Managing Customer Relationships: Prepare Two Questionnaire's Samples

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Assignment # 2

Prepare two questionnaire’s samples.

Sana Ashraf
BBA level 5
Batch # 1
Date: 11/03/2017
Faculty: Mrs Asra Hameed

Questionnaire sample #1
Original Date:
Dates Revised:


All questions contained in this questionnaire are strictly confidential
and will become part of your medical record.

Name (Last, First, M.I.): M F DOB:

Marital status: Single Partnered Married Separated Divorced Widowed

Previous or referring doctor: Date of last physical exam:


Childhood illness:  Measles  Mumps  Rubella  Chickenpox  Rheumatic Fever  Polio

Immunizations and Tetanus Pneumonia

Hepatitis Chickenpox

Influenza MMR Measles, Mumps, Rubella

List any medical problems that other doctors have diagnosed


Year Reason Hospital

Other hospitalizations

Year Reason Hospital

Have you ever had a blood transfusion? Yes No

Please turn to next page

List your prescribed drugs and over-the-counter drugs, such as vitamins and inhalers

Name the Drug Strength Frequency Taken

Allergies to medications

Name the Drug Reaction You Had



Exercise Sedentary (No exercise)

Mild exercise (i.e., climb stairs, walk 3 blocks, golf)

Occasional vigorous exercise (i.e., work or recreation, less than 4x/week for 30 min.)

Regular vigorous exercise (i.e., work or recreation 4x/week for 30 minutes)

Diet Are you dieting? Yes No

If yes, are you on a physician prescribed medical diet? Yes No

# of meals you eat in an average day?

Rank salt intake Hi Med Low

Rank fat intake Hi Med Low

Caffeine  None Coffee Tea Cola

# of cups/cans per day?

Alcohol Do you drink alcohol? Yes No

If yes, what kind?

How many drinks per week?

Are you concerned about the amount you drink? Yes No

Have you considered stopping? Yes No

Have you ever experienced blackouts? Yes No

Are you prone to “binge” drinking? Yes No

Do you drive after drinking? Yes No

Tobacco Do you use tobacco? Yes No

Cigarettes – pks./day Chew - #/day Pipe - #/day Cigars - #/day

# of years Or year quit

Drugs Do you currently use recreational or street drugs? Yes No


Have you ever given yourself street drugs with a needle? Yes No

Sex Are you sexually active? Yes No

If yes, are you trying for a pregnancy? Yes No

If not trying for a pregnancy list contraceptive or barrier method used:

Any discomfort with intercourse? Yes No

Illness related to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), such as AIDS, has become a major public health
problem. Risk factors for this illness include intravenous drug use and unprotected sexual intercourse. Would
you like to speak with your provider about your risk of this illness? Yes No

Personal Do you live alone? Yes No

Do you have frequent falls? Yes No

Do you have vision or hearing loss? Yes No

Do you have an Advance Directive and/or Living Will? Yes No

Would you like information on the preparation of these? Yes No

Physical and/or mental abuse have also become major public health issues in this country. This often takes
the form of verbally threatening behavior or actual physical or sexual abuse. Would you like to discuss this
issue with your provider? Yes No



Children M
Sibling M M
M Grandmother
F Maternal
M Grandfather
F Maternal
M Grandmother
F Paternal
M Grandfather
F Paternal


Is stress a major problem for you? Yes No

Do you feel depressed? Yes No

Do you panic when stressed? Yes No

Do you have problems with eating or your appetite? Yes No

Do you cry frequently? Yes No

Have you ever attempted suicide? Yes No

Have you ever seriously thought about hurting yourself? Yes No

Do you have trouble sleeping? Yes No

Have you ever been to a counselor? Yes No



Age at onset of menstruation:

Date of last menstruation:

Period every days

Heavy periods, irregularity, spotting, pain, or discharge? Yes No

Number of pregnancies Number of live births

Are you pregnant or breastfeeding? Yes No

Have you had a D&C, hysterectomy, or Cesarean? Yes No

Any urinary tract, bladder, or kidney infections within the last year? Yes No

Any blood in your urine? Yes No

Any problems with control of urination? Yes No

Any hot flashes or sweating at night? Yes No

Do you have menstrual tension, pain, bloating, irritability, or other symptoms at or around time of period? Yes No

Experienced any recent breast tenderness, lumps, or nipple discharge? Yes No

Date of last pap and rectal exam?


