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Public Integrity & Ethics Committee

Monday, February 26, 2018

2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

402 HOB


Richard Corcoran Larry Metz

Speaker Chair
Committee Meeting Notice

Public Integrity & Ethics Committee

Start Date and Time: Monday, February 26, 2018 02:00 pm

End Date and Time: Monday, February 26, 2018 05:00 pm

Location: Sumner Hall (404 HOB)

Duration: 3.00 hrs

Consideration of the following bill(s):

HB 709 Voting Systems by Drake

CS/HB 1049 Poll Workers by Government Accountability Committee, Sullivan

Discussion of investigation into local agency actions relating to the February 14 shooting at Marjory
Stoneman Douglas High School.

Pursuant to rule 7.11, the deadline for amendments to bills on the agenda by non-appointed members shall
be 6:00 p.m., Sunday, February 25, 2018.

By request of the Chair, all committee members are asked to have amendments to bills on the agenda
submitted to staff by 6:00 p.m., Sunday, February 25, 2018.

NOTICE FINALIZED on 02/25/2018 4:07PM by Tully.Melissa

02/25/2018 4:07:41PM Leagis ® Page 1 of 1

Public Integrity & Ethics Committee
2/26/2018 2:00PM
Location: Sumner Hall (404 HOB)


Public Integrity & Ethics Committee

Monday February 26, 2018 02:00 pm

HB 709 Favorable With Committee Substitute Yeas: 13 Nays: 2

Amendment 048663 Adopted

CS/HB 1049 Favorable Yeas: 15 Nays: 0

Committee meeting was reported out: Monday, February 26, 2018 5:45PM

Print Date: 2/26/2018 5:45 pm Leagis ® Page 1 of 6

Public Integrity & Ethics Committee
2/26/2018 2:00PM
Location: Sumner Hall (404 HOB)


Present Absent Excused

Larry Metz (Chair) x

Larry Ahern x
Jason Brodeur x
Cord Byrd x
Robert Cortes x
Kimberly Daniels x
Tracie Davis x
Jason Fischer x
Julio Gonzalez x
Thomas Leek x
Lawrence McClure x
Amy Mercado x
Daniel Perez x
Kathleen Peters x
Sharon Pritchett x
Jake Raburn x
David Richardson x
Emily Slosberg x
Totals: 15 0 3

Committee meeting was reported out: Monday, February 26, 2018 5:45PM

Print Date: 2/26/2018 5:45 pm Leagis ® Page 2 of 6


The Committee on Public Integrity

& Ethics

met at 2-5 o'clock on 02/2~/18 with the following attendance: ,

Member ' Present ·. Absent* Excused ·

Chair Metz v
Vice Chair Leek ' v
Rep. Richardson, Rankjng Dem;
Member v
Rep.Ahem ~
Rep. Brodeur , .. ,./·
Rep. Bvrd
Rep. Cortes ·v
Rep. Daniels ../
Rep. Davis '\/
Rep. Fischer · v ,,


Rep. Gonzalez ''


Reo. McClure
Rep. Mercado ..
., v.
Rep. Perez

Rep. Peters
Rep. Pritchett J'
Ren. Raburn .,,/
Rep. Slosberg --V


- '


H-52 (2005)
Public Integrity & Ethics Committee
2/26/2018 2:00PM
Location: Sumner Hall (404 HOB)
HB 709 : Voting Systems

0 Favorable With Committee Substitute

Yea Nay No Vote Absentee Absentee

Yea Nay

Larry Ahern x
Jason Brodeur x
Cord Byrd x
Robert Cortes x
Kimberly Daniels x
Tracie Davis x
Jason Fischer x
Julio Gonzalez x
Thomas Leek x
Lawrence McClure x
Amy Mercado x
Daniel Perez x
Kathleen Peters x
Sharon Pritchett x
Jake Raburn x
David Richardson x
Emily Slosberg x
Larry Metz (Chair) x
Total Yeas: 13 Total Nays: 2

HB 709 Amendments

Amendment 048663



Brown, French (Lobbyist) - Opponent

215 S. Monroe St Suite 815
Tallahassee FL 32301
Phone: 850-270-5525

Riner, Guy - Information Only

Election System and Software
Regional Manager
56336 Griffin Rd
Callahan Florida 32011
Phone: 904-903-1451

