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E ar ly A mer ican P r ess


MAY 23RD, 1692 School Name

Salem H angings

A lot has shook up this little town lately. As everybody probably already knows, there were
some hangings and witchcraft that have been occurring lately. Here?s what you probably didn?t

Affliction with the the so called "withches"

MAY 23RD, 1692 Kingsford High School


We all know John Proctor. Who doesn?t love him? He was a great
guy who always had a helping hand, a hard worker, and a family
man. So when he got hung for being accused of witchcraft, we
were all in panic. If the John we know and love could do something
so sinful, anybody could.
One big thing that he did that affected a few others is he said he
cheated on his wife with Abigail Williams. Abigail denied the
accusation and so did Elizabeth, but John is dead set that it
happened. When Elizabeth was asked, John and Abigail had to
turn around so that no gestures could be made to her, and
Elizabeth is not known to lie.

Abigail confronts John Proctor


When you now think of our population you can subtract 20 from
that. There were more than 200 people accused of witchcraft, but
20 paid their lives for it. The girls had all seen them working with
the devil. Amongst the dead are John Proctor, Giles Corey, Sarah
Good, and Rebecca Nurse.
John was offered something that could have potentially saved his
life, but he would?ve lost his pride. All he had to do was sign the
paper saying he confessed to witchcraft and then they would hang
it outside the church door. John did sign it, but begged and begged
them not to put it where everybody could see it. That was the deal
though? so he ripped it up and threw it away.

The hangings that took place during the

time period.

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