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Annette Johnston

Personal Vision Statement

Vision Statement:
As a leader, I will encourage educational excellence and innovation by fostering a dynamic, collaborative
professional learning community that promotes equality, high expectations, and empowerment for all
stakeholders in order to support each child’s academic, physical, emotional, social, and behavioral

Supporting Tenets:
As a strategic leader, I will work with the school community to continually strive for excellence by
building on the core values that we share as stakeholders, identifying a shared mission, vision, and
goal(s), and making a clear path in order to reach our desired outcomes in the preparation of students
as future global leaders.

As an instructional leader, I will encourage collaboration through PLC, set high standards for teachers,
students, and families pertaining to academic rigor, and coach all staff members on best practices in
order to design highly engaging, highly effective, differentiated lessons and school work that is
appropriate and challenging for each student in our school.

As a cultural leader, I will value the traditions from the past, work to build a sense of identity as a school,
verify that the culture of our school is aligned to the goals of improving learning for each child, and make
positive shifts to culture, if needed, to ensure that a positive culture is promoted daily between school
staff, students, families, and the community.

As a human resource leader, I will develop systems and procedures that result in the recruitment,
support, and retention of high-quality, high-performing staff members in all areas, ensure fair and
consistent teacher evaluation, protect teachers from unnecessary duties that interfere with teaching,
and prioritize the empowerment of teachers to be leaders of their classrooms and schools in order make
sure the school is a true professional learning community.

As an external development leader, I will promote community engagement and support in the school,
create opportunities for staff members, students, families, communities, and businesses to participate
in school improvement efforts as true stakeholders, and show appreciation to those who offer support
in order to continuously improve our school community.

As a micropolitical leader, I will build relationships and systems that embrace the diversity of the staff,
understand the needs for staff members as both professionals and continuous learners, and facilitate
shared decision-making in order to promote equity for students and staff as well as project the school
forward in terms of both culture and academic achievement.

As an academic achievement leader, I will utilize data to drive decisions, teach staff members to use
data in a variety of ways that measures progress and positive growth for every child, hold everyone to
high standards of academic achievement, and promote the culture that each and every child will grow
while in our care in order to contribute to the overall academic success of the school.

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