:22-32 {//Mt 6:25-34} Anxious about earthly things
And Yeshua said to his disciples,
“So then, I’m telling yoů,
don’t be anxious about yoůr own being of life b
— about food yoů need to live on; c
nor about yoůr body
— over where yoů can find something to put on.
Yoůr own being of life is more important than the food
and the body more than the clothes.

12:21 in God’s sight ░░ /> toward God – KJV+ ( - translese);
12:22 your own being of life ░░ /your *life - most; /x: your *soul; [See EE 10:28]
12:22 food for you to live on ░░ /what ye shall eat – KJV;
Consider the ravens,
that they neither sow, nor reap;
they have neither storeroom nor barn,
and the Elohim feeds them.
Of how much more value
are yoů than the birds!
And which of yoů by being anxious
can add a single bit to their+ span of life?
If then yoů are not able to do even what is least,
why are yoů anxious about the rest?
Think about how the wild lilies grow:
they do not labor, neither do they spin [and weave];
yet I’m telling yoů, even Solomon in all his splendor was
not dressed up as well as one of these!
But if this is how the Elohim does so clothe
the grass in the field, which is here today
and then tomorrow thrown into the furnace,
how much more will he clothe yoů?
o yoů with little faith!

And as for yoů, do not set yoůr hearts
on things to eat or drink [for mere subsistence] a,
and stop being worried and troubled.
Indeed, all such things are
what the nations of the world are eagerly pursuing:
but yoů have a Father who knows that yoů are in need of them.
Instead, yoů keep seeking the Kingdom reign of the Elohim
and all those things [yoů are in need of] will be added on to yoů.
Have no fear [12:7], o little flock,
because yoůr Father is delighted to give yoů
the [life of the very] Kingdom reign.

Lk 12:23-34 {//Mt 6:19-21} (cf. Lk 16:9) Treasures in heaven

Sell the things belonging to yoů
and give gifts of mercy; [cf. 18:22]
get for yourselves purses which do not wear out
— a never-failing treasure in the heavens,
where no thief gets near, nor moth ruins.
Indeed, where yoůr hoard of treasure is,
yoůr heart will be there also. ◊

12:29 for subsistence ░░ [+ however essential they are]
12:35 – 13:35 Eschatological warning & concern

The Imminent Crisis:

12:35-48 (1) Trustworthy vs. worthless servant
12:49-53 (2) Baptism of fire; not peace but division
12:54-13:9 (3) Understanding the signs of time

Lk 12:35-40 (Cf. Mt 24:42-44)(cf. Mk 13:33-37) Watchful and faithful

Lk 12:35-38
Let yourselves be dressed up ready to serve [yoůr master]
and yoůr lamps burning;
and yoů yourselves be like those waiting for their master
to return from the wedding feast;
that, when he comes and knocks on,
they can at once open for him.
Blessed and better off are those servants,
if the master, upon returning, will find them keeping watchful:
Truly! I’m telling yoů
that the master will get dressed up himself [in servant’s clothes]
and invite them to recline at the meal
and will come alongside and serve them.
Indeed, whether the master comes in the second watch
or the third watch of night,a [Cf. Mk 13:35]
if he still finds them as prepared and ready,
blessed and better off are those {servants}!
Lk 12:39-40 (Cf. Mt 24:42-44)(cf. Mk 13:33-37)
But know this [too]
that if the house-master had known
at what hour the bandit was to come,
he {would have stayed awake and}
would not have his house left to be broken into.
Therefore yoů also must be ready:
because, at an hour that yoů do not think,
the Son-of-man is coming.” ◊

Trustworthy vs. worthless servants

Lk 12:41-48 {Mt 24:45-51} Trustworthy vs. worthless servants
And Kefa said to him,
“Master, is it specifically for us
that you are telling this parable,
or is this meant for everyone?”

a12:38 second watch ~ third watch of night ░░ [= ‘midnight watch ~ cock-crow watch’ Mk 13:35] [‘night’ (sunset to
sunrise) is divided into four watches.]
And the Master said,
“Who then really is the trustworthy and wise manager,
whom his master can choose to put over his attendant staff,
to give out their allowance of food supplies at a proper time?
Blessed and well off is that servant,
if his master, upon returning, find him doing so the right thing.
Truthfully, I’m telling yoů that
he will put him in charge of everything he owns.
But if that servant thinks,
<my master must be taking time in his coming back >,
and gets on beating the men-servants and the maid-servants
and eating and drinking and gets drunken;
the master of that servant will come
on a day when he does not expect
and at a time when he does not know
and the master is going to cut him up in two
and send him to the same fate as the untrustworthy ones.
And that servant,
who does know what his master wants
but doesn’t get prepared,
nor follows what his master wants,
will receive severe beating with the lash;
but he who doesn’t know
and do something deserving punishment
will get but few strokes.
Indeed, everyone to whomever much is given,
much will be demanded of him —
and everyone to whom they entrust much,
they will ask even more from him. ◊

‘Baptism of fire’
Lk 12:49-50 ‘Baptism of fire’
12:49 [Isa 66:15-16; Jer 20:9]
It is fire [to purge] that I have come
to throw upon the land; [Cf. Mt 10:34]
— what more could I desire
when it is already set on fire?
It is indeed immersiona that I have
[for people] to get immersed with;
— how pressured down I am
until it’s accomplished! ◊

12:50 immersion [+] ░░ [+ of fire for purification] [from v. 49 and allusion to Yohanan’s immersion rite
of fire 3:16] (//Mk 10:39; not in G-Mt); /x: baptism (of church rite);
No peace but division - family being split
Lk 12:51-53 {//Mt 10:34-36} Not peace but division, family being split
Do yoů think that peace [as many wish to see] is
what I have come to bring in on the land?
By no means! No, no such peace,
I tell yoů, but rather it is division a:
Indeed, there will be five members of one familyb divided —
three against two, and two against three.
There will be divided — [cf. 14:26]
father against son
and son against father;
mother against daughter
and daughter against her mother;
mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law
and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.”

Lk 12:54-56 {//Mt 16:2-3} Understanding the signs of the time

And he said to the crowds also,
“When yoů see the cloud rising from the west,
at once yoů say <It’s going to be a rainstorm>
and so it does!
And when yoů see a south wind [from the desert] blowing,
yoů say <There will be a heat wave>
and so it is!
Yoů hypocrites [full of religiosity]¡ yoů do know
how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky;
but how is it that yoů don’t know
how to discern and interpret this present time?

Lk 12:57-59 {//Mt 5:25-26} Settle with one’s accuser

And why can’t yoů even judge on yoůr own
to find out what is right?
Indeed, if you are being taken before the magistrate
with your adversary at your side,
try hard to settle your dispute while still on the way,
lest he drag you down to the judge
and the judge might deliver you to the officer
to throw you into prison.
I’m telling you, <You will never come out from there,
until you have repaid even the last penny.>” ◊

12:51 division [+] ░░ [+ to cause them divided – over the truth of who I am.] [2:34] [Cf. //Mt 10:34
‘sword’][Not in G-Mk.]
12:52 family [+] ░░ /x: household;
(Lk 13)
Call to turn ones’ heart
Lk 13:1-5 Call to turn one’s heart
Now there were some people who came up at that time
to tell Yeshua what happened to the Galileans
whose blood Pilate had spilled, mingling it with that of the animals
which they were offering for sacrifice.
And answering, Yeshua said to them,
“Do yoů think that those Galileans turned out to be some sinners
in comparison to all the Galileans,
because they happened to have suffered such things?
No way! I tell yoů;
but, unless yoů all turn yoůr heart to God’s way, a
yoů will all die off as well.
Or what about those eighteen people,
who were killed when the tower in Siloam fell on them —
do yoů think that these turned out to be some debtors [as to God]
in comparison to all the men living in Yerusalem?
No way! I tell yoů;
but, unless yoů all turn yoůr heart to God’s way,
yoů will all die off as well.”

A barren fig tree

Lk 13:6-9 (cf. Mt 21:18-19; //Mk 11:12-14) (cf. 17:6) Parable of a barren fig tree
And Yeshua told this parable;
“A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard,
and he came looking for fruit on it but there wasn’t any.
And he said to the one in charge of his vineyard, b
<Look¡ for these three years,
I have kept coming to look for fruit on this fig tree
and I still haven’t found any.
Cut it down.
Why let it go on wasting the land?>
And the gardener answered,
<Sir¡ leave it alone this year as well.
I will dig around it and throw manure on it.
Then, if indeed it should bear fruit next year,
well and good;
but if not, you can cut it down.> ◊

13:3, 5 turn their hearts ░░ />> *repent; (a religious jargon with different sense, nuance and usage.)
13:7 the one in charge of his vineyard ░░ /> gardener; /> vineyard worker (keeper); /x: vine dresser
– ASV, KJV; /
13:10-21 Presence of the Kingdom
13:22-30 Narrow gate; Penalty of refusal

Healing a woman with hunchback

Lk 13:10-17 Healing a hunchback woman on a sabbath
13:10 And he was teaching in one of the synagogues
on the sabbaths.
And [on one occasion] look¡ there was a woman who had a spirit
which held her in infirmity for eighteen years,
and with her back so bent she was always hunched
she was unable to straighten herself up at all.
And when Yeshua saw her, he called her over and said to her,
“My Dear woman¡ you are freed from your infirmity!”
Then he laid his hands upon her
and instantly she got herself straightened up
and gave glory to the Elohim.
And the synagogue presiding officer, being indignant over Yeshua
for undertaking a work of healing on the sabbath,
seeking to counter him by saying to the crowd,
“Six daysa are there
in which any work ought to be done [as yoů well know!]
So then, [only] on those days
come and be healed [if yoů wish]
— why on earth it has to be
on the very day of the sabbath [for Torah’s sake]!”
In reply to his remark, the Master said,
“Yoů pedantic hypocrites [full of religiosity]¡
Don’t you, every single one of yoů,
untie your ox or donkey from the stall
and lead it out to watering holes — even on the sabbath?!
And this woman yoů see here
— she is [very well, sir,] a daughter of Abraham —
the Satan has kept her bound,
look¡ these eighteen long years!
Shouldn’t she be freed from this bondage
[even] on the very day of the sabbath?”
And as he said these things,
all his opponents became humiliated
but all the crowd rejoiced at
all the incredible things done by him. ◊

13:14 days ░░ [daylight periods; not 24-hour days.]/
Parable: a mustard seed growing and parable of leaveninga
Lk 13:18-19 {//Mt 13:31-32; //Mk 4:30-32} Parable of mustard seed growing
And he said,
“What is the Kingdom reign of the Elohim like?
And what can I compare it with?
It is like what happens to a seed of mustard plant,
that a man took and threw on to his own garden,
and it grew and became like a tree,
even ☼the birds in the sky built nests [☼Ezk 17:23; 31:6]
[sheltered under the shade] [Mk 4:32b] among its branches.

Lk 13:20-21 {//Mt 13:33} Parable of leavening

Again he said,
“To what should I compare the Kingdom reign of the Elohim?
It is like what happens with leavening
something which a woman took to hide
into wheat flourb of, say, some fifty poundsc
— to work inside there
until the whole batch of dough rises.” [Cf. Lk 12:1] ◊

Narrow gate & the Kingdom

Lk 13:22-30 Narrow gate; Exclusion from the Kingdom
And Yeshua journeyed through towns and villages, teaching
and making his journey steadily toward Yerusalem.
And someone asked him,
“Master, is it only few people who are going to be saved?”
And he said to them, [//Mt 7:13-14]
“Strive to enter in
by the narrow gate:
Because, I tell yoů, many will seek it to enter in
and won’t be able to.
Once the house-master has got up and shut the door,
yoů will be left standing outside, knocking on the door,
pleading <Sir, open for us>;
and he will answer,
<I do not know who yoů are and where yoů are from.>

a 13:18-19 + 13:20+21 <Parable of a plant growing from a mustard seed >+ <Parable of leavening effect> ░░ [should
not be confused with aphorism of ‘faith small like a mustard seed’- Lk 17:5-6 //Mt 17:20-21] [Many naively take these
as something positive. However, reading both should be seen as a single thematic unit because (1) ‘leavening’ elsewhere
in the Gospel to be something warned about (Lk 12:1; //Mt 16:6-12; //Mk 8:15), and because (2) these are not separate
from the preceding parable of effect of darn weeds. All these allude to effect of God’s kingdom rein becoming corrupted
by inconspicuous elements crept in.]
b 13:21 wheat flour ░░ [Gk. aleuron > aleō ‘grind’]; /x: meal – KJV;
c 13:21 fifty pounds ░░ [enough to give out a thousand people]
Then yoů will start to say,
<We did eat in your company and we drank too, didn’t we?
And, yes, in our own streets you have tought.>
And he will say,
<I tell yoů, I do not know who yoů are and where yoů are from.
Get away from me, all of yoů, evildoers!>
There weeping and wailing will be, when yoů will see Abraham
and Isaac and Yaakob and all the prophets,
in the Kingdom reign of the Elohim,
but yoů yourselves being thrown outside. [Mt 8:11-12]
And they will come from the east and west
and from the north and south
and will recline [at the feast] in the Kingdom reign of the Elohim. [Mt 8:11]

And look¡ there are those [who now are] last
who shall be first [Mt 20:16; 19:30]
and there are those [who now are] first
who shall be last.” [Mk 10:31] ◊

Warning against Herod

Lk 13:31-33 Warning against Herod
Just then some Pharisees came up and told ^Yeshua,
“You’d better get out here and leave [Galilee];
because °Herod is out for your lifea. [°= Herod Antipas - 3:1]

And he said to them,
“Go and tell that [treacherous] foxb:
<Look¡ I’m casting out demons
and heal people
— today and tomorrow,
and on the third day I’m to complete.>
Yes! it is necessary for me to go today and tomorrow
and be on my journey the day following:
you should well see this: it is unthinkable
that a prophet should meet his death
anywhere but in Yerusalem!
[— not here in your place Galilee; I’m on the way to the City] . [cf. 23:7] ◊

13:32 is out for your life ░░ - Cass; /> wants to kill you – most;
13:32 fox ░░ [Gk. feminine ‘vixen’];
Lament over Yerusalem
Lk 13:34-35 {//Mt 23:37-39} Lament over Yerusalem
Yerusalem, O Yerusalem¡
the City who would put the prophets to death
and would put to death by stoning those sent to her!
How often I’ve wanted to gather your little children together,
just like a hen gathers her own brood under her wings!
but yoů people would not let me!

yoůr House [of worship] is being abandoned,
leaving to yoů deserted; {☼Jer 22:5; cf. 1Kg 9:7f}
Now I tell yoů <Yoů’ll never see me again>,
until {the day comes when} yoů say,
<☼Praised is the One coming in the name of Adonaia.>” [19:38] ◊

Discourses at a meal:
14:1-14 (1) At a meal in a Pharisee
14:15-24 (2) The great banquet
14:25-35 (3) Counting the cost

(Lk 14)
Healing a man with dropsy
Lk 14:1-6 Healing a man with dropsy on a sabbath
And on an occasion Yeshua had gone to the house
of one of the leading Pharisees
on a sabbath day to partake in a meal.
There the guests present were all closely watching him.
And look, there right in front of him
was a certain man afflicted with dropsy!
Upon this, Yeshua let himself respond [in challenge]
and put this question to those Torah sages and Pharisees,
“Well, should it be allowed to do work of healing
on the sabbath — or not?”
On their part they remained mum, [wondering how to answer].
At that,
he took hold of the man and healed him, and let him go.

13:35 Adonai ░░ /= YHWH; /LORD; /x: the Lord – most;
Then, turing to the others, he put another question to them,
“Which one of yoů,
if a ☼donkey{/mss} or an ox falls into a well, [ ☼Exo 21:33]
will not right away pull it up and out
[even] on the very day of the sabbath?”
And they found themselves quite unable to reply to all these. ◊

Teaching on humility
Lk 14:7-14 Teaching on humility
And, he noticed how the invited guests had picked
the places of honor for themselves,
so he went on to tell this parable to those who were invited:
“When you are invited by someone to a marriage feasta,
do not recline in the place of honor.
A person more important than you
may have been invited.
Then the host who invited both of you will come
and say to you, <Give up your place to this person>,
and then you’ll start off embarrassed to take the lowest place.
Instead, when you are invited,
go and recline at the meal table in the lowest place.
Then, when the host comes, he will say to you,
<Dear friend, move over higher [to this place of honor], please,>
then, you will be honored
in the presence of all the other guests.
Because everyone who exalts himself will be humbled,
and the one who humbles himself will be honored.”
And he said also to his host,
“When you have a dinner or a supper,
do not be calling just your friends,
or your brethren, or your relatives, or rich neighbors;
lest they may perhaps also invite you in return
and it would become a paying off to you.
But when you spread a feast,
be inviting rather also by all means
the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind:
and you will then be blessed;
because they have nothing with which to repay you:
indeed, you will be repaid
in the resurrection of the righteous ones.” ◊

14:8 marriage feast ░░ />> wedding feast; /x wedding – KJV
Series of Parables [14:15 – 16:31]

Parable: the great banquet

Lk 14:15–24 {//Mt 22:1-14} Parable of the great banqueta
And one of the fellow guests heard this and said to Yeshua,
“Blessed is the one who is to partake
of the feast in the Kingdom reign of the Elohim!”
But he said to him,
“A certain man was spreading a banquet,
and he invited many:
and as the hour of supper coming he sent out his servant
to tell those who were invited,
<Come! Everything is ready now.>
And they all began to make excuses in unison.
The first said to him,
<I’ve just bought some land,
and I have to go and see it;
I beg you to have me excused.>
And another said,
<I’ve bought five pair of oxen
and I’m on my way to try them out;
I beg you to have me excused.>
And another said,
<I’ve got a wife; we just got married;
So I really can’t come.>
And that servant came back
and reported all this to his house-master.
Then the housemaster became angry and said to his servant,
<Hurry out into the broadways and lanes of the city
and bring in here the poor and maimed and lame and blind.>
After that happened, the servant said,
<Master, I’ve done what you ordered,
but there is still some room.>
And the master said to the servant
<Go out on to the streets
and the fenced-in places
and urge and persuade them to come in;
I want my house to be filled.>
Indeed, I’m telling yoů all, none of those guests
who were invited [but sadly declined to come]
will get from me a taste of this dinner.” ◊

14:15-24 <Parable of a Great Banquet> ░░ (cf. Mt 22:1-14 as ‘Parable of a Royal Wedding Banquet’)
14:25-35 Counting the cost to become a disciple

Cost of becoming a disciple

14:25-27 {//Mt 10:37-38} Cost of becoming a disciple
Now there went with him large crowds and he turned and said to them,
“If anyone comes to join me,
yet refuses to put asidea and let go of [cf. 12:53]
his own father and mother
and wife and little children and brothers and sisters,
and, yes, even his very own being of life,
he is not able to become my disciple.
And whoever does not bear the execution stakeb of one’s very own
to come after me, c
is not possible to come to be my disciple. [14:27 //14:33; 9:23]

14:28-33 Parable of fools

Suppose which one of yoů,
who wants to build a tower,
would not first sit down and calculate the cost,
to see if he has enough to complete it?
Otherwise, when he has laid its foundation
and then, [running out of money], he is unable to finish,
everyone who sees it will poke fun at him,
saying <[There he goes!] This man did well begin to build;
see, now, unable to finish!>
Or what king, as he is going to engage another king in war,
will not first sit down
and deliberate whether he is able with ten thousand to meet the one
who is coming against him with twenty thousand?
Or else, while the other is still long way off,
he sends a delegation and asks the terms of peace.
In the same way, then,
not one of yoů can come to be a disciple of mine
unless you don’t let go of all
that you dearly hold as your own. [cf. 9:62; 18:22. Cf. Mt 19:21; Mk 10:21] ◊

14:26 put aside and let go of ░░ [Aramaic idiom; not ‘hate’]
14:27 execution stake ░░ (Gk. stauros – stake, pole); /x: *cross - most; [synecdoche for its a cross-beam part.] [In
a figurative sense (as in 9:23) – criminals marching on their way to execution, carrying it shamed through the midst of a
jeering mob.] [no allusion to Yeshua’s death on the ‘Cross’]
14:27 come after me ░░ [a hymn - https://youtu.be/mvZp87bIxU8 I have decided to follow Jesus.];
14:34-35 {//Mt 5:13; Mk 9:49-50} Aphorism: Worthless salt
Now, as good as salt is,
but when the [lump of raw rock] salt has its salt stuff used up, [Mt 5:13]
how shall it be made salty?
It is good neither for the soil nor for the manure pile:
they just threw it out.

