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Cell Biochem Biophys

DOI 10.1007/s12013-014-0395-5


Construction and Application of a Refined Hospital Management

Lihua Yi • Aimin Hao • Minmin Hu •
Pei Huang • Huikang Yuan • Ming Xing

Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Abstract Gaining large scale success was quite common in impact of medical resource integration, medical service
the later period of industrialization for hospitals in China. inefficiencies, and backward assessment mechanism.
Today, Chinese hospital management face such problems as
service inefficiency, high human resources cost, and low rate
of capital use. This study analyzes the refined management Materials and Methods
chain of the Wuxi No. 2 People’s Hospital. This consists of six
gears namely ‘‘organizational structure, clinical practice, Since 2003, the Wuxi No. 2 Hospital has introduced the
outpatient service, medical technology, and nursing care and concept of refined management which is based on the modern
logistics’’ used to achieve maximum scale and benefits. The automobile industry. The hospital constructed a refined
gears are based on ‘‘flat management system targets, chief of management chain, consisting of six ‘‘organizational structure
medical staff, centralized outpatient service, intensified gears. These gears included clinical practice, outpatient ser-
medical examinations, vertical nursing management and vice, medical technology, and nursing care and logistics’’ to
socialized logistics’’. The hospital took innovative measures. achieve the maximum scale and benefits by flat management,
The ‘‘one doctor-one patient-one clinic’’ was well accepted; medical chief of staff, centralized outpatient service, intensi-
‘‘one dispensary’’ shorten the waiting time by 20 min. The fied medical examinations, vertical nursing management, and
168 rear service hot line ‘‘made patients’ lives easier; and a red socialized logistics.
wrist ribbon’’ for seriously ill patient was implemented to
prioritize medical treatment. The core concepts of refined Origin of the Theory Refined Management
hospital management are optimizing flow process, reducing
waste, improving efficiency, saving costs, and taking good As a concept and a culture, refined management was proposed
care of patients as most important. by the pioneers of Toyota Japan represented by Taiichi Ohno
in 1950’s, who adopted the advanced management concept of
Keywords Hospital  Refined  Management chain the United States and created the famous ‘‘meticulous man-
agement’’. It was quite successful [1]. It transformed the
extensive production method into a meticulous operation and
Introduction greatly improved productivity and management efficiency.
Refined management is an inevitable requirement in the social
Hospitals in China have a tendency to gain large scale division of labor and service quality. This management
success, which was quite common in the later period of method is based on the routine management yet goes deeper
industrialization. Extensive management methods have using effective scientific tools and management methods. Its
brought new ‘‘bottlenecks, such as medical staff shortages, main targets are to minimize management resources and to
reduce management costs. The basic characteristics of refined
management stress the details, processes, foundation, imple-
L. Yi (&)  A. Hao  M. Hu  P. Huang  H. Yuan  M. Xing
Wuxi No. 2 People’s Hospital, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China mentation, quality, and results [2]. It tries to do everything
e-mail: contribution039@163.com well and keeps improving.