Committee meeting was reported out: Monday, February 26, 2018 5:45PM

Print Date: 2/26/2018 5:45 pm Leagis ® Page 3 of 6

Public Integrity & Ethics Committee
2/26/2018 2:00PM
Location: Sumner Hall (404 HOB)
HB 709 : Voting Systems (continued)

Appearances: (continued)

Folsom, Nancy on behalf of James Kracht - Information Only

Florida Council of the Blind
6500 Montrose Trail
Tallahassee Florida 32309
Phone: 850-524-5026

McCoy, Carl - Information Only

Florida Council of the Blind
180 B S.E. Villas CT
Tallahassee Florida 32303
Phone: 850-509-4594

Ramba, David (Lobbyist) - Information Only

Florida State Association of Supervisors of Elections, Inc
120 S Monroe St
Tallahassee FL 32301
Phone: (850) 727-7087

Helmich, William (Lobbyist) - Waive In Support

Election Systems & Software, LLC
120 S Monroe St
Tallahassee FL 32301
Phone: (850) 251-3126

Committee meeting was reported out: Monday, February 26, 2018 S:4SPM

Print Date: 2/26/2018 5:45 pm Leagis ® Page 4 of 6


Council/Committee: -PIE
-----,---- Bill Number: - BB-709
Meeting Date: 02/26/2018 Date Receiv-ed: - - - - - - -
Place: 404 HOB Date Reported: - - - - - - -
Time: 2-5 Subject: - - - - - - -

Council/Committee Action:
D Favorable D Retained for Reconsideration
D Favorable w/. amendments
D Favorable w/CouncWCommittee Substitute
D Other Action: ,
B Reconsidered
Temporarily Postponed

Final Vote
On Bill MEMBE'-8 Amendl
Yea Nay Yea Nay Yea Nay Yea Nay Yea Nay
.../ Ahem
'-/ Brodeur
J Byrd
- -
./ Fischer
Gonzalez -
Vice Chair Leek
_/ McClure
V~ Mercado
v ·,
Peters i--

..,v Pritchett
Ranking Member
/ Richardson
f v Slosberg
.j . ChalrMetz
Yests Nays TOTALS Yeas Nays. Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Yeas Nays
r~ 2-
A,uuearance Reeord


*Speaker Codes
Lobbyist: L · Proponent: P
State Employff: SE Qpponent: 0
General Public: G Informatleo only: I
Requested to Speak: R
H-83 (2006)
Bill No. HB 709 (2018)
Amendment No. 1


1 Committee/Subcommittee hearing bill: Public Integrity & Ethics

2 Committee
3 Representative Perez offered the following:
5 Amendment (with title amendment)
6 Between lines 29 and 30, insert:
7 Section 2. Paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of subsection (4)
8 of section 98.065, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as
9 paragraphs (b), (c), and (d), respectively, and a new paragraph
10 (a) is added to that subsection to read:
11 98.065 Registration list maintenance programs.-
12 ( 4)

13 (a) The supervisor shall enter into an agreement with the

14 local clerk of the circuit court to receive monthly from such
15 clerk change-of-address information and a list of potential
16 jurors who identified themselves as aliens, as defined ins.

048663 - HB 709 Amendment (Perez btw lines 29-30) .docx

Published On: 2/26/2018 4:42:48 PM
Page 1 of 3
Bill No. HB 709 (2018)
Amendment No. 1

17 327.02(2), during the preceding calendar month. Each list shall

18 include the name, address, date of birth, sex, and, whichever is
19 available, the Florida driver license number or Florida
20 identification card number of each such person. The supervisor
21 shall compare all of the information included in the list each
22 month with the statewide voter registration system.
23 Section 3. Paragraph (h) is added to subsection (2) of
24 section 98.093, Florida Statutes, to read:
25 98.093 Duty of officials to furnish information relating
26 to deceased persons, persons adjudicated mentally incapacitated,
27 afi4 persons convicted of a felony, and persons identified as
28 aliens.-
29 (2) To the maximum extent feasible, state and local
30 government agencies shall facilitate provision of information
31 and access to data to the department, including, but not limited
32 to, databases that contain reliable criminal records and records
33 of deceased persons. State and local government agencies that
34 provide such data shall do so without charge if the direct cost
35 incurred by those agencies is not significant.
36 (h) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
37 shall furnish monthly to the department a list of persons who
38 identified themselves as aliens, as defined ins. 327.02(2),
39 during the preceding calendar month. Each list shall include the
40 name, address, date of birth, sex, and, whichever is available,
41 the Florida driver license number or Florida identification card
048663 - HB 709 Amendment (Perez btw lines 29-30) .docx
Published On: 2/26/2018 4:42:48 PM
Page 2 of 3
Bill No. HB 709 ( 2018)
Amendment No. 1

