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Reggio Emilia


Reggio Emilia is not a teaching method, it
cannot be taught in an educational setting. It
is a format for a classroom, and the
classroom's influence is what guides the
learning of children. Outside of the city of
Reggio Emilia, all education that use this
approach settings are considered reggio-
inspired. Individual communities are expected
to adapt the classroom and materials to the
specific interests and investigations of the
children present. This approach utilizes an
organized environment and loose materials.
As children engage with these components,
educators evaluate their interests and develop
investigations for the children to complete.

Group work is valued in a Reggio-inspired
classroom. A Reggio-inspired approach is
designed with the intent of promoting
inclusiveness, pro-social interactions, and
communicative skills. The children are the
party in charge of guiding their own
investigations, and therefore they are
encouraged to communicate amongst one
another in order to share different methods
and observations that encourage larger, more
developed investigations.


1. Use authentic, loose materials. 4. Design your classroom and activities
based on the children’s interests.
2. Eliminate clutter.
5. Encourage group work.
3. Make your classroom colourful and
organize your materials by colour. 6. Incorporate nature. (Ex: Grow a plant)

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