Cell Biochem Biophys

Contents of Refined Hospital Management activities, the process of production, service, and supply
shall be optimized constantly to reduce waste and cost. The
The refined hospital management chain is a management refined management chains learns from the principle and
method which goes through the entire process, regards six function of the LMC.
elements in medical management as the key links, namely The hospital’s management quality system includes six
organizational structure, clinical practice, outpatient ser- important subsystems. They are as follows; medical qual-
vice, medical technology, nursing care, and logistics, ity, medical technology, service flow process, talent
improves operational efficiency and medical quality, and growth, internal control, and performance examination.
promotes hospital development by meticulous operation, They contain all the capabilities of the hospital and their
control, accounting, analysis, and planning. mutual influence, coordination, and interaction generate a
The art of refined operation refers to the strict obser- synergetic effect. The six subsystems are the six key links
vation of every behavior in medical activities to the stan- of a hospital management system. Their combination and
dards and requirements of the medical profession. Refined permutation become a dynamic-refined chain and form a
operation originates from the strict observation of the refined quality control system of the hospital, which can be
various standards to reduce deviation [3]. Every staff recycled and improved. Mutual coordination and efforts of
member of the hospital must conform to the standards. each link increase the integral competitiveness of the
Internal operation of a hospital shall have a process in management chain and effect of hospital management.
place for planning, executing, examining, and feedback.
Controlling this management loop can limit the number of Optimize Organizational Structure, Carry Out Flat
errors and loopholes of the system. Refined account is an Management System
important means to maintain good financial operation of a
hospital. Refined analysis was used to detect problems of Original functional departments were over-staffed. More
hospital management from various angles and trace prob- than 20 functional departments in our hospital were reor-
lems from different levels by modern means. ganized into seven departments: medical development,
Hospital leaders work out medium and long-term targets nursing care, outpatient, comprehensive, communications,
based on a regional hospital development plan and for- finance, and logistics. Flat hospital administration
mulate concrete plans to carry out the above targets. improved efficiency. For example, before clinical evalua-
tion involved the departments of medical affair, science
and education, information and patient–doctor communi-
Results cation, now the department of medical development is
responsible for it. Drugs, medical instruments, disposable
Synergetics is a new discipline formulated and developed articles, and supplies were once stored in departments of
in the 1970’s based on a multidisciplinary study. It ana- medical equipment, rear service, and pharmaceutical. Now,
lyzes when an open system far from equilibrium has matter the purchasing center under the logistic department is
or energy exchange with the external world and, how an responsible for it. The departments of personnel, supervi-
orderly structure of time, space, and function appears sion, and office were merged into one comprehensive
automatically through its internal synergetic action. Its department. This mode was confirmed by the higher
main content consists of a synergetic effect, servo, and self- authorities.
organization principle. Whether a system can play syner-
getic effect depends on the synergetic action of its internal Reorganize Service Pattern, Carry Out Attending
subsystems. Good synergetic action results in good integral Doctor System
performance of the system. The central target of synergetic
management is to achieve synergetic effect, and its essence Attending doctor system is one of the most popular medical
is the interaction and coordination of all elements to enable modes in the world. The Wuxi No. 2 Hospital introduced
orderly and stable development of the system, and further this system into four key departments in 2004. The
multiply the integral performance of the system to get responsibilities of the attending doctor were defined, and
synergetic effect of 2 ? 2 [ 4. qualifications were examined and the treatment groups
were set up. The responsible doctor can select fellow
Construction of a Lean Hospital Management Chain doctors and nurses, and patients can select responsible
doctors. Dynamic quantitative examination of medical
Lean management chains (LMC) is a new concept devel- quality, patient’s satisfaction, and workload was carried
oped and derived from the lean supply chains. It means that out. What differs from other hospitals is that we adopted
the client’s satisfaction is the axial in management the attending doctor system under the leadership of the

Cell Biochem Biophys

department head, who has the power to check medical day, enhanced CT and MRI shall be done within 48 h.
quality and safety of each treatment group, to recommend There is a time limit for the report of other tests. (c) Carry
or recall attending doctors. A chief surgeon of general out intelligent outpatient service, provide self-service
surgery was assumed as the attending doctor. But mal- facilities, such as self-service registration, newspaper and
treatment, complaints and medical disputes occurred sev- coffee selling, information. An automatic medical guide
eral times. His qualification was recalled at last. Not only management system serves ultrasonic B room, admission
the chiefs but also the backbone care for management and and discharge offices, clinics of internal medicine, and
the development of the departments. Initiative of the first dermatology. Patients can watch multimedia video while
line medical staff was stimulated and the business man- waiting. Good order is maintained and workload is
agement mechanism was activated. In 2013, outpatients reduced. Twenty-four self-service machines offer 24-hour
and emergency cases reached 1.3574 million person times, appointment registration and charging. Patients can register
107,600 person times, and 8.61 % increase year-on-year; 7 days in advance and pay with bank cards. Cooperated
hospitalization bed/day reached 412300, 58300 bed/day, with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, we adopt
and 16.48 % increase; 33,100 person times were dis- ‘‘payment after treatment’’ to shorten waiting time of
charged, 19.73 % increase; 13,600 person times of opera- patients. At present, about 300 patients make appointment
tion were performed, 4,392 person times and 47.9 % with doctors every day and over 95 % patients come to see
increase; rate of hospitalized seriously or critically ill doctors.
patients reached 16.8, 7.9 % increase year-on-year. Medi-
cal complaints decreased 25.8 % year-on-year. Give Professional Guidance and Carry Out Vertical
Nursing Management
Pay Attention to Service Details, Carry Out Centralized
Treatment Centers Formerly nurses were managed by each medical depart-
ment, now allocation of nurses, their professional promo-
Draw lessons from advanced modern service management, tion, performance rewards, and further study are managed
our hospital have established eight major diagnosis and by nursing department. Head nurses of each department
treatment centers since 2008, such as brain, imaging, and have the right to make recommendations. Human resources
heart disease centers. These medical centers improved allocation committee, clinical nursing quality and infection
research, technology, service, and development of related management committee, and nursing research, teaching
departments. Take the brain center as an example, all staff and professional training committee responsible for related
under the age of 40 have a master’s degree, and the tasks are under the nursing department, while the chief of
advanced stroke unit management was established. Eighty- each department examines their service attitude, labor
nine thesis were published in last 3 years, including four discipline and working behavior. Nurses are classified into
papers in SCI, six in national medical journals and 25 in clinical and non-clinical first line nurses, the former is
core journals. Three research items were assessed. Two further classified into grade 1–5 nurses based on their
items of national funds were obtained. Three first place ability, skills, and performances. Distribution is determined
awards and many second place awards of provincial new by post risk, technical content, labor intensity, and pro-
technology introduction were given. Four municipal tech- fessional level, each according to her post and ability to
nology results were awarded. It has become a famous reflect labor value of different levels. ‘‘Nursing stars’’ are
medical center in Wuxi. Our hospital also set up central- assessed dynamically so that every nurse has pressure and
ized centers such as chest pain, coronary heart disease, motive force. Vertical nursing management is an efficient,
cholelithiasis, and cerebrovascular disease for outpatients. fair, and impartial mode, which promotes construction of a
We sponsored senior specialists’ consultation system, nursing rank and service quality. In 2012, 433 thesis of
adopting one (several) doctor(s) - one patient-one clinic. nurses were published, of which 41 in journals at national
level, seven in core periodicals and 15 in journals of sta-
Advocate Fast Flow Process, Carry Out Intensified tistic sources; two nurses got the title of advanced nurses at
Medical Examination provincial level and a ward was evaluated as the municipal
nursing quality demonstration ward.
(a) Establish appointment treatment center with the aid of
HIS platform through telephone, net, and spot appointment Strengthen Cost Control, Carry Out Socialized
with doctors, specialists or see specialists at night. Logistics
(b) Shorten waiting time of examination, such as CT, MRI,
HOLTER, and ultrasonic cardiography. MRI starts at 6:30 Our hospital takes innovative measures continuously. ‘‘One
and ends at 22:00 and the CT scan can be done within the doctor-one patient-one clinic’’ is well accepted; ‘‘one