The one who has ears to hear, let him hear. ◊

(Lk 15)

Lost and found

15:1-7 A lost sheep
15:8-10 A lost coin
15:11-32 Two lost sons (‘Prodigal son’)

15:1-2 Setting for parables

Now the turncoat tax-profiteers and outcast sinners
all kept flocking to Yeshua to hear him.
And the Pharisees and the soferim kept muttering,
saying: “This one! he receives outcast sinners
— even having his meals with them! [How scandalous!]”
Parable: A lost sheep
15:3-7 {//Mt 18:12-14} A lost sheep
So, in response, Yeshua spoke to them with this parable:
“If you have a hundred sheep
and have one of them lost,
who among yoů would not keep the ninety nine
behind in the field
and set out to look for the one which is lost,
until it is found?
And when found,
joyfully he puts it on his shoulders to carry back.
And upon returning home,
he calls his friends and his neighbors up together,
and says to them, <Rejoice with me,
because I have found my ☼sheep which was lost!>
I’m telling yoů that even so more joy will be in the heaven
over one sinner that turns his hearts to God’s way,
than over ninety-nine righteous persons,
who have no need of turning their hearts.

Parable: A lost coin

15:8-10 A lost coin
Or again, if a woman has ten silver coins,
and lose one of them,
isn’t she going to light up a lamp and sweep the house
and look into every nooks and crannies carefully until she finds it?
And when she finds it,
she calls together her friends and her neighbors,
saying <Rejoice with me,
now that I’ve found the silver coin which I had lost.>
Even so, I’m telling yoů, there is joy
in the presence of the angels of the Elohim
over one sinner who turns his hearts to God’s way.” ◊
Parable: Two lost sons [‘parable of the prodigal son’]
15:11-32 Two lost sons
Then, [for a final push to drive them to the point],
Yeshua brought out this final story:

“There was a man who had two sons:

and the younger one came
and said to his father,
<Father . . .
[If you please] . . . give me the portion of
what there is in our family’s possession that belongs to me
[+ . . . as it would come to me after you are gone die] .>
So . . .
the father divided up between them their means of living.
And not many days after this,
the younger son sold off all he had
and, [rejecting home] journeyed off to a distant country,
and there he squandered
what came into his possession his father gave
in extravagant lifestyle.
And as he had spent everything,
there a severe famine fell upon that country,
and he began to find himself in dire need.
Thus he attached himself to work
for one of the citizens of that Gentile country
who sent him off to the fields to get on feeding swine.
And he wished if he could fill his hungry belly
even with such carob pods the swine were being fed
— it looked good to him!
but no one gave anything he could fill. ↓
But then coming to his senses, a
he cried out,
<Wait, doesn’t my father have quite a number of hired workers?
Why, they got food — more than enough of it!
But here I, I am starving to death!
[+Let me see how I can make it:]
I'll get up [on my feet] and should go to my father
and will say to him [something like this],
‘Father, ☼I've sinned against the heavenb
and brought shame to you: c
I'm no longer worthy to be called your son.
[+Then, I will say …]
‘take me just like one of your hired men’.>
Thus he set out for his father’s house.
But while he was still some distance off from home,
Look¡ there, his father, who always kept a look out,
saw him coming!
And moved with pity and he ran down to his son
and hugged
and kissed and kissed on him.
And the son said to him,
<Father¡ I've sinned
against the heaven and before you:
I’m no longer worthy to be called your son…{mss}>
But the father said to his servants,
<Quick! Bring out a robe!
– the best one we have –
and put it on him!
and put on him a [signet] ringd
on his finger
and sandals on his [bare] feet:
and . . .
yes! bring the fattened prized calf and kill it
and let’s eat and celebrate.
Because this son of mine was dead and is alive again
— he was lost and is found!>
And they began to celebrate. ↓
Now his elder son was laboring, out in the field.
a 15:17 come to his senses ░░ /x: come to himself – KJV etc.;
b 15:18, 21 against the heaven ░░ [rather than ‘sin against God’ but ‘dishonoring God’s name’] [‘heaven’ = Heb. idiom
of the Elohim.]
c 15:18, 21 brought shame to you ░░ / > before you – most; /
15:22 signet ring ░░ [i.e. a ring with the family seal of authority]
Then, as he was returning
when he came near the house,
he heard [something] of music and dancing.
And he called one of the young lads
and asked what was going on.
And the young lad said,
<He has come back – your brother is back!
and your father has the fattened calf killed,
why, of course, he has got him safe and sound.>
But this older brother became so angry
that he refused himself even to go in.
Thus his father came out
and pleaded with him [to join the celebration].
But in reply he said to his father,
<Look¡ all these years I have been ‘slaving’ for you
and I never once did disobey your order,
and yet to me you have never once give even a [scrawny] kid-goat
to enjoy [a dinner] with my friends.
But when this son of yours came,
who has devoured your livelihood
— [gosh!] was it in the company of loose women? —
you now had the fattened prized calf killed for him.>
Then this was the father’s relpy:
<Dear child¡ it’s you – you are always with me,
| and [you know] all that is mine is yours.
But how could we fail to
celebrate and not rejoice:
you see, this one, remember he is your brother, was dead
but has now come back to life,
and was lost but is now found!>” ⌂
(Lk 16)

16:1-31 Possessions and the Torah

The use of opportunities:
16:1-13 Parable: a shrewd manager
16:14-18 Explaining the coming of the new order
16:19-31 Parable: A Rich man and Eleazar

16:1-13 Parable of a shrewd manager

A shrewd manager with mammon

Lk 16:1-9 A shrewd manager of the worlda
16:1 And Yeshua also said to his disciples [in parable]
“There was a certain wealthyb man
who employed a manager:
Here, a report came to him about this manager
accusing of handling his assets wastefully.
So he called the manager in and said to him,
<What is all this I hear about you!?
Why don’t you turn in the account in your management;
It’s out of question that you should remain
as my manager any longer.
At that the manager said to himself,
<What shall I do now?
My superiorc is going to fire me from the manager-job!
● I’m not strong enough

● to be digging;

● and to be begging

● I’d get shamed!

Ah, I know this I must do to make sure that,
when I have lost my manager-job
some may kindly receive me into their homes.> [v. 9]
Thus, calling to him each one of those
who owe his own superior,
the manager asked the first one,
<How much do you owed my superior.>
And he said,
<One hundred bath-measurese of olive-oil.>

a 16:1-5 <Shrewd manager of the world> ░░ /x: ‘dishonest steward’; [his master is in commodity trade.]
b 16:1 wealthy ░░ [the parable story tells he is a wealthy merchant in the upper class of the society]
c 16:3-8 superior ░░ [Gk. kurios ‘lord’ ‘owner’ ‘boss’]; /> master; /
d 16:5 owe ░░ (not ‘debt’. ? ‘in arrears’. due to pay).
e 16:6 one hundred bath-measures░░ (Gk. batous); (100 bath ≈ 800 gallons; $64,000) [30,000 denarii per silver price

basis] [Amount is that which is encountered in commodity market.]

And the manager said to him,
<Here comes your written-agreement — take it;
and sit down and quickly write over as ‘fifty’. a>
Then he said to another,
<You — how much do you owe?>
And he said,
<One hundred kor-measuresb of wheat.>
And he says to him,
<Here comes your written-agreement — take it;
and write on it ‘eighty’c.>”
“Here, yoů see, what this superior did was to speak well of
his manager living in the unrighteousd world
because of shrewdness he had shown in what he did [+]e
The truth is that
the ‘sons of this present order of the world’ are shrewder
than are the [so called] ‘sons of the light’
in handling their affairs with their own kind of people.
Then, what I certainly should say to yoů-all is this [+]f: [cf. 12:33-34]
To yourselves go and make friends from among those people [+]g
by using the mammonh [yoů have]
the very thing which belongs to the unrighteous world; [v. 11]
so that, when it runs out{/mss}, they’ll have yoů received
to the eternal dwellings. [v. 4] [v. 9b - cf. 14:13-14]

a 16:6 fifty ░░ [i.e. subtracting 50% margin – usual for business; not exorbitant.]
b 16:7 one hundred kor-measures ░░ (Gk. korous ‘cor’) 100 kor ≈ 1000 bushels; $8,000); [4,000 denarii]
c 16:7 eighty ░░ [i.e. substracting 20% margin (lower for wheat than for wine).]
d 16:8 (manager) ~ in the unrighteous world ░░ [same as for ‘judge’ in 18:6; one in the secular world; not

‘unjust’ ‘wicked’ ‘unrighteous’ one.] (‘unrighteousness’ - metonymic for ‘unrighteous world’)

e 16:8 he did [+] ░░ [+ in taking care of himself so well with his business dealings]
f 16:9 is this [+] ░░ [+ shrewdness needed in his world – sure, he did have that; As for yoů, it is God’s Kingdom

people’s wisdom yoů are to have:]

g 16:9 those people [+] ░░ [+ to bring them into the Life of God’s Kingdom]
h 16:9 mammon belonging to the unrighteous world ░░ /mammon of the unrighteousness; /x: unjust wealth;

/x: unrighteous mammon (- ‘ill-gotten gains); unrighteousness (metonymic for ‘unrighteous world’)
Lk 16:10-12 Trustworthy with what is smallest
The one who is trustworthya in dealing with what is smallest matter
is trustworthy also with what is great;
and the one who is dishonest in dealing with what is smallest
is untrustworthy also with what is great.
Therefore, if yoů have not proved yourselves trustworthy
in dealing-with the mammon of the unrighteous world, [v. 9]
who [+ among yoů in the world] will entrust
the thing of truth to yoů?
And if yoů have not proven yourselves trustworthy
in dealing with what belongs to another,
who [+ among yoů in the world] will let yoů have – entrust yoů with
what ought to be truly yoůr {/mss} own?
Lk 16:13 On serving two masters
▪ No servant can be serving two masters:
 if he is, he either will love the one
● and not love the other,

● or he will stick to one

 and come to disregard the other.

▪ Yoů can’t be both serving God
and slaving for mammonb.” [v. 15] ⌂

Parable explained for the coming of the new order

16:14-18 Parable explained for the coming of the new order

16: 14-15 Addressing Pharisees on the parable
16: 16-17 Torah and Nevi’im (//Mt 11:12-13; 5:17-20)
16:18 A case: ‘divorce’ (//Mt 5:31-32)

Lk 16:14-15 Pharisees got reproved

And the Pharisees, who were fond lovers of money,
heard him say all this and scoffed at him.
Thus Yeshua said to them,
“As for yoů, yoů are the ones
who try to make yourselves righteous before men;
[Don’t fool yourselves.]
the Elohim, however, knows yoůr hearts:
because the very thing which is exalted among people
is [really] an abominationc in the sight of the Elohim. [v. 13]

a 16:10ff trustworthy ░░ /> faithful;

b 16:13 mammon ░░ (//Mt 6:24) [Aramaic for wealth. Also Lk 16:9, 11] [= all that is pursued for pleasure and power,
a god of gold]; /> wealth; /xx: money; /x: riches (cf. Lk 8:14 ploutos ‘riches’); [cf. 1Ti 6:10 ‘love of money’];
c 16:15 abomination ░░ [an object of idolatry, the pursuit of prosperity and pride (human recognition)]
Lk 16:16 {//Mt 11:12-13} God’s reign being announced since Yohanan
16:16 a
<The Torah and the Nevi'im were until Yohanan [the Immerser]:
From that time on,
the Kingdom reign of the Elohim is being brought as good-news
and [with determination] everyone is breaking forth into it.

Lk 16:17 {//Mt 5:18}; (Cf. Mk 13:31) Letters in the Torah

Yes, it is easier for the [present order of] heaven and the earth
to pass away, [cf. Rev 21:1; Cf. Heb 8:12]
than for one stroke in a letter of the Torah
to fall off. [+]b [21:33]
Lk 16:18 {//Mk 10:11} (Cf. Mt 19:9; Mt 5:31-32) A case: on ‘divorce’c
Anyone who [+ for instance] puts away his wife
in order to marryd another,
is [de facto] committing adultery [+]e;
And anyone marrying the woman
who is so put away from a husband,
is committing adultery. [cf. Mk 10:12]

16:19-31 Parable of a rich man and Eleazar

Parable of Eleazar and a rich man

Lk 16:19-31  Allegory: A rich man and Eleazarf
{He also told another parable:} [Cf. Mt 8:11-12]
Now there was a certain man who was richg
— and clothed in purple [royal garment] and fine linen,h
and feasting sumptuously every day.
Then there a certain poor man named Eleazari
— thrown down at the gate of this rich man’s [house],
being covered with sores [over the body].
and longing to satisfy himself with {scraps}
falling on the floor from the table of that rich man.
Yea, even the dogs, coming [after the scraps] ,
would lick the sores of the poor man.

a 16:16 the Torah and the Nevi'im [+] ░░ [+ all the prophecies in them] (←//Mt 11:13); />> the Law and the Prophets;
b 16:17 to fall off [+] ░░ [+ as the soferim and Pharisees surrender their scrupulosity].
c 16:18 <divorce> ░░ [Here in the first century patriarchal society, it was about ‘putting away one’s wife’. People then

didn’t have its modern counterpart ‘divorce’ which is a legal proceeding.]

d 16:18 in order to marry another ░░ [Hebraism]; /> and marry another; /
e 16:18 adultery [+] ░░ [+ and is contrary to the spirit of the Law]
f 16:19-31 <a rich man vs. Eleazar> ░░ [an allegorical parable] [misused for a proof text of unbiblical ‘soul

g 16:19 a rich man ░░ [Often called Dives after Latin (meaning ‘rich’) as in Vulgate.]
h 16:19 in purple and fine linen ░░ [symbolic of having royal Davidic covenant and priesthood]
i 16:20 Eleazar ░░ [‘God has helped’. Alludes to the Gentile servant of Abraham. Cf. Jn 11:1ff]; /Lazarus;
Well, it came to be that the poor man died
and that he was carried off by the angels
to the bosom [position by the side] of Abraham. a
In turn, the rich man also died and was buried.
And it was there in Hadesb
that the rich man, in much anguish as he was, looked up,
and saw Abraham a long way off and there Eleazar
among the bosom position by the side of him.
And he cried out and said,
<Father Abraham¡
have pity on me!
Please have Eleazar sent over here
to dip his finger tip in water and cool my tongue!
I’m in agony [here] in this flame [of fire]!>
But Abraham said,
<Don’t forget, child,
you took in all the good things
to fully enjoy in your life;
while, as for Eleazar,
he did ‘enjoy’ too – the terrible things!
So it is that now he is being comforted here,
while there you on your part are in agony.
And, as if all this isn’t enough, {/mss}
there between us and yoů all
a great gulf [of water] is established,
so that those wishing to go over
from here to yoů people cannot [really] do so,
nor anyone can cross over from there to us.>
And the rich person answered,
<Then, I beg you, father,
send Eleazar to my father's house
There, you see, I have five brothersc.
tell him to give them a thorough witness
so that they won’t, in their turn, end up here too,
to this place of torment!>

16:22 bosom of Abraham ░░ [Hebrew idiom = ‘paradise’ (Lk 23:43)]
16:23 Hades ░░ [Heb. she’ol] = realm of the dead; /x: hell – NET, KJV+; /
16:28 five children ░░ [alludes to five brothers of Yehudah (son of Yaakob) – Gen 35:23 (Reuben,
Shimeon, Levi, Yehudah, Yissasḵar, and Zeḇulun)] [The rich man serves as a symbol of Yehudah.]
But Abraham says to him,
<They have Moses and the prophets, don’t they?
They can listen to them.>
And the rich person said,
<No way, father Abraham¡ but it would take
someone [sent] from the realm of the deada
going to see them
— then they will surely turn their heart to God’s way.> b
And Abraham said to him,
<If they don’t listen to Moses and the prophets,
neither will they be persuaded
even if someone were to rise up from among the dead. c>”◊

17:1-19 Rules and examples:

17:20-37 The Day of the Son-of-man

(Lk 17)

Lk 17:1-3a {//Mt 18:6-7; //Mk 9:42} Stumbling-blocks

And he said to his disciples,
“It is unavoidable that
there should be the stumbling-blocksd;
however, how terrible it would be
to anyone who is accountable for such things to come!
It would be better off for such person
if a [big] millstone were hung around his neck
and he were hurled into the sea
than for him to cause
one of these little ones to stumble
— Watch yourselves for what yoů do!

16:30 from the realm of the dead ░░ (Gk. apo nekrōn)
16:31 turn their hearts ░░ />> *repent;
16:31 from out of dead ones ░░ (Gk. ek nekrōn)
17:1 stumbling-blocks ░░ /x: offenses – KJV; /x: temptations to sin – ESV; /
On forgiveness
Lk 17:3b-4 (cf. Mt 18:15, 21-22) On forgiveness
and if your fellow brother does a grave wronga
{to you},
bring out his wrongs for him to see and correct,
and if he comes to turn his heart, b
do forgive him
And if seven times a day
he does a grave wrong to you
and seven times he comes back to you,
saying <You see, here I turn my heart to God’s way>,
you shall forgive him.”
Mustard seed faith
Lk 17:5-6 {//Mt 17:20-21} (cf. Mt 21:21 //Mk 11:23) (cf. Lk 13:6-9) Faith small as a mustard seedc
And those who were sent out by Yeshua said to the Master,
“Please add on to us faith from God.”
And the Master said,
“If yoů have faith from God
this much as a mustard seed,
yoů would in that case say to this black mulberry tree,
<Be uprooted and planted in the sea>,
and it would have obeyed yoů.
We are simply servants
Lk 17:7-10 We are simply servants
But with a servant plowing or tending flock,
would any of yoů say to him,
when he returns after work from the field,
<Come here right away and recline at the meal>?
Surely you’d rather say,
<Get something ready for me to have my dinner,
and put on an apron and serve me
while I eat and drink,
and afterwards you may eat and drink>.
He does not have to be thankful to the servant
for carrying out the orders, does he? {I think not.}
In the same way yoů too
when yoů have done everything yoů were told to do,
should say,
<We are simply servants, ordinary ones;
what we have done is what we ought to do.>” ◊

a 17:3 do something wrong ░░ /sin; [In Aramaic, debt = sin]

b 17:3, 4 turn one’s hearts ░░ [See 3:3]; />> *repent;
c 17:5-6 <Faith small as a mustard seed> ░░ [aphorism. not ‘growing faith’ (cf. Parable of Planting a Mustard Seed Lk

13:18-19; //Mt 13:31-32)] [Background of their request was not in G-Lk; Mt 17:20 gives it as the disciples’ failure in
exorcism. See Mt 17:20 fn] [cf. ‘nothing is impossible those who believe’]
17:11-19:48 Journey to Yerusalem

17:11 – 19:48 Journey to Yerusalem

17:20 – 18:34 – To Yericho

Cleansing ten lepers

Lk 17:11-19 Cleansing ten lepers
Now it came to be
as on their journey to Yerusalem.
Yeshua on his part was passing through the region [+]a
between SAMARIA and GALILEE.
And as he entered into a certain village,
ten leprous mmen came upon him there
— they kept themselves at a distance:
and they shouted out, saying
O Chief¡ have pity on us!”
And when he saw them, he said to them,
“Go and show yourselves to the priests.”
[They went off.] And it came to be
that as they were going [on the way], they were cleansed.
And one of them, having seen that he was healed, returned,
glorifying the Elohim with a loud voice,
and he fell upon his face at Yeshua’s feet,
giving him thanks.

((And … this one as [even] a Samaritan!))

