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IPSF EuRO Grant for 5th European

Regional Assembly in Lisbon, Portugal

IPSF European Regional Office together with the Reception Committee of the 5th
European Regional Assembly would like to provide two members of the region an
opportunity to attend the 5th European Regional Assembly.

The grant will have two forms:

i) For members who have already registered for EuRA and paid the fee, the fee will
be sent back to the account before the first day of the event
ii) For members who have registered but have not paid yet, or have not registered for
EuRA, the registration will be made without congress fee payment, once the member
present the proof of willingness to attend the event (e.g. flight tickets)

The winners will be selected by the European Regional Working Group and announced
on 21st March 2018.

The deadline to submit the application for the grant is 15th March 2018, 23:59 GMT

Criteria for Grant Winner

Applications will be scored on the following criteria:

• Economic country classification according to the World Bank documents
• Clear demonstration of personal motivation to attend the EuRA
• Clear demonstration of association motivation to be represented at EuRA
• The priority will be given to members who are the only Official Delegate of the
association attending EuRA (based on first phase registration outcomes)
• Thorough understanding of IPSF, its activities, and of the European Regional

The winner will be eligible to receive the grant If he/she is:
• A member of the IPSF European Regional Office
• Is an Official Delegate of the member association for EuRA
• Submits an article of at least 250 words with photos for an upcoming edition of
the European Regional Office newsletter regarding his or her experience at the
European Regional Assembly. Submission has to made not later than one (1) month
after the end of EuRA.
• Complies to submitting any other documentation as a proof of attendance as
requested by IPSF Team.

Application Form

The application form can be found here:

By submitting your candidacy, you confirm that all information contained is true and
authentic. And all information may be validated. If a discrepancy is discovered,
consideration on the candidacy may be made, and a grant may be revoked.

Any questions or comments can be sent to

Best Regards and Good Luck!

Agata Maristella Gorska

Chairperson of the European Regional Office 2017-2018

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