42 number of each such person. The department shall compare all of

43 the information included in the list each month with the
44 statewide voter registration system and if the department
45 determines that a registered voter is an alien, provide the name
46 of such voter to the supervisor of elections of the county in
47 which the voter is registered.
49 -----------------------------------------------------
50 T I T L E A M E N D M E N T

51 Remove lines 1-5 and insert:

52 An act relating to voting; amending s. 97.021, F.S.; revising
53 the definition of the term "marksense ballots" for purposes of
54 the Florida Election Code; amending s. 98.065, F.S.; requiring
55 supervisors of elections to enter into agreements with clerks of
56 the circuit courts to receive specified information; requiring
57 supervisors of elections to compare certain information with the
58 statewide voter registration system; amending s. 98.093, F.S.;
59 requiring the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to
60 furnish monthly to the Department of State a list of persons who
61 identified themselves as aliens; requiring the Department of
62 State to compare such list with the statewide voter registration
63 system and provide the names of registered voters who are aliens
64 to the supervisor of elections of the county in which the voter
65 is registered; amending s. 101.151, F.S.; providing
66 applicability of
048663 - HB 709 Amendment (Perez btw lines 29-30) .docx
Published On: 2/26/2018 4:42:48 PM
Page 3 of 3

Please fill out the entire form and submit both copies to the Committee Administrative
Assistant at the meeting.

Bill 0 Amendment D
Bill/PCS/PCB Number: _ _ 7_0_"f~--
Amendment Number: ~~~~~~~-

g.:....:...Ar l l - - - - " " - ' B ~ ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Name: _ _1);:;,,.,..icA+..:.v........,10'---.........

Representing: _ S. . .
....... v_e_tYl;...=Y.,_l._S....... . .~._____(.;...,____(10_~_$_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Title: _ __._.l\r:
. . .~..__._g_JJ~t___,:::\,____
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Address: l 'L,o s_ MoNll--ocC


City: --~~ft(t,U\_.__~IA:~/A_S'5t_:t£_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ State/Zip:_£-_L,.._ _3"-7-_'3_o_\_ __

Phone Number: _ _ h~~7_'l-+1-1~o~]_1____ Meeting Date: 1,,lu-<>/ ,"b

~/Subcommittee: n,i<.
____ ,_c..--_ ______________________
Presentation/Workshop Topic: _ _ _ V~o_n_tJ_'-"__5~:f~C,-<J_I"V\.~s~------------
Registered Lobbyist: YES 0
State Employee: vEsD

~ I wish to speak

D Appearing in response to an inquiry for information made by member, committee, or staff

D Appearing in response to subpoena

D Appearing at the written request of the chair

D Judge or elected officer appearing in official capacity

D Lobbyist Appearance form submitted online

(If you are testifying on an amendment, please also indicate your position as a proponent or opponent on the bill as a whole.)

Bill: Proponent ~Opponent D Waive in Support D Waive in Opposition D Info only D

Amendment: Proponent D Opponent D Waive in Support D Waive in OppositionO Info only D

H-116 (Revised 11/28/2017)


Please fill out the entire form and submit both copies to the Committee Administrative
Assistant at the meeting.

Bill [KJ Amendment D

s. . .
Bill/PCS/PCB Number: .....E.ZtJ=--+1---
Amendment Number: ~~~~~~~~

Name: C4d AcCoy

Representing: f / orido. Caun c JI t2f f be Bfind

Address: /80 S J.& VIiias cf;

City:TaJt«.ia:s:sce State/Zip: fl ;t2303

Phone Number: 8'$"0 -i£q<:t- tf:5:~'t Meeting Date: 2 · 2. <,- I 8


_ _v_S_~--~-~_\_(_L__\n_~_f_~~~--~-~-J-~
Committee/Subcommittee:_~ __il-S~--~

Presentation/Workshop T o p i c : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Registered Lobbyist: YES D NO er

State Employee: vEsD NOc(

13:] I wish to speak

D Appearing in response to an inquiry for information made by member, committee, or staff
D Appearing in response to subpoena
D Appearing at the written request of the chair
D Judge or elected officer appearing in official capacity
D Lobbyist Appearance form submitted online

(If you are testifying on an amendment, please also indicate your position as a proponent or opponent on the bill as a whole.)