And in response Yeshua said:
“Weren’t there all ten of them cleansed?
But where were the nine?
Why is it that no one has returned to give glory to the Elohim
except this man of other nation?”
And he said to the man,
“Arise and go your way:
as you have trusted you are made well.” ⌂

17:11 through the region [+] ░░ [+ eastward in Jezreel valley in the part of DECAPOLIS]
17:20-37 The Day of The Son-of-man

God’s reign with Yeshua Himself

Lk 17:20-21 Coming of God’s Reign with Yeshua Himself
Now, having been questioned by the Pharisees
about when the Kingdom reign of the Elohim would come,
he answered them and said,
“No, the Kingdom reign of the Elohim does not come
 along with something observable to watch for;
Neither can people say,
<Look, here it is!> Or, <There, it is!>
Look¡ indeed, presence of the very Kingdom reign of the Elohim
 is [right here] in the midst of yoů-all. a [cf. 11:20]

The Day of the Son-of-man

Lk 17:22-37 (Cf. Mt 24:23-28, 37-41) The Day of the Son-of-man
And he said to the disciples,
“Time will come when yoů will be longing to see
a single day of the days of this Son-of-man
but yoů will not witness one such day.
And people will say to yoů, <Look, over here!> <Look, there!>
do not go out to them, nor run after them. (cf. Mt 24:23; //Mk 13:21)

Indeed, just as the lightning flashes
from the one end of the sky
and shines to the other end,
so will the Son-of-man be {in his day}. (Mt 24:27)

But first he must suffer many things
and be rejected by people of this generation. 

And just as it occurred in the days of Noah,
so will it be also in the days of the Son-of-man.
They were eating and drinking,
marrying and being given in marriage.
until the [very] day that Noah entered into the ark
and the flood came
and destroyed them all there [+]b. (Mt 24:37-39)

17:21 kingdom of the Elohim in the midst of you-all ░░ [the only expression here in NT.] [i.e. making
His presence they should discern here in the world of this age. See 10:10-11; 11:20; 21:31] [‘not a
psychological or spiritual reality’ in one’s heart]; /xx: within you – most;
17:27 all there [+] ░░ [+ in the land where the flood came over]
Likewise just as it occurred in the days of Lot;
they were eating and drinking;
buying and selling;
planting and building.
but the very day that Lot escaped and left Sodom
fire and brimstonea rained down from heaven
and destroyed them all there [+]b.
The same way it will be on the day
that the Son-of-man is to be revealed.
On that day, no one who is on the housetop should go down
to get their possessions from inside the house,
Likewise, no one out in the field
should go back for anything. (Mt 24:17-18)

— remember [what happened to] the wife of Lot! [Gen 19:26]
Whoever tries to keep his own being of lifec will lose it:
but whoever loses it will preserve it alive. (Mt 10:39)
And I’m telling yoů this:
in that very night two people sharing one couch,
the one will be taken and the other will be left.

Two women will be together grinding flour [+]d,
one will be taken and the other will be left.
{Two are to be at work in the field,
one will be taken and the other will be left.}” (Mt 24:41, 40)

And they responded, saying to him,
“Where [will this happen], Master?”
And he said to them,
“Where the [dead] body is,
the eagles also will be there gathered together.” ◊ (Mt 24:28)

17:29 brimstone ░░ - KJV; />sulfur – (different word image).
17:27 all there [+] ░░ [+ remaining in their land].
17:33 own being of life ░░ /soul; /life
17:35 flour [+] ░░ [+ with a hand-mill] [Mt 24:41]
Parables on prayer:
18:1-8 (1) A worldly judge
18:9-14 (2) A Pharisee and a tax-profiteer

(Lk 18)
Parable: a widow and a worldy judge (≠11:5-8)
Lk 18:1-8 Parable: a Widow and the worldly judge
And Yeshua told a parable to show them
that they ought to be praying always and never get discouraged;
“A certain judge was there in a city,
who didn’t have fear for the Elohim
and nor any regard for people.
There was a widow in that city, and she kept coming to him,
saying <Please grant me justice against my adversary.>
And for a while he simply refused; but later he said with himself,
<True enough, I don’t have fear for the Elohim,
nor any regard for people;
yet because this widow keeps on bothering me,
I’m going to grant justice to her,
otherwise, she will keep coming to me
till she wears me out with constant pleas.>”
Then the Master said,
“Hear what this judge living in the unrighteousa world
is saying here [in this parable].
Certainly then, shall not the Elohim see justice done [Jer 11:20]
in behalf of His chosen ones,
when they cry out to Him day and night?
Will He delay long over them?
I’m telling yoů, He will see justice done
in their behalf speedily.
Yet, when He comes, will the Son-of-manb really find
that kind of such persevering faith [in Elohim] c
here on the earth at all?” ◊

18:6 (judge) in the unrighteous world ░░ [i.e. judge in the secular world; not ‘unjust’ ‘wicked’
‘unrighteous’ judge.]
18:8 the Son-of-man ░░ [Lit. ‘the son of the man’; Aramaic for a human being. IRENT capitalizes when it is used as
Yeshua’s self-designation ‘I’ – mostly in G-Mt – but without drawing too much attention to himself.]
18:8 that kind of ~ faith in Elohim ░░ (tēn pistin); /the faith – YLT, WEB; /the aforementioned faith – Wuest; /xxx:
faith – most; /[not faith in God who exists with power and authority, it is ‘faith on who God is’ – putting one’s total trust
in the God who is love and that all springs from His love.]
Parable: a Pharisee and a tax-profiteer
Lk 18:9-14 Parable: a Pharisee and a tax-profiteer
There Yeshua addressed {also} to some people
who were convinced in ther own minds that they were righteous,
looking down on everyone else —
giving this parable:
“Two men went up into the Miqdash to pray;
one was a Pharisee and the other a tax-profiteer.
The Pharisee, having stood apart by himself, prayed like this:
<O Elohim, thank you that I am not like the other people
— extortioners, dishonest ones, adulterers —
nor even like that tax-profiteer [over there].
You see, [fulfilling obligation to you,]
I’m being scrupulous to keep fasting twice a week;
and to pay one tentha [even] on all things I’d acquire.>
But the tax-profiteer on his part standing off at a distance,
would not even dare to look up to the heaven,
but beating on his chest, saying
<O Elohim, please be merciful to me;
such an outcast sinner I’m!>”
“I tell yoů, it is this man that went off home
having been made righteous — instead of the other!
See that everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled;
but one who humbles himself shall be exalted.” ◊

18:12 one tenth ░░ /tithe; [See 11:42 fn]
18:15-30 Belonging to God’s Reign
{//Mt 19:13-30; //Mk 10:13-31}
Yeshua with Children
18:15-16 {//Mt 19:13-14; //Mk 10:13-16} Be like children to belong to the Kingdom
18:15 Now people were bringing [children] to him,
even the babies [in their arms], that he would hold them;a
but the disciples, seeing this,
dressed down those who brought them. b
But Yeshua called the children to his side, saying
“Let the children come to me! [+]c
No! don’t try to block them.
Don’t yoů see? They are the very ones found
to belong to the Kingdom reign of the heavens!”
18:17 {//Mk + 10:15} (cf. Mt 18:3) As a child receive the Kingdom
Yes! I’m telling yoů: whoever does not receive
the Kingdom reign of the Elohim, like a child does [+]d,
shall never get into it.” [cf. Lk 9:48] e

Life eternal & keeping God’s commandments

18:18-23 {= Mk+10:17-22; //Mt+19:16-22;} {cf. 10:25-28}f Life eternal & God’s commandments
And a certain leader asked him, saying
“O good teacher¡ what is that I must do [to assure myself]
to receiveg eternal Lifeh as my portion [as God grants] i?” [=10:25]
And Yeshua said to him,
 “How is it that you call me ‘good’?
None is there [being] good, except one, the very Elohim.
Why, these commandments are what you have known:
<☼You shall not commit adultery;
You shall not take other’s life;j
You shall not take what belongs to others;k
You shall not falsely testify;
Honor your father and mother.>”

a 18:15 would hold them [+] ░░ [+ laying his hands on them and praying over them for blessing, as customary for a
Rabbi] [fr. Mt 19:13] [as in oriental customs, but foreign to the modern Western societies.]
b 18:15 dressed down those who brought them ░░ [+ – “Don’t you see it? We are on the ‘real’ stuff for us, the grown-

ups. This isn’t a very good time to have children here, is it?”]
c 18:16 come to me! [+] ░░ [+ I’m going to tell yoů the ‘real’ stuff.]
d 18:17 as a child does [+] ░░ [+ with their mind unattached to the worldly]
e 18:17 <verse> ░░ [Cf. Thematically 18:17 is appropriate to come before 9:48 the verse which would be more

appropriate to be here. See fn in 9:48 (also Mk 10:15 fn).]

f 18:18-23 <Eternal life and Keeping God’s commandment> ░░ /> <Rich Young man>; [a certain rich one - //Mk 10:17-

22; rich ruler – //Lk 18:18-30] [Not to be confused with a pericope of the greatest commandment //Mt 22: 34-40; //Mk
12: 28-34; //Lk 10:25-28]
g 18:18 receive ~ as my portion ░░ /x: inherit ~ - most; [Cf. ‘make their way into the Kingdom’.]
h 18:18 Life eternal ░░ (= 10:25 See fn there); /x: everlasting life;
i 18:18 as God grants [+] ░░ [+ for me to live here and now];
j 18:20 take other’s life ░░ /x: murder; /> kill;
18:20 take what belongs to others ░░ [more than others’ ‘possession’]; /> steal;
And he said,
“[+]a All these things I have carefully guarded already
[ever] since my youth!”
And when Yeshua heard it, he said to him,
“[Is that so!] Yet, one thing is lacking with you:
[as for you,] all that you may have,
better sell and give it out to the poor [cf. 12:33]
and you’re going to have heavenly treasureb —
and come! Be a follower of me.”
But when he heard these, he became very disheartened;
he was in fact extremely rich [too great to let go]c.

How hard for the rich

Lk 18:24-27 {//Mt +19:23-26; //Mk +10:23-27} How hard to get in God’s Kingdom
And seeing him {very disheartened}, Yeshua said,
“How difficult it will be for those who possess richesd
to make their way into the Kingdom reign of the Elohim!
Yoů see, it is easier for a camele
to squeeze through a needle’s eye,
than for a rich person [like him] [+]f
to get in to join the Kingdom reign of the Elohim.”
And those who heard it said,
“Who, then, is there able to be restored [for Life eternal]?”
But he said,
“What is impossible with mere mortal humans
is perfectly ☼possible with the Elohim [+]g.”

18:21 he said: [+] ░░ [+ you still have not given me an answer I need.]
18:22 heavenly treasure [+] ░░ [genuine one for that matter! — you are to own nothing to hold you down
any more!] [Gk. ‘~ in the heavens’]; [A rabbinic expression turned around by Yeshua for ‘Life in the God’s
18:22 [to let it go] [+] ░░ [+ too dear to him; it would not let him go to be freed from it.]
18:24 those who possess riches ░░ [= //Mk 10:23. Mk 10:24 v.l. has a phrase ‘those who put trust in their
riches] [a rich person (v. 25) – possessing money but actually possessed by it; anyone (rich or poor) who
identifies worldly riches (deranged self-object relation) as one’s self (being engrossed in things of money).]
18:25 camel ░░ Gk. kamēlos. [word play in Greek and Aramaic with ‘rope’. Greek kamilos vs. kamēlos.
Aramaic word gml means camel, rope, beam - Ref: GM Lamsa Gospel Light (Harper 1964) p. 117] [used for
transport as in caravans and in Roman army.]
18:25 [like him] [+] ░░ [+ to enter through the narrow gate] [Mt 7:13]
18:23 [to let it go] [+] ░░ [+ to bring people into the God’s Kingdom reign]
18:28-30 {//Mt +19:27-30; //Mk +10:28-31} Rewards of discipleship
And Kefa said,
“Look¡ we have left everything behind and followed you.”
And he said to them,
“Truly. I say to yoů, anyone who has left everything behind home,
— house or wife or brothers or parents or children —
for the sake of the Kingdom reign of the Elohim, a
 will surely get much more in this present period of time
and, in the coming aeon, Life eternal.”

Foretells His death & resurrection

#3 of foretelling His death & Resurrection

Lk 18:31-34 {//Mt 20:17-19 Mk 10:32-34} Foretells His death & resurrection 
Then Yeshua took the ‘Twelve’ with him and said to them,
“See, we’re going up
to get into the very City Yerusalem;
there all the things that are written
through the prophets about the Son-of-man
will be fulfilled [this way]
— he will be delivered over to the Gentiles [Cf. 9:44]
and will be derided and reviled and spit on.
Having scourged him,
they will put him to death;
and on the third day
he will rise upb [to Life].”[=9:22; 24:46] [Cf. Hos 6:2]
But the Twelve understood none of these things,
and this saying was hidden from them
and they did not grasp what was said. ◊

18:29 reign of the Kingdom of the Elohim ░░ [cf. //Mt 19:29 ‘my name’; //Mk 10:29 ‘of me ~ and the
good new’.]
18:33 rise up ░░ {/be raised up //Mt 20:19}; /x: rise again; /
@ Passing Through Yericho 18:35-19:27

18:35-43 (1) A blind beggar

19:1-10 (2) Zakkai (Zacchaeus)
19:11-27 (3) Parable of Ten minas

Healing a blind at Yericho

Lk 18:35-43 {//Mt 20:29-34; //Mk 10:46-52} (Cf. Mt 9:27-31) Healing of a blind man
Now it came to be, as he was getting near to Yericho,
a certain blinda man was sitting by the roadside begging for alms:
and hearing a crowd moving by,
he asked what was all about.
And they told him,
“It’s Yeshua the Nazorean! he is passing by.”
At that he cried out, saying
“Yeshua¡ son of David! have pity on me!”
And those who were leading the way
rebuked him to be quiet,
but all the louder he cried out,
“It’s yoo --- u! son of David! have pity on me!”
Now, this made Yeshua stop
and he order them to bring him over.
and when the blind man got near, Yeshua asked him,
“What would you have me to do for you?”
And he said,
“O Master¡ make me be able to see again.”
And Yeshua said to him,
“Receive your sight! You can see now!
You have put your trust in me, so are you made whole.”
And right away he could see again
and [determinedly] began to followb Yeshua, glorifying the Elohim;
and all the people, on witnessing this,
gave praise to the Elohim. ◊

18:35 blind man ░░ [Cf. two blind men in G-Mt - typical Matthean doubling. //Mk 10:52 has a blind one
named BarTimaeus.]
18:43 follow him ░░ [the only pericope in the Synoptic Gospels where someone began to follow Yeshua,
after receiving healing but remaining blind to the world.]
(Lk 19)
Zacchaeus (Zakkai)
Lk 19:1-10 Zakkai finds Yeshua
19:1 And he came into Yerichoa town
and was passing through.
And look¡ a man called by name Zakkaib
— and he was a chief tax-profiteerc and was rich.
There Zakkai had been eager to take a close look at Yeshua
— to find out who he is.
However, [he knew] he was not tall enough
to be able to see over the crowd.
And [this, he managed to make it:] he ran ahead
and climbed up on a fig-mulberry tree to see him
— you see, Yeshua was about to pass through that way!
And when Yeshua came to the place, he looked up
and saw him and said,
“Why, Zakkai¡
hurry and come down;
Indeed, this very day
it is necessary for me to stay in your house.”
And hurriedly he came down
and joyfully received him [as an honored guest].
And when people saw it,
they all began muttering,
“[God forbid], it is just with an outcast sinner
that he’s gone in to be a guest!”
And as for Zakkai
there he stood before the Master,
and this is what he said to him:
“See! half of my belongings, Master,
yes, to the poor ones I’m going to give out
and if from anyone I have ever extorted anything,
I should give back ☼four times as much.”
And Yeshua said to them,
“[Look¡] today to this house

salvationd [from the Elohim] has come
as he also is a son of Abraham.”

19:1 Yericho ░░ - Heb. (‘place of fragrance’); /Jericho;
19:2 Zakkai ░░ - Heb. (‘pure’; /Zacchaeus – most; /
19:2 chief tax-profiteer ░░ (architelōnēs) [‘tax-collector’ - for tribute the Romans exacting from the
occupied population.] [Cf. ‘extortioners’ (18:11)]
19:9 salvation ░░ [Cf. Yeshua = ‘Yah is Salvation’]
19:10 {//Mt 18:11} (Lukan interpolation)
 “And indeed, the Son-of-man has come –
▪ it is to ☼seek out
▪ and save
 those who are lost.” [ ☼Ezk 34:16a] ◊

Parable of ten pounds of silver money

Lk 19:11-27 (cf. Mt 25:14-30 ‘of talent’} (cf. Mk 13:34) Parable of ten pounds (minas)
And as they heard these things,
he proceeded to add and spoke a parable.
And he did this
because he had now drawn close to Yerusalem
and the people were under the impression
that any time soon the Kingdom reign of the Elohim was
about to be ushered in. [+]a
Thus he told them,
“There once was a certain man of noble status
who was about to go to a distant country [in power],
to get himself a royal title and then to return home
[to yield power over people in his allocated territory] .
[This is how it went]:
[Upon leaving] he called ten servants of his
and distributed among themb
a sum of ten poundsc of silver money — one pound to each,
and said to them,
<Put this money to work for me until I come.>
As for the people living under his rule, however,
they had no love for him at all
and had a delegation sent, right on his heels,
to say <We do not want that this man as our king.> [v.27]
And it came to pass, when he returned,
having received the royal title,
that he summoned these servants,
to whom he had given the money,
to find out how each come out by putting it to work.
Thus, the first one made his appearance, saying
<Sir, your one pound has increasedd
to ten pounds!> ↓

a 19:11 usherd in [+] ░░ [+ in power with the Son-of-man as the judge] [17:22-37]
b 19:13 distributed among them a sum of ░░ /x: gave them;
c 19:13ff pounds of silver money ░░ /minas; [Gk. * mina ≈ 1.5 pounds (1 pound = 12 troy oz) ≈ less than $400 at Sep.

