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The Evolution of Immigration

A megaphone (noun): a large funnel-shaped
device for amplifying and directing the voice.
A voice that only now has begun to be heard.
For my art/history project I decided to paint
many significant figures onto a megaphone,
each one symbolizing an important ideas that
would have shaped immigration throughout
the years.

This image, a voting badge, is what you would

have received if you would have voted. Voting in
American history has been a topic that has been
changed and added to throughout American
history. Women and African-Americans now
have the right to vote. Voting is one of the ways
Americans can exercise their voice, their power,
their choice. For example in the 2017
presidential election Immigration was one of the
topics that people were using their voices to
vote on.

The Capitol building of America is where all the

magic happens. The decisions that impacted
and still are impacting the lives of many
immigrants were made within those walls. This
building is a significant figure of the
government’s presence within the evolution of
immigration and where they plan to head with
the topic.
This image symbolizes a train ticket, which is a
reference to modern day. Many immigrants
hopped onto moving trains to get to their
destinations. The phrase "El Norte” refers to
what Immigrants call America and translates to
“the north.” It also references a saying which
many know America as, “the place where
dreams come true.” The dates seen in the
corners correspond to a time in American

1924- The immigration Act of 1924

1891- The immigratin Act of 1891

1954- Operation Wetback

1943- Bracero program 1943-1945

These objects stand for the accomplishments of
the DREAMERS, many who came to America at
the choice of their parents, who went into
school with big dreams and big language
barriers. You can find them today as lawyers,
doctors, teachers, and soldiers, doing
something to better America. Some are still in
school and fighting for their right to stay in the
only place they’ve ever called home.
The vineyard and grapes actually turned out to
be in the shape of a heart. The vines, the
grapes, and the vineyard all represent the
beauty in the work of immigrants. Although you
won’t find as many illegal immigrants now a day,
back then the number of immigrants were rising
fast, and you could easily find them working in
fields such as these.
The scale simply represents how the world
should be. Where love and family should be
valued more than money and rivals between
countries. People may not see what’s happening
to the world, the economy may be booming, but
at the cost of what? Families are separated, torn
away from each other without the hope of
seeing each other again. Is this the world we
want our kids growing up in?
D.A.C.A stands for Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals, which was established in
2012 during Obama presidency. This policy
allowed them to be able to remain and work in
America. The statue of liberty is known to
symbolize a new beginning, which is exactly
what their parents were thinking when they
made the decision to travel to America.
This image is based off of a painting called “The
Crowd”. When I first saw it I liked how the paint
dripped down its own path and would
sometimes mix with another color to form a new
color path. This reminded me of immigrants and
how they each have their stories and passions,
but are willing to help each other out even if they
don’t have much themselves. Ironically I first
found it on an anti-immigrant article. It was
painted with muted nudes, making it appear
gloomy and sad. So to honor my hispanic
background I painted it with many bright and
bold colors.
This is a portrait of Cesar Chavez a Latino
American civil rights activist. He fought for the
civil rights of the immigrant workers. He
managed this in a way that people didn’t think
was possible. He stood his ground when he told
everyone to speak out and spread the word. He
managed to be heard through his nonviolent
tactics. His phrase “si, se puede” (yes, it can be
done) became the slogan for Obama’s
presidential campaign.

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