Bill: Proponent D Opponent D Waive in Support D Waive in Opposition D Info only D

Amendment: ProponentO OpponentO Waive in SupportO Waive in OppositionO Info only D

H-116 (Revised 11/28/2017)


Please fill out the entire form and submit both copies to the Committee Administrative
Assistant at the meeting.

Bill l~~J Amendment D

Bill/PCS/PCB Number: ...... B-=--J...._(J...._'f_ _ __

Amendment Number:

Name: Alan cy Fofs:otn.

Representing: fl. (/f't 'Jg_ Ctu.!lcil ,,f ihe 8/iod
Title:/}e,sid · Cqqnc// cilihe. .Bbiul
Address: 620() /1<,nf,ose_ [Mil

City Ta/fan 12S'S ee_ State/Zip: fL 3..2309

Phone Number: 8'0"'S°2'f:-5(2.1._G /8.._____
Meeting Date:-=2.;;


Presentation/Workshop Topic:
Registered Lobbyist: YES D
State Employee: vEsD
[XI I wish to speak

D Appearing in response to an inquiry for information made by member, committee, or staff

D Appearing in response to subpoena

D Appearing at the written request of the chair

D Judge or elected officer appearing in official capacity

D Lobbyist Appearance form submitted online

{If you are testifying on an amendment, please also indicate your position as a proponent or opponent on the bill as a whole.)

Bill: Proponent D OpponentD Waive in Support D Waive in Opposition D Info only D

Amendment: Proponent D Opponent D Waive in Support D Waive in Opposition D Info only D

H-116 (Revised 11/28/2017)

February 27, 2018
James Kracht President
Florida Council of the Blind
9901 SW 13 8th Street
Miami, Florida 33176
Mobile 305-724-3720

House Public Integrity and Ethics Committee

The Honorable Larry Metz Chair
404 House Office Building
the Capitol
Tallahassee, Florida

February 27, 2018


Good morning Chairman Larry Metz, sponsor Brad Drake, and honorable members of the
House Public Integrity and Ethics Committee. My name is James Kracht and I am submitting
this testimony as the president of the Florida Council of the Blind in support of the passage of
HB 709.
For more than a dozen years Florida's blind voters in many counties have been forced to
accept the status of second class citizens and vote on old DRE touch screen voting machines.
These machines were specifically found by the Florida legislature to be unreliable, without
verifiable ballots and thus illegal for continued use by all Florida voters but the blind.
It was 1954 when this nation's highest court held that "separate but equal" is unlawful and
discriminatory, resulting in unequal treatment in education and thus was not to be tolerated. If
such discrimination is unlawful in education, it only follows that 65 years later, it is unlawful and
unacceptable discrimination in voting. Honorable members of this committee the continuation of
this discrimination in voting is just plain wrong.
Florida's voters who are blind deserve the right and the privilege to have their counties
provide more than old retired voting machines that are not deemed fit for use by the rest of
Florida's voters. This Legislature, the Florida Supervisors of Elections, the county Clerks, and
the advocates who promote their own bias noninclusive agendas, have stood by idly. They have
knowingly assisted in the continued push back of a mandate not requiring accessible verifiable
voting by all counties for more than 13 years, or now until 2020. Further pushback and delay is
intolerable and unacceptable.
After all these years, HB709 must finally be passed and passed now. In response to our pleas,
vendors have produced and obtained certification by Florida's Division of Elections of accessible
voting machines with verifiable ballots. Now, with just 2 years to go, voters, and not just blind
voters, but "all" voters must be given the ability and the right to vote on the same voting
equipment and end the discrimination faced by blind voters in Florida. Allowing all voters in
Florida to use the same voting system would mean that counties would no longer be forced to
buy machines used only by the blind. The availability of these machines for all would reduce
waiting lines in polling places. The continued availability and use of already outlawed and
outdated voting machines must end.
Folks like those from Verifiable Ballots only last week called me as President of the Florida
Council of the Blind requesting me to withdraw our support of this bill. They continue asking
blind voters to back off and accept the use of illegal, separate, unequal and "different" voting
machines. They seemingly call for more study and analysis at the expense of blind voters who
have already been forced to endure voting on illegal voting equipment for the past 13 years. This
we should not do. This you cannot do again.
Please pass HB709 and let all voters have the ability, the opportunity and the right to use the
same voting machines. If the equipment is good enough to be certified by use for the blind, it
only follows that it must be available for use by the rest of Florida's voters. These new machines
do in fact have ballots which are verifiable not just in the voting machine itself, but also in the
tabulator, and in the eye of the voter's hands as well. To suggest that the existence of an
additional bar code on the ballots renders them nonverifiable is false, and misleading.
Please support the adoption ofHB 709 and give us and our sighted peers the same civil right,
the right to vote on the same voting machines.