2013 market price.]

d 19:16, 18, 24 increased to ░░ /x: earned ~ more; /
And he said to him,
<Well done, such an excellent servant you are!
Seeing that you have shown yourself trustworthy
even in so insignificant matter,
I’m going to put you
in chargea of [the affairs of] ten towns!>
And the second came, saying
<Sir, your one pound has increased to five pounds!>
And he said to him also,
<You, too — in charge of five towns!>
Along came the other servant, saying
<Sir, look¡ here is your one pound!
I kept it safely stored away wrapped in a towel:
I was afraid of you, you see,
because you are a strict man:
you are [even] taking up what you did not put in
and reaping what you did not sow>.
He says to him,
<By your own words I’m going to judge you,
you worse servant!
You knew that I [really] am a strict man,
taking up what I did not put in
and reaping what I did not sow, did you?
So, why is it that you did not put my money in a bank?
Then, when I came back
I [surely] would have had the interest!>
And he said to those who were standing around,
<Take away from him the very one pound
and give to the one who has made to ten pounds.>
And they said to him,
<Sir, he now has already [such large money of] ten pounds! …>
I say this to yoů: to everyone who has,
[more] will be given;
but from the one who does not have,
even what he has will be taken away from him. [19:26 // 8:18]
Nevertheless, as for these enemies of mine
who did not want me to be king over them—
do bring them here and cut them down before me. [v.14]” ◊

a 19:17, 19 in charge of the affairs of towns ░░ [metonymic use of ‘towns’ for ‘their affairs’]; /x: have authority over;
III. C. Final ministry in Yerusalem (19:29 ff)
[⇦III. A&B. Road to Yerusalem 9:51; ⇨IV. A: Path to Passion 22:1]

Final Ministry in Yerusalem

Lk 19:29 – 21:38{//Mt 21:1-25:46; Mk 11:1 – 13:37; //Jn Ø }

Timeline - First half of the Passion Weeka

(See Supplement WB #5)

Passover→ Lamb Eve of Prep. Meal

B A ϠY FT fDO † † <tomb>
day night
Day of Week 1 2 3 4 5 6
Mnemonic Start Mounte Temple Www Trial Final
13 14
Abib 9 10 11 12 Erev Pesach Pesach
Apr-1 2 3 4 5 6 
CE 30
Sat Ϡ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
Nisan* 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

[* Nisan date, which is 12 hours ahead, is for comparison only. Its date cannot be fixed since calendation to
locate the first day of this month in a proleptic rabbinic Jewish calendar is different for Abib of the Biblical

<A Timeline Chart> ░░ [Abib = the first month of the year = Nisan (7th month in rabbinic Jewish calendar)]
[Abib 10, Day 2 of the lunar week. So-called ‘Palm Sunday’ in the liturgical ‘Holy Week’] [Significance of
His entering Yerusalem on Abib 10 as He did – See in BW #5]
Anti-triumphal Entry to Yerusalem220F
Abib 10 4

Lk 19:28-38 {//Mt 21:1-9; //Mk 11:1-10; //Jn12:12-19}

And, having told this story, he went on ahead [from Yericho ← 19:1]
as they continue going up towards Yerusalem. [Jn 12:12] ⌂

@ near Bethphage past Bethany 19:29

Fetching a colt for Him

Lk 19:29-35 {//Mt 21:1-7; //Mk 11:1-7}{ //Jn Ø } Fetching a colt
And it came to be [+]a that
he had come as far as to [the village of] Bethphage and Bethany
on the [south-eastern] slope of the so-called Mount of Olive-grove. b

He sent out two of his disciples,

“[Now I let yoů] Go yoůr way into that village
over there in front of yoů;
— as yoů enter
yoů will find a colt tethered there
on which none has sat ever yet to ride:
Untie and bring it.
And if anyone ask yoů,
<Why are yoů untying it.>
This way yoů will say, <Our master wants it to ride on.>”
And he sent them off.
As they went they found just as he had told them.
And as they were untying the colt,
there came its owners and asked them,
“Why on earth are yoů doing, untying the colt?!” [Mk 11:4a-5]
And they said, “It is that our master needs it.”
And they brought the colt to Yeshua
and having thrown their robes upon it,
had Yeshua mounted on it [to ride out]. c

a 19:29 came to be [+] ░░ [+ up from Yericho in a rather steep ascent]

b 19:29a <verse> ░░ [sentence break here; the Yerusalem entry is on the text day after He had arrived at Bethany (Jn
12:1) where He was anointed by Mariam.]
c 19:35 ride out [+] ░░ [+on the road descending from the Mount of Olive-grove (Lk 19:37) crowded with people

carrying their Passover lambs to the Miqdash] [Note: paragraph break here, not after v. 34, to keep parallel to G-Jn.]
Anti-triumphal entry into Yerusalema
Lk 19:36-38 {//Mt +21:8-9; //Mk +11:8-10; //Jn 12:12-15} Riding on to the City
And as he rode on,
they spread their robes on the road. [+]b
And as he was soon approaching
the road ‘Descent from the Mount of Olive-grove’,
the whole multitude of the disciples was getting filled with joy
and began to burst forth in praise of the Elohim
on account of all the mighty works which they had seen,
“☼Praisedc be to the ‘coming One’, the King,
coming in the name of Adonaid 13:15]! . . . {☼Psa 118:26}
In heaven, God's shalom; and
glory in the Highest Places! ...” [Cf. Lk 2:14]
19:39-40 {//Jn 12:19} Pharisees’ reaction
And some of the Pharisees from the crowd said to him,
“Teacher, rebuke your disciples!”
And answering, he said to them,
“I tell yoů that if these were to remain quiet,
then the very stones [of the Miqdash wall] will cry out!” ◊

Weeping over Yerusalem

19:41-44 Weeping over Yerusalem
And as Yeshua was approaching the City, and saw it lying before him,
he wept over it,
“If you, O Yerusalem! even you had only known, on this day,
the things to assure peace!
— But now, no,
they are hidden from your eyes.
Because the days shall come upon you,
when your enemies will put a military barricade around you
and besiege you and hem you in from every side,
and will raze and dash to the ground
– you and your children within you,
and they will not leave one stone upon another stone in you;
because you did not discern
the time of God’s inspection upon you.” ◊

a 19:36-44 <Anti-triumphal Entry to Yerusalem> ░░ [or ‘anti-imperial’, rather than so-called ‘Triumphal Entry’, an
inaccurate description.][Moving from Caesarea Maritima Pilate be entering Yerusalem from the opposite side on the
west, riding on a horse to take up his residence within the City during this Festival.]
b 19:36 road [+] ░░ [+ crowded with people carrying their Passover lambs to the Miqdash].
c 19:38 blessed words to ░░ [Gk. eulogeō] /praised – most; /blessed – most; /xx: God bless – GNB,
d 19:38 *Adonai ░░ /LORD; /x: the Lord; [Here in the voice of the crowd. Usually rendered as YHWH as in 12:29. It

is Yeshua Himself in the name of YHWH.]

Miqdash incident 19:45-48
(Abib 11, morning)

Miqdash incident
Lk 19:45-46 {//Mt 21:12-13; //Mk 11:15-17} (Cf. //Jn 2:13-22) Miqdash incidenta
And he entered into the Miqdash court
and began to throw out those who were selling {in there and buying},
saying to them,
“It is written,
<☼And my Houseb shall be a house of prayer>, {☼Isa 56:7}
Yoů, however, have made it ☼a den of robbersc {☼Jer 7:11}.” ◊

Lk 19:47a Insertio (w/ reprise 21:37-38)

Thus, Yeshua would be teaching daily in the Miqdash court.

Lk 19:47b-48 {//Mk +11:18-19} (cf. Jn 11:45-53; 8: 1-2) Authority set against Him
On their part, the chief priests and the soferim
along with the leaders of the people
were seeking to make an end of him:
and yet they could not find an effective way to do it.
as all the people were attentive
and kept hanging on to every word from him
as they were listening. ◊

a Lk 19:45-48 <Miqdash Incident> ░░ [Not ‘Temple Cleansing’. Theme is for Mishkan destruction, parallel to the
theme in the <Olivet Discourse>
b 19:46 my House ░░ [i.e. the Miqdash (>Temple) of the Elohim]
c 19:46 robbers ░░ /thieves – KJV; /
(Lk 20)
Confront and teaching

Confrontation and Teaching a 5F

Abib 12 4

Question about His authority

Lk 20:1-8 {//Mt 21:23-27; //Mk 11:27-33} Question about His authority
And it came to be, on one of those days,
as Yeshua was teaching the people in the Miqdash
and bringing good-news,
the chief priests and the soferim, along with the Elders
came over to him;
and they spoke up, asking him,
“Tell us by what authority are you doing these things,
or who it is that gave you this authority?”
And he answered them, saying
“Me too will ask yoů a question!
Yoů tell me,
the immersion rite given by Yohanan
— was it from heaven or from hmen?”
And they debated among themselves, saying
“If we say, <From heaven>,
he’s going to say, <Well then why didn’t yoů believe him?>
But if we say, <From mere mortal men>,
all the people will stone us;
as those are [pretty much] convinced
that Yohanan was a [long awaited] ☼prophet. b ” 5F

And they answered,
“We don’t know where it was from.”
And Yeshua said to them,
“Neither am I going to tell yoů
by what authority I’m doing these things.” ◊

a20:1 – 21: 4 ░░ Debate w/ Yehudim of ruling authority and His teaching in the Miqdash court
{//Mt 21:23 -23:39; //Mk 11:27 – 12:44}
20:6 prophet ░░ (‘YHWH your Elohim will raise up a prophet like me [Moses]’ Deu 18:15.)

Lk 20:9 – 21: 4
{//Mt 21:28 -23:39; //Mk 12:1 – 12:44}

Lk Ø //Mt 21:28-32; //Mk Ø (Two sons)

Lk 20:9-19 //Mt 21:33-46; //Mk +12:1-12 Parable of greedy tenant-farmers
Lk 20:20-26 //Mt +22:15-22; //Mk +12:13-17 Loyalty to God vs. Caesar (tribute)
Lk 20:27-40 //Mt +22:23-33; //Mk +12:18-27 A resurrection question
Lk 20:41-44 //Mt +22:41-46; //Mk 12:35-37a Mashiah being David’s Son
Lk 20:45-47 //Mt +23:1-36; //Mk +12:37b-40 Beware of soferim
Lk 21:1-4 //Mt Ø; //Mk +12:41-44 A widow’s coins
Parable of greedy tenant-farmers
Lk 20:9-19 {//Mt 21:33-46; //Mk +12:1-12} Parable of greedy tenant-farmers
And he began to tell the people this parable:
“A man planted a vineyard and let it out to some tenant farmers
and traveled abroad for a long time.
And when harvest time came,
he sent a servant to the tenant farmers,
to collect some of the produce of the vineyard:
but the farmers beat him up
and sent him away empty-handed.
And he proceeded to send another servant;
and they also beat and humiliated him
and sent him away empty.
Yet he proceeded to send a third;
and this one also they wounded and threw him out.
And the owner of the vineyard said,
<What am I going to do then?
I’ll send my own beloved son;
It’s likely, they will respect him!>
But when the farmers saw him,
they began to reason with one another, saying
<This is the heir; let’s kill him!
then the inheritance may pass into our hands!>
And they threw him outside the vineyard
and killed him.
“What do yoů think the owner of the vineyard will do to them?
He will come and destroy these tenant farmers
and will give the vineyard to others.”
And when they heard this, they said, “May it never happen!”
But he looked on them and said,
“What then is this that is written, {Ps 118. 22ff LXX}
<A block of stone which the builders rejected
as checked worthless!
— the very one has become a cornerstone.>
“Everyone who falls on that stone-block will be shattered;
and anyone whom it falls on, it will pulverize him!” {Cf. Mt 21:44}
As they were quite aware that
this parable was directed to themselves.
the soferim and the chief priests dearly wished that
they could lay hands on him right there and then,
but they were afraid of the people:
On loyalty – to God, or to Caesar
Lk 20:20-26 {//Mt 22:15-22; //Mk +12:13-17} Question on loyalty; to God, or to Caesar
So they [Pharisees]
kept a close watch on Yeshua
and sent spies who pretended to be sincere in religious practices.
They were trying to get hold of him
on his very utterances
so that they could hand him over
to the ruling power and the authority of the Governor.
And they asked him, saying
“Teacher, we know what you say and teach is right one
and do not allow yourself to partiality to any one ,
but staying in truth
you teach the way of [life required by] the Elohim:
Is it righta that we should allow ourselves, or not
— for us to pay tribute b to be sent up to Caesar?”
But he perceived their craftiness and said to them,
“{Why do you put me on a test? …}
Show me a denarius…
Whose portrait and inscription [over there] does it have?”
And they said, “Caesar's!”
And he said to them,
“Well, by all means, then, give back
the things of Caesar’s – to Caesar;
… and the things of the Elohim’s – to the Elohim.” c
And they were not able in the presence of people to catch him
for anything wrong in what he might say
but, being taken aback by his answer, they kept quiet. ⌂

20:22 right ░░ /allowable; /> permitted; /x: lawful - most;
20:22 tribute ░░ [cf. poll-tax (//Mk 12:14; //Mt 22:17)]; [Tribute exacted by the Roman Imperial power
since 63 BC. Not only economically burdensome, but also symbolic of their homeland’s lack of sovereignty.]
20:25 to Caesar ~~ to the Elohim ░░ [The theme is about loyalty to God vs. Caesar, not about issues on
taxation or civil duties.]
Sadducees’ question on resurrection
Lk 20:27-40 {//Mt +22:23-33; //Mk +12:18-27} Sadducees’ question on resurrection
20:27 And some of the Sadduceesa
came up to Yeshua
((— those religious leaders deny
that there is any such thing as resurrection of the dead)) [Cf. Lk 16:19ff]
to ask him, saying
“Teacher¡ Moses prescribed us that, {Deut. 25:5}
<If a man’s brother dies, leaving a wife but childless,
this man should take the widow in marriage
and raise up descendants to his [deceased] brother.>
Now, there were seven brothers:
And the first took a wife and then died childless;
and the second took this widow and then he died childless;
and the third took her,
and in the same way all seven died leaving her no children.
Afterwards the woman also died.
Then, in the resurrection,
of which one of them she becomes wife?
since it turned out that all the seven had her as wife.”
And Yeshua said to them,
“The people now living in the present order of the world [on earth] —
they do marry and are given in marriage:
but in that [coming] order of the worldb
as for those who are considered worthy to take part
in the resurrection from among the dead —
they then neither marry, nor are given in marriage:
in fact, neither can they die any more,
being angel-like, they are God’s sons
by being ‘sons’ of the resurrection.
Now, the fact that the dead do rise to Life [+]c
is revealed even by Moses himself,
— in the passages about the burning ☼thorn-bush [☼Exo 3:1ff] — [= //Mk 12:26]
where he calls YHWHd as

the Elohime of Abraham, Elohim of Isaac,
and Elohim of Yaakob. [☼Exo 3:6]

a 20:27 *Sadducees ░░ (cf. 16:19); [The religious faction holding political power during the Second Temple period;
colluding with the Romans; played the leading role to bring Yeshua to execution. Yehudim of ruling authority (> ‘Jews’)
of G-John refers to this group.]
b 20:35 world [+] ░░ [+ the aeon of the new Life]
c 20:37 to Life [+] ░░ [+ and not to remain dead]
d 20:37, 42 YHWH ░░ [anarthrous kurios. Cf. arthrous ho kurios – 1:6 ‘the Adonai’] /Adonai; /Jehovah; /x: the Lord -

most; /the Lord - Darby; /xx: the Lord;

e 20:37 the Elohim ░░ (Heb.) /God – most;
Thus, He is not a Goda of the dead,
but of the living ones:
To Him, indeed, all of them [+]b are living persons [+]c.”
And in reply, some of the soferim said,
“Well spoken, teacher¡”
In fact, no longer did they dare to ask him anymore.

On Mashiah being David’s Son

Lk 20:41-44 {//Mt +22:41-46; Mk 12:35-37a} Mashiah being David’s Son
20:41 And he said to them,
“How is it that they say
the [promised] Mashiahd is to be David's sone?
Why, David himself says in the book of Psalms, {☼Psa 110:1. Psalm to David}

<YHWH said to my masterf, “Be you seated at My right
until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”>! g
 David, thus, calls himh ‘master’;
how is his masteri to be a son of him?” ◊
Beware of soferim
Lk 20:45-47 {//Mt 23:1-36; Mk +12:37b-40} Beware of soferim
And he said to his disciplesj within the hearing of all the people,
“Beware of the kind of soferim,
who desire to walk around in long robes,
and love to be greeted in the marketplaces,
and to take front seats in the synagogues
and places of honor at supper; [20:46 //11:43]
those who devour from the families of the widows
and in a pretense they make long prayers:
these shall receive heavier judgmentk.”

a 20:38 God ░░ [anarthrous theos, in the sense of God-being]

b 20:38 them [+] ░░ [— Abraham, Isaac, and Yaakob]
c 20:38 persons [+] ░░ [— and will be living in their resurrection]
d 20:41 the [promised] Mashiah ░░ [i.e., the God’s anointed One to come for Israel] /> Messiah; /xxx: Christ – most (-

of Church – anachronistic);
e 20:41 David’s son ░░ [i.e. a descendant of Davin]
f 20:42 my master ░░ /my lord; /x: my Lord; /[Not to be confused with ‘LORD’] [‘my lord’ - Heb. adoni (not ‘adonai’

for YHWH), referring to a human person, not to El ‘God’] [In OT royal psalm it is the King David, for whom the psalmist
sings.]; [Cf. Psa 16:1 (David →) ‘I said unto Jehovah, Thou art my Lord’ (ASV).]
g 20:42-43 <verse> ░░ [= Mt 22:44 //Mk 12:36] {☼ Psa 110:1 A Psalm to (/x: of) David} [//Act 2:34]
h 20:44 him ░░ [i.e. the Mashiah]
i 20:44 his master ░░ [→ v. 42 → ‘the Mashiah’ v. 41]
j 20:45 disciples ░░ [life-committed learners, pupils, students. Heb. talmidim)]
k 20:47 judgment ░░ /xx: condemnation;
(Lk 21)
Widow’s coins
Lk 21:1-4 {//Mk +12:41-44} A widow’s coins
21:1 Now as Yeshua looked up he saw the rich people dropping their gifts
into the Treasury collection receptacles in the Miqdash court.
then he also saw a certain needy widow
dropping in there two coins of smallest valuea.
And he said [to his disciples],
“Truly! I’m telling yoů,
This poor widow dropped in more than any of them:
yoů see, as for all others,
it is out of what they can easily spare that they put in the gifts
but as for this widow, it was out of her lack of means
she put in all something to go for her to live on.” ◊

a 21:2 coins of smallest value ░░ Gr. lepta

Olivet Discourse

Olivet Discoursea
Abib 12

Miqdash destruction foretold; Disciples’ question

Lk 21:5-6 {//Mt 24:1-2; //Mk +13:1-2} Miqdash destruction foretold
Now as some were commenting on the Miqdashb how it was adorned
with beautiful stones and votive offerings,
he said,
“As for these things [of the Miqdash building edifice]
which yoů are looking at —
the days will come when every single stone-block
will be pulled down
which will not be {here} left upon another.”c

Lk 21:7-11 {//Mt +24:3-8; //Mk +13:3-8} Disciples asking for the signs
And they asked him, saying
“Teacher, then, | when will these things actually be?
And what will be the signd
when these things are about to happen?”

a21:5-36 <Olivet Discourse> ░░ {//Mt 24:1-51; //Mk 13:1-37} [The so-called “Olivet Discourse”, much shorter in G-
Lk, is addressed to His disciples on something relevant to their generation, as they brought their question to Him. It is
prophetically connected to the historical event of 70 CE (the Fall of Yerusalem and the Temple Destruction’). It is
NOT about the so-called ‘End Time’. Cf. //G-Mt has intermixed apocalyptic literary language of the Coming
(Parousia) of the Son-of-man.]
G-Lk G-Mt; G-Mk
Destruction of Temple foretold;
21:5-9 //Mt 24:1-5; //Mk 13:5-7
Tamidim’s questions
21:8-11 //Mt 24:6-8; //Mk 13:7-8 Beginning of pangs
21:12-19 //Mt 24:9-14; //Mk 13:9-13 Persecutions
Yerusalem to fall (Lk)
21:20-24 //Mt 24:15-22; //Mk 13:14-20
=Abominable thing (Mt, Mk)
(Cf. Lk 17:23-24) // Mt 24:23-26; //Mk 13:21-23 False messiahs and false prophets
21:25-28 //Mt 24:27-31; //Mk 13:24-27 Coming of the Son-of-man
21:29-33 //Mt 24:32-35; //Mk 13:28-31 Lesson of the fig tree
Ø Mt 24:36-41; //Mk 13:32-31 Be Ready for His coming
Lk 21:34-36 (Mt 24:42-44) Exhortation: Be watchful
(12:35-40; 41-46) //Mt 24:45-51 Faithful and wise servant
Ø Mt 25:1-13 Parable – ten bridesmaids
(19:12-27) //Mt 25:14-30 Parable of minas; of the talents (G-Mt);
Ø Mt 25:31-46 Eternal judgment (G-Mt)
(Blue) – outside the Passion week narrative
When this section is taken as a long interposition, the readers will find the main narrative text continue from v. 4
onto v. 37 in the final days of Yeshua’s ministry before the Passion Week.
b 21:5 Miqdash ░░ /> Temple; [not at the site of the Temple Mount (Haram esh-Sharif in Arabic) of Islamic ‘Dome of
the Rock, but further south and below at Zion of the City of David. The Western Wailing Wall was not its part.]
c 21:6 <Prophecy on utter destruction of Miqdash> ░░ [historically fulfilled. the Miqdash became unrecognizable after

its total destruction in CE 70 – not a single stone block left in place! Even the city itself could not be recognized.]
d 21:7 signs ░░ [‘parousia’ (Mt 24:3) is not mentioned in their question here in G-Lk & G-Mk.]
Beginning of pangs
And he said …
“Watch out that yoů’re not deceived.
Indeed, many will come and take up my name,
saying I am the very Mashiah a [who is at their behind]
and the time has come
— There, yoů must on no account go after them.
And when yoů will hear of wars and rebellions,
do not be terrified:
yoů see, these things must necessarily happen first;
but ☼the end [+]b is not to come immediately.”
Then he said to them,
“Nation will rise against nation
and kingdom against kingdom;
and there will be great earthquakes,
pestilences – in various places – and famines,
and there will be terrifying sights and great signs from heaven [+] c.

