Complete Graph, When It Will Be A Connected Graph, The Diameter of The Graph, The Clique of

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In this paper, we will deal with the graph related to co-maximal ideals of a commutative
ring. We will also discuss the properties of our concerned graph, that is, when it will be a
complete graph, when it will be a connected graph, the diameter of the graph, the clique of
the graph, its chromatic number, and their change when the graph becomes multipartite.

Our graph is defined as follows:

Definition of the graph

Let R is a commutative ring with unity. Here, vertices of the graph are taken
to be the ideals which are not contained in the Jacobson radical of R and
two vertices I1 and I2 are adjacent iff I1+I2 = R.

This graph is named the co-maximal ideal graph of the commutative ring R,
and will be denoted by G(R).

Before we proceed any further, there are some basic definitions that we need to be well-
versed about, as these are vital for the understanding of the graph.


 A graph is said to be connected when there is a path between every pair of vertices.
A graph that is not connected is disconnected. A graph with just one vertex is
 A graph is said to be complete if every pair of distinct vertices is connected by a
unique edge.
 The diameter of a graph is the maximum eccentricity of any vertex in the graph.
That is, is the greatest distance between any pair of vertices. In mathematical

 Clique of a graph is a complete subgraph of a given graph, say, G.

 An n-partite graph is a graph whose set of vertices V can be partitioned into n
disjoint subsets V1,V2,V3…Vn such that if ui,vi € Vi, then ui,vi are not adjacent to each
other. In other words, an n-partite graph is a graph that can be partitioned into n
independent sets.
 If G is n-partite, then clique(G)≤n. (We will see later on how)
 The chromatic number of a graph is the smallest number of colours needed to
colour the vertices of so that no two adjacent vertices share the same colour. It is
denoted by X(G).
 The cycle of a graph is set of some number of vertices contained in a closed chain.
 A ring is semi-local if it contains finitely many maximal ideals. The set of maximal
ideals is denoted Max(R).
 The Jacobson radical J(R) is equal to the intersection of all of the maximal ideals. A
ring R is local if it contains a unique maximal ideal M. Such a ring is often denoted (R,

Now that we have the basic knowledge about graphs, we will proceed to study results
relating to the co-maximal ideal graph, and see if we can come to conclusions regarding
the same.

Now will be mentioned, some of the results that we are going to study in detail.

 We will first show that the graph G(R) is complete if and only if all trivial ideals are
maximal ideals. This will tell us that the co-maximal ideal graph is complete.

 Next we’ll prove that if for any proper non-maximal ideal I in R, Ǝ a € I such that Ǝ a
maximal ideal Ja such that a does not belong to Ja, then C(R) is said to be connected.
Later on, we will see how the vice-versa also hold true.
The corollary to this result is that, if the graph is connected, then diameter d≤3.
Note that in C(R), every ideal is adjacent to a maximal ideal, so because the maximal
ideals form a complete subgraph, this graph is connected. We will show that this also
means that d(C(R)) ≤ 3.
Suppose non-maximal ideals I1, I2 are connected with M1 and M2 respectively. If M1
= M2, then the distance between I1 and I2 is 2, otherwise, since M1 and M2 are
connected the distance between I1 and I2 is 3. If we have two maximal ideals then
they are adjacent, and if we have a maximal ideal and an ideal not contained in it
then the ideals are again adjacent. Lastly, if we have an ideal I contained in a
maximal ideal M, then the distance between I and M is 2. Indeed I is co-maximal
with a maximal ideal N which is co-maximal with M.
Thus, we see that d(G(R))≤3.
Later on, we will see that the graph is a cycle, then the number of maximal ideals,
nM = 2 or 3.
So, now we have a fair idea about the connectedness of the graph G(R). Next, we
check what happens when G(R) is an n-partite graph.

 Let R be a semi-local ring. Then, we will see that the ring R has n maximal ideals, say,
M1, M2….Mn iff G(R) is n-partite. We will prove it in detail in the main article.

This will in turn show, that if R has n maximal ideals, then clique(G(R)) = n. This is a
very obvious result, for since G(R) is n-partite, clique(G(R)) ≤ n (as stated above).
Again, any two maximal ideals are co-maximal, by definition. Thus, the set of all
maximal ideals forms a clique of size n. Hence, clique(G(R)) ≥ n. Thus, clique(C(R))=n.
Similarly, we’ll see later on that the contrapositive argument also holds true.
We’ll also see that X(G(R))=n, for R.

Thus, we can come to a conclusion that the following are equivalent:

 A ring R has n maximal ideals.
 G(R) is n-partite.
 X(G(R)) = n.
 Clique(G(R)) = n.

In the main article, not only will we discuss the mathematical proofs of the
statements stated above, we will also talk about their implications with suitable
diagrams and examples.


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