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Hobart Elementary School

March 3, 2016

Katia Flores
Today there is young kids making apps learning to make programs that benefit other
students or even teachers. Thomas Suarez is 17 year old but in 2011 he was on TED and he
explained how he started making apps and how many kids would ask him how he was
developing apps. He explained that in school there isn't school time to learn more in computer.
He started an after school club to learn more and teach other how to develop apps. If he was
doing this at 12 I can't imagine what he is doing now.
If students are exposed to technology at a young age they are more likely to get into the
college of choice and even get a great job. In this fast technology era students and even teacher
have to stay in touch with what is new and how to use it correctly. For a long time in middle
school I didn't know how to use Word properly that was because at the time we were very
limited to technology. Now schools are able to have technology at our hands, it's as simple as
having a Ipad for a class. Simple computer time is a huge help for both students and teachers
helping students spark an interest in technology.
Students can do all sort of new and creative things with technology, they interact with
technology from the moment they get into the car to go to school. Mitch Resnick is a software
developer of Scratch which many people can learn how to code. He explains how he making it
his mission to help kids keep exploring technology they can engage and enjoy the results. This
shows how much kids are interested in learning something they can develop and than see the end
results.Mr.Resnick also was in TED talk and he shows how simple it is to code and develop
anything the student can put there mind to. Students are so excited to learn new things having
sofware like this can teach students to build programs. All the different softwares that are
available to a class are amazing with endless lessons.
Having technology available to students improves their brain since they are young brains
are so malleable. Kids have the best imagination they actually change their physical shapes of
their brain strengthening parts of the mind. Sites such as Glovico connects students to teachers in
foreign countries to teach them different language. With educational games instead of bored
games kids are exposed to games that have a positive affect spelling, counting and others early
educational lessons through computer games that making learning fun. PBS kids are always fun
activities that are both interactive and a learning experience.
In an article from they explained the postive effects of technology on
education McCoy the writtern explained that not all schools have the budget to send its students
on field trips that are connected with the course of study. When this happens it would benefit the
school board to have the students virtually visit a museum or other educational institutions.
NASA for instance offers a program that allows students to talk to astronauts in space. With all
the new technology that is being presented to all these kids it isn't a surprise so many students are
more advance with technology. Although the district might think w e don't need these computers
and amazing programs. All the great benefits that come from having technology available at any
time of day. Teacher also need programs available like Dojo which I personally love and enjoy,
also the students enjoy it as well. It is a great way for students and parents to keep up with their
kids progress. Its keep everyone in touch with the students education, classes should be
connected in every way.
With all this information that I have said I hope the District realized how much we need
technology in classrooms. We need students to stay engaged and challenged with the fast
learning society that we have in todays students. I would like to point out the benefits from
having students use technology at a young age:; imagination, creativity, and codes.
The first Nevada Computer and Technology Standards is creativity and innovation
students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, processes using technology.
applying existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products or processes. Also creating original
work as a mean of personal or group expression. By Second grade 1.B.2.1 students should create
an original work using variety of digital tools as a mean of group expression. This is very helpful
when you have students wanting to create new projects and work with others. Students can
brainstorm and organized their ideas to create something new.
In Communication and Collaboration students use digital media and environments to
communicate and work collaboratively,including at a distance to support individual learning and
contribute to the learning of others. A way to develop cultural understanding and global
awareness by engaging with learners of others cultures. By the second grade students should use
digital resources to learn about places, people, celebrations, and maps. This helps creating
students to see the world outside their state. By creating a map of students history is a great way
to have students see the world around them to learn history as well. Another is contribute to
project teams to produce original works or solve problems. Students should be able to work in
teams to solve problems using digital tools. Students should know how to work together to
accomplish a bigger picture and present a project together as well.
To collect the research and information fluency students apply digital tools to gather,
evaluate, and use information. Students should be able to locate, organize, analyze, and evaluate
use of information from a variety of sources. Section 3.B.2.1 Students identify and organize
keywords and use multiple sources used to answer an essential question. Students will learn how
to evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to
specific tasks. In section 3.C.2.1 students recognize that different information sources and digital
tools are appropriate for different task. Students will learn how to seek different sources and
identify the truth from lies on the internet. With so many different online sources there should be
a database available to all the students. Students should be able to process data and report results
and to collect and display data using a variety of technology resources and report results. This
can help students practice report sheets and also learn the information that is given to students
the knowledge of what should be reported.
In digital citizenship is a standard in which students understand human, and social issues
related to technology and practices legal and ethical behavior. In the national indicator B. exhibit
a positive attitude towards using technology that supports collaboration, learning and
productivity. In section 5.B.2.1 Using technologies in learning activities. This allows students to
be interactive with others students by creating new activities. With so many ways to create
interactive learning games. Another standard is technology operations and concepts is to teach
students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations.
The understanding and use of technology systems. 6.A.2.2 students need use proper beginning
keyboarding techniques. Another one is troubleshoot systems and applications to demonstrate
proper care of equipment by showing how students care about a computer as well. Students can
all learn to develop skills and appreciate them to learn more about technology.
Name of lesson:​ Far Back Family Tree

Grade Level Appropriateness:​2nd grade

Technology Content Standard Addressed:

● Creativity and Innovation:Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge,
and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
○ 1.B.2.1 Create an original work using a variety of digital tools as a means of
personal or group expression
● Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to
communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual
learning and contribute to the learning of others.
○ 2.C.2.1 Use digital resources to learn about places, people, celebrations, and
○ 2.D.2.1 Work in a team to solve problems using digital tools.
● Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and
use information
○ 3.B.2.1 Identify and organize keywords and use multiple sources used to answer
an essential question.
○ 3.C.2.1 Recognize that different information sources and digital tools are
appropriate for different tasks.
● Digital Citizenship: Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to
technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.
○ 5.B.2.1 Use technologies in learning activities
● Technology Operations and Concepts: Students demonstrate a sound understanding of
technology concepts, systems, and operations.
○ 6.A.2.2 Use proper beginning keyboarding techniques

Other Content Standard Addressed:

● NV.2.0. Geography: Places and Regions-Students understand the physical and human
features and cultural characteristics of places and use this information to define and
study regions and their patterns of changes.
○ 2.2.2 ​Cultural Identity: Identify traditions and customs that families practice. (E
3.2.3) 61 Suggested Titles for​ ​Nevada Social Studies State Standard 2.2.2
Objective:​ The object of this lesson is that students make powerpoint to show the class there
family's origins including food, government system, and any other information that is important
and fun. Students should learn their own past also learn how to use a powerpoint system, also
adding hyperlinks and pictures.

Materials needed to facilitate the lesson:

● PowerPoint/Prezi
● Pictures of family

Suggested group size: ​two per group with different backgrounds to see the difference
1. Gather the groups together ( I would like different cultures to work together)
2. Show the benefits of PowerPoints and Prezi
3. Start out with them talking about themselves (first slide)
4. pictures of family, pets, and friends (second slide)
5. pictures of food about the typical country food and information about it (third slide)
6. pictures of landmarks and information (fourth slide)
7. The differences between two countries ( fifth slide)
Assessment:​ The grade will depend on how much information is given and how much

A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%

Section 5: ​
My All About Me

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