Lk 21:12-19 {//Mt +24:9-14; //Mk +13:9-13} Persecution foretold

But before all these things,
they will be laying their hands on yoů and persecuting yoů,
delivering over to the synagogues and prisons;
yoů will be brought before kings and governors
for the sake of my name.
It shall turn out to be for yoů
into an occasion for a testimony [to your faithfulness].
And so there is one more thing
that yoů should keep carefully in mind:
yoů must not consider beforehand
how yoů are going to stand up for yoůr defense:
yoů see, I, yes I, will give yoů a mouth and wisdom,
that all who are against yoů
will not be able to withstand or refute.
But yoů will be betrayedd
even by parents and brethren and relatives and friends
– and some of yoů will be put to death –

21:8 the very Mashiah ░░ [←//Mt 24:5] [i.e. on the name of Mashiah Yeshua] [not that they falsely
claiming to be messiahs. ≠ Mt 24:23 //Mk 13:21 – false messiahs]
21:9 the end [+] ░░ [+ with the Fall of Yerusalem];
21:11 from heaven [+] ░░ [ — this is but the beginning of the birth-pangs.] [//Mt 24:8; //Mk 13:8b];
21:16 betrayed ░░ [different nuance of ‘being handed over’.]
And yoů will be hated by everyone because of my name.
But no, not a hair strand from yoůr head will be lost.
In yoůr patient endurance yoů will preserve yoůr soulsa.
 [The main narrative continues at v. 37]
Lk 21:20-24 {//Mt +24:15-22; //Mk +13:14-20} Yerusalem in peril
But when yoů see
Yerusalem is becoming [increasingly] surrounded
by amassed [Roman] armies,
then yoů must realize that her destruction is near.
Then, those who are in Judea should flee into the mountains,
and those who are inside that City
should get out,
and those out in the countryside
should not go back into the City,
because these are ☼days of God’s vengeanceb [☼Isa 61:2b]
the days during which
all that has been written | may be fulfilled.
How terrible it’s going to be for those who are pregnant
and those who have babies at their breasts in those days!
Indeed, a great distress shall be upon the land [of Judea]

and wrath on this people.

And they will fall by the blade of the sword
and will be brought into captivity to all the nations
and Yerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles,
until the times of the Gentiles is fulfilled.

Lk 21:25-28 {//Mt 24:29-31; //Mk 13:24-27} Coming of the Son-of-man

And there will be signs
with sun and moon and stars,
and on the earth there will be anguish of nations, as bewildered
by roaring of the sea and its billowing waves;
and people will faint from fear,
yes, thought of what will befall the inhabited world.
Indeed, the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.
And then they shall see the ☼Son-of-man
comingc [+on to his throne] with a cloud
with power and great glory. [☼Dan 7:13]

21:19 own beings ░░ /souls; /lives
21:22 God’s vengeance ░░ [ vengeance = ‘love of justice’, not ‘hatred’]
21:27 coming [on to his throne] ░░ [‘not to the earth’ as in the so-called ‘second coming’. In Dan 7:13 a
figure resembling a son of man was brought to the presence of the Ancient of Days (i.e. God)]
But when these things begin to happen,
[stop cowering down in fear and]
straighten yoůrselves up
to lift yoůr heads up high;
because yoůr deliverance is getting nearer.”

Lk 21:29-33 {//Mt +24:32-35; //Mk +13:28-32} Illustration of leaves sprouting

And he spoke to them an illustration from an example:
“See the fig tree — even, all the trees:
When they sprout out leaves,
seeing them, yoů know it yourselves
that the summer is already near.
Even so yoů also,
when yoů see these things taking place,
yoů are to realize that
the Kingdom reign of the Elohim a is at hand.
Yes! I’m telling yoů,
people of this present generation [in Judea]
shall not have passed away,
until all these things take place here.b
[The present order of] the heaven and the earth
shall go away: [cf. Lk 16:17; Rev 20:11]
but my words will never go away. [//Mt 24:35; //Mk 13:31]

Lk 21:34-36 (Cf. Mt +24:36-44); (Cf. Mk +13:33-37) “Keep yourselves guarded!”

But keep yourselves guarded
not to have yoůr minds become dulled
with self-indulgence and drunkenness
and with worries and cares of everyday living.
yes, suddenly that Day will come upon yoů
like a trap [snapping its jaw shut]!
Yoů see, it will come upon all those living
on the face of the whole earth!
But keep watchful of yourselves all the times
[to keep examined] [⇦v. 34a],
praying that yoů may have strength to prevail
to escape all these things that are going to take place
and {may be worthy}
to stand firm before the Son-of-man.” ◊

21:31 kingdom reign of the Elohim ░░ [//Mt 24:33; //Mk 13:29 = ‘it’; /x: he;]
21:32 all these things take place ░░ [alluding to the future coming of Fall of Yerusalem – CE 70 – with
the ending of O.T. dispensation. Not about ‘the second coming of Christ’ or ‘the end of the world’]
(End of the Olivet Discourse)

 [The main narrative (after the interposed Olivet Discourse)]

He would teach at the Miqdash court

Lk 21:37-38 (Reprise to 19:47-48) (connectio) a

It was thus
daytimes he would be teaching at the Miqdash court,
but at nights he would go out and spend the night
on the Mount of Olive-grove as it was called.
And from early in the day onward all the people
would gather around him
in the Miqdash court to listen to him. ◊

21:37-38 <verses> ░░ [days and nights in plural. Not on one particular day of the ‘Holy Week’.]
PART IV: Passion and Resurrection of the Son-of-man


22: – 24:

His Passion to Resurrection

(22:1-38) A. Path to Passion

(22:39 – 23:56) B. Passion Narrative Proper
(24:1-53) C. Risen Lord

IV. A. Path to Passion (22:1ff)

[⇦ III. C. Final Ministry in Yerusalem 19:29]

A. Path to Passion
Lk 22:1-38 (//Mt 26:1-29; //Mk 14:1-25; //Jn 11:47 – 17:26)

Day of Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1

Abib 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
[same day as 20:1]
(Lk 22)
Matzah Festival getter near
 [= v. 7] Lk 22:1 {//Mt 26:2a; //Mk 14:1a}
Meanwhile, getting near was the Festival of the Matzah, [cf. Mk 14:1]
the so-called Passovera [festival].
Yehudim of ruling authority plotting
Lk 22:2 {//Mt +26:2b-5; //Mk +14: 1b-2} (cf. Jn 11:47-53) Plot against Yeshuab
And the chief priests and the soferim were trying to look for
an [effective] way of getting rid of Yeshua [+]c surreptitiously;
the fact is, they were still afraid of
what the people might do otherwise. [+]d ◊

Judas betrays for silver-money
Lk 22:3-6 {//Mt 26:14-16; //Mk 14:10-11} Betrayal: Judas’ silver-moneye
Now Satan entered into Judas, the one being called Iscariotf,
who was numbered among the ‘Twelve’.
And Judas went off to the chief priests
and the captains [of Miqdash guard],
and talk with them about the best way
he could hand him over to them.
And they were delighted [to hear it]
and offered to pay him silver money.
And he promised to do it and began to seek
a good opportunity to betray him to them
without having a crowd around [+]g.◊

a 22:1 so-called Passover festival ░░ [Here, Festival of the Matzah = Festival of Passover. Not to confuse the Passover
day (Abib 14) of memorial service with the 1st day of the Festival of Passover (Abib 15-21). Cf. //Mk 14:1 (‘Passover
day and the Matzah festival’); //Mt 26:2 (‘the Passover day) – the day of Passover sacrifice (crucified) (Mt 26:2b).]
b 22:2 <verse> Plot against Yeshua ░░ [by the *Sadducean holding political power during the Second Temple period of

Judaism; colluding with the Romans. Played the leading role to bring Yeshua to execution. Yehudim of ruling authority
(> ‘Jews’) of G-John refers to this group.]
c 22:2 Yeshua [+] ░░ [+ by execution without causing any uproar which might set off a riot by Zealots] (‘have him

put to death’ ‘bring him to death’ - //Mk 14:1; //Mt 26:4)

d 22:2 otherwise [+] ░░ [+ jumping on a slight disturbance.]
e 22:3 <Betrayal; Judas’ silver money> ░░ [Note: Here between two pericopes, significantly Luke does not have a

corresponding one <Anointing by an unnamed woman> as in Mt 26:6-13; //Mk 14:2-9, a thematic rearrangement of the
essentially same pericope of //Jn 12:1-8 which is typologically at the correct place in the beginning of the Passion Week
timeline). A different anointing pericope (Lk 7:36-50) is prob. a prequel to Mt-Mk one.]
f 22:3 Iscariot ░░ [possibly, ‘one from K′riot’]
g 22:6 crowd around [+] ░░ [+ to thwart their getting of Him during the festival]. (Mt & Mk)
Preparing Passover celebration; the upper room; Passover on the way

Preparing Passover celebration

[Same day – Abib 12; late afternoon]

Lk 22:7-13 {//Mt +26:17-19; //Mk +14:12-16} (Jn Ø) Preparing Passover celebrationa

 [=22:1] Now, there coming was
the day for the unleavened bread eating b
((the occasion on which
it is necessary to have the ☼Passover lamb sacrificed.))c [→ 23:33]

And Yeshua was sending off Kefa and Yohan,
saying [privately] to them:
“Go ahead
and prepare for us to eat for the Passover seasond.”
“Where would you like us to prepare it?” they asked.
He replied:
“See, as yoů go into the City,
a man carrying a jug of water is going to meet yoů there.
Follow him into the house he enters.
And there yoů just say to the house-master e,
<This is what the teacher says to you:
‘Where do you have the very guest-roomf
[+ which I have asked for]?
You see, now, I’m going to eat festival meal for the Passover season,
there with my disciples.’>

a 22:7-13 <Preparing Upper Room> ░░ [for Passover season celebration with festive meals; not for Passover memorial
b 22:7 coming was the day for the unleavened bread eating ░░ [parenthetical, explaining the date = 22:1] [not 'the

first day of the Festival of the Matzah'.] [Cf. different expression from Mt 26:17; //Mk 14:12]; /xx: came the day - most;
c 22:7 Passover lamb ░░ [To be slaughtered on Abib 14 which was yet to come.] [The setting for v. 7 is same as in v. 1

which is told to be 2 days before Passover in Mt 16:2 & Mk 14:1.]

d 22:8, 11 eat for the Passover season ░░ [eat festival meal for the Passover]; />> eat the passover – most; /xxx: prepare

the Passover meal – GNB; [When, what, and whereabouts – the plan was not to be known by others, esp. by Judas.] [Cf.
‘keep the Passover festival celebration’ Mt 26:18]
e 22:11 house-master ░░ (= Mk 14:14); /x: owner of the house; /xx: householder; / [Poss. Nicodemus of Jn 3:1]
f 22:11 that guest room ░░ [= Lk 2:7 (not ‘inn’)]; /> the guest room – most; /x: a guest room;
Then, that person will show yoů a large furnished upper room. a
— There [two of yoů] [Mk 14:13] have it ready for [all of] us.”
And the two went off
and found as he had told them
and they got ready for the upcoming Passover festival celebration [←v. 8]. ◊

‘Lord’s Last Supper’ (22:14 ff)

The Last Supper

Lk 22:14-20 {//Mt 26:20-29; //Mk +14:17-25}
[Abib 12; evening]

The Last Supperb

Lk 22:14 {//Mt +26:20; //Mk +14:17-18a} (Cf. Jn 13:2ff)
 And [later on that day] when the hour [of evening]c came,
Yeshua reclined at the supper d
and with him the {Twelve} who were on a mission. e [←6:13]

a 22:11 upper room ░░ [on the roof-top in a house of the well-to-do.]

b 22:14-20 <The Last Supper> ░░ {//Mt 26:20-29; //Mk +14:17-25} [not ‘Eucharist’] [Jn 13:1, 29 tells it was not the
Passover memorial meal which was to come up in 2 days on Abib 14 for which He himself would be Passover sacrifice.]
[His trial was on the following daytime, with the Crucifixion on the day after the Trial.]
c 22:14 hour [of evening] ░░ (← //Mt 26:20; //Mk 14:17)
d 22:14 supper ░░ [not 'Passover memorial meal']
e 24:14 who were on mission ░░ [Gk. emissary, messenger, missionary] /> apostles – (now a religious technical term)
Lk 22:15-18
And Yeshua said to them,

“[This is our precious and solemn occasion:]

Much I had desired to eat with yoů
 this festive meal for the Passover seasona
before I go through suffering.
Indeed, I’m telling yoů:
 no, I won't eat this {again}
until when all that it signifies is fulfilled
in the Kingdom reign of the Elohim.” [Cf. Lk 22:28]
And, taking a vesselb, he gave thanks and said,
“Take this! And pass it around among yoů. {Mt 26:27}
22:18 {//Mt 26:29; Mk 14:25} (←v. 16) (→20b) Fruit of the vineyardc
Indeed I’m telling yoů {this}:
no, not {again from now on}
I won’t drink from the fruit of the vineyardd [as we do now]
until the Kingdom reign of the Elohim comes.”

‘broken body and shed blood’e

Lk 22:19 {//Mt 26:26; //Mk 14:22} {//1Co 11:23b-24} Broken body – Yeshua as Passover sacrifice
22:19 f
And having taken a loaf of bread ,
and given thanks [to the One on High]g,
he broke it, and gave it to them, saying
“This — is [what points to] my bodyh [Cf. Jn 6:51, 54]
22:19b i {which is being given in yoůr behalf.
Do this in the very remembering of me.” [Cf. 1Co 11: 24]

a 22:16 this festive meal for the Passover season ░░ [not in reference to the Passover memorial meal coming a few days
later (Abib 14).]
b 22:17ff vessel░░ [earthen or stone mug]; /> cup; /x: chalice (- church jargon)
c 22:17-18 <verses> ░░ [This segment 22:17-18 <fruit of the vineyard> is lacking in Peshitta version.]
d 22:18 fruit of the *vineyard ░░ /> fruit of the vine - KJV; [The expression with a symbolic reference to ‘blood’ is for

its color, not for wine as such.] [With ‘fruit of vineyard’ but no lamb meal, it was not the Passover memorial meal]
e 22:19-20 ░░ v.19 <Bread – Broken body> and v.20 <New covenant of shed blood> (parallel in Pauline writing in 1Co

11:23-25).] [Cf. church liturgy of Eucharist] [//Mt 26:29; //Mk 14:22-24] (cf. Jn 6:51-58) [With ‘fruit of vineyard’ but
no lamb meal or unleavened bread, it was not of the Passover memorial meal, the precursor of rabbinic ritual Seder.]
f 22:19 bread ░░ [+ of common leavened one] [not unleavened bread for the Passover]
g 22:19 thanks to the One on High ░░ [+who brings forth bread out of the earth].
h 22:19 This — is [what points to] my body ░░ (‘points to’ cf. ‘stands for’ - metaphoric-symbolic – problem of pagan

theophagy) [that is, “Mashiah, our Passover sacrifice” 1Co 11:24] [The text does not say ‘eat my body’ (as in Catholic
midrash; a hocus-pocus - from Latin Hoc est corpus meus (‘This is my body’)]
i 22:19b-20 <mss> ░░ [lacking in the Western text tradition (based on 5th c. C.E. Codex Bezae)]
Lk 22:20 {//Mt 26:27a, 28; //Mk 14:23a, 24; //1Co +11:25} Shed blood – New Covenanta
And in the same way after having the supper
he took the vesselb,
“This ☼ vessel [of salvation] c [☼Ps 116:13]
signifies the renewed covenantd
sealed with bloode of my own, [← v. 18]
which is to ☼be poured out [☼ Isa 53:12] in behalf of yoů.”}

Foretelling betrayal
Lk 22:21-23 {//Mt 26:23-24a; Mk 14:20-21a} Foretells His betrayalf
“But, look¡ the hand of the one betraying me , g

is with me at the table.

“Indeed the Son-of-man is going [on his way]
as it has been determined [+ to his death]
but, how terrible [and shameless!] for that man
who betrays him [to be handed over]!”
And they began to question one another among themselves,
which one of them really could do this thing!

Who is greater
Lk 22:24-30 {//Mt 20:25-28; //Mk 10:42-45} ‘Who is greater’ debate
And there broke out a contention among them also,
over which of them was to be greater than the rest.
He then said to them,
“The kings of the nations
very much like to throw their weight around
and the ones who wield authority over them
— don’t they love to give themselves
a [lofty] title of ‘Benefactor’?
Yoů, however, should not be like that:
On the contrary,
one who is the greater among yoů,
let him become as the lesser,

a 22:20 <New Covenant of shed blood> ░░ [Cf. <fruit of the vineyard> – vv. 17-18.] [The text has both segments of the
same theme split into two by v. 19] [Cf. YHWH’s covenant with Israel – Exo 24:8; Zec 9:11; Jer 31:31; Isa 59:21] [‘new’
with Yeshua. ‘Covenant’ is not simply ‘agreement’.]
b 22:20ff vessel░░ [earthen or stone mug]; /> cup; /x: chalice (- Catholic jargon)
c 22:20 vessel [of salvation] ░░ [+ with the fruit of vineyard] [Ps 116:13]; /> cup; /x: cup of suffering –GW, GNB,

WNT; [‘vessel of divine wrath’ – 22:42] [‘cup’ does not refer to His suffering on the Cross.] [Cf. ‘vessel of suffering’ –
Mt 20:22; //Mk 10:38]
d 22:20 the renewed covenant ░░ [Cf. YHWH’s covenant with Israel - Exo 24:8; Zec 9:11; Jer 31:31; Isa 59:21]
e 22:20 blood ░░ [symbolic of His death in his self-giving love as the Passover lamb at the God’s appointed time; cf.

blood of animal sacrifice of OT (Lev 17:11ff) for *atonement of certain sins.]

f 22:21 <Foretells the betrayal> ░░ [‘foretelling’ of what is to come on the course. Nothing to do with 'prediction'. Not

‘it happened’ but ‘it came to pass/occur’.] [Cf. Johannine pericope of <Washing the disciples' feet (Jn 13:3-17)>.]
g 22:21 me [+] ░░ [+– the very hand which receives bread and fruit of the vineyard]
and one who leads
should become as the one who serves.
Indeed, which one is greater, the one who reclines at the meal,
or the one who serves?
Isn’t it the one who reclines there?
But, I, who is your master,
I am in the mist of yoů here as the one who serves.
Yoů, however, are those who have stood with me
throughout my trials in suffering.
[that’s why] I on my part am conferring yoů
just as my father granted to me authority to rule,
so that yoů shall eat and drink [+ in fellowship with me]
at my table [of a Messianic banquet] in my Kingdom, and
and sit on thrones of justice for the Twelve Tribes of Yisrael. ◊

Kefa’s denial foretold

Lk 22:31-34 (Mt 26:33-35; Mk 14:29-31)(Jn 13:36-38) Kefa’s denial foretold
{And the Master said}
Shimon¡ Shimon¡ Look¡
the Satan has demanded to put all of yoů to test
like wheat put through a sieve.
But as for you, Shimon, I myself have made supplication
especially about you
that your faith in me may not fail you. [⇨22:56-62]
Yes, you Shimon, oncea you’ve turned back to my sideb,
do your part to strengthen your fellow brethren.”