Do you usually get up to urinate during the night? Yes No

If yes, # of times

Do you feel pain or burning with urination? Yes No

Any blood in your urine? Yes No

Do you feel burning discharge from penis? Yes No

Has the force of your urination decreased? Yes No

Have you had any kidney, bladder, or prostate infections within the last 12 months? Yes No

Do you have any problems emptying your bladder completely? Yes No

Any difficulty with erection or ejaculation? Yes No

Any testicle pain or swelling? Yes No

Date of last prostate and rectal exam?


Check if you have, or have had, any symptoms in the following areas to a significant degree and briefly explain.

Skin Chest/Heart Recent changes in:

Head/Neck Back Weight

Ears Intestinal Energy level

Nose Bladder Ability to sleep

Throat Bowel Other pain/discomfort:

Lungs Circulation

Questionnaire sample # 2

Club Questionnaire survey

At this club everyone is welcome regardless of their ability or where they come from. It’s important to have fun and
that its members feel valued and a part of the club. Its requirement is those people who are good at sports and who
behave respectfully to others – both on and off the field.

The Committee would like to thank all members and their families and our other volunteers for their contribution over
the past season. It is important to us that the club is welcoming and safe and that everyone gets a fair go.

To help the club prepare for its next season the club is keen to get your feedback about your experiences with club.
You do not need to provide your name as individual responses are not reported on.

To help the club improve its services it would like you to fill out this short survey.

1. Why did you join our club?

To be with friends To have fun To be involved with your

To be part of a competition To keep fit

2. Do you and your family feel welcome at our club?

Yes No

3. Are our facilities clean and tidy?

Yes No

4. Do you know that our club has flexible fee payment options and a uniform and
equipment loan scheme?

Yes No

5. Do you know that our club may be able to help out with transport to games?

Yes No

6. Have the rules of the game and our club been explained to you?

Yes No

7. Are you aware of our Member Protection policy and Codes of Conduct?

Yes No

8. Are you aware of our complaints policy?

Yes No

9. Do you know who to contact if you have any issues or concerns?

Yes No

10. Do you think the club has got the right balance with providing opportunities to:

Be with friends and family Yes Somewhat No

Keep fit Yes Somewhat No

Have fun Yes Somewhat No

Play competitively Yes Somewhat No

Be part of the community Yes Somewhat No

11. Is participation seen to be as important as competing to win in our club?

Yes No

12. Were you and your partner or family invited to all social activities?

Yes No

13. Did you feel welcome to attend all of the club functions/social activities?

Yes No

14. Did social activities take consideration of cultural differences (for example serving
Halal sausages)?

Yes No

15. Did club photos and other promotional material reflect the membership of our
club (for example

Yes No

16. Were our facilities clean and tidy?

Yes No

17. Could you access showers and change rooms when you needed them (for example,
after your game)?

Yes No

18. Was your privacy respected in the showers and change rooms?

Yes No

19. Did our club support your participation with flexible fee payment options

Yes Not applicable to me as I didn’t need this


20. If you didn’t understand the rules of our sport did someone explain these to you?

Yes No

21. If you were a new member, were you offered a ‘buddy’ to help you feel part of the

Yes No

22. If not, would having a buddy have helped you?

Yes No

23. Were you encouraged to apply for a position on the Committee or as a coach or

Yes No

24. Did you feel uncomfortable about the treatment of women/girls around the club at
any time throughout the past season?

Yes No

25. Are women and girls encouraged to be involved in all club-related activities,
whether as players, coaches, umpires, spectators, members of committees?

Yes No

26. Would you agree that the Club welcomes or involves people from diverse cultural

Yes No

27. Do you think our Club is broadly representative of the surrounding community (in
other words, have people from all of the backgrounds that make up our

Yes No

28. Were coaches and others in positions of leadership good role models?

Yes No

29. If there was any inappropriate behaviour did our club take the matter seriously
and act quickly?

Yes Not applicable


Thank you for completing this survey. The club will share the collated survey results with all

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