Please fill out the entire form and submit both copies to the Committee Administrative
Assistant at the meeting.

[Kl Bill D Amendment

Bill/PCS/PCB Number: ~'7_0_~...___ __

Amendment Number:
Name: &'vf /1/n er
Representing: Cle cl/o,-.. sp!cf1< )- ~+~~re_
Title: At:2/0/'IJJ/ f'i,",_Pif
Address: 3~{i.i'/. Gri'/C" g)
city: _c_~_/!,_.,.,_l12_r_,___________ State/Zip: F( 1 J 2,<> JI
Phone Number: CZoL-f ,...qoJ-/L/5 / Meeting Date: _________

Presentation/Workshop T o p i c : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Registered Lobbyist: YES D

State Employee: vEsD

[2IT I wish to speak

D Appearing in response to an inquiry for information made by member, committee, or staff

D Appearing in response to subpoena

D Appearing at the written request of the chair

D Judge or elected officer appearing in official capacity

D Lobbyist Appearance form submitted on line

(If you are testifying on an amendment, please also indicate your position as a proponent or opponent on the bill as a whole.)

Bill: Proponent ~ Opponent D lnfoonly D

Amendment: Proponent D Opponent D lnfoonly D

H-116 (Revised 1-4-2016)


Please fill out the entire form and submit both copies to the Committee Administrative
Assistant at the meeting.

Bill It] Amendment D

Bill/PCS/PCB Number: - - - - - - -

Amendment Number: - - - - - - - -
Name: \-?eN Ct\' 1)(2-0wi'J

Representing: \[Li~U) \Jotvv6

Title: LA~i~t J
T)Eftt-J ~

Address: k-{ .:;- s. ~~ b\-.

City: 3:'J(vt:,<k~ State/Zip: ft ?2--so f

Phone Number: B:,o - '2-ro -- "5 ~)... s-- Meeting Date: 2(-i--vz /c 6
Committee/Subcommittee: fJ\oLc..- (~

Presentation/Workshop Topic:
Registered Lobbyist: YES ~

State Employee: vEsD

I wish to speak

Appearing in response to an inquiry for information made by member, committee, or staff

D Appearing in response to subpoena

D Appearing at the written request of the chair

D Judge or elected officer appearing in official capacity

D Lobbyist Appearance form submitted on line

(If you are testifying on an amendment, please also indicate your position as a proponent or opponent on the bill as a whole.)

Bill: Proponent D Opponent g D

Waive in Support Waive in Opposition D Info only D
Amendment: Proponent D Opponent D Waive in Support D Waive in Opposition D Info only D

H-116 (Revised 11/28/2017)

Please fill out the entire form and submit both copies to the Committee Administrative
Assistant at the meeting.

it] Bill D Amendment

Bill/PCS/PCB Number: 7 Q~
Amendment Number: -~~~~~~~~

Name: _e.__,_} r _ t_l~_i'__._.~h'----------


Representing: _ _ _ }2
Title: -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

Address:------.---j_0_3----.----=-)_o_hV'_7______.Y2...._____.__r_ _ _ _ _ _ __
City: _ _ 1_~_{l_y~~-"'~-s 5.__·- ~( _ _ _ State/Zip:_F_·_L. ./_)_2_s_
.. 0_J

Phone Number: -~--"-··_5_0_)_)_(-""""""5_(. .).__ . __~ Meeting Date: 2 /J {

{) J

Presentation/Workshop Topic: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

Registered Lobbyist: YES [!j

State Employee: vEsD

EI] I wish to speak

D Appearing in response to an inquiry for information made by member, committee, or staff

D Appearing in response to subpoena

D Appearing at the written request of the chair

D Judge or elected officer appearing in official capacity

D Lobbyist Appearance form submitted on line

(If you are testifying on an amendment, please also indicate your position as a proponent or opponent on the bill as a whole.)