And Kefa said to him,
“Master, if it is with you,
I’m ready from my heart to go with you
— to prison and, yes, with you even to death!”
And he said,
“I’m telling you, Kefa¡
A shofar blowing will not be heard
announcing cock-crowc watch today [v. 61]
until you have three separate times denied
that you've even known me.” ◊

22:32 once [+] ░░ [+ with a change in your thinking]
22:32 my side [+] ░░ [+ after having been put to test by the Satan and gone astray]
22:34 cock-crow watch ░░ [the third watch of night; from midnight to around 3 a.m. See Mk 13:35]
Two swords
Lk 22:35-38 {Lukan insertio} two daggers
And he said to them,
“When at the start I sent yoů outa
without [carrying] [10:4] money-pouch
and pauper’s bag, even [spare] sandals,
yoů didn’t lack anything, did you?”

And they answered,

“No, not a thing we lacked.”
And he said to them,
“But now, the one who has a money-pouch,
let him take it along and,
likewise, take a food pouch too, b
and let the one who does not have a dagger,
let him sell his cloak and buy one.
Indeed, I’m telling yoů that
this, which has been written, must be accomplished
in what happens to me:
<And along with the transgressors of Torah
he was reckoned.> [Isa 53:12] [cf. 23:32]
Indeed, this about me is coming to an end.”
And they said,
“Look¡ Master¡
Here are two daggers!” [→ 22:49]
And he said to them,
“It's enough, with that isn't it!” ◊

22:35 sent you out [+] ░░ [+ to proclaim the message to the people]
b22:36 dagger ░░ [comparable to a travelers' knife] [ 'buy a dagger' – only here in Lk] [macharia - not 'long sword'
Lk 2:35 hromphaia]
IV. B. Passion narrative proper (22:39 ff)

B. Passion Narrative Propera

Lk 22:39 – 23:56 {//Mt 26:30 – 27: 66; //Mk 14:26 – 15:47} (Cf. Jn 18:1 – 19:42)

In the Mount of Olive-grove

Lk 22:39-46 {//Mt 26:30-46; Mk 14:26-42} Prayer at Mount of Olive-Grove
22:39 And leaving the City Yeshua went outb
to the Mount of Olive-grove as he used to
and the disciples also followed him.
And when he came upon the place c, he said to them,
“Be yoů praying
that yoů may not enter into being tested d.”
And he parted from them about a stone's throw,
and knelt down and was praying for some time,
22:42@ {
“O Abbae¡ if you wish {to} have
this very vessel [+ of divine wrath]f pass me by. . .
Be that it may, not the desire of mine
but it is yours that is to be accomplished.” [Cf. Heb 10:7]
22:43-44 [cf. 4:13] [Cf. Mt 27:46; //Mk 15:34] Anguish and prayer
[[And there appeared to him an angel [Mt 4:11]
from the heaven,
strengthening him:
Yes, being in such anguishg
he was praying all the more fervently,
there, the sweat from him was, in the manner of drops of blood,h
dripping down onto the ground.]] i

a 22:39ff <Passion Narrative Proper> ░░ [= From His Last Supper to the Empty Tomb. See Supplement WB #5 for the
Passion Week Chronology.]
b 23:39 went out [+] ░░ [+ under a bright near-full moon of Passover almost directly overhead].
c 22:40 place ░░ [G-Mt & G-Mk mention ‘Gethsemane’, prob. a large cave in the Mount of Olive-grove. Cf. They

entered into a ‘cultivated area’ (of olive-grove; />> ‘garden’) – Jn 18:1.]

d 22:40, 46 enter into being tested ░░ (eiserxomai ‘enter’; cf. Lk 11:13 ‘bring into ~’); /enter into temptation – most;
e 22:42 O Abba¡ ░░ //Mt 26:39 (After Aramaic). Cf. 10:21 fn. Gk. Pater] [Cf. //Mk 14:36 ‘Abba¡ my Father’]; /> Father;
f 22:42 vessel [+ of divine wrath] ░░ [cf. Ps 57:8; Isa 51:17; Rev 14:10]; /> cup; /xx: cup of suffering – NIrV, GW,

GNB, WNT; [‘cup’ does not refer to His suffering; His suffering is not the crucifixion itself – 9:21.] [cf. ‘vessel of
salvation’ – Lk 22:20; ‘vessel of suffering’ – Mt 20:22; //Mk 10:38]
g 22:44 anguish ░░ (agōnia) /x: agony – KJV, NIV; /
h 22:44 in the manner of ░░ [hōsei (‘as it were’). Some tried to see it as a case of hematidrosis in a stressed condition

by over-reading the text as <sweat became blood drops> – coupled with a word ‘agony’]
i 22:43-44 <verses> ░░ {omitted by some mss}
And buoyed up by his prayer, he came back to the disciples
and found them ☼fallen asleep in grief, [☼Isa 50:11]
and said to them,
“How come yoů are in sleep!?
Get up and carry on praying
so that yoů are spared of being put into testing.” ◊

Betrayal and Arrest of Yeshua

Betrayal and Arrest in the Garden

Yeshua taken to the Yehudim of the ruling authority
[Same day – Abib 12; night]

Lk 22:47-53 {//Mt +26:47-56; //Mk +14:43-52} (Cf. Jn 18:2-12) Arrest of Yeshua

22:47 While he was speaking,
look, there comes a crowd!
And the one who was called Judas, one of the ‘Twelve’, was leading them
and came up to Yeshua to greet him with a kiss.
But Yeshua said to him,
“Judas¡ With a kiss of greeting
you’re betraying the Son-of-man!?”
And when the disciples around him saw
what was going to happen,
they said,
“Master¡ should we strike them with a dagger?”
A certain one of them even did strike
the servanta of the High Priest
but only had his right ear got cut off.

But responding, Yeshua said to them,
“Stop right there!b”
And he touched the man’s ear and healed him.

22:50 servant [+] ░░ [+ named Malchus] [Jn 18:10]
22:51 there! [+] ░░ [+ you had him almost killed.]
And Yeshua said to [those dispatched by] the chief priests
and the captains of the Miqdash guard and the Elders,
that had come against him,
“As if trying to get a rabble-rouser,a yoů’ve come out here, oh boy,
even with such swords and wooden clubs just to capture me!?
Day after day I was with yoů in the Miqdash court;
yoů did not stretch out yoůr hands against me.
But this is yoůr appointed hour
yes, the hour of the power of darkness [to come into action]!” ◊

Lk 22:54 {//Mt +26:57; //Mk +14:53} (Cf. Jn 18:13-14) Led to the High Priest (Kayafa)
Then they had Yeshua seized and led him off,
and brought him to the house of the High Priest. [⇨v. 66] ◊
22:54b – 62 Kefa’s Whereabouts and Denials
Abib 12 (Late night)

Kefa’s denials
Lk 22:54b-55 {//Mt +26:58; //Mk +14:54} {//Jn 18:15a, 18b} Kefa’s whereabouts
22:54b b
As for Kefa he followed them at a distance .
And when they lit a fire in the middle of the courtyard
and sat down together,
Kefa was there sitting in right among them.

Lk 22:56-62 {Mt 26:69-75; //Mk 14:66-72}; {//Jn +18:16-18;25-27} Kefa denies Yeshua x 3
First denial
But a certain maidservant saw him
as he sat lighted by the fire
and, staring at him, said,
“This one also was with him.”
But he denied, saying
“No, I don’t know him, lady!”
[He went out into the porch]
Second denial
And after a short while
another man saw him and said,
“You [surely] are one of them, too!”
But Kefa said,
“No, mister, I’m not!

22:52 rabble-rouser ░░ [/rebel; /x: thief – KJV; /x: robber; /x: bandit; /x: criminal]
b 22:54 distance [+] ░░ [+ outside the light from the torches, as far as the courtyard of the High Priest’s house]
Final denial; Rooster-crow watch called out
And after about an hour intervened,
still another man strongly insisted,
“It’s true: this one also was with him;
for sure | [now I know from his accent] he is a Galilean!”
But Kefa said,
“No, Mister¡ I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
And instantly, while he was still speaking,
a shofar sound was heard for rooster-crow watch of night.

Kefa wept
And the Master turned his head
and threw a pained look of compassion to Kefa.
This brought Kefa to himself to recall the words of the Master,
which the Master had spoken to him, [v. 34]
<Before a shofar sound is heard for rooster-crow watch {today}
you’ll deny that you even know me — three times.>
22:62 {
There, he went outside and wept in anguish.} צ
Lk 22:63-65 {//Mt 26:67-68; //Mk 14:65; //Jn 18:22} Blindfolded and derided
Now the men holding Yeshua in custody was deriding
and beating down on him this way:
After covering him over [his face] to blindfold
they {beat him on the face,}
and asked him, [in derision],
<Play the prophet [for us].
Who is it that hit you!>
and kept asking him, [in derision],
<Tell us [if you are such a prophet] who is it that hit you!>
And they went on saying many other things to revile him. ◊
Timeline - Second half of the Passion Week
(From Supplement WB #5)

Day of 5 † † 6 7 1 2
<I n t h e t o m b >
High Sabbath Wave Sheaf 
Mnemonic Trial Final Silent Start Meet

Abib 13 14 15 16 17
Erev Pesach Passover Matzah – D1 D2 D3
CE 30 4 Tue 5 Wed  6 Thu 7 Fri 8 Sat (**)
Nisan* 13 14 15 16 17

[* Nisan date, which is 12 hours ahead, is for comparison only. Its date cannot be fixed since calendation
to locate the first day of this month in a proleptic rabbinic Jewish calendar is different for Abib of the
Biblical calendar. ** Solar sabbath]
Yeshua faces the Sanhedrin

[Next day – Abib 13; morning]

Lk 22: 66 {//Mt 27:1-2; //Mk 15:1a} Yeshua brought to Sanhedrin
 When it became day, [Abib 13]

the Assembly of Elders of the people gathered together

as well as chief priests and soferim,
and they had Yeshua brought into their Sanhedrin chamber.
Lk 22: 66c-71 (Cf. Mt 26:63b-65; //Mk 14: 61b-63)b Sanhedrin session (final) c
They said,
“If you, you are the Mashiah, say so to us!”
But he said to them,
“If I ever tell yoů,
yoů would never believe at all:
and if I ask yoů,
yoů would never answer at all, {nor let me go}.
But from now on, the ☼Son-of-man will be{☼Dan} ☼seated
at the right of the Power, the Elohim.” {☼Ps 110:1}

And they all said,
“You, you then, are the Son of the Elohimd?”

And he said to them,

“Yoů – you [rightly] say that I, I am.”
And they said,
“What need is there for further testimony?
Why, we have heard it ourselves from his own lips! ◊

Mt 27:3-10 <Judas’ death> belongs here

a 22:66a became day ░░ (also in 6:13) [‘in the early morning’ //Mk 15:1; ‘morning came’ //Mt 27:1] [‘Day’ in the Bible
is that which begins at sunrise. Not a Jewish ‘day’ from sunset.]
(Cf. Mt 26:63b-65; //Mk 14: 61b-63)[in G-Mt //G-Mk it was described in Sanhedrin initial session.]
22:66c-71 <Sanhedrin>░░ [= second session of Sanhedrin //Mk 15:1a //Mt 27:1] [Cf. G-Lk does not record
<Sanhedrin, the initial session> (Mk 14:55-65 //Mt 26:59-67)] [G-Jn does not record 2nd Sanhedrin session]
22:70 the Son of the Elohim ░░ [4:9 v.l., 41. Cf. ‘(a) son of the Elohim 4:3] [← Mt 3:16 //Mk 1:11 //Lk
3:22] /the Son of God – most; [‘son of’ is a relational anthropomorphic Hebrew idiom; not a biological one.
As to Yeshua it denotes His special unique relation to God; not about his having divine nature.]
(Lk 23)

Yeshua vs. Pilate – I

Abib 13 forenoon

Yeshua taken to Pilate

Lk 23:1{//Mt 27:2; //Mk 15:1b};(//Jn 18:28)
23:1 And the whole of their gathering rose up
and brought him before Pilate. a
Lk 23:2-5 {//Mt 27:11-14; //Mk 15:2-5}(Cf. Jn 18:29-38) Yeshua before Pilate
Then they began to accuse him, saying
“This fellow! we found him subverting {our} nation
[+ misleading our people]
— yes, opposing our sending up tribute to Caesar — [cf. 20:20-25]
claiming himself to be Mashiah, a king!
Then Pilate asked him, saying
“Is it you who are the ‘King’ of the Yehudimb?”
And he answered him and said,
“You, you’re saying it.”
And Pilate said to the chief priests and the crowds,
“○a Nothing of any ground for charge I can find in this man.”

But they were insistent, saying
“He stirs up the people by teaching throughout all Judea;
having started out from GALILEE even to come here this City.”

a 23:1 before Pilate ░░ [Not during night-dawn ← 22:66 (//Mt 27:1; //Mk 15:1). Cf. Jn 18:28 - early in the morning;
Cf. his sentencing Jn 19:14 to come around sixth hour-period (≈ 11 a.m. to noon), Abib 13]
b 23:3, 37, 38 King of the Yehudim ░░ ≈ Mashiah as a king (v. 2); /x: ‘King of the Jews’. [An epithet used not by

themselves but by others – Pilate, Roman soldiers; astrologer-magi (Mt 2:2)]; [cf. ‘King of Yisrael’ Mt 27:42; Jn 1:49;
12:13; ‘King of Judea’ Lk 1:5] [cf. *Yehudim vs. *Jews vs. Judeans]
Yeshua before Herod Antipas
Yeshua taken to Herod Antipas
Lk 23:6-12 {//Mt; //Mk; //Jn Ø} Yeshua before Herod Antipas
23:6 On hearing it,
Pilate asked if the man really was a Galilean.
And having discovered that
he is from the jurisdiction of Heroda,
he sent him back to Herod [+]b,
who was himself also in Yerusalem in these days
[for Pesach].
Now Herod on his part was very delighted to see Yeshua
because, having heard of him,
he had long been hoping to see him.
And he was hoping [out of curiosity] to witness
some signs performed by him.
And he questioned him in many words;
but he answered him nothing.
And [stepping forward and] standing-by
were the chief priests and the soferim,
there fiercely bringing accusations against him.
And after having treated him with contempt,
Herod, together with his troop of guards,
derided him by putting on him in ‘gorgeous’ robe
and then sent him back to Pilate.
((And Herod and Pilate both became to be on good terms as friends
with each other on that very day,
whereas, before this, they had been at enmity each other.)) ◊

23:6-12 Herod ░░ [Herod Antipas] [Not a king but the tetrarch of Galilee and Perea after the death of his
father Herod the Great. Reigned from BC 1 to CE 39.]
23:7 back to Herod [+] ░░ [+ Pilate thinking he could wash himself off this affair] [cf. 13:33] [As the
Yehudim of the ruling authority against Yeshua along with Pilate, also in Act 4:7]
Yeshua vs. Pilate – II Abib 13 daytime
23:13-25 {//Mt +27:15-26; //Mk 15:6-15} (Cf. Jn +18:39-19:16

Yeshua before Pilate - Sentencing

Lk 23:13-16 {//Mt; //Mk Ø} Yeshua again faces Pilate
23:13 And Pilate summoned [from his Praetorium] the chief priests
and the rulers of the people, a
and said to them all,
“Yoů have brought this man before to my hearing
claiming he was inciting the people to subvert.
and look¡ I, in the presence of yoů,
after having interrogated him, nothing I found in this man
— no ground for yoůr charges against him.”
No, neither did Herod find so as is evident from the fact
that Herod has sent him back to us{/mss}b,
and look¡
○b nothing deserving death has been committed by him. [23:22]
So, am I to giving him a teaching with a punishment
and grant him pardon after that?”[//23:22] [Cf. Jn 19:1]
Lk 23:17-23 {//Mt 27:15-23; //Mk 15:6-14; //Jn 18:39-40} Yeshua or BarAbbas?
{Thus, he made himself bound to release
one prisoner to them at the Festival.}
But together with the whole multitude they shouted, saying
“Get rid of that man! No, release to us — BarAbbas!”
This man, BarAbbas had been thrown into prison
for a certain rising-up in the City
and killing [+ those collaborating with Roman power].
And Pilate called out to them again,
for he wanted to release Yeshua. 
Then they called out, saying
“Crucify! Crucify him!”
And he said to them the third time [to free him],
What wrong [for capital crime] has this one committed?
○c Nothing of any ground for charge

I have found to fit death penalty in him.

Therefore, I shall have him taught well with a punishment, [//23:16]
and then release him.”

a 23:13 rulers of the people ░░ (? Sanhedrin members?) [Gk. rulers and the people]
b 23:15 Herod has sent Him back to us{/mss} ░░ {/I (Pilate) sent yoů to him (Herod)} – KJV++;
They, however, kept insistent,
demanding with loud shouts that he should be crucified.
And the shouts from them {and the chief priests}
began to win out. ¶

Pilate’s sentencing
Abib 13 [Abib 13] sixth houra

Lk 23:24-25 {//Mt +27:24-26; //Mk +15:15; //Jn 19:16} Pilate’s sentencing

So in the end Pilate pronounced a verdict for their demand to be granted. b
Then he released the man they were demanding
— the very one who had been thrown into prison for insurrection and murder;

Scourging of Yeshua after BarAbbas release –

not recorded in G-Lk – cf. 23:16, 22

(Cf. Mt 27:26b; //Mk 15:15b)

but as for Yeshua, he delivered him to be crucified abandoning to their desire. ◊

23:24 sixth hour ░░ [← Jn 19:14 (toward midday with the crucifixion on the next day)]
b23:24 pronounced a verdict ░░ [ [In capital cases when the Sanhedrin comes to a final decision for acquittal on the
same day, BUT ON THE FOLLOWING DAY FOR CONVICTION (Sanhedrin 41, The Mishnah).]
Road to the Crossa
(next day, the day after sentencing) Abib 14 (morning)

Simon the Cyrene – ‘Via Dolorosa’

Lk 23:26 {//Mt 27:32; //Mk 15:21} Shimon from Cyrenia
 And [in the morning] [+] b

when they were leading ^Yeshua away,

they got hold of a certain Shimon [+]c from CYRENIAd
coming from the countryside
and laid on him the execution stakee [of Yeshua]
to bear it to follow behind Yeshua.
Lk 23:27-31 People following Him
And there followed him a large crowd of the people
and amongst them also women who were
{both} beating on their chest in grieff and were wailing for him.
But Yeshua turning to them said,
“O ☼Daughters of Yerusalem, [this fated City]! [Cf. Mt 23:37]
Do not weep for me,
but weep for yourselves and for yoůr children.
Because, look¡ coming are the days when they will say,
<Blessed are the barren,
and the wombs that never did bear babes,
and the breasts that never did nurse.>
Then they will begin to ☼say
to the mountains, <Fall upon us to cover>,
and to the hills, <Cover over us>.
Indeed, to the ☼live tree [as to me] – if they do these things,
to the ☼dried-up treeg [as to yoů] – what will happen?”

