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SPEAKING ___ /25

Student A

I Finish the following sentences so that they are true for you. Then ask Student B about their
opinion starting with What…? (12pts)

1. If I buy a new dress this weekend ___________________.

2. If I sang well ____________________.
3. If I had arrived earlier to work yesterday _________________.

II Cross out the unnecessary words in each sentence and then say the sentences to student
B to start a conversation. Keep the conversation going for at least one minute! (8pts)

1. Bad news, as I’m afraid.

2. I’m sorry for to have to tell you, but we lost the match.
3. I’ve got some good unfortunately news for you.
4. I’m afraid of I’ve got some bad news.

III Ali (A) is talking to a travel agent (T) about booking a holiday. Work together with Student
B and put the conversation in the correct order. After that, retell the dialogue to the teacher
by using the reported speech. (5pts)

___ A: No, I haven’t but it’s a good idea.

_1_ A: I want to go to Spain because I’ve never been there before.
___ A: OK.
___ A: I’m thinking of going by plane.
___ A: That sounds great!
___ A: No I haven’t . Could you show me what accommodation is available.
___ T: Have you thought about taking the train instead?
___ T: How are you planning to travel?
___ T: There’s an eco-farm near Valencia where you can stay for free, if you help the farmer
pick his olives.
___ T: It’s cheaper than flying. I’ll show you some of the train routes.
___ T. Have you decided where you want to stay.
Student B

I Finish the following sentences so that they are true for you. Then ask Student A about their
opinion starting with What…? (12pts)

1. If I study English more regularly ______________________.

2. If I stopped eating sweets ____________________.
3. If I had seen my boss __________________.

II Cross out the unnecessary words in each sentence and then say the sentences to student
A to start a conversation. Keep the conversation going for at least one minute! (8pts)

1. There’s something who I’ve got to tell you.

2. You’ll never guess what is happened.
3. It’s unfortunately we were burgled last night.
4. I’ve got something for to tell you.

III Ali (A) is talking to a travel agent (T) about booking a holiday. Work together with Student
A and put the conversation in the correct order. After that, retell the dialogue to the teacher
by using the reported speech. (5pts)

___ A: No, I haven’t but it’s a good idea.

_1_ A: I want to go to Spain because I’ve never been there before.
___ A: OK.
___ A: I’m thinking of going by plane.
___ A: That sounds great!
___ A: No I haven’t . Could you show me what accommodation is available.
___ T: Have you thought about taking the train instead?
___ T: How are you planning to travel?
___ T: There’s an eco-farm near Valencia where you can stay for free, if you help the farmer
pick his olives.
___ T: It’s cheaper than flying. I’ll show you some of the train routes.
___ T. Have you decided where you want to stay.
READING ___ /25
I You are going to read an article about why people get angry. Number the events in the box
according to categories 1-3 below. (9pts)
1. Reasons 2. Consequences 3. Solutions

1. You start to shout. ____

2. You’re irritated with someone._____
3. You throw things around. _____
4. You do physical exercise. _____
5. You’re frustrated about something. _____
6. You feel tense. _____
7. You try meditation. _____
8. People criticise you. _____
9. You distance yourself from one situation. _____

II Complete the statement with information from the article. (16pts)

1. When you get angry your blood pressure _____________ and your heart speeds up.
2. Being angry about something can help others to ___________ how you feel.
3. Getting angry is not usually a good way to ___________ problems.
4. It’s a good idea to understand what ____________ make you angry.
5. If you recognise the signs that you are getting angry ____________ then you can
start to ____________ your behaviour.
6. When you are angry you should try to ______________ yourself from the situation.
7. Deep ______________ will help to calm your heart beat.
8. Try to speak _______________ rather than shout.

I Listen to the interviews with Elise and Marc about neighbours an answer the questions for
each person. (8pts) (8.1)

1. Who are their neighbours?

Elise _________________________________________________________.
Marc _________________________________________________________.
2. Why do they like the situation with their neighbours?
Elise _________________________________________________________.
Marc _________________________________________________________.
3. How often do they see their neighbours?
Elise _________________________________________________________.
Marc _________________________________________________________.
4. How long have the people live there?
Elise _________________________________________________________.
Marc _________________________________________________________.

II Complete the summaries with one word in each space. Then listen again and check.
III Circle the best alternative way of saying these extracts from the interview. (5pts)

1. If I need a babysitter for my kids….

a) If I need someone to look after my children…
b) If my children need to sit still….
2. You never get fed up with the family?
a) You never eat with the family?
b) You never get tired of the family?
3. We always wanted to live side by side.
a) We always wanted to live in the same town.
b) We always wanted to live next to each other.
4. It’s not a functioning farm.
a) The farm doesn’t make much money.
b) The place isn’t actually used as a farm.
5. We’re a bit antisocial.
a) We don’t like mixing with other people.
b) We don’t like working for big companies.
WRITING ___ /25

Choose one of the topics below to write a composition.

1. Write a review of a restaurant or a café that you know well. Give details about the
food, price, service, décor and atmosphere. Use the following expressions to
connect your ideas: so, although, such, unless and while. ((80-100 words)

2. Read the problems below. Think of what you would do in these situations. Then
write a response per each. (approximately 50 words/response)

My neighbours are very noisy. They often play loud music and have
parties, even during the week! I have to get up early to go to work
but sometimes I don’t get to sleep until the middle of the night.
They also have their television on loud all the time, so I can
never really relax.

I have my first interview for a big company next week and don’t
feel prepared. I really want the job and it will be really good for my
career but just the idea of it makes me feel really nervous. I don’t
know what to do.

I need a holiday but don’t have enough money. I’ve been working
really hard and now really need to get away and relax. The only
problem is that I don’t have enough money to go abroad but want
to go somewhere new. This seems to happen to me every year.

3. Write an essay of 130-160 words with the title What if…. we hadn’t invented the
Internet? Mention:
- the importance of the Internet
- give specific examples of how we use it
- how the world would be different without it
Conclude by giving your own opinion of the Internet.

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