Bill: Proponent~ Opponent D lnfoonly D

Amendment: Proponent D Opponent D lnfoonly D

H-116 (Revised 1-4-2016)

Public Integrity & Ethics Committee
2/26/2018 2:00PM
Location: Sumner Hall (404 HOB)
CS/HB 1049: Poll Workers

0 Favorable

Yea Nay No Vote Absentee Absentee

Yea Nay

Larry Ahern x
Jason Brodeur x
Cord Byrd x
Robert Cortes x
Kimberly Daniels x
Tracie Davis x
Jason Fischer x
Julio Gonzalez x
Thomas Leek x
Lawrence McClure x
Amy Mercado x
Daniel Perez x
Kathleen Peters x
Sharon Pritchett x
Jake Raburn x
David Richardson x
Emily Slosberg x
Larry Metz (Chair) x
Total Yeas: 15 Total Nays: 0

Committee meeting was reported out: Monday, February 26, 2018 5:45PM

Print Date: 2/26/2018 5:45 pm Leagis ® Page 5 of 6


Council/Committee: PIE Bill Number: CS/BB 1049

Meeting Date: 02/26/2018 Date Received:
Place: 404 HOB Date Reported:
Time: 2-5 Subject: - - - - - - -

Council/Committee Action:
O Favorable O Retained for Reconsideration
O Favorable w/ amendments O Reconsidered
D Favorable w/Council/Committee Substitute O Temporarily Postponed
0 .Other Action: · 0 Unfavorable

Final Vote \_

On Bill MEMBERS Amend.I

Yea~ Nay Yea Nay Yea i Nay Yea· Nay Yea Nay
v,. Ahem
vJ Brodeur
J Byrd
.... / Cortes

. Daniels
Gonzalez -
_·_,;? Yice Chair Leek.

.... /
,.t,, ' Mercado
- I

<./ Raburn

Ranking Member
~ Slosberg
../ Chair Metz I

Yeas Nays TOTALS Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Yeas Nays

A.ooearance Record



*Speaker Codes
Lobbyist: L Proponent: P
State Employee: SE Opponent: 0
General Public: G Information only: I
Requested to Speak: R
H-83 (2006)
Public Integrity & Ethics Committee
2/26/2018 2:00PM
Location: Sumner Hall (404 HOB)

Actionable Items

Motion to adopt Report on Proposed investigation - Approved

Committee meeting was reported out: Monday, February 26, 2018 5:45PM

Print Date: 2/26/2018 5:45 pm Leagis ® Page 6 of 6

The Florida House of Representatives
Public Integrity & Ethics Committee

Richard Corcoran Larry Metz

Speaker Chair

Report on Proposed Investigation

February 26, 2018

The Hon. Richard Corcoran

Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives

Dear Mr. Speaker:

Your Public Integrity & Ethics Committee herewith submits the following report regarding a
proposed investigation into the actions or omissions of public agencies relevant to events and
circumstances related to Nikolas Jacob Cruz prior to, during, and immediately following the tragic
shooting that occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on February 14, 2018.

At the request of the Speaker, the Public Integrity & Ethics Committee will coordinate the
investigation, initially in the gathering of relevant records, documents, and data. The purpose of
the investigation is to identify policy changes and resources required in order to ensure such an
event will never happen again. While Florida law entitles the committee to have access to such
materials held by any public agency, including any confidential information contained therein, s.
11.143, F.S., does not set any time requirement for a response to such demands. The legislative
calendar makes time of the essence and the committee believes that subpoenas duces tecum with
a prompt return date may advance the committee's access to such records.

The House has authority pursuant to Section 5, Article III of the Florida Constitution, to compel
production of documents upon any matter under investigation and may directly punish any refusal
to obey its lawful orders. Therefore, the committee recommends the House issue subpoenas duces
tecum to the Broward County Sheriff, the Broward County School Board, Broward County, the
Palm Beach County Sheriff, and the City of Coral Springs seeking such documents as the House
deems pertinent to the investigation. In addition, the House should request and expect all relevant
records from any state agency that may have pertinent infmmation.

402 House Office Building, 402 South Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Fl 32399-1300
(850) 717-4881
Report on Proposed Investigation
February 26, 2018

A quorum was present in person, and a majority of those present agreed to the above report.


Larry Metz, Chairman

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