23:26-32 <Road to the Cross> ░░ [*Via Dolorosa (Latin phrase) – Yeshua walked to His Crucifixion. The street so
named in the Old Jerusalem in based on the legend for conjectured location of Golgotha.] [The date of Crucifixion comes
clear later 23:54. Cf. Mk 15:42.] [G-Lk – does not mention ‘*Golgotha’]
b 23:26 [in the morning] ░░ [+ the day after the final trial] [based on three text places – Mt 27:1 //Mk 15:1 (in the

morning Sanhedrin brought Him to Pilate. Cf. Lk 22:66) + Jn 19:14 (‘sixth hou – Pilate’s sentencing) + Mk 15:25 (‘third
hour’ putting Him on the execution stake)] [G-Lk – does not have <Derided by the Soldiers> as in G-Mt, Mk.]
c 23:26 Shimon [+] ░░ [+ a Diaspora Yehudi]
d 23:26 CYRENIA ░░ [in the north-eastern Libya in Africa – Act 2:10]
e 23:26 execution stake ░░ /x: cross; [Gk. stauros used as synecdoche for its *cross-beam part.]
f 23:26 beating ~ in grief ░░ /x: mourning;
g 23:31 dried up tree ░░ [alluding to the desolation to come to Yerusalem, CE 70.]
On the Cross – First 4 hrs
Lk 23:33-43 (≈8 a.m. – Noon)

Lk 23:32 (cf. Mt 27:38 //Mk 15:27) Two criminals also

Now others, two criminalsa{/mss}
were also being led out along with him to be executed. ◊

Yeshua was crucified

Lk 23:33-38 Crucified at the Place of Head
And when they came
to the place called a hill-topb,
there they crucified himc
and the rebel criminals, one on his right and other on the left.
{And Yeshua said, “Abba¡d forgive them
— they do not know what they are doing.”} e

And ☼divvyingf up his clothes among themselves,
they cast lots for the shares. {☼Psa 22. 18}
Yeshua on the Cross derided
And as the people standing by there were ☼watching,
even the leaders poured scorn on him, {☼Psa 22. 7}
“He saved others; let him save himself,
if this is the very Mashiah
of the Elohim, {/mss} the Chosen One {of the Elohim}— ha!”
And even the soldiers derided him,
coming up and offering him some ☼sour wineg, {☼Psa 69:21}
and saying
“If you really are, as they say, the king of the Yehudimh,
save yourself!”

a 23:32, 33 criminals ░░ [i.e. insurrectionists against Romans]; [cf. G-Mt; Mk - /x: thieves – KJV; /x: robbers – NKJV]
b 23:33 hill-top ░░ [a mount. ‘top’ ‘knoll’ ‘head’ ‘hill’] [G-Lk does not mention ‘Golgotha’] [The place was “outside
beyond the City gate, and furthermore, outside from the encampment of the tents” – Heb 13:12] [i.e. in the Mount of
Olive-grove, in the direct line of sight from the City.]; /x: Skull; /xx: Calvary – KJV (from Latin Calvariae in Vulgate)
c 23:33 crucified Him ░░ [= 22:7. ≈ Exo 12:6]; [+ third hour-period (≈ 8 to 9 a.m.)] [← Mk 15:25]; [Simply said ‘was

crucified’; no details given. Usually by binding hands and feet with ropes on to the execution stake. That His hands and
feet had been nailed is described only with the disciple Thomas in Jn 20:25 and v. 27.]
d 22:34 °Abba ░░ [s. 10:21 fn] /Father;
e 23:34b {mss} ░░ [omitted by Codex Vaticanus, Codex Bezae, and other important manuscripts]
f 23:34 divvying up ░░ (also Mt, Mk); /> divided up – NASB; /x: divided – KJV and most (wrong picture of cutting

into pieces);
g 23:36 sour wine ░░ (Gk. oxos – wine turns gradually into vinegar); /x: vinegar – KJV;
h 23:37, 38 king of the *Yehudim ░░ /x: King of the Jews; [Cf. Mashiah as a king (Lk 23:2) Cf. ‘King of Yisrael’

Mt 27:42; Jn 1:49; 12:13; ‘King of Judea’ Lk 1:5]

Inscription on the cross
And there was also [a titulus with]
the inscription above his head
{in Greek and Latin and Hebrew}
[which read the accusation against him as this]: [Cf. Col 2:14]
Two criminals
Lk 23:29-31 Two criminals
And one of the two criminals hung there on the stake
began blaspheming him,
saying “Isn’t it that you, you are the very Mashiah!
Save yourself, and us too!”
But the other responded, rebuking him, said,
“Don’t you fear the Elohim at all,
now that you are under the same judgment?
And fair for us we indeed get what we deserve for what we did
but this man has done nothing out of way.”
And he said, “Yeshua, bear me in mind{/mss}
whenevera you come in your kingdomb.”
And Yeshua said to him,
“Indeed,c I’m saying to you today —d
{that} with me you’ll be in the ☼ paradise.e” ◊

Last 3 hrs on the Cross & Yeshua’s death

(≈ noon – 3 p.m.)

Death of Yeshua
Lk 23:44-46 {//Mt +27:45-51a; //Mk +15:33-38; //Jn 19:28-30} Death of Yeshuaf
Lk 23:44 {//Mt +27:45; //Mk +15:33} Darkness
And it was already sometime in sixth hour-periodg, [≈ 11 – noon]
☼ {☼Amos 8:9}
and there came darkness to cover over the whole land
[that way] until ninth hour-period. h [≈ 2 – 3 p.m.]

a 23:43 whenever ░░ /when – most;

b 23:42 come in your kingdom ░░ /come to reign as a king; /x: (v.l.) come into the kingdom;
c 23:43 Indeed! ░░ [Gk. amen – ‘yes’ ‘surely’, ‘truly’]
d 23:43 I’m telling you today – that with me ░░ [The word ‘today’ construes to ‘say’. Cf. similar syntax in Act

20:26. Cf. Mk 14:30.] /xx: I say to you, today you will be with me – most; /
e e 23:43 in the paradise [+] ░░ [+ of the Kingdom reign of Elohim ⇦ v. 42b] [Not a place the dead ones to go

instead of ‘hades’ or ‘hell’.] [*Paradise, figurative, is in the future under the Lord’s rule as the King.  Abraham’s
bosom Lk 16:22. /Garden of Eden – Burkitt (from Syriac)] {☼ Gen 2:9 ff LXX for MT gan ‘garden’} [Cf. 2Co 12:4]
f 23:44-46 <Death of Yeshua> ░░ [G-Lk does not record earthquake (Mt 27:51b-53).]
g 23:44 about sixth hour-period ░░ [= an hour-period just before midday. ‘hour-period’ on a sundial = a period of

time with 12 periods in a daylight time.]; /the sixth hour;

h 23:44 ninth hour-period ░░ [the third hour-period after midday] [→ the time for sacrificing Passover lambs]
Lk 23:45 {//Mt 27:51a; //Mk 15:38} Veil torn
23:45 a b
@ And the sun was darkened
and the heavy veilc of the Mishkan
was ripped in the middle. [Heb 10:20]
Lk 23:46 {//Mt 27:50; //Mk 15:37}
And Yeshua having cried out with a loud voice, saying
saying “O Abba, d
. . . ☼into your hands I’m putting {/mss} my spirit.” {☼Ps 31:5 (6)]
And having said these words,
he gave out his spirit.e

The Centurion, the crowds, and the women

Lk 23:47-49 {//Mt 27:54-56; //Mk +15:39-41} (cf. Jn 19:25-27) At the Cross
And when the centurionf there in charge of the execution
saw what had happened,
he praised the Elohim, saying
“Indeed, this man was innocent g!”
And all the crowds who gathered to this scene,
having been spectators to what had taken place,
began to return home, beating their chesth.
The women watching
As for all his intimate friends
they stood there from afar, and
with them were the women, who had followed him from GALILEE,
holding all these in their view. ◊

a 23:45 @ <v. 45> ░░ [Note: in Mt 27:51a and Mk 15:38 this is in place following His death.]
b 23:45 darkened ░░ {x: /mss - eclipsed} [At full moon for Passover, a solar eclipse is not possible.] [Only in Lk here]
c 23:45 veil ░░ [The second, inner, veil (Heb 9:12) was at the entrance of the Holy of Holy Places of Mishkan, which

was in a direct line of sight from Golgotha in the Mount of Olive-grove on the east.]
d 23:46 Abba ░░ /> Father; [In Aramaic word ‘Abba’ Yeshua calls the Elohim.]
e 23:46 gave out his spirit ░░ [+ on his own volition] [= ko. 숨을 거두었다]
f 23:47 centurion ░░ [as an officer known as carnifix serarum, commanding about 80 soldiers.]
g 23:47 innocent ░░ - most; /> righteous – KJV, HCSB [Cf. ‘a god’s son’ (x: ‘the Son of God’) in //Mt 27:54;

//Mk 15:39];
h 23:48 chest ░░ /x: breast
Laid in the Tomb Abib 14 (evening)
23:50-55 {//Mt 27:57-61; //Mk +15:42-47; //Jn 19:38-42}

Laid in the tomb; Yosef of HaRamathaim

Lk 23:50-52 {//Mt +27:57-60; //Mk +15:42-46; //Jn 19:38} Yosef of HaRamathaim to Pilate
23:50 a
And look¡ there, a man named Yosef,
who was a Sanhedrin council member,
an honorable and righteous man
— this man had not found himself agreeing
with the plan and action of them —

he was [a native] from Ramathayim, a Judean town,b

and was {himself too} looking forward
to the [coming] Kingdom reign of the Elohim.
This man, having come into the presence of Pilate,
asked for the body of Yeshua. c
23:53-54 {//Mt +27:59-60; //Mk +15:46; //Jn 19:40-42} Entombed by Yosefd
Then, having taken it down,
he wrapped it with a strip of fine linen-clothe
and laid him in a tomb cut in a rock cliff,
in which no one had yet laid to rest. [//Jn 19:41; cf. ‘new’ – Mt 27:60]

 ((Thus, [all] this had been the day of sabbath-preparation [Abib 14]
and theref sabbath day was on the way. g)) [Cf. //Mt 27:57; //Mk 15:42]

a 23:50 Yosef ░░ [a Sanhedrin councilor ‘of high reputation’ (Mk 15:43), his name being recognized by Pilate.]
b 23:51 Ramathayim ░░ [Heb.]; /Arimathea; a Judean town ░░ – JNT, HCSB; /xx: a city of the Jews – KJV; /xxx:
the Jewish town – RSV, NRSV;
c 23:52 asked for the body ░░ [Cf. Mk 15:44-45a vs. Jn 19:31-33] [Note: Normally a criminal’s body would not be

turned over to the family for a decent burial but be thrown down into the Hinnom valley.]
d 23:53-54 <Entombed by Yosef> ░░ [His burial was by ‘entombment’, not a common burial as in a grave.] [It was

fully completed by Yosef, having taken place in the evening into night (‘not in haste’)] [Preparing the body consists of
a ceremonial washing (called taharah) and wrapping; no embalming practice as was in Egypt.]
e 23:53 linen-cloth [+] ░░ [+ which he bought] (⇦Mk 15:46)
f 23:54 and there [+] ░░ [+ when their work at the tomb was finished through the night]
g 23:54 sabbath day was on the way ░░ i.e. as the night is spent. [In the Bible, a day begins at sunrise; sabbath is for

the duration of daytime of the 7th day of the lunar week (not ‘Saturday’ of the solar week). Sabbath on the first day of
the Festival is called ‘high sabbath’ (Jn 19:31).]
Lk 23:55 {//Mt +27:61; //Mk +15:47} Women watched the entombment scene
There, the women on their part,
who had come together with ^Yeshua from GALILEE,
had followed [trailing] behind Yosef [to the scene].
Once they took note of where the tomb was
and of how his body had been puta into the tomb, [Abib 14 evening]

Lk 23:56a returned from the tomb; prepared spices

they, then, [took off and] returned [to their lodging]
and prepared aromatic spices and fragrant-oil. [→ 24:1] [Cf. Mk 16:1]

Sabbath rest (Abib 15; daytime only)

Lk 23:56b Sabbath restb

And when the day came on with sunrise [← v. 54] [for Abib 15]
the sabbath rest was kept by them c
in obedience to the Commandment in the Torah.d

a 23:56 how ~~ put into the tomb ░░ /xx: (being) laid in there; [/x: in what shape, condition, wrapping of the body –
they did not go in to check it out!!]
b 23:56 <verse> ░░ [G-Lk, Mk, Jn – no pericope <Roman guard placement> (Abib 15) after His death (Mt 27:62-66)]
c 23:56 sabbath rest was kept ░░ [sunrise to sunset daytime period only.]
d 23:56 Commandment ░░ [fourth of Ten Commandments (Heb. ‘Ten Words’ Lev 23:7; Exo 20:8).]
IV. C. Empty tomb & Risen Lord (24:1 ff)

24:1-12 Empty tomb

(Abib 16-17) (dawn to morning)

Lk Ø {// Mt 28:2-4} Earthquake

(Lk 24)
Empty tomb
Lk 24:1-12{//Mt 28:1-8; //Mk 16:2-8} (Cf. Jn 20:1 – 20:29)
Lk 24:1 {Mt 28:1; Mk 16:2; Jn 20:1a} The women came to the tomb
On the first day of the [lunar] week a[as it was ending]
very early in the dawn b,
these women were coming to the tomb [+]c
bringing the aromatic spicesd which they had prepared [+]e [⇦ 23:56a],
{and some others to come along with them}.
Lk 24:2 {Mk 16:4b; Jn +20:1b} Found the stone taken off
There, they found the heavy stone-slab already moved away
off the entrance of the tomb!
Lk 24:3 {Mk 16:5a} The women entered the empty tomb
And when they entered in
they did not find the body!
Lk 24:4-8 {Mt 28:5-8; Mk +16:5b-6} The women encounter at the tomb
And it came to be, as they were perplexed at this,
look¡ there two man-figures [Cf. v. 23] in bright shining clothes f
appeared and stood by them.
And as the women became frightened
and bowed down with their faces to the ground,
the two said to them, “Why do yoů look for
the very living One here among the dead [buried here]?
{He’s not here — no, he has risen [to Life].}

a 24:1 in the first day of the lunar week ░░ [not of the solar week for ‘Sunday’]; [pl. ‘sabbaths’ = week = Mt 28:1]
b 24:1 very early in the dawn ░░ (orthrou batheos) (s. v. 22); [i.e. dawn before day break. Cf. dawn = the fourth night-
watch (Mk 13:35)]; [Here it was last waning portion of Day 1 of the lunar week]; /very early (in the) morning; [it is
before morning, not in the morning] [Cf. //Mt 28:1 ‘in the dawn’ tē epiphōskouē]
c 24:1 were coming to [+] ░░ [+ for the lasting viewing of Him, their loved Master, now deceased]; [Not ‘to report

the tomb empty’, nor ‘to look for the risen Lord’.] /went to - ESV; /> came to – NASB, (KJV);
d 24:1 bringing the ~ spices ░░ [not to ‘anoint’ the body for permanent burial – the job is not for women. It was already

completed by Yosef. (23:53-54)]

e 24:1 had prepared [+] ░░ [+ when sabbath was over] [←Mk 16:1 ‘bought’]
f 24:4 two man-figures ░░ [= ‘angels’ in v. 23.]
“Don’t you remember what he told yoů
when he was still in GALILEE
<The Son-of-man must be delivered up
into the hands of men, men of outcast sinnersa
and be crucified
and on the third day rise up [to Life] >?”[=9:22; 18:33] [Cf. Hos 6:2]
There, the women recalled [to their mind] what he had said before. ◊

Lk 24:9-10 (cf. Jn 20:2) The women report to the disciples

And returned from the tomb and reported all these things
to the Eleven and to all the others.
— It was Mariam the Magdalene,
and Yohanahb,
and Mariam the mother of Yaakob
as well as other women with them,
who were telling these things to those who were on missionc [←6:13].
But the women’s story struck them as sheer imagination
and they would not let themselves believe
what these women told.
Lk 24:12 {//Jn 20:3-10} Kefa went to the tomb
[[Then, Kefa [cf. v. 24]
on his part got up and ran to the tomb,
and stooping, he peered in,
he is now looking at the burial linen cloth only {lying} alone!
Then he went off, wondering what on earth had happened.]] ◊

Lk: Ø {//Mt 28:11-15; //Mk: Ø; //Jn: Ø} Guard bribed by the Yehudim of the ruling authority

24:7 men of outcast sinners ░░ (\anthrōpōn hamartōlōn); />> sinful men – most;
24:10 Yohanah ░░ (= 8:3) [only in G-Lk]; /Yochanah; /Joanna;
c 24:10 those ~ on mission ░░ [Gk. emissary, messenger, missionary] /> apostles – (now a religious technical term]
24:13-43 Risen Master to the Disciples
(Abib 17) (late day)

Lk: Ø {//Mt 28:9-10(women); //Mk 16:9-11; //Jn 20:11-18} Mariam the Magdalene & women

On the Emmaus road

Lk 24:13-52 Two disciples on the Emmaus road
24:13 {//Mk 16:12}
24:13 And, look¡ on that same daya
two among them – the followers– were going on their way
[+homebound] to a village called Emmaus
seven and half milesb from Yerusalem. [to WNW]
And it came to be,
as they were talking and discussing [on these things],
that Yeshua himself approached
and began to walk alongside with them.
((But their eyes were prevented from recognizing him.))
And he said to them,
“What are yoů debating so intently as yoů walk along?”
sothey stopped, showing a downcast look{/mss}.
And one of them — by the name of Kleopasc— answered him,
Saying “You certainly must be the only visitor
among pilgrims staying in Yerusalem
who does not know about anything happened there
in these [tumultuous] days!”
And he said to them,
“what might that be?”
And they said to him,
“The things about Yeshua the Nazarene!
— a mman who proved to be a prophet,
mighty in works and word,
before the Elohim and all the people:
and how our chief priests and rulers delivered him up
to be sentenced to death and had him crucified.
But as for us, we had kept our confident hope that
it was he who was the One destined to set Yisrael free.
Yes, {and} besides all these very thingsd [we have witnessed],
 it has been three days {as of today} [Abib 17 afternoon]
since these things happened.

a 24:13 on that same day ░░ [‘day’ as daytime =Abib 17 (2nd day of the lunar week)];
b 24:13 seven and half miles ░░ \sixty stadia; [Gk. stadia (‘furlongs’ – KJV)];
c 24:18 Kleopas ░░ /Cleopas; [If he is same as Klopas (Jn 19:25), then his wife Mariam had been one of the group

of women at the crucifixion. The ‘two (disciples)’ v. 13 are very likely man and wife.]
d 24:21 these very things ░░ [refer to His Crucifixion, Death, Entombment on Abib 14]
some women from among us astonished us —
They had been on early morninga at the tomb,
but, did not find his body there.
Having returned alright, but here, they said that
they had even seen a vision of angels
who told them <he lives!>.
Then, some [Cf. Kefa in v. 12] of those who were with us
went off to the tomb
and found it just as the women had said,
… but as for him they did not see there.”
And he said to them,
“So hard for you to understand!
— so slow to believe firmly in heart
all that the prophets have spoken!
Was it not necessary for the very Mashiah
to undergo and suffer these things [9:22; 24:46]
and to enter into his glory?”
And beginning from Moses and from all the Nevi'imb
he explained to them the things concerning himself
in the whole TaNaKh Scripture.
As they came close to the village where they were headed for,
Yeshua, on his part, gave impression that he was going farther.
And they pressured him, saying
“Please do stay with us!
because it is {already} toward evening
and the day is now almost over.”
So he went in to stay with them.
And it so came about,
when he had reclined with them at the meal,
he took the loaf of bread and gave blessed words for it,
and, brokec it and gave to them.
There, on their part, suddenly the eyes became open
and came to recognize him;
then he on his part became invisible to them!

a 24:22 early morning ░░ (orthrios = prōi in other Gospels) (s. v. 1)

b 24:27 the Nevi'im ░░ /> the Prophets; [Heb. = the (Books of) Prophets (of the Hebrew Scripture)];
c 24:30 broke ░░ [‘break bread’ – Hebrew idiom; as in 22:19; Also in Act 2:43; 20:7 – which does not refer to the

Lord’s Supper or a Eucharist.]