Cell Biochem Biophys

dispensary’’ can shorten 20 min of waiting time; ‘‘one-stop Strategic Significance of Refined Management, Which
service center’’ offers comprehensive ‘‘housekeeper’’ ser- is Continuous Improvement, Not Subversion
vice; ‘‘168 rear service hot line’’ makes the lives of patients
easy; ‘‘a red wrist ribbon’’ for seriously ill patient implies Refined hospital management does not overturn the tradi-
priority of getting medical treatment and examination. We tion, neither is it a totally new mode different from the
also have a telephone line for free-first aid, and rescue existing management basis. It is a characteristic of con-
passage. Critically, ill patient can handle admission pro- tinuous self-improvement, which is based on the present
cedures at bedside and pay after treatment. hospital management. Its main targets are to minimize
management resources and reduce management costs. The
essence of refined hospital management is to introduce the
Discussion concept, methods, and contents of refined management into
hospital management. It must also establish scientific
Significance of Refined Management in Reforms quantitative standards and operable procedures in confor-
of Public Hospitals mity with the long-term strategy of hospital development,
transform the strategy into concrete management measures,
The key of reform of public hospitals includes reform of pay close attention to the overall results.
the management system and operation mechanism. The
targets of reform of management system are to establish Hospital Management has Entered a ‘‘Refined’’ Era
modern hospital management systems, construct an
administration structure of legal person, and achieve sep- In practical life, details are influencing our quality of work
aration of ownership and power of operation of the hos- in many ways. The society, patients, and hospital staff
pital. Obviously, these targets require top level design and demand refined thinking and management, while manage-
integral planning by the state and government. As for the ment seeks maximum profit. Management of public hos-
public hospital itself, it is necessary to explore and inno- pitals in China has been ‘‘monopolized’’ for a long time. To
vate the internal operational mechanisms, such as accurate solve such bottlenecks as serious shortage of medical
accounting of operational costs, standardizing medical workers, medical resource integration, low medical service
behaviors, improving humanistic service, perfecting efficiency, and backward performance examination require
encouragement mechanism, and increasing the competitive the establishment of a scientific organizational structure.
vitality of the hospital. It is no doubt that scientific means
of refined management has very important practical sig-
nificance and scientific basis for realization of above Conclusion
The core concepts of refined hospital management are
Scientific Significance of Refined Management optimizing flow process, reducing waste, improving effi-
in the Development of Public Hospitals ciency, saving costs, and regarding patients as most
At present, public hospitals should be on guard against the
trap ‘‘infinite expansion’’ in reform and development. In
fact, development of any hospital has an upper limit of
scale, which differs according to the region, economy, References
market, demand, and resource distribution. However,
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benefit’’. So when the public hospital develops to a proper 2. Zhu, H., Liao, S., Wang, J., & Lu, Z. (2008). Application of refined
scale, it must enrich its contents, manage development, management in hospital management. Chinese Journal of Hospital
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talent training, medical quality, and service meticulously, 3. Yi, L. (2010). Introduction to refined hospital management (pp.
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