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Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Unit exam

Name: ______________

1. Evaluate the following squares.

a. 672

b. 6672

c. 666672

What do you notice? Make a conjecture about the 25th term in the pattern?

2. Leanne says that if the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other, then the quadrilateral is a
rectangle. Do you agree or disagree? Explain.

3. Examine this pattern to determine the next equation:


37 x 3 = 111
37 x 6 = 222
37 x 9 = 333
37 x 12 = 444

b. Is your conjecture correct? Explain how you know

c. This pattern eventually breaks down. Determine when the breakdown occurs.

4. Prove that two odd integers is always odd.

5. The following proof seems to show that 2 = 1. Examine this proof, and determine where the
error in reasoning occurred.

Let a = b
a2 = ab Multiply by a.
a2 – b2 = ab – b2 Subtract by b2.
(a – b)(a + b) = b(a – b) Factor.
a+b=b Divide by (a – b).
b+b=b a=b
2b = b Simplify.
2=1 Divide by b.
6. The three little pigs built three houses: one of straw, one of sticks, and one of bricks. By reading
the six clues, deduce which pig built each house, the size of each house, and the town in which
each house was located

 Penny Pig does not build a brick house

 The straw house was not medium in size
 Peter Pig’s house was made of sticks, and it was neither medium nor small in
 Patricia Pig built her house in Pleasantville
 The house in Hillsdale was large
 One house was in a town called Riverview

7. The rules for the game of 15 are given below:

 The cards are placed on a table between two players

 Players take turns choosing a card (any card they like).
 The winner is the first player to have three cards that add to 15.
For example, if you drew 1, 5, 6 and 8, then you would win, because 1 + 6 + 1 = 15

a) Is it possible to win the game in three moves?

b) Devise a winning strategy. Explain your strategy.

8. This question will be devised by the students based on their developed questions from
their Wanuskewin trip.

9. This question will be devised by the students based on their developed questions from
their Wanuskewin trip.

10. Based on how you felt while writing this exam, the various activities we have done
throughout the class, and your understanding of inductive and deductive reasoning, what
grade do you feel is fair for you to receive for this unit? Provide a percentage and a
rational for why you feel you deserve this grade.

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