And they said to one another,
<Was not our heart dull {within us},
while he was speaking to us on the road,
as he was opening up [the meaning of] the TaNaKh Scripture
to our understanding?”
24:33 So the two got up at once,
returned to Yerusalem
and found all gathered together,
the Eleven and those who were with them; {//Mk 16:13}
and learned from their saying
<the Master is truly risen [to Life]
and has shown himself to Shimon!>
Upon this, the two related their own story of
what had happened to them on the road
and how they became to recognize him
by his breaking of the bread. ◊

The Master to the disciples

24:36-43 (cf. Jn 20:19, 27; 21:10, 13) The Master to the disciples
And as they were talking about these things,
Yeshua himself appeared and stood right there in their midst
{and says to them, “Shalom° to yoů!”}
But it startled them, there, having become fearful,
they thought they were seeing [something of] a spirita
And he said to them,
“Why are yoů troubled?
And why do doubts arise in yoůr thinking?
See my hands and my feet?b It's really mec!
Touch me and see; [cf. Jn 20:27]
because a mere spirit does not have flesh and bones,
like yoů see that I have.”
{And when he had said this,
he showed them his hands and his feet.}

a 24:37, 39 something of a spirit ░░ (as of a dead person); - KJV, most; /xxx: ghost - NIV, HCSB, NET, ISV, CEV,
GW NLT (not in KJV!); [Cf. 1Pe 3:18 ‘made to life in spirit’];
b 24:39 my hands and my feet ░░ [→ v. 40] [pointing to His own body for His bodily appearance]; [Not about ‘the

wounds’; often conflated with Jn 20:25 (spikes nailing through the hands).]
c 24:39 really me ░░ [now in same body, but not same ‘physical’ body, but in glorified spirital body.]
24:41-43 (cf. Jn 21:10, 13) Partaking of fish
And as they still could not
believe [with their eyes] being so full of joy
and stood there dumbfounded,
he said to them,
“Do yoů have something good to eat here?”
So they gave a piece of broiled fish to him [cf. Jn 21:9-10, 13]
{and some of honeycomb}.
And he took and ate it before their eyes. ◊

Ending – the committed disciplesa


Commission to the disciples

Lk: 24:44-49 (cf. Mt +28:18-20) (Mk +16:15-18) Commission to the disciples
And he said to them,
“These are my words which I spoke to yoů,
while I was still with yoů:
— that it is necessary for all the things to be fulfilled,
which are written about me
in the Torah of Moses and the Nevi'im and the Psalms.”
Then he opened up their mind
so that they could understand the TaNaKh Scripture;
and he said to them,
“thus it is written [in the TaNaKh Scripture] [Cf. Psa 16:10; Act 2:31]
that the very Mashiah must sufferb [24:26]
and rise up from the dead on the third day; c  [= 9:22; 18:33; 24:7] [Cf. Hos 6:2]
and that, on the basis of his name,
will be preached repentance
into receiving forgiveness of sins
— to all the nations, beginning from Yerusalem. [Cf. Act 1:4, 8]
As for yourselves,
yoů are witnesses of these things.
And look¡ I on my part am sending forth
what my Father promised to yoů-all: d [⇨Act 1:4, 8]
Yoů, though, are to remain in the City {of Yerusalem}
until yoů become clothed with power from on high.” ◊

a 24:44-54 <Committed Disciples> ░░ [The ending of the Luke’s Gospel. Luke does not record the disciples’
return to Galilee and encounter to the risen Lord there, which fit in the intervening period.]
b 24:46 suffer ░░ [not ‘have suffering of pain, agony, torture, etc.];
c 24:46 from the dead on the third day ░░ [= 9:23; 18:33; 24:7]; /x: from death ~ – CEB, Bishops;
d 24:49 what ~ promised ░░ [i.e. God’s gift of holy spirit.]
Ascension to the Father
Lk 24:50-52 (Cf. //Acts 1:9-12a) Ascension to the Father
And he led them out as far as Bethany
and he lifted up his hands and gave them blessed words.
And as giving them blessed words,
he departed from them
{and was carried up [by the angels] into the heaven.} a [Cf. Mk 16:19]
And they, {having prostrated to him},
returned to Yerusalem with great joy. ◊

Closing remark
Lk 24:53 Closing remark
And afterwards,
when attending together in the Miqdashb court,

at all their time [of prayer-calls] c

they were praising {and giving blessed to} the Elohim.


<END of the Gospel Text>

24:51 giving blessed words ░░ /blessing – most;
24:53 Temple ░░ [G-Lk ends as it began (1:5ff), in the courts of the Temple – GB Caird.]
24:53 time of prayer-calls ░░ [Cf. daily prayers tefillah - 3 times in Judaism. Cf. Lk 1:10; Act 10:2 ff]
[Intentionally left blank page]
All the introductory material

Segmentation of the text material into boxes of colored line borders

The Gospel text is enclosed in the dashed-line box in units of a large or small size.
The color of the box tells where the segment of text is found in relation to other
Gospels: (Same for the nestled boxes within a box.)

Only in G-Lk ◊⌂ 
in all Synoptics ◊⌂ 
in G-Lk and one other (G-Mt or G-Mk) ◊⌂ 

Such text segmentation using boxes is to show how the text sits in the text structure
which should be kept mind when reading the Bible. The color scheme is to help the
readers recognize how parallel the text is in four Gospels. When the text is in a
different line of flow in narrative and discourse, the box is set back from the left
ISSN 1943-0345

(Vol. I, No. 4. IRENT – Luke – Readers Edition)


Ahnrojah Books

The basic text of this IRENT is available free to all for their personal use. One
may reproduce it in a print book form in any quantity as long as they are to be
given freely. The text may be converted to other electronic format as long as it
is to be free to the public.
Publication Notice

A new fresh rendition of the New Testament is to be published as an online serial

under the title of Read IRENT, as a work-in-progress, in Adobe PDF file format,
accessible freely on the web. It strives for clarity in living everyday English,
staying away from the style of the traditional Biblical English in use in most of
conventional translations and in church language. It is in a common people’s
English but no less dignified, with its content not adulterated with one’s own
personal opinion and message as seen in several popular modern publications,
which have often gone beyond the limit of ‘paraphrase’ and actually into a

The title IRENT, chosen for the translation text work itself, is an acronym for
Invitation to Reading in English – New Testament.

Uploaded is Vol. I. Gospels and Acts, No. 4. Gospel of Luke, which comprises
Luke’s one volume work together with his Acts. This issue is Readers Edition
with the footnotes. Endnotes and Appendix are included in Study-ready Edition.

Updating is reflected in the release version number in the file name itself. Check
always for the latest one. See all the zip files for this work: Vol. I Gospels and
Acts; Vol. II Epistles and Revelation, Vol. III Supplements, and Vol. IV
Introduction to IRENT.

How to read the pages of IRENT

See the file ‘How to read the pages of IRENT’ and more on Typographic
Devices and Notations in Footnotes, see Vol. IV. Introduction to IRENT.
Overview: Outline 1
There are many different ways to present for overview of this Gospel. It would be
shrewd to start with a simpler one before one may wish to delve into more detailed

G. Campbell Morgan in his The Analyzed Bible (1964) has a rather detailed one
under three distinct parts: (p. 382)

Luke – Jesus Christ the Man

A. PERFECT (1: – 3:)

Prologue (1:1-4)
I. Being and Birth (1:5-2:39)
II. Childhood and Confirmation (2:40-52)
III. Develoment and Anointing (3:1-22); Genealogy (3:23-38)
B. PERFECTED (4:1 – 9:36)
I. Devil -Testing. First Process and Issue (4:1-14)
II. Man -Teaching. Second Process and Issue (4:15 – 9:26)
III. God -Transfiguration. Third Process and Issue (9:27-36)
C. PERFECTING (9:37 – 24:53)
Prelude (9:37-50)
I. Purpose and Preparation (9:51 – 18:30)
II. Approach and accomplishment (18:31 -24:12)
III. Administration (24:13-53)

[six passion summaries in Luke: Lk_9:22, 44; 17:25; 18:31-33; 24:7, 46-47.]
Outline 2
A simple outline in Caird’s gives an excellent way of grasping the text of
such large size.

SECTION I: (1:1-4) Prologue

SECTION II: (1:5 – 2:52) Promise of Deliverance

SECTION III: (3:1 – 4:13) Preparation for Service

SECTION IV: (4:14 – 9:50) Ministry in GALILEE

SECTION V: (9:51 – 19:28) Road to Yerusalem@

SECTION VI: (19:29 – 24:53) Death and Victory

This section has a large segment of 9:51 – 18:14 <Lukan Special Section>.

Outline 3
a little more detailed but closely matching up with the Caird’s:

Beginning with Immanuel

PART I: (1:1 – 4:13) Introduction to the Son-of-man

PART II: (4:14 – 9:50) Galilean Ministry of the Son-of-man

Kefa’s Confession & The Way to the Cross (9:18-36)

PART III: (9:51 – 21:38) Rejection of the Son-of-man

9:51 – 19:28 A & B. Road to Yerusalem
19:29 – 21:38 C. Final Ministry in Yerusalem@

PART IV: (22:1 – 24:53) Passion & Resurrection of the Son-of-man

22:1-38 A. Path to Passion
22:39 – 23:56 B. Passion Narrative proper
24:1-53 C. Empty Tomb + Risen Master
Denouement for the New Beginning

SEQUEL: (Acts 1:1ff) Acts of the Holy Spirit

@ Many take the passion narrative to begin with this.
Outline 4
From Search_the_Scriptures -lulu.com - items - volume 37


I. Preface to the Gospel of the Son-of-man (Ch. 1:1-4)

A. Introductory reasons for writing the Gospel (vs. 1:1-4)

II. Birth and Childhood of the Son-of-man (Ch. 1:5-2:52)

A. Announcement & birth of the forerunner (1:5-80)
B. Announcement, birth, infancy & boyhood of Jesus (2:1-52)

III. Public presentation of the Son-of-man (Ch. 3:1-4:13)

A. Presented by Yohanan the Baptist (3:1-20)
B. Presented by baptism (3:21-22)
C. Presented by genealogy (3:23-38)
D. Presented by temptation (4:1-13)

IV. Ministry of the Son-of-man in Galilee (Ch. 4:14-9:50)

A. Preaching & healing at Nazareth with opposition (4:14-30)
B. Preaching & calling disciples at Capernaum with opposition (4:31-6:16)
C. Preaching & appointing apostles at the Sermon on the Mount (6:17-49)
D. Preaching & miracles with a testimony of Yohanan the Baptist (7:1-35)
E. Preaching & parables with miracles as he traveled (7:36-8:56)
F. Preaching & sending the apostles to preach demonstrating His power & purpose (9:1-50)

V. Journey of the Son-of-man from Galilee to Jerusalem (Ch. 9:51-19:27)

A. Teaching with sending out of the 70 disciples (9:51-10:24)
B. Teaching & parables with teaching to point out spiritual truths (10:25-11:13)
C. Teaching & opposition by the Pharisees (11:14-14:24)
D. Teaching & parables to point to salvation & service (14:25-18:14)
E. Teaching & ministering to demonstrate spiritual lessons (18:15-19:27)

VI. Ministry of the Son-of-man in Jerusalem (Ch. 19:28-21:38)

A. Incidents of Triumphal Entry & Miqdash cleansing (19:28-48)
B. Incidents with religious opposition & prophetic signs (20:1-21:38)

VII. Betrayal, trial, and death of the Son-of-man at Jerusalem (Ch. 22:1-23:49)
A. Facing the Last Supper & the Betrayal (22:1-22:53)
B. Facing the trial & crucifixion (23:54-23:49)

VIII. The resurrection & ascension of the Son-of-man at Jerusalem (Ch. 24:1-53)
A. His resurrection discovered by Kefa & the women (24:1-24)
B. His resurrection discovered by disciples on Emmaus road and in an assembled place (24:13-45)
C. His resurrection confirmed by His commission & actual ascension (24:46-53)
Parables in G-Lk
13:6-9 Unfruitful Fig Tree
13:18-19 Of A mustard seed {//Mt 13:31-2; Mk 4:30-32}
14:15-24 Of Leaven {//Mt 13:33}
14:15-24 Of Great Banquet {//Mt 22:1-14}
15:1-7 Of the Lost Sheep {//Mt 18:12-14}
15:8-10 Of the Lost Coin
15:11-32 Of the Lost Two Sons
16:19-31 Of the Rich Man and Eleazar
18:1-8 Of A Widow and a Judge
18:9-14 Of A Pharisee and a Tax collector
19:11-27 Of the Ten Minas {cf. Mt 25:14-30}
Acrostic Bible

Acrostic Bible: Luke


1 John named by Zekharyah

2 Event during Jesus’ childhood
3 Spirit descends on Jesus
4 Undergoing the tempters’ tests
5 Shimon Kefa follows Jesus

6 Choosing the twelve disciples

7 Healing of the centurion’s servant
8 Rejection by the Gerasenes
9 Instruction given on discipleship
10 Seventy go proclaiminga and report
11 Thundering woes against Pharisees

12 Truth of Master’s return

13 Healing on the Sabbath
14 Emphasis on true discipleship

15 Prodigal son is received

16 Entrance into Abraham’s bosom
17 Response of ten lepers
18 Faith must be persistent
19 Entry into Yerusalem anti-triumphantb
20 Christ repeatedly outwits Pharisees
21 Temple destruction is foretold

22 Mockery of the trial

23 Acceptance of penitent rebelc
24 News of Jesus’ resurrection

Special thanks to Barry Huddleston, the author of ‘The Acrostic Bible’ (1978).

a go proclaiming ░░ > preach

b anti-triumphant ░░ > triumphant
c rebel ░░ > thief
Preview of SEQUEL (Act 1:1-14)

From the Second Book by Luke:

The Acts of the Holy Spirit

through the Apostles

Acts 1:1-14

(Acts 1)
1:1-2 Introduction
1:1 The first narrative account I produced,
my dear Theophilus,
concerned itself with everything Yeshua set out to do and to teach,
until the day that he was taken up [into the heaven],[v.11; cf. Lk 24:51]
after having given his orders through holy spirit [Lk 24:49]
to the apostles whom he had chosen.

1:3-8 Holy Spirit promised

It was to these apostles that he also presented himself
by many irrefutable proofs
as the living One [having been raised to Life]
after his suffering [unto death],
appearing to them over a period of forty days [⇨Act 1:15a ⇨2:1]
and telling the things concerning the Kingdom reign of the Elohim.
And, while being together with them,
he ordered them not to leave Yerusalem
but remain there and
“Wait for what Father has promised to be fulfilled
about which yoů all have heard from me: [⇦Lk 24:49; Jn 14:16; 20:22, 26]
Yohanan, as I told yoů, indeed did immerse [people] in water;
but [now] as for yoů all
it is in holy spirit that yoů shall be immersed
not many days from now.” [⇨Act 2:4, 38]
So, when they had come together,
they began to ask him,
“Master! Is it at this time
you’re to restore the kingdom to Yisrael?”
And he said to them,
“It is not yoůrs to know dates and times,
which the Father has set by His own authority.
But yoů shall receive power,
when the [promised] holy spirit comes upon yoů
and yoů shall be witnesses of me{/mss}
both [here] in Yerusalem as well as in all Judea
and Samaria
and to the outermost parts of the inhabited-land.”

1:9-11 Ascension
1:9 And after Yeshua had spoken these words,
he was lifted up, as they were looking,
and a cloud caught him out of their sight.
And while they were looking on into the heaven
as he was on his way up,
look¡ two mmen stood by them dressed in white;
who said,
<Yoů Galileans!
why are yoů standing here, looking on into the sky?
This very Yeshua, who has been taken up from yoů into the heaven,
so shall also come just as the sure fact
as yoů have seen his going up into the heaven.>
1:12-14 Apostles’ gathered in the upper room
Then they returned to Yerusalem
from a mountain called the Mount of Olive-grove
which is near Yerusalem [to east]
— at a distance within the bound of a ‘sabbath day's journey’.
And when they entered, they went up into the upper room,
where they had been staying;
They were
● Kefaa
● and Yohan
● and Yaakob
● and Andrew;

● Philip and
● Thomas,
● Barthólomew and
● Matthew,

● Yaakob the son of Alphaeus and

● Shimon the Zealot;
● and Yudah the son of Yaakob.
All these were devoted to their prayer in one mind
● together with some women, also Mariam the mother of Yeshua
● and together with Yeshua’s brothers [+including Yaakob].

<End of Preview of the Sequel>

1:12ff Kefa ░ /> Peter; [Gk. Peteros is a Greek translation word. He was not called ‘Peter’. See
‘Peter’ under Basic Words in the Scripture.]
A Brief Timeline of Life-history of Yeshua

Age Events
BC 49 Julius Caesar (born 100/2 BC), elected as consul.
BC 46 Julian calendar
BC 44 Julius Caesar assassinated
BC 27 Caesar Augustus
BC 3 early 1 Birth of Yeshua (Not BC 4 or 1) (Cf. Lk 1:26
summer conception announced 6th month of the lunar year)
BC 2 early 2 Flight to Egypt from Bethlehem and
winter (Mt 2:13-18)
BC 1 spring Death of
Herod (Not Return to Nazareth (Mt 2:19-23)
BC 4 or 6)
CE 10 spring 12 At Passover, Yerusalem (Lk 2:42)
(Cf. Bar-mitzvah – 13-year-old)
CE 14 Death of Caesar Augustus (age 77)
CE 26 Pilate, the Governor
CE 27 summer 30 Tiberius Begin His ministry as an itinerant rabbi
Caesar (15th yr) (Cf. Yohanan - Lk 3:1ff)
CE 28 spring 1st Passover (Jn 2:13, 23) during His
CE 29 spring Unnamed festival (Jn 5:1) (? Purim on Adar 14)
CE 29 spring 2nd Passover (Jn 6:4)
CE 29 Fall Festival of Sukkot (Jn 7:2) (Tishri 15)
CE 30 spring 33 Death of Yeshua (3rd Passover)
CE 36 Pilate summoned back to Rome
CE 70 Fall of Yerusalem to Roman General Titus (future emperor); End of the
‘Temple-based Judaism’
‘age’ = by ‘year-period’, not by ‘full year’ [Cf. similar to difference between ‘hour-
period’ vs. ‘hour-on-clock’.]
Age 1 = during the period from birth to the anniversary (full one-year old);
Age 30 = during the period from full 29 year-old to full 30 year-old.

Yeshua’s public ministry – 2 ½ years.

OT quotations & allusions

Parallel Passages in New Testament from Old Testament:

Direct/indirect quotations or Allusions (marked with *)
<from http://blueletterbible.org/study/misc/quotes01.html >
G-Lk Source G-Lk Source
1:10 Lev 16:17* 10:28 Lev 18:5*
1:17 Mal 4:5, 6 11:30 Jon 1:17*
1:32 Psa 132:11* 11:30 Jon 3:1-10*
1:33 Mic 4:7* 11:30 Jon 4:1-11*
1:33 Dan 4:3* 11:31 2Ki 10:1*
1:55 Gen 22:18* 11:51 Gen 4:8*
1:55 Gen 17:19* 11:51 2Ch 24:21, 22*
1:73 Gen 22:16* 13:27 Psa 6:8
1:73 Gen 12:3* 13:35 Psa 118:26*
1:78 Num 24:17* 13:35 Jer 12:7*
1:78 Mal 4:2* 13:35 Jer 22:5*
1:79 Isa 9:2* 14:8 Pro 25:6*
2:21, 22 Lev 12:3, 4* 14:26 Mic 7:6*
2:23 Exd 13:2 17:3 Lev 19:17*
2:24 Lev 12:8 17:27 Gen 7:7*
2:34 Isa 8:14, 15* 17:29 Gen 19:16*
3:4, 5, 6 Isa 40:3, 4, 5 17:32 Gen 19:26*
4:4 Deu 8:3 18:20 Exd 20:12
4:8 Deu 6:13 18:20 Deu 5:17, 18 &c
4:8 Deu 10:20 19:46 Isa 56:7
4:10, 11 Psa 91:11, 12 19:46 Jer 7:11
4:12 Deu 6:16 20:9 Isa 5:1*
4:18, 19 Isa 61:1, 2 20:17 Psa 118:22, 23
4:25, 26 1Ki 17:1, 9* 20:18 Isa 8:14*
4:25, 26 1Ki 18:1, 2* 20:18 Zec 12:3*
4:27 2Ki 5:14* 20:18 Dan 2:44*
5:14 Lev 14:2* 20:28 Deu 25:5
6:3, 4 1Sa 21:6* 20:37 Exd 3:6*
6:24 Amo 6:1* 20:42, 43 Psa 110:1
7:27 Mal 3:1 22:37 Isa 53:12
8:10 Isa 6:9 23:29 Isa 54:1*
10:4 2Ki 4:29* 23:30 Hsa 10:8*
10:27 Deu 6:5 23:46 Psa 31:5
10:27 Lev 19:18 24:46 Isa 53:5*

[End of the file]

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